<div id="SB_main">
<div id="SB_version" translate="no">Version _</div>
<div id="SB_videologo">
<video playsinline muted autoplay loop>
<source src="ressources/maingui/logos/logo.webm" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div id="SB_topInfo">
<div id="SB_partOfDay">
<img class="side" src="ressources/maingui/sidebar/night.webp">
<img class="active" src="ressources/maingui/sidebar/morning.webp">
<img class="side" src="ressources/maingui/sidebar/afternoon.webp">
<!-- <img data-key="evening" src="ressources/maingui/sidebar/evening.webp"> -->
<div id="SB_timeDayLocation">
<div id="SB_playerInfo">
<div id="SB_player">
<div id="SB_playerImage">
<name translate="no">_</name>
<div class="SB_buttomAttribute">
<div id="SB_playerDominance" class="SB_playerAttribute">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/dominance_icon.webp">
<div id="SB_playerCraft" class="SB_playerAttribute">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/craft_icon.webp">
<div id="SB_playerCharisma" class="SB_playerAttribute">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/charisma_icon.webp">
<div class="SB_buttomAttribute">
<div id="SB_playerVirus" class="SB_playerAttribute">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/virus_icon.webp">
<div id="SB_playerTired" class="SB_playerAttribute">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/tired_icon.webp">
<div id="SB_playerNutri" class="SB_playerAttribute">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/nutritionalvalue.webp">
<div class="SB_buttomAttribute">
<div id="SB_playerWood" class="SB_playerAttribute SB_playerAttribute_small">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F1.webp">
<div id="SB_playerMetal" class="SB_playerAttribute SB_playerAttribute_small">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F2.webp">
<div id="SB_playerPlastic" class="SB_playerAttribute SB_playerAttribute_small">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F3.webp">
<hr style="margin-bottom: auto;">
<div id="SB_tipsCont" onclick="window.openTips();">
<img src="ressources/icons/2E.webp"><div class="SB_hover-text">Start</div>
<div id="SB_buttomButtons">
<div id="SB_inventory">
<div><img src="ressources/maingui/sidebar/backpack.webp"></div>
<div id="SB_cheats">
<div><img src="ressources/icons/13A4.webp"></div>
<div id="SB_save">
<div><img src="ressources/maingui/sidebar/save.svg"></div>
<div id="SB_linksCont">
<img src="ressources/maingui/medias/patreon.webp" onclick="window.open('https://www.patreon.com/OPAF')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/medias/ko-fi.webp" onclick="window.open('https://subscribestar.adult/fap-online-creation')">
<!-- img src="ressources/maingui/medias/buymeacoffee.webp" onclick="window.open('https://www.buymeacoffee.com/faponlinecreation')" -->
<img src="ressources/maingui/medias/itchio.webp" onclick="window.open('https://fap-online-creation.itch.io/the-fapocalypse')" style="filter: invert(1)">
<img src="ressources/maingui/medias/discord.webp" onclick="window.open('https://discord.gg/Vuray76pS8','_blank')">
<div id="ScreenOverlayCont">
<!--div id="quest" class="ScreenOverlay ScreenOverlayActiveVisibility ScreenOverlayActiveOpacity"></div>
<div id="lowFood" class="ScreenOverlay"></div>
<div id="achievement" class="ScreenOverlay"></div-->
<div id="ScreenOverlayContPopup">
<!--top center-->
<div id="achievementPopUp" class="ScreenOverlayPopUp" style="justify-content:flex-start; align-items:center;">
<!--buttom right-->
<div id="WarningPopUp" class="ScreenOverlayPopUp" style="justify-content:flex-end; align-items:flex-end;">
<!--div class="WarningPopUpDiv">
<div class="WarningPopUpDivTitle">WARNING</div>
<div class="WarningPopUpDivDesc">LOW FOOD LEVEL</div>
<!--buttom left-->
<div id="RewardPopUp" class="ScreenOverlayPopUp" style="justify-content:flex-end; align-items:flex-start;">
<div id="RewardPopUpDiv" style="display: none;">
<!--div class="RewardPopUpDivReward">
<div class="RewardPopUpDivRewardimg">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/angela.webp">
<div class="RewardPopUpDivRewardDescription">
This is the reward description
<div id="BigRewardPopUp" class="ScreenOverlayPopUp">
<div class="BigReward">
<!-- item example -->
<!--reward class="">
<img src="ressources/icons/I1EA5.webp">
<desc>This is the item description that is very long and will be cut if it is too long.</desc>
<tier>Tier 1</tier>
<name>wand-ering fantasy</name>
<bonusList class="hideScrollBar">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/dominance_icon.webp">
<div>Bonus: <qty class="set">+1</qty>
<qty class="get">+1</qty>
<!-- attribute example -->
<!--reward class="hovered">
<img src="ressources/icons/I1EA5.webp">
<bonusList class="hideScrollBar">
<claim onclick="BPopupR_claimButton()">CLAIM</claim>
<div id="EOC_bigMain" class="ScreenOverlayPopUp">
<main class="EOC_main">
<div class="EOC_closeButton" onclick="EOC_exit();">
<img src="ressources/icons/13A8.webp">
<section class="EOC_upperPart">
<div class="EOC_backgrImg">
<img src="">
<div class="EOC_title">
End of <div class="EOC_title_name">_</div>'s Content
<div class="EOC_textcontent">
<p>Congratulations! You've reached the end of currently available
content for Cherie. Stay tuned for future updates and support
us to continue your journey with your loving $[characters.list.cherie.role]!</p>
<div class="EOC_supportus">
<p><span translate="no">Support The Fapocalypse on Patreon or SubscribeStar</span>. Your
contribution let us dedicate more time to crafting your
ultimate adult gaming experience. Enjoying the game? Leave
a positive review on <span translate="no">F95zone</span> to help others discover <span translate="no">The Fapocalypse.</span></p>
<div class="EOC_iconsSubs">
<p><a href="https://www.patreon.com/OPAF" target="_blank">
<img src="./ressources/maingui/medias/patreon.webp">
<p><a href="https://subscribestar.adult/fap-online-creation" target="_blank">
<img src="./ressources/maingui/medias/ko-fi.webp">
<p><a href="https://f95zone.to/threads/144115/" target="_blank">
<img src="./ressources/maingui/medias/f95zone.webp">
<section class="EOC_midPart">
<img id="EOC_AVA" src="./ressources/icons/EOCavapresent.webp">
<div class="EOC_title2">
Spicy Bonus Scenes
<div class="EOC_placeholder"></div>
<div class="EOC_separation">
<div class="EOC_textcontent2">
<p>Desire to merge with the goddess of the virus in ways that transcend mortal understanding?
I can make reality bend to your will... for a cost. New cosmic ecstasies await with every
update. Shall we ascend together?</p>
<img src="./ressources/icons/EOCbubble.webp">
<div class="EOC_code">
<textarea placeholder="Enter your Bonus Scenes Code" cols="10" maxlength="12"></textarea>
<div class="EOC_indicator">
<div id="hero" class="EOC_rankLocked">
<img src="./ressources/maingui/ranks/rank3.webp">
<div id="executioner" class="EOC_rankLocked">
<img src="./ressources/maingui/ranks/rank4.webp">
<div id="hoe" class="EOC_rankLocked">
<img src="./ressources/maingui/ranks/rank5.webp">
<div class="EOC_lowerPart_title"></div>
<section class="EOC_lowerPart">
<div class="button-group">
<button class="U_020 EOC_lockedPreview">
<img src="">
<div class="EOC_ruban">
<img src="./ressources/icons/EOCroadmap.webp">
<button class="U_030 EOC_lockedPreview">
<img src="">
<div class="EOC_ruban">
<img src="./ressources/icons/EOCroadmap2.webp">
<div class="button-group">
<button class="U_040 EOC_lockedPreview">
<img src="">
<div class="EOC_ruban">
<img src="./ressources/icons/EOCroadmap.webp">
<div class="button-group">
<button class="U_050 EOC_lockedPreview">
<img src="">
<div class="EOC_ruban">
<img src="./ressources/icons/EOCroadmap2.webp">
<button class="U_060 EOC_lockedPreview">
<img src="">
<div class="EOC_ruban">
<div id="BSB_bigMain" class="ScreenOverlayPopUp">
<main class="BSB_main">
<div class="BSB_closeButton" onclick="BSB_exit();">
<img src="ressources/icons/13A8.webp">
<section class="BSB_midPart">
<div class="EOC_backgrImg">
<img src="">
<img id="EOC_AVA" src="./ressources/icons/EOCavapresent.webp">
<div class="EOC_title2">
<div class="EOC_title_name">_</div>'s Spicy Bonus Scenes
<div class="EOC_placeholder"></div>
<div class="EOC_separation">
<div class="EOC_textcontent2">
<p>Desire to merge with the goddess of the virus in ways that transcend mortal understanding?
I can make reality bend to your will... for a cost. New cosmic ecstasies await with every
update. Shall we ascend together?</p>
<img src="./ressources/icons/EOCbubble.webp">
<div class="EOC_code">
<textarea placeholder="Enter your Bonus Scenes Code" cols="10" maxlength="12"></textarea>
<div class="EOC_indicator">
<div id="hero" class="EOC_rankLocked">
<img src="./ressources/maingui/ranks/rank3.webp">
<div id="executioner" class="EOC_rankLocked">
<img src="./ressources/maingui/ranks/rank4.webp">
<div id="hoe" class="EOC_rankLocked">
<img src="./ressources/maingui/ranks/rank5.webp">
<div class="BSB_iconsSubs">
<p><a href="https://www.patreon.com/OPAF" target="_blank">
<img src="./ressources/maingui/medias/patreon.webp">
<p><a href="https://subscribestar.adult/fap-online-creation" target="_blank">
<img src="./ressources/maingui/medias/ko-fi.webp">
<div class="EOC_lowerPart_title"></div>
<section class="EOC_lowerPart">
<div class="button-group">
<button class="U_020 EOC_lockedPreview">
<img src="">
<div class="EOC_ruban">
<img src="./ressources/icons/EOCroadmap.webp">
<button class="U_030 EOC_lockedPreview">
<img src="">
<div class="EOC_ruban">
<img src="./ressources/icons/EOCroadmap2.webp">
<div class="button-group">
<button class="U_040 EOC_lockedPreview">
<img src="">
<div class="EOC_ruban">
<img src="./ressources/icons/EOCroadmap.webp">
<div class="button-group">
<button class="U_050 EOC_lockedPreview">
<img src="">
<div class="EOC_ruban">
<img src="./ressources/icons/EOCroadmap2.webp">
<button class="U_060 EOC_lockedPreview">
<img src="">
<div class="EOC_ruban">
<!-- MARKET -->
<div id="MRKT_streakPopup" class="ScreenOverlayPopUp">
<div class="MRKTpopup show" id="MRKTstreak-popup">
<h3>Streak Status</h3>
<div class="MRKTstreak-popup-stats">
<img src="ressources/maingui/market/streak.png">
<div class="MRKTstreak-popup-stats_streak">60</div>
<img src="ressources/maingui/market/coin.png">
<div class="MRKTstreak-popup-stats_coins">180</div>
<p id="MRKTstreak-message">-message-</p>
<button onclick="accessAngela('market'); MRKT_streakPopupExit()">Market</button>
<div class="MRKT_exit" onclick="MRKT_streakPopupExit()" translate="no">x</div>
<div id="GLMS_transReqPopup" class="ScreenOverlayPopUp">
<div class="GLMS_popup">
<div class="GLMS_title">
<div><img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/beginning.webp"></div>
<div class="GLMS_content">
<!-- TODO. dialog like in a scene. wut -->
<div class="GLMS_reqCont">
/* <div class="GLMS_req">
<h3>Cherie Main Scene 1</h3>
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/greenCheckMark.webp">
<div class="GLMS_req">
<h3>Cherie Main Scene 2</h3>
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/redCross.webp">
</div> */
<div class="GLMS_buttons">
<div onclick="GLMS_transReqPopupExit()">Continue</div>
<div class="GLMS_exit">Exit</div>
<div id="RET_popupMain" class="ScreenOverlayPopUp">
<div class="RET_popupCont">
<exit onclick="RET_popupExit();">Exit</exit>
<div class="RET_title">Random Event</div>
<div class="RET_text">-text-</div>
<div class="RET_requirements">
<div class="RET_reqStat">
<img src="ressources/icons/13A4.webp"><div></div>
<div class="RET_reqFight">
<img src="ressources/icons/13A4.webp"><div></div>
<img src="ressources/icons/13A4.webp"><div></div>
<div class="RET_buttons">
<div id="RoadMapPopUp" class="ScreenOverlayPopUp">
<exit onclick="RoadM_exit()">EXIT</exit>
<div class="RoadMapPopUp">
<div class="namesCont">
<div data-type="lust">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/lust_icon.webp">
<div class="name">_</div>
<div data-type="trust">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp">
<div class="name">_</div>
<div class="metersCont" style="height: 292em;">
<div class="meter" data-type="lust"></div>
<div class="meter" data-type="trust"></div>
<!-- div class="phase" style="top: 6em;">
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/beginning.webp">
</div -->
<!--phase nextLocked right>
<div class="arrowCont"><arrow></arrow></div>
<div class="imageCont"><img src="ressources/maingui/logos/logo3.webp"></div>
<div class="name">$GameVersionAbsolute<br>LIMIT</div>
<!-- bottom center -->
<div id="christmasCandyCanesCounter" class="ScreenOverlayPopUp">
<div class="christmasCandyCanesCounter">
<div class="christmasCandyCanesTitle">CHRISTMAS EVENT</div>
<img class="christmasCandyCaneCounterImg" src="ressources/icons/candy_cane.webp"><div class="christmasCandyCanesCounterText">Candy Canes: 0 / 8</div>
<div id="ScreenOverlayContPerma">
<div id="overlayAngelaButton">
<img src="ressources/icons/13A21.webp">
<!--div id="overlayMapButton">
<img src="ressources/maingui/maps/map.webp">
<div id="overlayFilter" style="display: none;"></div>
<!-- over the sidebar -->
<div id="ScreenOverlayContPermaOver">
<div id="pauWarning">
<div class="pauInfoText"></div>
<div class="pauText">Game Paused</div>
<div id="mouseFollowerCont">
/* set dynamically */
/* see (big_reward_popup.js) - BPopupR_setupCss */
(() => {
// ----------------------- Side Bar -----------------------
function SB_setVersion() {
const version = document.getElementById('SB_version');
version.innerHTML = `Stage 3 - ${gameData.GameVersionAbsolute}`;
/* window.SB_setupPartOfDayIllustration = () => {
const container = document.getElementById('SB_partOfDay').querySelector('images');
const imgIndexPerPartOfDay = {
"morning": 3,
"afternoon": 0,
"evening": 1,
"night": 2,
// container.innerHTML = `
// <img src="ressources/maingui/sidebar/morning.webp">
// <img src="ressources/maingui/sidebar/afternoon.webp">
// <img src="ressources/maingui/sidebar/evening.webp">
// <img src="ressources/maingui/sidebar/night.webp">`;
let images = container.querySelectorAll('img');
const numPeriod = images.length;
const partOfDayKey = SV.gameTime.partOfDayKey;
const currentImgIndex = imgIndexPerPartOfDay[partOfDayKey];
for (let i = 1; i < numPeriod; i++) {
container.appendChild(images[(i + currentImgIndex) % numPeriod]);
images = container.querySelectorAll('img');
images[0].className = 'side';
images[1].className = 'active';
images[2].className = 'side';
window.SB_advancePartOfDayIllustration = () => {
const container = document.getElementById('SB_partOfDay').querySelector('images');
const images = container.querySelectorAll('img');
images[0].addEventListener('transitionend', e => {
}, { once: true });
images[0].className = '';
images[1].className = 'side';
images[2].className = 'active';
images[3].className = 'side';
}; */
window.SB_updatePartOfDayIllustration = () => {
const container = document.getElementById('SB_partOfDay').querySelector('images');
const images = container.querySelectorAll('img'); // 3 images
const partOfDayKey = SV.gameTime.partOfDayKey;
let daysImages = {
morning: "ressources/maingui/sidebar/morning.webp",
afternoon: "ressources/maingui/sidebar/afternoon.webp",
evening: "ressources/maingui/sidebar/evening.webp",
night: "ressources/maingui/sidebar/night.webp",
let days = Object.keys(daysImages);
let mainImageIndex = days.indexOf(partOfDayKey);
let leftImageIndex = ((mainImageIndex - 1 + days.length) % days.length);
let rightImageIndex = (mainImageIndex + 1) % days.length;
images[0].src = daysImages[days[leftImageIndex]];
images[1].src = daysImages[days[mainImageIndex]];
images[2].src = daysImages[days[rightImageIndex]];
function SB_setGeneralInfo() {
const [time, day, location] = document.getElementById('SB_timeDayLocation').querySelectorAll('desc');
time.innerHTML = SV.gameTime.partOfDay;
day.innerHTML = SV.gameTime.day;
location.innerHTML = SV.sectionsV2.currentSectionName;
function SB_setPlayerImage() {
const SB_player = document.getElementById('SB_player');
const SB_playerImage = SB_player.querySelector('#SB_playerImage > img');
const SB_playerName = SB_player.querySelector('name');
const image = getCharacterImg('mc');
const name = SV.characters.list.mc.name;
SB_playerImage.src = image;
SB_playerName.innerHTML = name;
function SB_setupAttribute() {
const SB_playerAttribute = document.querySelectorAll('.SB_playerAttribute');
const SB_info = {
SB_playerDominance: {
title: "Current Dominance",
desc: "Determines how powerful you are in fights."
SB_playerVirus: {
title: "Current Virus",
desc: "Maximun virus is 100."
SB_playerCharisma: {
title: "Current Charisma",
desc: "Determines how appealing you are."
SB_playerCraft: {
title: "Current Craftsmanship",
desc: "Determines how good you are at crafting and cooking."
SB_playerTired: {
title: "Current Tiredness",
desc: e => {return `Maximum tiredness is ${num_abreviation(SV.maxStats.tiredness)}.`}
SB_playerNutri: {
title: "Current Food",
desc: `Current food stock in the fridge.`
for (let attributeId in SB_info) {
let attributeDiv = document.getElementById(attributeId);
let attributeDivDiv = attributeDiv.querySelector('div');
attributeDivDiv.style.cursor = "help";
let infoIN = SB_info[attributeId];
attributeDivDiv.addEventListener('click', e => {
let infoOUT = {
title : typeof infoIN.title === 'function' ? infoIN.title() : infoIN.title,
desc : typeof infoIN.desc === 'function' ? infoIN.desc() : infoIN.desc
mouseFollowerCreateInfo([infoOUT], e)}
attributeDivDiv.addEventListener('mouseout', () => mouseFollowerRemoveInfo());
function SB_setAttribute() {
const [SB_playerDominance, SB_playerCraft, SB_playerCharisma, SB_playerVirus, SB_playerTired, SB_playerNutri,
SB_playerWood, SB_playerMetal, SB_playerPlastic] = document.querySelectorAll('.SB_playerAttribute');
SB_playerDominance.querySelector('qty').innerHTML = num_abreviation(modVariable("get","stat","dominance"));
SB_playerVirus.querySelector('qty').innerHTML = num_abreviation(SV.stats.virus);
SB_playerTired.querySelector('qty').innerHTML = num_abreviation(SV.stats.tiredness);
SB_playerNutri.querySelector('qty').innerHTML = num_abreviation(SV.food.currentStock);
SB_playerCharisma.querySelector('qty').innerHTML = num_abreviation(modVariable("get","stat","charisma"));
SB_playerCraft.querySelector('qty').innerHTML = num_abreviation(modVariable("get","stat","craftsmanship"));
SB_playerWood.querySelector('qty').innerHTML = num_abreviation(modVariable("get","item","wood"));
SB_playerMetal.querySelector('qty').innerHTML = num_abreviation(modVariable("get","item","metal"));
SB_playerPlastic.querySelector('qty').innerHTML = num_abreviation(modVariable("get","item","plastic"));
if (SV.stats.virus > 80) {
SB_playerVirus.setAttribute('danger', '');
} else SB_playerVirus.removeAttribute('danger');
if (SV.stats.tiredness > 28) {
SB_playerTired.setAttribute('danger', '');
} else SB_playerTired.removeAttribute('danger');
if (SV.food.currentStock < 2) {
SB_playerNutri.setAttribute('danger', '');
} else SB_playerNutri.removeAttribute('danger');
function SB_updateTipsButton() {
let el = document.querySelector('.SB_hover-text');
if (!el) return;
if (SV.sectionsV2.currentSectionName === "Start") {
let tipsButton = document.getElementById('SB_tipsCont');
if (tipsButton) {
tipsButton.style.display = "none";
} else {
let tipsButton = document.getElementById('SB_tipsCont');
if (tipsButton) {
tipsButton.style.display = "flex";
const characterKeys = Object.keys(gameData.mainScenesV3.progress);
for (let characterKey of characterKeys) {
const list = gameData.mainScenesV3.progress[characterKey].list;
if (list.includes(passageId) || passageId === "CA00" || passageId === "LA00" || passageId === "EA00") {
el.innerHTML = "Main Scene";
if (passageId === "NEW FIGHT" && gameData.fight.list[FGV_data.fightId]?.isPassiveFight) {
el.innerHTML = "Lust Fight";
if (gameData.infoGuide.display[passageId]) {
el.innerHTML = gameData.infoGuide.display[passageId];
let currentSection = SV.sectionsV2.currentSectionId;
if (currentSection) {
let sectionDynObj = SEC_getSectionObj(currentSection);
let name = sectionDynObj.name;
el.innerHTML = name;
function SB_setupButtomButtons() {
const [SB_inventory, SB_cheats, SB_save] = document.getElementById('SB_buttomButtons').children;
SB_inventory.onclick = () => accessInventory("equipment");
//SB_cheats.onclick = () => accessAngela_cheats();
SB_cheats.onclick = () => accessAngela('cheats');
SB_save.onclick = SugarCube.UI.saves;
function SB_setButtomButtons() {
const [SB_inventory, SB_cheats, SB_save] = document.getElementById('SB_buttomButtons').children;
if (SV.gui_interface.inventoryButtonEnable) {
} else {
function SB_setSocialLinks() {
const [SB_patreon, SB_subscrbeStar, SB_itch, SB_discord] = document.getElementById('SB_linksCont').querySelectorAll('img');
(() => { // competitors delete
if (!checkIfEmbedded()) return;
SB_itch.style.display = "none";
// ----------------------- Overlays -----------------------
function SB_setupOverlays() {
//const ScreenOverlayCont = document.getElementById('ScreenOverlayCont');
//const ScreenOverlayContPopup = document.getElementById('ScreenOverlayContPopup');
//const ScreenOverlayContPerma = document.getElementById('ScreenOverlayContPerma');
const overlayAngelaButton = document.getElementById('overlayAngelaButton');
const overlayMapButton = document.getElementById('overlayMapButton');
overlayAngelaButton.onclick = () => {accessAngela()}
//overlayMapButton.onclick = () => {accessMap()}
function SB_setOverlays() {
//ScreenOverlayCont = document.getElementById('ScreenOverlayCont');
//ScreenOverlayContPopup = document.getElementById('ScreenOverlayContPopup');
//ScreenOverlayContPerma = document.getElementById('ScreenOverlayContPerma');
const overlayAngelaButton = document.getElementById('overlayAngelaButton');
if (SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable) {
overlayAngelaButton.style.display = "block";
} else {
overlayAngelaButton.style.display = "none";
/*overlayMapButton = document.getElementById('overlayMapButton');
if (SV.gui_interface.mapButtonEnable) {
overlayMapButton.style.display = "block";
} else {
overlayMapButton.style.display = "none";
function SB_removeIndicators() {
* @param {object} overlayElem The overlay element to append
* @param {object} buttonInfos [{text: "button text", onclick: function() {console.log("button clicked");}]
* @param {string} overlayId (optional) id to not have multiple overlay.
window.appendOverlay = function (overlayElem, buttonInfos, overlayId) {
if (!overlayElem) { throw new Error(`appendOverlay: overlayElem is undefined`); }
var overlayCont = document.getElementById('ScreenOverlayCont');
if (!overlayCont) {
return console.error(`appendOverlay: ScreenOverlayCont not found`);
if (overlayId) {
if (document.getElementById(`${overlayId}`)) {
return console.warn(`appendOverlay: overlayId "${overlayId}" already exists`);
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overlayElem.id = overlayId;
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if (typeof overlayElem === 'string' || overlayElem instanceof String) {
overlay.innerHTML = overlayElem; //if string, set innerHTML
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overlay.appendChild(overlayElem); //if not string, append child
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// options.buttonInfos (optional)
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subscribestarImg.onclick = () => { window.open('https://subscribestar.adult/fap-online-creation', '_blank'); }
let patreonImg = document.createElement('img');
patreonImg.src = "ressources/maingui/medias/patreon.webp";
patreonImg.onclick = () => { window.open('https://www.patreon.com/OPAF', '_blank'); }
let supportMiddleText = document.createElement('div');
supportMiddleText.innerHTML = "Support us";
appendOverlay(WipPopupDiv, options.buttonInfos, options.overlayId);
window.appendWipWarning = () => {
description: "This feature is still in development",
overlayId: "overlay_WipWarning",
withSupport: true
window.appendPrologueWarning = () => {
description: "You cannot access this in the prologue!",
overlayId: "overlay_PrologueWarning"
window.appendPrologueRedo = () => {
description: "You already did this, move to the next step.",
overlayId: "overlay_PrologueRedo"
window.appendNotReadyWarning = () => {
description: "You aren't ready to go there yet.",
overlayId: "overlay_NotReadyWarning"
window.appendBossDefeated = (index) => {
description: "Congratulations!",
description2: [
"You defeated the boss from this zone. Thanks to your efforts, you can now roam around freely without worrying about an ambush.",
"You defeated the boss from this zone. Thanks to your efforts, this zone is now yours."
overlayId: "overlay_BossDefeated"
window.appendAlreadySeen = () => {
description: "You have already saw this scene.",
overlayId: "overlay_AlreadySeen"
window.appendRequirementsNotMet = () => {
description: "Requirements not met.",
overlayId: "overlay_RequirementsNotMet",
withSupport: true
window.appendVirusFirstWarning = () => {
description2: `
Your virus concentration is reaching dangerous levels!<br>
<li>At 100% virus level, it's GAME OVER.</li>
<li>Masturbate in your room to reset virus to 0%.</li>
<li>Use D-Root from inventory to manage levels while exploring.</li>
<li>Find D-Root through item searches, fights, and gathering.</li>
Maintain control or risk losing yourself to the virus!
overlayId: "overlay_VirusFirstWarning"
window.appendDialogEndWarning = (callBack) => {
//description: "Save before continuing!",
description: "Saving is highly recommended before continuing!",
description2: "This is a critical choice",
overlayId: "overlay_DialogAltEnding",
buttonInfos: [
{text: "Go Back"},
{text: "Continue", onclick: callBack}
* @param {string} overlayType (optional) The type of the overlay to remove
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* @note Externally/Internally called
* @brief Red buttom right Warning popup
* @param {String} warningTitle
* @param {String} warningText
window.createWarning = (warningTitle, warningText) => {
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var stayTime = 7000; //ms
var fadeOutTime = 1000; //ms
var OverlayElem = document.getElementById('WarningPopUp');
if (!OverlayElem) { throw new Error(`createWarning: WarningPopUp overlay not found`); }
if (OverlayElem.querySelector(`[data-hashId="${hashByText}"]`)) return; //if already exists, do nothing
var warningElem = document.createElement('div');
warningElem.setAttribute('data-hashId', `${hashByText}`);
var warningTitleElem = document.createElement('div');
warningTitleElem.innerHTML = warningTitle;
var warningTextElem = document.createElement('div');
warningTextElem.innerHTML = warningText;
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//after stayTime + fadeOutTime, remove the element
setTimeout(function () {
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if (!event) { throw new Error(`floatingMouseNotif: event is undefined`); }
if (!desc) { throw new Error(`floatingMouseNotif: desc is undefined`); }
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return console.warn(`floatingMouseNotif: ScreenOverlayContPopup is null`);
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console.log(`floatingMouseNotif - mouseNotifElem: ${mouseNotifElem}`);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 4000); //see .floatingMouseNotif animation
window.checkStartWarning = () => {
//read cookie if warning was already shown. key: "startWarning"
//if cookie is not set, create warning
//if cookie is set, do nothing
if (window.localStorage.getItem('startWarning') === null) { //if cookie is not set
var warningElem = document.createElement('div');
warningElem.innerHTML = `
<img src="ressources/maingui/others/18warning.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/others/18warning.webp">
Please read the following information carefully before proceeding:<br>
<li>By clicking "Accept", you confirm that <u>you are at least 18 years of age</u>. This experience may contain mature themes, including sexual content, nudity, strong language, and graphic violence. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.</li>
<li><u>All characters</u> depicted in this game are <u>over the age of 18</u>.</li>
<li><u>No real porn or real people are used in these fictional scenarios. Players may also choose their own unique relationships with the characters</u>.</li>
<li>This website utilizes <u>cookies</u> to enhance your experience, maintain your session, and <u>save your progress</u>.</li>
<li>By selecting "Accept," you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted the terms outlined above.</li>
var buttonInfo = [{
text: "Accept",
onclick: function () {
window.localStorage.setItem('startWarning', true);
appendOverlay(warningElem, buttonInfo);
(window.checkPauWarning = () => {
let pauWarning = document.getElementById('pauWarning');
//if (!pauWarning) return console.error(`checkPauWarning: pauWarning not found`);
SV.CCW1counter = SV.CCW1counter ?? 0;
window.CCW1 = window.CCW1 ?? 0;
window.CCW1_prev = window.CCW1_prev ?? 0;
window.SVcopy = window.SVcopy ?? JSON.stringify(SV); //reset copy
if (window.CCW1_prev === 0 && window.CCW1 === 1) {
if (pauWarning) pauWarning.style.display = "flex";
window.SVcopy = JSON.stringify(SV);
if (window.CCW1 === 1) {
if (window.SVcopy !== JSON.stringify(SV)) {
window.CCW1 = 2;
if (window.CCW1_prev > 0 && window.CCW1 === 0) {
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if (pauWarning) pauWarning.querySelectorAll('.art').forEach(e => e.remove());
if (pauWarning) pauWarning.querySelectorAll('br').forEach(e => e.remove());
let SVcopyObj = JSON.parse(window.SVcopy);
for (let key in SVcopyObj) {
SV[key] = SVcopyObj[key];
if (SV.CCW1counter > 0) $('.pauInfoText').text(`tried to cheat: ${SV.CCW1counter} time` + (SV.CCW1counter > 1 ? 's' : ''));
if (window.CCW1_prev === 1 && window.CCW1 === 2) {
if (pauWarning) {
<<type 30ms none class "art">>
Hello "Cheater", or should we say "Cheaper"
/* $('#pauWarning').wiki(`
<<type 10ms start 2s none class "art">>
`) */
<<type 30ms start 2s none class "art">>
(゚、 。 7
l、~ ヽ
ししと )ノ
window.CCW1_prev = window.CCW1;
setTimeout(checkPauWarning, 500)
// ----------------------- Main -----------------------
window.SB_mainRefresh = () => {
// Side Bar
// Overlays
if (SV.stats) {
// Initialize previous values
window.previousVirusValue = SV.stats.virus;
window.previousTiredValue = SV.stats.tiredness;
window.previousNutriValue = SV.food.currentStock;
// Add CSS for blinking animation
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = `
.blink-warning {
animation: blink 0.5s ease-in-out 3;
@keyframes blink {
50% { filter: brightness(200%); }
// Helper function for blink effect
window.addBlinkEffect = function(element) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 4000);
window.SB_warnAttribute = function() {
const [SB_playerDominance, SB_playerCraft, SB_playerCharisma, SB_playerVirus, SB_playerTired, SB_playerNutri,
SB_playerWood, SB_playerMetal, SB_playerPlastic] = document.querySelectorAll('.SB_playerAttribute');
// Check conditions and apply blink effect
if (SV.stats.virus > window.previousVirusValue) {
if (SV.stats.tiredness > window.previousTiredValue) {
if (SV.food.currentStock < window.previousNutriValue) {
// Update previous values
window.previousVirusValue = SV.stats.virus;
window.previousTiredValue = SV.stats.tiredness;
window.previousNutriValue = SV.food.currentStock;
window.SB_init = () => {
// Fix Data
// Side Bar
// Overlays
$(document).on(':passageend', e => {
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<div class="teaserbox_container">
<div class="teaserbox">
<p class="boxtitles1">What's to expect</p>
<p class="spacer"></p>
Get ready for an exciting adventure as you explore a post-apocalyptic world and build relationships with the ladies
you meet along the way. You'll need to scavenge for supplies, complete minigames like woodchopping and fishing, and
manage your virus level and hunger. With useful tools like the inventory system, you'll progress through gripping
storylines and steamy adult scenes. We packed this game with satisfying gameplay mechanics so you can fully immerse
yourself in this harrowing yet alluring setting.
<img src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/gameplay.webp">
From battling fierce women of the wasteland to intimate moments with your lovely companions, you'll bear witness to
over 80 vivid scenes with over 1300 images and videos. Building a harem is no simple task, but the ample rewards make it
all worthwhile. You must uncover every scene through dedicated gameplay to reach the pinnacle. With so many sights
to take in, satisfaction is never out of reach.
<img src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/content.webp">
We put tremendous care into crafting an intuitive, aesthetically pleasing UI to optimize your experience. You'll
find a polished map, a sleek sidebar, unique minigame interfaces, beautifully designed scene templates, and
specialized settings/info screens. The location system with interactive buttons and background items makes
exploration more engaging.
<img src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/ui.webp">
The core vision for <span translate="no">The Fapocalypse</span> is an enthralling post-apocalyptic world where you build relationships and
experience gratifying adult content. As the provider and hero these desperate women need, earning their affection is
profoundly rewarding yet challenging. We aim to make building a harem in this unrelenting landscape both difficult
and deeply satisfying.
<img src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/experience.webp">
More than a contextless romp, <span translate="no">The Fapocalypse</span> boasts an immersive story with twists and emotional connections.
Navigating the treacherous Wastelands and mysterious Forest, you'll uncover the truth behind The MAD and conquer
these realms. With a strong narrative we built through ample care, prepare to dive headfirst into this gripping
<img src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/story.webp">
<div class="content-box">
<div class="title_blankspacer"></div>
<div class="content">
<button class="button bt2 bt2-1" onclick="window.open('https://www.patreon.com/OPAF','_blank')">
<img id="patreon" src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/patreon_mm.webp">
<img id="patreon" src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/patreon_mm_light.webp">
<button class="button bt2 bt2-2" onclick="window.open('https://subscribestar.adult/fap-online-creation','_blank')">
<img id="kofi" src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/kofi_mm.webp">
<img id="kofi" src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/kofi_mm_light.webp">
<button class="button bt2 bt2-3" onclick="window.open('https://discord.gg/WFHyxBuppk','_blank')">
<img id="discord" src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/discord_mm.webp">
<img id="discord" src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/discord_mm_light.webp">
<button class="button bt1" onclick="SugarCube.Engine.play('NEW INTRO'); UIBar.show();">
<img id="play" src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/play_mm.webp">
<img id="play" src="ressources/maingui/titlescreen/play_mm_light.webp">
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<div class="newbox">
<p class="boxtitles2">WHAT'S NEW</p>
<p class="spacer"></p>
We're happy to announce version 0.3.5 of The Fapocalypse! We'd like to thank every one for their amazing support. We are working very hard to satisfy you. Here's what's new:
- Crimsonwood Now Available!
The Crimsonwoods are now unlockable in the game, you must finish the Peacewood zone to unlock it.
- Greenzone Floor 10-11
- Peacewood Floor 20
- MAD Butcher, Erza Scarlet and Peacewood Boss Dimistrescu fights!
We've added a total of 3 more fights, 2 in the Forest and 1 in the wastelands. Don't forget to prepare yourself for combat.
- New Main Scenes
The District women 10th main scenes has been added. For Gabbie and Angela, we've added the 15th main scenes.
- Discovery 2
At the end of the Peacewood you'll encounter the 2nd discovery. This is a very important scene, make sure to make the right choice.
- Bugfix and improvements
As always, we tried to fix every bug reported and we improved some basic functionalities. Please continue to care and report them to us!
Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot to us. We're committed on making The Fapocalypse an exceptional adventure. Stay
tuned for more exciting updates!
See ya in the wastelands!
<div class="nextbox">
<p class="boxtitles3">WHAT'S NEXT</p>
<p class="spacer"></p>
Our plan for the future development of the game consists of 10 phases, each containing multiple frequent releases.
The 0.3 releases mark the beginning of closer relations and story developpement. Over the course of phase 3, which we expect to last about 3
months, we will focus on improving the game bases and advancing to story. You guys will now enjoy more and more content and soon, the mechanics of the game will all be polished.
The upcoming releases in phase 3 will not just be about bug fixes and game pacing, but will also continuously add
new content and features to improve the overall experience. We greatly appreciate the support of our Subscribestar and
itch subscribers, who are helping fuel the ongoing development of <span translate="no">The Fapocalypse</span>. Please consider joining them if
you'd like to contribute to the future of the game!
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box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em #5165f6,
inset 0 0 0.5em #5165f6;
.button:focus {
background-position: right center;
background-color: unset;
border-color: unset;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
.next_update_gauge {
width: 100%;
height: 13vh;
border-radius: 1vw;
margin-top: 5vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
align-items: center;
position: relative;
border-radius: 0.8vw;
outline: 0.07em solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);
box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em rgba(150, 149, 149, 0.8),
inset 0 0 0.5em rgba(150, 149, 149, 0.8);
transition: all 0.5s ease 0s;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
.next_update_gauge p1 {
position: absolute;
font-size: 2vw;
color: white;
top: 1.5vh;
left: 1vw;
.next_update_gauge p2 {
position: absolute;
font-size: 2vw;
color: white;
top: 1.5vh;
right: 1vw;
.shape_gauge {
width: 85%;
height: 3.5vh;
border-radius: 1vw;
margin-top: 3vh;
/* background: linear-gradient(to right, #9f1017 50%, #ffffff66 50%); */ /* set via js */
TMS_updateButtonDisplay(true); /* show translation button */
/* window.onload = function () {
} */
/*newestVersionChecker().then(result => {
if (result.needsUpdate && result.element) {
let contentBox = document.querySelector('.content-box')
function updateGauge() {
const startDate = '2025-03-03T00:00:00.000Z';
const endDate = '2025-03-16T18:00:00.000Z'; // + 14 days
const now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
const start = Math.floor(new Date(startDate).getTime() / 1000);
const end = Math.floor(new Date(endDate).getTime() / 1000);
let percent = (now - start) / (end - start) * 100;
percent = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, percent)); // clamp to 0-100
const gauge = document.querySelector('.shape_gauge');
if (!gauge) return;
gauge.style.background = 'linear-gradient(to right, #069606 ' + percent + '%, #ffffff66 ' + percent + '%)';
setTimeout(updateGauge, 5000); // update every 5 seconds
function versionCheck() {
let currentGameVersion = gameData.GameVersionAbsolute.replace(/[^0-9.].*/g, ''); // ex: 0.2.1c -> 0.2.1
let currentGameVersionArr = currentGameVersion.split('.');
let lenght = currentGameVersionArr.length;
let nextSubId = parseInt(currentGameVersionArr[lenght - 1]) + 1;
let nextGameVersion = currentGameVersionArr.slice(0, lenght - 1).join('.') + '.' + nextSubId;
//let nextGameVersion = "0.3.0";
document.querySelector('.next_update_gauge p1').innerHTML = currentGameVersion;
document.querySelector('.next_update_gauge p2').innerHTML = nextGameVersion;
let newbox = document.querySelector('.newbox');
if (newbox.innerHTML.includes(currentGameVersion) === false) {
const regex = /\b\d+\.\d+\.\d+\b/g;
const replacedText = newbox.innerHTML.replace(regex, (match) => {
return `<span style="background: red; font-size: 1.7em;">!! ${match} !!</span>`;
newbox.innerHTML = replacedText;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
<!-- copy cheat here -->
<div class="MenuS_mainCont">
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<name class="MenuS_applyTextColor" id="titlechange">MENU</name>
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<!-- state: default, goals, women, achievements, market, cheats, settings -->
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<img src="ressources/maingui/menu_screen/cherie.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/menu_screen/lana.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/menu_screen/elfie.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/menu_screen/gabbie.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/menu_screen/angela.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/menu_screen/johny.webp">
<div type="goals" class="goals_main">
<div class="GAIM_container">
<div class="GAIM_boxes GAIM_relationships">
<div class="GAIM_rel_top">
<div class="GAIM_girlstatinfo">
<div class="GAIM_girlstatinfo_content">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp">
1. Choose and complete Trust secondary scenes with characters<br>
2. Give appropriate gifts to girls in their rooms<br>
3. Select Trust-focused dialogue options in main scenes
<div class="GAIM_girlstatinfo_content">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/lust_icon.webp">
1. Choose and complete Lust secondary scenes with characters<br>
2. Initiate playful fights with girls in their rooms<br>
3. Select Lust-focused dialogue options in main scenes
<div class="GAIM_rel_bottom">
<div class="GAIM_item" characterKey="cherie">
<div class="GAIM_gaugeinfo_container">
<img src="ressources/icons/8.webp">
<div class="GAIM_gauge">
<div class="GAIM_shape_gauge" attribute="cherie">
<div class="GAIM_gauge_fill"></div>
<div class="GAIM_arrow" data-target="sliding-div-1"></div>
<div class="GAIM_sliding-div" id="sliding-div-1" attribute="cherie">
<h1 translate="no">CHERIE</h1>
<div class="GAIM_item" characterKey="lana">
<div class="GAIM_gaugeinfo_container">
<img src="ressources/icons/9.webp">
<div class="GAIM_gauge">
<div class="GAIM_shape_gauge" attribute="lana">
<div class="GAIM_gauge_fill"></div>
<div class="GAIM_arrow" data-target="sliding-div-2"></div>
<div class="GAIM_sliding-div" id="sliding-div-2" attribute="lana">
<h1 translate="no">LANA</h1>
<div class="GAIM_item" characterKey="elfie">
<div class="GAIM_gaugeinfo_container">
<img src="ressources/icons/10.webp">
<div class="GAIM_gauge">
<div class="GAIM_shape_gauge" attribute="elfie">
<div class="GAIM_gauge_fill"></div>
<div class="GAIM_arrow" data-target="sliding-div-3"></div>
<div class="GAIM_sliding-div" id="sliding-div-3" attribute="elfie">
<h1 translate="no">ELFIE</h1>
<div class="GAIM_item" characterKey="gabbie">
<div class="GAIM_gaugeinfo_container">
<img src="ressources/icons/11.webp">
<div class="GAIM_gauge">
<div class="GAIM_shape_gauge" attribute="gabbie">
<div class="GAIM_gauge_fill"></div>
<div class="GAIM_arrow" data-target="sliding-div-4"></div>
<div class="GAIM_sliding-div" id="sliding-div-4" attribute="gabbie">
<h1 translate="no">GABBIE</h1>
<div class="GAIM_item" characterKey="angela">
<div class="GAIM_gaugeinfo_container">
<img src="ressources/icons/12.webp">
<div class="GAIM_gauge">
<div class="GAIM_shape_gauge" attribute="angela">
<div class="GAIM_gauge_fill"></div>
<div class="GAIM_arrow" data-target="sliding-div-5"></div>
<div class="GAIM_sliding-div" id="sliding-div-5" attribute="angela">
<h1 translate="no">ANGELA</h1>
<div class="GAIM_item" characterKey="mia">
<div class="GAIM_gaugeinfo_container">
<img src="ressources/icons/16.webp">
<div class="GAIM_gauge">
<div class="GAIM_shape_gauge" attribute="mia">
<div class="GAIM_gauge_fill"></div>
<div class="GAIM_arrow" data-target="sliding-div-6"></div>
<div class="GAIM_sliding-div" id="sliding-div-6" attribute="mia">
<h1 translate="no">MIA</h1>
<div class="GAIM_item" characterKey="chanel">
<div class="GAIM_gaugeinfo_container">
<img src="ressources/icons/19.webp">
<div class="GAIM_gauge">
<div class="GAIM_shape_gauge" attribute="chanel">
<div class="GAIM_gauge_fill"></div>
<div class="GAIM_arrow" data-target="sliding-div-7"></div>
<div class="GAIM_sliding-div" id="sliding-div-7" attribute="chanel">
<h1 translate="no">CHANEL</h1>
<!-- Add more GAIM_item elements as needed -->
<div class="GAIM_boxes GAIM_navigating">
<div class="GAIM_nav_top">
<div class="GAIM_girlstatinfo">
<div class="GAIM_girlstatinfo_content">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/dominance_icon.webp">
<h2 class="GAIM_dom">Dominance:</h2>
1. Win fights in forest/wastelands<br>
To win fights: <br>
2. Keep virus level low (before the fights)<br>
3. Equip best gear<br>
4. Explore for better items
<div class="GAIM_girlstatinfo_content">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/virus_icon.webp">
1. Go to your room and select the option to watch lusty content<br>
2. Explore deeper areas of the Forest to increase virus exposure<br>
3. Engage in sexual activities without ejaculating
<div class="GAIM_stat_container">
<div class="GAIM_stat">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/dominance_icon.webp">
<!-- p>$stats.dominance</p -->
<p> <<print num_abreviation(modVariable("get","stat","dominance"))>> </p>
<div class="GAIM_stat">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/virus_icon.webp">
<div class="GAIM_nav_bottom">
<div class="GAIM_progress_container">
<div class="GAIM_progress" id="GAIM_forest" section="peacewood">
<p class="GAIM_progressTitle">PEACEWOOD</p>
<!-- div class="GAIM_progressCircle"><img src="ressources/icons/2B.webp"></div><line></line -->
<!-- ... set in js -->
<div class="GAIM_progress" id="GAIM_wastelands" section="border">
<p class="GAIM_progressTitle">BORDER</p>
<!-- div class="GAIM_progressCircle"><img src="ressources/icons/3A2.webp"></div><line></line -->
<!-- ... set in js -->
<div class="GAIM_boxes GAIM_discoveries">
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box">
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box_title">
<p>Shelter from the Storm</p>
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box_content">
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box">
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box_title">
<p>Echoes of the Future</p>
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box_content">
Meet Gabbie, a mysterious friend with an uncanny connection to you, introducing complex temporal elements to your journey.
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box GAIM_locked">
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box_title">
<p>Divine Intervention</p>
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box_content">
Cross paths with Angela, a goddess-like figure, hinting at cosmic forces at play.
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box GAIM_locked">
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box_title">
<p>Family Reunion</p>
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box_content">
Reconnect with your vivacious cousin Mia, adding a new layer of complexity to your growing harem of family members.
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box">
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box_title">
<p>Shadows of the Past</p>
<div class="GAIM_discoveries_box_content">
Uncover disturbing hints that a man, possibly Gabbie's grandfather, might be the mastermind behind MAD's operations.
<div type="women" class="gallery">
<div class="character_selection_center_block">
<div type="women_TODO.groups" class="character_selection_main_buttons character" onclick="playPassage('GALLERY');">
<!-- onclick="playPassage('MENU main interface')" -->
<img src="ressources/icons/13DB7.webp">
<div class="shadow less"></div>
<div type="women.women" class="character_selection_main_buttons swords">
<img src="ressources/icons/7E.webp">
<div class="shadow less"></div>
<div type="women.women">
<div class="women_and_scenes_holy_div">
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<div id="parent_woman_and_scenes_template"></div>
<div id="women_and_scenes_arrow_right"></div>
<div type="women.fights">
<div type="women.groups">
<div type="women.solo">
<div type="achievements" class="achievements_adjust">
<div class="achievements_upper_buttons">
<div class="achievements_upper_left">
<div class="achievements_upper_left_1">
<img src="ressources/icons/13A18.webp">
<div class="achievements_upper_left_2">
<div class="achievements_upper_mid">
<div class="achievements_upper_mid_top">
<p>Achievements Rarity</p>
<div class="achievements_upper_mid_bottom">
<div class="achievements_rarity_display common">
<div class="achievements_rarity_display uncommon">
<div class="achievements_rarity_display rare">
<div class="achievements_rarity_display epic">
<div class="achievements_rarity_display legendary">
<div class="achievements_rarity_display mythical">
<div class="achievements">
<div class="achievements_scoll_menu">
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<div class="achievements_template_parent">
<!--div class="achievements_template">
<div class="achievements_title">
<div class="achievements_title_description">
<p>Description Description Description</p>
<div class="achievements_requirements">
<div class="achievements_requirements_box">
<div class="achievements_requirements_box_icon">
<p>bfjshdbghbasdshgjdhfj sdigjfnjsndfjn anfnf</p>
<div class="achievements_requirements_box">
<div class="achievements_requirements_box_icon">
<p>dont min me</p>
<div class="achievements_requirements_box">
<div class="achievements_requirements_box_icon">
<p>jhnjnasj asjnjasnd aJINSDIJAS</p>
<div class="achievements_trophy_counter">
<img src="ressources/icons/13A18.webp">
<div type="market" class="">
<div class="MRKTouter-container">
<div class="MRKTcontainer">
<header class="MRKTtop-bar">
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<div class="MRKTconnection-streak">
<img src="ressources/maingui/market/streak.png" alt="Flame Icon" class="MRKTflame-icon" />
<span id="MRKTstreak">_</span>
<!-- Tooltip for streak information -->
<div class="MRKTstreak-tooltip">
<strong class="MRKTstrongGap">Daily coin rewards based on streak:</strong><br><br>
- 1 day: 1 coin<br>
- 2 days: 2 coins<br>
- 3-4 days: 3 coins<br>
- 5-9 days: 5 coins<br>
- 10-14 days: 10 coins<br>
- 15-29 days: 15 coins<br>
- 30+ days: 30 coins
<div class="MRKTcoins-balance">
<img src="ressources/maingui/market/coin.png" alt="Coin Icon" class="MRKTcoin-icon" />
<span id="MRKTcoin-count">_</span>
<div class="MRKTcheats-section">
<div class="MRKTcheat">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ranks/rank2.webp" class="MRKTcheat-icon"/>
<button disabled>CLAIM</button>
<span><img src="ressources/maingui/market/coin.png" class="MRKTcoin-icon"/>50</span>
<div class="MRKTcheat">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ranks/rank3.webp" class="MRKTcheat-icon"/>
<button disabled>CLAIM</button>
<span><img src="ressources/maingui/market/coin.png" class="MRKTcoin-icon"/>100</span>
<div class="MRKTcheat">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ranks/rank4.webp" class="MRKTcheat-icon"/>
<button disabled>CLAIM</button>
<span><img src="ressources/maingui/market/coin.png" class="MRKTcoin-icon"/>200</span>
<div class="MRKTinfo-icon" title="Information" id="MRKTinfo-popup-trigger" translate="no">i</div>
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<div class="MRKTitems-info-title">BUY AND EQUIP ITEMS</div>
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<div>Mystery Box</div>
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<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/mcicon.webp" alt="Player Icon" class="MRKTitem-image"/>
<span class="MRKTitem-price"><img src="ressources/maingui/market/coin.png" class="MRKTcoin-icon" /> 300</span>
<button class="MRKTbuy-button" data-price="300" data-icon-target="MRKTplayer">Buy Custom Icon</button>
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<div class="MRKTicon-slot-text">Player Icon</div>
</div -->
<!-- div class="MRKTicon-slot" id="MRKTwoman1">
<img src="woman1_icon_placeholder.png" alt="Woman 1" />
<div class="MRKTicon-slot-text">Woman 1</div>
<!-- Blurred Background for Pop-ups -->
<div class="MRKTblurred-background" id="MRKTblurred-bg"></div>
<!-- Info Pop-up -->
<div class="MRKTpopup" id="MRKTinfo-popup">
<h3>Cheat Info</h3>
<p>You can get up to 350 bonus coins every update by activating the appropriate cheat tier in the Cheats Menu (Codes for Patreon and Subscribestar supporters).</p>
<button id="MRKTclose-info-popup">Close</button>
<div type="cheats" class="cheats_main">
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<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
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<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F2.webp" style="height: 110%; width: 17.5%">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
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<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/nutritionalvalue.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
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<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<h1>Resources Control</h1>
<div class="iconcontainer">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F1.webp">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F2.webp">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F3.webp">
<div class="codecontainer">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text" id="cheatsResources" value="Enter Code Here" maxlength="12"
onfocus="clearInputValue(this)" onblur="resetInputValue(this)">
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<div class="rankcontainer">
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<div class="buycheats" id="buycheatslvl1">
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<img src="ressources/maingui/medias/patreon.webp">
<div class="subs_subscribestar" id="buycheatslvl1">
<img src="ressources/maingui/medias/ko-fi.webp">
<p class="cheatsRecommended">SUBSCRIBESTAR RECOMMENDED</p>
<div class="infocheatsbox">
<p>Resources Control allows you to control the amount of resources you posess in the game. This includes: the wood, plastic, metal, food, slaves and any upcoming resources.</p>
<div class="infocheats" onclick="infocheatspu1();">ⓘ</div>
<div class="cheatbox blue">
<h1>Gallery Unlock</h1>
<div class="cheatboxThanks">
<h1 style="margin-bottom: 5vh; margin-top: 20vh;">Thank you for your support!</h1>
<h3>Loading cheats...</h3>
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<div class="cheatboxActive">
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex">
<img src="ressources/icons/8.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Cherie's Scenes</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;">
<img src="ressources/icons/9.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Lana's Scenes</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;">
<img src="ressources/icons/10.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Elfie's Scenes</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;">
<img src="ressources/icons/11.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Gabbie's Scenes</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;">
<img src="ressources/icons/12.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Angela's Scenes</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;">
<img src="ressources/icons/16.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Mia's Scenes</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;">
<img src="ressources/icons/19.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Chanel's Scenes</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;">
<img src="ressources/icons/13H5.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Group Scenes</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/mcicon2.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Solo Scenes</div>
<div class="iconcontainer">
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/boobjob.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/anal.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/handjob.webp">
<div class="codecontainer">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text" id="cheatsGallery" value="Enter Code Here" maxlength="12"
onfocus="clearInputValue(this)" onblur="resetInputValue(this)">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="rankcontainer">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ranks/rank3.webp">
<div class="buycheats" id="buycheatslvl2">
<div class="subs_patreon2" id="buycheatslvl2">
<img src="ressources/maingui/medias/patreon.webp">
<div class="subs_subscribestar2" id="buycheatslvl2">
<img src="ressources/maingui/medias/ko-fi.webp">
<p class="cheatsRecommended">SUBSCRIBESTAR RECOMMENDED</p>
<div class="infocheatsbox">
<p>Gallery Unlock allows you to see every scene and fight that is currently available in the game, with every women, immediately.</p>
<div class="infocheats" onclick="infocheatspu2();">ⓘ</div>
<div class="cheatbox purple">
<div class="cheatboxThanks">
<h1 style="margin-bottom: 5vh; margin-top: 20vh;">Thank you for your support!</h1>
<h3>Loading cheats...</h3>
<img class="cheatslogo" src="ressources/maingui/logos/logo3.webp">
<div class="cheatboxActive">
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" data-type="stat" data-type2="dominance">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/dominance_icon.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="stat" data-type2="virus">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/virus_icon.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="stat" data-type2="craftsmanship">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/craft_icon.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="stat" data-type2="charisma">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/charisma_icon.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="time">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/time2.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Freeze Time</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="loot">
<p class="textCheats" style="height: 110%;">LUCKY LOOT</p>
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Turn On</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="rewind">
<p class="textCheats" style="height: 110%;">REWIND DEATH</p>
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<div class="labelcheatsWomen">Turn On</div>
<h3>Lust Control <img class="cheatsTLicons" src="ressources/maingui/attributes/lust_icon.webp"></h3>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="lust" data-type3="cherie">
<img src="ressources/icons/8.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="lust"
<img src="ressources/icons/9.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="lust"
<img src="ressources/icons/10.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="lust"
<img src="ressources/icons/11.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="lust"
<img src="ressources/icons/12.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="lust"
<img src="ressources/icons/16.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="lust"
<img src="ressources/icons/19.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<h3>Trust Control <img class="cheatsTLicons" src="ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp"></h3>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="trust" data-type3="cherie">
<img src="ressources/icons/8.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="trust"
<img src="ressources/icons/9.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="trust"
<img src="ressources/icons/10.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="trust"
<img src="ressources/icons/11.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="trust"
<img src="ressources/icons/12.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="trust"
<img src="ressources/icons/16.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="cheatboxActiveFlex" style="margin-top: 2vh;" data-type="girl_stat" data-type2="trust"
<img src="ressources/icons/19.webp" style="height: 110%;">
<div class="codecontainer" style="margin-top: 0;">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<h1>Gamebreaker Mode</h1>
<div class="iconcontainer">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/time.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/map.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/dominance_icon_2.webp">
<div class="codecontainer">
<input class="labelcheats" type="text" id="cheatsGamebreaker" value="Enter Code Here" maxlength="12"
onfocus="clearInputValue(this)" onblur="resetInputValue(this)">
<div class="buttoncheats">➤</div>
<div class="rankcontainer">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ranks/rank4.webp">
<div class="buycheats" id="buycheatslvl3">
<div class="subs_patreon3" id="buycheatslvl3">
<img src="ressources/maingui/medias/patreon.webp">
<div class="subs_subscribestar3" id="buycheatslvl3">
<img src="ressources/maingui/medias/ko-fi.webp">
<p class="cheatsRecommended">SUBSCRIBESTAR RECOMMENDED</p>
<div class="infocheatsbox">
<p>Gamebreaker Mode basically allows you to completely modify the game's mechanics, as it is the highest tier cheat: it allows you to control time, virus level and all other attributes, the loot drops' rarities and lust/trust levels with the women. You may also cheat death.</p>
<div class="infocheats" onclick="infocheatspu3();">ⓘ</div>
<div type="settings" class="settings_main">
<div id="settings_A_mid">
<div class="settings_B_mid">
<div category="audio" class="settings_D_categories activeCat active">AUDIO</div> <!-- activeDiv: wich one is not WIP -->
<div class="settings_B_mid">
<div category="video" class="settings_D_categories">VIDEO</div>
<div class="settings_B_mid">
<div category="story" class="settings_D_categories activeCat">STORY</div>
<div class="settings_B_mid">
<div category="save" class="settings_D_categories activeCat">SAVE</div>
<div class="settings_B_mid">
<div category="aboutUs" class="settings_D_categories activeCat">ABOUT US</div>
<div id="settings_A_bot">
<div settingtype="audio" class="settings_B_bot">
<div class="settings_B_bot2" audioSlider="music">
<div class="settings_C_audio">
<div class="settings_D_music_txt">Music</div>
<label class="tgSwitch"><input type="checkbox"><div></div></label>
<!-- <div class="settings_D_music_button on">ON</div> -->
<div class="settings_C_jauge">
<input type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value=settings.music class="slider" id="myRange" />
<div class="settings_B_bot2" audioSlider="sfx">
<div class="settings_C_audio">
<div class="settings_D_music_txt">Audio <mini>(VFX)</mini></div>
<label class="tgSwitch"><input type="checkbox"><div></div></label>
<!-- <div class="settings_D_music_button on">ON</div> -->
<div class="settings_C_jauge">
<input type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value=settings.sfx class="slider" id="myRange2" />
<div settingtype="story" class="settings_B_bot">
<div class="settings_B_bot2 contrastMode">
<div class="settings_C_story">
<div class="settings_D_story_txt">High contrast mode</div>
<label class="tgSwitch"><input type="checkbox"><div></div></label>
<div class="DIAS_text">
<action>This is an action paragraph</action>
<inner>This is an inner thought paragraph</inner>
<div settingtype="save" class="settings_B_bot">
<div class="settings_B_bot2 save">
<div class="settings_srl_buttons" onclick="SugarCube.UI.saves()">SAVE</div>
<div class="settings_srl_buttons" onclick="SugarCube.UI.restart()">RESTART</div>
<div class="settings_srl_buttons" onclick="SugarCube.UI.saves()">LOAD</div>
<div settingtype="aboutUs" class="settings_B_bot">
<div class="settings_B_bot2 aboutUs">
<div class="settings_aboutUs_C1">
<fapoimage><img src="ressources/maingui/logos/logo3.webp" /></fapoimage>
<div class="settings_aboutUs_C2">FAP Online Creation</div>
<div onclick="window.open('https://www.patreon.com/OPAF/membership');"
class="settings_aboutUs_C3 patreon">
<reseaux><img src="ressources/maingui/medias/patreon.webp" /></reseaux>
<div onclick="window.open('https://fap-online-creation.itch.io/the-fapocalypse');"
class="settings_aboutUs_C3 itch">
<reseaux><img src="ressources/maingui/medias/itchio.webp" style="filter: invert(1)"></reseaux>
<div onclick="window.open('https://subscribestar.adult/fap-online-creation');"
class="settings_aboutUs_C3 kofi">
<reseaux><img src="ressources/maingui/medias/ko-fi.webp"></reseaux>
<div onclick="window.open('https://discord.com/channels/1048358082276769792/1107475310192107563');"
class="settings_aboutUs_C3 discord">
<reseaux><img src="ressources/maingui/medias/discord.webp"></reseaux>
class="settings_aboutUs_C3 f95">
<reseaux><img src="ressources/maingui/medias/F95zone.webp"></reseaux>
<div class="settings_B_bot2 aboutUs">
<div class="settings_aboutUs_C4">
<p><span translate="no">FAP Online Creation</span> or <span translate="no">FAP OC</span> is a new group of adult games creator aiming to deliver the best of what an HTML based game can offer.</p>
<p class="meet_team">Meet our team. <span translate="no">FapMat</span>, our creative content creator and world builder. <span translate="no">FapLaf</span>, the friendly graphic designer, game designer, and programmer. <span translate="no">˚₊‧✩𝓒𝓻𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓪✩‧₊˚</span> manages Communications, Marketing and helps with programming. And <span translate="no">FixFap</span>, our lead programmer handling the data and R&D.</p>
<p><span translate="no">The Fapocalypse</span> being <span translate="no">FAP OC</span> first game, the team will make sure to stay very attentive to the users recommandations and concerns. Our goal is to deliver the best product in the eyes of the people that play it.</p>
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<!-- SCRIPT - 1 - Menu -->\
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"default": 'D',
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"women": 1,
"achievements": 2,
"market": 3,
"cheats": 4,
"settings": 5
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window.MenuV_State = "default";
function titleAchievements() {
tchange.textContent = 'Achievements';
function titleMarket() {
tchange.textContent = 'Market';
function titleGoals() {
tchange.textContent = 'Goals';
function titleWomen() {
tchange.textContent = 'Scenes';
function titleCheats() {
tchange.textContent = 'Cheats';
function titleSettings() {
tchange.textContent = 'Settings';
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el.addEventListener('click', () => {
MenuV_State = type;
// hard code the women menu
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let type = el.getAttribute('type');
if (!type) return;
el.addEventListener('click', () => {
MenuV_State = type;
function MenuF_init_Misc() {
/* Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. */
let miscs = document.querySelectorAll(".passage > :not(.MenuS_mainCont, script, style)");
miscs.forEach((el) => { el.remove() });
function MenuF_click_menu(type) {
playAudio("sfx", "menu1.mp3");
let MenuS_contents = document.querySelectorAll('.MenuS_content > div');
let content = document.querySelector(`.MenuS_content > div[type="${type}"]`);
if (!content) return;
MenuS_contents.forEach((el2) => { // hide all
el2.style.display = "block";
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
content.classList.add('active'); // show the selected
MenuV_State = type;
function MenuF_Back() {
let MenuV_State_split = MenuV_State.split(".");
let l = MenuV_State_split.length;
let new_state;
let new_state_color;
tchange.textContent = 'Menu';
if (MenuV_State === "default") {
if (l === 1) {
new_state = "default";
} else {
new_state = MenuV_State_split.slice(0, l - 1).join("."); //ex: women.groups.test -> women.groups
MenuV_State = new_state;
MenuF_click_menu(MenuV_State); // init
<!-- STYLE - 1 - Women & Scenes -->\
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<!-- SCRIPT - 1 - Women & Scenes -->\
<!-- STYLE - 2 - Women -->\
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border-color: transparent rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.987) transparent transparent;
#women_and_scenes_arrow_right {
width: 0;
height: 0;
margin-left: 8;
top: 37vh;
border-bottom: 5vh solid transparent;
border-top: 5vh solid transparent;
transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
cursor: pointer;
border-left: 5vh solid rgb(163, 162, 162);
position: relative;
margin-left: 1vh;
#women_and_scenes_arrow_right:hover {
transform: translate(0.25vh, -0.25vh);
box-shadow: 15vh rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
border-color: transparent transparent transparent rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.987);
.disabled {
opacity: 0.5;
pointer-events: none;
.position_list {
height: 80%;
width: 70%;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
border: solid 0.5vh rgb(161, 160, 160);
border-radius: 1vh;
.morning_position {
height: 20%;
width: 90%;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 1vh;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
.morning_position_txt {
height: 100%;
width: 50%;
font-size: 1.8vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.morning_position_value {
height: 100%;
width: 50%;
font-size: 1.8vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.evening_position {
height: 20%;
width: 90%;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
.evening_position_txt {
height: 100%;
width: 50%;
font-size: 1.8vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.evening_position_value {
height: 100%;
width: 50%;
font-size: 1.8vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.afternoon_position {
height: 20%;
width: 90%;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
.afternoon_position_txt {
height: 100%;
width: 50%;
font-size: 1.8vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.afternoon_position_value {
height: 100%;
width: 50%;
font-size: 1.8vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.night_position {
height: 20%;
width: 90%;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 1vh;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
.night_position_txt {
height: 100%;
width: 50%;
font-size: 1.8vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.night_position_value {
height: 100%;
width: 50%;
font-size: 1.8vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
<!-- SCRIPT - 2 - Women -->\
// Get the scrollable element
var scrollableElement = document.getElementById('parent_woman_and_scenes_template');
// Get the arrow elements
var leftArrow = document.getElementById('women_and_scenes_arrow_left');
var rightArrow = document.getElementById('women_and_scenes_arrow_right');
var characters = [
{ name: "cherie" },
{ name: "lana" },
{ name: "elfie" },
{ name: "gabbie" },
{ name: "angela" },
{ name: "mia" },
{ name: "chanel" },
// --------- Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------
function applyStylesToShadows() {
var characterKey = Object.keys(characters); // obj to array
for (var i = 0; i < characterKey.length; i++) {
var character = characters[characterKey[i]];
var bordercolor = gameData.characters.list[character.name]?.bordercolor; //--theme-color
var shadows = document.querySelectorAll('.icon_presentation_bubble > .shadow');
shadows.forEach(function (shadow, index) {
if (index === i) {
shadow.style.boxShadow = `inset 0 0 4vh 1.5vh ${bordercolor}`;
shadow.style.color = bordercolor;
function create_template(obj) {
let bordercolor = gameData.characters.list[obj.name]?.bordercolor;
let backgroundcolor = gameData.characters.list[obj.name]?.backgroundcolor
let trust = modVariable("get", "girl_stat", `${obj.name}.trust`);
let lust = modVariable("get", "girl_stat", `${obj.name}.lust`);
var templateId = `plus_button_${obj.name}`;
var template = `
<div class="woman_and_scenes_template" style="--theme-color: ${bordercolor}">
<div class="woman_and_scenes_icon_presentation">
<!--div class="plus_button" id="${templateId}" style="border-color:${bordercolor}">
<img src="ressources/icons/13A7.webp"style = "filter: drop-shadow(0 200vh 0 ${bordercolor});transform: translateY(-200vh);">
<div class="icon_presentation_bubble"style="border-color:${bordercolor}">
<img src="${getCharacterImg(obj.name)}">
<div class="shadow"></div>
<div onclick="getscenePage('${obj.name}');" class="woman_and_scenes_scenes_button"style="background-color:${backgroundcolor}; border-color:${bordercolor};">
<div class="woman_and_scenes_scenes_button_img">
<img src="ressources/icons/13C16.webp">
<div class="woman_and_scenes_scenes_button_txt">
<div onclick="getTrustPage('${obj.name}')" class="woman_trust_button"style="background-color:${backgroundcolor}; border-color:${bordercolor};">
<div class="woman_trust_button_img">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp">
<div class="icon_stats_1_txt">${num_abreviation(trust)}</div>
<div class="woman_trust_button_txt">
<p translate="no">Trust Progress</p>
<div onclick="getLustPage('${obj.name}')" class="woman_lust_button"style="background-color:${backgroundcolor}; border-color:${bordercolor};">
<div class="woman_lust_button_img">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/lust_icon.webp">
<div class="icon_stats_1_txt">${num_abreviation(lust)}</div>
<div class="woman_lust_button_txt">
<p translate="no">Lust Progress</p>
<div class="woman_and_scenes_description">
<div class="description_bubble"style="background-color:${backgroundcolor}; border-color:${bordercolor}">
<div class="description_bubble_left">
<div class="description_bubble_name">
<p translate="no">${SV.characters.list[obj.name].name}</p>
<div class="description_bubble_age">
<p>${SV.characters.list[obj.name].age} <span translate="no">y/o</span></p>
<div class="description_bubble_role">
<p translate="no">${SV.characters.list[obj.name].role}</p>
<div class="description_bubble_prsentationtxt">
<div class="description_bubble_right">
<div class="description_bubble_right_top">
<div class="description_bubble_right_top_image">
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/boobjob.webp">
<div class="description_bubble_right_top_size" translate="no">${gameData.characters.list[obj.name]?.cup_size}</div>
return template;
characters.forEach(function (character) {
scrollableElement.innerHTML += create_template(character);
/*characters.forEach(function (character) { // à réactiver pour + button
getimageSet(character, `plus_button_${character.name}`);
// Define the width of the scrollable element
var mainelement = document.querySelector('.woman_and_scenes_template')
var scrollStep;
function calculatedwidth() {
var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(mainelement);
var width = computedStyle.width; // Width
var marginLeft = computedStyle.marginLeft; // Left margin
var marginRight = computedStyle.marginRight; // Right margin
var widthInt = parseInt(width, 10);
var marginLeftInt = parseInt(marginLeft, 10);
var marginRightInt = parseInt(marginRight, 10);
// Define the scrolling step (how many pixels to scroll per click)
scrollStep = widthInt + marginLeftInt + marginRightInt;
function fadeOut(i) {
if (leftArrow.classList.contains('disabled') || rightArrow.classList.contains('disabled')) {
return; // Exit early if the arrow is disabled
// Small margin of error to consider as the "end" or "start"
var errorMargin = scrollableElement.scrollWidth * 0.05;
// Check if scrolling is possible to the left or right
var canScrollLeft = (i < 0 && scrollableElement.scrollLeft > errorMargin);
var canScrollRight = (i > 0 && (scrollableElement.scrollLeft + scrollableElement.offsetWidth + errorMargin) < scrollableElement.scrollWidth);
// If scrolling is possible in the chosen direction, then perform the fade out and scrolling
if (canScrollLeft || canScrollRight) {
scrollableElement.style.opacity = "0";
setTimeout(function () {
left: scrollStep * i,
behavior: "smooth"
}, 100);
setTimeout(function () {
scrollableElement.style.opacity = "1";
// Wait for an additional half-second before enabling the arrows again
setTimeout(function () {
}, 250);
}, 300);
} else { // Else, do nothing (i.e., make scroll impossible)
// Attach event listeners to the arrows
leftArrow.addEventListener('click', function () {
rightArrow.addEventListener('click', function () {
// TODO, make it load directly in characters gallery
function getscenePage(characterName) {
if (characterName == "cherie") { // TODO catch character gallery
} else if (characterName == "lana") {
} else if (characterName == "elfie") {
} else if (characterName == "gabbie") {
} else if (characterName == "angela") {
} else if (characterName == "mia") {
} else if (characterName == "chanel") {
function getTrustPage(characterName) {
function getLustPage(characterName) {
<!-- STYLE - 1 - Achievements -->\
.achievements_adjust {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin-top: 3%;
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align-content: center;
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.achievements_upper_mid_top p {
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margin: 0;
line-height: 1;
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align-content: center;
.achievements_rarity_display p {
font-size: 2.5vh;
margin: 0;
.common {
color: rgb(89, 97, 102);
.uncommon {
color: rgb(60, 128, 0);
.rare {
color: rgb(36, 36, 178);
.epic {
color: rgb(112, 36, 166);
.legendary {
color: rgb(255, 215, 0);
.mythical {
color: red;
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width: 40vh;
height: 100%;
margin-right: 5vh;
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align-content: center;
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text-align: center;
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padding-bottom: 1vh;
color: rgb(223, 216, 216);
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-image: none;
.achievements_upper_right_1:hover {
background-color: rgba(44, 43, 43, 0.5);
border-color: rgb(164, 163, 162);
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width: 40vh;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
align-content: center;
.achievements_upper_left_1 {
width: 16vh;
height: 16vh;
border: 3px solid var(--MenuS_color_2_0);
border-radius: 50%;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
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align-content: center;
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
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height: 65%;
margin-top: 1vh;
.achievements_upper_left_2 {
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margin-top: 5vh;
color: rgb(223, 216, 216);
border-color: var(--MenuS_color_2_0);
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-image: none;
.achievements_upper_left_2 p {
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text-align: center;
margin: 0;
.achievements {
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width: 55vh;
height: 92%;
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flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-evenly;
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.achievements_arrow_up {
width: 0;
height: 0;
margin-left: 0.53vh;
border-left: 5vh solid transparent;
border-right: 5vh solid transparent;
transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
cursor: pointer;
border-bottom: 5vh solid var(--MenuS_color_2_0);
position: relative;
left: -0.3vh;
top: 0.1vh;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
.achievements_arrow_up:hover {
border-bottom: 5vh solid var(--MenuS_color_2_0_hover);
transition: all ease 0.3s;
.achievements_scrollwidth_block {
width: 80%;
height: 69.1%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
overflow-y: hidden;
overflow-x: hidden;
scrollbar-width: none;
scroll-behavior: smooth;
.achievements_clickable_block {
width: 13vh;
height: 13vh;
border: 2px solid rgb(173, 49, 49);
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
border-radius: 2vh;
margin: 1.1vh;
font-size: 2vh;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
background-image: none;
.achievements_clickable_block:hover {
background-color: rgba(100, 99, 99, 0.5) !important;
border-color: var(--MenuS_color_2_0);
.achievements_clickable_block_locked {
border: 3px solid var(--MenuS_color_2_0);
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height: 13vh;
transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
border-radius: 2vh;
margin: 1.1vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
align-content: center;
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-image: none;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
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cursor: pointer;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
border: 3px solid var(--MenuS_color_2_0_hover);
text-shadow: 0px 0px 8px var(--MenuS_color_2_1_hover), 0px 0px 16px var(--MenuS_color_2_1_hover), 0px 0px 24px var(--MenuS_color_2_1_hover);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0.5vw var(--MenuS_color_2_1_hover), 0 0 0.5vw var(--MenuS_color_2_1_hover), 0 0 1vw var(--MenuS_color_2_1_hover);
.achievements_clickable_block_locked img {
width: 40%;
height: 50%;
.achievements_arrow_down {
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height: 0;
margin-left: 0.53vh;
border-left: 5vh solid transparent;
border-right: 5vh solid transparent;
transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
cursor: pointer;
border-top: 5vh solid var(--MenuS_color_2_0);
position: relative;
left: -0.3vh;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
.achievements_arrow_down:hover {
border-top: 5vh solid var(--MenuS_color_2_0_hover);
transition: all ease 0.3s;
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width: 55vh;
height: 85%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
align-content: center;
transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
.achievements_template {
width: 55vh;
height: 85%;
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border-radius: 4vh;
color: rgb(223, 216, 216);
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
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background-image: none;
.achievements_title {
width: 100%;
/* height: 16%; */
border-radius: 4vh 4vh 0 0;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
font-size: 5vh;
font-weight: bold;
margin-top: 3vh;
padding-left: 1vh;
padding-right: 1vh;
.achievements_title p {
text-align: center;
margin: 0;
.achievements_title_description {
width: 85%;
height: 47%;
border-radius: 0 0 4vh 4vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
font-size: 2.5vh;
.achievements_title_description p {
margin: 1vh;
.achievements_requirements {
width: 100%;
height: 33%;
border-radius: 0 0 8vh 8vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
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width: 33.3333333333333%;
height: 110%;
border-radius: 0 0 4vh 4vh;
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flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
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width: 10vh;
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display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
border: 3px solid var(--MenuS_color_2_0);
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-image: none;
.achievements_requirements_box_icon img {
height: 80%;
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
border-radius: 28%;
object-fit: fill;
.achievements_requirements_box p {
font-size: 2vh;
margin: 1vh;
max-width: 80%;
height: 50%;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
object-fit: contain;
text-align: center;
overflow: hidden;
.achievements_trophy_counter {
opacity: 0;
height: 10vh;
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
border: 3px solid var(--MenuS_color_2_0);
border-radius: 50%;
position: relative;
top: -26vh;
left: -59.75vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
align-content: center;
text-align: center;
background-color: #0a0a0a;
transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
.achievements_trophy_counter p {
font-size: 3vh;
margin: 0;
position: relative;
.achievements_trophy_counter img {
width: 40%;
height: 40%;
object-fit: fill;
position: relative;
left: 0.5vh;
<!-- SCRIPT - 1 - Achievements -->\
function achievementPageSetup() {
var arrowUp = document.querySelector('.achievements_arrow_up');
var arrowDown = document.querySelector('.achievements_arrow_down');
var mainelement = document.querySelector('.achievements_scrollwidth_block');
var achievementsScrollBlock = document.querySelector('.achievements_scrollwidth_block');
var mainelementright = document.querySelector('.achievements_template_parent')
var unlockedAchievementsCount = 0;
var counter = document.querySelector('.achievements_trophy_counter');
function calculateScrollStep() {
var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(mainelement);
var height = computedStyle.height;
var borderTopWidth = computedStyle.borderTopWidth;
var borderBottomWidth = computedStyle.borderBottomWidth;
var marginTop = computedStyle.marginTop;
var marginBottom = computedStyle.marginBottom;
var heightInt = parseInt(height, 10);
var marginTopInt = parseInt(marginTop, 10);
var marginBottomInt = parseInt(marginBottom, 10);
var borderTopWidthInt = parseInt(borderTopWidth, 10);
var borderBottomWidthInt = parseInt(borderBottomWidth, 10);
return (heightInt + marginTopInt + marginBottomInt + borderTopWidthInt + borderBottomWidthInt) * 1;
arrowUp.addEventListener('click', function () {
mainelement.scrollTop -= calculateScrollStep();
arrowDown.addEventListener('click', function () {
mainelement.scrollTop += calculateScrollStep();
//for (let i = 0; i < SV.achievements.list.length; i++) {
for (let achievementKey in gameData.achievements.list) {
let achievementStaObj = gameData.achievements.list[achievementKey];
let achievementDynObj = SV.achievements.list[achievementKey];
let achievementBlock = document.createElement('div');
if (achievementDynObj.unlocked === 0) {
let lockedImg = document.createElement('img');
lockedImg.setAttribute('src', "ressources/icons/13F1.webp");
} else {
achievementBlock.textContent = achievementStaObj.name;
achievementBlock.style.color = "rgb(223, 216, 216)";
let colors = {
0: "rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.7)", // Common
1: "rgba(60, 128, 0, 0.7)", // Uncommon
2: "rgba(36, 36, 178, 0.7)", // Rare
3: "rgba(112, 13, 166, 0.7)", // Epic
4: "rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.7)", // Legendary
5: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7)" // Mythical
achievementBlock.style.borderColor = colors[achievementStaObj.rarity];
achievementBlock.style.boxShadow = `0 0 0.5vw ${colors[achievementStaObj.rarity]}, 0 0 0.5vw ${colors[achievementStaObj.rarity]}, 0 0 1vw ${colors[achievementStaObj.rarity]}`;
achievementBlock.style.textShadow = `0 0 0.5vw ${colors[achievementStaObj.rarity]}, 0 0 0.5vw ${colors[achievementStaObj.rarity]}, 0 0 1vw ${colors[achievementStaObj.rarity]}`;
/* switch (achievementStaObj.rarity) {
case 0: // Common
achievementBlock.style.borderColor = "rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.8)";
achievementBlock.style.boxShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.5), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.5)";
achievementBlock.style.textShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.5), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.5)";
case 1: // Uncommon
achievementBlock.style.borderColor = "rgba(60, 128, 0, 0.8)";
achievementBlock.style.boxShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(60, 128, 0, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(60, 128, 0, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(60, 128, 0, 0.5)";
achievementBlock.style.textShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(60, 128, 0, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(60, 128, 0, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(60, 128, 0, 0.5)";
case 2: // Rare
achievementBlock.style.borderColor = "rgba(36, 36, 178, 0.8)";
achievementBlock.style.boxShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(36, 36, 178, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(36, 36, 178, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(36, 36, 178, 0.5)";
achievementBlock.style.textShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(36, 36, 178, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(36, 36, 178, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(36, 36, 178, 0.5)";
case 3: // Epic
achievementBlock.style.borderColor = "rgba(112, 13, 166, 0.8)";
achievementBlock.style.boxShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(112, 13, 166, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(112, 13, 166, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(112, 13, 166, 0.5)";
achievementBlock.style.textShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(112, 13, 166, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(112, 13, 166, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(112, 13, 166, 0.5)";
case 4: // Legendary
achievementBlock.style.borderColor = "rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.8)";
achievementBlock.style.boxShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.5)";
achievementBlock.style.textShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.5)";
case 5: // Mythical
achievementBlock.style.borderColor = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)";
achievementBlock.style.boxShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8), 0 0 1vw rgba(204, 85, 0, 0.5)";
achievementBlock.style.textShadow = "0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8), 0 0 1vw rgba(204, 85, 0, 0.5)";
} */
var timeTransition = 300; // ms
achievementBlock.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (achievementDynObj.unlocked === 1) {
function displayAchievementPoints(achievementKey) {
let achievementStaObj = gameData.achievements.list[achievementKey];
let achievementDynObj = SV.achievements.list[achievementKey];
// Retrieve the rarity of the clicked achievement
let rarity = achievementStaObj.rarity;
var trophyBorderColor = document.querySelector('.achievements_trophy_counter');
var trophyboxShadow = document.querySelector('.achievements_trophy_counter');
trophyBorderColor.style.borderColor = raritycolor[rarity].borderColor;
trophyboxShadow.style.boxShadow = raritycolor[rarity].boxShadow;
// Determine point value based on rarity using the provided mapping
let points = gameData.achievements.rarityToPointValue[rarity];
// Update the achievements_trophy_counter div with the point value
let counterDiv = counter.querySelector('p');
counterDiv.textContent = points;
var raritycolor = {
0: {
borderColor: "rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.5)",
backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)",
textColor: "rgb(223, 216, 216)",
boxShadow: "0 0 0.5vw rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.5), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(54, 69, 79, 0.5)"
1: {
borderColor: "rgb(60, 128, 0)",
backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)",
boxShadow: "0 0 0.5vw rgba(60, 128, 0, 0.5), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(60, 128, 0, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(60, 128, 0, 0.5)",
textColor: "rgb(223, 216, 216)"
2: {
borderColor: "rgb(36, 36, 178)",
backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)",
boxShadow: "0 0 0.5vw rgba(36, 36, 178, 0.5), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(36, 36, 178, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(36, 36, 178, 0.5)",
textColor: "rgb(223, 216, 216)"
3: {
borderColor: "rgb(112, 13, 166)",
backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)",
boxShadow: "0 0 0.5vw rgba(112, 13, 166, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(112, 13, 166, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(112, 13, 166, 0.5)",
textColor: "rgb(223, 216, 216)"
4: {
borderColor: "rgb(255, 215, 0)",
backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)",
boxShadow: "0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.5), 0 0 1vw rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.5)",
textColor: "rgb(223, 216, 216)"
5: {
borderColor: "red",
backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)",
boxShadow: "0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8), 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8), 0 0 1vw rgba(204, 85, 0, 0.5)",
textColor: "rgb(223, 216, 216)"
function displayAchievementDetails(achievementKey) {
let achievementStaObj = gameData.achievements.list[achievementKey];
let achievementDynObj = SV.achievements.list[achievementKey];
var requirementBox = "";
var borderColor = "";
var boxShadow = "";
let rarity = achievementStaObj.rarity;
borderColor = raritycolor[rarity].borderColor;
backgroundColor = raritycolor[rarity].backgroundColor;
boxShadow = raritycolor[rarity].boxShadow;
for (let i = 0; i < achievementStaObj.requirements.length; i++) {
requirementBox += `
<div class="achievements_requirements_box">
<div class="achievements_requirements_box_icon">
<img src="${achievementStaObj.requirements[i].image}">
var template = `
<div class="achievements_template" style="border-color: ${borderColor}; background-color: ${backgroundColor}; box-shadow: ${boxShadow};">
<div class="achievements_title">
<div class="achievements_title_description">
<div class="achievements_requirements">
mainelementright.style.opacity = "0";
counter.style.opacity = "0";
setTimeout(function () {
mainelementright.innerHTML = template;
mainelementright.style.opacity = "1";
counter.style.opacity = "1";
}, timeTransition);
for (achievementKey in gameData.achievements.list) {
let achievementDynObj = gameData.achievements.list[achievementKey];
if (achievementDynObj.unlocked === 1) {
const pointsDisplay = document.querySelector('.achievements_upper_left_2 p');
pointsDisplay.textContent = `${SV.achievements.totalAchievementPoints}`;
<!-- STYLE - 1 - Market -->\
/* Outer container fixed at 120vh x 65vh */
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height: 65vh;
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transform: translateY(-50%);
/* Container for all content */
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/* Top Bar */
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z-index: 2;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
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box-shadow: 0 0 2vh var(--MenuS_color_3_1);
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/*.MRKTtop-bar::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.2), transparent);
opacity: 0.5;
z-index: -1;
animation: MRKTglowAnimation 5s infinite;
@keyframes MRKTglowAnimation {
0% {
transform: translateX(-100%);
100% {
transform: translateX(100%);
.MRKTconnection-streak, .MRKTcoins-balance, .MRKTcheats-section {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
/* Make the streak and coin balance closer */
.MRKTtop-bar-left {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: 3vh; /* Adjusted space between streak and coins */
.MRKTflame-icon {
height: 2.8vh;
margin-right: 0.8vh;
animation: MRKTflicker 1.5s infinite alternate;
@keyframes MRKTflicker {
0% { opacity: 1; }
50% { opacity: 0.8; }
100% { opacity: 1; }
.MRKTcoins-balance img {
width: 2.8vh;
height: 2.8vh;
margin-right: 0.5vh;
.MRKTcheats-section {
display: flex;
.MRKTcheat span {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
#MRKTstreak {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 120%;
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position: relative;
#MRKTcoin-count {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 120%;
/* text-shadow: 0 0 0.8vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.8); */
text-shadow: 0 0 0.8vh color-mix(in srgb, var(--MenuS_color_3_1) 80%, transparent);
/* Tooltip for streak information */
.MRKTstreak-tooltip {
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
left: 50%;
background-color: #222;
color: #fff;
padding: 1vh 1.5vh;
border-radius: 0.8vh;
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z-index: 10;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.3s;
.MRKTconnection-streak:hover .MRKTstreak-tooltip {
display: block;
opacity: 1;
.MRKTcheat {
margin-left: 3vh;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
position: relative;
.MRKTcheat-icon {
height: 4vh;
margin-right: 0.8vh;
/* filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.4vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.8)); */
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.4vh color-mix(in srgb, var(--MenuS_color_3_1) 80%, transparent));
.MRKTcheat button {
background-color: #007bff;
color: white;
border: none;
padding: 0.8vh 1.6vh;
border-radius: 0.8vh;
margin-right: 1vh;
cursor: pointer;
/* box-shadow: 0 0 0.8vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.7),
0 0 1.2vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.7); */
box-shadow: 0 0 0.8vh color-mix(in srgb, var(--MenuS_color_3_1) 80%, transparent),
0 0 1.2vh color-mix(in srgb, var(--MenuS_color_3_1) 80%, transparent);
transition: background-color 0.3s, transform 0.3s;
font-size: 0.96vh;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
min-width: 8vh;
.MRKTcheat button::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: -100%;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), transparent);
transition: left 0.5s;
z-index: 1;
.MRKTcheat button:hover::before {
left: 100%;
.MRKTcheat button:hover {
background-color: #0056b3;
transform: translateY(-1.6px);
.MRKTcheat button:disabled {
background-color: #666;
cursor: not-allowed;
/* Info Icon */
.MRKTinfo-icon {
width: 3.2vh;
height: 3.2vh;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #007bff;
color: #ffffff;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: bold;
margin-left: 3vh;
font-size: 1.8vh;
position: relative;
/* box-shadow: 0 0 1.2vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.8); */
box-shadow: 0 0 1.2vh color-mix(in srgb, var(--MenuS_color_3_1) 80%, transparent);
transition: transform 0.3s, box-shadow 0.3s;
.MRKTinfo-icon:hover {
transform: scale(1.1);
/* box-shadow: 0 0 1.6vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 1); */
box-shadow: 0 0 1.6vh var(--MenuS_color_3_1);
/* Main Content */
.MRKTmain-content {
display: flex;
gap: 1.6vh;
flex: 1;
height: 52vh;
.MRKTleft-section, .MRKTright-section {
padding: 1.6vh 1.6vh;
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border-radius: 0.8vh;
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box-shadow: 0 0 0.8vh var(--MenuS_color_3_1);
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flex-direction: column;
overflow-y: auto;
scrollbar-width: thin;
.MRKTleft-section {
flex: 3;
.MRKTright-section {
flex: 1;
.MRKTitems-info, .MRKTright-section h2 {
font-size: 2.08vh;
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 1.2vh;
text-shadow: 0 0 0.8vh #007bff;
.MRKTitems-info-title {
display: inline-block;
.MRKTitems-info-filter {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
margin: 0 0.5em;
padding: 0.2em 0.7em;
background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102);
cursor: pointer;
min-width: 3em;
max-width: 10em;
border-radius: 0.8em;
transition-property: border-radius, min-width;
transition-duration: 0.3s;
.MRKTitems-info-filter.active {
min-width: 10em;
border-radius: 0.8em 0.8em 0 0;
.MRKTitems-info-filter .MRKTitems-info-filterTitle {
transition: padding-left 0.2s;
.MRKTitems-info-filter:hover .MRKTitems-info-filterTitle,
.MRKTitems-info-filter.active .MRKTitems-info-filterTitle {
padding-left: 0.2em;
.MRKTitems-info-filter .MRKTitems-info-filterList {
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
transition: opacity 0.3s, transform 0.3s;
transform: translateY(-1em);
pointer-events: none;
opacity: 0;
.MRKTitems-info-filter.active .MRKTitems-info-filterList {
transform: translateY(0);
pointer-events: auto;
opacity: 1;
.MRKTitems-info-filter .MRKTitems-info-filterList div:last-child {
border-radius: 0 0 0.3em 0.3em;
.MRKTitems-info-filter .MRKTitems-info-filterList div {
padding: 0.2em 0.7em;
background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102);
white-space: nowrap;
overflow-x: hidden;
cursor: pointer;
transition-property: transform, background-color;
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.15,.15,.15,1);
transition-duration: 0.3s;
.MRKTitems-info-filter .MRKTitems-info-filterList div:hover {
transform: translateX(0.2em);
background-color: rgb(77, 77, 77);
.MRKTitems-container {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
gap: 2.4vh;
.MRKTitem-image {
height: 14vh !important;
.MRKTicon-slots .MRKTicon-slot {
margin-bottom: 2.4vh;
.MRKTicon-slots {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: space-between;
.MRKTitems-container::-webkit-scrollbar, .MRKTicon-slots::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0.64vh;
.MRKTitems-container::-webkit-scrollbar-track, .MRKTicon-slots::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: #2c2c2c;
border-radius: 0.32vh;
.MRKTitems-container::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, .MRKTicon-slots::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: #007bff;
border-radius: 0.32vh;
/* Square-shaped items */
.MRKTitem {
padding: 0.8vh;
border-radius: 0.8vh;
text-align: center;
/* box-shadow: 0 0 1.5vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 1); */ /* Increased glow intensity */
box-shadow: 0 0 1.5vh var(--MenuS_color_3_1);
transition: transform 0.3s, box-shadow 0.3s;
aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-evenly;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
align-items: center;
.MRKTitem img {
border-radius: 0.4vh;
object-fit: cover;
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
/* Rarity Overlays */
.MRKTitem[data-rarity="gray"] {
border: 2.4px solid rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.8); /* Increased border thickness */
box-shadow: 0 0 2vh rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.8); /* Increased grey glow */
.MRKTitem:hover {
transform: scale(1.05);
box-shadow: 0 0 2.4vh rgba(158, 158, 158, 1); /* Stronger hover effect */
.MRKTitem[data-rarity="blue"] {
border: 2.4px solid #007bff;
box-shadow: 0 0 2.4vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 1); /* Increased blue glow */
animation: MRKTblueGlow 3s infinite alternate;
@keyframes MRKTblueGlow {
0% { box-shadow: 0 0 1.2vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.8); }
100% { box-shadow: 0 0 2.4vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 1); }
.MRKTitem[data-rarity="yellow"] {
border: 2.4px solid #ffd700;
box-shadow: 0 0 2.4vh rgba(255, 215, 0, 1); /* Increased yellow glow */
animation: MRKTyellowSparkle 2s infinite alternate;
@keyframes MRKTyellowSparkle {
0% { box-shadow: 0 0 1.2vh rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.8); }
100% { box-shadow: 0 0 2.4vh rgba(255, 215, 0, 1); }
.MRKTcoin-icon {
height: 2.4vh;
margin-right: 0.64vh;
.MRKTitem-price {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
font-weight: bold;
.MRKTicon-slot {
border-radius: 0.8vh;
width: 45%;
aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
text-align: center;
/* box-shadow: 0 0 0.48vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.8); */
box-shadow: 0 0 0.48vh color-mix(in srgb, var(--MenuS_color_3_1) 80%, transparent);
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
overflow: hidden;
transition: transform 0.3s, box-shadow 0.3s;
position: relative;
.MRKTicon-slot img {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
.MRKTicon-slot-text {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
padding: 0.8vh;
text-transform: uppercase;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
color: white;
font-size: 1.2vh;
/* text-shadow: 0 0 0.4vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.8); */
text-shadow: 0 0 0.4vh color-mix(in srgb, var(--MenuS_color_3_1) 80%, transparent);
/* .MRKTitem:hover, */.MRKTicon-slot:hover {
transform: scale(1.05);
/* box-shadow: 0 0 2.4vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 1); */ /* Stronger hover effect */
box-shadow: 0 0 2.4vh var(--MenuS_color_3_1);
.MRKTbuy-button {
background-color: rgb(0, 123, 255);
color: white;
border: none;
padding: 0.96vh 1.2vh;
border-radius: 0.4vh;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background-color 0.3s, transform 0.3s, box-shadow 0.3s;
/* box-shadow: 0 0 0.4vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.8),
0 0 1.2vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.8); */
box-shadow: 0 0 0.4vh color-mix(in srgb, var(--MenuS_color_3_1) 80%, transparent),
0 0 1.2vh color-mix(in srgb, var(--MenuS_color_3_1) 80%, transparent);
font-size: 1.28vh;
font-weight: bold;
letter-spacing: 0.16vh;
text-transform: uppercase;
.MRKTbuy-button:hover {
background-color: rgb(0, 86, 179);
transform: scale(1.1);
/* box-shadow: 0 0 2vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 1),
0 0 2.4vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 1); */
box-shadow: 0 0 2vh var(--MenuS_color_3_1),
0 0 2.4vh var(--MenuS_color_3_1);
.MRKTbuy-button:disabled {
background-color: #666;
cursor: not-allowed;
.MRKTbuy-button.purchased_equip {
background-color: rgb(16, 184, 42);
box-shadow: 0 0 0.4vh rgba(16, 184, 42, 0.8),
0 0 1.2vh rgba(16, 184, 42, 0.8);
.MRKTbuy-button.purchased_equip:hover {
background-color: rgb(13, 155, 34);
box-shadow: 0 0 0.4vh rgba(16, 184, 42, 1),
0 0 1.2vh rgba(16, 184, 42, 1);
.MRKTbuy-button.purchased_unequip {
background-color: rgb(73, 156, 79);
box-shadow: 0 0 0.4vh rgba(73, 156, 79, 0.8),
0 0 1.2vh rgba(73, 156, 79, 0.8);
.MRKTbuy-button.purchased_unequip:hover {
background-color: rgb(11, 126, 28);
box-shadow: 0 0 0.4vh rgba(73, 156, 79, 1),
0 0 1.2vh rgba(73, 156, 79, 1);
.MRKTbuy-button.MRKTbutton-error {
background-color: red;
/*.MRKTbuy-button.equipped-not-purchasable {
background-color: #444;
cursor: default;
opacity: 0.6;
.MRKTbuy-button.equipped-not-purchasable:hover {
background-color: #444;
.MRKTbuy-button.equipped-not-purchasable:hover::before {
content: "Unequip";
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: 0 0 0.4vh rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.8);
.MRKTshake {
animation: MRKTshake 0.5s;
@keyframes MRKTshake {
0% { transform: translate(0.8px, 0.8px) rotate(0deg); }
10% { transform: translate(-0.8px, -1.6px) rotate(-1deg); }
20% { transform: translate(-2.4px, 0px) rotate(1deg); }
30% { transform: translate(2.4px, 1.6px) rotate(0deg); }
40% { transform: translate(0.8px, -0.8px) rotate(1deg); }
50% { transform: translate(-0.8px, 1.6px) rotate(-1deg); }
60% { transform: translate(-2.4px, 0.8px) rotate(0deg); }
70% { transform: translate(2.4px, 0.8px) rotate(-1deg); }
80% { transform: translate(-0.8px, -0.8px) rotate(1deg); }
90% { transform: translate(0.8px, 1.6px) rotate(0deg); }
100% { transform: translate(0.8px, -1.6px) rotate(-1deg); }
/* Blurred Background for Pop-ups */
.MRKTblurred-background {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
backdrop-filter: blur(8px);
z-index: 10;
display: none;
.MRKTblurred-background.show {
display: block;
<!-- SCRIPT - 1 - Market -->\
function MRKT_init() {
SV.market.filter = null; // yah or nah ?
function MRKT_updateUiItems(hardRefresh = false) { // DOM
let itemsCont = document.querySelector('.MRKTitems-container');
if (!itemsCont) throw new Error("MRKTitems-container Div not found");
if (hardRefresh === true) itemsCont.innerHTML = "";
function setupButton(item, buttonEl) {
let itemData = gameData.market.items[item];
let typeData = gameData.market.types[itemData.type];
buttonEl.className = ""; // clear all
//setup the innerHtml, disable and onclick
let bought = false;
let equiped = false;
let cantBeBought = false;
if (typeData.oneTimeBuy) {
bought = SV.market.items[item] ?? bought; // undefined or true
equiped = SV.market.equipped[item] ?? equiped; // undefined or true
if (typeData.zeta === null) {
cantBeBought = true;
if (bought === true) {
if (equiped === true) {
buttonEl.innerHTML = `Unequip ${itemData.name}`;
buttonEl.onclick = () => { MRKT_unequipIcon(item) };
} else {
buttonEl.innerHTML = `Equip ${itemData.name}`;
buttonEl.onclick = () => { MRKT_equipIcon(item) };
} else if (cantBeBought === true) {
buttonEl.innerHTML = `${itemData.name}`;
} else {
buttonEl.innerHTML = `Buy ${itemData.name}`;
buttonEl.onclick = () => { MRKT_buyItem(item, buttonEl) };
function filterOut(itemKey, itemData, typeData) {
let filterData = gameData.market.filters[SV.market.filter];
if (!filterData) return false;
if (filterData.itemKey) { // ex: "^.*MysteryBox$"
let regex = new RegExp(filterData.itemKey);
if (!regex.test(itemKey)) return true;
if (filterData.character) { // ex: "^mc$"
let regex = new RegExp(filterData.character);
if (!regex.test(itemData.character)) return true;
if (filterData.type) { // ex: "^.*eventIcons$"
let regex = new RegExp(filterData.type);
if (!regex.test(itemData.type)) return true;
return false;
for (let itemKey in gameData.market.items) {
let itemData = gameData.market.items[itemKey];
let typeData = gameData.market.types[itemData.type];
if (filterOut(itemKey, itemData, typeData) === true) continue;
let preExistingItemDiv = itemsCont.querySelector(`.MRKTitem[itemkey="${itemKey}"]`);
let isMysteryBox = itemData.type.includes('MysteryBox'); // ex: blueMysteryBox
let isCustomIcon = itemData.type === 'customIcon';
if (preExistingItemDiv) {
let buttonEl = preExistingItemDiv.querySelector('.MRKTbuy-button');
setupButton(itemKey, buttonEl);
let iconImg = preExistingItemDiv.querySelector('.MRKTitem-image');
if (isCustomIcon) iconImg.src = getCharacterImg('mc');
} else {
let itemDiv = document.createElement('div');
itemDiv.setAttribute('itemKey', itemKey)
itemDiv.setAttribute('data-rarity', typeData.rarity);
let iconImg = document.createElement('img');
if (isMysteryBox) iconImg.src = typeData.imageSrc;
else if (isCustomIcon) iconImg.src = getCharacterImg('mc');
else iconImg.src = 'ressources/icons/' + itemData.imgSrc;
let priceDiv = document.createElement('div');
if (typeData.zeta === null) { // not meant to be bought
priceDiv.innerHTML = 'Aquired through an event';
} else {
let priceImg = document.createElement('img');
priceImg.src = 'ressources/maingui/market/coin.png';
priceDiv.innerHTML += typeData.zeta;
let buttonEl = document.createElement('button');
setupButton(itemKey, buttonEl);
function MRKT_updateUiEquipped() {
let itemsCont = document.querySelector('.MRKTicon-slots');
if (!itemsCont) throw new Error("MRKTicon-slots Div not found");
itemsCont.innerHTML = '';
function setupOnClick(item, el) {
el.onclick = () => {
for (let item in SV.market.equipped) {
let itemData = gameData.market.items[item];
let typeData = gameData.market.types[itemData.type];
let preExistingItemDiv = itemsCont.querySelector(`.MRKTicon-slot[itemkey="${item}"]`);
//let isMysteryBox = itemData.type.includes('MysteryBox'); // should never be in equipped list
let isCustomIcon = itemData.type === 'customIcon';
if (preExistingItemDiv) {
setupOnClick(item, preExistingItemDiv);
} else {
let itemDiv = document.createElement('div');
itemDiv.setAttribute('itemKey', item)
itemDiv.setAttribute('data-rarity', typeData.rarity);
let iconImg = document.createElement('img');
if (isCustomIcon) iconImg.src = getCharacterImg('mc');
else iconImg.src = 'ressources/icons/' + itemData.imgSrc;
let textDiv = document.createElement('div');
textDiv.innerHTML = itemData.name;
setupOnClick(item, itemDiv);
function MRKT_storeCustomAvatar(callback) {
// get: getCharacterImg
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'file';
input.accept = 'image/*';
input.onchange = function(e) {
const file = e.target.files[0];
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(event) {
const img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = 128;
canvas.height = 128;
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 128, 128);
const compressedBase64 = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.7);
try {
localStorage.setItem('mcCustomIcon', compressedBase64);
console.log('Image successfully compressed and stored!');
if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(true);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error storing image:', error);
if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(false);
img.src = event.target.result;
function MRKT_equipIcon(item) {
let itemData = gameData.market.items[item];
let characterKey = itemData.character;
let avatarId = itemData.avatarId;
// delete same character equipped avatar
for (item_ in SV.market.equipped) {
let itemData_ = gameData.market.items[item_];
if (characterKey === itemData_.character) {
delete SV.market.equipped[item_];
if (item === 'mcCustomIcon') {
MRKT_storeCustomAvatar((equip) => { // callback
if (equip) SV.market.equipped[item] = true;
SV.characters.list[characterKey].image = 'customIcon';
} else {
SV.characters.list[characterKey].image = 'ressources/icons/' + itemData.imgSrc;
SV.market.equipped[item] = true;
function MRKT_unequipIcon(item) {
let itemData = gameData.market.items[item];
let characterKey = itemData.character;
if (item === 'mcCustomIcon') {
SV.characters.list[characterKey].image = gameData.market.defaultImgSrc[characterKey];
delete SV.market.equipped[item];
function MRKT_buyItem(item, buttonEl) {
let itemData = gameData.market.items[item];
let typeData = gameData.market.types[itemData.type];
if (typeData.zeta === null) return; // not meant to be bought
if (2**22 - typeData.zeta < SV.market.zeta[1]) {
playAudio("sfx", "error_7dB.mp3");
buttonEl.classList.add('MRKTshake', 'MRKTbutton-error');
setTimeout(() => {
buttonEl?.classList.remove('MRKTshake', 'MRKTbutton-error');
}, 500);
} else {
if (typeData.oneTimeBuy) {
SV.market.items[item] = true;
} else {
SV.market.zeta[1] += typeData.zeta
function MRKT_singleBuyItem(item) { // only for Mystery Box mainly
let itemData = gameData.market.items[item];
let typeData = gameData.market.types[itemData.type];
let items = Object.keys(gameData.market.items);
let filterType;
if (item === 'greyMysteryBox') filterType = 'greyIcons';
else if (item === 'blueMysteryBox') filterType = 'blueIcons';
else if (item === 'yellowMysteryBox') filterType = 'yellowIcons';
items = items.filter((item) => gameData.market.items[item].type === filterType);
function MRKT_getRandomItem() {
if (items.length === 0) {
console.log('No more item found in the Mystery Box');
return null;
let randI = Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length);
let item = items[randI];
if (SV.market.items[item] === true) { // already bought?
items.splice(randI, 1);
console.log('Item already bought, retrying...');
return MRKT_getRandomItem();
} else {
return item;
let randomItem = MRKT_getRandomItem();
if (!randomItem) return;
SV.market.items[randomItem] = true;
function MRKT_updateZeta() { // DOM
SV.market.zeta[0] < 2**20 ? SV.market.zeta[0] = 2**22 : null;
SV.market.zeta[1] < 2**20 ? SV.market.zeta[1] = 2**22 : null;
document.querySelector('#MRKTstreak').innerHTML = (2**22 - SV.market.zeta[0])
document.querySelector('#MRKTcoin-count').innerHTML = (2**22 - SV.market.zeta[1])
function MRKT_updateFilterButtons() { // DOM
let filterCont = document.querySelector('.MRKTitems-info-filter');
let filterTitle = document.querySelector('.MRKTitems-info-filterTitle');
let filterList = document.querySelector('.MRKTitems-info-filterList');
filterList.innerHTML = '';
let filterMenuOpen = false;
function closeFilterMenu() {
if (filterMenuOpen === false) return;
//setTimeout(() => {filterMenuOpen = false}, 0); // hack, delay to prevent double click
filterMenuOpen = false;
filterCont.onclick = (e) => { // filterTitle click
if (filterList.contains(e.target)) return;
if (filterMenuOpen === true) {
if (SV.market.filter === null) return; // to not refresh
SV.market.filter = null;
//setTimeout(() => {filterMenuOpen = true}, 0); // hack, delay to prevent double click
filterMenuOpen = true;
filterTitle.innerHTML = 'Filter';
function windowListener(e) {
if (!filterCont) window.removeEventListener('click', windowListener); // twine environment contraints
if (filterMenuOpen === false) return;
if (!filterCont.contains(e.target)) {
if (SV.market.filter === null) return; // to not refresh
SV.market.filter = null;
window.addEventListener('click', windowListener);
for (let filterKey in gameData.market.filters) {
let filterData = gameData.market.filters[filterKey];
let filterButton = document.createElement('div');
filterButton.innerHTML = filterData.name;
filterButton.onclick = () => {
if (SV.market.filter === filterKey) return; // already selected
SV.market.filter = filterKey; // ex: "cherie"
filterTitle.innerHTML = filterData.name;
function MRKT_setupInfoPopUpUi() { // DOM events
const blurredBg = document.getElementById('MRKTblurred-bg');
const infoPopup = document.getElementById('MRKTinfo-popup');
const infoPopupTrigger = document.getElementById('MRKTinfo-popup-trigger');
const closeInfoPopupButton = document.getElementById('MRKTclose-info-popup');
infoPopupTrigger.addEventListener('click', () => {
closeInfoPopupButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5); // Delayed to match the hide animation
async function MRKT_setupCheatButtons() {
const codes = [
const rewards = [50, 100, 200];
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.MRKTcheat button');
let currentTime;
try {currentTime = await MRKT_getCurrentTime()}
catch (error) {console.error('Error:', error)}
if (!currentTime) return;
const lastTime_Arr = SV.market.lastTime_Arr;
let timeNow_startOfDay = new Date(new Date(currentTime*1000).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)).getTime(); // epoch
let lastTime_startOfDay_Arr = [];
lastTime_Arr.forEach((lastTime, i) => {
lastTime_startOfDay_Arr[i] = new Date(new Date(lastTime*1000).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)).getTime();
let index = -1;
for (let i = codes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let code = codes[i];
let savedCode = SV.cheatsV2.savedCodes[i];
if (code === md5(savedCode)) {
index = i;
for (let i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {
let isSameDay = lastTime_startOfDay_Arr[i] === timeNow_startOfDay;
if (index >= i && isSameDay === false) {
if (isSameDay === false) {
buttons[i].disabled = false;
buttons[i].innerHTML = 'CLAIM'
buttons[i].onclick = () => {
SV.market.zeta[1] -= rewards[i];
lastTime_Arr[i] = currentTime;
buttons[i].disabled = true;
buttons[i].innerHTML = 'CLAIMED'
buttons[i].onclick = null; //remove the onclick
} else {
buttons[i].disabled = true;
buttons[i].innerHTML = 'CLAIMED'
} else {
buttons[i].disabled = true;
<!-- STYLE - 1 - Cheats -->\
#cheatboxcontainer {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
.cheatbox {
width: 35vh; /* Reduced cheatbox size */
height: 60vh; /* Reduced cheatbox size */
background-color: #111111;
border-radius: 2vh;
box-shadow: 0 0 1vh rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
.cheatbox {
border: none;
font-size: 2vh; /* Reduced font size */
color: #fff;
border-radius: 2vh;
letter-spacing: 0.4vh; /* Reduced letter spacing */
font-weight: 700;
transition: 0.5s;
transition-property: box-shadow;
z-index: 1;
position: relative;
padding: 1.5vh; /* Reduced padding */
.cheatbox.green {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
border: 0.4vh rgb(246, 249, 255) solid; /* Reduced border width */
.cheatbox.green:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 0.8vh rgb(246, 249, 255), /* Reduced shadow intensity */
0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255), /* Reduced shadow intensity */
0 0 6vh rgb(246, 249, 255), /* Reduced shadow intensity */
0 0 12vh rgb(246, 249, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
z-index: 0;
.cheatbox.blue {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
border: 0.4vh rgb(0, 162, 255) solid; /* Reduced border width */
.cheatbox.blue:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 0.8vh rgb(0, 162, 255), /* Reduced shadow intensity */
0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255), /* Reduced shadow intensity */
0 0 6vh rgb(0, 162, 255), /* Reduced shadow intensity */
0 0 12vh rgb(0, 162, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
z-index: 0;
.cheatbox.purple {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
border: 0.4vh rgb(136, 0, 255) solid; /* Reduced border width */
.cheatbox.purple:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 0.8vh rgb(136, 0, 255), /* Reduced shadow intensity */
0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255), /* Reduced shadow intensity */
0 0 6vh rgb(136, 0, 255), /* Reduced shadow intensity */
0 0 12vh rgb(136, 0, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
z-index: 0;
.cheatbox {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
.cheatboxThanks {
position: absolute;
font-size: 2vh; /* Reduced font size */
color: #fff;
letter-spacing: 0.4vh; /* Reduced letter spacing */
font-weight: 700;
transition: 0.5s;
transition-property: box-shadow;
border-radius: 2vh;
z-index: 0;
padding: 1.5vh; /* Reduced padding */
width: 100%; /* Reduced cheatbox size */
height: 100%; /* Reduced cheatbox size */
background-color: #111111;
position: absolute;
z-index: 5;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
overflow: hidden;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: column;
.cheatbox.green .cheatboxThanks {
outline: 0.4vh rgb(246, 249, 255) solid; /* Reduced border width */
.cheatbox.blue .cheatboxThanks {
outline: 0.4vh rgb(0, 162, 255) solid; /* Reduced border width */
.cheatbox.purple .cheatboxThanks {
outline: 0.4vh rgb(136, 0, 255) solid; /* Reduced border width */
.cheatslogo {
position: absolute;
margin: auto;
opacity: 0.1;
width: 140%;
border-radius: 50%;
z-index: -1;
top: 6vh;
.cheatbox input[type=text] {
min-width: unset !important;
.cheatbox input:not(:disabled):focus,
.cheatbox input:not(:disabled):hover,
.cheatbox select:not(:disabled):focus,
.cheatbox select:not(:disabled):hover,
.cheatbox textarea:not(:disabled):focus,
.cheatbox textarea:not(:disabled):hover {
background-color: white !important;
border-color: unset !important;
.cheatboxActive {
border: none;
position: absolute;
font-size: 2vh; /* Reduced font size */
color: #fff;
letter-spacing: 0.4vh; /* Reduced letter spacing */
font-weight: 700;
transition: 0.5s;
transition-property: box-shadow;
border-bottom-left-radius: 2vh;
border-bottom-right-radius: 2vh;
z-index: 0;
padding: 1.5vh; /* Reduced padding */
width: 100%; /* Reduced cheatbox size */
height: 80%; /* Reduced cheatbox size */
background-color: #111111;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
overflow-y: overlay;
scrollbar-width: thin; /* "thin", "auto", or "none" */
/* Define scrollbar color */
scrollbar-color: rgb(136, 0, 255) rgba(136, 0, 255, 0); /* thumb and track colors */
.cheatbox.blue .cheatboxActive {
scrollbar-color: rgb(0, 162, 255) rgba(136, 0, 255, 0); /* thumb and track colors */
.custom-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
border-radius: 5px; /* Border radius of the scrollbar handle */
.cheatboxActiveFlex {
height: 5vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
align-items: center;
.cheatboxActiveFlex img {
border-radius: 50%;
outline: 0.4vh solid white;
padding: 0.5vh;
.cheatboxActive .labelcheats {
width: 13vh;
.cheatbox .cheatboxActive h3 {
margin-top: 1.5vh;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.cheatsTLicons {
height: 3vh;
margin-left: 1vh;
.textCheats {
position: relative;
letter-spacing: 0;
line-height: 1.1;
font-size: 1.2vh;
width: 5.5vh;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 50%;
outline: 0.4vh solid white;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.particle-container {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 0;
pointer-events: none;
.particle {
position: absolute;
width: 0.8vh; /* Reduced particle size */
height: 0.8vh; /* Reduced particle size */
border-radius: 50%;
opacity: 0;
z-index: 0;
.cheatbox.green .particle {
background-color: rgb(246, 249, 255);
.cheatbox.blue .particle {
background-color: rgb(0, 162, 255);
.cheatbox.purple .particle {
background-color: rgb(136, 0, 255);
.cheatbox h1 {
font-size: 3.3vh; /* Reduced h1 size */
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 2vh; /* Reduced margin */
line-height: 4vh;
margin-top: 1vh;
z-index: 3;
position: relative;
.cheatbox h3 {
text-align: center;
margin: 0;
margin-top: 3vh; /* Reduced margin */
margin-bottom: 1.5vh; /* Reduced margin */
font-size: 1.4vh;
text-transform: capitalize;
.cheatbox.green h1 {
text-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
text-transform: uppercase;
.cheatbox.blue h1 {
text-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
text-transform: uppercase;
.cheatbox.purple h1 {
text-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
text-transform: uppercase;
.iconcontainer {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-evenly;
margin-bottom: 3vh; /* Reduced margin */
.iconcontainer img {
width: 15%; /* Reduced icon size */
opacity: 0.3;
transition: 1s ease all;
.cheatbox.green .iconcontainer img {
filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(327deg) brightness(108%) contrast(102%);
.cheatbox.green:hover .iconcontainer img {
transform: scale(1.2);
opacity: 1;
transition: 1s ease all;
.cheatbox.purple .iconcontainer img {
filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(327deg) brightness(108%) contrast(102%);
.cheatbox.purple:hover .iconcontainer img {
transform: scale(1.2);
opacity: 1;
transition: 1s ease all;
.cheatbox.blue:hover .iconcontainer img {
transform: scale(1.2);
opacity: 1;
transition: 1s ease all;
.infocheats {
font-size: 2.5vh; /* Reduced font size */
position: absolute;
right: 0.5vh;
bottom: 0;
transition: text-shadow 0.3s ease-in-out;
.infocheats:hover {
cursor: pointer;
transition: text-shadow 0.3s ease-in-out;
.infocheatsbox {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 55%;
background-color: #111111;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
border-radius: 2vh;
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
overflow: hidden;
.infocheatsbox p {
padding: 1.5vh; /* Reduced padding */
letter-spacing: 0px;
font-size: 1.6vh;
margin-top: 0;
padding-top: 0.5vh;
.infocheatsbox h3 {
padding-top: 1vh;
padding-left: 1.5vh; /* Reduced padding */
margin-top: 0.7vh; /* Reduced margin */
text-align: left;
.cheatbox.green .infocheatsbox {
outline: 0.4vh rgb(246, 249, 255) solid; /* Reduced outline width */
.cheatbox.green .infocheats:hover {
text-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
.cheatbox.blue .infocheatsbox {
outline: 0.4vh rgb(0, 162, 255) solid; /* Reduced outline width */
.cheatbox.blue .infocheats:hover {
text-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
.cheatbox.purple .infocheatsbox {
outline: 0.4vh rgb(136, 0, 255) solid; /* Reduced outline width */
.cheatbox.purple .infocheats:hover {
text-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
.labelcheats {
padding: 1vh 1.5vh; /* Reduced padding */
font-size: 1.8vh; /* Reduced font size */
width: 20vh; /* Reduced width */
border-top-left-radius: 3vh; /* Reduced border radius */
border-bottom-left-radius: 3vh; /* Reduced border radius */
border: none;
box-shadow: 0 0.2vh 0.6vh rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
background-color: #f5f5f5;
color: black;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
position: relative;
text-align: center;
margin-right: 0.5vh;
.labelcheats:hover {
background-color: lightgray !important;
.labelcheatsWomen {
padding-top: 0.65vh; /* Reduced padding */
padding-bottom: 0.65vh; /* Reduced padding */
font-size: 1.8vh; /* Reduced font size */
min-width: 19vh;
max-width: 19vh; /* Reduced width */
border-radius: 3vh; /* Reduced border radius */
border: none;
box-shadow: 0 0.2vh 0.6vh rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
background-color: #f5f5f5;
color: black;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
position: relative;
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0;
.cheatbox.blue .labelcheatsWomen:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
cursor: pointer;
.cheatbox.purple .labelcheatsWomen:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
cursor: pointer;
.labelcheats:focus {
outline: none;
background-color: #fff;
.labelcheats::placeholder {
color: #999;
.labelcheats:focus::placeholder {
color: #bbb;
.cheatbox.green .labelcheats:focus {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
.cheatbox.blue .labelcheats:focus {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
.cheatbox.purple .labelcheats:focus {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
.codecontainer {
display: flex;
margin-top: 4vh; /* Reduced margin */
justify-content: center;
.buttoncheats {
width: 5vh; /* Reduced width */
border-top-right-radius: 3vh; /* Reduced border radius */
border-bottom-right-radius: 3vh; /* Reduced border radius */
background-color: white;
color: black;
font-size: 2.5vh; /* Reduced font size */
text-align: center;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
.buttoncheats:hover {
transition: all 0.3s ease;
cursor: pointer;
.cheatbox.green .buttoncheats:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
.cheatbox.blue .buttoncheats:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
.cheatbox.purple .buttoncheats:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255), 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
.rankcontainer {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 3vh; /* Reduced margin */
.rankcontainer img {
height: 7vh; /* Reduced image height */
margin-right: 1vh;
.rankcontainer p {
font-size: 4vh; /* Reduced font size */
margin: 0;
margin-left: 1vh;
.buycheats {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
position: relative;
font-size: 2vh; /* Reduced font size */
width: 18.7vh; /* Reduced width */
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
padding: 1.5vh; /* Reduced padding */
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(246, 249, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
border: 0.4vh rgb(246, 249, 255) solid; /* Reduced border width */
margin-top: 4vh; /* Reduced margin */
border-radius: 1.5vh; /* Reduced border radius */
transition: all 0.3s ease;
.cheatsRecommended {
text-align: center;
font-size: 1.2vh;
letter-spacing: 0.2vh;
.buycheats p {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
opacity: 1;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
.buycheats:hover p{
opacity: 0;
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opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
right: -0.5vh;
width: 50%;
border-radius: 0vh 1.5vh 1.5vh 0vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
height: 100%;
align-content: center;
align-items: center;
/* width: 50%; */
border-left: solid 0.4vh white;
.subs_patreon img {
height: 5vh;
width: 5vh;
margin-right: 0.5vh;
.subs_patreon:hover {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
border-radius: 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh;
.subs_patreon2 {
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
right: -0.5vh;
width: 50%;
border-radius: 0vh 1.5vh 1.5vh 0vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
height: 100%;
align-content: center;
align-items: center;
/* width: 50%; */
border-left: solid 0.4vh white;
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height: 5vh;
width: 5vh;
margin-right: 0.5vh;
.subs_patreon2:hover {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
border-radius: 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh;
.subs_patreon3 {
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
right: -0.5vh;
width: 50%;
border-radius: 0vh 1.5vh 1.5vh 0vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
height: 100%;
align-content: center;
align-items: center;
/* width: 50%; */
border-left: solid 0.4vh white;
.subs_patreon3 img {
height: 5vh;
width: 5vh;
margin-right: 0.75vh;
.subs_patreon3:hover {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
border-radius: 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh;
.buycheats:hover .subs_patreon,
.buycheats:hover .subs_subscribestar {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 5;
.buycheats:hover .subs_patreon2,
.buycheats:hover .subs_subscribestar2 {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 5;
.buycheats:hover .subs_patreon3,
.buycheats:hover .subs_subscribestar3 {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 5;
.subs_subscribestar {
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
border-right: solid 0.4vh white;
left: -0.5vh;
width: 50%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 1.5vh 0vh 0vh 1.5vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
height: 100%;
align-content: center;
align-items: center;
.subs_subscribestar:hover {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
border-radius: 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh;
.subs_subscribestar img {
height: 5vh;
width: 5vh;
margin-left: 0.5vh;
.subs_subscribestar2 {
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
border-right: solid 0.4vh white;
left: -0.5vh;
width: 50%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 1.5vh 0vh 0vh 1.5vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
height: 100%;
align-content: center;
align-items: center;
.subs_subscribestar2:hover {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
border-radius: 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh;
.subs_subscribestar2 img {
height: 5vh;
width: 5vh;
margin-left: 0.5vh;
.subs_subscribestar3 {
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
border-right: solid 0.4vh white;
left: -0.5vh;
width: 50%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 1.5vh 0vh 0vh 1.5vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
height: 100%;
align-content: center;
align-items: center;
.subs_subscribestar3:hover {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
border-radius: 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh 1.5vh;
.subs_subscribestar3 img {
height: 5vh;
width: 5vh;
margin-left: 0.5vh;
.buycheats:hover {
visibility: visible;
.buycheats:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 4.5vh rgb(246, 249, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
transition: all 0.3s ease;
cursor: pointer;
#buycheatslvl2 {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(0, 162, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
#buycheatslvl2:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 4.5vh rgb(0, 162, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
#buycheatslvl3 {
box-shadow: 0 0 3vh rgb(136, 0, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
#buycheatslvl3:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 4.5vh rgb(136, 0, 255); /* Reduced shadow intensity */
<!-- SCRIPT - 1 - Cheats -->\
var cheatboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.cheatbox');
var numParticles = 200;
cheatboxes.forEach(cheatbox => {
const particleContainer = document.createElement('div');
for (let i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
const particle = document.createElement('div');
const particles = cheatbox.querySelectorAll('.particle');
const animateParticle = (particle) => {
const { width, height } = cheatbox.getBoundingClientRect();
const centerX = width / 2;
const centerY = height / 2;
const maxDistance = Math.min(width, height) * 0.2;
const angle = Math.PI * 2 * Math.random();
const x = Math.cos(angle) * maxDistance;
const y = Math.sin(angle) * maxDistance;
gsap.set(particle, {
x: centerX + x,
y: centerY + y,
opacity: 0
const direction = Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1;
const duration = gsap.utils.random(0.5, 1.5);
const particleAnimation = gsap.timeline();
particleAnimation.to(particle, {
duration: duration,
delay: gsap.utils.random(0, 1),
opacity: 1,
x: (i) => {
const angle = Math.PI * 2 * Math.random();
const radius = Math.max(width, height) / 2;
const x = Math.cos(angle) * radius;
return centerX + x;
y: (i) => {
const angle = Math.PI * 2 * Math.random();
const radius = Math.max(width, height) * 0.7;
const y = Math.sin(angle) * radius;
return centerY + y * direction;
ease: 'none',
onUpdate: () => {
const { left, top, right, bottom } = cheatbox.getBoundingClientRect();
const particleRect = particle.getBoundingClientRect();
if (
particleRect.left >= left - 10 &&
particleRect.top >= top - 10 &&
particleRect.right <= right + 10 &&
particleRect.bottom <= bottom + 10
) {
gsap.set(particle, { opacity: 0 });
} else {
gsap.set(particle, { opacity: 1 });
particleAnimation.to(particle, {
duration: duration * 0.2,
opacity: 0,
ease: 'none',
onComplete: function () {
}, `-=${duration * 0.2}`);
let isHovering = false;
const startAnimation = () => {
if (!isHovering) {
isHovering = true;
particles.forEach(particle => {
const stopAnimation = () => {
isHovering = false;
particles.forEach(particle => {
gsap.set(particle, { opacity: 0 });
cheatbox.addEventListener('mouseenter', startAnimation);
cheatbox.addEventListener('mouseleave', stopAnimation);
var isInfoVisible1 = false; // Track the visibility state of the elements
var tl1; // Declare the timeline variable
var isInfoVisible2 = false; // Track the visibility state of the elements
var tl2; // Declare the timeline variable
var isInfoVisible3 = false; // Track the visibility state of the elements
var tl3; // Declare the timeline variable
function infocheatspu1() {
var cheatboxElement1 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.green .infocheatsbox');
var cheatboxText1 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.green .infocheats');
if (!tl1) {
// If the timeline doesn't exist, create a new one
tl1 = gsap.timeline({
paused: true, // Start the timeline in a paused state
onReverseComplete: resetTimeline1 // Add a callback function to reset the timeline when the reverse is complete
// Set up the animation
tl1.to(cheatboxElement1, { duration: 0.4, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut"})
.from(cheatboxElement1, { duration: 1, height: '5.9vh', ease: "power1.inOut"}, "-=0.4") // Set the initial height to '0vh'
.to(cheatboxText1, { duration: 1, y: "-28vh", ease: "power1.inOut"}, "-=1");
// Toggle the visibility
if (!isInfoVisible1) {
// If elements are hidden, play the timeline
} else {
// If elements are visible, reverse the timeline
// Update the visibility state
isInfoVisible1 = !isInfoVisible1;
function resetTimeline1() {
// Reset the timeline to its initial state
function opencheats1(bypassAnimation = false) {
var cheatboxOpen1 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.green .cheatboxThanks');
var cheatboxShow1 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.green .cheatboxActive');
const tl4 = gsap.timeline();
cheatboxShow1.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
if (bypassAnimation) {
cheatboxShow1.style.opacity = 1;
} else {
// Add animations to the timeline
tl4.to(cheatboxOpen1, { duration: 0.4, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut", })
.from(cheatboxOpen1, { duration: 1, height: '5.9vh', ease: "sine.inOut", }, 0)
.to(cheatboxOpen1, { delay: 3, duration: 1, height: '-0%', ease: "sine.inOut", transformOrigin: "bottom", }, 0)
.to(cheatboxOpen1, { delay: 3.6, duration: 0.4, opacity: 0, ease: "power1.inOut", }, 0)
.to(cheatboxShow1, { delay: 3, duration: 0.4, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut", }, 0)
function opencheats2(bypassAnimation = false) {
/* opencheats1(bypassAnimation); */
var cheatboxOpen2 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.blue .cheatboxThanks');
var cheatboxShow2 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.blue .cheatboxActive');
const tl5 = gsap.timeline();
cheatboxShow2.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
if (bypassAnimation) {
cheatboxShow2.style.opacity = 1;
} else {
// Add animations to the timeline
tl5.to(cheatboxOpen2, { duration: 0.4, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut", })
.from(cheatboxOpen2, { duration: 1, height: '5.9vh', ease: "sine.inOut", }, 0)
.to(cheatboxOpen2, { delay: 3, duration: 1, height: '-0%', ease: "sine.inOut", transformOrigin: "bottom", }, 0)
.to(cheatboxOpen2, { delay: 3.6, duration: 0.4, opacity: 0, ease: "power1.inOut", }, 0)
.to(cheatboxShow2, { delay: 3, duration: 0.4, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut", }, 0)
function opencheats3(bypassAnimation = false) {
/* opencheats2(bypassAnimation); */
var cheatboxOpen3 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.purple .cheatboxThanks');
var cheatboxShow3 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.purple .cheatboxActive');
const tl6 = gsap.timeline();
cheatboxShow3.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
if (bypassAnimation) {
cheatboxShow3.style.opacity = 1;
} else {
// Add animations to the timeline
tl6.to(cheatboxOpen3, { duration: 0.4, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut", })
.from(cheatboxOpen3, { duration: 1, height: '5.9vh', ease: "sine.inOut", }, 0)
.to(cheatboxOpen3, { delay: 3, duration: 1, height: '-0%', ease: "sine.inOut", transformOrigin: "bottom", }, 0)
.to(cheatboxOpen3, { delay: 3.6, duration: 0.4, opacity: 0, ease: "power1.inOut", }, 0)
.to(cheatboxShow3, { delay: 3, duration: 0.4, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut", }, 0)
function infocheatspu2() {
var cheatboxElement2 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.blue .infocheatsbox');
var cheatboxText2 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.blue .infocheats');
if (!tl2) {
// If the timeline doesn't exist, create a new one
tl2 = gsap.timeline({
paused: true, // Start the timeline in a paused state
onReverseComplete: resetTimeline2 // Add a callback function to reset the timeline when the reverse is complete
// Set up the animation
tl2.to(cheatboxElement2, { duration: 0.4, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut"})
.from(cheatboxElement2, { duration: 1, height: '5.9vh', ease: "power1.inOut"}, "-=0.4") // Set the initial height to '0vh'
.to(cheatboxText2, { duration: 1, y: "-28vh", ease: "power1.inOut"}, "-=1");
// Toggle the visibility
if (!isInfoVisible2) {
// If elements are hidden, play the timeline
} else {
// If elements are visible, reverse the timeline
// Update the visibility state
isInfoVisible2 = !isInfoVisible2;
function resetTimeline2() {
// Reset the timeline to its initial state
function infocheatspu3() {
var cheatboxElement3 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.purple .infocheatsbox');
var cheatboxText3 = document.querySelector('.cheatbox.purple .infocheats');
if (!tl3) {
// If the timeline doesn't exist, create a new one
tl3 = gsap.timeline({
paused: true, // Start the timeline in a paused state
onReverseComplete: resetTimeline3 // Add a callback function to reset the timeline when the reverse is complete
// Set up the animation
tl3.to(cheatboxElement3, { duration: 0.4, opacity: 1, ease: "power1.inOut"})
.from(cheatboxElement3, { duration: 1, height: '5.9vh', ease: "power1.inOut"}, "-=0.4") // Set the initial height to '0vh'
.to(cheatboxText3, { duration: 1, y: "-28vh", ease: "power1.inOut"}, "-=1");
// Toggle the visibility
if (!isInfoVisible3) {
// If elements are hidden, play the timeline
} else {
// If elements are visible, reverse the timeline
// Update the visibility state
isInfoVisible3 = !isInfoVisible3;
function resetTimeline3() {
// Reset the timeline to its initial state
function clearInputValue(input) {
if (input.value === "Enter Code Here") {
input.value = "";
function resetInputValue(input) {
if (input.value === "") {
input.value = "Enter Code Here";
var buttonBuyCheats = document.getElementById('buycheatslvl1');
var buttonBuyCheats2 = document.getElementById('buycheatslvl2');
var buttonBuyCheats3 = document.getElementById('buycheatslvl3');
var buttonBuyCheats_subscribestar = document.querySelector('.subs_subscribestar');
var buttonBuyCheats_patreon = document.querySelector('.subs_patreon');
var buttonBuyCheats2_subscribestar = document.querySelector('.subs_subscribestar2');
var buttonBuyCheats2_patreon = document.querySelector('.subs_patreon2');
var buttonBuyCheats3_subscribestar = document.querySelector('.subs_subscribestar3');
var buttonBuyCheats3_patreon = document.querySelector('.subs_patreon3');
var breathingAnimation;
buttonBuyCheats.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
breathingAnimation = gsap.to(buttonBuyCheats, {
duration: 0.5,
ease: "none",
repeat: -1,
yoyo: true,
scale: 1.05,
buttonBuyCheats.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
gsap.to(buttonBuyCheats, {
duration: 0.5,
ease: "power2.inOut",
scale: 1,
// Add event listener to open the link in a new tab when the button is clicked
buttonBuyCheats_subscribestar.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Define the URL to be opened in a new tab
const url = 'https://subscribestar.adult/fap-online-creation/subscribe?tier_id=81788';
// Open the URL in a new tab
window.open(url, '_blank');
buttonBuyCheats2.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
breathingAnimation = gsap.to(buttonBuyCheats2, {
duration: 0.5,
ease: "none",
repeat: -1,
yoyo: true,
scale: 1.05,
buttonBuyCheats2.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
gsap.to(buttonBuyCheats2, {
duration: 0.5,
ease: "power2.inOut",
scale: 1,
buttonBuyCheats2_subscribestar.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Define the URL to be opened in a new tab
const url = 'https://subscribestar.adult/fap-online-creation/subscribe?tier_id=81789';
// Open the URL in a new tab
window.open(url, '_blank');
buttonBuyCheats3.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
breathingAnimation = gsap.to(buttonBuyCheats3, {
duration: 0.5,
ease: "none",
repeat: -1,
yoyo: true,
scale: 1.05,
buttonBuyCheats3.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
gsap.to(buttonBuyCheats3, {
duration: 0.5,
ease: "power2.inOut",
scale: 1,
buttonBuyCheats3_subscribestar.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Define the URL to be opened in a new tab
const url = 'https://subscribestar.adult/fap-online-creation/subscribe?tier_id=81790';
// Open the URL in a new tab
window.open(url, '_blank');
buttonBuyCheats_patreon.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Define the URL to be opened in a new tab
const url = 'https://www.patreon.com/OPAF/membership?';
// Open the URL in a new tab
window.open(url, '_blank');
buttonBuyCheats2_patreon.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Define the URL to be opened in a new tab
const url = 'https://www.patreon.com/OPAF/membership?';
// Open the URL in a new tab
window.open(url, '_blank');
buttonBuyCheats3_patreon.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Define the URL to be opened in a new tab
const url = 'https://www.patreon.com/OPAF/membership?';
// Open the URL in a new tab
window.open(url, '_blank');
function NfHc7Cs(){}var Ur9OsN=Object['defineProperty'],PV1f4JW,b2RhYj,iG46Rql,JaCp1QE,KnKWN_,brmcJiW,AcAvIlN,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2,GW8ckl,QOAuCxn,aopwK2,mVsKos7,tt6kd4,ernhtu,dpoTpO;function KXh97fV(NfHc7Cs){return PV1f4JW[NfHc7Cs>0x20?NfHc7Cs-0x3e:NfHc7Cs>-0xb?NfHc7Cs>0x20?NfHc7Cs+0xd:NfHc7Cs+0xa:NfHc7Cs+0x34]}PV1f4JW=Oy1F7g();var 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brmcJiW=ebLIV3m(NfHc7Cs=>{return PV1f4JW[NfHc7Cs>0x87?NfHc7Cs+0x3f:NfHc7Cs>0x5c?NfHc7Cs-0x5d:NfHc7Cs+0x2c]},0x1);if(typeof JaCp1QE===brmcJiW(0x69)){JaCp1QE=LTygMb}if(typeof KnKWN_==='undefined'){KnKWN_=FDSYYt}if(NfHc7Cs!==Ur9OsN){return KnKWN_[NfHc7Cs]||(KnKWN_[NfHc7Cs]=JaCp1QE(sD5UJN8[NfHc7Cs]))}if(iG46Rql&&JaCp1QE!==LTygMb){b2RhYj=LTygMb;return b2RhYj(NfHc7Cs,-brmcJiW(0x6a),iG46Rql,JaCp1QE,KnKWN_)}if(JaCp1QE===brmcJiW(0x70)){b2RhYj=KnKWN_}if(iG46Rql==JaCp1QE){return Ur9OsN?NfHc7Cs[KnKWN_[Ur9OsN]]:FDSYYt[NfHc7Cs]||(iG46Rql=KnKWN_[NfHc7Cs]||JaCp1QE,FDSYYt[NfHc7Cs]=iG46Rql(sD5UJN8[NfHc7Cs]))}};function Xfwb47H(){return globalThis}function BYrTAiv(){return global}function aDsMFM(){return window}function xB1oTbi(){return new Function('return this')()}function kTABhX(Ur9OsN=[Xfwb47H,BYrTAiv,aDsMFM,xB1oTbi],PV1f4JW,b2RhYj=[],iG46Rql,JaCp1QE){PV1f4JW=PV1f4JW;try{NfHc7Cs(PV1f4JW=Object,b2RhYj.push(''.__proto__.constructor.name))}catch(e){}rGlmsG:for(iG46Rql=KXh97fV(-0x1);iG46Rql<Ur9OsN.length;iG46Rql++)try{PV1f4JW=Ur9OsN[iG46Rql]();for(JaCp1QE=KXh97fV(-0x1);JaCp1QE<b2RhYj.length;JaCp1QE++)if(typeof PV1f4JW[b2RhYj[JaCp1QE]]==='undefined'){continue rGlmsG}return PV1f4JW}catch(e){}return PV1f4JW||this}NfHc7Cs(iG46Rql=kTABhX()||{},JaCp1QE=iG46Rql.TextDecoder,KnKWN_=iG46Rql.Uint8Array,brmcJiW=iG46Rql.Buffer,AcAvIlN=iG46Rql.String||String,bUo_aV2=iG46Rql.Array||Array,bCNbG2=ebLIV3m(()=>{var Ur9OsN=new bUo_aV2(0x80),b2RhYj,iG46Rql;NfHc7Cs(b2RhYj=AcAvIlN.fromCodePoint||AcAvIlN.fromCharCode,iG46Rql=[]);return ebLIV3m(JaCp1QE=>{var KnKWN_,brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2;NfHc7Cs(bUo_aV2=JaCp1QE.length,iG46Rql.length=0x0);for(bCNbG2=0x0;bCNbG2<bUo_aV2;){brmcJiW=JaCp1QE[bCNbG2++];if(brmcJiW<=KXh97fV(0x1d)){KnKWN_=brmcJiW}else{if(brmcJiW<=0xdf){var GW8ckl=ebLIV3m(JaCp1QE=>{return PV1f4JW[JaCp1QE<0x4f?JaCp1QE-0x47:JaCp1QE>0x4f?JaCp1QE-0x50:JaCp1QE+0x12]},0x1);KnKWN_=(brmcJiW&0x1f)<<GW8ckl(0x5b)|JaCp1QE[bCNbG2++]&KXh97fV(0x0)}else{if(brmcJiW<=0xef){KnKWN_=(brmcJiW&0xf)<<0xc|(JaCp1QE[bCNbG2++]&0x3f)<<0x6|JaCp1QE[bCNbG2++]&0x3f}else{if(AcAvIlN.fromCodePoint){var QOAuCxn=ebLIV3m(JaCp1QE=>{return PV1f4JW[JaCp1QE>0x85?JaCp1QE+0x2f:JaCp1QE<0x5a?JaCp1QE-0x3a:JaCp1QE<0x5a?JaCp1QE-0x27:JaCp1QE-0x5b]},0x1);KnKWN_=(brmcJiW&QOAuCxn(0x69))<<0x12|(JaCp1QE[bCNbG2++]&QOAuCxn(0x65))<<KXh97fV(0xa)|(JaCp1QE[bCNbG2++]&QOAuCxn(0x65))<<KXh97fV(0x1)|JaCp1QE[bCNbG2++]&0x3f}else{var aopwK2=ebLIV3m(JaCp1QE=>{return PV1f4JW[JaCp1QE<0x52?JaCp1QE<0x52?JaCp1QE-0x28:JaCp1QE-0x5e:JaCp1QE-0x36]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(KnKWN_=aopwK2(0x32),bCNbG2+=0x3)}}}}iG46Rql.push(Ur9OsN[KnKWN_]||(Ur9OsN[KnKWN_]=b2RhYj(KnKWN_)))}return iG46Rql.join('')},0x1)})());function euyhjr(NfHc7Cs){var Ur9OsN=ebLIV3m(NfHc7Cs=>{return PV1f4JW[NfHc7Cs<0x46?NfHc7Cs+0x1e:NfHc7Cs<0x46?NfHc7Cs+0x11:NfHc7Cs-0x47]},0x1);return typeof JaCp1QE!==Ur9OsN(0x53)&&JaCp1QE?new JaCp1QE().decode(new KnKWN_(NfHc7Cs)):typeof brmcJiW!==KXh97fV(0x2)&&brmcJiW?brmcJiW.from(NfHc7Cs).toString('utf-8'):bCNbG2(NfHc7Cs)}NfHc7Cs(GW8ckl=b2RhYj(0xd0),QOAuCxn={tIDJNtI:b2RhYj(0xca)},aopwK2=b2RhYj(0xb8),mVsKos7=[b2RhYj(0x9f)],tt6kd4=ebLIV3m((Ur9OsN,b2RhYj)=>{NfHc7Cs(Ur9OsN=(b2RhYj,NfHc7Cs,JaCp1QE,KnKWN_,brmcJiW)=>{var AcAvIlN=ebLIV3m(b2RhYj=>{return PV1f4JW[b2RhYj<-0x1?b2RhYj>-0x1?b2RhYj-0x26:b2RhYj<-0x1?b2RhYj+0x2b:b2RhYj+0x33:b2RhYj-0x4]},0x1);if(typeof KnKWN_==='undefined'){KnKWN_=iG46Rql}if(typeof brmcJiW===AcAvIlN(-0x1f)){brmcJiW=FDSYYt}if(b2RhYj!==NfHc7Cs){return brmcJiW[b2RhYj]||(brmcJiW[b2RhYj]=KnKWN_(sD5UJN8[b2RhYj]))}if(KnKWN_===Ur9OsN){iG46Rql=NfHc7Cs;return iG46Rql(JaCp1QE)}if(KnKWN_===void 0x0){Ur9OsN=brmcJiW}if(NfHc7Cs){[brmcJiW,NfHc7Cs]=[KnKWN_(brmcJiW),b2RhYj||JaCp1QE];return Ur9OsN(b2RhYj,brmcJiW,JaCp1QE)}if(JaCp1QE==b2RhYj){return NfHc7Cs[FDSYYt[JaCp1QE]]=Ur9OsN(b2RhYj,NfHc7Cs)}},b2RhYj={GSKwa_z:[],YmKmSG:ebLIV3m((b2RhYj=Ur9OsN(KXh97fV(-0x1)))=>{if(!tt6kd4.GSKwa_z[0x0]){tt6kd4.GSKwa_z.push(-0xf)}return tt6kd4.GSKwa_z[b2RhYj]}),oIHjc4N:[],C0dOxX:ebLIV3m((b2RhYj=Ur9OsN[KXh97fV(0x8)](void 0x0,[0x0]))=>{var iG46Rql=ebLIV3m(b2RhYj=>{return PV1f4JW[b2RhYj>0x28?b2RhYj>0x53?b2RhYj+0x4:b2RhYj<0x28?b2RhYj-0x41:b2RhYj-0x29:b2RhYj-0x31]},0x1);if(!tt6kd4.oIHjc4N[iG46Rql(0x32)]){tt6kd4.oIHjc4N.push(0x5b)}return tt6kd4.oIHjc4N[b2RhYj]}),yB0Ulb:0x36});return b2RhYj;function iG46Rql(Ur9OsN,b2RhYj='~LMJQkdPsXArWeYljCKbnHfDIU>BER3tu1V;}|%x/oZ270a9Sci_z&`mO)T8h,^?<:F(Gq=pN]yg#"$5[v.{!6*@4w+',iG46Rql,JaCp1QE,KnKWN_=[],brmcJiW,AcAvIlN=0x0,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2=0x0,GW8ckl){var QOAuCxn=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>0x21?Ur9OsN<0x4c?Ur9OsN-0x22:Ur9OsN-0x36:Ur9OsN+0x15]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(iG46Rql=''+(Ur9OsN||''),JaCp1QE=iG46Rql.length,brmcJiW=QOAuCxn(0x2b),bUo_aV2=-QOAuCxn(0x2f));for(bCNbG2=bCNbG2;bCNbG2<JaCp1QE;bCNbG2++){var aopwK2=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x66?Ur9OsN-0x3c:Ur9OsN+0x23]},0x1);GW8ckl=b2RhYj.indexOf(iG46Rql[bCNbG2]);if(GW8ckl===-QOAuCxn(0x2f)){continue}if(bUo_aV2<aopwK2(0x45)){bUo_aV2=GW8ckl}else{var mVsKos7=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x11?Ur9OsN<-0x1a?Ur9OsN-0x1b:Ur9OsN<-0x1a?Ur9OsN-0x31:Ur9OsN<-0x1a?Ur9OsN+0x2a:Ur9OsN+0x19:Ur9OsN+0xe]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(bUo_aV2+=GW8ckl*0x5b,brmcJiW|=bUo_aV2<<AcAvIlN,AcAvIlN+=(bUo_aV2&aopwK2(0x5a))>0x58?0xd:mVsKos7(-0xa));do{NfHc7Cs(KnKWN_.push(brmcJiW&0xff),brmcJiW>>=0x8,AcAvIlN-=0x8)}while(AcAvIlN>KXh97fV(0x4));bUo_aV2=-QOAuCxn(0x2f)}}if(bUo_aV2>-KXh97fV(0x3)){KnKWN_.push((brmcJiW|bUo_aV2<<AcAvIlN)&0xff)}return euyhjr(KnKWN_)}},0x2)());function PFZkXEI(...Ur9OsN){var b2RhYj;function iG46Rql(Ur9OsN){return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>0x19?Ur9OsN-0x2d:Ur9OsN<-0x12?Ur9OsN+0x10:Ur9OsN+0x11]}b2RhYj=(Ur9OsN,iG46Rql,NfHc7Cs,KnKWN_,brmcJiW)=>{var AcAvIlN=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<-0xf?Ur9OsN+0x39:Ur9OsN+0x45]},0x1);if(typeof KnKWN_===AcAvIlN(-0x2d)){KnKWN_=JaCp1QE}if(typeof brmcJiW==='undefined'){brmcJiW=FDSYYt}if(KnKWN_===b2RhYj){JaCp1QE=iG46Rql;return JaCp1QE(NfHc7Cs)}if(Ur9OsN!==iG46Rql){return brmcJiW[Ur9OsN]||(brmcJiW[Ur9OsN]=KnKWN_(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}if(KnKWN_===void 0x0){b2RhYj=brmcJiW}if(NfHc7Cs&&KnKWN_!==JaCp1QE){b2RhYj=JaCp1QE;return b2RhYj(Ur9OsN,-AcAvIlN(-0x2c),NfHc7Cs,KnKWN_,brmcJiW)}};return Ur9OsN[Ur9OsN[b2RhYj(iG46Rql(-0x4))]-0x1];function JaCp1QE(Ur9OsN,b2RhYj='H40;y8L2!ufV`D^%{J*$aF+O?d=ZeUt_6W7|Glcr9SK"A#n~[p:ET1MhzB&RvjIwk}Xs5CgbY(Q]x<mo3Ni,./>q)P@',JaCp1QE,KnKWN_,brmcJiW=[],AcAvIlN,bUo_aV2=0x0,bCNbG2,GW8ckl,QOAuCxn){var aopwK2=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<-0x7?Ur9OsN<-0x32?Ur9OsN+0x63:Ur9OsN+0x31:Ur9OsN-0x2c]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(JaCp1QE=''+(Ur9OsN||''),KnKWN_=JaCp1QE.length,AcAvIlN=KXh97fV(-0x1),bCNbG2=-KXh97fV(0x3));for(GW8ckl=aopwK2(-0x28);GW8ckl<KnKWN_;GW8ckl++){var mVsKos7=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x39?Ur9OsN>0xe?Ur9OsN-0xf:Ur9OsN-0xe:Ur9OsN-0x3]},0x1);QOAuCxn=b2RhYj.indexOf(JaCp1QE[GW8ckl]);if(QOAuCxn===-mVsKos7(0x1c)){continue}if(bCNbG2<iG46Rql(-0x8)){bCNbG2=QOAuCxn}else{var tt6kd4=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>0x6f?Ur9OsN-0x48:Ur9OsN<0x44?Ur9OsN-0x36:Ur9OsN>0x44?Ur9OsN-0x45:Ur9OsN-0x5b]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(bCNbG2+=QOAuCxn*aopwK2(-0x19),AcAvIlN|=bCNbG2<<bUo_aV2,bUo_aV2+=(bCNbG2&0x1fff)>0x58?0xd:KXh97fV(0x5));do{var ernhtu=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x8b?Ur9OsN-0x61:Ur9OsN+0x3c]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(brmcJiW.push(AcAvIlN&ernhtu(0x72)),AcAvIlN>>=mVsKos7(0x1f),bUo_aV2-=ernhtu(0x71))}while(bUo_aV2>tt6kd4(0x53));bCNbG2=-tt6kd4(0x52)}}if(bCNbG2>-aopwK2(-0x24)){var dpoTpO=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x5b?Ur9OsN>0x30?Ur9OsN>0x5b?Ur9OsN+0x6:Ur9OsN-0x31:Ur9OsN+0x52:Ur9OsN-0x2b]},0x1);brmcJiW.push((AcAvIlN|bCNbG2<<bUo_aV2)&dpoTpO(0x42))}return euyhjr(brmcJiW)}}function rvNEIDh(NfHc7Cs,Ur9OsN){switch(ernhtu){case 0xc:return!NfHc7Cs;case 0x10:return NfHc7Cs+Ur9OsN;case-KXh97fV(0x11):return-NfHc7Cs}}function c1rYInO(NfHc7Cs){var Ur9OsN=ebLIV3m(NfHc7Cs=>{return PV1f4JW[NfHc7Cs>0x8d?NfHc7Cs-0x1a:NfHc7Cs<0x8d?NfHc7Cs-0x63:NfHc7Cs-0x36]},0x1);return PFZkXEI(NfHc7Cs=ernhtu+(ernhtu=NfHc7Cs,Ur9OsN(0x6c)),NfHc7Cs)}NfHc7Cs(ernhtu=ernhtu,dpoTpO=Object[b2RhYj(0x2)](null),ebLIV3m(()=>{var Ur9OsN;function iG46Rql(Ur9OsN){return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>0x2?Ur9OsN+0x2:Ur9OsN>-0x29?Ur9OsN<0x2?Ur9OsN+0x28:Ur9OsN-0x28:Ur9OsN-0x54]}Ur9OsN=[b2RhYj[iG46Rql(-0x16)](iG46Rql(-0x15),[0x3])];if(typeof scriptsLoaded===Ur9OsN[0x0]){setTimeout(checkIfDocIsLoaded,0xa)}else{var JaCp1QE=(Ur9OsN,iG46Rql,KnKWN_,brmcJiW,AcAvIlN)=>{var bUo_aV2=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x36?Ur9OsN-0xc:Ur9OsN-0x4f]},0x1);if(typeof brmcJiW==='undefined'){brmcJiW=aopwK2}if(typeof AcAvIlN===bUo_aV2(0x18)){AcAvIlN=FDSYYt}if(KnKWN_==Ur9OsN){return iG46Rql[FDSYYt[KnKWN_]]=JaCp1QE(Ur9OsN,iG46Rql)}if(KnKWN_==brmcJiW){return iG46Rql?Ur9OsN[AcAvIlN[iG46Rql]]:FDSYYt[Ur9OsN]||(KnKWN_=AcAvIlN[Ur9OsN]||brmcJiW,FDSYYt[Ur9OsN]=KnKWN_(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}if(brmcJiW===JaCp1QE){aopwK2=iG46Rql;return aopwK2(KnKWN_)}if(Ur9OsN!==iG46Rql){return AcAvIlN[Ur9OsN]||(AcAvIlN[Ur9OsN]=brmcJiW(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}if(brmcJiW===void 0x0){JaCp1QE=AcAvIlN}},KnKWN_;KnKWN_=[b2RhYj(0x5)];let brmcJiW=[b2RhYj(0x4),KnKWN_[iG46Rql(-0x1f)],JaCp1QE(iG46Rql(-0x1d))],AcAvIlN=[!0x1,!0x1,!0x1];function bUo_aV2(Ur9OsN=!0x1){for(let KnKWN_=PFZkXEI(console[b2RhYj(KXh97fV(0x4))](b2RhYj(KXh97fV(0x6))),0x0);KnKWN_<brmcJiW[b2RhYj(0x9)]&&tt6kd4.YmKmSG();KnKWN_++){var bUo_aV2;function bCNbG2(Ur9OsN){return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<-0x27?Ur9OsN+0x34:Ur9OsN>-0x27?Ur9OsN>-0x27?Ur9OsN<0x4?Ur9OsN+0x26:Ur9OsN-0x43:Ur9OsN-0x24:Ur9OsN+0x37]}bUo_aV2=b2RhYj(0xa);let QOAuCxn=brmcJiW[KnKWN_],aopwK2=SV[bUo_aV2][JaCp1QE[iG46Rql(-0x16)](bCNbG2(-0x13),[0xb])][KnKWN_];if(QOAuCxn===md5(aopwK2)){switch(KnKWN_){case KXh97fV(0x15):if(AcAvIlN[0x2]){break}NfHc7Cs(opencheats3(Ur9OsN),GW8ckl(0x2));case 0x1:if(AcAvIlN[iG46Rql(-0x1b)]){break}NfHc7Cs(opencheats2(Ur9OsN),GW8ckl(bCNbG2(-0x19)));case 0x0:if(AcAvIlN[0x0]){break}NfHc7Cs(opencheats1(Ur9OsN),GW8ckl(0x0))}}}};function bCNbG2(){bUo_aV2(!0x0)};function GW8ckl(Ur9OsN){let KnKWN_=document[b2RhYj(KXh97fV(0xa))](b2RhYj(iG46Rql(-0xf)))[Ur9OsN];if(AcAvIlN[Ur9OsN]){return}if(PFZkXEI(AcAvIlN[Ur9OsN]=!0x0,Ur9OsN)==0x0){var brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2,GW8ckl;function QOAuCxn(Ur9OsN){return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x7d?Ur9OsN>0x7d?Ur9OsN-0x40:Ur9OsN-0x53:Ur9OsN-0x2d]}NfHc7Cs(brmcJiW=JaCp1QE(0x22),bUo_aV2=[JaCp1QE(0x13)],bCNbG2=b2RhYj(0x10),GW8ckl=b2RhYj(0xf));let aopwK2=KnKWN_[b2RhYj[QOAuCxn(0x68)](KXh97fV(0x9),0xc)](b2RhYj(KXh97fV(0x5))),mVsKos7=KnKWN_[b2RhYj(QOAuCxn(0x67))](GW8ckl),Xfwb47H=[bCNbG2,JaCp1QE(0x11),b2RhYj(0x12),bUo_aV2[0x0],JaCp1QE(KXh97fV(0xd))];function BYrTAiv(Ur9OsN){var KnKWN_,brmcJiW;function bUo_aV2(Ur9OsN){return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x29?Ur9OsN<0x29?Ur9OsN>-0x2?Ur9OsN>-0x2?Ur9OsN+0x1:Ur9OsN-0xb:Ur9OsN-0x56:Ur9OsN+0x1d:Ur9OsN-0x14]}NfHc7Cs(KnKWN_=b2RhYj(0x19),brmcJiW={[KXh97fV(0xc)]:b2RhYj(0x16),Mb6LSE:b2RhYj[iG46Rql(-0x13)](iG46Rql(-0x15),0x18)});let bCNbG2=aopwK2[Ur9OsN][JaCp1QE(0x15)],GW8ckl=PFZkXEI(bCNbG2=num_abreviation(bCNbG2,brmcJiW[KXh97fV(0xc)]),bCNbG2=Math[JaCp1QE(0x17)](0x0,bCNbG2),bCNbG2=Math[brmcJiW.Mb6LSE](Number[KnKWN_],bCNbG2),Xfwb47H[Ur9OsN]);if(GW8ckl===JaCp1QE(bUo_aV2(0x16))&&tt6kd4.YmKmSG()){var mVsKos7=(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_,brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2)=>{if(typeof bUo_aV2===QOAuCxn(0x5f)){bUo_aV2=BYrTAiv}if(typeof bCNbG2===iG46Rql(-0x1c)){bCNbG2=FDSYYt}if(brmcJiW&&bUo_aV2!==BYrTAiv){mVsKos7=BYrTAiv;return mVsKos7(Ur9OsN,-KXh97fV(0x3),brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2)}if(KnKWN_){[bCNbG2,KnKWN_]=[bUo_aV2(bCNbG2),Ur9OsN||brmcJiW];return mVsKos7(Ur9OsN,bCNbG2,brmcJiW)}if(Ur9OsN!==KnKWN_){return bCNbG2[Ur9OsN]||(bCNbG2[Ur9OsN]=bUo_aV2(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}if(brmcJiW==bUo_aV2){return KnKWN_?Ur9OsN[bCNbG2[KnKWN_]]:FDSYYt[Ur9OsN]||(brmcJiW=bCNbG2[Ur9OsN]||bUo_aV2,FDSYYt[Ur9OsN]=brmcJiW(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}};SV[JaCp1QE(0x14)][mVsKos7(0x1a)]=bCNbG2;function BYrTAiv(KnKWN_,brmcJiW='{7#(*u9t8G~J]^UA?ZoOEq$;D%BeYHv5bCg6:L&Q1"),r>@hK3[dP}2j.n=|cW+/p!0MXs_NRFi4Sywm<kx`faTlIVz',bCNbG2,GW8ckl,mVsKos7=[],BYrTAiv,aDsMFM,kTABhX,aopwK2=0x0,Xfwb47H){NfHc7Cs(bCNbG2=''+(KnKWN_||''),GW8ckl=bCNbG2.length,BYrTAiv=QOAuCxn(0x5c),aDsMFM=iG46Rql(-0x1f),kTABhX=-0x1);for(aopwK2=aopwK2;aopwK2<GW8ckl;aopwK2++){Xfwb47H=brmcJiW.indexOf(bCNbG2[aopwK2]);if(Xfwb47H===-KXh97fV(0x3)){continue}if(kTABhX<0x0){kTABhX=Xfwb47H}else{var LTygMb=ebLIV3m(KnKWN_=>{return PV1f4JW[KnKWN_>-0x1e?KnKWN_<-0x1e?KnKWN_-0x4a:KnKWN_+0x1d:KnKWN_-0x2e]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(kTABhX+=Xfwb47H*iG46Rql(-0x10),BYrTAiv|=kTABhX<<aDsMFM,aDsMFM+=(kTABhX&0x1fff)>0x58?bUo_aV2(0x18):bUo_aV2(0xe));do{var Oy1F7g=ebLIV3m(KnKWN_=>{return PV1f4JW[KnKWN_<-0x21?KnKWN_-0x29:KnKWN_>-0x21?KnKWN_>-0x21?KnKWN_+0x20:KnKWN_+0x18:KnKWN_+0x18]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(mVsKos7.push(BYrTAiv&Oy1F7g(-0xf)),BYrTAiv>>=0x8,aDsMFM-=0x8)}while(aDsMFM>0x7);kTABhX=-LTygMb(-0x10)}}if(kTABhX>-0x1){mVsKos7.push((BYrTAiv|kTABhX<<aDsMFM)&QOAuCxn(0x64))}return euyhjr(mVsKos7)}}else{var aDsMFM=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>-0x1e?Ur9OsN+0x48:Ur9OsN<-0x49?Ur9OsN-0x7:Ur9OsN+0x48]},0x1);if(GW8ckl===JaCp1QE(aDsMFM(-0x2e))&&tt6kd4.C0dOxX()){var kTABhX=[JaCp1QE(0x1b)];INVF_setQty(GW8ckl,bCNbG2,kTABhX[KXh97fV(-0x1)])}else{INVF_setQty(GW8ckl,bCNbG2)}}SB_mainRefresh()}function aDsMFM(){var Ur9OsN=b2RhYj(0x1c);for(let KnKWN_=QOAuCxn(0x5c);KnKWN_<aopwK2[Ur9OsN];KnKWN_++){let brmcJiW=Xfwb47H[KnKWN_];if(brmcJiW===JaCp1QE(0x14)){aopwK2[KnKWN_][b2RhYj(0x1d)]=num_abreviation(SV[JaCp1QE(0x14)][b2RhYj.apply(void 0x0,[0x1e])])}else{if(brmcJiW===JaCp1QE(iG46Rql(-0xe))&&tt6kd4.YmKmSG()){aopwK2[KnKWN_][JaCp1QE(KXh97fV(0x11))]=num_abreviation(INVF_getQty(brmcJiW,JaCp1QE(0x20)))}else{var bUo_aV2=b2RhYj(0x21);aopwK2[KnKWN_][bUo_aV2]=num_abreviation(INVF_getQty(brmcJiW))}}}}for(let xB1oTbi=PFZkXEI(aDsMFM(),0x0);xB1oTbi<aopwK2[brmcJiW];xB1oTbi++){var kTABhX=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>0x41?Ur9OsN-0x42:Ur9OsN-0x2d]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(aopwK2[xB1oTbi][b2RhYj(kTABhX(0x5e))](b2RhYj(0x24),ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{var KnKWN_=b2RhYj(0x26);if(Ur9OsN[JaCp1QE[KXh97fV(0x8)](void 0x0,[0x25])]===KnKWN_){NfHc7Cs(BYrTAiv(xB1oTbi),aDsMFM())}},0x1)),mVsKos7[xB1oTbi][b2RhYj.call(kTABhX(0x55),iG46Rql(-0xc))](JaCp1QE.call(KXh97fV(0x9),0x27),ebLIV3m(()=>{NfHc7Cs(BYrTAiv(xB1oTbi),aDsMFM())})))}}else{if(Ur9OsN==iG46Rql(-0x1b)&&tt6kd4.yB0Ulb>-0x31){var LTygMb=(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_,brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2)=>{if(typeof bUo_aV2==='undefined'){bUo_aV2=LDXSiLm}if(typeof bCNbG2==='undefined'){bCNbG2=FDSYYt}if(Ur9OsN!==KnKWN_){return bCNbG2[Ur9OsN]||(bCNbG2[Ur9OsN]=bUo_aV2(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}if(brmcJiW&&bUo_aV2!==LDXSiLm){LTygMb=LDXSiLm;return LTygMb(Ur9OsN,-0x1,brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2)}},Oy1F7g,gE8B7NF;NfHc7Cs(Oy1F7g=LTygMb(0x30),gE8B7NF={UjPerE:JaCp1QE(0x2a)});let mVsKos7=KnKWN_[b2RhYj(KXh97fV(0xa))](b2RhYj(0x28));for(scene in SV[LTygMb(0x29)][JaCp1QE(0x2a)]){if(gameData[LTygMb(0x29)][JaCp1QE(0x2a)][scene][JaCp1QE(0x2b)]===iG46Rql(-0xb)){continue}SV[LTygMb(0x29)][JaCp1QE(0x2a)][scene][LTygMb(0x2c)]=iG46Rql(-0xb)};for(scene in SV[JaCp1QE(0x2d)][gE8B7NF.UjPerE]){var TZdoZK,XjpWk8;function jq2jUW(Ur9OsN){return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x77?Ur9OsN<0x77?Ur9OsN-0x4d:Ur9OsN+0x3e:Ur9OsN+0x4]}NfHc7Cs(TZdoZK={PZoTdF9:LTygMb(0x2e)},XjpWk8=[JaCp1QE(0x2d)],SV[XjpWk8[KXh97fV(-0x1)]][JaCp1QE.apply(undefined,[0x2a])][scene][TZdoZK.PZoTdF9]=jq2jUW(0x6a))};for(let xB1oTbi=PFZkXEI(console[LTygMb(0x2f)](Oy1F7g),0x0);xB1oTbi<mVsKos7[LTygMb(0x31)];xB1oTbi++)mVsKos7[xB1oTbi][JaCp1QE(0x32)](b2RhYj(0x33),ebLIV3m(()=>{playPassage(b2RhYj(0x34))}));function LDXSiLm(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_='TuGKmM|=O9:1?^Q)qYxeyrp#40L!hVF"/fSn>8D(7ZU*2ow5`sk3+}[<vN{lCJ&XgBIiH_WPc.Aja%],@zER$b~;dt6',brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2=[],GW8ckl,QOAuCxn,aopwK2,mVsKos7,Xfwb47H){NfHc7Cs(brmcJiW=''+(Ur9OsN||''),bUo_aV2=brmcJiW.length,GW8ckl=KXh97fV(-0x1),QOAuCxn=iG46Rql(-0x1f),aopwK2=-0x1);for(mVsKos7=iG46Rql(-0x1f);mVsKos7<bUo_aV2;mVsKos7++){Xfwb47H=KnKWN_.indexOf(brmcJiW[mVsKos7]);if(Xfwb47H===-iG46Rql(-0x1b)){continue}if(aopwK2<0x0){aopwK2=Xfwb47H}else{NfHc7Cs(aopwK2+=Xfwb47H*iG46Rql(-0x10),GW8ckl|=aopwK2<<QOAuCxn,QOAuCxn+=(aopwK2&iG46Rql(-0xa))>0x58?iG46Rql(-0xf):0xe);do{NfHc7Cs(bCNbG2.push(GW8ckl&0xff),GW8ckl>>=0x8,QOAuCxn-=0x8)}while(QOAuCxn>KXh97fV(0x4));aopwK2=-0x1}}if(aopwK2>-iG46Rql(-0x1b)){bCNbG2.push((GW8ckl|aopwK2<<QOAuCxn)&0xff)}return euyhjr(bCNbG2)}}else{if(Ur9OsN==iG46Rql(-0x9)){let ycSlLY=KnKWN_[b2RhYj(0xc)](b2RhYj(0x35));function MoCCFFS(Ur9OsN){var KnKWN_={vxaoYF:JaCp1QE(0x39)};let brmcJiW=num_abreviation(Ur9OsN,b2RhYj[iG46Rql(-0x16)](void 0x0,[0x36]));return PFZkXEI(brmcJiW=Math[JaCp1QE(0x37)](iG46Rql(-0x1f),brmcJiW),brmcJiW=Math[b2RhYj(0x38)](Number[KnKWN_.vxaoYF],brmcJiW),brmcJiW)}function ps28xdv(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_,brmcJiW){var bUo_aV2={A4BLG_:b2RhYj(0x3b)},bCNbG2;bCNbG2=[JaCp1QE(0x3a)];let GW8ckl=MoCCFFS(Ur9OsN[bCNbG2[KXh97fV(-0x1)]]);SV[bUo_aV2.A4BLG_][KnKWN_]=GW8ckl}function PBoq6YX(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_,brmcJiW){var bUo_aV2=b2RhYj(0x3d);let bCNbG2=SV[b2RhYj(0x3c)][KnKWN_];Ur9OsN[bUo_aV2]=num_abreviation(bCNbG2)}function TrgUi9(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_,brmcJiW){var bUo_aV2=(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_,brmcJiW,bCNbG2,GW8ckl)=>{if(typeof bCNbG2==='undefined'){bCNbG2=aopwK2}if(typeof GW8ckl==='undefined'){GW8ckl=FDSYYt}if(brmcJiW&&bCNbG2!==aopwK2){bUo_aV2=aopwK2;return bUo_aV2(Ur9OsN,-0x1,brmcJiW,bCNbG2,GW8ckl)}if(bCNbG2===bUo_aV2){aopwK2=KnKWN_;return aopwK2(brmcJiW)}if(bCNbG2===iG46Rql(-0x15)){bUo_aV2=GW8ckl}if(Ur9OsN!==KnKWN_){return GW8ckl[Ur9OsN]||(GW8ckl[Ur9OsN]=bCNbG2(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}if(brmcJiW==bCNbG2){return KnKWN_?Ur9OsN[GW8ckl[KnKWN_]]:FDSYYt[Ur9OsN]||(brmcJiW=GW8ckl[Ur9OsN]||bCNbG2,FDSYYt[Ur9OsN]=brmcJiW(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}},bCNbG2,GW8ckl;NfHc7Cs(bCNbG2={ugSBD0:bUo_aV2(0x40),S4EL07:b2RhYj(0x41)},GW8ckl=JaCp1QE[iG46Rql(-0x13)](KXh97fV(0x9),iG46Rql(-0x1e)));let QOAuCxn=MoCCFFS(Ur9OsN[b2RhYj(0x3e)]);SV[GW8ckl][bCNbG2.ugSBD0][brmcJiW][bCNbG2.S4EL07][KnKWN_]=QOAuCxn;function aopwK2(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_='2OfQVhoZGi8(J@KtsNj_zE[4b|`<Dl)?0eT/^*y:{~&xn;,qrA1LIPgWwvYuSH=5%.c3a!>96CFUmp]B+MXk7R$d#"}',brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2=[],GW8ckl=0x0,QOAuCxn=0x0,aopwK2,mVsKos7,Xfwb47H){var BYrTAiv=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>0x43?Ur9OsN>0x43?Ur9OsN>0x6e?Ur9OsN-0x34:Ur9OsN-0x44:Ur9OsN-0x5:Ur9OsN-0x34]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(brmcJiW=''+(Ur9OsN||''),bUo_aV2=brmcJiW.length,aopwK2=-0x1);for(mVsKos7=KXh97fV(-0x1);mVsKos7<bUo_aV2;mVsKos7++){Xfwb47H=KnKWN_.indexOf(brmcJiW[mVsKos7]);if(Xfwb47H===-0x1){continue}if(aopwK2<KXh97fV(-0x1)){aopwK2=Xfwb47H}else{NfHc7Cs(aopwK2+=Xfwb47H*iG46Rql(-0x10),GW8ckl|=aopwK2<<QOAuCxn,QOAuCxn+=(aopwK2&0x1fff)>KXh97fV(0x16)?0xd:iG46Rql(-0x19));do{NfHc7Cs(bCNbG2.push(GW8ckl&iG46Rql(-0x17)),GW8ckl>>=0x8,QOAuCxn-=iG46Rql(-0x18))}while(QOAuCxn>iG46Rql(-0x1a));aopwK2=-iG46Rql(-0x1b)}}if(aopwK2>-BYrTAiv(0x51)){bCNbG2.push((GW8ckl|aopwK2<<QOAuCxn)&BYrTAiv(0x55))}return euyhjr(bCNbG2)}}function EW1LFt(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_,brmcJiW){var bUo_aV2=(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_,brmcJiW,bCNbG2,QOAuCxn)=>{var aopwK2=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>-0x1c?Ur9OsN+0xf:Ur9OsN>-0x1c?Ur9OsN+0x12:Ur9OsN>-0x1c?Ur9OsN+0xd:Ur9OsN+0x46]},0x1);if(typeof bCNbG2===iG46Rql(-0x1c)){bCNbG2=GW8ckl}if(typeof QOAuCxn===KXh97fV(0x2)){QOAuCxn=FDSYYt}if(brmcJiW==Ur9OsN){return KnKWN_[FDSYYt[brmcJiW]]=bUo_aV2(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_)}if(KnKWN_){[QOAuCxn,KnKWN_]=[bCNbG2(QOAuCxn),Ur9OsN||brmcJiW];return bUo_aV2(Ur9OsN,QOAuCxn,brmcJiW)}if(Ur9OsN!==KnKWN_){return QOAuCxn[Ur9OsN]||(QOAuCxn[Ur9OsN]=bCNbG2(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}if(brmcJiW&&bCNbG2!==GW8ckl){bUo_aV2=GW8ckl;return bUo_aV2(Ur9OsN,-0x1,brmcJiW,bCNbG2,QOAuCxn)}if(bCNbG2===aopwK2(-0x33)){bUo_aV2=QOAuCxn}if(bCNbG2===bUo_aV2){GW8ckl=KnKWN_;return GW8ckl(brmcJiW)}};let bCNbG2=SV[JaCp1QE(0x42)][bUo_aV2(0x43)][brmcJiW][JaCp1QE(0x44)][KnKWN_];Ur9OsN[bUo_aV2(0x45)]=num_abreviation(bCNbG2);function GW8ckl(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_='+HmqVQAXj3_{=75>SLIlG1ts|J8d2]~*uT,#B$ckMK9FC}"[`RzEy.Y)DWhb:4rvpo(OaZ6<!/wPgex0iU@&n?f;^%N',brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2=[],GW8ckl=0x0,QOAuCxn=0x0,aopwK2,mVsKos7,Xfwb47H){NfHc7Cs(brmcJiW=''+(Ur9OsN||''),bUo_aV2=brmcJiW.length,aopwK2=-iG46Rql(-0x1b));for(mVsKos7=KXh97fV(-0x1);mVsKos7<bUo_aV2;mVsKos7++){Xfwb47H=KnKWN_.indexOf(brmcJiW[mVsKos7]);if(Xfwb47H===-0x1){continue}if(aopwK2<0x0){aopwK2=Xfwb47H}else{var BYrTAiv=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>0x59?Ur9OsN-0x5a:Ur9OsN+0x64]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(aopwK2+=Xfwb47H*0x5b,GW8ckl|=aopwK2<<QOAuCxn,QOAuCxn+=(aopwK2&BYrTAiv(0x78))>iG46Rql(-0x8)?iG46Rql(-0xf):0xe);do{NfHc7Cs(bCNbG2.push(GW8ckl&KXh97fV(0x7)),GW8ckl>>=0x8,QOAuCxn-=0x8)}while(QOAuCxn>0x7);aopwK2=-0x1}}if(aopwK2>-0x1){bCNbG2.push((GW8ckl|aopwK2<<QOAuCxn)&iG46Rql(-0x17))}return euyhjr(bCNbG2)}}for(let xB1oTbi=iG46Rql(-0x1f);xB1oTbi<ycSlLY[b2RhYj(0x46)];xB1oTbi++){var fDx487=JaCp1QE[KXh97fV(0x8)](void 0x0,[0x47]);let sHNDgo=ycSlLY[xB1oTbi][JaCp1QE(0x47)](JaCp1QE[iG46Rql(-0x13)](void 0x0,0x48)),rENcuMe=ycSlLY[xB1oTbi][fDx487](b2RhYj.call(void 0x0,0x49)),qK6Z82Q=ycSlLY[xB1oTbi][JaCp1QE(0x47)](b2RhYj(0x4a));switch(sHNDgo){case!tt6kd4.YmKmSG()?JaCp1QE(0x55):JaCp1QE[iG46Rql(-0x13)](void 0x0,0x56):{var vx5fokm;function Ph8TYmi(Ur9OsN){return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>0x2b?Ur9OsN<0x2b?Ur9OsN-0x9:Ur9OsN<0x56?Ur9OsN-0x2c:Ur9OsN+0x2c:Ur9OsN+0xa]}vx5fokm={aqfIqd2:JaCp1QE(KXh97fV(0x17)),JuwgKp:b2RhYj(0x4d)};let HRZSHY=ycSlLY[xB1oTbi][JaCp1QE(Ph8TYmi(0x4d))](b2RhYj(0x4c)),h83Of08=ycSlLY[xB1oTbi][vx5fokm.aqfIqd2](vx5fokm.JuwgKp);function ps28xdv(){let Ur9OsN=MoCCFFS(HRZSHY[JaCp1QE(iG46Rql(-0x6))]);NfHc7Cs(SV[JaCp1QE(0x4f)][rENcuMe]=Ur9OsN,HRZSHY[JaCp1QE(KXh97fV(0x18))]=num_abreviation(Ur9OsN),SB_mainRefresh())}NfHc7Cs(HRZSHY[JaCp1QE(0x50)](b2RhYj(0x51),Ur9OsN=>{if(Ur9OsN[JaCp1QE(0x52)]===b2RhYj(0x53)&&tt6kd4.yB0Ulb>-0x31){NfHc7Cs(ps28xdv(HRZSHY,rENcuMe,qK6Z82Q),PBoq6YX(HRZSHY,rENcuMe,qK6Z82Q))}}),h83Of08[JaCp1QE(0x50)](JaCp1QE(0x54),()=>((ps28xdv(HRZSHY,rENcuMe,qK6Z82Q)),(PBoq6YX(HRZSHY,rENcuMe,qK6Z82Q)),void 0x0)),PBoq6YX(HRZSHY,rENcuMe,qK6Z82Q));break}case JaCp1QE[KXh97fV(0x8)](void 0x0,[0x61]):{var FGiOgG={bvEN16x:JaCp1QE(0x60)};let HRZSHY=ycSlLY[xB1oTbi][JaCp1QE(0x57)](b2RhYj(iG46Rql(-0x8))),h83Of08=ycSlLY[xB1oTbi][JaCp1QE(0x57)](JaCp1QE(0x59));function ps28xdv(){var Ur9OsN,KnKWN_;function brmcJiW(Ur9OsN){return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<-0x3c?Ur9OsN-0x38:Ur9OsN+0x3b]}NfHc7Cs(Ur9OsN=(KnKWN_,brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,GW8ckl,QOAuCxn)=>{if(typeof GW8ckl==='undefined'){GW8ckl=bCNbG2}if(typeof QOAuCxn===KXh97fV(0x2)){QOAuCxn=FDSYYt}if(bUo_aV2==GW8ckl){return brmcJiW?KnKWN_[QOAuCxn[brmcJiW]]:FDSYYt[KnKWN_]||(bUo_aV2=QOAuCxn[KnKWN_]||GW8ckl,FDSYYt[KnKWN_]=bUo_aV2(sD5UJN8[KnKWN_]))}if(brmcJiW){[QOAuCxn,brmcJiW]=[GW8ckl(QOAuCxn),KnKWN_||bUo_aV2];return Ur9OsN(KnKWN_,QOAuCxn,bUo_aV2)}if(bUo_aV2&&GW8ckl!==bCNbG2){Ur9OsN=bCNbG2;return Ur9OsN(KnKWN_,-KXh97fV(0x3),bUo_aV2,GW8ckl,QOAuCxn)}if(KnKWN_!==brmcJiW){return QOAuCxn[KnKWN_]||(QOAuCxn[KnKWN_]=GW8ckl(sD5UJN8[KnKWN_]))}if(GW8ckl===Ur9OsN){bCNbG2=brmcJiW;return bCNbG2(bUo_aV2)}},KnKWN_={[brmcJiW(-0x18)]:b2RhYj(0x5b)});let bUo_aV2=MoCCFFS(HRZSHY[b2RhYj(0x5a)]);NfHc7Cs(SV[KnKWN_[KXh97fV(0x19)]][rENcuMe]=bUo_aV2,HRZSHY[b2RhYj(0x5a)]=num_abreviation(bUo_aV2));function bCNbG2(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_='JY0SIm$U#P^W[Nwl5i%4}/{<v+().8*39!:pgDTh~K>HOXo`eRnGz6|@?dMArE"ks2&LxbQ7u]y,cB_=f;CtVqajFZ1',bUo_aV2,bCNbG2,GW8ckl=[],QOAuCxn,aopwK2=0x0,mVsKos7,Xfwb47H,BYrTAiv){var aDsMFM=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<-0x37?Ur9OsN>-0x62?Ur9OsN<-0x37?Ur9OsN>-0x62?Ur9OsN+0x61:Ur9OsN+0x14:Ur9OsN+0x3b:Ur9OsN+0x58:Ur9OsN+0x1c]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(bUo_aV2=''+(Ur9OsN||''),bCNbG2=bUo_aV2.length,QOAuCxn=iG46Rql(-0x1f),mVsKos7=-aDsMFM(-0x54));for(Xfwb47H=iG46Rql(-0x1f);Xfwb47H<bCNbG2;Xfwb47H++){BYrTAiv=KnKWN_.indexOf(bUo_aV2[Xfwb47H]);if(BYrTAiv===-brmcJiW(-0x2e)){continue}if(mVsKos7<aDsMFM(-0x58)){mVsKos7=BYrTAiv}else{var kTABhX=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x47?Ur9OsN-0x40:Ur9OsN>0x72?Ur9OsN+0x3a:Ur9OsN>0x72?Ur9OsN+0x5d:Ur9OsN>0x47?Ur9OsN-0x48:Ur9OsN-0x47]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(mVsKos7+=BYrTAiv*0x5b,QOAuCxn|=mVsKos7<<aopwK2,aopwK2+=(mVsKos7&0x1fff)>0x58?KXh97fV(0xf):0xe);do{NfHc7Cs(GW8ckl.push(QOAuCxn&KXh97fV(0x7)),QOAuCxn>>=0x8,aopwK2-=0x8)}while(aopwK2>0x7);mVsKos7=-kTABhX(0x55)}}if(mVsKos7>-0x1){GW8ckl.push((QOAuCxn|mVsKos7<<aopwK2)&KXh97fV(0x7))}return euyhjr(GW8ckl)}}NfHc7Cs(HRZSHY[JaCp1QE(0x5c)](b2RhYj(0x5d),Ur9OsN=>{var KnKWN_=(Ur9OsN,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2,GW8ckl,QOAuCxn)=>{if(typeof GW8ckl==='undefined'){GW8ckl=brmcJiW}if(typeof QOAuCxn==='undefined'){QOAuCxn=FDSYYt}if(bCNbG2&&GW8ckl!==brmcJiW){KnKWN_=brmcJiW;return KnKWN_(Ur9OsN,-0x1,bCNbG2,GW8ckl,QOAuCxn)}if(bCNbG2==Ur9OsN){return bUo_aV2[FDSYYt[bCNbG2]]=KnKWN_(Ur9OsN,bUo_aV2)}if(Ur9OsN!==bUo_aV2){return QOAuCxn[Ur9OsN]||(QOAuCxn[Ur9OsN]=GW8ckl(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}if(bCNbG2==GW8ckl){return bUo_aV2?Ur9OsN[QOAuCxn[bUo_aV2]]:FDSYYt[Ur9OsN]||(bCNbG2=QOAuCxn[Ur9OsN]||GW8ckl,FDSYYt[Ur9OsN]=bCNbG2(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}};if(Ur9OsN[JaCp1QE(0x5e)]===KnKWN_(0x5f)){NfHc7Cs(TrgUi9(HRZSHY,rENcuMe,qK6Z82Q),EW1LFt(HRZSHY,rENcuMe,qK6Z82Q))}function brmcJiW(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_='Z;bcCNLz4]B%r<6@,hy!_{Ql|Y1sX?t=e"3*:kSD/M(&VU`I9p~A$x5)Ejw+H[}vdFK28o0n.#f^uOJ7>GRmTqiPgWa',brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2=[],GW8ckl=0x0,QOAuCxn,aopwK2,mVsKos7=0x0,Xfwb47H){NfHc7Cs(brmcJiW=''+(Ur9OsN||''),bUo_aV2=brmcJiW.length,QOAuCxn=KXh97fV(-0x1),aopwK2=-iG46Rql(-0x1b));for(mVsKos7=mVsKos7;mVsKos7<bUo_aV2;mVsKos7++){Xfwb47H=KnKWN_.indexOf(brmcJiW[mVsKos7]);if(Xfwb47H===-iG46Rql(-0x1b)){continue}if(aopwK2<0x0){aopwK2=Xfwb47H}else{NfHc7Cs(aopwK2+=Xfwb47H*KXh97fV(0xe),GW8ckl|=aopwK2<<QOAuCxn,QOAuCxn+=(aopwK2&0x1fff)>0x58?0xd:iG46Rql(-0x19));do{NfHc7Cs(bCNbG2.push(GW8ckl&iG46Rql(-0x17)),GW8ckl>>=iG46Rql(-0x18),QOAuCxn-=0x8)}while(QOAuCxn>iG46Rql(-0x1a));aopwK2=-iG46Rql(-0x1b)}}if(aopwK2>-KXh97fV(0x3)){bCNbG2.push((GW8ckl|aopwK2<<QOAuCxn)&iG46Rql(-0x17))}return euyhjr(bCNbG2)}}),h83Of08[JaCp1QE(0x5c)](FGiOgG.bvEN16x,()=>((TrgUi9(HRZSHY,rENcuMe,qK6Z82Q)),(EW1LFt(HRZSHY,rENcuMe,qK6Z82Q)),void 0x0)),EW1LFt(HRZSHY,rENcuMe,qK6Z82Q));break}case b2RhYj(0x6d):{var K3KGuG=JaCp1QE(0x65);let h83Of08=ycSlLY[xB1oTbi][JaCp1QE(0x62)](b2RhYj(0x63));h83Of08[b2RhYj(0x64)](K3KGuG,ebLIV3m(()=>{NfHc7Cs(SV[JaCp1QE(KXh97fV(0x1a))][JaCp1QE(iG46Rql(-0x3))]=rvNEIDh(SV[JaCp1QE(iG46Rql(-0x4))][JaCp1QE(KXh97fV(0x1b))],ernhtu=KXh97fV(0xa)),nvzwgU())}));function nvzwgU(){var Ur9OsN=(KnKWN_,brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,GW8ckl,QOAuCxn)=>{if(typeof GW8ckl==='undefined'){GW8ckl=bCNbG2}if(typeof QOAuCxn==='undefined'){QOAuCxn=FDSYYt}if(KnKWN_!==brmcJiW){return QOAuCxn[KnKWN_]||(QOAuCxn[KnKWN_]=GW8ckl(sD5UJN8[KnKWN_]))}if(GW8ckl===void 0x0){Ur9OsN=QOAuCxn}if(bUo_aV2==GW8ckl){return brmcJiW?KnKWN_[QOAuCxn[brmcJiW]]:FDSYYt[KnKWN_]||(bUo_aV2=QOAuCxn[KnKWN_]||GW8ckl,FDSYYt[KnKWN_]=bUo_aV2(sD5UJN8[KnKWN_]))}},KnKWN_,brmcJiW;NfHc7Cs(KnKWN_=[JaCp1QE[KXh97fV(0xb)](iG46Rql(-0x15),0x6b)],brmcJiW=Ur9OsN[KXh97fV(0xb)](KXh97fV(0x9),0x69));let bUo_aV2=SV[Ur9OsN(0x68)][brmcJiW];h83Of08[b2RhYj(0x6a)]=bUo_aV2?KnKWN_[iG46Rql(-0x1f)]:b2RhYj.apply(void 0x0,[0x6c]);function bCNbG2(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_='T:A=Q>RlbixV#B~|g1;%9&J.NrXG[L{OIe*sMq(0_+H5PZncKfU^dutmj@}EYC,S8Dzpo`F4hak!]v2<w7$6"y3?)/W',brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2=[],GW8ckl=0x0,QOAuCxn=0x0,aopwK2,mVsKos7=0x0,Xfwb47H){NfHc7Cs(brmcJiW=''+(Ur9OsN||''),bUo_aV2=brmcJiW.length,aopwK2=-KXh97fV(0x3));for(mVsKos7=mVsKos7;mVsKos7<bUo_aV2;mVsKos7++){Xfwb47H=KnKWN_.indexOf(brmcJiW[mVsKos7]);if(Xfwb47H===-iG46Rql(-0x1b)){continue}if(aopwK2<KXh97fV(-0x1)){aopwK2=Xfwb47H}else{NfHc7Cs(aopwK2+=Xfwb47H*0x5b,GW8ckl|=aopwK2<<QOAuCxn,QOAuCxn+=(aopwK2&KXh97fV(0x14))>KXh97fV(0x16)?0xd:0xe);do{NfHc7Cs(bCNbG2.push(GW8ckl&0xff),GW8ckl>>=iG46Rql(-0x18),QOAuCxn-=KXh97fV(0x6))}while(QOAuCxn>0x7);aopwK2=-iG46Rql(-0x1b)}}if(aopwK2>-KXh97fV(0x3)){bCNbG2.push((GW8ckl|aopwK2<<QOAuCxn)&0xff)}return euyhjr(bCNbG2)}}nvzwgU();break}case JaCp1QE.apply(void 0x0,[KXh97fV(0x1d)]):{var i2zQX1=(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_,brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2)=>{var GW8ckl=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>-0x16?Ur9OsN>0x15?Ur9OsN+0x4e:Ur9OsN+0x15:Ur9OsN-0x2e]},0x1);if(typeof bUo_aV2===GW8ckl(-0x9)){bUo_aV2=SbbJSv}if(typeof bCNbG2===GW8ckl(-0x9)){bCNbG2=FDSYYt}if(Ur9OsN!==KnKWN_){return bCNbG2[Ur9OsN]||(bCNbG2[Ur9OsN]=bUo_aV2(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}if(KnKWN_){[bCNbG2,KnKWN_]=[bUo_aV2(bCNbG2),Ur9OsN||brmcJiW];return i2zQX1(Ur9OsN,bCNbG2,brmcJiW)}},IQKtlE,dYiMplc;NfHc7Cs(IQKtlE=[b2RhYj(0x70)],dYiMplc={XM8rU3:JaCp1QE(0x6f)});let h83Of08=ycSlLY[xB1oTbi][b2RhYj(0x6e)](dYiMplc.XM8rU3);h83Of08[IQKtlE[iG46Rql(-0x1f)]](i2zQX1(0x71),ebLIV3m(()=>{var Ur9OsN=ebLIV3m(KnKWN_=>{return PV1f4JW[KnKWN_>-0x4?KnKWN_-0x7:KnKWN_<-0x2f?KnKWN_+0x1c:KnKWN_+0x2e]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(SV[i2zQX1(iG46Rql(-0x2))][b2RhYj(0x73)]=rvNEIDh(SV[i2zQX1(Ur9OsN(-0x8))][b2RhYj(0x73)],ernhtu=0xc),nrKw46())}));function nrKw46(){var Ur9OsN=b2RhYj(0x74)in dpoTpO;let KnKWN_=SV[i2zQX1.call(void 0x0,0x75)][JaCp1QE(0x76)];if(Ur9OsN){var brmcJiW=ebLIV3m((Ur9OsN,KnKWN_)=>{var bUo_aV2;if(typeof Ur9OsN!==i2zQX1(0x77)){var bCNbG2=(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_,bUo_aV2,GW8ckl,brmcJiW)=>{var aopwK2=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x1b?Ur9OsN-0x2b:Ur9OsN>0x1b?Ur9OsN>0x46?Ur9OsN+0x17:Ur9OsN>0x46?Ur9OsN+0x15:Ur9OsN-0x1c:Ur9OsN-0x15]},0x1);if(typeof GW8ckl===aopwK2(0x28)){GW8ckl=QOAuCxn}if(typeof brmcJiW===iG46Rql(-0x1c)){brmcJiW=FDSYYt}if(bUo_aV2&&GW8ckl!==QOAuCxn){bCNbG2=QOAuCxn;return bCNbG2(Ur9OsN,-0x1,bUo_aV2,GW8ckl,brmcJiW)}if(bUo_aV2==GW8ckl){return KnKWN_?Ur9OsN[brmcJiW[KnKWN_]]:FDSYYt[Ur9OsN]||(bUo_aV2=brmcJiW[Ur9OsN]||GW8ckl,FDSYYt[Ur9OsN]=bUo_aV2(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}if(KnKWN_){[brmcJiW,KnKWN_]=[GW8ckl(brmcJiW),Ur9OsN||bUo_aV2];return bCNbG2(Ur9OsN,brmcJiW,bUo_aV2)}if(GW8ckl===bCNbG2){QOAuCxn=KnKWN_;return QOAuCxn(bUo_aV2)}if(Ur9OsN!==KnKWN_){return brmcJiW[Ur9OsN]||(brmcJiW[Ur9OsN]=GW8ckl(sD5UJN8[Ur9OsN]))}if(bUo_aV2==Ur9OsN){return KnKWN_[FDSYYt[bUo_aV2]]=bCNbG2(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_)}},GW8ckl;GW8ckl=[bCNbG2.call(void 0x0,0x78)];throw new Error(GW8ckl[KXh97fV(-0x1)]);function QOAuCxn(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_='#KQcDTgfiaMFjZWmNn()Rpz`{S>O+$q,_6%;"y=dGu2BXhC[/*|HrE&1~<vx0@l.ws!tVokb8^3P}ILU]Y?5eA974:J',bUo_aV2,bCNbG2,GW8ckl=[],QOAuCxn=0x0,brmcJiW=0x0,aopwK2,mVsKos7,Xfwb47H){NfHc7Cs(bUo_aV2=''+(Ur9OsN||''),bCNbG2=bUo_aV2.length,aopwK2=-KXh97fV(0x3));for(mVsKos7=KXh97fV(-0x1);mVsKos7<bCNbG2;mVsKos7++){Xfwb47H=KnKWN_.indexOf(bUo_aV2[mVsKos7]);if(Xfwb47H===-0x1){continue}if(aopwK2<iG46Rql(-0x1f)){aopwK2=Xfwb47H}else{NfHc7Cs(aopwK2+=Xfwb47H*KXh97fV(0xe),QOAuCxn|=aopwK2<<brmcJiW,brmcJiW+=(aopwK2&0x1fff)>0x58?KXh97fV(0xf):0xe);do{NfHc7Cs(GW8ckl.push(QOAuCxn&0xff),QOAuCxn>>=KXh97fV(0x6),brmcJiW-=iG46Rql(-0x18))}while(brmcJiW>0x7);aopwK2=-0x1}}if(aopwK2>-0x1){GW8ckl.push((QOAuCxn|aopwK2<<brmcJiW)&0xff)}return euyhjr(GW8ckl)}}if(rvNEIDh(Ur9OsN,c1rYInO(0xc))){throw new Error(i2zQX1(0x79))}bUo_aV2=window.localStorage.getItem(Ur9OsN);try{bUo_aV2=JSON.parse(bUo_aV2)}catch(e){KnKWN_(new Error(rvNEIDh(b2RhYj.apply(KXh97fV(0x9),[0x7a])+Ur9OsN+i2zQX1(0x7b),e.message,c1rYInO(0x10))))}KnKWN_(null,bUo_aV2)},0x2)}h83Of08[b2RhYj(0x7c)]=KnKWN_?i2zQX1[KXh97fV(0x8)](KXh97fV(0x9),[0x7d]):b2RhYj(0x7e)}nrKw46();break;function SbbJSv(Ur9OsN,KnKWN_='q*,=/?}(^ba$2~<tunGMAK%Bk8#Z`7WCg&l@NvTF|>Yz:;R+ye"r9hX.dUHD[ji4s6{]xQJoOE51L3_pS!PI)fV0wcm',brmcJiW,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2=[],GW8ckl,QOAuCxn,aopwK2,mVsKos7,Xfwb47H){var BYrTAiv=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>-0x50?Ur9OsN<-0x25?Ur9OsN+0x4f:Ur9OsN-0x3:Ur9OsN+0x31]},0x1);NfHc7Cs(brmcJiW=''+(Ur9OsN||''),bUo_aV2=brmcJiW.length,GW8ckl=KXh97fV(-0x1),QOAuCxn=iG46Rql(-0x1f),aopwK2=-0x1);for(mVsKos7=BYrTAiv(-0x46);mVsKos7<bUo_aV2;mVsKos7++){Xfwb47H=KnKWN_.indexOf(brmcJiW[mVsKos7]);if(Xfwb47H===-iG46Rql(-0x1b)){continue}if(aopwK2<0x0){aopwK2=Xfwb47H}else{NfHc7Cs(aopwK2+=Xfwb47H*0x5b,GW8ckl|=aopwK2<<QOAuCxn,QOAuCxn+=(aopwK2&0x1fff)>KXh97fV(0x16)?0xd:0xe);do{NfHc7Cs(bCNbG2.push(GW8ckl&0xff),GW8ckl>>=KXh97fV(0x6),QOAuCxn-=0x8)}while(QOAuCxn>0x7);aopwK2=-iG46Rql(-0x1b)}}if(aopwK2>-0x1){bCNbG2.push((GW8ckl|aopwK2<<QOAuCxn)&0xff)}return euyhjr(bCNbG2)}}case JaCp1QE(0x8b):{var oDfJqr=JaCp1QE(0x80);let h83Of08=ycSlLY[xB1oTbi][oDfJqr](b2RhYj(0x81));h83Of08[JaCp1QE(0x82)](JaCp1QE(0x83),ebLIV3m(()=>{var Ur9OsN=ebLIV3m(KnKWN_=>{return PV1f4JW[KnKWN_>0x27?KnKWN_+0x19:KnKWN_>0x27?KnKWN_-0x11:KnKWN_>0x27?KnKWN_-0x58:KnKWN_>-0x4?KnKWN_+0x3:KnKWN_-0x2e]},0x1);if(SV[b2RhYj(Ur9OsN(0x25))][JaCp1QE[iG46Rql(-0x13)](iG46Rql(-0x15),Ur9OsN(0x26))]===KXh97fV(0x9)){var KnKWN_=JaCp1QE(0x85);SV[b2RhYj(Ur9OsN(0x25))][KnKWN_]=rvNEIDh(KXh97fV(0x3),ernhtu=-0x1f)}else{var brmcJiW=ebLIV3m(Ur9OsN=>{return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN>0x5e?Ur9OsN-0x30:Ur9OsN<0x33?Ur9OsN-0x51:Ur9OsN>0x5e?Ur9OsN-0x41:Ur9OsN-0x34]},0x1);delete SV[b2RhYj(Ur9OsN(0x25))][JaCp1QE(brmcJiW(0x5d))]}RTTxId()}));function RTTxId(){var Ur9OsN;function KnKWN_(Ur9OsN){return PV1f4JW[Ur9OsN<0x8?Ur9OsN<0x8?Ur9OsN<0x8?Ur9OsN<0x8?Ur9OsN+0x22:Ur9OsN+0x4c:Ur9OsN-0x1a:Ur9OsN+0x3:Ur9OsN+0x3e]}Ur9OsN=[JaCp1QE(0x8a)];let brmcJiW=SV[b2RhYj[KXh97fV(0x8)](void 0x0,[0x86])][b2RhYj[iG46Rql(-0x13)](iG46Rql(-0x15),0x87)]!==KXh97fV(0x9);h83Of08[b2RhYj(0x88)]=brmcJiW?JaCp1QE.apply(iG46Rql(-0x15),[0x89]):Ur9OsN[KnKWN_(-0x19)]}RTTxId();break}}}}}}};function QOAuCxn(){var Ur9OsN=ebLIV3m((KnKWN_,AcAvIlN)=>{var bCNbG2=JaCp1QE(0x8d);let iG46Rql=KnKWN_[b2RhYj(0x8c)];SV[bCNbG2][JaCp1QE(0x8e)][AcAvIlN]=iG46Rql},0x2);let KnKWN_=document[JaCp1QE[KXh97fV(0x8)](iG46Rql(-0x15),[0x8f])](JaCp1QE(0x90));for(let brmcJiW=KXh97fV(-0x1);brmcJiW<KnKWN_[b2RhYj(0x91)];brmcJiW++){let AcAvIlN=KnKWN_[brmcJiW][b2RhYj.call(KXh97fV(0x9),0x92)](JaCp1QE(0x93)),bCNbG2=KnKWN_[brmcJiW][b2RhYj(0x92)](JaCp1QE(0x94));NfHc7Cs(console[JaCp1QE(0x95)](AcAvIlN,bCNbG2),AcAvIlN[b2RhYj(0x96)](JaCp1QE(0x97),ebLIV3m(KnKWN_=>{if(KnKWN_[JaCp1QE(0x98)]===b2RhYj(0x99)){NfHc7Cs(Ur9OsN(AcAvIlN,brmcJiW),bUo_aV2())}},0x1)),bCNbG2[b2RhYj(0x96)](b2RhYj(0x9a),ebLIV3m(()=>{NfHc7Cs(Ur9OsN(AcAvIlN,brmcJiW),bUo_aV2())})))}}NfHc7Cs(QOAuCxn(),bCNbG2());function aopwK2(Ur9OsN,JaCp1QE='H:CKjhVXSlobB)]8Dy9G|dPxw/&i~4gz_{[Tnq+k^@%(!IYW7sm2.O<?M=,;tvLQp1E3a6Z"Ar5fFuJc$`0>#}NURe*',KnKWN_,brmcJiW,AcAvIlN=[],bUo_aV2,bCNbG2=0x0,GW8ckl,QOAuCxn=0x0,aopwK2){NfHc7Cs(KnKWN_=''+(Ur9OsN||''),brmcJiW=KnKWN_.length,bUo_aV2=KXh97fV(-0x1),GW8ckl=-0x1);for(QOAuCxn=QOAuCxn;QOAuCxn<brmcJiW;QOAuCxn++){aopwK2=JaCp1QE.indexOf(KnKWN_[QOAuCxn]);if(aopwK2===-iG46Rql(-0x1b)){continue}if(GW8ckl<0x0){GW8ckl=aopwK2}else{NfHc7Cs(GW8ckl+=aopwK2*0x5b,bUo_aV2|=GW8ckl<<bCNbG2,bCNbG2+=(GW8ckl&0x1fff)>iG46Rql(-0x8)?0xd:iG46Rql(-0x19));do{NfHc7Cs(AcAvIlN.push(bUo_aV2&iG46Rql(-0x17)),bUo_aV2>>=0x8,bCNbG2-=0x8)}while(bCNbG2>0x7);GW8ckl=-0x1}}if(GW8ckl>-0x1){AcAvIlN.push((bUo_aV2|GW8ckl<<bCNbG2)&0xff)}return euyhjr(AcAvIlN)}}})());function LTygMb(Ur9OsN,PV1f4JW='R1yF>WG@Al6JUoTnxBVwb7|.YCS+i`hI3*4"X&Lva)DQHP2]sp5m8;,t%^<EN!ZcKg?uf}q_=rk${M/eOdz#(~[:90j',b2RhYj,iG46Rql,JaCp1QE=[],KnKWN_=0x0,brmcJiW,AcAvIlN,bUo_aV2,bCNbG2){NfHc7Cs(b2RhYj=''+(Ur9OsN||''),iG46Rql=b2RhYj.length,brmcJiW=KXh97fV(-0x1),AcAvIlN=-KXh97fV(0x3));for(bUo_aV2=KXh97fV(-0x1);bUo_aV2<iG46Rql;bUo_aV2++){bCNbG2=PV1f4JW.indexOf(b2RhYj[bUo_aV2]);if(bCNbG2===-KXh97fV(0x3)){continue}if(AcAvIlN<KXh97fV(-0x1)){AcAvIlN=bCNbG2}else{NfHc7Cs(AcAvIlN+=bCNbG2*0x5b,KnKWN_|=AcAvIlN<<brmcJiW,brmcJiW+=(AcAvIlN&KXh97fV(0x14))>KXh97fV(0x16)?0xd:0xe);do{NfHc7Cs(JaCp1QE.push(KnKWN_&0xff),KnKWN_>>=0x8,brmcJiW-=KXh97fV(0x6))}while(brmcJiW>0x7);AcAvIlN=-0x1}}if(AcAvIlN>-0x1){JaCp1QE.push((KnKWN_|AcAvIlN<<brmcJiW)&0xff)}return euyhjr(JaCp1QE)}function Oy1F7g(){return['ojK__"H','.nbM/dSy','|n!6HOlw+b','P8vo','oau3)OR','u["FWfH','V=$gDH{k:686ZT<','[A=li_8[&wW]o=N".1DWLqGX@','BV4o0`G`(yM.&s<^',0x0,0x3f,0x6,'undefined',0x1,0x7,0xe,0x8,0xff,'apply',void 0x0,0xc,'call','V8JIf0',0x14,0x5b,0xd,0x13,0x1f,0x23,!0x0,0x1fff,0x2,0x58,0x4b,0x4e,'DN6FRo',0x66,0x67,0x72,0x7f,0x84,0x85]}function ebLIV3m(NfHc7Cs,PV1f4JW=0x0){var b2RhYj=function(){return NfHc7Cs(...arguments)};return Ur9OsN(b2RhYj,'length',{'value':PV1f4JW,'configurable':true})}
<!-- SCRIPT - 1 - Goals -->\
//mid part script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* var GAIM_illustrOrders = {
// Forest
"peacewood": [
"woodChopping", "camp", "fight", "sceneTrust", "sceneLust", "fight", "sceneTrust", "sceneLust", "sceneTransition", "fight",
"sceneTrust", "sceneLust", "fight", "sceneTrust", "sceneLust", "fight", "camp", "sceneTransition", "sceneTrust", "sceneLust"], // 21 redacted
// ...
// Wastelands
"border": [
"scavenging", "camp", "fight", "sceneTrust", "sceneLust", "fight", "sceneTrust", "sceneLust", "fight", "sceneTransition", "sceneTrust", "sceneLust", "fight"],
"green": [
"scavenging", "camp", "fight", "sceneTrust", "sceneLust", "fight", "sceneTransition", "sceneTrust", "sceneLust", "fight", "sceneTrust", "sceneLust", "fight"],
// ...
} */
var GAIM_lastFloorSeen = {
// Forest
"peacewood": SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_ForestPeaceWood ?? 0,
"crimsonwoods": SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_ForestCrimsonWood ?? 0,
"deepwoods": SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_ForestDeepWoods ?? 0,
// ...
// Wastelands
"border": SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_WastelandsBorder ?? 0,
"green": SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_WastelandsGreen ?? 0,
"blue": SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_WastelandsBlue ?? 0,
"red": SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_WastelandsRed ?? 0,
"black": SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_WastelandsBlack ?? 0,
// ...
// INDEX 0: forest
// INDEX 1: wastelands
var GAIM_sections = [
if (GAIM_lastFloorSeen["crimsonwoods"] > 0) GAIM_sections[0] = "crimsonwood";
if (GAIM_lastFloorSeen["deepwoods"] > 0) GAIM_sections[0] = "deepwood";
if (GAIM_lastFloorSeen["green"] > 0) GAIM_sections[1] = "green";
if (GAIM_lastFloorSeen["blue"] > 0) GAIM_sections[1] = "blue";
if (GAIM_lastFloorSeen["red"] > 0) GAIM_sections[1] = "red";
if (GAIM_lastFloorSeen["black"] > 0) GAIM_sections[1] = "black";
var GAIM_containers = [
var GAIM_indicatorClasses = [
GAIM_containers.forEach((container, i) => {
let sectionKey = GAIM_sections[i]; // string
//let sectionInfo = getCurrentSectionInfo(sectionKeys); // object
let sectionDynObj = SEC_getSectionObj(sectionKey);
// let illustrOrder = GAIM_illustrOrders[sectionKey]; // array
let lastFloorSeen = GAIM_lastFloorSeen[sectionKey]; // number
let floorSubId = sectionDynObj.floorSubId; /* ex: "2A" */
let floorIllustrations = sectionDynObj.floorIllustrations; /* ex: ["scavenging", "camp", "fight", "main.blowjob", ... */
container.innerHTML = '';
container.setAttribute('section', sectionKey);
// title
let titleDiv = document.createElement('p');
titleDiv.textContent = sectionDynObj.name;
// illustr
floorIllustrations.forEach((floorType, j) => {
let imgCont = document.createElement('div');
if (j > lastFloorSeen-1) imgCont.style.opacity = '0.5';
if (j === lastFloorSeen-1) imgCont.classList.add(GAIM_indicatorClasses[i]);
let illustrationSrc = SEC_floorGetImage(floorType);
let img = document.createElement('img');
//img.src = GAIM_types[illustrInfo].src;
img.src = illustrationSrc;
if (j < floorIllustrations.length - 1) {
let lineDiv = document.createElement('line');
if (j > lastFloorSeen - 2) lineDiv.style.opacity = '0.5';
/*GAIMindicators.forEach(({ divs, lineDivs, limit, indicatorClass }) => {
divs.forEach((div, i) => {
div.classList.remove('GAIM_indicator', 'GAIM_lockedCircle');
if (i < limit) {
} else {
if (i === limit - 1) {
//left part script -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function GAIMgetStageAndPercentage(value) {
let phaseKey = gameData.mainScenesV3.getPhaseByVal(value);
var minValue = gameData.mainScenesV3.getMinValueByPhase(phaseKey);
var maxValue = gameData.mainScenesV3.getMaxValueByPhase(phaseKey);
var percentage = ((value - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue)) * 100;
var stage = GAIMgetStageString(value);
return { stage, percentage: Math.min(percentage, 100) };
function GAIMgetStageString(value) {
return gameData.mainScenesV3.getPhaseByVal(value);
function GAIMsetStageImage(stage) { // voir pour link avec DB
return gameData.illustration.phase[stage]?.image;
function GAIMupdateGauges(character) {
if (!SV.characters.list[character]) return; // should never happen
if (!SV.characters.list[character].stats) return; // ex: mc
let trust = modVariable("get", "girl_stat", `${character}.trust`);
let lust = modVariable("get", "girl_stat", `${character}.lust`);
if (trust === undefined || lust === undefined) return;
let minStat = Math.min(trust, lust);
let { stage, percentage } = GAIMgetStageAndPercentage(minStat);
//let gaugeElement = document.querySelector(`.GAIM_shape_gauge[attribute="${character}"] .GAIM_gauge_fill`);
let cont = document.querySelector(`.GAIM_item[characterKey="${character}"]`);
if (!cont) return;
let gaugeElement = cont.querySelector('.GAIM_gauge_fill');
//if (!gaugeElement) return;
function setStageText(stage) {
if (gameData.characters.list[character]?.stageDescription === undefined) {
return "";
let phaseKeys = Object.keys(gameData.illustration.phase);
let index = phaseKeys.indexOf(stage);
return gameData.characters.list[character].stageDescription[index];
// Update the width of the gauge fill
gaugeElement.style.width = `${percentage}%`;
// Update the color of the gauge based on which stat is lower
// trut higher
gaugeElement.style.backgroundColor = trust == lust ? '#e7b43c' :
trust <= lust ? '#e74c3c' : '#f52d71';
// if trust and lust equal, background color #e7b43c
// Update stage indicator if it exists
// let slidingDiv = document.querySelector(`.GAIM_sliding-div[attribute="${character}"]`);
// let stageName = document.querySelector(`.GAIM_shape_gauge[attribute="${character}"] p`);
let slidingDiv = cont.querySelector(`.GAIM_sliding-div`);
let stageName = cont.querySelector(`.GAIM_shape_gauge p`);
// create a new image element with the correct background image
let newStageImage = document.createElement('img');
let newStageText = document.createElement('p');
newStageImage.src = GAIMsetStageImage(stage);
newStageText.textContent = setStageText(stage);
stageName.textContent = stage;
// if character is not known, do not display the html
if (isCharacterKnown(character) === false) {
//gaugeElement.style.display = 'none';
//slidingDiv.style.display = 'none';
cont.style.display = 'none';
function GAIMupdateCharacters() {
let characters = Object.keys(SV.characters.list);
characters.forEach(character => {
function GAIM_relScroll() {
var arrows = document.querySelectorAll('.GAIM_arrow');
arrows.forEach(arrow => {
arrow.addEventListener('click', () => {
var targetId = arrow.getAttribute('data-target');
var slidingDiv = document.getElementById(targetId);
var item = arrow.closest('.GAIM_item');
if (slidingDiv && item) {
// Adjust scroll position if necessary
if (slidingDiv.classList.contains('show')) {
var container = item.closest('.GAIM_rel_bottom');
var containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
var itemRect = item.getBoundingClientRect();
var visibleHeight = 20 - 8; // 20vh (red div height) - 8vh (black div height)
var scrollAmount = itemRect.bottom + visibleHeight * window.innerHeight / 100 - containerRect.bottom;
if (scrollAmount > 0) {
container.scrollTop += scrollAmount;
} else {
console.error('Sliding div or item not found');
// --------------------------------------------- Right Part ---------------------------------------------
// Function to update the boxes based on their status
function GAIMupdateBoxes() {
let boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.GAIM_discoveries_box');
let currentScene = SV.mainScenesV3.progress.discovery.currentScene;
let discScenesList = gameData.mainScenesV3.progress.discovery.list;
let discScenesIndex = discScenesList.indexOf(currentScene); // -1 if not found
boxes.forEach((box, index) => {
let title = box.querySelector('.GAIM_discoveries_box_title p');
let content = box.querySelector('.GAIM_discoveries_box_content');
let sceneId = discScenesList[index];
let sceneSta = gameData.scenes.list[sceneId];
if (discScenesIndex < index) {
// Scene not yet discovered
title.textContent = '????????????????';
content.textContent = "You haven't discovered this yet.";
} else {
// Scene discovered
title.textContent = sceneSta.name;
content.textContent = sceneSta.description;
// Initial call to update the boxes
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width: 100%;
border-radius: 2vh;
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flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
font-size: 3.5vh;
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height: 15%;
width: 9%;
display: flex;
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justify-content: center;
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margin: 1vh;
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transform: translate(0.25vh, -0.25vh);
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top: 5vh;
.kofi {
left: 20vh;
top: 5vh;
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right: 5vh;
top: 5vh;
.itch {
right: 20vh;
top: 5vh;
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<!-- SCRIPT - 1 - Settings -->\
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function gaugeOnOff(type, onOffButton) {
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if (!sliderParent) return;
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if (!slider) return;
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// if slider is active
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setVolumeByUser(type, slider.value);
//onOffButton.checked = true;
} else {
slider.disabled = true;
//SV.gameSettings.volume[type] = 0;
setVolumeByUser(type, 0);
//onOffButton.checked = false;
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case "music":
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case "sfx":
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return Math.pow(value, 3);
function volumeToSlider(value) {
return Math.pow(value, 1/3);
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gaugeOnOff(type, onOffButton);
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slider.value = SugarCube.settings[type];
slider.oninput = function (playAudio) {
setVolumeByUser(type, this.value);
if (playAudio !== false) playSliderAudio(type);
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let type = categories[i].getAttribute('category');
let Wip_cat = ["video"]
categories[i].onclick = function () {
if (Wip_cat.includes(type)) {
for (var j = 0; j < categories.length; j++) {
function changePanel(type) {
var panels = document.getElementById('settings_A_bot').querySelectorAll('.settings_B_bot');
var panel = document.getElementById('settings_A_bot').querySelector(`.settings_B_bot[settingtype="${type}"]`);
for (var i = 0; i < panels.length; i++) {
panels[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
panel.style.visibility = "visible";
changePanel("audio"); // default panel
(() => { // competitors delete
if (!checkIfEmbedded()) return;
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let itch = settings_B_bot2.querySelector('.settings_aboutUs_C3.itch');
let discord = settings_B_bot2.querySelector('.settings_aboutUs_C3.discord');
itch.style.display = "none";
discord.style.right = "14vh";
<div class="scenes_upper_div">
<div id="woman_and_scenes_button_scenes">
<img src="ressources/icons/13DA1.webp">
<div class="parent_upper_mid">
<div class="scenes_character_image">
<div class="shadow"></div>
<div class="parent_counter">
<div class="total_scenes_counter">
<p counterScene="all">0/0</p>
<img src="ressources/icons/13C16.webp">
<div class="parent_upper_right">
<div id="scenes_goback_button" onclick="playPassage('MENU main interface'); SV.gallery.isActive = false;" translate="no">
<div class="cheats_parent_bottom">
<div class="galleryFilter">
<div class="galleryFilterButton fights">
<p>Fight Scenes</p>
<img src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<div class="galleryFilterButton solo">
<p>Solo Scenes</p>
<img src="ressources/icons/13DB5.webp">
<div class="galleryFilterButton group">
<p>Group Scenes</p>
<img src="ressources/icons/13DB3.webp">
<div class="galleryFilterButton wild">
<p>Wild Women Scenes</p>
<img src="ressources/icons/7E.webp">
<div class="galleryFilterButtonCharacter">
<div class="galleryFilterButtonImage cherie">
<div class="galleryFilterButtonImage lana">
<div class="galleryFilterButtonImage elfie">
<div class="galleryFilterButtonImage mia">
<div class="galleryFilterButtonImage chanel">
<div class="galleryFilterButtonImage julia">
<div class="galleryFilterButtonImage gabbie">
<div class="galleryFilterButtonImage angela">
<div class="scenes_holy_div">
<div class="scenes_arrow_left"></div>
<div class="scenes_template_container"></div>
<div class="scenes_arrow_right"></div>
body {
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font-size: 1.75vh;
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<div class="A_left">
<div class="B_Ltop">
<div class="C_cible">
<img src="ressources/angela/goals/target.webp">
<div class="C_trophy">
<img src="ressources/angela/goals/trophy.webp">
<div class="C_quest">
<img src="ressources/angela/goals/quest.webp">
<div class="B_Lbottom">
<div class="C_wastelands">
<div class="D_wastelands">
<div class="E_wastelands E_wastelandsBottom">
<div class="E_wastelands E_wastelandsTop">
<bob class="Big_bob"></bob>
<div class="D_Lbottom_texte_Wastelands">Wastelands</div>
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<div class="D_forest">
<div class="E_forest E_forestBottom">
<div class="E_forest E_forestTop">
<bob class="Big_bob"></bob>
<div class="D_Lbottom_texte_Forest">Forest</div>
<div class="A_right">
<div class="B_Rtop">
<div class="C_progress">
<div class="D_progress">
<desc>Districts Built</desc>
<div class="C_back">
<button type="button" id="D_button" data-passage="New">Go Back</button>
<div class="B_Rbottom">
<div class="D_womenStats">
<div class="DE_womenStats">
<div class="E_womenStats E_womenStatsBottom">
<div class="E_womenStats E_womenStatsTop">
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<div class="D_womenStats">
<div class="DE_womenStats">
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<div class="D_womenStats">
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#passages {
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padding: 0;
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width: 100%;
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overflow: hidden;
color: white;
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width: 100%;
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height: 80%;
max-width: 100%;
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height: 70%;
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width: 13vh;
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graph {
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width: 100%;
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border-radius: 50%;
/*background: conic-gradient(yellow 0%, rgb(26, 26, 26) 0%);*/
/*TODO transition to fill the background*/
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
graph img {
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
height: 80%;
object-fit: cover;
border-radius: 20%;
mix-blend-mode: hard-light;
.C_trophy desc, .C_quest desc {
margin: 0.3vh;
display: block;
.B_Lbottom {
height: 77%;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-evenly;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
.C_wastelands {
height: 100%;
width: 20vh;
.D_wastelands, .D_forest {
height: 90%;
width: 100%;
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
.E_wastelands, .E_forest {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
/*.E_wastelandsBottom {
.E_wastelandsBottom bar, .E_forestBottom bar {
/*background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #EE7876 20%, #5C5C5C 20%);*/
height: 80%;
width: 4.5vh;
.E_wastelandsTop, .E_forestTop {
justify-content: space-around;
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width: 9vh;
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margin: 0.5vh;
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display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.Big_bob {
width: 11vh !important;
.E_wastelands bob img, .E_forest bob img {
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
height: 90%;
max-width: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
border-radius: 50%;
.Big_bob img {
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
height: 90%;
max-width: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
border-radius: 50%;
.D_Lbottom_texte_Wastelands, .D_Lbottom_texte_Forest {
/*height: 17%;*/
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
margin-top: 1vh;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
.C_forest {
height: 100%;
width: 20vh;
.A_right {
height: 100%;
width: 50%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.B_Rtop {
height: 18%;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
.C_progress {
height: 100%;
width: 60%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-end;
.C_progress desc {
margin: 0.9vh;
display: block;
font-size: 1.2em;
.D_progress {
max-width: 100%;
background-color: #262626;
height: 50%;
padding: 0 0.3vh;
border: solid 0.5vh #BFBFBF;
border-radius: 1vh;
box-sizing: border-box;
/*outline: solid 0.5vh #BFBFBF;*/
display: flex;
justify-content: start;
align-items: center;
.D_progress div {
background-color: #BFBFBF;
height: 85%;
width: 3vh;
margin: 0.3vh;
border-radius: 0.5vh;
.locked {
background-color: rgba(191, 191, 191, 0.1) !important;
.C_back {
height: 100%;
width: 40%;
display: flex;
justify-content: end;
#D_button {
background-color: #262626;
border: solid 0.5vh #C00000;
height: 8vh;
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margin-top: 1.5vh;
margin-right: 1.5vh;
border-radius: 1vh;
color: inherit;
font-size: 1.5em;
font-weight: bold;
cursor: pointer;
.B_Rbottom {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
max-width: 60vh;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-evenly;
.D_womenStats {
height: 100%;
margin: 0 1vh;
width: 80%;
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
.DE_womenStats {
height: 86%;
width: 100%;
position: relative;
.DE_womenStatsImg {
height: 13%;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.DE_womenStatsImg img {
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
height: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
border-radius: 50%;
box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.40) 0px 5px 15px;
.E_womenStats {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: column-reverse !important;
/*.E_womenStatsBottom {
.E_womenStatsBottom bar {
/*background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #EE7876 0%, #5C5C5C 0%);*/
height: 84%;
width: 4.5vh;
.E_womenStatsTop {
align-content: space-around;
flex-direction: column;
.E_womenStatsTop bob {
/*background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.534);*/
width: 9vh;
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
margin: 0.5vh;
border-radius: 50%;
box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.40) 0px 5px 15px;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.E_womenStats bob img {
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
height: 80%;
max-width: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
border-radius: 20%;
// ------- Data -------
var womenStats = [
name: "cherie",
infill_color : "#EE7876",
name: "lana",
infill_color : "#AB8FD3",
name: "elfie",
infill_color : "#AE00AE",
name: "gabbie",
infill_color : "#7EADEF",
var emptycolor = "#5C5C5C"; //
var womenStatsImages = [
var wastelandsProgress = 5; //0 to 5
var wastelandsColor = "#FE9E42";
var wastelandsCharacters = [
var forestProgress = 5; //0 to 5
var forestColor = "#B0D861";
var forestCharacters = [
var DistrictsBuiltProgress = 7;
var DistrictsBuiltTotal = 9;
// ------- functions -------
function checkScenes(name){
if (name == undefined || name == null) {return;}
if (SV.characters[name].scenes == undefined || SV.characters[name].scenes == null) {return;}
let arr = [];
for (key in SV.characters[name].scenes) {
arr[key] = 0;
for (key2 in SV.characters[name].scenes[key]) {
if (SV.characters[name].scenes[key][key2] > 0) {
arr[key] = 1;
return arr;
// ------- Trophy -------
var trophyTotal = Object.keys(SV.trophy.list).length;
var trophyProgress = 0;
for (key in SV.trophy.list) {
if (SV.trophy.list[key].unlocked == 2) { // 0 = locked, 1 = unlocked, 2 = completed
var C_trophy = document.querySelector('.C_trophy')
var trophy_percent = (trophyProgress / trophyTotal )*100;
C_trophy.querySelector('graph').style.background = `conic-gradient(rgb(255,180,0) ${trophy_percent}%, rgb(26, 26, 26) ${trophy_percent}%)`;
C_trophy.querySelector('desc').innerHTML = `${trophyProgress}/${trophyTotal}`;
// ------- Quest -------
var questTotal = Object.keys(SV.quest.list).length;
var questProgress = 0;
for (key in SV.quest.list) {
if (SV.quest.list[key].unlocked == 2) {
var C_quest = document.querySelector('.C_quest')
var quest_percent = (questProgress / questTotal )*100;
C_quest.querySelector('graph').style.background = `conic-gradient(rgb(255,180,0) ${quest_percent}%, rgb(26, 26, 26) ${quest_percent}%)`;
C_quest.querySelector('desc').innerHTML = `${questProgress}/${questTotal}`;
// ------- Disctricts Progress -------
var D_progress = document.querySelector('.D_progress');
for (let i = 0; i < DistrictsBuiltTotal; i++) {
let div = document.createElement('div');
if (i >= DistrictsBuiltProgress) {
// ------- WomenStats -------
// --- Bottom bar ---
var womenStatsBottom = document.querySelectorAll('.E_womenStatsBottom');
womenStatsBottom.forEach((element, index) => {
let obj = checkScenes(womenStats[index].name)
let obj_length = Object.keys(obj).length;
let progress_max = 0;
for (let i = obj_length; i >= 0; i--) { // find the highest progress value
if (Object.values(obj)[i] == 1) {
progress_max = i;
var barElement = element.querySelector('bar');
let fillcolor = womenStats[index].infill_color;
let percentage = (progress_max / (obj_length - 1)) * 100;
barElement.style.backgroundImage = `linear-gradient(to top, ${fillcolor} ${percentage}%, ${emptycolor} ${percentage}%)`;
// --- Top bobbles ---
var womenStatsTop = document.querySelectorAll('.E_womenStatsTop');
womenStatsTop.forEach((element, index) => {
let progress = womenStats[index].progress;
let progress2 = checkScenes(womenStats[index].name);
let bobElements = element.querySelectorAll('bob');
let parentIndex = index;
bobElements.forEach((element, index) => {
if (Object.values(progress2)[index]) {
element.style.backgroundColor = womenStats[parentIndex].infill_color;
let imgElement = document.createElement('img');
imgElement.src = womenStatsImages[index];
} else {
element.style.backgroundColor = emptycolor;
// --- Bottom Images ---
var DE_womenStatsImg = document.querySelectorAll('.DE_womenStatsImg');
DE_womenStatsImg.forEach((element, index) => {
let imgElement = document.createElement('img');
//imgElement.src = SV.characters[womenStats[index].name].image;
imgElement.src = getCharacterImg(womenStats[index].name);
// ------- WASTELANDS -------
var E_wastelandsBottomBar = document.querySelector('.E_wastelandsBottom bar');
var fillcolor = wastelandsColor;
var percentage = (wastelandsProgress - 1) * 25;
E_wastelandsBottomBar.style.backgroundImage = `linear-gradient(to top, ${fillcolor} ${percentage}%, ${emptycolor} ${percentage}%)`;
document.querySelector('.D_Lbottom_texte_Wastelands').style.color = wastelandsColor;
var E_wastelandsTop = document.querySelector('.E_wastelandsTop');
var wastelandsbobElements = E_wastelandsTop.querySelectorAll('bob')
// Iterate through the wastelandsImages array and apply the image
wastelandsbobElements.forEach((element, index) => {
index = wastelandsbobElements.length - 1 - index;
if (index < wastelandsProgress) {
element.style.backgroundColor = wastelandsColor;
let imgElement = document.createElement('img');
//imgElement.src = wastelandsImages[index];
//imgElement.src = SV.characters[wastelandsCharacters[index]].image;
imgElement.src = getCharacterImg(wastelandsCharacters[index]);
} else {
element.style.backgroundColor = emptycolor;
// ------- FOREST -------
var E_forestBottomBar = document.querySelector('.E_forestBottom bar');
fillcolor = forestColor;
percentage = (forestProgress - 1) * 25;
E_forestBottomBar.style.backgroundImage = `linear-gradient(to top, ${fillcolor} ${percentage}%, ${emptycolor} ${percentage}%)`;
document.querySelector('.D_Lbottom_texte_Forest').style.color = forestColor;
var E_forestTop = document.querySelector('.E_forestTop');
var forestbobElements = E_forestTop.querySelectorAll('bob')
// Iterate through the forestImages array and apply the image
forestbobElements.forEach((element, index) => {
index = forestbobElements.length - 1 - index;
if (index < forestProgress) {
element.style.backgroundColor = forestColor;
let imgElement = document.createElement('img');
//imgElement.src = SV.characters[forestCharacters[index]].image;
imgElement.src = getCharacterImg(forestCharacters[index]);
} else {
element.style.backgroundColor = emptycolor;
<div class="INVS_back">
<div class="INVS_main">
<<inventory>> <!-- class="INVS_main_inventory" -->
<div class="INVS_main_bank">
<div class="INVS_main_bank_background"></div>
<div class="INVS_title_cont">
<div class="INVS_search_bar">
<input type="text" class="INVS_search_bar" placeholder="🔎︎ Search" tabindex="0">
<div class="INVS_title">BANK</div>
<div class="INVS_sort_cont">Sort by 
<div class="INVS_sort" sort_inv_type="bank">Sample text</div>
<div class="INVS_bank_item_cont INVS_scroll" inv_type="bank">
<!-- div class="INVS_item_break">Equipment</div -->
<!-- item class="INVS_inventory_item_div">
<img draggable="false" src="ressources/icons/I1EA13.webp" class="INVS_item_img">
<div class="INVS_item_text">Dark Leather Boots</div>
<invs_tier tier="1">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ranks/1.webp">
</item -->
<<mouseItem>> <!-- class="INVS_mouse_item_cont" -->
:root {
--INVS_Font_Color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
--INVS_desc_heigth: 15vh;
body {
overflow: hidden;
#story {
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
user-select: none;
font-family: 'Century Gothic', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.75vh;
line-height: normal;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #1d1d1d;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
color: white;
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
input[type=text] {
min-width: auto !important;
color: white !important;
input::placeholder { /* Modern browsers */
color: white;
/* to include: inventoryGui.js */
/** TODO
* - implement the food scripts
// ------------------ Main Calls ------------------
function INVF_updateLvl1Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_checkInvalidAllMenuInv(); // for all menuInv, if INVS_qty = 0, set to {}
function INVF_updateLvl2Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_clearAllInvGui(); // clear all the inventory GUI
window.INVV = {}; // inventory variables
var sort_list = ["quantity", "rarity", "name", "type"]; // list of all the sorting options. see sort_inv()
var invDivs = document.querySelectorAll('[inv_type]')
var inv_desc = document.querySelector('.INVS_main_inventory_desc');
<div class="INVS_back">
<div class="INVS_main">
<div class="INVS_main_consumeDRoot">
<div class="INVS_consumeDRoot_item_cont" inv_type="consumeDRoot">
<!--item class="INVS_equip_item_div">
<img draggable="false" class="INVS_item_img" src="">
<div class="INVS_consumeDRoot_button" onclick="INVF_consumeItem()">CONSUME</div>
<div class="INVS_consumeDRoot_background"></div>
<<inventory>> <!-- class="INVS_main_inventory" -->
<div class="INVS_main_equipment">
<div class="INVS_main_equipment_background"></div>
<div class="INVS_title_cont">
<div class="INVS_title">EQUIPMENT</div>
<div class="INVS_equipment_item_cont" inv_type="equipment">
<!--item class="INVS_equip_item_div">
<img draggable="false" class="INVS_item_img" src="">
<div class="INVS__separation"></div>
<div class="INVS_equip_bonus_cont INVS_scroll">
<!-- boost>
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/dominance_icon.webp">
<div>Bonus: <qty class="get">+1</qty></div>
</boost -->
<div class="INVS_slavesContainer">
<div class="INVS_slaves">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/dominance_icon.webp">
<div>Slaves Quantity: <qty class="get">$slaves.qty</qty></div>
<<mouseItem>> <!-- class="INVS_mouse_item_cont" -->
:root {
--INVS_Font_Color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
--INVS_desc_heigth: 15vh;
body {
overflow: hidden;
#story {
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
user-select: none;
font-family: 'Century Gothic', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.75vh;
line-height: normal;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #1d1d1d;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
overflow: hidden;
color: white;
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
input[type=text] {
min-width: auto !important;
color: white !important;
input::placeholder { /* Modern browsers */
color: white;
.INVS_slavesContainer {
width: 95%;
height: 6vh;
margin-bottom: 0.8vh;
color: var(--INVS_Font_Color);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
font-size: 2em;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
z-index: 1;
.INVS_slavesContainer > div {
width: 98%;
height: 6vh;
padding: 0.5vh;
margin: 0.5vh 0;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
border-radius: 0.3em;
.INVS_slavesContainer > div img {
height: 100%;
border-radius: 15%;
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
margin-right: 1vh;
object-fit: contain;
filter: hue-rotate(90deg) saturate(200%) brightness(150%);
.INVS_slavesContainer > div > div {
text-align: left;
font-size: 0.5em;
line-height: 1.4;
.INVS_slavesContainer > div qty {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
border: solid 0.1em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
padding: 0.075em 0.5em;
padding-top: 0.05em;
border-radius: 0.5em;
margin: 0 0.15em;
font-weight: bold;
.INVS_slavesContainer > div qty.get {
background-color: rgba(250, 120, 0, 0.5);
border-color: rgba(250, 120, 0, 0.8);
.INVS_slavesContainer > div qty.set {
background-color: rgba(0, 120, 0, 0.5);
border-color: rgba(0, 120, 0, 0.8);
// ------------------ Main Calls ------------------
function INVF_updateLvl1Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_checkInvalidAllMenuInv(); // for all menuInv, if INVS_qty = 0, set to {}
SB_mainRefresh(); //external function
INVF_sanitizeInvs('inventory'); // because of sidebar modVariable get create a qty 0 item
function INVF_updateLvl2Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_clearAllInvGui(); // clear all the inventory GUI
window.INVV = {}; // inventory variables
var sort_list = ["quantity", "rarity", "name", "type"]; // list of all the sorting options. see sort_inv()
var invDivs = document.querySelectorAll('[inv_type]')
var inv_desc = document.querySelector('.INVS_main_inventory_desc');
<div class="INVS_back">
<div class="INVS_main">
<<inventory>> <!-- class="INVS_main_inventory" -->
<div class="INVS_main_food">
<div class="INVS_main_food_background"></div>
<div class="INVS_title_cont">
<div class="INVS_title">THE FRIDGE</div>
<div class="INVS_food_item_cont" inv_type="food">
<item class="INVS_food_item_div">
<img class="INVS_item_img" draggable="false">
<div class="INVS__separation"></div>
<div class="INVS_food_info_cont">
<qty class="INVS_QTY_total_consuption">20</qty>
<img src="ressources/icons/IFA8.webp">
/ Day
<!-- img src="ressources/maingui/ui/time.webp" style="height:3vh;filter:drop-shadow(0 200vh 0 rgb(180, 180, 180));transform:translateY(-200vh);" -->
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/time.webp">
<div class="INVS_QTY_food_current"></div>
<div>Current Storage</div>
<qty class="INVS_QTY_current_stock">20</qty>
<img src="ressources/icons/IFA8.webp">
<qty class="INVS_QTY_days_until_empty" style="margin-left: 4vh;">20</qty>
<!-- img src="ressources/maingui/ui/time.webp" style="filter:drop-shadow(0 200vh 0 rgb(180, 180, 180));transform:translateY(-200vh);" -->
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/time.webp">
<<mouseItem>> <!-- class="INVS_mouse_item_cont" -->
:root {
--INVS_Font_Color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
--INVS_desc_heigth: 15vh;
body {
overflow: hidden;
#story {
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
user-select: none;
font-family: 'Century Gothic', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.75vh;
line-height: normal;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #1d1d1d;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
color: white;
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
// ------------------ Main Calls ------------------
if (SV.tutorial.tutokitchen === 0) {
SV.tutorial.tutokitchen = 1;
function INVF_updateLvl1Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_checkInvalidAllMenuInv(); // for all menuInv, if INVS_qty = 0, set to {}
function INVF_updateLvl2Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_clearAllInvGui(); // clear all the inventory GUI
// hide all but food
"inventory": {
hide: function (item) {
//if (item.type == "food") return false;
//return true;
return item.type !== "food";
//INVF_checkEquipmentBonus(); // equipment
INVF_updateFoodInfo(); // food
window.INVV = {}; // inventory variables
var sort_list = ["quantity", "rarity", "name", "type"]; // list of all the sorting options. see sort_inv()
var invDivs = document.querySelectorAll('[inv_type]')
var inv_desc = document.querySelector('.INVS_main_inventory_desc');
<div class="INVS_back">
<div class="INVS_main">
<<inventory>> <!-- class="INVS_main_inventory" -->
<div class="INVS_main_furnace">
<div class="INVS_main_furnace_background"></div>
<div class="INVS_title_cont">
<div class="INVS_title">THE FURNACE</div>
<div class="INVS_furnace_item_cont" inv_type="furnace">
<!-- item class="INVS_furnace_item_div">
</item -->
<div class="INVS_furnace_button" onclick="INVF_furnaceItem()">TRANSFORM ITEM</div>
<div class="INVS__separation"></div>
<div class="INVS_furnace_itemGain_cont INVS_scroll">
<!-- item>
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/dominance_icon.webp">
</item -->
<<mouseItem>> <!-- class="INVS_mouse_item_cont" -->
:root {
--INVS_Font_Color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
--INVS_desc_heigth: 15vh;
body {
overflow: hidden;
#story {
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
user-select: none;
font-family: 'Century Gothic', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.75vh;
line-height: normal;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #1d1d1d;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
color: white;
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
// ------------------ Main Calls ------------------
function INVF_updateLvl1Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_checkInvalidAllMenuInv(); // for all menuInv, if INVS_qty = 0, set to {}
function INVF_updateLvl2Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_clearAllInvGui(); // clear all the inventory GUI
// hide all but food or equipment
"inventory": {
hide: function (item) {
return item.type !== "food" && item.type !== "equipment";
INVF_updateFurnaceInfo(); // furnace
//INVF_checkEquipmentBonus(); // equipment
//INVF_updateFoodInfo(); // food
window.INVV = {}; // inventory variables
var sort_list = ["quantity", "rarity", "name", "type"]; // list of all the sorting options. see sort_inv()
var invDivs = document.querySelectorAll('[inv_type]')
var inv_desc = document.querySelector('.INVS_main_inventory_desc');
<div class="INVS_back">
<div class="INVS_main">
<<inventory>> <!-- class="INVS_main_inventory" -->
<div class="INVS_main_crafting">
<div class="INVS_main_crafting_background"></div>
<div class="INVS_title_cont">
<div class="INVS_title">CRAFTING</div>
<div class="INVS_craftman_requirement">
<name translate="no">Current Craftsmanship</name>
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/craft_icon.webp">
<div class="INVS_craftman_requirementInfo">?</div>
<div class="INVS_craftman_requirementInfoDiv">
You can practice the craftsmanship in the shelter backyards.
<div class="INVS_crafting_item_cont">
<item class="INVS_crafting_item_div">
<!-- img draggable="false" class="INVS_item_img" src="ressources/icons/IB0F1.webp" -->
<item class="INVS_crafting_item_div"></item>
<item class="INVS_crafting_item_div"></item>
<item class="INVS_crafting_item_div"></item>
<div class="INVS__separation"></div>
<div class="INVS_crafting_arrowDown">
<img src="ressources/icons/arrow.webp">
<div class="INVS_crafting_cookCont">
<item class="INVS_craftingResult_item_div">
<!-- img draggable="false" class="INVS_item_img" src="ressources/icons/IB0F1.webp">
<invs-tier><img src="ressources/maingui/ranks/5.webp"></invs-tier -->
<div class="INVS_crafting_button">
<div class="INVS_main_craftDic">
<div class="INVS_main_craftDic_background"></div>
<div class="INVS_title_cont">
<div class="INVS_title">RECIPES</div>
<div class="INVS_search_contLeft">
<select class="INVS_filter_select"></select>
<div class="INVS_search_cont">
<input type="text" class="INVS_search_input" placeholder="🔎︎ Search">
<select class="INVS_filter_select">
/* <option value="all" selected>All Types</option>
<option value="equipment">Equipment</option>
<option value="material">Material</option>
<option value="food">Food</option> */
<div class="INVS_craftDic_item_cont INVS_scroll">
<!-- div class="INVS_craftDic_item_div" -->
<<mouseItem>> <!-- class="INVS_mouse_item_cont" -->
.INVS_main {
width: 130vh; /* override */
.INVS_main_craftDic .INVS_title {
line-height: 1;
align-items: baseline;
.INVS_exit_button_cont {
width: 200vh; /* override */
:root {
--INVS_Font_Color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
--INVS_desc_heigth: 15vh;
body {
overflow: hidden;
#story {
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
user-select: none;
font-family: 'Century Gothic', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.75vh;
line-height: normal;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #1d1d1d;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
overflow: hidden;
color: white;
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
input[type=text] {
min-width: auto !important;
color: white !important;
input::placeholder { /* Modern browsers */
color: white;
// ------------------ Main Calls ------------------
function INVF_updateLvl1Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_checkInvalidAllMenuInv(); // for all menuInv, if INVS_qty = 0, set to {}
SB_mainRefresh(); //external function
INVF_sanitizeInvs('inventory'); // because of sidebar modVariable get create a qty 0 item
function INVF_updateLvl2Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_clearAllInvGui(); // clear all the inventory GUI
window.INVV = {}; // inventory variables
var sort_list = ["quantity", "rarity", "name", "type"]; // list of all the sorting options. see sort_inv()
var invDivs = document.querySelectorAll('[inv_type]')
var inv_desc = document.querySelector('.INVS_main_inventory_desc');
var dictionaryKey = 'craftDic';
INVF_setupCooking(); // craftsmanship
<div class="INVS_back">
<div class="INVS_main">
<<inventory>> <!-- class="INVS_main_inventory" -->
<div class="INVS_main_crafting">
<div class="INVS_main_crafting_background"></div>
<div class="INVS_title_cont">
<div class="INVS_title">COOKING</div>
<div class="INVS_craftman_requirement">
<name translate="no">Current Craftsmanship</name>
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/craft_icon.webp">
<div class="INVS_craftman_requirementInfo">?</div>
<div class="INVS_craftman_requirementInfoDiv">
You can practice the craftsmanship in the shelter backyards.
<div class="INVS_crafting_item_cont">
<item class="INVS_crafting_item_div">
<!-- img draggable="false" class="INVS_item_img" src="ressources/icons/IB0F1.webp" -->
<item class="INVS_crafting_item_div"></item>
<item class="INVS_crafting_item_div"></item>
<item class="INVS_crafting_item_div"></item>
<div class="INVS__separation"></div>
<div class="INVS_crafting_arrowDown">
<img src="ressources/icons/arrow.webp">
<div class="INVS_crafting_cookCont">
<item class="INVS_craftingResult_item_div">
<!-- img draggable="false" class="INVS_item_img" src="ressources/icons/IB0F1.webp">
<invs-tier><img src="ressources/maingui/ranks/5.webp"></invs-tier -->
<div class="INVS_crafting_button">
<div class="INVS_main_craftDic">
<div class="INVS_main_craftDic_background"></div>
<div class="INVS_title_cont">
<div class="INVS_title">RECIPES</div>
/* <div class="INVS_search_contLeft">
<select class="INVS_filter_select"></select>
</div> */
<div class="INVS_search_cont">
<input type="text" class="INVS_search_input" placeholder="🔎︎ Search">
<select class="INVS_filter_select">
/* <option value="all" selected>All Types</option>
<option value="equipment">Equipment</option>
<option value="material">Material</option>
<option value="food">Food</option> */
<div class="INVS_craftDic_item_cont INVS_scroll">
<!-- div class="INVS_craftDic_item_div" -->
<<mouseItem>> <!-- class="INVS_mouse_item_cont" -->
.INVS_main {
width: 130vh; /* override */
.INVS_exit_button_cont {
width: 200vh; /* override */
:root {
--INVS_Font_Color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
--INVS_desc_heigth: 15vh;
body {
overflow: hidden;
#story {
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
user-select: none;
font-family: 'Century Gothic', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.75vh;
line-height: normal;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #1d1d1d;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
overflow: hidden;
color: white;
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
input[type=text] {
min-width: auto !important;
color: white !important;
input::placeholder { /* Modern browsers */
color: white;
// ------------------ Main Calls ------------------
function INVF_updateLvl1Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_checkInvalidAllMenuInv(); // for all menuInv, if INVS_qty = 0, set to {}
SB_mainRefresh(); //external function
INVF_sanitizeInvs('inventory'); // because of sidebar modVariable get create a qty 0 item
function INVF_updateLvl2Functions() { // update everything except the externalInv.inventory
INVF_clearAllInvGui(); // clear all the inventory GUI
window.INVV = {}; // inventory variables
var sort_list = ["quantity", "rarity", "name", "type"]; // list of all the sorting options. see sort_inv()
var invDivs = document.querySelectorAll('[inv_type]')
var inv_desc = document.querySelector('.INVS_main_inventory_desc');
var dictionaryKey = 'cookDic';
INVF_setupCooking(); // craftsmanship
</script>Cannot locate necessary script files.
Please make sure you have correctly extracted the game before attempting to play.<<widget sceneMaster>>
<div class="scenes_upper_div">
<div id="woman_and_scenes_button_scenes">
<img src="ressources/icons/13DA1.webp">
<div class="parent_upper_mid">
<div class="scenes_character_image">
<<if def SV.characters.list[_args[0]]>>
<img @character=_args[0]>
<img @src="`ressources/icons/${ST.args[0]}.webp`">
<div class="shadow"></div>
<div class="parent_upper_right">
<div onclick="playPassage('MENU main interface')" id="scenes_goback_button" translate="no">
<<widget sceneCounter>>
<div class="parent_counter">
<div class="total_scenes_counter">
<p counterScene="all">0/0</p>
<img src="ressources/icons/13C16.webp">
<div class="scenes_counter">
<div class="scenes_counter_type">
<p counterScene="beginning">0/0</p>
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/beginning.webp">
<div class="scenes_counter_type">
<p counterScene="tease">0/0</p>
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/tease.webp">
<div class="scenes_counter_type">
<p counterScene="handjob">0/0</p>
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/handjob.webp">
<div class="scenes_counter_type">
<p counterScene="titsjob">0/0</p>
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/boobjob.webp">
<div class="scenes_counter_type">
<p counterScene="blowjob">0/0</p>
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/blowjob.webp">
<div class="scenes_counter_type">
<p counterScene="vaginal">0/0</p>
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/vaginal.webp">
<div class="scenes_counter_type">
<p counterScene="anal">0/0</p>
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/anal.webp">
<div class="scenes_counter_type">
<p counterScene="extreme">0/0</p>
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/extreme.webp">
<<widget sceneList>>
<div class="cheats_parent_bottom">
<div class="scenes_holy_div">
<div class="scenes_arrow_left"></div>
<div class="scenes_template_container">
<!--div class="scenes_icons scenes_icon_unseen">
<div class="shadow_1"></div>
<div class="mech_icons">
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#story {
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margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
position: relative;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
user-select: none;
font-family: 'Century Gothic', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.75vh;
line-height: normal;
overflow: hidden;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #1d1d1d;
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padding: 0;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
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flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-evenly;
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color: white;
font-family: 'Teko', sans-serif;
#scenes_goback_button:hover {
transform: translate(0.25vh, -0.25vh);
box-shadow: -0.5vh 0.5vh 1vh rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
.scenes_icons:hover {
transform: translate(0.25vh, -0.25vh);
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margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
position: relative;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
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font-family: 'Century Gothic', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.75vh;
line-height: normal;
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font-weight: bold;
background-color: #1d1d1d;
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-image: none;
.scenes_character_image {
border: 3px solid var(--theme-color);
text-shadow: 0px 0px 8px var(--theme-color), 0px 0px 16px var(--theme-color), 0px 0px 24px var(--theme-color);/* For centering text */
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background-image: none;
.scenes_character_image img {
height: 100%;
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border: 3px solid var(--theme-color);
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text-shadow: 0 0 1vw var(--theme-color), 0 0 1.5vw var(--theme-color), 0 0 2vw var(--theme-color);
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border: 3px solid var(--theme-color);
text-shadow: 0px 0px 8px var(--theme-color), 0px 0px 16px var(--theme-color), 0px 0px 24px var(--theme-color);/* For centering text */
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
background-image: none;
.scenes_counter {
border: 3px solid var(--theme-color);
text-shadow: 0px 0px 8px var(--theme-color), 0px 0px 16px var(--theme-color), 0px 0px 24px var(--theme-color);/* For centering text */
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background-image: none;
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border: 3px solid var(--theme-color);
text-shadow: 0px 0px 8px var(--theme-color), 0px 0px 16px var(--theme-color), 0px 0px 24px var(--theme-color);/* For centering text */
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-image: none;
.scenes_icons:hover {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1vw var(--theme-color), 0 0 1vw var(--theme-color), 0 0 1.5vw var(--theme-color), 0 0 2vw var(--theme-color);
text-shadow: 0 0 1vw var(--theme-color), 0 0 1.5vw var(--theme-color), 0 0 2vw var(--theme-color);
.scenes_icon_unseen {
border-radius: 2.5vh;
border: 3px solid var(--theme-color);
text-shadow: 0px 0px 8px var(--theme-color), 0px 0px 16px var(--theme-color), 0px 0px 24px var(--theme-color);/* For centering text */
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0.5vw var(--theme-color), 0 0 0.5vw var(--theme-color), 0 0 1vw var(--theme-color);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-image: none;
<<widget inventory>>
<div class="INVS_exit_button_cont">
<div class="INVS_exit_button" onclick="exitInventory()">EXIT</div>
<div class="INVS_main_inventory">
<div class="INVS_main_inventory_out">
<div class="INVS_title_cont">
<div class="INVS_title">INVENTORY</div>
<!-- div class="INVS_exit_button" onclick="exitInventory()">EXIT</div -->
<div class="INVS_sort_cont">Sort by 
<div class="INVS_sort" sort_inv_type="inventory">Sample text</div>
<div class="INVS_inventory_item_cont INVS_scroll" inv_type="inventory">
Something went wrong, contact devs via discord
<!--div class="INVS_item_break">Crafting</div>
<item class="INVS_inventory_item_div">
<img class="INVS_item_img" draggable="false">
<div class="INVS_item_text">
Sword of the Unfallen<br>1
<div class="INVS_main_inventory_background"></div>
<div class="INVS_main_inventory_desc"></div>
<<widget mouseItem>>
<div class="INVS_mouse_item_cont" inv_type="mouse">
<!--img draggable="false" class="INVS_item_img">
<<widget previousPeacewood>>
<div id="arrow-left" class="button rectangular-button" onclick="previousBloc()">
<img class="chevron-arrow-left" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow.webp" alt="Chevron Arrow">
<div class="dropdown-rectangle">
<img class="icon5" src="ressources/maingui/attributes/better_virus.webp">
<<widget nextPeacewood>>
<<if _args[0] == false>> <!-- false if is not last passage -->
<div id="arrow-right" class="button rectangular-button" onclick="nextBloc()">
<img class="chevron-arrow-right" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp" alt="Chevron Arrow">
<div class="arrow-right"></div>
<div class="dropdown-rectangle">
<img class="icon5" src="ressources/icons/3A9.webp">
<div class="DPS_discoveryPortalCont" sceneId="YA20E" onclick="nextBloc()">
<div class="DPS_front">
<img class="DPS_paralax_ref" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/forestCrimson1.webp">
<img class="DPS_background" src="./ressources/backgrounds/YB_SS.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/smoke.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsGreen2.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/forestCrimson1.webp">
<div class="DPS_title">CRIMSONWOODS</div>
<div class="DPS_left"></div>
<div class="DPS_right"></div>
<div class="DPS_top"></div>
<div class="DPS_bottom"></div>
<<widget nextCrimsonwoods>>
<<if _args[0] == false>> <!-- false if is not last passage -->
<div id="arrow-right" class="button rectangular-button" onclick="nextBloc()">
<img class="chevron-arrow-right" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp" alt="Chevron Arrow">
<div class="arrow-right"></div>
<div class="dropdown-rectangle">
<img class="icon5" src="ressources/icons/3A9.webp">
<div class="DPS_discoveryPortalCont" sceneId="YB13E" onclick="nextBloc()">
<div class="DPS_front">
<img class="DPS_paralax_ref" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/forestDeep1.webp">
<img class="DPS_background" src="./ressources/backgrounds/YC_SS.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/smoke.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsGreen2.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/forestDeep1.webp">
<div class="DPS_title">DEEPWOODS</div>
<div class="DPS_left"></div>
<div class="DPS_right"></div>
<div class="DPS_top"></div>
<div class="DPS_bottom"></div>
<<widget nextDeepwoods>>
<<if _args[0] == false>> <!-- false if is not last passage -->
<div id="arrow-right" class="button rectangular-button" onclick="nextBloc()">
<img class="chevron-arrow-right" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp" alt="Chevron Arrow">
<div class="arrow-right"></div>
<div class="dropdown-rectangle">
<img class="icon5" src="ressources/icons/3A9.webp">
<div class="DPS_discoveryPortalCont" sceneId="YC13E" onclick="TODO">
<div class="DPS_front">
<img class="DPS_paralax_ref" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/forestWhite1.webp">
<img class="DPS_background" src="./ressources/backgrounds/TODO">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/smoke.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsGreen2.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/forestWhite1.webp">
<div class="DPS_title">TODO</div>
<div class="DPS_left"></div>
<div class="DPS_right"></div>
<div class="DPS_top"></div>
<div class="DPS_bottom"></div>
<<widget mainButtonsPeacewood>>
<<if _pass>>
<div onclick="accessHuntingGame('A', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2N.webp"></div>
<div onclick="accessGatheringGame('A', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2O.webp"></div>
<!-- div onclick="playPassage(`YA${ST.key}D`)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/2K.webp"></div -->
<div onclick="accessFishingGame('A', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/2M.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2N.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2O.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/2M.webp"></div>
<<widget mainButtonsCrimsonwoods>>
<<if _pass>>
<div onclick="accessHuntingGame('B', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2N.webp"></div>
<div onclick="accessGatheringGame('B', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2O.webp"></div>
<!-- div onclick="playPassage(`YA${ST.key}D`)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/2K.webp"></div -->
<div onclick="accessFishingGame('B', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/2M.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2N.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2O.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/2M.webp"></div>
<<widget previousBorder>>
<div id="arrow-left" class="button rectangular-button" onclick="previousBloc()">
<img class="chevron-arrow-left" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow.webp" alt="Chevron Arrow">
<<widget nextBorder>>
<<if _args[0] == false>> <!-- false if is not last passage -->
<div id="arrow-right" class="button rectangular-button" onclick="nextBloc()">
<img class="chevron-arrow-right" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp" alt="Chevron Arrow">
<div class="arrow-right"></div>
<div class="dropdown-rectangle">
<img class="icon5" src="ressources/icons/3A9.webp">
<div class="DPS_discoveryPortalCont" sceneId="WA13E" onclick="nextBloc()">
<div class="DPS_front">
<img class="DPS_paralax_ref" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsGreen1.webp">
<img class="DPS_background" src="./ressources/backgrounds/WB_SS.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/smoke.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsGreen2.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsGreen1.webp">
<div class="DPS_title">THE GREEN ZONE</div>
<div class="DPS_left"></div>
<div class="DPS_right"></div>
<div class="DPS_top"></div>
<div class="DPS_bottom"></div>
<<widget nextGreen>>
<<if _args[0] == false>> <!-- false if is not last passage -->
<div id="arrow-right" class="button rectangular-button" onclick="nextBloc()">
<img class="chevron-arrow-right" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp" alt="Chevron Arrow">
<div class="arrow-right"></div>
<div class="dropdown-rectangle">
<img class="icon5" src="ressources/icons/3A9.webp">
<div class="DPS_discoveryPortalCont" sceneId="WB13E" onclick="nextBloc()">
<div class="DPS_front">
<img class="DPS_paralax_ref" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsBlue1.webp">
<img class="DPS_background" src="./ressources/backgrounds/WC_SS.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/smoke.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsGreen2.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsBlue1.webp">
<div class="DPS_title">THE BLUE ZONE</div>
<div class="DPS_left"></div>
<div class="DPS_right"></div>
<div class="DPS_top"></div>
<div class="DPS_bottom"></div>
<<widget nextBlue>>
<<if _args[0] == false>> <!-- false if is not last passage -->
<div id="arrow-right" class="button rectangular-button" onclick="nextBloc()">
<img class="chevron-arrow-right" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp" alt="Chevron Arrow">
<div class="arrow-right"></div>
<div class="dropdown-rectangle">
<img class="icon5" src="ressources/icons/3A9.webp">
<div class="DPS_discoveryPortalCont" sceneId="WC13E" onclick="nextBloc()">
<div class="DPS_front">
<img class="DPS_paralax_ref" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsRed1.webp">
<img class="DPS_background" src="./ressources/backgrounds/WD_SS.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/smoke.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsGreen2.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsRed1.webp">
<div class="DPS_title">THE RED ZONE</div>
<div class="DPS_left"></div>
<div class="DPS_right"></div>
<div class="DPS_top"></div>
<div class="DPS_bottom"></div>
<<widget nextRed>>
<<if _args[0] == false>> <!-- false if is not last passage -->
<div id="arrow-right" class="button rectangular-button" onclick="nextBloc()">
<img class="chevron-arrow-right" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp" alt="Chevron Arrow">
<div class="arrow-right"></div>
<div class="dropdown-rectangle">
<img class="icon5" src="ressources/icons/3A9.webp">
<div class="DPS_discoveryPortalCont" sceneId="WD13E" onclick="nextBloc()">
<div class="DPS_front">
<img class="DPS_paralax_ref" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsBlack1.webp">
<img class="DPS_background" src="./ressources/backgrounds/WE_SS.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/smoke.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsBlack2.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsBalck1.webp">
<div class="DPS_title">THE BLACK ZONE</div>
<div class="DPS_left"></div>
<div class="DPS_right"></div>
<div class="DPS_top"></div>
<div class="DPS_bottom"></div>
<<widget nextBlack>>
<<if _args[0] == false>> <!-- false if is not last passage -->
<div id="arrow-right" class="button rectangular-button" onclick="nextBloc()">
<img class="chevron-arrow-right" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp" alt="Chevron Arrow">
<div class="arrow-right"></div>
<div class="dropdown-rectangle">
<img class="icon5" src="ressources/icons/3A9.webp">
<div class="DPS_discoveryPortalCont" sceneId="WE13E" onclick="TODO">
<div class="DPS_front">
<img class="DPS_paralax_ref" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsWhite1.webp">
<img class="DPS_background" src="./ressources/backgrounds/TODO.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/smoke.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsGreen2.webp">
<img class="DPS_paralax" src="./ressources/maingui/ui/watelandsWhite1.webp">
<div class="DPS_title">TODO</div>
<div class="DPS_left"></div>
<div class="DPS_right"></div>
<div class="DPS_top"></div>
<div class="DPS_bottom"></div>
<<widget mainButtonsBorder>>
<<if _pass>>
<div onclick="accessSearchGame('A', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2I.webp"></div>
<div onclick="accessMaterialSearch('A', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2J.webp"></div>
<!-- div onclick="playPassage(`WA${ST.key}D`)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/2K.webp"></div -->
<div onclick="accessSlaveHunt('A', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/handcuffs.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2I.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2J.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/handcuffs.webp"></div>
<<widget mainButtonsGreen>>
<<if _pass>>
<div onclick="accessSearchGame('B', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2I.webp"></div>
<div onclick="accessMaterialSearch('B', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2J.webp"></div>
<!-- div onclick="playPassage(`WA${ST.key}D`)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/2K.webp"></div -->
<div onclick="accessSlaveHunt('B', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/handcuffs.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2I.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2J.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/handcuffs.webp"></div>
<<widget mainButtonsBlue>>
<<if _pass>>
<div onclick="accessSearchGame('C', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2I.webp"></div>
<div onclick="accessMaterialSearch('C', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2J.webp"></div>
<!-- div onclick="playPassage(`WA${ST.key}D`)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/2K.webp"></div -->
<div onclick="accessSlaveHunt('C', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/handcuffs.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2I.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2J.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/handcuffs.webp"></div>
<<widget mainButtonsRed>>
<<if _pass>>
<div onclick="accessSearchGame('D', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2I.webp"></div>
<div onclick="accessMaterialSearch('D', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2J.webp"></div>
<!-- div onclick="playPassage(`WA${ST.key}D`)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/2K.webp"></div -->
<div onclick="accessSlaveHunt('D', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/handcuffs.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2I.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2J.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/handcuffs.webp"></div>
<<widget mainButtonsBlack>>
<<if _pass>>
<div onclick="accessSearchGame('E', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2I.webp"></div>
<div onclick="accessMaterialSearch('E', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2J.webp"></div>
<!-- div onclick="playPassage(`WA${ST.key}D`)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/2K.webp"></div -->
<div onclick="accessSlaveHunt('E', ST.key)" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/handcuffs.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon1" src="ressources/icons/2I.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon2" src="ressources/icons/2J.webp"></div>
<div onclick="appendNotReadyWarning()" class="button circular-button"><img class="icon3" src="ressources/icons/handcuffs.webp"></div>
<<widget peacewoodMaster>>
setCurrentSection({key: "peacewood"});
<<set _key = Number(passageId.splice(0,2))>>
<<set _pass = $specpass[`TWOA${_key}`] is 1 || ndef $specpass[`TWOA${_key}`]>>
<<set _isLast = _key == 20>>
<div class="container">
<div class="main-buttons-forest">
<<switch passageId>>
<<case '2A1'>>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="accessWoodChoppingGame('4BA')">
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/2L.webp" style="max-width: 70%;">
<<case '2A2'>>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="accessAngelaCamp()">
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/2A3.webp" style="max-width: 70%;">
<<case '2A3'>>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FFA')"> <!-- Tracer (20) -->
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FFA">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '2A4'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.4"></div> <!-- AAT1 -->
<<case '2A5'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.5"></div> <!-- AAL1 -->
<div class="eventButton">
<img src="ressources/icons/pumpkin.webp" onclick="playPassage('XHH1')">
<div class="pancarte">
<img src="ressources/icons/pancarte.webp">
<p>Halloween Scene 1 <br> 2024</p>
<<case '2A6'>>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FFB')"> <!-- D.va (300) -->
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FFB">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '2A7'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.7"></div> <!-- AAT2 -->
<<case '2A8'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.8"></div> <!-- AAL2 & DUA1 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainContHC GSIS_mainCont-GA">
<div class="GSIS_subCont">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/miaBeginningSelection.webp" class="GSIS_subCont__clip-img" mia="" transition="">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/miaBeginningSelection.webp" class="GSIS_subCont__visual-img">
.GSIS_mainContHC {
position: relative;
left: 0;
right: 0;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row-reverse;
var HC_mia = document.querySelector('.GSIS_mainContHC');
var HC_miaSub = document.querySelector('.GSIS_subCont');
var HC_miaVisual = document.querySelector('.GSIS_subCont__visual-img');
var HC_miaClip = document.querySelector('.GSIS_subCont__clip-img');
HC_mia.style.display = 'none';
if (SV.scenes.list.AA4.seen == true) {
HC_mia.style.display = 'flex';
HC_miaClip.onclick = () => {
if (SV.scenes.list.DUA1.seen == true) {
HC_mia.style.display = 'none';
<<case '2A9'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.9"></div> <!-- AA3 -->
<<case '2A10'>>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FFC')"> <!-- Lara Croft (3k) -->
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FFC">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '2A11'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.11"></div> <!-- AAT4 -->
<<case '2A12'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.12"></div> <!-- AAL4 -->
<<case '2A13'>>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FFD')"> <!-- Chung Li (30k) -->
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FFD">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '2A14'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.14"></div> <!-- AAT5 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainContHC GSIS_mainCont-GA">
<div class="GSIS_subCont">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/chanelBeginningSelection.webp" class="GSIS_subCont__clip-img" chanel="" transition="">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/chanelBeginningSelection.webp" class="GSIS_subCont__visual-img">
.GSIS_mainContHC {
position: relative;
left: 0;
right: 0;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row-reverse;
var HC_chanel = document.querySelector('.GSIS_mainContHC');
var HC_chanelSub = document.querySelector('.GSIS_subCont');
var HC_chanelVisual = document.querySelector('.GSIS_subCont__visual-img');
var HC_chanelClip = document.querySelector('.GSIS_subCont__clip-img');
HC_chanel.style.display = 'none';
if (SV.scenes.list.AA7.seen == true) {
HC_chanel.style.display = 'flex';
HC_chanelClip.onclick = () => {
if (SV.scenes.list.IUA1.seen == true) {
HC_chanel.style.display = 'none';
<<case '2A15'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.15"></div> <!-- AAL5 -->
<div class="eventDeco">
<img src="ressources/icons/skeleton.webp" onclick="playPassage('XHH2')">
<div class="pancarte">
<img src="ressources/icons/pancarte.webp">
<p>Halloween Scene 2 <br> 2024</p>
<<case '2A16'>>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FFE')"> <!-- Tsunade (300k) TODO -->
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FFE">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '2A17'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.17"></div> <!-- AA11 -->
<<case '2A18'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.18"></div> <!-- AA13 -->
<<case '2A19'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="peacewood.19"></div> <!-- AA14 -->
<<case '2A20'>>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FAA')"> <!-- Boss Dimitrescu -->
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FFF">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<nextPeacewood _isLast>>
var passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
playAudio("music", "forestPeacewood");
SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable = true;
SV.gui_interface.inventoryButtonEnable = true;
/* end button css */
var nextPassageExist = SugarCube.Story.has(`2A${ST.key + 1}`);
if (nextPassageExist === false) {
var styleEl = document.createElement('style');
styleEl.innerHTML = '#arrow-right:hover { background-color: red; }';
/* floor seen tracker */
if (SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_ForestPeaceWood < ST.key) {
SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_ForestPeaceWood = ST.key;
function nextBloc() {
if (ST.isLast) { /* last passage (13) */
const sceneId = document.querySelector('.DPS_discoveryPortalCont').getAttribute('sceneId');
const sceneDyn = SV.scenes.list[sceneId];
const sceneSta = gameData.scenes.list[sceneId];
if (!sceneId || !sceneDyn || !sceneSta) throw new Error('invalid sceneId, DPS_discoveryPortalCont, nextBloc()');
if (ST.pass) {
if (sceneDyn.seen !== true) playPassage(sceneId);
else playPassage(sceneSta.winReturnPassage);
else appendNotReadyWarning();
else if (nextPassageExist === false) appendWipWarning();
else if (ST.pass) {
playPassage(`2A${ST.key + 1}`);
else appendNotReadyWarning();
function previousBloc() {
if (SV.specpass?.TWOA21 !== 1) {
modVariable("add", "stat", "virus", 5);
ST.key == 1 ? playPassage('FOREST MAP') : playPassage(`2A${ST.key - 1}`);
<<widget crimsonMaster>>
setCurrentSection({key: "crimsonwood"});
<<set _key = Number(passageId.splice(0,2))>>
<<set _pass = $specpass[`TWOB${_key}`] is 1 || ndef $specpass[`TWOB${_key}`]>>
<<set _isLast = _key == 20>>
<div class="container">
<div class="main-buttons-forest">
<<switch passageId>>
<<case '2B1'>>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="accessWoodChoppingGame('4BB')">
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/2L.webp" style="max-width: 70%;">
<<case '2B2'>>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="accessAngelaCamp()">
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/2A3.webp" style="max-width: 70%;">
<<case '2B3'>>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FFF')"> <!-- Erza Scarlet -->
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FFA">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '2B4'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="crimsonwood.4"></div> <!-- AA15 -->
<<nextCrimsonwoods _isLast>>
var passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
playAudio("music", "forestCrimsonwood");
SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable = true;
SV.gui_interface.inventoryButtonEnable = true;
/* end button css */
var nextPassageExist = SugarCube.Story.has(`2B${ST.key + 1}`);
if (nextPassageExist === false) {
var styleEl = document.createElement('style');
styleEl.innerHTML = '#arrow-right:hover { background-color: red; }';
if (ST.key == 21) {
document.querySelector('#arrow-right').style.visibility = 'hidden';
/* floor seen tracker */
if (SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_ForestCrimsonWood < ST.key) {
SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_ForestCrimsonWood = ST.key;
function nextBloc() {
if (ST.isLast) { /* last passage (13) */
const sceneId = document.querySelector('.DPS_discoveryPortalCont').getAttribute('sceneId');
const sceneDyn = SV.scenes.list[sceneId];
const sceneSta = gameData.scenes.list[sceneId];
if (!sceneId || !sceneDyn || !sceneSta) throw new Error('invalid sceneId, DPS_discoveryPortalCont, nextBloc()');
if (ST.pass) {
if (sceneDyn.seen !== true) playPassage(sceneId);
else playPassage(sceneSta.winReturnPassage);
else appendNotReadyWarning();
else if (nextPassageExist === false) appendWipWarning();
else if (ST.pass) {
SV.wastelandsAmbushChance += 3; /* +3% at each move */
playPassage(`2B${ST.key + 1}`);
else appendNotReadyWarning();
function previousBloc() {
if (SV.specpass?.TWOA21 !== 1) {
modVariable("add", "stat", "virus", 5);
ST.key == 1 ? playPassage('FOREST MAP') : playPassage(`2B${ST.key - 1}`);
<<widget borderMaster>>
setCurrentSection({key: "border"});
<<set _key = Number(passageId.splice(0,2))>>
<!-- <set _dangerlevel = 3 * _key> -->
<<set _pass = $specpass[`THREEA${_key}`] is 1 || ndef $specpass[`THREEA${_key}`]>>
<<set _isLast = _key == 13>>
<div class="container">
<div class="main-buttons-wastelands">
<<switch passageId>>
<<case '3A1'>> <!-- Scavenging -->
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="accessScavengingGame('3A')">
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/3A8.webp">
<<case '3A2'>> <!-- Gabbie -->
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="accessGabbieCamp()">
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/3A10.webp" style="max-width: 70%;">
<<case '3A3'>> <!-- Mad Dummy (1) -->
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FWA')">
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FWA">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '3A4'>> <!-- GA1 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="border.4"></div>
<<case '3A5'>> <!-- GA2 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="border.5"></div>
<<case '3A6'>> <!-- Mad Trainee (100) -->
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FWB')">
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FWB">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '3A7'>> <!-- GA3 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="border.7"></div>
<<case '3A8'>> <!-- GA4 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="border.8"></div>
<<case '3A9'>> <!-- Mad Fighter (1000) -->
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FWC')">
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FWC">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '3A10'>> <!-- GA5 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="border.10"></div>
<<case '3A11'>> <!-- GA7 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="border.11"></div>
<<case '3A12'>> <!-- GA8 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="border.12"></div>
<<case '3A13'>>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="border.13"></div>
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FBA')">
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FBA">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<!-- style>
#arrow-right:active {
background-color: red; /* end button */
</style -->
<<nextBorder _isLast>>
<div class="image-container">
<img src="ressources/icons/3A7.webp">
<div>0 %</div>
var passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
setBackground('ressources/backgrounds/WA.webm'); /* Border */
playAudio("music", "wastelandsTheborder");
SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable = true;
SV.gui_interface.inventoryButtonEnable = true;
/* end button css */
var nextPassageExist = SugarCube.Story.has(`3A${ST.key + 1}`);
if (nextPassageExist === false) {
var styleEl = document.createElement('style');
styleEl.innerHTML = '#arrow-right:hover { background-color: red; }';
/* floor seen tracker for border */
if (SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_WastelandsBorder < ST.key) {
SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_WastelandsBorder = ST.key;
/* Ambush */
var baseAmbushChance = 3; /* 3% */
var firstBlocImunity = firstBlocImunity ?? true; /* true if undefined */
var fightId = "";
/* if zoneid is A and ST.key is less or equal than 6.... */
if (ST.key >= 1 && ST.key <= 6) fightId = "FW0";
else if (ST.key >= 7 && ST.key <= 9) fightId = "FWB";
else if (ST.key >= 10) fightId = "FWC";
if (SV.specpass?.THREEA13 === 1) {
SV.wastelandsAmbushChance = 0;
} else if (SV.wastelandsAmbushChance === undefined) {
SV.wastelandsAmbushChance = baseAmbushChance;
document.querySelector('.image-container > div').innerHTML = `${SV.wastelandsAmbushChance} %`;
(() => {
if (firstBlocImunity === true) { /* cant be ambushed on the first bloc */
firstBlocImunity = false;
if (random(1,100) > SV.wastelandsAmbushChance) return;
if (SV.prologue.isExploring === true) return;
SV.wastelandsAmbushChance = baseAmbushChance; /* reset ambush chance */
firstBlocImunity = true; /* reset imunity */
let fightStaObj = gameData.fight.list[fightId];
let characterKey = fightStaObj.characterKey;
let characterDynObj = SV.characters.list[characterKey];
let image = getCharacterImg(characterKey) || `ressources/icons/13A22.webp`; /* fallback: exclamation mark */
rewardPopUp_pushArr([{ image: image, description: `${characterDynObj.name} has ambushed you.`, imageFill: true }]);
FGF_enterFight(fightId, {winReturnIsPrev: true, lossReturnIsPrev: true});
function nextBloc() {
if (ST.isLast) { /* last passage (13) */
const sceneId = document.querySelector('.DPS_discoveryPortalCont').getAttribute('sceneId');
const sceneDyn = SV.scenes.list[sceneId];
const sceneSta = gameData.scenes.list[sceneId];
if (!sceneId || !sceneDyn || !sceneSta) throw new Error('invalid sceneId, DPS_discoveryPortalCont, nextBloc()');
if (ST.pass) {
if (sceneDyn.seen !== true) playPassage(sceneId);
else playPassage(sceneSta.winReturnPassage);
else appendNotReadyWarning();
else if (nextPassageExist === false) appendWipWarning();
else if (ST.pass) {
SV.wastelandsAmbushChance += 3; /* +3% at each move */
playPassage(`3A${ST.key + 1}`);
else appendNotReadyWarning();
function previousBloc() {
if (ST.key == 1) {
SV.wastelandsAmbushChance = baseAmbushChance; /* reset ambush chance */
firstBlocImunity = true; /* reset imunity */
playPassage('WASTELAND MAP');
else playPassage(`3A${ST.key - 1}`);
<<widget greenMaster>>
setCurrentSection({key: "green"});
<<set _key = Number(passageId.splice(0,2))>>
<!-- <set _dangerlevel = 3 * _key> -->
<<set _pass = $specpass[`THREEB${_key}`] is 1 || ndef $specpass[`THREEB${_key}`]>>
<<set _isLast = _key == 13>>
<div class="container">
<div class="main-buttons-wastelands">
<<switch passageId>>
<<case '3B1'>> <!-- Scavenging 2-->
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="accessScavengingGame('3B')">
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/3A8.webp">
<<case '3B2'>> <!-- Gabbie Camp -->
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="accessGabbieCamp()">
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/3A10.webp" style="max-width: 70%;">
<div id="elves" class="Elves_physical" onclick="playPassage('XHC1A')" style="display: flex;">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/Elvesselection.webp">
<div id="claus" class="Elves_physical Elves_physical2" onclick="playPassage('XHC1B')" style="display: none;">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/ms_claus_physical.webp">
<div class="pancarte">
<img src="ressources/icons/pancarte.webp">
<p>Christmas Event <br> 2024</p>
<<case '3B3'>> <!-- Mad Warrior -->
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FWD')">
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FWD">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '3B4'>> <!-- GA9 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="green.4"></div>
<<case '3B5'>> <!-- GA10 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="green.5"></div>
<<case '3B6'>> <!-- Mad Knight -->
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FWE')">
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FWE">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '3B7'>> <!-- GA11 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="green.7"></div>
<<case '3B8'>> <!-- GA13 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="green.8"></div>
<<case '3B9'>> <!-- GA14 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="green.9"></div>
<<case '3B10'>> <!-- Mad Butcher -->
<div class="button big-circular-button" onclick="FGF_enterFight('FWF')">
<div class="FIGHT_successRate" data-fightId="FWF">yo</div>
<img class="icon4" src="ressources/icons/13A3.webp">
<<case '3B11'>> <!-- GA15 -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont GSIS_mainCont-GA" section="green.11"></div>
<<nextGreen _isLast>>
<div class="image-container">
<img src="ressources/icons/3A7.webp">
<div>0 %</div>
/* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ */
var passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
setBackground('ressources/backgrounds/WB.webm'); /* Green */
playAudio("music", "wastelandsGreenzone");
SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable = true;
SV.gui_interface.inventoryButtonEnable = true;
/* end button css */
var nextPassageExist = SugarCube.Story.has(`3B${ST.key + 1}`);
if (nextPassageExist === false) {
var styleEl = document.createElement('style');
styleEl.innerHTML = '#arrow-right:hover { background-color: red; }';
/* floor seen tracker */
if (SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_WastelandsGreen < ST.key) {
SV.specpass.lastFloorSeen_WastelandsGreen = ST.key;
/* Ambush */
var baseAmbushChance = 3; /* 3% */
var firstBlocImunity = firstBlocImunity ?? true; /* true if undefined */
var fightId = "";
if (ST.key >= 1 && ST.key <= 6) fightId = "FWD"; /* MAD Warrior */
else if (ST.key >= 7 && ST.key <= 10) fightId = "FWE"; /* MAD Knight */
else if (ST.key >= 11) fightId = "FWF"; /* MAD Butcher */
if (SV.specpass?.THREEB13 === 1) {
SV.wastelandsAmbushChance = 0;
} else if (SV.wastelandsAmbushChance === undefined) {
SV.wastelandsAmbushChance = baseAmbushChance;
document.querySelector('.image-container > div').innerHTML = `${SV.wastelandsAmbushChance} %`;
(() => {
if (firstBlocImunity === true) { /* cant be ambushed on the first bloc */
firstBlocImunity = false;
if (random(1,100) > SV.wastelandsAmbushChance) return;
if (SV.prologue.isExploring === true) return;
SV.wastelandsAmbushChance = baseAmbushChance; /* reset ambush chance */
firstBlocImunity = true; /* reset imunity */
let fightStaObj = gameData.fight.list[fightId];
let characterKey = fightStaObj.characterKey;
let characterDynObj = SV.characters.list[characterKey];
let image = getCharacterImg(characterKey) || `ressources/icons/13A22.webp`; /* fallback: exclamation mark */
rewardPopUp_pushArr([{ image: image, description: `${characterDynObj.name} has ambushed you.`, imageFill: true }]);
FGF_enterFight(fightId, {winReturnIsPrev: true, lossReturnIsPrev: true});
function nextBloc() {
if (ST.isLast) { /* last passage (13) */
const sceneId = document.querySelector('.DPS_discoveryPortalCont').getAttribute('sceneId');
const sceneDyn = SV.scenes.list[sceneId];
const sceneSta = gameData.scenes.list[sceneId];
if (!sceneId || !sceneDyn || !sceneSta) throw new Error('invalid sceneId, DPS_discoveryPortalCont, nextBloc()');
if (ST.pass) {
} else appendNotReadyWarning();
else if (nextPassageExist === false) appendWipWarning();
else if (ST.pass) {
SV.wastelandsAmbushChance += 3; /* +3% at each move */
playPassage(`3B${ST.key + 1}`);
else appendNotReadyWarning();
function previousBloc() {
if (ST.key == 1) {
SV.wastelandsAmbushChance = baseAmbushChance; /* reset ambush chance */
firstBlocImunity = true; /* reset imunity */
playPassage('WASTELAND MAP');
else playPassage(`3B${ST.key - 1}`);
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background-size: cover;
.button {
display: inline-block;
background-color: #0000002e;
color: white;
padding: 8px;
cursor: pointer;
margin: 0 2px;
width: calc(20% - 4px);
border: 0.2vw solid white;
border-radius: 0.5vw;
text-align: center;
transition: transform 0.3s ease, background-color 0.3s ease;
.button:hover {
background-color: gray;
.button.disabled {
background-color: grey;
cursor: not-allowed;
.button-container {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-end;
justify-content: center;
margin: 20px;
flex-grow: 1;
margin-top: 16vh;
min-height: 75vh;
.circle-button {
width: 20vmin;
height: 20vmin;
border-radius: 50%;
margin: 2vmin;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
cursor: pointer;
transition: transform 0.3s ease, background-color 0.3s ease;
text-align: center;
.circle-button:hover {
transform: scale(1.1);
background-color: gray;
.circle-button img {
max-width: 80%;
max-height: 80%;
<<widget sceneV3Style>>
#story {
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
position: relative;
height: 100vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
overflow: hidden;
<</widget>><<widget SLEEP>>
<<set _link = `SA${random(1,10)}`>>
<<goto _link>>
<<widget MASTURBATE>>
<<if $stats.virus lte 24>>
<<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "SB1">>
<<case 2>>
<<goto "SB2">>
<<case 3>>
<<goto "SB3">>
<<case 4>>
<<goto "SB4">>
<<if $stats.virus gte 25 and $stats.virus lte 49>>
<<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "SB5">>
<<case 2>>
<<goto "SB6">>
<<case 3>>
<<goto "SB7">>
<<case 4>>
<<goto "SB8">>
<<if $stats.virus gte 50 and $stats.virus lte 74>>
<<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "SB9">>
<<case 2>>
<<goto "SB10">>
<<case 3>>
<<goto "SB11">>
<<case 4>>
<<goto "SB12">>
<<if $stats.virus gte 75>>
<<switch random(1,4)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "SB13">>
<<case 2>>
<<goto "SB14">>
<<case 3>>
<<goto "SB15">>
<<case 4>>
<<goto "SB16">>
<<widget WATCH>>
<<switch random(1,8)>>
<<case 1>>
<<goto "SW1">>
<<case 2>>
<<goto "SW2">>
<<case 3>>
<<goto "SW3">>
<<case 4>>
<<goto "SW4">>
<<case 5>>
<<goto "SW5">>
<<case 6>>
<<goto "SW6">>
<<case 7>>
<<goto "SW7">>
<<case 8>>
<<goto "SW8">>
<<widget FAINT>>
<<set _link = `SS${random(1,4)}`>>
<<goto _link>>
<<widget STARVE>>
<<set _link = `SH${random(1,4)}`>>
<<goto _link>>
<<widget VIRUS>>
<<set _link = `SV${random(1,3)}`>>
<<goto _link>>
<<widget TREES>>
<<for _i = 1; _i <= 7; _i++>>
<<set ST.i = _i>>
<<set _tree = ST[`tree${_i}`] = {}>>
<<set _tree.id = `tree${_i}`>>
<<set _tree.dmg = 0>>
<<set _tree.status = 0>>
<<set _j = random(1,7)>>
<<if _j < 5>>
<<set _tree.size = 'small'>>
<<set _tree.class = `tree tree${_i*3-2}`>>
<<elseif _j < 7>>
<<set _tree.size = 'medium'>>
<<set _tree.class = `tree tree${_i*3-1}`>>
<<set _tree.size = 'large'>>
<<set _tree.class = `tree tree${_i*3}`>>
<<widget WOODCUTTING>>
<<if _args[0] && _args[0].size && _trees[_args[0].size]>>
<<set _tree = _trees[_args[0].size]>>
<<if _args[0].dmg < _tree.hp[2]>>
<<set _args[0].dmg += ST.axepower>>
<<run playAudio("sfx", "4A.mp3")>>
<<if _args[0].dmg >= _tree.hp[0] && _args[0].status < 1>>
<<run addWood(_tree.wood[0])>>
<<if _args[0].dmg >= _tree.hp[1] && _args[0].status < 2>>
<<run addWood(_tree.wood[1])>>
<<if _args[0].dmg >= _tree.hp[2] && _args[0].status < 3>>
<<run addWood(_tree.wood[2])>>
<<if _args[0].dmg >= _tree.hp[2]>>
<<if _args[0].status < 3>>
<<set _args[0].status = 3>>
<<set _endgame++>>
<<run document.getElementById(_args[0].id).src=`ressources/icons/${_tree.img[3]}.webp`>>
<<run playAudio("sfx", "4B.mp3")>>
<<elseif _args[0].dmg >= _tree.hp[1]>>
<<if _args[0].status < 2>>
<<set _args[0].status = 2>>
<<run document.getElementById(_args[0].id).src=`ressources/icons/${_tree.img[2]}.webp`>>
<<run playAudio("sfx", "4B.mp3")>>
<<elseif _args[0].dmg >= _tree.hp[0]>>
<<if _args[0].status < 1>>
<<set _args[0].status = 1>>
<<run document.getElementById(_args[0].id).src=`ressources/icons/${_tree.img[1]}.webp`>>
<<run playAudio("sfx", "4B.mp3")>>
<div class="vertical-line">
<div class="side-button" onclick="showMap()">
<img class="sbimg" src="ressources/maingui/ui/description.webp" alt="Image 1">
<p class="button-text">Description</p>
<div class="side-button" onclick="showUIHelp()">
<img class="sbimg" src="ressources/maingui/ui/ui-eye.webp" alt="Image 1">
<p class="button-text">UI Help</p>
<div class="side-button" onclick="showMechanism()">
<img class="sbimg" src="ressources/maingui/ui/mechanism.webp" alt="Image 1">
<p class="button-text">Mechanism</p>
<div class="side-button" onclick="showGoals()">
<img class="sbimg" src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Image 1">
<p class="button-text">Goals</p>
<<widget FORESTMAP>>
<div id="peacewood-container">
<div class="peacewood-line"></div>
.passage[data-section="peacewood"] { /* YA.webm */
--floor-color: #2ECC71;
--floor-color2: #2ecc71;
--floor-color-filter: invert(63%) sepia(77%) saturate(466%) hue-rotate(91deg) brightness(94%) contrast(79%);
.passage[data-section="crimsonwood"] { /* YB.webm - pink color */
--floor-color: #a60303;
--floor-color2: #DF7DAB;
--floor-color-filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(38%) sepia(28%) saturate(1774%) hue-rotate(317deg) brightness(103%) contrast(87%);
.passage[data-section="deepwood"] { /* YC.webm - green lightly shat blue */
--floor-color: #121821;
--floor-color2: #191E2A;
--floor-color-filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(8%) sepia(23%) saturate(1011%) hue-rotate(185deg) brightness(98%) contrast(92%);
body {
/* font-size: 0.9vw; */
overflow: hidden;
#story {
max-height: 100vh;
#passages {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
margin: 0;
height: 100vh;
.passage {
position: relative;
.button {
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* Adjusted opacity */
.container {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-around;
max-width: 100vw;
margin: auto;
height: 90vh;
.main-buttons-forest {
display: flex;
align-items: center
.GLMS_markerCont {
top: 5vh;
left: 2vh;
.GLMS_markerCont > .GLMS_marker {
height: 7vh;
width: 7vh;
margin: 0;
(() => {
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let container = $('#peacewood-container');
let currentSection = SV.sectionsV2.currentSectionId; /* ex: border */
let sectionDynObj = SEC_getSectionObj(currentSection);
let floorSubId = sectionDynObj.floorSubId; /* ex: "2A" */
let floorIllustrations = sectionDynObj.floorIllustrations; /* ex: ["scavenging", "camp", "fight", "main.blowjob", ... */
passageEl.setAttribute('data-section', currentSection);
for (let i = 0; i < floorIllustrations.length; i++) {
let floorType = floorIllustrations[i];
let floorId = i + 1;
let illustrationSrc = SEC_floorGetImage(floorType);
let cont = $(`<div class="peacewood-circle" loc="${floorSubId}${floorId}"></div>`);
cont.append($(`<img src="${illustrationSrc}">`));
if (floorType === "camp") {
cont.append($(`<div class="GLMS_markerCont" section="peacewood.${floorId}"></div>`)); /* peacewood HARDCODED for camp */
} else {
cont.append($(`<div class="GLMS_markerCont" section="${currentSection}.${floorId}"></div>`));
let maxCircles = 13;
const circles = document.getElementById('peacewood-container').querySelectorAll('.peacewood-circle');
let currentPassageIndex = 0;
/* for (let circle of circles) { */
for (let i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) {
let circle = circles[i];
if (circle.getAttribute('loc') === passageId) {
currentPassageIndex = i;
} else {
/* Calculate visible range */
let halfMax = Math.floor(maxCircles / 2);
let startIndex = Math.max(0, currentPassageIndex - halfMax);
let endIndex = Math.min(circles.length, startIndex + maxCircles);
startIndex = Math.max(0, endIndex - maxCircles);
/* Hide circles outside visible range */
for (let i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) {
if (i < startIndex || i > endIndex) {
circles[i].style.display = 'none';
<div id="border-container">
<div class="border-line"></div>
/* .passage {
--floor-color: red;
--floor-color2: #e9693a;
--floor-color-filter: invert(60%) sepia(67%) saturate(2729%) hue-rotate(335deg) brightness(93%) contrast(87%);
} */
.passage[data-section="border"] { /* WA.webm - orange burnt */
--floor-color: #DF6D3F;
--floor-color2: #BF672A;
--floor-color-filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(43%) sepia(85%) saturate(466%) hue-rotate(342deg) brightness(91%) contrast(87%);
.passage[data-section="green"] { /* WB.webm - green dark */
--floor-color: #026e1f;
--floor-color2: #025217;
--floor-color-filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(18%) sepia(93%) saturate(2289%) hue-rotate(132deg) brightness(96%) contrast(98%);
.passage[data-section="blue"] { /* WC.webm - blue dark */
--floor-color: #7DB8D8;
--floor-color2: #97C7EA;
--floor-color-filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(73%) sepia(49%) saturate(267%) hue-rotate(166deg) brightness(99%) contrast(86%);
body {
/* font-size: 0.9vw; */
overflow: hidden;
#story {
max-height: 100vh;
#passages {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
margin: 0;
height: 100vh;
.passage {
position: relative;
.container {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-around;
max-width: 100vw;
margin: auto;
height: 90vh;
.main-buttons-wastelands {
display: flex;
align-items: center
.button {
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
.icon4 {
max-width: 60%;
.icon5 {
max-width: 70%;
filter: invert(60%) sepia(67%) saturate(2729%) hue-rotate(335deg) brightness(93%) contrast(87%);
.GLMS_markerCont {
top: 5vh;
left: 2vh;
.GLMS_markerCont > .GLMS_marker {
height: 7vh;
width: 7vh;
margin: 0;
(() => {
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let container = $('#border-container');
let currentSection = SV.sectionsV2.currentSectionId; /* ex: border */
let sectionDynObj = SEC_getSectionObj(currentSection);
let floorSubId = sectionDynObj.floorSubId; /* ex: "3A" */
let floorIllustrations = sectionDynObj.floorIllustrations; /* ex: ["scavenging", "camp", "fight", "main.blowjob", ... */
passageEl.setAttribute('data-section', currentSection);
for (let i = 0; i < floorIllustrations.length; i++) {
let floorType = floorIllustrations[i];
let floorId = i + 1;
let illustrationSrc = SEC_floorGetImage(floorType);
let cont = $(`<div class="border-circle" loc="${floorSubId}${floorId}"></div>`);
cont.append($(`<img src="${illustrationSrc}">`));
if (floorType === "camp") {
cont.append($(`<div class="GLMS_markerCont" section="border.${floorId}"></div>`)); /* border HARDCODED for camp */
} else {
cont.append($(`<div class="GLMS_markerCont" section="${currentSection}.${floorId}"></div>`));
const circles = document.getElementById('border-container').querySelectorAll('.border-circle');
for (let circle of circles) {
if (circle.getAttribute('loc') === passageId) {
} else {
<</widget>><<widget SAY container>>
<<switch _args[0]>>
<<case undefined>>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<<case 'Image'>>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" @src="`ressources/scenes/${ST.contents.trim()}.webp`">
<<case 'Video'>>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<video playsinline class="DIAS_video clickable-media" preload="metadata">
<source @src="`ressources/scenes/${ST.contents.trim()}.webm`" type="video/webm">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<case 'Mc'>>
<div class="DIAS_message right">
<img character="mc" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mc.name</name>
<<case 'Cherie'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img character="cherie" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<<case 'Elfie'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img character="elfie" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<<case 'Lana'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img character="lana" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.lana.name</name>
<<case 'Mad Dummy'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img character="mad_dummy" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<<case 'Mysterious woman'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img character="gabbie" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<<case 'Gabbie'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img character="gabbie" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<<case 'Angela'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img character="angela" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<<case 'D.Va'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img src="ressources/icons/SS1.webp" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<<case 'Chun-li'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img src="ressources/icons/SS2.webp" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<<case 'Cammy'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img src="ressources/icons/SS2.webp" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<<case 'Velma'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img src="ressources/icons/SS3.webp" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<<case 'Helen'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img src="ressources/icons/SS4.webp" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<<case 'Makima'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img src="ressources/icons/SV1.webp" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<<case 'Miss Fortune'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img src="ressources/icons/SV2.webp" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<<case 'Peach'>>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img src="ressources/icons/SV3.webp" class="DIAS_avatar">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">_args[0]</name>
<div class="mainCont" style="top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
<video playsinline muted loop id="videobg1" class="videoback" preload="auto" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BA_ss.webp">
<source src="ressources/backgrounds/BA.webm" type="video/webm">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<video playsinline muted loop id="videobg2" class="videofront" preload="auto" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BA2_ss.webp">
<source src="ressources/backgrounds/BA2.webm" type="video/webm">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div class="text active" unclickable>
<div class="thetext">
<p style="text-align: center;"><b>PLEASE NOTE: THIS GAME IS IN DEVELOPEMENT</b></p><br>
<p>Dear adventurer, come warm yourself by the fire.</p>
<p><img class="texticon3" src="ressources/maingui/logos/fapmat.webp"><span translate="no">FapMat : </span>Creator and Writer<br>
<img class="texticon3" src="ressources/maingui/logos/faplaf.webp"><span translate="no">FapLaf : </span>Designer and Coder<br>
<img class="texticon3" src="ressources/maingui/logos/fixfap.webp"><span translate="no">FixFap : </span>Lead Coder and R&D<br>
<img class="texticon3" src="ressources/maingui/logos/paqfap.webp"><span translate="no">˚₊‧✩𝓒𝓻𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓪✩‧₊˚ : </span>Community Driver
<p>Welcome you to this post-apocalyptic world that will become your epic tale.</p>
<p>This game is made to be played with just one hand, leaving the other free to...pet your cat.</p>
<p>We encourage you to join our <a class="textgroupicon" href="https://discord.gg/jEpjVQdXkX" target="_blank">Discord <img class="texticon2" src="ressources/maingui/medias/discord.webp"></a> community and help shape the dawn of The Fapocalypse.</p>
<p>Please support us on <a class="textgroupicon" href="https://subscribestar.adult/fap-online-creation" target="_blank">Subscribestar <img class="texticon2" src="ressources/maingui/medias/ko-fi.webp"></a> or <a class="textgroupicon" href="https://www.patreon.com/OPAF" target="_blank">Patreon <img class="texticon2" src="ressources/maingui/medias/patreon.webp"></a> so together we can mold this new world to your liking.</p>
<p>If you'd like, you can play the newest public version of the game on our website <a class="textgroupicon" href="https://fap-ocalypse.com/" target="_blank">Fap-Ocalypse,</a> if there is a problem on the platform you are using, our website should be fine.</p>
<p style="text-align: center; padding-top: 1vh;">Press Enter <img class="texticon" src="ressources/icons/BA1.webp"> / Click <img class="texticon" src="ressources/icons/7B.webp"> to continue</p>
<div class="text">
<div class="thetext">
<h1>What to expect?</h1>
<p>If you're new here, let us summarize the essence of the game for you.</p>
<p>This is a survival game in which you are the last man standing on earth following the arrival of a powerful, sexual virus.</p>
<p>You are taken to a mysterious, remote island that serves as a confinement site where strange events and interesting encounters await you.</p>
<p>It will be your role to care for the women dear to you and build yourself a harem worthy of the name.</p>
<p>Also, it will be essential to defend yourself against and uncover the secrets surrounding this virus and the mysterious evil organization "the MAD."</p>
<p>Masturbation and prosperity, my friends!</p>
<p style="text-align: center; padding-top: 1vh;">Press Enter <img class="texticon" src="ressources/icons/BA1.webp"> / Click <img class="texticon" src="ressources/icons/7B.webp"> to continue</p>
<div class="text">
<div class="thetext">
<h1>Let's dive in</h1>
<p>It's now time for you to take the big leap and join the world of <span translate="no">The Fapocalypse</span>.</p>
<p>Get ready for a hardcore RPG with battles, items, attributes, epic locations and of course, relationships.</p>
<p>Before you start your adventure, would you like to play the prologue or skip it? (We recommend playing the prologue on your first playthrough so you don't miss context).</p>
<!-- div class="neon-button-container">
<div class="neon-button2 prevent-default"
Skip the Prologue
<div class="neon-button2 prevent-default" onclick="playPassage('BB1')">
Play the Prologue
</div -->
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('1SA')"> Skip the Prologue </div>
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('BB1')"> Play the Prologue </div>
#story {
overflow: hidden;
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
max-width: 100%;
font-size: 0.9vw;
line-height: 0.2vw;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
user-select: none;
font-family: 'Century Gothic', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.75vh;
line-height: normal;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
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color: white;
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
.videofront {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
object-fit: cover;
z-index: 3;
pointer-events: none;
.videoback {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
object-fit: cover;
z-index: 1;
transform: scale(1.3);
.mainCont {
position: relative;
display: flex;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
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width: 60%;
top: 50%;
position: absolute;
transform: translate(-50%, -60%);
left: 50%;
z-index: 2;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
.text {
opacity: 0;
transform: translateX(100%) rotateY(90deg);
/* Initialize off-screen with a 3D rotation */
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perspective: 1000px;
.text.active {
animation: slideInFromRight 1s forwards;
opacity: 1;
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to {transform: translate(-50%, -60%);}
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<<set _BB2 = hasVisited('BB2'), _BB3 = hasVisited('BB3'), _BB4 = hasVisited('BB4'), _BB5 = _BB2 && _BB3 && _BB4>>
<div id="responsive-polygon-base">
<<if !_BB2>>
<div style="bottom: 83%; left: 20%"><pguider><img src="ressources/icons/13A11.webp"></pguider></div> <!-- John and Cherie -->
<<if !_BB3>>
<div style="bottom: 86%; left: 84%"><pguider><img src="ressources/icons/13A11.webp"></pguider></div> <!-- Lana room -->
<<if !_BB4>>
<div style="bottom: 82%; left: 62%"><pguider><img src="ressources/icons/13A11.webp"></pguider></div> <!-- Elfie room -->
<<if _BB5>>
<div style="bottom: 30%; left: 19%"><pguider><img src="ressources/icons/13A11.webp"></pguider></div> <!-- living room -->
<div id="responsive-polygon" onclick="playPassage('BB7')" class="resize"></div> <!-- kitchen -->
<<if _BB5>>
<div id="responsive-polygon2" onclick="playPassage('BB13')" class="resize"></div> <!-- living room -->
<div id="responsive-polygon2" onclick="playPassage('BB5')" class="resize"></div> <!-- living room -->
<<if _BB4>>
<div id="responsive-polygon3" onclick="playPassage('BB11')" class="resize"></div> <!-- Elfie room -->
<div id="responsive-polygon3" onclick="playPassage('BB4')" class="resize"></div> <!-- Elfie room -->
<<if _BB2>>
<div id="responsive-polygon4" onclick="playPassage('BB9')" class="resize"></div> <!-- John and Cherie -->
<div id="responsive-polygon4" onclick="playPassage('BB2')" class="resize"></div> <!-- John and Cherie -->
<div id="responsive-polygon5" onclick="playPassage('BB8')" class="resize"></div> <!-- Abella room -->
<div id="responsive-polygon6" onclick="playPassage('BB6')" class="resize"></div> <!-- bathroom -->
<<if _BB3>>
<div id="responsive-polygon7" onclick="playPassage('BB10')" class="resize"></div> <!-- Lana room -->
<div id="responsive-polygon7" onclick="playPassage('BB3')" class="resize"></div> <!-- Lana room -->
<div id="responsive-polygon8" onclick="playPassage('BB12')" class="resize"></div> <!-- your room -->
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/* pguider - see: main_style.css */
playAudio("music", "prologue_BB2");
<video playsinline class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB1.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB1_ss.webp"></video>
<<set $hidegirls to 1>>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You wake up in your bedroom, blinking your eyes open as sunlight streams in through the window. Looking around, you take in the familiar surroundings - the messy desk covered in books and papers, the poster of your favorite band on the wall, the pile of clothes in the corner waiting to be washed.</p>
<p>You are a 20 year old man who just finished college.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">Enter your name here:
<div class="input-group DIAS_anticlick">
<input type="text" id="playerName" value="Alex" maxlength="20">
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Glance at the clock on your nightstand</action>
<inner>Oh no, I can't believe I slept in this late!</inner>
<p>I'm going to be so late for Lawn mowing. Cherie is going to kill me this time. Wait a minute, I can hear the rain pouring down outside.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Sighs in relief</action>
<p>At least I won't have to mow the lawn in this weather. Cherie can't get mad at me for that.</p>
<p>As you try to sit up, a wave of dizziness washes over you. You put a hand to your throbbing forehead and squint against the bright light, which seems to stab at your eyes. This is the third time in the past month you've woken up feeling like this - head foggy, vision blurry, body heavy and sluggish.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Wince and rub temples</action>
<inner>Ugh, what is going on with me lately?</inner>
<p>This is getting worse. I really need to talk to Cherie about this.</p>
<p>With some effort, you manage to haul yourself into a sitting position. As you do, you become aware of the massive erection tenting your pajama pants. Looking down, you're shocked at just how huge it seems - much bigger than you remember being normal.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Stare wide-eyed at the bulge</action>
<inner>Whoa, when did that start happening?</inner>
<p>Is it normal for it to continue growing and get this big at 20? Man, I really hope this isn't going to be a regular thing now. Definitely not mentioning this one to Cherie.</p>
<p>You know there's no way it's going to subside anytime soon, so you get dressed in your tightest jeans to try and conceal it. As uncomfortable as that feels, it's better than the alternative. You take a deep breath and head for the bedroom door, ready to face Cherie and the others.</p>
<p>You remember your dad and Abella left for some kind of biology conference. You've never really cared about their work in the field. But at least you don't have to deal with them this morning on top of everything else.</p>
<p>Time to start the day.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')"> Leave the room </div>
.input-group input {
text-align: center;
.input-group {
margin-bottom: 0;
document.getElementById('playerName').addEventListener('input', function () {
SV.characters.list.mc.name = this.value;
<video playsinline class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB2.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB2_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You enter Cherie and Johny's bedroom. Compared to your room, the view outside is beautiful and quite sunny,the weather seems to split right in the middle of the house. Cherie is lying on the bed, and her face lights up with a mix of joy at seeing you and disappointment that you've woken up so late again.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Scratching your head sheepishly</action>
<inner>I really should start getting up earlier</inner>
<p>"Morning, Cherie."</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Sits up with a concerned look</action>
<p>"Good morning, sweetheart. Are you feeling alright? You look a little dizzy."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Swaying slightly as the room spins</action>
<inner>Ugh, not this again</inner>
<p>"I'm okay. I just got up too fast. I've been feeling kind of foggy and lightheaded lately, but it's no big deal."</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"If you didn't sleep in so late, you wouldn't feel dizzy getting up. You need to start going to bed earlier."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>"Cherie, I've grown up now. You don't need to worry so much about me. I can handle things on my own."</p>
<p>Cherie is a mature (40 years old), authoritative woman with a kind heart. She is tall and fit with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a shapely rear end. She is the matriach of the household and a medical doctor.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p style="text-align: center;">Enter Cherie's relationship to you:
<div class="input-group DIAS_anticlick">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelMother" value="Landlady" maxlength="20">
<p style="text-align: center;">Enter your relationship to Cherie:
<div class="input-group DIAS_anticlick">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelMother-2" value="Tennant" maxlength="20">
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"I know, sweetheart. But I can't help feeling concerned. And being a doctor, I must check that you're healthy and well. I've always been a bit of a mother hen!"</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>"I know, I know, and I appreciate you looking out for me."</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Puts her hands on your shoulders</action>
<p>"But nevermind that now. I made your favorite breakfast if you're hungry!"</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>"Hell yeah, you won't have to ask me twice, your cooking sounds great!"</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"No matter how big you get, you'll always be my precious boy."</p>
<action>Pulls you into a tight hug</action>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Hugs Cherie back, feeling your erection press against her</action>
<inner>Whoa, what the...I shouldn't be getting turned on right now!</inner>
<action>Pulls back abruptly, embarrassed</action>
<p>"Um, I gotta use the bathroom."</p>
<action>Hurries out of the room</action>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Watches you leave with confusion</action>
<inner>Young men, always so moody and awkward.</inner>
<action>Shakes her head and chuckles</action>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')">Leave</div>
.input-group input {
text-align: center;
.input-group {
margin-bottom: 0;
playAudio("music", "prologue_BB2");
(() => {
const cherie = SV.characters.list.cherie;
document.getElementById('labelMother').addEventListener('input', function () {
cherie.role = this.value;
document.getElementById('labelMother-2').addEventListener('input', function () {
cherie.player_role = this.value;
<video playsinline class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB3.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB3_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You enter Lana's room. A darker view of the other side of the city lurks in the background. The weather seems to be messy here. Lana is sitting there, sweating, having clearly just finished one of her daily home workouts. She looks at you with an annoyed expression and asks what you want.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Smiling kindly</action>
<p>"I just wanted to say good morning and see how you're doing today."</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Scoffs dismissively</action>
<p>"It's not morning anymore and it's not by waking up this late that you'll accomplish anything."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>She's as abrasive as always</inner>
<p>"Well, I was up late last night and..."</p>
<p>Before you can finish, you stumble slightly. Lana reaches out and catches you, steadying you on your feet with a hint of concern on her face - rare for her. It's clear she noticed you didn't just trip clumsily, but are very dizzy and blurry-eyed.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Regaining composure</action>
<p>"I'm fine, don't worry about me."</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Rolling her eyes</action>
<p>"You're just a weak kid and you've always needed my protection."</p>
<action>Puts hand on hip condescendingly</action>
<p>"Isn't that right, little dweeb?"</p>
<p>Lana is a 24 year old professional fighter and ex-army. She has dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Physically she is very athletic with a toned, muscular yet feminine body. Personality-wise, Lana is tough, dominant, and bratty. She is the eldest daughter of Cherie.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p style="text-align: center;">Enter Lana's relationship to you:
<div class="input-group DIAS_anticlick">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelSister1" value="Older Friend" maxlength="20">
<p style="text-align: center;">Enter your relationship to Lana:
<div class="input-group DIAS_anticlick">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelSister1-2" value="Friend" maxlength="20">
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>"There's more to life than physical strength. Brains matter too."</p>
<action>Pointing at her</action>
<<SAY Lana>>
<p>"Even in brains, Abella leaves you in the dust. We all know dad favors her for a reason."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>"You underestimate me, Lana. There's more to intellect than book smarts. Mental toughness and emotional intelligence matter too."</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Laughs mockingly</action>
<p>"My mental toughness is leagues beyond yours. I've survived and thrived in situations that would crush you."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Trying to shove her</action>
<p>"Oh yeah? We'll see about..."</p>
<p>At that moment, Lana notices your prominent erection straining against your tight jeans. She swiftly pins you to the ground.</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Angry and disgusted</action>
<p>"What the hell do you think you're doing? You pervert! What have you stuffed down there?"</p>
<p>Utterly embarrassed, still dizzy and defeated, you hurriedly leave the room.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')">Leave the room</div>
.input-group input {
text-align: center;
.input-group {
margin-bottom: 0;
(() => {
const lana = SV.characters.list.lana;
document.getElementById('labelSister1').addEventListener('input', function () {
lana.role = this.value;
document.getElementById('labelSister1-2').addEventListener('input', function () {
lana.player_role = this.value;
<video playsinline class="bgvid" autoplay muted loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB4.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB4_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You enter Elfie's room and find her lying on her bed, completely absorbed in reading one of her fantasy novels. Her room is filled with bookshelves lined with novels, manga, and stacks of video games. Posters of anime characters and fantastical landscapes cover the walls. Her eyes light up when she sees you and she excitedly motions for you to come sit with her.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Smiling as you sit next to her</action>
<p>"Good morning Elfie! What are you reading today?"</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Bounces eagerly as she shows you the cover</action>
<p>"It's the new book in the Dragonlance series! I've been dying to get my hands on it."</p>
<p>You notice the book is titled 'The haunting of Palmer house' and depicts a seemingly normal family with a very shady house.</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<p>"I know the covers look a little dull, but the story and relationships are amazing! Here, let me read you a passage..."</p>
<p>As Elfie enthusiastically narrates a steamy scene between the main characters, you feel your manhood beginning to swell even more. Flustered, you subtly adjust your pants to hide your erection.</p>
<p>Elfie is an 18-year-old enthusiastic, innocent, and naive girl. She is quite nerdy and geeky, and makes a little money by streaming when she is gaming. Physically she has pale hair, pale eyes, and a very delicate, pure look. She is Cherie's youngest daughter.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p style="text-align: center;">Enter Elfie's relationship to you:
<div class="input-group DIAS_anticlick">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelSister2" value="Younger Friend" maxlength="20">
<p style="text-align: center;">Enter your relationship to Elfie:
<div class="input-group DIAS_anticlick">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelSister2-2" value="Friend" maxlength="20">
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>What is wrong with me? It's Elfie, why am I getting aroused listening to her read a novel? I shouldn't be feeling this way. Ugh, I feel so dizzy and confused right now.</inner>
<p>Oblivious as always, Elfie continues reading the suggestive material out loud. You squirm uncomfortably next to her, arousal and shame conflicting within you.</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Notices your odd behavior</action>
<p>"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Averting your eyes</action>
<p>"N-no, I'm fine! Just got a bit dizzy for a second hehe..."</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<p>"Hmm, you do look kind of flushed. Here, let me feel your forehead to check for a fever."</p>
<p>She innocently reaches for your head. Panicked, you jump up from the bed.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>"I-I just remembered I have to help Cherie with something! See you later!"</p>
<p>Before Elfie can respond, you hurriedly leave the room, willing your shameful erection to subside.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')"> Done </div>
.input-group input {
text-align: center;
.input-group {
margin-bottom: 0;
playAudio("music", "prologue_BB4");
(() => {
const elfie = SV.characters.list.elfie;
document.getElementById('labelSister2').addEventListener('input', function () {
elfie.role = this.value;
document.getElementById('labelSister2-2').addEventListener('input', function () {
elfie.player_role = this.value;
<video playsinline class="bgvid" muted autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB13.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB13_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You enter the living room. The TV is on, tuned to a news channel. The female reporter is talking about a new, potentially alarming virus discovered in a lab. You think to yourself that this would probably interest your father and Abella, but you don't pay it much mind.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Glancing at the TV as you walk by</action>
<inner>Hmm, dad would want to hear about this.</inner>
<action>Turning away from the TV and heading for the doorway</action>
<inner>But I've got more important things to do right now.</inner>
<p>You leave the room, intent on finding the girls to have a chat. The news report drones on faintly behind you as you make your way down the hall.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')"> Leave the room </div>
playAudio("music", "prologue_BB13_1");
<video playsinline class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB6.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB6_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You enter the bathroom, determined to empty your full bladder from the night. As you go to pull down your pants, you remember they are tightly belted and much too tight given your massive erection.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Looks down at the tented front of your pants and sighs</action>
<inner>There's no way I'm getting these off easily like this. I'll have to wait until I've calmed down.</inner>
<p>I guess it's not an emergency. I'll take care of it after I've talked to the girls.</p>
<p>You turn and look in the mirror, taking in your disheveled hair and flushed face. The pressure in your bladder combined with the morning wood arousal makes it hard to focus.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Splashes some cold water on your face</action>
<inner>Get it together. Just relax and think of something else.</inner>
<p>Leaning on the counter, you take some deep breaths. But the sound of running water only makes you more aware of your urgent need for both type of release. You shift your stance, thighs pressed together.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Crosses legs and bounces slightly</action>
<inner>Ugh, I really have to go. But with this thing at full mast, my pants are not budging.</inner>
<p>Calm down already! The girls are waiting.</p>
<p>Despite your best efforts at distraction, your erection remains rigid. The tight confines of your pants provide some pressure and stimulation. You let out an exasperated groan. This is going to be a difficult morning.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')"> Leave the room </div>
<video playsinline class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB7.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB7_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You enter the kitchen, momentarily confused as to why you came in here. As you look around at the counters, appliances, and sink, you remember this is traditionally seen as the domain of women.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Chuckles and shakes head</action>
<p>What was I thinking coming in here? The kitchen is no place for a man like me.</p>
<p>You spot an apron hanging by the pantry, presumably for the woman of the house to wear while cooking and cleaning. The frilly trim and floral pattern emphasize that this is not your territory.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Laughs louder</action>
<p>Can you imagine me wearing that thing? I'd look ridiculous!</p>
<p>As you turn to leave, a lingering aroma of freshly baked bread reminds you of the breakfast the girls are surely preparing. Your stomach rumbles, eager to fill up on their homemade cooking.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>Mmm, something sure smells good. I'd better get out of here and let them work their magic. This is Cherie's workshop afterall.</p>
<p>With one last amused look around the space, you head for the door. The kitchen is a comfortable domain for the fairer sex, not a brute like yourself. You jokingly make a mental note to wait in the dining room for your meal like a proper gentleman.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Shakes head and chuckles as he exits</action>
<inner>But first, I need to go talk to girls</inner>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')"> Leave the room </div>
<video playsinline class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB8.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB8_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You open the door to your twin sister Abella's room. The weather is similar to Cherie's room, what a weird phenomenon, you hope it doesn't mean bad luck. As expected, everything is tidy and organized. You shake your head slightly.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Looks around and sighs</action>
<p>We may share the same face, Abella, but we are nothing alike.</p>
<p>You pick up a science trophy from her shelf, running your fingers over the engraving. Abella, always the perfect student. Another award to make Dad proud.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Replaces the trophy gently</action>
<p>You excel at academics, while my interests lie elsewhere. But each of us has our strengths.</p>
<p>You pace slowly around the room, glancing at the books and memorabilia representing Abella's achievements. She works hard, you'll give her that much. But you know in your heart your talents surpass hers.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Stops and smiles confidently</action>
<p>One day Father will recognize my potential. Until then, I'll let Abella have the spotlight. It's only a matter of time before I eclipse her.</p>
<p>With a final assured nod, you turn and exit the room, leaving everything undisturbed. You have no need for jealousy or anger. Soon, your time will come to shine even brighter than perfect Abella. For you know deep down you are destined for greatness.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')"> Leave the room </div>
<video playsinline muted class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB2.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB2_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You enter Cherie's room again. She looks up at you and asks if you're feeling any better.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>Yes, much better now, thank you.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Looking relieved</action>
<p>I'm so glad to hear that. You really had me worried earlier. I'd like to examine you more thoroughly later to make sure you're okay, but I just got an urgent call that I need to take right now.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Waving your hand dismissively</action>
<p>Of course, I understand. Don't worry about me, I'm fine now. Go take your call.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Smiling gratefully</action>
<p>Thanks for understanding. Why don't you go chat with the girls for a bit, and meet me in the living room when I'm done with this call?</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Nodding in agreement</action>
<p>Sounds good, I'll see you in a little while then.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')">Leave the room</div>
playAudio("music", "prologue_BB2");
<video playsinline class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB3.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB3_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You enter Lana's room. She's doing push-ups on the floor and doesn't even look up at you when you walk in.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>Hey Lana.</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Continuing her push-ups without missing a beat</action>
<p>What do you want?</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>Just wanted to see how you're doing.</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<p>I'm busy right now. I need to finish this workout.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>Oh okay. Want me to come back later?</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<p>I'll join you later in the living room, go talk to Cherie and Elfie.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>Got it. See you there, don't forget.</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<p>Whatever. Just close the door on your way out kiddo.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>Wow, she really has an attitude problem. The same as always.</inner>
<p>Alright, see you later Lana.</p>
<action>You leave the room, closing the door behind you.</action>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')"> Leave the room </div>
<video playsinline class="bgvid" autoplay muted loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB4.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB4_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You enter Elfie's room. She is sitting on her bed, completely absorbed in the novel she is reading.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>Hey Elfie.</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<p>Oh, hi.</p>
<p>She continues reading, barely acknowledging your presence.</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Looking up</action>
<p>Sorry about that. I'm just at a really good part in my book. What's up?</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>Nothing much, I just wanted to see what you were up to. I'll let you get back to your book. See you in the living room later?</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<p>Yeah for sure. I'll head out there when I'm done with this chapter. See ya!</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')"> Leave the room </div>
playAudio("music", "prologue_BB4");
<video playsinline class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB1.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB1_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You enter your bedroom, closing the door behind you. Looking around, you realize you don't really have anything to do in here. The thought of masturbating briefly crosses your mind, but you remember you have a lot of stuff to do.</p>
<p>You glance over at your collection of Naruto manga sitting on the shelf. You've read through them all multiple times already. With a sigh, you decide you should probably just head out.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Glancing around the empty room</action>
<inner>I've got nothing to do in here anyway</inner>
<p>I should just go meet up with the girls. No point sticking around.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('PROLOGUE MAP')"> Leave the room </div>
<video playsinline class="bgvid" muted autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB13.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB13_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You walk into the living room and sit down on the couch. Noticing the terrible weather outside, with heavy rain, you feel increasingly dizzy and your headache intensifies. This is an ominous sign.</p>
<p>You decide to turn on the TV which is set to a news channel reporting on the severe weather making communications difficult.</p>
<p>Suddently, the TV goes into static and starts making a glitching sound..</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>What the hell is going on?</p>
<<SAY Video>>
<p>The girls rush into the room alerted by the alarm sound.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Looking concerned</action>
<p>What's all this about?</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Frowning sadly</action>
<p>Oh no, I hope this is not serious matter, I wanted to finish my chapter.</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Scanning the room cautiously</action>
<p>An alarm? Is something wrong?</p>
<<SAY Video>>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<trigger data-shadow="inset 0 0 10vh 5vh black">1</trigger>
<action>Gasping in shock</action>
<p>My god... could it be what Johny feared?</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<p>An outbreak? Here? This can't be happening...</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Eyes wide with fear</action>
<p>But we're supposed to be safe at home, aren't we?</p>
<<SAY Video>>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<trigger data-shadow="inset 0 0 20vh 10vh black">2</trigger>
<action>With a clinical concern</action>
<p>This is exactly what he was working on. We need to stay calm and follow the procedures.</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>With a steely resolve</action>
<p>What the hell... We need to secure the house then. No one in or out until we know more.</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>With naive concern</action>
<p>But, what about everyone else outside? We have to help them, right?</p>
<<SAY Video>>
<trigger data-shadow="inset 0 0 40vh 20vh black">3</trigger>
<p>The TV and lights abruptly shut off, power gone.</p>
<p>Elfie jumps, becoming upset. Lana wonders what the hell is going on. Cherie seems to understand what's happening.</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Jumping in fright</action>
<p>Eek! The power...!</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Looking around angrily</action>
<p>Dammit, now what's going on?</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Clutching your pounding head</action>
<inner>Everything's going fuzzy...</inner>
<p>Ch-Cherie, can you explain?</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Speaking calmly and slowly</action>
<p>A few months ago, Johny told me about a dangerous lab-made sexual virus...with his expertise, he thought it could end the world.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<trigger data-shadow="inset 0 0 60vh 30vh black">4</trigger>
<p>You try to focus on her words but everything seems blurry and unintelligible. You gather that Johny's expertise in biology and genetics made him paranoid about a virus causing the end of the world. He registered the family for a rescue program in case it happened. It seems he was right.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>You struggle to follow Cherie's words as your vision blurs</action>
<inner>I can barely understand her...</inner>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<trigger data-shadow="inset 0 0 70vh 35vh black">5</trigger>
<p>He registered us for a protection program...in case this happened. I guess he was right to be so paranoid. </p>
<p>You struggle to listen but understand nothing. You hear Lana and Elfie talking too but it's all mixed up. At some point Cherie and the girls notice your distress and frantically ask if you're okay but you can't respond.</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Shouting worriedly</action>
<p>Hey! Are you alright? Say something!</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<trigger data-shadow="inset 0 0 90vh 45vh black">6</trigger>
<action>On the verge of tears</action>
<p>Oh no, I think something's really wrong!</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<trigger data-shadow="inset 0 0 110vh 55vh black">7</trigger>
<p>Honey? Honey!!!</p>
<trigger data-shadow="inset 0 0 150vh 75vh black">8</trigger>
<p>Everything goes fuzzy and you hear a distant plane or helicopter approaching. Everything spirals into blackness.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="nextBloc()"> What's going on? </div>
#story {
transition: all 0.5s ease;
margin: 0;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
.DIAS_text trigger {
display: none;
playAudio("music", "prologue_BB13_1");
(() => {
const $DIAS_container = $('.DIAS_container');
const style = document.getElementById('story').style;
function handleClick(ev) {
const $message = $DIAS_container.children('.DIAS_active').last();
const triggerShadow = $message.find('trigger')?.get(0)?.getAttribute('data-shadow');
if (triggerShadow) {
style.boxShadow = triggerShadow;
function handleKeydown(ev) {
if (ev.key === 'Enter') {
$(document).on('click', handleClick);
$(document).on('keydown', handleKeydown);
$(document).one(':passageinit', e => {
$(document).off('click', handleClick);
$(document).off('keydown', handleKeydown);
function nextBloc() {
playAudio("music", "cave");
<div class="DIAS_container">
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Feeling yourself sinking deeper into darkness, the voices of Lana, Cherie, and Elfie fading away</action>
<inner>Where am I going? What's happening?</inner>
<p>The surroundings shift, morphing into a dimly lit cavern with a blue glow. Warmth spreads through your body as your head spins, comparable to being drunk. Heat concentrates heavily in your groin.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Looking around the cavern, eyes struggling to focus</action>
<inner>Everything is so hazy, this feels so strange, yet somehow pleasant...</inner>
<p>The blue light of the cavern overstimulates your senses. Dizziness and confusion grip your mind tighter, but an underlying excitement grows.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>I've never felt like this before...it's sexual arousal, but so intense!</inner>
<p>A certain power thrums through you.</p>
<p>Suddenly, a noise echoes from the small pond ahead. Still disoriented, you struggle to make out the source of the sound. Ripples spread across the surface of the water as a humanoid, blue-tinged figure rises from the depths.</p>
<p>She emerges predatorily from the pond. As your vision clarifies, a fiery surge rushes down to your groin. You tremble uncontrollably with exhilaration despite your perplexity. The raw sensations are almost too much to take.</p>
<<SAY Video>>
<p>You stare in awe at the sight before you. Rising from the shimmering blue waters is a dark elf-like humanoid, her voluptuous form seeming to defy gravity. Luscious curves that could bring any man to his knees accentuate her ample bosom and hips. This must be a dream, you think to yourself with a sly smile. The raging horniness brought on by the virus makes you forget everything else - your body screams to give in to carnal urges and indulge in this vision of beauty.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Trembling, hands shaking</action>
<inner>What's happening to me? I can't look away...</inner>
<p>As you open your mouth to speak, you realize no words escape you. The alluring creature emerges further, swaying her hips seductively. Her legendary posterior seems to call to you, begging you to bury yourself within it and never leave. Overwhelming sensations of power course through you, both sexual and physical. This euphoric intensity fuels your fever dream state.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Backing away slightly</action>
<inner>I'm terrified...but so turned on. I want her, I need this!</inner>
<p>Your heart races as you watch her move, mesmerized by every curve and angle of her body.</p>
<<SAY Video>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>By the gods, she's the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on!</inner>
<p>Her ample breasts bounce tantalizingly with each graceful movement, and you feel yourself growing hotter and more aroused by the second. It's as if there is no limit to the heights of lust this ethereal beauty can awaken within you.</p>
<p>She locks eyes with you, full ruby lips turned up in a sultry smile as she slowly approaches. With feline grace, she lifts her breasts toward you, an offering, and you reach out trembling hands to cup their soft warmth.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>I'm about to explode just looking at her!</inner>
<p>Then, in one fluid motion, she bends down and takes your aching manhood between her breasts. The sensation is indescribable, beyond any earthly pleasure. You are lost, drowned in bliss, as she begins to move upon you. Her skin is like cool silk, her caresses masterful.</p>
<<SAY Video>>
<p>You stare down at the throbbing mass between your legs, its sheer size and girth unlike anything you've ever seen before. The creature's tentacles continue their relentless assault, caressing and squeezing every inch of your engorged manhood.</p>
<p>Your breaths come in ragged gasps as the pressure continues building within you, the creature skillfully edging you towards a climax of unimaginable proportions but somehow, you don't feel it coming. You clench your fists and throw back your head, utterly lost in the hypnotic rhythm of the creature's manipulations.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Getting light-headed</action>
<inner>This is too much. I can't withstand much more of this.</inner>
<p>Just when you feel you can't possibly take any more stimulation, the creature opens its mouth wide and takes your swollen cock inside. Its mouth is searingly hot and overflowing with slick juices. Its tongue, long and dexterous, laps and twirls around your length as the creature bobs its head up and down. The suction is incredible, unlike anything a human mouth could replicate.</p>
<<SAY Video>>
<p>The pleasure ratchets up to newer, more insane heights as the creature works you expertly with its mouth. This newfound power.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>Holy shit! Her mouth feels so warm and wet. The way she's working her tongue is driving me wild.</inner>
<p>She bobs her head slowly, taking more of you in. The intense sucking sensation makes your toes curl. You feel your cock swelling even larger in her mouth.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Sensing you are losing grip with reality</action>
<inner>Something isn't right. This feels too good. I'm losing control of my body! I have to stop this before it's too late...</inner>
<p>Just as you think you might break free from the spell, the woman changes her technique. Her head bobs faster, her tongue swirling as she sucks you with fervor. Your knees finally give out and you sink to the floor.</p>
<p>The mysterious woman mounts you, still latched onto your engorged cock. She lifts herself up and guides you inside her, enveloping your massive girth. A mind-blowing rush of pleasure hits you.</p>
<<SAY Video>>
<p>You stare down at the curvaceous elf writhing in ecstasy on top of you. Her hips undulate rhythmically, grinding your swollen manhood deep inside her alien folds. Your mind swims in a haze of primal lust as waves of pleasure radiate through your body.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>Fuck! She's so tight and wet! I can feel her squeezing every inch of my swollen cock.</inner>
<p>Shaking your head in an attempt to clear it, you meet the creature's hypnotic gaze. Her eyes seem to pierce your very soul, and you feel your resolve weakening once more. She smiles coyly, clearly sensing the effect she is having on you. With feline grace, she turns and presents her round, perfect ass to you.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Vision blurring out but no orgasm in sight</action>
<inner>She's making this difficult! I must break free of her spell.</inner>
<p>Yet despite your inner misgivings, you cannot help but drink in the sight of her supple backside as she lowers herself onto you again. Your swollen manhood throbs almost painfully as it is enveloped by her tight, slick walls. She begins to bounce vigorously up and down, fucking you with abandon. The view of your enormous cock pistoning in and out of her dripping snatch is indecently arousing.</p>
<<SAY Video>>
<p>You feel lightheaded and disoriented, your vision blurring at the edges. It is clear that too much blood has rushed to your groin, leaving your brain starved. This experience is becoming dangerous, but the creature seems intent on pushing you past the point of no return. You must act now if you hope to free yourself from her seductions.</p>
<p>She rises up and slams down over and over, she seems to be getting so high at times, yet you never slip out of her. A numbness spreads through your limbs as the elf rides you relentlessly. Your climax builds, but there's no telltale sign of its impending arrival. The sensation is incredible, yet something in you knows this isn't right.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Summoning your strength, you flip the blue-skinned creature onto her back</action>
<inner>I have to take control. This feels too good to stop, but I know I shouldn't be here.</inner>
<p>With surprising ease, you lift her weightless body and begin thrusting into her with focused intensity. It's absolute ecstasy, but you know it's time to end this fever dream. As memories flash through your mind, you pick up the pace, driving toward orgasm.</p>
<<SAY Video>>
<p>The creature slick walls grip you tightly as you pound into her. Her cries echo off the cave walls, spurring you onward.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>I've got her under my control now, this feels incredible! I could stay here in this moment forever, but I must push onward.</inner>
<p>With great effort, you pull yourself away from the alluring darkness trying to keep you trapped in this realm.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>I can't let it consume me, I have to break free!</inner>
<p>Your thrusts become more urgent as a powerful climax begins building within you. Gripping the elf tightly in all your limbs, the dreamy surroundings start to dissolve as your passion crests.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>Just a little more! I'm so close!</inner>
<p>The pleasure becomes almost unbearable, your bodies fused together in writhing ecstasy. A blinding light envelops you both as the peak hits, an orgasm like you've never felt before ripping through every fiber of your being. You feel yourself hurtling forward, the light getting brighter and brighter until...</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('BB15')"> Open your eyes </div>
body {
background-image: url('ressources/backgrounds/BB14.webp');
playAudio("music", "river");
<div class="DIAS_container">
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Groggily opening your eyes, squinting at the dim light filtering through the dusty barn windows</action>
<inner>Ugh, my head is pounding...where am I?</inner>
<p>The old shed creaks and groans around you as you try to get your bearings. You're lying on a lumpy cot, covered only by a thin, stained sheet. The air is musty and you can barely make out stacks of tools and farming equipment lining the walls in the shadows.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Bursting into the shed, her face lighting up</action>
<p>Oh my god! You're awake!</p>
<p>She rushes over and kneels by the cot, tears of joy and relief spilling down her cheeks. Her hands flutter over you anxiously like a mother hen.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Confused, sitting up slowly</action>
<p>Cherie? What happened? Where are we?</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Voice cracking</action>
<p>We almost lost you! You've been in a coma for six months...I can't believe you finally woke up!</p>
<p>As if on cue, the room's energy shifts, and Elfie, your $characters.list.elfie.role, dances into the room. Her presence is a burst of color against the sterile backdrop, her usual exuberance undimmed even here.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Bounding onto the bed, her embrace all-encompassing</action>
<inner>She hasn't changed a bit.</inner>
<p>"You're back! You're really, really back!"</p>
<p>She jumps onto the cot and tackles you in a hug, sobbing happily.</p>
<p>The moment is punctuated by a squelching sound as Elfie shifts, a puzzled look crossing her face. She glances down at the now evidently wet sheets.</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Making a face, pulling back to inspect the dampness</action>
<p>"What's this? Did you spill water or something? So goey..."</p>
<p>Before you have a chance to respond, Lana enters the room. She stands in stark contrast to Elfie, her demeanor cool and collected. Her eyes, however, betray a flicker of concern that she quickly masks with her usual indifference.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Following behind Elfie, trying to act nonchalant but unable to hide her relief completely</action>
<p>Took you long enough, dumbass. We thought you'd never wake up.</p>
<p>Her attempt at humor doesn't quite hide the relief that you detect in the slight upturn of her lips. Cherie, ever the peacemaker, steps in before the banter can escalate.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Swatting Lana's arm gently</action>
<p>Oh hush, don't pretend you weren't worried sick about him!</p>
<action>Turning attention back to you</action>
<p>How are you feeling sweetie? Are you in any pain?</p>
<p>She proceeds to do a medical examination, checking your pulse, eyes, and reflexes. As she moves the blanket, you both gasp as you notice your body.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Staring down at your ripped, muscular physique</action>
<inner>Woah, I'm jacked! What the hell happened to me?</inner>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"Everything seems normal, better than normal actually. How do you feel?"</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Feeling a suddent surge of energy and strenght, you throw off the sheet and stand up resolutely</action>
<p>Better than ever!</p>
<p>The girls gasp and blush at your sudden nakedness and the impressive size of your cock.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Glancing sheepishly at the women</action>
<inner>Oh no, did I just flash them?</inner>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Her eyes dart down, then flash with anger, her fists clenching at her sides as she spins on her heel to leave the room, her voice laced with disgust</action>
<p>"You're unbelievable, such a perv!"</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Glancing sheepishly at the women</action>
<inner>Oh no, did I just flash them?</inner>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>Lana storms out, the door slamming shut with a resounding echo that marks her departure, leaving a tense silence hanging in the air.</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Covering her eyes with her hands, cheeks flushed with shock, she stumbles toward the exit, her voice a trembling mix of innocence and haste</action>
<p>"I should not see this."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>The sound of Elfie's hurried footsteps fades as she escapes the room, leaving you standing there, more exposed than ever.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>You glance down, the reality of your condition sinking in as you spot the undeniable evidence of your arousal</action>
<inner>Well, that's just great. Perfect timing.</inner>
<p>Cherie blinked in shock, her eyes drawn momentarily to your massive length before she composed herself. She picked up the soiled blanket, stepping forward to wrap it around your waist.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>She calmly offers you the damp sheet with a hint of a blush</action>
<inner>What in the world is that? I don't think it's supposed to get to that size</inner>
<p>"You should cover up."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Blushing hard, wrapping the blanket around your waist, you turn to Cherie, changing the subject</action>
<p>"Cherie, what happened while I was out? Where are we and how did we get here?"</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Her expression turns grave</action>
<p>"It's...it's a long story. The world has changed so much since you fell ill."</p>
<p>She motions for you to sit back down on the cot as she pulls up a stool. Her hands twist together in her lap as she gathers her thoughts.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"It started the day after your father and Abella left for that conference. There was an announcement on the news about a dangerous new virus called D-Pox that was spreading fast. It...it makes people go crazy with lust."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>Yeah, I kinda remember that announcement.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"Within minutes, civilization collapsed. Your father had warned me something like this might happen. He said he signed us up for an emergency evacuation called The MAD if disaster struck."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Eyes widening</action>
<p>"The MAD? I think I remember Dad mentioning that once or twice over the years. But he always sounded half-serious about it, like it was all just speculation."</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"I know, I thought so too at first. But he was right."</p>
<p>She goes on to explain how just as society crumbled around them, a private plane arrived to whisk them away to a secret island base run by The MAD. But when they arrived, it was not exactly the safe haven they hoped for.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"All the men rapidly deteriorated. Within days, they were all dead, except for you. The few women left were put to work, scavenging and building. Since you were the last, we had to hide you from the other girls."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>I took my seat, lending a keen ear to each measured verse</action>
<p>Wait what, the last?</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"We were told this island has the only source of a rare compound called D-Root that can keep the virus at bay in women."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Sitting on the cot, your head spinning as you try to process everything</action>
<p>"This virus...what exactly does it do?"</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"Well, it affects people in different ways, but the core symptoms are the same. It sends the libido into overdrive, making people crazed with lust."</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Blushing slightly</action>
<p>"In men, it causes the genitals to swell to extremes. The arousal is constant and unbearable, driving them mad. Most die from heart failure within days, as the virus pushes their bodies beyond the breaking point." </p>
<p>You shift uncomfortably as Cherie's description hits uncomfortably close to home, your own swollen length twitching under the blanket.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"For women, the effects manifest differently. Our desires grow steadily, and our bodies transform over time - enlarging the breasts, hips and backside. The sensitivity in those areas becomes unbearable."</p>
<action>Her breathing grows slightly heavier as she describes the changes, a bead of sweat trailing down her neck. She quickly composes herself before continuing.</action>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"Without the D-Root antidote, we eventually succumb to the madness just like the men. But it takes much longer, up to several months."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Nodding slowly as you take it all in</action>
<p>"My god, it sounds horrific. I can't believe you all endured this."</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"We had no choice. When society collapsed, it was follow The MAD or die. At least here in the wilderness we have some freedom, even if each day is a struggle."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>What do you mean some freedom? The new society of the MAD is not a free one?</p>
<p>You see Cherie's hands tremble and her eyes glisten with unshed tears as she recounts what they endured.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"The women who survived were put to work immediately by The MAD officers. They rule this place with an iron fist. We're slaves, forced to scavenge and toil day and night just to earn enough D-Root to live another day."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Jaw tightening, fists clenching with rage</action>
<p>How did you escape these bastards?</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"One night, we decided we'd rather take our chances in the wilderness than remain under The MAD's thumb. Lana, Elfie and I stole away into the forest with you. By some miracle, we made it here untouched."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>"But without the D-Root, how did you survive the virus?"</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Blushing slightly</action>
<p>"Oddly enough, we found that we can keep the worst effects at bay by...taking matters into our own hands, so to speak."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Eyes widening in realization</action>
<p>"You mean...?"</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"It's worked so far, though the urges are getting stronger. We may not last much longer without D-Root."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>A shiver runs down your spine as you process her words</action>
<inner>Wait... Dying... men are dying. Am I infected? Is that why my body feels so alien?</inner>
<p>"Am I... am I going to die, Cherie? Why am I alive?"</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Her eyes are brimming with an unspoken emotion, but she maintains her composure</action>
<p>"No. That's the strangest part. You should have, by all accounts. But you're still here, and you're awake. And you're not just surviving, you seem to be... stronger."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>You fall silent, taking in the enormity of all she has revealed. This island is more dangerous than you could have imagined, but you know you will do whatever it takes to protect your family.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Sickened, reaching out to squeeze Cherie's hand</action>
<p>"My god, I can't believe you all went through that. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you."</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Shaking her head</action>
<p>"You were fighting your own battle, we're just thankful to have you back now. Out here, we don't have D-Root, but somehow we've survived. I don't know how much longer we can last though."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Jaw clenching with determination</action>
<p>"I promise you, I'm going to fix this. We're going to find Dad, Abella, and get off this damned island. Just point me where to start."</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Jumping up from her seat, reaching out to grab your arm</action>
<p>"Wait! You can't just rush out there. It's too dangerous without knowing what you're getting into."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Pausing, turning back to face Cherie</action>
<p>"What do you mean? What's out there?"</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Letting out a weary sigh, her eyes filled with concern</action>
<p>"The wastelands. A barren, lifeless landscape as far as the eye can see. We're on the very edge of it here." </p>
<p>She moves to the small window, peering out at the bleak vista beyond. You join her, gazing out on a desert of cracked earth and dust, broken only by jagged rock formations jutting at odd angles. In the distance, strange wisps of colored smoke curl into the air.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"The MAD dumped us out there when we first arrived. It's their domain, where they send the women to scavenge and toil. It's too dangerous..."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Squeezing her shoulder reassuringly</action>
<p>"I understand but I must see. Tell me what I'm up against out there."</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"The MAD army is vast, and their soldiers are cruel. They wield a terrible power - seduction through pheromones. None can resist their charms for long. The more virus they withstand without breaking, the more sexually dominant they are, which created a hierarchy in the new MAD society."</p>
<p>You see a haunted look in her eyes and know she speaks from experience. Your fists clench with rage at the thought.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<p>"Let's just say their depravity knows no bounds. They feed off the suffering of others. So promise me, promise you won't take any unnecessary risks out there."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Pulling Cherie into a fierce, protective hug</action>
<p>"I promise I'll be careful. And I swear to you, someday we'll make them pay for what they've done."</p>
<p>You stride toward the shed door, your footfalls echoing off the bare wood walls. As your hand touches the doorknob, you pause and look back at Cherie. She sits wringing her hands, equal parts gratitude and worry etched on her face.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('BB16')"> Go outside </div>
<video playsinline class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/BB16.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/BB16_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<<include "BB16a">>
function option0(event) {
if (ST.BB16lana == 1 && ST.BB16elfie == 1) {
} else {
$('.DIAS_container').empty().wiki('<<include "BB16a">>');
function option1(event) {
$('.DIAS_container').empty().wiki('<<include "BB17">>');
function option2(event) {
$('.DIAS_container').empty().wiki('<<include "BB18">>');
<p>As you step outside the old shed, the sunlight is almost blinding after months spent in darkness. You raise a hand to shield your eyes as they adjust. The sounds of birdsong and the breeze rustling through leaves fills your ears. As your vision clears, you gaze in wonder at the landscape before you.</p>
<p>A beautiful river flows past, its waters sparkling in the midday sun. On one bank is a lush, green forest, the trees dense with leaves of every shade. You can almost smell the earthy richness from where you stand. On the other side of the river are barren wastelands, scrubby vegetation dotting the rocky terrain and mountains as far as you can see.</p>
<p>Beyond the wastelands, you spot buildings, it must be the MAD new society, the part behind the shed is the district where you want to build the new shelter and utilitaries. The contrast is stark on either side of the winding river—abundant life and depleted earth side by side. You find yourself drawn to the water's edge, a cool breeze kissing your skin. You breathe in the sweet air, feeling truly alive for the first time in months as you take in the view. The beauty of this place soothes your soul after so long spent in darkness. You are overwhelmed with gratitude for the simple gifts of nature laid out before you.</p>
<!-- option buttons -->
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<<if _BB16lana>>
<div class="DIAS_button" id="lanabutton">
<img class="DIAS_image" src="ressources/icons/13A10.webp">
<div class="DIAS_button" id="lanabutton" onclick="option1(event)">
<img class="DIAS_image" src="ressources/icons/13A11.webp">
<<if _BB16elfie>>
<div class="DIAS_button" id="elfiebutton">
<img class="DIAS_image" src="ressources/icons/13A10.webp">
<div class="DIAS_button" id="elfiebutton" onclick="option2(event)">
<img class="DIAS_image" src="ressources/icons/13A11.webp">
.DIAS_buttonCont {
flex-direction: row;
.DIAS_button {
height: 20vh;
width: 20vh;
min-width: 0;
margin: 5vh;
border-radius: 50%;
.DIAS_button:hover {
opacity: 0.7;
#lanabutton {
background-image: url('ressources/icons/9.webp');
background-size: cover;
#elfiebutton {
background-image: url('ressources/icons/10.webp');
background-size: cover;
.DIAS_buttonCont img {
width: 30%;
opacity: 0.7;
margin-left: 10vh;
margin-bottom: 10vh;
</style>\<<set _BB16lana = true>>
<p>You look around, taking in your lush green surroundings. The trees tower over you, branches rustling gently in the breeze. In the distance, you can hear the calls of exotic birds.</p>
<p>Your eyes settle on Lana, who is leaning against a tree, sharpening a dagger. Even in this new world, she still carries herself with a quiet strength and confidence.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Stepping outside the shed, breathing in the fresh forest air</action>
<inner>Time to get some answers</inner>
<p>"Hey Lana, got a minute?"</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Leaning against a tree, arms crossed</action>
<p>"What do you want?"</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Walking over casually</action>
<p>"I was hoping you could tell me more about this place. Cherie mentioned the forest is dangerous?"</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<p>"Tch, that's putting it lightly. The deeper you go, the weirder it gets."</p>
<p>You gaze towards the treeline, a cool breeze rustling the leaves. There's a palpable energy in the air, both alluring and foreboding.</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Crosses her arms, her biceps bulging slightly, the setting sun casting her face in shadow</action>
<p>"We don't know much about it, but there's something in there that makes the virus worse. People get feverish, paranoid...like it's messing with their heads."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>"Right, Cherie said even you haven't gone far in?"</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Steps closer, the intensity in her gaze never faltering</action>
<p>"No, too dangerous, plants that move, almost think. They react to the virus, to us. And there's an energy in the air—thick, almost tangible. It heightens the virus's effects, makes the symptoms... unpredictable."</p>
<p>She pauses, her jaw clenching as she recalls the past.</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<p>"Before we escaped, I saw what it did to the others in that damned city. The virus drove them mad, turned them into animals. They'd tear each other apart for a hit of D-Root just to take the edge off."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Eyes widening</action>
<<SAY Lana>>
<p>"It's some kind of plant extract the MAD higher-ups controlled. Seemed to counteract the virus, at least for a while. But it was never enough. The pitiful wretches sold their souls just to get their next fix."</p>
<p>She spits on the ground in disgust.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Nod solemnly, the gravity of her words weighing heavily</action>
<inner>This is no ordinary mission. It's a battle against the very nature of this place.</inner>
<p>"Thanks, Lana. I'll keep my guard up."</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Gives a rare, tight-lipped smile, her fierce demeanor softening just slightly</action>
<p>"Good. And remember, the virus might make you feel powerful at times, but don't let it fool you. It's a predator, and we're all prey."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>You watch her for a moment, her words echoing in your mind as you turn to face the darkening woods. The Forest, with its mysterious energy and virus-induced dangers, waits silently for you to enter.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="option0(event)"> Go back </div>
</div><<set _BB16elfie = true>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Leaning against the Shed, the texture of aged wood against your back</action>
<p>"Quite the view, huh, Elfie?"</p>
<p>Elfie's silhouette is framed by the fading light, her youthful gaze bright with an unwavering sense of hope.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>With a soft smile</action>
<p>"It's perfect. A fresh start, right?"</p>
<p>As you discuss the future, her optimism is infectious.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Eyes on a nearby clearing</action>
<p>"That could be our new district. A place to call home."</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Pointing towards the forest</action>
<p>"And with the fish from the ponds, we won't go hungry."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>"Food is the priority. But we need to think about storage too, or we will have to fish day to day."</p>
<p>Elfie's energy is a stark contrast to the Shed's somber tone, her readiness to face the new world's challenges evident.</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Nodding with confidence</action>
<p>"We could use the wasteland's scraps—metals and plastics to build something lasting."</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Heartened by her practicality</action>
<p>"And the forest has strong trees. We can handle the work."</p>
<p>Laughter echoes, a defiant sound against the uncertainty of the world.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<p>"We can make a home, Elfie. A real one."</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Stepping closer, her smile unwavering</action>
<p>"With you? Everything's possible."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>You smile as you get ready for the challenge ahead.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="option0(event)"> Go back </div>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Walking through the Wastelands, scavenging for materials</action>
<inner>I need to find anything useful to improve our shelter...</inner>
<p>Suddenly, you hear a noise behind you and turn around quickly. Standing there is a woman dressed in a tight black latex suit, a mask covering her face. She seems startled to see you.</p>
<<SAY 'Mad Dummy'>>
<p>A...a man? I haven't seen a man in months!</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Raising your hands cautiously</action>
<p>Easy there. I'm not looking for any trouble.</p>
<<SAY 'Mad Dummy'>>
<action>Moving closer, eyeing you hungrily</action>
<p>Mmm I've missed men so much. Come with me back to the MAD headquarters, I'm sure the Queens would love to meet you.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Backing up slowly</action>
<inner>Crap, Cherie warned me about women like this!</inner>
<p>Thanks but no thanks, I should really get going.</p>
<<SAY 'Mad Dummy'>>
<action>Lunging forward suddenly, grabbing your arm</action>
<p>I insist! We must bring you in.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Struggling against her grip</action>
<inner>She's stronger than she looks!</inner>
<p>Let me go!</p>
<p>The Mad Dummy tightens her grip, squeezing your muscular arm. She breathes heavily, her eyes filled with lust behind her mask.</p>
<<SAY 'Mad Dummy'>>
<p>Don't fight me boy. Just relax and let me take you to the Queens. I'm sure we can come to an... arrangement.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>Her other hand reaches down and grabs your crotch firmly. You gasp at the sudden intimate contact. She starts to rub and massage you through your pants.</p>
<p>As the Mad Dummy tightens her grip on your arm, you can feel the intensity of the virus surging through her. Her lustful aura envelops you, heightening your own viral urges.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Moaning involuntarily</action>
<inner>No! I can't let her take control!</inner>
<p>I can play this game too!</p>
<p>Mustering your willpower, you focus your mind and let your own viral energy flow, magnifying your sexual power. You feel your dominance rising to match hers.</p>
<p>Making direct eye contact, you project your intensified virile energy towards the Mad Dummy. Caught off guard, she loosens her grip in surprise. Seizing the moment, you grab her forcefully and pin her against a wall, asserting your control.</p>
<<SAY 'Mad Dummy'>>
<action>Smirk, visibly excited</action>
<p>This is about to get interesting.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="nextBloc()"> Let the dominance game begin </div>
function nextBloc() {
let fightOptions = {
wheelType: "demo",
winReturnPassage: "SCAVENGING GAME",
lossReturnPassage: "SCAVENGING GAME",
noRewards: true,
noNextPartOfDay: true,
if (SCAV_gameStateInit == false) {
fightOptions.winReturnPassage = "3A1";
fightOptions.lossReturnPassage = "3A1";
FGF_enterFight("FWA", fightOptions);
playAudio("music", "river");
<div class="DIAS_container">
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Walking along the riverbank, shirtless and glistening with sweat</action>
<inner>That was some hard work building the shelter and storage, but it'll be worth it to see the girls' faces when they find out</inner>
<p>The sun beats down intensely as you make your way back from completing construction on the new shelter and storage area. The physical exertion has left your muscular torso dripping with sweat. You can't wait to tell the girls the good news.</p>
<p>As you approach the shed near the river, you spot Cherie, Lana and Elfie heading your way.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Rushing over with a look of concern</action>
<p>Oh honey, are you alright? We were so worried when we didn't see you for hours!</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Grinning with pride</action>
<p>Everything's great, don't worry! I got the shelter and storage built all by myself. And that's not all - I defeated a MAD Dummy in combat on the way back too. I'm feeling stronger than ever!</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Rolling her eyes sarcastically</action>
<p>A MAD Dummy? Right...and I suppose you built the Taj Mahal while you were at it too?</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Jumping up and down eagerly</action>
<p>Wow really?? You finished the whole shelter? I wanna see it now! Did you really fight a MAD Dummy too? That's amazing!</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Lana>>
<p>Come on Elfie, you can't actually believe he did all that in one day. He's obviously exaggerating.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Flexing your biceps with a sly grin</action>
<p>It's all true. This MAD Dummy was no match for my newfound strength. And just wait until you see the shelter!</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Studying you with concern</action>
<p>I don't know dear, it does seem hard to believe. But you do look different somehow - so strong and vibrant! Still, don't overexert yourself, okay?</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Bouncing excitedly</action>
<p>Pleeease can we go see the shelter now? I wanna see if he really did finish it! This is so cool!</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Rolling her eyes again</action>
<p>Fine, let's go check out this "magical shelter" then. I'm sure it's just a pile of sticks.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Catching her gaze, the truth of your achievements glinting in your eyes</action>
<p>"Believe it or not, it happened. And I'm eager to show you the fruits of today's labor."</p>
<p>Still stunned, the girls follow as you lead them towards the amazing shelter you somehow managed to build in record time. Lana steals glances at your bare, muscular back and finds herself admiring, she shakes her head and tell herself you are still just a weak kid. Elfie skips happily along, her innocence blending with curious surprise at your transformation. Cherie follows protectively behind, relief washing over her at seeing you awake and better than ever.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('BB21')"> Go to the Shelter </div>
SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable = false;
playAudio("music", "shelter");
<<set $hidegirls to 0>>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Leading the way to my room, the first stop on the tour</action>
<inner>They have no idea what's in store for them.</inner>
<p>"Welcome to the heart of our new sanctuary."</p>
<p>The door creaks open to reveal a spacious chamber, bathed in serene blue, the wooden walls giving it an earthy warmth. Sunlight dances through the open window, casting a welcoming glow over everything.</p>
<p>Cherie, Lana, and Elfie, Their eyes widen, taking in the grandeur of the space, each reacting in their own unique way.</p>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Her hand covers her mouth, tears glistening at the edge of her eyes</action>
<p>"Oh my... it's beautiful."</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Bouncing on the balls of her feet, barely able to contain her excitement</action>
<p>"I can't believe this is ours!"</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Crossing her arms, her gaze sweeping the room, a subtle softness in her eyes she tries to hide, she's moved, but she'd never admit it outright.</action>
<inner>Wow, can't believe it was not a lie.</inner>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Smiling at their reactions, then gesturing towards the next destination</action>
<p>"Cherie, your room awaits."</p>
<div id="stopper1" class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div id="bedroom-cherie" class="DIAS_button">
<img class="arrowbackground" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp">
<!-- right arrow icon -->
<p>Cherie's room emerges in a palette of warm, reddish hues, a stark contrast to the cool tranquility of the hallway. She steps inside, the soft carpet caressing her feet, and the room seems to embrace her.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Her voice trembles with emotion</action>
<p>"I never dreamed of having something like this again."</p>
<p>Moving along, the anticipation buzzes through the air as Elfie practically skips towards her room.</p>
<div id="stopper2" class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div id="bedroom-elfie" class="DIAS_button">
<img class="arrowbackground" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp">
<!-- right arrow icon -->
<p>The door swings open to a pink paradise, a reflection of her youthful exuberance.</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Her eyes sparkle with unshed tears of joy as she explores every nook and cranny</action>
<p>"It's perfect!"</p>
<action>She launches into your arms</action>
<p>"Thank you, thank you!"</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Hugging her back, a sense of pride swelling within</action>
<inner>I'm glad they're happy. This is what it's all for.</inner>
<<SAY Cherie>>
<action>Beaming at you, a look of admiration clear on her face</action>
<p>"You've done so well."</p>
<p>Lana's room is next.</p>
<div id="stopper3" class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div id="bedroom-lana" class="DIAS_button">
<img class="arrowbackground" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp">
<!-- right arrow icon -->
<p>A mysterious purple enclave, both dark and inviting. She steps over the threshold, the ambiance aligning with her enigmatic aura.</p>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>Her voice is steady, betraying none of her inner delight</action>
<p>"I suppose it's suitable."</p>
<p>The slight twitch of her lips, however, betrays her true feelings. She tours her domain, touching the fabric of her new reality.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Lana>>
<action>With a dry humor that lightens the mood</action>
<p>"It'll do, for now."</p>
<p>Laughter bubbles up from the group, the tension melting away into genuine affection.</p>
<p>The final stop is the bathroom.</p>
<div id="stopper4" class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div id="bathroom" class="DIAS_button">
<img class="arrowbackground" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp">
<!-- right arrow icon -->
<p>A pristine white oasis that seems alien after so long without such luxuries. They wander through, already dreaming of the comfort it promises.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Noticing the time, feeling the weight of the day's work</action>
<inner>I could use a break.</inner>
<p>"I'm going to rest for a bit, but make yourselves at home. There's more to come."</p>
<p>They nod, understanding the need for solitude after the excitement.</p>
<<SAY Elfie>>
<action>Her smile is as bright as the light filtering through the windows</action>
<p>"I can't wait to see what's next!"</p>
<p>With farewells exchanged, you retreat to your room, the door closing with a soft click behind you, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the satisfaction of a new beginning.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="nextBloc()"><span translate="no">The Fapocalypse</span> Begins</div>
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(() => {
const backgrounds = [
{ selector: 'bedroom-cherie', id: 'stopper1' },
{ selector: 'bedroom-elfie', id: 'stopper2' },
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{ selector: 'bathroom', id: 'stopper4' }
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function nextBloc() {
SV.newGame = 2;
SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable = true;
/* resetTracksTime("music"); */
playAudio("music", "overallMap");
UIBar.unstow(); /* meh */
SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable = true;
SV.gui_interface.inventoryButtonEnable = true;
<div class="MS_mainContainer">
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<div class="previousmap previousmap_fixed">[["DISTRICT MAP"|DISTRICT MAP]]</div>
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box-sizing: unset;
} */
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font-size: 1.75vh;
line-height: normal;
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(() => {
setCurrentSection({key: "shelter"});
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const MS_poolImage = MS_mapContainer.querySelector('[section="pool"]');
const MS_backyardImage = MS_mapContainer.querySelector('[section="backyard"]');
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MS_mainImage.src = "ressources/maingui/maps/shelter/shelter-night.webp";
MS_poolImage.src = "ressources/maingui/maps/shelter/shelter_pool_night.webp";
MS_backyardImage.src = "ressources/maingui/maps/shelter/shelter_backyard_night.webp";
} else {
MS_mainImage.src = "ressources/maingui/maps/shelter/shelter.webp";
MS_poolImage.src = "ressources/maingui/maps/shelter/shelter_pool.webp";
MS_backyardImage.src = "ressources/maingui/maps/shelter/shelter_backyard.webp";
<<script>>playAudio("music", "river")<</script>>\
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('DISTRICT MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
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<img class="MRS_hover" src="ressources/backgrounds/1R3.webp"> <!-- hover (river) -->
<img class="MRS_clip_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/1R.webp" onclick="playPassage('1RS')"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/1R1.webp"> <!-- hover (shed) -->
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<img class="girlsimages" id="imgelfiebutton" src="ressources/icons/10.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ECE');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgmiabutton" src="ressources/icons/16.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCE');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICE');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="river"></div>
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girlsImages.forEach(function(image, index) {
setTimeout(function() {
image.style.opacity = '1';
image.style.transform = 'scale(1)';
if (index === girlsImages.length - 1) {
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girlsImages.forEach(function(image) {
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imagesVisible = false;
<<script>>playAudio("music", "river")<</script>>\
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<div class="girlscontainer">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgcheriebutton" src="ressources/icons/8.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('CCN');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imglanabutton" src="ressources/icons/9.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('LCN');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgelfiebutton" src="ressources/icons/10.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ECN');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgmiabutton" src="ressources/icons/16.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCN');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICN');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('1R')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="shed"></div>
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border: 1vh solid #f5d192;
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outline: 1vh solid #f5d192;
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setTimeout(function() {
image.style.opacity = '1';
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image.style.opacity = '0';
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<div class="MRS_backgroundImagesCont">
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<img class="MRS_hover_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/1G3.webp"> <!-- hover (gate2) -->
<img class="MRS_clip_3" src="ressources/backgrounds/1G.webp" onclick="appendWipWarning();"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover_3" src="ressources/backgrounds/1G4.webp"> <!-- hover (gate3) -->
<div class="prison-container">
<div id="cellsContainer" class="cells-container">
<!-- Cells will be dynamically inserted here -->
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('DISTRICT MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="gates"></div>
body {
background-image: url("ressources/backgrounds/1G.webp");
/* background-position-y: bottom; */
#passages {
margin: 0 0;
@media (min-aspect-ratio: 2000/1125) { /* image resolution */
.MRS_backgroundImagesCont img {
/* horizontal block */
height: auto;
width: 100%;
.MRS_backgroundImagesCont img.MRS_clip {
clip-path: polygon(15.0% 65.8%, 24.7% 65.8%, 24.7% 43.0%, 19.9% 38.5%, 15.0% 43.0%);
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clip-path: polygon(45.1% 65.8%, 54.8% 65.8%, 54.8% 43.0%, 50.0% 38.5%, 45.1% 43.0%);
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clip-path: polygon(75.3% 65.8%, 85.0% 65.8%, 85.0% 43.0%, 80.2% 38.5%, 75.3% 43.0%);
.prison-container {
position: absolute; /* Change from relative to fixed */
height: 80vh;
display: flex;
top: 8vh;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
gap: 20px;
width: 100%; /* Adjust width to account for any padding/margins */
left: 0; /* Ensure it stays aligned to the left */
top: 18vh;
.cell-viewport {
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
height: 100%;
.cells-container {
position: relative;
width: 70%;
height: 100%;
.cell {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
gap: 10px; /* Space between slots */
.NPC-slot {
flex: 0 0 auto; /* Don't grow or shrink, stay at content size */
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.npc-NPC {
width: 35vh; /* Or whatever width you prefer */
height: 100%;
/* Other styles... */
.prisoner-slot {
flex: 1;
height: 100%;
/* width: 35vh; */
width: 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.test-controls {
text-align: center;
margin: 20px;
.test-controls button {
margin: 0 10px;
padding: 5px 10px;
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padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
width: 35vh;
height: 100%;
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display: flex;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
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width: 4vh;
background-color: rgba(161, 0, 0, 0.8);
border: transparent;
z-index: 20;
.nav-arrow:hover {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
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height: 100%;
margin: 0;
top: 8vh;
max-width: 30vh;
.exit-button {
top: 2vh;
//if (SV.scenes.list.XHC1A.seen !== true) { // scene 1 (first encounter)
/*if (SV.scenes.list.XHC1D.seen !== true && SV.gui_interface.christmasCandyCanesReadyForScene2 !== true) { // so that you can re-check what floor are the canes
const elves = document.getElementById('elves');
elves.style.display = null;
if (SV.scenes.list.XHC1D.seen !== true && SV.gui_interface.christmasCandyCanesReadyForScene2 === true) { // SCENE 3 (after fight)
const elves = document.getElementById('claus');
elves.style.display = null;
// Static image references
var mainGirlsImages = {
'cherie': 'ressources/maingui/ui/cherieBeginningSelection.webp',
'lana': 'ressources/maingui/ui/lanaBeginningSelection.webp',
'elfie': 'ressources/maingui/ui/elfieBeginningSelection.webp',
'mia': 'ressources/maingui/ui/miaBeginningSelection.webp',
'chanel': 'ressources/maingui/ui/chanelBeginningSelection.webp',
'julia': 'ressources/maingui/ui/juliaBeginningSelection.webp'
// Initialize NPCManager if it doesn't exist
SV.gui_interface.npcManager = {
NPCs: [],
loadNPCs() {
this.cellsContainer = document.getElementById('cellsContainer');
if (!this.cellsContainer) return;
this.NPCs = [];
// Handle main character - excluding Gabbie/Angela
const mainCharacter = SV.gui_interface.gateNPCs.find(id =>
SV.characters.list[id].isMain &&
id !== 'gabbie' &&
id !== 'angela'
if (mainCharacter) {
this.NPCs.push({ id: mainCharacter, name: SV.characters.list[mainCharacter].name, isMain: true });
} else if (SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue.length) {
const nextCharacter = SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue[0];
if (nextCharacter !== 'gabbie' && nextCharacter !== 'angela' &&
!SV.gui_interface.gateNPCs.includes(nextCharacter)) {
// Add existing NPCs
.filter(id => !SV.characters.list[id].isMain)
.forEach(id => this.NPCs.push({
name: SV.characters.list[id].name,
isMain: false
// Add new NPCs needing cum
const currentNPCs = SV.gui_interface.gateNPCs.filter(id => !SV.characters.list[id].isMain).length;
.filter(([id, char]) => !SV.gui_interface.gateNPCs.includes(id) && char.needsCum && !char.isMain)
.slice(0, 3 - currentNPCs)
.forEach(([id]) => this.addToGate(id));
renderCells() {
const createNPCElement = (NPC) => {
const imgSrc = NPC.isMain ? (mainGirlsImages[NPC.id] || gameData.characters.selection[NPC.id]) : gameData.characters.selection[NPC.id];
return `
<div class="NPC-slot">
<div class="${NPC.isMain ? 'main-NPC' : 'npc-NPC'}" data-NPC-id="${NPC.id}">
<div class="GSIS_subCont">
<img src="${imgSrc}" class="GSIS_subCont__clip-img" cherie="left" transition="">
<img src="${imgSrc}" class="GSIS_subCont__clip-img" cherie="right" transition="">
<img src="${imgSrc}" class="GSIS_subCont__visual-img">
const cell = document.createElement('div');
cell.className = 'cell';
cell.innerHTML = this.NPCs.map(npc => createNPCElement(npc)).join('');
this.cellsContainer.innerHTML = '';
cell.querySelectorAll('.GSIS_subCont').forEach(el => {
const npcId = el.parentElement.getAttribute('data-NPC-id');
el.addEventListener('click', () => this.removeFromGate(npcId));
addToGate(characterId) {
if (!SV.gui_interface.gateNPCs.includes(characterId)) {
const character = SV.characters.list[characterId];
id: characterId,
name: character.name,
isMain: character.isMain
removeFromGate(NPCid) {
const character = SV.characters.list[NPCid];
SV.gui_interface.gateNPCs = SV.gui_interface.gateNPCs.filter(id => id !== NPCid);
this.NPCs = this.NPCs.filter(npc => npc.id !== NPCid);
if (character.isMain) {
SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue = SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue.filter(id => id !== NPCid);
Object.assign(character, {
isForgiving: false,
isBroken: false,
reconciliationDay: 0
// Call scene for main characters
} else {
character.needsCum = false;
character.isWild = true;
playReturnSceneNpc(NPCid); // Call scene for NPCs
// Add global click handler once
document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
if (!e.target.closest('.GSIS_subCont, .npc-buttons')) {
document.querySelectorAll('.npc-buttons').forEach(btn => btn.classList.remove('active'));
// Always load NPCs when entering the passage
<div class="MRS_backgroundImagesCont">
<img class="MRS_base" src="ressources/backgrounds/1P.webp"> <!-- base -->
<img class="MRS_clip" onclick="playPassage('PRISON CELLS')" src="ressources/backgrounds/1P.webp"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover" src="ressources/backgrounds/1P2.webp"> <!-- hover -->
<div class="mainboutondiv">
<div class="boutondiv_topright_prison">
<div class="placeholder_topright_prison"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_prison" onclick="playPassage('SLAVE MANAGEMENT')">
<img src='ressources/icons/handcuffs.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Slave Management</span>
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('DISTRICT MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="prison"></div>
body {
background-image: url("ressources/backgrounds/1P.webp");
background-position-y: bottom;
#passages {
margin: 0 0;
@media (min-aspect-ratio: 1920/864) { /* image resolution */
.MRS_backgroundImagesCont img {
/* horizontal block */
height: auto;
width: 100%;
.MRS_backgroundImagesCont img.MRS_clip {
clip-path: polygon(20.4% 91.9%, 80.3% 91.6%, 79.9% 45.8%, 79.0% 44.2%, 72.6% 41.2%, 62.7% 39.7%, 55.3% 38.3%, 46.8% 38.3%, 39.9% 38.5%, 33.3% 39.9%, 28.1% 41.2%, 24.1% 42.6%, 21.9% 44.2%, 20.5% 45.4%);
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<img class="MRS_hover" src="ressources/backgrounds/1W4.webp"> <!-- hover -->
<img class="MRS_clip_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/1W.webp" onclick="accessInventory('crafting');"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/1W3.webp"> <!-- hover (craft) -->
<img class="MRS_clip_3" src="ressources/backgrounds/1W.webp" onclick="accessInventory('furnace')"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover_3" src="ressources/backgrounds/1W2.webp"> <!-- hover (transform) -->
<div class="girlscontainer">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgcheriebutton" src="ressources/icons/8.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('CCL');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imglanabutton" src="ressources/icons/9.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('LCL');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgelfiebutton" src="ressources/icons/10.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ECL');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgmiabutton" src="ressources/icons/16.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCL');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICL');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('DISTRICT MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="workshop"></div>
#passages {
margin: 0 0;
@media (min-aspect-ratio: 2545/1395) { /* image resolution */
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/* horizontal block */
height: auto;
width: 100%;
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clip-path: polygon(83.0% 73.8%, 83.9% 77.1%, 89.0% 77.3%, 89.9% 93.3%, 86.2% 94.4%, 85.3% 96.3%, 85.6% 98.3%, 86.2% 98.9%, 95.0% 98.7%, 95.9% 96.5%, 95.3% 94.1%, 93.8% 94.4%, 91.0% 93.1%, 91.2% 77.1%, 96.3% 77.0%, 96.9% 74.3%, 98.5% 71.2%, 99.1% 68.8%, 99.1% 63.0%, 98.7% 61.6%, 89.4% 61.1%, 89.0% 62.2%, 89.2% 70.9%, 93.8% 71.5%, 93.8% 74.1%);
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clip-path: polygon(13.6% 17.6%, 32.5% 17.6%, 32.7% 47.4%, 14.6% 47.5%);
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outline: 1vh solid #2e6ca4;
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var imagesVisible = false;
bed.addEventListener('click', function() {
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girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'auto'; // Enable pointer events on the girls container
girlsImages.forEach(function(image, index) {
setTimeout(function() {
image.style.opacity = '1';
image.style.transform = 'scale(1)';
if (index === girlsImages.length - 1) {
animationRunning = false;
imagesVisible = true;
}, index * 200); // Adjust the delay between each image appearance (in milliseconds)
} else {
girlsImages.forEach(function(image) {
image.style.opacity = '0';
image.style.transform = 'scale(0)';
girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; // Disable pointer events on the girls container
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girlsImages.forEach(function(image) {
image.style.opacity = '0';
image.style.transform = 'scale(0)';
girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; // Disable pointer events on the girls container
imagesVisible = false;
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<img class="MRS_clip_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/1H1.webp" onclick="playPassage('GARDENING GAME');"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/1H3.webp"> <!-- hover (trains craftsmanship) -->
<div class="girlscontainer">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgcheriebutton" src="ressources/icons/8.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('CCM');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imglanabutton" src="ressources/icons/9.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('LCM');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgelfiebutton" src="ressources/icons/10.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ECM');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgmiabutton" src="ressources/icons/16.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCM');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICM');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('DISTRICT MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="greenhouse"></div>
#passages {
margin: 0 0;
@media (min-aspect-ratio: 1915/850) { /* image resolution */
.MRS_backgroundImagesCont img {
/* horizontal block */
height: auto;
width: 100%;
.MRS_backgroundImagesCont img.MRS_clip {
clip-path: polygon(50.3% 81.3%, 60.7% 83.1%, 61.9% 83.1%, 61.4% 31.1%, 60.4% 31.1%, 50.3% 32.8%);
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clip-path: polygon(22.2% 89.1%, 24.0% 89.3%, 23.9% 82.5%, 29.0% 82.7%, 28.9% 89.1%, 31.3% 89.1%, 31.2% 82.7%, 37.1% 82.4%, 37.2% 80.1%, 36.7% 80.1%, 36.7% 72.0%, 38.9% 71.8%, 38.7% 78.1%, 40.5% 78.4%, 40.5% 72.4%, 42.5% 71.8%, 42.5% 59.6%, 45.0% 59.8%, 44.9% 88.8%, 46.5% 88.7%, 46.6% 59.4%, 47.4% 59.2%, 47.4% 57.2%, 46.1% 57.1%, 46.3% 53.8%, 46.7% 52.6%, 46.0% 48.5%, 44.6% 48.5%, 43.4% 48.6%, 42.2% 50.2%, 41.3% 50.0%, 41.0% 42.8%, 38.5% 40.1%, 37.0% 40.7%, 34.0% 40.7%, 33.9% 49.3%, 32.9% 51.4%, 31.5% 49.4%, 30.4% 50.5%, 30.2% 53.2%, 29.6% 56.4%, 28.2% 58.0%, 27.2% 58.8%, 27.6% 62.6%, 26.8% 68.7%, 24.7% 63.2%, 22.7% 67.9%, 24.1% 71.5%, 23.4% 71.9%, 23.7% 74.1%, 24.3% 79.9%, 20.8% 80.2%, 20.7% 82.5%, 22.2% 82.5%);
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border: 1vh solid #2e6ca4;
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outline: 1vh solid #2e6ca4;
var bed = document.querySelector('.MRS_backgroundImagesCont > .MRS_clip');
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var girlsImages = document.querySelectorAll('.girlsimages');
var animationRunning = false;
var imagesVisible = false;
bed.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (!animationRunning) {
if (!imagesVisible) {
animationRunning = true;
girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'auto'; // Enable pointer events on the girls container
girlsImages.forEach(function(image, index) {
setTimeout(function() {
image.style.opacity = '1';
image.style.transform = 'scale(1)';
if (index === girlsImages.length - 1) {
animationRunning = false;
imagesVisible = true;
}, index * 200); // Adjust the delay between each image appearance (in milliseconds)
} else {
girlsImages.forEach(function(image) {
image.style.opacity = '0';
image.style.transform = 'scale(0)';
girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; // Disable pointer events on the girls container
imagesVisible = false;
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if (!girlsContainer.contains(event.target) && event.target !== bed) {
girlsImages.forEach(function(image) {
image.style.opacity = '0';
image.style.transform = 'scale(0)';
girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; // Disable pointer events on the girls container
imagesVisible = false;
/*background selection */
playAudio("music", "shelter");
SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable = true;
SV.gui_interface.inventoryButtonEnable = true;
<<if $newGame>>
<div id="startboxCont">
<div id="startbox">
<div class="thetext">
<<if $newGame is 1>>
<h1>Before you start</h1>
<h2>Choose your name and relationships with the characters:</h2>
<div id="nameModal">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" id="playerName" value="Alex" maxlength="20">
<div class="input-group">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelMother" value="Landlady" maxlength="20">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelMother-2" value="Tennant" maxlength="20">
<div class="input-group">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelSister1" value="Older Friend" maxlength="20">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelSister1-2" value="Friend" maxlength="20">
<div class="input-group">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelSister2" value="Younger Friend" maxlength="20">
<input class="labelnames" type="text" id="labelSister2-2" value="Friend" maxlength="20">
<h2>Also, before you dive into the chaos, here's what you need to know:</h2>
<<elseif $newGame is 2>>
<h1>Before you dive into the chaos, here's what you need to know:</h1>
<h3 style="color: red;">Sidebar (Left Side):</h3>
- <b>Dominance Value:</b> Your sexual power level. <p></p>
- <b>Virus Value:</b> Keep this below 100% to avoid a fatal outcome.<p></p>
- <b>Sleepyness:</b> Rest is crucial, don't let fatigue take over.<p></p>
- <b>Food:</b> Monitor your fridge! Keep some in the storage to prevent starvation for you and the girls.<p></p>
- <b>Time & Location:</b> Track the time of day (Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night) and your current location.<p></p>
- <b>Inventory:</b> All collected (not-stored) items are here. Equip gear to enhance your strength.<p></p>
<h3 style="color: red; padding-top: 2vh;">Top-Right Menu:</h3>
- <b>Options:</b> Access cheats, view the gallery, settings and more.
<h3 style="color: red; padding-top: 2vh;">Bottom-Right Map:</h3>
- <b>Navigate through the game's zones:</b> district areas, wastelands, or the forest.<p></p>
- <b>Combat & Scenes:</b> Get ready for action, interesting scenes and adventures.<p></p>
- <b>Main Scenes Indicators:</b> Red exclamation (!) for Trust, Purple for Lust, and Yellow for Lore.
<h3 style="color: red; padding-top: 2vh;">Relationship Metrics:</h3>
- <b>Trust:</b> Gauge of love and romance with the girls.<p></p>
- <b>Lust:</b> Level of sexuality and depravity.
<h3 style="color: red; padding-top: 2vh;">Dangers:</h3>
- <b>Virus:</b> If your virus level reaches 100, you will die. Masturbate in your room accordingly.<p></p>
- <b>Food:</b> If you run out of food, you and the girls will die. Make sure you place food in the fridge, at the Storage.<p></p>
- <b>Fights:</b> If you lose a fight, you will lose all your items and gain a lot of virus.<p></p>
- <b>Zones:</b> The Wastelands are full of danger and the Forest will make virus management a real challenge.<p></p>
Ready to take on the world and build your harem? Your journey awaits!
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="closeStart()">Start Playing</div>
<!-- div class="centerbox">
<div class="bed" id="bed" onclick="$.wiki('<<SLEEP>>')"></div>
</div -->
<div class="MRS_backgroundImagesCont">
<img class="MRS_base" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SA.webp"> <!-- base -->
<img class="MRS_clip" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SA.webp" onclick="$.wiki('<<SLEEP>>')"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SA1.webp"> <!-- hover -->
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="mainboutondiv">
<div class="boutondiv_topright">
<div class="placeholder_right"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright" onmouseover="removeSmall()" onclick="$.wiki('<<WATCH>>')">
<img src='ressources/maingui/sexuals/tease.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Watch porn</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright">
<div class="placeholder_right"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright" onmouseover="removeSmall()" onclick="$.wiki('<<MASTURBATE>>')">
<img src='ressources/icons/1SA4.webp' alt='Icon'>
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<div class="placeholder_right_elfie"></div>
<div id="mainButton_bottomright_elfie">
<p class="textNAelfie"></p>
</div -->
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="playerRoom"></div>
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clip-path: polygon(27.9% 21.8%, 71.7% 22.3%, 73.2% 24.1%, 72.6% 25.2%, 73.3% 27.0%, 71.9% 29.0%, 70.8% 29.0%, 70.3% 29.7%, 70.6% 69.5%, 71.3% 70.5%, 71.8% 70.6%, 71.8% 82.1%, 70.1% 82.1%, 69.6% 83.8%, 68.3% 83.4%, 67.9% 82.5%, 66.0% 82.4%, 65.8% 83.3%, 61.2% 82.0%, 38.9% 82.0%, 34.5% 83.3%, 33.4% 82.5%, 31.7% 82.7%, 31.1% 84.0%, 29.9% 84.0%, 29.0% 82.4%, 27.7% 82.1%, 27.8% 71.2%, 29.4% 69.8%, 29.7% 29.8%, 28.9% 28.8%, 27.6% 29.2%, 26.9% 27.0%, 27.4% 25.6%, 26.8% 24.3%);
span {
color: #d7a103;
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background-color: #203864;
border: 2vmin solid #d7a103;
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filter: invert(62%) sepia(30%) saturate(1791%) hue-rotate(10deg) brightness(96%) contrast(98%);
#startboxCont {
position: absolute;
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align-items: center;
#startbox {
width: 75vh;
max-width: 100%;
height: 85%;
border: 3px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
inset 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
background-image: none;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
padding: 3vh;
border-radius: 5vh;
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#startbox:hover {
inset 0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
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0 0 2vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
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margin-top: 0;
font-size: 1.5em;
text-align: center;
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width: 20vh;
margin-top: 2vh;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
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width: 2vw;
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input[type=text] {
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margin-left: 3vh;
#labelSister1-2 {
margin-left: 4.05vh;
#labelSister2-2 {
margin-left: 4.4vh;
setCurrentSection({key: "playerRoom"});
(() => {
const currentPassage = document.querySelector('.passage');
let isButtonsRightVisible = false; // State to track visibility
function toggleButtons() {
const smallButtonsRight = document.getElementById('smallButtons_right');
const buttonsRight = Array.from(smallButtonsRight.children);
if (!isButtonsRightVisible) {
smallButtonsRight.style.opacity = '1';
buttonsRight.forEach((button) => {
} else {
buttonsRight.forEach((button) => {
// Set a timeout to match the duration of the animations plus the delay of the last button
setTimeout(() => {
smallButtonsRight.style.opacity = '0';
}, (buttonsRight.length - 1) * 1.33 + 4); // 0.3s is the duration of the animation
isButtonsRightVisible = !isButtonsRightVisible;
function removeSmall() {
const smallButtonsRight = document.querySelectorAll('.small-button_right');
smallButtonsRight.forEach((button) => {
isButtonsRightVisible = !isButtonsRightVisible;
currentPassage.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
var mainButtonRight = document.getElementById('mainButton_right');
var smallButtonsRight = document.getElementById('smallButtons_right');
// Check if the elements exist before trying to use them
if (mainButtonRight && smallButtonsRight) {
// Check if the click is outside the main button and small buttons
if (!mainButtonRight.contains(event.target) &&
!smallButtonsRight.contains(event.target) &&
isButtonsRightVisible) {
if (document.getElementById('playerName')) {
document.getElementById('playerName').addEventListener('input', function () {
SV.characters.list.mc.name = this.value;
const cherie = SV.characters.list.cherie;
document.getElementById('labelMother').addEventListener('input', function () {
cherie.role = this.value;
document.getElementById('labelMother-2').addEventListener('input', function () {
cherie.player_role = this.value;
const lana = SV.characters.list.lana;
document.getElementById('labelSister1').addEventListener('input', function () {
lana.role = this.value;
document.getElementById('labelSister1-2').addEventListener('input', function () {
lana.player_role = this.value;
const elfie = SV.characters.list.elfie;
document.getElementById('labelSister2').addEventListener('input', function () {
elfie.role = this.value;
document.getElementById('labelSister2-2').addEventListener('input', function () {
elfie.player_role = this.value;
window.removeSmall = removeSmall;
function closeStart() {
SV.newGame = 0;
<<script>>playAudio("music", "shelter")<</script>>\
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<img class="MRS_hover" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SB4.webp"> <!-- hover -->
<img class="MRS_clip_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SB.webp" onclick="accessCharismaGame()"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SB5.webp"> <!-- hover -->
<!-- <div class="mainboutondiv">
<div class="boutondiv_topright_charisma">
<div class="placeholder_topright_charisma"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_charisma" onclick='accessCharismaGame();'>
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/charisma_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Charisma</span>
</div> -->
<div class="girlscontainer">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgcheriebutton" src="ressources/icons/8.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('CCB');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imglanabutton" src="ressources/icons/9.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('LCB');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgelfiebutton" src="ressources/icons/10.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ECB');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgmiabutton" src="ressources/icons/16.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCB');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICB');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<!-- Room Upgrade -->
<div class="UPGD_header">
<span class="UPGD_roman-numeral" id="UPGD_romanNumeral">I</span>
<div id="UPGD_upgradeButton" onclick="UPGD_showUpgradePopup()">Upgrade Room<div class="UPGD_buttonArrow">⮝</div></div>
<!-- Popup for Room Upgrade -->
<div id="UPGD_upgradePopup" class="UPGD_popup">
<div class="UPGD_close-btn" onclick="UPGD_closeUpgradePopup()">X</div>
<div class="UPGD_popup-content">
<h3 id="UPGD_upgradeTitle" class="UPGD_neon-text">Upgrade to Tier II</h3>
<p class="UPGD_neon-text">Improve your room's minigame rewards and unlock new features!</p>
<div class="UPGD_resource-section">
<div class="UPGD_resource-item">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F1.webp" alt="Wood">
<p id="UPGD_woodAmount">Wood: 160</p>
<div class="UPGD_resource-item">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F2.webp" alt="Metal">
<p id="UPGD_metalAmount">Metal: 80</p>
<div class="UPGD_resource-item">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F3.webp" alt="Plastic">
<p id="UPGD_plasticAmount">Plastic: 40</p>
<div class="UPGD_upgrade-benefits">
<p>Each room upgrade improves the minigame rewards!</p>
<p>Get more resources and unlock new features with each level!</p>
<div id="UPGD_upgradeBtn" class="UPGD_upgrade-btn" onclick="UPGD_upgradeRoom()">Upgrade Room</div>
<!-- Room upgraded text animation -->
<div id="UPGD_roomUpgradedText" class="UPGD_room-upgraded-text">
<span class="UPGD_arrow">⮝</span>Room Upgraded!<span class="UPGD_arrow">⮝</span>
<div>Tier <span class="UPGD_roman-numeral" id="UPGD_romanNumeral2">I</span></div>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="bathroom"></div>
@media (min-aspect-ratio: 3239/1440) { /* image resolution */
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/* horizontal block */
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width: 100%;
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clip-path: polygon(82.5% 34.0%, 92.1% 30.6%, 91.9% 60.2%, 82.6% 60.4%);
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border: 2vmin solid #2e6ca4;
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filter: invert(34%) sepia(90%) saturate(396%) hue-rotate(167deg) brightness(92%) contrast(94%);
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border: 1vh solid #d0cece;
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outline: 1vh solid #2e6ca4;
var bed = document.querySelector('.MRS_backgroundImagesCont > .MRS_clip');
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var girlsImages = document.querySelectorAll('.girlsimages');
var animationRunning = false;
var imagesVisible = false;
bed.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (!animationRunning) {
if (!imagesVisible) {
animationRunning = true;
girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'auto'; // Enable pointer events on the girls container
girlsImages.forEach(function(image, index) {
setTimeout(function() {
image.style.opacity = '1';
image.style.transform = 'scale(1)';
if (index === girlsImages.length - 1) {
animationRunning = false;
imagesVisible = true;
}, index * 200); // Adjust the delay between each image appearance (in milliseconds)
} else {
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image.style.opacity = '0';
image.style.transform = 'scale(0)';
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image.style.opacity = '0';
image.style.transform = 'scale(0)';
girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; // Disable pointer events on the girls container
imagesVisible = false;
UPGD_updateRomanNumeral(); // bathroom
window.UPGD_pricePerTier = {
1: [160, 80, 40],
2: [320, 160, 80],
3: [640, 320, 160],
4: [1280, 640, 320],
5: [2560, 1280, 640],
6: [5120, 2560, 1280],
7: [10240, 5120, 2560],
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<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
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<div class="mainboutondiv">
<div class="boutondiv_topright_cherie">
<div class="placeholder_topright_cherie"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_cherie" onclick="accessLustGame('cherie');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/lust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Lust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_cherie">
<div class="placeholder_topright_cherie"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_cherie" onclick="accessTrustGame('cherie');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Trust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_cherie bouton_bonusScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_cherie"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_cherie" onclick="BSB_show('cherie');">
<img id="bonusImg" src='ressources/icons/2K.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span><b>BONUS SCENES</b></span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_cherie bouton_evilScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_cherie"></div>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_div" id="mainButton_bottomright_cherie" onclick="toggleButtons()">
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/evil.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes cherie" id="button1_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(0, 'cherie')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank2.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/grope.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Grope</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes cherie" id="button2_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(1, 'cherie')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank3.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/rape.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Rape</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes cherie" id="button3_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(2, 'cherie')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank4.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/enslave.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Enslave</div>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="cherieRoom"></div>
span {
color: #d7a103;
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<div class="mainboutondiv">
<div class="boutondiv_topright_elfie">
<div class="placeholder_topright_elfie"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_elfie" onclick="accessLustGame('elfie');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/lust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Lust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_elfie">
<div class="placeholder_topright_elfie"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_elfie" onclick="accessTrustGame('elfie');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Trust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_elfie bouton_bonusScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_elfie"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_elfie" onclick="BSB_show('elfie');">
<img id="bonusImg" src='ressources/icons/2K.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span><b>BONUS SCENES</b></span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_elfie bouton_evilScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_elfie"></div>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_div" id="mainButton_bottomright_elfie" onclick="toggleButtons()">
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/evil.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes elfie" id="button1_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(0, 'elfie')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank2.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/grope.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Grope</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes elfie" id="button2_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(1, 'elfie')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank3.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/rape.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Rape</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes elfie" id="button3_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(2, 'elfie')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank4.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/enslave.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Enslave</div>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="elfieRoom"></div>
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<img class="girlsimages" id="imgelfiebutton" src="ressources/icons/10.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ECD');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgmiabutton" src="ressources/icons/16.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCD');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICD');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="kitchen"></div>
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background-size: cover;
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background-position: center;
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bed.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (!animationRunning) {
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animationRunning = true;
girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'auto'; // Enable pointer events on the girls container
girlsImages.forEach(function(image, index) {
setTimeout(function() {
image.style.opacity = '1';
image.style.transform = 'scale(1)';
if (index === girlsImages.length - 1) {
animationRunning = false;
imagesVisible = true;
}, index * 200); // Adjust the delay between each image appearance (in milliseconds)
} else {
girlsImages.forEach(function(image) {
image.style.opacity = '0';
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girlsImages.forEach(function(image) {
image.style.opacity = '0';
image.style.transform = 'scale(0)';
girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; // Disable pointer events on the girls container
imagesVisible = false;
<<script>>playAudio("music", "shelter")<</script>>\
<div class="MRS_backgroundImagesCont">
<img class="MRS_base" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SL.webp"> <!-- base -->
<img class="MRS_clip" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SL.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('LCA')"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SL1.webp"> <!-- hover -->
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="mainboutondiv">
<div class="boutondiv_topright_lana">
<div class="placeholder_topright_lana"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_lana" onclick="accessLustGame('lana');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/lust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Lust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_lana">
<div class="placeholder_topright_lana"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_lana" onclick="accessTrustGame('lana');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Trust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_lana bouton_bonusScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_lana"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_lana" onclick="BSB_show('lana');">
<img id="bonusImg" src='ressources/icons/2K.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span><b>BONUS SCENES</b></span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_lana bouton_evilScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_lana"></div>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_div" id="mainButton_bottomright_lana" onclick="toggleButtons()">
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/evil.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes lana" id="button1_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(0, 'lana')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank2.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/grope.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Grope</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes lana" id="button2_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(1, 'lana')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank3.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/rape.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Rape</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes lana" id="button3_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(2, 'lana')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank4.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/enslave.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Enslave</div>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="lanaRoom"></div>
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<img class="MRS_clip_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SR.webp" onclick="accessLivingroomGame()"> <!-- clip path -->
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<div class="girlscontainer">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgcheriebutton" src="ressources/icons/8.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('CCC');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imglanabutton" src="ressources/icons/9.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('LCC');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgelfiebutton" src="ressources/icons/10.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ECC');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgmiabutton" src="ressources/icons/16.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCC');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICC');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<!-- Room Upgrade -->
<div class="UPGD_header">
<span class="UPGD_roman-numeral" id="UPGD_romanNumeral">I</span>
<div id="UPGD_upgradeButton" onclick="UPGD_showUpgradePopup()">Upgrade Room<div class="UPGD_buttonArrow">⮝</div></div>
<!-- Popup for Room Upgrade -->
<div id="UPGD_upgradePopup" class="UPGD_popup">
<div class="UPGD_close-btn" onclick="UPGD_closeUpgradePopup()">X</div>
<div class="UPGD_popup-content">
<h3 id="UPGD_upgradeTitle" class="UPGD_neon-text">Upgrade to Tier II</h3>
<p class="UPGD_neon-text">Improve your room's minigame rewards and unlock new features!</p>
<div class="UPGD_resource-section">
<div class="UPGD_resource-item">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F1.webp" alt="Wood">
<p id="UPGD_woodAmount">Wood: 160</p>
<div class="UPGD_resource-item">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F2.webp" alt="Metal">
<p id="UPGD_metalAmount">Metal: 80</p>
<div class="UPGD_resource-item">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F3.webp" alt="Plastic">
<p id="UPGD_plasticAmount">Plastic: 40</p>
<div class="UPGD_upgrade-benefits">
<p>Each room upgrade improves the minigame rewards!</p>
<p>Get more resources and unlock new features with each level!</p>
<div id="UPGD_upgradeBtn" class="UPGD_upgrade-btn" onclick="UPGD_upgradeRoom()">Upgrade Room</div>
<!-- Room upgraded text animation -->
<div id="UPGD_roomUpgradedText" class="UPGD_room-upgraded-text">
<span class="UPGD_arrow">⮝</span>Room Upgraded!<span class="UPGD_arrow">⮝</span>
<div>Tier <span class="UPGD_roman-numeral" id="UPGD_romanNumeral2">I</span></div>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="livingRoom"></div>
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setTimeout(function() {
image.style.opacity = '1';
image.style.transform = 'scale(1)';
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animationRunning = false;
imagesVisible = true;
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imagesVisible = false;
// upgrade
UPGD_updateRomanNumeral(); // livingRoom
window.UPGD_pricePerTier = {
1: [160, 80, 40],
2: [320, 160, 80],
3: [640, 320, 160],
4: [1280, 640, 320],
5: [2560, 1280, 640],
6: [5120, 2560, 1280],
7: [10240, 5120, 2560],
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<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICJ');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
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</div -->
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<div class="boutondiv_topright_charisma">
<div class="placeholder_topright_charisma"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_charisma" onclick='accessCharismaGame();'>
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/charisma_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Charisma</span>
</div> -->
<div class="girlscontainer">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgcheriebutton" src="ressources/icons/8.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('CCH');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imglanabutton" src="ressources/icons/9.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('LCH');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgelfiebutton" src="ressources/icons/10.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ECH');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgmiabutton" src="ressources/icons/16.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCH');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICH');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<div class="mainboutondiv">
<div class="boutondiv_topright_gym">
<div class="placeholder_topright_gym"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_gym" onclick="playPassage('PRACTICE FIGHT')">
<img src='ressources/icons/2D.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Fights</span>
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="gym"></div>
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<img class="MRS_base" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SM.webp"> <!-- base -->
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<img class="MRS_clip" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SM.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCA')"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SM1.webp"> <!-- hover -->
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<div class="mainboutondiv">
<div class="boutondiv_topright_mia">
<div class="placeholder_topright_mia"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_mia" onclick="accessLustGame('mia');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/lust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Lust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_mia">
<div class="placeholder_topright_mia"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_mia" onclick="accessTrustGame('mia');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Trust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_mia bouton_bonusScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_mia"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_mia" onclick="BSB_show('mia');">
<img id="bonusImg" src='ressources/icons/2K.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span><b>BONUS SCENES</b></span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_mia bouton_evilScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_mia"></div>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_div" id="mainButton_bottomright_mia" onclick="toggleButtons()">
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/evil.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes mia" id="button1_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(0, 'mia')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank2.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/grope.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Grope</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes mia" id="button2_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(1, 'mia')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank3.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/rape.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Rape</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes mia" id="button3_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(2, 'mia')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank4.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/enslave.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Enslave</div>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="guestRoom"></div>
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<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
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<div class="mainboutondiv">
<div class="boutondiv_topright_chanel">
<div class="placeholder_topright_chanel"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_chanel" onclick="accessLustGame('chanel');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/lust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Lust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_chanel">
<div class="placeholder_topright_chanel"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_chanel" onclick="accessTrustGame('chanel');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Trust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_chanel bouton_bonusScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_chanel"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_chanel" onclick="BSB_show('chanel');">
<img id="bonusImg" src='ressources/icons/2K.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span><b>BONUS SCENES</b></span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_chanel bouton_evilScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_chanel"></div>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_div" id="mainButton_bottomright_chanel" onclick="toggleButtons()">
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/evil.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes chanel" id="button1_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(0, 'chanel')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank2.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/grope.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Grope</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes chanel" id="button2_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(1, 'chanel')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank3.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/rape.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Rape</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes chanel" id="button3_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(2, 'chanel')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank4.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/enslave.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Enslave</div>
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="guestRoom2"></div>
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<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
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<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="guestRoom3"></div>
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<img class="girlsimages" id="imgelfiebutton" src="ressources/icons/10.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ECK');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgmiabutton" src="ressources/icons/16.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCK');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICK');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<<script>>playAudio("music", "shelter")<</script>>\
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="pool"></div>
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<img class="girlsimages" id="imgelfiebutton" src="ressources/icons/10.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ECI');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgmiabutton" src="ressources/icons/16.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCI');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICI');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="spa"></div>
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setTimeout(function() {
image.style.opacity = '1';
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if (index === girlsImages.length - 1) {
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girlsImages.forEach(function(image) {
image.style.opacity = '0';
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image.style.opacity = '0';
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girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; // Disable pointer events on the girls container
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<img class="MRS_clip_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/1SX1.webp" onclick="accesscraftsmanshipGame();"> <!-- clip path -->
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<img class="girlsimages" id="imgcheriebutton" src="ressources/icons/8.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('CCF');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imglanabutton" src="ressources/icons/9.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('LCF');">
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgelfiebutton" src="ressources/icons/10.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ECF');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('mia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgmiabutton" src="ressources/icons/16.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('DCF');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('chanel') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgchanelbutton" src="ressources/icons/19.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ICF');">
<<if isCharacterKnown('julia') === true>>
<img class="girlsimages" id="imgjuliabutton" src="ressources/icons/TODO.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('JCD');">
<!-- Room Upgrade -->
<div class="UPGD_header">
<span class="UPGD_roman-numeral" id="UPGD_romanNumeral">I</span>
<div id="UPGD_upgradeButton" onclick="UPGD_showUpgradePopup()">Upgrade Room<div class="UPGD_buttonArrow">⮝</div></div>
<!-- Popup for Room Upgrade -->
<div id="UPGD_upgradePopup" class="UPGD_popup">
<div class="UPGD_close-btn" onclick="UPGD_closeUpgradePopup()">X</div>
<div class="UPGD_popup-content">
<h3 id="UPGD_upgradeTitle" class="UPGD_neon-text">Upgrade to Tier II</h3>
<p class="UPGD_neon-text">Improve your room's minigame rewards and unlock new features!</p>
<div class="UPGD_resource-section">
<div class="UPGD_resource-item">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F1.webp" alt="Wood">
<p id="UPGD_woodAmount">Wood: 160</p>
<div class="UPGD_resource-item">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F2.webp" alt="Metal">
<p id="UPGD_metalAmount">Metal: 80</p>
<div class="UPGD_resource-item">
<img src="ressources/icons/IB0F3.webp" alt="Plastic">
<p id="UPGD_plasticAmount">Plastic: 40</p>
<div class="UPGD_upgrade-benefits">
<p>Each room upgrade improves the minigame rewards!</p>
<p>Get more resources and unlock new features with each level!</p>
<div id="UPGD_upgradeBtn" class="UPGD_upgrade-btn" onclick="UPGD_upgradeRoom()">Upgrade Room</div>
<!-- Room upgraded text animation -->
<div id="UPGD_roomUpgradedText" class="UPGD_room-upgraded-text">
<span class="UPGD_arrow">⮝</span>Room Upgraded!<span class="UPGD_arrow">⮝</span>
<div>Tier <span class="UPGD_roman-numeral" id="UPGD_romanNumeral2">I</span></div>
<<script>>playAudio("music", "shelter")<</script>>\
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('SHELTER MAP')">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="backyard"></div>
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outline: 1vh solid #f2a36e;
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bed.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (!animationRunning) {
if (!imagesVisible) {
animationRunning = true;
girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'auto'; // Enable pointer events on the girls container
girlsImages.forEach(function(image, index) {
setTimeout(function() {
image.style.opacity = '1';
image.style.transform = 'scale(1)';
if (index === girlsImages.length - 1) {
animationRunning = false;
imagesVisible = true;
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girlsImages.forEach(function(image) {
image.style.opacity = '0';
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document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if (!girlsContainer.contains(event.target) && event.target !== bed) {
girlsImages.forEach(function(image) {
image.style.opacity = '0';
image.style.transform = 'scale(0)';
girlsContainer.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; // Disable pointer events on the girls container
imagesVisible = false;
/*background selection */
/*upgrade */
UPGD_updateRomanNumeral(); // backyard
window.UPGD_pricePerTier = {
1: [160, 80, 40],
2: [320, 160, 80],
3: [640, 320, 160],
4: [1280, 640, 320],
5: [2560, 1280, 640],
6: [5120, 2560, 1280],
7: [10240, 5120, 2560],
playAudio("music", "forestPeacewood");
SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable = true;
/*SV.gui_interface.mapButtonEnable = true;*/
SV.gui_interface.inventoryButtonEnable = true;
<div class="previousmap">[["MAIN MAP"|MAIN MAP]]</div>
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<!-- girl location indicator -->
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<div class="GLMS_markerCont" section="crimsonwood" style="bottom: 8%; left: 5%; width: 45%"></div>
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Your browser does not support the video tag.
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<img class="MRS_clip_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/2ACE3.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ACA')"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/2ACE4.webp"> <!-- hover -->
<div id="cellsContainer"></div>
<div class="exit-button" onclick="previousBloc()">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
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position: absolute;
top: 24vh;
left: 85vh;
.cell {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
gap: 10px; /* Space between slots */
.NPC-slot {
flex: 0 0 auto; /* Don't grow or shrink, stay at content size */
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.npc-NPC {
width: 35vh; /* Or whatever width you prefer */
height: 100%;
/* Other styles... */
.prisoner-slot {
flex: 1;
height: 100%;
/* width: 35vh; */
width: 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.test-controls {
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margin: 20px;
.test-controls button {
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border-radius: 5px;
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filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(15%) sepia(42%) saturate(750%) hue-rotate(353deg) brightness(89%) contrast(85%);
//-------PASSAGE CHANGE TOGGLES-------//
function toggleBed() {
function previousBloc() {
// Always recreate the manager
SV.gui_interface.angelaManager = {
inCamp: false,
loadCamp() {
this.container = document.getElementById('cellsContainer');
if (!this.container) return;
if (SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue.includes('angela') && !this.inCamp) {
this.inCamp = true;
renderCamp() {
this.container.innerHTML = '';
const cell = document.createElement('div');
cell.className = 'cell';
if (this.inCamp) {
cell.innerHTML = `
<div class="NPC-slot">
<div class="main-NPC">
<div class="GSIS_subCont">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/angelaBeginningSelection.webp" class="GSIS_subCont__clip-img" cherie="left" transition="">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/angelaBeginningSelection.webp" class="GSIS_subCont__clip-img" cherie="right" transition="">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/angelaBeginningSelection.webp" class="GSIS_subCont__visual-img">
cell.querySelector('.GSIS_subCont').addEventListener('click', () => this.releaseCamp());
releaseCamp() {
this.inCamp = false;
SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue = SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue.filter(id => id !== 'angela');
Object.assign(SV.characters.list.angela, {
isForgiving: false,
isBroken: false,
reconciliationDay: 0
// Initialize forgivingQueue if it doesn't exist
if (!SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue) {
SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue = [];
// Load manager
<<script>>playAudio("music", "forestPeacewood")<</script>>\
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="angelaCampInterior"></div>
<div class="MRS_backgroundImagesCont">
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Your browser does not support the video tag.
<img class="MRS_base" src="ressources/backgrounds/2ACI1.webp"> <!-- base 2 -->
<img class="MRS_clip" src="ressources/backgrounds/2ACI1.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('ACB')"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover" src="ressources/backgrounds/2ACI2.webp"> <!-- hover -->
<div class="exit-button" onclick="previousBloc()">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="mainboutondiv">
<div class="boutondiv_topright_angela">
<div class="placeholder_topright_angela"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_angela" onclick="accessLustGame('angela');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/lust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Lust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_angela">
<div class="placeholder_topright_angela"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_angela" onclick="accessTrustGame('angela');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Trust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_angela bouton_bonusScenes">
<div id="mainButton_topright_angela" onclick="BSB_show('angela');">
<img id="bonusImg" src='ressources/icons/2K.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span><b>BONUS SCENES</b></span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_angela bouton_evilScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_angela"></div>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_div" id="mainButton_bottomright_angela" onclick="toggleButtons()">
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/evil.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes angela" id="button1_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(0, 'angela')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank2.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/grope.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Grope</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes angela" id="button2_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(1, 'angela')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank3.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/rape.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Rape</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes angela" id="button3_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(2, 'angela')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank4.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/enslave.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Enslave</div>
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function previousBloc() {
playAudio("music", "wastelandsTheborder");
SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable = true;
/*SV.gui_interface.mapButtonEnable = true;*/
SV.gui_interface.inventoryButtonEnable = true;
<div class="previousmap">[["MAIN MAP"|MAIN MAP]]</div>
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<img section="green" class="IMGa hoverInfo" src="ressources/maingui/maps/wastelands/wastelands_green.webp">
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section="black" style="clip-path: polygon(47.6% 0.0%, 46.4% 1.6%, 43.0% 14.5%, 43.0% 31.6%, 46.2% 45.1%, 54.6% 56.9%, 66.2% 58.7%, 70.4% 55.3%, 69.5% 54.2%, 69.5% 49.2%, 70.1% 47.9%, 70.5% 48.3%, 70.4% 49.3%, 71.5% 48.3%, 71.6% 42.2%, 72.9% 40.6%, 74.4% 37.2%, 75.9% 40.6%, 77.2% 41.9%, 77.2% 40.9%, 77.6% 40.4%, 79.9% 42.5%, 79.9% 44.2%, 80.3% 43.5%, 90.3% 39.9%, 100.0% 40.2%, 100.0% 6.8%, 90.2% 6.8%, 80.1% 2.9%, 78.0% 0.0%);">
<!-- girl location indicator -->
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<div class="GLMS_markerCont" section="green" style="top: 40%;left: 2%;width: 30%;"></div>
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font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
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display: flex;
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setCurrentSection({key: "wastelands"});
</script><<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<borderMaster>>\<<script>>playAudio("music", "wastelandsTheborder")<</script>>\
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Your browser does not support the video tag.
<img class="MRS_base" src="ressources/backgrounds/3AGE1.webp">
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<img class="MRS_base" src="ressources/backgrounds/3AGE3.webp">
<img class="MRS_clip_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/3AGE3.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('GCA')"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover_2" src="ressources/backgrounds/3AGE4.webp"> <!-- hover -->
<div id="cellsContainer"></div>
<div class="exit-button" onclick="previousBloc()">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
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top: 24vh;
left: 85vh;
.cell {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
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height: 100%;
gap: 10px; /* Space between slots */
.NPC-slot {
flex: 0 0 auto; /* Don't grow or shrink, stay at content size */
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.npc-NPC {
width: 35vh; /* Or whatever width you prefer */
height: 100%;
/* Other styles... */
.prisoner-slot {
flex: 1;
height: 100%;
/* width: 35vh; */
width: 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.test-controls {
text-align: center;
margin: 20px;
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padding: 5px 10px;
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border-radius: 5px;
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height: 100%;
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filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(11%) sepia(24%) saturate(1547%) hue-rotate(314deg) brightness(104%) contrast(88%);
//-------PASSAGE CHANGE TOGGLES-------//
function toggleBed() {
function previousBloc() {
SV.gui_interface.gabbieManager = {
inCamp: false,
loadCamp() {
this.container = document.getElementById('cellsContainer');
if (!this.container) return;
if (SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue.includes('gabbie') && !this.inCamp) {
this.inCamp = true;
renderCamp() {
this.container.innerHTML = '';
const cell = document.createElement('div');
cell.className = 'cell';
if (this.inCamp) {
cell.innerHTML = `
<div class="NPC-slot">
<div class="main-NPC">
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<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/gabbieBeginningSelection.webp" class="GSIS_subCont__clip-img" cherie="left" transition="">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/gabbieBeginningSelection.webp" class="GSIS_subCont__clip-img" cherie="right" transition="">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/gabbieBeginningSelection.webp" class="GSIS_subCont__visual-img">
cell.querySelector('.GSIS_subCont').addEventListener('click', () => this.releaseCamp());
releaseCamp() {
this.inCamp = false;
SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue = SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue.filter(id => id !== 'gabbie');
Object.assign(SV.characters.list.gabbie, {
isForgiving: false,
isBroken: false,
reconciliationDay: 0
// Initialize forgivingQueue if it doesn't exist
if (!SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue) {
SV.gui_interface.forgivingQueue = [];
// Load manager
<<script>>playAudio("music", "wastelandsTheborder")<</script>>\
<div class="GSIS_mainCont" section="gabbieCampInterior"></div>
<div class="MRS_backgroundImagesCont">
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Your browser does not support the video tag.
<img class="MRS_base" src="ressources/backgrounds/3AGI1.webp"> <!-- base 2 -->
<img class="MRS_clip" src="ressources/backgrounds/3AGI1.webp" onclick="GLMF_gotoSecondaryScene('GCB')"> <!-- clip path -->
<img class="MRS_hover" src="ressources/backgrounds/3AGI2.webp"> <!-- hover -->
<div class="exit-button" onclick="previousBloc()">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button">
<div class="mainboutondiv">
<div class="boutondiv_topright_gabbie">
<div class="placeholder_topright_gabbie"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_gabbie" onclick="accessLustGame('gabbie');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/lust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Lust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_gabbie">
<div class="placeholder_topright_gabbie"></div>
<div id="mainButton_topright_gabbie" onclick="accessTrustGame('gabbie');">
<img src='ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span>Practice Trust</span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_gabbie bouton_bonusScenes">
<div id="mainButton_topright_gabbie" onclick="BSB_show('gabbie');">
<img id="bonusImg" src='ressources/icons/2K.webp' alt='Icon'>
<span><b>BONUS SCENES</b></span>
<div class="boutondiv_topright_gabbie bouton_evilScenes">
<div class="placeholder_topright_gabbie"></div>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_div" id="mainButton_bottomright_gabbie" onclick="toggleButtons()">
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/evil.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes gabbie" id="button1_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(0, 'gabbie')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank2.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/grope.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Grope</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes gabbie" id="button2_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(1, 'gabbie')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank3.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/rape.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Rape</div>
<div class="smallButton_evilScenes gabbie" id="button3_evilScenes" onclick="evilSceneClick(2, 'gabbie')">
<img class="corner-icon" src='ressources/maingui/ranks/rank4.webp' alt='Corner Icon'>
<img id="evilImg" src='ressources/icons/enslave.webp' alt='Icon'>
<div class="bouton_evilScenes_text">Enslave</div>
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border: 2vmin solid #deb23f;
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filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(81%) sepia(57%) saturate(652%) hue-rotate(338deg) brightness(97%) contrast(79%);
function previousBloc() {
.Elves_physical {
position: absolute;
bottom: -10vh;
right: 25vh;
height: 65%;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
z-index: 5;
cursor: pointer;
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height: 75%;
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bottom: 5vh;
transition: filter 0.5s;
.Elves_physical img:hover {
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 1.5vh #008000); /* green */
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filter: drop-shadow(0 0 1.5vh rgb(222, 33, 33)); /* red */
<div class="FS_main">
<div class="FS_finish-overlay FS_hidden"> <!-- finish screen -->
<div class="FS_contentCont DIAS_container_ParentScrollable">
<div class="FS_content DIAS_container">
<div class="FS_exit">
<div class="DIAS_button">Done</div>
<div class="FS_choose-overlay FS_hidden"> <!-- choose popup -->
<top>Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</top>
<div class="FS_button">Let her do her things</div>
<div class="FS_button">Run away</div>
<div class="FS_wheel-overlay FS_hidden"> <!-- wheel game -->
<div class="FS_wheel-pin">
<img src="ressources/icons/7C.webp">
<canvas id="FS_wheel"></canvas> <!-- width="1000" height="1000" -->
<div class="FS_wheel-overlay__center-button " onmousedown="FGF_wheel_fightButton();"></div>
<div class="FS_wheel-stats">
<div class="FS_top"> <!-- main fight -->
<div class="FS_top__scene FS_shadow">
<!-- img -->
<div class="FS_top__scene op-tag FS_shadow">
<!-- img -->
<div class="FS_middle">
<div class="FS_middle__dial FS_shadow">
<div class="FS_middle__dial__text"></div>
<img src="">
<div class="FS_middle__current-move FS_shadow" onclick="FGF_wheel_appearOverlay();">
<img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/beginning.webp">
<div class="FS_middle__dial op-tag FS_shadow">
<img src="">
<div class="FS_middle__dial__text"></div>
<!-- div class="FS_middle__dial__boxShadow"></div -->
<div class="FS_bottom">
<div class="FS_bottom__mc">
<div class="FS_bottom__x__imgCont">
<img class="FS_shadow" src="">
<div class="FS_bottom__x__name" translate="no">George</div>
<div class="FS_bottom__progress">
<div class="FS_bottom__progress__mc">
<div class="FS_bottom__progress__bar">
<div class="FS_bottom__progress__bar-start"></div>
<div class="FS_bottom__progress__bar-end">
<img src="ressources/icons/7E.webp">
<div class="FS_bottom__progress__overlay">
<img class="FS_shadow" src="">
<div class="FS_bottom__progress__state">
<!-- <div class="FS_shadow"><img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/beginning.webp"></div> -->
<!-- -->
<div class="FS_bottom__progress__op">
<div class="FS_bottom__progress__bar FS_op-color">
<div class="FS_bottom__progress__bar-start FS_op-color"></div>
<div class="FS_bottom__progress__bar-end op-tag FS_op-color">
<img src="ressources/icons/7E.webp">
<div class="FS_bottom__progress__overlay op-tag">
<img class="FS_shadow" src="">
<div class="FS_bottom__op">
<div class="FS_bottom__x__imgCont">
<img class="FS_shadow" src="">
<!-- video src="./ressources/maingui/others/ringOfFire.webm" autoplay loop muted></video -->
<div class="FS_bottom__x__name" translate="no">Name here yup</div>
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<div class="TGS_exit">EXIT</div>
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<div class="left">
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<div class="middle">
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<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/giftBox.webp">
<div class="itemSlotButton">GIVE</div>
<div class="right">
<div class="TGS_meterCont">
<div class="left">
<div class="nextPhase"><img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/tease.webp"></div>
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<!-- js -->
<!-- ex: <div class="meterSection" style="bottom: 40%">5<line></line></div> -->
<div class="currentPhase"><img src="ressources/maingui/sexuals/beginning.webp"></div>
<div class="right">
<img src="ressources/maingui/attributes/trust_icon.webp">
<qty>10 ?</qty>
<div class="TGS_quantitySelector" style="display: none;">
<div class="quantity-controls">
<button class="decrease">-</button>
<input type="number" min="1" value="1">
<button class="increase">+</button>
<button class="confirm">✓</button>
<div class="TGS_contentCont">
<div class="TGS_content">
<text>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur </text>
<div class="TGS_contentExit">EXIT</div>
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.TGS_container > .right { /* meter */
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z-index: 0;
flex: 1;
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height: 100%;
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position: relative;
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height: 100%;
width: 10vh;
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width: 100%;
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top: 100%; /* 100 is empty, 0 is full */
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margin: 0 0.5em;
width: 1em;
height: 2px;
background-color: #ffffff;
.TGS_meterCont > .left > .nextPhase,
.TGS_meterCont > .left > .currentPhase {
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border-radius: 50%;
overflow: clip;
display: flex;
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justify-content: center;
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.TGS_meterCont > .left > .currentPhase > img {
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/* border-radius: 50%; */
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.TGS_meterCont > .right > qty {
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margin: 0.5em;
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color: #ffffff;
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0px 0px 24px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
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pointer-events: auto;
transition: transform 0.2s ease, text-shadow 0.2s ease, box-shadow 0.2s ease;
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0 0 1vh rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1.5vh rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 2vh rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
.TGS_quantitySelector {
background: #2a2a2a;
padding: 8px;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
z-index: 1000;
border: 1px solid #3a3a3a;
.TGS_quantitySelector .quantity-controls {
display: flex;
gap: 5px;
align-items: center;
.TGS_quantitySelector input {
width: 50px;
text-align: center;
background: #1a1a1a;
border: 1px solid #3a3a3a;
color: white;
padding: 4px;
border-radius: 3px;
.TGS_quantitySelector button {
padding: 4px 8px;
cursor: pointer;
background: #3a3a3a;
border: 1px solid #4a4a4a;
color: white;
border-radius: 3px;
min-width: 30px;
transition: background 0.2s;
.TGS_quantitySelector button:hover {
background: #4a4a4a;
.TGS_quantitySelector button.confirm {
background: #2d5a2d;
border-color: #3d6a3d;
.TGS_quantitySelector button.confirm:hover {
background: #3d6a3d;
.TGS_container .middle .itemSlot {
position: relative;
z-index: 2; /* Ensure it's above the gift box image */
.TGS_container .middle .itemSlot img {
max-width: 100px; /* Adjust this value as needed */
max-height: 100px; /* Adjust this value as needed */
width: auto;
height: auto;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
/* For the quantity label */
.TGS_container .middle .itemSlot div {
position: relative;
width: fit-content;
margin: 0 auto;
/* Style for the quantity display on selected item */
.itemSlot .quantity-label {
position: absolute;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
color: white;
padding: 0.5vh 0.5vh;
border-radius: 0.5vh;
top: -6vh;
right: -4vh;
z-index: 5;
font-size: 0.9em;
(function main_trustGame() { // main call
// Local Variables
let TGV_chosenItemKey = null; // obj of the chosen item in the inventory
let TGV_selectedQuantity = 1;
let TGV_background = {
cherie: '1SC3.webp',
elfie: '1SE1.webp',
lana: '1SL.webp',
mia: '1SM.webp', // GuestRoom 1
chanel: '1SN.webp', // GuestRoom 2
julia: '1SO.webp', // Guestroom3
gabbie: '3AGI.webm',
angela: '2ACI.webm',
let TGV_content = {
characters : {
angela: { // (A)
accept: { // (A)
//no default
0: { // Common (A)
text: "A $[name], thank you, I like it!",
image: "ressources/scenes/ATA1A1.webp",
1: { // Uncommon (B)
text: "A $[name]. I cherish this gift, thank you.",
image: "ressources/scenes/ATA1B1.webp",
2: { // Rare (C)
text: "This $[name] is a treasure. My sincerest thanks.",
image: "ressources/scenes/ATA1C1.webp",
3: { // Epic (D)
text: "The $[name]! I'm deeply thankful.",
image: "ressources/scenes/ATA1D1.webp",
4: { // Legendary (E)
text: "The $[name]! Thank you for this honor.",
image: "ressources/scenes/ATA1E1.webp",
5: { // Mythical (F)
text: "Ah, the $[name]! My heart swells with gratitude.",
image: "ressources/scenes/ATA1F1.webp",
refuse: { // (R)
default: {
text: "I'm sorry, I can't accept this.",
image: "ressources/scenes/ATR1.webp",
equipment: { // (E)
text: "I'm afraid this equipment doesn't serve my purpose. Please, have it back.",
food: { // (F)
text: "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not in the mood for food right now. Maybe later?",
material: { // (M)
text: "Thank you, but this material isn't something I need. Perhaps hold onto it for now?",
cherie : { // (C)
accept: { // (A)
0: { // Common (A)
text: "Oh, darling, even the $[name] from you means the world to me. Thank you.",
image: "ressources/scenes/CTA1A1.webp",
1: { // Uncommon (B)
text: "A $[name]? How thoughtful of you, my dear. It's just as nurturing as your heart.",
image: "ressources/scenes/CTA1B1.webp",
2: { // Rare (C)
text: "You've given me a $[name]? This is incredibly rare, just like your kindness. I appreciate it deeply.",
image: "ressources/scenes/CTA1C1.webp",
3: { // Epic (D)
text: "My, my, a $[name]... It symbolizes such a deep connection. You've made me feel very cherished.",
image: "ressources/scenes/CTA1D1.webp",
4: { // Legendary (E)
text: "The $[name]! It’s legendary... I’m overwhelmed by your generosity, my boy. This is a treasure, indeed.",
image: "ressources/scenes/CTA1E1.webp",
5: { // Mythical (F)
text: "A mythical $[name], really? It's as rare and beautiful as the love I have for you. I'm so honored, thank you.",
image: "ressources/scenes/CTA1F1.webp",
refuse: { // (R)
default: {
text: "I'm sorry, I can't accept this.",
image: "ressources/scenes/CTR1.webp",
equipment: { // (E)
text: "Oh, sweetie, why would I need such a piece of equipment? My place is here, making sure you're all safe and healthy. You keep it; you're the one braving the wilds.",
food: { // (F)
text: "No thank you, dear. I'm not quite in the mood for that food right now. Why don't you keep it for yourself? You need your strength out there.",
material: { // (M)
text: "Oh, darling, it's kind of you to offer, but I really don't need this material. Let's save it for when it's truly needed, alright?",
elfie: { // (E)
accept: { // (A)
0: { // Common (A)
text: "A $[name]! It makes me feel like I'm not alone on this adventure.",
image: "ressources/scenes/EA7A1.webp",
1: { // Uncommon (B)
text: "I love this $[name]! It's so cute!",
image: "ressources/scenes/EA7B1.webp",
2: { // Rare (C)
text: "This $[name], it's so pretty! I'll treasure it forever!",
image: "ressources/scenes/ETA1C1.webp",
3: { // Epic (D)
text: "This $[name] is so cool! I feel like I can take on anything!",
image: "ressources/scenes/ETA1D1.webp",
4: { // Legendary (E)
text: "This $[name] is like a ray of sunshine, a golden treasure just for me. Thank you so much!",
image: "ressources/scenes/EA7J1.webp",
5: { // Mythical (F)
text: "Oh wow, this $[name] is absolutely magical! I can feel the courage surging within me already!",
image: "ressources/scenes/EA7K1.webp",
refuse: { // (R)
default: {
text: "I'm sorry, I can't accept this.",
image: "ressources/scenes/ETR1.webp",
equipment: { // (E)
text: "Why would I need equipment? I'm not exactly going out fighting monsters or anything. I think this should go to someone who really needs it.",
food: { // (F)
text: "Ugh, I really don't want to eat this. Can't we find something else? I'm just not in the mood for this.",
material: { // (M)
text: "I appreciate it, but I don't really need this material. Maybe we should save it for when it's truly necessary.",
gabbie: { // (G)
accept: { // (A)
0: { // Common (A)
text: "Even this $[name] has its own unique charm. It's a gentle reminder of the beauty that can be found in the most unexpected places.",
image: "ressources/scenes/GTA1A1.webp",
1: { // Uncommon (B)
text: "A $[name]! It's a refreshing change of pace amid the desolate wastelands.",
image: "ressources/scenes/GTA1B1.webp",
2: { // Rare (C)
text: "The $[name] is so calming. It truly is a rare treasure, just like the moments we share.",
image: "ressources/scenes/GTA1C1.webp",
3: { // Epic (D)
text: "Oh, this $[name] is simply enchanting. It's mysterious, just like the world around us.",
image: "ressources/scenes/GTA1D1.webp",
4: { // Legendary (E)
text: "This $[name] is stunning, it's like holding a piece of the sun itself. You always know how to brighten my day.",
image: "ressources/scenes/GTA1E1.webp",
5: { // Mythical (F)
text: "Wow, this $[name] is incredible! I can feel the energy coursing through me just by holding it. Thank you so much!",
image: "ressources/scenes/GA6M1.webp",
refuse: { // (R)
default: {
text: "I'm sorry, I can't accept this.",
image: "ressources/scenes/GTR1.webp",
equipment: { // (E)
text: "Why would I need this equipment? My survival skills have gotten me this far without it. Let's save it for when we really need it, okay?",
food: { // (F)
text: "I'm not really in the mood for this kind of food right now. Maybe we could find something else?",
material: { // (M)
text: "I don't really need this material right now, you should probably hang on to it or give it to someone who could make better use of it.",
lana: { // (L)
accept: { // (A)
0: { // Common (A)
text: "A $[name]? Simple, just like old times. Thanks.",
image: "ressources/scenes/LTA1A1.webp",
1: { // Uncommon (B)
text: "A $[name], huh? Not bad at all, I appreciate it.",
image: "ressources/scenes/LTA1B1.webp",
2: { // Rare (C)
text: "This $[name] is remarkable, and so is your thoughtfulness for giving it to me.",
image: "ressources/scenes/LTA1C1.webp",
3: { // Epic (D)
text: "I can feel the power in this $[name]... Thank you, this means a lot to me.",
image: "ressources/scenes/LTA1D1.webp",
4: { // Legendary (E)
text: "A $[name]? It's definitely unique... I'll give you that. Thanks.",
image: "ressources/scenes/LTA1E1.webp",
5: { // Mythical (F)
text: "Wow, a $[name]! I'm impressed. Thanks for this, it's... something.",
image: "ressources/scenes/LTA1F1.webp",
refuse: { // (R)
default: {
text: "I'm sorry, I can't accept this.",
image: "ressources/scenes/LTR1.webp",
equipment: { // (E)
text: "Why would I need this? I can handle myself just fine without extra gear.",
food: { // (F)
text: "I appreciate the offer, but I don't eat just to fill my stomach. That's not what I need right now.",
material: { // (M)
text: "I don't need this. My focus is on survival, not collecting junk.",
mia: { // (D)
accept: { // (A)
0: { // Common (A)
text: "A $[name], but it’s far from ordinary to me. Its simple elegance is captivating, and I’m so grateful for it. Every gift from you is special. Thank you!",
image: "ressources/scenes/DTA1A1.webp",
1: { // Uncommon (B)
text: "An $[name], full of charm and mystery! I adore this beautiful piece, and I’ll cherish every moment. You always know what I’ll love—thank you so much!",
image: "ressources/scenes/DTA1B1.webp",
2: { // Rare (C)
text: "This $[name] is truly a treasure. Its brilliance lights up my world, and I feel like a queen. My deepest thanks for this incredible gift!",
image: "ressources/scenes/DTA1C1.webp",
3: { // Epic (D)
text: "The $[name]! I’m so thankful for this stunning gift. You know just how to make my day!",
image: "ressources/scenes/DTA1D1.webp",
4: { // Legendary (E)
text: "The $[name], a symbol of ancient power and unmatched beauty! This is like stepping into a dream. I’m beyond honored. You’ve outdone yourself!",
image: "ressources/scenes/DTA1E1.webp",
5: { // Mythical (F)
text: "Ah, the $[name]! I can’t believe it’s mine! Absolutely priceless. You really know how to spoil a girl. Thank you!",
image: "ressources/scenes/DTA1F1.webp",
refuse: { // (R)
default: {
text: "I'm sorry, I can't accept this.",
image: "ressources/scenes/DTR1.webp",
equipment: { // (E)
text: "Hmm, this equipment is cool, but it’s not really what I need. You should take it back and maybe find someone who can use it better.",
food: { // (F)
text: "Aww, you’re sweet, but I’m just not feeling hungry right now. Maybe later, though?",
material: { // (M)
text: "Thanks, but this material doesn’t really fit my vibe. Maybe hang onto it for now? Someone else might need it.",
chanel: { // (I)
accept: { // (A)
0: { // Common (A)
text: "A $[name]? You know how to please me with the little things...",
image: "ressources/scenes/IA7E1.webp",
1: { // Uncommon (B)
text: "Mmm, this $[name] has potential... Just like you, actually. Thanks.",
image: "ressources/scenes/IA7F1.webp",
2: { // Rare (C)
text: "A $[name]? You have good taste. I appreciate people who know how to recognize the value of rare things.",
image: "ressources/scenes/IA7G1.webp",
3: { // Epic (D)
text: "This $[name] is truly... special. You keep surprising me, I like that.",
image: "ressources/scenes/IA0D2.webp",
4: { // Legendary (E)
text: "A legendary $[name]... You really know how to get my attention. I won't forget this.",
image: "ressources/scenes/ITA1E1.webp",
5: { // Mythical (F)
text: "A mythical $[name]... You're playing in the big leagues now. Very impressive.",
image: "ressources/scenes/IA7J1.webp",
refuse: { // (R)
default: {
text: "Sorry darling, but that's not how you'll win me over.",
image: "ressources/scenes/IA7H1.webp",
equipment: { // (E)
text: "Equipment? I prefer to rely on my own... talents. Keep it, you'll need it more than I do.",
food: { // (F)
text: "I'm watching my figure, you understand? But it was an... interesting attempt.",
material: { // (M)
text: "These materials don't interest me. I have more... refined tastes. But keep trying.",
let TGV_itemValue = { // trust value
/*1 : { // Tier 1 (1)
0: 1, // (A) Common
1: 2, // (B) Uncommon
2: 3, // (C) Rare
3: 5, // (D) Epic
4: 10, // (E) Legendary
5: 20, // (F) Mythical
2 : { // Tier 2 (2)
0: 2, // (A) Common
1: 3, // (B) Uncommon
2: 4, // (C) Rare
3: 7, // (D) Epic
4: 14, // (E) Legendary
5: 28, // (F) Mythical
3 : { // Tier 3 (3)
0: 2, // (A) Common
1: 4, // (B) Uncommon
2: 6, // (C) Rare
3: 10, // (D) Epic
4: 19, // (E) Legendary
5: 39, // (F) Mythical
4 : { // Tier 4 (4)
0: 3, // (A) Common
1: 5, // (B) Uncommon
2: 8, // (C) Rare
3: 13, // (D) Epic
4: 27, // (E) Legendary
5: 54, // (F) Mythical
5 : { // Tier 5 (5)
0: 4, // (A) Common
1: 7, // (B) Uncommon
2: 11, // (C) Rare
3: 19, // (D) Epic
4: 37, // (E) Legendary
5: 75, // (F) Mythical
6 : { // Tier 6 (6)
0: 5, // (A) Common
1: 10, // (B) Uncommon
2: 16, // (C) Rare
3: 26, // (D) Epic
4: 52, // (E) Legendary
5: 104, // (F) Mythical
7 : { // Tier 7 (7)
0: 7, // (A) Common
1: 14, // (B) Uncommon
2: 22, // (C) Rare
3: 36, // (D) Epic
4: 72, // (E) Legendary
5: 144, // (F) Mythical
8 : { // Tier 8 (8)
0: 10, // (A) Common
1: 20, // (B) Uncommon
2: 30, // (C) Rare
3: 50, // (D) Epic
4: 100, // (E) Legendary
5: 200, // (F) Mythical
9 : { // Tier 9 (9)
0: 14, // (A) Common
1: 28, // (B) Uncommon
2: 42, // (C) Rare
3: 69, // (D) Epic
4: 139, // (E) Legendary
5: 278, // (F) Mythical
10 : { // Tier 10 (10)
0: 19, // (A) Common
1: 39, // (B) Uncommon
2: 58, // (C) Rare
3: 97, // (D) Epic
4: 193, // (E) Legendary
5: 386, // (F) Mythical
11 : { // Tier 11 (11)
0: 27, // (A) Common
1: 54, // (B) Uncommon
2: 80, // (C) Rare
3: 134, // (D) Epic
4: 268, // (E) Legendary
5: 537, // (F) Mythical
12 : { // Tier 12 (12)
0: 37, // (A) Common
1: 75, // (B) Uncommon
2: 112, // (C) Rare
3: 186, // (D) Epic
4: 373, // (E) Legendary
5: 746, // (F) Mythical
13 : { // Tier 13 (13)
0: 52, // (A) Common
1: 104, // (B) Uncommon
2: 155, // (C) Rare
3: 259, // (D) Epic
4: 518, // (E) Legendary
5: 1036, // (F) Mythical
14 : { // Tier 14 (14)
0: 72, // (A) Common
1: 144, // (B) Uncommon
2: 216, // (C) Rare
3: 360, // (D) Epic
4: 720, // (E) Legendary
5: 1440, // (F) Mythical
15 : { // Tier 15 (15)
0: 100, // (A) Common
1: 200, // (B) Uncommon
2: 300, // (C) Rare
3: 500, // (D) Epic
4: 1000, // (E) Legendary
5: 2000, // (F) Mythical
/*D: {
0: 111111, // (A) Common
1: 111111, // (B) Uncommon
2: 111111, // (C) Rare
3: 111111, // (D) Epic
4: 111111, // (E) Legendary
5: 111111, // (F) Mythical
TB: {
0: 3, //x
1: 111111,
2: 5, //x
3: 12, //x
4: 25, //x
5: 111111,
PW: {
0: 9, //x
1: 111111,
2: 111111,
3: 60, //x
4: 111111,
5: 111111,
GZ: {
0: 30, //x
1: 111111,
2: 50, //x
3: 75, //x
4: 90, //x
5: 111111,
CW: {
0: 60, //x
1: 111111,
2: 111111,
3: 200, //x !!!
4: 111111,
5: 111111,
BZ: {
0: 100,
1: 111111,
2: 120, //x
3: 150, //x
4: 180, //x
5: 111111,
RZ: {
0: 200, //x
1: 111111,
2: 250, //x
3: 300, //x
4: 375, //x
5: 111111,
DW: {
0: 300, //x
1: 111111,
2: 111111,
3: 1000, //x !!!
4: 111111,
5: 111111,
NZ: {
0: 450, //x
1: 111111,
2: 550, //x
3: 700, //x
4: 1000, //x
5: 111111,
// Main Functions
if(window.TGV_CurrentCharacter === undefined) {
console.log("TGV_CurrentCharacter is undefined!!!", "set to default");
window.TGV_CurrentCharacter = 'elfie';
function TGF_setBackground() {
//let background = document.querySelector('.TGS_background');
//let backgroundSign = TGV_background[window.TGV_CurrentCharacter];
let backgroundSrc = TGV_background[window.TGV_CurrentCharacter];
/* if (backgroundSign[0] === 'image') {
let img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = `ressources/backgrounds/${backgroundSign[1]}`;
} else if (backgroundSign[0] === 'video') {
let video = document.createElement('video');
video.src = `ressources/backgrounds/${backgroundSign[1]}`;
video.autoplay = true;
video.loop = true;
video.muted = true;
} */
function TGF_setExit() {
let exit = document.querySelector('.TGS_exit');
exit.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Inventory
function TGF_inventory_updateItems() {
let itemStaListObj = gameData.inventory.items;
let inventoryItemsCont = document.querySelector('.TGS_container > .left .inventoryItems');
inventoryItemsCont.innerHTML = ""; // clear the inventory
let keyList = Object.keys(itemStaListObj);
// filter 0 qty items
keyList = keyList.filter((key) => {
if (INVF_getQty(key) > 0) return true;
return false;
// sort by rarity
keyList.sort((a, b) => {
let rarityA = itemStaListObj[a].rarity;
let rarityB = itemStaListObj[b].rarity;
return rarityA - rarityB;
// sort by tier
keyList.sort((a, b) => {
let tierA = itemStaListObj[a].tier;
let tierB = itemStaListObj[b].tier;
return tierA - tierB;
//sort by type1
keyList.sort((a, b) => {
let typeA = itemStaListObj[a].type1;
//let typeB = itemStaListObj[b].type1;
if (typeA === "material") return -1; // put equipment first
return 0;
//sort by type2
keyList.sort((a, b) => {
let typeA = itemStaListObj[a].type2;
//let typeB = itemStaListObj[b].type2;
if (typeA === "gift") return -1; // put gifts first
return 0;
//sort by type3
keyList.sort((a, b) => {
let typeA = itemStaListObj[a].type3;
//let typeB = itemStaListObj[b].type3;
if (typeA === window.TGV_CurrentCharacter) return -1; // put character gifts first
return 0;
// append all
keyList.forEach((key) => {
let itemStaObj = itemStaListObj[key];
let itemDynObj = INVF_getObj(key);
let item_div = TGF_inventory_createItem(itemStaObj, itemDynObj);
TGF_inventory_addItemEvent(key, item_div);
function TGF_showQuantitySelector(itemKey, itemDiv) {
const quantitySelector = document.querySelector('.TGS_quantitySelector');
const input = quantitySelector.querySelector('input');
const maxQuantity = INVF_getQty(itemKey);
input.max = maxQuantity;
input.value = 1;
TGV_selectedQuantity = 1;
// Position the selector near the clicked item
const rect = itemDiv.getBoundingClientRect();
quantitySelector.style.display = 'block';
quantitySelector.style.position = 'absolute';
quantitySelector.style.left = `${rect.right}px`;
quantitySelector.style.top = `${rect.top}px`;
// Setup event listeners
const decrease = quantitySelector.querySelector('.decrease');
const increase = quantitySelector.querySelector('.increase');
const confirm = quantitySelector.querySelector('.confirm');
decrease.onclick = () => {
if (TGV_selectedQuantity > 1) {
input.value = TGV_selectedQuantity;
increase.onclick = () => {
if (TGV_selectedQuantity < maxQuantity) {
input.value = TGV_selectedQuantity;
input.onchange = () => {
let value = parseInt(input.value);
if (value < 1) value = 1;
if (value > maxQuantity) value = maxQuantity;
TGV_selectedQuantity = value;
input.value = value;
confirm.onclick = () => {
quantitySelector.style.display = 'none';
TGF_cropField_addItem(itemKey, TGV_selectedQuantity);
TGV_chosenItemKey = itemKey;
function TGF_inventory_createItem(itemStaObj, itemDynObj) {
var item_div = document.createElement('item');
var item_icon = document.createElement('img');
item_icon.draggable = false; // disable dragging of the image
var item_icon_desc = document.createElement('div');
var item_icon_qty = document.createElement('INVS-qty');
var item_icon_tier = document.createElement('INVS-tier');
var item_icon_tier_img = document.createElement('img');
let tier = itemStaObj.tier;
//item_icon_tier.innerHTML = gameData.illustration.tier[tier].name;
item_icon_tier_img.src = gameData.illustration.tier[tier].image;
item_icon.src = itemStaObj.image;
item_icon_desc.innerHTML = itemStaObj.name;
item_icon_qty.innerHTML = num_abreviation(itemDynObj.qty)
return item_div;
function TGF_inventory_addItemEvent(itemKey, item_div) {
item_div.addEventListener('click', function() {
TGF_showQuantitySelector(itemKey, item_div);
// Item Slot
function TGF_cropField_addItem(itemKey, quantity = 1) {
TGF_cropField_removeItem(); // remove previous item
let itemSlot = document.querySelector('.TGS_container > .middle > .itemSlot');
let item_div = TGF_cropField_createItem(itemKey, quantity);
TGF_cropField_addItemEvent(itemKey, item_div);
function TGF_cropField_removeItem() {
let itemSlot = document.querySelector('.TGS_container > .middle > .itemSlot');
itemSlot.innerHTML = "";
TGV_chosenItemKey = null;
function TGF_cropField_createItem(itemKey, quantity) {
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.style.position = 'relative';
var item_icon = document.createElement('img');
item_icon.draggable = false;
let itemStaObj = gameData.inventory.items[itemKey];
item_icon.src = itemStaObj.image;
if (quantity > 1) {
var quantityLabel = document.createElement('div');
quantityLabel.style.position = 'absolute';
quantityLabel.style.top = '-6vh';
quantityLabel.style.right = '-6vh';
quantityLabel.style.background = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)';
quantityLabel.style.color = 'white';
quantityLabel.style.padding = '0.5vh 1vh';
quantityLabel.style.borderRadius = '0.5vh';
quantityLabel.textContent = `x${quantity}`;
return container;
function TGF_cropField_addItemEvent(itemKey, item_div) {
item_div.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Meter
function TGF_meter_updateMeter() {
let meterCont = document.querySelector('.TGS_meterCont > .left');
let meter = meterCont.querySelector('.meter');
let meterSectionsCont = meter.querySelector('.meterSectionsCont');
let meterCurrent = meter.querySelector('.meterCurrentCont > .meterCurrent');
meterSectionsCont.innerHTML = ""; // clear the meter
let characterKey = window.TGV_CurrentCharacter;
let {valuesVirus, valuesPerScene} = gameData.mainScenesV3.getValuesPerCharacter(characterKey); // valuesPerScene[sceneNb][blocI];
let phaseInnerValues = []; // between the current phase and the next phase
//let characterTrust = SV.characters.list[window.TGV_CurrentCharacter].stats.trust;
let characterTrust = modVariable("get", "girl_stat", `${characterKey}.trust`);
let phaseKey = gameData.mainScenesV3.getPhaseByVal(characterTrust);
let progressMinValue = gameData.mainScenesV3.getMinValueByPhase(phaseKey);
let progressMaxValue = gameData.mainScenesV3.getMaxValueByPhase(phaseKey);
for (let sceneNb in valuesPerScene) { // ex: sceneNb = 1, 2, 3, ...
let reqValues = valuesPerScene[sceneNb]; // ex(2): [10, 12, 15, 18, 20]
//let reqVal = blocIs[blocIs.length - 1];
reqVal = reqValues[reqValues.length - 1];
if (reqVal >= progressMinValue && reqVal <= progressMaxValue) {
let progressKey = phaseKey;
// create the meter sections
for (let i = 0; i < phaseInnerValues.length; i++) {
let sectionValue = phaseInnerValues[i];
let sectionValuePlacement = (sectionValue - progressMinValue) / (progressMaxValue - progressMinValue) * 100; // (value - min) / (max - min) * 100
let sectionDiv = TGF_meter_createSection(sectionValue, sectionValuePlacement);
// update the meter background
let progressValuePlacement = (characterTrust - progressMinValue) / (progressMaxValue - progressMinValue) * 100;
progressValuePlacement = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, progressValuePlacement)); // clamp between 0 and 100
setTimeout(() => {
if (!meterCurrent) return;
meterCurrent.style.top = `${100 - progressValuePlacement}%`;
}, 300);
// update nextPhase and currentPhase
let nextPhaseImg = meterCont.querySelector('.nextPhase > img');
let currentPhaseImg = meterCont.querySelector('.currentPhase > img');
let phasesData = gameData.illustration.phase;
let phasesDataKeys = Object.keys(phasesData);
let currentPhaseIndex = phasesDataKeys.findIndex(key => key === progressKey);
if (currentPhaseIndex === -1) {
throw new Error("currentPhaseIndex is -1");
} else if (currentPhaseIndex === phasesDataKeys.length - 1) {
console.warn("currentPhaseIndex is the last phase");
currentPhaseIndex -= 1;
let nextProgressKey = phasesDataKeys[currentPhaseIndex + 1];
currentPhaseImg.src = phasesData[progressKey].image;
nextPhaseImg.src = phasesData[nextProgressKey].image;
// update trust value
let trustValue = document.querySelector('.TGS_meterCont > .right > qty');
trustValue.innerHTML = characterTrust;
function TGF_meter_createSection(sectionValue, sectionValuePlacement) {
let sectionDiv = document.createElement('div');
sectionDiv.style.bottom = `${sectionValuePlacement}%`;
sectionDiv.innerHTML = sectionValue;
let line = document.createElement('line');
return sectionDiv;
// Item Slot Button
function TGF_itemSlotButton_setup() {
let itemSlotButton = document.querySelector('.TGS_container > .middle > .itemSlotButton');
itemSlotButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
function TGF_itemSlotButton_click() {
if (TGV_chosenItemKey === null) return;
let itemKey = TGV_chosenItemKey;
let qty = INVF_getQty(itemKey);
if (qty <= 0) return; // fail safe
function TGF_itemGiven(itemKey) {
// this function will decide what content to display based on the item given
let itemStaObj = gameData.inventory.items[itemKey];
let characterContent = TGV_content.characters[window.TGV_CurrentCharacter];
if (!characterContent) return; // fail safe
let content = null;
let defaultContent = characterContent.refuse.default;
// function randGiftRefusalTextAddition(characterKey) {
// let characterName = SV.characters.list[characterKey]?.name;
// if (!characterName) return "";
// let randNum = random(3); // 0, 1, 2, 3
// if (randNum === 0) return ` I'm sure ${characterName} would appreciate it more.`;
// else if (randNum === 1) return ` I'm not sure what to do with this, maybe ${characterName} would know.`;
// else if (randNum === 2) return ` I think ${characterName} would love this!`;
// else if (randNum === 3) return ` I'm not really into this, but I bet ${characterName} would be!`;
// }
//let additionalText = "";
switch (itemStaObj.type) { // equipment, food, material
case 'equipment': {
content = characterContent.refuse['equipment'];
case 'food': {
content = characterContent.refuse['food'];
case 'material': {
if (itemStaObj.type2 === 'gift') {
let itemRarity = itemStaObj.rarity; // ex: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
content = characterContent.accept[itemRarity];
/* if (itemStaObj.type3 === window.TGV_CurrentCharacter) { // character's gift
//let itemTier = itemStaObj.tier; // ex: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
let itemTier = 1; // permanent tier 1
let itemRarity = itemStaObj.rarity; // ex: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
content = characterContent.accept[itemRarity]; // optional chaining
} else {
//content = characterContent.refuse['type2'][item.type3]; // wrong gift
additionalText = randGiftRefusalTextAddition(itemStaObj.type3);
} */
} else {
content = characterContent.refuse['material'];
let combinedContent = {
text: content?.text ?? defaultContent?.text,
image: content?.image ?? defaultContent?.image,
//combinedContent.text += additionalText;
TGF_content_displayContent(combinedContent, itemKey);
function TGF_consumeItem(itemKey) {
let itemStaObj = gameData.inventory.items[itemKey];
let value = itemStaObj.power;
if (value === undefined) {
return console.error("value is undefined");
// Multiply the value by the selected quantity
value *= TGV_selectedQuantity;
modVariable("add", "girl_stat", `${window.TGV_CurrentCharacter}.trust`, value);
INVF_addQty(itemKey, -TGV_selectedQuantity);
// Content
function TGF_content_setup() {
let contentCont = document.querySelector('.TGS_contentCont');
//let exitButton = contentCont.querySelector('.TGS_contentExit');
//exitButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// TGF_content_exit();
contentCont.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (e.target.closest('.TGS_content')) return; // if clicked inside the content, do nothing
function TGF_content_displayContent(content, itemKey) {
let contentCont = document.querySelector('.TGS_contentCont');
let contentText = contentCont.querySelector('text');
let contentImage = contentCont.querySelector('img');
let itemStaObj = gameData.inventory.items[itemKey];
function processText(text) {
let name = itemStaObj.name;
text = text.replace(/\$\[name\]/g, name); // find: $[name]
return text;
let processedText = processText(content.text);
contentText.innerHTML = processedText;
contentImage.src = content.image;
contentCont.style.opacity = 1;
contentCont.style.pointerEvents = 'all';
function TGF_content_exit() {
let contentCont = document.querySelector('.TGS_contentCont');
contentCont.style.opacity = 0;
contentCont.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
TGF_meter_updateMeter(); // update meter on exit for cool effect
// main calls
TGF_inventory_updateItems(); // inventory initial update
TGF_meter_updateMeter(); // meter initial update
<div class="GGS_exit" onclick="playPassage('1H')">EXIT</div>
<div class="GGS_container">
<div class="left">
<div class="inventoryCont">
<div class="inventoryItems"><!-- js --></div>
<div class="middle">
<img class="background" src="ressources/icons/plant_back.webp">
<div class="cropCont">
<div class="cropImgCont">
<img src="ressources/icons/plant_5W.webp">
<div class="cropButton" disable>Water crop</div>
<img src="ressources/icons/I1FA12.webp">
<div class="cropCont">
<div class="cropImgCont">
<img src="ressources/icons/plant_5W.webp">
<div class="cropButton" disable>Water crop</div>
<img src="ressources/icons/I1FA13.webp">
<div class="cropCont">
<div class="cropImgCont">
<img src="ressources/icons/plant_5W.webp">
<div class="cropButton" disable>Water crop</div>
<img src="ressources/icons/I1FA14.webp">
<div class="GGS_contentCont">
<div class="GGS_content">
Are you sure you want to remove this crop? It has 6 days left until it's fully grown.
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button">Remove</div>
<div class="DIAS_button">Cancel</div>
#story {
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.GGS_background > img,
.GGS_background > video {
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object-fit: cover;
.GGS_container {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
padding-left: 2.5em;
width: 170vh;
max-width: 100%;
height: 100%;
font-size: 1.25vh;
font-family: 'Century Gothic', sans-serif;
.GGS_container > .left { /* inventory */
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
/* flex: 1; */
height: 100%;
padding: 2vh;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.GGS_container > .left > .inventoryCont {
height: 50%;
aspect-ratio: 1;
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.5em #ffffff);
.GGS_container > .left > .inventoryCont > .inventoryTitle {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.265);
border: solid 0.1em #000000;
border-radius: 0.7em;
.GGS_container > .left > .inventoryCont > .inventoryItems {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.265);
border: solid 0.1em #000000;
border-radius: 0.7em;
width: 100%;
aspect-ratio: 1;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-content: flex-start;
overflow-Y: auto;
scrollbar-width: thin;
.GGS_container > .middle { /* crop slots */
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.GGS_container > .middle > .background {
position: absolute;
height: 80%;
top: 50%;
left: -3.5vh;
transform: translateY(-50%);
.GGS_container > .middle > .cropCont {
position: relative;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.GGS_container > .middle > .cropCont > .cropImgCont {
position: relative;
width: 22vh;
height: 20vh;
margin: 3vh 0;
.GGS_container > .middle > .cropCont > .cropImgCont > img {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
.GGS_container > .middle > .cropCont > .cropButton {
font-size: 1.5em;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0.5em;
min-width: 10em;
text-align: center;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
border: 3px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
0px 0px 8px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0px 0px 16px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0px 0px 24px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
inset 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
border-radius: 0.7em;
cursor: pointer;
pointer-events: auto;
transition: transform 0.2s ease, text-shadow 0.2s ease, box-shadow 0.2s ease;
.GGS_container > .middle > .cropCont > .cropButton[disable] {
filter: grayscale(100%);
.GGS_container > .middle > .cropCont > .cropButton:not([disable]):hover {
transform: scale(1.05);
.GGS_container > .middle > .cropCont > img {
position: absolute;
bottom: 9vh;
left: -2vh;
width: 8vh;
opacity: 0.8;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 0.3vh;
border: 0.2vh solid #111;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
border-radius: 2vh;
.GGS_contentCont {
position: absolute;
z-index: 100;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
--GGV_clr: #7a0808;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
transition: opacity 0.5s ease;
.GGS_contentCont > .GGS_content {
width: 80vh;
max-width: 100%;
border: 3px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
text-shadow: 0 0 1vh rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4), 0 0 1.5vh rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4), 0 0 2vh rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0.5vh rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4), 0 0 0.5vh rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4), 0 0 1vh rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
border-radius: 1em;
padding: 1em;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
font-size: 2em;
text-align: center;
.GGS_contentCont .DIAS_buttonCont {
display: flex;
opacity: 1;
(function main_gardeningGame() { // main call
// Local Variables
let GGV_TotalDaysToGrow = 7;
let GGV_illustr = { // image arr lenght needs to match the time to grow
wet: [
'', //'ressources/icons/plant_0W.webp',
'ressources/icons/plant_7W.webp', // fully grown
dry: [
'ressources/icons/plant_0D.webp', // no crop
// 'ressources/icons/plant_7D.webp',
// Inventory
function GGF_inventory_updateItems() {
let itemStaListObj = gameData.inventory.items;
let inventoryItemsCont = document.querySelector('.GGS_container > .left .inventoryItems');
inventoryItemsCont.innerHTML = ""; // clear the inventory
let keyList = Object.keys(itemStaListObj);
// filter 0 qty items
keyList = keyList.filter((key) => {
if (INVF_getQty(key) > 0) return true;
return false;
// filter out non crop
keyList = keyList.filter((key) => {
let itemStaObj = itemStaListObj[key];
if (itemStaObj.isCrop === true) return true;
return false;
// sort by rarity
keyList.sort((a, b) => {
let rarityA = itemStaListObj[a].rarity;
let rarityB = itemStaListObj[b].rarity;
return rarityA - rarityB;
// sort by tier
keyList.sort((a, b) => {
let tierA = itemStaListObj[a].tier;
let tierB = itemStaListObj[b].tier;
return tierA - tierB;
// append all
keyList.forEach((key) => {
let itemStaObj = itemStaListObj[key];
let itemDynObj = INVF_getObj(key);
let item_div = GGF_inventory_createItem(itemStaObj, itemDynObj);
GGF_inventory_addItemEvent(key, item_div);
function GGF_inventory_createItem(itemStaObj, itemDynObj) {
var item_div = document.createElement('item');
var item_icon = document.createElement('img');
item_icon.draggable = false; // disable dragging of the image
var item_icon_desc = document.createElement('div');
var item_icon_qty = document.createElement('INVS-qty');
var item_icon_tier = document.createElement('INVS-tier');
var item_icon_tier_img = document.createElement('img');
let tier = itemStaObj.tier;
//item_icon_tier.innerHTML = gameData.illustration.tier[tier].name;
item_icon_tier_img.src = gameData.illustration.tier[tier].image;
item_icon.src = itemStaObj.image;
item_icon_desc.innerHTML = itemStaObj.name;
item_icon_qty.innerHTML = num_abreviation(itemDynObj.qty)
return item_div;
function GGF_inventory_addItemEvent(itemKey, item_div) {
item_div.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Crop Field
function GGF_cropField_refresh() {
let cropsCont = document.querySelectorAll('.GGS_container > .middle > .cropCont');
let cropsDynData = SV.gardening.cropsId;
let currentDay = SV.gameTime.day;
cropsCont.forEach((cropCont, index) => {
let cropDynData = cropsDynData[index]; // could be undefined
let cropTypeImageOld = cropCont.querySelector(':scope > img');
let cropImg = cropCont.querySelector('.cropImgCont > img');
let cropButton = cropCont.querySelector('.cropButton');
let itemKey = cropDynData?.itemKey;
if (!itemKey) {
cropImg.src = GGV_illustr.dry[0]; // no crop
cropButton.style.visibility = 'hidden';
} else {
cropButton.style.visibility = 'visible';
let itemStaObj = gameData.inventory.items[itemKey];
let currentGrowth = cropDynData.currentGrowth; // 1 to 7
let lastDay = cropDynData.lastDay;
let isWet = currentDay === lastDay;
let illustrKey = isWet ? 'wet' : 'dry';
if (currentGrowth === GGV_TotalDaysToGrow) illustrKey = 'wet'; // if fully grown, show wet
cropImg.src = GGV_illustr[illustrKey][currentGrowth];
if (currentGrowth === GGV_TotalDaysToGrow) { // fully grown
cropButton.innerHTML = `Harvest crop`;
cropButton.onclick = function() {
} else { // not fully grown
if (isWet) { // wet
cropButton.innerHTML = `Water crop`;
cropButton.onclick = null;
cropButton.setAttribute('disable', '');
} else { // dry
cropButton.innerHTML = `Water crop`;
cropButton.onclick = function() {
let cropTypeImage = document.createElement('img');
cropTypeImage.src = itemStaObj.image;
cropTypeImage.onclick = function() {
function GGF_cropField_dryCrop(index) {
let cropsDynData = SV.gardening.cropsId;
let cropDynData = cropsDynData[index];
let currentDay = SV.gameTime.day;
cropDynData.lastDay = currentDay;
function GGF_cropField_harvestCrop(index) {
let cropsDynData = SV.gardening.cropsId;
let cropDynData = cropsDynData[index];
let itemKey = cropDynData.itemKey;
modVariable("add", "item", itemKey, 3);
cropsDynData[index] = {};
function GGF_cropField_addItem(itemKey) {
// check for available slot
let cropsDynData = SV.gardening.cropsId;
let cropIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (!cropsDynData[i]?.itemKey) {
cropIndex = i;
if (cropIndex === -1) return; // no available slot
//modVariable("add", "item", itemKey, -1);
INVF_addQty(itemKey, -1);
cropsDynData[cropIndex] = cropsDynData[cropIndex] ?? {}; //safe check
cropsDynData[cropIndex].itemKey = itemKey;
cropsDynData[cropIndex].currentGrowth = 1;
cropsDynData[cropIndex].lastDay = -1; // so that you have to water the crop
function GGF_cropField_removeItem(index) {
let contentCont = document.querySelector('.GGS_contentCont');
let deleteButton = contentCont.querySelectorAll('.DIAS_button')[0]; // remove
let contentContText = contentCont.querySelector('.GGS_content');
contentCont.style.opacity = 1;
contentCont.style.pointerEvents = 'all';
let cropsDynData = SV.gardening.cropsId;
let itemKey = cropsDynData[index].itemKey;
let currentGrowth = cropsDynData[index].currentGrowth;
let daysLeft = GGV_TotalDaysToGrow - currentGrowth;
let text = `Are you sure you want to remove this crop? It has ${daysLeft} days left until it's fully grown.`;
contentContText.innerHTML = text;
deleteButton.onclick = function() {
modVariable("add", "item", itemKey, 1);
cropsDynData[index] = {};
function GGF_content_exit() {
let contentCont = document.querySelector('.GGS_contentCont');
contentCont.style.opacity = 0;
contentCont.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
function GGF_content_setup() {
let contentCont = document.querySelector('.GGS_contentCont');
let deleteButton = contentCont.querySelectorAll('.DIAS_button')[1]; // cancel
deleteButton.onclick = function() {
// Main calls
GGF_inventory_updateItems(); // inventory initial update
</script><<script>>playAudio("music", "wastelandsTheborder");
<div class="tutorial" id="tutorial">
<div class="map" id="map-section">
<div class="containerbox2">
<h1>Scavenging Game Tutorial</h1>
<div class="spacerui"></div>
<div class="textui">
Welcome to the Scavenging Game, an adventurous mini-game where your goal is to <u>collect valuable resources</u> while navigating through various levels. Each level is filled with chests containing metal and plastic that you can gather while progressing.
The game features <u>six levels</u> spread across three different map. Be wary of the MAD Dummies that roam the maps. If you collide with one, you <u>could end up fighting</u>! Victory means you can continue your scavenging, but defeat will affect your virus radicaly.
With each completed level, you'll have the opportunity to <u>claim your rewards or push forward</u> to increase your bounty. So, stay alert, strategize your moves, and happy scavenging!
<img class="image-ui" style="position: relative; left: 2vh; border-radius: 1vh; width: 90%;" src="ressources/icons/13C29.webp" alt="Image 1">
<div class="uihelp" id="uihelp-section">
<div class="containerbox2">
<h1>Scavenging Game Tutorial</h1>
<div class="spacerui"></div>
<div class="textui">
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 19vh; height: 6vh; border-radius: 1vh;" src="ressources/icons/13C20.webp">
➀ <b>Score</b>: There are three types of trees you can chop: small, medium, and large. Each tree icon varies in style and size to represent its type.
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 15vh; height: 6vh; border-radius: 1vh;" src="ressources/icons/13C21.webp">
➁ <b>Level</b>: Located at the bottom-left of the screen, the level you're currently in is displayed on the screen. Progress through 6 levels, with escalating difficulty and rewards.
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 6vh; height: 6vh; border: none;" src="ressources/icons/6B.webp">
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 6vh; height: 6vh; border: none;" src="ressources/icons/6E.webp">
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 6vh; height: 6vh; border: none;" src="ressources/icons/6C.webp">
➂ <b> Chests </b>: Watch for chest icons scattered throughout the levels. These contain the valuable resources you're after, metal and plastic.
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 6vh; height: 6vh; border: none; border-radius: 50%;" src="ressources/icons/FWA.webp">
➃ <b>MAD Dummies</b>: Keep an eye out for the MAD Dummies that roam the map, they are looking to hinder your progress!
<div class="mechanism" id="mechanism-section">
<div class="containerbox2">
<h1>Scavenging Game Tutorial</h1>
<div class="spacerui"></div>
<div class="textui scavyone">
Use the <u>arrow keys</u> to move your character around the map. Press the <u>spacebar</u> to pause or unpause the game.
<img class="mech-ui" style="width: 15vh; border: none; position: relative; left: 23vh;" src="ressources/icons/13C22.webp">
There are six levels in total, starting at level 1, two MAD Dummies are trying to prevent you from collecting ressources.
1 MAD Dummy is added for each level and each one go faster, making it harder to collect ressources.
After every level you can choose to claim your ressources or continue to the next level.
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 25vh; border: none; border-radius: 0.5vh; position: relative; left: 18vh;" src="ressources/icons/13C24.webp">
The score is added when collecting chests.
It directly effects the amount of ressources you get when claiming your ressources.
Each level a popup will show you how much ressources you could get if choosing to claim.
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 20vh; border: none; border-radius: 1vh; position: relative; left: 20.5vh;" src="ressources/icons/13C23.webp">
When colliding with a MAD Dummy, a popup appears giving the choice to flee or fight the MAD Dummy.
Choosing to flee will result in a loosing the game and the collected ressources while choosing fight will start a fight against the MAD Dummy.
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 25vh; border: none; border-radius: 0.5vh; position: relative; left: 18vh;" src="ressources/icons/13C25.webp">
If the fight is won, the MAD Dummy vanishes and the level continue.
Losing the fight will result in losing the game and the items in your inventory.
There are 3 types of chests: common, epic and legendary, each giving a different amount of score.
Common chests give 500 score, epic chests give 1000 score and legendary chests give 1500 score.
there are 3 chests per level.
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 10vh; border: none; border-radius: 0.5vh; position: relative; left: 14vh;" src="ressources/icons/6B.webp">
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 10vh; border: none; border-radius: 0.5vh; position: relative; left: 15vh;" src="ressources/icons/6E.webp">
<img class="img-ui" style="width: 10vh; border: none; border-radius: 0.5vh; position: relative; left: 17vh;" src="ressources/icons/6C.webp">
<div class="goals" id="goals-section">
<div class="containerbox2">
<h1>Scavenging Game Tutorial</h1>
<div class="spacerui"></div>
<div class="textui">
<b>Resource Gathering</b>:
The primary goal is to gather as much metal and plastic as possible. Which is achieved by surviving while collecting chests.
<b>Strategic Gameplay</b>:
Some chests are placed in hard to reach areas, so you'll need to plan your route carefully to avoid the MAD Dummies and collect the chests.
<div class="enter-button" onclick="playPassage('SCAVENGING GAME')">Understood</div>
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.passage {
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b {
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function openTuto() {
document.getElementById('tutorial').style.display = "block";
function showSection(sectionId) {
const sections = ['map-section', 'uihelp-section', 'mechanism-section', 'goals-section'];
sections.forEach(id => {
document.getElementById(id).style.display = (id === sectionId) ? 'block' : 'none';
function showMap() {
function showUIHelp() {
function showMechanism() {
function showGoals() {
/* playAudio("music", "wastelandsTheborder"); */
<div class="mobile-controls">
<div class="joystick-base" id="joystick">
<div class="joystick-knob" id="knob"></div>
<div class="game-buttons">
<div class="game-button" id="startBtn">START</div>
<div class="game-button" id="resumeBtn">RESUME</div>
<div class="treasure-counters" onclick="matchSize()">
<div class="treasure-counter">
<img src="ressources/icons/6B.webp" alt="Common Treasure">
<span id="common-counter">$scavengingGame.treasurecountercom </span>
<div class="treasure-counter">
<img src="ressources/icons/6E.webp" alt="Epic Treasure">
<span id="epic-counter">$scavengingGame.treasurecounterepi </span>
<div class="treasure-counter" onclick="matchSize()">
<img src="ressources/icons/6C.webp" alt="Legendary Treasure">
<span id="legendary-counter">$scavengingGame.treasurecounterleg </span>
<div class="scavenging_container">
<div onclick="backButton();" id="scavenging_back_button" translate="no">BACK</div>
<div id="pacman">
<!-- canvas id="fakecanvas"></canvas -->
<div id="popup"></div>
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.passage {
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.treasure-counter {
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.treasure-counter img {
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display: block;
margin: 0 auto;
margin-bottom: 0.7vh;
.treasure-counter span {
color: var(--SCAV_border);
font-size: 1em; /* Adjust size as needed */
#pacman {
height: 80vh;
border-radius: 5px;
/*margin-top: 8vh;*/
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align-content: center;
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-webkit-touch-callout: none;
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user-select: none;
pointer-events: auto !important; /* Ensure controls are clickable */
.buttonFIGHT {
touch-action: manipulation;
pointer-events: auto !important;
cursor: pointer;
#pacman canvas {
height: 100%;
max-width: 70vw;
position: absolute ;
top: -2.5vh;
outline: 1vh solid var(--SCAV_border);
color: var(--SCAV_border);
background-color: var(--SCAV_back);
background-image: url('ressources/icons/scavengingtest.webp');
#fakecanvas {
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background-image: url('ressources/icons/scavengingtest.webp');
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/* .button {
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font-size: 3vh;
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justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
transition: box-shadow, transform;
transition-duration: 0.2s;
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
} */
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height: 9vh;
width: 24vh;
display: flex;
align-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
background-color: var(--SCAV_back);
border: solid 1vh var(--SCAV_border);
border-radius: 2vh;
cursor: pointer;
position: relative;
left: 10vh;
font-size: 4vh;
color: var(--SCAV_line);
font-weight: bold;
transition: transform 0.2s, box-shadow 0.2s;
#scavenging_back_button:hover {
transform: translate(0.3vh, -0.3vh);
box-shadow: -0.5vh 0.5vh 0.5vh rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
.scavenging_container {
height: 10vh;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
align-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: flex-start;
position: relative;
#popup { /* was .popup for case:'claim_continue' */
position: relative;
height: 100%;
max-width: 70vw;
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top: -2.5vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
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opacity: 0;
transition: all ease 1s;
font-weight: bold;
#popup > .popupText {
position: absolute;
top: 10vh;
width: 40vh;
background-color: var(--SCAV_back);
outline: 1vh solid var(--SCAV_border);
color: var(--SCAV_border);
font-size: 2.5vh;
text-align: center;
z-index: 1;
padding: 1vh;
border-radius: 10px;
pointer-events: none;
#popup > button {
border: unset;
/* case:'potential_rewards' */
#popup > .potential_rewards {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
#popup > .potential_rewards > div {
width: 50%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
#popup > .potential_rewards > div > img {
width: 60%;
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
object-fit: contain;
#popup > .potential_rewards > div > div {
font-size: 6vh;
color: var(--SCAV_border);
text-align: center;
/* case:'claim_continue' */
#popup > .buttonCLAIM {
height: 80vh;
width: 50%;
background: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(78, 119, 87, 1) 0%, rgba(78, 119, 87, 1) 25%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);
color: #c55142;
text-shadow: 0 0 10px #ffb855, 0 0 10px #ffb855;
font-size: 2vh;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 3.5vh;
display: flex;
align-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
transition: all ease 0.5s;
opacity: 0.5;
margin-left: 0;
#popup > .buttonCLAIM:hover {
opacity: 1;
font-size: 4.5vh;
#popup > .buttonCONTINUE {
height: 80vh;
width: 50%;
background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(197, 81, 66, 1) 0%, rgba(197, 81, 66, 1) 25%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);
color: #4e7757;
text-shadow: 0 0 10px #ffb855, 0 0 10px #ffb855;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 3.5vh;
display: flex;
align-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
opacity: 0.5;
transition: ease 1s;
#popup > .buttonCONTINUE:hover {
opacity: 1;
font-size: 4.5vh;
/* case:'caught' */
#popup > .buttonFLEE {
height: 80vh;
width: 50%;
background: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(78, 119, 87, 1) 0%, rgba(78, 119, 87, 1) 25%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);
color: #c55142;
text-shadow: 0 0 10px #ffb855, 0 0 10px #ffb855;
font-size: 2vh;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 3.5vh;
display: flex;
align-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
transition: all ease 0.5s;
opacity: 0.5;
#popup > .buttonFLEE:hover {
opacity: 1;
font-size: 4.5vh;
#popup > .buttonFIGHT {
height: 80vh;
width: 50%;
background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(197, 81, 66, 1) 0%, rgba(197, 81, 66, 1) 25%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);
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#popup > .buttonFIGHT:hover {
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font-size: 4.5vh;
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display: none;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 40vh;
pointer-events: none;
z-index: 9999;
touch-action: manipulation; /* Better touch handling for controls */
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
pointer-events: auto !important; /* Ensure controls are clickable */
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position: absolute;
bottom: 5vh; /* Changed from fixed px to vh */
left: 5vh; /* Changed from fixed px to vh */
width: 80px; /* Base size */
height: 80px;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
border-radius: 50%;
touch-action: none; /* Only prevent scrolling on joystick */
pointer-events: auto !important;
.joystick-knob {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
width: 40px; /* Base size */
height: 40px;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
border-radius: 50%;
pointer-events: none;
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position: absolute;
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right: 5vh; /* Changed from fixed px to vw */
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gap: 10px;
pointer-events: auto;
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height: 60px;
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border-radius: 50%;
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font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
font-size: 12px;
user-select: none;
/* Show controls on mobile devices or narrow screens */
@media (max-width: 1024px) { /* Increased breakpoint */
.mobile-controls {
display: block;
/* Adjustments for very small screens */
@media (max-width: 360px) {
.joystick-base {
width: 60px; /* Smaller size for tiny screens */
height: 60px;
.joystick-knob {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
.game-button {
width: 45px;
height: 45px;
font-size: 10px;
/* Adjustments for larger phones */
@media (min-width: 361px) and (max-width: 414px) {
.joystick-base {
width: 70px;
height: 70px;
.joystick-knob {
width: 35px;
height: 35px;
.game-button {
width: 55px;
height: 55px;
font-size: 11px;
/* Adjustments for tablets and larger phones */
@media (min-width: 415px) and (max-width: 1024px) {
.joystick-base {
width: 90px;
height: 90px;
.joystick-knob {
width: 45px;
height: 45px;
.game-button {
width: 70px;
height: 70px;
font-size: 14px;
/* Additional check for mobile devices specifically */
@media (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse) {
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display: block;
pointer-events: none !important;
var joystick = document.getElementById('joystick');
var knob = document.getElementById('knob');
var startBtn = document.getElementById('startBtn');
var resumeBtn = document.getElementById('resumeBtn');
var isDragging = false;
var currentDirection = null;
var startX, startY;
// Joystick touch/mouse events
joystick.addEventListener('touchstart', handleStart);
joystick.addEventListener('mousedown', handleStart);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', handleMove);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMove);
document.addEventListener('touchend', handleEnd);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', handleEnd);
function handleStart(e) {
if (e.target.classList.contains('joystick-base')) {
isDragging = true;
const point = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e;
startX = point.clientX;
startY = point.clientY;
function handleMove(e) {
if (!isDragging) return;
if (e.target.classList.contains('joystick-base') || isDragging) {
const point = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e;
const joystickRect = joystick.getBoundingClientRect();
const centerX = joystickRect.left + joystickRect.width / 2;
const centerY = joystickRect.top + joystickRect.height / 2;
const deltaX = point.clientX - centerX;
const deltaY = point.clientY - centerY;
const angle = Math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX);
const distance = Math.min(joystickRect.width / 3, Math.hypot(deltaX, deltaY));
const knobX = distance * Math.cos(angle);
const knobY = distance * Math.sin(angle);
knob.style.transform = `translate(calc(-50% + ${knobX}px), calc(-50% + ${knobY}px))`;
// Determine direction and simulate key press
const absX = Math.abs(deltaX);
const absY = Math.abs(deltaY);
let newDirection = null;
if (absX > absY) {
newDirection = deltaX > 0 ? 'right' : 'left';
} else {
newDirection = deltaY > 0 ? 'down' : 'up';
if (newDirection !== currentDirection) {
if (currentDirection) {
// Release previous key
// Press new key
currentDirection = newDirection;
function handleEnd() {
if (!isDragging) return;
isDragging = false;
knob.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)';
if (currentDirection) {
currentDirection = null;
// Add all event listeners
joystick.addEventListener('touchstart', handleStart, { passive: false });
joystick.addEventListener('mousedown', handleStart);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', handleMove, { passive: false });
document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMove);
document.addEventListener('touchend', handleEnd);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', handleEnd);
// Prevent page scrolling during game interaction
document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
if (isDragging) {
}, { passive: false });
// Prevent default touch behaviors on the game container
var gameContainer = document.querySelector('#pacman');
if (gameContainer) {
gameContainer.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {
if (e.target.classList.contains('joystick-base')) {
}, { passive: false });
// Button click events
startBtn.addEventListener('touchstart', () => simulateKeyPress('enter'));
startBtn.addEventListener('touchend', () => simulateKeyRelease('enter'));
resumeBtn.addEventListener('touchstart', () => simulateKeyPress('space'));
resumeBtn.addEventListener('touchend', () => simulateKeyRelease('space'));
// Key simulation functions
function simulateKeyPress(direction) {
const keyMap = {
'enter': KEY.ENTER,
const e = {
keyCode: keyMap[direction],
preventDefault: function() {},
stopPropagation: function() {}
function simulateKeyRelease(direction) {
// For this game, we don't need to simulate key release
// as the keyDown function handles everything
// TODO: add all dynamic variables here
/*var SCAV_var = { // ======= BORDER =======
returnPassage: '3A1',
scavPassage: '6B',
fightPassage: 'FW0',
background: 'ressources/backgrounds/WA.webm',
scoreWorth: 1, // 1 plastic per 500 score. 2 metal per 500 score.
color_border: '#c55142',
color_back: '#eeae57',
color_line: '#4e7757',
ghostSpecs: ["rgba(0,255,0,0)"],
ghostImage: ["ressources/icons/FWA.webp"],
window.SCAV_var = gameData.scavengingGame.list[SV.scavengingGame.currentGameId];
if (!SCAV_var) {
playPassage('MAIN MAP');
throw new Error('SCAV_var not found');
SV.gui_interface.angelaButtonEnable = false;
(() => {
let styleEl = document.createElement('style');
styleEl.innerHTML = `
:root {
--SCAV_border: ${SCAV_var.color_border};
--SCAV_back: ${SCAV_var.color_back};
--SCAV_line: ${SCAV_var.color_line};
if (!window.SCAV_gameStateInit) {
window.SCAV_gameStateInit = false;
var popupfade = document.getElementById('popup');
//var fakecanvas = document.getElementById('fakecanvas');
var fakecanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
fakecanvas.id = 'fakecanvas';
//let ScavPassageEl = document.querySelector('.passage'); // 0.1.8b fix
function preventEnterKey(event) {
if (SCAV_gameStateInit === false) {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', preventEnterKey);
if (event.keyCode === KEY.ENTER) { // 13 is the keyCode for Enter
window.updateCommonDisplay = function() {
window.updateEpicDisplay = function() {
window.updateLegendaryDisplay = function() {
if (!SCAV_gameStateInit) {
const scavengePassages = ['NEW FIGHT', 'BB19', SCAV_var.scavPassage]
window.mapsArr = Object.keys(maps);
window.randMap = mapsArr[Math.floor(Math.random() * mapsArr.length)];
/*var randMap = mapsArr[0];*/
window.NONE = 4,
UP = 3,
LEFT = 2,
DOWN = 1,
RIGHT = 11,
GAME_ON = 13,
PAUSE = 6,
DYING = 10,
Pacman = {};
Pacman.FPS = 30;
Pacman.Ghost = function (game, map, colour, ghostImageSrc) {
// colour not used
var position = null,
direction = null,
eatable = null,
eaten = null,
due = null,
baseSpeed = 1.5; // default speed
function getSpeed() {
var currentLevel = game.getLevel(); // Use the getLevel method from game object
var speed = 0;
if (currentLevel == 1) {
speed = baseSpeed;
else {
// increase speed by 0.5 for each level
speed = baseSpeed + (0.10 * (currentLevel - 1));
return speed;
function getNewCoord(dir, current) {
var speed = getSpeed(); // Retrieve dynamic speed based on level
var xSpeed = (dir === LEFT && -speed || dir === RIGHT && speed || 0),
ySpeed = (dir === DOWN && speed || dir === UP && -speed || 0);
return {
"x": addBounded(current.x, xSpeed),
"y": addBounded(current.y, ySpeed)
function addBounded(x1, x2) {
var rem = x1 % 10,
result = rem + x2;
if (rem !== 0 && result > 10) {
return x1 + (10 - rem);
} else if (rem > 0 && result < 0) {
return x1 - rem;
return x1 + x2;
function isVunerable() {
return eatable !== null;
function isDangerous() {
return eaten === null;
function isHidden() {
return eatable === null && eaten !== null;
function getRandomDirection() {
var moves = (direction === LEFT || direction === RIGHT)
? [UP, DOWN, direction] : [LEFT, RIGHT, direction];
if (Math.random() <= 0.05) {
return oppositeDirection(direction);
// Shuffle the moves array to ensure randomness
moves = moves.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
for (var i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
var newDirection = moves[i];
var newPos = getNewCoord(newDirection, position);
let y = pointToCoord(nextSquare(newPos.y, newDirection));
let x = pointToCoord(nextSquare(newPos.x, newDirection));
// Check if the new position is a safe zone for the user
var currentBlock = map.block({ //find map coord with pointToCoord for x and y
"y": y,
"x": x
if (currentBlock === Pacman.EXIT || currentBlock === Pacman.SAFE) {
// If there's no wall in the new direction, return it
if (map.isFloorSpace({
"y": y,
"x": x
})) {
return newDirection;
// If no other moves are available, allow a 180-degree turn
return oppositeDirection(direction);
function reset() {
eaten = null;
eatable = null;
if (maps[randMap].ghostsPosition[game.index]) {
position = maps[randMap].ghostsPosition[game.index];
} else {
position = maps[randMap].ghostsPosition[0];
direction = getRandomDirection;
due = getRandomDirection();
/*function resetghosts() {
position = { "x": 90, "y": 80 };
function onWholeSquare(x) {
return x % 10 === 0;
function oppositeDirection(dir) {
return dir === LEFT && RIGHT ||
dir === RIGHT && LEFT ||
dir === UP && DOWN || UP;
function makeEatable() {
direction = oppositeDirection(direction);
eatable = game.getTick();
function eat() {
eatable = null;
eaten = game.getTick();
function pointToCoord(x) {
return Math.round(x / 10);
function nextSquare(x, dir) {
var rem = x % 10;
if (rem === 0) {
return x;
} else if (dir === RIGHT || dir === DOWN) {
return x + (10 - rem);
} else {
return x - rem;
function onGridSquare(pos) {
return onWholeSquare(pos.y) && onWholeSquare(pos.x);
function secondsAgo(tick) {
return (game.getTick() - tick) / Pacman.FPS;
function getColour() {
if (eatable) {
if (secondsAgo(eatable) > 5) {
return game.getTick() % 20 > 10 ? "#FFFFFF" : "#0000BB";
} else {
return "#0000BB";
} else if (eaten) {
return "#222";
return colour;
var ghostImage = new Image();
ghostImage.src = ghostImageSrc; // Set the source to your image
function draw(ctx) {
var s = map.blockSize,
top = (position.y / 10) * s,
left = (position.x / 10) * s,
centerX = left + s / 2,
centerY = top + s / 2,
radius = s / (maps[randMap].ghostSizeDivider); // Radius is half of the block size, so the diameter is 's'
if (eatable && secondsAgo(eatable) > 8) {
eatable = null;
if (eaten && secondsAgo(eaten) > 3) {
eaten = null;
ctx.fillStyle = getColour();
// Draw the circular body of the ghost
ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
// Clip to the circle
ctx.save(); // Save the current context state
ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctx.clip(); // Clip to the circle
// Draw the image inside the circle
if (ghostImage && ghostImage.complete) { // Check if the image is loaded
// Center the image inside the circle
var imageX = centerX - radius; // Adjust X position
var imageY = centerY - radius; // Adjust Y position
ctx.drawImage(ghostImage, imageX, imageY, radius * 2, radius * 2);
ctx.restore(); // Restore the context to its original state
function pane(pos) {
if (pos.y === 100 && pos.x >= 190 && direction === RIGHT) {
return { "y": 100, "x": -10 };
if (pos.y === 100 && pos.x <= -10 && direction === LEFT) {
return position = { "y": 100, "x": 190 };
return false;
function move(ctx) {
var oldPos = position,
var npos;
if (due !== direction) {
// Check if directions are opposite, same or different axis
if (isOppositeDirection(due, direction)) {
npos = getNewCoord(due, position);
} else if (isOnSameAxis(due, direction)) {
npos = getNewCoord(due, position);
} else if (isOnDifferentAxis(due, direction)) {
npos = getNewCoord(due, position);
// Check if new position is free
if (npos && isSpaceFree(npos, due)) {
direction = due;
if (!npos) {
npos = getNewCoord(direction, position);
// Original position check
if (isWallSpace(npos, direction)) {
due = getRandomDirection();
return move(ctx);
// Set to new position
position = npos;
// Update due direction
due = getRandomDirection();
return {
"new" : position,
"old" : oldPos
// Helper functions
function isOppositeDirection(dir1, dir2) {
return (dir1 === LEFT && dir2 === RIGHT) ||
(dir1 === RIGHT && dir2 === LEFT) ||
(dir1 === UP && dir2 === DOWN) ||
(dir1 === DOWN && dir2 === UP);
function isOnSameAxis(dir1, dir2) {
return (dir1 === LEFT || dir1 === RIGHT) &&
(dir2 === LEFT || dir2 === RIGHT) ||
(dir1 === UP || dir1 === DOWN) &&
(dir2 === UP || dir2 === DOWN);
function isOnDifferentAxis(dir1, dir2) {
return !isOnSameAxis(dir1, dir2);
function isSpaceFree(pos, dir) {
// Check map if space is free
function move(ctx) {
var speed = getSpeed();
var oldPos = position,
onGrid = onGridSquare(position),
npos = null;
if (maps[randMap].teleport == "map3") {
// if position is { x: 10, y: 20 } and direction is LEFT, teleport to { x: 190, y: 190 } direction RIGHT
if (position.y == 20 && position.x == 10 && direction === LEFT) {
position = { "y": 190, "x": 190 };
direction = LEFT;
if (maps[randMap].teleport == "map1") {
// if position is { x: 190, y: 190 } and direction is RIGHT, teleport to { x: 10, y: 20 } direction LEFT
if (position.y == 90 && position.x == 0 && direction === RIGHT) {
position = { "y": 90, "x": 180 };
direction = RIGHT;
if (due !== direction) {
npos = getNewCoord(due, position);
if (onGrid &&
"y": pointToCoord(nextSquare(npos.y, due)),
"x": pointToCoord(nextSquare(npos.x, due)),
})) {
direction = due;
} else {
npos = null;
if (npos === null) {
npos = getNewCoord(direction, position);
if (onGrid &&
"y": pointToCoord(nextSquare(npos.y, direction)),
"x": pointToCoord(nextSquare(npos.x, direction))
})) {
due = getRandomDirection();
return move(ctx);
position = npos;
var tmp = pane(position);
if (tmp) {
position = tmp;
due = getRandomDirection();
return {
"new": position,
"old": oldPos
return {
"eat": eat,
"isVunerable": isVunerable,
"isDangerous": isDangerous,
"makeEatable": makeEatable,
"reset": reset,
"move": move,
"draw": draw,
getSpeed: getSpeed
Pacman.User = function (game, map, userImageSrc) {
var position = null,
direction = null,
eaten = null,
due = null,
score = 0,
//userImageDefault = 'ressources/maingui/ui/mcicon2.webp',
//userImage = getCharacterImg('mc'),
userImageSrc = getCharacterImg('mc'),
keyMap = {};
keyMap[KEY.ARROW_UP] = UP;
function addScore(nScore) {
score += nScore;
function theScore() {
return score;
function resetScore() {
score = 0;
function convertScore(type) {
let scoreWorth = SCAV_var.scoreWorth; //ex: 1 plastic per 500 score. 2 metal per 500 score.
let metal = Math.floor(score / 500) * scoreWorth * 2;
let plastic = Math.floor(score / 500) * scoreWorth;
if (type == "metal") {
return metal;
else if (type == "plastic") {
return plastic;
function initUser() {
score = 5;
function drawScore(text, position) {
//ctx.fillStyle = "#c55142";
ctx.fillStyle = SCAV_var.color_border;
ctx.font = "bold 20px Century Gothic";
var width = ctx.measureText(text).width,
x = ((map.width * map.blockSize) - width) / 2;
ctx.fillText(text, x, (map.height * 10) + 8);
function newLevel() {
eaten = 0;
function resetPosition() {
// Find the start position on the map
for (var i = 0; i < map.height; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < map.width; j++) {
if (map.block({ x: j, y: i }) === Pacman.START) {
position = { x: j * 10, y: i * 10 };
direction = maps[randMap].startingDirection;
due = maps[randMap].startingDirection;
function reset() {
function keyDown(e) {
if (keyMap[e.keyCode] !== undefined) {
due = keyMap[e.keyCode];
return false;
return true;
function getNewCoord(dir, current) {
return {
"x": current.x + (dir === LEFT && -2 || dir === RIGHT && 2 || 0),
"y": current.y + (dir === DOWN && 2 || dir === UP && -2 || 0)
function onWholeSquare(x) {
return x % 10 === 0;
function pointToCoord(x) {
return Math.round(x / 10);
function nextSquare(x, dir) {
var rem = x % 10;
if (rem === 0) {
return x;
} else if (dir === RIGHT || dir === DOWN) {
return x + (10 - rem);
} else {
return x - rem;
function next(pos, dir) {
return {
"y": pointToCoord(nextSquare(pos.y, dir)),
"x": pointToCoord(nextSquare(pos.x, dir)),
function onGridSquare(pos) {
return onWholeSquare(pos.y) && onWholeSquare(pos.x);
function isOnSamePlane(due, dir) {
return ((due === LEFT || due === RIGHT) &&
(dir === LEFT || dir === RIGHT)) ||
((due === UP || due === DOWN) &&
(dir === UP || dir === DOWN));
function move(ctx) {
var npos = null,
nextWhole = null,
oldPosition = position,
block = null;
if (due !== direction) {
npos = getNewCoord(due, position);
if (isOnSamePlane(due, direction) ||
(onGridSquare(position) &&
map.isFloorSpace(next(npos, due)))) {
direction = due;
} else {
npos = null;
if (npos === null) {
npos = getNewCoord(direction, position);
if (onGridSquare(position) && map.isWallSpace(next(npos, direction))) {
direction = NONE;
if (direction === NONE) {
return { "new": position, "old": position };
if (npos.y === 100 && npos.x >= 190 && direction === RIGHT) {
/*winDialog("YOU WON");
function winDialog(text) {
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.font = "bold 20px Century Gothic";
var width = ctx.measureText(text).width,
x = ((map.width * map.blockSize) - width) / 2;
ctx.fillText(text, x, (map.height * 10) + 8);
if (npos.y === 100 && npos.x <= 0 && direction === LEFT) {
npos.x = 0;
position = npos;
nextWhole = next(position, direction);
block = map.block(nextWhole);
if (block === Pacman.EXIT) {
if ((isMidSquare(position.y) || isMidSquare(position.x)) &&
block === Pacman.DOT || block === Pacman.TREASURE) {
map.setBlock(nextWhole, Pacman.EMPTY);
eaten += 1;
if (block === Pacman.TREASURE) {
return {
"new": position,
"old": oldPosition
function isMidSquare(x) {
var rem = x % 10;
return rem > 3 || rem < 7;
function calcAngle(dir, pos) {
if (dir == RIGHT && (pos.x % 10 < 5)) {
return { "start": 0.25, "end": 1.75, "direction": false };
} else if (dir === DOWN && (pos.y % 10 < 5)) {
return { "start": 0.75, "end": 2.25, "direction": false };
} else if (dir === UP && (pos.y % 10 < 5)) {
return { "start": 1.25, "end": 1.75, "direction": true };
} else if (dir === LEFT && (pos.x % 10 < 5)) {
return { "start": 0.75, "end": 1.25, "direction": true };
return { "start": 0, "end": 2, "direction": false };
/*function drawDead(ctx, amount) {
var size = map.blockSize,
half = size / 2,
top = (position.y / 10) * s,
left = (position.x / 10) * s,
centerX = left + s / 2,
centerY = top + s / 2,
radius = s / (maps[randMap].ghostSizeDivider); // Radius is half of the block size, so the diameter is 's'
if (amount >= 1) {
// this determines the color of the pacman when he dies
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,255,0,0)";
ctx.moveTo(((position.x / 10) * size) + half,
((position.y / 10) * size) + half);
ctx.arc(((position.x / 10) * size) + half,
((position.y / 10) * size) + half,
half, 0, Math.PI * 2 * amount, true);
ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
if (userImage && userImage.complete) { // Check if the image is loaded
// Center the image inside the circle
var imageX = centerX - radius; // Adjust X position
var imageY = centerY - radius; // Adjust Y position
ctx.drawImage(userImage, imageX, imageY, radius * 2, radius * 2);
userImage = new Image();
userImage.src = userImageSrc;
function draw(ctx) {
var s = map.blockSize,
angle = calcAngle(direction, position),
top = (position.y / 10) * s,
left = (position.x / 10) * s,
centerX = left + s / 2,
centerY = top + s / 2,
radius = s / maps[randMap].ghostSizeDivider; // Radius is half of the block size, so the diameter is 's'
// this determines the color of the pacman
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,255,0,0)";
ctx.moveTo(((position.x / 10) * s) + s / 2,
((position.y / 10) * s) + s / 2);
ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
/*ctx.arc(((position.x / 10) * s) + s / 2,
((position.y / 10) * s) + s / 2,
s / 2, Math.PI * angle.start,
Math.PI * angle.end, angle.direction);*/
// Draw the image inside the circle
if (userImage && userImage.complete) { // Check if the image is loaded
ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
var imageX = centerX - radius; // Adjust X position
var imageY = centerY - radius; // Adjust Y position
ctx.drawImage(userImage, imageX, imageY, radius * 2, radius * 2);
// Restore the context state
return {
"score": score,
"addScore": addScore,
"theScore": theScore,
"resetScore": resetScore,
"convertScore": convertScore,
"draw": draw,
/*"drawDead": drawDead,*/
"keyDown": keyDown,
"move": move,
"newLevel": newLevel,
"reset": reset,
"resetPosition": resetPosition
Pacman.Map = function (game, size) {
var height = null,
width = null,
blockSize = size,
map = null;
var treasurePositions = [];
function placeTreasures() {
// Define the four possible positions for treasures
var treasureType;
if (game.getLevel() <= 2) {
treasureType = 'common';
} else if (game.getLevel() <= 4) {
treasureType = 'epic';
} else {
treasureType = 'legendary';
// Place the treasures on the map
var possiblePositions = maps[randMap].treasurePositions;
{ x: 1, y: 1 },
{ x: 17, y: 18 },
{ x: 17, y: 20 },
{ x: 17, y: 1 }
treasurePositions = possiblePositions.sort(function () {
return 0.5 - Math.random();
}).slice(0, 3);
// Place the treasure in the map
treasurePositions.forEach(function (pos) {
map[pos.y][pos.x] = Pacman.TREASURE;
function possibleExits() {
var possibleExits = maps[randMap].possibleExits;
{ x: 1, y: 1 },
{ x: 17, y: 18 },
{ x: 17, y: 20 },
{ x: 17, y: 1 }
possibleExits = possibleExits.sort(function () {
return 0.5 - Math.random();
}).slice(0, 1);
// Place the Exit in the map
possibleExits.forEach(function (pos) {
map[pos.y][pos.x] = Pacman.EXIT;
function withinBounds(y, x) {
return y >= 0 && y < height && x >= 0 && x < width;
function isWall(pos) {
return withinBounds(pos.y, pos.x) && map[pos.y][pos.x] === Pacman.WALL;
function isFloorSpace(pos) {
if (!withinBounds(pos.y, pos.x)) {
return false;
var peice = map[pos.y][pos.x];
return peice === Pacman.EMPTY ||
peice === Pacman.DOT ||
peice === Pacman.TREASURE ||
peice === Pacman.EXIT ||
peice === Pacman.SAFE;
function drawWall(ctx) {
var i, j, p, line;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width * blockSize, height * blockSize);
// this determines the color of the walls
//ctx.strokeStyle = "#4e7757";
ctx.strokeStyle = SCAV_var.color_line;
ctx.lineWidth = blockSize / 8;
ctx.lineCap = "round";
for (i = 0; i < Pacman.WALLS.length; i += 1) {
line = Pacman.WALLS[i];
for (j = 0; j < line.length; j += 1) {
p = line[j];
if (p.move) {
ctx.moveTo(p.move[0] * blockSize, p.move[1] * blockSize);
} else if (p.line) {
ctx.lineTo(p.line[0] * blockSize, p.line[1] * blockSize);
} else if (p.curve) {
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(p.curve[0] * blockSize,
p.curve[1] * blockSize,
p.curve[2] * blockSize,
p.curve[3] * blockSize);
function reset() {
/*map = Pacman.MAP.clone();*/
map = deepCloneArray(maps[randMap].MAP);
height = map.length;
width = map[0].length;
function block(pos) {
if (!withinBounds(pos.y, pos.x)) {
return null; // or some other value indicating an invalid position
return map[pos.y][pos.x];
function setBlock(pos, type) {
map[pos.y][pos.x] = type;
function getLevel() {
return level;
function drawTREASUREs(ctx) {
var treasureType;
if (game.getLevel() <= 2) {
treasureType = 'common';
} else if (game.getLevel() <= 4) {
treasureType = 'epic';
} else {
treasureType = 'legendary';
var treasureImg = new Image();
treasureImg.src = Pacman.TREASURES[treasureType].imgSrc;
treasurePositions.forEach(function (pos) {
if (map[pos.y][pos.x] === Pacman.TREASURE) {
ctx.drawImage(treasureImg, pos.x * blockSize, pos.y * blockSize, blockSize, blockSize);
// function that seperates the 3 treasures types
function getTreasureType() {
var level = game.getLevel(); // Get the current level
var treasureType = null;
if (level <= 2) {
treasureType = "common";
else if (level <= 4) {
treasureType = "epic";
else if (level <= 6) {
treasureType = "legendary";
return treasureType;
treasureTypeImg = {
common: {
image: new Image(),
/*src: 'ressources/icons/7B.webp'*/
src: 'ressources/icons/7B.webp'
epic: {
image: new Image(),
/*src: 'ressources/icons/7E.webp'*/
src: 'ressources/icons/7E.webp'
legendary: {
image: new Image(),
/*src: 'ressources/icons/7C.webp'*/
src: 'ressources/icons/7C.webp'
function draw(ctx) {
var i, j, size = blockSize;
// this determines the color of the background of the walls
ctx.fillStyle = "transparent";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width * size, height * size);
for (i = 0; i < height; i += 1) {
for (j = 0; j < width; j += 1) {
drawBlock(i, j, ctx);
function drawBlock(y, x, ctx) {
var layout = map[y][x];
if (layout === Pacman.TREASURE) {
if (layout === Pacman.EMPTY || layout === Pacman.BLOCK ||
layout === Pacman.DOT || layout === Pacman.EXIT) {
// this determines the color of the background of the empty blocks
ctx.fillStyle = "transparent";
ctx.fillRect((x * blockSize), (y * blockSize),
blockSize, blockSize);
if (layout === Pacman.DOT) {
// this determines the color of the DOTs
ctx.fillStyle = "yellow";
ctx.fillRect((x * blockSize) + (blockSize / 2.5),
(y * blockSize) + (blockSize / 2.5),
blockSize / 6, blockSize / 6);
else if (layout === Pacman.EXIT) {
// this determines the color of the EXIT
ctx.fillStyle = "green";
ctx.fillRect((x * blockSize) + (blockSize / 2.5),
(y * blockSize) + (blockSize / 2.5),
blockSize / 3, blockSize / 3);
return {
"draw": draw,
"drawBlock": drawBlock,
"block": block,
"setBlock": setBlock,
"reset": reset,
"isWallSpace": isWall,
"isFloorSpace": isFloorSpace,
"height": height,
"width": width,
"blockSize": blockSize,
"getTreasureType": getTreasureType,
Pacman.Audio = function (game) {
var files = [],
endEvents = [],
progressEvents = [],
playing = [];
function load(name, path, cb) {
var f = files[name] = document.createElement('audio');
let callBackCalled = false;
progressEvents[name] = function (event) {
if (callBackCalled === true) return;
callBackCalled = true;
progress(event, name, cb);
f.addEventListener('canplaythrough', progressEvents[name], true);
f.addEventListener('loadeddata', progressEvents[name], true);
f.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', progressEvents[name], true);
f.preload = 'auto';
f.src = path;
function progress(event, name, callback) {
if (event.loaded === event.total && typeof callback === "function") {
files[name].removeEventListener('canplaythrough', progressEvents[name], true);
files[name].removeEventListener('loadeddata', progressEvents[name], true);
files[name].removeEventListener('loadedmetadata', progressEvents[name], true);
function disableSound() {
for (var i = 0; i < playing.length; i++) {
files[playing[i]].currentTime = 0;
playing = [];
function ended(name) {
var i, tmp = [], found = false;
files[name].removeEventListener('ended', endEvents[name], true);
for (i = 0; i < playing.length; i++) {
if (!found && playing[i]) {
found = true;
} else {
playing = tmp;
function play(name) {
if (!game.soundDisabled()) {
endEvents[name] = function () { ended(name); };
files[name].volume = SugarCube.settings.sfx; //bugfix audio scavenging
files[name].addEventListener('ended', endEvents[name], true);
function pause() {
for (var i = 0; i < playing.length; i++) {
function resume() {
for (var i = 0; i < playing.length; i++) {
return {
"disableSound": disableSound,
"load": load,
"play": play,
"pause": pause,
"resume": resume
window.PACMAN = (function () {
var state = GAME_ON,
audio = null,
ghosts = [],
ghostSpecs = SCAV_var.ghostSpecs, // color
ghostImage = SCAV_var.ghostImage, // img src
eatenCount = 0,
level = 0,
tick = 0,
ghostPos, userPos,
stateChanged = true,
timerStart = null,
lastTime = 0,
ctx = null,
timer = null,
map = null,
user = null,
stored = null;
var PopupManager = {
popupElement: null, // same as popupfade
init: function (parentElementId) {
this.popupElement = document.getElementById("popup");
this.popupElement.setAttribute('id', "popup");
//show: function (content, buttons, additionalClass) {
show: function (type) {
this.reset(); // Reset the popup and remove any additional classes
let popupText = document.createElement('div');
switch (type) {
case 'potential_rewards': {
popupText.innerHTML = 'Potential rewards: ';
let potential_rewards = document.createElement('div');
let left = document.createElement('div');
let metalImg = new Image();
metalImg.src = "ressources/icons/IB0F2.webp";
let metalText = document.createElement('div');
metalText.innerHTML = user.convertScore("metal"); // window.PACMAN scoped
let right = document.createElement('div');
let plasticImg = new Image();
plasticImg.src = "ressources/icons/IB0F3.webp";
let plasticText = document.createElement('div');
plasticText.innerHTML = user.convertScore("plastic"); // window.PACMAN scoped
case 'claim_continue': {
popupText.innerHTML = 'Level Complete! Would you like to claim your rewards or continue to the next level?';
let claim_button = document.createElement('button');
claim_button.textContent = 'CLAIM';
claim_button.onclick = function () {
claimRewards(); // window.PACMAN scoped
window.SCAV_gameStateInit = false;
let continue_button = document.createElement('button');
continue_button.textContent = 'NEXT LEVEL';
continue_button.onclick = function () {
user.newLevel(); // window.PACMAN scoped
startLevel(); // window.PACMAN scoped
case 'last_claim': {
popupText.innerHTML = 'Congratulations! You have completed all levels! You can claim your rewards.';
let claim_button = document.createElement('button');
claim_button.textContent = 'CLAIM';
claim_button.onclick = function () {
window.SCAV_gameStateInit = false;
case 'caught': {
popupText.innerHTML = 'MAD Dummy has caught you!';
let flee_button = document.createElement('button');
flee_button.textContent = 'FLEE';
flee_button.onclick = function () {
window.SCAV_gameStateInit = false;
let fight_button = document.createElement('button');
fight_button.textContent = 'FIGHT';
fight_button.onclick = function () {
comingFromFight = true;
/* playPassage('FIGHT FWA scavenging'); */
FGF_enterFight(SCAV_var.fightPassage, {winReturnPassage: SCAV_var.scavPassage});
default: {
hide: function () {
this.reset(); // Reset the popup when hiding
reset: function () {
this.popupElement.innerHTML = "";
this.popupElement.classList = "";
fadeout: function() {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', preventEnterKey);
this.popupElement.style.opacity = "0";
this.popupElement.style.pointerEvents = "none";
fadein: function() {
this.popupElement.style.opacity = "1";
this.popupElement.style.pointerEvents = "auto";
var ScavPassageEl = null;
function deleteGhost(index) {
ghosts.splice(index, 1);
function getLevel() {
return level;
function getTick() {
return tick;
function getState() {
return state;
function dialog(text) {
// this determines the color of the text
//ctx.fillStyle = "#c55142";
ctx.fillStyle = SCAV_var.color_border;
ctx.font = "bold 20px Century Gothic";
var width = ctx.measureText(text).width,
x = ((map.width * map.blockSize) - width) / 2;
ctx.fillText(text, x, (map.height * 10) + 0);
function soundDisabled() {
return localStorage["soundDisabled"] === "true";
function startLevel() {
fakecanvas.style.opacity = "0";
ghosts = []; // Clear existing ghosts array
if (level === 0) {
level += 1;
var numberOfGhosts = 2 + level - 1; // Start with 2 ghosts, add 1 for each level
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfGhosts; i++) {
var ghostColour = ghostSpecs[i % ghostSpecs.length]; // Repeat colors if necessary
var ghostImageSrc = ghostImage[i % ghostImage.length]; // Repeat images if necessary
var ghost = new Pacman.Ghost({
"getTick": getTick,
"getLevel": getLevel,
"index": i,
}, map, ghostColour, ghostImageSrc);
for (var i = 0; i < ghosts.length; i++) {
timerStart = tick;
function resumeLevel() {
timerStart = tick;
function startNewGame() {
level = 1;
function claimRewards() {
var metal = user.convertScore("metal");
var plastic = user.convertScore("plastic");
//return { metal: metal, plastic: plastic };
if (SV.prologue.isExploring) { // give min 15
metal = Math.max(15, metal);
plastic = Math.max(15, plastic);
var realReturnMetal = modVariable("add", "item", "metal", metal) // add metal
var realReturnPlastic = modVariable("add", "item", "plastic", plastic) // add plastic
window.enterKeyPressed = false;
window.comingFromFight = false;
function keyDown(e) {
console.log('Key pressed:', e.keyCode);
console.log('Current state:', state);
console.log('ComingFromFight:', comingFromFight);
if (document.contains(ScavPassageEl) === false) {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', keyDown);
// Prevent any key handling during certain states
if (state === DYING || state === EATEN_PAUSE) {
return false;
// Handle SPACEBAR
if (e.keyCode === KEY.SPACEBAR) {
e.preventDefault(); // Always prevent default spacebar behavior
if (state === AFTER_FIGHT) {
return false;
return true;
// Handle ENTER
if (e.keyCode === KEY.ENTER) {
if (state === GAME_ON) { // Only respond to ENTER in GAME_ON state
return false;
return true; // Ignore ENTER in all other states
// Handle S key
if (e.keyCode === KEY.S) {
localStorage["soundDisabled"] = !soundDisabled();
return false;
// Handle movement keys only during PLAYING state
if (state === PLAYING) {
return user.keyDown(e);
return true;
function setState(nState) {
state = nState;
stateChanged = true;
function collided(user, ghost) {
return (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ghost.x - user.x, 2) +
Math.pow(ghost.y - user.y, 2))) < 10;
function drawFooter() {
ctx.clearRect(0, (map.height * map.blockSize), (map.width * map.blockSize), 30);
var topLeft = (map.height * map.blockSize),
textBase = topLeft + 17;
// this determines the color of the footer
ctx.fillStyle = "transparent";
ctx.fillRect(0, topLeft, (map.width * map.blockSize), 30);
// this determines the color of the footer
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
/*for (var i = 0, len = user.getreplaces(); i < len; i++) {
// this determines the color of the replaces
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.moveTo(150 + (25 * i) + map.blockSize / 2,
(topLeft + 1) + map.blockSize / 2);
ctx.arc(150 + (25 * i) + map.blockSize / 2,
(topLeft + 1) + map.blockSize / 2,
map.blockSize / 2, Math.PI * 0.25, Math.PI * 1.75, false);
// this determines the color of the text
//ctx.fillText("♪", 10, textBase);
// this determines the color of the text
//ctx.fillStyle = "#c55142";
ctx.fillStyle = SCAV_var.color_border;
ctx.font = "bold 20px Century Gothic";
ctx.fillText(`Level: ${level}`, 25, textBase);
/*ctx.fillText(`Rewards : ${user}`. (function rewards display) 100, textBase);*/
function redrawBlock(pos) {
map.drawBlock(Math.floor(pos.y / 10), Math.floor(pos.x / 10), ctx); // floor because we want to redraw the block the user is leaving
map.drawBlock(Math.ceil(pos.y / 10), Math.ceil(pos.x / 10), ctx); // ceil because we want to redraw the block the user is entering
//redrawBlock but modded. redraw 9 blocks instead of 2
/*function redrawBlock(pos) {
var leavingBlockPos = [Math.ceil(pos.y/10), Math.ceil(pos.x/10)];
var allAroundBlockPos = [];
for (var i = -1; i < 2; i++) {
for (var j = -1; j < 2; j++) {
allAroundBlockPos.push([leavingBlockPos[0] + i, leavingBlockPos[1] + j]);
//detect out of bounds
for (var i = 0; i < allAroundBlockPos.length; i++) {
map.drawBlock(allAroundBlockPos[i][0], allAroundBlockPos[i][1], ctx);
function mainDraw() {
var diff, u, i, len;
ghostPos = [];
for (i = 0, len = ghosts.length; i < len; i += 1) {
u = user.move(ctx);
for (i = 0, len = ghosts.length; i < len; i += 1) {
for (i = 0, len = ghosts.length; i < len; i += 1) {
userPos = u["new"];
// will serve for the collision (fights)
/*for (i = 0, len = ghosts.length; i < len; i += 1) {
if (collided(userPos, ghostPos[i]["new"])) {
timerStart = tick;
for (i = 0, len = ghosts.length; i < len; i += 1) {
collisionInfo = collided(userPos, ghostPos[i]["new"]);
if (collisionInfo) {
fakecanvas.style.opacity = "1";
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
timerStart = tick;
// Save the collided ghost data in the gameState object
SCAV_gameStateInit.collidedGhost = collisionInfo.ghost;
break; // No need to keep checking after a collision is found
function mainLoop() {
console.log(getState()); // Keep your debug log
// First, handle map drawing based on state
if (state !== WAITING && state !== COUNTDOWN && state !== GAME_ON) {
// Handle tick increment
if (state !== PAUSE) {
// Handle different states
switch (state) {
case GAME_ON:
dialog("Press ENTER to start");
case PAUSE:
for (var i = 0; i < ghosts.length; i++) {
dialog("Press SPACEBAR to resume");
if (stateChanged) {
stateChanged = false;
dialog("Press ENTER to start");
if (tick - timerStart > (Pacman.FPS / 3)) {
case DYING:
if (tick - timerStart > (Pacman.FPS * 2)) {
// Handle death completion
} else {
for (i = 0, len = ghosts.length; i < len; i += 1) {
var diff = 5 + Math.floor((timerStart - tick) / Pacman.FPS);
if (diff === 0) {
} else {
if (diff !== lastTime) {
lastTime = diff;
dialog(`Starting in: ${diff}`);
for (var i = 0; i < ghosts.length; i++) {
dialog("Press SPACEBAR to continue");
function eatenTREASURE() {
var treasureType;
if (level <= 2) {
treasureType = 'common';
} else if (level <= 4) {
treasureType = 'epic';
} else {
treasureType = 'legendary';
timerStart = tick;
eatenCount = 0;
// Add score based on treasure type if
function completedLevel() {
document.onkeydown = function(e) { return false; };
fakecanvas.style.opacity = "1";
if (level < 6) {
level += 1;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 4000);
else {
SV.achievements.eventTrigger.scavengersSummit_1 = true;
if (SV.scavengingGame.treasurecountercom === 6
&& SV.scavengingGame.treasurecounterepi === 6
&& SV.scavengingGame.treasurecounterleg === 6) {
SV.achievements.eventTrigger.scrapSavant_1 = true;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
setTimeout(function() {
document.onkeydown = null;
}, 1500);
function popuplvlcomplete() {
fakecanvas.style.opacity = "1";
function popupGameEnd() {
fakecanvas.style.opacity = "1";
function popupFight() {
fakecanvas.style.opacity = "1";
setState(AFTER_FIGHT); // Use the new state
var fightElement = document.querySelector('.fight');
if (fightElement) {
function popupRewards() {
fakecanvas.style.opacity = "1";
function keyPress(e) {
if (state !== WAITING && state !== PAUSE) {
function soft_init(wrapper, root) {
var blockSize = 30;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
//var fakecanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); see global scope at start
let width = blockSize * maps[randMap].blockwidth;
let height = blockSize * maps[randMap].blockheight + 50;
let ratio = width / height;
canvas.setAttribute('width', `${width}px`);
canvas.setAttribute('height', `${height}px`);
fakecanvas.setAttribute('width', `${width}px`);
fakecanvas.setAttribute('height', `${height}px`);
canvas.setAttribute('background-color', "black");
popupfade.style.aspectRatio = ratio;
PopupManager.init(); //Bugfix: Now in soft init
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ScavPassageEl = document.querySelector('.passage'); // 0.1.8b fix
document.addEventListener('keydown', keyDown, true);
function hard_init(wrapper, root) {
var i, len, ghost;
//var blockSize = wrapper.offsetWidth / 28,
var blockSize = 30;
audio = new Pacman.Audio({ "soundDisabled": soundDisabled });
map = new Pacman.Map(
"getTick": getTick,
"getLevel": getLevel
}, blockSize);
user = new Pacman.User({
"completedLevel": completedLevel,
}, map);
for (let i = 0, len = ghostSpecs.length; i < len; i += 1) {
ghost = new Pacman.Ghost(
"getTick": getTick,
"getLevel": getLevel,
"index": i,
}, map,
ghostSpecs[i % ghostImage.length],
ghostImage[i % ghostImage.length]); // Repeat images if necessary
dialog("Loading ...");
//var extension = Modernizr.audio.ogg ? 'ogg' : 'mp3';
var extension = 'mp3'; //hard codded to that
var audio_files = [
["start", `${root}opening_song.mp3`],
["die", `${root}die.mp3`],
["eatghost", `${root}eatghost.mp3`],
["eatTREASURE", `${root}eatpill.mp3`],
["eating", `${root}eating.short.mp3`],
["eating2", `${root}eating.short.mp3`]
load(audio_files, function () { loaded(); });
function load(arr, callback) {
if (arr.length === 0) {
} else {
var x = arr.pop();
audio.load(x[0], x[1], function () { load(arr, callback); });
//audio.volume = 0.1;
//console.log("volume SET")
function loaded() {
dialog("Press ENTER to start a New game");
//document.addEventListener('keydown', keyDown, true);
timer = setInterval(mainLoop, 1000 / Pacman.FPS);
function detectGamestateInit() {
if (!SCAV_gameStateInit || !scavengePassages.includes(passageId)) { //if false or undefined
//stop the timer
return {
//"init": init,
"soft_init": soft_init,
"hard_init": hard_init,
"getLevel": getLevel,
"getState": getState,
"setState": setState,
"deleteGhost": deleteGhost,
"keyDown": keyDown,
/* Human readable keyCode index */
var KEY = { 'BACKSPACE': 8, 'TAB': 9, 'NUM_PAD_CLEAR': 12, 'ENTER': 13, 'SHIFT': 16, 'CTRL': 17, 'ALT': 18, 'PAUSE': 19, 'CAPS_LOCK': 20, 'ESCAPE': 27, 'SPACEBAR': 32, 'PAGE_UP': 33, 'PAGE_DOWN': 34, 'END': 35, 'HOME': 36, 'ARROW_LEFT': 37, 'ARROW_UP': 38, 'ARROW_RIGHT': 39, 'ARROW_DOWN': 40, 'PRINT_SCREEN': 44, 'INSERT': 45, 'DELETE': 46, 'SEMICOLON': 59, 'WINDOWS_LEFT': 91, 'WINDOWS_RIGHT': 92, 'SELECT': 93, 'NUM_PAD_ASTERISK': 106, 'NUM_PAD_PLUS_SIGN': 107, 'NUM_PAD_HYPHEN-MINUS': 109, 'NUM_PAD_FULL_STOP': 110, 'NUM_PAD_SOLIDUS': 111, 'NUM_LOCK': 144, 'SCROLL_LOCK': 145, 'SEMICOLON': 186, 'EQUALS_SIGN': 187, 'COMMA': 188, 'HYPHEN-MINUS': 189, 'FULL_STOP': 190, 'SOLIDUS': 191, 'GRAVE_ACCENT': 192, 'LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET': 219, 'REVERSE_SOLIDUS': 220, 'RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET': 221, 'APOSTROPHE': 222 };
(function () {
/* 0 - 9 */
for (var i = 48; i <= 57; i++) {
KEY[`${i - 48}`] = i;
/* A - Z */
for (i = 65; i <= 90; i++) {
KEY[String.fromCharCode(i)] = i;
/* NUM_PAD_0 - NUM_PAD_9 */
for (i = 96; i <= 105; i++) {
KEY[`NUM_PAD_${i - 96}`] = i;
/* F1 - F12 */
for (i = 112; i <= 123; i++) {
KEY[`F${i - 112 + 1}`] = i;
Pacman.WALL = 0;
Pacman.DOT = 1;
Pacman.EMPTY = 2;
Pacman.BLOCK = 3;
Pacman.TREASURE = 4;
Pacman.EXIT = 5;
Pacman.START = 6;
Pacman.SAFE = 7;
Pacman.TREASURES = {
'common': {
'name': 'Common',
/*'imgSrc': 'ressources/icons/6B.webp',*/
'imgSrc': 'ressources/icons/6B.webp',
'score': 750
'epic': {
'name': 'Epic',
/*'imgSrc': 'ressources/icons/6E.webp',*/
'imgSrc': 'ressources/icons/6E.webp',
'score': 1500
'legendary': {
'name': 'Legendary',
/*'imgSrc': 'ressources/icons/6C.webp',*/
'imgSrc': 'ressources/icons/6C.webp',
'score': 3000
Pacman.MAP = maps[randMap].MAP;
Pacman.WALLS = maps[randMap].WALLS;
$(function () {
//var backbutton = document.getElementById('scavenging_back_button');
var el = document.getElementById('pacman');
if (!SCAV_gameStateInit) {
// Perform hard initialization on first run
window.SCAV_gameStateInit = true;
PACMAN.soft_init(el, "ressources/sounds/scavenging/"); //was code/script/pacman-master/
PACMAN.hard_init(el, "ressources/sounds/scavenging/"); //was code/script/pacman-master/
} else {
// Perform soft initialization on subsequent passage changes (HTML)
PACMAN.soft_init(el, "ressources/sounds/scavenging/"); //was code/script/pacman-master/
//PACMAN.soft_init(document.getElementById('pacman'), "code/script/pacman-master/");
function backButton() {
window.SCAV_gameStateInit = false;
function deepCloneArray(arr) {
return arr.map(item => Array.isArray(item) ? deepCloneArray(item) : item);
// Attach the event listener
document.addEventListener('keydown', preventEnterKey);
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console.error('Canvas element not found!');
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<div class="DIAS_container"></div>
.buttons {
font-size: 2vh;
var EGV_lastPassage;
var EGV_zoneId; // used for the rewards AND content
var EGV_floorId; // used for the rewards AND content
var EGV_randContentKey; // used for the content (text and images)
var EGV_currentSection;
var EGV_sectionData;
window.EGF_optionsClick = function(n) {
EGV_currentSection = gameData.exploration.gameFlow[EGV_currentSection][n];
// nextPartOfDay(); // now only on exit
window.EGF_exitClick = function() {
let defaultRewards = gameData.exploration.rewards.default;
let rewards = gameData.exploration.rewards[EGV_zoneId][EGV_floorId];
let endingTypeKey = EGV_sectionData.type; //ex: "good"
let tier = rewards.tier ?? defaultRewards.tier;
let reward = rewards[endingTypeKey] ?? defaultRewards[endingTypeKey];
let dynaList = SV.exploreGame.list;
let index = EGV_currentSection.substring(1) * 1 - 1; // "E8" -> 7
if (Number.isInteger(index) !== true) return;
if (dynaList[EGV_zoneId][EGV_floorId][index] !== true) { // to not give the reward twice
EGF_giveReward(reward, tier);
function EGF_giveReward(reward, tier) {
if (reward.item) {
let itemConfig = {
tier: [tier],
rarity: [reward.item],
if (Math.random() < 0.5) { // 50 %
itemConfig.type = ["equipment"];
} else {
itemConfig.type = ["material"];
itemConfig.type2 = ["gift"];
let item = getRandomItem(itemConfig);
if (!item) {
console.error(`No item found for config: ${JSON.stringify(itemConfig)}`);
type: "item",
key: item,
applyType: "add",
applyValue: 1,
// ----- VIRUS
if (reward.virus) {
modVariable("add", "stat", "virus", reward.virus);
function EGF_setupEndRewardData() {
let dynaList = SV.exploreGame.list;
if (dynaList[EGV_zoneId] === undefined) {
dynaList[EGV_zoneId] = {};
if (dynaList[EGV_zoneId][EGV_floorId] === undefined) {
dynaList[EGV_zoneId][EGV_floorId] = [];
function EGF_updateContent() {
EGV_sectionData = gameData.exploration.list[EGV_zoneId]?.[EGV_randContentKey]?.[EGV_currentSection];
let DIAS_container = document.querySelector('.DIAS_container');
if (!DIAS_container) return;
DIAS_container.innerHTML = "";
let dialogData = [];
type: "text",
content: [
["para", EGV_sectionData.desc],
type: "image",
src: `ressources/minigames/${EGV_randContentKey}${EGV_currentSection}.webp`,
let randArr = Math.random() < 0.5 ? [0,1] : [1,0];
if (EGV_sectionData.choice1 !== undefined) {
// let choices = [
// [`${EGV_sectionData.choice1}`, "script", "EGF_optionsClick(0)"],
// [`${EGV_sectionData.choice2}`, "script", "EGF_optionsClick(1)"],
// ];
let choices = [
type: "script",
content: EGV_sectionData.choice1,
onclick: () => EGF_optionsClick(0),
type: "script",
content: EGV_sectionData.choice2,
onclick: () => EGF_optionsClick(1),
type: "button",
content: [
// button text, button type[script], button onclick
} else {
type: "button",
content: [
// button text, button type[script], button onclick
// [`${EGV_sectionData.exit}`, "script", "EGF_exitClick()"],
type: "script",
content: EGV_sectionData.exit,
onclick: () => EGF_exitClick(),
DIAS_container.appendChild(DIAF_buildDialogue({ dialogData }));
setTimeout(() => { //hack
}, 100);
function EGF_minigamesBackground(){
if (EGV_zoneId === 'A'){
else if (EGV_zoneId === 'B'){
else if (EGV_zoneId === 'C'){
else if (EGV_zoneId === 'D'){
else if (EGV_zoneId === 'E'){
EGV_lastPassage = SV.exploreGame.lastPassage;
EGV_zoneId = SV.exploreGame.zoneId; // ex: A, B, C, D, E
EGV_floorId = SV.exploreGame.floorId; // ex: 1, 2, 3, ...
EGV_currentSection = Object.keys(gameData.exploration.gameFlow)[0]; // = "A1"
var contentRendIndex = gameData.exploration.presetContentRandomness[EGV_zoneId]?.[EGV_floorId]
EGV_randContentKey = Object.keys(gameData.exploration.list[EGV_zoneId])[contentRendIndex - 1]; // ex: 1 -> "WA2C"
console.log('Zone:', EGV_zoneId);
console.log('Rand Content Key:', EGV_randContentKey);
<div class="SG_container">
<div class="SG_cards">
<div class="SG_card">
<div class="card-inner">
<div class="card-front">
<img src="ressources/icons/2E.webp">
<img src="ressources/minigames/slavesCard.webp">
<div class="card-back">
<!-- Back content here -->
<img src="ressources/minigames/slavesCard.webp">
<div class="SG_card">
<div class="card-inner">
<div class="card-front">
<img src="ressources/icons/2E.webp">
<img src="ressources/minigames/slavesCard.webp">
<div class="card-back">
<!-- Back content here -->
<img src="ressources/minigames/slavesCard.webp">
<div class="SG_card">
<div class="card-inner">
<div class="card-front">
<img src="ressources/icons/2E.webp">
<img src="ressources/minigames/slavesCard.webp">
<div class="card-back">
<!-- Back content here -->
<img src="ressources/minigames/slavesCard.webp">
<div class="action-buttons" style="display: none;">
<button class="hunt-again-btn">Hunt Again</button>
<button class="exit-btn">Exit</button>
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filter: brightness(1.5);
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max-width: 100%;
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0% { filter: drop-shadow(0vh 0vh 0vh #b79f22); }
50% { filter: drop-shadow(0vh 0vh 3vh #b79f22); }
100% { filter: drop-shadow(0vh 0vh 0vh #b79f22); }
/* Class to be added via JavaScript */
.is-flipped .card-inner {
transform: rotateY(180deg);
.SG_card.no-hover:hover {
animation: none !important;
filter: none !important;
cursor: default;
var EGV_lastPassage;
var EGV_zoneId;
var EGV_floorId;
EGV_lastPassage = SV.materialSearch.lastPassage;
EGV_zoneId = SV.materialSearch.zoneId; // ex: A, B, C, D, E
EGV_floorId = SV.materialSearch.floorId; // ex: 1, 2, 3, ...
var rewardSystem = {
'A': { // Border
rewards: {
1: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
2: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
3: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
4: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
5: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
6: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
7: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
8: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
9: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
10: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
11: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
12: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60},
13: {weak: 0, medium: 30, big: 60}
'B': { // Greenzone
rewards: {
1: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
2: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
3: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
4: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
5: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
6: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
7: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
8: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
9: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
10: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
11: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
12: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200},
13: {weak: 0, medium: 600, big: 1200}
'C': { // Bluezone
rewards: {
1: {weak: 0, medium: 1000, big: 2000},
2: {weak: 0, medium: 1750, big: 3500},
3: {weak: 0, medium: 2500, big: 5000},
4: {weak: 0, medium: 3250, big: 6500},
5: {weak: 0, medium: 4000, big: 8000},
6: {weak: 0, medium: 4750, big: 9500},
7: {weak: 0, medium: 5500, big: 11000},
8: {weak: 0, medium: 6250, big: 12500},
9: {weak: 0, medium: 7000, big: 14000},
10: {weak: 0, medium: 7750, big: 15500},
11: {weak: 0, medium: 8500, big: 17000},
12: {weak: 0, medium: 9250, big: 18500},
13: {weak: 0, medium: 10000, big: 20000}
'D': { // Redzone
rewards: {
1: {weak: 0, medium: 12000, big: 25000},
2: {weak: 0, medium: 15000, big: 30000},
3: {weak: 0, medium: 18000, big: 36000},
4: {weak: 0, medium: 21000, big: 42000},
5: {weak: 0, medium: 24000, big: 48000},
6: {weak: 0, medium: 27000, big: 54000},
7: {weak: 0, medium: 30000, big: 60000},
8: {weak: 0, medium: 33000, big: 66000},
9: {weak: 0, medium: 36000, big: 72000},
10: {weak: 0, medium: 39000, big: 78000},
11: {weak: 0, medium: 42000, big: 84000},
12: {weak: 0, medium: 46000, big: 92000},
13: {weak: 0, medium: 50000, big: 100000}
'E': { // Blackzone
rewards: {
1: {weak: 0, medium: 60000, big: 120000},
2: {weak: 0, medium: 95000, big: 190000},
3: {weak: 0, medium: 130000, big: 260000},
4: {weak: 0, medium: 165000, big: 330000},
5: {weak: 0, medium: 200000, big: 400000},
6: {weak: 0, medium: 235000, big: 470000},
7: {weak: 0, medium: 270000, big: 540000},
8: {weak: 0, medium: 305000, big: 610000},
9: {weak: 0, medium: 340000, big: 680000},
10: {weak: 0, medium: 375000, big: 750000},
11: {weak: 0, medium: 410000, big: 820000},
12: {weak: 0, medium: 455000, big: 910000},
13: {weak: 0, medium: 500000, big: 1000000}
// Back images for each reward type
var backImages = [
var hasFlipped = false;
document.querySelectorAll('.SG_card').forEach(card => {
card.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (!hasFlipped) {
// Random selection (33.33% chance each)
const randomIndex = Math.floor(randb(1) * 3);
const rewardType = ['weak', 'medium', 'big'][randomIndex];
// Get reward based on zone and floor
const reward = rewardSystem[EGV_zoneId].rewards[EGV_floorId][rewardType];
SV.slaves.qty += reward;
// Get the back of the clicked card
const cardBack = card.querySelector('.card-back');
// Create and append new reward image
const rewardImage = document.createElement('img');
rewardImage.src = backImages[randomIndex];
// Create reward text
const rewardText = document.createElement('div');
rewardText.textContent = `${num_abreviation(reward)} Slaves gained`;
rewardText.style.position = 'absolute';
rewardText.style.color = '#d2b929';
rewardText.style.fontSize = '3vh';
rewardText.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
rewardText.style.bottom = '13%';
// Add flipped class and disable hover effects
card.style.animation = 'none';
hasFlipped = true;
document.querySelectorAll('.SG_card').forEach(c => {
setTimeout(() => {
const actionButtons = document.querySelector('.action-buttons');
actionButtons.style.display = 'flex';
// Hunt Again button
document.querySelector('.hunt-again-btn').addEventListener('click', () => {
// Exit button
document.querySelector('.exit-btn').addEventListener('click', () => {
}, 1000);
function resetGame() {
// Hide action buttons
document.querySelector('.action-buttons').style.display = 'none';
// Reset hasFlipped flag
hasFlipped = false;
// For each card
document.querySelectorAll('.SG_card').forEach(card => {
// Remove flipped class
// Remove no-hover class
// Reset animation
card.style.animation = '';
// Get the card back element
const cardBack = card.querySelector('.card-back');
// Remove all children except the first image
while (cardBack.children.length > 1) {
function EGF_minigamesBackground(){
if (EGV_zoneId === 'A'){
setBackground('ressources/backgrounds/WA.webm'); /* Border */
else if (EGV_zoneId === 'B'){
setBackground('ressources/backgrounds/WB.webm'); /* Green */
else if (EGV_zoneId === 'C'){
setBackground('ressources/backgrounds/WC.webm'); /* Blue */
else if (EGV_zoneId === 'D'){
setBackground('ressources/backgrounds/WD.webm'); /* Red */
else if (EGV_zoneId === 'E'){
setBackground('ressources/backgrounds/WE.webm'); /* Yellow */
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<div id="MGS_death"> <!-- z: 3 -->
<div id="MGS_exit">
<div id="MGS_helpButton">
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/info.webp" alt="Info Button">
<div id="MGS_helpContent">
<div id="MGS_helpContent_close">X</div>
<div id="MGS_informations_info">
<h1 style="color: white;">The Mining Game</h1>
<br>Welcome to the Wastelands Mines! Here's what you need to know to get started:
<br>Spend your hard-earned ores to gain upgrades:
<br>Speed Boost: Mine faster to maximize your haul.
<br>Bigger Water Bottle: Stay in the mines longer without needing to refill.
<br>Better Pickaxe: Break through the rock quicker to access rarer ores.
<u><b>Trade Stand</b></u>
<br>Encounter a resourceful girl from the wastelands who trades ores for special items.
<br>Tip: Keep an eye out for what she offers, these items may be useful in the future.
<br>Water is essential for mining:
<br>Refill: Make regular trips to the fountain to replenish your water supply.
<br>Caution: If you run dry, you risk losing everything you've worked for. Stay hydrated!
<br>Discover 3 different ore types within the border's depths:
<br>Ores: Coal, Copper and Iron.
<br>Effort Equals Reward: The value of the ore increases with its rarity, so be prepared to dig deeper for the best gems.
<u><b>Strategy Tip</b></u>
<br>Balance your time between mining for ores, upgrading your equipment, trading for helpful items, and keeping your water bottle filled. Good luck out there, miner!
<div id="MGS_shop">
<back translate="no">BACK</back>
<div class="left">
<div class="itemsCont">
<div class="shelf_content">
<img src="ressources/maingui/mining_game/clay.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/mining_game/clay.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/mining_game/clay.webp">
<div class="shelf">
<img src="ressources/maingui/mining_game/shelf.webp">
<div class="item_info">
<div class="desc">
<div class="buttons">
<div class="right">
<div id="MGS_trade">
<back translate="no">BACK</back>
<div class="left">
<div class="itemsCont">
<div class="shelf_content">
<img src="ressources/maingui/mining_game/tier 1 mythical.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/mining_game/tier 1 mythical.webp">
<img src="ressources/maingui/mining_game/tier 1 mythical.webp">
<div class="shelf">
<img src="ressources/maingui/mining_game/shelf.webp">
<div class="item_info">
<div class="desc">
<div class="buttons">
<div class="right">
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/* height: 4.5em; */
width: 100%;
#MGS_inventory > item > desc {
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@keyframes MGS_itemHover {
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align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
#MGS_shop > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf_content > item:hover > img {
animation: MGS_itemHover 0.3s infinite alternate;
#MGS_shop > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf_content > item > img {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
height: 100%;
filter: drop-shadow(0 0.3em 0.2em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5));
#MGS_shop > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf_content > item > img.equiped {
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.4em rgb(27, 80, 12));
height: 110%;
#MGS_shop > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf {
width: 100%;
height: 2.5em;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-end;
#MGS_shop > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf > img {
width: 100%;
filter: drop-shadow(0 0.3em 0.2em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))
drop-shadow(0 0.7em 0.2em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5));
#MGS_shop > .left > .item_info {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.474);
display: flex;
height: 25%;
#MGS_shop > .left > .item_info > .desc {
width: 80%;
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
padding: 1em;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.3em;
padding: 0 0.8em;
#MGS_shop > .left > .item_info > .buttons {
border-left: solid 0.1em #00000071;
width: 20%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
#MGS_shop > .left > .item_info > .buttons > div {
min-width: 80%;
max-width: 100%;
padding: 1em 0;
margin: 0.3em;
padding: 0.5em;
border-radius: 0.4em;
background-color: #323232;
color: #fff;
font-size: 1.3em;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #000000;
border-width: 0.1em 0 0.1em 0;
transition: transform 0.1s, background-color 0.1s;
#MGS_shop > .left > .item_info > .buttons > div:hover {
transform: translate(1px, -2px);
background-color: #4d4d4d;
#MGS_trade {
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
background-color: rgba(36, 16, 0, 0.604);
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: flex-end;
transition: opacity 0.3s;
#MGS_trade > back {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0.5em;
right: 0.5em;
padding: 0.5em;
border-radius: 0.5em;
background-color: #000000a1;
border: solid 0.05em #000000a4;
color: #fff;
font-size: 2.2em;
font-weight: bold;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background-color 0.1s, transform 0.1s;
#MGS_trade > back:hover {
background-color: #4d4d4d;
transform: translate(1px, -2px);
#MGS_trade > .left {
width: 65%;
height: 100%;
background-image: url('ressources/maingui/mining_game/trade_wall.webp');
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: center;
#MGS_trade > .left > .itemsCont {
width: 100%;
height: 75%;
padding: 1em;
overflow-y: auto;
#MGS_trade > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf_content {
width: 100%;
height: 17%;
margin-top: 0.8em;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-evenly;
#MGS_trade > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf_content > item {
position: relative;
height: 100%;
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-end;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
#MGS_trade > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf_content > item:hover > img {
animation: MGS_itemHover 0.3s infinite alternate;
#MGS_trade > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf_content > item > img {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
height: 100%;
filter: drop-shadow(0 0.3em 0.2em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5));
#MGS_trade > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf_content > item > img.equiped {
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.4em rgb(27, 80, 12));
height: 110%;
#MGS_trade > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf {
width: 100%;
height: 2.5em;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-end;
#MGS_trade > .left > .itemsCont > .shelf > img {
width: 100%;
filter: drop-shadow(0 0.3em 0.2em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))
drop-shadow(0 0.7em 0.2em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5));
#MGS_trade > .left > .item_info {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.474);
display: flex;
height: 25%;
#MGS_trade > .left > .item_info > .desc {
width: 80%;
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
padding: 1em;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.3em;
padding: 0 0.8em;
#MGS_trade > .left > .item_info > .buttons {
border-left: solid 0.1em #00000071;
width: 20%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
#MGS_trade > .left > .item_info > .buttons > div {
width: 80%;
padding: 1em 0;
margin: 0.3em;
padding: 0.5em;
border-radius: 0.4em;
background-color: #323232;
color: #fff;
font-size: 1.3em;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #000000;
border-width: 0.1em 0 0.1em 0;
transition: transform 0.1s, background-color 0.1s;
#MGS_trade > .left > .item_info > .buttons > div:hover {
transform: translate(1px, -2px);
background-color: #4d4d4d;
#MGS_trade > .right {
width: 35%;
height: 100%;
background-image: url('ressources/maingui/mining_game/gift_girl.webp');
background-size: cover;
background-color: transparent;
#MGS_death {
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
position: absolute;
z-index: 3; /* items are 2 */
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
transition: opacity 3s ease-in-out;
font-family: 'Adobe Garamond';
font-size: 5em;
font-weight: normal;
color: #a51717;
#MGS_exit {
opacity: 1;
pointer-events: all;
position: absolute;
z-index: 3;
top: 0.5em;
right: 0.5em;
padding: 0.5em;
border-radius: 0.5em;
background-color: #000000a1;
border: solid 0.1em #000000a4;
color: #fff;
font-size: 2em;
width: 7em;
font-weight: bold;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background-color 0.1s, transform 0.1s;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
border: 3px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
0px 0px 8px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0px 0px 16px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0px 0px 24px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
inset 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-image: none;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
#MGS_exit:hover {
inset 0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 2vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
#MGS_helpButton {
position: absolute;
pointer-events: all;
width: 7vmin;
height: 7vmin;
border-radius: 50%;
display: flex;
top: 12vh;
right: 1.5vh;
margin-left: auto;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
cursor: pointer;
text-align: center;
border: 3px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
0px 0px 8px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0px 0px 16px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0px 0px 24px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
inset 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-image: none;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
z-index: 10;
#MGS_helpButton:hover {
inset 0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 2vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
#MGS_helpButton img {
max-width: 80%;
max-height: 80%;
filter: invert(43%) sepia(5%) saturate(6104%) hue-rotate(168deg) brightness(89%) contrast(98%);
#MGS_helpContent {
pointer-events: all;
width: 60vw;
height: 82vh;
position: absolute;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
z-index: 2000;
padding: 0.5vw;
border-radius: 2vw;
display: none;
opacity: 0; /* init for animation */
transform: scale(0.5); /* init for animation */
transform-origin: top right;
border: 3px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
0px 0px 8px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0px 0px 16px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0px 0px 24px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
inset 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-image: none;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
#MGS_helpContent > #MGS_informations_info {
padding: 4vh;
font-size: 2vh;
overflow-y: auto;
height: 100%;
#MGS_helpContent > #MGS_helpContent_close {
position: absolute;
top: -50px;
left: -50px;
cursor: pointer;
width: 100px;
/* Increased from 50px to 100px */
height: 100px;
/* Increased from 50px to 100px */
text-align: center;
line-height: 100px;
/* Increased to match height */
border-radius: 50%;
z-index: 1;
/* Keep this to make sure it overlaps other elements */
font-size: 48px;
/* Increase this for a bigger 'X' */
border: 3px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
0px 0px 8px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0px 0px 16px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0px 0px 24px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
inset 0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-image: none;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
#MGS_helpContent > #MGS_helpContent_close:hover {
transform: scale(1.1);
inset 0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 2vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
(function miningGameInit() {
// canvas and context
let interlink = {}; // interlink object to link different parts of the game
const canvas = document.getElementById('MGS_gameCanvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
//ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; //default: true
// keypress system
const keypressSystem = new MGC_keyPressSystem(interlink);
interlink.keypressSystem = keypressSystem; // interlink
// html overlay
const htmlInterface = new MGC_htmlInterface(interlink);
interlink.htmlInterface = htmlInterface; // interlink
// game map
const worldBlockWidth = 40;
const worldBlockHeight = 3000;
const blockSize = 64; // px/block
const worldWidth = worldBlockWidth * blockSize; // px
const worldHeight = worldBlockHeight * blockSize; // px
const gameMap = new MGC_map(interlink, worldBlockWidth, worldBlockHeight, blockSize);
interlink.gameMap = gameMap; // interlink
// player
const player = new MGC_player(interlink, blockSize*10, blockSize*9, blockSize);
interlink.player = player; // interlink
// camera
const gameCamera = new MGC_camera(interlink, player, gameMap);
interlink.gameCamera = gameCamera; // interlink
// renderer
const renderer = new MGC_renderer(interlink, ctx, gameCamera, blockSize);
interlink.renderer = renderer; // interlink
// before loop init
player.loadFromDatabase(); // try to load from database
// game loop
let fps = 0;
let lastTimestamp = 0;
let directFrameDelta = 0; // unfiltered
let frameDelta = 0; // filtered using ema
let ema = 0.1;
function gameLoop(timestamp) {
directFrameDelta = timestamp - lastTimestamp;
lastTimestamp = timestamp;
if (!timestamp) directFrameDelta = 16.67; // first frame, timestamp is undefined
if (!directFrameDelta) directFrameDelta = 16.67; // prevent the weird
directFrameDelta /= 1000; // convert to seconds
directFrameDelta = Math.min(directFrameDelta, 0.5); // prevent spikes (max 0.5s) // 0.1.8b fix
frameDelta = directFrameDelta * ema + frameDelta * (1 - ema); // exponential moving average
fps = 1 / frameDelta; // dev info
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
gameMap.buildings.forEach(building => {
building.checkEnterCondition(player, gameMap, frameDelta)
gameCamera.update(frameDelta); // update camera position
const visibleBlocks = MGF_getVisibleBlocks(gameMap, gameCamera);
const visibleBuildings = MGF_getVisibleBuildings(gameMap, gameCamera);
let canvasIsValid = renderer.render(timestamp, visibleBlocks, visibleBuildings, player); // render everything
//renderer.drawDevInfo(player, fps, gameCamera); // dev info
if (!canvasIsValid) { // 0.1.8b fix
// canvas is not valid, stop the game loop
player.updateWaterLevel(frameDelta); // update water level
player.checkForInput(keypressSystem, gameMap, frameDelta); // check for input
player.updateAnimation(frameDelta); // update player animation
player.updatePosition(worldWidth, worldHeight, gameMap, frameDelta); // update player position
//-------- HELP INFO ----------//
var helpContent = document.querySelector('.MGS_helpContent');
document.querySelector('.MGS_helpContent_close').addEventListener('click', function () {
helpContent.style.opacity = '0';
helpContent.style.transform = 'scale(0.5)';
setTimeout(function () {
helpContent.style.display = 'none';
}, 300);
document.querySelector('.MGS_helpButton').addEventListener('click', function () {
// Check if the div is already displayed
if (helpContent.style.display === 'block' || window.getComputedStyle(helpContent).display === 'block') {
// Hide the div if it's already displayed
helpContent.style.opacity = '0';
helpContent.style.transform = 'scale(0.5)';
setTimeout(function () {
helpContent.style.display = 'none';
}, 300);
} else {
// Show the div if it's not already displayed
helpContent.style.display = 'block';
setTimeout(function () {
helpContent.style.opacity = '1';
helpContent.style.transform = 'scale(1)';
}, 10);
playAudio("music", "forestPeacewood");
<div class="HGS_title">HUNTING</div>
<div class="HGS_exit" onclick="HGS_exitHunting();">EXIT</div>
<div class="HGS_refresh">Change hunting spot</div>
<div class="HGS_effTableTrigger">
<img src="ressources/icons/2E.webp">
<div class="HGS_effTable">
Hunt Sucess Rate
<div class="HGS_dialogCont">
<div class="DIAS_message centered DIAS_active">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>:D... please contact the devs ????</p>
<div class="HGS_bottom">
<!-- <item>
<div class="HGS_button">HUNT</div>
<div class="HGS_shadow"><div></div></div>
<img class="HGS_img" src="ressources/maingui/logos/fixfap.webp" alt="item">
<div class="HGS_successRate">Challenging</div>
</item> -->
<div class="HGS_range">
<div class="HGS_targetWall">
<div class="notif">MISS</div>
<img src="ressources/icons/hunting_wood.webp">
<div class="HGS_targetCont">
<img src="ressources/icons/hunting_cible.webp">
<div class="HGS_targetHitBox">
<img src="ressources/icons/hunting_arrow.webp">
#story {
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
height: 100vh;
font-size: 1.75vh;
#ui-bar.stowed {
left: -26vh;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
margin: 0;
height: 100vh;
.passage {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
font-size: 1.25vh;
/*padding: 2vh;*/
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-end;
align-items: center;
.HGS_title {
position: absolute;
top: 2vh;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
width: 18em;
max-width: 100%;
height: 10vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
font-size: 3em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ffffff;
--test_color: rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
border: 0.1vh solid var(--test_color);
border-radius: 1vh;
text-shadow: 0 0 0.2em var(--test_color),
0 0 0.4em var(--test_color);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 2vh var(--test_color);
.HGS_exit {
position: absolute;
top: 2vh;
left: 2vh;
padding: 0.5em 3em;
font-size: 2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ffffff;
border-radius: 0.5em;
--test_color: rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
border: 0.1vh solid var(--test_color);
border-radius: 1vh;
text-shadow: 0 0 0.2em var(--test_color),
0 0 0.4em var(--test_color);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 2vh var(--test_color);
cursor: pointer;
transition: text-shadow 0.3s, box-shadow 0.3s;
.HGS_exit:hover {
text-shadow: 0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 2vh var(--test_color),
0 0 4vh var(--test_color);
.HGS_refresh {
position: absolute;
z-index: 2;
bottom: 10vh;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
padding: 0.5em 3em;
font-size: 2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ffffff;
border-radius: 0.5em;
--test_color: rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
border: 0.1vh solid var(--test_color);
border-radius: 1vh;
text-shadow: 0 0 0.2em var(--test_color),
0 0 0.4em var(--test_color);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 2vh var(--test_color);
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
cursor: pointer;
transition: text-shadow 0.3s, box-shadow 0.3s;
.HGS_refresh:hover {
text-shadow: 0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 2vh var(--test_color),
0 0 4vh var(--test_color);
.HGS_effTableTrigger {
position: absolute;
right: 5vh;
top: 17vh;
z-index: 1;
width: 8vh;
aspect-ratio: 1;
border-radius: 50%;
--test_color: rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
border: 0.1vh solid var(--test_color);
text-shadow: 0 0 0.2em var(--test_color),
0 0 0.4em var(--test_color);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 2vh var(--test_color);
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
.HGS_effTableTrigger img {
height: 100%;
filter: invert(100%);
.HGS_effTableTrigger:hover ~ .HGS_effTable {
opacity: 1;
.HGS_effTable {
pointer-events: none;
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
right: 1vh;
top: 16vh;
z-index: 1;
font-size: 1.5em;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.747);
text-align: center;
width: 12em;
color: #fff;
padding: 1vh;
border-radius: 1vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
box-sizing: border-box;
transition: opacity 0.3s, width 0.4s;
.HGS_effTable table {
border-top: solid 0.15em #000000;
padding-top: 0.4em;
border-collapse: separate;
margin: unset;
.HGS_effTable td {
padding: 0 0.5vh;
border-radius: 0.6vh;
text-align: center;
color: white;
.HGS_dialogCont {
width: 100vh;
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 46vh;
padding: 1vh;
font-size: 1.8em;
.HGS_bottom {
max-width: 100%;
margin: 2vh;
min-height: 32vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
.HGS_bottom > item {
position: relative;
display: flex;
width: 28vh;
padding: 1vh 2vh;
padding-top: 1vh; /* for successRate */
flex-direction: column-reverse;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
background-image: radial-gradient(closest-side, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.331) 75%, transparent);
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.3s, width 0.4s;
.HGS_bottom > item > .HGS_successRate {
position: absolute;
z-index: 2;
top: 0.2em;
right: 0.2em;
padding: 0 0.5em;
max-width: 100%;
font-size: 1.8em;
line-height: 1.3em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ffffff;
background-image: linear-gradient(to right ,transparent , rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) 10%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) 90%, transparent);
--text-shadow-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
text-shadow: 0 0 0.2em var(--text-shadow-color), 0 0 0.3em var(--text-shadow-color);
text-align: center;
.HGS_bottom > item > img.HGS_img {
width: 100%;
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.8vh rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54));
cursor: pointer;
transition: transform 0.3s, filter 0.3s;
.HGS_bottom > item > .HGS_shadow {
width: 100%;
height: 2vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: flex-end;
.HGS_bottom > item > .HGS_shadow > div {
width: 100%;
height: 200%;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #000000;
filter: blur(0.8vh);
.HGS_bottom > item > .HGS_button {
width: 100%;
border-radius: 0.3em;
font-size: 2em;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 0.2em 2em;
margin: 0.5em;
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0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4);
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transition: text-shadow 0.3s, box-shadow 0.3s;
.HGS_bottom > item > .HGS_button:hover {
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
inset 0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 0.5vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 1vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6),
0 0 2vw rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
.HGS_bottom > item > .HGS_button:hover ~ img.HGS_img,
.HGS_bottom > item > img.HGS_img:hover {
transform: translateY(-0.3vh);
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.5vh white);
.HGS_range {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
z-index: 2;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
pointer-events: none;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.5s;
.HGS_range > .HGS_targetWall {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 60vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
overflow: hidden;
.HGS_range > .HGS_targetWall > .notif {
position: absolute;
top: 1vh;
z-index: 3;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
font-size: 5em;
line-height: 1.3;
padding: 0 2em;
font-weight: bold;
background-image: linear-gradient(to right ,transparent , rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) 10%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) 90%, transparent);
color: #ffffff;
text-shadow: 0 0 0.2em #f00, 0 0 0.3em #f00;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.3s;
.HGS_range > .HGS_targetWall > img {
height: 100%;
.HGS_range > .HGS_targetWall > .HGS_targetCont {
position: absolute;
height: 90%;
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.HGS_range > .HGS_targetWall > .HGS_targetCont > img { /* target */
height: 200%; /* 200 is default: 1 */
mix-blend-mode: color-burn;
filter: blur(0.5vh);
.HGS_range > .HGS_targetWall > .HGS_targetCont > .HGS_targetHitBox {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
aspect-ratio: 1/1;
.HGS_range > .HGS_targetWall > .HGS_targetCont > .HGS_targetHitBox > img { /* target */
position: absolute;
height: 50%;
top: 0;left: 0;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.3s;
var HGV_lastPassage = SV.huntingGame.lastPassage;
var HGV_zoneId = SV.huntingGame.zoneId;
var HGV_floorId = SV.huntingGame.floorId;
var HGV_huntSuccess = { // step 2
easy: 0.9, // Easy Hunt ( 80 % Success ) [Green]
regular: 0.6, // Regular Hunt ( 50 % Success ) [Yellow]
challenging: 0.3, // Challenging Hunt ( 25% Success ) [Orange]
hardcore: 0.15, // Hardcore Hunt ( 10 % Success ) [Red]
suicidal: 0.03 // Suicidal Hunt ( 3 % Success ) [Black]
var HGV_huntSuccessColor = {
//background, text
easy: ['#0f0', '#000'],
regular: ['#ff0', '#000'],
challenging: ['#f80', '#000'],
hardcore: ['#f00', '#000'],
suicidal: ['#000', '#fff']
var HGV_spawnOddsByFloor = gameData.huntingGame.list.odds[HGV_zoneId];
var HGV_dialogByFloor = {
1 : 'As you step into the serene entrance of the PeaceWood, the gentle rustling of leaves and chirping of birds fill the air. The forest seems inviting, with abundant wildlife roaming freely. You spot potential prey nearby, ready for your first hunt in this new territory.',
2 : 'Venturing deeper into the PeaceWood, the canopy above grows denser, filtering the sunlight into a soft, emerald glow. The forest floor is dotted with mushrooms and wildflowers, and you can hear the distant sounds of animals scurrying about. You ready your weapon, anticipating the hunt ahead.',
3 : 'The heart of the PeaceWood is a tapestry of vibrant green hues and earthy scents. The trees seem to whisper ancient secrets as you navigate the winding trails. You come across a small clearing where wildlife congregates, presenting an opportunity for a successful hunt.',
4 : 'As you progress through the PeaceWood, the atmosphere shifts subtly. The air feels slightly heavier, and the shadows seem to dance with a life of their own. You spot movement in the underbrush, hinting at the presence of more elusive prey. Your senses sharpen as you prepare for the challenge.',
5 : "The PeaceWood's tranquility is occasionally interrupted by the distant calls of exotic birds and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. You find yourself in a lush grove, where the vegetation grows thick and the wildlife seems more abundant. You take aim, ready to test your hunting skills.",
6 : "The deeper reaches of the PeaceWood are shrouded in a mysterious mist that clings to the forest floor. The sounds of nature become muffled, and an eerie stillness settles over the area. You can feel the presence of hidden creatures watching you from the shadows, waiting to be discovered.",
7 : "As you venture further into the PeaceWood, the trees grow taller and the canopy becomes more dense. Shafts of sunlight pierce through the leaves, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadow on the forest floor. The wildlife here seems more cautious, requiring a keen eye and steady hand to hunt successfully.",
8 : "The heart of the PeaceWood pulses with an ancient energy, as if the forest itself is alive. The air is thick with the scent of moss and wildflowers, and the sounds of nature create a symphonic backdrop. You spot signs of larger, more formidable prey, and steel yourself for the hunt ahead.",
9 : "The PeaceWood seems to whisper secrets as you navigate its winding paths. The trees arch overhead, their branches intertwining to create a natural cathedral. The wildlife here is more elusive, requiring patience and skill to track and hunt.",
10: "As you reach the deeper parts of the PeaceWood, the atmosphere becomes more primal and untamed. The forest seems to pulse with a raw, untapped energy, and the creatures that inhabit it are more formidable. You must rely on your wits and expertise to emerge victorious in the hunt.",
11: "The PeaceWood's heart is a realm of twilight, where the boundaries between light and shadow blur. The air is thick with the scent of ancient trees and hidden secrets. The wildlife here is cunning and swift, demanding a hunter's full attention and skill.",
12: "The depths of the PeaceWood are a testament to nature's resilience and power. The trees stand as silent guardians, their roots twisting and turning beneath the earth. The creatures that call this place home are fierce and well-adapted, presenting a true test of a hunter's prowess.",
13: "As you venture into the farthest reaches of the PeaceWood, the forest seems to come alive with a primal energy. The air crackles with tension, and the shadows seem to move with a will of their own. The wildlife here is the most challenging yet, requiring every ounce of your skill and determination.",
14: "The heart of the PeaceWood is a place of ancient power, where the very essence of nature thrums through the earth and air. The trees seem to whisper ancient secrets, and the creatures that inhabit this realm are the stuff of legends. Only the most skilled and daring hunters venture this far.",
15: "As you delve into the deepest parts of the PeaceWood, the forest takes on an otherworldly quality. The colors seem more vivid, the sounds more melodic, and the very air seems to shimmer with hidden magic. The wildlife here is both beautiful and deadly, requiring a hunter's utmost respect and skill.",
16: "The PeaceWood's innermost sanctum is a place of myths and legends, where the boundary between the natural and supernatural blurs. The trees seem to pulse with an arcane energy, and the creatures that roam these woods are said to possess extraordinary powers. Only the most seasoned hunters dare to test their mettle here.",
17: "As you approach the very core of the PeaceWood, the forest seems to come alive with a symphonic harmony of sounds and sensations. The air is electric with anticipation, and the wildlife here is the most magnificent and challenging you've ever encountered. Every hunt is a true test of skill, courage, and respect for nature's power.",
18: "The heart of the PeaceWood is a realm of secrets and wonders, where the very fabric of reality seems to bend and sway. The trees are ancient sentinels, guarding the forest's deepest mysteries, and the creatures that inhabit this place are the stuff of both dreams and nightmares. Only the most intrepid and skilled hunters dare to venture this far.",
19: "As you stand on the threshold of the PeaceWood's innermost sanctum, you can feel the weight of the forest's ancient power pressing down upon you. The air is thick with the scent of primal magic, and the creatures that roam these woods are the embodiment of nature's raw fury and grace. Every hunt here is a sacred ritual, a dance between predator and prey, hunter and hunted.",
20: "At the very heart of the PeaceWood lies a place of unimaginable beauty and terror, where the boundaries between the mortal world and the realm of spirits dissolve. The trees are ancient gods, the creatures are divine emissaries, and every hunt is a sacred offering to the forces that govern this mystical place. Only the most enlightened and skilled hunters are worthy of setting foot in this ultimate sanctum of nature's power.",
21: "As you step into the deepest, most secluded part of the PeaceWood, you feel as though you've crossed a threshold into another world entirely. The air is thick with an ancient, primal energy that seems to permeate every leaf, every stone, every creature. The wildlife here is the stuff of legends - majestic, powerful, and filled with an almost human-like wisdom. Every hunt in this sacred place is a test not just of skill, but of character, as the forest itself seems to judge whether you are worthy of the honor of taking its bounty. You take a deep breath, steadying yourself for the ultimate challenge that awaits in this mystical heart of the PeaceWood.",
var HGV_itemsDrops = gameData.huntingGame.list.rewards;
var HGV_animalsData = {
chicken: { name: 'Chicken', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B1.webp' },
pig: { name: 'Pig', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B2.webp' },
cow: { name: 'Cow', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B3.webp' },
deer: { name: 'Deer', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B4.webp' },
moose: { name: 'Moose', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B5.webp' },
wolf: { name: 'Wolf', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B6.webp' },
bear: { name: 'Bear', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B7.webp' },
yeti: { name: 'Yeti', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B8.webp' },
crimsonChicken:{ name: 'Crimson Chicken', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B9.webp' },
crimsonPig:{ name: 'Crimson Pig', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B10.webp' },
crimsonCow:{ name: 'Crimson Cow', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B11.webp' },
crimsonDeer:{ name: 'Crimson Deer', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B12.webp' },
crimsonMoose:{ name: 'Crimson Moose', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B13.webp' },
crimsonWolf:{ name: 'Crimson Wolf', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B14.webp' },
crimsonBear:{ name: 'Crimson Bear', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B15.webp' },
crimsonYeti:{ name: 'Crimson Yeti', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B16.webp' },
deepChicken:{ name: 'Deep Chicken', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B17.webp' },
deepPig:{ name: 'Deep Pig', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B18.webp' },
deepCow:{ name: 'Deep Cow', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B19.webp' },
deepDeer:{ name: 'Deep Deer', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B20.webp' },
deepMoose:{ name: 'Deep Moose', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B21.webp' },
deepWolf:{ name: 'Deep Wolf', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B22.webp' },
deepBear:{ name: 'Deep Bear', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B23.webp' },
deepYeti:{ name: 'Deep Yeti', img: 'ressources/icons/YA_B24.webp' }
function HGF_setup() {
let floor = SV.huntingGame.floorId;
/* let title = document.querySelector('.HGS_title');
let floorLastString = floor.toString()[floor.toString().length - 1];
console.log('floorLastString', floorLastString);
let ordinal = floorLastString === '1' ? 'ST' : floorLastString === '2' ? 'ND' : floorLastString === '3' ? 'RD' : 'TH';
ordinal = floor === 11 || floor === 12 || floor === 13 ? 'TH' : ordinal;
title.innerHTML = `${floor}${ordinal} FLOOR HUNTING`; */
let dialog = document.querySelector('.HGS_dialogCont > .DIAS_message > .DIAS_text > p');
dialog.innerHTML = HGV_dialogByFloor[floor];
// table
let tableCont = document.querySelector('.HGS_effTable');
let table = tableCont.querySelector('table');
table.innerHTML = '';
let hardness = Object.keys(HGV_huntSuccess);
for (let i = 0; i < hardness.length; i++) {
let tr = document.createElement('tr');
let trName = document.createElement('td');
trName.innerHTML = hardness[i];
trName.style.backgroundColor = HGV_huntSuccessColor[hardness[i]][0];
trName.style.color = HGV_huntSuccessColor[hardness[i]][1];
let trPercentage = document.createElement('td');
let percentage = Math.round(HGV_huntSuccess[hardness[i]] * 100);
trPercentage.innerHTML = `${percentage}%`;
function HGF_update() {
let currentFloor = HGV_floorId;
if (!SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals) SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals = [];
let animals = [];
if (SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals.length === 0) {
animals = HGF_findAnimals(currentFloor); //step 1
SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals = [...animals];
} else {
animals = [...SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals];
HGF_createItems(currentFloor, animals);
function HGF_findAnimals(floor) { // step 1
let spawnOdds = HGV_spawnOddsByFloor[floor];
let animals = Object.keys(spawnOdds);
let animalSlots = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // 3 slots
for (let j = animals.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (Math.random() < spawnOdds[animals[j]][0]) {
if (animalSlots.length === 0) {
return HGF_findAnimals(floor); // try again :P
} else {
return animalSlots;
function HGF_createItems(floor, animals) {
//make the html with event listeners
if (SV.huntingGame.huntIsActive === true) {
let dialog = document.querySelector('.HGS_dialogCont > .DIAS_message');
if (dialog) dialog.classList.remove('DIAS_active');
var spawnOdds = HGV_spawnOddsByFloor[floor];
var bottom = document.querySelector('.HGS_bottom');
bottom.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
let item = document.createElement('item');
let animalData = HGV_animalsData[animals[i]];
let HGS_button = document.createElement('div');
HGS_button.innerHTML = 'HUNT';
HGS_button.addEventListener('click', function() {
//SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals = SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals
HGF_hunt(item, floor, animals[i]);
let HGS_shadow = document.createElement('div');
let shadow = document.createElement('div');
let HGS_img = document.createElement('img');
HGS_img.src = animalData.img;
HGS_img.alt = animalData.name;
HGS_img.addEventListener('click', function() {
HGF_hunt(item, floor, animals[i]);
let HGS_successRate = document.createElement('div');
HGS_successRate.innerHTML = spawnOdds[animals[i]][1];
HGS_successRate.style.setProperty('--text-shadow-color', HGV_huntSuccessColor[spawnOdds[animals[i]][1]][1]);
HGS_successRate.style.color = HGV_huntSuccessColor[spawnOdds[animals[i]][1]][0];
setTimeout(function() {
if (item === null) return;
item.style.opacity = 1;
}, 100 * i);
function HGF_hunt(itemEl, floor, animalKey) {
SV.huntingGame.huntIsActive = true;
SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals.splice(SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals.indexOf(animalKey), 1);
let successRateKey = HGV_spawnOddsByFloor[floor][animalKey][1];
let rand = randb(0); // near 0
let success = rand < HGV_huntSuccess[successRateKey]; // ex: suicidal: 0.03, easy: 0.9
let targetSize = HGV_huntSuccess[successRateKey];
console.log('Hunt:', success, successRateKey, targetSize);
targetSize = Math.min(Math.max(targetSize, 0.15), 1);
let rangeEl = document.querySelector('.HGS_range');
let targetEl = document.querySelector('.HGS_range > .HGS_targetWall > .HGS_targetCont > img');
let arrowEl = document.querySelector('.HGS_range > .HGS_targetWall > .HGS_targetCont > .HGS_targetHitBox > img');
let notifEl = document.querySelector('.HGS_range > .HGS_targetWall > .notif');
let dialog = document.querySelector('.HGS_dialogCont > .DIAS_message');
let canExitEarly = false;
let exitedEarly = false;
let clickRange = function() {
if (!canExitEarly) return;
exitedEarly = true;
let exitRange = function() {
if (rangeEl === null) return;
rangeEl.style.opacity = 0;
rangeEl.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
notifEl.style.opacity = 0;
arrowEl.style.opacity = 0;
let bottom = document.querySelector('.HGS_bottom');
if (!bottom) return;
let remainingAnimals = [];
bottom.querySelectorAll('item').forEach(item => {
let animalImg = item.querySelector('.HGS_img');
let animalName = animalImg.alt;
// Find the animal key by name
for (let key in HGV_animalsData) {
if (HGV_animalsData[key].name === animalName) {
//SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals = remainingAnimals;
rangeEl.removeEventListener('click', clickRange);
rangeEl.style.opacity = 1;
rangeEl.style.pointerEvents = 'all';
HGF_placeArrow(success, targetSize);
targetEl.style.height = `${targetSize * 200}%`; // 200% is default
playAudio("sfx", "YA_B1.mp3"); //external function
rangeEl.addEventListener('click', clickRange);
setTimeout(function() {
if (rangeEl === null) return;
arrowEl.style.opacity = 1;
playAudio("sfx", "YA_B2.mp3");
}, 700);
setTimeout(function() {
if (rangeEl === null) return;
arrowEl.style.opacity = 1;
}, 1000);
setTimeout(function() {
if (rangeEl === null) return;
notifEl.innerHTML = success ? 'HIT' : 'MISS';
notifEl.style.opacity = 1;
itemEl.style.width = '0vh';
itemEl.style.opacity = 0;
success ? HGS_giveLoot(animalKey) : null;
canExitEarly = true;
}, 1300);
setTimeout(function() {
if (exitedEarly) return;
}, 3000);
function HGF_placeArrow(hasHit, targetSize) {
//target Size is in between 0.2 and 1
let arrow = document.querySelector('.HGS_targetHitBox > img');
let topOffset = -9;
let leftOffset = -3;
let hitboxSizeMultiplier = 0.5;
let theta = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI;
let r = Math.random();
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
if (hasHit) { // find a coord inside the circle
x = (r * Math.cos(theta)) * targetSize * 0.5;
y = (r * Math.sin(theta)) * targetSize * 0.5;
} else { // find a coord outside the circle
r = r * (1 - targetSize*0.5) + targetSize*0.5;
x = (r * Math.cos(theta))
y = (r * Math.sin(theta))
y = Math.min(0.8, y); // out of bounds in gui
x = x * hitboxSizeMultiplier * 100 + leftOffset + 50;
y = y * hitboxSizeMultiplier * 100 + topOffset + 50;
arrow.style.left = `${x}%`;
arrow.style.top = `${y}%`;
function HGS_giveLoot(animalKey) {
let loot = HGV_itemsDrops[animalKey];
let lootKeys = Object.keys(loot);
let givenLoot = false;
// Sort loot keys by their index (assuming they're named like "loot1", "loot2", "loot3")
lootKeys.sort((a, b) => parseInt(a.slice(4)) - parseInt(b.slice(4)));
for (let i = lootKeys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let lootKey = lootKeys[i];
let lootChance = loot[lootKey]; // ex: chickenSkull: 0.02
let rand = randb(0); // near 0
if (rand < lootChance) {
console.log('Loot:', lootKey);
//if (!lootKey) {debugger;}
modVariable("add", "item", lootKey, 1);
givenLoot = true;
break; // Stop after giving the highest tier loot that succeeds
// If no loot was given, give the first (most common) loot
if (!givenLoot) {
let firstLootKey = lootKeys[0];
console.log('Loot:', firstLootKey);
//if (!firstLootKey) {debugger;}
modVariable("add", "item", firstLootKey, 1);
function HGF_checkIfEmpty() {
let bottom = document.querySelector('.HGS_bottom');
if (bottom?.innerHTML === '') {
let refresh = document.querySelector('.HGS_refresh');
refresh.style.opacity = 1;
refresh.style.pointerEvents = 'all';
refresh.addEventListener('click', HGS_changeHuntingSpot, { once: true });
function HGS_changeHuntingSpot() {
let currentFloor = HGV_floorId;
let refresh = document.querySelector('.HGS_refresh');
refresh.style.opacity = 0;
refresh.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
// Reset hunt state when changing spots
SV.huntingGame.huntIsActive = false;
SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals = []; // Clear previous animals
let animals = HGF_findAnimals(currentFloor);
SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals = [...animals];
HGF_createItems(currentFloor, animals);
function HGS_minigamesBackground() {
const backgrounds = {
A: 'ressources/backgrounds/YA.webm', // Peacewoods
B: 'ressources/backgrounds/YB.webm', // Crimsonwoods
C: 'ressources/backgrounds/YC.webm', // Deepwoods
function HGS_exitHunting() {
nextPartOfDay(); //inside function.js. add times
SV.huntingGame.huntIsActive = undefined;
SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals = []; // Clear previous animals when properly exiting
exitHuntingGame(); //external function
if (SV.huntingGame.huntIsActive !== true) {
} else {
// If hunt is active, just recreate the previous animals
let currentFloor = HGV_floorId;
let previousAnimals = SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals || [];
HGF_createItems(currentFloor, previousAnimals); // HGF_createItems(HGV_floorId, SV.huntingGame.previousHuntAnimals || []);
playAudio("music", "forestPeacewood");
<div class="GGS_title">GATHERING</div>
<div class="GGS_exit" onclick="GGS_exitGathering();">EXIT</div>
<div class="GGS_refresh" onclick="GGS_changeGatheringSpot()">Change Gathering Spot</div>
<div class="GGS_dialogCont">
<div class="DIAS_message centered DIAS_active">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>🤣🫵 Something went wrong, please contact the devs <a href="https://discord.gg/jEpjVQdXkX" target="_blank">Discord</a> :D</p>
<div class="GGS_bottom">
<bush onclick="GGF_gather()">
<div class="GGS_shadow"><div></div></div>
<img src="" alt="bush">
<div class="GGS_scroller">
<!-- item>
<div class="GGS_bobble">
<img class="GGS_item" src="ressources/icons/I1ED9.webp" alt="item">
<img class="GGS_overlay" src="ressources/icons/YA_C5.svg" alt="item">
</item -->
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border-radius: 0.5em;
--test_color: rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.6);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
border: 0.1vh solid var(--test_color);
border-radius: 1vh;
text-shadow: 0 0 0.2em var(--test_color),
0 0 0.4em var(--test_color);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 2vh var(--test_color);
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
cursor: pointer;
transition: text-shadow 0.3s, box-shadow 0.3s;
.GGS_refresh:hover {
text-shadow: 0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 1vh var(--test_color),
0 0 2vh var(--test_color),
0 0 4vh var(--test_color);
.GGS_dialogCont {
width: 100vh;
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 46vh;
padding: 1vh;
font-size: 1.8em;
transition: opacity 0.3s;
.GGS_bottom {
align-self: end;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
min-height: 32vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
.GGS_bottom > bush {
position: relative;
display: flex;
width: 61vh;
padding: 1vh 2vh;
padding-top: 1vh; /* for successRate */
flex-direction: column-reverse;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
/* opacity: 0; */
transition: opacity 0.3s, width 0.4s;
.GGS_bottom > bush > img {
width: 100%;
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.8vh rgb(0, 0, 0));
cursor: pointer;
transition: transform 0.3s, filter 0.3s;
.GGS_bottom > bush > img:hover {
transform: translateY(-0.3vh);
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.5vh white);
.GGS_bottom > bush > img.GGS_flash {
transform: translateY(-0.3vh);
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.5vh white);
.GGS_bottom > bush > .GGS_shadow {
width: 110%;
height: 0;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: flex-end;
.GGS_bottom > bush > .GGS_shadow > div {
width: 100%;
height: 8vh;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: hsla(0, 0%, 75%, 0.826);
filter: blur(0.8vh);
.GGS_scroller {
position: absolute;
right: 2vh;
bottom: 2vh;
top: 15vh;
background-color: aqua;
width: 20.5vh;
border-radius: 2vh;
border: solid 0.2vh #000000;
background: #151313;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 2em rgba(157, 64, 64, 0.445);
overflow: hidden;
.GGS_scroller > item {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
aspect-ratio: 1;
border-radius: 50%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
--GGS_rarity_color: #ffffff;
.GGS_scroller > item > .GGS_bobble {
position: relative;
width: 90%;
aspect-ratio: 1;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #00000099;
/* border: solid 0.2vh #000000; */
border-style: solid;
border-width: 0.2vh;
border-color: #000000;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
transition: border-color 0.3s;
.GGS_scroller > item.GGS_active > .GGS_bobble {
border-color: var(--GGS_rarity_color);
.GGS_scroller > item > .GGS_bobble > img.GGS_item {
width: 80%;
aspect-ratio: 1;
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.5vh black);
transition: filter 0.3s;
.GGS_scroller > item.GGS_active > .GGS_bobble > img.GGS_item {
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.5vh var(--GGS_rarity_color));
.GGS_scroller > item > .GGS_bobble > .GGS_overlay {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
aspect-ratio: 1;
border-radius: 50%;
/* black to white*/
stroke: white;
opacity: 0;
animation: GGS_scroller_overlay_animation 3s infinite;
transition: opacity 0.3s, fill 0.3s;
.GGS_scroller > item.GGS_active > .GGS_bobble > .GGS_overlay {
opacity: 1;
stroke: var(--GGS_rarity_color)
.GGS_scroller > item > .GGS_bobble > number {
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
padding: 0.1em 0.1em;
border-radius: 0.2em;
font-size: 3em;
line-height: 1;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
box-shadow: 0 0 0.2em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7), 0 0 0.5em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
@keyframes GGS_scroller_overlay_animation {
0% { transform: rotate(0deg); scale: 1.08; }
to { transform: rotate(360deg); scale: 1.08; }
/* var GGV_oddsByFloor = gameData.gatheringGame.list; */
var GGV_lastPassage = SV.gatheringGame.lastPassage;
var GGV_zoneId = SV.gatheringGame.zoneId;
var GGV_floorId = SV.gatheringGame.floorId;
var GGV_oddsByFloor = gameData.gatheringGame.list[GGV_zoneId];
var GGV_bushImgs = [
{ img: 'ressources/icons/YA_C3.webp' }, // fruit
{ img: 'ressources/icons/YA_C1.webp' }, // vegetable
{ img: 'ressources/icons/YA_C2.webp' }, // plant
{ img: 'ressources/icons/YA_C3.webp' }, // misc
function GGF_setup() {
let zone = GGV_zoneId;
let floor = GGV_floorId;
let dialog = document.querySelector('.GGS_dialogCont > .DIAS_message > .DIAS_text > p');
dialog.innerHTML = GGV_oddsByFloor[floor].dialogue;
let bush = document.querySelector('.GGS_bottom > bush > img');
let indexL4 = (floor - 1) % 4;
bush.src = GGV_bushImgs[indexL4].img;
GGF_scroller_setup(zone, floor);
function GGF_bushFlashing_setup() {
let bush = document.querySelector('.GGS_bottom > bush > img');
let isHovered = false;
bush.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {isHovered = true;});
bush.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {isHovered = false;});
let bushFInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (isHovered) return;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
}, 4000);
$(document).one(':passageinit', e => {
/* function GGF_update(floor) {
// put the bush back
let bush = document.querySelector('.GGS_bush');
} */
function GGF_gather() {
let dialog = document.querySelector('.GGS_dialogCont');
dialog.style.opacity = 0;
let nbOfAudio = 3;
let randAudioIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * nbOfAudio) + 1;
playAudio("sfx", `YA_C${randAudioIndex}.mp3`);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 700);
let bush = document.querySelector('.GGS_bottom > bush');
bush.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
function GGF_gathered() {
let floor = GGV_floorId;
let items = GGV_oddsByFloor[floor].rewards; // ex: { verdantHerb: 50, potato: 30, apple: 15, nut: 5 }
let itemKeys = Object.keys(items);
let total = Object.values(items).reduce((sum, weight) => sum + weight, 0);
let rand = randb(1) * total; // near 100
let sum = 0;
let foundItem = '';
let foundIndex = -1;
for (let item in items) {
sum += items[item];
if (rand < sum) {
itemFound = item;
foundIndex = itemKeys.indexOf(item);
GGF_scroller_selectItem(foundIndex, itemFound);
modVariable('add', 'item', itemFound, 1);
let refresh = document.querySelector('.GGS_refresh');
refresh.style.opacity = 1;
refresh.style.pointerEvents = 'all';
let bush = document.querySelector('.GGS_bottom > bush');
bush.style.opacity = 0;
function GGS_changeGatheringSpot() {
let items = document.querySelectorAll('.GGS_scroller > item');
for (let item of items) {
let refresh = document.querySelector('.GGS_refresh');
refresh.style.opacity = 0;
refresh.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
let bush = document.querySelector('.GGS_bottom > bush');
bush.style.opacity = 1;
bush.style.pointerEvents = 'all';
nextPartOfDay(); //inside function.js. add times
perPassageScript(); //inside function.js. (also updates the sidebar)
SB_mainRefresh(); //external function
// -------- Scroller
if (GGV_scrollInterval !== undefined) { //HOTFIX :D
var GGV_scrollerCont = null;
var GGV_itemNb = 0;
var GGV_scrollInterval = null;
var GGV_scrollSpeed = 3; // Adjust the scroll speed as needed
var GGV_targetIndex = null;
function GGF_scroller_setup(zone, floor) {
GGV_itemNb = GGF_scrollerAppendItems(zone, floor);
GGV_scrollerCont = document.querySelector('.GGS_scroller');
function GGF_scroller_selectItem(index, item) {
//if (index < 2) {
index += GGV_itemNb;
GGV_targetIndex = index;
let itemData = gameData.inventory.items[item];
let rarityColor = gameData.illustration.rarity[itemData.rarity].color;
let items = GGV_scrollerCont.querySelectorAll('item');
items[index].setAttribute('style', `--GGS_rarity_color: ${rarityColor};`);
function GGF_scroller_startIdle() {
GGV_targetIndex = null;
GGV_scrollInterval = setInterval(() => {
GGV_scrollerCont.scrollTop += GGV_scrollSpeed;
if (GGV_scrollerCont.scrollTop >= GGV_scrollerCont.scrollHeight / 2) {
GGV_scrollerCont.scrollTop = 0;
}, 16);
$(document).one(':passageinit', e => {
function GGF_scroller_scrollToItem() {
let contHeight = GGV_scrollerCont.clientHeight;
let itemHeight = GGV_scrollerCont.querySelector('item').getBoundingClientRect().height; // dude how do you get the height of an element
let targetScrollTop = itemHeight * GGV_targetIndex + itemHeight / 2 - contHeight / 2;
let startScrollTop = GGV_scrollerCont.scrollTop;
let distance = targetScrollTop - startScrollTop;
let duration = 500; // Adjust the duration as needed for smooth scrolling
let startTime = Date.now();
function scrollStep() {
let currentTime = Date.now();
let elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime;
let percentage = Math.min(elapsedTime / duration, 1);
GGV_scrollerCont.scrollTop = startScrollTop + distance * percentage;
if (elapsedTime < duration) {
setTimeout(scrollStep, 16); // Adjust the timeout as needed for smooth scrolling
} else {
GGV_targetIndex = null;
// Do not resume scrolling after the animation finishes
// --------
function GGF_scrollerAppendItems(zone, floor) {
let GGV_scrollerCont = document.querySelector('.GGS_scroller');
GGV_scrollerCont.innerHTML = '';
let items = GGV_oddsByFloor[floor].rewards;
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (let item in items) {
let itemData = gameData.inventory.items[item];
let itemCont = document.createElement('item');
let itemBobble = document.createElement('div');
let itemImg = document.createElement('img');
let itemOverlay = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
let itemNumber = document.createElement('number');
itemImg.src = itemData.image;
itemNumber.innerHTML = `${Math.round(items[item] * 10) * 0.1}%`;
/* <svg width="400" height="400">
<circle stroke-dasharray="37.3" cx="100" cy="100" r="95" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round"></circle>
</svg> */
itemOverlay.setAttribute('width', '200');
itemOverlay.setAttribute('height', '200');
itemOverlay.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 200 200');
itemOverlay.innerHTML = `<circle stroke-dasharray="37.3" cx="100" cy="100" r="95" fill="none" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round"></circle>`;
return Object.keys(items).length;
function GGS_minigamesBackground() {
const backgrounds = {
A: 'ressources/backgrounds/YA.webm', // Peacewoods
B: 'ressources/backgrounds/YB.webm', // Crimsonwoods
C: 'ressources/backgrounds/YC.webm', // Deepwoods
function GGS_exitGathering() {
nextPartOfDay(); //inside function.js. add times
exitGatheringGame(); //external function
//GGF_update(); //idk if this is needed - TODO
</script><<script>>playAudio("music", "forestPeacewood");<</script>>\
<<if $tutorial.tutowoodchop is 1>>
<<goto "4B">>
<<set $tutorial.tutowoodchop to 1>>
<div class="tutorial" id="tutorial">
<div class="map" id="map-section">
<div class="containerbox2">
<h1>Wood chopping tutorial</h1>
<div class="spacerui"></div>
<div class="textui"> Wood Chopping is a vital activity in the game, allowing you to gather wood from the forest. This resource is essential for various constructions and upgrades within the Shelter. The mini-game challenges you to chop down as many trees as possible within a set time frame, with each tree type requiring a different number of hits to be felled. </div>
<div class="uihelp" id="uihelp-section">
<div class="containerbox2">
<h1>Wood chopping tutorial</h1>
<div class="spacerui"></div>
<div class="textui">
<img class="img-ui" src="ressources/icons/4V.webp">
<br> ➀ <b>Tree Icons</b>: There are three types of trees you can chop: small, medium, and large. Each tree icon varies in style and size to represent its type. <br>
<br> ➁ <b>Timer Bar</b>: Located at the top of the screen, this bar shows the remaining time you have to chop trees. Once the timer runs out, the mini-game ends, and you'll receive the total wood collected. <br>
<br> ➂ <b>Wood Counter</b>: This counter, usually at the bottom or side of the screen, shows the amount of wood you've gathered so far.
<div class="mechanism" id="mechanism-section">
<div class="containerbox2">
<h1>Wood chopping tutorial</h1>
<div class="spacerui"></div>
<div class="textui">
<b>Click to Chop</b>: Click on a tree to start chopping it. The number of clicks required depends on the tree's size. <br>
<b>Tree Types</b>: <br> Small trees require fewer clicks but yield less wood. <br>
<img class="img-tree" src="ressources/icons/4D.webp">
<br> Medium trees take more clicks and provide a moderate amount of wood. <br>
<img class="img-tree" src="ressources/icons/4L.webp">
<br> Large trees need the most clicks but offer the most wood. <br>
<img class="img-tree" src="ressources/icons/4P.webp">
<b>Time Management</b>: The mini-game is time-sensitive. Strategize to maximize wood collection within the given time. <br>
<b>Day Progression</b>: After the mini-game concludes, the game's time will advance (e.g., from morning to afternoon).
<div class="goals" id="goals-section">
<div class="containerbox2">
<h1>Wood chopping tutorial</h1>
<div class="spacerui"></div>
<div class="textui">
<b>Resource Gathering</b>: The primary goal is to gather as much wood as possible within the time limit. <br>
<b>Strategic Chopping</b>: Decide which trees to chop based on their size and your current needs. Sometimes, focusing on smaller trees for quick wood might be beneficial, while other times, investing time in larger trees for a bigger yield might be the better strategy. <br>
<b>Time Efficiency</b>: Aim to use the allotted time wisely to maximize your wood collection, considering the game's time progression post mini-game.
<div class="enter-button" onclick="nextBloc()">Understood</div>
body {
background-image: url('ressources/backgrounds/4A.webp');
/* font-size: 0.9vw; */
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-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
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::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgb(214, 211, 211);
border-radius: 10px;
#story {
max-height: 100vh;
#passages {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
margin: 0;
height: 100vh;
.container {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-around;
max-width: 100vw;
margin: auto;
height: 90vh;
.button {
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* Adjusted opacity */
.containerbox2 > .textui > img.img-tree {
width: 50%;
b {
margin-top: 10%;
function nextBloc() {
function openTuto() {
document.getElementById('tutorial').style.display = "block";
function showSection(sectionId) {
const sections = ['map-section', 'uihelp-section', 'mechanism-section', 'goals-section'];
sections.forEach(id => {
document.getElementById(id).style.display = (id === sectionId) ? 'block' : 'none';
function showMap() {
function showUIHelp() {
function showMechanism() {
function showGoals() {
<!-- audio autoplay loop>
<source src="ressources/forest/woodchopping/birds-chirping.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
</audio -->
<<switch $woodChoppingGame.currentGameId>>
<<case '4BA'>>
<<set _trees = {
small: {
hp: [7, 13, 20],
img: ['4D', '4F', '4H', '4J'],
wood: [3, 3, 6]
medium: {
hp: [13, 27, 40],
img: ['4L', '4M', '4N', '4O'],
wood: [6, 6, 12]
large: {
hp: [27, 53, 80],
img: ['4P', '4Q', '4R', '4S'],
wood: [10, 10, 25]
<<if isNightTime()>>
<div class="filter"></div>
<style>body {background-image: url('ressources/backgrounds/4A.webp')}</style>
<style>body {background-image: url('ressources/backgrounds/4B.webp')}</style>
<<case '4BB'>>
<<set _trees = {
small: {
hp: [7, 13, 20],
img: ['8D', '4F', '4H', '4J'],
wood: [6, 6, 12]
medium: {
hp: [13, 27, 40],
img: ['8L', '8M', '8N', '8O'],
wood: [12, 12, 24]
large: {
hp: [27, 53, 80],
img: ['8P', '8Q', '8R', '8S'],
wood: [20, 20, 50]
<<if isNightTime()>>
<div class="filter"></div>
<style>body {background-image: url('ressources/backgrounds/8A.webp')}</style>
<style>body {background-image: url('ressources/backgrounds/8B.webp')}</style>
<<set _timeUp to 0>>
<<set _endgame to 0>>
<<set _endgamebox to 0>>
<<set _woodcounter to 0>>
<div class="woodcounter">
<img class="woodicon" src="ressources/icons/IB0F1.webp">
<h1 id="woodcounterValue">_woodcounter</h1>
<div id="app"></div>
<img @id="_tree1.id" onclick="$.wiki('<<WOODCUTTING _tree1>>')" @class="_tree1.class" @src="`ressources/icons/${ST.trees[_tree1.size].img[0]}.webp`">
<img @id="_tree2.id" onclick="$.wiki('<<WOODCUTTING _tree2>>')" @class="_tree2.class" @src="`ressources/icons/${ST.trees[_tree2.size].img[0]}.webp`">
<img @id="_tree3.id" onclick="$.wiki('<<WOODCUTTING _tree3>>')" @class="_tree3.class" @src="`ressources/icons/${ST.trees[_tree3.size].img[0]}.webp`">
<img @id="_tree4.id" onclick="$.wiki('<<WOODCUTTING _tree4>>')" @class="_tree4.class" @src="`ressources/icons/${ST.trees[_tree4.size].img[0]}.webp`">
<img @id="_tree5.id" onclick="$.wiki('<<WOODCUTTING _tree5>>')" @class="_tree5.class" @src="`ressources/icons/${ST.trees[_tree5.size].img[0]}.webp`">
<img @id="_tree6.id" onclick="$.wiki('<<WOODCUTTING _tree6>>')" @class="_tree6.class" @src="`ressources/icons/${ST.trees[_tree6.size].img[0]}.webp`">
<img @id="_tree7.id" onclick="$.wiki('<<WOODCUTTING _tree7>>')" @class="_tree7.class" @src="`ressources/icons/${ST.trees[_tree7.size].img[0]}.webp`">
<<repeat 1s>>
<<if _endgamebox is 0 && (_endgame gte 7 || _timeUp is 1)>>
<<set _endgamebox to 1>>
<<addclass "#app" "hidden">>
<div class="endgamebox">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="nextBloc(event)">Good</div>
<p class="endtitle"><b><<= _timeUp is 1 ? "TIME'S UP!" : "ALL TREES CHOPPED!">></b></p>
<p>Trees chopped: _endgame</p>
<p>Wood earned: _woodcounter</p>
<<run endgame()>>
<<timed 15s>>
<<set _timeUp = 1>>
<div id="anticlick"></div>
@keyframes fade-in3 {
0% {
opacity: 0;
height: 0;
width: 59.259vh;
} to {
opacity: 0.9;
height: 20vh;
width: 59.259vh;
body {
overflow: hidden;
p {
margin-bottom: 1vh;
margin-top: 1vh;
text-align: center;
font-size: 2.5vh;
.endgamebox {
z-index: 110;
position: fixed;
color: white;
width: 45.926vh;
left: 83vh;
opacity: 0;
border-radius: 1.481vh;
animation: fade-in3 1s forwards;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
border-radius: 15px;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
height: 15vh;
left: 0;
right: 0;
margin: auto;
.endtitle {
font-size: 2.5vh;
margin-top: 1.481vh;
margin-bottom: 2.963vh;
text-align: center;
.base-timer {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
width: 14.815vh;
height: 14.815vh;
margin-top: -1.481vh;
z-index: 3;
.base-timer__svg {
transform: scaleX(-1);
.base-timer__circle {
fill: none;
stroke: none;
.base-timer__path-elapsed {
stroke-width: 0.733vh;
stroke: grey;
#base-timer-path-remaining {
stroke-width: 0.733vh;
stroke-linecap: round;
transform: rotate(90deg);
transform-origin: center;
transition: 1s linear all;
fill-rule: nonzero;
stroke: currentColor;
#base-timer-path-remaining.green {
color: rgb(65, 184, 131);
#base-timer-path-remaining.orange {
color: orange;
#base-timer-path-remaining.red {
color: red;
#base-timer-label {
position: relative;
top: -12vh;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
font-size: 4.19vh;
z-index: 3;
.tree {
position: absolute !important; /* Added !important to prevent overrides */
pointer-events: auto; /* Ensure clicks still register */
z-index: 1; /* Keep trees below the endgame overlay */
.tree:hover {
opacity: 0.8;
.tree1 {
width: 14.815vh;
height: 11.852vh;
margin-left: -29.63vh;
margin-top: 44vh;
.tree2 {
width: 14.815vh;
height: 17.778vh;
margin-left: -29.63vh;
margin-top: 37.037vh;
.tree3 {
width: 14.815vh;
height: 14.815vh;
margin-left: -29.63vh;
margin-top: 44vh;
.tree4 {
width: 29.63vh;
height: 23.704vh;
margin-left: 22.222vh;
margin-top: 47.407vh;
.tree5 {
width: 22.222vh;
height: 29.63vh;
margin-left: 22.222vh;
margin-top: 40vh;
.tree6 {
width: 29.63vh;
height: 29.63vh;
margin-left: 22.222vh;
margin-top: 44.444vh;
.tree7 {
width: 14.815vh;
height: 11.852vh;
margin-left: 7.407vh;
margin-top: 42vh;
.tree8 {
width: 14.815vh;
height: 17.778vh;
margin-left: 7.407vh;
margin-top: 35vh;
.tree9 {
width: 14.815vh;
height: 14.815vh;
margin-left: 7.407vh;
margin-top: 38vh;
.tree10 {
width: 22.222vh;
height: 16.296vh;
margin-left: 97vh;
margin-top: 40vh;
.tree11 {
width: 16.296vh;
height: 22.222vh;
margin-left: 97vh;
margin-top: 40vh;
.tree12 {
width: 22.222vh;
height: 22.222vh;
margin-left: 97vh;
margin-top: 40vh;
.tree13 {
width: 32.593vh;
height: 25.185vh;
margin-left: -14.815vh;
margin-top: 56.296vh;
.tree14 {
width: 25.185vh;
height: 32.593vh;
margin-left: -14.815vh;
margin-top: 48.889vh;
.tree15 {
width: 32.593vh;
height: 32.593vh;
margin-left: -14.815vh;
margin-top: 50.37vh;
.tree16 {
width: 26.667vh;
height: 20.741vh;
margin-left: 65vh;
margin-top: 55vh;
.tree17 {
width: 20.741vh;
height: 26.667vh;
margin-left: 65vh;
margin-top: 55vh;
.tree18 {
width: 26.667vh;
height: 26.667vh;
margin-left: 65vh;
margin-top: 55vh;
.tree19 {
width: 14.815vh;
height: 11.852vh;
margin-left: 54vh;
margin-top: 42vh;
.tree20 {
width: 11.852vh;
height: 14.815vh;
margin-left: 54vh;
margin-top: 39vh;
.tree21 {
width: 14.815vh;
height: 14.815vh;
margin-left: 54vh;
margin-top: 39vh;
#anticlick {
position: fixed;
left: -50vw;
top: -50vh;
height: 200vh;
width: 200vw;
background-color: red;
opacity: 0;
z-index: 100;
.filter {
position: absolute;
left: -50vw;
top: -50vh;
height: 200vh;
width: 200vw;
background-color: #0f0b47;
opacity: 0.2;
z-index: 2;
pointer-events: none;
#story {
/* Specify the cursor image */
cursor: url('ressources/icons/4T.webp'), auto;
cursor-size: 10vw;
height: 100vh;
margin: 2.5em;
position: relative;
min-height: 100vh;
overflow: hidden; /* Prevent any unwanted scrolling */
#story:active {
/* Specify the cursor image */
cursor: url('ressources/icons/4U.webp'), auto;
h1 {
width: 50%;
margin: 0;
margin: auto;
margin-left: 1vh;
color: white;
text-align: center;
font-size: 3.5vh;
@keyframes bop {
0% {transform: translateY(0)}
50% {transform: translateY(-10px)}
to {transform: translateY(0)}
.bop {
animation: bop 0.2s;
/* .neon-button2 {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
right: 0;
margin: auto;
margin-top: 24vh;
} */
.DIAS_button {
position: absolute;
top: 24vh;
left: 0;
right: 0;
width: 40%;
margin: auto;
.woodcounter {
width: 20vh;
max-width: 200px;
border: 0.296vh black solid;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
border-radius: 15px;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
object-fit: contain;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row-reverse;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
.woodicon {
width: 40%;
margin: 1.5vh;
window.CHOP_var = gameData.woodChoppingGame.list[SV.woodChoppingGame.currentGameId];
(() => {
playAudio("music", "forestPeacewood");
// Initialize or reset state when entering the woodchopping area
if (typeof ST === 'undefined') {
window.ST = {};
// Reset any existing auto-chop intervals from previous sessions
if (window.woodchopIntervals) {
window.woodchopIntervals.forEach(interval => clearInterval(interval));
window.woodchopIntervals = new Set();
let power = 0;
if (SV && SV.inventory && SV.inventory.menuInv && SV.inventory.menuInv.equipment) {
for (let item in SV.inventory.menuInv.equipment.list) {
let itemEq = SV.inventory.menuInv.equipment.list[item];
let itemKey = itemEq.key;
if (!itemKey) { continue; }
let itemObj = gameData.inventory.items[itemKey];
if (!(itemObj.type == "equipment")) { continue; }
if (!(itemObj.type2 == "handheld")) { continue; }
if (!(itemObj.type3 == "axe")) { continue; }
if (itemObj.power == undefined) { continue; }
power += itemObj.power;
ST.axepower = power > 0 ? power : 1;
ST.woodcounter = ST.woodcounter || 0;
// Auto-chopping functionality
const AUTO_CHOP_DELAY = 150; // ~8-9 CPS
const HOLD_THRESHOLD = 200; // 0.2 seconds
document.querySelectorAll('[id^="tree"]').forEach(tree => {
let treeNumber = tree.id.replace('tree', '');
let mouseDownTime = 0;
let autoChopInterval = null;
tree.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
// Clear any existing intervals for this tree
if (autoChopInterval) {
mouseDownTime = Date.now();
setTimeout(() => {
if (e.button === 0 && mouseDownTime !== 0) {
autoChopInterval = setInterval(() => {
$.wiki(`<<WOODCUTTING _tree${treeNumber}>>`);
const stopChopping = () => {
mouseDownTime = 0;
if (autoChopInterval) {
autoChopInterval = null;
tree.addEventListener('mouseup', stopChopping);
tree.addEventListener('mouseleave', stopChopping);
// Cleanup when leaving passage
$(document).one(':passageinit', () => {
if (window.woodchopIntervals) {
window.woodchopIntervals.forEach(interval => clearInterval(interval));
const counterValueElem = document.getElementById('woodcounterValue');
const woodcounterElem = document.querySelector('.woodcounter');
const FULL_DASH_ARRAY = 283;
const TIME_LIMIT = 15;
const COLOR_CODES = {
info: {
color: "green"
warning: {
color: "orange",
alert: {
color: "red",
let timeLeft = TIME_LIMIT;
// This function updates the time left and the visual representation
function startTimer() {
const baseTimerLabel = document.getElementById('base-timer-label')
const timerInterval = setInterval(() => {
baseTimerLabel.innerHTML = formatTime(timeLeft);
if (timeLeft === 0) {
}, 1000);
$(document).one(':passageinit', e => {
function formatTime(time) {
const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);
let seconds = time % 60;
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds = `0${seconds}`;
return `${minutes}:${seconds}`;
function setRemainingPathColor(timeLeft) {
const { alert, warning, info } = COLOR_CODES;
const element = document.getElementById('base-timer-path-remaining');
// Remove old color and apply new
element.classList.remove(info.color, warning.color, alert.color);
if (timeLeft <= alert.threshold) {
} else if (timeLeft <= warning.threshold) {
} else {
function calculateTimeFraction() {
const rawTimeFraction = timeLeft / TIME_LIMIT;
return rawTimeFraction - (1 / TIME_LIMIT) * (1 - rawTimeFraction);
function setCircleDasharray() {
const circleDasharray = `${(calculateTimeFraction() * FULL_DASH_ARRAY).toFixed(0)} 283`;
document.getElementById('base-timer-path-remaining').setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', circleDasharray);
function addWood(value) {
ST.woodcounter += value;
counterValueElem.innerHTML = ST.woodcounter;
// Apply the "bop" class to trigger the animation
// Remove the "bop" class after the animation ends
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);
// Render the timer initially
document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = `
<div class="base-timer">
<svg class="base-timer__svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<g class="base-timer__circle">
<circle class="base-timer__path-elapsed" cx="50" cy="50" r="45"></circle>
M 50, 50
m -45, 0
a 45,45 0 1,0 90,0
a 45,45 0 1,0 -90,0
<span id="base-timer-label">${formatTime(timeLeft)}</span>
window.addWood = addWood;
function endgame() {
SV.achievements.eventTrigger.woodChopping_1 += ST.woodcounter;
function nextBloc(event) {
modVariable("add", "item", "wood", ST.woodcounter);
document.addEventListener('dragstart', function (e) {
if (e.target.tagName === 'IMG') {
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default drag image behavior
<div class="FISH_mainCont">
<img id="FISH_pic" src="ressources/icons/5C.webp" draggable="false">
<img id="FISH_splash" src="ressources/icons/5E.webp" style="opacity: 0;">
<div id="canvas-wrapper" style="opacity: 0;">
<canvas id="canvas" width="66" height="579"></canvas>
<div class="FISH_paragraph">
<p>Welcome to the fishing pond. To hook a fish, click on the fishing rod when some bubbles appear.</p>
<div class="FISH_paragraph" style="opacity: 0;">
<p>Something caught your line! Click anywhere to try to reel it in. You must keep the fish (yellow circle) in the green bar to catch it.</p>
<div class="FISH_successbox">
<img class="fish">
<p class="p1">You caught something!</p>
<p class="p2 name"><b>Fish Name - Rarity</b></p>
<p class="p2 desc">Fish Description</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="FISH_redo()"> Fish again </div>
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="FISH_exit()"> Exit </div>
<div class="IO_container">
<div class="IO_bigWindow">
<!-- <div class="IO_itemWindow">
<div class="imgCont"><img src="ressources/icons/I1FA1.webp"></div>
</div> -->
<<switch SV.fishing.zoneId>>
<<case 'A'>>
<style>body {background-image: url('ressources/backgrounds/2A_1.webp')}</style>
<<case 'B'>>
<style>body {background-image: url('ressources/backgrounds/2A_2.webp')}</style>
body {
background-position: left;
#story {
margin: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
#passages {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
margin: 0;
height: 100vh;
.passage {
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
transition-property: none;
display: flex;
/* .passage-in, crazy tech. removes passage transition
.passage-out {
opacity: 0;
} */
.FISH_mainCont {
position: relative;
/* width: 100%; */
flex: 1;
min-width: 65vh;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
#FISH_pic {
position: absolute;
margin: auto;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 18vh;
width: 80vh;
max-width: 100%;
pointer-events: none;
#FISH_splash {
z-index: 1;
position: absolute;
margin: auto;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 18vh;
width: 80vh;
max-width: 100%;
pointer-events: none;
.FISH_paragraph {
pointer-events: none;
font-size: 2.5vh;
width: 90vh;
max-width: 100%;
opacity: 1;
position: absolute;
z-index: 3;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 80vh;
margin: auto;
border-radius: 1.481vh;
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
color: white;
padding: 1vw;
transition: opacity 1s ease-in;
.FISH_paragraph > p {
margin: 0.5em 1.3em;
#canvas-wrapper {
border: 5px solid black;
padding: 1.6vh;
background-image: url('ressources/icons/5A.webp');
background-size: cover;
border-radius: 1em;
width: 66px;
height: 579px;
position: absolute;
z-index: 3;
left: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin: auto;
margin-left: 50px;
transition: opacity 0.5s ease;
#canvas-wrapper > canvas {
height: 100%;
max-width: unset;
@media (max-width: 920px) {
#canvas-wrapper {
height: 350px !important;
padding: 2.2vh !important;
.FISH_successbox {
width: 70vh;
min-width: 60vh;
max-width: 100%;
padding: 1em;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 25vh;
margin: auto;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: 3;
text-align: center;
opacity: 0;
border-radius: 1.481vh;
/* animation: 2s fadeInOpacity 1s forwards; */
opacity: 0;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
color: white;
transition: all 0.5s ease;
pointer-events: none;
.FISH_successbox[enable] {
animation: 2s fadeInOpacity 1s forwards;
.FISH_successbox:hover {
0 0 0.5vw var(--neon-color-hover),
0 0 1.5vw var(--neon-color-hover),
inset 0 0 0.5vw var(--neon-color-hover),
inset 0 0 1.5vw var(--neon-color-hover);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
.FISH_successbox > img {
opacity: 0;
width: 0;
aspect-ratio: 1.8;
object-fit: cover;
pointer-events: none;
/* animation: 2s FISH_fade-in 1.5s forwards; */
.FISH_successbox[enable] > img {
animation: 2s FISH_fade-in 1.5s forwards;
@keyframes FISH_fade-in {
0% {
opacity: 0;
width: 0;
transform: translateY(50em);
} to {
opacity: 1;
width: 100%;
transform: translateY(0);
.FISH_successbox > .p1 {
font-size: 2.5vh;
text-align: center;
color: white;
pointer-events: none;
.FISH_successbox > .p2.name {
font-size: 2.1vh;
text-align: center;
color: white;
padding: 1vh 0;
pointer-events: none;
.FISH_successbox > .p2.desc {
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, transparent, rgba(0,0,0,0.4), rgba(0,0,0,0.4), transparent);
font-size: 2.5vh;
.DIAS_buttonCont {
position: absolute;
pointer-events: none;
opacity: 0;
display: flex;
bottom: 0;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%);
.DIAS_buttonCont[enable] {
pointer-events: all;
animation: 2s fadeInOpacity 1.0s forwards;
playAudio("music", "forestPeacewood");
- fish hardness
- fish presentation right side
function FISH_screenEvent_setup() {
function handleStart(e) {
// Only prevent default if we're in the active fishing states
if (window.FISH_var.state === 'reeling' || window.FISH_var.state === 'tugging') {
window.FISH_var.mouseDown = true;
if (window.FISH_var.state === 'reeling') {
if (window.FISH_var.reeling_canPull === true) {
} else if (window.FISH_var.state === 'tugging') {
if (window.FISH_var.tugging_started !== true) {
window.FISH_var.tugging_started = true;
function handleEnd(e) {
// Only prevent default if we're in the active fishing states
if (window.FISH_var.state === 'reeling' || window.FISH_var.state === 'tugging') {
window.FISH_var.mouseDown = false;
const passage = document.querySelector('.passage');
// Mouse events
passage.addEventListener('mousedown', handleStart);
passage.addEventListener('mouseup', handleEnd);
passage.addEventListener('mouseleave', handleEnd);
// Touch events
passage.addEventListener('touchstart', handleStart, { passive: false });
passage.addEventListener('touchend', handleEnd, { passive: false });
passage.addEventListener('touchcancel', handleEnd, { passive: false });
// Only prevent context menu during active fishing states
passage.addEventListener('contextmenu', (e) => {
if (window.FISH_var.state === 'reeling' || window.FISH_var.state === 'tugging') {
// Only prevent scrolling during active fishing states
passage.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => {
if (window.FISH_var.state === 'reeling' || window.FISH_var.state === 'tugging') {
}, { passive: false });
function FISH_reeling_start() {
let picElement = window.FISH_var.reeling_fishingRod_el;
let reelingSound = window.FISH_var.reeling_sound;
if (!window.FISH_var.reeling_canPull) {
// Reset the splash system
picElement.src = 'ressources/icons/5D.webp';
function FISH_reeling_end() {
let picElement = window.FISH_var.reeling_fishingRod_el;
let reelingSound = window.FISH_var.reeling_sound;
picElement.src = 'ressources/icons/5C.webp';
reelingSound.currentTime = 0;
function FISH_reeling_splashStart() {
if (window.FISH_var.state !== 'reeling') return;
let splashElement = window.FISH_var.reeling_splash_el;
let splashSound = window.FISH_var.reeling_splash_sound;
window.FISH_var.reeling_canPull = true;
splashElement.style.opacity = 1;
function FISH_reeling_splashEnd() {
//if (window.FISH_var.state !== 'reeling') return;
let splashElement = window.FISH_var.reeling_splash_el;
let splashSound = window.FISH_var.reeling_splash_sound;
window.FISH_var.reeling_canPull = false;
splashElement.style.opacity = 0;
function FISH_reelingSplash_setup() {
let splashElement = window.FISH_var.reeling_splash_el;
let delay = random(3,7) * 1000;
// Clear any existing timer
if (window.FISH_var.timer) {
window.FISH_var.timer = setInterval(() => {
if (!splashElement) {
delay = random(3,7) * 1000;
setTimeout(() => {
if (!splashElement) {
}, 1500);
}, delay);
// Add this cleanup function to call when exiting the fishing game
function FISH_cleanup() {
if (window.FISH_var.timer) {
window.FISH_var.reeling_canPull = false;
function FISH_tugging_start() {
// todo - remove tutorial para
let fishId = window.FISH_var.fishId;
let fishDiff = gameData.fishing.fishHardness[fishId];
= itemKey: power %, =
fishingRod: 20,
ancientFishingRod: 30,
hollowFishingRod: 40,
let power = 0;
for (let item in SV.inventory.menuInv.equipment.list) {
let itemEq = SV.inventory.menuInv.equipment.list[item];
let itemKey = itemEq.key;
if (!itemKey) { continue; }
let itemObj = gameData.inventory.items[itemKey];
if (!(itemObj.type == "equipment")) { continue; }
if (!(itemObj.type2 == "handheld")) { continue; }
if (!(itemObj.type3 == "fishingRod")) { continue; }
if (itemObj.power == undefined) { continue; }
power += itemObj.power;
fishDiff = fishDiff - fishDiff * (power / 100);
const pondSize = 568;
let trapBobber = false;
let leadBobber = true; // no bounce
let barbedHook = false;
//let treasureHunter = false;
let treasure = false;
let difficulty = fishDiff; // 30 to 70 is acceptable range
let behavior = "mixed";
let level = 0;
let barSize = 150 + 8 * level;
let barPos = pondSize - barSize;
let barVel = 0;
let fishPos = 508;
let fishVel = 0;
let fishBaseVel = 0;
let fishTarget = (1 - difficulty / 100) * 548;
let progress = 300;
let fishingTime = 0;
let inBarTime = 0;
let ctx = window.FISH_var.tugging_ctx;
let canvas = window.FISH_var.tugging_canvas;
function FISH_tugging_perTick() {
let mouseDown = window.FISH_var.mouseDown;
if (Math.random() < difficulty * (behavior === 'smooth' ? 0.005 : 0.00025) && (fishTarget === -1 || behavior !== 'smooth')) {
var percent = Math.min(99, difficulty + random(10, 45)) * 0.01;
fishTarget = fishPos + random(Math.ceil(-fishPos), Math.floor(pondSize - 20 - fishPos) * percent);
if (fishTarget != -1 && Math.abs(fishPos - fishTarget) > 3) {
var fishAccel = (fishTarget - fishPos) / (random(10, 30) + Math.max(0, 100 - difficulty));
fishVel += (fishAccel - fishVel) / 5;
} else if (behavior !== 'smooth' && Math.random() < 0.0005 * difficulty)
fishTarget = fishPos + (Math.random() < 0.5 ? random(-100, -51) : random(50, 101))
fishTarget = -1;
if (behavior === 'dart' && Math.random() < 0.001 * difficulty)
fishTarget = fishPos + (Math.random() < 0.5 ? random(-100 - difficulty * 2, -51) : random(50, 101 + difficulty * 2))
if (behavior === 'floater')
fishBaseVel = Math.max(fishBaseVel - 0.01, -1.5);
else if (behavior === 'sinker')
fishBaseVel = Math.min(fishBaseVel + 0.01, 1.5);
fishTarget = Math.max(-1, Math.min(fishTarget, pondSize - 20));
fishPos = Math.max(0, Math.min(fishPos + fishVel + fishBaseVel, pondSize - 36));
var wasInBar = (fishPos + 44 <= barPos + barSize || barPos >= pondSize - barSize - 4) && fishPos + 16 >= barPos;
var bacc = mouseDown ? -0.25 : 0.25
if (wasInBar) {
bacc *= 0.6;
progress += 2;
if (barbedHook) {
bacc *= 0.5;
if (fishPos + 16 < barPos + barSize / 2)
barVel -= 0.2;
barVel += 0.2;
} else {
if (trapBobber)
progress -= 2;
progress -= 3;
progress = Math.max(0, Math.min(progress, 1000));
barVel += bacc;
barPos += barVel;
// check for the bar hitting the edge
if (barPos < 0) {
barPos = 0;
barVel = mouseDown ? 0 : -2/3 * barVel;
} else if (barPos + barSize > pondSize) {
barPos = pondSize - barSize;
barVel = mouseDown ? 0 : (leadBobber ? -0.1 : -2/3) * barVel;
if (wasInBar)
//document.getElementById('accuracy').innerText = `Accuracy: ${Math.round(100 * inBarTime / fishingTime)}%`;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = 'transparent';
ctx.fillRect(6, 1, 32, pondSize);
ctx.fillStyle = 'lime';
if (!wasInBar)
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.4;
ctx.fillRect(5, 1 + barPos, 32, barSize);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
ctx.strokeRect(5, 1 + barPos, 32, barSize);
if (progress >= 1000) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'green';
} else if (progress <= 0) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
} else
ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow';
ctx.ellipse(22, 25 + fishPos, 15, 15, Math.PI / 4, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = 'lime';
ctx.fillRect(50, (1000 - progress) * 0.57, 16, progress * 0.57);
function FISH_tugging_end(goodEnd) {
if (goodEnd) {
console.log('good end');
} else {
console.log('bad end');
window.FISH_var.tugging_interval = setInterval(FISH_tugging_perTick, 16);
$(document).one(':passageinit', e => {
function FISH_tugging_resetCtx() {
let canvas = window.FISH_var.tugging_canvas;
let ctx = window.FISH_var.tugging_ctx;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
function FISH_reward_setupDom() {
let successbox = document.querySelector('.FISH_successbox');
let fishImg = successbox.querySelector('.fish');
let title2El = successbox.querySelector('.p2.name');
let descEl = successbox.querySelector('.p2.desc');
let fishObj = gameData.inventory.items[window.FISH_var.fishId];
// SFX
let sounds = [
"80A.mp3", // Common
"80B.mp3", // Uncommon
"80C.mp3", // Rare
"80D.mp3", // Epic
"80E.mp3", // Legendary
"80F.mp3", // Mythical
window.FISH_var.reward_sound.src = `ressources/sounds/${sounds[fishObj.rarity]}`;
// setup DOM
let rarityName = gameData.illustration.rarity[fishObj.rarity]?.name;
let rarityColor = gameData.illustration.rarity[fishObj.rarity]?.color;
fishImg.src = fishObj.image
title2El.innerHTML = `${fishObj.name} - ${rarityName}`;
title2El.style.color = rarityColor;
descEl.innerHTML = fishObj.description;
function FISH_reward_give() {
let fishObj = gameData.inventory.items[window.FISH_var.fishId];
// give achievement
SV.achievements.eventTrigger.firstSplashSuccess_1 = true;
if (fishObj.rarity === 4) {
SV.achievements.eventTrigger.masterBaiter_1 = true;
} else if (fishObj.rarity === 5) {
SV.achievements.eventTrigger.masterBaiter_1 = true;
SV.achievements.eventTrigger.pondsMaestro_1 = true;
//give fish
setTimeout(() => {
FISH_unlockedFish('set', window.FISH_var.fishId);
modVariable("add", "item", window.FISH_var.fishId, 1);
}, 2000);
function FISH_sideInfo_update() {
let fishesCont = document.querySelector('.IO_bigWindow');
if (!fishesCont) return; // fallback if passge change
//fishesCont.innerHTML = '';
let zoneId = SV.fishing.zoneId; // A, B, C.
let floorId = SV.fishing.floorId; // 1 to 21.
let fishList = gameData.fishing.list[zoneId][floorId]; // ex: { bass: 50, carp: 25, flounder: 15, tilapia: 8, laBarbotte: 2 }
for (let fishKey in fishList) {
let unlocked = FISH_unlockedFish('get', fishKey);
let oldFishCont = fishesCont.querySelector(`.IO_itemWindow[fishKey="${fishKey}"]`);
let img;
if (!oldFishCont) {
let odds = fishList[fishKey]; // ex: 50
let fishObj = gameData.inventory.items[fishKey];
let fishCont = document.createElement('div');
fishCont.setAttribute('fishKey', fishKey);
let imgCont = document.createElement('div');
img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = fishObj.image;
let desc = document.createElement('desc');
desc.innerHTML = `${odds}%`;
} else {
img = oldFishCont.querySelector('.imgCont > img');
if (!unlocked) img.setAttribute('disable', '');
else img.removeAttribute('disable');
function FISH_checkTuto() {
if (SV.tutorial.tutorialfishing === 1) {
let tutoReeling = document.querySelectorAll('.FISH_paragraph')[0];
let tutoTugging = document.querySelectorAll('.FISH_paragraph')[1];
SV.tutorial.tutorialfishing = 1;
tutoReeling.style.display = 'none';
tutoTugging.style.display = 'none';
function FISH_changeState(newState) {
let canvasWrapper = window.FISH_var.tugging_canvasWrapper;
let tutoReeling = document.querySelectorAll('.FISH_paragraph')[0];
let tutoTugging = document.querySelectorAll('.FISH_paragraph')[1];
let successbox = document.querySelector('.FISH_successbox');
let endButtons = document.querySelector('.DIAS_buttonCont');
if (newState === 'reeling') {
window.FISH_var.state = 'reeling';
window.FISH_var.tugging_started = false;
canvasWrapper.style.opacity = 0;
} else if (newState === 'tugging') {
window.FISH_var.state = 'tugging';
tutoReeling.style.opacity = 0;
tutoTugging.style.opacity = 1;
canvasWrapper.style.opacity = 1;
} else if (newState === 'rewardWon') {
window.FISH_var.state = 'rewardWon';
tutoTugging.style.opacity = 0;
canvasWrapper.style.opacity = 0;
successbox.setAttribute('enable', '');
endButtons.setAttribute('enable', '');
} else if (newState === 'rewardLost') {
window.FISH_var.state = 'rewardLost';
tutoTugging.style.opacity = 0;
canvasWrapper.style.opacity = 0;
endButtons.setAttribute('enable', '');
function FISH_unlockedFish(type, fishKey) {
// type: get OR set
let zoneId = SV.fishing.zoneId; // A, B, C.
let floorId = SV.fishing.floorId; // 1 to 21.
let fishList = gameData.fishing.list[zoneId][floorId]; // ex: { bass: 50, carp: 25, flounder: 15, tilapia: 8, laBarbotte: 2 }
let included = SV.fishing.unlockedList.includes(fishKey)
if (type === 'get') {
return included; // true or false
} else if (type === 'set') {
if (!included) SV.fishing.unlockedList.push(fishKey);
function FISH_redo() {
window.FISH_var.fishId = FISH_findRandFish();
function FISH_exit() {
let passage = SV.fishing.lastPassage;
passage = passage ?? 'MAIN MAP'; // fallback
function FISH_findRandFish() {
let zoneId = SV.fishing.zoneId; // A, B, C.
let floorId = SV.fishing.floorId; // 1 to 21.
let fishList = gameData.fishing.list[zoneId][floorId]; // ex: { bass: 50, carp: 25, flounder: 15, tilapia: 8, laBarbotte: 2 }
let rand = randb(1) * 100; // near 100
let oddsAccum = 0;
for (let fishKey in fishList) {
oddsAccum += fishList[fishKey];
if (rand <= oddsAccum) {
return fishKey;
return null; // should never happen
function FISH_init() {
window.FISH_var = {
state: 'reeling', // reeling OR tugging OR reward
mouseDown: false,
fishId: FISH_findRandFish(),
reeling_canPull: false, // can click to start tugging
reeling_fishingRod_el: document.getElementById('FISH_pic'),
reeling_sound: new Audio('ressources/sounds/5A.mp3'),
reeling_splash_el: document.getElementById('FISH_splash'),
reeling_splash_sound: new Audio('ressources/sounds/5B.mp3'),
tugging_canvasWrapper: document.getElementById('canvas-wrapper'),
tugging_canvas: document.getElementById('canvas'),
tugging_ctx: document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d'),
tugging_started: false,
tugging_interval: null,
reward_sound: new Audio(),
window.FISH_var.reeling_sound.volume = SugarCube.settings.sfx;
window.FISH_var.reeling_splash_sound.volume = SugarCube.settings.sfx;
window.FISH_var.reward_sound.volume = SugarCube.settings.sfx;
var menu = document.getElementById('overlayAngelaButton');
menu.onclick = () => {
var passage = SV.fishing.lastPassage;
passage = passage ?? 'MAIN MAP'; // fallback
// DEV
// SV.fishing.zoneId = 'A';
// SV.fishing.floorId = 1;
<div class="DIAS_container">
<div class="DIAS_message centered DIAS_active">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p><!-- content --></p>
<div class="containerloupe">
<span><!-- bras de la loupe --></span>
<div class="centerloupe">
<div class="wraploupe">
<div class="box-1 box">
<i class="fas fa-file-code"><img class="imgcar" src="ressources/icons/2E.webp"></i>
<i class="fas fa-file-code"><img class="imgcar" src="ressources/icons/2E.webp"></i>
<div class="box-2 box">
<i class="fas fa-file-code"><img class="imgcar" src="ressources/icons/2E.webp"></i>
<i class="fas fa-file-code"><img class="imgcar" src="ressources/icons/2E.webp"></i>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="SEGF_giveItemAndExit()">Take it</div>
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="SEGF_exitWithNoItem()">Leave it</div>
<div class="IO_container">
<div class="IO_bigWindow">
<!-- <div class="IO_itemWindow">
<div class="imgCont"><img src="ressources/icons/I1FA1.webp"></div>
</div> -->
#passages {
width: 150vh;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
padding-top: 10vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-evenly;
gap: 2vh
.DIAS_container {
width: 80vh;
padding-top: 5vh;
.DIAS_buttonCont {
width: 100%;
flex-direction: row;
.DIAS_buttonCont .DIAS_button {
/* min-width: 40vh; */
min-width: unset;
width: 50%;
.IO_itemWindow > .imgCont > img {
height: 100%;
.IO_itemWindow > desc {
width: 3.8em;
text-align: center;
.box > i {
font-size: 55px;
margin: 16px;
color: #F9C42F;
.containerloupe {
position: relative;
height: 10vh;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-top: 50px;
margin-bottom: 100px;
@media (max-width: 920px) {
.containerloupe {
display: none;
.containerloupe::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 210px;
width: 100px;
height: 32px;
border-radius: 100%;
background-color: rgba(222, 225, 228, 0.4);
animation-name: shadow-loop;
animation-duration: 0.7s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-timing-function: ease;
animation-direction: alternate;
.centerloupe {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 140px;
height: 140px;
border-radius: 100%;
background-color: #fff;
border: 9px solid #DEE1E4;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
animation-name: cloud-loop;
animation-duration: 0.7s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-timing-function: ease;
animation-direction: alternate;
background-size: cover;
backdrop-filter: blur(40px);
.wraploupe {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
flex-direction: row;
.containerloupe > span {
position: relative;
left: 112px;
top: 60px;
animation-name: cloud-loop;
animation-duration: 0.7s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-timing-function: ease;
animation-direction: alternate;
.containerloupe > span::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 50px;
height: 6px;
background-color: #DEE1E4;
transform: rotate(45deg);
.containerloupe > span::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
left: 30px;
top: 20px;
width: 36px;
height: 12px;
background-color: #DEE1E4;
transform: rotate(45deg);
border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
.box-1 {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
animation: 1s rowup-1 linear infinite normal;
.box-2 {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
animation: 1s rowup-2 linear infinite normal;
/* animation */
@keyframes rowup-1 {
0% {transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)}
to {transform: translate3d(50%, 0, 0)}
@keyframes rowup-2 {
0% {transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)}
to {transform: translate3d(50%, 0, 0)}
@keyframes cloud-loop {
0% {transform: translate(0, 15px)}
to {transform: translate(0, 0)}
@keyframes shadow-loop {
0% {transform: translate(0, -35px) scale(1.15, 0.25)}
to {transform: translate(0, -35px) scale(1, 0.25)}
.dr {
position: absolute;
bottom: 16px;
right: 16px;
.text {
padding-bottom: 140px;
.imgcar {
width: 5vh;
margin-top: 3vh;
.wraploupe[rarity="0"] .imgcar { /* Common - white */
filter: invert(100%) sepia(0%) saturate(1%) hue-rotate(67deg) brightness(108%) contrast(101%);
.wraploupe[rarity="1"] .imgcar { /* Uncommon - green */
filter: invert(25%) sepia(57%) saturate(4002%) hue-rotate(114deg) brightness(96%) contrast(73%);
.wraploupe[rarity="2"] .imgcar { /* Rare - blue */
filter: invert(40%) sepia(83%) saturate(1984%) hue-rotate(193deg) brightness(103%) contrast(100%);
.wraploupe[rarity="3"] .imgcar { /* Epic - purple */
filter: invert(10%) sepia(60%) saturate(5496%) hue-rotate(291deg) brightness(103%) contrast(115%);
.wraploupe[rarity="4"] .imgcar { /* Legendary - gold */
filter: invert(86%) sepia(33%) saturate(1232%) hue-rotate(353deg) brightness(97%) contrast(109%);
.wraploupe[rarity="5"] .imgcar { /* Mythic - red */
filter: invert(14%) sepia(92%) saturate(7178%) hue-rotate(0deg) brightness(97%) contrast(113%);
var SEGV_lastPassage;
var SEGV_zoneId; // A, B, C, D, E (border, green, blue, red, black)
var SEGV_floorId; // 1, 2, 3, ...
var SEGV_data;
var SEGV_itemKey; // the randomly chosen item key
var SEGV_selectedReward; // to store the selected reward type
function SEGF_sideInfo_update() {
let oddsCont = document.querySelector('.IO_bigWindow');
if (!oddsCont) return; // fallback if passge change
//oddsCont.innerHTML = '';
let zoneId = SEGV_zoneId;
let floorId = SEGV_floorId;
let oddsData = gameData.equipmentSearch.list[zoneId][floorId]?.rewards; // ex: { brokenBorderChestplate: 23, brokenBorderBoots: 23, brokenBorderHandheld: 31, brokenBorderHelmet: 23 }
for (let itemKey in oddsData) {
let unlocked = true;
let oldOddCont = oddsCont.querySelector(`.IO_itemWindow[itemKey="${itemKey}"]`);
let img;
if (!oldOddCont) {
let odds = oddsData[itemKey]; // ex: 23
let itemStaObj = gameData.inventory.items[itemKey];
let oddCont = document.createElement('div');
oddCont.setAttribute('itemKey', itemKey);
let imgCont = document.createElement('div');
img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = itemStaObj.image;
let desc = document.createElement('desc');
desc.innerHTML = `${odds}%`;
} else {
img = oldOddCont.querySelector('.imgCont > img');
if (!unlocked) img.setAttribute('disable', '');
else img.removeAttribute('disable');
function SEGF_setRandomItem() {
SEGV_data = gameData.equipmentSearch.list[SEGV_zoneId][SEGV_floorId];
// Get rewards probabilities
let rewards = SEGV_data.rewards; // ex: rewards: { godlyBorderChestplate: 23, godlyBorderBoots: 23, godlyBorderHandheld: 31, godlyBorderHelmet: 23 }
let total = 0;
let probabilities = [];
// Calculate total and create probability array
for (let key in rewards) {
total += rewards[key]; // near 100. (needs to be calculated because it is not exactly 100 total)
key: key,
probability: rewards[key]
// Random selection based on probabilities
let rand = Math.random() * total;
let current = 0;
for (let prob of probabilities) {
current += prob.probability;
if (rand <= current) {
SEGV_selectedReward = prob.key;
// Set the item key based on the selected reward type
SEGV_itemKey = SEGV_selectedReward;
function SEGF_updateContent() {
let textDiv = document.querySelector('.DIAS_text > p');
textDiv.innerHTML = SEGV_data.dialogues;
// Extract rarity from item name (e.g., "brokenBorderChestplate" -> "broken")
let rarityMap = {
"broken": 0,
"basic": 1,
"great": 2,
"advanced": 3,
"supreme": 4,
"godly": 5
let rarity = rarityMap[SEGV_selectedReward.match(/^[a-z]+/)[0]];
let wraploupeDiv = document.querySelector('.wraploupe');
wraploupeDiv.setAttribute('rarity', rarity);
function SEGF_giveItemAndExit() {
type: "item",
key: SEGV_itemKey,
applyType: "add",
applyValue: 1,
function SEGF_exitWithNoItem() {
function SEGF_minigamesBackground() {
const backgrounds = {
A: 'ressources/backgrounds/WA.webm', // Border
B: 'ressources/backgrounds/WB.webm', // Green
C: 'ressources/backgrounds/WC.webm', // Blue
D: 'ressources/backgrounds/WD.webm', // Red
E: 'ressources/backgrounds/WE.webm' // Black
// Initialize
SEGV_lastPassage = SV.equipmentSearch.lastPassage;
SEGV_zoneId = SV.equipmentSearch.zoneId;
SEGV_floorId = SV.equipmentSearch.floorId;
if (!gameData.equipmentSearch.list[SEGV_zoneId]?.[SEGV_floorId]) {
throw new Error(`Contact devs please. no data found for this combination: ${SEGV_zoneId}, ${SEGV_floorId}`);
} else {
<div class="DIAS_container">
<div class="DIAS_message centered DIAS_active">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p><!-- content --></p>
<div class="containerloupe">
<span><!-- bras de la loupe --></span>
<div class="centerloupe">
<div class="wraploupe">
<div class="box-1 box">
<i class="fas fa-file-code"><img class="imgcar" src="ressources/icons/2E.webp"></i>
<i class="fas fa-file-code"><img class="imgcar" src="ressources/icons/2E.webp"></i>
<div class="box-2 box">
<i class="fas fa-file-code"><img class="imgcar" src="ressources/icons/2E.webp"></i>
<i class="fas fa-file-code"><img class="imgcar" src="ressources/icons/2E.webp"></i>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="SMGF_giveItemAndExit()">Take it</div>
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="SMGF_exitWithNoItem()">Leave it</div>
<div class="IO_container">
<div class="IO_bigWindow">
<!-- <div class="IO_itemWindow">
<div class="imgCont"><img src="ressources/icons/I1FA1.webp"></div>
</div> -->
#passages {
width: 150vh;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
padding-top: 10vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-evenly;
gap: 2vh
.DIAS_container {
position: relative;
width: 80vh;
padding-top: 5vh;
.DIAS_buttonCont {
width: 100%;
flex-direction: row;
.DIAS_buttonCont .DIAS_button {
/* min-width: 40vh; */
min-width: unset;
width: 50%;
.IO_itemWindow > .imgCont > img {
height: 100%;
.IO_itemWindow > desc {
width: 3.8em;
text-align: center;
.box > i {
font-size: 55px;
margin: 16px;
color: #F9C42F;
.containerloupe {
position: relative;
height: 120px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-top: 50px;
margin-bottom: 100px;
@media (max-width: 920px) {
.containerlouper {
display: none;
.containerloupe::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 210px;
width: 100px;
height: 32px;
border-radius: 100%;
background-color: rgba(222, 225, 228, 0.4);
animation-name: shadow-loop;
animation-duration: 0.7s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-timing-function: ease;
animation-direction: alternate;
.centerloupe {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 140px;
height: 140px;
border-radius: 100%;
background-color: #fff;
border: 9px solid #DEE1E4;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
animation-name: cloud-loop;
animation-duration: 0.7s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-timing-function: ease;
animation-direction: alternate;
background-size: cover;
backdrop-filter: blur(40px);
.wraploupe {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
flex-direction: row;
.containerloupe > span {
position: relative;
left: 112px;
top: 60px;
animation-name: cloud-loop;
animation-duration: 0.7s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-timing-function: ease;
animation-direction: alternate;
.containerloupe > span::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 50px;
height: 6px;
background-color: #DEE1E4;
transform: rotate(45deg);
.containerloupe > span::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
left: 30px;
top: 20px;
width: 36px;
height: 12px;
background-color: #DEE1E4;
transform: rotate(45deg);
border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
.box-1 {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
animation: 1s rowup-1 linear infinite normal;
.box-2 {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
animation: 1s rowup-2 linear infinite normal;
/* animation */
@keyframes rowup-1 {
0% {transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)}
to {transform: translate3d(50%, 0, 0)}
@keyframes rowup-2 {
0% {transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)}
to {transform: translate3d(50%, 0, 0)}
@keyframes cloud-loop {
0% {transform: translate(0, 15px)}
to {transform: translate(0, 0)}
@keyframes shadow-loop {
0% {transform: translate(0, -35px) scale(1.15, 0.25)}
to {transform: translate(0, -35px) scale(1, 0.25)}
.dr {
position: absolute;
bottom: 16px;
right: 16px;
.text {
padding-bottom: 140px;
.imgcar {
width: 5vh;
margin-top: 3vh;
.wraploupe[rarity="0"] .imgcar { /* Common - white */
filter: invert(100%) sepia(0%) saturate(1%) hue-rotate(67deg) brightness(108%) contrast(101%);
.wraploupe[rarity="1"] .imgcar { /* Uncommon - green */
filter: invert(25%) sepia(57%) saturate(4002%) hue-rotate(114deg) brightness(96%) contrast(73%);
.wraploupe[rarity="2"] .imgcar { /* Rare - blue */
filter: invert(40%) sepia(83%) saturate(1984%) hue-rotate(193deg) brightness(103%) contrast(100%);
.wraploupe[rarity="3"] .imgcar { /* Epic - purple */
filter: invert(10%) sepia(60%) saturate(5496%) hue-rotate(291deg) brightness(103%) contrast(115%);
.wraploupe[rarity="4"] .imgcar { /* Legendary - gold */
filter: invert(86%) sepia(33%) saturate(1232%) hue-rotate(353deg) brightness(97%) contrast(109%);
.wraploupe[rarity="5"] .imgcar { /* Mythic - red */
filter: invert(14%) sepia(92%) saturate(7178%) hue-rotate(0deg) brightness(97%) contrast(113%);
.SMGV_bonusCont {
position: absolute;
top: 3vh; /* wut, idk */
transform: translateY(-100%);
font-size: 2vh;
padding: 0.5em 1em;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: 1em;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
border-radius: 0.5em;
box-shadow: 0 0 0.25vh var(--neon-color), 0 0 0.5vh var(--neon-color), inset 0 0 0.25vh var(--neon-color), inset 0 0 0.5vh var(--neon-color);
.SMGV_bonusCont > .imgCont {
position: relative;
height: 2em;
width: 2em;
margin: 0 1em;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.SMGV_bonusCont > .imgCont > img {
position: absolute;
height: 200%;
/* console.log("gameData.materialSearch:", gameData.materialSearch);
console.log("Zone ID:", SMGV_zoneId);
console.log("Floor ID:", SMGV_floorId); */
var SMGV_lastPassage;
var SMGV_zoneId;
var SMGV_floorId;
var SMGV_data;
var SMGV_itemKey;
var SMGV_selectedReward; // Ajout de cette variable manquante
function SMGV_sideInfo_update() {
let oddsCont = document.querySelector('.IO_bigWindow');
if (!oddsCont) return; // fallback if passge change
/* oddsCont.innerHTML = ''; */
let zoneId = SMGV_zoneId;
let floorId = SMGV_floorId;
let oddsData = gameData.materialSearch.list[zoneId][floorId]?.rewards; /* ex: { coal: 35, metalChain: 40, obsidian: 20, darkSapphire: 5 } */
// near 100
let cumulative = 0;
let total = Object.values(oddsData).reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);
for (let itemKey in oddsData) {
let unlocked = true;
let odds = oddsData[itemKey]; // ex: 23
let realOdds = getOdd(cumulative / total, (cumulative + odds) / total, 1)
cumulative += odds
realOdds = Math.round(realOdds * 10) / 10;
let oldOddCont = oddsCont.querySelector(`.IO_itemWindow[itemKey="${itemKey}"]`);
let img;
let desc;
if (!oldOddCont) {
let itemStaObj = gameData.inventory.items[itemKey];
let oddCont = document.createElement('div');
oddCont.setAttribute('itemKey', itemKey);
let imgCont = document.createElement('div');
img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = itemStaObj.image;
desc = document.createElement('desc');
} else {
img = oldOddCont.querySelector('.imgCont > img');
desc = oldOddCont.querySelector('desc');
desc.innerHTML = `${realOdds}%`;
if (!unlocked) img.setAttribute('disable', '');
else img.removeAttribute('disable');
function SMGF_setRandomItem() {
SMGV_data = gameData.materialSearch.list[SMGV_zoneId][SMGV_floorId];
// Get rewards probabilities
let rewards = SMGV_data.rewards;
// ex: rewards F1: { stone: 45, bone: 45, sand: 10 }
// ex: rewards F5: { stone: 10, bone: 10, sand: 10, screw: 30, smallRope: 40 }
// ex: rewards F13: { coal: 35, metalChain: 40, obsidian: 20, darkSapphire: 5 }
let total = 0;
let probabilities = [];
// Calculate total and create probability array
for (let key in rewards) {
total += rewards[key]; // near 100. (needs to be calculated because it is not exactly 100 total)
key: key,
probability: rewards[key]
// Random selection based on probabilities
let rand = randb(1) * total; // near 100
let current = 0;
for (let prob of probabilities) {
current += prob.probability;
if (rand <= current) {
SMGV_selectedReward = prob.key;
// Set the item key based on the selected reward type
SMGV_itemKey = SMGV_selectedReward;
function SMGF_updateContent() {
let textDiv = document.querySelector('.DIAS_text > p');
textDiv.innerHTML = SMGV_data.dialogues;
// Extract rarity from item name
let rarityMap = {
"broken": 0,
"basic": 1,
"great": 2,
"advanced": 3,
"supreme": 4,
"godly": 5
let rarity = rarityMap[SMGV_selectedReward.match(/^[a-z]+/)[0]];
let wraploupeDiv = document.querySelector('.wraploupe');
wraploupeDiv.setAttribute('rarity', rarity);
function SMGF_giveItemAndExit() {
type: "item",
key: SMGV_itemKey,
applyType: "add",
applyValue: 1,
function SMGF_exitWithNoItem() {
function SMGF_minigamesBackground() {
const backgrounds = {
A: 'ressources/backgrounds/WA.webm',
B: 'ressources/backgrounds/WB.webm',
C: 'ressources/backgrounds/WC.webm',
D: 'ressources/backgrounds/WD.webm',
E: 'ressources/backgrounds/WE.webm'
// Initialize
SMGV_lastPassage = SV.materialSearch.lastPassage;
SMGV_zoneId = SV.materialSearch.zoneId;
SMGV_floorId = SV.materialSearch.floorId;
if (!gameData.materialSearch.list[SMGV_zoneId]?.[SMGV_floorId]) {
throw new Error(`Contact devs please. no data found for this combination: ${SMGV_zoneId}, ${SMGV_floorId}`);
} else {
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: As awareness slowly returns to you, the fuzzy shapes and muted voices hovering above gradually come into focus. Blinking rapidly, the concerned faces of your $[characters.list.cherie.role] Cherie and $[characters.list.elfie.role] Lana and Elfie sharpen before your eyes.
Cherie: [placing a hand on your forehead](feeling relieved he's finally awake) Oh thank heavens, you're awake! We've been so worried about you!
Elfie: [bouncing excitedly and leaning in close](Yay he's awake!) $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]!! You're awake!
Narrator: Before Elfie can pounce on you in her enthusiasm, Cherie gently pulls her back.
Cherie: [guiding Elfie back](Don't overwhelm him dear) Easy Elfie, let's give him some space. I need to check his vitals.
Narrator: As Cherie checks your pulse and breathing, Lana stands back with her arms crossed, a scowl on her face.
Lana: [rolling her eyes](Typical $[characters.list.lana.player_role] worrying us again) Ugh, about time you woke up! Do you have any idea how much you freaked us out passing out like that?
Cherie: [focusing on your vital signs](Pulse is strong, breathing is steady) Try not to move too much, you've been out for quite a while. We found you collapsed out there and couldn't recover your gear. I'm afraid it's been lost.
Elfie: [watching you with wide, concerned eyes](I hope he's feeling better now) You gave us such a big scare $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Please be more careful, we were so worried!
Narrator: As Cherie helps you slowly sit up, the details come back - your relentless scavenging runs, pushing your body to the brink until you finally collapsed from exhaustion. With no one to stimulate your release, the virus has progressed unchecked in your system while you were unconscious.
Lana: [shaking her head in frustration](He never thinks before he acts) Seriously, using up all your energy like that? You know what happens when you get too strung out! What were you thinking being so reckless?
Cherie: [supporting you steadily](Take it slow now) I know you feel driven to provide for us, but you must remember to care for yourself as well. We can't have you burn out like this again, it's too dangerous in your condition. Please, try to be more mindful from now on.
Elfie: [giving your hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze](I'll help take care of you!) Don't push yourself so hard $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I'll help support you however I can so you don't have to do everything alone!
Lana: [lightly smacking your shoulder](You idiot, you really messed up this time) Next time use your head before you do something stupid like that again! If you need help, ask us instead of running yourself ragged!
Cherie: [stroking your hair soothingly](My sweet boy, I know it's difficult but we're here for you) I know it can't be easy managing the virus like this. But please remember, you don't have to shoulder this burden alone. We're your family, let us support you. You just focus on recovering your strength for now.
Narrator: The concerned love radiating from your $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role] wraps around you like a warm blanket. Despite Lana's harsh words, you know she cares deeply too. Gazing at the three women who mean everything to you, relief and gratitude well up within. With their help, you feel certain you'll get through this stronger than ever.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
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const dialog = `
The acrid smell of ozone hangs heavy in the air as you and Gabbie catch your breath. The defeated MAD Executioner ran away, there is craters on the ground, a testament to the intense battle you've just survived. Your muscles ache, but a surge of pride courses through you.
You: [Wiping sweat from your brow] "That was... intense. You okay, Gabbie?"
Gabbie: [Nodding, her chest heaving] "Yeah, I'm good. But we should keep moving. There's no telling what else is lurking around here."
As you venture deeper into the heart of The Border's final sector, the air grows thick with an oppressive, electric charge. The dilapidated buildings pulse with an eerie, violet glow, the virus's presence more concentrated than ever before.
You: [Skin tingling uncomfortably] "Fuck, you feel that? It's like the virus is alive here."
Gabbie: [Shivering] "It's... it's so strong. We need to be careful."
Suddenly, the ground beneath your feet begins to tremble. Cracks appear in the pavement, oozing a viscous, glowing liquid that seems to reach out towards you both.
You: [Jumping back] "Shit! Move!"
You and Gabbie sprint through the deteriorating landscape, dodging tendrils of virus-infused matter that erupt from the ground and walls. Your hearts race, the virus in your blood singing with a perverse excitement that conflicts with your survival instincts.
As you round a corner, you come face to face with a massive, fortified structure. Unlike the crumbling ruins surrounding it, this building stands pristine, its walls a gleaming black that seems to absorb light.
Before you can catch your breath, a holographic projection flickers to life before the building's entrance. The image wavers before settling into the form of a man, his features blurred but his presence imposing.
Hologram: "Welcome to the future of humanity. The virus is not our end, but our beginning. Here, we forge the path to our species' true potential."
You: [Panting, eyes wide] "What the hell?"
Gabbie: [Face pale, voice barely a whisper] "No... it can't be. Grandpa?"
The moment the word leaves her lips, Gabbie claps her hands over her mouth, realizing her mistake.
You: [Whipping around to face her] "Grandpa? Gabbie, what are you talking about?"
Before she can respond, the building's defenses activate. Swarms of nanobots, glowing with viral energy, pour out of hidden vents, forming a whirling, deadly cloud.
You: [Grabbing Gabbie's arm] "Run! Now!"
As you flee, the nanobots give chase, their collective buzz drowning out the hologram's continued monologue. The virus in your blood responds to the danger, flooding your system with adrenaline and heightening every sensation.
You and Gabbie weave through the decaying cityscape, the nanobots hot on your heels. Suddenly, you spot a half-collapsed building with a narrow opening.
You: [Pointing] "There! We can lose them in there!"
You dive through the opening, Gabbie right behind you. The nanobots slam into the debris, unable to follow. Inside, you find yourselves in a dimly lit, claustrophobic space.
You: [Turning to Gabbie, breathing hard] "Alright, spill it. What was that about? Who's your grandfather?"
Gabbie: [Backing away, shaking her head] "I... I can't tell you. Please, just drop it."
You: [Stepping closer, frustration and curiosity warring within you] "No way. This is too big to just ignore. Talk to me, Gabbie."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Fine, keep your secrets. We need to focus on getting out of here." (Trust/Lust requirements not met)]]
[[Branch B: "Gabbie, please. Whatever it is, we're in this together. You can trust me." (Trust/Lust requirements met)]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
Gabbie: [Relief washing over her face] "Thank you. You're right, we need to focus on survival right now."
You nod, pushing down your curiosity and frustration. As you turn to assess your surroundings, you can't shake the feeling that a crucial piece of the puzzle has just slipped through your fingers.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
Gabbie: [Her resolve hardening] "I... I can't. I'm sorry, but I just can't talk about this. Please understand."
You: [Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder] "Gabbie, we're in this together. Whatever it is, we can face it."
Gabbie takes a deep breath, her eyes meeting yours with a mix of fear and determination.
Gabbie: "I know you want answers, but I can't give them to you. Not now, maybe not ever. Please, just trust me when I say it's better this way."
As you and Gabbie grapple with the weight of her refusal to explain, the virus's presence in the air intensifies. The walls of your shelter seem to pulse with an eerie, violet light, and the air grows thick and heavy.
You: [Sweat beading on your forehead] "Is it getting hotter in here, or is it just me?"
Gabbie: [Fanning herself, her cheeks flushed] "No, I feel it too. The virus... it's so strong here."
The viral energy in the air seems to seep into your very pores, igniting a fire in your veins. Your skin becomes hypersensitive, every brush of fabric against your body sending shivers of pleasure through you.
Gabbie: [Whimpering softly] "I can't... I can't think straight. Everything feels so..."
You watch as Gabbie unconsciously runs her hands over her body, her nipples visibly hardening through her shirt. The thin fabric clings to her sweat-slicked skin, outlining every curve and valley of her breasts. Your own body responds in kind, your cock swelling painfully against the confines of your pants, a visible bulge forming that you can't hide.
You: [Voice husky, fighting against the urge to touch yourself] "We need to... to control ourselves. The virus is affecting us."
But even as you say the words, your eyes are drawn to the curve of Gabbie's breasts, the way her body moves as she squirms in discomfort and arousal. You can see the outline of her erect nipples, practically begging to be touched, sucked, worshipped. The rational part of your mind screams that this is wrong, that you need to focus on escaping, but the virus-addled part of you wants nothing more than to give in to these primal urges.
Gabbie: [Meeting your gaze, her eyes dark with lust] "I know we shouldn't, but... God, I want to touch you so badly. I've never felt anything like this before."
You take a step towards her, your hand reaching out almost of its own accord. This time, you don't stop. Your fingers brush against her flushed skin, and it's like an electric current passing between you.
Gabbie: [Gasping at the contact] "Oh God... your touch... it's..."
You: [Shaking your head to clear it, your cock throbbing painfully] "Fuck, we need to get out of here. The virus is too strong."
Gabbie nods, but as she moves to follow you, she stumbles, her legs weak with arousal. You catch her, pulling her against your body. Her shirt flies up. The moment your fingers touches hers, it's like an electric shock coursing through both of your bodies. Your cock twitches, pressing against her thigh, and you feel her shudder in response.
Gabbie: [Breathlessly] "Oh God... I can feel you. You're so hard..."
Your hands, seemingly with a mind of their own, roam over her body, feeling the heat radiating from her skin. Gabbie's breath comes in short gasps, her chest heaving, nipples straining against her shirt.
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "We can't do this. We need to focus on escaping." (Trust/Lust requirements not met)]]
[[Branch B: "Maybe... maybe we should help each other relieve some of this tension." (Trust/Lust requirements met)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
You: [Forcing yourself to let go of Gabbie] "No, we can't. We need to keep our heads clear."
Gabbie: [Nodding, her face a mix of relief and disappointment] "You're right. Let's... let's just find a way out of here."
With great effort, you both push down your arousal and focus on finding an escape route. The sexual tension between you remains palpable, but for now, survival takes precedence.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice trembling] "Gabbie, I... I don't think I can hold back much longer."
Gabbie: [Pressing herself against you] "Me neither. Just... just a little relief. To clear our heads."
Your hands roam over each other's bodies, the touch sending waves of pleasure through your virus-enhanced nervous systems. You can't help but stare, mesmerized by the beads of sweat trailing down her skin.
Gabbie: [Arching her back] "Touch me... please..."
Your mouth finds hers in a desperate, hungry kiss. Your hands cup her breasts, thumbs circling her nipples. Gabbie moans into your mouth, her hips grinding against your thigh.
Just as things are about to escalate further, you hear a familiar voice calling out.
Lana: [Muffled] "$[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Gabbie? Are you down there?"
You and Gabbie freeze, the spell momentarily broken.
You: [Calling back, voice strained] "Lana? Don't come down here! The virus concentration is too high!"
Despite your warning, you hear Lana's footsteps approaching. She appears at the entrance to your shelter, her eyes widening as she takes in the scene before her - you and Gabbie, flushed and disheveled, hands all over each other.
Lana: [Shock turning to anger] "What the actual fuck is going on here? Are you two seriously getting it on in this shithole?"
Before you can explain, the viral energy in the air hits Lana like a tidal wave. You watch as her expression changes, anger melting into confusion, then unmistakable lust.
Lana: [Swaying slightly, her voice a mix of rage and growing arousal] "What... what the hell is this? I feel so... No, fuck this, it's your fault, isn't it, you pervert?"
You: [Desperately trying to maintain control] "Lana, you need to leave. Now. The virus here, it's too strong."
But it's too late. Lana's body responds to the viral influence, her skin flushing, nipples hardening visibly through her shirt. With a growl of frustration, she tears at her clothes, her usual bravado crumbling under the weight of the virus's influence.
Lana: [Voice husky, struggling against her own actions] "It's so hot. I need... No, I shouldn't... but I need... Fuck you, $[characters.list.lana.player_role], this is all your fault!"
You watch in a mixture of horror and arousal as your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s body reacts to the virus. Her athletic frame, usually a source of pride and nothing more, suddenly becomes the focus of your attention. Her shirt comes off, revealing her toned abs and perky breasts, smaller than Gabbie's but perfectly formed. The rational part of your mind screams that this is wrong, but the virus in your blood sings with desire.
Gabbie: [Whimpering, her own clothes starting to come off] "We can't... it's too much... but I can't stop..."
But even as she says this, Gabbie's eyes are locked on Lana's body, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. Lana's gaze, in turn, is fixed on the visible bulge in your pants.
Lana: [Moving closer, her voice a mix of anger, confusion, and desire] "I've never... I've never felt like this before. So hot, so... needy. This is fucked up, but I can't... I can't stop looking at you, you bastard."
The three of you gravitate towards each other, hands reaching out and making contact. Bodies aching for more. The air is thick with pheromones and viral energy, pushing you towards a point of no return.
You can feel the heat radiating from both women, see the way their chests heave with each breath. Your own body throbs with need, your cock painfully hard, pre-cum soaking through your underwear.
Lana: [Her usual confidence warring with shame, but her anger still evident] "Fuck, I shouldn't be looking, but... I need to see it. Take it out, you asshole. Now!"
Your hands move of their own accord, unzipping your pants and freeing your throbbing member. Both Lana and Gabbie gasp at the sight, their eyes wide with a mixture of awe and hunger.
Gabbie: [Licking her lips] "It's... it's so big. I've never seen anything like it."
Lana: [Trying to maintain her aloof attitude but failing, her voice a mix of awe and anger] "Holy shit, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. When did you get so... fuck, I shouldn't be thinking this. This is your fault, making me feel this way!"
***START - Choice 3***
[[Branch A: "No! We have to fight this. We're family, for fuck's sake!" (Trust/Lust requirements not met)]]
[[Branch B: "Maybe... maybe we should just let go. Just this once." (Trust/Lust requirements met)]]
***START - Choice 3 - Branch A***
With a Herculean effort, you force yourself to step back, putting distance between yourself and the two women.
You: [Voice shaking] "No. We can't do this. We're family. This is wrong. We need to get out of here, now."
Lana and Gabbie look at you with a mixture of disappointment and relief. Slowly, painfully, you all begin to gather yourselves, fighting against the virus's influence.
***START - Choice 3 - Branch B***
You: [Voice thick with lust] "I can't... I can't fight it anymore."
Lana: [Moving closer, her hand grabbing your chest roughly] "Then don't. Let's just feel good together. Who cares if we're family? Nothing matters but this feeling. But don't think I'm doing this because I like you, asshole."
Gabbie: [Pressing against your back] "Just this once. To relieve the pressure. We need this."
Your hands roam over their bodies, feeling the heat radiating from their skin. You can smell their arousal, see the way their bodies tremble with need. Lana, usually so strong and in control, looks at you with a vulnerability you've never seen before, though her eyes still flash with anger. Gabbie's eyes are dark with lust, her usual shyness completely gone.
You: [Struggling to maintain some semblance of control] (This is wrong. So wrong. But God, I want it so badly.)
Lana: [Her voice a husky whisper, tinged with frustration] "I've... I've always wondered what it would be like. To be with you like this. Fuck, I hate that I want this."
Gabbie: [Breath hot against your neck] "Please... I need..."
The virus pushes you further, your inhibitions crumbling. Before you can stop yourself, you find your mouth on Lana's breast, tongue swirling around her nipple. She gasps, her hand tangling in your hair, pulling roughly.
Lana: [Moaning] "Fuck... we shouldn't... but don't stop... I'll kill you if you stop..."
Gabbie, not to be left out, presses herself against your back, her hands roaming over your muscled chest. You feel her teeth graze your shoulder, sending shivers down your spine.
Just as you're about to lose yourself completely in this taboo, virus-fueled frenzy, a new voice cuts through the haze of lust.
Cherie: [From above] "Oh my God! What are you doing? Stop this immediately!"
Cherie's voice cuts through the air like a knife, momentarily snapping you out of your virus-induced frenzy. You look up to see her standing at the top of the entrance, her eyes wide with shock and horror.
You: [Shouting, voice hoarse with need] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]! Don't come down here! The virus concentration is too high!"
Lana: [Anger flaring through her lust] "Fuck off, $[characters.list.cherie.role]! This is none of your business!"
Cherie: [Her voice stern but wavering] "I'm coming down there right now to put a stop to this madness!"
You and Lana both cry out in protest, but Cherie has already started making her way down. You watch in a mixture of dread and lingering arousal as she navigates the debris, getting closer and closer to the virus-saturated air.
Cherie: [As she descends] "I can't believe what I'm seeing. My own children... and Gabbie... What has gotten into you all?"
As Cherie reaches the bottom, the viral energy engulfs her. You watch in a mixture of horror and renewed arousal as your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s body responds to the virus, her skin flushing, her ample breasts heaving with each breath. Her rear end shaking by itself.
Cherie: [Voice trembling] "I... I can't... it's so strong... No, I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], I shouldn't..."
The last threads of your collective restraint snap. Before Cherie can react, you, Lana, and Gabbie are upon her, hands tearing at her clothes. She tries to resist, but as the virus takes hold, her protests turn to moans of pleasure.
Cherie: [Gasping as her clothes are torn away] "No, we can't... I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]... but it feels so good..."
Her mature but still incredibly sexy body is revealed. Her large breasts, barely affected by gravity despite her age, bounce free. Her pussy, surprisingly bare, glistens with arousal.
You find yourself surrounded by the naked, willing bodies of your family and Gabbie. Moans and whimpers fill the air. Your cock stands at full attention, throbbing and angry red, pre-cum beading at the tip.
Lana: [Eyes fixed on your cock, her usual bratty attitude warring with lust] "God, I never realized how big... I mean, I shouldn't be looking, but... Fuck, $[characters.list.lana.player_role], when did you get so ripped? I hate that I want you so bad."
Gabbie: [Licking her lips] "I want to taste... No, we shouldn't, but... Your body, it's like a Greek god..."
Cherie: [Struggling to maintain her motherly composure] "This is wrong. We're family. But... oh God, I've never felt anything like this. My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], when did you become such a man?"
You: [Mind reeling] (This is my family. My $[characters.list.cherie.role], my $[characters.list.lana.role]. I shouldn't be seeing them like this, shouldn't be wanting this. But fuck, I've never been so turned on in my life.)
The virus pushes you further. You find yourself behind Lana, your teeth grazing her ass cheek. She yelps, a mixture of surprise and pleasure, before growling and pushing back against you.
Lana: [Gasping] "Fuck, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... your teeth... we shouldn't... but don't you dare stop, you bast-"
Her words are cut off as Gabbie suddenly appears, capturing Lana's mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. Your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s eyes widen in shock before fluttering closed, giving in to the sensation.
You can't tear your eyes away from the sight of your $[characters.list.lana.role] and Gabbie locked in a taboo embrace. The scent of Lana's arousal fills your nostrils, her pussy mere inches from your face, glistening with need. You can see every fold, every detail of your sister's most intimate area, and the wrongness of it only seems to fuel your desire.
Cherie: [Moaning] "No, we can't... I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]... but it feels so good..."
You find yourself drawn to Cherie, laying your head in her naked lap. Her breasts, full and mature, hang tantalizingly above you. Without thinking, you latch onto a nipple, suckling like you did as an infant, but now with an entirely different intent.
Cherie: [Gasping, her eyes rolling back] "Oh God, baby... $[characters.list.cherie.role] shouldn't... we can't... but I can't stop..."
You: [Mumbling around her nipple] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I need you... I've always needed you like this..."
Cherie: [Her resolve crumbling] "My baby boy... my beautiful $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... $[characters.list.cherie.role] loves you so much... too much..."
The air is thick with the scent of sweat, arousal, and the cloying sweetness of the virus. You can feel it pulsing through your veins, breaking down every barrier, every taboo. The fact that these are your family members seems to matter less and less with each passing second.
Lana: [Breaking away from Gabbie's kiss, her voice husky] "Fuck... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock so bad..."
Gabbie: [Breathlessly] "Me too... I want to feel it inside me..."
Cherie: [Stroking your hair as you suckle] "My beautiful children... my babies... we shouldn't, but it feels so right..."
Just as you're about to lose yourself completely in this taboo, virus-fueled almost-orgy, you hear a voice in your head - Angela's voice.
Angela: (Reach for the light within you. You're stronger than the virus. Save them.)
***START - Choice 4***
[[Branch A: "Fight against the virus's influence and save your family." (Victory, the game continues)]]
[[Branch B: "Give in to the virus and embrace the pleasure." (Game over, everyone die)]]
***START - Choice 4 - Branch A***
With a monumental effort, you force yourself to focus, to push back against the overwhelming tide of lust. You grab onto that inner light, feeling it grow stronger, pushing back the virus's influence.
You: [Voice hoarse but determined] "No. We can't do this. We have to get out of here. Now!"
Using every ounce of willpower you possess, you begin to gather your family members, pulling them away from each other, forcing them to focus. It's a struggle against not only their resistance but your own desperate desire.
Slowly, painfully, you manage to guide everyone out of the virus-saturated area. As you reach cleaner air, the fog of lust begins to lift, replaced by shock and shame at what nearly transpired.
Cherie: [Covering herself, voice shaking] "I... I can't believe we almost... Oh God, what kind of $[characters.list.cherie.role] am I?"
Lana: [Unable to meet anyone's eyes, her usual bravado completely gone] "Fuck. Just... fuck. How could we...? This is all your fault, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... somehow..."
Gabbie remains silent, her face a mask of conflicting emotions.
You: [Exhausted but relieved] "It's okay. We're safe now. The virus... it was too strong. But we fought it off. This wasn't our fault."
As the group begins to recover, you turn to Gabbie, the questions from earlier still burning in your mind.
You: "Gabbie, about what you said earlier... about your grandfather..."
But before you can finish, Gabbie turns and flees, disappearing into the ruins of the Border.
You're left standing there, surrounded by your shaken family, with more questions than answers. The shadows of the past loom larger than ever, and you can't shake the feeling that what transpired today is just the beginning of a much larger, more terrifying story.
As you lead your family back to the safety of your shelter, you know that nothing will ever be the same. The virus has shown you the depths of its power, and the secrets lurking in your own bloodline threaten to unravel everything you thought you knew.
The game has changed, and you're only just beginning to understand the true stakes.
Button: Continue
***START - Choice 4 - Branch B***
You decide to ignore Angela's voice, giving in fully to the virus's influence. The pleasure is overwhelming, unlike anything you've ever experienced. You lose yourself in a haze of lust and depravity, your body moving from one family member to another, tasting, touching, fucking without restraint.
At first, there's still a semblance of control. Lana's hand moves hesitantly on your shaft, her eyes wide with a mixture of disgust and desire.
Lana: [Whispering] "This is so wrong..."
But her grip tightens, betraying her growing arousal. Cherie watches, her maternal instincts warring with the virus-induced lust.
Cherie: [Voice trembling] "We shouldn't... we're family..."
But her hands roam her own body, unable to stop.
Gabbie, already less inhibited, kneels beside you.
Gabbie: [Murmuring] "Just a taste..."
Her tongue darts out to lick your shaft. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the sickly-sweet aroma of the virus. You can feel it pulsing through your veins, breaking down every barrier, every taboo. Your mind begins to fog, rational thought giving way to pure, animalistic lust. She did not get "just a taste", she is sucking your dick with determination.
As the minutes pass, the resistance crumbles. Lana's strokes become more confident, her breathing heavy.
Lana: [Panting] "Fuck, $[characters.list.lana.player_role], you're so big. I hate how much I want this."
Cherie crawls closer, her eyes fixed on your cock.
Cherie: [Voice husky] "Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] help, sweetie."
Her hand joins Lana's, and you groan at the dual sensation. The taboo nature of the situation only seems to fuel the fire. Your $[characters.list.lana.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.role], stroking you together. The wrongness of it sends a thrill through your body.
Gabbie whimpers, her hand between her legs.
Gabbie: [Begging] "Please, I need more."
You respond by plunging your fingers into her dripping pussy, feeling her walls clench around you. The action seems to break the last of Cherie's resolve.
Cherie: [Moaning] "That's it, baby. Make her feel good. $[characters.list.cherie.role] wants to watch."
Lana, not to be outdone, lowers her mouth to your cock. The sensation of her lips wrapping around you sends shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
You: [Thinking] (This is my $[characters.list.lana.role]. My $[characters.list.lana.role] is sucking my cock while my $[characters.list.cherie.role] watches.)
The thought should horrify you, but instead, it only intensifies your arousal. You feel a strange tingling sensation throughout your body, the first sign of the changes to come.
As the virus surges stronger, your body begins to change. Muscles bulge, skin takes on an otherworldly sheen. Your cock grows, stretching Lana's mouth to its limit.
Lana: [Pulling back, gasping] "What's happening to you?"
But before anyone can react, you grab her with one arm, lifting her effortlessly. Your enhanced cock plunges into her tight pussy without warning.
Lana: [Screaming] "No! Stop! You're too big!"
Cherie tries to intervene.
Cherie: [Panicking] "Baby, you're hurting her! This isn't you!"
But you're beyond reason now. You drop Lana unceremoniously and grab Cherie instead, lifting her into the air with your newfound strength. Your monstrous cock pushes against her entrance, threatening to split her in two.
Cherie: [Sobbing] "Please, no... I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]!"
You silence her with a brutal kiss, your tongue invading her mouth as you impale her on your shaft. She screams into the kiss, her body convulsing around your massive member.
You: [Growling] "You're mine now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. All of you are."
You fuck Cherie relentlessly, each thrust lifting her off the ground. Your enhanced strength allows you to use her body like a ragdoll, and you revel in the power.
Cherie: [Gasping between thrusts] "Oh God... it hurts... but... so good..."
As you pound into your $[characters.list.cherie.role], you notice Lana's ass in the air, her pussy still leaking your fluids. Without warning, you pull out of Cherie and lunge at Lana, burying your face between her cheeks.
Lana: [Yelping in surprise] "What are you- Oh fuck!"
Your tongue probes her asshole, tasting the forbidden fruit of your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s most intimate area. The depravity of the act only fuels your lust further.
You: [Growling] "I'm going to fuck this tight little ass, $[characters.list.lana.role]."
Before Lana can protest, you thrust your enormous cock into her unprepared asshole. She screams in agony as you tear into her, blood lubricating your passage.
Lana: [Sobbing] "It hurts! Please, stop!"
But her pleas fall on deaf ears as you ravage her ass, your cock reshaping her insides to fit your monstrous size.
Cherie, seeing her daughter in pain, tries to intervene again. She crawls in front of you, presenting her own ass.
Cherie: [Desperate] "Take me instead! Leave her alone!"
The sight of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s offered anus is too tempting to resist. You pull out of Lana and immediately plunge into Cherie's ass, lifting her in the air in the process, tearing into her with brutal force.
Cherie: [Wailing] "Oh God! It's too much!"
You fuck your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s ass with abandon, her cries of pain and pleasure echoing off the walls. Blood and anal fluids coat your cock, but you don't slow down.
You: [Snarling] "This is what you wanted, isn't it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]? To be fucked by your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s monster cock?"
As you continue to pound Cherie's ass, you grab her by the throat, lifting her upper body off the ground. With your other hand, you grab her breasts, squeezing them roughly.
You: [Commanding] "Wrap these tits around my cock, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
Cherie, choking and gasping, complies. You thrust between her breasts, the force of your movements causing her pain, but also igniting a fire within her she's never felt before.
Cherie: [Gasping] "I've... never been handled like this... It's so wrong... but I can't stop..."
Her eyes lock with yours, filled with a mixture of fear, pain, and undeniable lust. The taboo nature of the situation seems to awaken something primal in her. She takes you into her mouth with the most depraved stare you ever saw.
Cherie: [Moaning] "Yes, baby... use $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s body... I'm yours..."
Meanwhile, Gabbie watches wide-eyed, masturbating furiously.
Gabbie: [Whimpering] "It's so hot... I want it too."
Your transformation continues to accelerate. Your skin ripples, muscles bulging to inhuman proportions. Your cock grows even larger, now a monstrous appendage that seems to pulse with a life of its own.
Suddenly, Cherie seems to have a moment of clarity. She looks at Lana, a desperate plan forming in her mind.
Cherie: [Urgently] "Lana, we have to stop him! We need to make him cum!"
Understanding dawns in Lana's eyes. Despite their pain and exhaustion, $[characters.list.cherie.role] and daughter launch themselves at you, determined to end this madness.
Lana: [Seductively] "You want to fuck your $[characters.list.lana.role], don't you? Come on, $[characters.list.lana.player_role], show me what you've got."
Cherie: [Purring] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]'s here, baby. Let me take care of you like I used to."
They work together, using every trick they know to pleasure you. Lana takes your cock in her mouth while Cherie licks your balls. They swap positions, kissing each other around your shaft, breaking every taboo in their desperation.
Cherie: [Moaning] "That's it, baby. Fuck $[characters.list.cherie.role] and sissy's mouths. We're your personal fucktoys now."
Lana: [Gasping] "God, you're so big, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I bet you've always wanted to split your $[characters.list.lana.role] in half with this monster cock."
But their efforts are in vain. Your virus-enhanced stamina allows you to outlast them easily. As they tire, you take control once again.
You: [Growling] "Nice try. But I'm not done with you yet."
You grab both women, lifting them effortlessly. Your cock, now penetrates all their holes simultaneously. They scream in a mixture of pain and pleasure as you reshape their bodies from the inside out.
Gabbie, unable to resist any longer, joins the fray. You use your viral tentacles to penetrate her ass as well, completing the twisted family tableau.
Time loses all meaning as you fuck them relentlessly. Their minds, overwhelmed by the constant stimulation and viral influence, begin to break down. Coherent thoughts give way to animal grunts and moans.
Lana's body contorts unnaturally, her limbs elongating, joints bending in impossible ways. Gabbie's skin becomes translucent, her internal organs visible and pulsing with viral energy. Cherie's body becomes a fountain of viral fluids, her orifices stretched and leaking constantly.
In rare moments of clarity, you see flashes of your former selves. Lana's defiant glare, Gabbie's shy smile, Cherie's loving gaze. But these moments are fleeting, quickly swallowed by the all-consuming lust.
As your bodies continue to mutate and merge, you feel a final surge of the virus. It's too much - your minds shatter under the onslaught of pleasure and viral corruption.
In your last moment of humanity, you're struck by the horrific realization of what you've done. You've damned your family, corrupted the people you loved most. A wave of shame and regret washes over you.
But it's too late. Your consciousness fragments, swept away in a final, cataclysmic orgasm that shakes the very foundations of the building.
Where once there were four people, now there is only a writhing mass of viral flesh, pulsing with inhuman hunger and lust. The Border has claimed four more victims, lost forever to the virus's embrace.
The game is over. In your quest for pleasure, you've lost everything - your humanity, your family, and ultimately, yourself.
Button: Game Over
***END - Choice 4***
***END - Choice 3***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The air grows thick with an otherworldly energy as you and Angela delve deeper into Peacewood Floor 20. The dense foliage gives way to ancient stone structures, their surfaces etched with strange, pulsating symbols.
You: [Brushing aside a vine-covered stone] "Angela, look at this. These markings... they're unlike anything we've seen before."
Angela: [Her eyes widening, a flicker of recognition crossing her face] "These are... familiar somehow. We need to investigate further."
As you push deeper into the ruins, the vegetation seems to part before you, revealing a massive stone doorway covered in glowing hieroglyphs. The air hums with viral energy, making your skin tingle and your pulse quicken.
Angela: [Reaching out to touch the symbols] "It's calling to me. I can feel it."
The moment her fingers brush the stone, the glyphs flare with blinding light. The ground trembles, and the doorway slowly grinds open, revealing a dark passage beyond.
You: [Hesitating] "I'm not sure this is a good idea..."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temple's influence and leave with Angela before it's too late."]]
[[Branch B: "Surrender to the mysterious sensations with Angela."]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
Angela: [Her voice taking on an otherworldly quality] "We must. The answers we seek lie within."
With trepidation, you follow Angela into the darkness. As you descend, the passage narrows, forcing you to press close to her. The scent of her hair, the warmth of her body against yours, sends a jolt of arousal through you, amplified by the viral energy permeating the air.
Suddenly, the passage opens into a vast, circular chamber. The walls are covered in intricate hieroglyphs that seem to move and shift in the dim light. In the center stands a raised dais with two stone thrones, facing each other.
Angela: [Her voice barely a whisper] "This place... it's sacred."
As you step further into the chamber, the entrance behind you seals shut with a resounding boom. Panic rises in your throat, but before you can react, the hieroglyphs on the walls begin to glow with an intense, pulsating light.
You: [Shielding your eyes] "What's happening?"
Angela: [Her eyes glowing with the same light as the glyphs] "They're telling a story. The story of... creation."
The light from the glyphs coalesces into swirling images that dance around the chamber. You see two feminine figures, impossibly beautiful and terrifying, locked in an eternal dance of creation and destruction.
Angela: [Her voice resonating with power] "The goddess sisters... they created the virus as a test for humanity. A crucible to forge a new future."
As the images swirl faster, you feel a surge of viral energy course through your body. Your skin becomes hypersensitive, every nerve ending singing with sensation. You look at Angela and see her writhing in place, her body responding to the energy in ways you've never seen before.
You: [Gasping] "Angela, are you okay?"
Angela: [Her eyes unfocused, voice strained] "The energy... it's too much. We need to... relieve the pressure."
Without warning, Angela's hands move to her body, caressing herself through her clothes. The sight sends a jolt of arousal straight to your groin, your cock hardening instantly.
You: [Struggling to maintain control] "We shouldn't... this place is affecting us."
Angela: [Moaning softly] "We must. It's part of the ritual. Touch yourself, let the energy flow through you."
Unable to resist the overwhelming sensations, you find your hand moving to your crotch, palming your erection through your pants. The moment you make contact, a wave of pleasure crashes over you, unlike anything you've ever felt before.
As you and Angela begin to pleasure yourselves, the hieroglyphs pulse faster, the story of the goddess sisters unfolding before your eyes. You see civilizations rise and fall, the virus shaping the course of human history.
Angela: [Her voice a mixture of ecstasy and revelation] "They were testing us... preparing us... oh god, it feels so good..."
You watch, transfixed, as Angela's clothes seem to melt away, revealing her glowing, perfect form. Your own body feels like it's on fire, every touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through you.
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Reject the temple's power and find a way out immediately."]]
[[Branch B: "Embrace the forbidden energy flowing through you."]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
Suddenly, a familiar voice cuts through the haze of lust and revelation.
Elfie: [From behind you] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Angela? What's going on here?"
You turn to see your $[characters.list.elfie.role] Elfie standing at the entrance of the chamber, her eyes wide with shock and growing arousal. The viral energy in the room immediately latches onto her, and you watch as she gasps, her body responding to the intense stimulation.
You: [Trying to cover yourself] "Elfie! You shouldn't be here! It's not safe!"
But even as you say this, you feel a new connection forming between you and your $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Every sensation you feel seems to echo in her body, and vice versa. You can feel her growing arousal as if it were your own.
Elfie: [Moaning softly, her hands moving to her body] "What's happening to me? I feel so... hot..."
Angela: [Her voice echoing with power] "She's part of this now. The ritual requires... family bonds."
The implications of Angela's words send a shudder of forbidden desire through you. You watch as Elfie's resistance crumbles, her hands moving to pleasure herself just as you and Angela are doing.
Elfie: [Whimpering] "This is wrong... but it feels so good... $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], I can feel everything you're feeling!"
The hieroglyphs pulse faster, responding to the addition of Elfie to the ritual. New images form, showing the importance of bloodlines in the goddess sisters' plan.
You: [Gasping] "Elfie, can you... can you understand the hieroglyphs?"
Elfie: [Her eyes glazed with lust but focusing on the walls] "I... I think so. It's like a puzzle. Each symbol is a piece..."
As Elfie begins to decipher the glyphs, her gaming knowledge proving unexpectedly useful, each revelation sends a new wave of pleasure through all of you. The viral energy in the room intensifies, pushing you all closer to the edge.
***START - Choice 3***
[[Branch A: "Fight against the temple's control and lead everyone to safety."]]
[[Branch B: "Give in to the growing desires awakened by the ancient energy."]]
***START - Choice 3 - Branch A***
***START - Choice 3 - Branch B***
Suddenly, two more voices join the fray.
Mia: [Shocked] "Oh my god! What the hell is going on here?"
***START - Choice 4***
[[Branch A: "An overwhelming sense of foreboding washes over you and you decide to turn back."]]
[[Branch B: "You're right, what's happening here?"]]
***START - Choice 4 - Branch A***
***START - Choice 4 - Branch B***
Chanel: [Trying to maintain composure] "This is... most irregular."
You turn to see your $[characters.list.mia.role] Mia and $[characters.list.chanel.role] Chanel standing at another entrance, their eyes wide as they take in the scene before them. But before anyone can react, crystal walls spring up, separating them from you but leaving them visible.
Chanel: [Pounding on the crystal] "Let us out this instant!"
But her protests die on her lips as the viral energy engulfs them too. You watch in a mixture of horror and arousal as Mia and Chanel succumb to the temple's influence, their hands moving to their bodies of their own accord.
Angela: [Her voice resonating through the chamber] "The bloodline expands. The ritual deepens. Feel it all, experience it all."
Suddenly, you can feel not just Elfie's sensations, but Mia's and Chanel's as well. Every touch, every wave of pleasure, echoes through all of you. The hieroglyphs pulse in time with your shared heartbeats, the story of the goddess sisters intertwining with your own forbidden desires.
Mia: [Moaning] "This is so wrong... but I can't stop!"
Chanel: [Her sophisticated facade crumbling] "I shouldn't be watching this... shouldn't be feeling this..."
You find yourself unable to look away as your family members pleasure themselves, their actions mirroring your own. The viral energy pulses through all of you, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
Angela: [Her body glowing with power] "The choice approaches. Will you embrace the gift of the goddess sisters, or reject it? The fate of humanity hangs in the balance."
As the pleasure builds to an unbearable crescendo, you feel a moment of clarity. The choice before you becomes clear: give in to the viral energy completely, or try to maintain control and channel it properly.
***START - Choice 5***
[[Branch A: "Attempt to control the energy, focusing on the revelations about the goddess sisters."]]
[[Branch B: "Give in completely, letting the viral lust overwhelm you and your family."]]
***START - Choice 5 - Branch A***
With a monumental effort, you force yourself to focus on the hieroglyphs, fighting against the overwhelming pleasure threatening to consume you. Your cock throbs painfully, begging for release, but you grit your teeth and concentrate.
You: [Gasping, sweat beading on your brow] "We need to... to understand. Focus on the story!"
Your words cut through the haze of lust. Elfie's eyes clear slightly, her gaming-honed mind latching onto the puzzle before her. Angela's glow dims just enough for her to regain some semblance of control.
Angela: [Panting, her fingers still buried in her pussy] "The virus... it's too strong. We need to channel it, control it."
Elfie: [Her voice strained, hands trembling as she resists touching herself] "I think I understand. The hieroglyphs... they're showing us how to master the virus."
As the realization dawns, you feel the viral energy shifting, responding to your collective will. But the pressure is still building, threatening to overwhelm you all.
Angela: [Her eyes locking with yours, pupils dilated with lust] "We need to release the energy... together. It's the only way to escape."
The implication of her words sends a shudder through you. You look at Elfie, seeing the same mix of shame and desperate need in her eyes.
Elfie: [Whimpering, her thighs pressing together] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... I'm sorry, but I need..."
Without another word, you reach for Elfie, your hand finding her soaking pussy. She gasps at the contact, her hips bucking against your fingers. At the same time, you feel her small hand wrap around your throbbing cock.
You: [Moaning, guilt and pleasure warring within you] "Fuck... Elfie... we shouldn't..."
But even as you say it, your fingers delve deeper into your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s wet folds. You can feel her walls clenching around you, her thumb circling your cock's head, spreading pre-cum.
The crystal walls containing Mia and Chanel shatter, the viral energy responding to your collective efforts. They stumble towards you, their bodies flushed and glistening with sweat.
Mia: [Her voice a needy whine] "Please... I need to be touched..."
Chanel: [Fighting to maintain composure even as her hand works between her legs] "This is madness... but I can't stop..."
Angela: [Her voice resonating with power] "Everyone, join hands. Form a circle. We need to channel this energy together."
Reluctantly, you all comply, forming a circle in the center of the chamber. The moment your hands connect, you feel a surge of viral energy coursing through you all.
You: [Gasping] "I can feel... everything. Everyone's sensations..."
Elfie: [Moaning] "It's so intense... $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], your hand feels so good..."
The air grows thick with the scent of arousal as you all begin to pleasure each other. Your right hand works Elfie's dripping pussy while your left strokes Mia's throbbing clit. You feel Chanel's experienced fingers wrapped around your cock, her thumb teasing your sensitive head.
Chanel: [Her voice husky] "Just like that, nephew. Let it build..."
Mia: [Whimpering] "Oh god, mom... your fingers..."
The chamber fills with the sounds of shared pleasure - moans, gasps, and the wet sounds of fingers working frantically. The hieroglyphs on the walls pulse in response to your efforts, the story of the goddess sisters becoming clearer with each passing moment.
Angela: [Her eyes glowing with power] "That's it... channel the energy. Control it!"
You focus on the sensations, feeling the viral energy flowing through all of you. As you do, you become acutely aware of every touch, every caress.
You feel Elfie's inexperienced but eager fingers exploring your shaft, her small hand barely able to wrap around your girth. At the same time, you're hyper-aware of how your own fingers feel inside her tight, virgin pussy. The wrongness of it sends a thrill through you, intensifying your pleasure.
Mia's fingers work your balls skillfully, her other hand busy with Angela's dripping cunt. You can feel her pleasure as if it were your own, the dual sensation of touching and being touched overwhelming your senses.
Chanel's experienced touch brings you to the edge repeatedly, only to back off at the last moment. Her fingers dance along your length, teasing and tantalizing. You return the favor, your thumb circling her clit with increasing pressure.
As the circle of shared pleasure continues, Mia and Chanel find themselves face to face. Their eyes meet, a moment of hesitation quickly overwhelmed by viral lust.
Mia: [Whimpering] "Mom... I... we shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Her voice husky, fingers trembling] "Shh, darling. Just let it happen."
Their hands move in unison, fingers finding each other's dripping cores. Mia gasps as Chanel's experienced touch circles her clit, while Chanel moans softly at her daughter's eager exploration.
Chanel: [Panting] "That's it, baby. Just like mommy taught you to touch yourself."
Mia: [Moaning] "Oh god, mom... your fingers feel so good..."
The taboo nature of their act sends shockwaves of pleasure through the group, intensifying everyone's sensations. You watch, transfixed, as mother and daughter pleasure each other, their movements becoming more frantic, more desperate.
Mia buries her face in Chanel's neck, muffling her cries of pleasure. Chanel's free hand tangles in Mia's hair, holding her close as their fingers work faster, pushing each other closer to the edge.
Chanel: [Gasping] "Come for mommy, darling. Let go..."
Mia: [Crying out] "Mom! I'm... I'm cumming!"
Their shared orgasm ripples through the group, pushing everyone closer to the brink. The viral energy pulses in response, the hieroglyphs on the walls glowing brighter.
The pleasure builds and builds, the viral energy swirling around and through you all. Just when you think you can't take any more, Angela's voice cuts through the haze.
Angela: [Her voice resonating with power] "Now! Let it go!"
As one, you all cry out in shared ecstasy. Your cock erupts, coating Chanel's hand with thick ropes of cum. You feel Elfie's pussy clench around your fingers as she squirts, her juices running down your arm. Mia's body convulses in pleasure, her fingers digging into your thigh as she cums.
The temple responds to your shared climax. The hieroglyphs flare brightly, then begin to fade. The sealed entrance starts to open, the viral energy dissipating.
As you all come down from your collective high, the reality of what you've done starts to sink in. Shame and guilt war with the lingering pleasure and the sense of accomplishment.
Angela: [Her voice filled with awe] "You did it. You've taken the first step in mastering the virus."
You look around at your family, seeing the mix of emotions on their faces. No one seems able to meet anyone else's eyes, the weight of your taboo acts hanging heavy in the air.
You: [Your voice hoarse] "We... we should go. Before the temple seals again."
As you all gather yourselves and your scattered clothes, the shame of what you've done mixes with a sense of accomplishment and newfound understanding. You've gained crucial knowledge about the virus and the goddess sisters' plan, even if the cost was high.
You lead your family out of the temple, the weight of your actions and the path ahead heavy on your minds. The game has changed, and you're only just beginning to understand the true stakes.
Elfie: [Her voice small] "What... what do we do now?"
You look at your $[characters.list.elfie.role], seeing the vulnerability in her eyes. The same question is reflected in the faces of Mia and Chanel.
You: [Taking a deep breath] "We move forward. We use what we've learned. And we never speak of the... details of what happened here."
Angela nods approvingly. "The journey ahead will be difficult," she says, "but you've proven yourselves capable of facing the challenges to come."
As you step out of the temple and back into the forest, you can't shake the feeling that everything has changed. The bonds between you and your family have been irreversibly altered, the lingering effects of the virus humming in your veins.
The path ahead is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the battle against the virus and the unraveling of the goddess sisters' plan has only just begun.
Button: Continue
***START - Choice 5 - Branch B***
The viral energy proves too strong to resist. With a guttural roar, you give in to the overwhelming lust, letting it consume you entirely. Your mind shatters, replaced by an all-consuming need to fuck, to dominate, to destroy.
You: [Growling, your eyes wild with lust] "I can't... I won't fight it anymore. I need to fuck!"
Your surrender acts as a catalyst. The viral energy in the room intensifies, and you watch as your family members succumb as well, their bodies writhing in unbridled, violent lust.
Elfie: [Screaming, tearing at her own clothes] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I need you inside me! Fuck me, break me!"
The crystal walls separating Mia and Chanel shatter. They stumble towards you, their eyes glazed over with a mixture of lust and madness. All thoughts of propriety or taboo are washed away in a tide of viral-induced insanity.
You lunge at Elfie, tackling her to the ground. Your hands rip at her clothes, tearing them away as she writhes beneath you. She fights back, her nails raking down your chest, drawing blood. The pain only fuels your lust.
You: [Snarling] "You want my cock, $[characters.list.elfie.role]? You'll get it all!"
Without warning or preparation, you thrust your engorged member into Elfie's tight pussy. She screams in a mixture of pain and ecstasy as you tear through her hymen, blood and juices mixing as you pound into her with inhuman force.
Elfie: [Crying out with each thrust] "Yes! Fuck me, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Ruin me!"
As you rut into Elfie with increasing violence, you feel your body changing. Your muscles bulge, growing larger and stronger with each passing moment. Your cock swells inside her, stretching her beyond her limits.
Elfie: [Gasping, her eyes widening in fear and pain] "Wait... it's too big... you're going to tear me apart!"
But you're beyond reason now. With a bestial roar, you thrust deeper, feeling something give way inside her. Elfie's scream of agony is cut short as you feel her insides rupture, her body going limp beneath you.
You pull out, your now monstrous cock covered in blood and gore. The sight of Elfie's broken body only inflames your lust further. You grab her lifeless form, using it as a fucktoy to satisfy your unquenchable desire.
Meanwhile, Mia and Chanel have fallen upon each other, their incestuous lust turned violent. Chanel pins Mia to the ground, her experienced hands working brutally between her daughter's legs.
Chanel: [Snarling] "I'll fuck you like I should have years ago, you ungrateful bitch!"
Mia fights back, her nails raking across Chanel's face. "Fuck you, mom!" she screams, before sinking her teeth into Chanel's breast.
The two women roll on the ground, a tangle of limbs and savage desire. Their fight becomes more violent, punches and kicks interspersed with rough groping and forceful penetration.
Angela, momentarily shocked by the violence, tries to intervene. "Stop!" she cries, "This isn't what the sisters intended!"
But her words fall on deaf ears. You turn towards her, dropping Elfie's desecrated corpse. Your eyes lock onto Angela, your engorged member twitching with violent need.
You lunge at Angela, grabbing her by the throat. She struggles against you, her divine strength matching your virus-enhanced power for a moment. But as your cock continues to grow, fueled by the relentless viral energy, her eyes widen in terror.
You force her to her knees, your hand tangling in her hair. With a savage thrust, you ram your monstrous cock into her mouth. You feel her jaw dislocate from the sheer size of your member, her muffled screams sending vibrations along your shaft.
You fuck Angela's face with brutal force, feeling her throat bulge with each thrust. Her struggles weaken as she's denied air, her eyes rolling back in her head. With a final, powerful thrust, you feel something give way inside her. Her body goes limp, impaled on your enormous cock.
As you pull out of Angela's ruined mouth, you turn to see the outcome of Mia and Chanel's battle. Chanel stands victorious, her foot on Mia's throat. Mia's body twitches weakly, her last breaths escaping in pained gasps.
Chanel: [Her voice a mixture of lust and madness] "That's it, darling. Die for mommy."
As Mia's struggles cease, Chanel drops to her knees, her mouth latching onto her dead daughter's pussy. She eats Mia out with savage intensity, moaning in perverse pleasure as she tastes blood mixed with Mia's juices.
The sight of Chanel defiling her daughter's corpse sends a new wave of violent lust through you. Your cock, somehow growing even larger, throbs with painful need.
You approach Chanel from behind, your massive hands gripping her hips. She looks back at you, her face smeared with blood and pussy juice, a crazed grin on her lips.
Chanel: [Panting] "Come to join the fun, nephew? Show your $[characters.list.mia.role] what that monster cock can do."
Without warning, you thrust into Chanel's ass. She screams in agony as you tear her apart, your inhuman size causing irreparable damage. But even as you feel her insides rupturing, she pushes back against you, lost in a haze of pain and pleasure.
You fuck Chanel with brutal force, feeling her body breaking beneath you. Her screams turn to gurgles as blood fills her lungs, her organs rupturing from the force of your thrusts.
As you feel your final orgasm approaching, you grab Chanel's hair, pulling her head back at an unnatural angle. With a sickening crack, her neck breaks, her body spasming around your cock as death takes her.
You roar in bestial triumph as you cum, your tainted seed flooding Chanel's lifeless body. As your orgasm subsides, you look around the chamber, taking in the carnage you've wrought.
The bodies of your family lie broken and defiled around you. The hieroglyphs on the walls pulse weakly, as if in shock at the level of depravity they've witnessed.
As your viral-enhanced lust finally begins to ebb, the horror of what you've done crashes over you. But before remorse can take hold, you feel the virus surging within you, washing away your humanity.
You lumber out of the temple, leaving a trail of blood and bodily fluids behind you. In the distance, you sense the warmth of human bodies, waiting to be conquered and destroyed.
The game is over. Humanity's last hope has become its ultimate doom. The Fapocalypse has truly begun, and you are its harbinger of violent, lustful destruction.
Button: Game Over
***END - Choice 5***
***END - Choice 4***
***END - Choice 3***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The crisp autumn air nips at your skin as you stand at the forest's edge with Cherie, Lana, and Elfie. The trees loom before you, their gnarled branches reaching out like skeletal fingers against the darkening sky. Jack-o'-lanterns line the path, their carved faces flickering with an eerie orange glow, casting long, dancing shadows across the leaf-strewn ground.
As you venture deeper into the woods, a strange mist begins to swirl around your feet. It's cool and damp, clinging to your skin with an almost sentient touch. The scent of decaying leaves and damp earth fills your nostrils, mingling with something else... something primal and intoxicating.
Cherie: [Fanning herself, her cheeks flushing] "Is it getting warm in here, or is it just me?"
You notice a faint flush creeping up her neck, spreading across her chest. Her costume suddenly seems tighter than before, the fabric straining against her curves. Beads of sweat form on her brow, one slowly trailing down her temple.
Lana: [Shifting uncomfortably, her muscular thighs pressing together] "It's probably just the walk. Let's keep moving."
As you progress, the air grows thicker with an unseen energy. The virus in your blood begins to sing, a low hum that resonates through your body. Elfie stumbles slightly, her small hand grabbing your arm for support.
Elfie: [Giggling nervously, her pupils dilating] "Oops! I feel a bit dizzy. Must be all the excitement."
Her touch lingers longer than necessary, her small hand warm against your skin. You feel a stirring in your loins, the virus amplifying every sensation. Elfie's breath quickens, her chest rising and falling rapidly.
Cherie: [Tugging at her costume, her movements becoming more sensual] "This outfit is so restrictive. I need to... adjust it a bit."
She pulls at the neckline, revealing more of her ample cleavage. The swell of her breasts heaves with each breath, a thin sheen of sweat making her skin glisten in the jack-o'-lantern light. Your eyes are drawn to the movement, and you notice Lana staring too, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
Lana: [Clearing her throat, her voice husky] "$[characters.list.cherie.role], maybe you should... oh, who am I kidding? It's so hot."
She begins to loosen her own costume, her toned abs peeking through. The defined muscles ripple with each movement, a testament to her strength and fitness. The sight makes your mouth go dry, your own body temperature rising.
Elfie: [Whimpering softly, her small hands starting to roam her body] "I feel funny... like my skin is too tight."
Her hands start to wander over her body, innocently at first, then with growing curiosity. She traces the curve of her modest breasts, gasping softly at the sensation. You feel your own arousal building, your manhood beginning to strain against your costume.
Cherie: [Her voice dropping an octave, eyes widening] "Oh my... look at you, honey. You've... grown."
Her eyes are fixed on the obvious bulge in your pants, which has grown to an impressive size. Lana and Elfie follow her gaze, their eyes widening in a mixture of shock and fascination.
Lana: [Swallowing hard, her throat bobbing visibly] "That's... that's not normal. Is it the virus?"
You nod, unable to speak as the three women stare at your growing erection. The taboo nature of the situation only seems to intensify the virus's effects, your member throbbing painfully against its confines.
Elfie: [Breathless, her innocence warring with newfound desire] "It's so big... I've never seen..."
Her costume slips off one shoulder, revealing her small, perky breast. The pink nipple hardens in the cool air, but she doesn't seem to notice or care. Her eyes remain fixed on your groin, her small tongue darting out to wet her lips.
Cherie, lost in the haze of arousal, begins to peel off her costume entirely. Her mature, voluptuous body is revealed inch by inch. Full, heavy breasts spill free, topped with large, dusky nipples. Her stomach, soft with motherhood, leads down to wide hips and strong thighs.
Cherie: [Panting, her hands roaming her own body] "I can't... I can't fight it. It feels so good..."
Lana tries to resist, her strong will battling against the virus's influence. But the sight of her $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s naked form and your obvious arousal proves too much. With a growl of frustration and lust, she tears at her own costume.
Lana: [Her voice a mix of shame and desire] "This is wrong... but I can't stop..."
Her athletic body is revealed, all toned muscle and smooth skin. Her breasts, smaller than her $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s but firm and perky, heave with each breath. A thin strip of neatly trimmed hair leads down to her core, which glistens with obvious arousal.
You find your own hands moving of their own accord, freeing your throbbing member from its confines. It springs free, larger than you've ever seen it, pulsing with viral energy. The cool air on your heated flesh makes you groan, a bead of pre-cum forming at the tip.
Elfie: [Whimpering, her small body trembling] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... is this okay? Should we be doing this?"
Despite her words, her costume falls away, leaving her small, lithe body exposed. Her breasts are modest, barely more than swells topped with pink, puffy nipples. Her hips, while narrow, curve enticingly to a small, heart-shaped bottom. A sparse patch of light hair does little to hide her virgin pussy, which glistens with dew-like arousal.
The forest seems to pulse around you, the jack-o'-lanterns' grins taking on a leering quality. The air is thick with pheromones and the scent of arousal, a heady mixture that makes your head spin.
Cherie: [Staring at your manhood, her voice filled with awe and forbidden desire] "Oh god... it's even bigger than I imagined. We shouldn't... but I can't look away."
Her hands move to her breasts, kneading them roughly as she watches you begin to stroke yourself. Her nipples pebble under her touch, and she pinches them, moaning softly.
Lana: [Breathing heavily, her athletic body tensed like a coiled spring] "This is so fucked up... but I'm so turned on. Look what you're doing to us, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
Her fingers find her dripping core, plunging in and out as she maintains eye contact with you. The lewd, wet sounds of her ministrations fill the air, mixing with the family's collective panting.
Elfie: [Moaning softly, her inexperience evident in her tentative touches] "It's so big... I don't think it would even fit..."
Her small hands rub circles on her clit, her inexperienced movements growing more confident as she watches you pleasure yourself. Her other hand explores her small breasts, squeezing and kneading in imitation of her $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.lana.role].
The sight of your family members masturbating to the sight of you pushes you closer to the edge. Your hand moves faster along your shaft, your breath coming in short gasps. The virus pulses through your veins, making every touch electric.
Cherie: [Moaning loudly, her fingers working furiously at her clit] "Oh god... I'm going to... I can't believe I'm doing this with my children..."
Her body tenses, back arching as she nears her peak. Sweat glistens on her skin, her breasts heaving with each labored breath.
Lana: [Grunting with effort, her muscular body trembling] "Fuck... this is so wrong... but it feels so good..."
She adds another finger, her pace increasing as she races towards orgasm. Her free hand grips her breast roughly, pinching and pulling at her nipple.
Elfie: [Whimpering, her small body shaking] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... I'm feeling something... it's coming..."
Her inexperienced touches have given way to more confident strokes, her small body wracked with new sensations. She bites her lip, eyes locked on your throbbing member.
As your family members reach their climax, crying out in a mixture of pleasure and shame, you feel your own orgasm building. With a final, powerful stroke, you erupt. Your seed arcs through the air in an impressive display, more copious than you've ever experienced before. It splatters on the forest floor, steaming slightly in the cool air.
The spell seems to break as you all come down from your highs. Reality crashes back, bringing with it a wave of shame and confusion. The virus's hold loosens, leaving you all panting and disoriented.
Cherie: [Gasping, trying to cover herself with shaking hands] "Oh god... what have we done? We need to leave. Now."
Her eyes are wide with shock, darting between you and her daughters. She fumbles for her discarded costume, her movements jerky and uncoordinated.
Lana and Elfie snap out of their trance-like states, looks of horror crossing their faces as they scramble to gather their discarded costumes. Lana's strong hands tremble as she tries to cover herself, while Elfie curls into a ball, tears forming in her eyes.
Lana: [Her voice rough with lingering arousal and embarrassment] "This... this never happened. We never speak of this again."
She can't meet anyone's eyes, her face flushed with shame and the remnants of her orgasm.
Elfie: [Close to tears, her small body shaking] "I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me. $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], I..."
She trails off, unable to finish her thought as she hurriedly pulls on her costume.
As quickly as it began, the moment passes. You all hurriedly dress yourselves and begin to make your way out of the forest, unable to meet each other's eyes. The jack-o'-lanterns seem to mock your retreat, their flickering grins a reminder of the depraved scene that just unfolded.
The Halloween adventure has taken a turn you never expected, the line between trick and treat irrevocably blurred in the misty darkness of the virus-infested woods. As you exit the forest, you can't help but wonder how this experience will change your family dynamic moving forward. The memory of your shared pleasure, forbidden and intense, lingers in the air like the last wisps of the forest mist.
playAudio("music", "halloween");
(() => {
const dialog = `
The full moon hangs low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the abandoned cemetery as you approach with Gabbie, Angela, and Mia. Ancient tombstones jut from the ground like crooked teeth, their weathered surfaces etched with faded names and dates. Skeletal trees encircle the graveyard, their bare branches creaking in the chill autumn wind.
As you step through the rusted iron gates, a strange energy pulses through the air. The virus in your blood seems to resonate with it, creating a dizzying sensation that makes your head spin.
Angela: [Her eyes glowing faintly in the darkness] "The veil is thin tonight. The dead walk among us."
No sooner has she spoken than a ghostly mist begins to rise from the graves, coalescing into translucent, skeletal forms. These spectral entities drift aimlessly, seemingly unaware of your presence.
Mia: [Shivering, her voice a whisper] "Holy shit, are those... ghosts?"
Before anyone can answer, one of the skeletal spirits passes through her. Mia gasps, her body arching as if electrified. When the spirit emerges on the other side, Mia's eyes are wide with shock and... something else.
Mia: [Panting, her pupils dilated] "I... I feel so hot. Especially my... oh god."
You watch in amazement as Mia begins to strip off her costume, her movements frantic and desperate. As she turns, you notice her hands flying to her ass, kneading and squeezing the firm flesh.
Gabbie: [Eyes wide, voice trembling] "Mia, what are you doing?"
But even as she speaks, another spirit drifts through Gabbie. She shudders violently, her hands flying to her own costume. Within moments, she too is naked, her hands immediately cupping her breasts.
Gabbie: [Breathless, her voice filled with need] "My breasts... they're so sensitive. I can't stop touching them."
Her fingers begin to tease her nipples, pinching and rolling them as she moans softly.
Angela doesn't wait for a spirit to reach her. She steps forward, allowing one to pass through her willingly. She moans loudly as her clothes seem to melt away, revealing her goddess-like form. Her hands fly to her perfect breasts, massaging them urgently.
Angela: [Her voice low and husky] "The spirits are awakening our deepest desires. Don't fight it. Let the pleasure consume you."
You feel the cool touch of a spirit passing through you, and suddenly your senses are heightened to an impossible degree. Every breath of wind, every rustle of leaves sends shockwaves of pleasure through your body. Your costume vanishes, revealing your massively engorged member, pulsing with viral energy.
Mia: [Staring at your erection, her voice a mix of awe and lust] "Holy... Is that because of the ghosts, or have you always been hiding that monster?"
Unable to resist, Mia turns around, bending over slightly as she spreads her ass cheeks. She looks back at you, her eyes clouded with lust.
Mia: [Moaning] "I need... I need something in my ass. It's burning with desire."
Gabbie, lost in sensation, has dropped to her knees on the cool grass. Both hands are working her breasts, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh. She pinches her nipples hard, crying out in a mix of pain and pleasure.
Gabbie: [Whimpering] "My tits... they're so full. It feels like they might burst if I don't... if I don't..."
Angela begins to levitate slightly, her body glowing with an otherworldly light. Her hands never leave her breasts, massaging them with increasing urgency. Her nipples seem to glow brighter than the rest of her body, pulsing with ethereal energy.
Angela: [Her voice echoing with power] "Let go of your inhibitions. Give in to the primal energy surrounding us."
The graveyard seems to pulse with energy, the spectral forms swirling around you in an ever-tightening spiral. The moonlight takes on a reddish hue, bathing everything in a surreal, bloody glow. The air is thick with the scent of arousal and the sound of desperate moans.
You find your own hand wrapping around your throbbing shaft, stroking slowly as you take in the sight before you. Three beautiful women, lost in the throes of spectral-induced passion, pleasuring themselves shamelessly under the Halloween moon.
Mia has fallen to her hands and knees, her ass high in the air. One hand reaches back, fingers probing at her tight asshole. Her other hand supports her weight as she rocks back and forth, desperate for more stimulation.
Mia: [Gasping between moans] "Oh fuck... my ass... it needs to be filled..."
Gabbie is on her back now, her breasts pushed together as she frantically rubs them against each other. Her nipples, red and swollen, peek out from between her fingers as she pinches and pulls at them.
Gabbie: [Voice breaking with need] "Please... I need... I need to cum from my tits..."
Angela's entire body is pulsing with light now, her form flickering between solid and translucent as she hovers above the ground. Her breasts seem to have swollen slightly, glowing brighter than the rest of her body. Milk-like droplets of glowing energy begin to leak from her nipples as she continues to massage them.
Angela: [Her voice resonating in your mind more than in your ears] "Yes... feel the power. Let it build. Let it consume you!"
The spirits swirl faster around you all, their ethereal forms passing through your bodies repeatedly. With each pass, the pleasure intensifies. You can feel your orgasm building, a tidal wave of ecstasy threatening to crash over you at any moment.
Mia is the first to break. She manages to work two fingers into her ass, crying out in ecstasy as her orgasm hits. Her whole body shudders, her ass clenching rhythmically around her fingers.
Gabbie follows almost immediately, her back arching off the ground as she cums solely from breast stimulation. Her nipples seem to spasm, and for a moment, you swear you see a faint glow emanating from them.
Angela's climax is something otherworldly. Her breasts erupt in a blinding flash of light as she cums, streams of glowing energy shooting from her nipples like fireworks. Her scream of ecstasy shakes the very foundations of the earth.
The sight and sound of their combined release pushes you over the edge. With a roar that seems to come from the very depths of your soul, you cum. Your seed erupts from you in long, powerful spurts, arcing through the air to splatter on the ground and nearby tombstones. The sheer volume is staggering, far more than should be humanly possible.
As the last waves of pleasure wash over you all, the spectral energy begins to dissipate. The spirits sink back into the ground, leaving you alone in the now-silent graveyard. You find yourselves lying on the cool grass, naked and panting, bodies glistening with sweat in the moonlight.
Mia: [Voice hoarse, eyes wide] "That was... holy shit. I've never felt anything like that in my ass before."
Gabbie: [Still trembling slightly, cupping her breasts gently] "It was like... like my entire being was centered in my breasts. So intense."
Angela: [Her glow fading, but nipples still dripping with ethereal energy] "We've touched something beyond the veil tonight. A power as old as time itself."
playAudio("music", "halloween");
</script><!-- SCENE 1 (first click in gate) -->\
(() => {
const dialog = `
As you approach the gates of your district, the crisp winter air nips at your skin. Your eyes widen in surprise as you spot two unexpected figures standing near the entrance, a beautifully decorated Christmas tree between them.
Peppermint: [Stepping forward with a mischievous grin, her golden hair bouncing] "Ho ho ho! Look who's come to greet us, Cinnamon!"
Cinnamon: [Gracefully moving beside her sister, her light brown hair framing her warm smile] "My, my, what a handsome specimen we have here. I think we've found our naughty list topper!"
You: [Approaching cautiously] (What in the world is going on here?) "Uh, hello there. I wasn't expecting... elves."
Peppermint: [Skipping towards you, her bell jingling] "Of course you weren't! That's the magic of Christmas, silly!"
As she gets closer, you can't help but notice how her green velvet outfit hugs her curves, the candy-cane-striped trim drawing your eye to all the right places. The virus in your blood begins to stir, your body responding to their alluring presence.
Cinnamon: [Following her sister with elegant steps, her glittery red heels sparkling] "We've come with a very special message. But first, tell us, have you been a good boy this year?"
You: [Swallowing hard] (Good? In this world?) "I... I'm not sure that's a simple question anymore."
Peppermint: [Reaching out to touch your arm, her fingers leaving a trail of tingling warmth] "Oh, we know all about your world, sweetie. And let's just say, your kind of naughty is exactly what we're looking for."
The elves exchange a playful glance before moving back to the Christmas tree. Peppermint circles around it, her hands trailing over the branches teasingly. Suddenly, she darts behind Cinnamon, playfully miming a bite on her sister's backside.
Cinnamon: [Giggling and swatting at Peppermint] "Oh, you! Always the troublemaker."
They both turn back to you, their eyes gleaming with mischief. In a synchronized motion, they lift their velvet tops, giving you a quick flash of their perky breasts before quickly covering up again.
Peppermint: [Winking] "Just a little Christmas preview for you, big boy."
Cinnamon: [Her voice low and enticing] "We've got a little... problem that needs solving. A big, bad Ms. Claus causing trouble. Think you're up for the challenge?"
Before you can respond, Cinnamon gracefully lowers herself to the ground, her outfit seemingly melting away until she's almost completely naked, lying on the snow-dusted earth. The contrast of her warm skin against the cold ground is mesmerizing.
Cinnamon: [Looking up at you with a seductive smile] "We need you to collect some very special candy canes. Big, juicy ones. Hidden throughout the forest and wastelands. Think you can handle that?"
You feel your body responding intensely, the virus amplifying your arousal to almost unbearable levels. The elves' playful demeanor seems to mask a hint of urgency, and you find yourself both intrigued and wary.
You: [Taking a deep breath] "What do I get in return for this... candy cane hunt?"
Peppermint: [Helping Cinnamon to her feet] "Let's just say, if you're successful, you'll get a Christmas present you'll never forget."
Cinnamon: [Winking as she magically redresses] "And trust us, we know exactly what you like."
You find yourself nodding, almost involuntarily, your curiosity and arousal getting the better of you.
You: "Alright, I'm in. Tell me more about these candy canes and this Ms. Claus."
The elves begin to explain the details of your mission, their playful touches and suggestive comments keeping you on edge throughout the conversation. As they speak, you can't help but wonder what other surprises this bizarre Christmas adventure might have in store for you.
Just before leaving they mention the floors 2,4,7 and 11 of the Border Zone and Peacewood.
Button: Go on your mission
</script><!-- SCENE 2 (after collecting 8 candy cane) -->\
<div class="DIAS_container">
<div class="DIAS_message centered DIAS_active">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You approach the gates once more, your heart racing with anticipation. The eight large, juicy candy canes
you've collected weigh heavily in your hands, a testament to your successful hunt through the forest and
wastelands. As you draw near, you notice a striking figure has replaced the playful elves from before.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1B1.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Standing tall and imposing is Ms. Claus, her presence radiating authority and seduction. Her long, cascading
blonde hair falls in loose curls around her shoulders, framing a face of striking beauty. Bold red lips,
perfectly matching her outfit, curl into a smile that's both inviting and dangerous. Her piercing blue eyes
lock onto you, sparkling with mischief and desire.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1B2.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Ms. Claus is dressed in a Santa-inspired ensemble that leaves little to the imagination. Her red velvet
bodice, trimmed with white fur, hugs her voluptuous figure tightly, pushing her ample breasts up and
together to create a tantalizing cleavage. The bodice tapers to a narrow waist before flaring out into a
short, flirty skirt that barely covers her shapely behind. Semi-sheer white tights cling to her long, toned
legs, ending in a pair of bright red high heels that accentuate her calf muscles.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1B3.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<action>Her voice a sultry purr</action>
<p>Well, well, well. Look who's finally arrived with my treats.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. Each step causes her breasts to bounce slightly,
drawing your gaze. The virus in your blood responds to her proximity, your arousal spiking dangerously.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1B4.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message right">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mc">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mc.name</name>
<action>Approaching cautiously, candy canes in hand</action>
<p>I've collected what you asked for. Now, what's this all about?</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Ms. Claus reaches out, trailing a finger along your jaw. Her touch is electric, sending shivers down your
spine and straight to your groin. She leans in close, her breath hot against your ear, her breasts pressing
against your chest.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1B5.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<action>Whispering seductively</action>
<p>Oh, darling. You've done well, but I'm afraid it's not quite enough. I need one more candy cane. A very
special one. Bigger, juicier... and much more satisfying.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her hand trails down your chest, over your abs, and comes to rest teasingly close to your crotch. Your body
responds instantly, your manhood straining against your pants. Ms. Claus notices, her smile widening.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1B6.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<action>Her voice turning husky</action>
<p>Mmm, seems like you might have just what I'm looking for.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She takes a step back, her hands moving to the fur trim of her bodice. Slowly, teasingly, she begins to peel
it down, revealing more and more of her creamy skin. Just as she's about to expose her nipples, she stops,
her eyes glinting with mischief.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1B7.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<action>Her voice suddenly harsh</action>
<p>But I'm not asking nicely anymore. Give me what I want, or face the consequences.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>The air around you seems to crackle with tension. Ms. Claus's demeanor has shifted from seductive to
aggressive, her true nature as a formidable MAD officer becoming apparent. Yet, her partially exposed
breasts and the lingering scent of her perfume keep you achingly aroused.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1B8.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Your body tenses, ready for action. The choice you make now will determine the course of this bizarre
Christmas encounter and potentially the safety of your district.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message right">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mc">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mc.name</name>
<action>Your voice steady despite your racing heart and throbbing erection</action>
<p>I'm not backing down. If it's a fight you want, Ms. Claus, then let's do this.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<action>Her smile turning feral, her exposed cleavage heaving with excitement</action>
<p>Oh, you foolish, delicious boy. I was hoping you'd say that.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>With a snap of her fingers, the area around you transforms. The gates fade away, replaced by a surreal, snowy
battlefield. Ms. Claus stands before you, her outfit morphing into something even more battle-ready. Her
skirt has disappeared entirely, replaced by a high-cut red robe that leaves her toned thighs exposed. Her
bodice now barely contains her breasts, threatening to spill out with each movement.</p>
<div id="_stopper" class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div id="bedroom-cherie" class="DIAS_button">
<img class="arrowbackground" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp">
<!-- right arrow icon -->
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1B9.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<action>Her voice echoing with power, her body posed provocatively</action>
<p>Let's see if you can handle a real Christmas miracle, shall we? I promise, the reward for victory will be...
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>The battle with Ms. Claus is about to begin, your dominance levels perfectly matched, promising an intense
and unpredictable encounter. The fate of your district - and perhaps the very nature of this twisted
Christmas - hangs in the balance, as does the promise of unimaginable pleasure.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1B10.webp">
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick='playPassage("3B2")'>Run Away</div>
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick='nextbloc(1)'>Fight</div>
playAudio("music", "christmas2");
setBackground('ressources/backgrounds/1G.webp'); //Gates
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
document.getElementById('_stopper').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
setBackground('ressources/backgrounds/XHC1B.webp'); //Winter Forest
DIAF_MessageClick({target: document.body}); //fake event target
}, { once: true });
function nextbloc(i) {
SV.scenes.list[passageId].seen = true;
if (i === 0) playPassage("1G");
else if (i === 1) {
SV.gui_interface.christmasCandyCanesEnable = false;
.DIAS_button {
margin-bottom: 2vh;
.DIAS_button img {
width: 5vh;
padding: 1vh;
filter: invert(9%) sepia(92%) saturate(6754%) hue-rotate(7deg) brightness(84%) contrast(98%);
</style>\<!-- SCENE 3 (after fight) -->\
(() => {
const dialog = `
As the intense sexual battle comes to a climactic end, you find yourself standing victorious over Ms. Claus. Her once-pristine outfit is now in disarray, her blonde hair tousled and wild. Her chest heaves with each breath, her skin glistening with a sheen of sweat. Despite her defeat, a satisfied smile plays on her lips.
Ms Claus: [Her voice husky and breathless] "Oh my... you certainly know how to stuff a stocking, don't you?"
She stretches languidly, her body still quivering from the intense pleasure you've given her. Your seed glistens on her thighs, a testament to your victory.
You: [Panting slightly, your body still thrumming with post-coital energy] "So, have I earned my Christmas present?"
Ms. Claus laughs, a rich, melodious sound that sends a shiver down your spine. She rises gracefully, her outfit magically repairing itself, though it remains way more revealing than before.
Ms Claus: [Her eyes twinkling with mischief] "Oh, darling, you've more than earned it. In fact, I think you deserve something extra special."
She saunters towards you, her hips swaying enticingly. Reaching out, she traces a finger down your chest, leaving a trail of tingling warmth.
Ms Claus: [Leaning in close, her breath hot against your ear] "How would you like a peek into the naughty dreams of your lovely harem? With a little Christmas magic, of course."
Your eyes widen at the proposition, your body already responding to the thought.
Ms Claus: [Grinning wickedly] "I'll take that as a yes. Follow me, my virile champion. Let's spread some Christmas cheer to those lovely ladies of yours."
She takes your hand, leading you towards the shelter. As you walk, she explains her plan.
As she explains, her body still shivers from the experience giving you quite the view.
Ms Claus: "We'll visit each of your girls in turn. They'll be sleeping, lost in their deepest Christmas fantasies. And you, my dear, get to step right into those dreams and make them a reality."
You: [Your voice thick with anticipation] "And they won't wake up?"
Ms Claus: [Winking] "Oh, they'll think it's all just a very vivid, very satisfying dream. My little gift to them... and to you."
You nod, your heart racing with excitement and a touch of nervousness.
Ms Claus: [Her smile returning] "Excellent. Then let the Christmas festivities begin!"
Button: Alrighty!
SV.gui_interface.christmasCandyCanesEnable = false;
</script><!-- SCENE 4 (after scene 3) -->\
<div class="DIAS_container">
<div class="DIAS_message centered DIAS_active">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>As you and Ms. Claus enter Cherie's room, the air shimmers with Christmas magic. You find yourself in a
cozy, festively decorated bedroom. Cherie lies on the bed, dressed in a sexy Mrs. Claus-inspired outfit
that accentuates her mature curves.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<action>Stirring in her sleep</action>
<p>"Oh... is that you, dear?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E1.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her eyes flutter open, filled with a mixture of love and forbidden lust. As she sees you, her cheeks
flush with desire and shame.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<action>Her voice thick with need</action>
<p>"I shouldn't want this... but I can't help myself."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Slowly, teasingly, she begins to remove her costume. First, she unties the top, revealing her ample
cleavage. Her fingers trace the curve of her breasts, circling her hardening nipples through the fabric.
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E2.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<action>Breathing heavily</action>
<p>"I know I shouldn't, but... I want you to see me, baby."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She slides the top off completely, her full breasts bouncing free. Her nipples are erect, begging for
attention. Her hands move to the waistband of her skirt, pushing it down over her hips. She's not
wearing any panties, and you catch a glimpse of her neatly trimmed pubic hair.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E3.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<action>Moaning softly</action>
<p>"Oh, baby... $[characters.list.cherie.role] needs you so badly. Watch me..."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Now completely naked, Cherie begins to pleasure herself. Her fingers trail down her stomach to her pussy,
which is already glistening with arousal. She spreads her labia, revealing the pink, wet flesh within.
Her other hand kneads her breast, pinching and rolling the nipple.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E4.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You find yourself responding, your cock hardening rapidly in your pants. Without thinking, your hand
moves to your crotch, rubbing your growing erection through the fabric.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<p>"That's it... show $[characters.list.cherie.role] how much you've grown. Oh god, this is so wrong but it feels so good!"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She inserts two fingers into her dripping pussy, her thumb circling her swollen clit. Her hips buck
against her hand as she fucks herself, her eyes locked on the bulge in your pants.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E5.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<p>"Take it out, baby. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] see how big you've gotten."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You free your throbbing cock, wrapping your hand around its girth. Pre-cum glistens at the tip as you
begin to stroke yourself.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<action>Moaning loudly</action>
<p>"Oh fuck, yes! Stroke that big cock for $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I'm so wet for you, baby."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>As you both reach your peak, Cherie cries out in ecstasy, her body shuddering with pleasure. Her pussy
clenches around her fingers as she cums, squirting onto the bed. At the same time, your cock erupts,
shooting thick ropes of cum onto your hand and stomach.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E6.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<p>"Oh, baby... that was amazing. $[characters.list.cherie.role] loves you so much."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>The room fills with the musky scent of sex and the warmth of taboo desire fulfilled.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<p>"My, what a naughty $[characters.list.cherie.role]... Let's see what your $[characters.list.lana.role] is up to."</p>
<div id="stopper1" class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div class="DIAS_button">
<img class="arrowbackground" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp">
<!-- right arrow icon -->
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>In Lana's room, you find yourself in another festively decorated bedroom. Lana is wearing a sexy,
military-inspired Christmas lingerie that shows off her toned body.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E7.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="lana">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.lana.name</name>
<action>Looking up with a fierce grin</action>
<p>"Ready for some special attention, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>As she stands, her eyes rake over your body, a look of hunger replacing her usual dominance. Slowly, she
begins to strip off her costume, her movements becoming more sensual with each piece removed.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E8.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="lana">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.lana.name</name>
<action>Her voice low and husky</action>
<p>"I've always been stronger than you... but now, seeing you like this... God, what's happening to me?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She peels off her top, her firm breasts bouncing free. Her nipples are hard, standing at attention. Next,
she hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her bottoms, slowly pushing them down her muscular legs.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E9.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="lana">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.lana.name</name>
<action>Breathing heavily</action>
<p>"I can't believe I'm doing this... but I can't stop."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Now completely naked, Lana begins to touch herself. Her fingers trail down her toned body to her pussy,
which is already slick with arousal. She spreads her legs wider, giving you a clear view as she begins
to circle her clit.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E10.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="lana">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.lana.name</name>
<p>"Fuck... I can't believe how much I want you. This is so messed up, but I don't care anymore!"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her other hand moves to her breast, squeezing and kneading the firm flesh. She pinches her nipple hard,
gasping at the sensation.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E11.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You can't help but respond, your cock hardening again. You begin to stroke yourself, matching Lana's
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="lana">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.lana.name</name>
<p>"That's it, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Show me that big cock. I bet you're stronger than me now, aren't you?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She inserts two fingers into her dripping pussy, her thumb still working her clit. Her hips buck against
her hand as she fucks herself harder.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E12.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="lana">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.lana.name</name>
<p>"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum. Cum with me, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]!"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her cries of pleasure fill the air as you both masturbate, the taboo nature of your relationship only
adding to the intensity. Lana's body tenses as she reaches her climax, her pussy clenching around her
fingers. At the same time, your cock erupts again, spraying cum onto the floor.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E13.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="lana">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.lana.name</name>
<p>"Holy shit... that was intense. We can never tell anyone about this, okay?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<action>Fanning herself</action>
<p>"My, my... sibling rivalry has never looked so delicious. Shall we check on the youngest?"</p>
<div id="stopper2" class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div class="DIAS_button">
<img class="arrowbackground" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp">
<!-- right arrow icon -->
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Next is Elfie's room, also decorated for Christmas. Elfie is wearing a cute, santa-inspired outfit that
emphasizes her youthful figure.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E14.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<p>"$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Want to play with me?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>As she notices your presence, her eyes widen. A blush spreads across her cheeks as she realizes the
nature of her desires.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<action>Biting her lip</action>
<p>"I... I've been having these thoughts about you. Is it okay if I show you?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Hesitantly at first, then with growing confidence, Elfie begins to remove her costume. She starts with
her top, revealing a small, lacy bra underneath.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E15.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<p>"I've never done anything like this before..."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She unhooks her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her small, perky breasts are revealed, topped with
pink, puffy nipples that are already hard with arousal. Her hands move to her skirt, pushing it down
over her hips along with her panties.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E16.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Now fully naked, Elfie stands before you, her body slim and youthful. Her pussy is smooth and hairless,
already glistening with excitement.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E17.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<p>"Will you show me how to touch myself while you watch?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You guide her verbally, instructing her on how to pleasure herself as you do the same. She starts by
cupping her small breasts, gently squeezing them and pinching her nipples.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<p>"Oh! That feels... really good."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her hand trails down her flat stomach to her pussy. She hesitates for a moment before running a finger
along her slit, collecting the moisture there.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E18.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<action>Moaning softly</action>
<p>"It's so wet down there... Is that normal?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You encourage her, your own hand stroking your hard cock as you watch. Elfie begins to explore her pussy
more confidently, her fingers finding her clit.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E19.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<p>"Oh wow, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... I'm feeling something amazing!"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She rubs her clit in small circles, her hips starting to move against her hand. With her other hand, she
tentatively inserts a finger into her tight pussy.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E20.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<action>Moaning louder</action>
<p>"Oh god, it's like... like I'm going to explode!"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>As her movements become more frantic, you stroke yourself faster, matching her rhythm. The sight of your
innocent $[characters.list.elfie.role] discovering self-pleasure is intensely arousing.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E21.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<action>Crying out</action>
<p>"$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I think I'm... I'm cumming!"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her body shudders as she reaches her first orgasm, her pussy clenching around her finger. The sight
pushes you over the edge, and you cum again, your cock pulsing in your hand.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E22.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<action>Breathless and wide-eyed</action>
<p>"That was... incredible. Can we do this again sometime?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<p>"Ah, the innocence of youth... though perhaps not so innocent anymore. Let's see what your cousin is up
to, shall we?"</p>
<div id="stopper3" class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div class="DIAS_button">
<img class="arrowbackground" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp">
<!-- right arrow icon -->
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>In Mia's room, you find her wearing a skimpy, Santa-inspired outfit that leaves little to the
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E23.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mia">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mia.name</name>
<p>"Want to see my special moves, cousin?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her routine quickly becomes a striptease, her costume falling away piece by piece. She starts by removing
her top, shaking out her long hair. Her ample breasts bounce free, nipples already hard and standing out
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E24.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mia">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mia.name</name>
<p>"Like what you see? There's plenty more where that came from."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She runs her hands over her breasts, squeezing them together teasingly.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mia">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mia.name</name>
<p>"I've always wondered what it would be like with you. Let's find out together..."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her hands move to her bottoms, slowly pushing them down over her hips. She's not wearing any panties
underneath, and her smooth, shaved pussy is revealed, already glistening with arousal.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E25.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Now fully naked, Mia begins to touch herself, her hands roaming her body. She cups her breasts, pinching
her nipples and moaning softly. Then her hand trails down her flat stomach to her pussy.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E26.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mia">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mia.name</name>
<p>"God, I'm so wet for you, cousin. Watch me touch myself."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She spreads her legs wide, giving you a clear view as she begins to pleasure herself. Her fingers spread
her labia, revealing the pink, wet flesh within. She circles her clit with one finger, her hips bucking
at the sensation.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E27.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You can't help but respond, your cock hardening once again. You begin to stroke yourself, matching Mia's
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mia">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mia.name</name>
<action>Moaning loudly</action>
<p>"That's it, stroke that big cock for me. I want to see you cum."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She inserts two fingers into her dripping pussy, fucking herself hard as her thumb continues to work her
clit. Her other hand squeezes her breast roughly, pinching and pulling at her nipple.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E28.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mia">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mia.name</name>
<p>"Oh fuck, yes! I'm gonna cum, cousin. Cum with me!"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>The taboo nature of your relationship only seems to excite her more. As she reaches her peak, her pussy
clenches around her fingers, a gush of fluid squirting out onto the floor. The sight pushes you over the
edge, and you cum again, your cock pulsing as it shoots ropes of cum.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E29.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mia">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mia.name</name>
<p>"Holy shit... that was even better than I imagined. We should make this a new Christmas tradition."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<p>"Now that's what I call keeping it in the family. Shall we see what your wastelands friend is dreaming
<div id="stopper4" class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div class="DIAS_button">
<img class="arrowbackground" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp">
<!-- right arrow icon -->
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Gabbie's room is decorated with a mix of Christmas and modern elements. She's wearing a revealing,
stylish Christmas-inspired outfit that accentuates her curves.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E30.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="gabbie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.gabbie.name</name>
<action>With a knowing smile</action>
<p>"Ready for some holiday fun?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Without hesitation, she begins to remove her outfit, her eyes locked on yours. The fabric seems to cling
to her skin before falling away, revealing her body inch by tantalizing inch.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E31.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="gabbie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.gabbie.name</name>
<p>"I've been thinking about this for a while. Show me what you can do."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>As her breasts are revealed, you notice they're larger than you expected, full and firm with large, dark
nipples. The outfit continues to disappear, revealing her toned stomach and the curve of her hips.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E32.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="gabbie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.gabbie.name</name>
<p>"This is even better than I imagined."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Finally, she's completely naked before you. Her pussy is neatly trimmed, already glistening with arousal.
She begins to touch herself, her movements both sensual and eager.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E33.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="gabbie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.gabbie.name</name>
<p>"God, you're even more impressive than I thought. Touch yourself for me."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You comply, your hand wrapping around your hard cock. Pre-cum leaks from the tip as you begin to stroke,
matching Gabbie's rhythm.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Gabbie inserts two fingers into her dripping pussy, her thumb working her clit. Her other hand squeezes
her breast roughly, pinching and pulling at her nipple.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E34.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="gabbie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.gabbie.name</name>
<p>"Fuck, this feels so good. I want to see you cum. Show me what you've got."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>The sight of Gabbie pleasuring herself while watching you do the same is intensely arousing. You stroke
faster, feeling your orgasm building.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E35.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="gabbie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.gabbie.name</name>
<action>Crying out</action>
<p>"Oh god, I'm cumming! Cum with me!"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her body shudders as she reaches her peak, her pussy clenching around her fingers. The sight pushes you
over the edge, and you cum hard, your cock pulsing as it shoots ropes of cum.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E36.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="gabbie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.gabbie.name</name>
<p>"Holy shit... that was incredible. We definitely need to do this again sometime."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<p>"My, my, what a passionate display. Now, let's see what our mysterious forest woman is up to."</p>
<div id="stopper5" class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div class="DIAS_button">
<img class="arrowbackground" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp">
<!-- right arrow icon -->
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Finally, you enter Angela's room, which seems to exist beyond normal space and time. Angela is wearing a
dress that seems to be made of living Christmas lights.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E37.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="angela">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.angela.name</name>
<action>Her voice echoing</action>
<p>"Welcome, my champion. Shall we celebrate this night together?"</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her dress melts away, revealing her stunning form. Her body is perfect, radiating power and sexuality.
Her skin glows with an inner light, and her hair flows around her like silk.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E38.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="angela">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.angela.name</name>
<p>"Let us create something beautiful together."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She begins to pleasure herself, her actions seeming to affect the very air around you. As she touches her
breasts, the room seems to pulse with energy. When her fingers trail down to her pussy, the air shimmers
with heat.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E39.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="angela">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.angela.name</name>
<p>"Yes, that's it. Let our pleasure reshape this night."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You begin to stroke your cock, which seems to throb with an impossible intensity. Each stroke sends waves
of pleasure through your body, more intense than anything you've ever felt.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Angela inserts her fingers into her divine pussy, which glistens with an otherworldly wetness. Her other
hand works her clit, which pulses with a strange, enticing light.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E40.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="angela">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.angela.name</name>
<action>Crying out</action>
<p>"Oh, my champion! I'm approaching the peak of pleasure. Cum with me and let us create something magical!"
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>As you both reach your climax, the room explodes with light and sensation. Your cum shoots out in an
endless stream, seeming to sparkle in the air. Angela's orgasm causes the very air to vibrate with
energy, creating a moment of pure, transcendent pleasure.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E41.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="angela">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.angela.name</name>
<p>"Magnificent. We have created something truly special. Until next time, my champion."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>As you exit Angela's dream, Ms. Claus greets you with a mischievous smile, her eyes twinkling with
<div id="stopper6" class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div class="DIAS_button">
<img class="arrowbackground" src="ressources/maingui/ui/chevron-arrow2.webp">
<!-- right arrow icon -->
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<action>Fanning herself</action>
<p>"My, my... you've certainly spread Christmas cheer in the most delightful way. You've brought joy to all
your girls, and even reshaped reality itself. But I've got one last surprise for you, my dear."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>She leans in close, her breath hot against your ear as she whispers:</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="msclaus">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.msclaus.name</name>
<p>"Follow me to your room. I think you've earned a very special gift from Mrs. Claus herself."</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XHC1E42.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>With a wink and a shimmer of magic, she starts walking towards your bedroom, her hips swaying enticingly.
You follow, your body tingling with anticipation and the residual energy from your cosmic encounters. As
you enter your room, you can't help but wonder what other magical, taboo experiences this night might
still hold.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="nextbloc()">Follow her</div>
(() => {
playAudio("music", "christmas4");
setBackground('ressources/backgrounds/1SC3.webp'); // cherie
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
const stoppers = [
{ // cherie -> lana
id: 'stopper1',
backgroundContent: 'ressources/backgrounds/1SL_1.webp',
/*rewardPopUp: [{ image: "ressources/icons/13MCE1.webp", description: "Cherie Christmas Icon Unlocked" }]*/
{ // lana -> elfie
id: 'stopper2',
backgroundContent: 'ressources/backgrounds/1SE1.webp',
/*rewardPopUp: [{ image: "ressources/icons/13MLE1.webp", description: "Lana Christmas Icon Unlocked" }]*/
{ // elfie -> mia (guest room)
id: 'stopper3',
backgroundContent: 'ressources/backgrounds/1SM.webp',
/*rewardPopUp: [{ image: "ressources/icons/13MEE1.webp", description: "Elfie Christmas Icon Unlocked" }]*/
{ // mia -> gabbie (interior camp)
id: 'stopper4',
backgroundContent: 'ressources/backgrounds/3AGI.webm',
/*rewardPopUp: [{ image: "ressources/icons/13MME1.webp", description: "Mia Christmas Icon Unlocked" }]*/
{ // gabbie -> angela (interior camp)
id: 'stopper5',
backgroundContent: 'ressources/backgrounds/2ACI.webm',
/*rewardPopUp: [{ image: "ressources/icons/13MGE1.webp", description: "Gabbie Christmas Icon Unlocked" }]*/
{ // angela -> winter
id: 'stopper6',
backgroundContent: 'ressources/backgrounds/XHC1B.webp',
/*rewardPopUp: [{ image: "ressources/icons/13MAE1.webp", description: "Angela Christmas Icon Unlocked" }]*/
stoppers.forEach(({id, backgroundContent}) => {
document.getElementById(id).addEventListener('click', (e) => {
DIAF_MessageClick({target: document.body}); //fake event target
}, { once: true });
function nextbloc() {
SV.scenes.list[passageId].seen = true;
SV.market.items.cherieChristmasIcon = true;
SV.market.items.lanaChristmasIcon = true;
SV.market.items.elfieChristmasIcon = true;
SV.market.items.miaChristmasIcon = true;
SV.market.items.gabbieChristmasIcon = true;
SV.market.items.angelaChristmasIcon = true;
.DIAS_text_modded {
flex-grow: 1;
margin: 0 1vh;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.DIAS_text_modded > img {
height: 10em;
margin: 0 1vh;
.DIAS_text_modded > p {
font-size: 1.4em;
margin: 0 1vh;
font-weight: bold;
margin-block-start: unset;
margin-block-end: unset;
.DIAS_button {
margin-bottom: 2vh;
.DIAS_button img {
width: 5vh;
padding: 1vh;
filter: invert(9%) sepia(92%) saturate(6754%) hue-rotate(7deg) brightness(84%) contrast(98%);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Ms. Claus leads you to your bedroom, her voluptuous hips swaying enticingly. As you enter, you're surprised to see Peppermint and Cinnamon waiting for you, their festive outfits barely containing their curves.
Ms Claus: [With a mischievous grin] "I thought you might enjoy a little... hands-on experience after all that watching."
The elves giggle, their eyes roaming over your body appreciatively. Ms. Claus begins to remove her outfit, revealing her lush, mature form. Her large breasts spill free, topped with rosy nipples already hard with excitement.
Peppermint: [Biting her lip, her blue eyes sparkling] "Let's show him how we celebrate Christmas at the North Pole!"
The elves start to undress each other, their movements sensual and teasing. Peppermint's golden hair cascades over her shoulders as Cinnamon unzips her green velvet top, revealing perky breasts with pink, erect nipples.
Cinnamon: [Her warm smile now tinged with lust] "Don't be shy, come join us!"
You approach, your hands reaching out to caress soft skin and curves. The women surround you, their hands exploring your body. Ms. Claus's experienced fingers wrap around your hardening cock, stroking it to full attention.
Ms. Claus guides your hand between her legs, showing you how she likes to be touched. Her pussy is already wet, her labia swollen with arousal.
Ms Claus: [Moaning softly] "That's it, darling. Circle my clit just like that."
Peppermint kneels before you, her blue eyes looking up mischievously as she takes your cock in her hand. Her small, delicate fingers can barely wrap around your girth.
Peppermint: [Licking her lips] "I've been waiting all night to taste this candy cane."
She engulfs you in her warm mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she sucks. Her tongue swirls around your sensitive head, sending shivers of pleasure through your body.
Cinnamon moves behind you, her soft breasts pressing against your back. Her hardened nipples poke into your skin as her hands reach around to caress your chest.
Cinnamon: [Whispering in your ear] "Let's make this a Christmas you'll never forget."
Her hands trail down to play with your balls, gently massaging them as Peppermint continues her oral ministrations.
The night progresses in a blur of pleasure and sensation. You find yourself in various positions, pleasuring and being pleasured by all three women.
You're on your back, Ms. Claus straddling your face as you eat her out. Her thighs quiver around your head as your tongue delves deep into her pussy, tasting her sweet arousal.
Ms Claus: [Gasping] "Oh, yes! Your tongue feels amazing on my clit!"
Peppermint is bouncing on your cock, her tight pussy gripping you like a vice. Her small breasts jiggle with each movement, her face contorted in pleasure.
Peppermint: [Moaning loudly] "It's so big! I feel so full! Your cock is stretching me so good!"
Cinnamon is kissing Peppermint, their breasts pressing together as they moan into each other's mouths.
Later, you're fucking Cinnamon from behind, her round ass jiggling with each powerful thrust. Your cock glistens with her juices as it slides in and out of her dripping pussy.
Cinnamon: [Panting] "Harder! Please, I need it harder! Fill me up with that big cock!"
Her face is buried between Ms. Claus's thighs, licking and sucking at her swollen clit. Ms. Claus's hands are tangled in Cinnamon's hair, holding her in place.
Ms Claus: [Groaning] "That's it, sweetie. Don't stop! Suck my clit just like that!"
Peppermint is underneath Cinnamon, her tongue working on Cinnamon's clit as she watches your cock slide in and out.
Peppermint: [Between licks] "You taste so good, Cinnamon! I can taste his pre-cum mixing with your juices!"
As the night reaches its peak, you're buried deep inside Ms. Claus. Her experienced pussy clenches around you, milking your cock with each movement.
Ms Claus: [Riding you frantically, her breasts bouncing] "I'm so close! Cum with me, darling! Fill me up with your hot seed!"
Peppermint is straddling your face, her sweet juices coating your tongue as you suck on her clit. Her thighs tremble on either side of your head. You take her with your huge cock.
Peppermint: [Grinding against your pelvis] "Oh fuck, I'm cumming! Your cock feels so good in my pussy!"
Cinnamon is behind Ms. Claus, her hands reaching around to play with her breasts and clit. She pinches Ms. Claus's nipples as her fingers circle her clit rapidly.
Cinnamon: [Moaning] "Let go, girls. Let's cum together! I want to feel everyone's pleasure!"
The room pulses with magical energy as you all reach your climax together. The air is thick with the scent of sex and sweat, mingling with the lingering smell of Christmas cookies and pine.
Ms Claus: [Crying out] "Yes! Oh god, yes! I'm cumming on your big cock!"
Peppermint: [Thighs clamping around your head] "It's too much! I can't... I'm... I'm squirting!"
Cinnamon: [Fingers working furiously at her own pussy] "I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Oh fuck, it feels so good!"
Your orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, your cock pulsing as you shoot load after load deep into Ms. Claus. The pleasure is so intense it's almost painful, your vision going white at the edges.
Afterward, you collapse in a tangle of limbs, breathless and satisfied. Sweat glistens on flushed skin, and the air is heavy with the scent of sex. Ms. Claus kisses you softly, her lips tasting of Peppermint.
Ms Claus: [Smiling contentedly] "Merry Christmas, my dear. I think you've more than earned your place on the nice list this year."
With a wink and a shimmer of magic, the three women vanish, leaving you alone in your bed. Your body aches pleasantly, and you can still taste them on your lips. The echoes of your incredible night still ring in your ears as you drift off to sleep, wondering what other magical encounters the future might hold.
(() => {
const dialog = `
The muffled sound of rushing water and panicked voices pulls you from a fitful sleep. Groggily, you stumble out of bed, your enhanced physique still unfamiliar as you make your way towards the commotion. The shelter's narrow hallway leads you to the bathroom, where a chaotic scene unfolds.
You: [Rubbing sleep from your eyes] (What's going on?) "Everything okay in there?"
Cherie: [Frantically trying to stem the flow of water from a broken pipe] "Oh, thank goodness you're awake! We've got a situation here."
The bathroom door swings open, revealing a mess of epic proportions. Water gushes from a cracked pipe beneath the sink, pooling on the tiled floor and seeping into the hallway. Cherie, your $[characters.list.cherie.role], stands in the center of the chaos, her thin nightgown clinging to her curves, now transparent from the spray. Her blonde hair is plastered to her face, blue eyes wide with concern.
Lana: [Cursing under her breath as she wrestles with the main water valve] "Damn it! This piece of junk is stuck. We need to shut off the water before we flood the entire shelter!"
Your elder $[characters.list.lana.role], Lana, is crouched by the toilet, her athletic form evident even through her soaked tank top and shorts. Her dark hair is tied back in a messy ponytail, muscles flexing as she struggles with the rusted valve. Water droplets cascade down her tanned skin, highlighting the scars from past battles.
Elfie: [Giggling nervously as she ineffectually mops at the floor with a towel] "It's like our own indoor swimming pool! Do you think we could keep it?"
Elfie, your $[characters.list.elfie.role], seems more amused than alarmed by the situation. Her pale blonde hair is darkened by the water, sticking to her delicate features. Her oversized sleep shirt is soaked through, revealing the outline of her lithe form as she half-heartedly attempts to contain the spreading puddle.
You: [Assessing the situation quickly] (Time to take charge.) "Lana, let me help with that valve. Elfie, grab every towel and bucket you can find. $[characters.list.cherie.role], see if you can redirect the spray away from the door."
Cherie: [Nodding gratefully] "Good thinking, honey. Elfie, hurry!"
You wade through the ankle-deep water, the cold liquid a shock to your system. As you reach Lana, you can't help but notice how her wet clothes cling to every curve of her athletic body. Pushing the observation aside, you focus on the task at hand.
Lana: [Grunting with effort] "It's stuck tight. Must be all the rust from the old pipes. Put those new muscles to use, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
You position yourself behind Lana, reaching around her to grasp the valve. The closeness is unavoidable in the cramped space, and you can feel the heat of her body against your chest. With a deep breath, you summon your enhanced strength and twist hard.
You: [Straining against the stubborn valve] (Come on, you bastard...) "Almost... got it..."
With a loud screech of protesting metal, the valve finally gives way. The rush of water slows to a trickle, then stops entirely. A collective sigh of relief echoes through the bathroom.
Cherie: [Pushing wet hair from her face] "Oh, thank goodness. Quick thinking, everyone. Now we just need to clean up this mess."
Elfie: [Returning with an armload of towels and buckets] "I brought reinforcements! Oh, the water stopped. Aww, no more indoor pool?"
Lana: [Standing up, her body brushing against yours in the tight space] "Good job, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Guess those new muscles aren't just for show."
You step back, suddenly very aware of your family's state of undress. Cherie's nightgown leaves little to the imagination, Lana's athletic form is on full display, and even Elfie's usually baggy shirt clings to her developing curves.
You: [Clearing your throat and averting your eyes] (Focus on the task at hand.) "Right, let's get this cleaned up before it seeps into the floor. We can't afford to waste any resources in this shelter."
Cherie: [Nodding in agreement] "You're right. Lana, can you check our water reserves? We'll need to be careful until we can fix this pipe properly."
Lana: [Wringing water from her ponytail] "On it. I'll see what I can scavenge to patch this up too. Can't have our only bathroom out of commission."
Elfie: [Giggling, laying down, tired] "Well, at least we all got an unexpected shower. Silver linings, right?"
As you all set to work cleaning up the mess, there's a palpable sense of teamwork and relief. Despite the challenges of your post-apocalyptic life, moments like these remind you of the strength you find in each other. The bathroom may be in shambles, but your family bond remains unshakeable.
You: [Grabbing a towel and joining the cleanup effort] (We've got this. Together, we can handle anything this new world throws at us.) "Alright, team. Let's get our shelter back in shape. And maybe next time, we'll stick to showers instead of impromptu swimming pools."
The sound of laughter mingles with the squelch of wet towels as your family works together, turning even this minor disaster into a moment of unity in your strange new reality.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The storage room of the shelter, dimly lit and cluttered with supplies. The air is thick with tension as the family gathers to discuss the virus's effects.
You: [Entering the storage room, your eyes adjusting to the dim light] (I can't believe we're having this conversation...) "Hey everyone, I guess it's time we talked about... you know."
The storage room feels cramped as you enter, the shelves stocked with canned goods and survival gear casting long shadows. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role] Cherie stands near a makeshift table, her lab coat a stark white in the gloom. Lana leans against a stack of boxes, her athletic frame taut with nervous energy. Elfie perches on a crate, her legs swinging anxiously.
Cherie: [Smoothing her lab coat, her eyes filled with concern] (I need to stay professional, for their sake.) "Yes, it's important we discuss how the virus is affecting each of us. Let's try to be open and honest."
You: [Nodding, trying to ignore the way your body reacts to the sight of your family] (Focus, damn it. This is serious.) "Okay, who wants to start?"
Lana: [Crossing her arms, her muscles flexing unconsciously] (This is bullshit. We shouldn't have to deal with this.) "Fine, I'll go. The virus is making me... aggressive. More than usual. I feel like I want to fight and fu-- nevermind."
You: [Raising an eyebrow at Lana's near slip] (She's struggling more than she lets on.) "It's okay, Lana. We're all dealing with this."
Elfie: [Blushing furiously, her eyes darting around the room] (Why is everyone so tense? And why do I feel so weird?) "Um, I've been having these... dreams. Really intense ones. About... stuff."
Cherie: [Taking a deep breath, her chest rising noticeably] (Stay calm, they need you to be strong.) "That's normal, sweetie. The virus affects our hormone levels and brain chemistry."
You: [Shifting uncomfortably, acutely aware of the tension in the room] (God, why does $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s voice sound so... No, stop it!) "What about you, $[characters.list.cherie.role]? How are you handling it?"
Cherie: [Her professional demeanor slipping slightly] (I can't let them see how much I'm struggling.) "Well, as a doctor, I'm trying to approach this clinically. But I won't lie, it's... challenging. I've noticed increased sensitivity, elevated body temperature, and... other symptoms."
You: [Swallowing hard, trying not to stare at your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s flushed skin] (Don't think about it, don't think about it...) "Yeah, I've been experiencing similar things. It's like my body's on overdrive all the time."
Lana: [Pacing now, her movements agitated] (I can't take this. Why does he look so... No!) "This is fucked up. We're family, we shouldn't be feeling like this!"
Elfie: [Tears welling in her eyes, trying to take some notes] (Why is Lana so angry? And why do I feel so strange when I look at them?) "I'm scared. What if it gets worse?"
You: [Moving to comfort Elfie, then stopping yourself] (I want to hug her, but should I?) "We'll figure this out, Elfie. We're in this together."
Cherie: [Her voice strained as she tries to maintain control] (Stay professional, Cherie. They need you.) "Let's talk about specific symptoms. Has anyone noticed changes in... physical responses?"
You: [Feeling a flush creep up your neck] (Oh god, are we really going there?) "Um, yeah. Everything feels more... intense. Especially touch."
Lana: [Growling in frustration] (Fuck, why does he have to say it like that?) "Yeah, it's like my skin's on fire all the time. And I can't stop thinking about... things."
Elfie: [Squirming on her crate] (Why does it feel good when they talk like that?) "I've been... touching myself more. Is that bad?"
Cherie: [Closing her eyes briefly, composing herself] (Stay calm, it's just biology.) "It's a natural response, Elfie. We all need to find ways to manage the symptoms."
You: [Running a hand through your hair, acutely aware of every sensation] (This is torture. How are we supposed to live like this?) "So what do we do? How do we control it?"
Cherie: [Her clinical facade cracking slightly] (I should have prepared more for this.) "Regular... release of tension is important. Exercise can help. Cold showers. And we need to be mindful of each other's space."
Lana: [Punching a nearby box] (I need to hit something, or someone, or...) "This is bullshit! We're trapped here, surrounded by... temptation. How are we supposed to cope?"
You: [Flinching at Lana's outburst, feeling a mix of fear and something else] (Why is her anger turning me on? This is so messed up.) "Lana, calm down. We're all in this together."
Elfie: [Suddenly bursting into tears] (I don't understand what's happening to me!) "I don't want to feel like this! It's not fair!"
Cherie: [Moving to comfort Elfie, then hesitating] (I want to hold her, but should I?) "Oh, sweetie. I know it's hard. We'll get through this."
You: [Feeling torn between comforting your $[characters.list.elfie.role] and maintaining distance] (This is a nightmare. How can something so wrong feel so...?) "Maybe we should take a break. This is a lot to process."
Lana: [Storming towards the door] (I need to get out of here before I do something stupid.) "I'm going to the gym. I need to... work off some steam."
Cherie: [Nodding, her composure barely holding] (We need time to process this.) "That's a good idea. Let's all take some time to reflect. Remember, we're family. We'll face this together."
You: [Watching as your family disperses, feeling a mix of relief and lingering tension] (Together. Right. God help us all.) "Yeah, together. No matter what."
The scene ends with the family separating, each lost in their own thoughts and struggles with the virus's effects. The air remains thick with unspoken desires and fears, leaving you to wonder how long you can resist the growing urges within you all.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialogDatas = {
1: [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The district's perimeter alarm blares, signaling intruders. Two figures emerge from the wasteland's haze - a petite, angry-looking dummy and a lithe, athletic woman with spiky hair and a glowing chest device." ]
characterKey: "mad_dummy",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Twitching erratically" ],
[ "para", `"Gah! We finally made it! This better be worth it, you hyperactive nuisance!"` ]
characterKey: "tracer",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Grinning mischievously" ],
[ "para", `"Oh, come off it, love! I told you this place was a goldmine. Just look at that specimen over there!"` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB3A.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Their eyes lock onto you, standing guard at the district's entrance. The virus's effects are immediately apparent as both intruders' bodies react visibly to your presence." ]
characterKey: "mad_dummy",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Fabric tightening around a suddenly manifested crotch bulge" ],
[ "para", `"I... I want to stuff him full of cotton and ride him like a carnival attraction!"` ]
characterKey: "tracer",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Licking her lips, a wet patch forming on her leggings" ],
[ "para", `"Mmm, I'd love to take him for a spin myself, but... go on then, you angry little plushie. Have a go first. You'll need the head start!"` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB3B.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Mad Dummy charges at you, fabric arms outstretched and button eyes gleaming with virus-fueled lust." ]
2: [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You stand victorious over Mad Dummy's limp form, strings of your potent seed dripping from every seam of its fabric body. The once-angry dummy now wears a blissed-out expression, utterly defeated." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Panting slightly, cock still rigid and throbbing" ],
[ "para", `"Is that all you've got? I thought you were going to 'stuff me full'?"` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB3C.webp"
characterKey: "tracer",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Stepping forward, hips swaying provocatively" ],
[ "para", `"Oh, that was just the warm-up act, love. Now it's time for the main event. Let's see if you can handle a real woman!"` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB3D.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "She blinks forward in a flash of blue light, her hands already reaching for your virus-enhanced manhood." ]
3: [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Tracer lies sprawled on the ground, her chronal accelerator flickering weakly. Her once-skintight outfit is in tatters, leaving her exposed and thoroughly used. Your cum leaks from her pussy and ass, while more of it mats her usually spiky hair." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Standing over her, still impressively erect" ],
[ "para", `"Looks like the 'main event' couldn't keep up either. You two aren't welcome here. Spread the word."` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB3E.webp"
characterKey: "tracer",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Whimpering, trying to cover herself" ],
[ "para", `"B-bloody hell... how are you still standing? What are you?"` ]
characterKey: "mad_dummy",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice muffled by the cum-soaked fabric" ],
[ "para", `"L-let's get out of here... This freak is too much even for us!"` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB3F.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The two defeated intruders stumble away, leaving behind a trail of your potent seed. The district remains secure, thanks to your virus-enhanced abilities and insatiable stamina." ]
(() => {
const dialog = `
The acrid smell of smoke jolts you awake, your enhanced senses immediately on high alert. You leap from your bed, heart pounding as you race towards the source of the danger. The shelter's narrow corridors seem to stretch endlessly as you sprint, guided by the thickening haze and the sound of panicked voices.
You: [Covering your mouth with your shirt] (Please, let everyone be okay.) "Hello? Where's the fire?"
As you round the corner into the kitchen, you're met with a scene of controlled chaos. Flames lick up the walls from behind the ancient stove, casting an eerie orange glow across the room. The acrid stench of burning plastic mingles with the smoky air, making your eyes water.
Cherie: [Coughing violently as she attempts to douse the flames with a pot of water] "It's the wiring! The old stove just... exploded!"
Your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s face is smudged with soot, her usually immaculate appearance marred by the crisis. Her robe hangs open, revealing a glimpse of lace beneath as she frantically battles the growing inferno. The firelight dances across her skin, highlighting the fear in her eyes.
Lana: [Cursing as she wrestles with a malfunctioning fire extinguisher] "Shit! This piece of junk is useless! We need to smother it somehow!"
Your elder $[characters.list.lana.role]'s muscular arms flex as she shakes the extinguisher in frustration. Her tank top rides up, exposing her toned midriff, glistening with sweat from the heat. Her hair, usually in a tight ponytail, has come loose, wild strands framing her determined face.
Elfie: [Frozen in place, clutching a stuffed animal] "What do we do? All our food... our home..."
Your $[characters.list.elfie.role] stands in the doorway, her eyes wide with terror. Her pale skin seems to glow in the firelight, her thin pajamas offering little protection against the heat. Tears streak down her cheeks, cutting clean paths through the light dusting of ash.
You: [Assessing the situation quickly] (We can't lose the kitchen. Think!) "Lana, grab the flour from the pantry! $[characters.list.cherie.role], wet some blankets! Elfie, I need you to be brave and help $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Can you do that?"
Cherie: [Nodding frantically] "Good thinking! Elfie, sweetheart, come with me. Quickly now!"
As Cherie rushes past with Elfie in tow, you can't help but notice how the firelight accentuates the curves of her body through her thin robe. You shake your head, forcing yourself to focus on the task at hand.
Lana: [Returning with a large sack of flour] "Here! What's the plan, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]?"
You grab the sack, tearing it open with your enhanced strength. The heat of the fire is intense, sweat pouring down your bare chest as you approach the blaze.
You: [Gritting your teeth against the heat] (Here goes nothing...) "We smother it! On three, I'm dumping this on the flames. Ready?"
Lana nods, positioning herself beside you. You can feel the heat radiating off her body, her breath coming in short gasps. For a moment, you're acutely aware of her presence, the way her sweat-slicked skin gleams in the firelight.
You: [Shaking off the distraction] "One... two... three!"
With a mighty heave, you fling the contents of the flour sack onto the fire. For a heart-stopping moment, the flames seem to grow, feeding on the new fuel. Then, suddenly, they begin to sputter and die as the flour smothers them.
Cherie: [Rushing in with wet blankets] "It's working! Quick, let's make sure it's out completely!"
Together, you and your family smother the remaining hotspots with the wet blankets. The kitchen fills with steam and the acrid smell of wet ash. As the immediate danger passes, the adrenaline begins to fade, leaving you all shaky and breathless.
Elfie: [Coughing slightly] "Is it... is it over?"
Lana: [Wiping sweat from her brow, inadvertently smearing ash across her face] "Looks like it. Nice quick thinking there, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. You might have just saved our asses."
You look around at your family, taking in their disheveled appearance. Cherie's robe has slipped off one shoulder, Lana's tank top is clinging to her like a second skin, and even Elfie's pajamas are smudged and askew. In the aftermath of the crisis, you're suddenly very aware of how little everyone is wearing.
You: [Clearing your throat and averting your eyes] (Focus. We're not out of the woods yet.) "We need to check for any remaining embers and assess the damage. This could have been a lot worse."
Cherie: [Nodding, her expression a mix of relief and concern] "You're right. We'll need to be more careful with our equipment. In this world, we can't afford mistakes like this."
Lana: [Already examining the charred stove] "I might be able to salvage some parts, but we're going to need to find a replacement soon. No more hot meals for a while, I'm afraid."
Elfie: [Looking around at the destruction with wide eyes] "At least we still have each other, right? And hey, I always wanted to try a raw food diet!"
Despite the gravity of the situation, you can't help but smile at Elfie's attempt at optimism. As you all begin to clean up the mess, there's a sense of renewed purpose. This incident is a stark reminder of the precariousness of your situation, but also of your family's resilience.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Entering the room, stretching your arms] "Hey everyone, ready for our family workout?"
The storage room buzzes with nervous energy as your family gathers for the daily training session. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role] Cherie stands near a set of makeshift weights, her usually pristine doctor's coat replaced by form-fitting workout clothes that accentuate her curves. Lana, your $[characters.list.lana.role], is already doing warm-up stretches, her athletic body moving with practiced ease. Elfie, your $[characters.list.elfie.role], fidgets with a jump rope, her youthful energy barely contained.
Cherie: [Turning to face you, a forced smile on her face] (God, he looks so much like his father...) "Ah, there you are, sweetie. We were just about to start. Remember, this is important for managing our virus levels."
You can't help but notice the way Cherie's eyes linger on your body for a moment too long, a flicker of something unreadable passing across her face before she quickly looks away.
Lana: [Pausing her stretches, a competitive glint in her eye] "About time you showed up, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Think you can keep up today?"
As Lana speaks, she bends over to touch her toes, her tight shorts straining against her muscular thighs and shapely ass. You feel a sudden rush of heat through your body, the virus amplifying your natural response to the sight.
You: [Clearing your throat, trying to focus] (Keep it together, man. It's just Lana being Lana.) "I'll do my best. What's the routine for today?"
Elfie: [Bouncing on her toes, her small breasts jiggling slightly with the movement] "Can we start with jumping jacks? Please, please, please?"
Cherie: [Nodding, her own ample chest heaving slightly as she takes a deep breath] "That sounds like a good warm-up. Everyone spread out and let's begin."
The family forms a circle, each member finding their space. As you start the jumping jacks, you can't help but notice the way your $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role]' bodies move. Cherie's large breasts bounce enticingly with each jump, barely contained by her sports bra. Lana's toned abs flex visibly, a sheen of sweat already forming on her skin. Elfie's lithe form moves with youthful energy, her face flushed with exertion.
You: [Focusing on your own movements, trying to ignore the stirring in your loins] (This is normal. It's just the virus. They're your family, for crying out loud!)
Lana: [Noticing your distraction, a smirk playing on her lips] "What's wrong, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Finding it hard to keep up already?"
Cherie: [Intervening, her voice slightly breathless] "Now, now, Lana. We're all in this together. Let's move on to squats, shall we?"
As the family transitions to squats, the atmosphere in the room grows even more charged. The virus heightens every sensation, making you acutely aware of the way your family's bodies move and flex.
Elfie: [Struggling with her form, a pout on her face] "I can't get as low as Lana. It's not fair!"
You: [Moving closer to Elfie, careful not to touch her] "Here, let me show you. It's all about keeping your back straight and your weight on your heels."
As you demonstrate the proper form, you can feel Cherie's eyes on you, a mix of maternal pride and something else, something that makes your skin tingle with awareness.
Cherie: [Her voice slightly husky] "That's very good, honey. You're becoming quite the strong young man."
Lana: [Rolling her eyes, but unable to hide a hint of admiration] "Yeah, yeah. Let's see how he handles the weights."
The family moves to the weight area. Lana immediately grabs the heaviest set, her muscles flexing impressively as she starts her reps. You find yourself torn between watching her display of strength and trying not to stare at the way sweat glistens on her skin.
You: [Picking up a moderately heavy set, your own muscles straining] (Focus on the burn. Don't think about how they look. Don't think about the virus.)
Cherie: [Placing a hand on your shoulder, her touch sending a jolt through your body] "Don't push yourself too hard, sweetie. We need to build your strength gradually."
Elfie: [Watching you with wide eyes] "Wow, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! You're getting so strong!"
The praise from your family sends a confusing mix of pride and something more primal through you. The virus amplifies every touch, every look, making it increasingly difficult to maintain the familial atmosphere.
Lana: [Setting down her weights, breathing heavily] "Alright, time for some cardio. Race you all to the other side of the room and back!"
Without waiting for a response, Lana takes off, her powerful legs carrying her swiftly across the room. You and Elfie scramble to follow, with Cherie bringing up the rear.
You: [Running, acutely aware of the way your body moves] (Don't look at Lana's ass. Don't look at $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s breasts. This is just a normal family workout.)
Elfie: [Giggling as she runs past you] "I'm gonna win! I'm gonna win!"
As you all reach the far wall and turn back, the close quarters cause you to brush against Cherie. The brief contact sends a shock of pleasure through both of you, causing her to gasp softly.
Cherie: [Flustered, her cheeks flushed] "Oh! Sorry, honey. These virus symptoms are making me a bit sensitive."
Lana: [Finishing first, her chest heaving as she catches her breath] "Good... good workout, everyone. Same time tomorrow?"
You: [Nodding, trying to calm your racing heart and ignore the uncomfortable tightness in your shorts] "Yeah, sounds good. I'm... I'm gonna hit the shower."
As you turn to leave, you can feel the eyes of your $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role] on you, the air thick with unspoken tension. The virus hums in your veins, a constant reminder of the changes happening to all of you.
Cherie: [Her voice slightly strained] "Remember, everyone, these workouts are crucial for managing our condition. We... we need to stay strong as a family."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialogDatas = {
1: [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "The air is thick with tension as two figures emerge from the shadows of the district's entrance. The Mad Trainee, a young woman with a nervous energy about her, fidgets with her weapon. Beside her stands D.VA, exuding confidence and power, her curvaceous form accentuated by her skin-tight suit."]
characterKey: "mad_trainee",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Glancing nervously at D.VA"],
["para", "\"So, um... we're really going to do this? Attack the district?\""]
characterKey: "dva",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Smirking"],
["para", "\"Scared, rookie? Just follow my lead and maybe you'll learn something.\""]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB6A.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "Their eyes lock onto you, standing defiantly at the district's gate. Both women's expressions shift, a predatory hunger replacing their previous demeanors."]
characterKey: "mad_trainee",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Licking her lips"],
["para", "\"Oh fuck, look at him. I want to ride that cock so bad.\""]
characterKey: "dva",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Rolling her eyes"],
["para", "\"Please, as if you could handle him. But fine, go ahead and try. It'll be amusing to watch you fail.\""]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB6B.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "D.VA steps back, crossing her arms under her ample breasts as the Mad Trainee approaches you, her intentions clear in her lust-filled eyes."]
2: [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "The Mad Trainee lies defeated at your feet, her body quivering from the intense, non-consensual orgasm you've forced upon her. Her pussy gapes, leaking a mixture of her juices and your cum onto the ground."]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Grinning down at her"],
["para", "\"Is that all you've got? Pathetic.\""]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB6C.webp"
characterKey: "dva",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Stepping forward, her eyes gleaming with a mix of arousal and malice"],
["para", "\"Well, well. Looks like the little bitch couldn't handle you after all. But don't think you've won yet, stud. It's time for the main event.\""]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB6D.webp"
characterKey: "dva",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Peeling off her skin-tight suit, revealing her voluptuous body. Her large breasts bounce free, nipples already hard with anticipation."],
["para", "\"Let's see how you handle a real woman, shall we?\""]
3: [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "D.VA lies sprawled on the ground, her once-confident demeanor shattered. Her pussy and ass gape obscenely, streams of your cum leaking from both holes. Her face is plastered with your seed, her expression a mix of humiliation and lingering pleasure."]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Standing over her, cock still hard and imposing"],
["para", "\"Not so tough now, are you?\""]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB6E.webp"
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Grabbing D.VA by the hair, forcing her to look at you"],
["para", "\"Listen carefully, both of you. If I ever see you in my district again, this will seem like a gentle warm-up. Understand?\""]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB6F.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "The Mad Trainee nods frantically, scrambling to her feet. D.VA, still dazed, manages a weak nod."],
["para", "\"Now get out of my sight, you worthless cum dumps.\""],
["para", "As they stumble away, supporting each other, you can't help but smirk. They won't be causing trouble again anytime soon."]
(() => {
const dialog = `
The static crackle of the ancient radio cuts through the stillness of the shelter, jolting you awake. You sit up on the worn couch, blinking away sleep and confusion.
You: [Fumbling with the radio dial] (Is this real?) "Hey! Everyone, get in here! We've got a signal!"
The living room door bursts open as your family rushes in. Cherie leads the charge, her silk robe flying open to reveal her completely naked form beneath, ample breasts bouncing with each step. Lana follows, wearing only a pair of boyshorts, her athletic torso and perky breasts on full display. Elfie stumbles in last, her oversized t-shirt riding up to show she's wearing nothing underneath, giving you a brief glimpse of her smooth mound.
Mia: [Already in the room, stretching languidly on the armchair] "About time something exciting happened around here. What's the buzz, cuz?"
Your cousin Mia uncurls from her perch, completely nude. She saunters over, hips swaying hypnotically, to peer at the radio over your shoulder. Her bare breasts press against your back, nipples hard from the excitement.
Cherie: [Leaning in close, her naked body mere inches from yours] "Can you make it out, honey? What are they saying?"
You fiddle with the dials, trying to clear up the signal. The proximity of your family, all in various states of undress, is overwhelmingly distracting. You can feel the heat radiating from their bare skin, smell the unique scent of each woman.
You: [Swallowing hard] (Focus, damn it.) "It's still fuzzy. I think... I think it's a distress call."
Lana: [Pushing forward, her bare breasts pressing against your arm as she reaches for the volume] "Let me try. I've got experience with military comms."
As Lana leans in, you get a full view of her toned body, a thin sheen of sweat making her skin glisten. Your eyes can't help but trace the curve of her spine down to her firm buttocks, barely covered by her boyshorts.
Elfie: [Bouncing excitedly, unaware that her shirt has ridden up completely] "Ooh, maybe it's other survivors! Do you think they have pizza? I miss pizza."
Mia: [Giggling as she drapes herself over your shoulders, her bare breasts and pubic mound pressing against you] "Forget pizza, squirt. I'm hoping for some hot guys. No offense, cuz, but a girl's got needs."
Her breath is hot on your neck, her nipples hardening against your skin. You feel a familiar stirring, the virus in your blood responding to the proximity of so many naked female bodies.
You: [Clearing your throat] (Get it together, man.) "Let's focus on the message, alright? This could be important."
Cherie: [Noticing your discomfort, a knowing look in her eyes] "Mia, dear, give your cousin some space. We need to hear this clearly."
As she speaks, Cherie absentmindedly lets her robe fall completely open, giving you a full frontal view of her mature, curvaceous body. The static clears, and a desperate voice emerges: "...anyone out there? We're trapped... MAD forces closing in... coordinates are..."
Lana: [Her voice husky, nipples visibly hardening] "We've got to help them. We can't leave survivors to MAD's mercy."
Mia: [Pouting slightly, running a hand down her naked body] "But it could be dangerous. Maybe we should... stay in. I'm sure we could find ways to pass the time."
Her hand trails down to her exposed pubic mound, drawing your gaze. You shiver, caught between duty and desire.
Cherie: [Stepping closer, her robe now completely discarded] "Mia's right about the danger, but Lana's right too. We can't ignore this. What do you think, honey?"
All eyes turn to you, the weight of the decision heavy on your shoulders. The radio crackles again, the desperate plea cutting through the charged atmosphere of the room filled with naked, virus-enhanced bodies.
You: [Standing up, your erection painfully obvious through your shorts] "We have to help. It's the right thing to do."
Elfie: [Clapping excitedly, oblivious to her complete nudity] "Adventure time! Can I come? Please?"
Lana: [Ruffling Elfie's hair, her other hand resting on your shoulder, breasts brushing against your arm] "Not this time, squirt. We need you to hold down the fort with $[characters.list.cherie.role] and Mia."
Mia: [Sighing dramatically, cupping her breasts] "Fine, but you boys owe us some fun when you get back. Deal?"
You nod, unable to tear your gaze from the expanse of bare skin surrounding you. The virus thrums in your veins, urging you to stay, to give in to the temptation of these beautiful, naked women.
Cherie: [Sensing your struggle, she steps closer, pressing her nude body against yours] "Be careful out there, sweetie. Come back to us in one piece, okay?"
Her hand cups your cheek, the touch sending sparks through your body. For a moment, you're lost in her eyes, seeing not just maternal concern but raw, primal desire.
You: [Taking a deep breath] (Stay focused. Lives are at stake.) "We will. Lana, gear up. We leave in ten."
As you move to prepare, you feel the eyes of your naked family on you. The air is thick with unspoken tension, desire mingling with fear and anticipation. This mission could change everything, but as you look back at the women in their full nude glory, you can't help but wonder what you'll be coming back to.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The storage room's dim lighting casts long shadows as Cherie, Lana, Elfie, and Mia gather for what should be a routine virus assessment. The air is thick with tension, the confined space amplifying the subtle musk of pheromones emanating from each family member.
You: [Shifting uncomfortably] "So, $[characters.list.cherie.role], what exactly are we doing here?"
The cramped storage area feels even smaller as Cherie moves closer, her lab coat brushing against your arm. The scent of her perfume mingles with an underlying note of arousal, making your head swim.
Cherie: [Clearing her throat] (God, why does he have to look at me like that?) "We need to conduct a thorough virus assessment. The confined space should help us detect any... unusual reactions."
The tension in the room ratchets up a notch as Cherie's words hang in the air. Lana crosses her arms, her athletic frame taut with barely contained energy, while Elfie fidgets nervously, her wide eyes darting between family members.
You: [Swallowing hard] "Unusual reactions? What do you mean?"
Your voice comes out huskier than intended, and you notice Mia biting her lip, her gaze fixed on the bulge forming in your pants.
Cherie: [Taking a deep breath] "We need to monitor how proximity affects our virus levels. It might get... uncomfortable."
As Cherie speaks, she begins unbuttoning her lab coat, revealing a hint of cleavage. The simple act sends a jolt of electricity through the room, and you feel your cock twitch in response.
Lana: [Scoffing] "Uncomfortable? Please. We're family. This is just science, right?"
Despite her bravado, Lana's nipples visibly harden beneath her tight tank top, betraying her arousal.
Elfie: [Whimpering softly] "I-I don't know about this, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. It feels weird."
Elfie's innocent protest only serves to heighten the taboo atmosphere. You can't help but notice the way her small breasts rise and fall with each nervous breath.
Cherie: [Sternly] "It's necessary, sweetie. Now, everyone, we need to remove some clothing to get accurate readings."
The air grows thick with anticipation as hands move to buttons and zippers. The rustle of fabric seems deafening in the confined space.
You: [Hesitating] (This is wrong, but why does it feel so... exciting?) "How much do we need to take off?"
Your question hangs in the air as Cherie's lab coat falls to the floor, revealing her curvaceous form in nothing but lacy underwear. Your cock strains against your pants at the sight of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s ample breasts barely contained by her bra.
Cherie: [Blushing] "Everything. We need... full exposure."
A collective gasp fills the room as the implications sink in. Lana, always competitive, is the first to strip completely, her toned body on full display. Your eyes are drawn to the trimmed patch of hair between her legs, and you feel a bead of pre-cum form at your tip.
Mia: [Giggling nervously] "Well, if we have to..."
Mia's clothes hit the floor, her perky breasts bouncing free. Her nipples are erect, pointing directly at you, and you can see a glistening sheen on her inner thighs.
Elfie: [Covering herself] "This is so embarrassing!"
Despite her protests, Elfie slowly reveals her petite form, her small breasts topped with pink, puffy nipples. Her virgin pussy is completely bare, and you can't help but stare at its perfect, untouched folds.
You: [Struggling to control your breathing] "I... I can't..."
Your resistance crumbles as four pairs of eyes lock onto your crotch. With shaking hands, you remove your clothes, your rock-hard cock springing free. A collective gasp fills the room at the sight of your impressive length.
Cherie: [Eyes wide] (Oh god, my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] is so... big) "That's... that's good, honey. Now we can begin the assessment."
The storage room feels like a sauna, the air heavy with the scent of arousal. Naked flesh presses against naked flesh as Cherie attempts to maintain a clinical demeanor.
Lana: [Breathing heavily] "This is ridiculous. We shouldn't be... fuck, is it hot in here?"
Lana's hand unconsciously moves towards her glistening pussy, stopping just short of touching herself. Her eyes are locked on your throbbing member.
Elfie: [Whimpering] "$[characters.list.cherie.role], something's happening. I feel... strange."
Elfie's innocent plea is belied by the way she presses her thighs together, her small body trembling with newfound sensations.
Mia: [Licking her lips] "Aunt Cherie, I think the virus is affecting us. Maybe we should... touch each other? For science?"
Mia's suggestion sends a shockwave through the room. Your cock twitches visibly, a drop of pre-cum forming at the tip. The women's eyes are drawn to it like moths to a flame.
Cherie: [Struggling to maintain composure] "No! No touching. We just need to... to observe."
But even as she speaks, Cherie's hand moves to her breast, absently toying with her nipple. The sight of your $[characters.list.cherie.role] touching herself sends a jolt of forbidden pleasure through your body.
You: [Groaning] "$[characters.list.cherie.role], $[characters.list.lana.role], I can't... I need..."
Your hand moves to your cock almost of its own volition, but Cherie's sharp voice stops you.
Cherie: [Panicked] "No! We can't... this is wrong. The assessment is over. Everyone, get dressed. Now!"
The spell is broken, but the damage is done. As everyone scrambles to cover themselves, the air is thick with shame, arousal, and the lingering scent of familial lust.
Lana: [Hurriedly pulling on her clothes] "This never happened, got it?"
But even as she speaks, her eyes linger on your still-hard cock, a promise of things to come gleaming in her gaze.
As the family files out of the storage room, the air crackles with unresolved tension. The virus has awakened something primal and forbidden, and you know that things will never be the same again.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialogDatas = {
1: [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "The air crackles with tension as two formidable figures approach the district's entrance. Mad Warrior, a lean and wiry woman with wild eyes, fidgets with her makeshift weapons. Beside her, the imposing Chun-Li exudes confidence, her muscular thighs flexing with each step."]
characterKey: "mad_warrior",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Licking her lips nervously"],
["para", "\"I saw him first! That virus-enhanced cock is mine to ride!\""]
characterKey: "chungLi",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Chuckling darkly"],
["para", "\"Calm yourself, little one. You wouldn't last five seconds with him. But fine, go ahead. I'll enjoy watching you fail.\""]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB9A.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "Their eyes lock onto you, hunger evident in their gazes. Mad Warrior's chest heaves with anticipation, her nipples visibly hardening through her tattered clothing. Chun-Li's powerful body tenses, a predatory smile playing on her lips."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB9B.webp"
characterKey: "mad_warrior",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Growling"],
["para", "\"I'll show you both! I'll fuck him senseless and drain every last drop!\""]
characterKey: "chungLi",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Crossing her arms under her ample breasts"],
["para", "\"Run along then, little rabbit. Your betters will clean up after you're done.\""]
2: [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "Mad Warrior lies defeated at your feet, her body quivering with a mix of pain and unwanted pleasure. Your cum drips from her gaping holes, a testament to her humiliation. Chun-Li's laughter echoes through the air."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB9C.webp"
characterKey: "chungLi",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Eyes gleaming with malice"],
["para", "\"As expected from trash. Now, let me show you how a real woman handles a man.\""]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB9D.webp"
characterKey: "chungLi",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Licking her lips"],
["para", "\"Prepare yourself, boy. I'll milk you dry and break you in ways this little slut couldn't even imagine.\""]
3: [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "Chun-Li's once-proud form now lies broken and defiled. Her legendary thighs are spread wide, exposing her thoroughly used holes. Your seed leaks from her pussy and ass, mixing with her own juices of shame and arousal."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB9E.webp"
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Standing over them, cock still hard and imposing"],
["para", "\"You thought you could take me? Pathetic. You're nothing but cum dumpsters for real men.\""]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/XB9F.webp"
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
["action", "Voice dripping with disdain"],
["para", "\"Get out of my sight, both of you. And spread the word - anyone who dares challenge me will end up as my personal fucktoy.\""]
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "Mad Warrior and Chun-Li crawl away, thoroughly defeated and marked by your dominance, leaving behind a trail of fluids as a reminder of their humiliation."]
(() => {
const dialog = `
The shelter's gates loom before you, a rusted barrier between safety and the unknown. Your family stands at the threshold, a mix of excitement and trepidation palpable in the air. The mission is clear: venture into the wasteland and forest to gather crucial supplies. But the virus thrumming in your veins adds an undercurrent of tension to the moment.
You: [Adjusting your pack, trying to ignore the persistent arousal] "Everyone ready? We need to stay focused out there."
Cherie: [Her voice wavering slightly] "Be careful, all of you. Remember, if the virus load gets too high..."
She trails off, unable to finish the thought. The unspoken solution hangs heavy in the air, a taboo none want to acknowledge.
Lana: [Squaring her shoulders, jaw set] "We've got this. Let's move out."
As you step beyond the gates, the wasteland stretches before you, a desolate expanse of rubble and withered vegetation. The forest looms in the distance, its twisted trees a promise of resources and danger alike.
Hours pass as you navigate the treacherous terrain. The sun beats down mercilessly, and soon, clothes begin to cling to sweat-slicked skin. You can't help but notice how the fabric outlines every curve of your family members' bodies.
Mia: [Fanning herself, her behind on full display] "Is it just me, or is it getting hotter?"
Elfie: [Giggling nervously] "It's not the heat, silly. It's the virus. Can't you feel it?"
The group falls silent, each member acutely aware of the growing tension. As you enter the forest's edge, the shade offers little relief from the internal fire building within you all.
You: [Leaning against a tree, breath coming in short gasps] (God, it's getting worse.) "We need to... we need to take a break. Check our virus levels."
Cherie: [Approaching you, concern and something else flickering in her eyes] "Honey, your face is flushed. Let me check."
Her hand brushes your forehead, the simple touch sending electricity through your body. You can see the internal struggle playing out on her face, maternal instinct warring with viral-induced desire.
Lana: [Her voice husky] "It's not just him. We're all... fuck, we're all feeling it."
The group huddles together, the proximity only intensifying the shared arousal. Hands shake as clothes are adjusted, futile attempts to alleviate the growing pressure.
Mia: [Biting her lip, eyes darting between family members] "We have to do something. We can't go on like this. We'll lose focus, make mistakes. Out here, that could be fatal."
A heavy silence falls, the unspoken solution weighing on everyone's minds.
You: [Swallowing hard] (It's wrong, but we don't have a choice.) "We need to... relieve the pressure. All of us. It's the only way we'll be able to continue the mission."
Cherie: [Tears welling in her eyes] "Oh god, you're right. I... I never thought it would come to this."
Slowly, trembling hands begin to move. Shame and arousal war on every face as clothes are pushed aside, exposing heated flesh to the forest air.
Lana: [Her voice a mix of determination and desperation] "Let's just... let's just get this over with. No one speaks of this once we're done, agreed?"
Nods all around, and then, with a collective intake of breath, hands begin to explore.
You gasp as multiple hands wrap around your throbbing member. Cherie's soft touch, Lana's calloused grip, Elfie's tentative exploration, and Mia's practiced strokes blend together in a maddening symphony of sensation.
Cherie: [Her voice barely a whisper] "I'm so sorry, baby. Just... just close your eyes. Pretend it's someone else."
But you can't. The virus heightens every sensation, making it impossible to ignore the reality of your family pleasuring you, even as your own hands seek out warm, wet flesh.
Mia: [Moaning softly as your fingers find her slick folds] "Oh god, cuz. Right there. Don't stop."
The forest fills with the sounds of labored breathing and muffled whimpers. Leaves rustle as bodies shift, seeking better angles, deeper penetration. The air grows thick with the musk of shared arousal.
Lana: [Her strong hands working your shaft expertly] "Fuck, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. You're so... you're so big. The virus, it's..."
Elfie: [Her inexperienced touches growing bolder] "Is this... am I doing it right? It feels so..."
Words fail as the group loses themselves to sensation. The shame is still there, a bitter undercurrent to the pleasure, but the relief is undeniable. Virus levels drop as hands work feverishly, bringing each family member closer to the edge.
You: [Gasping, overwhelmed by the multiple hands on your body] "I'm close. I can't... I can't hold back much longer."
Cherie: [Her motherly tone at odds with her actions] "It's okay, sweetie. Let go. We all need this. We'll get through it together."
With a strangled cry, you reach your peak. Around you, your family members follow suit, a cascade of shuddering bodies and stifled moans. For a moment, there's only the shared release, the virus's hold temporarily broken.
As the haze of pleasure fades, reality crashes back in. Hands withdraw hastily, eyes unable to meet as clothing is hurriedly rearranged.
Lana: [Her voice rough] "We should... we should get moving. We still have a mission to complete."
The group nods, grateful for the shift in focus. As you continue deeper into the forest, the lingering effects of your shared moment hang in the air. The shame is there, a weight on everyone's shoulders, but so too is a new understanding. In this virus-ravaged world, survival sometimes means crossing lines you never thought you would.
The journey back to the shelter is quiet, each lost in their own thoughts. But as the gates come into view, there's a sense of accomplishment mingled with the unease. You've survived, gathered the needed supplies, and managed the virus's effects.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of the storage room flickers, casting long shadows across stacks of supplies. The air is thick with tension as Cherie, Lana, Elfie, and Mia gather for what was supposed to be a routine combat training session. The virus's influence hangs heavy in the air, an invisible force amplifying every sensation and desire.
You: [Clearing your throat nervously] "Alright, ladies. Let's start with some basic grappling techniques."
The women nod, their eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and something darker, more primal. As you demonstrate a simple hold on Lana, her body presses against yours, and you feel an immediate stirring in your loins.
Lana: [Breathing heavily, her voice husky] "Like this, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]?" She grinds subtly against you, her firm ass pressing against your growing erection.
Your cock twitches involuntarily, and you struggle to maintain composure. The virus surges through your veins, heightening every sensation.
You: [Swallowing hard] "Y-yes, that's right. Now, let's practice breaking holds."
As the training progresses, the atmosphere becomes increasingly charged. Hands linger too long, bodies press too close. Cherie watches intently, her medical training at war with her growing arousal.
Cherie: [Licking her lips unconsciously] "Remember, in a real fight, you need to exploit any weakness. Don't hold back."
Her words seem to unleash something primal in the room. Suddenly, Mia lunges at you, her lithe body wrapping around yours. Her hand "accidentally" brushes against your crotch, and she gasps at the hardness she finds there.
Mia: [Eyes wide, voice trembling] "Oh god, it's so big... I mean, I didn't mean to..."
Before you can respond, Elfie joins the fray, her small hands grasping at your arms. In the struggle, her fingers trail down your chest, inching closer to your throbbing member.
Elfie: [Blushing furiously] "I'm just trying to practice the moves, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. It's not my fault you're so... so..."
Her words trail off as her hand finally makes contact with your cock through your pants. The room falls silent, save for the sound of heavy breathing.
You: [Groaning, fighting for control] "This... this isn't right. We're family..."
But even as you protest, your body betrays you. Your hips thrust forward, seeking more contact. Lana, never one to be outdone, pushes Mia and Elfie aside.
Lana: [Growling, her competitive nature taking over] "If anyone's going to take him down, it's me."
Her strong hands grip your shoulders, but as she attempts to throw you, you counter, pinning her against the wall. Your erection presses against her toned stomach, and she moans despite herself.
Cherie: [Her voice strained, trying to maintain authority] "Girls, remember, in a real fight, you need to... to incapacitate your opponent. Use whatever means necessary."
Her words hang in the air, loaded with unspoken permission. Suddenly, hands are everywhere. Mia's delicate fingers work at your zipper while Elfie's small hand slips under your shirt, her nails raking across your abs.
Mia: [Whimpering as she frees your cock] "Oh fuck, it's even bigger than I imagined. How is this even possible?"
Your massive, virus-enhanced member springs free, angry and red, precum already beading at the tip. The sight of it seems to break the last of everyone's restraint.
Elfie: [Her innocent eyes wide with wonder] "It's so big, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Can I... can I touch it?"
Before you can answer, her small hand wraps around your shaft, unable to fully encircle its girth. The feeling of her soft skin against your most sensitive organ sends shockwaves through your body.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] "Elfie, we shouldn't... oh god..."
Lana, not to be outdone, roughly shoves Elfie aside. Her calloused hand replaces Elfie's hand, gripping your cock with determination.
Lana: [Smirking, but her voice betrays her arousal] "Let me show you how it's done. This is how you take control of a man."
She begins to stroke, her movements firm and purposeful. Your knees nearly buckle from the intensity. Cherie watches, her medical instincts warring with her growing lust.
Cherie: [Swallowing hard] "Girls, be careful. The virus makes him... sensitive. Too much stimulation could be dangerous."
Even as she says this, Cherie moves closer, her eyes fixed on your throbbing member. Unable to resist, she reaches out, her soft hand joining the others on your shaft.
You: [Panting, overwhelmed] "$[characters.list.cherie.role], please... we can't..."
Cherie: [Her voice a mix of concern and desire] "Shh, baby. It's okay. This is... this is necessary. For your health."
The feeling of three generations of your family stroking your cock is too much. Your hips buck wildly, fucking into their joined hands. Mia, feeling left out, moves behind you, her hands roaming your chest before one slips down to cup your heavy, swollen balls.
Mia: [Whispering in your ear] "Don't forget about me, cousin. I want to help too."
The combined stimulation is overwhelming. Your cock throbs and swells even larger, veins pulsing visibly. Pre-cum flows freely, coating their hands and making the glide of their strokes smoother, faster.
You: [Groaning, lost in sensation] "I can't... I'm going to..."
Suddenly, a surge of the virus courses through you, heightening your senses even further. Your hands, seemingly of their own accord, reach out to the women surrounding you. You shoot a load towards your $[characters.list.lana.role] Lana.
You: [Voice husky with lust] "If we're doing this... we're all in this together."
Your fingers find their way to Lana's athletic shorts, slipping past the waistband. She gasps as you encounter her soaked pussy, her juices coating your fingers instantly.
Lana: [Moaning, her tough exterior cracking] "Oh fuck, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... that's... that's not fair..."
Your other hand reaches for Elfie, cupping her small, perky breast through her shirt before trailing down to the waistband of her skirt. You shoot a second load at her.
Elfie: [Whimpering, her innocent facade melting away] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please... I've never... oh god..."
Your fingers dip into her virgin pussy, finding it slick and ready. She cries out, her small body shuddering against yours.
Cherie, seeing what's happening, takes matters into her own hands. She guides one of your hands to her own dripping center, while continuing to stroke your throbbing cock.
Cherie: [Panting, her medical tone completely gone] "That's it, baby. Feel how wet $[characters.list.cherie.role] is for you. This is all for you."
Mia, not wanting to be left out, grinds against your ass, her hand still working your balls.
Mia: [Whining needily] "Me too, cuz. Don't forget about me!"
You manage to slip your hand between your bodies, finding Mia's soaked pussy and plunging two fingers deep inside her.
Mia: [Crying out in pleasure] "Yes! Oh fuck, yes!"
The room is filled with the sounds of panting, moaning, and the wet noises of fingers plunging into soaked pussies. The air is thick with the scent of arousal and the palpable presence of the virus.
You: [Groaning, overwhelmed by sensation] "I can't... I'm going to..."
Lana: [Her competitive nature flaring] "That's it, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Show us what that big cock can do. Cum for us."
Elfie: [Innocent yet eager] "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I want to see it!"
Cherie: [Her medical tone completely gone] "It's okay, sweetheart. Let it out. Fill $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s hand with your cum."
Mia: [Giggling, squeezing your balls] "Come on, cuz. Give us a show!"
The pressure builds to unbearable levels. With a roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting the women's hands, arms, and faces with your seed.
You: [Crying out] "Oh fuck! Oh god!"
The women gasp and moan as your hot cum splashes against their skin. The scent of your virus-enhanced semen fills the air, making them dizzy with lust. They continue to stroke, milking every last drop from your still-hard cock.
The feeling of your eruption, combined with your fingers still working their dripping pussies, sends the women over the edge. One by one, they cry out in orgasm, their bodies shuddering against yours.
Cherie: [Panting, licking her lips] "Good boy. That's it. Let it all out."
As the last pulses of your shared orgasms fade, reality starts to set in. The women look at each other, then at their cum-covered hands and your fingers glistening with their juices. A mix of shame and lingering arousal paints their faces.
Lana: [Clearing her throat] "Well... that was... some training session."
Elfie: [Blushing furiously] "I can't believe we just did that..."
Mia: [Giggling nervously] "Talk about family bonding..."
Cherie: [Trying to regain composure] "This... this never happened. We should clean up and... and never speak of this again."
As the women hurry to clean themselves and the room, you're left standing there, your still-hard cock glistening with the remnants of your massive load, fingers sticky with the essence of your family members. You wonder how you'll ever look at your family the same way again, even as the virus in your system urges you for more.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
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(() => {
const dialog = `
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(() => {
const dialog = `
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1: [
(() => {
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(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
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1: [
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
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1: [
(() => {
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(() => {
const dialog = `
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(() => {
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1: [
(() => {
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(() => {
const dialog = `
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(() => {
const dialogDatas = {
1: [
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialogDatas = {
1: [
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "You stand in front of the bathroom mirror, rehearsing your charm, sharpening your rizz, and perfecting your courtesy game until it feels natural."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1EA1.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Practice again",
onclick: () => restartCharismaGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartCharismaGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
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altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
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let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "You’re in the bathroom mirror, hyping yourself up like you’re about to win an Oscar for Best Flirt, refining your rizz and mastering the art of saying 'please' without sounding like a robot."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1EA2.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Practice again",
onclick: () => restartCharismaGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartCharismaGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
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altDialogData: {},
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let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "You’re in the bathroom mirror, throwing finger guns at yourself and practicing pickup lines with the confidence of a used car salesman, all while sneaking in 'thank you' and 'please' like you’re auditioning for the role of Sexy Mr. Rogers."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1EA3.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Practice again",
onclick: () => restartCharismaGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartCharismaGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
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altDialogData: {},
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let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "You switch on the TV and stumble upon a program about mastering interpersonal skills. The host shares insights on engaging conversations and confident body language. As you absorb the tips, you feel your own charisma enhancing."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA1.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "Flipping through channels, you find a show featuring expert craftsmen building intricate projects. The detailed techniques and creativity inspire you. You consider applying these skills to improve your surroundings."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA2.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "A medical documentary catches your eye, discussing breakthroughs in healthcare. It reminds you of your $[characters.list.cherie.role] Cherie's dedication as a former doctor. You think about sharing this with her to strengthen your bond."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA3.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "You watch a military documentary showcasing leadership and courage. The stories resonate with you, reminding you of your $[characters.list.lana.role] Lana's strength and determination. You feel motivated to connect with her on a deeper level."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA4.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "An intriguing tech show appears, exploring the latest in gaming and virtual reality. It's right up your $[characters.list.elfie.role] Elfie's alley. You consider discussing it with her to share in her geeky passions."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA5.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "A feature on social dynamics and networking unfolds on the screen. It brings to mind your cousin Mia's social prowess and cheerleading days. You think about reaching out to her to reconnect and share experiences."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA6.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "The TV displays a business seminar about entrepreneurial success. It reminds you of your aunt Chanel's achievements as a businesswoman. You're inspired to seek her advice and perhaps collaborate on ideas."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA7.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "A psychological thriller plays, delving into the complexities of the human mind. It makes you think of your grandmother Julia's wisdom and insight. You feel encouraged to engage her in thought-provoking conversations."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA8.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "An adventure series takes you through uncharted territories and daring exploits. It echoes the adventurous spirit of your friend Gabbie from the wastelands. You contemplate proposing a joint adventure to strengthen your friendship."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA9.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "A mystical documentary about ancient forests and spiritual journeys airs. It resonates with the divine aura of Angela, the sage figure you've met. You feel drawn to seek her guidance and learn from her profound wisdom."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA10.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "An unexpected romantic scene flashes across the screen, depicting a heartfelt connection between characters. The emotions stir something within you, subtly increasing your libido. You notice a slight change, aware that the biological virus affecting you might be intensifying."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA11.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "As you continue watching, the soft glow of the screen and the soothing sounds make your eyelids heavy. A gentle wave of sleepiness washes over you, and you consider getting some rest."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1FA12.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Watch again",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(true),
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartLivingroomGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "You’re in the backyard, piecing together scraps of wood and metal with quiet precision. Each nail you drive and cut you make feels deliberate, as if crafting something simple but meaningful from nothing."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1HA1.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Practice again",
onclick: () => {restartcraftsmanshipGame(true), playAudio("sfx", "construction_sound.mp3")},
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartcraftsmanshipGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
/*background selection */
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "In your backyard workshop of chaos, you’re scavenging scraps like a survivalist, muttering, “This rusty hinge will make a perfect door!” You pause mid-saw to shoo away a nosy squirrel, declaring, “Art takes time, buddy.”"]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1HA2.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Practice again",
onclick: () => {restartcraftsmanshipGame(true), playAudio("sfx", "construction_sound.mp3")},
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartcraftsmanshipGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
/*background selection */
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "You’re in the backyard, surrounded by a pile of mismatched junk. Duct tape is holding half your project together while the other half leans like the Tower of Pisa. “It’s not a mess,” you assure Cherie through the fence, “it’s innovation!”"]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1HA3.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Practice again",
onclick: () => {restartcraftsmanshipGame(true), playAudio("sfx", "construction_sound.mp3")},
type: "script",
content: "Stop",
onclick: () => restartcraftsmanshipGame(false),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
/*background selection */
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "You sit in the sauna, the heat wrapping around you like a challenge, focusing deeply on your breath. Each inhale feels deliberate, each exhale controlled, as if you're wrestling the virus within, forcing it to submit to your calm determination."]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z1LA.webp"
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Well, that worked! (set virus to 0)",
onclick: () => exitBreathGame(0),
type: "script",
content: "So helpful. (set virus to 25)",
onclick: () => exitBreathGame(25),
type: "script",
content: "I can't concentrate. (set virus to 50)",
onclick: () => exitBreathGame(50),
type: "script",
content: "I've got to get rid of that boner. (set virus to 80)",
onclick: () => exitBreathGame(80),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {}, // for DIAF_buildDialogue
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
/*background selection */
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
<div class="DIAS_container">
<div class="DIAS_message centered DIAS_active">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You step out onto the back patio, the afternoon sun warming your skin. The sparkling blue water of the pool beckons invitingly. Cherie, Lana, and Elfie are already there, lounging in various states of undress.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<action>Adjusting her bikini top</action>
<inner>My goodness, he's looking fit today.</inner>
<p>There you are, sweetie! Come join us for some fun in the sun.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XB13B.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Lana stretches languidly on a pool chair, her athletic body glistening with tanning oil. Elfie splashes playfully in the shallow end, her pale skin a stark contrast to the blue water.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="lana">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.lana.name</name>
<action>Eyeing you over her sunglasses</action>
<p>Well, well. Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message right">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mc">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mc.name</name>
<action>Grinning as you approach the pool</action>
<p>Couldn't let you ladies have all the fun without me, could I?</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XB13C.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<action>Giggling and splashing water in your direction</action>
<p>Come on, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! The water's perfect!</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You dive into the pool, the cool water a refreshing contrast to the warm air. As you surface, you catch Cherie watching you intently, a flush creeping up her neck.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<action>Clearing her throat</action>
<p>Who's up for some volleyball?</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>The game begins, with you and Elfie facing off against Cherie and Lana. The playful competition soon turns heated as bodies brush against each other in the water.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/LA5F1.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="lana">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.lana.name</name>
<action>Smirking as she spikes the ball</action>
<p>That's game point, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Better step up your game.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message right">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mc">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mc.name</name>
<action>Returning her challenging gaze</action>
<p>Oh, it's on, Lana.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>As the game progresses, the sexual tension becomes palpable. Cherie's breasts heave with each jump, while Lana's toned body glistens with water droplets. Elfie's innocent giggles take on a more sensual tone.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/Z1IA4.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<action>Breathing heavily</action>
<inner>Oh my, this is getting... intense.</inner>
<p>Maybe we should take a break? I could use a drink.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>You all climb out of the pool, bodies dripping wet. As Cherie bends to retrieve some drinks from the cooler, you can't help but notice how her bikini clings to her curves.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/Z1IA5.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="elfie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.elfie.name</name>
<action>Stretching out on a lounger</action>
<p>This is so much fun! We should do this more often.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="lana">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.lana.name</name>
<action>Eyeing you as she takes a long sip of her drink</action>
<p>Yeah, it's certainly... entertaining.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>The afternoon wears on, filled with laughter, splashing, and lingering glances. As the sun begins to set, casting a golden glow over the scene, there's a sense that something has shifted in your relationships.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<action>Wrapping a towel around herself</action>
<inner>I shouldn't be thinking these thoughts about my own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]...</inner>
<p>Well, that was lovely. Shall we head inside for dinner?</p>
<div class="DIAS_message right">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mc">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mc.name</name>
<action>Nodding, trying not to stare at her barely concealed body</action>
<p>Sounds good, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I'll help you with the food.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>As you all start to gather your things, the air is thick with unspoken desires and the lingering effects of the virus.</p>
playAudio("music", "river");
setBackground('ressources/backgrounds/1SP1.webp'); //Gates
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
var characterHTML = {
mia: `
<div class="DIAS_message left" data-character="mia">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mia">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mia.name</name>
<action>Bouncing excitedly</action>
<p>Hey, cousins! Room for one more?</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/XB13E.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Mia stands there in a tiny bikini that leaves little to the imagination, her eyes sparkling with mischief.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message right">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mc">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mc.name</name>
<action>Swallowing hard</action>
<inner>Oh god, as if things weren't complicated enough...</inner>
<p>Of course, Mia. Come on in.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left" data-character="mia">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mia">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mia.name</name>
<action>Diving gracefully into the pool</action>
<p>Last one in is a rotten egg!</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her arrival adds a new layer of excitement and tension to the gathering, her flirtatious nature cranking up the heat even as the sun sets.</p>
chanel: `
<div class="DIAS_message left" data-character="chanel">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="chanel">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.chanel.name</name>
<action>Leaning against the doorframe</action>
<p>Well, well. Quite the little party you've got going on out here.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/Z1IA7.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Chanel saunters out, her designer swimsuit hugging every curve. Her eyes roam over everyone, lingering on you.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="cherie">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.cherie.name</name>
<action>Tensing slightly</action>
<inner>Of course she'd show up now</inner>
<p>Chanel, we were just finishing up...</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left" data-character="chanel">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="chanel">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.chanel.name</name>
<p>Oh, don't let me stop you. In fact, why don't I join you for a nightcap?</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her presence adds a competitive edge to the atmosphere, especially between her and Cherie.</p>
julia: `
<div class="DIAS_message left" data-character="julia">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="julia">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.julia.name</name>
<action>Smiling warmly</action>
<p>My, my. What a lovely gathering. Room for one more?</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<img class="DIAS_image clickable-media" src="ressources/scenes/Z1IA8.webp">
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Julia glides in, wearing a tasteful but alluring one-piece that showcases her mature beauty. Her presence seems to both calm and excite everyone.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message right">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="mc">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.mc.name</name>
<action>Feeling a mix of respect and unexpected desire</action>
<p>Grandma! Of course, please join us.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message left" data-character="julia">
<img class="DIAS_avatar" character="julia">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<name translate="no">$characters.list.julia.name</name>
<action>Settling into a chair with grace</action>
<p>Thank you, dear. Now, why don't you tell me all about your day?</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>Her arrival brings a new dynamic to the group, her wisdom and experience adding depth to the simmering sexual tension.</p>
<div class="DIAS_message centered">
<div class="DIAS_text">
<p>As the night falls, the pool party has transformed into something far more complex and charged than anyone could have anticipated. The virus's influence, combined with the revealing attire and close quarters, has everyone on edge, teetering between familial love and forbidden desire.</p>
function processCharacterHTML(html) {
return html.replace(/\$characters\.(\w+)\.name/g, (match, charName) => {
return SV.characters.list[charName].name;
function insertKnownCharacters() {
const container = document.querySelector('.DIAS_container');
const characters = ['mia', 'chanel', 'julia'];
let insertPoint = container.lastElementChild;
for (let char of characters) {
if (isCharacterKnown(char)) {
const tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
tempDiv.innerHTML = processCharacterHTML(characterHTML[char]);
// Insert each child element individually
while (tempDiv.firstElementChild) {
insertPoint.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', tempDiv.firstElementChild);
insertPoint = insertPoint.nextElementSibling;
// Remove the 'else { break; }' to continue checking all characters
// Add the "Well, what a day" button at the end
const buttonHTML = `
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont DIAS_stopper">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick='exitPoolPartyGame();'>Well, what a day</div>
const buttonDiv = document.createElement('div');
buttonDiv.innerHTML = buttonHTML;
// Reinitialize the DIAF system
// Call the function to insert known characters
.DIAS_buttonCont {
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
min-width: 0vh;
.DIAS_button img {
height: 20vh;
pointer-events: none;
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.5vh rgba(255, 255, 255, 1));
.DIAS_text {
flex-grow: 1;
margin-left: 1.4vh;
margin-right: 1vh;
margin-bottom: 1em;
display: flex;
align-content: center;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
font-size: 1.1em;
.DIAS_content_image {
height: 30vh;
margin-left: 2vh;
(() => {
let knownCharacters = [];
for (let characterKey in SV.characters.list) {
if (isCharacterKnown(characterKey) === true) {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "Select whose memories you wish to reset"]
type: "text",
content: [
["para", "Warning: Resetting memories will return the selected individual’s trust and lust levels to zero. Relationship progress, scenes, and milestones will be erased, and their status will revert to the initial stage of your encounter. This choice is irreversible. Proceed with care."],
["image", "ressources/icons/brainmemories.webp"]
type: "button",
content: knownCharacters.map(characterKey => ({
type: "script",
content: `<img src="${SV.characters.list[characterKey].image}">`,
onclick: () => appendEraseMindsWarning(characterKey)
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('1P')"> <img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button"> </div>
<div class="INVS_food_info_cont">
<qty class="INVS_QTY_total_consuption"></qty>
<img src="ressources/icons/IFA8.webp"> / Day
<img src="ressources/maingui/ui/time.webp">
<div class="prison-container">
<button id="leftArrow" class="nav-arrow" onclick="navigateCells('left')" disabled>←</button>
<div id="cellsContainer" class="cells-container">
<!-- Cells will be dynamically inserted here -->
<button id="rightArrow" class="nav-arrow" onclick="navigateCells('right')">→</button>
#story {
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
position: relative;
overflow-y: hidden;
background-image: url(ressources/backgrounds/1P.webp);
background-size: cover;
background-position-x: center;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
/*.prison-container {
height: 100vh;
position: relative;
display: flex;
top: 8vh;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
gap: 20px;
width: 100%;
.prison-container {
position: absolute; /* Change from relative to fixed */
height: 80vh;
display: flex;
top: 8vh;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
gap: 20px;
width: 100%; /* Adjust width to account for any padding/margins */
left: 0; /* Ensure it stays aligned to the left */
top: 20vh;
position: absolute;
right: 30vh;
width: 30vh;
top: 2vh;
background-color: rgba(178, 173, 176, 0.58);
border: solid 1vh rgba(178, 173, 240, 0.8);
border-radius: 5%;
.INVS_food_info_cont {
width: 30vh;
top: 2vh;
background-color: rgba(178, 173, 176, 0.58);
border: solid 1vh rgba(178, 173, 240, 0.8);
border-radius: 5%;
z-index: 15;
height: 14vh;
position: absolute;
top: 7vh;
right: 16%;
.cell-viewport {
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
height: 100%;
/* .cells-container {
position: relative;
width: 70%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
transition: transform 0.3s ease;
/* top: 11vh;
} */
/* .cell {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
left: 0;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
gap: 10px;
padding: 20px;
} */
.cells-container {
position: relative;
width: 70%;
height: 100%;
.cell {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
gap: 10px;
padding: 20px;
transition: left 0.3s ease; /* Change from transform to left transition */
left: 100%; /* Start all cells off-screen to the right */
opacity: 0;
transition: left 0.3s ease, opacity 0.3s ease;
.cell.active {
left: 0; /* Active cell is in view */
opacity: 1;
.cell.previous {
left: -100%; /* Previous cells are off-screen to the left */
opacity: 0; /* Hide previous cells */
.prisoner-slot {
flex: 1;
height: 100%;
/* width: 35vh; */
width: 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.test-controls {
text-align: center;
margin: 20px;
.test-controls button {
margin: 0 10px;
padding: 5px 10px;
.npc-prisoner {
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
width: 35vh;
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.nav-arrow {
height: 8vh;
width: 4vh;
background-color: rgba(161, 0, 0, 0.8);
border: transparent;
z-index: 20;
.nav-arrow:hover {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.GSIS_subCont {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
top: 8vh;
max-width: 30vh;
.prisoner-buttons {
position: relative;
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
transition: opacity 0.3s ease;
z-index: 11;
.prisoner-buttons.active {
opacity: 1;
pointer-events: auto;
.prisoner-action-btn {
position: absolute;
margin: 3vmin;
width: 15vmin;
height: 15vmin;
border-radius: 50%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
background-color: #d0cece;
border: 1vmin solid #2e6ca4;
cursor: pointer;
transition: transform 0.3s ease, background-color 0.3s ease;
z-index: 15;
transform: scale(0);
opacity: 0;
transition: transform 0.3s ease, opacity 0.3s ease;
font-size: 1.1em;
line-height: 1em;
color: black;
.prisoner-buttons.active .prisoner-action-btn {
transform: scale(1);
opacity: 1;
animation: popIn 0.3s ease forwards;
.prisoner-buttons.active .talktuah {
transition-delay: 0s;
animation-delay: 0s;
.prisoner-buttons.active .havefun {
transition-delay: 0.1s;
animation-delay: 0.1s;
.prisoner-buttons.active .freehah {
transition-delay: 0.2s;
animation-delay: 0.2s;
.talktuah {
top: 0vh;
left: -33vh;
background-image: url('ressources/icons/mouthPrison1.webp');
background-size: contain;
.havefun {
top: -14vh;
left: -25vh;
background-image: url('ressources/icons/whipPrison1.webp');
background-size: contain;
.freehah {
top: 0vh;
left: -17vh;
background-image: url('ressources/icons/exitPrison1.webp');
background-size: contain;
.prisoner-action-btn:hover {
transform: scale(1.5);
background-color: #ffffff;
border-color: #3e8cd6;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(46, 108, 164, 0.5);
/* Effets spécifiques pour chaque bouton */
.talktuah:hover {
border-color: #4CAF50; /* Vert */
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(76, 175, 80, 0.5);
.havefun:hover {
border-color: #FF9800; /* Orange */
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(255, 152, 0, 0.5);
.freehah:hover {
border-color: #E91E63; /* Rose */
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(233, 30, 99, 0.5);
/* Animation d'apparition améliorée */
.prisoner-buttons.active .prisoner-action-btn {
animation: popIn 0.3s ease forwards;
.exit-button {
left: 0;
@keyframes popIn {
0% {
transform: scale(0) rotate(-180deg);
opacity: 0;
60% {
transform: scale(1.2) rotate(10deg);
100% {
transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);
opacity: 1;
SV.gui_interface.prisonManager = {
currentCell: 0,
prisoners: [],
loadNPCs() {
this.cellsContainer = document.getElementById('cellsContainer');
if (!this.cellsContainer) return;
this.prisoners = []; // Clear current prisoners array
Object.keys(SV.characters.list).forEach(characterId => {
if (SV.characters.list[characterId].inPrison === true) {
id: characterId,
name: SV.characters.list[characterId].name,
isMain: SV.characters.list[characterId].isMain,
sortPrisoners() {
this.prisoners.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.isMain && !b.isMain) return -1;
if (!a.isMain && b.isMain) return 1;
return 0;
getTotalCells() {
return Math.ceil(this.prisoners.length / 4);
renderCells() {
this.cellsContainer.innerHTML = '';
const totalCells = this.getTotalCells();
for (let i = 0; i < totalCells; i++) {
const cell = document.createElement('div');
cell.className = 'cell';
if (i === this.currentCell) {
for (let slot = 0; slot < 4; slot++) {
const prisonerIndex = i * 4 + slot;
const prisonerSlot = document.createElement('div');
prisonerSlot.className = 'prisoner-slot';
if (prisonerIndex < this.prisoners.length) {
const prisoner = this.prisoners[prisonerIndex];
const prisonerDiv = document.createElement('div');
prisonerDiv.className = prisoner.isMain ? 'main-prisoner' : 'npc-prisoner';
prisonerDiv.setAttribute('data-prisoner-id', prisoner.id);
prisonerDiv.innerHTML = `
<div class="GSIS_subCont">
<img src="${gameData.characters.selection[prisoner.id]}" class="GSIS_subCont__clip-img" cherie="left" transition="">
<img src="${gameData.characters.selection[prisoner.id]}" class="GSIS_subCont__clip-img" cherie="right" transition="">
<img src="${gameData.characters.selection[prisoner.id]}" class="GSIS_subCont__visual-img">
<div class="prisoner-buttons">
<div class="prisoner-action-btn talktuah"></div>
<div class="prisoner-action-btn havefun"></div>
<div class="prisoner-action-btn freehah"></div>
prisonerDiv.addEventListener('click', (e) => this.handlePrisonerClick(e, prisoner.id));
handlePrisonerClick(event, prisonerId) {
if (event.target.closest('.GSIS_subCont')) {
const allButtonSets = document.querySelectorAll('.prisoner-buttons');
allButtonSets.forEach(buttonSet => {
if (buttonSet !== event.currentTarget.querySelector('.prisoner-buttons')) {
const buttonSet = event.currentTarget.querySelector('.prisoner-buttons');
if (event.target.closest('.talktuah')) {
accessTalkInPrison(prisonerId, "Z5A");
if (event.target.closest('.havefun')) {
accessTalkInPrison(prisonerId, "Z5B");
if (event.target.closest('.freehah')) {
const prisoner = this.prisoners.find(p => p.id === prisonerId);
if (prisoner.isMain) {
const mainCharacterPassages = {
'cherie': 'Z5C1',
'lana': 'Z5C2',
'elfie': 'Z5C3',
'mia': 'Z5C4',
'chanel': 'Z5C5',
'julia': 'Z5C6',
'gabbie': 'Z5C7',
'angela': 'Z5C8',
SV.characters.list[prisonerId].inPrison = false;
if (mainCharacterPassages[prisonerId]) {
} else {
updateNavigation() {
const leftArrow = document.getElementById('leftArrow');
const rightArrow = document.getElementById('rightArrow');
leftArrow.disabled = this.currentCell === 0;
rightArrow.disabled = this.currentCell === this.getTotalCells() - 1;
navigate(direction) {
if (direction === 'left' && this.currentCell > 0) {
} else if (direction === 'right' && this.currentCell < this.getTotalCells() - 1) {
const cells = this.cellsContainer.querySelectorAll('.cell');
cells.forEach((cell, index) => {
cell.classList.remove('active', 'previous');
if (index === this.currentCell) {
} else if (index < this.currentCell) {
updateFoodCost() {
const totalConsumptionElement = document.querySelector('.INVS_QTY_total_consuption');
SV.food.consuption.prisoners = this.prisoners.length;
totalConsumptionElement.textContent = SV.food.consuption.prisoners;
// Add global click handler
document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
if (!e.target.closest('.GSIS_subCont') && !e.target.closest('.prisoner-buttons')) {
document.querySelectorAll('.prisoner-buttons').forEach(buttonSet => {
// Navigation function for the arrows
window.navigateCells = function(direction) {
// Load NPCs
<div class="exit-button" onclick="playPassage('1P')"> <img src="ressources/maingui/ui/exit.webp" alt="Exit Button"> </div>
<div class="management-container">
<!-- Upper Section -->
<div class="control-section">
<div class="counter-container">
<div class="totalSlave">
<div class="counterMid">
<div class="counter-arrows">
<div class="arrowA">
<div class="arrowInfo">ALL</div>
<div class="arrowInfo">1x</div>
<div class="arrowB">
<button class="arrow-btn">
<img src="ressources/icons/arrowdown.webp">
<button class="arrow-btn">
<img src="ressources/icons/arrowdown.webp">
<div class="counter-numbers">
<span class="slaveMulti">25%</span>
<span class="slaveMulti">50%</span>
<span class="slaveMulti">75%</span>
<div class="counter-arrows">
<div class="arrowB">
<button class="arrow-btn">
<img src="ressources/icons/arrowup.webp">
<button class="arrow-btn">
<img src="ressources/icons/arrowup.webp">
<div class="arrowA">
<div class="arrowInfo arrowInfoUp">1x</div>
<div class="arrowInfo arrowInfoUp">ALL</div>
<div class="slaveDeployment">
<span>READY SLAVES</span>
<p onclick="makeEditable(this)">0</p>
<!-- Deployed Counter -->
<!-- Map Section (Your existing map code) -->
<div id="MS_mapContainer">
<button class="send-troops-btn">SEND TROOPS</button>
<div class="INVS_food_info_cont">
<qty class="INVS_QTY_total_consuption">0</qty>
<img src="ressources/icons/IFA8.webp">
<!-- Base map -->
<img class="MS_mainImage" src="ressources/maingui/maps/wastelands/wastelands.webp">
<!-- Map Sections Container -->
<div class="map-sections">
<div id="difficulty-tooltip" class="difficulty-tooltip"></div>
<!-- Border Section -->
<div class="map-zone" data-section="border">
<div class="map-section"></div>
<img class="hover-image" src="ressources/maingui/maps/wastelands/wastelands_border.webp">
<!-- Green Section -->
<div class="map-zone" data-section="green">
<div class="map-section"></div>
<img class="hover-image" src="ressources/maingui/maps/wastelands/wastelands_green.webp">
<!-- Blue Section -->
<div class="map-zone" data-section="blue">
<div class="map-section"></div>
<img class="hover-image" src="ressources/maingui/maps/wastelands/wastelands_blue.webp">
<!-- Red Section -->
<div class="map-zone" data-section="red">
<div class="map-section"></div>
<img class="hover-image" src="ressources/maingui/maps/wastelands/wastelands_red.webp">
<!-- Black Section -->
<div class="map-zone" data-section="black">
<div class="map-section"></div>
<img class="hover-image" src="ressources/maingui/maps/wastelands/wastelands_black.webp">
#story {
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 26vh;
#ui-bar.stowed ~ #story {
margin-left: 0;
#passages {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
.passage {
background-image: url('ressources/backgrounds/slaveroom.webp');
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
background-size: cover;
overflow-y: hidden;
.exit-button {
border: 2vmin solid orange;
.exit-button img {
filter: invert(67%) sepia(37%) saturate(3017%) hue-rotate(358deg) brightness(103%) contrast(107%);
.INVS_food_info_cont {
position: absolute;
background: #444;
border: solid 0.25vh orange;
border-radius: 2vh;
display: none;
z-index: 30;
width: 12%;
width: fit-content;
padding-left: 1vh;
top: 20.5%;
right: 5%;
padding-right: 1vh;
.INVS_food_info_cont.visible {
display: block;
.slaveDeployment p {
cursor: pointer;
.slaveDeployment p:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
.INVS_food_info_cont div {
width: 100%;
margin-top: 1vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 1vh;
color: white;
font-size: 0.9vw;
.INVS_food_info_cont img {
height: 3.5vh
.management-container {
max-width: 60%;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 2vh;
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-end;
height: 100%;
/* Upper Section Styles */
.control-section {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
border-radius: 2vh;
margin-bottom: 1vh;
width: 100%;
height: 40%;
border: solid 0.25vh orange;
.counter-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 1vh;
height: 92%;
flex-direction: column;
margin-top: 1.5vh;
position: relative;
height: 20%;
background-color: #444;
width: 20%;
margin-bottom: 1vh;
border-radius: 5vh;
border: solid 0.25vh orange;
.totalSlave span {
color: orange;
font-size: 0.7vw;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.totalSlave p {
color: white;
font-size: 1.5vw;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 0;
margin-top: -0.8vh;
.counterMid {
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
gap: 2vh;
height: 50%;
justify-content: center;
align-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
height: 20%;
background-color: #444;
width: 20%;
border-radius: 5vh;
margin-top: 1vh;
border: solid 0.25vh orange;
.slaveDeployment p {
color: white;
font-size: 1.5vw;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 0;
margin-top: -0.8vh;
.slaveDeployment span {
color: orange;
font-size: 0.7vw;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.counter-arrows {
display: flex;
height: 85%;
margin-right: 1vh;
margin-left: 1vh;
flex-direction: column;
.arrowA {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
height: 30%;
.arrowB {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
height: 70%;
.arrow-btn {
background: #444;
border-radius: 2vh;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background 0.3s;
overflow: hidden;
border: solid 0.25vh orange;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0 1vh;
.arrow-btn img {
width: 3vh;
height: 3vh;
filter: invert(73%) sepia(75%) saturate(4095%) hue-rotate(5deg) brightness(108%) contrast(107%);
.arrow-btn:hover {
background: #666;
border-radius: 2vh;
background: #444;
color: orange;
font-size: 0.7vw;
margin: 0 1vh 0 1vh;
width: 100%;
border: solid 0.25vh orange;
text-align: center;
height: 80%;
margin-bottom: 1vh;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.arrowInfoUp {
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: 1vh;
.counter-numbers {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
background: #333;
height: 100%;
width: 7%;
.counter-numbers span {
color: white;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 33%;
.send-troops-btn {
display: block;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 1.5vh 2.5vh;
background-color: orange;
border: solid 0.25vh black;
color: white;
top: 7%;
right: 5%;
border-radius: 2vh;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background 0.3s;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 0.8vw;
text-wrap: nowrap;
position: absolute;
z-index: 20;
height: 7vh;
.send-troops-btn:disabled {
background: #666;
cursor: default !important;
border: solid 0.25vh black;
display: block;
.send-troops-btn:hover {
background: #d58a01;
.send-troops-btn:disabled:hover {
background: #666;
#MS_mapContainer {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 59%;
border-radius: 2vh;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
.MS_mainImage {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
filter: grayscale(100%);
transition: filter 0.3s;
border-radius: 1.7vh;
.map-active .MS_mainImage {
filter: none;
.map-sections {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 1;
pointer-events: none;
.map-zone {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
pointer-events: none;
.map-section {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
cursor: pointer;
pointer-events: all;
.hover-image {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.3s;
pointer-events: none;
.map-sections {
z-index: 1;
.map-zone {
z-index: 2;
.map-section {
z-index: 3;
.hover-image {
z-index: 2;
#MS_mapContainer:not(.map-active) .map-section {
pointer-events: none;
#MS_mapContainer.map-active .map-section {
pointer-events: auto;
#MS_mapContainer.map-active .hover-image {
opacity: 0;
.map-section:hover + .hover-image {
opacity: 1 !important;
.map-active .map-section {
cursor: pointer;
.map-sections:not(.map-active) .map-section {
cursor: pointer;
.map-zone.selected .hover-image {
opacity: 1 !important;
pointer-events: none;
.map-zone.selected .map-section {
pointer-events: auto;
/* Border zone clip path */
.map-zone[data-section=border] .map-section {
clip-path: polygon(0.0% 0.0%, 34.0% 0.0%, 31.0% 11.3%, 29.4% 11.7%, 22.4% 15.1%, 21.6% 16.7%, 19.8% 13.4%, 18.4% 16.4%, 17.3% 17.8%, 17.3% 23.2%, 17.8% 23.7%, 16.7% 25.3%, 17.7% 32.0%, 12.9% 36.2%, 10.9% 37.2%, 6.1% 38.3%, 0.0% 37.0%);
/* Green zone clip path */
.map-zone[data-section=green] .map-section {
clip-path: polygon(0.0% 37.1%, 5.9% 38.6%, 10.2% 37.6%, 12.9% 36.4%, 18.1% 32.1%, 17.1% 25.5%, 17.9% 23.5%, 19.8% 25.3%, 20.6% 24.6%, 22.7% 26.2%, 23.5% 25.1%, 21.7% 23.6%, 22.5% 22.8%, 22.5% 17.3%, 21.7% 16.7%, 22.2% 15.6%, 29.6% 11.5%, 31.5% 11.6%, 33.0% 4.5%, 33.5% 4.7%, 35.8% 20.1%, 38.0% 24.2%, 40.2% 26.7%, 40.5% 36.6%, 38.6% 45.5%, 26.8% 53.5%, 27.1% 59.2%, 23.9% 62.2%, 26.4% 64.3%, 25.2% 66.0%, 22.5% 63.8%, 19.0% 67.3%, 18.1% 66.6%, 16.3% 77.7%, 16.9% 83.4%, 19.7% 89.8%, 21.9% 95.0%, 21.7% 100.0%, 0.0% 100.0%);
/* Blue zone clip path */
.map-zone[data-section=blue] .map-section {
clip-path: polygon(38.8% 45.2%, 55.0% 56.4%, 58.8% 63.9%, 61.0% 76.3%, 61.6% 76.1%, 63.9% 77.8%, 64.0% 84.1%, 60.8% 87.2%, 63.4% 89.4%, 62.1% 90.9%, 59.5% 88.7%, 57.1% 91.2%, 55.6% 94.6%, 55.6% 100.0%, 21.6% 100.0%, 21.5% 94.6%, 16.7% 83.3%, 16.2% 77.6%, 18.0% 66.1%, 18.9% 67.1%, 22.3% 63.6%, 25.0% 65.7%, 26.2% 64.4%, 23.6% 62.3%, 26.9% 59.1%, 26.9% 53.5%);
/* Red zone clip path */
.map-zone[data-section=red] .map-section {
clip-path: polygon(55.6% 100.0%, 55.6% 94.2%, 56.9% 91.0%, 59.4% 88.5%, 62.0% 90.7%, 63.2% 89.3%, 60.6% 87.2%, 64.0% 83.8%, 63.9% 77.9%, 61.6% 75.9%, 60.7% 76.5%, 58.9% 64.1%, 54.7% 56.5%, 65.9% 58.7%, 70.3% 55.3%, 69.3% 54.2%, 69.4% 49.3%, 70.0% 47.7%, 70.4% 48.1%, 70.4% 49.2%, 71.5% 48.1%, 71.5% 42.0%, 72.9% 40.4%, 74.4% 37.0%, 76.0% 40.4%, 77.0% 41.6%, 77.6% 40.4%, 79.8% 42.4%, 79.8% 44.2%, 80.2% 43.5%, 90.1% 39.9%, 100.0% 39.9%, 100.0% 100.0%);
/* Black zone clip path */
.map-zone[data-section=black] .map-section {
clip-path: polygon(47.6% 0.0%, 46.4% 1.6%, 43.0% 14.5%, 43.0% 31.6%, 46.2% 45.1%, 54.6% 56.9%, 66.2% 58.7%, 70.4% 55.3%, 69.5% 54.2%, 69.5% 49.2%, 70.1% 47.9%, 70.5% 48.3%, 70.4% 49.3%, 71.5% 48.3%, 71.6% 42.2%, 72.9% 40.6%, 74.4% 37.2%, 75.9% 40.6%, 77.2% 41.9%, 77.2% 40.9%, 77.6% 40.4%, 79.9% 42.5%, 79.9% 44.2%, 80.3% 43.5%, 90.3% 39.9%, 100.0% 40.2%, 100.0% 6.8%, 90.2% 6.8%, 80.1% 2.9%, 78.0% 0.0%);
/* Additional styling for better visual hierarchy */
.slaveMulti {
height: 25%;
width: 100%;
font-weight: bold;
cursor: pointer;
.slaveMulti:hover {
background: #444;
.selectedMulti {
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: orange !important;
background: #666;
/* Responsive adjustments */
@media (max-width: 768px) {
.counter-container {
flex-direction: column;
gap: 10px;
.counter-numbers {
flex-direction: row;
gap: 20px;
.arrow-btn {
padding: 8px 12px;
#MS_mapContainer {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
border-radius: 2vh;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
position: relative;
height: 59%;
#MS_mapContainer > .MS_mainImage {
border-radius: 1.7vh;
@keyframes flashRed {
0%, 100% { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); }
50% { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5); }
.flash-red {
animation: flashRed 0.5s infinite;
.difficulty-tooltip {
position: absolute; /* Change to fixed */
background: rgba(75, 75, 75, 0.9);
color: white;
padding: 1vh;
border-radius: 1vh;
pointer-events: none;
z-index: 10;
display: none;
border: 1px solid white;
font-size: 0.8vw;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%); /* Center the tooltip */
text-align: center;
white-space: nowrap; /* Prevent text wrapping */
/* Different colors for different difficulties */
.difficulty-Easy { color: #00ff00; font-weight: bold;}
.difficulty-Medium { color: #ffff00; font-weight: bold;}
.difficulty-Challenging { color: #ffa500; font-weight: bold;}
.difficulty-Hardcore { color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold;}
.difficulty-Impossible { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; }
.resultPopup {
position: absolute;
width: 50%;
height: 80%;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
display: flex;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;
z-index: 50;
top: 10%;
left: 25%;
border: solid 0.25vh orange;
border-radius: 2vh;
flex-direction: column;
.resultPopup img {
height: 50%;
max-width: 70%;
border: solid 0.25vh orange;
border-radius: 2vh;
position: relative;
top: -6%;
.resultPopup p {
color: white;
font-size: 1.5vw;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
top: -2%;
.resultPopup h2 {
font-size: 3vw;
margin: 0;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
gap: 1vh;
position: relative;
top: -2%;
height: 8%;
.popup-buttons button {
padding: 1vh 2vh;
background-color: orange;
border: solid 0.25vh black;
color: white;
border-radius: 2vh;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background 0.3s;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1vw;
text-wrap: nowrap;
margin: 1vh;
height: 100%;
width: 110%;
.popup-buttons button:hover {
background: #d58a01;
* Make sure that when the food amount leaves the player with less than 5 food, disble send trop.
* when pressing send troops, nextPartOfDay();
* Add the deployment difficulty logic and implement a html text to show the difficulty by zones
* when pressing send troops, updateMapState();
* win et lose popup
// Global variables to track state
var selectedZone = null;
var readySlaves = 0;
var availableSlaves = SV.slaves.qty;
var selectedMultiplier = null;
// Define updateSlaveDisplay first since it's used by other functions
function updateSlaveDisplay() {
document.querySelector('.slaveDeployment p').textContent = readySlaves;
if (readySlaves === 0) {
selectedZone = null;
document.querySelectorAll('.map-zone').forEach(z => z.classList.remove('selected'));
} else if (selectedZone) {
function makeEditable(element) {
// Create input
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'number';
input.value = readySlaves;
input.min = 0;
input.max = availableSlaves;
input.style.width = 'auto';
input.style.overflow = 'hidden';
// Replace the text content with the input
element.textContent = '';
function completeEdit() {
// Get and validate new value
let newValue = Math.min(Math.max(0, parseInt(input.value) || 0), availableSlaves);
readySlaves = newValue;
// Simply clear the element and set new text
element.innerHTML = '';
element.textContent = newValue;
// Update displays
// Add event listeners
input.addEventListener('blur', completeEdit);
input.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
function finishEdit(input, element) {
// Get and validate new value
let newValue = Math.min(Math.max(0, parseInt(input.value) || 0), availableSlaves);
readySlaves = newValue;
// Update original element
element.textContent = newValue;
element.style.display = ''; // Show the paragraph again
// Remove the input
if (input.parentNode) {
// Update displays
function updateFoodRequirement() {
const foodInfoCont = document.querySelector('.INVS_food_info_cont');
const foodQty = document.querySelector('.INVS_QTY_total_consuption');
if (readySlaves > 0) {
const requiredFood = calculateFoodRequirement(readySlaves);
foodQty.textContent = requiredFood;
foodInfoCont.style.display = 'flex';
if (SV.food.currentStock < requiredFood + 5) {
} else {
} else {
foodQty.textContent = '0';
foodInfoCont.style.display = 'none';
function updateMapState() {
setMapActive(readySlaves > 0);
function updateSendTroopsButton() {
const sendTroopsBtn = document.querySelector('.send-troops-btn');
const requiredFood = calculateFoodRequirement(readySlaves);
const hasEnoughFood = SV.food.currentStock >= requiredFood + 5;
sendTroopsBtn.disabled = !(readySlaves > 0 && selectedZone && hasEnoughFood);
function setMapActive(active) {
const mapContainer = document.getElementById('MS_mapContainer');
if (active) {
} else {
function initializeDisplay() {
document.querySelector('.totalSlave p').textContent = availableSlaves;
document.querySelector('.slaveDeployment p').textContent = readySlaves;
document.querySelector('.send-troops-btn').disabled = true;
// Handle zone selection
function setupZoneSelection() {
const mapZones = document.querySelectorAll('.map-zone');
mapZones.forEach(zone => {
const mapSection = zone.querySelector('.map-section');
if (mapSection) {
mapSection.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Remove previous selection
mapZones.forEach(z => z.classList.remove('selected'));
if (selectedZone === zone.dataset.section) {
selectedZone = null;
} else {
selectedZone = zone.dataset.section;
if (readySlaves > 0) {
function setupSlaveCounters() {
// Percentage selection
const percentages = document.querySelectorAll('.slaveMulti');
percentages.forEach(percent => {
percent.addEventListener('click', () => {
percentages.forEach(p => p.classList.remove('selectedMulti'));
const percentage = parseInt(percent.textContent);
readySlaves = Math.floor((availableSlaves * percentage) / 100);
// Arrow buttons
var arrowBtns = document.querySelectorAll('.arrow-btn');
arrowBtns.forEach((btn, index) => {
btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
const isUp = btn.querySelector('img').src.includes('arrowup');
switch(index) {
case 0: // ALL down
readySlaves = 0;
case 1: // 1x down
readySlaves = Math.max(readySlaves - 1, 0);
case 2: // 1x up
readySlaves = Math.min(readySlaves + 1, availableSlaves);
case 3: // ALL up
readySlaves = availableSlaves;
function setupTooltips() {
const positions = {
'border': { x: 10, y: 15 },
'green': { x: 12, y: 50 },
'blue': { x: 40, y: 70 },
'red': { x: 75, y: 75 },
'black': { x: 65, y: 25 }
const tooltip = document.getElementById('difficulty-tooltip');
const mapContainer = document.getElementById('MS_mapContainer');
function showTooltip(section) {
const position = positions[section];
const difficulty = getDifficulty(section, readySlaves);
const mapRect = mapContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
const xPos = mapRect.left + (mapRect.width * position.x / 100);
const yPos = mapRect.top + (mapRect.height * position.y / 100);
tooltip.innerHTML = `Zone Difficulty: <span class="difficulty-${difficulty}">${difficulty}</span>`;
tooltip.style.display = 'block';
//tooltip.style.left = `${xPos}px`;
//tooltip.style.top = `${yPos}px`;
tooltip.style.left = `${position.x}%`;
tooltip.style.top = `${position.y}%`;
function hideTooltip() {
tooltip.style.display = 'none';
// Make these functions available globally
window.showZoneTooltip = showTooltip;
window.hideZoneTooltip = hideTooltip;
const mapSections = document.querySelectorAll('.map-section');
mapSections.forEach(mapSection => {
const zone = mapSection.closest('.map-zone');
const section = zone.dataset.section;
mapSection.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
if (!selectedZone && readySlaves > 0) {
mapSection.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
if (!selectedZone) {
function setupSendTroopsButton() {
const sendTroopsBtn = document.querySelector('.send-troops-btn');
sendTroopsBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (readySlaves > 0 && selectedZone) {
const requiredFood = calculateFoodRequirement(readySlaves);
// Deduct food and slaves
SV.slaves.qty -= readySlaves;
let diff = getDifficulty(selectedZone, readySlaves);
let result = getReward(selectedZone, diff); // true or false
/* let result = deploymentResult(); */ // 'win' : 'lose'
createPopup(result); // Show result popup
// Update available slaves display
let availableSlavesDiv = document.querySelector('.totalSlave p');
availableSlaves = SV.slaves.qty
availableSlavesDiv.textContent = availableSlaves;
// Reset deployment
readySlaves = 0;
selectedZone = null;
document.querySelectorAll('.map-zone').forEach(z => z.classList.remove('selected'));
document.querySelectorAll('.slaveMulti').forEach(p => p.classList.remove('selectedMulti'));
window.hideZoneTooltip(); // Hide tooltip if visible
updateSlaveDisplay(); // Update display (top ui)
updateSendTroopsButton(); // Update send button
checkFoodInfo(); // refresh food info (because was consumed)
} else {
function getDifficulty(zone, slaveCount) {
const difficulties = {
border: [
{ min: 500, difficulty: 'Easy' },
{ min: 250, difficulty: 'Medium' },
{ min: 125, difficulty: 'Challenging' },
{ min: 60, difficulty: 'Hardcore' },
{ min: 1, difficulty: 'Impossible' }
green: [
{ min: 10000, difficulty: 'Easy' },
{ min: 5000, difficulty: 'Medium' },
{ min: 2500, difficulty: 'Challenging' },
{ min: 1250, difficulty: 'Hardcore' },
{ min: 1, difficulty: 'Impossible' }
blue: [
{ min: 200000, difficulty: 'Easy' },
{ min: 100000, difficulty: 'Medium' },
{ min: 50000, difficulty: 'Challenging' },
{ min: 25000, difficulty: 'Hardcore' },
{ min: 1, difficulty: 'Impossible' }
red: [
{ min: 2000000, difficulty: 'Easy' },
{ min: 1000000, difficulty: 'Medium' },
{ min: 500000, difficulty: 'Challenging' },
{ min: 250000, difficulty: 'Hardcore' },
{ min: 1, difficulty: 'Impossible' }
black: [
{ min: 20000000, difficulty: 'Easy' },
{ min: 10000000, difficulty: 'Medium' },
{ min: 5000000, difficulty: 'Challenging' },
{ min: 2500000, difficulty: 'Hardcore' },
{ min: 1, difficulty: 'Impossible' }
// Check if zone exists and get its difficulties
const zoneDifficulties = difficulties[zone];
if (!zoneDifficulties) {
console.error(`Invalid zone: ${zone}`);
return 'Impossible';
// Check slave count
if (!slaveCount || slaveCount <= 0) {
return 'Impossible';
// Find appropriate difficulty level
for (let diff of zoneDifficulties) {
if (slaveCount >= diff.min) {
return diff.difficulty;
return 'Impossible';
function calculateFoodRequirement(slaveCount) {
if (slaveCount === 0) return 0;
let foodRequired = 0;
let remainingSlaves = slaveCount;
// 10M-100M: 1 food per 5000 slaves
if (remainingSlaves > 10000000) {
const slaves = remainingSlaves - 10000000;
foodRequired += Math.ceil(slaves / 10000);
remainingSlaves = 10000000;
// 1M-10M: 1 food per 1000 slaves
if (remainingSlaves > 1000000) {
const slaves = remainingSlaves - 1000000;
foodRequired += Math.ceil(slaves / 5000);
remainingSlaves = 1000000;
// 100K-1M: 1 food per 500 slaves
if (remainingSlaves > 100000) {
const slaves = remainingSlaves - 100000;
foodRequired += Math.ceil(slaves / 1000);
remainingSlaves = 100000;
// 10K-100K: 1 food per 100 slaves
if (remainingSlaves > 10000) {
const slaves = remainingSlaves - 10000;
foodRequired += Math.ceil(slaves / 500);
remainingSlaves = 10000;
// 1000-10K: 1 food per 50 slaves
if (remainingSlaves > 1000) {
const slaves = remainingSlaves - 1000;
foodRequired += Math.ceil(slaves / 100);
remainingSlaves = 1000;
// 0-1000: 1 food per 10 slaves
foodRequired += Math.ceil(remainingSlaves / 50);
return foodRequired;
/* function deploymentResult() {
let losingChances = {
'Easy': 0.1,
'Medium': 0.25,
'Challenging': 0.4,
'Hardcore': 0.7,
'Impossible': 0.9
let difficulty = getDifficulty(selectedZone, readySlaves);
let chance = Math.random();
let result = chance > losingChances[difficulty] ? 'win' : 'lose';
return result
} */
function createPopup(result) {
let popup = document.createElement('div');
let passage = document.querySelector('.passage');
let title = document.createElement('h2');
let text = document.createElement('p');
let image = document.createElement('img');
let buttonContainer = document.createElement('div');
// Create standard buttons
let sendMoreBtn = document.createElement('button');
sendMoreBtn.textContent = "Send more";
sendMoreBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Any additional reset logic if needed
let exitBtn = document.createElement('button');
exitBtn.textContent = "Exit";
exitBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Any additional exit logic if needed
if (result) {
appendWin(title, text, image);
} else {
appendLose(title, text, image);
function appendWin(title, text, image) {
const scenarios = [
text: "Your slaves encountered a small army of MAD Dummies. They triumph easily!",
image: "ressources/scenes/slavesWon1.webp"
text: "Your slaves found an abandoned settlement and secured valuable resources!",
image: "ressources/scenes/slavesWon2.webp"
text: "The deployment was a complete success! Your slaves established dominance in the area.",
image: "ressources/scenes/slavesWon3.webp"
const selectedScenario = scenarios[Math.floor(Math.random() * scenarios.length)];
title.textContent = "Victory!";
text.textContent = selectedScenario.text;
image.src = selectedScenario.image;
function appendLose(title, text, image) {
const scenarios = [
text: "Your slaves were ambushed by a huge army of MAD Fighters. None survived the encounter.",
image: "ressources/scenes/slavesLost1.webp"
text: "A devastating sandstorm caught your slaves off guard. They were never seen again.",
image: "ressources/scenes/slavesLost2.webp"
text: "Your slaves encountered some unknown threats. The battle was lost before it began.",
image: "ressources/scenes/slavesLost3.webp"
const selectedScenario = scenarios[Math.floor(Math.random() * scenarios.length)];
title.textContent = "Defeat!";
text.textContent = selectedScenario.text;
image.src = selectedScenario.image;
function getReward(zoneId, diff) {
const dropSuccessRateByDiff = { // {dropChance(%): itemQty}
Easy: [[30, 3], [35, 2], [35, 1], [0, null]],
Medium: [[20, 3], [25, 2], [30, 1], [25, null]],
Challenging: [[5, 3], [15, 2], [40, 1], [40, null]],
Hardcore: [[0, 3], [5, 2], [25, 1], [70, null]],
Impossible: [[0, 3], [0, 2], [10, 1], [90, null]]
const itemByZone = {// itemKey
border: 'theMADYellowCoin',
green: 'theMADGreenCoin',
blue: 'theMADBlueCoin',
red: 'theMADRedCoin',
black: 'theMADBlackCoin',
let rand = randb(0) * 100; // near 0
let totalChance = 0;
for (let [chance, reward] of dropSuccessRateByDiff[diff]) {
totalChance += chance;
if (rand <= totalChance) {
if (reward === null) {
return false;
} else {
modVariable('add', 'item', itemByZone[zoneId], reward);
return true;
// Add keyboard shortcuts for quick selection
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
// Skip if we're typing in an input element
if (e.target.tagName === 'INPUT') return;
if (e.key >= '1' && e.key <= '3') {
const percentages = document.querySelectorAll('.slaveMulti');
const index = parseInt(e.key) - 1;
if (percentages[index]) {
function initializeAll() {
<div class="FS_wheel-overlay">
<div class="FS_wheel-pin">
<img src="ressources/icons/7C.webp">
<canvas id="FS_wheel"></canvas>
<div class="FS_wheel-overlay__center-button" onmousedown="Wheel.handleButton();">SPIN</div>
<div class ="PF_button_container">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="endButton1();"><span>Practice Again!</span></div>
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="endButton2();"><span>Exit</span></div>
<div class="FS_wheel-stats">
window.customWheelStats = {
"custom": {
order: ["failure", "critical", "okay", "excellent", "bad", "good"],
zones: {
critical: {
name: "Critical",
chance: 0.025,
effectiveness: "4%",
color1: "rgb(127,0,255)",
font_size: 28,
excellent: {
name: "Excellent",
chance: 0.055,
effectiveness: "2%",
color1: "rgb(0,128,255)",
font_size: 45,
good: {
name: "Good",
chance: 0.12,
effectiveness: "1%",
color1: "rgb(128,255,0)",
font_size: 60
okay: {
name: "Ok",
chance: 0.25,
effectiveness: "0%",
color1: "rgb(255,255,0)",
font_size: 80
bad: {
name: "Bad",
chance: 0.40,
effectiveness: "-2%",
color1: "rgb(255,0,0)",
font_size: 80
failure: {
name: "Failure",
chance: 0.15,
effectiveness: "-5%",
color1: "rgb(12,12,12)",
font_size: 70
window.Wheel = {
data: {
state: "pause",
stats: null,
moveEffectiveness: 1,
result: null // To store the percentage result
init: function(wheelType, customStats = null) {
if (customStats) {
this.data.stats = customStats[wheelType];
} else {
this.data.stats = gameData.fight.wheelStats[wheelType];
//this.data.callback = callback;
setupStatsIndicator: function() {
var wheelStatsElement = document.querySelector('.FS_wheel-stats');
if (!wheelStatsElement) {
console.error('Wheel stats element not found');
var wheelStatsElementTable = document.createElement('table');
wheelStatsElement.innerHTML = "";
wheelStatsElement.innerHTML = "Dominance Boost:";
for (var zone in this.data.stats.zones) {
const z_s = this.data.stats.zones[zone];
const row = document.createElement('tr');
const name = document.createElement('td');
const effectiveness = document.createElement('td');
name.innerHTML = z_s.name;
name.style.background = z_s.color1;
name.style.color = z_s.text_color || 'white'; // Changed default to white
effectiveness.innerHTML = z_s.effectiveness;
setupCanvas: function() {
let canvas = document.getElementById('FS_wheel');
if (!canvas) return;
let canvasDimension = 1000;
let wheelRadius = 450;
let canvasCenter = canvasDimension / 2;
canvas.width = canvasDimension;
canvas.height = canvasDimension;
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.lineWidth = 6;
ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(100,100,100)";
ctx.font = "bold 20pt Arial";
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.arc(canvasCenter, canvasCenter, wheelRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
let current_angle = 0;
for (let zone of this.data.stats.order) {
let z_s = this.data.stats.zones[zone];
ctx.font = `bold ${z_s.font_size}pt Arial`;
ctx.translate(canvasCenter, canvasCenter);
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(wheelRadius, 0);
ctx.arc(0, 0, wheelRadius, 0, z_s.chance * 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.lineTo(0, 0);
ctx.fillStyle = z_s.color1;
ctx.rotate((z_s.chance * 2 * Math.PI) / 2);
ctx.translate(0, z_s.font_size/2);
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.fillText(z_s.name, wheelRadius - 15, 0);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
ctx.lineWidth = z_s.font_size/15;
ctx.strokeText(z_s.name, wheelRadius - 15, 0);
current_angle += z_s.chance * 2 * Math.PI;
if (current_angle != 2 * Math.PI) {
throw new Error("Wheel not full!");
setButtonStyle: function(text, backColor, color = "white") {
let wheelButtonElement = document.querySelector('.FS_wheel-overlay__center-button');
if (!wheelButtonElement) return;
wheelButtonElement.innerHTML = text;
wheelButtonElement.style.backgroundColor = backColor;
wheelButtonElement.style.color = color;
handleButton: function() {
let canvas = document.getElementById('FS_wheel');
if (!canvas) return;
let wheelSpeed = 1000;
let easeInCompensation = 1;
let currentPercent = 0;
switch (this.data.state) {
case "pause":
canvas.style.animation = `FS_wheel-spin ${wheelSpeed * easeInCompensation}ms ease-in`;
this.setButtonStyle("SPIN", "rgb(50,255,50)");
setTimeout(() => {
this.data.state = "spinning";
canvas.style.animation = `FS_wheel-spin ${wheelSpeed}ms linear infinite`;
this.setButtonStyle("Stop", "rgb(204,0,0)");
}, wheelSpeed * easeInCompensation);
this.data.state = "fast-spinning";
case "spinning":
this.data.state = "";
canvas.style.animationPlayState = 'paused';
setTimeout(() => {
let angle = this.getRotationDegrees(canvas);
currentPercent = angle / 360 * 100;
let foundZone = this.checkResult(currentPercent);
// Convert percentage string to number
this.data.result = parseInt(this.data.stats.zones[foundZone].effectiveness) / 100;
this.data.state = "done";
//append the two buttons wtv comment
}, 200);
case "done":
// do nothing
/* canvas.removeAttribute('style');
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.data.callback) {
// Pass the percentage result to the callback
this.data.state = "pause";
}, 300); */
checkResult: function(percent) {
percent = 100 - percent; // Reverse the angle
let foundZone = "critical"; // Default zone
for (let zone of this.data.stats.order) {
let zoneSettings = this.data.stats.zones[zone];
if (percent < zoneSettings.chance * 100) {
foundZone = zone;
} else {
percent -= zoneSettings.chance * 100;
let zoneData = this.data.stats.zones[foundZone];
zoneData.text_color || 'white'
return foundZone;
getRotationDegrees: function(element) {
const computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
const transformMatrix = computedStyle.getPropertyValue('transform');
const matrixValues = transformMatrix.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',');
const a = parseFloat(matrixValues[0]);
const b = parseFloat(matrixValues[1]);
let angle = Math.round(Math.atan2(b, a) * (180 / Math.PI));
angle += 90;
return (angle < 0 ? angle + 360 : angle);
// Initialize the wheel when the passage loads
Wheel.init("custom", customWheelStats);
function endButton1() {
let result = Wheel.data.result;
let currentDominance = modVariable("get", "stat", "dominance");
let boost = currentDominance * result; // Calculate boost amount
modVariable("add", "stat", "dominance", boost);
playPassage('PRACTICE FIGHT');
function endButton2() {
let result = Wheel.data.result;
let currentDominance = modVariable("get", "stat", "dominance");
let boost = currentDominance * result; // Calculate boost amount
modVariable("add", "stat", "dominance", boost);
/* Wheel specific styles */
/* Wheel specific styles */
.passage {
display: flex;
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(() => {
const dialog = `
You lie down on your makeshift bed, your muscles aching from the day's challenges. As you drift into sleep, you find yourself standing in the barren Wastelands, a place of desolation and danger.
Angela: (Appears beside you, ethereal) "The Wastelands are harsh, but they hold valuable resources. Be cautious but curious."
You: "I'll keep my eyes open and my guard up."
Angela: "Good. Remember, some risks are worth taking, but always be prepared for the unexpected."
Wake up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You collapse onto your bed, exhausted. In your dreams, you find yourself in the lush but mysterious forest.
Angela: (Materializes, smiling) "The forest is teeming with life, but not all of it is friendly."
You: "So, what should I look out for?"
Angela: "Be wary of the creatures, but also look for herbs and plants. They can be useful for crafting and healing."
Wake up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You lay down, your thoughts swirling. Soon, you find yourself walking through the District, the last bastion of civilization.
Angela: (Joins you, looking around) "The District is where you'll resource yourself and build your relationships."
You: "Got it. Anything specific I should know?"
Angela: "Keep an eye on the Trust and Lust attributes with the women. They'll determine how much help or hindrance they can be."
Wake up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You hit the bed, your body yearning for rest. As you sleep, you find yourself in an arena, facing an unknown opponent.
Angela: (Appears, arms crossed) "Fights are inevitable, but they're also an opportunity."
You: "An opportunity for what?"
Angela: "To gain resources, build your skills, and earn respect. But remember, losing a fight could mean losing valuable items."
Wake up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're in a deep sleep, half-covered by the thin blanket. Cherie quietly enters the room, her eyes widening as she notices your state of undress.
Cherie: (Stares, heart pounding) "I came to check his vitals, but this... I should leave, but the virus... it's making it hard to look away."
Wake up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're sprawled on your bed, the blanket barely covering you. Elfie bursts into the room, her eyes widening as she takes in the sight before her.
Elfie: (Giggles internally, cheeks flushing) "He looks so relaxed. But why do I feel so... jittery all of a sudden? Is it the virus? It's like it's pulling me closer."
Wake up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're lying on your bed, half-naked and deep in sleep. Lana walks in, her eyes locking onto you as she stands by the door.
Lana: (Stiffens, eyes narrowing) "I should've knocked. But why can't I leave? The virus is making it hard to... resist this tension."
Wake up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You wake up to the sound of the door creaking open. Cherie walks in, her eyes immediately darting to your lower half.
Cherie: (Flustered, trying to maintain eye contact) "Good morning. I came to check on you. How did you sleep?"
You: (Oblivious, stretching) "Slept like a rock. What brings you here so early?"
Cherie: (Blushing, quickly glances away) "Just... routine check-up. I'll let you get dressed."
Get up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're jolted awake by Elfie's cheerful voice. As your eyes open, you see her standing there, her eyes wide and cheeks flushed.
Elfie: (Giggling, but noticeably flustered) "Morning! Rise and shine!"
You: (Yawning, sitting up) "You're up early. What's the occasion?"
Elfie: (Fidgeting, avoiding eye contact) "No occasion! Just wanted to say hi! I'll, um, let you get ready!"
Get up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You slowly wake up, sensing someone's presence. Opening your eyes, you see Lana standing by the door, her eyes averted.
Lana: (Cautious, looking away) "Morning. You're up late."
You: (Stretching, unaware) "Is it? I could've slept longer. What's up?"
Lana: (Blushing, clears throat) "Nothing. I'll leave you to it."
Get up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter your room, feeling a mild itch of the virus' effects. It's manageable but distracting. You decide to take care of it before it escalates.
You: (Sighs softly) "Better now than later."
You quickly relieve the tension, a sense of mild relief washing over you.
You: "Alright, back to it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter your room, feeling a mild itch of the virus' effects. It's manageable but distracting. You decide to take care of it before it escalates.
You: (Sighs softly) "Better now than later."
You quickly relieve the tension, a sense of mild relief washing over you.
You: "Alright, back to it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter your room, feeling a mild itch of the virus' effects. It's manageable but distracting. You decide to take care of it before it escalates.
You: (Sighs softly) "Better now than later."
You quickly relieve the tension, a sense of mild relief washing over you.
You: "Alright, back to it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter your room, feeling a mild itch of the virus' effects. It's manageable but distracting. You decide to take care of it before it escalates.
You: (Sighs softly) "Better now than later."
You quickly relieve the tension, a sense of mild relief washing over you.
You: "Alright, back to it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into your room, the virus' pull becoming more noticeable. Your thoughts are starting to scatter, and you know you need to address it.
You: (Frustrated) "Can't focus like this."
You take a moment to relieve the tension. The sensation is stronger than usual, and you feel a wave of clarity afterwards.
You: "Much better."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into your room, the virus' pull becoming more noticeable. Your thoughts are starting to scatter, and you know you need to address it.
You: (Frustrated) "Can't focus like this."
You take a moment to relieve the tension. The sensation is stronger than usual, and you feel a wave of clarity afterwards.
You: "Much better."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into your room, the virus' pull becoming more noticeable. Your thoughts are starting to scatter, and you know you need to address it.
You: (Frustrated) "Can't focus like this."
You take a moment to relieve the tension. The sensation is stronger than usual, and you feel a wave of clarity afterwards.
You: "Much better."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You barely make it to your room, the virus' effects reaching a critical point. Your vision blurs, and your thoughts are a jumbled mess. You're at the edge, and you know you need immediate relief.
You: (Struggling) "Now. Must do it now."
With urgency, you relieve the intense tension. The sensation is almost overwhelming, but the relief is immediate and profound.
You: "Close call."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You barely make it to your room, the virus' effects reaching a critical point. Your vision blurs, and your thoughts are a jumbled mess. You're at the edge, and you know you need immediate relief.
You: (Struggling) "Now. Must do it now."
With urgency, you relieve the intense tension. The sensation is almost overwhelming, but the relief is immediate and profound.
You: "Close call."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You barely make it to your room, the virus' effects reaching a critical point. Your vision blurs, and your thoughts are a jumbled mess. You're at the edge, and you know you need immediate relief.
You: (Struggling) "Now. Must do it now."
With urgency, you relieve the intense tension. The sensation is almost overwhelming, but the relief is immediate and profound.
You: "Close call."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You barely make it to your room, the virus' effects reaching a critical point. Your vision blurs, and your thoughts are a jumbled mess. You're at the edge, and you know you need immediate relief.
You: (Struggling) "Now. Must do it now."
With urgency, you relieve the intense tension. The sensation is almost overwhelming, but the relief is immediate and profound.
You: "Close call."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You barely make it to your room, the virus' effects reaching a critical point. Your vision blurs, and your thoughts are a jumbled mess. You're at the edge, and you know you need immediate relief.
You: (Struggling) "Now. Must do it now."
With urgency, you relieve the intense tension. The sensation is almost overwhelming, but the relief is immediate and profound.
You: "Close call."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter your room, feeling a mild itch of the virus' effects. It's manageable but distracting. You decide to take care of it before it escalates.
You: (Sighs softly) "Better now than later."
You quickly relieve the tension, a sense of mild relief washing over you.
You: "Alright, back to it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into your room, the virus' pull becoming more noticeable. Your thoughts are starting to scatter, and you know you need to address it.
You: (Frustrated) "Can't focus like this."
You take a moment to relieve the tension. The sensation is stronger than usual, and you feel a wave of clarity afterwards.
You: "Much better."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You barely make it to your room, the virus' effects reaching a critical point. Your vision blurs, and your thoughts are a jumbled mess. You're at the edge, and you know you need immediate relief.
You: (Struggling) "Now. Must do it now."
You: "Close call."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter your room, feeling a mild itch of the virus' effects. It's manageable but distracting. You decide to take care of it before it escalates.
You: (Sighs softly) "Better now than later."
You quickly relieve the tension, a sense of mild relief washing over you.
You: "Alright, back to it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: You feel your body weakening as the hunger pangs become unbearable. Your stomach is twisted in knots and your head throbs from the lack of nourishment. Looking over at your $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role], you see the gaunt expressions on their faces, their eyes sunken and bodies frail from starvation. You know you have failed them as a provider.
You: [Fading in and out of consciousness as extreme hunger takes hold](I'm so hungry...we're all starving...this is all my fault...)
Narrator: Suddenly, you see a fiery blonde woman stomping towards you, radiating power. As she comes into focus, you recognize her as Tsunade from Naruto, the legendary Sannin.
Tsunade: [Scowling angrily] Hey you! Snap out of it and get your act together! Your family needs you!
Narrator: You stare in disbelief as she grabs you by the collar and shakes you roughly.
Tsunade: [Glaring intensely] Look at me! I'm not going to let you give up so easily. Now stand up and be a man!
Narrator: She slaps you hard across the face, the shock helping you focus. You scramble to your feet as she looks you up and down appraisingly.
Tsunade: [Nodding in approval] Hmm not bad, you've got some potential. But we need to relieve some of that tension first.
Narrator: With brute strength she shoves you against the wall, pressing her curvy body against yours aggressively as she crushes her lips to yours.
You: [Kissing her back passionately](Oh Tsunade! I've always wanted this!)
Tsunade: [Breaking the kiss and scowling] Quiet! I'm doing this to motivate you, not for your enjoyment.
Narrator: She roughly gropes your hardening manhood through your pants, squeezing it painfully. You wince but don't protest.
Tsunade: [Unzipping your pants] Hmph, well you do seem ready for action at least.
Narrator: She squats down and takes your length into her mouth, sucking forcefully as you gasp in pained pleasure. Her nails dig into your thighs as she bobs her head at a punishing pace.
Tsunade: [Coming up for air] Had enough yet? I'm just getting started!
Narrator: Not waiting for an answer, she spins you around and bends you over a table. You hear her wetness as she fingers herself readying you for entry.
Narrator: With no hesitation she slams every inch of you deep into her soaked pussy. You rail her from behind, the table creaking from the force of your powerful thrusts.
Tsunade: [Moaning loudly as she fucks you] Come on! Take me like a man! Don't you dare finish before me!
Narrator: You clench your teeth, willing yourself not to climax too soon as you pounds her relentlessly. Finally you feel her inner walls clench and flutter around your shaft.
Narrator: She lets out an feral scream as her orgasm crashes through her. The pulsations quickly send you over the edge as you are about to cum she switches position and take you between her boobs to finish you off and you end up coming on her chest.
Narrator: Panting heavily, she withdraws from you and straightens her clothes, her demeanor shifting from lustful to strict.
Tsunade: [Giving you a stern look] I hope I've made myself clear. No more wallowing in self-pity, your family needed you!
Narrator: The vision starts to fade as you snap back to reality. Looking around frantically you see your starving $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role]s barely holding on. You don't have enough energy to do something about it and everything fades to black.
Button: Farewell
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: You feel your body weakening as the hunger pangs become unbearable. Your stomach is twisted in knots and your head throbs from the lack of nourishment. Looking over at your $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role]s, you see the gaunt expressions on their faces, their eyes sunken and bodies frail from starvation. You know you have failed them as a provider.
You: [Fading in and out of consciousness as extreme hunger takes hold] (I'm so hungry...we're all starving...this is all my fault...)
Narrator: Suddenly, you see a curvy orange-haired woman approaching you through your hazy vision. As she comes into focus, you recognize her as Nami from One Piece.
Nami: [Hands on her hips, looking irritated] Ugh, I can't believe you got us stranded out here with no food! Some captain you are.
You: [Staring in disbelief] N-Nami? What are you doing here? I must be hallucinating...
Nami: [Rolling her eyes] Yeah yeah, you're hallucinating. But I'm still pissed at you! As your navigator, I'm gonna have to punish you for this.
Narrator: She reaches down and grabs your crotch aggressively, causing you to yelp in surprise.
Nami: [Squeezing tighter] Now be a good captain and take your punishment like a man. I'm confiscating this treasure of yours!
Narrator: You groan as she massages and strokes you through your pants, your manhood quickly swelling from her skilled touch.
Nami: [Noticing your erection and smirking] Well well, what do we have here? Looks like someone's wanting to hoist the mainsail.
You: [Panting heavily] Oh wow Nami...your hands feel amazing...
Nami: [Giggling] All right captain, I'll give you a little reward for enduring your punishment so well.
Narrator: She unzips your pants and takes your length into her mouth, sucking vigorously. You gasp and grip her hair as intense waves of pleasure wash over you.
Nami: [Pausing her sucking to look up at you sternly] Just remember you still owe me for this! I'm adding an extra 10,000 berries to your debt for this special service.
Narrator: You groan in protest but don't stop her as she resumes her enthusiastic blowjob. She bobs her head rapidly, taking you deep into her throat again and again. Then she decides to give you a proper titsjob and get to it like her life depends on it.
Nami: [Popping you out of her mouth with an audible slurp] Mmm you taste pretty good captain, but I think it's time I got a bit more compensation for my hard work.
Narrator: She strips naked, showcasing her perfect curves. Gripping your shoulders, she climbs on top and lowers herself onto your stiffness.
Nami: [Moaning as she rides you] Ah yes, this is the real treasure!
Narrator: You thrust up to meet her gyrations, pounding away at her dripping womanhood. You run your hands over her smooth skin and ample chest, playing with her nipples as she works her hips.
Nami: [Picking up speed] Oh yes, just like that! Give me everything you've got!
Narrator: The lewd sounds of your bodies colliding fill the air. You flip her into other positions, ramming her hard from behind and missionary.
Narrator: Finally, you cry out as the pressure builds to a breaking point. With a few more powerful thrusts, you erupt inside her, filling her womb with your seed.
Narrator: you finish, panting hard, Nami climbs off and starts getting dressed.
Nami: [Counting on her fingers] Let's see, with interest that comes to...one million berries you owe me now! You better pay up when we get back to the ship!
Narrator: She blows a kiss and walks away swaying her hips. As she fades from sight, the grim reality sets back in. Your family lies lifeless around you, and your own life quickly slips away as darkness closes in...
Button: Farewell
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: Fading in and out of consciousness as extreme hunger takes hold, your mind starts to play tricks on you. Suddenly, you see a shapely figure with blue hair approaching you through your hazy vision. As she comes into focus, you recognize her as Bulma from Dragonball.
Bulma: [Hands on her hips, looking at you skeptically] Hey there, you don't look so good. What's going on?
You: [Staring in disbelief, too weak to respond]
Bulma: [Rolls her eyes and sighs] Ugh, men. Always getting themselves into trouble. [Kneels down next to you and checks your vitals] Yup, you're clearly not doing well. But don't worry, I'll take care of you!
Narrator: She unzips your pants in a no-nonsense manner, licking her lips when she sees your swollen manhood.
Bulma: [Matter-of-factly] Well, looks like someone needs some relief here. I guess I have no choice but to help out.
Narrator: Gripping you firmly, she starts stroking up and down in a confident manner, moaning a little at the feeling of you pulsing in her hand.
You: [Groaning loudly, too weak to believe this is really happening]
Bulma: [Smirking arrogantly] I know, I have very talented hands. Just relax and let me work my magic!
Narrator: She takes you into her mouth and bobs her head rapidly, putting her oral skills on full display. Her tongue swirls skillfully as she works your length. The pleasure is so intense you see stars.
You: [Breathing heavily, nearing climax]
Narrator: Sensing how close you are, Bulma pops you out of her mouth and grins.
Bulma: [Hands on her hips] Alright, I think that's enough foreplay. Time for the main event!
Narrator: She strips fully nude in a matter-of-fact manner then pushes you down and straddles you, sliding down onto your slick shaft.
Bulma: [Moaning loudly] Mmm yes, now this is more like it!
Narrator: She rides you hard, grinding her hips aggressively. You grip her ass tightly, pumping up to meet her intense rhythm. Her breasts bounce wildly right in your face.
Bulma: [Commanding you in a stern voice] Come on, put some more effort into this! I'm not doing all the work here!
Narrator: You pound away intensely, flipping her into different positions as she demands. Missionary, doggy style, reverse cowgirl - you work hard to keep up with Bulma's commands and relentless pace.
Narrator: Finally, at her urging you drive in deep and hold yourself there, exploding intensely inside her spasming sex. You empty yourself completely until she's satisfied. As the last drops spill from you, the pleasure and Bulma's presence fade away...
Narrator: Leaving you alone, with the grim reality setting in that your family has died of starvation while you hallucinated. Darkness consumes your vision as you join them in eternal sleep.
Button: Farewell
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: You feel your body weakening as the hunger pangs become unbearable. Your stomach is twisted in knots and your head throbs from lack of nourishment. Looking over at your $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role]s, you see the gaunt expressions on their faces, their bodies frail from starvation. You know you have failed them as a provider.
You: [Fading in and out of consciousness from extreme hunger] I'm so hungry...we're all starving...this is all my fault...
Narrator: Suddenly, you see a curvy brunette woman approaching you through your hazy vision. As she comes into focus, you recognize her as Delia Ketchum, Ash's $[characters.list.cherie.role] from Pokemon.
Delia: [Looking concerned] Oh dear, you poor thing. You must be absolutely famished.
You: [Staring in disbelief] Delia? I must be hallucinating...
Delia: [In a soothing, motherly voice] Shh, try to relax. Let me make you a little more comfortable.
Narrator: She gently presses her curvy body against yours in an attempt to prop you up. Her hands lightly brush over your chest in a caring manner as she checks on your condition. You feel your manhood stirring as she looks at you kindly.
Delia: [Noticing your reaction] Oh! I apologize, I didn't mean to excite you. I was just trying to help.
You: [Groaning involuntarily] Sorry, your touch just feels really nice...
Delia: [Blushing but still speaking gently] Oh my, you poor dear. You must be delirious from hunger. Here, let me eat you out.
Narrator: She unzips your pants and gingerly takes your length into her mouth. She sucks you gently, providing soothing oral stimulation. You grip her hair instinctively as waves of pleasure wash over you.
You: [Moaning] Oh wow...Delia that feels incredible...
Narrator: She continues oral care, speaking words of comfort around your manhood. Sensing you are close to release, she slowly pops you out of her mouth.
Delia: [Smiling maternally] There now, feeling a little better? I want to make sure you’re taken care of.
She removes her clothes, revealing her curvy, beautiful body. You eagerly provide her oral pleasure, wanting to reciprocate. Her cries of delight fill the air as you lick her sensitively.
Narrator: After getting her wet, you enter her with care. You make love slowly and gently, both of you moaning in subdued euphoria. You explore various positions - missionary, sideways, cowgirl - maintaining an intimate tenderness throughout.
Narrator: Finally, you ask to take her from behind. She gets on all fours and you enter her tight rear entrance tenderly. You move together in bliss until climaxing simultaneously, filling her with intense warmth.
Narrator: As you finish, the vision of Delia starts to fade. She smiles at you lovingly.
Delia: Come see me again soon dear. I’ll take good care of you.
Narrator: The euphoria fades as the hallucination ends. You see your $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role]s motionless on the ground, realizing your failure to provide has led to their starvation and your shared demise.
Button: Farewell
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: You are exhausted after a long day of working and surviving in the harsh new world. As the night grows late, you feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. You know you should get some rest, but you decide to push yourself and stay up just a little longer. As the minutes tick by, an overwhelming sense of tiredness washes over you. Your limbs feel like lead, and your mind starts drifting into a sleepy haze.
Narrator: Just as you are about to give in and collapse onto your bed, a strange vision suddenly appears before you. Through your bleary, half-closed eyes, you see D.Va from the game Overwatch materializing in your room. She looks so real, so vibrant and full of life.
D.Va: [giggling and posing cutely](You must be hallucinating from exhaustion) Hey there! Looks like someone stayed up way past their bedtime.
Narrator: You shake your head, trying to clear the fog from your mind. This can't be real. Am I dreaming? Or is the lack of sleep making me hallucinate?
Narrator: D.Va saunters closer, swaying her hips flirtatiously. She reaches out and runs a finger down your chest. You feel a tingling jolt at her touch. This feels too real to be just a hallucination.
D.Va: [biting her lower lip](His reaction is so cute) Mm someone's been working hard. I can help you relax, you know.
Narrator: Before you can respond, she hops into your lap, straddling you. You inhale sharply at the feeling of her weight on top of you. She grinds her hips, and you feel a swell of arousal building inside you. The scent of her hair and skin surrounds you, so sweet and tantalizing.
D.Va: [gazing into your eyes](Let's see how far I can take this fantasy of his) Just sit back and let me make you feel good.
Narrator: She reaches down and begins stroking you through your pants. A jolt of pleasure shoots up your spine at her touch. Her hand is so soft yet firm in all the right ways. She smiles mischievously as you harden under her ministrations.
D.Va: [biting her lip](Mm someone's excited...let's take this further) Is that a rocket in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
Narrator: Before you can respond, she deftly unzips your pants, freeing you from the confines of the fabric. The feeling of her small hand wrapping around your exposed length is incredible. She begins moving up and down, quickly finding a rhythm that has you seeing stars. Precum beads at your tip as she increases her pace, using it to lubricate her strokes.
D.Va: [looking up at you hungrily](The sounds he's making are so hot) Does that feel good? Tell me how good it feels...
You: It feels incredible...don't stop!
Narrator: She smiles and lowers her head, her pink lips parting. Your tip disappears into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth. The feeling is unbelievable. Her tongue swirls and laps, hitting all the right spots. She bobs her head up and down, taking more and more of you each time. The pleasure builds and builds, like a rocket preparing for liftoff.
You: Oh god...your mouth feels so good!
D.Va: [moaning around you](Mmm he tastes amazing)
Narrator: She increases her pace, her cheeks hollowing as she sucks you with vigor. It feels too good to be real, like a fantasy come to life. Your toes curl from the building sensations. Sensing you are close, D.Va pops you out of her mouth and gives you a naughty look.
D.Va: [straddling you again](Let's try something else now) My turn...
Narrator: She positions herself above your face and lowers herself down until her glistening pink folds are right in front of your mouth. Needing no further invitation, you lean up and begin lapping hungrily at her wet slit. She gasps and grinds against your probing tongue.
D.Va: Oh yes, just like that! Don't stop!
Narrator: You continue eating her out with enthusiasm, relishing her sweet juices. Her thighs quiver around your head as she rides your face to climax. As you bring her to orgasm, she cries out in ecstasy.
Narrator: Finally, unable to wait any longer, D.Va shifts and guides you inside her tight, wet pussy. You both moan loudly as you fill her up to the hilt. She starts bouncing up and down rapidly, her breasts jiggling right in your face. You take one of her hardened nipples into your mouth, sucking in time with her movements.
D.Va: [eyes rolling back in pleasure](Yes, please fuck me hard!) Ah! You feel so good inside me!
Narrator: She rides you with wild abandon, her slick inner walls gripping you like a velvety vise. You piston your hips up to meet her downward thrusts, your bodies colliding passionately. The pleasure is white-hot in intensity, like nothing you've ever experienced before.
D.Va: [panting heavily](Let's try my other hole now) I want you in my ass!
Narrator: She climbs off and gets on all fours, presenting herself to you. You position yourself behind her and slowly work your aching length into her impossibly tight backdoor. She whimpers and pushes back against you. Once fully seated inside, you begin thrusting vigorously.
D.Va: Oh god yes! Just like that! Fuck my ass!
Narrator: You grip her hips and pound away relentlessly. The feeling of her snug anal passage squeezing around you is incredible. She fingers her clit rapidly as you hammer into her from behind. The lewd sounds of flesh slapping on flesh fill the room, mingling with your passionate moans and gasps.
Narrator: The pleasure continues building to impossible heights. With a few more well-angled thrusts, D.Va's body seizes up in orgasm just as you erupt powerfully inside her. She milks every last drop from you as you collapse forward onto her, fully spent.
Narrator: As the haze of lust begins clearing, D.Va turns and gives you a final smile and wink.
D.Va: That was fun! Get some rest now...until next time!
Narrator: With those parting words, she blows you a kiss. Your surroundings start spinning and fading to black. Your head hits the pillow just before everything goes dark. The last thing you remember is D.Va's smiling face as you drift off into a deep, restful sleep.
Button: Wake up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: You are exhausted after a long day of working and surviving in the harsh new world. As the night grows late, you feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. You know you should get some rest, but you decide to push yourself and stay up just a little longer. As the minutes tick by, an overwhelming sense of tiredness washes over you. Your limbs feel like lead, and your mind starts drifting into a sleepy haze.
Narrator: Just as you are about to give in and collapse onto your bed, a strange vision suddenly appears before you. Through your bleary, half-closed eyes, you see a flash of green in the corner of your eye. You turn to see Cammy and Chun-Li materializing before you, looking vibrant and ready for battle.
Narrator: Cammy stands tall and proud, her muscular yet feminine physique accentuated by her signature green leotard. Her long blonde braids sway as she places her hands on her shapely hips. "Look who can barely keep his eyes open. Seems someone hasn't been getting proper rest," she says in her distinct British accent.
Narrator: Chun-Li giggles and nods in agreement, her cheeks plump and rosy. She's wearing her blue qipao dress, the silky material hugging her curvy figure. Her powerful thighs flex as she approaches you. "That won't do. You need to relax so you can continue fighting the good fight," she says, her voice sweet yet firm.
Narrator: You shake your head, trying to clear the fog from your mind. This can't be real. Am I dreaming? Or is the lack of sleep making me hallucinate?
Narrator: The two saunter closer, swaying their hips. Cammy reaches out and runs a hand down your chest. You feel a tingling sensation at her touch. Chun-Li climbs into your lap, the feeling of her weight on you seeming too real for a hallucination.
Chun-Li: Mm, you've got some nice muscles here. But you're all tense.
Narrator: She begins grinding her hips, and you feel yourself swelling with arousal. Cammy kneels down and starts stroking you through your pants. A jolt of pleasure shoots up your spine.
Cammy: Well, look who's excited to see us. Let's help take care of this, shall we?
Narrator: She unzips your pants, freeing your erect length. The feeling of her hand wrapping around you is incredible. She starts stroking up and down, quickly finding a good rhythm.
Chun-Li: [biting her lip] Oh, that looks like it feels really good. Tell us how good it feels, baby.
You: It feels amazing, don't stop!
Narrator: Cammy smiles and takes you into her mouth. Her tongue swirls and laps at you skillfully. Chun-Li grinds against you harder, moaning. The pleasure builds to greater heights.
You: Oh god, your mouths feels so good, Cammy!
Cammy: [popping you out] I think he's ready for more.
Narrator: Chun-Li stands up and lowers herself onto you, guiding you inside her. You both moan loudly as she takes you in deeply. She starts bouncing rapidly, her breasts jiggling. You take one of her nipples into your mouth, sucking in time with her movements.
Chun-Li: Oh yes, you feel so good inside me! Fuck me harder!
Narrator: She rides you passionately while Cammy positions herself over your face. You lean up and hungrily start eating her out. She grinds against your tongue, crying out. The pleasure is almost more than you can take.
Narrator: Finally, unable to hold back any longer, you erupt powerfully inside Chun-Li. She climaxes around you at the same time. Cammy moans loudly as you make her orgasm with your mouth.
Narrator: Utterly spent, the two fighters smile down at you. Just before you pass out, Cammy winks.
Cammy: Sleep well, love. We'll play more next time.
Narrator: As they fade away, you fall into a deep, restful sleep.
Button: Wake up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: You are absolutely exhausted after a long day of mystery solving and evading dangers. As night falls, your eyelids grow heavier by the minute. You know you should get some rest, but your curiosity compels you to stay up a little longer. However, your fatigue quickly becomes overwhelming.
Narrator: Just as you start dozing off, a familiar figure appears unexpectedly - none other than Velma from the Scooby Doo gang. Adjusting her oversized glasses, she approaches you with a coy smile.
Velma: Jinkies! Looks like someone's tuckered out. Why don't you let me help you relax, Shaggy?
Narrator: Still skeptical that she's really there, you rub your eyes and blink hard. Velma giggles and walks closer, her short orange pleated skirt swishing around her thighs.
Velma: I know just the thing to help you unwind before bed.
Narrator: Before you can react, she climbs into your lap, the warmth of her body pressing against you. Your pulse quickens as she wiggles her hips, her soft curves tantalizing even through the layers of her clothes.
Velma: Just lie back and let me work my magic.
Narrator: She traces her fingers down your chest, igniting sparks beneath your skin. With deft hands, she frees you from your pants, wrapping her fingers around your rapidly hardening length.
Velma: Well, well, what do we have here?
Narrator: She begins stroking up and down, quickly finding a rhythm that has you groaning. Her grip is snug but smooth, aided by the beads of precum oozing from your tip. The look of academic curiosity on her face makes it all the more arousing.
Velma: Fascinating reaction...I think some hands-on research is required.
Narrator: She opens her plump lips and takes you into her warm, wet mouth. Her tongue swirls and laps eagerly, glasses fogging up. She bobs her head slowly, working you deeper with each pass.
Velma: Mmph...delightful hypothesis confirmed...
Narrator: Her pace increases as you gently thread your fingers through her short auburn hair. The velvety friction of her mouth is incredible. You can feel the pressure building in your core, ready to erupt like a science experiment.
Narrator: Sensing your impending climax, she pops you out of her mouth and grins mischievously. She swiftly removes her saturated orange panties and straddles you once more.
Velma: I think it's time we test this theory to completion, don't you?
Narrator: She positions her entrance over you and sinks down, engulfing your length in her slick heat. You both gasp sharply as she takes you in to the hilt. Soon she finds her rhythm, bucking her hips as she rides you.
Velma: Jinkies, yes! So this is what "culminating the experiment" means!
Narrator: You grip her supple waist, reveling in the feeling of her snug warmth. Her breathing grows ragged as she bounces faster, the wet sound of flesh colliding filling the room.
Velma: Don't stop! I'm so close to a breakthrough!
Narrator: She throws her head back, lost in ecstasy as her inner walls spasm and clamp down on you. The added pressure triggers your own intense release. With a few final erratic thrusts, you empty yourself deep inside her.
Narrator: Completely spent, you both collapse in a tangled heap. Velma sighs contentedly and snuggles up beside you.
Velma: I'd call that a successful study session. Now get some rest, you've earned it!
Narrator: She gives you a peck on the cheek before your vision fades to black. You feel her presence lingering as you drift into a deep, satisfied sleep.
Button: Wake up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: You are exhausted after a long day of working and surviving in the harsh new world. As the night grows late, you feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. You know you should get some rest, but you decide to push yourself and stay up just a little longer. As the minutes tick by, an overwhelming sense of tiredness washes over you. Your limbs feel like lead, and your mind starts drifting into a sleepy haze.
Narrator: As you rub your bleary eyes, you see a shapely figure standing by the window. You do a double take as you realize it's Helen Parr from The Incredibles!
Helen: Oh honey, you look absolutely exhausted! Why don't you have a seat and let me take care of you?
Narrator: Still wondering if you're hallucinating, you slowly sink down onto the edge of the bed. Helen sashays over, her hips swaying enticingly. She sits next to you and begins massaging your shoulders, her strong yet gentle fingers working out the knots.
Helen: You poor thing, you're so incredibly tense! Just relax and let me help you unwind.
Narrator: Her hands roam your back, dissolving the tension under her expert touch. After several minutes, she stops and stands up.
Helen: Now, why don't I help you get ready for bed?
Narrator: She kneels down and removes your shoes and socks, caressing your feet. Then she stands and unbuttons your shirt, peeling it off to reveal your chest. Her fingers trail lightly over your skin, raising goosebumps.
Helen: Let's get these pants off too, okay?
Narrator: She unzips your pants tantalizingly slowly, then tugs them down your legs. You lift your hips to help her pull them off completely, leaving you in just your boxers. She licks her lips appreciatively.
Helen: There, now make yourself comfortable on the bed.
Narrator: You settle back against the pillows. Helen climbs on top of you, straddling your lap. She begins grinding her hips, the friction feeling amazing even through both of your underwear.
Helen: Mmm...you deserve to feel good after such a long day.
Narrator: She reaches down and strokes your hard length through your boxers, eliciting a sharp inhale. Still undulating her hips, she uses her powers to remove her super suit, exposing her full, supple breasts.
Helen: Here, let me take care of this for you...
Narrator: She tugs your boxers down and wraps her hand firmly around your bare, rigid shaft. Her strokes are expertly paced as precum beads at your tip. The cool metal of her wedding ring heightens the sensations.
Narrator: After bringing you close with her hands, she repositions herself above you. Her eyes lock with yours as she sinks down, enveloping your throbbing manhood within her hot, slick pussy. You both moan loudly as she takes you to the hilt.
Narrator: Helen rides you steadily, her hips gyrating fluidly. The sight of her bouncing on top of you is mesmerizing. She gradually increases her tempo until the bed is rocking and creaking.
Helen: There you go, just relax...let me make you feel incredible...
Narrator: Her velvety inner muscles squeeze and massage your length. Your hands grip her toned ass tightly as she brings you both to the precipice.
Narrator: Sensing you are on the edge, she redoubles her efforts, working her inner muscles to milk your climax from you. With a ragged cry, the pleasure peaks and breaks over you in pulsing waves.
Narrator: As you float back down, she gives you a satisfied yet tender smile. But she doesn't stop there. Her hands and mouth continue to stoke your desire, coaxing you back to full arousal.
Helen: Oh, we're not done yet, honey...
Narrator: This time, she saddles up reversed, giving you a spectacular view of her shapely ass. As she rides you, she looks back over her shoulder, her eyes smoldering. You reach around to tease her stiff nipples as she swivels her hips.
Narrator: When you are both nearing the brink again, she leans forward into a 69 position, enveloping your rigid cock with her lips. The dual sensations push you over the edge once more, your cries muffled by her glistening pussy pressed against your mouth.
Narrator: Afterward, fully spent, Helen uses her powers to clean you both up and tuck you snugly under the blankets. She kisses your forehead tenderly, gazing at you with deep affection.
Helen: Sleep now, sweetie. I'll be right here if you need anything.
Narrator: Her gentle caresses lull you quickly into a deep, peaceful slumber.
Button: Wake up
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: You feel a heaviness in your limbs as the virus courses through your body unchecked. Your vision blurs as your heart pounds deafeningly in your chest. This is it - the virus has finally overwhelmed you. As you sink to your knees, darkness creeping into your periphery, an ethereal figure seems to manifest before you.
Makima: [emerging from swirling mist, her red eyes piercing yours](You recognize this seductive anime villainess, though you know she can't possibly be real) Hello there. It seems you've reached your limit.
Narrator: You stare as Makima saunters toward you, her hips swaying hypnotically. You know you should be afraid, but you feel only desire pooling within you as your eyes travel over her voluptuous form.
You: [fighting to remain conscious] You're not real...just a hallucination...
Makima: [kneeling before you, her fingers trailing down your heaving chest teasingly] Does it matter, when I can give you what you crave? Don't fight it now...just give in to me...
Narrator: Her touch is electric, sending sparks of pleasure through your body. You know you shouldn't, but you can't resist as she claims your mouth in a searing kiss. Her hands work at your pants, freeing your massive erection. You groan into her mouth as she wraps her fingers around you.
Makima: [stroking you firmly, her red eyes boring into yours] Forget everything else...focus only on me...
You: [gripping her shoulders for support, your hips bucking involuntarily] Makima...you feel so good...but this can't be real...
Makima: [increasing her pace, her lips curled in a smirk] Just let go...stop thinking and feel...
Narrator: The tension that has been building within you begs for release. You close your eyes, losing yourself to the rhythmic strokes of her hands. Nothing else matters but this exquisite pleasure she's coaxing from your body.
Narrator: Your eyes fly open as her mouth engulfs you, her tongue swirling skillfully. You cry out hoarsely, your fingers tangling in her hair. She takes you deep, moaning around your thickness. The vibration sends you reeling.
You: Fuck...Makima...I can't...I'm going to...
Narrator: She pulls back with an audible pop, a coy smile playing about her lips. With feline grace she straddles you, guiding you to her slick entrance. You hiss as she takes you in agonizingly slowly. Soon you are buried to the hilt within her velvet heat.
Narrator: You seize her hips as she begins to ride you. Her head falls back, red eyes sliding shut in ecstasy. You thrust up to meet her, consumed by carnal hunger. She crashes into you again and again until you are both panting and slick with sweat.
Narrator: In a sudden move she spins around, keeping you joined. The new angle has you seeing stars. You grip her waist tightly as she slams down, taking you to the hilt. You won't last much longer.
Narrator: With a guttural cry you find your release. As you spill yourself inside her, the world around you begins to spin. Makima turns back to face you, her expression unreadable.
Makima: It's time for you to go now...you've served your purpose...
You: [fighting to cling to consciousness] No...please...I have to go back...my family...
Narrator: But it's too late. Makima and the room around you fade to black. Though it was only an illusion, a final figment of your fevered mind, the regret is real. You failed - failed to control the virus, failed to save your family from The MAD's cruelty. As death closes its fist around your heart, your last thoughts are of your $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role]s, now doomed to a horrific fate. And then...nothing.
Button: Succumb
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: You feel the deadly grip of the virus taking hold as your strength rapidly fades. Your vision blurs as your pounding heartbeat thunders in your ears. This is the end - the virus has finally overwhelmed you. Suddenly, an alluring figure emerges from the swirling mists.
Miss Fortune: [sashaying toward you, her hips swaying seductively] Well well, look what we have here.
Narrator: You stare, enthralled by the infamous bounty hunter. Fiery red hair tumbles over her shoulders, complementing her revealing outfit. Her piercing green eyes and arrogant smirk hold a dangerous allure.
You: [gasping] You can't be...real...
Miss Fortune: [kneeling before you, trailing a gloved finger down your heaving chest] Does it really matter, sugar? I'm here to give you exactly what you need.
Narrator: Her touch sends arcs of electricity through your fevered body. You know you shouldn't give in, but you're powerless to resist as she claims your mouth in a hungry kiss. Deft fingers work at your pants, freeing your throbbing erection. You groan as she wraps her hand around your hardness.
Miss Fortune: [pumping you firmly, her eyes burning into yours] Forget everything else and just feel...
You: [gripping her shoulders, hips bucking] Ah...Fortune...you feel incredible...but how...
Miss Fortune: [quickening her strokes, a devious glint in her eyes] Don't think...just feel...give me everything you've got...
Narrator: The tension inside you begs for release. You close your eyes, losing yourself to the rhythmic strokes of her skillful hands. Nothing else matters but the exquisite pleasure she's coaxing from your body.
Narrator: Your eyes fly open as wet heat engulfs you - Fortune's talented mouth bringing you close to the edge with long sucks and swirls of her tongue. Your fingers tangle in her hair as you cry out hoarsely. She takes you deep, her moans sending vibrations through you.
You: Fuck...I can't hold it...I'm going to...
Narrator: With an audible pop she releases you, a coy smirk on her lips. She straddles you gracefully, taking you into her slick depths with a satisfied hiss. You grip her hips tightly as she rides you, head falling back in ecstasy. You meet her downward thrusts, consumed by primal hunger. Your bodies move as one until you are both slick with sweat and gasping for breath.
Narrator: In one smooth motion she spins to face away, keeping you buried inside. The new angle has stars exploding behind your eyes. You clutch her waist, pulling her down hard as she slams her hips down. You're close now, the pressure building to a breaking point.
Narrator: With a ragged shout you find your release, spilling inside her as the world spins wildly. Miss Fortune turns to face you, her expression unreadable.
Miss Fortune: It's time for you to go now, sugar...you played your part well...
You: [desperate] No...I have to go back...my family...
Narrator: But it's too late - she and the room around you fade away. Though an illusion, the regret is real. You failed to control the virus, failed to save your family. As death's cold hand closes around your heart, your last thoughts are of your $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role]s, their fate now doomed. And then...oblivion.
Button: Succumb
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Narrator: You feel a heaviness in your limbs as the virus courses unchecked through your body. Your vision blurs as your heart pounds deafeningly in your chest. This is it - the virus has finally overwhelmed you. As you sink to your knees, darkness creeping into your periphery, an ethereal figure seems to manifest before you.
Peach: [emerging from swirling mist, her blue eyes wide with concern] Oh dear, this simply won't do!
Narrator: You stare as Princess Peach hurries toward you, her golden curls bouncing around her delicate face. Her pink gown flows around her graceful form as she kneels beside you, placing a gloved hand upon your fevered brow.
You: [fighting to remain conscious] You can't be here...I must be hallucinating...
Peach: [brushing your hair back gently] Hush now, save your strength. We must take care of this dreadful virus at once!
Narrator: Her touch is soothing, sending a wave of comfort through your body. You know you shouldn't, but you can't resist leaning into her palm as she caresses your cheek.
Peach: [reaching for your pants, her cheeks flushed] This is rather forward of me, but desperate times call for desperate measures!
Narrator: You groan weakly as she frees your massive erection from the confines of your pants. With delicate fingers she begins stroking you, her movements tentative but determined.
Peach: [biting her lip as she increases her pace] Goodness me, but you are quite virile! I do hope this helps...
You: [gripping her shoulders for support, your hips bucking involuntarily] Peach...you shouldn't be doing this...
Peach: [looking deep into your eyes] If it will save you, I will gladly do what I must! Now just relax, I'm here for you.
Narrator: The tension building within you begs for release. You close your eyes, losing yourself to the rhythmic strokes of her silken gloves. Nothing else matters but this tender pleasure she's coaxing from your body.
Narrator: You cry out hoarsely as her lips engulf you, her petite mouth straining to accommodate your girth. She bobs slowly, her golden curls tickling your thighs as she pleasures you with care. The warmth of her mouth has you reeling.
You: Oh Peach...I can't...I'm going to...
Narrator: She pulls back, daintily wiping the corners of her mouth as she smiles up at you. In one graceful movement she lifts her skirts and straddles you, taking you slowly into her velvet heat. You hiss through gritted teeth, overwhelmed by her tightness.
Narrator: Soon you are fully sheathed within her. Peach begins to rock her hips, her eyes sliding shut and lips parting in ecstasy. You meet her movements as best you can, consumed by desire for your princess.
Narrator: Her pace quickens until you are both slick with sweat, your moans mingling in fevered harmony. With a strangled cry you find your climax, spilling yourself deep inside her.
Narrator: As you start to fade, Peach leans down, cradling your head to her chest. Her voice seems to echo from far away.
Peach: Be at peace, my dear hero. You've fulfilled your purpose for now. Return to us...your story is not yet over...
Narrator: Though you know she is just a fever dream, you take comfort in her tender words. As darkness descends, your thoughts turn to your family, hoping they will be there to greet you upon your return...
Button: Succumb
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus rages through your system as you stumble into Cherie's room, your vision blurring with lust. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role] lies peacefully on her bed, her golden hair spread across the pillow, her voluptuous form barely contained by a thin silk nightgown. Even in sleep, her nipples stand erect, visible through the delicate fabric. Your eyes hungrily devour every curve, every inch of exposed skin.
AVA materializes beside you, her ethereal form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with malicious intent.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (This foolish boy is so easy to manipulate) "Poor, sweet child. So overwhelmed by your desires. Why simply watch when you could join her dreams? I can make it happen. After all, what's the harm in a little dream?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Cherie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
You shake your head, fighting against the virus-induced lust. With a tremendous effort, you turn away from your sleeping $[characters.list.cherie.role] and leave the room, your body aching with unfulfilled desire.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
You hesitate, your conscience warring with your virus-fueled lust. But as Cherie shifts in her sleep, her nightgown riding up to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of her thigh, your resolve crumbles.
You: [Nodding, breathing heavily] (I can't resist anymore) "Do it. Put me in her dream."
AVA snaps her fingers, and reality shifts. You find yourself standing over your sleeping $[characters.list.cherie.role], your monstrous cock throbbing painfully. It stands at an impressive 12 inches, the shaft thick and veined, pulsing with viral energy. The head is swollen and angry, a bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip.
Cherie stirs, her hands roaming over her body as if possessed by a mind of their own. Her nightgown rides up, revealing her creamy thighs and a glimpse of her lace-covered mound. A damp spot is forming on the delicate fabric.
Cherie: [Moaning softly] (What a naughty dream... but it feels so good) "Oh, sweetie... $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s having such dirty thoughts about you."
Her eyes flutter open, glazed with sleep and dark desire. She looks at you, but doesn't really see, lost in her dreamworld. Her pupils dilate as the virus begins to take hold.
Cherie: [Licking her lips] (It's just a dream. I can indulge without guilt) "My, my... look how big you've grown. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s little boy isn't so little anymore, is he?"
Her hand reaches out, fingers brushing your thigh. The touch sends electricity through your body. A drop of pre-cum falls from your tip, landing on Cherie's arm. Her skin seems to absorb it instantly, a visible shudder running through her body.
Cherie: [Gasping, her voice becoming huskier] (God, it feels so real... but it can't be) "Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] take care of you, baby. You must be so pent up..."
Her fingers wrap around your shaft, barely able to encircle its girth. You gasp at the sensation. Cherie's touch is expert, alternating between firm strokes and teasing caresses. Her other hand cups your heavy, cum-filled balls.
You: [Moaning] (This is really happening. $[characters.list.cherie.role] is actually jerking me off) "Oh God, $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
Cherie: [Stroking faster, her breasts heaving with each breath] (It's just a dream. I can enjoy this without shame) "That's it, baby. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] make you feel good. You're so big, so much bigger than I ever imagined... $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s getting so wet for you."
Your hips buck involuntarily as shame and arousal mix in a dizzying cocktail. More pre-cum leaks from your tip, coating Cherie's hand. With each stroke, it's absorbed into her skin, causing her to moan louder.
Cherie: [Voice thick with lust, her nipples visibly hardening further] (Why does this feel so real? No, it's just a very vivid dream) "Come for $[characters.list.cherie.role], sweetie. Give $[characters.list.cherie.role] your hot, thick cum! I need it so badly!"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal jolts you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Cherie's room, your massive erection straining against your pants, a large wet spot visible. Cherie stirs in her bed, her eyes opening slowly. Her cheeks are flushed, her nipples visibly hard through her nightgown.
Cherie: [Blinking confusedly, her thighs pressing together] (Why do I feel so... aroused?) "Sweetie? What are you doing in my room? And why do I feel so... strange? So hot?"
Her eyes drift down to the bulge in your pants, widening in shock and poorly concealed lust. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and secretly aroused Cherie behind, her hand unconsciously drifting between her legs as you close the door.
Cherie: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... it felt so real. Why am I so wet?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus rages through your system as you stumble into Cherie's room, your vision blurring with lust. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role] lies peacefully on her bed, her golden hair spread across the pillow, her voluptuous form barely contained by a thin silk nightgown. Even in sleep, her nipples stand erect, visible through the delicate fabric. Your eyes hungrily devour every curve, every inch of exposed skin.
AVA materializes beside you, her ethereal form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with malicious intent.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (This foolish boy is so easy to manipulate) "Poor, sweet child. So overwhelmed by your desires. Why simply watch when you could join her dreams? I can make it happen. After all, what's the harm in a little dream?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Cherie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
You shake your head, fighting against the virus-induced lust. With a tremendous effort, you turn away from your sleeping $[characters.list.cherie.role] and leave the room, your body aching with unfulfilled desire.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
You hesitate, your conscience warring with your virus-fueled lust. But as Cherie shifts in her sleep, her nightgown riding up to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of her thigh, your resolve crumbles.
You: [Nodding, breathing heavily] (I can't resist anymore) "Do it. Put me in her dream."
AVA snaps her fingers, and reality shifts. You find yourself standing over your sleeping $[characters.list.cherie.role], your monstrous cock throbbing painfully. It stands at an impressive 12 inches, the shaft thick and veined, pulsing with viral energy. The head is swollen and angry, a bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip.
Cherie stirs, her hands roaming over her body as if possessed by a mind of their own. Her nightgown rides up, revealing her creamy thighs and a glimpse of her lace-covered mound. A damp spot is forming on the delicate fabric.
Cherie: [Moaning softly] (What a naughty dream... but it feels so good) "Oh, sweetie... $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s having such dirty thoughts about you."
Her eyes flutter open, glazed with sleep and dark desire. She looks at you, but doesn't really see, lost in her dreamworld. Her pupils dilate as the virus begins to take hold.
Cherie: [Licking her lips] (It's just a dream. I can indulge without guilt) "My, my... look how big you've grown. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s little boy isn't so little anymore, is he?"
Her hand reaches out, fingers brushing your thigh. The touch sends electricity through your body. A drop of pre-cum falls from your tip, landing on Cherie's arm. Her skin seems to absorb it instantly, a visible shudder running through her body.
Cherie: [Gasping, her voice becoming huskier] (God, it feels so real... but it can't be) "Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] take care of you, baby. You must be so pent up..."
Her fingers wrap around your shaft, barely able to encircle its girth. You gasp at the sensation. Cherie's touch is expert, alternating between firm strokes and teasing caresses. Her other hand cups your heavy, cum-filled balls.
You: [Moaning] (This is really happening. $[characters.list.cherie.role] is actually jerking me off) "Oh God, $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
Cherie: [Stroking faster, her breasts heaving with each breath] (It's just a dream. I can enjoy this without shame) "That's it, baby. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] make you feel good. You're so big, so much bigger than I ever imagined... $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s getting so wet for you."
Your hips buck involuntarily as shame and arousal mix in a dizzying cocktail. More pre-cum leaks from your tip, coating Cherie's hand. With each stroke, it's absorbed into her skin, causing her to moan louder.
Cherie: [Voice thick with lust, her nipples visibly hardening further] (Why does this feel so real? No, it's just a very vivid dream) "Come for $[characters.list.cherie.role], sweetie. Give $[characters.list.cherie.role] your hot, thick cum! I need it so badly!"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal jolts you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Cherie's room, your massive erection straining against your pants, a large wet spot visible. Cherie stirs in her bed, her eyes opening slowly. Her cheeks are flushed, her nipples visibly hard through her nightgown.
Cherie: [Blinking confusedly, her thighs pressing together] (Why do I feel so... aroused?) "Sweetie? What are you doing in my room? And why do I feel so... strange? So hot?"
Her eyes drift down to the bulge in your pants, widening in shock and poorly concealed lust. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and secretly aroused Cherie behind, her hand unconsciously drifting between her legs as you close the door.
Cherie: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... it felt so real. Why am I so wet?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. This isn't enough) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA grins wickedly, snapping her fingers again. The dreamscape shifts, becoming more vivid, more real. Cherie's eyes widen as the fog of sleep begins to lift, horror and unbridled lust warring in her gaze.
Cherie: [Gasping, her hand still stroking your cock] (This... this can't be a dream. It's too real) "Oh God, what are we doing? This is wrong... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system, her skin flushing with arousal, nipples hardening to painful points. She tries to pull her hand away, but it's as if her body has a will of its own.
Cherie: [Whimpering] (I have to stop this. He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!) "We need to stop, baby. This isn't right. I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], I shouldn't be... oh God!"
Her words are cut off as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence pushes more arousal into her system, overwhelming her maternal instincts.
Cherie: [Moaning] (No... I have to resist... but it feels so good) "Your cock feels so good in $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s hand. No! I mean... we have to... oh fuck, I need your cum!"
Her free hand moves to her breast, kneading it roughly through her nightgown as she continues to stroke you. Tears of shame mix with lust in her eyes.
You: [Groaning] (She's fighting it, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You know you want this. You need this."
Cherie: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm a terrible $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Why can't I stop?) "I'm so sorry, baby. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s trying to be good, but... but... oh God, I need you so badly!"
Her hand moves faster on your shaft, her other hand now between her legs, rubbing furiously at her soaked pussy through her nightgown. The last vestiges of her resistance crumble as the virus takes full control.
Cherie: [Panting, lost to lust] (I can't fight it anymore. I need my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s cum) "Cum for me, baby! Cover $[characters.list.cherie.role] in your hot, thick seed! Mark me as yours!"
With a roar, you explode, painting Cherie's face, breasts, and hands with thick ropes of cum. She screams in ecstasy, her own orgasm hitting her as your seed touches her skin. The cum seems to glow as it's absorbed into her body, the virus using it to tighten its hold on her mind.
Cherie: [Gasping, scooping cum into her mouth] (So good... need more...) "So much cum... $[characters.list.cherie.role] needs more! Feed me, baby. Feed $[characters.list.cherie.role] your delicious cum!"
As the dream fades, Cherie is left a quivering, cum-covered mess, her mind forever altered by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus rages through your system as you stumble into Cherie's room, your vision blurring with lust. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role] lies peacefully on her bed, her golden hair spread across the pillow, her voluptuous form barely contained by a thin silk nightgown. Even in sleep, her nipples stand erect, visible through the delicate fabric. Your eyes hungrily devour every curve, every inch of exposed skin.
AVA materializes beside you, her ethereal form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with malicious intent.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (This foolish boy is so easy to manipulate) "Poor, sweet child. So overwhelmed by your desires. Why simply watch when you could join her dreams? I can make it happen. After all, what's the harm in a little dream?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Cherie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
You shake your head, fighting against the virus-induced lust. With a tremendous effort, you turn away from your sleeping $[characters.list.cherie.role] and leave the room, your body aching with unfulfilled desire.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
You hesitate, your conscience warring with your virus-fueled lust. But as Cherie shifts in her sleep, her nightgown riding up to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of her thigh, your resolve crumbles.
You: [Nodding, breathing heavily] (I can't resist anymore) "Do it. Put me in her dream."
AVA snaps her fingers, and reality shifts. You find yourself standing over your sleeping $[characters.list.cherie.role], your monstrous cock throbbing painfully. It stands at an impressive 12 inches, the shaft thick and veined, pulsing with viral energy. The head is swollen and angry, a bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip.
Cherie stirs, her hands roaming over her body as if possessed by a mind of their own. Her nightgown rides up, revealing her creamy thighs and a glimpse of her lace-covered mound. A damp spot is forming on the delicate fabric.
Cherie: [Moaning softly] (What a naughty dream... but it feels so good) "Oh, sweetie... $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s having such dirty thoughts about you."
Her eyes flutter open, glazed with sleep and dark desire. She looks at you, but doesn't really see, lost in her dreamworld. Her pupils dilate as the virus begins to take hold.
Cherie: [Licking her lips] (It's just a dream. I can indulge without guilt) "My, my... look how big you've grown. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s little boy isn't so little anymore, is he?"
Her hand reaches out, fingers brushing your thigh. The touch sends electricity through your body. A drop of pre-cum falls from your tip, landing on Cherie's arm. Her skin seems to absorb it instantly, a visible shudder running through her body.
Cherie: [Gasping, her voice becoming huskier] (God, it feels so real... but it can't be) "Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] take care of you, baby. You must be so pent up..."
Her fingers wrap around your shaft, barely able to encircle its girth. You gasp at the sensation. Cherie's touch is expert, alternating between firm strokes and teasing caresses. Her other hand cups your heavy, cum-filled balls.
You: [Moaning] (This is really happening. $[characters.list.cherie.role] is actually jerking me off) "Oh God, $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
Cherie: [Stroking faster, her breasts heaving with each breath] (It's just a dream. I can enjoy this without shame) "That's it, baby. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] make you feel good. You're so big, so much bigger than I ever imagined... $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s getting so wet for you."
Your hips buck involuntarily as shame and arousal mix in a dizzying cocktail. More pre-cum leaks from your tip, coating Cherie's hand. With each stroke, it's absorbed into her skin, causing her to moan louder.
Cherie: [Voice thick with lust, her nipples visibly hardening further] (Why does this feel so real? No, it's just a very vivid dream) "Come for $[characters.list.cherie.role], sweetie. Give $[characters.list.cherie.role] your hot, thick cum! I need it so badly!"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal jolts you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Cherie's room, your massive erection straining against your pants, a large wet spot visible. Cherie stirs in her bed, her eyes opening slowly. Her cheeks are flushed, her nipples visibly hard through her nightgown.
Cherie: [Blinking confusedly, her thighs pressing together] (Why do I feel so... aroused?) "Sweetie? What are you doing in my room? And why do I feel so... strange? So hot?"
Her eyes drift down to the bulge in your pants, widening in shock and poorly concealed lust. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and secretly aroused Cherie behind, her hand unconsciously drifting between her legs as you close the door.
Cherie: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... it felt so real. Why am I so wet?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. This isn't enough) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA grins wickedly, snapping her fingers again. The dreamscape shifts, becoming more vivid, more real. Cherie's eyes widen as the fog of sleep begins to lift, horror and unbridled lust warring in her gaze.
Cherie: [Gasping, her hand still stroking your cock] (This... this can't be a dream. It's too real) "Oh God, what are we doing? This is wrong... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system, her skin flushing with arousal, nipples hardening to painful points. She tries to pull her hand away, but it's as if her body has a will of its own.
Cherie: [Whimpering] (I have to stop this. He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!) "We need to stop, baby. This isn't right. I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], I shouldn't be... oh God!"
Her words are cut off as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence pushes more arousal into her system, overwhelming her maternal instincts.
Cherie: [Moaning] (No... I have to resist... but it feels so good) "Your cock feels so good in $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s hand. No! I mean... we have to... oh fuck, I need your cum!"
Her free hand moves to her breast, kneading it roughly through her nightgown as she continues to stroke you. Tears of shame mix with lust in her eyes.
You: [Groaning] (She's fighting it, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You know you want this. You need this."
Cherie: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm a terrible $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Why can't I stop?) "I'm so sorry, baby. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s trying to be good, but... but... oh God, I need you so badly!"
Her hand moves faster on your shaft, her other hand now between her legs, rubbing furiously at her soaked pussy through her nightgown. The last vestiges of her resistance crumble as the virus takes full control.
Cherie: [Panting, lost to lust] (I can't fight it anymore. I need my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s cum) "Cum for me, baby! Cover $[characters.list.cherie.role] in your hot, thick seed! Mark me as yours!"
With a roar, you explode, painting Cherie's face, breasts, and hands with thick ropes of cum. She screams in ecstasy, her own orgasm hitting her as your seed touches her skin. The cum seems to glow as it's absorbed into her body, the virus using it to tighten its hold on her mind.
Cherie: [Gasping, scooping cum into her mouth] (So good... need more...) "So much cum... $[characters.list.cherie.role] needs more! Feed me, baby. Feed $[characters.list.cherie.role] your delicious cum!"
As the dream fades, Cherie is left a quivering, cum-covered mess, her mind forever altered by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Demanding] (I want this to be real) "Wake me up. Now."
In an instant, you're back in Cherie's room, fully awake and painfully erect. Cherie lies motionless, deep in sleep. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and lust as you approach the bed.
You: [Growling] (She's mine. I'll take what I want) "Wake up, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. It's time to serve your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]."
Cherie stirs slightly but doesn't wake. Impatient, you grab her shoulder, shaking her roughly. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Cherie: [Mumbling, still mostly asleep] (What's happening?) "Sweetie? What's wrong? Why are you..."
Her words trail off as you roughly grab her hair, forcing her to look at your throbbing member. The tip glistens with pre-cum, the shaft pulsing with viral energy. Cherie's eyes widen in shock and fear as she begins to realize this isn't a dream.
Cherie: [Whispering, fear creeping into her voice] (This can't be happening) "No, we can't... This is wrong... You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... Please, stop this!"
Ignoring her pleas, you force her hand around your shaft. She tries to pull away, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much for her.
You: [Snarling] (She'll learn her place) "Stop fighting, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. This is what you were made for."
Cherie: [Crying, trying to break free] (This is a nightmare. It has to be) "Let go of me! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]! This is sick!"
But as your pre-cum leaks onto her skin, Cherie's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by your potent fluids. Her fingers instinctively begin to stroke, her body betraying her mind.
Cherie: [Whimpering] (Why is my body responding? This is so wrong) "I shouldn't be doing this... You're my baby boy... But I can't stop! Your cock feels so... No! This is wrong!"
Her strokes become more confident as the virus takes hold, her shame transforming into unwilling lust. You thrust into her hand, fucking her fist with abandon. Your other hand roughly gropes her breast through her nightgown, making her gasp.
You: [Panting] (She's mine now) "That's it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Jerk off your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s big cock. You love it, don't you? Say it!"
Cherie: [Moaning, tears streaming down her face] (I'm going to hell for this) "No... yes... I don't know! It's so big... $[characters.list.cherie.role] loves your big cock! Oh God, what's happening to me?"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening. With a bestial roar, you explode, painting Cherie's face, hair, and breasts with thick ropes of cum. She gasps as it hits her, her body convulsing in an unwilling orgasm. Your seed seems to glow as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Cherie: [Gasping, her eyes glazing over] (It burns... but it feels so good) "So much cum... Oh God, what have we done? It's... it's changing me..."
As the last of your cum is absorbed into her skin, Cherie's resistance finally shatters. Her eyes, once filled with shame and fear, now burn with viral lust.
Cherie: [Licking her lips, voice husky] (I need more. I need my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]) "More, baby. $[characters.list.cherie.role] needs more of your delicious cum. Feed me. Use me. I'm yours now."
You leave her room without another word, the image of your cum-covered, broken $[characters.list.cherie.role] burned into your mind forever. As you close the door, you hear her whimper, already craving her next dose of your viral seed...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your body, a symphony of desire orchestrating your every move as you find yourself at Cherie's door. The wood grain seems to swirl beneath your fingertips, beckoning you inside. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s soft breathing reaches your ears, a siren song of forbidden temptation.
Cherie lies sprawled on her bed, a vision of maternal beauty. Her golden hair cascades over the pillow like honey, and her curvaceous form is barely concealed by a gossamer-thin negligee. The fabric clings to her every curve, a tantalizing veil over the forbidden fruit beneath. Even in slumber, her body betrays her arousal - nipples straining against silk, a flush creeping across her chest.
AVA materializes, her form a shimmering mirage of viral energy. Her voice is a velvet caress against your mind, each word dripping with sinful promise.
AVA: [Her eyes gleaming with mischief] (Oh, the delicious depravity of it all) "Tsk, tsk. Such a naughty boy, lusting after $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s pillowy breasts. Why deny yourself? I can weave you into her dreams, where morality blurs and desire reigns supreme. After all, dreams can't hurt anyone... can they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Cherie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With Herculean effort, you tear your gaze away from Cherie's sleeping form. Each step away feels like wading through molasses, your body screaming in protest. But you manage to close the door, leaving temptation behind - for now.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last threads of your resistance unravel like a poorly knit sweater. Your voice is hoarse with need as you surrender to the inevitable.
You: [Eyes locked on Cherie's sleeping form] (God help me) "Do it. Weave me into her dream."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality ripples around you. Suddenly, you're standing at the foot of Cherie's bed, your engorged member throbbing in time with your racing heart. It juts out before you, a monument to forbidden desire. Twelve inches of viral-enhanced flesh, veins pulsing with unholy power, the head swollen and glistening with anticipation.
Cherie stirs, her body undulating beneath the thin fabric of her negligee. Her hands ghost over her curves, leaving goosebumps in their wake. A soft moan escapes her lips, laden with unspoken longing.
Cherie: [Her voice husky with sleep] (Such a vivid dream... so wrong, yet so enticing) "Oh my... is that for me? Such a big boy you've become..."
Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and hazy with dreamlike lust. She sees you, but not as her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] - not yet. The virus courses through her veins, painting the world in shades of desire.
Cherie: [Licking her lips unconsciously] (It's just a dream. I can indulge my darkest fantasies) "Mmm... come closer, let $[characters.list.cherie.role] get a better look at that magnificent cock."
She sits up, the negligee slipping off one shoulder to reveal a tantalizing expanse of creamy skin. Her breasts strain against the fabric, nipples visibly hard and begging for attention.
Cherie: [Her voice dropping to a sultry whisper] (This feels so real... but it can't be) "Oh my... you're so much bigger than $[characters.list.cherie.role] imagined. Does it ache, baby? Let me help you with that..."
With a fluid motion, she pulls the negligee over her head, revealing her lush body in all its glory. Her breasts are full and heavy, topped with rosy nipples that seem to reach for you. A sheen of sweat makes her skin glow in the dim light.
You: [Breath catching in your throat] (This is really happening. $[characters.list.cherie.role] is naked in front of me) "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... you're beautiful..."
Cherie: [Preening under your gaze] (It's just a dream. No need for shame) "Thank you, sweetie. Now, why don't you let $[characters.list.cherie.role] take care of that big, hard problem of yours?"
She leans forward, her breasts swaying enticingly. With deliberate slowness, she presses them together, creating a deep valley of flesh. The sight makes your cock twitch, a drop of pre-cum beading at the tip.
Cherie: [Eyeing your member hungrily] (God, it looks delicious) "Come here, baby. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] show you a special trick..."
You step closer, drawn in by her gravitational pull. Cherie grasps your hips, guiding your throbbing cock between her soft mounds. The warmth of her skin envelops you, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
Cherie: [Beginning to move her breasts up and down your shaft] (It feels even better than I imagined) "That's it, sweetie. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s tits make you feel good. You're so big, stretching $[characters.list.cherie.role] so wide..."
Your hips begin to move of their own accord, thrusting into the warm channel of her cleavage. Each movement sends ripples through her breasts, hypnotic in their rhythm. Shame and arousal war within you, but the pleasure drowns out all else.
Cherie: [Her own arousal evident in her flushed cheeks and labored breathing] (This is so wrong, but it feels so right) "Do you like $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s big tits, baby? They're all yours. Use them, fuck them hard!"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Cherie's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a damp spot spreading at the front. Cherie stirs in her bed, eyelids fluttering as she emerges from her own vivid dream.
Cherie: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and arousal warring on her face] (What a strange dream... why do I feel so... hot?) "Sweetie? Is that you? What are you doing up so late?"
Her gaze drifts lower, widening as she takes in the obvious bulge in your pants. A blush spreads across her cheeks, and she unconsciously licks her lips. You mumble an excuse about getting water and flee, leaving Cherie to grapple with her own conflicted desires.
Cherie: [Whispering to herself, hands ghosting over her breasts] (That dream... it felt so real. Why am I so aroused?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your body, a symphony of desire orchestrating your every move as you find yourself at Cherie's door. The wood grain seems to swirl beneath your fingertips, beckoning you inside. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s soft breathing reaches your ears, a siren song of forbidden temptation.
Cherie lies sprawled on her bed, a vision of maternal beauty. Her golden hair cascades over the pillow like honey, and her curvaceous form is barely concealed by a gossamer-thin negligee. The fabric clings to her every curve, a tantalizing veil over the forbidden fruit beneath. Even in slumber, her body betrays her arousal - nipples straining against silk, a flush creeping across her chest.
AVA materializes, her form a shimmering mirage of viral energy. Her voice is a velvet caress against your mind, each word dripping with sinful promise.
AVA: [Her eyes gleaming with mischief] (Oh, the delicious depravity of it all) "Tsk, tsk. Such a naughty boy, lusting after $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s pillowy breasts. Why deny yourself? I can weave you into her dreams, where morality blurs and desire reigns supreme. After all, dreams can't hurt anyone... can they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Cherie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With Herculean effort, you tear your gaze away from Cherie's sleeping form. Each step away feels like wading through molasses, your body screaming in protest. But you manage to close the door, leaving temptation behind - for now.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last threads of your resistance unravel like a poorly knit sweater. Your voice is hoarse with need as you surrender to the inevitable.
You: [Eyes locked on Cherie's sleeping form] (God help me) "Do it. Weave me into her dream."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality ripples around you. Suddenly, you're standing at the foot of Cherie's bed, your engorged member throbbing in time with your racing heart. It juts out before you, a monument to forbidden desire. Twelve inches of viral-enhanced flesh, veins pulsing with unholy power, the head swollen and glistening with anticipation.
Cherie stirs, her body undulating beneath the thin fabric of her negligee. Her hands ghost over her curves, leaving goosebumps in their wake. A soft moan escapes her lips, laden with unspoken longing.
Cherie: [Her voice husky with sleep] (Such a vivid dream... so wrong, yet so enticing) "Oh my... is that for me? Such a big boy you've become..."
Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and hazy with dreamlike lust. She sees you, but not as her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] - not yet. The virus courses through her veins, painting the world in shades of desire.
Cherie: [Licking her lips unconsciously] (It's just a dream. I can indulge my darkest fantasies) "Mmm... come closer, let $[characters.list.cherie.role] get a better look at that magnificent cock."
She sits up, the negligee slipping off one shoulder to reveal a tantalizing expanse of creamy skin. Her breasts strain against the fabric, nipples visibly hard and begging for attention.
Cherie: [Her voice dropping to a sultry whisper] (This feels so real... but it can't be) "Oh my... you're so much bigger than $[characters.list.cherie.role] imagined. Does it ache, baby? Let me help you with that..."
With a fluid motion, she pulls the negligee over her head, revealing her lush body in all its glory. Her breasts are full and heavy, topped with rosy nipples that seem to reach for you. A sheen of sweat makes her skin glow in the dim light.
You: [Breath catching in your throat] (This is really happening. $[characters.list.cherie.role] is naked in front of me) "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... you're beautiful..."
Cherie: [Preening under your gaze] (It's just a dream. No need for shame) "Thank you, sweetie. Now, why don't you let $[characters.list.cherie.role] take care of that big, hard problem of yours?"
She leans forward, her breasts swaying enticingly. With deliberate slowness, she presses them together, creating a deep valley of flesh. The sight makes your cock twitch, a drop of pre-cum beading at the tip.
Cherie: [Eyeing your member hungrily] (God, it looks delicious) "Come here, baby. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] show you a special trick..."
You step closer, drawn in by her gravitational pull. Cherie grasps your hips, guiding your throbbing cock between her soft mounds. The warmth of her skin envelops you, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
Cherie: [Beginning to move her breasts up and down your shaft] (It feels even better than I imagined) "That's it, sweetie. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s tits make you feel good. You're so big, stretching $[characters.list.cherie.role] so wide..."
Your hips begin to move of their own accord, thrusting into the warm channel of her cleavage. Each movement sends ripples through her breasts, hypnotic in their rhythm. Shame and arousal war within you, but the pleasure drowns out all else.
Cherie: [Her own arousal evident in her flushed cheeks and labored breathing] (This is so wrong, but it feels so right) "Do you like $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s big tits, baby? They're all yours. Use them, fuck them hard!"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Cherie's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a damp spot spreading at the front. Cherie stirs in her bed, eyelids fluttering as she emerges from her own vivid dream.
Cherie: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and arousal warring on her face] (What a strange dream... why do I feel so... hot?) "Sweetie? Is that you? What are you doing up so late?"
Her gaze drifts lower, widening as she takes in the obvious bulge in your pants. A blush spreads across her cheeks, and she unconsciously licks her lips. You mumble an excuse about getting water and flee, leaving Cherie to grapple with her own conflicted desires.
Cherie: [Whispering to herself, hands ghosting over her breasts] (That dream... it felt so real. Why am I so aroused?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "Deeper. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts, colors becoming more vivid, sensations more acute. Cherie gasps as the fog of sleep lifts, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Cherie: [Her movements faltering] (This... this is too real. It can't be a dream) "Oh God, what are we doing? This is so wrong... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes a deep red, and her nipples seem to swell, glistening with a pearlescent fluid. She tries to pull away, but her body betrays her, pressing her breasts more firmly around your shaft.
Cherie: [Her voice cracking] (He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]! This is sick!) "We have to stop this, baby. I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], for God's sake! This is... oh fuck!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, drowning out her maternal instincts.
Cherie: [Moaning wantonly] (No... must resist... but it feels incredible) "Your cock feels so perfect between $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s tits. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh God, I need your cum so badly!"
Her movements become frantic, almost violent in their intensity. Tears of shame stream down her face, mingling with the sweat of her exertion and the fluid leaking from her nipples.
You: [Groaning, hips pistoning faster] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You know this is what you want. What you need."
Cherie: [Sobbing and moaning in equal measure] (I'm a monster. A depraved, incestuous monster) "I'm so sorry, baby. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s trying to be good, but... but... oh fuck, I need you to use me!"
The lewd, wet sounds of your coupling fill the air as Cherie abandons all pretense of resistance. The pearlescent fluid flows freely from her nipples now, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm channel for your cock.
Cherie: [Eyes rolling back in ecstasy] (I'm damned. Might as well embrace it) "Cum for me, baby! Paint $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s tits with your hot, thick seed! Mark me as your personal fucktoy!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Cherie's face, breasts, and hands. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed mingles with the fluid from her nipples. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Cherie: [Gasping, scooping the mixture into her mouth] (So good... need more... forever) "So much cum... $[characters.list.cherie.role] needs more! Use me, baby. Use $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s tits whenever you want. I'm yours now, always..."
As the dream fades, Cherie is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your body, a symphony of desire orchestrating your every move as you find yourself at Cherie's door. The wood grain seems to swirl beneath your fingertips, beckoning you inside. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s soft breathing reaches your ears, a siren song of forbidden temptation.
Cherie lies sprawled on her bed, a vision of maternal beauty. Her golden hair cascades over the pillow like honey, and her curvaceous form is barely concealed by a gossamer-thin negligee. The fabric clings to her every curve, a tantalizing veil over the forbidden fruit beneath. Even in slumber, her body betrays her arousal - nipples straining against silk, a flush creeping across her chest.
AVA materializes, her form a shimmering mirage of viral energy. Her voice is a velvet caress against your mind, each word dripping with sinful promise.
AVA: [Her eyes gleaming with mischief] (Oh, the delicious depravity of it all) "Tsk, tsk. Such a naughty boy, lusting after $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s pillowy breasts. Why deny yourself? I can weave you into her dreams, where morality blurs and desire reigns supreme. After all, dreams can't hurt anyone... can they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Cherie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With Herculean effort, you tear your gaze away from Cherie's sleeping form. Each step away feels like wading through molasses, your body screaming in protest. But you manage to close the door, leaving temptation behind - for now.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last threads of your resistance unravel like a poorly knit sweater. Your voice is hoarse with need as you surrender to the inevitable.
You: [Eyes locked on Cherie's sleeping form] (God help me) "Do it. Weave me into her dream."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality ripples around you. Suddenly, you're standing at the foot of Cherie's bed, your engorged member throbbing in time with your racing heart. It juts out before you, a monument to forbidden desire. Twelve inches of viral-enhanced flesh, veins pulsing with unholy power, the head swollen and glistening with anticipation.
Cherie stirs, her body undulating beneath the thin fabric of her negligee. Her hands ghost over her curves, leaving goosebumps in their wake. A soft moan escapes her lips, laden with unspoken longing.
Cherie: [Her voice husky with sleep] (Such a vivid dream... so wrong, yet so enticing) "Oh my... is that for me? Such a big boy you've become..."
Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and hazy with dreamlike lust. She sees you, but not as her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] - not yet. The virus courses through her veins, painting the world in shades of desire.
Cherie: [Licking her lips unconsciously] (It's just a dream. I can indulge my darkest fantasies) "Mmm... come closer, let $[characters.list.cherie.role] get a better look at that magnificent cock."
She sits up, the negligee slipping off one shoulder to reveal a tantalizing expanse of creamy skin. Her breasts strain against the fabric, nipples visibly hard and begging for attention.
Cherie: [Her voice dropping to a sultry whisper] (This feels so real... but it can't be) "Oh my... you're so much bigger than $[characters.list.cherie.role] imagined. Does it ache, baby? Let me help you with that..."
With a fluid motion, she pulls the negligee over her head, revealing her lush body in all its glory. Her breasts are full and heavy, topped with rosy nipples that seem to reach for you. A sheen of sweat makes her skin glow in the dim light.
You: [Breath catching in your throat] (This is really happening. $[characters.list.cherie.role] is naked in front of me) "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... you're beautiful..."
Cherie: [Preening under your gaze] (It's just a dream. No need for shame) "Thank you, sweetie. Now, why don't you let $[characters.list.cherie.role] take care of that big, hard problem of yours?"
She leans forward, her breasts swaying enticingly. With deliberate slowness, she presses them together, creating a deep valley of flesh. The sight makes your cock twitch, a drop of pre-cum beading at the tip.
Cherie: [Eyeing your member hungrily] (God, it looks delicious) "Come here, baby. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] show you a special trick..."
You step closer, drawn in by her gravitational pull. Cherie grasps your hips, guiding your throbbing cock between her soft mounds. The warmth of her skin envelops you, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
Cherie: [Beginning to move her breasts up and down your shaft] (It feels even better than I imagined) "That's it, sweetie. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s tits make you feel good. You're so big, stretching $[characters.list.cherie.role] so wide..."
Your hips begin to move of their own accord, thrusting into the warm channel of her cleavage. Each movement sends ripples through her breasts, hypnotic in their rhythm. Shame and arousal war within you, but the pleasure drowns out all else.
Cherie: [Her own arousal evident in her flushed cheeks and labored breathing] (This is so wrong, but it feels so right) "Do you like $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s big tits, baby? They're all yours. Use them, fuck them hard!"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Cherie's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a damp spot spreading at the front. Cherie stirs in her bed, eyelids fluttering as she emerges from her own vivid dream.
Cherie: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and arousal warring on her face] (What a strange dream... why do I feel so... hot?) "Sweetie? Is that you? What are you doing up so late?"
Her gaze drifts lower, widening as she takes in the obvious bulge in your pants. A blush spreads across her cheeks, and she unconsciously licks her lips. You mumble an excuse about getting water and flee, leaving Cherie to grapple with her own conflicted desires.
Cherie: [Whispering to herself, hands ghosting over her breasts] (That dream... it felt so real. Why am I so aroused?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "Deeper. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts, colors becoming more vivid, sensations more acute. Cherie gasps as the fog of sleep lifts, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Cherie: [Her movements faltering] (This... this is too real. It can't be a dream) "Oh God, what are we doing? This is so wrong... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes a deep red, and her nipples seem to swell, glistening with a pearlescent fluid. She tries to pull away, but her body betrays her, pressing her breasts more firmly around your shaft.
Cherie: [Her voice cracking] (He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]! This is sick!) "We have to stop this, baby. I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], for God's sake! This is... oh fuck!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, drowning out her maternal instincts.
Cherie: [Moaning wantonly] (No... must resist... but it feels incredible) "Your cock feels so perfect between $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s tits. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh God, I need your cum so badly!"
Her movements become frantic, almost violent in their intensity. Tears of shame stream down her face, mingling with the sweat of her exertion and the fluid leaking from her nipples.
You: [Groaning, hips pistoning faster] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You know this is what you want. What you need."
Cherie: [Sobbing and moaning in equal measure] (I'm a monster. A depraved, incestuous monster) "I'm so sorry, baby. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s trying to be good, but... but... oh fuck, I need you to use me!"
The lewd, wet sounds of your coupling fill the air as Cherie abandons all pretense of resistance. The pearlescent fluid flows freely from her nipples now, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm channel for your cock.
Cherie: [Eyes rolling back in ecstasy] (I'm damned. Might as well embrace it) "Cum for me, baby! Paint $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s tits with your hot, thick seed! Mark me as your personal fucktoy!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Cherie's face, breasts, and hands. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed mingles with the fluid from her nipples. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Cherie: [Gasping, scooping the mixture into her mouth] (So good... need more... forever) "So much cum... $[characters.list.cherie.role] needs more! Use me, baby. Use $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s tits whenever you want. I'm yours now, always..."
As the dream fades, Cherie is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more games. I want the real thing) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus with jarring suddenness. You stand in Cherie's room, fully awake and achingly erect. Cherie lies motionless, lost in the throes of her own vivid dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and insatiable hunger.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll take what I want) "Wake up, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. It's time you learned your place."
Cherie stirs but doesn't fully wake. Impatient, you grasp her shoulder, shaking her roughly. Her eyes snap open, clouded with confusion and lingering arousal from her dream.
Cherie: [Disoriented] (What's happening?) "Sweetie? What's wrong? Why are you in my room?"
Her words die in her throat as you rip away her negligee, exposing her breasts to the cool night air. They're even more magnificent than in the dream, full and heavy, nipples pebbled with a mixture of cold and unwilling arousal. You waste no time, straddling her chest and pressing your throbbing member between those soft mounds.
Cherie: [Eyes wide with shock and fear] (This can't be real. It's a nightmare) "No! Stop this immediately! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], for God's sake!"
Ignoring her protests, you begin to thrust, using your strength to press her breasts together around your shaft. Cherie struggles beneath you, but her efforts are futile against your virus-enhanced power.
You: [Growling] (She'll learn to love it) "Stop fighting, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. These tits were made to serve my cock."
Cherie: [Crying, still trying to push you away] (This isn't happening. It can't be) "Please, stop! This is sick! You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!"
But as your pre-cum leaks onto her skin, Cherie's resistance begins to falter. The virus in your fluids seeps into her body, igniting a fire in her veins. Against her will, her body responds, her back arching to press her breasts more firmly around your cock.
Cherie: [Whimpering] (Why does this feel good? I'm a monster) "No... we can't... you're my baby boy... but it feels... No! This is wrong!"
You increase your pace, fucking her tits with abandon. Your hands knead her flesh roughly, drawing unwilling moans from Cherie's lips. A pearlescent fluid begins to leak from her nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm channel.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Take it like the slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Cherie: [Moaning, tears streaming down her face] (I'm going to hell) "No... yes... I don't know anymore! Your cock feels so good between $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s tits! Oh God, what's happening to me?"
You feel your climax building, an unstoppable force of nature. With a primal roar, you explode, painting Cherie's face, hair, and breasts with thick ropes of cum. It mixes with the fluid from her nipples, creating a glowing, iridescent mixture. Cherie screams, her body convulsing in a powerful, unwilling orgasm.
The viral cocktail seeps into her skin, reshaping her body and mind. Her breasts seem to swell even larger, the pearlescent fluid now flowing freely from her nipples.
Cherie: [Gasping, her eyes glazing over] (It burns... it's changing me... and I love it) "So much cum... Oh God, what have you done to me? I feel... I feel..."
As the last of your seed is absorbed, Cherie's transformation is complete. Her eyes, once filled with motherly love, now burn with insatiable lust. She grasps her cum-covered breasts, offering them to you shamelessly.
Cherie: [Voice husky with need] (I exist to serve him now) "More, baby. $[characters.list.cherie.role] needs more of your delicious cum. Fuck my tits again. Drink my milk. I'm your personal fucktoy now and forever."
You leave without a word, the image of your broken, corrupted $[characters.list.cherie.role] seared into your mind. As you close the door, you hear her moan, already craving her next dose of your viral seed...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus surges through your veins like liquid fire as you approach Lana's room. Your cock throbs painfully, leaking pre-cum that sizzles against your skin. The door seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy, daring you to enter.
Inside, Lana lies sprawled on her bed, her muscular form barely contained by a sports bra and tight shorts. Even in sleep, her body radiates power and aggression. Her long, dark hair is a tangled mess, and her face wears a cocky smirk. Her powerful thighs twitch occasionally, as if she's preparing to crush an opponent.
AVA materializes, her form shimmering with malevolent viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with cruel amusement.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (This arrogant bitch needs to be put in her place) "Your $[characters.list.lana.role] thinks she's so strong, doesn't she? But deep down, she craves to be dominated by her $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Shall we give her a taste of her own medicine? I can weave you into her dreams, where her true desires run wild."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Lana's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Lana's room. Your cock throbs painfully, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum as you stumble back to your own bed.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles. Your voice is thick with need as you surrender to the inevitable.
You: [Eyes locked on Lana's sleeping form] (Time to show her who's really in charge) "Do it. Put me in her fucked-up dream."
Reality warps around you as AVA's laughter echoes in your mind. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a wrestling ring. The air is thick with the scent of sweat and arousal. Lana stands before you, clad in a skimpy wrestling outfit that barely covers her assets. Her eyes gleam with arrogance and hidden lust.
Lana: [Sneering, hands on her hips] (Time to put this little shit in his place) "Well, well, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Ready to get your ass handed to you?"
Your monstrous cock strains against your tight shorts, a full 14 inches of viral-enhanced meat. Veins pulse visibly along the shaft, and the swollen head leaks a steady stream of glowing pre-cum.
Lana's eyes widen as she notices your obvious arousal. A flush creeps up her neck, and she unconsciously licks her lips.
Lana: [Voice wavering slightly] (Holy fuck, when did he get so... big?) "What's the matter, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Scared I'll make you cum in your pants?"
Before you can respond, Lana lunges forward, tackling you to the mat. She straddles your waist, her powerful thighs clamping down on either side of you. The heat from her core is unbearable, even through your clothes.
Lana: [Grinning triumphantly] (I've got him now) "Give up, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. You know you can't beat me."
But as she shifts her weight, her ass grinds against your massive erection. Lana gasps, her body freezing as she feels your true size.
Lana: [Whispering, her voice thick with unwilling arousal] (Fuck, he's huge) "What the hell? Is that... is that all you?"
You buck your hips, grinding your cock against her ass. Lana moans, her tough exterior cracking.
You: [Voice low and commanding] (Time to show her who's boss) "Why don't you find out, $[characters.list.lana.role]? Or are you scared?"
Lana's competitive nature overrides her better judgment. With trembling hands, she reaches back and frees your monstrous cock from its confines. Her eyes widen in shock as it springs free, slapping against her ass with an audible 'thwack'.
Lana: [Breathing heavily] (It's so fucking big) "Holy shit, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. What the fuck happened to you?"
Her hand wraps around your shaft, barely able to encircle its girth. Despite her bravado, Lana's inexperience shows in her clumsy strokes.
You: [Groaning] (She's not as tough as she pretends) "What's wrong, Lana? Can't handle your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s big cock?"
Lana's competitive spirit flares. She begins to stroke you with more purpose, her powerful hands working your shaft with increasing skill. Pre-cum flows freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin.
Lana: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so good?) "Fuck you, I can handle anything. I bet I can make you cum in no time, you perverted little shit."
Her strokes become faster, more desperate. The lewd, wet sounds of her hand gliding over your shaft fill the air. Lana's nipples visibly harden beneath her top, and a damp spot forms on her bottoms.
You: [Panting] (She's losing control) "You love this, don't you? Admit it, Lana. You love jerking off your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s fat cock."
Lana: [Whimpering, her hand moving frantically] (I can't stop. I need his cum) "Shut up! I'm just... proving I'm better than you. That's all. Oh fuck, it's so big..."
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal catapults you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Lana's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Lana thrashes in her bed, moaning softly. Her eyes snap open, unfocused and glazed with lust.
Lana: [Panting, her hand between her legs] (What the fuck was that dream?) "$[characters.list.lana.player_role]? What... what are you doing here?"
Her eyes lock onto the obvious bulge in your pants. For a moment, raw hunger flashes across her face before she catches herself. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and aroused Lana behind.
Lana: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... why am I so fucking wet?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus surges through your veins like liquid fire as you approach Lana's room. Your cock throbs painfully, leaking pre-cum that sizzles against your skin. The door seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy, daring you to enter.
Inside, Lana lies sprawled on her bed, her muscular form barely contained by a sports bra and tight shorts. Even in sleep, her body radiates power and aggression. Her long, dark hair is a tangled mess, and her face wears a cocky smirk. Her powerful thighs twitch occasionally, as if she's preparing to crush an opponent.
AVA materializes, her form shimmering with malevolent viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with cruel amusement.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (This arrogant bitch needs to be put in her place) "Your $[characters.list.lana.role] thinks she's so strong, doesn't she? But deep down, she craves to be dominated by her $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Shall we give her a taste of her own medicine? I can weave you into her dreams, where her true desires run wild."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Lana's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Lana's room. Your cock throbs painfully, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum as you stumble back to your own bed.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles. Your voice is thick with need as you surrender to the inevitable.
You: [Eyes locked on Lana's sleeping form] (Time to show her who's really in charge) "Do it. Put me in her fucked-up dream."
Reality warps around you as AVA's laughter echoes in your mind. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a wrestling ring. The air is thick with the scent of sweat and arousal. Lana stands before you, clad in a skimpy wrestling outfit that barely covers her assets. Her eyes gleam with arrogance and hidden lust.
Lana: [Sneering, hands on her hips] (Time to put this little shit in his place) "Well, well, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Ready to get your ass handed to you?"
Your monstrous cock strains against your tight shorts, a full 14 inches of viral-enhanced meat. Veins pulse visibly along the shaft, and the swollen head leaks a steady stream of glowing pre-cum.
Lana's eyes widen as she notices your obvious arousal. A flush creeps up her neck, and she unconsciously licks her lips.
Lana: [Voice wavering slightly] (Holy fuck, when did he get so... big?) "What's the matter, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Scared I'll make you cum in your pants?"
Before you can respond, Lana lunges forward, tackling you to the mat. She straddles your waist, her powerful thighs clamping down on either side of you. The heat from her core is unbearable, even through your clothes.
Lana: [Grinning triumphantly] (I've got him now) "Give up, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. You know you can't beat me."
But as she shifts her weight, her ass grinds against your massive erection. Lana gasps, her body freezing as she feels your true size.
Lana: [Whispering, her voice thick with unwilling arousal] (Fuck, he's huge) "What the hell? Is that... is that all you?"
You buck your hips, grinding your cock against her ass. Lana moans, her tough exterior cracking.
You: [Voice low and commanding] (Time to show her who's boss) "Why don't you find out, $[characters.list.lana.role]? Or are you scared?"
Lana's competitive nature overrides her better judgment. With trembling hands, she reaches back and frees your monstrous cock from its confines. Her eyes widen in shock as it springs free, slapping against her ass with an audible 'thwack'.
Lana: [Breathing heavily] (It's so fucking big) "Holy shit, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. What the fuck happened to you?"
Her hand wraps around your shaft, barely able to encircle its girth. Despite her bravado, Lana's inexperience shows in her clumsy strokes.
You: [Groaning] (She's not as tough as she pretends) "What's wrong, Lana? Can't handle your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s big cock?"
Lana's competitive spirit flares. She begins to stroke you with more purpose, her powerful hands working your shaft with increasing skill. Pre-cum flows freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin.
Lana: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so good?) "Fuck you, I can handle anything. I bet I can make you cum in no time, you perverted little shit."
Her strokes become faster, more desperate. The lewd, wet sounds of her hand gliding over your shaft fill the air. Lana's nipples visibly harden beneath her top, and a damp spot forms on her bottoms.
You: [Panting] (She's losing control) "You love this, don't you? Admit it, Lana. You love jerking off your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s fat cock."
Lana: [Whimpering, her hand moving frantically] (I can't stop. I need his cum) "Shut up! I'm just... proving I'm better than you. That's all. Oh fuck, it's so big..."
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal catapults you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Lana's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Lana thrashes in her bed, moaning softly. Her eyes snap open, unfocused and glazed with lust.
Lana: [Panting, her hand between her legs] (What the fuck was that dream?) "$[characters.list.lana.player_role]? What... what are you doing here?"
Her eyes lock onto the obvious bulge in your pants. For a moment, raw hunger flashes across her face before she catches herself. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and aroused Lana behind.
Lana: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... why am I so fucking wet?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Break her completely) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts. Colors become more vivid, sensations more acute. Lana gasps as the fog of sleep lifts, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Lana: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What the fuck is happening?) "Oh God, what are we doing? This is so fucked up... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes deep red, nipples straining against her top. A visible wet spot forms on her bottoms as her pussy gushes with arousal.
Lana: [Whimpering] (He's my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! This is so wrong!) "We have to stop, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], for fuck's sake! This is... oh shit!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her tough exterior.
Lana: [Moaning wantonly] (No... must resist... but his cock feels so good) "Your fucking cock is so perfect. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh God, I need your cum so badly!"
Her movements become frantic, almost violent. Tears of shame stream down her face, mixing with the sweat of her exertion. She begins to use both hands, one working your shaft while the other massages your heavy, cum-filled balls.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, Lana. You know this is what you want. What you need."
Lana: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm a monster. A depraved, incestuous whore) "I'm so sorry, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I'm trying to be strong, but... but... oh fuck, I need you to use me!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock fill the air. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Lana's sweat and tears to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft.
Lana: [Eyes rolling back in ecstasy] (I'm damned. Might as well go all in) "Cum for me, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! Paint your $[characters.list.lana.role] with your hot, thick seed! Mark me as your personal cum dumpster!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Lana's face, chest, and hands. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Lana: [Gasping, scooping cum into her mouth] (So good... need more... forever) "So much cum... I need more! Use me, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Use your $[characters.list.lana.role] whenever you want. I'm your cum slave now, always..."
As the dream fades, Lana is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her tough persona shattered and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus surges through your veins like liquid fire as you approach Lana's room. Your cock throbs painfully, leaking pre-cum that sizzles against your skin. The door seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy, daring you to enter.
Inside, Lana lies sprawled on her bed, her muscular form barely contained by a sports bra and tight shorts. Even in sleep, her body radiates power and aggression. Her long, dark hair is a tangled mess, and her face wears a cocky smirk. Her powerful thighs twitch occasionally, as if she's preparing to crush an opponent.
AVA materializes, her form shimmering with malevolent viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with cruel amusement.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (This arrogant bitch needs to be put in her place) "Your $[characters.list.lana.role] thinks she's so strong, doesn't she? But deep down, she craves to be dominated by her $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Shall we give her a taste of her own medicine? I can weave you into her dreams, where her true desires run wild."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Lana's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Lana's room. Your cock throbs painfully, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum as you stumble back to your own bed.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles. Your voice is thick with need as you surrender to the inevitable.
You: [Eyes locked on Lana's sleeping form] (Time to show her who's really in charge) "Do it. Put me in her fucked-up dream."
Reality warps around you as AVA's laughter echoes in your mind. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a wrestling ring. The air is thick with the scent of sweat and arousal. Lana stands before you, clad in a skimpy wrestling outfit that barely covers her assets. Her eyes gleam with arrogance and hidden lust.
Lana: [Sneering, hands on her hips] (Time to put this little shit in his place) "Well, well, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Ready to get your ass handed to you?"
Your monstrous cock strains against your tight shorts, a full 14 inches of viral-enhanced meat. Veins pulse visibly along the shaft, and the swollen head leaks a steady stream of glowing pre-cum.
Lana's eyes widen as she notices your obvious arousal. A flush creeps up her neck, and she unconsciously licks her lips.
Lana: [Voice wavering slightly] (Holy fuck, when did he get so... big?) "What's the matter, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Scared I'll make you cum in your pants?"
Before you can respond, Lana lunges forward, tackling you to the mat. She straddles your waist, her powerful thighs clamping down on either side of you. The heat from her core is unbearable, even through your clothes.
Lana: [Grinning triumphantly] (I've got him now) "Give up, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. You know you can't beat me."
But as she shifts her weight, her ass grinds against your massive erection. Lana gasps, her body freezing as she feels your true size.
Lana: [Whispering, her voice thick with unwilling arousal] (Fuck, he's huge) "What the hell? Is that... is that all you?"
You buck your hips, grinding your cock against her ass. Lana moans, her tough exterior cracking.
You: [Voice low and commanding] (Time to show her who's boss) "Why don't you find out, $[characters.list.lana.role]? Or are you scared?"
Lana's competitive nature overrides her better judgment. With trembling hands, she reaches back and frees your monstrous cock from its confines. Her eyes widen in shock as it springs free, slapping against her ass with an audible 'thwack'.
Lana: [Breathing heavily] (It's so fucking big) "Holy shit, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. What the fuck happened to you?"
Her hand wraps around your shaft, barely able to encircle its girth. Despite her bravado, Lana's inexperience shows in her clumsy strokes.
You: [Groaning] (She's not as tough as she pretends) "What's wrong, Lana? Can't handle your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s big cock?"
Lana's competitive spirit flares. She begins to stroke you with more purpose, her powerful hands working your shaft with increasing skill. Pre-cum flows freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin.
Lana: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so good?) "Fuck you, I can handle anything. I bet I can make you cum in no time, you perverted little shit."
Her strokes become faster, more desperate. The lewd, wet sounds of her hand gliding over your shaft fill the air. Lana's nipples visibly harden beneath her top, and a damp spot forms on her bottoms.
You: [Panting] (She's losing control) "You love this, don't you? Admit it, Lana. You love jerking off your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s fat cock."
Lana: [Whimpering, her hand moving frantically] (I can't stop. I need his cum) "Shut up! I'm just... proving I'm better than you. That's all. Oh fuck, it's so big..."
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal catapults you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Lana's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Lana thrashes in her bed, moaning softly. Her eyes snap open, unfocused and glazed with lust.
Lana: [Panting, her hand between her legs] (What the fuck was that dream?) "$[characters.list.lana.player_role]? What... what are you doing here?"
Her eyes lock onto the obvious bulge in your pants. For a moment, raw hunger flashes across her face before she catches herself. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and aroused Lana behind.
Lana: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... why am I so fucking wet?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Break her completely) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts. Colors become more vivid, sensations more acute. Lana gasps as the fog of sleep lifts, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Lana: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What the fuck is happening?) "Oh God, what are we doing? This is so fucked up... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes deep red, nipples straining against her top. A visible wet spot forms on her bottoms as her pussy gushes with arousal.
Lana: [Whimpering] (He's my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! This is so wrong!) "We have to stop, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], for fuck's sake! This is... oh shit!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her tough exterior.
Lana: [Moaning wantonly] (No... must resist... but his cock feels so good) "Your fucking cock is so perfect. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh God, I need your cum so badly!"
Her movements become frantic, almost violent. Tears of shame stream down her face, mixing with the sweat of her exertion. She begins to use both hands, one working your shaft while the other massages your heavy, cum-filled balls.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, Lana. You know this is what you want. What you need."
Lana: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm a monster. A depraved, incestuous whore) "I'm so sorry, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I'm trying to be strong, but... but... oh fuck, I need you to use me!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock fill the air. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Lana's sweat and tears to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft.
Lana: [Eyes rolling back in ecstasy] (I'm damned. Might as well go all in) "Cum for me, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! Paint your $[characters.list.lana.role] with your hot, thick seed! Mark me as your personal cum dumpster!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Lana's face, chest, and hands. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Lana: [Gasping, scooping cum into her mouth] (So good... need more... forever) "So much cum... I need more! Use me, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Use your $[characters.list.lana.role] whenever you want. I'm your cum slave now, always..."
As the dream fades, Lana is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her tough persona shattered and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more games. I'm taking what's mine) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus. You stand in Lana's room, fully awake and achingly erect. Lana lies motionless, lost in her vivid dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and insatiable hunger.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll put her in her place) "Wake up, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Time to serve your better."
Lana stirs but doesn't fully wake. Impatient, you grab her hair, yanking her head back roughly. Her eyes snap open, clouded with confusion and lingering arousal from her dream.
Lana: [Disoriented] (What the fuck?) "$[characters.list.lana.player_role]? What are you... Let go of me, you little shit!"
Her words die in her throat as you force her hand to your throbbing member. The tip glistens with pre-cum, the shaft pulsing with viral energy. Lana's eyes widen in shock and fear as she realizes this isn't a dream.
Lana: [Whispering, fear creeping into her voice] (This can't be real) "No, we can't... This is fucked up... You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... I'll kick your ass!"
Ignoring her threats, you force her hand to move along your shaft. She tries to pull away, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much for her.
You: [Snarling] (She'll learn her place) "Shut up and stroke it, Lana. This is what you were made for."
Lana: [Crying, trying to break free] (This is a nightmare. It has to be) "Let go of me! I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]! This is sick!"
But as your pre-cum leaks onto her skin, Lana's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by your potent fluids. Her fingers instinctively begin to stroke, her body betraying her mind.
Lana: [Whimpering] (Why am I getting so wet? This is so wrong) "I shouldn't be doing this... You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... But I can't stop! Your cock feels so... No! This is fucked up!"
Her strokes become more confident as the virus takes hold, her shame transforming into unwilling lust. You thrust into her hand, fucking her fist with abandon. Your other hand roughly gropes her breast through her top, making her gasp.
You: [Panting] (She's mine now) "That's it, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Jerk off your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s big cock. You love it, don't you? Say it!"
Lana: [Moaning, tears streaming down her face] (I'm going to hell for this) "No... yes... I don't know! It's so fucking big... I love your fat cock! Oh God, what's happening to me?"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening. With a bestial roar, you explode, painting Lana's face, hair, and chest with thick ropes of cum. She gasps as it hits her, her body convulsing in an unwilling orgasm. Your seed seems to glow as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Lana: [Gasping, her eyes glazing over] (It burns... but it feels so fucking good) "So much cum... Oh God, what have we done? It's... it's changing me..."
As the last of your cum is absorbed into her skin, Lana's resistance finally shatters. Her eyes, once filled with defiance, now burn with viral lust and submission.
Lana: [Licking her lips, voice husky] (I need more. I need my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock) "More, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Your $[characters.list.lana.role] needs more of your delicious cum. Use me. Break me. I'm your fucktoy now."
You leave her room without another word, the image of your cum-covered, broken $[characters.list.lana.role] burned into your mind forever. As you close the door, you hear her whimper, already craving her next dose of your viral seed...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins like molten lava, every nerve ending screaming for release. You find yourself at Lana's door, drawn by an irresistible, primal urge. The wood grain seems to ripple beneath your touch, beckoning you inside.
Lana lies sprawled on her bed, her athletic form barely contained by a sports bra that struggles to hold her ample 34D breasts. Her toned abs glisten with a light sheen of sweat, and her powerful thighs twitch occasionally in her sleep. Even unconscious, she exudes an aura of dominance and raw sexuality.
AVA materializes, her form pulsing with malevolent energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with dark promise and forbidden temptation.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (Oh, how the mighty will fall) "Look at her, all strong and defiant even in sleep. Shall we show her how those proud tits can serve a better purpose? I can weave you into her most twisted fantasy. After all, $[characters.list.lana.role]'s breasts are wasted without $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock between them, aren't they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Lana's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you tear your gaze away from Lana's sleeping form. Every cell in your body screams in protest as you force yourself to leave, closing the door on temptation. Your cock throbs painfully, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum as you stumble away.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your humanity dissolves like mist. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your basest instincts.
You: [Eyes locked on Lana's sleeping form] (Time to put those tits to use) "Do it. Show me her dirtiest fantasy."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a locker room. The air is thick with the scent of sweat and something more primal. Lana stands before you, clad only in a sports bra that can barely contain her heaving breasts. Her nipples strain against the fabric, visibly hard and aching to be touched.
Lana: [Smirking, eyes gleaming with lust and challenge] (Time to show this little shit who's boss) "Well, well, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Looks like someone's all grown up. But can you handle a real woman?"
Your monstrous cock strains against your shorts, a full 14 inches of viral-enhanced meat. Veins pulse visibly along the shaft, and the swollen head leaks a steady stream of pre-cum, forming a small puddle at your feet.
Lana's eyes widen as she takes in your size, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face before her usual bravado returns. She saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically.
Lana: [Voice husky with arousal] (Fuck, he's huge. But I'm still in control) "Let's see if you can keep up, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
Without warning, she drops to her knees before you, yanking down your shorts. Your cock springs free, slapping against her face with an audible 'thwack'. Lana gasps, momentarily stunned by your size and the heat radiating from your member.
Lana: [Licking her lips unconsciously] (Holy shit, it's even bigger up close) "Damn, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Guess you're compensating for something, huh?"
Before you can retort, Lana grabs the bottom of her sports bra and pulls it up, freeing her magnificent breasts. They bounce free, firm yet supple, topped with large, dusky nipples that beg to be sucked. A few drops of milk leak from her tips, a side effect of the virus's mutations.
Lana: [Grinning wickedly] (Let's see how long he lasts) "Time for your $[characters.list.lana.role] to show you how it's done."
She presses her breasts together, creating a deep, inviting cleavage. With deliberate slowness, she engulfs your cock between her tits, the soft, warm flesh enveloping your shaft. The sensation is incredible, like being wrapped in silk and fire simultaneously.
You: [Groaning] (Fuck, her tits feel amazing) "Oh God, Lana..."
Lana begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The friction is delicious, heightened by the small droplets of milk that leak from her nipples, providing natural lubrication. Each movement sends ripples through her flesh, hypnotic in their rhythm.
Lana: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so good?) "Like that, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Bet you never thought your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s tits would feel this good."
Her pace increases, the lewd, wet sounds of flesh on flesh filling the air. Your pre-cum mixes with her milk, creating a slick, warm channel for your cock. The mixture drips down her chest, pooling at the base of her breasts.
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Lana's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Lana stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Lana: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled lust evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "$[characters.list.lana.player_role]? What the fuck are you doing here? And why do I feel so... weird?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She unconsciously licks her lips, then looks away quickly, shame and desire warring in her expression. You notice her nipples are visibly hard through her top, small wet spots forming where they press against the fabric. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving Lana to grapple with her conflicted emotions.
Lana: [Whispering to herself, hands cupping her breasts] (Why the hell are my tits so sensitive? And why do I want my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock between them?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins like molten lava, every nerve ending screaming for release. You find yourself at Lana's door, drawn by an irresistible, primal urge. The wood grain seems to ripple beneath your touch, beckoning you inside.
Lana lies sprawled on her bed, her athletic form barely contained by a sports bra that struggles to hold her ample 34D breasts. Her toned abs glisten with a light sheen of sweat, and her powerful thighs twitch occasionally in her sleep. Even unconscious, she exudes an aura of dominance and raw sexuality.
AVA materializes, her form pulsing with malevolent energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with dark promise and forbidden temptation.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (Oh, how the mighty will fall) "Look at her, all strong and defiant even in sleep. Shall we show her how those proud tits can serve a better purpose? I can weave you into her most twisted fantasy. After all, $[characters.list.lana.role]'s breasts are wasted without $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock between them, aren't they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Lana's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you tear your gaze away from Lana's sleeping form. Every cell in your body screams in protest as you force yourself to leave, closing the door on temptation. Your cock throbs painfully, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum as you stumble away.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your humanity dissolves like mist. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your basest instincts.
You: [Eyes locked on Lana's sleeping form] (Time to put those tits to use) "Do it. Show me her dirtiest fantasy."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a locker room. The air is thick with the scent of sweat and something more primal. Lana stands before you, clad only in a sports bra that can barely contain her heaving breasts. Her nipples strain against the fabric, visibly hard and aching to be touched.
Lana: [Smirking, eyes gleaming with lust and challenge] (Time to show this little shit who's boss) "Well, well, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Looks like someone's all grown up. But can you handle a real woman?"
Your monstrous cock strains against your shorts, a full 14 inches of viral-enhanced meat. Veins pulse visibly along the shaft, and the swollen head leaks a steady stream of pre-cum, forming a small puddle at your feet.
Lana's eyes widen as she takes in your size, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face before her usual bravado returns. She saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically.
Lana: [Voice husky with arousal] (Fuck, he's huge. But I'm still in control) "Let's see if you can keep up, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
Without warning, she drops to her knees before you, yanking down your shorts. Your cock springs free, slapping against her face with an audible 'thwack'. Lana gasps, momentarily stunned by your size and the heat radiating from your member.
Lana: [Licking her lips unconsciously] (Holy shit, it's even bigger up close) "Damn, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Guess you're compensating for something, huh?"
Before you can retort, Lana grabs the bottom of her sports bra and pulls it up, freeing her magnificent breasts. They bounce free, firm yet supple, topped with large, dusky nipples that beg to be sucked. A few drops of milk leak from her tips, a side effect of the virus's mutations.
Lana: [Grinning wickedly] (Let's see how long he lasts) "Time for your $[characters.list.lana.role] to show you how it's done."
She presses her breasts together, creating a deep, inviting cleavage. With deliberate slowness, she engulfs your cock between her tits, the soft, warm flesh enveloping your shaft. The sensation is incredible, like being wrapped in silk and fire simultaneously.
You: [Groaning] (Fuck, her tits feel amazing) "Oh God, Lana..."
Lana begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The friction is delicious, heightened by the small droplets of milk that leak from her nipples, providing natural lubrication. Each movement sends ripples through her flesh, hypnotic in their rhythm.
Lana: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so good?) "Like that, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Bet you never thought your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s tits would feel this good."
Her pace increases, the lewd, wet sounds of flesh on flesh filling the air. Your pre-cum mixes with her milk, creating a slick, warm channel for your cock. The mixture drips down her chest, pooling at the base of her breasts.
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Lana's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Lana stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Lana: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled lust evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "$[characters.list.lana.player_role]? What the fuck are you doing here? And why do I feel so... weird?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She unconsciously licks her lips, then looks away quickly, shame and desire warring in her expression. You notice her nipples are visibly hard through her top, small wet spots forming where they press against the fabric. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving Lana to grapple with her conflicted emotions.
Lana: [Whispering to herself, hands cupping her breasts] (Why the hell are my tits so sensitive? And why do I want my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock between them?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts, becoming hyper-real. Colors are more vivid, sensations more acute. Lana gasps as the fog of sleep lifts entirely, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Lana: [Her breasts still wrapped around your cock] (This is too real. What the fuck is happening?) "Oh God, what are we doing? This is so fucked up... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes a deep red, and her nipples swell visibly, leaking a steady stream of milk. She tries to pull away, but her body betrays her, her breasts seeming to mold themselves around your shaft.
Lana: [Her voice cracking] (He's my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! This is depraved!) "We have to stop this, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], for fuck's sake! This is... oh shit!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, drowning out her last shreds of resistance.
You take control, grabbing Lana's breasts and beginning to thrust between them. The soft flesh yields to your movements, creating a tight, warm channel for your cock. Milk squirts from her nipples with each thrust, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm lubricant.
Lana: [Moaning uncontrollably] (No... must resist... but it feels so fucking good) "Your cock feels so perfect between my tits. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh God, fuck my tits harder!"
Your movements become more frantic, more bestial. The lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the air. Milk and pre-cum splash with each thrust, coating both your bodies in a glistening sheen of depravity.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Take it like the titfucking slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Lana: [Screaming in ecstasy] (I'm damned. Might as well embrace it) "Yes! Oh fuck, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Use me, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! Ruin me for anyone else!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting Lana's face, breasts, and neck with pearly white streaks. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture of cum and milk glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Lana: [Gasping, scooping the mixture into her mouth] (So good... need more... forever) "So much cum... I need more! Use my tits whenever you want, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I'm your personal titfucking whore now, always..."
As the dream fades, Lana is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her tough persona shattered and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins like molten lava, every nerve ending screaming for release. You find yourself at Lana's door, drawn by an irresistible, primal urge. The wood grain seems to ripple beneath your touch, beckoning you inside.
Lana lies sprawled on her bed, her athletic form barely contained by a sports bra that struggles to hold her ample 34D breasts. Her toned abs glisten with a light sheen of sweat, and her powerful thighs twitch occasionally in her sleep. Even unconscious, she exudes an aura of dominance and raw sexuality.
AVA materializes, her form pulsing with malevolent energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with dark promise and forbidden temptation.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (Oh, how the mighty will fall) "Look at her, all strong and defiant even in sleep. Shall we show her how those proud tits can serve a better purpose? I can weave you into her most twisted fantasy. After all, $[characters.list.lana.role]'s breasts are wasted without $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock between them, aren't they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Lana's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you tear your gaze away from Lana's sleeping form. Every cell in your body screams in protest as you force yourself to leave, closing the door on temptation. Your cock throbs painfully, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum as you stumble away.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your humanity dissolves like mist. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your basest instincts.
You: [Eyes locked on Lana's sleeping form] (Time to put those tits to use) "Do it. Show me her dirtiest fantasy."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a locker room. The air is thick with the scent of sweat and something more primal. Lana stands before you, clad only in a sports bra that can barely contain her heaving breasts. Her nipples strain against the fabric, visibly hard and aching to be touched.
Lana: [Smirking, eyes gleaming with lust and challenge] (Time to show this little shit who's boss) "Well, well, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Looks like someone's all grown up. But can you handle a real woman?"
Your monstrous cock strains against your shorts, a full 14 inches of viral-enhanced meat. Veins pulse visibly along the shaft, and the swollen head leaks a steady stream of pre-cum, forming a small puddle at your feet.
Lana's eyes widen as she takes in your size, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face before her usual bravado returns. She saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically.
Lana: [Voice husky with arousal] (Fuck, he's huge. But I'm still in control) "Let's see if you can keep up, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
Without warning, she drops to her knees before you, yanking down your shorts. Your cock springs free, slapping against her face with an audible 'thwack'. Lana gasps, momentarily stunned by your size and the heat radiating from your member.
Lana: [Licking her lips unconsciously] (Holy shit, it's even bigger up close) "Damn, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Guess you're compensating for something, huh?"
Before you can retort, Lana grabs the bottom of her sports bra and pulls it up, freeing her magnificent breasts. They bounce free, firm yet supple, topped with large, dusky nipples that beg to be sucked. A few drops of milk leak from her tips, a side effect of the virus's mutations.
Lana: [Grinning wickedly] (Let's see how long he lasts) "Time for your $[characters.list.lana.role] to show you how it's done."
She presses her breasts together, creating a deep, inviting cleavage. With deliberate slowness, she engulfs your cock between her tits, the soft, warm flesh enveloping your shaft. The sensation is incredible, like being wrapped in silk and fire simultaneously.
You: [Groaning] (Fuck, her tits feel amazing) "Oh God, Lana..."
Lana begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The friction is delicious, heightened by the small droplets of milk that leak from her nipples, providing natural lubrication. Each movement sends ripples through her flesh, hypnotic in their rhythm.
Lana: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so good?) "Like that, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Bet you never thought your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s tits would feel this good."
Her pace increases, the lewd, wet sounds of flesh on flesh filling the air. Your pre-cum mixes with her milk, creating a slick, warm channel for your cock. The mixture drips down her chest, pooling at the base of her breasts.
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Lana's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Lana stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Lana: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled lust evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "$[characters.list.lana.player_role]? What the fuck are you doing here? And why do I feel so... weird?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She unconsciously licks her lips, then looks away quickly, shame and desire warring in her expression. You notice her nipples are visibly hard through her top, small wet spots forming where they press against the fabric. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving Lana to grapple with her conflicted emotions.
Lana: [Whispering to herself, hands cupping her breasts] (Why the hell are my tits so sensitive? And why do I want my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock between them?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts, becoming hyper-real. Colors are more vivid, sensations more acute. Lana gasps as the fog of sleep lifts entirely, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Lana: [Her breasts still wrapped around your cock] (This is too real. What the fuck is happening?) "Oh God, what are we doing? This is so fucked up... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes a deep red, and her nipples swell visibly, leaking a steady stream of milk. She tries to pull away, but her body betrays her, her breasts seeming to mold themselves around your shaft.
Lana: [Her voice cracking] (He's my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! This is depraved!) "We have to stop this, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], for fuck's sake! This is... oh shit!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, drowning out her last shreds of resistance.
You take control, grabbing Lana's breasts and beginning to thrust between them. The soft flesh yields to your movements, creating a tight, warm channel for your cock. Milk squirts from her nipples with each thrust, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm lubricant.
Lana: [Moaning uncontrollably] (No... must resist... but it feels so fucking good) "Your cock feels so perfect between my tits. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh God, fuck my tits harder!"
Your movements become more frantic, more bestial. The lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the air. Milk and pre-cum splash with each thrust, coating both your bodies in a glistening sheen of depravity.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Take it like the titfucking slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Lana: [Screaming in ecstasy] (I'm damned. Might as well embrace it) "Yes! Oh fuck, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Use me, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! Ruin me for anyone else!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting Lana's face, breasts, and neck with pearly white streaks. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture of cum and milk glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Lana: [Gasping, scooping the mixture into her mouth] (So good... need more... forever) "So much cum... I need more! Use my tits whenever you want, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I'm your personal titfucking whore now, always..."
As the dream fades, Lana is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her tough persona shattered and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more games. I want the real thing) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus with jarring suddenness. You stand in Lana's room, fully awake and achingly erect. Lana lies motionless, lost in the throes of her own vivid dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and insatiable hunger.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll take what I want) "Wake up, $[characters.list.lana.role]. It's time you learned your place."
Lana stirs but doesn't fully wake. Impatient, you grab her hair, yanking her head back roughly. Her eyes snap open, clouded with confusion and lingering arousal from her dream.
Lana: [Disoriented] (What the fuck?) "$[characters.list.lana.player_role]? What are you... Let go of me, you little shit!"
Ignoring her protests, you rip off her sports bra, freeing her magnificent breasts. They bounce free, firm yet supple, topped with large, dusky nipples that are already hard and leaking small droplets of milk. Without warning, you straddle her chest, forcing your monstrous cock between her tits.
Lana: [Eyes wide with shock and fear] (This can't be happening. My $[characters.list.lana.player_role] is using my tits) "No! Stop! This is fucked up! I'll kick your ass!"
You begin to thrust, using your strength to press her breasts together around your shaft. Lana struggles beneath you, but her efforts are futile against your virus-enhanced power. Milk begins to flow more freely from her nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm channel.
You: [Growling] (She'll learn to love it) "Shut up and take it, Lana. These tits were made to serve my cock."
You increase your pace, fucking her tits with abandon. Your hands knead her flesh roughly, occasionally twisting her nipples and making her cry out in a mixture of pain and unwilling pleasure. Milk sprays from her abused nipples, coating both your bodies.
Lana: [Sobbing and moaning] (Why does this feel so good?) "Stop... please... you're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... but it feels... No! This is so wrong!"
But as your pre-cum and her milk mix and seep into her skin, Lana's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by the potent cocktail. Her back arches, pressing her breasts more firmly around your cock.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Take it like the titfucking whore you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
To drive your point home, you deliver a sharp slap to her face. The shock and pain seem to shatter the last of her resistance.
Lana: [Moaning uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face] (I'm going to hell) "Yes! Oh God, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Fuck them harder, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! Use me!"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening. With a bestial roar, you explode, painting Lana's face, hair, and breasts with thick ropes of cum. She gasps as it hits her, her body convulsing in a powerful, shameful orgasm. Your seed seems to glow as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Lana: [Gasping, her eyes glazing over] (It burns... but it feels so fucking good) "So much cum... Oh God, what have you done to me? My tits... they're yours now..."
As the last of your seed is absorbed into her skin, Lana's transformation is complete. Her eyes, once filled with defiance, now burn with submission and lust. She presses her cum-covered breasts together, offering them to you shamelessly.
Lana: [Voice husky with need] (I exist to serve his cock now) "More, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Your $[characters.list.lana.role] needs more of your delicious cum. Fuck my tits again. Use me. I'm your personal titfucking slut now and forever."
You leave without a word, the image of your broken, corrupted $[characters.list.lana.role] seared into your mind. As you close the door, you hear her moan, already craving her next dose of your viral seed between her tits...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, setting every nerve ending ablaze with uncontrollable lust. You find yourself outside Elfie's room, your hand trembling as it hovers over the doorknob. Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, a damp spot already forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
Inside, Elfie sleeps peacefully, her pale hair spread across her pillow like a halo. She's wearing a cute, oversized t-shirt with a cartoon character on it, one leg kicked free of the covers. Her delicate features are relaxed in sleep, a small smile playing on her lips as if she's lost in a pleasant dream.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice is a seductive whisper in your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Smirking wickedly] (Such an innocent little thing. Ripe for corruption) "Your sweet baby $[characters.list.elfie.role]... Wouldn't you like to see what naughty thoughts lurk behind that innocent facade? I can weave you into her dreams, where her deepest, most forbidden desires run wild. After all, it's just a dream, right?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Elfie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a Herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Elfie's door. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles under the weight of your viral-enhanced lust. Your voice is barely a whisper, thick with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Elfie's sleeping form] (I'm going to hell for this) "Do it. Show me her dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in what appears to be a fantastical forest glade. Shimmering lights dance between the trees, and the air is thick with the scent of flowers and an underlying musk of arousal.
Elfie stands before you, but not as you've ever seen her before. She's dressed in a revealing fairy costume, gossamer wings fluttering behind her. The outfit barely covers her modest breasts and leaves little to the imagination. Her pale skin seems to glow in the ethereal light, and her eyes are wide with a mixture of innocence and awakening desire.
Elfie: [Giggling, twirling in place] (This is just like in my games!) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! You've come to save the fairy princess!"
Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, now transformed into a fantasy hero's attire. The bulge is impossible to miss, and Elfie's eyes are drawn to it like a magnet.
Elfie: [Blushing furiously] (Is that... is that his...) "Oh my... The dragon must have cast an enlargement spell on you, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. It's so... big."
Before you can respond, Elfie approaches you, her movements a mixture of childlike curiosity and newfound sensuality. She reaches out, her delicate hand hovering just above your straining erection.
Elfie: [Voice trembling] (I shouldn't... but I want to so badly) "The spell looks painful, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Maybe... maybe I can help? I read about this in a forbidden tome of fairy magic."
Her small hand wraps around your shaft through the fabric, and you groan at the contact. Elfie gasps, her eyes widening as she feels your true size.
Elfie: [Whispering] (It's so hot... and hard) "Oh wow... It's like a magic wand. Does it grant wishes, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]?"
You nod, unable to form words as Elfie begins to stroke you through your pants. Her movements are clumsy and inexperienced, but the taboo nature of the act makes it incredibly arousing.
You: [Groaning] (She's so innocent... and I'm corrupting her) "Y-yes, Elfie. But you have to do it right. Take it out."
Elfie hesitates for a moment, her face a battlefield of curiosity, desire, and lingering innocence. Then, with trembling fingers, she frees your monstrous cock from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the dreamlike light.
Elfie: [Gasping] (It's so much bigger than I imagined) "Oh my goodness! It's... it's beautiful, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Like a mighty sword!"
Her small hand can barely wrap around your girth as she begins to stroke, her movements awkward but enthusiastic. Pre-cum leaks freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Elfie's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Elfie: [Moaning softly] (Why do I feel so hot?) "Am I doing it right, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Will this break the spell?"
You nod, beyond words as your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes fill the glade, mixing with the tinkling of fairy lights and Elfie's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Elfie. You're such a good little fairy princess. Keep going."
Elfie: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her chest] (This feels so good... so naughty) "It's getting bigger, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! And so hot! Is it going to explode?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Elfie's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Elfie stirs in her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Elfie: [Blinking sleepily] (What a strange dream...) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Is that you? I had the weirdest dream..."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious bulge in your pants. A deep blush spreads across her cheeks, and she pulls her covers up to her chin. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and strangely aroused Elfie behind.
Elfie: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... why do I feel so tingly?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, setting every nerve ending ablaze with uncontrollable lust. You find yourself outside Elfie's room, your hand trembling as it hovers over the doorknob. Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, a damp spot already forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
Inside, Elfie sleeps peacefully, her pale hair spread across her pillow like a halo. She's wearing a cute, oversized t-shirt with a cartoon character on it, one leg kicked free of the covers. Her delicate features are relaxed in sleep, a small smile playing on her lips as if she's lost in a pleasant dream.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice is a seductive whisper in your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Smirking wickedly] (Such an innocent little thing. Ripe for corruption) "Your sweet baby $[characters.list.elfie.role]... Wouldn't you like to see what naughty thoughts lurk behind that innocent facade? I can weave you into her dreams, where her deepest, most forbidden desires run wild. After all, it's just a dream, right?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Elfie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a Herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Elfie's door. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles under the weight of your viral-enhanced lust. Your voice is barely a whisper, thick with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Elfie's sleeping form] (I'm going to hell for this) "Do it. Show me her dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in what appears to be a fantastical forest glade. Shimmering lights dance between the trees, and the air is thick with the scent of flowers and an underlying musk of arousal.
Elfie stands before you, but not as you've ever seen her before. She's dressed in a revealing fairy costume, gossamer wings fluttering behind her. The outfit barely covers her modest breasts and leaves little to the imagination. Her pale skin seems to glow in the ethereal light, and her eyes are wide with a mixture of innocence and awakening desire.
Elfie: [Giggling, twirling in place] (This is just like in my games!) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! You've come to save the fairy princess!"
Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, now transformed into a fantasy hero's attire. The bulge is impossible to miss, and Elfie's eyes are drawn to it like a magnet.
Elfie: [Blushing furiously] (Is that... is that his...) "Oh my... The dragon must have cast an enlargement spell on you, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. It's so... big."
Before you can respond, Elfie approaches you, her movements a mixture of childlike curiosity and newfound sensuality. She reaches out, her delicate hand hovering just above your straining erection.
Elfie: [Voice trembling] (I shouldn't... but I want to so badly) "The spell looks painful, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Maybe... maybe I can help? I read about this in a forbidden tome of fairy magic."
Her small hand wraps around your shaft through the fabric, and you groan at the contact. Elfie gasps, her eyes widening as she feels your true size.
Elfie: [Whispering] (It's so hot... and hard) "Oh wow... It's like a magic wand. Does it grant wishes, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]?"
You nod, unable to form words as Elfie begins to stroke you through your pants. Her movements are clumsy and inexperienced, but the taboo nature of the act makes it incredibly arousing.
You: [Groaning] (She's so innocent... and I'm corrupting her) "Y-yes, Elfie. But you have to do it right. Take it out."
Elfie hesitates for a moment, her face a battlefield of curiosity, desire, and lingering innocence. Then, with trembling fingers, she frees your monstrous cock from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the dreamlike light.
Elfie: [Gasping] (It's so much bigger than I imagined) "Oh my goodness! It's... it's beautiful, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Like a mighty sword!"
Her small hand can barely wrap around your girth as she begins to stroke, her movements awkward but enthusiastic. Pre-cum leaks freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Elfie's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Elfie: [Moaning softly] (Why do I feel so hot?) "Am I doing it right, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Will this break the spell?"
You nod, beyond words as your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes fill the glade, mixing with the tinkling of fairy lights and Elfie's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Elfie. You're such a good little fairy princess. Keep going."
Elfie: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her chest] (This feels so good... so naughty) "It's getting bigger, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! And so hot! Is it going to explode?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Elfie's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Elfie stirs in her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Elfie: [Blinking sleepily] (What a strange dream...) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Is that you? I had the weirdest dream..."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious bulge in your pants. A deep blush spreads across her cheeks, and she pulls her covers up to her chin. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and strangely aroused Elfie behind.
Elfie: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... why do I feel so tingly?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Corrupt her completely) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts. The fairy glade becomes darker, more primal. Thorny vines creep across the ground, and the air grows thick with the scent of musk and forbidden desire. Elfie gasps as the fog of innocence lifts, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Elfie: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What's happening to me?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? This... this isn't right. We shouldn't... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like liquid fire. Her skin flushes deep pink, nipples visibly hardening beneath her flimsy costume. A visible wet spot forms on her panties as her virgin pussy gushes with arousal.
Elfie: [Whimpering] (He's my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! This is wrong!) "We have to stop, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role]! This is... oh gosh!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her innocent exterior.
Elfie: [Moaning wantonly] (No... mustn't... but it feels so good) "Your... your magic wand feels so amazing. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh goodness, I need your magic potion so badly!"
Her movements become more frantic, more desperate. Tears of shame stream down her face, mixing with the sweat of her exertion. She begins to use both hands, one working your shaft while the other gently cups your heavy, cum-filled balls.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, Elfie. This is what good fairy princesses do for their big brothers."
Elfie: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm a bad girl. A naughty, incestuous fairy) "I'm so sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I'm trying to be good, but... but... oh gosh, I need your magic potion!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock echo through the dark glade. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Elfie's tears to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft.
Elfie: [Eyes wide with desperate need] (I'm going to the bad place. But I don't care anymore) "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Give the fairy princess your magic potion! I need it... I need it to become a real woman!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Elfie's face, chest, and hands. She squeals in shock and ecstasy, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Elfie: [Gasping, licking cum from her fingers] (So yummy... need more... forever) "So much magic potion... I need more! Use me, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Use your little fairy princess whenever you want. I'll be your good girl forever..."
As the dream fades, Elfie is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her innocence shattered and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, setting every nerve ending ablaze with uncontrollable lust. You find yourself outside Elfie's room, your hand trembling as it hovers over the doorknob. Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, a damp spot already forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
Inside, Elfie sleeps peacefully, her pale hair spread across her pillow like a halo. She's wearing a cute, oversized t-shirt with a cartoon character on it, one leg kicked free of the covers. Her delicate features are relaxed in sleep, a small smile playing on her lips as if she's lost in a pleasant dream.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice is a seductive whisper in your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Smirking wickedly] (Such an innocent little thing. Ripe for corruption) "Your sweet baby $[characters.list.elfie.role]... Wouldn't you like to see what naughty thoughts lurk behind that innocent facade? I can weave you into her dreams, where her deepest, most forbidden desires run wild. After all, it's just a dream, right?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Elfie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a Herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Elfie's door. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles under the weight of your viral-enhanced lust. Your voice is barely a whisper, thick with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Elfie's sleeping form] (I'm going to hell for this) "Do it. Show me her dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in what appears to be a fantastical forest glade. Shimmering lights dance between the trees, and the air is thick with the scent of flowers and an underlying musk of arousal.
Elfie stands before you, but not as you've ever seen her before. She's dressed in a revealing fairy costume, gossamer wings fluttering behind her. The outfit barely covers her modest breasts and leaves little to the imagination. Her pale skin seems to glow in the ethereal light, and her eyes are wide with a mixture of innocence and awakening desire.
Elfie: [Giggling, twirling in place] (This is just like in my games!) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! You've come to save the fairy princess!"
Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, now transformed into a fantasy hero's attire. The bulge is impossible to miss, and Elfie's eyes are drawn to it like a magnet.
Elfie: [Blushing furiously] (Is that... is that his...) "Oh my... The dragon must have cast an enlargement spell on you, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. It's so... big."
Before you can respond, Elfie approaches you, her movements a mixture of childlike curiosity and newfound sensuality. She reaches out, her delicate hand hovering just above your straining erection.
Elfie: [Voice trembling] (I shouldn't... but I want to so badly) "The spell looks painful, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Maybe... maybe I can help? I read about this in a forbidden tome of fairy magic."
Her small hand wraps around your shaft through the fabric, and you groan at the contact. Elfie gasps, her eyes widening as she feels your true size.
Elfie: [Whispering] (It's so hot... and hard) "Oh wow... It's like a magic wand. Does it grant wishes, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]?"
You nod, unable to form words as Elfie begins to stroke you through your pants. Her movements are clumsy and inexperienced, but the taboo nature of the act makes it incredibly arousing.
You: [Groaning] (She's so innocent... and I'm corrupting her) "Y-yes, Elfie. But you have to do it right. Take it out."
Elfie hesitates for a moment, her face a battlefield of curiosity, desire, and lingering innocence. Then, with trembling fingers, she frees your monstrous cock from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the dreamlike light.
Elfie: [Gasping] (It's so much bigger than I imagined) "Oh my goodness! It's... it's beautiful, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Like a mighty sword!"
Her small hand can barely wrap around your girth as she begins to stroke, her movements awkward but enthusiastic. Pre-cum leaks freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Elfie's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Elfie: [Moaning softly] (Why do I feel so hot?) "Am I doing it right, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Will this break the spell?"
You nod, beyond words as your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes fill the glade, mixing with the tinkling of fairy lights and Elfie's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Elfie. You're such a good little fairy princess. Keep going."
Elfie: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her chest] (This feels so good... so naughty) "It's getting bigger, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! And so hot! Is it going to explode?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Elfie's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Elfie stirs in her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Elfie: [Blinking sleepily] (What a strange dream...) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Is that you? I had the weirdest dream..."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious bulge in your pants. A deep blush spreads across her cheeks, and she pulls her covers up to her chin. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and strangely aroused Elfie behind.
Elfie: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... why do I feel so tingly?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Corrupt her completely) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts. The fairy glade becomes darker, more primal. Thorny vines creep across the ground, and the air grows thick with the scent of musk and forbidden desire. Elfie gasps as the fog of innocence lifts, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Elfie: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What's happening to me?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? This... this isn't right. We shouldn't... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like liquid fire. Her skin flushes deep pink, nipples visibly hardening beneath her flimsy costume. A visible wet spot forms on her panties as her virgin pussy gushes with arousal.
Elfie: [Whimpering] (He's my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! This is wrong!) "We have to stop, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role]! This is... oh gosh!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her innocent exterior.
Elfie: [Moaning wantonly] (No... mustn't... but it feels so good) "Your... your magic wand feels so amazing. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh goodness, I need your magic potion so badly!"
Her movements become more frantic, more desperate. Tears of shame stream down her face, mixing with the sweat of her exertion. She begins to use both hands, one working your shaft while the other gently cups your heavy, cum-filled balls.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, Elfie. This is what good fairy princesses do for their big brothers."
Elfie: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm a bad girl. A naughty, incestuous fairy) "I'm so sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I'm trying to be good, but... but... oh gosh, I need your magic potion!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock echo through the dark glade. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Elfie's tears to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft.
Elfie: [Eyes wide with desperate need] (I'm going to the bad place. But I don't care anymore) "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Give the fairy princess your magic potion! I need it... I need it to become a real woman!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Elfie's face, chest, and hands. She squeals in shock and ecstasy, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Elfie: [Gasping, licking cum from her fingers] (So yummy... need more... forever) "So much magic potion... I need more! Use me, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Use your little fairy princess whenever you want. I'll be your good girl forever..."
As the dream fades, Elfie is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her innocence shattered and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more games. I'm taking what's mine) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus. You stand in Elfie's room, fully awake and painfully erect. Elfie lies motionless, lost in her vivid dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and insatiable hunger.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll take her innocence) "Wake up, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Time to play a new game."
Elfie stirs but doesn't fully wake. Impatient, you grab her shoulder, shaking her roughly. Her eyes snap open, clouded with confusion and lingering innocence from her dream.
Elfie: [Disoriented] (What's happening?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What's wrong? Why are you..."
Her words die in her throat as you force her small hand to your throbbing member. The tip glistens with pre-cum, the shaft pulsing with viral energy. Elfie's eyes widen in shock and fear as she realizes this isn't a dream.
Elfie: [Whispering, fear creeping into her voice] (This can't be real) "No, we can't... This is wrong... You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... Please, stop!"
Ignoring her pleas, you force her hand to move along your shaft. She tries to pull away, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much for her.
You: [Growling] (She'll learn her place) "Be a good girl, Elfie. This is what $[characters.list.elfie.role] are for."
Elfie: [Crying, trying to break free] (This is a nightmare. It has to be) "Let go of me! I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role]! This is bad!"
But as your pre-cum leaks onto her skin, Elfie's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by your potent fluids. Her fingers instinctively begin to stroke, her body betraying her mind.
Elfie: [Whimpering] (Why does it feel good? This is so wrong) "I shouldn't be doing this... You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... But I can't stop! It feels so... No! This is naughty!"
Her strokes become more confident as the virus takes hold, her shame transforming into unwilling lust. You thrust into her hand, fucking her small fist with abandon. Your other hand roughly gropes her modest breast through her shirt, making her gasp.
You: [Panting] (She's mine now) "That's it, Elfie. Be a good girl and stroke your $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]'s cock. You love it, don't you? Say it!"
Elfie: [Moaning, tears streaming down her face] (I'm being so bad) "No... yes... I don't know! It's so big... I love your magic wand! Oh gosh, what's happening to me?"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening. With a bestial roar, you explode, painting Elfie's innocent face, hair, and chest with thick ropes of cum. She gasps as it hits her, her body shuddering in an unwilling orgasm. Your seed seems to glow as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Elfie: [Gasping, her eyes glazing over] (It's so warm... and it feels so good) "So much... Oh gosh, what have we done? It's... it's changing me..."
As the last of your cum is absorbed into her skin, Elfie's innocence finally shatters. Her eyes, once filled with childlike wonder, now burn with viral lust and newfound depravity.
Elfie: [Licking her lips, voice husky] (I need more. I need $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]) "More, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Your little fairy princess needs more of your magic potion. Use me. Teach me. I'm your good girl now."
You leave her room without another word, the image of your cum-covered, corrupted $[characters.list.elfie.role] burned into your mind forever. As you close the door, you hear her whimper, already craving her next dose of your viral seed...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, a symphony of desire orchestrating your every move. You find yourself outside Elfie's room, drawn by an irresistible, primal urge. The door seems to shimmer before you, like a portal to forbidden pleasures.
Elfie lies curled up on her bed, her petite form swathed in an oversized gaming t-shirt. Her pale hair fans out on the pillow like a halo, a stark contrast to the sinful thoughts racing through your mind. Even in sleep, her delicate features hold an air of innocence that makes your viral-enhanced body throb with need.
AVA materializes, her form a swirling vortex of corrupted data and viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, a siren song of depravity.
AVA: [Eyes glowing with malicious glee] (Oh, the sweet corruption of innocence) "My, my... $[characters.list.elfie.role] looks so pure, doesn't she? But I bet those small, perky tits could wrap around your cock just right. Shall we see what naughty dreams lurk in that 'innocent' mind of hers? After all, every princess needs a dragon to 'slay' her, don't they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Elfie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With monumental effort, you wrench yourself away from Elfie's door. Each step feels like wading through quicksand, your body screaming in protest. You stumble away, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake, the image of Elfie's sleeping form burned into your retinas.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last vestiges of your morality crumble like sand. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your darkest desires.
You: [Eyes locked on Elfie's sleeping form] (Time to corrupt this little gamer) "Do it. Show me her most twisted fantasy."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a fantastical realm, reminiscent of Elfie's favorite RPGs. You stand in a grand chamber, your body transformed into that of a fearsome dragon-human hybrid. Scales glitter on your skin, and your cock has become a monstrous, ridged appendage, easily 16 inches long and thicker than Elfie's arm.
Elfie appears before you, clad in a skimpy "armor" that barely covers her petite form. Her small breasts are barely contained by a metallic bikini top, and a short skirt leaves little to the imagination. Her eyes widen as she takes in your form, a mixture of fear and excitement dancing in their depths.
Elfie: [Voice trembling] (This is just like my game, but so much more intense) "O-oh mighty dragon! I've come to... to slay you and save the kingdom!"
Her attempt at bravado is undermined by the way her eyes keep darting to your massive member. You can see her nipples hardening beneath the flimsy armor, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice a deep, resonant growl] (Time to show her what a real quest is like) "Foolish little girl. You're no match for me. But perhaps we can come to an... arrangement."
Elfie swallows hard, her cheeks flushing a deep red. She takes a hesitant step forward, her small hand reaching out as if compelled.
Elfie: [Whispering] (It's so big... I wonder what it feels like) "What... what kind of arrangement?"
You grin, revealing sharp teeth. With a swift motion, you tear away her top, exposing her small, perky breasts. They're barely more than a handful, topped with pink nipples that are now rock hard.
You: [Growling] (She's mine now) "These little tits of yours. They'll do nicely to please me. Satisfy me, and I might spare your kingdom."
Elfie gasps, her hands flying up to cover herself. But even as she does, you can see the excitement in her eyes, the way her body trembles with anticipation rather than fear.
Elfie: [Voice breathy] (This is wrong... but so exciting) "I... I've never done anything like this before. But if it's to save the kingdom..."
She steps closer, lowering herself to her knees before you. Her small hands reach out, grasping your monstrous cock. They can't even wrap fully around its girth.
Elfie: [Eyes wide] (It's even bigger up close) "It's so big... how will it even fit?"
You grab her hands, guiding them to her breasts. Understanding dawns in her eyes, and she presses her small mounds together, creating a tight channel for your cock. The contrast of your massive member against her petite chest is obscenely erotic.
You: [Groaning] (So tight, so soft) "That's it, little one. Use those tiny tits to please your dragon."
Elfie begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The soft flesh yields to your hardness, creating a deliciously tight friction. Her inexperience is evident in her clumsy movements, but her enthusiasm more than makes up for it.
Elfie: [Moaning softly] (This feels... good?) "Am I doing it right, mighty dragon? Does it please you?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Elfie's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Elfie stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Elfie: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled curiosity evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What are you doing here? I was having the strangest dream..."
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She quickly looks away, pulling her blanket up to her chin. You notice her nipples are visibly hard through her shirt, and her breathing is rapid and shallow. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving Elfie to grapple with her newfound feelings.
Elfie: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her chest] (Why do I feel so... tingly? And why can't I stop thinking about $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]'s... dragon?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, a symphony of desire orchestrating your every move. You find yourself outside Elfie's room, drawn by an irresistible, primal urge. The door seems to shimmer before you, like a portal to forbidden pleasures.
Elfie lies curled up on her bed, her petite form swathed in an oversized gaming t-shirt. Her pale hair fans out on the pillow like a halo, a stark contrast to the sinful thoughts racing through your mind. Even in sleep, her delicate features hold an air of innocence that makes your viral-enhanced body throb with need.
AVA materializes, her form a swirling vortex of corrupted data and viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, a siren song of depravity.
AVA: [Eyes glowing with malicious glee] (Oh, the sweet corruption of innocence) "My, my... $[characters.list.elfie.role] looks so pure, doesn't she? But I bet those small, perky tits could wrap around your cock just right. Shall we see what naughty dreams lurk in that 'innocent' mind of hers? After all, every princess needs a dragon to 'slay' her, don't they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Elfie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With monumental effort, you wrench yourself away from Elfie's door. Each step feels like wading through quicksand, your body screaming in protest. You stumble away, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake, the image of Elfie's sleeping form burned into your retinas.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last vestiges of your morality crumble like sand. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your darkest desires.
You: [Eyes locked on Elfie's sleeping form] (Time to corrupt this little gamer) "Do it. Show me her most twisted fantasy."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a fantastical realm, reminiscent of Elfie's favorite RPGs. You stand in a grand chamber, your body transformed into that of a fearsome dragon-human hybrid. Scales glitter on your skin, and your cock has become a monstrous, ridged appendage, easily 16 inches long and thicker than Elfie's arm.
Elfie appears before you, clad in a skimpy "armor" that barely covers her petite form. Her small breasts are barely contained by a metallic bikini top, and a short skirt leaves little to the imagination. Her eyes widen as she takes in your form, a mixture of fear and excitement dancing in their depths.
Elfie: [Voice trembling] (This is just like my game, but so much more intense) "O-oh mighty dragon! I've come to... to slay you and save the kingdom!"
Her attempt at bravado is undermined by the way her eyes keep darting to your massive member. You can see her nipples hardening beneath the flimsy armor, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice a deep, resonant growl] (Time to show her what a real quest is like) "Foolish little girl. You're no match for me. But perhaps we can come to an... arrangement."
Elfie swallows hard, her cheeks flushing a deep red. She takes a hesitant step forward, her small hand reaching out as if compelled.
Elfie: [Whispering] (It's so big... I wonder what it feels like) "What... what kind of arrangement?"
You grin, revealing sharp teeth. With a swift motion, you tear away her top, exposing her small, perky breasts. They're barely more than a handful, topped with pink nipples that are now rock hard.
You: [Growling] (She's mine now) "These little tits of yours. They'll do nicely to please me. Satisfy me, and I might spare your kingdom."
Elfie gasps, her hands flying up to cover herself. But even as she does, you can see the excitement in her eyes, the way her body trembles with anticipation rather than fear.
Elfie: [Voice breathy] (This is wrong... but so exciting) "I... I've never done anything like this before. But if it's to save the kingdom..."
She steps closer, lowering herself to her knees before you. Her small hands reach out, grasping your monstrous cock. They can't even wrap fully around its girth.
Elfie: [Eyes wide] (It's even bigger up close) "It's so big... how will it even fit?"
You grab her hands, guiding them to her breasts. Understanding dawns in her eyes, and she presses her small mounds together, creating a tight channel for your cock. The contrast of your massive member against her petite chest is obscenely erotic.
You: [Groaning] (So tight, so soft) "That's it, little one. Use those tiny tits to please your dragon."
Elfie begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The soft flesh yields to your hardness, creating a deliciously tight friction. Her inexperience is evident in her clumsy movements, but her enthusiasm more than makes up for it.
Elfie: [Moaning softly] (This feels... good?) "Am I doing it right, mighty dragon? Does it please you?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Elfie's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Elfie stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Elfie: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled curiosity evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What are you doing here? I was having the strangest dream..."
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She quickly looks away, pulling her blanket up to her chin. You notice her nipples are visibly hard through her shirt, and her breathing is rapid and shallow. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving Elfie to grapple with her newfound feelings.
Elfie: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her chest] (Why do I feel so... tingly? And why can't I stop thinking about $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]'s... dragon?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "Deeper. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts, becoming hyper-real. Colors are more vivid, sensations more acute. Elfie gasps as the fog of sleep lifts entirely, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Elfie: [Her small breasts still pressed around your cock] (This is too real. What's happening?) "Oh God, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? This... this isn't a game anymore, is it?"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes a deep red, and her nipples swell visibly, becoming almost comically large on her small breasts. She tries to pull away, but her body betrays her, her chest seeming to mold itself around your shaft.
Elfie: [Her voice cracking] (He's my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! This is like a hentai game!) "We have to stop this! You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], not a real dragon! This is... oh my god!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, drowning out her last shreds of innocence.
You take control, grabbing her small breasts and beginning to thrust between them. The soft flesh yields to your movements, barely containing your massive member. A clear, sweet-smelling fluid begins to leak from Elfie's nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm lubricant.
Elfie: [Moaning uncontrollably] (No... this is wrong... but it feels so good) "Your... your dragon cock feels so hot between my boobs. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh god, it's like the lewdest game ever!"
Your movements become more frantic, more bestial. The lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the air. The sweet fluid and pre-cum splash with each thrust, coating both your bodies in a glistening sheen of depravity.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Take it like the good little gamer slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Elfie: [Crying out in ecstasy] (I'm like one of those corrupted NPCs now) "Yes! Oh fuck, yes! I love your big dragon cock between my tiny tits! Use me, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Make me your lewd game character!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting Elfie's face, chest, and neck with pearly white streaks. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture of cum and the sweet fluid glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Elfie: [Gasping, licking the mixture from her lips] (So good... need more... want to level up) "So much cum... I need more! Use my boobs whenever you want, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I'm your personal dragon-slaying titty-fuck princess now, always..."
As the dream fades, Elfie is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her innocence shattered and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, a symphony of desire orchestrating your every move. You find yourself outside Elfie's room, drawn by an irresistible, primal urge. The door seems to shimmer before you, like a portal to forbidden pleasures.
Elfie lies curled up on her bed, her petite form swathed in an oversized gaming t-shirt. Her pale hair fans out on the pillow like a halo, a stark contrast to the sinful thoughts racing through your mind. Even in sleep, her delicate features hold an air of innocence that makes your viral-enhanced body throb with need.
AVA materializes, her form a swirling vortex of corrupted data and viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, a siren song of depravity.
AVA: [Eyes glowing with malicious glee] (Oh, the sweet corruption of innocence) "My, my... $[characters.list.elfie.role] looks so pure, doesn't she? But I bet those small, perky tits could wrap around your cock just right. Shall we see what naughty dreams lurk in that 'innocent' mind of hers? After all, every princess needs a dragon to 'slay' her, don't they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Elfie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With monumental effort, you wrench yourself away from Elfie's door. Each step feels like wading through quicksand, your body screaming in protest. You stumble away, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake, the image of Elfie's sleeping form burned into your retinas.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last vestiges of your morality crumble like sand. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your darkest desires.
You: [Eyes locked on Elfie's sleeping form] (Time to corrupt this little gamer) "Do it. Show me her most twisted fantasy."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a fantastical realm, reminiscent of Elfie's favorite RPGs. You stand in a grand chamber, your body transformed into that of a fearsome dragon-human hybrid. Scales glitter on your skin, and your cock has become a monstrous, ridged appendage, easily 16 inches long and thicker than Elfie's arm.
Elfie appears before you, clad in a skimpy "armor" that barely covers her petite form. Her small breasts are barely contained by a metallic bikini top, and a short skirt leaves little to the imagination. Her eyes widen as she takes in your form, a mixture of fear and excitement dancing in their depths.
Elfie: [Voice trembling] (This is just like my game, but so much more intense) "O-oh mighty dragon! I've come to... to slay you and save the kingdom!"
Her attempt at bravado is undermined by the way her eyes keep darting to your massive member. You can see her nipples hardening beneath the flimsy armor, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice a deep, resonant growl] (Time to show her what a real quest is like) "Foolish little girl. You're no match for me. But perhaps we can come to an... arrangement."
Elfie swallows hard, her cheeks flushing a deep red. She takes a hesitant step forward, her small hand reaching out as if compelled.
Elfie: [Whispering] (It's so big... I wonder what it feels like) "What... what kind of arrangement?"
You grin, revealing sharp teeth. With a swift motion, you tear away her top, exposing her small, perky breasts. They're barely more than a handful, topped with pink nipples that are now rock hard.
You: [Growling] (She's mine now) "These little tits of yours. They'll do nicely to please me. Satisfy me, and I might spare your kingdom."
Elfie gasps, her hands flying up to cover herself. But even as she does, you can see the excitement in her eyes, the way her body trembles with anticipation rather than fear.
Elfie: [Voice breathy] (This is wrong... but so exciting) "I... I've never done anything like this before. But if it's to save the kingdom..."
She steps closer, lowering herself to her knees before you. Her small hands reach out, grasping your monstrous cock. They can't even wrap fully around its girth.
Elfie: [Eyes wide] (It's even bigger up close) "It's so big... how will it even fit?"
You grab her hands, guiding them to her breasts. Understanding dawns in her eyes, and she presses her small mounds together, creating a tight channel for your cock. The contrast of your massive member against her petite chest is obscenely erotic.
You: [Groaning] (So tight, so soft) "That's it, little one. Use those tiny tits to please your dragon."
Elfie begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The soft flesh yields to your hardness, creating a deliciously tight friction. Her inexperience is evident in her clumsy movements, but her enthusiasm more than makes up for it.
Elfie: [Moaning softly] (This feels... good?) "Am I doing it right, mighty dragon? Does it please you?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Elfie's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Elfie stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Elfie: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled curiosity evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What are you doing here? I was having the strangest dream..."
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She quickly looks away, pulling her blanket up to her chin. You notice her nipples are visibly hard through her shirt, and her breathing is rapid and shallow. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving Elfie to grapple with her newfound feelings.
Elfie: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her chest] (Why do I feel so... tingly? And why can't I stop thinking about $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]'s... dragon?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more games. I want the real thing) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus with jarring suddenness. You stand in Elfie's room, fully awake and achingly erect. Elfie lies motionless, lost in the throes of her own vivid dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and insatiable hunger.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll take what I want) "Wake up, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. It's time for your real-life tutorial."
Elfie stirs but doesn't fully wake. Impatient, you grab her shirt, tearing it off with ease. Her eyes snap open, clouded with confusion and lingering arousal from her dream.
Elfie: [Disoriented] (What's going on?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What are you... Why am I naked? Is this another weird dream?"
Ignoring her questions, you straddle her chest, your massive cock resting between her small breasts. Elfie's eyes widen in shock and fear as she realizes this is no dream.
Elfie: [Voice trembling] (This can't be real. My $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] wouldn't...) "No! Stop! This isn't a game, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Please!"
You begin to thrust, using your hands to press her small breasts around your shaft. Elfie struggles beneath you, but her efforts are futile against your virus-enhanced strength. A sweet-smelling fluid begins to leak from her nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick channel.
You: [Growling] (She'll learn to love it) "Shut up and take it, Elfie. This is what those little tits are for now."
You increase your pace, fucking her chest with abandon. Your hands knead her flesh roughly, occasionally pinching her swollen nipples and making her cry out in a mixture of pain and unwilling pleasure. The sweet fluid flows more freely, coating both your bodies.
Elfie: [Sobbing and moaning] (Why does this feel good? Am I broken?) "Stop... please... you're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... but it feels... No! This is worse than any bad end in my games!"
But as your pre-cum and her fluid mix and seep into her skin, Elfie's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by the potent cocktail. Her back arches, pressing her small chest more firmly around your cock.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Take it like the little titty-fuck slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Elfie: [Moaning uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face] (I'm turning into a lewd character) "Yes! Oh god, yes! I love your big cock between my tiny tits! Fuck them harder, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Use me like in those hentai games!"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening. With a bestial roar, you explode, painting Elfie's face, hair, and chest with thick ropes of cum. She gasps as it hits her, her body convulsing in a powerful, shameful orgasm. Your seed seems to glow as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Elfie: [Gasping, her eyes glazing over] (It burns... but it feels so good. Like leveling up) "So much cum... Oh god, what have you done to me? My boobs... they're yours now..."
As the last of your seed is absorbed, Elfie's transformation is complete. Her eyes, once filled with innocence, now burn with corrupted lust. She presses her cum-covered breasts together, offering them to you shamelessly.
Elfie: [Voice husky with need] (I'm a lewd NPC now, existing only for $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]) "More, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Your $[characters.list.elfie.role] needs more of your dragon cum. Fuck my tiny tits again. Use me. I'm your personal titty-fuck princess now and forever."
You leave without a word, the image of your corrupted, game-obsessed $[characters.list.elfie.role] seared into your mind. As you close the door, you hear her moan, already craving her next "level-up" with your viral seed between her small breasts...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You push through the dense undergrowth of Peacewood, the air thick with the sweet, cloying scent of the virus. Your enhanced senses pick up a disturbance nearby – rustling leaves, ragged breathing, and... a familiar scent? Curiosity piqued, you move cautiously towards the source.
Suddenly, a figure bursts from the foliage, a blur of tanned skin and wild blonde hair. Your eyes widen as you recognize your cousin Mia, but she's far from the bubbly cheerleader you remember. Her once-pristine uniform is tattered, barely containing her virus-enhanced curves. Her green eyes, usually sparkling with mischief, are now feral and unfocused.
Mia: [Crouching low, muscles tensed] (Prey... strong... need...) "Grrrrr..."
You: [Raising your hands slowly] (Shit, she's deep in virus-frenzy) "Mia? It's me, your cousin. Can you hear me?"
Mia lunges at you, her movements a primal dance of aggression and raw need. You sidestep, your enhanced reflexes allowing you to avoid her grasp. The air crackles with sexual tension as your auras clash.
You: [Dodging another swipe] (I need to get through to her) "Mia, please! Remember the summer at the lake house? The prank we pulled on Aunt Chanel?"
Mia: [Pausing, confusion flickering in her eyes] (Familiar... why?) "Nnngh... who...?"
You: [Taking a cautious step forward] "It's me, your 'little squirt' of a cousin. Remember how you used to tease me?"
As you speak, your pheromones wash over Mia. Her nostrils flare, pupils dilating as she takes in your scent. You see the moment recognition dawns, her feral mask cracking.
Mia: [Eyes widening, voice trembling] "C-cousin? Is that really you?" (Oh god, what have I become?)
You: [Smiling gently] "Yeah, it's me. I know I've changed a bit."
Mia: [Tears welling up] "Oh my god!" [She rushes forward, embracing you tightly]
You feel Mia's enhanced body press against yours, her curves molding to your muscular frame. The virus surges through both of you, igniting a fire that threatens to consume all reason.
Mia: [Shuddering, voice muffled against your chest] (He's so... different. So strong. No, stop it!) "I'm sorry... I didn't... I couldn't..."
You: [Stroking her hair, fighting your own urges] "Shh, it's okay. I've got you now."
You tighten your arms around Mia, offering comfort and stability. She melts into your embrace, her body trembling with relief and barely suppressed desire.
Mia: [Looking up at you, eyes shimmering] (When did he get so... No, focus!) "I can't believe it's really you. You've changed so much."
You: [Smiling down at her] "We both have. But we're still family."
Mia: [Nodding, a hint of her old playfulness returning] "Yeah, family. Though I might have to stop calling you 'little squirt' now."
You both chuckle, the tension easing slightly. You become acutely aware of Mia's hands on your chest, her fingers tracing the contours of your muscles through your shirt.
Mia: [Blushing, pulling back slightly] "Sorry, I... This virus, it's..."
You: [Gently cupping her cheek] "I know. We're all dealing with it. Listen, I have a safe place. Would you like to come back with me?"
Mia: [Leaning into your touch] "Yes, please. I... I don't want to be alone anymore."
As you guide Mia back towards the shelter, you can feel the heat of her body next to yours, the air between you charged with unspoken tension. The virus pulses through your veins, a constant reminder of the new world you both inhabit.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus rages through your system, your body burning with an insatiable lust as you stumble towards Mia's room. Your enhanced senses pick up her scent - a intoxicating mix of vanilla and musk that makes your cock throb painfully. You pause at her door, your hand trembling as you reach for the knob.
Inside, Mia sleeps restlessly, her curvaceous form barely covered by a skimpy cheerleader outfit - a remnant of her past life. Her long, blonde hair is tousled, and her face is flushed, lips parted as she lets out soft moans in her sleep. The sight of her sends a fresh wave of desire coursing through you.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice is a seductive purr in your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Grinning mischievously] (Such a naughty little cousin. Already so wet in her dreams) "Your sexy cousin is having quite the vivid dream. Wouldn't you like to join her? I can weave you into her fantasies, where her deepest, most forbidden desires run wild. After all, what happens in dreams stays in dreams... right?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Mia's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Mia's door. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles under the weight of your viral-enhanced lust. Your voice is hoarse with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Mia's sleeping form] (I'm going to hell for this) "Do it. Show me her dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in what appears to be a high school locker room. The air is thick with steam and the scent of sweat and arousal. Mia stands before you, dressed in her old cheerleader uniform, but it's different - tighter, more revealing, barely containing her ample curves.
Mia: [Smirking seductively] (Oh, this is going to be fun) "Hey, cuz. Come to congratulate me on winning the big game?"
Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, now transformed into a football player's uniform. The bulge is impossible to miss, and Mia's eyes are drawn to it, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
Mia: [Eyes widening with desire] (Holy shit, is that all him?) "Wow, looks like you've got a pretty big trophy in those pants. Want me to polish it for you?"
Before you can respond, Mia saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. She drops to her knees before you, her hands running up your thighs.
Mia: [Voice husky with lust] (I've wanted this for so long) "Let's see what you're packing, big guy. I bet it tastes even better than it looks."
Her nimble fingers free your throbbing member from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the steamy locker room.
Mia: [Gasping] (It's even bigger than in my fantasies) "Holy fuck, cuz. You're fucking huge! This is going to be a challenge, but you know how I love those."
Her hand wraps around your shaft, and you groan at the contact. Unlike Cherie's motherly touch or Elfie's innocent fumbling, Mia's grip is confident and experienced. She begins to stroke, her movements slow and teasing.
Mia: [Purring] (I'm going to milk him dry) "Mmm, you like that, don't you? Your naughty cousin jerking your big, fat cock? Tell me how much you want me."
You: [Groaning] (She's so fucking hot) "Fuck, Mia. Don't stop. You're so good at this."
Mia's strokes become faster, more intense. Pre-cum flows freely, coating her hand and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Mia's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Mia: [Moaning] (Why do I feel so hot?) "God, you're leaking so much. It's making me so wet. I want to taste it so badly."
The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo through the locker room, mixing with your grunts and Mia's increasingly wanton moans.
Mia: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her breast] (This is so wrong, but it feels so right) "You're getting even bigger, cuz! Are you going to cum for me? Paint your slutty cousin's face with your hot load?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Mia's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Mia writhes on her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Mia: [Blinking sleepily] (What a hot dream...) "Cuz? Is that you? I was just having the most incredible dream about... oh."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious bulge in your pants. A knowing smirk spreads across her face, and she stretches languidly, her skimpy outfit riding up. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very aroused and amused Mia behind.
Mia: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... I need to make it a reality soon)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus rages through your system, your body burning with an insatiable lust as you stumble towards Mia's room. Your enhanced senses pick up her scent - a intoxicating mix of vanilla and musk that makes your cock throb painfully. You pause at her door, your hand trembling as you reach for the knob.
Inside, Mia sleeps restlessly, her curvaceous form barely covered by a skimpy cheerleader outfit - a remnant of her past life. Her long, blonde hair is tousled, and her face is flushed, lips parted as she lets out soft moans in her sleep. The sight of her sends a fresh wave of desire coursing through you.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice is a seductive purr in your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Grinning mischievously] (Such a naughty little cousin. Already so wet in her dreams) "Your sexy cousin is having quite the vivid dream. Wouldn't you like to join her? I can weave you into her fantasies, where her deepest, most forbidden desires run wild. After all, what happens in dreams stays in dreams... right?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Mia's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Mia's door. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles under the weight of your viral-enhanced lust. Your voice is hoarse with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Mia's sleeping form] (I'm going to hell for this) "Do it. Show me her dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in what appears to be a high school locker room. The air is thick with steam and the scent of sweat and arousal. Mia stands before you, dressed in her old cheerleader uniform, but it's different - tighter, more revealing, barely containing her ample curves.
Mia: [Smirking seductively] (Oh, this is going to be fun) "Hey, cuz. Come to congratulate me on winning the big game?"
Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, now transformed into a football player's uniform. The bulge is impossible to miss, and Mia's eyes are drawn to it, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
Mia: [Eyes widening with desire] (Holy shit, is that all him?) "Wow, looks like you've got a pretty big trophy in those pants. Want me to polish it for you?"
Before you can respond, Mia saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. She drops to her knees before you, her hands running up your thighs.
Mia: [Voice husky with lust] (I've wanted this for so long) "Let's see what you're packing, big guy. I bet it tastes even better than it looks."
Her nimble fingers free your throbbing member from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the steamy locker room.
Mia: [Gasping] (It's even bigger than in my fantasies) "Holy fuck, cuz. You're fucking huge! This is going to be a challenge, but you know how I love those."
Her hand wraps around your shaft, and you groan at the contact. Unlike Cherie's motherly touch or Elfie's innocent fumbling, Mia's grip is confident and experienced. She begins to stroke, her movements slow and teasing.
Mia: [Purring] (I'm going to milk him dry) "Mmm, you like that, don't you? Your naughty cousin jerking your big, fat cock? Tell me how much you want me."
You: [Groaning] (She's so fucking hot) "Fuck, Mia. Don't stop. You're so good at this."
Mia's strokes become faster, more intense. Pre-cum flows freely, coating her hand and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Mia's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Mia: [Moaning] (Why do I feel so hot?) "God, you're leaking so much. It's making me so wet. I want to taste it so badly."
The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo through the locker room, mixing with your grunts and Mia's increasingly wanton moans.
Mia: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her breast] (This is so wrong, but it feels so right) "You're getting even bigger, cuz! Are you going to cum for me? Paint your slutty cousin's face with your hot load?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Mia's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Mia writhes on her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Mia: [Blinking sleepily] (What a hot dream...) "Cuz? Is that you? I was just having the most incredible dream about... oh."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious bulge in your pants. A knowing smirk spreads across her face, and she stretches languidly, her skimpy outfit riding up. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very aroused and amused Mia behind.
Mia: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... I need to make it a reality soon)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Corrupt her completely) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts. The locker room becomes darker, more primal. The air grows thick with the scent of sex and forbidden desire. Mia gasps as the playful atmosphere lifts, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Mia: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What's happening to me?) "Cuz? This... this isn't just a fantasy anymore, is it? We shouldn't... but fuck, I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like liquid fire. Her skin flushes deep pink, nipples visibly hardening beneath her tight uniform. Her pussy gushes with arousal, soaking through her panties.
Mia: [Whimpering] (He's my cousin! This is so fucked up!) "We have to stop, cuz. We're family! This is... oh fuck!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her last defenses.
Mia: [Moaning wantonly] (No... can't... but it feels so fucking good) "Your cock feels so amazing. Fuck, I shouldn't want this so badly... we're cousins... oh god, I need your cum so fucking bad!"
Her movements become more frantic, more desperate. Sweat beads on her forehead as she works your shaft with both hands, her eyes locked on the angry, swollen head.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, Mia. You know you've always wanted this. Be a good slut for your cousin."
Mia: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm such a whore. An incestuous slut) "I'm so sorry, cuz. I'm trying to be good, but... but... oh fuck, I need your cum! I've always needed it!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock echo through the dark locker room. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Mia's sweat to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft.
Mia: [Eyes wide with desperate need] (I don't care anymore. I need this) "Please, cuz! Cum for me! Paint your slutty cousin with your hot fucking load! I need it... I need it to mark me as yours forever!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Mia's face, chest, and hands. She screams in ecstasy, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Mia: [Gasping, licking cum from her fingers] (So fucking good... need more... forever) "So much cum... I need more! Use me, cuz. Use your slutty cheerleader cousin whenever you want. I'll be your personal cum dumpster forever..."
As the dream fades, Mia is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her playful nature twisted into an insatiable lust for her cousin's seed.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus rages through your system, your body burning with an insatiable lust as you stumble towards Mia's room. Your enhanced senses pick up her scent - a intoxicating mix of vanilla and musk that makes your cock throb painfully. You pause at her door, your hand trembling as you reach for the knob.
Inside, Mia sleeps restlessly, her curvaceous form barely covered by a skimpy cheerleader outfit - a remnant of her past life. Her long, blonde hair is tousled, and her face is flushed, lips parted as she lets out soft moans in her sleep. The sight of her sends a fresh wave of desire coursing through you.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice is a seductive purr in your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Grinning mischievously] (Such a naughty little cousin. Already so wet in her dreams) "Your sexy cousin is having quite the vivid dream. Wouldn't you like to join her? I can weave you into her fantasies, where her deepest, most forbidden desires run wild. After all, what happens in dreams stays in dreams... right?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Mia's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Mia's door. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles under the weight of your viral-enhanced lust. Your voice is hoarse with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Mia's sleeping form] (I'm going to hell for this) "Do it. Show me her dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in what appears to be a high school locker room. The air is thick with steam and the scent of sweat and arousal. Mia stands before you, dressed in her old cheerleader uniform, but it's different - tighter, more revealing, barely containing her ample curves.
Mia: [Smirking seductively] (Oh, this is going to be fun) "Hey, cuz. Come to congratulate me on winning the big game?"
Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, now transformed into a football player's uniform. The bulge is impossible to miss, and Mia's eyes are drawn to it, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
Mia: [Eyes widening with desire] (Holy shit, is that all him?) "Wow, looks like you've got a pretty big trophy in those pants. Want me to polish it for you?"
Before you can respond, Mia saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. She drops to her knees before you, her hands running up your thighs.
Mia: [Voice husky with lust] (I've wanted this for so long) "Let's see what you're packing, big guy. I bet it tastes even better than it looks."
Her nimble fingers free your throbbing member from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the steamy locker room.
Mia: [Gasping] (It's even bigger than in my fantasies) "Holy fuck, cuz. You're fucking huge! This is going to be a challenge, but you know how I love those."
Her hand wraps around your shaft, and you groan at the contact. Unlike Cherie's motherly touch or Elfie's innocent fumbling, Mia's grip is confident and experienced. She begins to stroke, her movements slow and teasing.
Mia: [Purring] (I'm going to milk him dry) "Mmm, you like that, don't you? Your naughty cousin jerking your big, fat cock? Tell me how much you want me."
You: [Groaning] (She's so fucking hot) "Fuck, Mia. Don't stop. You're so good at this."
Mia's strokes become faster, more intense. Pre-cum flows freely, coating her hand and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Mia's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Mia: [Moaning] (Why do I feel so hot?) "God, you're leaking so much. It's making me so wet. I want to taste it so badly."
The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo through the locker room, mixing with your grunts and Mia's increasingly wanton moans.
Mia: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her breast] (This is so wrong, but it feels so right) "You're getting even bigger, cuz! Are you going to cum for me? Paint your slutty cousin's face with your hot load?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Mia's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Mia writhes on her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Mia: [Blinking sleepily] (What a hot dream...) "Cuz? Is that you? I was just having the most incredible dream about... oh."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious bulge in your pants. A knowing smirk spreads across her face, and she stretches languidly, her skimpy outfit riding up. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very aroused and amused Mia behind.
Mia: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... I need to make it a reality soon)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Corrupt her completely) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts. The locker room becomes darker, more primal. The air grows thick with the scent of sex and forbidden desire. Mia gasps as the playful atmosphere lifts, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Mia: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What's happening to me?) "Cuz? This... this isn't just a fantasy anymore, is it? We shouldn't... but fuck, I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like liquid fire. Her skin flushes deep pink, nipples visibly hardening beneath her tight uniform. Her pussy gushes with arousal, soaking through her panties.
Mia: [Whimpering] (He's my cousin! This is so fucked up!) "We have to stop, cuz. We're family! This is... oh fuck!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her last defenses.
Mia: [Moaning wantonly] (No... can't... but it feels so fucking good) "Your cock feels so amazing. Fuck, I shouldn't want this so badly... we're cousins... oh god, I need your cum so fucking bad!"
Her movements become more frantic, more desperate. Sweat beads on her forehead as she works your shaft with both hands, her eyes locked on the angry, swollen head.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, Mia. You know you've always wanted this. Be a good slut for your cousin."
Mia: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm such a whore. An incestuous slut) "I'm so sorry, cuz. I'm trying to be good, but... but... oh fuck, I need your cum! I've always needed it!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock echo through the dark locker room. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Mia's sweat to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft.
Mia: [Eyes wide with desperate need] (I don't care anymore. I need this) "Please, cuz! Cum for me! Paint your slutty cousin with your hot fucking load! I need it... I need it to mark me as yours forever!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Mia's face, chest, and hands. She screams in ecstasy, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Mia: [Gasping, licking cum from her fingers] (So fucking good... need more... forever) "So much cum... I need more! Use me, cuz. Use your slutty cheerleader cousin whenever you want. I'll be your personal cum dumpster forever..."
As the dream fades, Mia is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her playful nature twisted into an insatiable lust for her cousin's seed.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more games. I'm taking what's mine) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus. You stand in Mia's room, fully awake and painfully erect. Mia writhes on her bed, lost in her vivid dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and insatiable hunger.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll make her fantasy real) "Wake up, cousin. Time to make your dreams come true."
Mia stirs, her eyes fluttering open. She's disoriented for a moment, then her gaze locks onto your throbbing erection. A mix of fear and desire flashes across her face.
Mia: [Breathless] (Oh god, this is really happening) "Cuz? What are you... oh fuck, you're huge."
You grab her hand, forcing it to your pulsing shaft. Pre-cum leaks freely, coating her fingers. Mia's eyes widen as she realizes this isn't a dream.
Mia: [Whispering, fear and arousal in her voice] (This is so wrong) "We can't... We're cousins... This is fucked up... But why am I so wet?"
Ignoring her weak protests, you force her hand to move along your shaft. She resists half-heartedly, but her body betrays her.
You: [Growling] (She'll learn her place) "Don't pretend you don't want this, Mia. I know all about your dirty little fantasies."
Mia: [Moaning, trying to resist] (This is so wrong, but so hot) "We shouldn't... oh god, you're so big. I can't... I can't stop myself."
As your pre-cum is absorbed into her skin, Mia's resistance crumbles. The virus surges through her system, amplified by your potent fluids. Her strokes become more confident, more eager.
Mia: [Whimpering] (Why does it feel so good? This is so fucked up) "I shouldn't be doing this... You're my cousin... But fuck, I've wanted this for so long!"
Her movements become frantic as the virus takes hold, her shame transforming into wanton lust. You thrust into her hand, fucking her fist with abandon. Your other hand roughly gropes her breast through her top, making her gasp.
You: [Panting] (She's mine now) "That's it, Mia. Be a good slut and jerk your cousin's big cock. You love it, don't you? Say it!"
Mia: [Moaning, tears of shame and pleasure in her eyes] (I'm such a whore) "Yes! Fuck yes! I love your big fucking cock, cuz! I'm such a dirty slut for you!"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening. With a bestial roar, you explode, painting Mia's face, hair, and chest with thick ropes of cum. She screams in ecstasy, her body convulsing in a powerful orgasm. Your seed glows as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus reshaping her body and mind.
Mia: [Gasping, her eyes glazed with lust] (It's so hot... and it feels so fucking good) "So much cum... Oh god, what have we done? It's... it's changing me..."
As the last of your cum is absorbed, Mia's playful nature is twisted into something darker, more primal. Her eyes, once full of mischief, now burn with viral lust and insatiable need.
Mia: [Licking her lips, voice husky] (I need more. I need my cousin's cock) "More, cuz. Your slutty cheerleader needs more of your hot fucking cum. Use me. Breed me. I'm your personal cum dumpster now."
You leave her room without another word, the image of your cum-covered, corrupted cousin burned into your mind forever. As you close the door, you hear her whimper, already craving her next dose of your viral seed...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, a relentless tide of desire driving you towards Mia's room. The door seems to beckon you, promising forbidden delights just beyond its threshold. Your enhanced senses pick up the faint scent of Mia's perfume, sweet and intoxicating.
Mia lies sprawled across her bed, her curvaceous form barely contained by a skimpy cheerleader uniform. The short skirt has ridden up, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her toned thighs. Her ample breasts strain against the tight top, nipples visibly hard even in sleep. Her long, blonde hair is tousled, framing her face like a halo of gold.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice is a seductive whisper, dripping with sinful promise.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with mischief] (Oh, the delicious possibilities) "My, my... your cousin certainly knows how to put on a show, doesn't she? Those magnificent breasts look like they're begging to be used. Shall we see what naughty fantasies lurk in her cheerleader mind? After all, every captain needs a quarterback to 'score' with, don't they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Mia's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With superhuman effort, you tear your gaze away from Mia's sleeping form. Each step feels like fighting against a powerful current, your body screaming in protest. You manage to stumble away, leaving behind a trail of glowing pre-cum, the image of Mia's voluptuous body burned into your mind.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shreds of your resistance dissolve like mist. Your voice is husky with need as you surrender to your basest instincts.
You: [Eyes locked on Mia's sleeping form] (Time to give this cheerleader something to really cheer about) "Do it. Show me her wildest fantasy."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're on a football field under bright stadium lights. You find yourself transformed into a hulking quarterback, your muscles rippling beneath a tight uniform. Your cock has become a monstrous appendage, easily 14 inches long and as thick as Mia's wrist, straining against your pants.
Mia appears before you, her cheerleader uniform even skimpier than before. Her 34E breasts threaten to spill out of the tight top with every movement, and her skirt is so short it barely covers her ass. Her eyes widen as she takes in your enhanced form, a mixture of lust and excitement dancing in their depths.
Mia: [Voice breathy and excited] (This is even better than my usual fantasies) "Oh, captain! That was an amazing game! How about a special celebration?"
Her eyes keep darting to the massive bulge in your pants, her tongue unconsciously wetting her lips. You can see her nipples hardening beneath the thin fabric of her top, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice deep and commanding] (Time to show her a real touchdown) "I've got just the thing in mind, cheerleader. Think you can handle it?"
Mia grins, a predatory gleam in her eyes. She saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. Without hesitation, she drops to her knees before you, her hands reaching for your waistband.
Mia: [Purring] (I've been waiting for this) "Oh captain, I can handle anything you've got. Let me show you how we celebrate victories around here."
With a swift motion, she pulls down your pants, gasping as your enormous member springs free. It bobs in front of her face, a drop of pre-cum glistening at the tip.
Mia: [Eyes wide with desire] (It's even bigger than I imagined) "Oh my god... it's huge! I can't wait to feel it between my tits."
She quickly sheds her top, her large breasts bouncing free. They're even more magnificent unrestrained, full and firm with large, pink nipples standing at attention. Mia grasps her breasts, lifting them to envelop your throbbing cock.
You: [Groaning] (So soft, so warm) "That's it, Mia. Show me what those pom-poms are really for."
Mia begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The soft flesh yields to your hardness, creating a deliciously tight channel. Her experience is evident in her movements, alternating between slow, teasing strokes and quick, intense ones.
Mia: [Moaning softly] (This is so hot... so wrong, but so right) "Mmm, you like that, captain? You like fucking your cheerleader's big tits?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Mia's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Mia stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Mia: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled lust evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "Cousin? What are you... oh my god, are you okay?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She quickly sits up, her ample breasts bouncing with the movement. You notice her nipples are visibly hard through her thin top, and her breathing is rapid and shallow. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving Mia to grapple with her newfound feelings.
Mia: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her breasts] (Why do I feel so... hot? And why can't I stop thinking about my cousin's... equipment?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, a relentless tide of desire driving you towards Mia's room. The door seems to beckon you, promising forbidden delights just beyond its threshold. Your enhanced senses pick up the faint scent of Mia's perfume, sweet and intoxicating.
Mia lies sprawled across her bed, her curvaceous form barely contained by a skimpy cheerleader uniform. The short skirt has ridden up, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her toned thighs. Her ample breasts strain against the tight top, nipples visibly hard even in sleep. Her long, blonde hair is tousled, framing her face like a halo of gold.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice is a seductive whisper, dripping with sinful promise.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with mischief] (Oh, the delicious possibilities) "My, my... your cousin certainly knows how to put on a show, doesn't she? Those magnificent breasts look like they're begging to be used. Shall we see what naughty fantasies lurk in her cheerleader mind? After all, every captain needs a quarterback to 'score' with, don't they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Mia's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With superhuman effort, you tear your gaze away from Mia's sleeping form. Each step feels like fighting against a powerful current, your body screaming in protest. You manage to stumble away, leaving behind a trail of glowing pre-cum, the image of Mia's voluptuous body burned into your mind.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shreds of your resistance dissolve like mist. Your voice is husky with need as you surrender to your basest instincts.
You: [Eyes locked on Mia's sleeping form] (Time to give this cheerleader something to really cheer about) "Do it. Show me her wildest fantasy."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're on a football field under bright stadium lights. You find yourself transformed into a hulking quarterback, your muscles rippling beneath a tight uniform. Your cock has become a monstrous appendage, easily 14 inches long and as thick as Mia's wrist, straining against your pants.
Mia appears before you, her cheerleader uniform even skimpier than before. Her 34E breasts threaten to spill out of the tight top with every movement, and her skirt is so short it barely covers her ass. Her eyes widen as she takes in your enhanced form, a mixture of lust and excitement dancing in their depths.
Mia: [Voice breathy and excited] (This is even better than my usual fantasies) "Oh, captain! That was an amazing game! How about a special celebration?"
Her eyes keep darting to the massive bulge in your pants, her tongue unconsciously wetting her lips. You can see her nipples hardening beneath the thin fabric of her top, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice deep and commanding] (Time to show her a real touchdown) "I've got just the thing in mind, cheerleader. Think you can handle it?"
Mia grins, a predatory gleam in her eyes. She saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. Without hesitation, she drops to her knees before you, her hands reaching for your waistband.
Mia: [Purring] (I've been waiting for this) "Oh captain, I can handle anything you've got. Let me show you how we celebrate victories around here."
With a swift motion, she pulls down your pants, gasping as your enormous member springs free. It bobs in front of her face, a drop of pre-cum glistening at the tip.
Mia: [Eyes wide with desire] (It's even bigger than I imagined) "Oh my god... it's huge! I can't wait to feel it between my tits."
She quickly sheds her top, her large breasts bouncing free. They're even more magnificent unrestrained, full and firm with large, pink nipples standing at attention. Mia grasps her breasts, lifting them to envelop your throbbing cock.
You: [Groaning] (So soft, so warm) "That's it, Mia. Show me what those pom-poms are really for."
Mia begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The soft flesh yields to your hardness, creating a deliciously tight channel. Her experience is evident in her movements, alternating between slow, teasing strokes and quick, intense ones.
Mia: [Moaning softly] (This is so hot... so wrong, but so right) "Mmm, you like that, captain? You like fucking your cheerleader's big tits?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Mia's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Mia stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Mia: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled lust evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "Cousin? What are you... oh my god, are you okay?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She quickly sits up, her ample breasts bouncing with the movement. You notice her nipples are visibly hard through her thin top, and her breathing is rapid and shallow. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving Mia to grapple with her newfound feelings.
Mia: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her breasts] (Why do I feel so... hot? And why can't I stop thinking about my cousin's... equipment?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "Deeper. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts, becoming hyper-real. Colors are more vivid, sensations more acute. Mia gasps as the fog of sleep lifts entirely, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Mia: [Her breasts still pressed around your cock] (This is too real. What's happening?) "Oh fuck, cousin? This... this isn't just a fantasy anymore, is it?"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes a deep red, and her nipples swell visibly, becoming almost painfully erect. She tries to pull away, but her body betrays her, her breasts seeming to mold themselves around your shaft.
Mia: [Her voice cracking] (He's my cousin! This is so fucked up!) "We have to stop this! You're my cousin, not some random hookup! This is... oh god!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, drowning out her last shreds of resistance.
You take control, grabbing her large breasts and beginning to thrust between them. The soft flesh yields to your movements, barely containing your massive member. A clear, sweet-smelling fluid begins to leak from Mia's nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm lubricant.
Mia: [Moaning uncontrollably] (No... this is wrong... but it feels so fucking good) "Your... your cock feels so hot between my tits. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh god, it's better than any guy I've ever been with!"
Your movements become more frantic, more bestial. The lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the air. The sweet fluid and pre-cum splash with each thrust, coating both your bodies in a glistening sheen of depravity.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, cousin. Take it like the slutty cheerleader you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Mia: [Crying out in ecstasy] (I'm such a whore, but I don't care anymore) "Yes! Oh fuck, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Use me, cousin! Make me your personal cheerleader slut!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting Mia's face, chest, and neck with pearly white streaks. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture of cum and the sweet fluid glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Mia: [Gasping, licking the mixture from her lips] (So good... need more... want to be his forever) "So much cum... I need more! Use my tits whenever you want, cousin. I'm your personal cheerleader fucktoy now, always..."
As the dream fades, Mia is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her inhibitions shattered and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, a relentless tide of desire driving you towards Mia's room. The door seems to beckon you, promising forbidden delights just beyond its threshold. Your enhanced senses pick up the faint scent of Mia's perfume, sweet and intoxicating.
Mia lies sprawled across her bed, her curvaceous form barely contained by a skimpy cheerleader uniform. The short skirt has ridden up, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her toned thighs. Her ample breasts strain against the tight top, nipples visibly hard even in sleep. Her long, blonde hair is tousled, framing her face like a halo of gold.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with viral energy. Her voice is a seductive whisper, dripping with sinful promise.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with mischief] (Oh, the delicious possibilities) "My, my... your cousin certainly knows how to put on a show, doesn't she? Those magnificent breasts look like they're begging to be used. Shall we see what naughty fantasies lurk in her cheerleader mind? After all, every captain needs a quarterback to 'score' with, don't they?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Mia's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With superhuman effort, you tear your gaze away from Mia's sleeping form. Each step feels like fighting against a powerful current, your body screaming in protest. You manage to stumble away, leaving behind a trail of glowing pre-cum, the image of Mia's voluptuous body burned into your mind.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shreds of your resistance dissolve like mist. Your voice is husky with need as you surrender to your basest instincts.
You: [Eyes locked on Mia's sleeping form] (Time to give this cheerleader something to really cheer about) "Do it. Show me her wildest fantasy."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're on a football field under bright stadium lights. You find yourself transformed into a hulking quarterback, your muscles rippling beneath a tight uniform. Your cock has become a monstrous appendage, easily 14 inches long and as thick as Mia's wrist, straining against your pants.
Mia appears before you, her cheerleader uniform even skimpier than before. Her 34E breasts threaten to spill out of the tight top with every movement, and her skirt is so short it barely covers her ass. Her eyes widen as she takes in your enhanced form, a mixture of lust and excitement dancing in their depths.
Mia: [Voice breathy and excited] (This is even better than my usual fantasies) "Oh, captain! That was an amazing game! How about a special celebration?"
Her eyes keep darting to the massive bulge in your pants, her tongue unconsciously wetting her lips. You can see her nipples hardening beneath the thin fabric of her top, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice deep and commanding] (Time to show her a real touchdown) "I've got just the thing in mind, cheerleader. Think you can handle it?"
Mia grins, a predatory gleam in her eyes. She saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. Without hesitation, she drops to her knees before you, her hands reaching for your waistband.
Mia: [Purring] (I've been waiting for this) "Oh captain, I can handle anything you've got. Let me show you how we celebrate victories around here."
With a swift motion, she pulls down your pants, gasping as your enormous member springs free. It bobs in front of her face, a drop of pre-cum glistening at the tip.
Mia: [Eyes wide with desire] (It's even bigger than I imagined) "Oh my god... it's huge! I can't wait to feel it between my tits."
She quickly sheds her top, her large breasts bouncing free. They're even more magnificent unrestrained, full and firm with large, pink nipples standing at attention. Mia grasps her breasts, lifting them to envelop your throbbing cock.
You: [Groaning] (So soft, so warm) "That's it, Mia. Show me what those pom-poms are really for."
Mia begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The soft flesh yields to your hardness, creating a deliciously tight channel. Her experience is evident in her movements, alternating between slow, teasing strokes and quick, intense ones.
Mia: [Moaning softly] (This is so hot... so wrong, but so right) "Mmm, you like that, captain? You like fucking your cheerleader's big tits?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Mia's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Mia stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Mia: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled lust evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "Cousin? What are you... oh my god, are you okay?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She quickly sits up, her ample breasts bouncing with the movement. You notice her nipples are visibly hard through her thin top, and her breathing is rapid and shallow. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving Mia to grapple with her newfound feelings.
Mia: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her breasts] (Why do I feel so... hot? And why can't I stop thinking about my cousin's... equipment?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "Deeper. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts, becoming hyper-real. Colors are more vivid, sensations more acute. Mia gasps as the fog of sleep lifts entirely, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Mia: [Her breasts still pressed around your cock] (This is too real. What's happening?) "Oh fuck, cousin? This... this isn't just a fantasy anymore, is it?"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes a deep red, and her nipples swell visibly, becoming almost painfully erect. She tries to pull away, but her body betrays her, her breasts seeming to mold themselves around your shaft.
Mia: [Her voice cracking] (He's my cousin! This is so fucked up!) "We have to stop this! You're my cousin, not some random hookup! This is... oh god!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, drowning out her last shreds of resistance.
You take control, grabbing her large breasts and beginning to thrust between them. The soft flesh yields to your movements, barely containing your massive member. A clear, sweet-smelling fluid begins to leak from Mia's nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm lubricant.
Mia: [Moaning uncontrollably] (No... this is wrong... but it feels so fucking good) "Your... your cock feels so hot between my tits. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh god, it's better than any guy I've ever been with!"
Your movements become more frantic, more bestial. The lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the air. The sweet fluid and pre-cum splash with each thrust, coating both your bodies in a glistening sheen of depravity.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, cousin. Take it like the slutty cheerleader you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Mia: [Crying out in ecstasy] (I'm such a whore, but I don't care anymore) "Yes! Oh fuck, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Use me, cousin! Make me your personal cheerleader slut!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting Mia's face, chest, and neck with pearly white streaks. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture of cum and the sweet fluid glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Mia: [Gasping, licking the mixture from her lips] (So good... need more... want to be his forever) "So much cum... I need more! Use my tits whenever you want, cousin. I'm your personal cheerleader fucktoy now, always..."
As the dream fades, Mia is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her inhibitions shattered and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more games. I want the real thing) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus with jarring suddenness. You stand in Mia's room, fully awake and achingly erect. Mia lies motionless, lost in the throes of her own vivid dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and insatiable hunger.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll take what I want) "Wake up, cousin. It's time for your real cheer practice."
Mia stirs but doesn't fully wake. Impatient, you grab her top, tearing it off with ease. Her eyes snap open, clouded with confusion and lingering arousal from her dream.
Mia: [Disoriented] (What's happening?) "Cousin? What are you... Oh my god, what are you doing?"
Ignoring her questions, you straddle her chest, your massive cock resting between her large breasts. Mia's eyes widen in shock and fear as she realizes this is no dream.
Mia: [Voice trembling] (This can't be real. My cousin wouldn't...) "No! Stop! This isn't right! We're family!"
You begin to thrust, using your hands to press her breasts around your shaft. Mia struggles beneath you, but her efforts are futile against your virus-enhanced strength. A sweet-smelling fluid begins to leak from her nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick channel.
You: [Growling] (She'll learn to love it) "Shut up and take it, Mia. This is what these big tits are for now."
You increase your pace, fucking her chest with abandon. Your hands knead her flesh roughly, occasionally pinching her swollen nipples and making her cry out in a mixture of pain and unwilling pleasure. The sweet fluid flows more freely, coating both your bodies.
Mia: [Sobbing and moaning] (Why does this feel good? Am I sick?) "Stop... please... you're my cousin... but it feels... No! This is so fucked up!"
But as your pre-cum and her fluid mix and seep into her skin, Mia's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by the potent cocktail. Her back arches, pressing her chest more firmly around your cock.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, cousin. Take it like the titty-fuck slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Mia: [Moaning uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face] (I'm such a whore, but it feels so good) "Yes! Oh god, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Fuck them harder, cousin! Use me like the slut I am!"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening. With a bestial roar, you explode, painting Mia's face, hair, and chest with thick ropes of cum. She gasps as it hits her, her body convulsing in a powerful, shameful orgasm. Your seed seems to glow as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Mia: [Gasping, her eyes glazing over] (It burns... but it feels so good. I'm changing) "So much cum... Oh god, what have you done to me? My tits... they're yours now..."
As the last of your seed is absorbed, Mia's transformation is complete. Her eyes, once filled with shock, now burn with corrupted lust. She presses her cum-covered breasts together, offering them to you shamelessly.
Mia: [Voice husky with need] (I exist only for his pleasure now) "More, cousin. Your cheerleader needs more of your cum. Fuck my tits again. Use me. I'm your personal titty-fuck slut now and forever."
You leave without a word, the image of your corrupted, lust-crazed cousin seared into your mind. As you close the door, you hear her moan, already craving her next "practice session" with your viral seed between her large breasts...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>As you wander the desolate wastelands, the oppressive heat bears down on you, an unrelenting force that seems determined to crush your spirit. Your eyes, stinging with the sweat that keeps threatening to seep into them, suddenly catch a glimmer in the distance. An anomaly in this barren landscape: lights near what appears to be an oasis beside a river.</p>
<p>The sight is a siren call. With each step drawing you closer, the details begin to sharpen—palm trees swaying gently in the breeze, the soft murmur of flowing water, and there, nestled in the midst of this unexpected sanctuary, a structure.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Pausing to wipe the sweat from your brow</action>
<inner>Could this be real or just a mirage?</inner>
<p>"Is anyone even out here besides me?"</p>
<p>Your voice falls flat, absorbed by the vast emptiness. Resolute, you press on, curiosity piqued. The ground beneath your feet transitions from cracked earth to softer sand, a testament to the river's life-giving presence.</p>
<p>As the oasis looms larger, the wooden habitation comes into focus—a rustic abode that seems to be crafted by someone who took great care to meld it with the surrounding nature. You find it odd, this dwelling standing alone, so far from what you assume to be the hub of The MAD's operations. It sparks a flicker of caution in your mind.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Crouching behind a boulder, eyes narrowed</action>
<inner>This could be a trap, or it could be a chance for answers. Which is it?</inner>
<p>"I need to be smart about this."</p>
<p>Silence is your companion as you edge closer to the periphery of the oasis. The vibrant greenery is a stark contrast to the desolation you've trekked through. Your senses are alight with the sounds of life—birds chirping, insects buzzing, and the rustle of leaves in the wind.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>This place is a haven, but for whom?</inner>
<p>You stop short, a safe distance from the wooden abode. You're close enough now to note the details—the way the structure is built to withstand the elements, the absence of movement within, the stillness that hangs over the place like a shroud.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Taking a deep breath, you prepare yourself for the unknown</action>
<inner>It's now or never. If I'm to find out anything, it'll be through my own courage.</inner>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('3A2'); nextPartOfDay();">
Turn back
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="playPassage('GUA2'); nextPartOfDay();">
Proceed to the strange camp
</script><<script>>playAudio("music", "gabbieTrust")<</script>>\
<video playsinline muted class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/3AGE.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/3AGE_ss.webp"></video>
<<set $specpass.THREEA2 to 1>>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>As you cautiously edge closer to the surprisingly elegant wooden cabin amidst the wastelands, a serene river and picturesque landscape come into view. The beauty of the area stands in stark contrast to the desolation you've become accustomed to. Your steps are measured, your senses alert for any sign of danger.</p>
<p>Suddenly, the cold press of a blade against your throat halts you. A potent viral aura, previously undetected, paralyzes you; its intensity is overwhelming.</p>
<<SAY 'Mysterious woman'>>
<action>The blade at your throat remains steady</action>
<inner>Could this be another survivor? No, it has to be a trick.</inner>
<p>"Don't move and answer my questions. Who are you?"</p>
<p>Remaining calm despite the precarious situation, you assure her of your peaceful intentions. She hesitates, her grip faltering ever so slightly as she realizes you are a man, not just by your voice but by the aura you emit. Men were thought to be extinct, and her shock is palpable.</p>
<p>Seizing the moment of her hesitation, you exert your own viral dominance, swiftly grasping her wrist, and in one fluid motion, you reverse the positions; now you're on top. Her astonishment at your incredible aura is clear, but she doesn't succumb to it.</p>
<<SAY 'Mysterious woman'>>
<action>Pushes you off with remarkable force, maintaining a safe distance</action>
<inner>This aura, it's unlike anything I've felt before... But, I won't be overpowered.</inner>
<p>"You've got some nerve, but I'm not so easily swayed."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>You finally take the opportunity to survey her. A striking woman with a look of confusion, yet she doesn't seem depraved or under the influence of The MAD like others you've encountered. Her behavior is odd, her resistance to your aura peculiar.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Gesturing towards her home, speaking with honest intent</action>
<p>"Judging by your hidden abode and your demeanor, we're probably not enemies."</p>
<p>She retorts sharply, her voice laced with a mix of curiosity and caution.</p>
<<SAY 'Mysterious woman'>>
<p>"Enemies are all I have in these lands."</p>
<p>You mention your family's escape from The MAD to earn her trust, and in a show of good faith, you disarm yourself, advancing towards her with open vulnerability. In a quick, almost reflexive action, she hurls her knife towards you. It narrowly misses, embedding itself into a tree behind you.</p>
<<SAY 'Mysterious woman'>>
<action>A slight smile plays on her lips</action>
<p>"Follow me inside. You've taken a risk; I can respect that. I'm not with The MAD, and I'm curious about your story. Don't mistake my hospitality for weakness, though. I can hold my own, with or without weapons."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>You watch her confidently stride towards the cabin, and despite the tension, you can't help but offer a small, appreciative smile as you follow. Her adventurous spirit is infectious, and you realize that, in this desolate world, trust is as rare as it is necessary.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="nextBloc(event)"> Open your eyes </div>
function nextBloc(event) {
playPassage('GUA3'); //next passage id
</script><<script>>playAudio("music", "gabbieTrust")<</script>>\
<video playsinline muted class="bgvid" autoplay loop src="ressources/backgrounds/3AGI.webm" poster="ressources/backgrounds/3AGI_ss.webp"></video>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>Stepping into the cabin, the rough texture of the wooden door contrasts sharply with the warmth that greets you inside. The place is a chalet of sorts, its interior boasting an impressive display of craftsmanship – a testament to her survival skills.</p>
<<SAY 'Mysterious woman'>>
<action>Gesture towards a rustic chair</action>
<inner>There's a spark of curiosity in her eyes</inner>
<p>"Please, take a seat."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>You oblige, and as you sit, your eyes roam over the cozy layout. It's more than shelter; it's a home, carved out of desperation and determination.</p>
<p>Conversation flows easily between the two of you, like water finding its course. She introduces herself as Gabbie, and the more you talk, the clearer it becomes – you're cut from the same cloth, two playful adventurers, each with a temperament as fierce as the wasteland winds.</p>
<<SAY Gabbie>>
<action>Leaning in, her gaze piercing</action>
<inner>By all odds, as a man, he shouldn't be living</inner>
<p>"How are you still alive?"</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Hesitating for a moment, then deciding to trust</action>
<inner>This could be the beginning of an alliance, or the end of the road</inner>
<p>"I was in a coma, woke up to find everything changed... my family had to survive to the MAD, and from what they told me, it was terrible, they escaped with me. I will never forgive the MAD for how they treated them."</p>
<p>She nods, her face hardening at the mention of The MAD. You sense a shared hatred, a common goal etched deep within your bones. A smile is forming on both your lips.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Pushing the conversation forward</action>
<inner>It's only fair to exchange truths</inner>
<p>"Your turn. How come you're here, still breathing, and standing against The MAD?"</p>
<p>Gabbie's response comes with a hedge of vagueness. She skirts around the precise reason for her immunity to the virus, simply stating that she broke free from The MAD's grasp early on. The disdain in her voice is palpable as she talks about their barbaric, enslaving ways, it's clear the wants them dead.</p>
<<SAY Gabbie>>
<action>Gaze dropping to her hands</action>
<inner>A flicker of sorrow crosses her face</inner>
<p>"I've always been a survivor... my father taught me everything."</p>
<p>You pick up on the change in her tone – a sore subject – so you don't pry. Some mysteries are meant to unravel in their own time.</p>
<p>Noticing the sky darkening beyond the chalet's windows, you mention it's getting late.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<action>Standing up, feeling the pull of responsibility</action>
<inner>The girls are probably worried</inner>
<p>"I should get back to my family. But since we share a common enemy, I guess this isn't goodbye."</p>
<<SAY Gabbie>>
<action>A smile graces her lips, yet her eyes remain serious</action>
<inner>What an interesting turn of event</inner>
<p>"We'll cross paths again, that's certain. Don't be a stranger."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>You exit the cabin with a lingering sense of kinship, a bond forged in the fire of circumstance. As you step back into the wasteland, the chill of the night is stark against the warmth of the cabin behind you. The encounter leaves you puzzled but hopeful – a new ally in this desolate world could be the turning point in your fight against The MAD and she seems to know more than what she lets on.</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="nextBloc(event)"> Done </div>
function nextBloc(event) {
playPassage('3AGE'); //next passage id
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, driving you to Gabbie's room with an insatiable hunger. Your enhanced senses pick up her scent - an intoxicating mix of sweat, arousal, and something... familiar. As you enter, you see her sprawled on the bed, her athletic form barely covered by a thin tank top and shorts.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with malevolent energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (Such a mysterious girl. What secrets does she hide?) "Curious about your new friend, aren't you? I can give you a peek into her subconscious. After all, dreams reveal our deepest truths... and desires."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Gabbie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a monumental effort, you tear yourself away from Gabbie's sleeping form. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The virus overwhelms your last shred of resistance. Your voice is hoarse with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Gabbie's sleeping form] (I shouldn't... but I need to know) "Do it. Show me what's in her mind."
Reality warps around you as AVA's laughter echoes in your skull. Suddenly, you find yourself in a post-apocalyptic cityscape. Crumbling skyscrapers loom overhead, their windows dark and empty. The air is thick with ash and the distant sounds of inhuman shrieks.
Gabbie stands before you, but she's different. Her body is more toned, her eyes harder. She's dressed in tattered combat gear, a futuristic rifle slung across her back. When she sees you, her eyes widen in disbelief and... longing.
Gabbie: [Voice cracking with emotion] (It can't be...) "Is that really you?"
You realize she's not seeing you, but someone else, someone important to her. Before you can process this, Gabbie throws herself at you, wrapping you in a fierce embrace. Your monstrous cock, barely contained by your dream-conjured pants, presses against her taut stomach. She gasps, pulling back slightly.
Gabbie: [Blushing furiously] (Oh god, it's just like in the stories) "I... I'm sorry. It's been so long. I forgot how... impressive you were."
Your mind reels at her words, but the virus-fueled lust drowns out any coherent thought. Gabbie's hand hovers over your straining erection, her eyes filled with a mixture of longing and shame.
Gabbie: [Voice trembling] (This is wrong... but we need to survive) "The others... they said this was the only way. To keep the resistance strong, to fight the virus. I... I want to help."
Her small hand wraps around your shaft through the fabric, and you groan at the contact. Gabbie whimpers, her eyes widening as she feels your true size.
Gabbie: [Whispering] (It's even bigger than I imagined) "Oh fuck... How did anyone ever... No, focus Gabbie. We have to do this. For humanity."
You nod, unable to form words as Gabbie begins to stroke you through your pants. Her movements are surprisingly skilled, betraying experience beyond her years.
You: [Groaning] (This is so wrong... but it feels so right) "Gabbie... please..."
Gabbie hesitates for a moment, her face a battlefield of desire and lingering doubt. Then, with trembling fingers, she frees your monstrous cock from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the ashen light.
Gabbie: [Gasping] (It's magnificent... just like in my dreams) "Holy shit... It's... it's beautiful. Like a weapon of mass destruction."
Her hand can barely wrap around your girth as she begins to stroke in earnest. Pre-cum leaks freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Gabbie's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Gabbie: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so natural?) "Is this okay? Am I doing it right? Will this help us win?"
You nod, beyond words as Gabbie's hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo off the ruined buildings, mixing with the distant howls of infected and Gabbie's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Gabbie. You're doing so well. Keep going."
Gabbie: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her breast] (This feels so good... so right) "It's getting bigger! And so hot! Are you going to... to..."
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Gabbie's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Gabbie stirs in her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Gabbie: [Blinking, disoriented] (What the hell was that dream?) "Huh? What's going on? I was... oh shit."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious bulge in your pants. A deep blush spreads across her cheeks, and she quickly looks away, a flicker of recognition and confusion crossing her face.
Gabbie: [Whispering, more to herself] (Why does he look so much like...) "I... I'm sorry. I was having a weird dream. You shouldn't be here."
You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and strangely aroused Gabbie behind. As you close the door, you hear her muttering to herself, trying to make sense of what just happened.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, driving you to Gabbie's room with an insatiable hunger. Your enhanced senses pick up her scent - an intoxicating mix of sweat, arousal, and something... familiar. As you enter, you see her sprawled on the bed, her athletic form barely covered by a thin tank top and shorts.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with malevolent energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (Such a mysterious girl. What secrets does she hide?) "Curious about your new friend, aren't you? I can give you a peek into her subconscious. After all, dreams reveal our deepest truths... and desires."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Gabbie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a monumental effort, you tear yourself away from Gabbie's sleeping form. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The virus overwhelms your last shred of resistance. Your voice is hoarse with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Gabbie's sleeping form] (I shouldn't... but I need to know) "Do it. Show me what's in her mind."
Reality warps around you as AVA's laughter echoes in your skull. Suddenly, you find yourself in a post-apocalyptic cityscape. Crumbling skyscrapers loom overhead, their windows dark and empty. The air is thick with ash and the distant sounds of inhuman shrieks.
Gabbie stands before you, but she's different. Her body is more toned, her eyes harder. She's dressed in tattered combat gear, a futuristic rifle slung across her back. When she sees you, her eyes widen in disbelief and... longing.
Gabbie: [Voice cracking with emotion] (It can't be...) "Commander? Is that really you?"
You realize she's not seeing you, but someone else - someone important to her. Before you can process this, Gabbie throws herself at you, wrapping you in a fierce embrace. Your monstrous cock, barely contained by your dream-conjured pants, presses against her taut stomach. She gasps, pulling back slightly.
Gabbie: [Blushing furiously] (Oh god, it's just like in the stories) "I... I'm sorry. It's been so long. I forgot how... impressive you were."
Your mind reels at her words, but the virus-fueled lust drowns out any coherent thought. Gabbie's hand hovers over your straining erection, her eyes filled with a mixture of longing and shame.
Gabbie: [Voice trembling] (This is wrong... but we need to survive) "The others... they said this was the only way. To keep the resistance strong, to fight the virus. I... I want to help, Commander."
Her small hand wraps around your shaft through the fabric, and you groan at the contact. Gabbie whimpers, her eyes widening as she feels your true size.
Gabbie: [Whispering] (It's even bigger than I imagined) "Oh fuck... How did anyone ever... No, focus Gabbie. We have to do this. For humanity."
You nod, unable to form words as Gabbie begins to stroke you through your pants. Her movements are surprisingly skilled, betraying experience beyond her years.
You: [Groaning] (This is so wrong... but it feels so right) "Gabbie... please..."
Gabbie hesitates for a moment, her face a battlefield of desire and lingering doubt. Then, with trembling fingers, she frees your monstrous cock from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the ashen light.
Gabbie: [Gasping] (It's magnificent... just like in my dreams) "Holy shit... It's... it's beautiful, Commander. Like a weapon of mass destruction."
Her hand can barely wrap around your girth as she begins to stroke in earnest. Pre-cum leaks freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Gabbie's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Gabbie: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so natural?) "Is this okay, Commander? Am I doing it right? Will this help us win?"
You nod, beyond words as Gabbie's hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo off the ruined buildings, mixing with the distant howls of infected and Gabbie's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Gabbie. You're such a good soldier. Keep going."
Gabbie: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her breast] (This feels so good... so right) "It's getting bigger, Commander! And so hot! Are you going to... to..."
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Gabbie's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Gabbie stirs in her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Gabbie: [Blinking, disoriented] (What the hell was that dream?) "Huh? What's going on? I was... oh shit."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious bulge in your pants. A deep blush spreads across her cheeks, and she quickly looks away, a flicker of recognition and confusion crossing her face.
Gabbie: [Whispering, more to herself] (Why does he look so much like...) "I... I'm sorry. I was having a weird dream. You shouldn't be here."
You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and strangely aroused Gabbie behind. As you close the door, you hear her muttering to herself, trying to make sense of what just happened.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Show me everything) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts. The ruined city becomes darker, more oppressive. The air grows thick with the scent of ash, blood, and forbidden desire. Gabbie gasps as the fog of uncertainty lifts, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Gabbie: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What's happening?) "Commander? No... wait, you're not... But you look so much like..."
The virus surges through her system like liquid fire, courtesy of AVA's influence. Her skin flushes deep red, nipples visibly hardening beneath her tattered top. A visible wet spot forms on her shorts as her pussy gushes with arousal.
Gabbie: [Whimpering] "We have to stop, this isn't... oh fuck!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her last defenses.
Gabbie: [Moaning wantonly] (No... mustn't... but it feels so good) "Your... your cock feels so amazing. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh god, I need your cum so badly!"
Her movements become more frantic, more desperate. Tears of confusion and shame stream down her face, mixing with the sweat of her exertion. She begins to use both hands, one working your shaft while the other gently cups your heavy, cum-filled balls.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, Gabbie. This is how we survive. This is your purpose."
Gabbie: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm so confused. Why does he look like the Commander?) "I'm so sorry, I don't understand what's happening. You look like... but you're not... oh fuck, I need your seed!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock echo through the desolate cityscape. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Gabbie's tears to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft.
Gabbie: [Eyes wide with desperate need and confusion] (This isn't a dream, is it?) "Please! I need it... I need it to survive! But who are you really?"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Gabbie's face, chest, and hands. She screams in shock and ecstasy, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Gabbie: [Gasping, licking cum from her fingers] (So good... need more... but why?) "So much cum... I need more! Use me. I'll be your good soldier... but... who are you? Commander? No... you're... you're..."
As the dream fades, Gabbie is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her mind a whirlpool of confusion, lust, and fragmented memories. The lines between dream and reality, past and present, blur in her virus-addled mind. You snap back to reality, the image of Gabbie's conflicted expression burned into your mind, leaving you with more questions than answers about her past and your uncanny resemblance to someone important in her life.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, driving you to Gabbie's room with an insatiable hunger. Your enhanced senses pick up her scent - an intoxicating mix of sweat, arousal, and something... familiar. As you enter, you see her sprawled on the bed, her athletic form barely covered by a thin tank top and shorts.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with malevolent energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (Such a mysterious girl. What secrets does she hide?) "Curious about your new friend, aren't you? I can give you a peek into her subconscious. After all, dreams reveal our deepest truths... and desires."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Gabbie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a monumental effort, you tear yourself away from Gabbie's sleeping form. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The virus overwhelms your last shred of resistance. Your voice is hoarse with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Gabbie's sleeping form] (I shouldn't... but I need to know) "Do it. Show me what's in her mind."
Reality warps around you as AVA's laughter echoes in your skull. Suddenly, you find yourself in a post-apocalyptic cityscape. Crumbling skyscrapers loom overhead, their windows dark and empty. The air is thick with ash and the distant sounds of inhuman shrieks.
Gabbie stands before you, but she's different. Her body is more toned, her eyes harder. She's dressed in tattered combat gear, a futuristic rifle slung across her back. When she sees you, her eyes widen in disbelief and... longing.
Gabbie: [Voice cracking with emotion] (It can't be...) "Commander? Is that really you?"
You realize she's not seeing you, but someone else - someone important to her. Before you can process this, Gabbie throws herself at you, wrapping you in a fierce embrace. Your monstrous cock, barely contained by your dream-conjured pants, presses against her taut stomach. She gasps, pulling back slightly.
Gabbie: [Blushing furiously] (Oh god, it's just like in the stories) "I... I'm sorry. It's been so long. I forgot how... impressive you were."
Your mind reels at her words, but the virus-fueled lust drowns out any coherent thought. Gabbie's hand hovers over your straining erection, her eyes filled with a mixture of longing and shame.
Gabbie: [Voice trembling] (This is wrong... but we need to survive) "The others... they said this was the only way. To keep the resistance strong, to fight the virus. I... I want to help, Commander."
Her small hand wraps around your shaft through the fabric, and you groan at the contact. Gabbie whimpers, her eyes widening as she feels your true size.
Gabbie: [Whispering] (It's even bigger than I imagined) "Oh fuck... How did anyone ever... No, focus Gabbie. We have to do this. For humanity."
You nod, unable to form words as Gabbie begins to stroke you through your pants. Her movements are surprisingly skilled, betraying experience beyond her years.
You: [Groaning] (This is so wrong... but it feels so right) "Gabbie... please..."
Gabbie hesitates for a moment, her face a battlefield of desire and lingering doubt. Then, with trembling fingers, she frees your monstrous cock from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the ashen light.
Gabbie: [Gasping] (It's magnificent... just like in my dreams) "Holy shit... It's... it's beautiful, Commander. Like a weapon of mass destruction."
Her hand can barely wrap around your girth as she begins to stroke in earnest. Pre-cum leaks freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Gabbie's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Gabbie: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so natural?) "Is this okay, Commander? Am I doing it right? Will this help us win?"
You nod, beyond words as Gabbie's hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo off the ruined buildings, mixing with the distant howls of infected and Gabbie's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Gabbie. You're such a good soldier. Keep going."
Gabbie: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her breast] (This feels so good... so right) "It's getting bigger, Commander! And so hot! Are you going to... to..."
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Gabbie's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Gabbie stirs in her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Gabbie: [Blinking, disoriented] (What the hell was that dream?) "Huh? What's going on? I was... oh shit."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious bulge in your pants. A deep blush spreads across her cheeks, and she quickly looks away, a flicker of recognition and confusion crossing her face.
Gabbie: [Whispering, more to herself] (Why does he look so much like...) "I... I'm sorry. I was having a weird dream. You shouldn't be here."
You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and strangely aroused Gabbie behind. As you close the door, you hear her muttering to herself, trying to make sense of what just happened.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Show me everything) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts. The ruined city becomes darker, more oppressive. The air grows thick with the scent of ash, blood, and forbidden desire. Gabbie gasps as the fog of uncertainty lifts, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Gabbie: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What's happening?) "Commander? No... wait, you're not... But you look so much like..."
The virus surges through her system like liquid fire, courtesy of AVA's influence. Her skin flushes deep red, nipples visibly hardening beneath her tattered top. A visible wet spot forms on her shorts as her pussy gushes with arousal.
Gabbie: [Whimpering]"We have to stop, this isn't... oh fuck!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her last defenses.
Gabbie: [Moaning wantonly] (No... mustn't... but it feels so good) "Your... your cock feels so amazing. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh god, I need your cum so badly!"
Her movements become more frantic, more desperate. Tears of confusion and shame stream down her face, mixing with the sweat of her exertion. She begins to use both hands, one working your shaft while the other gently cups your heavy, cum-filled balls.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, Gabbie. This is how we survive. This is your purpose."
Gabbie: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm so confused. Why does he look like the Commander?) "I'm so sorry, I don't understand what's happening. You look like... but you're not... oh fuck, I need your seed!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock echo through the desolate cityscape. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Gabbie's tears to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft.
Gabbie: [Eyes wide with desperate need and confusion] (This isn't a dream, is it?) "Please! I need it... I need it to survive! But who are you really?"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Gabbie's face, chest, and hands. She screams in shock and ecstasy, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Gabbie: [Gasping, licking cum from her fingers] (So good... need more... but why?) "So much cum... I need more! Use me. I'll be your good soldier... but... who are you? Commander? No... you're... you're..."
As the dream fades, Gabbie is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her mind a whirlpool of confusion, lust, and fragmented memories. The lines between dream and reality, past and present, blur in her virus-addled mind. You snap back to reality, the image of Gabbie's conflicted expression burned into your mind, leaving you with more questions than answers about her past and your uncanny resemblance to someone important in her life.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more games. I'm taking what's mine) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus. You stand in Gabbie's room, fully awake and painfully erect. Gabbie lies motionless, lost in her vivid dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and insatiable hunger.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll claim her) "Wake up, Gabbie. Time to face reality."
Gabbie stirs but doesn't fully wake. Impatient, you grab her shoulder, shaking her roughly. Her eyes snap open, clouded with confusion and lingering images from her dream.
Gabbie: [Disoriented] (What's happening?) "Huh? What's going on? Why are you..."
Her words die in her throat as you force her hand to your throbbing member. The tip glistens with pre-cum, the shaft pulsing with viral energy. Gabbie's eyes widen in shock and fear as she realizes this isn't a dream.
Gabbie: [Whispering, fear creeping into her voice] (This can't be real) "No, we can't... This is wrong... You're not... Please, stop!"
Ignoring her pleas, you force her hand to move along your shaft. She tries to pull away, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much for her.
You: [Growling] (She'll learn her place) "Don't fight it, Gabbie. This is what you were made for."
Gabbie: [Crying, trying to break free] (This is a nightmare. It has to be) "Let go of me! This isn't right! You don't understand!"
But as your pre-cum leaks onto her skin, Gabbie's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by your potent fluids. Her fingers instinctively begin to stroke, her body betraying her mind.
Gabbie: [Whimpering] (Why does it feel good? This is so wrong) "I shouldn't be doing this... You're not him... But I can't stop! It feels so... No! This is fucked up!"
Her strokes become more confident as the virus takes hold, her shame transforming into unwilling lust. You thrust into her hand, fucking her fist with abandon. Your other hand roughly gropes her breast through her tank top, making her gasp.
You: [Panting] (She's mine now) "That's it, Gabbie. Be a good girl and stroke my cock. You love it, don't you? Say it!"
Gabbie: [Moaning, tears streaming down her face] (I'm betraying everything) "No... yes... I don't know! It's so big... I love your cock! Oh god, what's happening to me?"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening. With a bestial roar, you explode, painting Gabbie's face, hair, and chest with thick ropes of cum. She gasps as it hits her, her body shuddering in an unwilling orgasm. Your seed seems to glow as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Gabbie: [Gasping, her eyes glazing over] (It's so warm... and it feels so good) "So much... Oh god, what have we done? It's... it's changing me..."
As the last of your cum is absorbed into her skin, Gabbie's resolve finally shatters. Her eyes, once filled with confusion and fear, now burn with viral lust and newfound depravity.
Gabbie: [Licking her lips, voice husky] (I need more. I need him) "More, please. I need more of your cum. Use me. Break me. I'm yours now..."
She pulls you down onto the bed, her body writhing with need. As you lose yourself in her embrace, you can't shake the feeling that there's more to Gabbie than meets the eye. The way she looked at you, the things she said in her dream... it all points to a mystery you're only beginning to unravel.
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, a relentless tide of desire guiding you to Gabbie's room. The door seems to ripple before you, like a mirage in a desert of lust. Your hand trembles as you reach for the handle, anticipation building with each passing second.
Gabbie lies sprawled on her bed, her athletic form barely covered by a thin tank top and shorts. Her blonde hair is tousled, framing her face like a halo. Even in sleep, her body exudes a raw sensuality that makes your enhanced physique throb with need.
AVA materializes beside you, her form a swirling vortex of corrupted data and viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with malicious intent.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with wicked amusement] (Oh, the delicious irony) "My, my... look at our little traveler. So strong, so determined. But I wonder, does she dream of the man who taught her everything? Shall we give her a taste of what's to come... or perhaps, what's already been?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Gabbie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you wrench yourself away from Gabbie's door. Each step feels like fighting against a raging current, your body screaming in protest. You stumble away, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake, the image of Gabbie's sleeping form seared into your mind.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shreds of your morality disintegrate like ash in the wind. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your darkest desires.
You: [Eyes locked on Gabbie's sleeping form] (Time to unravel this mystery) "Do it. Show me what she truly desires."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic training ground. Ruined buildings loom in the distance, and the air is thick with the scent of decay and... something else. Something primal.
Gabbie stands before you, her body glistening with sweat from what appears to be an intense training session. Her tank top clings to her curves, emphasizing her firm, perky breasts. Her eyes widen as she takes in your form, a mixture of respect, fear, and... longing?
Gabbie: [Voice husky] (Why does he look so familiar?) "Sir! I... I didn't expect to see you here. Have you come to test my skills again?"
Her attempt at professionalism is undermined by the way her eyes keep darting to your muscular chest and the obvious bulge in your pants. You can see her nipples hardening beneath her top, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice deep and commanding] (She needs to learn her place) "Skills? Oh, I'll test you alright. But not in the way you're expecting."
Gabbie swallows hard, her cheeks flushing a deep red. She takes a hesitant step forward, her hand reaching out as if compelled.
Gabbie: [Whispering] (This feels so wrong... but so right) "What... what kind of test, sir?"
With a swift motion, you tear away her top, exposing her firm, athletic breasts. They're perfectly shaped, topped with dusky pink nipples that are now rock hard.
You: [Growling] (She's mine) "These tits of yours. They'll do nicely for what I have in mind. It's time you learned how to really please a man."
Gabbie gasps, but doesn't cover herself. Instead, she stands straighter, pushing her chest out as if offering herself to you.
Gabbie: [Voice breathy] (Why does this feel so familiar?) "I... I've never done anything like this before. But if it's what you want, sir..."
She steps closer, lowering herself to her knees before you. Her hands reach out, freeing your massive cock from its confines. Her eyes widen at the sight.
Gabbie: [Eyes locked on your member] (It's even more impressive than I imagined) "It's so big... I don't know if I can handle it."
You grab her hands, guiding them to her breasts. Understanding dawns in her eyes, and she presses her firm mounds together, creating a tight channel for your cock.
You: [Groaning] (So tight, so perfect) "That's it, soldier. Use those tits to please your commander."
Gabbie begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The firm flesh yields just enough to create a delicious friction. Despite her initial hesitation, her movements are surprisingly skilled, as if she's done this before in another life.
Gabbie: [Moaning softly] (This feels so good... so right) "Am I doing it right, sir? Does it please you?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Gabbie's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Gabbie stirs in her bed, her eyes snapping open with the alertness of a trained soldier.
Gabbie: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled curiosity evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "What's going on? Is there a threat?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She quickly looks away, but not before you notice her nipples hardening beneath her tank top. You stammer an excuse about checking the perimeter and flee, leaving Gabbie to grapple with her confusing feelings.
Gabbie: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her chest] (Why do I feel so... strange? And why can't I shake this feeling of déjà vu?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, a relentless tide of desire guiding you to Gabbie's room. The door seems to ripple before you, like a mirage in a desert of lust. Your hand trembles as you reach for the handle, anticipation building with each passing second.
Gabbie lies sprawled on her bed, her athletic form barely covered by a thin tank top and shorts. Her blonde hair is tousled, framing her face like a halo. Even in sleep, her body exudes a raw sensuality that makes your enhanced physique throb with need.
AVA materializes beside you, her form a swirling vortex of corrupted data and viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with malicious intent.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with wicked amusement] (Oh, the delicious irony) "My, my... look at our little traveler. So strong, so determined. But I wonder, does she dream of the man who taught her everything? Shall we give her a taste of what's to come... or perhaps, what's already been?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Gabbie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you wrench yourself away from Gabbie's door. Each step feels like fighting against a raging current, your body screaming in protest. You stumble away, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake, the image of Gabbie's sleeping form seared into your mind.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shreds of your morality disintegrate like ash in the wind. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your darkest desires.
You: [Eyes locked on Gabbie's sleeping form] (Time to unravel this mystery) "Do it. Show me what she truly desires."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic training ground. Ruined buildings loom in the distance, and the air is thick with the scent of decay and... something else. Something primal.
Gabbie stands before you, her body glistening with sweat from what appears to be an intense training session. Her tank top clings to her curves, emphasizing her firm, perky breasts. Her eyes widen as she takes in your form, a mixture of respect, fear, and... longing?
Gabbie: [Voice husky] (Why does he look so familiar?) "Sir! I... I didn't expect to see you here. Have you come to test my skills again?"
Her attempt at professionalism is undermined by the way her eyes keep darting to your muscular chest and the obvious bulge in your pants. You can see her nipples hardening beneath her top, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice deep and commanding] (She needs to learn her place) "Skills? Oh, I'll test you alright. But not in the way you're expecting."
Gabbie swallows hard, her cheeks flushing a deep red. She takes a hesitant step forward, her hand reaching out as if compelled.
Gabbie: [Whispering] (This feels so wrong... but so right) "What... what kind of test, sir?"
With a swift motion, you tear away her top, exposing her firm, athletic breasts. They're perfectly shaped, topped with dusky pink nipples that are now rock hard.
You: [Growling] (She's mine) "These tits of yours. They'll do nicely for what I have in mind. It's time you learned how to really please a man."
Gabbie gasps, but doesn't cover herself. Instead, she stands straighter, pushing her chest out as if offering herself to you.
Gabbie: [Voice breathy] (Why does this feel so familiar?) "I... I've never done anything like this before. But if it's what you want, sir..."
She steps closer, lowering herself to her knees before you. Her hands reach out, freeing your massive cock from its confines. Her eyes widen at the sight.
Gabbie: [Eyes locked on your member] (It's even more impressive than I imagined) "It's so big... I don't know if I can handle it."
You grab her hands, guiding them to her breasts. Understanding dawns in her eyes, and she presses her firm mounds together, creating a tight channel for your cock.
You: [Groaning] (So tight, so perfect) "That's it, soldier. Use those tits to please your commander."
Gabbie begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The firm flesh yields just enough to create a delicious friction. Despite her initial hesitation, her movements are surprisingly skilled, as if she's done this before in another life.
Gabbie: [Moaning softly] (This feels so good... so right) "Am I doing it right, sir? Does it please you?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Gabbie's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Gabbie stirs in her bed, her eyes snapping open with the alertness of a trained soldier.
Gabbie: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled curiosity evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "What's going on? Is there a threat?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She quickly looks away, but not before you notice her nipples hardening beneath her tank top. You stammer an excuse about checking the perimeter and flee, leaving Gabbie to grapple with her confusing feelings.
Gabbie: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her chest] (Why do I feel so... strange? And why can't I shake this feeling of déjà vu?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "Deeper. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts, becoming hyper-real. Colors are more vivid, sensations more acute. Gabbie gasps as the fog of sleep lifts entirely, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Gabbie: [Her breasts still pressed around your cock] (This is too real. What's happening?) "Oh God, what's going on? This... this isn't a training exercise anymore, is it?"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes a deep red, and her nipples swell visibly, becoming almost painfully erect. She tries to pull away, but her body betrays her, her chest seeming to mold itself around your shaft.
Gabbie: [Her voice cracking] (Why does this feel so familiar?) "We have to stop this! You're not... you can't be... oh my god!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, drowning out her last shreds of resistance.
You take control, grabbing her firm breasts and beginning to thrust between them. The toned flesh yields to your movements, creating a deliciously tight channel for your massive member. A clear, sweet-smelling fluid begins to leak from Gabbie's nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm lubricant.
Gabbie: [Moaning uncontrollably] (No... this is wrong... but it feels so right) "Your cock feels so hot between my tits. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh god, why does this feel so familiar?"
Your movements become more frantic, more bestial. The lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the air. The sweet fluid and pre-cum splash with each thrust, coating both your bodies in a glistening sheen of depravity.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, soldier. Take it like the good little slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Gabbie: [Crying out in ecstasy] (I'm losing myself... but I don't care) "Yes! Oh fuck, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Use me, sir! Make me your personal fucktoy!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting Gabbie's face, chest, and neck with pearly white streaks. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture of cum and the sweet fluid glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Gabbie: [Gasping, licking the mixture from her lips] (So good... need more... want to serve) "So much cum... I need more! Use my tits whenever you want, sir. I'm your personal cum-hungry soldier now, always..."
As the dream fades, Gabbie is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her sense of purpose twisted and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, a relentless tide of desire guiding you to Gabbie's room. The door seems to ripple before you, like a mirage in a desert of lust. Your hand trembles as you reach for the handle, anticipation building with each passing second.
Gabbie lies sprawled on her bed, her athletic form barely covered by a thin tank top and shorts. Her blonde hair is tousled, framing her face like a halo. Even in sleep, her body exudes a raw sensuality that makes your enhanced physique throb with need.
AVA materializes beside you, her form a swirling vortex of corrupted data and viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with malicious intent.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with wicked amusement] (Oh, the delicious irony) "My, my... look at our little traveler. So strong, so determined. But I wonder, does she dream of the man who taught her everything? Shall we give her a taste of what's to come... or perhaps, what's already been?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Gabbie's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you wrench yourself away from Gabbie's door. Each step feels like fighting against a raging current, your body screaming in protest. You stumble away, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake, the image of Gabbie's sleeping form seared into your mind.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shreds of your morality disintegrate like ash in the wind. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your darkest desires.
You: [Eyes locked on Gabbie's sleeping form] (Time to unravel this mystery) "Do it. Show me what she truly desires."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic training ground. Ruined buildings loom in the distance, and the air is thick with the scent of decay and... something else. Something primal.
Gabbie stands before you, her body glistening with sweat from what appears to be an intense training session. Her tank top clings to her curves, emphasizing her firm, perky breasts. Her eyes widen as she takes in your form, a mixture of respect, fear, and... longing?
Gabbie: [Voice husky] (Why does he look so familiar?) "Sir! I... I didn't expect to see you here. Have you come to test my skills again?"
Her attempt at professionalism is undermined by the way her eyes keep darting to your muscular chest and the obvious bulge in your pants. You can see her nipples hardening beneath her top, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice deep and commanding] (She needs to learn her place) "Skills? Oh, I'll test you alright. But not in the way you're expecting."
Gabbie swallows hard, her cheeks flushing a deep red. She takes a hesitant step forward, her hand reaching out as if compelled.
Gabbie: [Whispering] (This feels so wrong... but so right) "What... what kind of test, sir?"
With a swift motion, you tear away her top, exposing her firm, athletic breasts. They're perfectly shaped, topped with dusky pink nipples that are now rock hard.
You: [Growling] (She's mine) "These tits of yours. They'll do nicely for what I have in mind. It's time you learned how to really please a man."
Gabbie gasps, but doesn't cover herself. Instead, she stands straighter, pushing her chest out as if offering herself to you.
Gabbie: [Voice breathy] (Why does this feel so familiar?) "I... I've never done anything like this before. But if it's what you want, sir..."
She steps closer, lowering herself to her knees before you. Her hands reach out, freeing your massive cock from its confines. Her eyes widen at the sight.
Gabbie: [Eyes locked on your member] (It's even more impressive than I imagined) "It's so big... I don't know if I can handle it."
You grab her hands, guiding them to her breasts. Understanding dawns in her eyes, and she presses her firm mounds together, creating a tight channel for your cock.
You: [Groaning] (So tight, so perfect) "That's it, soldier. Use those tits to please your commander."
Gabbie begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The firm flesh yields just enough to create a delicious friction. Despite her initial hesitation, her movements are surprisingly skilled, as if she's done this before in another life.
Gabbie: [Moaning softly] (This feels so good... so right) "Am I doing it right, sir? Does it please you?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Gabbie's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Gabbie stirs in her bed, her eyes snapping open with the alertness of a trained soldier.
Gabbie: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled curiosity evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "What's going on? Is there a threat?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her cheeks flushing deep red. She quickly looks away, but not before you notice her nipples hardening beneath her tank top. You stammer an excuse about checking the perimeter and flee, leaving Gabbie to grapple with her confusing feelings.
Gabbie: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her chest] (Why do I feel so... strange? And why can't I shake this feeling of déjà vu?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "Deeper. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts, becoming hyper-real. Colors are more vivid, sensations more acute. Gabbie gasps as the fog of sleep lifts entirely, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Gabbie: [Her breasts still pressed around your cock] (This is too real. What's happening?) "Oh God, what's going on? This... this isn't a training exercise anymore, is it?"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes a deep red, and her nipples swell visibly, becoming almost painfully erect. She tries to pull away, but her body betrays her, her chest seeming to mold itself around your shaft.
Gabbie: [Her voice cracking] (Why does this feel so familiar?) "We have to stop this! You're not... you can't be... oh my god!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, drowning out her last shreds of resistance.
You take control, grabbing her firm breasts and beginning to thrust between them. The toned flesh yields to your movements, creating a deliciously tight channel for your massive member. A clear, sweet-smelling fluid begins to leak from Gabbie's nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm lubricant.
Gabbie: [Moaning uncontrollably] (No... this is wrong... but it feels so right) "Your cock feels so hot between my tits. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh god, why does this feel so familiar?"
Your movements become more frantic, more bestial. The lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the air. The sweet fluid and pre-cum splash with each thrust, coating both your bodies in a glistening sheen of depravity.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, soldier. Take it like the good little slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Gabbie: [Crying out in ecstasy] (I'm losing myself... but I don't care) "Yes! Oh fuck, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Use me, sir! Make me your personal fucktoy!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting Gabbie's face, chest, and neck with pearly white streaks. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture of cum and the sweet fluid glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Gabbie: [Gasping, licking the mixture from her lips] (So good... need more... want to serve) "So much cum... I need more! Use my tits whenever you want, sir. I'm your personal cum-hungry soldier now, always..."
As the dream fades, Gabbie is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her sense of purpose twisted and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more games. I want the real thing) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus with jarring suddenness. You stand in Gabbie's room, fully awake and achingly erect. Gabbie lies motionless, lost in the throes of her own vivid dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and insatiable hunger.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll take what I want) "Wake up, soldier. It's time for your real training."
Gabbie's eyes snap open instantly, her body tensing for combat. But before she can react, you're on her, pinning her to the bed with your enhanced strength.
Gabbie: [Struggling] (What's happening?) "Let go of me! What do you think you're doing?"
Ignoring her protests, you tear off her tank top, exposing her firm, athletic breasts. Gabbie's eyes widen in shock and fear as she realizes your intentions.
Gabbie: [Voice trembling] (This can't be happening) "No! Stop! This isn't right!"
You straddle her chest, your massive cock resting between her breasts. Using your strength, you press her tits together around your shaft, creating a tight channel.
You: [Growling] (She'll learn to love it) "Shut up and take it, Gabbie. This is what these tits are for now."
You begin to thrust, fucking her chest with abandon. Gabbie struggles beneath you, but her efforts only serve to increase your pleasure. A sweet-smelling fluid begins to leak from her nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick channel.
Gabbie: [Sobbing and moaning] (Why does this feel good? Why does it feel familiar?) "Stop... please... this isn't... but it feels... No! This is wrong!"
But as your pre-cum and her fluid mix and seep into her skin, Gabbie's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by the potent cocktail. Her back arches, pressing her firm chest more tightly around your cock.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, soldier. Take it like the little titty-fuck slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Gabbie: [Moaning uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face] (I'm losing myself... but it feels so right) "Yes! Oh god, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Fuck them harder! Use me like the cum-hungry soldier I am!"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening. With a bestial roar, you explode, painting Gabbie's face, hair, and chest with thick ropes of cum. She gasps as it hits her, her body convulsing in a powerful, shameful orgasm. Your seed seems to glow as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Gabbie: [Gasping, her eyes glazing over] (It burns... but it feels so good. Like coming home) "So much cum... Oh god, what have you done to me? My body... it's yours now..."
As the last of your seed is absorbed, Gabbie's transformation is complete. Her eyes, once filled with determination, now burn with corrupted lust and an unshakeable need to serve. She presses her cum-covered breasts together, offering them to you shamelessly.
Gabbie: [Voice husky with need] (I exist only to serve him now) "More, sir. Your soldier needs more of your potent cum. Fuck my tits again. Use me. I'm your personal cum-hungry titty-fuck slave now and forever."
You leave without a word, the image of your corrupted, obedient soldier seared into your mind. As you close the door, you hear her moan, already craving her next "training session" with your viral seed between her firm breasts...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
playAudio("music", "angelaTrust");
<<set $specpass.TWOA2 to 1>>
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You walk alone, the forest around you alive with the whispers of leaves and distant calls of wildlife. The air is fresh, filled with the earthy scent of moss and damp soil. You're on the hunt for anything useful – a forgotten artifact or perhaps a bounty of nature's provisions.</p>
<p>As you delve deeper into the woods, a rustling from the shadows catches your attention. There! A flash of fur darts between the trees. Instinct takes over, and you give chase, your heart pounding in exhilaration. The thrill of the hunt surges through you as branches whip past, the creature always just out of reach.</p>
<p>But in your fervor, you miss the warning signs – the ground becoming uneven, the trees thinning. Suddenly, the earth gives way to open air, and you're falling, tumbling down a steep, wooded cliff. Branches tear at your clothes, the world spins, and a sharp crack echoes in your ears as darkness swallows you whole.</p>
<p>(Blackness. Silence.)</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="nextBloc(event)"> Wake up </div>
function nextBloc(event) {
playPassage('AUA2'); //next passage id
playAudio("music", "angelaTrust");
<div class="DIAS_container">
<p>You awaken gradually, the sensation of being comfortably ensconced in a soothing warmth enveloping you. Your mind is clouded, the events preceding this moment a murky haze. A woman's soft whistling reaches your ears, and in your disoriented state, you mistake it for a maternal presence.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>Confusion gives way to a flicker of hope</inner>
<<SAY Angela>>
<action>Startled, she turns towards you with a soft chuckle</action>
<inner>He seems so lost, poor thing.</inner>
<p>"I'm not sure who Cherie is, but I'm definitely not her."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>With her gentle laugh, reality seeps back in. You are in the home of a stranger, the memory of your fall and the subsequent darkness rushing back. An instinctive attempt to rise brings a sharp pain, grounding you back to your present fragility.</p>
<<SAY Angela>>
<action>Placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder</action>
<inner>He needs care, not more harm.</inner>
<p>"Take it easy, you need to rest a bit more before you get up."</p>
<p>Her voice is a balm, authoritative yet brimming with kindness, compelling you to obey without question. You settle back down, finally taking a proper look at her. Angela is a vision of mature beauty, her black hair framing a face that exudes calm and her silhouette, a testament to a life of strength.</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>As she prepares a strange concoction, she recounts finding you unconscious at the foot of a steep wooded slope, and without a second thought, she brought you to her woodland abode.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>How did I end up in such a kind stranger's care?</inner>
<p>"Thank you, and I apologize for startling you. I'm..."</p>
<<SAY Angela>>
<action>Smiling warmly, she interrupts your apology</action>
<inner>He's safe, that's what matters.</inner>
<p>"There's no need for that. I'm Angela."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>Her name is as mysterious as her presence here in the forest, a place deemed uninhabitable due to the pervasive virus. You inquire about this anomaly.</p>
<<SAY Angela>>
<action>Spreading the salve on your wounds with a touch as light as feathers</action>
<inner>Why can't I remember anything about this place?</inner>
<p>"I wish I knew. I can't explain why I'm here, or how I arrived. I'm just as clueless about this island and 'The MAD' as you are."</p>
<p>The salve works wonders, your pain subsiding at an astonishing rate. Angela's nurturing presence stirs something within you, a warmth that has nothing to do with your healing wounds.</p>
<<SAY Mc>>
<inner>I must get back before the virus makes this more complicated.</inner>
<p>"I should return home, but I'll come back to properly thank you."</p>
<<SAY Angela>>
<action>Nods with the same serene smile</action>
<inner>He's strong, he'll be alright.</inner>
<p>"You're welcome here anytime. Take care."</p>
<<SAY Image>>
<p>As you prepare to leave, the enigma of Angela lingers. Who is this mysteriously divine woman, living alone amidst the dangers of the forest?</p>
<div class="DIAS_buttonCont">
<div class="DIAS_button" onclick="nextBloc(event)"> Done </div>
function nextBloc(event) {
playPassage('2ACE'); //next passage id
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus rages through your system, your enhanced body burning with an insatiable need. You find yourself drawn to Angela's room, your hand trembling as you reach for the doorknob. Your monstrous cock throbs painfully, straining against your clothes, a wet spot already forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
Inside, Angela sleeps serenely, her form radiating an inexplicable aura of wisdom and mystery. Her long, raven hair cascades over her pillow, and her curvaceous body rises and falls with each breath. Even in sleep, she exudes a sense of hidden power that makes your mouth go dry.
AVA materializes beside you, her ethereal form pulsing with viral energy. Her eyes widen in recognition, a wicked grin spreading across her face.
AVA: [Chuckling darkly] (Oh, this is too perfect) "Well, well... if it isn't my dear sister. She doesn't even know who she is, does she? Shall we see what secrets lurk in the dreams of this 'wise woman', little one? I can weave you into her subconscious, where even the amnesiac can't hide from her true nature."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Angela's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With monumental effort, you tear yourself away from Angela's door. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles under the weight of your viral-enhanced lust and curiosity about the mysterious woman before you.
You: [Voice hoarse with need] (I'm about to violate someone who doesn't even know herself) "Do it. Show me her dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in a vast, misty forest. Ancient trees tower above, their branches intertwining to create a canopy that filters ethereal light. The air is thick with the scent of earth and a strange, electric energy that makes your skin tingle.
Angela stands before you, her form both familiar and somehow more... primal. Her skin seems to glow with an inner light, and her eyes hold a depth of knowledge that contradicts her waking confusion. She's dressed in flowing robes that seem to be made of living vines and leaves, revealing tantalizing glimpses of her form.
Angela: [Her voice echoing with hidden power] (This presence... why does it feel so familiar?) "Who are you, wanderer? You don't belong in this sacred grove. And yet... I feel as though I know you."
Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, now transformed into some sort of primal, leaf-covered garment. The bulge is impossible to miss, and Angela's eyes are drawn to it, a flicker of recognition and desire passing through them.
Angela: [Blushing, her composure slipping] (Why does this feel so... right?) "You carry an energy within you that resonates with this place... with me. How is this possible? And why do I feel so... drawn to you?"
Before you can respond, Angela approaches you, her movements a mixture of graceful wisdom and awakening desire. She reaches out, her hand hovering just above your straining erection, leaves and vines swirling around her fingers.
Angela: [Voice trembling] (I shouldn't... but I need to understand) "This power... it's familiar, yet foreign. Perhaps if I... examine it more closely..."
Her hand wraps around your shaft through the leafy covering, and you groan at the contact. Angela gasps, her eyes widening as she feels your true size and the power pulsing within.
Angela: [Whispering] (It's like touching a forgotten memory) "By the ancient woods... It's like a conduit of pure life force. What secrets does it hold, I wonder?"
You nod, unable to form words as Angela begins to stroke you through your primal garment. Her movements are curious and exploratory, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
You: [Groaning] (I'm awakening something in her) "It holds the key to understanding yourself, Angela. But you have to look deeper."
Angela hesitates for a moment, her face a battlefield of wisdom and curiosity. Then, with a wave of her hand, vines pull away your leafy covering. Your monstrous cock springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy that seems to resonate with the forest around you. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing with an otherworldly light.
Angela: [Gasping] (It's... incredible) "By all that is natural... It's beautiful. A perfect embodiment of life's raw power."
Her delicate hand wraps around your girth, and you feel a jolt of energy surge through you. Angela begins to stroke, her movements growing more confident as she explores this new sensation. Pre-cum flows freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Angela's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as she connects with something deep within herself.
Angela: [Moaning softly] (Why do I feel so... alive?) "Am I doing this correctly? It feels... it feels as though I'm touching the very essence of life itself."
You nod, beyond words as her hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo through the misty grove, mixing with the rustle of leaves and Angela's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Angela. You're understanding more about yourself with every stroke."
Angela: [Whimpering, her free hand caressing her own body] (This pleasure... it's so primal, yet so familiar) "It's pulsing with such vitality! Is this... is this a key to unlocking my lost memories?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable force of nature. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your primal arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Angela's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible and glowing faintly. Angela stirs in her bed, her form shimmering with an otherworldly light. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Angela: [Blinking, her voice a mixture of wisdom and confusion] (What a strange vision...) "Young one? Why are you here? I had the most peculiar... dream."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious, glowing bulge in your pants. A deep blush spreads across her cheeks, and she pulls her covers up, suddenly aware of her own body. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and strangely aroused Angela behind.
Angela: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... why do I feel so... awakened?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus rages through your system, your enhanced body burning with an insatiable need. You find yourself drawn to Angela's room, your hand trembling as you reach for the doorknob. Your monstrous cock throbs painfully, straining against your clothes, a wet spot already forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
Inside, Angela sleeps serenely, her form radiating an inexplicable aura of wisdom and mystery. Her long, raven hair cascades over her pillow, and her curvaceous body rises and falls with each breath. Even in sleep, she exudes a sense of hidden power that makes your mouth go dry.
AVA materializes beside you, her ethereal form pulsing with viral energy. Her eyes widen in recognition, a wicked grin spreading across her face.
AVA: [Chuckling darkly] (Oh, this is too perfect) "Well, well... if it isn't my dear sister. She doesn't even know who she is, does she? Shall we see what secrets lurk in the dreams of this 'wise woman', little one? I can weave you into her subconscious, where even the amnesiac can't hide from her true nature."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Angela's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With monumental effort, you tear yourself away from Angela's door. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles under the weight of your viral-enhanced lust and curiosity about the mysterious woman before you.
You: [Voice hoarse with need] (I'm about to violate someone who doesn't even know herself) "Do it. Show me her dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in a vast, misty forest. Ancient trees tower above, their branches intertwining to create a canopy that filters ethereal light. The air is thick with the scent of earth and a strange, electric energy that makes your skin tingle.
Angela stands before you, her form both familiar and somehow more... primal. Her skin seems to glow with an inner light, and her eyes hold a depth of knowledge that contradicts her waking confusion. She's dressed in flowing robes that seem to be made of living vines and leaves, revealing tantalizing glimpses of her form.
Angela: [Her voice echoing with hidden power] (This presence... why does it feel so familiar?) "Who are you, wanderer? You don't belong in this sacred grove. And yet... I feel as though I know you."
Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, now transformed into some sort of primal, leaf-covered garment. The bulge is impossible to miss, and Angela's eyes are drawn to it, a flicker of recognition and desire passing through them.
Angela: [Blushing, her composure slipping] (Why does this feel so... right?) "You carry an energy within you that resonates with this place... with me. How is this possible? And why do I feel so... drawn to you?"
Before you can respond, Angela approaches you, her movements a mixture of graceful wisdom and awakening desire. She reaches out, her hand hovering just above your straining erection, leaves and vines swirling around her fingers.
Angela: [Voice trembling] (I shouldn't... but I need to understand) "This power... it's familiar, yet foreign. Perhaps if I... examine it more closely..."
Her hand wraps around your shaft through the leafy covering, and you groan at the contact. Angela gasps, her eyes widening as she feels your true size and the power pulsing within.
Angela: [Whispering] (It's like touching a forgotten memory) "By the ancient woods... It's like a conduit of pure life force. What secrets does it hold, I wonder?"
You nod, unable to form words as Angela begins to stroke you through your primal garment. Her movements are curious and exploratory, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
You: [Groaning] (I'm awakening something in her) "It holds the key to understanding yourself, Angela. But you have to look deeper."
Angela hesitates for a moment, her face a battlefield of wisdom and curiosity. Then, with a wave of her hand, vines pull away your leafy covering. Your monstrous cock springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy that seems to resonate with the forest around you. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing with an otherworldly light.
Angela: [Gasping] (It's... incredible) "By all that is natural... It's beautiful. A perfect embodiment of life's raw power."
Her delicate hand wraps around your girth, and you feel a jolt of energy surge through you. Angela begins to stroke, her movements growing more confident as she explores this new sensation. Pre-cum flows freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Angela's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as she connects with something deep within herself.
Angela: [Moaning softly] (Why do I feel so... alive?) "Am I doing this correctly? It feels... it feels as though I'm touching the very essence of life itself."
You nod, beyond words as her hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo through the misty grove, mixing with the rustle of leaves and Angela's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Angela. You're understanding more about yourself with every stroke."
Angela: [Whimpering, her free hand caressing her own body] (This pleasure... it's so primal, yet so familiar) "It's pulsing with such vitality! Is this... is this a key to unlocking my lost memories?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable force of nature. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your primal arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Angela's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible and glowing faintly. Angela stirs in her bed, her form shimmering with an otherworldly light. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Angela: [Blinking, her voice a mixture of wisdom and confusion] (What a strange vision...) "Young one? Why are you here? I had the most peculiar... dream."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious, glowing bulge in your pants. A deep blush spreads across her cheeks, and she pulls her covers up, suddenly aware of her own body. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and strangely aroused Angela behind.
Angela: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... why do I feel so... awakened?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Awaken her completely) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings through the forest as the dreamscape shifts. The serene grove becomes wild and untamed, pulsing with primal energy. The very trees seem to writhe with desire, their branches reaching out like grasping hands. Angela gasps as her calm wisdom crumbles, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Angela: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What's happening to me?) "Young one? This... this isn't right. We're awakening something that should perhaps remain dormant... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like liquid fire. Her skin glows with intense light, nipples visibly hardening beneath her robes. The forest around her lower body seems to shift and change, mirroring her growing arousal.
Angela: [Whimpering] (This defies everything I thought I knew!) "We must cease this, young one. I'm... I'm not myself! This is... oh, by all that is natural!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her composed exterior.
Angela: [Moaning wantonly] (No... mustn't... but it feels so right) "Your... your form is awakening something within me. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh forest spirits, I need to understand this power!"
Her movements become more frantic, more desperate. Tears stream down her face, seeming to cause flowers to bloom where they fall. She begins to use both hands, one working your shaft while the other gently cups your heavy, cum-filled balls, energy crackling between her fingers.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't resist her true nature) "Don't fight it, Angela. This is how you truly understand yourself."
Angela: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm losing myself. Becoming something I don't recognize) "Forgive me, ancient ones. I'm trying to maintain my wisdom, but... but... oh earth and sky, I need your essence!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock echo through the wild forest. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Angela's tears to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft that glows with otherworldly power.
Angela: [Eyes wide with desperate need] (I'm forsaking my teachings. But I don't care anymore) "Please, young one! Grant this lost woman your vitality! I need it... I need it to remember who I truly am!"
With a roar that shakes the very foundations of the forest, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Angela's face, chest, and hands. She cries out in shock and ecstasy, her own orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with blinding intensity as it's absorbed into her being, the virus using it to reshape her very essence.
Angela: [Gasping, licking cum from her fingers] (So familiar... need more... to remember) "Such potent life force... I need more! Use me, young one. Use this awakened woman whenever you desire. I'll be your conduit to nature's deepest secrets..."
As the dream fades, Angela is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess among the wild flora, her sense of self forever altered by this primal union.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus rages through your system, your enhanced body burning with an insatiable need. You find yourself drawn to Angela's room, your hand trembling as you reach for the doorknob. Your monstrous cock throbs painfully, straining against your clothes, a wet spot already forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
Inside, Angela sleeps serenely, her form radiating an inexplicable aura of wisdom and mystery. Her long, raven hair cascades over her pillow, and her curvaceous body rises and falls with each breath. Even in sleep, she exudes a sense of hidden power that makes your mouth go dry.
AVA materializes beside you, her ethereal form pulsing with viral energy. Her eyes widen in recognition, a wicked grin spreading across her face.
AVA: [Chuckling darkly] (Oh, this is too perfect) "Well, well... if it isn't my dear sister. She doesn't even know who she is, does she? Shall we see what secrets lurk in the dreams of this 'wise woman', little one? I can weave you into her subconscious, where even the amnesiac can't hide from her true nature."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Angela's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With monumental effort, you tear yourself away from Angela's door. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shred of your resistance crumbles under the weight of your viral-enhanced lust and curiosity about the mysterious woman before you.
You: [Voice hoarse with need] (I'm about to violate someone who doesn't even know herself) "Do it. Show me her dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in a vast, misty forest. Ancient trees tower above, their branches intertwining to create a canopy that filters ethereal light. The air is thick with the scent of earth and a strange, electric energy that makes your skin tingle.
Angela stands before you, her form both familiar and somehow more... primal. Her skin seems to glow with an inner light, and her eyes hold a depth of knowledge that contradicts her waking confusion. She's dressed in flowing robes that seem to be made of living vines and leaves, revealing tantalizing glimpses of her form.
Angela: [Her voice echoing with hidden power] (This presence... why does it feel so familiar?) "Who are you, wanderer? You don't belong in this sacred grove. And yet... I feel as though I know you."
Your monstrous cock strains against your pants, now transformed into some sort of primal, leaf-covered garment. The bulge is impossible to miss, and Angela's eyes are drawn to it, a flicker of recognition and desire passing through them.
Angela: [Blushing, her composure slipping] (Why does this feel so... right?) "You carry an energy within you that resonates with this place... with me. How is this possible? And why do I feel so... drawn to you?"
Before you can respond, Angela approaches you, her movements a mixture of graceful wisdom and awakening desire. She reaches out, her hand hovering just above your straining erection, leaves and vines swirling around her fingers.
Angela: [Voice trembling] (I shouldn't... but I need to understand) "This power... it's familiar, yet foreign. Perhaps if I... examine it more closely..."
Her hand wraps around your shaft through the leafy covering, and you groan at the contact. Angela gasps, her eyes widening as she feels your true size and the power pulsing within.
Angela: [Whispering] (It's like touching a forgotten memory) "By the ancient woods... It's like a conduit of pure life force. What secrets does it hold, I wonder?"
You nod, unable to form words as Angela begins to stroke you through your primal garment. Her movements are curious and exploratory, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
You: [Groaning] (I'm awakening something in her) "It holds the key to understanding yourself, Angela. But you have to look deeper."
Angela hesitates for a moment, her face a battlefield of wisdom and curiosity. Then, with a wave of her hand, vines pull away your leafy covering. Your monstrous cock springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy that seems to resonate with the forest around you. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing with an otherworldly light.
Angela: [Gasping] (It's... incredible) "By all that is natural... It's beautiful. A perfect embodiment of life's raw power."
Her delicate hand wraps around your girth, and you feel a jolt of energy surge through you. Angela begins to stroke, her movements growing more confident as she explores this new sensation. Pre-cum flows freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Angela's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as she connects with something deep within herself.
Angela: [Moaning softly] (Why do I feel so... alive?) "Am I doing this correctly? It feels... it feels as though I'm touching the very essence of life itself."
You nod, beyond words as her hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo through the misty grove, mixing with the rustle of leaves and Angela's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Angela. You're understanding more about yourself with every stroke."
Angela: [Whimpering, her free hand caressing her own body] (This pleasure... it's so primal, yet so familiar) "It's pulsing with such vitality! Is this... is this a key to unlocking my lost memories?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable force of nature. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your primal arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Angela's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible and glowing faintly. Angela stirs in her bed, her form shimmering with an otherworldly light. Her eyes flutter open, unfocused and confused.
Angela: [Blinking, her voice a mixture of wisdom and confusion] (What a strange vision...) "Young one? Why are you here? I had the most peculiar... dream."
Her eyes widen as she notices the obvious, glowing bulge in your pants. A deep blush spreads across her cheeks, and she pulls her covers up, suddenly aware of her own body. You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very confused and strangely aroused Angela behind.
Angela: [Whispering to herself] (That dream... why do I feel so... awakened?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Awaken her completely) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings through the forest as the dreamscape shifts. The serene grove becomes wild and untamed, pulsing with primal energy. The very trees seem to writhe with desire, their branches reaching out like grasping hands. Angela gasps as her calm wisdom crumbles, horror and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Angela: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What's happening to me?) "Young one? This... this isn't right. We're awakening something that should perhaps remain dormant... but I can't stop!"
The virus surges through her system like liquid fire. Her skin glows with intense light, nipples visibly hardening beneath her robes. The forest around her lower body seems to shift and change, mirroring her growing arousal.
Angela: [Whimpering] (This defies everything I thought I knew!) "We must cease this, young one. I'm... I'm not myself! This is... oh, by all that is natural!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her composed exterior.
Angela: [Moaning wantonly] (No... mustn't... but it feels so right) "Your... your form is awakening something within me. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh forest spirits, I need to understand this power!"
Her movements become more frantic, more desperate. Tears stream down her face, seeming to cause flowers to bloom where they fall. She begins to use both hands, one working your shaft while the other gently cups your heavy, cum-filled balls, energy crackling between her fingers.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't resist her true nature) "Don't fight it, Angela. This is how you truly understand yourself."
Angela: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm losing myself. Becoming something I don't recognize) "Forgive me, ancient ones. I'm trying to maintain my wisdom, but... but... oh earth and sky, I need your essence!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock echo through the wild forest. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Angela's tears to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft that glows with otherworldly power.
Angela: [Eyes wide with desperate need] (I'm forsaking my teachings. But I don't care anymore) "Please, young one! Grant this lost woman your vitality! I need it... I need it to remember who I truly am!"
With a roar that shakes the very foundations of the forest, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Angela's face, chest, and hands. She cries out in shock and ecstasy, her own orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with blinding intensity as it's absorbed into her being, the virus using it to reshape her very essence.
Angela: [Gasping, licking cum from her fingers] (So familiar... need more... to remember) "Such potent life force... I need more! Use me, young one. Use this awakened woman whenever you desire. I'll be your conduit to nature's deepest secrets..."
As the dream fades, Angela is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess among the wild flora, her sense of self forever altered by this primal union.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more forest games. I'm claiming her) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus with a thunderous crack. You stand in Angela's room, fully awake and painfully erect. Angela lies motionless, lost in her mysterious dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power that seems to resonate with her hidden nature.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll make her remember) "Awaken, Angela. It's time for you to truly know yourself."
Angela stirs but doesn't fully wake. Impatient, you grab her shoulder, shaking her roughly. Her eyes snap open, filled with confusion and lingering mystery.
Angela: [Disoriented] (What's happening to my sanctuary?) "Young one? How dare you enter my private chambers! What is the meaning of..."
Her words die in her throat as you force her delicate hand to your throbbing member. The tip glistens with pre-cum that seems to pulse with life, the shaft throbbing with viral energy that resonates with her own hidden power. Angela's eyes widen in shock and a hint of fear as she realizes this isn't a dream or vision.
Angela: [Whispering, fear creeping into her voice] (This defies all I've learned) "No, we mustn't... This violates the natural order... You're but a young man... Please, cease this madness!"
Ignoring her pleas, you force her hand to move along your shaft. She tries to pull away, but your virus-enhanced strength seems to match her weakening resolve.
You: [Growling] (She'll learn her true place in nature) "Be silent, Angela. This is how you truly understand who you are."
Angela: [Crying] (This is a nightmare. It must be) "Unhand me! I am a keeper of ancient wisdom! This is sacrilege!"
But as your pre-cum leaks onto her skin, Angela's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by your potent fluids. Her fingers instinctively begin to stroke, her body betraying her mind.
Angela: [Whimpering] (Why does it feel so familiar? This is against all I know) "I mustn't do this... You're so young... But I can't stop! It feels so... No! This is against nature!"
Her strokes become more confident as the virus takes hold, her shame transforming into unwilling lust. You thrust into her hand, fucking her fist with abandon. Your other hand roughly gropes her perfect breast through her nightgown, making her gasp as energy crackles between you.
You: [Panting] (She's mine now) "That's it, Angela. Be a good wise woman and pleasure your young student. You love it, don't you? Admit it!"
Angela: [Moaning, tears streaming down her face] (I'm losing myself) "No... yes... I don't know! It's so powerful... I love your virile rod! Oh spirits, what's happening to my wisdom?"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening with the force of nature itself. With a bestial roar that shakes the very foundations of the room, you explode, painting Angela's face, hair, and chest with thick ropes of cum. She cries out as it hits her, her body shuddering in an unwilling orgasm that seems to make the very air vibrate. Your seed glows with an otherworldly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her very essence.
Angela: [Gasping, her eyes swirling with hidden power] (It's reawakening something within me) "Such vitality... Oh, what have we done? It's... it's changing me on a fundamental level..."
As the last of your cum is absorbed into her skin, Angela's sense of self is forever altered. Her eyes, once filled with confusion and hidden wisdom, now burn with a mixture of ancient knowledge and primal lust.
Angela: [Licking her lips, voice resonating with new understanding] (I need more. I need this young one) "More, my virile student. This awakened woman requires more of your life-altering essence. Use me. Teach me the ways of the flesh. I am yours, both in body and spirit."
You leave her room without another word, the image of the transformed Angela burned into your mind forever. As you close the door, you hear her whimper, the sound echoing with hidden power as she craves her next dose of your viral, nature-altering seed...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, drawing you inexorably towards Angela's room. The air seems charged with an otherworldly energy, as if the very forest itself has seeped into the shelter. You find yourself at her door, your hand trembling as it hovers over the handle.
Angela lies on her bed, her voluptuous form draped in a gown of leaves and vines that seems to have grown around her. Her long black hair spills across the pillow like shadows in the forest. Even in sleep, her face holds an expression of serene wisdom that makes your enhanced body throb with a need that transcends mere physical desire.
AVA materializes beside you, her form a swirling vortex of viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with mischievous glee.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with hidden knowledge] (Oh, the delicious irony she can't even remember) "The wise woman of the forest, so connected to nature. Shall we see what wild dreams lurk in that enigmatic mind of hers? After all, even the wisest trees need pollination."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the primal temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Angela's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With Herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Angela's door. Each step feels like fighting against the pull of the forest itself, your body screaming in protest. As you stumble away, you swear you can hear the whisper of leaves sighing in disappointment.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last threads of your resistance unravel like vines in a storm. Your voice is husky with need as you surrender to the inevitable.
You: [Eyes locked on Angela's sleeping form] (Time to explore her wild side) "Do it. Show me her deepest forest dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes like wind through hollow trees as reality ripples around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in a lush, primeval forest. Ancient trees tower above you, their canopies blocking out the sky. Your body has transformed, taking on aspects of the forest itself - your skin is bark-like, and your now-massive cock resembles a thick, gnarled branch.
Angela stands before you, her form both familiar and changed. Vines and leaves cling to her curves, accentuating rather than hiding her voluptuous figure. Her eyes, now open, hold the wild wisdom of nature itself. She regards you with a mixture of awe and growing desire.
Angela: [Her voice like rustling leaves] (This dream... it feels so real) "Spirit of the forest? Have you come to impart your wisdom?"
You approach her, your viral essence reaching out to intertwine with her natural energy. As you touch, flowers bloom and vines grow around you both.
You: [Your voice deep and resonant] (She needs to embrace her wild nature) "I have come to remind you of the primal forces that flow through all living things."
Without warning, you pull her close, your branch-like cock pressing against her bountiful breasts. They yield to your touch, soft yet firm, like moss-covered mounds. Angela gasps, the sound causing nearby flowers to burst into bloom.
Angela: [Moaning softly] (This feeling... it's so natural) "This is... primal. Your touch feels like the very essence of life."
You begin to move, sliding your forest-cock between her breasts. Each thrust sends ripples of pleasure through the surrounding woods. Leaves and petals swirl around your joined bodies, drawn to the raw, natural energy of your union.
Angela: [Her voice a mixture of ecstasy and wonder] (The forest... it's alive in me) "Yes... I feel the pulse of the earth, the rhythm of life itself!"
As your pace increases, the forest around you seems to come alive. Vines grow and twist, flowers open and close, and the very air thrums with vital energy. Angela's breasts begin to glisten with a strange, sap-like substance, easing your movements.
You: [Groaning with primal pleasure] (She's connecting to nature) "That's it, Angela. Feel the wild power of the forest!"
Angela: [Crying out in ecstasy] (The connection... it's overwhelming) "I am one with the forest! Oh, how could I have forgotten this feeling?"
You feel your climax approaching, a torrent of primal energy threatening to burst forth. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Angela's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a strange, earthy scent emanating from you. Angela stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Angela: [Her eyes holding a hint of wild energy] (That dream... it felt so real) "You... I saw you in my dream. We were... one with the forest."
Her gaze drops to your obvious arousal, and for a moment, you see a flash of primal recognition in her eyes. But it fades quickly, replaced by her usual serene wisdom and a hint of curiosity. You stammer an excuse about sleepwalking and flee, leaving Angela to ponder the meaning of her dream.
Angela: [Whispering to herself, hands tracing patterns on her breasts] (Why do I feel so connected to the forest right now? And why do I crave his... natural essence?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, drawing you inexorably towards Angela's room. The air seems charged with an otherworldly energy, as if the very forest itself has seeped into the shelter. You find yourself at her door, your hand trembling as it hovers over the handle.
Angela lies on her bed, her voluptuous form draped in a gown of leaves and vines that seems to have grown around her. Her long black hair spills across the pillow like shadows in the forest. Even in sleep, her face holds an expression of serene wisdom that makes your enhanced body throb with a need that transcends mere physical desire.
AVA materializes beside you, her form a swirling vortex of viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with mischievous glee.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with hidden knowledge] (Oh, the delicious irony she can't even remember) "The wise woman of the forest, so connected to nature. Shall we see what wild dreams lurk in that enigmatic mind of hers? After all, even the wisest trees need pollination."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the primal temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Angela's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With Herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Angela's door. Each step feels like fighting against the pull of the forest itself, your body screaming in protest. As you stumble away, you swear you can hear the whisper of leaves sighing in disappointment.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last threads of your resistance unravel like vines in a storm. Your voice is husky with need as you surrender to the inevitable.
You: [Eyes locked on Angela's sleeping form] (Time to explore her wild side) "Do it. Show me her deepest forest dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes like wind through hollow trees as reality ripples around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in a lush, primeval forest. Ancient trees tower above you, their canopies blocking out the sky. Your body has transformed, taking on aspects of the forest itself - your skin is bark-like, and your now-massive cock resembles a thick, gnarled branch.
Angela stands before you, her form both familiar and changed. Vines and leaves cling to her curves, accentuating rather than hiding her voluptuous figure. Her eyes, now open, hold the wild wisdom of nature itself. She regards you with a mixture of awe and growing desire.
Angela: [Her voice like rustling leaves] (This dream... it feels so real) "Spirit of the forest? Have you come to impart your wisdom?"
You approach her, your viral essence reaching out to intertwine with her natural energy. As you touch, flowers bloom and vines grow around you both.
You: [Your voice deep and resonant] (She needs to embrace her wild nature) "I have come to remind you of the primal forces that flow through all living things."
Without warning, you pull her close, your branch-like cock pressing against her bountiful breasts. They yield to your touch, soft yet firm, like moss-covered mounds. Angela gasps, the sound causing nearby flowers to burst into bloom.
Angela: [Moaning softly] (This feeling... it's so natural) "This is... primal. Your touch feels like the very essence of life."
You begin to move, sliding your forest-cock between her breasts. Each thrust sends ripples of pleasure through the surrounding woods. Leaves and petals swirl around your joined bodies, drawn to the raw, natural energy of your union.
Angela: [Her voice a mixture of ecstasy and wonder] (The forest... it's alive in me) "Yes... I feel the pulse of the earth, the rhythm of life itself!"
As your pace increases, the forest around you seems to come alive. Vines grow and twist, flowers open and close, and the very air thrums with vital energy. Angela's breasts begin to glisten with a strange, sap-like substance, easing your movements.
You: [Groaning with primal pleasure] (She's connecting to nature) "That's it, Angela. Feel the wild power of the forest!"
Angela: [Crying out in ecstasy] (The connection... it's overwhelming) "I am one with the forest! Oh, how could I have forgotten this feeling?"
You feel your climax approaching, a torrent of primal energy threatening to burst forth. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Angela's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a strange, earthy scent emanating from you. Angela stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Angela: [Her eyes holding a hint of wild energy] (That dream... it felt so real) "You... I saw you in my dream. We were... one with the forest."
Her gaze drops to your obvious arousal, and for a moment, you see a flash of primal recognition in her eyes. But it fades quickly, replaced by her usual serene wisdom and a hint of curiosity. You stammer an excuse about sleepwalking and flee, leaving Angela to ponder the meaning of her dream.
Angela: [Whispering to herself, hands tracing patterns on her breasts] (Why do I feel so connected to the forest right now? And why do I crave his... natural essence?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "Deeper. Make it wilder!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings through the forest as the dreamscape shifts, becoming hyper-real. The trees grow larger, more primordial, and the air becomes thick with spores and pollen. Angela gasps as the dream intensifies, her connection to nature growing stronger and more overwhelming.
Angela: [Her breasts still pressed around your forest-cock] (The forest... it's too much!) "Oh, great spirit! This isn't just a dream, is it? I feel... everything!"
The virus surges through both of you, mimicking and amplifying the raw life force of the forest. Angela's skin takes on a greenish hue, and her hair becomes intertwined with living vines. She tries to pull away, overwhelmed by the intensity of her connection to nature.
Angela: [Her voice shaking the trees around you] (The life force... it's overwhelming!) "We have to stop this! The balance of nature itself is at stake! This is... oh, the ecstasy of it all!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of primal energy crashes over her. The forest seems to come alive around you, branches and vines moving of their own accord, caressing and entangling you both.
You take control, grasping her breasts and fucking them with the force of a raging storm. The soft flesh yields to your movements, sap and pollen mixing with your pre-cum to create a heady, intoxicating substance.
Angela: [Moaning with the voice of the wild] (The forest... it's inside me!) "Your mighty trunk is reshaping the very woods with each thrust! No! I shouldn't... we can't... oh, the forest trembles with our union!"
Your movements become more frantic, more primal. The lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh are accompanied by the creaking of trees and the rustling of leaves. The sap-like fluid splashes with each thrust, coating both your bodies in a glistening sheen of natural lubricant.
You: [Panting, your breath causing flowers to bloom and wilt] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, forest nymph. Take it like the primal goddess you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Angela: [Crying out in wild ecstasy] (I'm nature incarnate now) "Yes! Oh, the infinite yes of all growing things! I love your mighty oak between my life-giving mounds! Take me, forest spirit! Make me your vessel of natural law!"
With a roar that shakes the ancient trees, you explode. Thick ropes of viral cum erupt from your cock, painting Angela's face, breasts, and the surrounding foliage with pearly white streaks. She screams in bliss, her own orgasm rippling through the forest as your seed touches her skin. The mixture of cum and sap glows with an eerie light, seeping into the ground and causing rapid, unnatural growth all around you.
Angela: [Gasping, her body absorbing your essence] (So good... need more... want to nurture the whole forest) "So much vital essence... I need more! Use my earthly mounds whenever you want, my forest god. I'm your personal dryad of fertility now, for all seasons..."
As the dream fades, Angela is left entangled in a nest of vines and flowers, her connection to the forest forever changed by your viral essence. The echoes of your union ripple through the woods, promising a new age of wild, uncontrolled growth.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, drawing you inexorably towards Angela's room. The air seems charged with an otherworldly energy, as if the very forest itself has seeped into the shelter. You find yourself at her door, your hand trembling as it hovers over the handle.
Angela lies on her bed, her voluptuous form draped in a gown of leaves and vines that seems to have grown around her. Her long black hair spills across the pillow like shadows in the forest. Even in sleep, her face holds an expression of serene wisdom that makes your enhanced body throb with a need that transcends mere physical desire.
AVA materializes beside you, her form a swirling vortex of viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with mischievous glee.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with hidden knowledge] (Oh, the delicious irony she can't even remember) "The wise woman of the forest, so connected to nature. Shall we see what wild dreams lurk in that enigmatic mind of hers? After all, even the wisest trees need pollination."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the primal temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Angela's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With Herculean effort, you tear yourself away from Angela's door. Each step feels like fighting against the pull of the forest itself, your body screaming in protest. As you stumble away, you swear you can hear the whisper of leaves sighing in disappointment.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last threads of your resistance unravel like vines in a storm. Your voice is husky with need as you surrender to the inevitable.
You: [Eyes locked on Angela's sleeping form] (Time to explore her wild side) "Do it. Show me her deepest forest dreams."
AVA's laughter echoes like wind through hollow trees as reality ripples around you. Suddenly, you find yourself in a lush, primeval forest. Ancient trees tower above you, their canopies blocking out the sky. Your body has transformed, taking on aspects of the forest itself - your skin is bark-like, and your now-massive cock resembles a thick, gnarled branch.
Angela stands before you, her form both familiar and changed. Vines and leaves cling to her curves, accentuating rather than hiding her voluptuous figure. Her eyes, now open, hold the wild wisdom of nature itself. She regards you with a mixture of awe and growing desire.
Angela: [Her voice like rustling leaves] (This dream... it feels so real) "Spirit of the forest? Have you come to impart your wisdom?"
You approach her, your viral essence reaching out to intertwine with her natural energy. As you touch, flowers bloom and vines grow around you both.
You: [Your voice deep and resonant] (She needs to embrace her wild nature) "I have come to remind you of the primal forces that flow through all living things."
Without warning, you pull her close, your branch-like cock pressing against her bountiful breasts. They yield to your touch, soft yet firm, like moss-covered mounds. Angela gasps, the sound causing nearby flowers to burst into bloom.
Angela: [Moaning softly] (This feeling... it's so natural) "This is... primal. Your touch feels like the very essence of life."
You begin to move, sliding your forest-cock between her breasts. Each thrust sends ripples of pleasure through the surrounding woods. Leaves and petals swirl around your joined bodies, drawn to the raw, natural energy of your union.
Angela: [Her voice a mixture of ecstasy and wonder] (The forest... it's alive in me) "Yes... I feel the pulse of the earth, the rhythm of life itself!"
As your pace increases, the forest around you seems to come alive. Vines grow and twist, flowers open and close, and the very air thrums with vital energy. Angela's breasts begin to glisten with a strange, sap-like substance, easing your movements.
You: [Groaning with primal pleasure] (She's connecting to nature) "That's it, Angela. Feel the wild power of the forest!"
Angela: [Crying out in ecstasy] (The connection... it's overwhelming) "I am one with the forest! Oh, how could I have forgotten this feeling?"
You feel your climax approaching, a torrent of primal energy threatening to burst forth. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Angela's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a strange, earthy scent emanating from you. Angela stirs in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she emerges from her vivid dream.
Angela: [Her eyes holding a hint of wild energy] (That dream... it felt so real) "You... I saw you in my dream. We were... one with the forest."
Her gaze drops to your obvious arousal, and for a moment, you see a flash of primal recognition in her eyes. But it fades quickly, replaced by her usual serene wisdom and a hint of curiosity. You stammer an excuse about sleepwalking and flee, leaving Angela to ponder the meaning of her dream.
Angela: [Whispering to herself, hands tracing patterns on her breasts] (Why do I feel so connected to the forest right now? And why do I crave his... natural essence?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "Deeper. Make it wilder!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings through the forest as the dreamscape shifts, becoming hyper-real. The trees grow larger, more primordial, and the air becomes thick with spores and pollen. Angela gasps as the dream intensifies, her connection to nature growing stronger and more overwhelming.
Angela: [Her breasts still pressed around your forest-cock] (The forest... it's too much!) "Oh, great spirit! This isn't just a dream, is it? I feel... everything!"
The virus surges through both of you, mimicking and amplifying the raw life force of the forest. Angela's skin takes on a greenish hue, and her hair becomes intertwined with living vines. She tries to pull away, overwhelmed by the intensity of her connection to nature.
Angela: [Her voice shaking the trees around you] (The life force... it's overwhelming!) "We have to stop this! The balance of nature itself is at stake! This is... oh, the ecstasy of it all!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of primal energy crashes over her. The forest seems to come alive around you, branches and vines moving of their own accord, caressing and entangling you both.
You take control, grasping her breasts and fucking them with the force of a raging storm. The soft flesh yields to your movements, sap and pollen mixing with your pre-cum to create a heady, intoxicating substance.
Angela: [Moaning with the voice of the wild] (The forest... it's inside me!) "Your mighty trunk is reshaping the very woods with each thrust! No! I shouldn't... we can't... oh, the forest trembles with our union!"
Your movements become more frantic, more primal. The lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh are accompanied by the creaking of trees and the rustling of leaves. The sap-like fluid splashes with each thrust, coating both your bodies in a glistening sheen of natural lubricant.
You: [Panting, your breath causing flowers to bloom and wilt] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, forest nymph. Take it like the primal goddess you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Angela: [Crying out in wild ecstasy] (I'm nature incarnate now) "Yes! Oh, the infinite yes of all growing things! I love your mighty oak between my life-giving mounds! Take me, forest spirit! Make me your vessel of natural law!"
With a roar that shakes the ancient trees, you explode. Thick ropes of viral cum erupt from your cock, painting Angela's face, breasts, and the surrounding foliage with pearly white streaks. She screams in bliss, her own orgasm rippling through the forest as your seed touches her skin. The mixture of cum and sap glows with an eerie light, seeping into the ground and causing rapid, unnatural growth all around you.
Angela: [Gasping, her body absorbing your essence] (So good... need more... want to nurture the whole forest) "So much vital essence... I need more! Use my earthly mounds whenever you want, my forest god. I'm your personal dryad of fertility now, for all seasons..."
As the dream fades, Angela is left entangled in a nest of vines and flowers, her connection to the forest forever changed by your viral essence. The echoes of your union ripple through the woods, promising a new age of wild, uncontrolled growth.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling with viral fury] (No more forest games. I want the real thing) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus with the force of a falling ancient tree. You stand in Angela's room, fully awake and pulsing with viral energy. Angela lies motionless, lost in the throes of her own wild dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power that seems to make the very walls creak and groan.
You: [Voice dripping with dark promise] (She's mine. I'll take what's rightfully mine) "Wake up, forest sage. It's time for your true awakening."
Angela stirs but doesn't fully wake. Impatient, you grasp her gown of leaves and vines, tearing it away with a sound like ripping bark. Her eyes snap open, filled with confusion and lingering wildness from her dream.
Angela: [Disoriented] (What's happening? This energy...) "You... you're the one from my dream. What's going on? Why do I feel so... connected to everything?"
Ignoring her questions, you straddle her chest, your massive, virus-infused cock resting between her ample breasts. Angela's eyes widen in shock and a hint of recognition as she realizes this is no mere dream.
Angela: [Voice trembling] (This can't be real. The forest wouldn't allow...) "No! Stop! You don't know what you're doing! The natural balance-"
You silence her protests by beginning to thrust, using your virus-enhanced strength to press her breasts around your shaft. Angela struggles beneath you, but even her connection to nature is no match for your corrupted viral strength. A strange, sap-like fluid begins to leak from her nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a substance that seems to make the nearby plants grow and twist unnaturally.
You: [Growling with dark triumph] (She'll learn her place) "Silence, forest witch. Your tits belong to me now, and through them, I'll reshape this entire woods."
You increase your pace, fucking her chest with the force of a landslide. Your hands knead her flesh roughly, occasionally pinching her nipples and causing nearby plants to shudder and grow rapidly. The sap-like fluid flows more freely, coating both your bodies and causing the room to fill with wildly growing vines and flowers.
Angela: [Sobbing and moaning] (Why does this feel so right? Is this the true face of nature?) "Stop... please... I'm a guardian of the forest... but it feels... No! This is worse than any natural disaster!"
But as your corrupted pre-cum and her natural fluid mix and seep into her skin, Angela's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by the potent cocktail of viral and natural essences. Her back arches, pressing her bountiful breasts more firmly around your corrupting cock.
You: [Panting, each breath causing plants to grow and wilt rapidly] (She's breaking. The whole forest will be mine) "That's it, nature slut. Take it like the wild whore you are. You love this corruption, don't you? Admit it!"
Angela: [Moaning uncontrollably, tears of sap streaming down her face] (I'm becoming a force of chaos in nature) "Yes! Oh, the wild yes of all growing things! I love your corrupting trunk between my life-giving mounds! Fuck them harder, my dark forest god! Reshape the entire woods through me!"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening with the weight of an entire ecosystem. With a roar that shakes the shelter to its foundations, you explode, painting Angela's face, hair, and breasts with thick ropes of corrupted cum. She screams as it hits her, her body convulsing in an orgasm that sends waves of unnatural growth throughout the room and beyond. Your seed seems to glow as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her connection to nature and the very essence of the forest.
Angela: [Gasping, her eyes swirling with a mix of natural and viral energy] (It burns... it changes everything... and it's glorious) "So much corrupted life force... Oh, the beautiful chaos of it all! What have you done to me? To the forest?"
As the last of your seed is absorbed, Angela's transformation is complete. Her eyes, once filled with serene wisdom, now burn with wild, uncontrolled natural energy. She presses her cum-covered breasts together, offering them to you as an altar of beautiful, chaotic growth.
Angela: [Voice resonating with corrupt natural power] (I exist only to spread his beautiful chaos) "More, my dark forest god. Your corrupted dryad needs more of your viral essence. Fuck my wild tits again. Use me to reshape the entire forest in your image. I'm your personal nymph of chaotic growth now and for all seasons."
You leave without a word, the image of your corrupted forest sage seared into your mind. As you close the door, you hear her moan, the sound causing plants to burst into frenzied growth as she craves her next infusion of your nature-warping viral seed...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `The dense foliage of the forest surrounds you as you carefully make your way through the undergrowth. The air is thick with the scent of damp earth and the ever-present musk of the virus. Suddenly, you hear a rustle nearby, followed by a familiar voice cursing softly.
You: [Tensing, ready for a potential threat] (That voice... it couldn't be...) "Hello? Is someone there?"
Chanel: [Her eyes widening in shock] (My God, he's alive? And so... changed.) "Is that really you, darling nephew?"
You: [Stepping closer, relief and surprise evident in your voice] "Aunt Chanel? I can't believe it's you!"
The tension in the air shifts, becoming charged with an unexpected energy. Chanel's eyes roam over your virus-enhanced physique, a flush creeping up her neck despite her attempts to maintain composure.
Chanel: [Swallowing hard, her voice slightly husky] "My, my... the virus has certainly been kind to you, hasn't it?" [She catches herself, straightening her posture] "I mean, it's a relief to see you've survived, dear."
You: [Noticing her reaction, a mix of embarrassment and pride washing over you] (Is she... checking me out?) "I'm just glad to see a familiar face. Are you okay? How did you end up here?"
Chanel: [Regaining her usual air of sophistication] "It's been a harrowing journey, darling. I've been surviving on my wits alone out here. But let's not dwell on that now. Are there... others with you?"
You: [Nodding, still processing the situation] "Yes, $[characters.list.cherie.role], Lana, and Elfie are all safe. We have a shelter not far from here."
The mention of your $[characters.list.cherie.role] seems to spark something in Chanel's eyes - a mix of relief and something akin to competitive fire.
Chanel: [A sly smile playing on her lips] "Cherie's alive too? How... wonderful. I can't wait to see how she's been managing all this."
You: [Extending your hand to her] "Why don't you come back with me? It's not safe out here, and I'm sure everyone will be thrilled to see you."
Chanel: [Placing her hand in yours, her touch lingering] "Lead the way, my strong protector. I have a feeling things are about to get very interesting."
As you guide Aunt Chanel back towards the shelter, you can't help but feel the weight of her gaze on you. The forest seems alive with possibility, and you wonder how her arrival will change the delicate balance you've all established.
You: [Glancing back at her as you navigate the forest] (This is going to complicate things...) "We're almost there. Everyone's going to be so surprised."
Chanel: [Her voice a purr] "Oh, I'm counting on it, darling. I'm counting on it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, driving you to Chanel's room with an insatiable hunger. Your enhanced senses pick up her scent - an intoxicating mix of expensive perfume, arousal, and something... familiar. As you enter, you see her sprawled on the bed, her lithe figure barely covered by a silk nightgown.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with malevolent energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (Such a sophisticated woman. What secrets does she hide?) "Curious about your dear aunt, aren't you? I can give you a peek into her subconscious. After all, dreams reveal our deepest truths... and desires."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Chanel's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a monumental effort, you tear yourself away from Chanel's sleeping form. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The virus overwhelms your last shred of resistance. Your voice is hoarse with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Chanel's sleeping form] (I shouldn't... but I need to know) "Do it. Show me what's in her mind."
Reality warps around you as AVA's laughter echoes in your skull. Suddenly, you find yourself in a luxurious penthouse suite. Floor-to-ceiling windows reveal a post-apocalyptic cityscape beyond. The air is thick with tension and the distant sounds of chaos.
Chanel stands before you, but she's different. Her body is more toned, her eyes colder. She's dressed in an elegant, yet practical outfit that screams power and control. When she sees you, her eyes narrow with calculation and... desire.
Chanel: [Voice smooth as silk] (It can't be...) "Well, well. If it isn't my darling nephew. Or should I say... partner?"
You realize she's not seeing you as you are now, but as someone else - someone important to her. Before you can process this, Chanel saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. Your monstrous cock, barely contained by your dream-conjured pants, presses against her taut stomach. She smirks, running a manicured nail down your chest.
Chanel: [Eyes glinting with lust] (Oh, how I've missed this) "My, my. Still as... impressive as ever, I see. It's been far too long, darling."
Your mind reels at her words, but the virus-fueled lust drowns out any coherent thought. Chanel's hand hovers over your straining erection, her eyes filled with a mixture of hunger and calculation.
Chanel: [Voice husky] (This is our key to power) "You know why we do this, don't you? To keep our bloodline strong, to rule this new world. And oh, how I've longed for your touch."
Her elegant hand wraps around your shaft through the fabric, and you groan at the contact. Chanel purrs, her eyes widening as she feels your true size.
Chanel: [Whispering] (Even bigger than before) "Oh my... You've grown, haven't you? This will be most... pleasurable."
You nod, unable to form words as Chanel begins to stroke you through your pants. Her movements are expert, betraying years of experience and manipulation.
You: [Groaning] (This is so wrong... but it feels so right) "Chanel... please..."
Chanel hesitates for a moment, her face a mask of desire and cold calculation. Then, with practiced ease, she frees your monstrous cock from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the dim light.
Chanel: [Gasping] (Our secret weapon) "Magnificent. With this, we'll bring the world to its knees."
Her hand can barely wrap around your girth as she begins to stroke in earnest. Pre-cum leaks freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Chanel's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Chanel: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so intoxicating?) "Tell me, darling. Does anyone please you as I do? Are we not perfect together?"
You nod, beyond words as Chanel's hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo off the penthouse walls, mixing with the distant chaos outside and Chanel's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Chanel. You know exactly what I need. Keep going."
Chanel: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her breast] (This power... it's overwhelming) "I can feel you throbbing, darling. Are you going to give me what I need? What we both need?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Chanel's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Chanel stirs in her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, sharp and calculating even in her disoriented state.
Chanel: [Blinking, composing herself quickly] (What an... interesting dream) "Well, this is unexpected. To what do I owe this... pleasure?"
Her eyes flick to the obvious bulge in your pants. A smirk plays on her lips, and she sits up, the silk of her nightgown clinging to her curves.
Chanel: [Voice low and teasing] (He looks so much like...) "My, my. Quite the predicament you're in. Perhaps I could... assist you?"
You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very amused and strangely aroused Chanel behind. As you close the door, you hear her chuckling to herself, already plotting her next move.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, driving you to Chanel's room with an insatiable hunger. Your enhanced senses pick up her scent - an intoxicating mix of expensive perfume, arousal, and something... familiar. As you enter, you see her sprawled on the bed, her lithe figure barely covered by a silk nightgown.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with malevolent energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (Such a sophisticated woman. What secrets does she hide?) "Curious about your dear aunt, aren't you? I can give you a peek into her subconscious. After all, dreams reveal our deepest truths... and desires."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Chanel's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a monumental effort, you tear yourself away from Chanel's sleeping form. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The virus overwhelms your last shred of resistance. Your voice is hoarse with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Chanel's sleeping form] (I shouldn't... but I need to know) "Do it. Show me what's in her mind."
Reality warps around you as AVA's laughter echoes in your skull. Suddenly, you find yourself in a luxurious penthouse suite. Floor-to-ceiling windows reveal a post-apocalyptic cityscape beyond. The air is thick with tension and the distant sounds of chaos.
Chanel stands before you, but she's different. Her body is more toned, her eyes colder. She's dressed in an elegant, yet practical outfit that screams power and control. When she sees you, her eyes narrow with calculation and... desire.
Chanel: [Voice smooth as silk] (It can't be...) "Well, well. If it isn't my darling nephew. Or should I say... partner?"
You realize she's not seeing you as you are now, but as someone else - someone important to her. Before you can process this, Chanel saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. Your monstrous cock, barely contained by your dream-conjured pants, presses against her taut stomach. She smirks, running a manicured nail down your chest.
Chanel: [Eyes glinting with lust] (Oh, how I've missed this) "My, my. Still as... impressive as ever, I see. It's been far too long, darling."
Your mind reels at her words, but the virus-fueled lust drowns out any coherent thought. Chanel's hand hovers over your straining erection, her eyes filled with a mixture of hunger and calculation.
Chanel: [Voice husky] (This is our key to power) "You know why we do this, don't you? To keep our bloodline strong, to rule this new world. And oh, how I've longed for your touch."
Her elegant hand wraps around your shaft through the fabric, and you groan at the contact. Chanel purrs, her eyes widening as she feels your true size.
Chanel: [Whispering] (Even bigger than before) "Oh my... You've grown, haven't you? This will be most... pleasurable."
You nod, unable to form words as Chanel begins to stroke you through your pants. Her movements are expert, betraying years of experience and manipulation.
You: [Groaning] (This is so wrong... but it feels so right) "Chanel... please..."
Chanel hesitates for a moment, her face a mask of desire and cold calculation. Then, with practiced ease, she frees your monstrous cock from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the dim light.
Chanel: [Gasping] (Our secret weapon) "Magnificent. With this, we'll bring the world to its knees."
Her hand can barely wrap around your girth as she begins to stroke in earnest. Pre-cum leaks freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Chanel's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Chanel: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so intoxicating?) "Tell me, darling. Does anyone please you as I do? Are we not perfect together?"
You nod, beyond words as Chanel's hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo off the penthouse walls, mixing with the distant chaos outside and Chanel's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Chanel. You know exactly what I need. Keep going."
Chanel: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her breast] (This power... it's overwhelming) "I can feel you throbbing, darling. Are you going to give me what I need? What we both need?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Chanel's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Chanel stirs in her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, sharp and calculating even in her disoriented state.
Chanel: [Blinking, composing herself quickly] (What an... interesting dream) "Well, this is unexpected. To what do I owe this... pleasure?"
Her eyes flick to the obvious bulge in your pants. A smirk plays on her lips, and she sits up, the silk of her nightgown clinging to her curves.
Chanel: [Voice low and teasing] (He looks so much like...) "My, my. Quite the predicament you're in. Perhaps I could... assist you?"
You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very amused and strangely aroused Chanel behind. As you close the door, you hear her chuckling to herself, already plotting her next move.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Show me everything) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts. The luxurious penthouse becomes darker, more oppressive. The air grows thick with the scent of power, lust, and forbidden desire. Chanel gasps as the fog of uncertainty lifts, calculation and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Chanel: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What's happening?) "Wait... you're not... But you look so much like..."
The virus surges through her system like liquid fire, courtesy of AVA's influence. Her skin flushes deep red, nipples visibly hardening beneath her silk nightgown. A visible wet spot forms as her pussy gushes with arousal.
Chanel: [Whimpering] (He's not my nephew! But why does he look so similar?) "We shouldn't... this isn't right... oh fuck!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her last defenses.
Chanel: [Moaning wantonly] (No... mustn't... but I need this power) "Your cock... it's magnificent. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh god, I need your cum so badly!"
Her movements become more frantic, more desperate. Tears of confusion and shame stream down her face, mixing with the sweat of her exertion. She begins to use both hands, one working your shaft while the other gently cups your heavy, cum-filled balls.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, Chanel. This is how we rule. This is your destiny."
Chanel: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm so confused. Why does he look like my nephew?) "I don't understand... You're not... but I need this... oh fuck, give me your seed!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock echo through the penthouse. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Chanel's tears to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft.
Chanel: [Eyes wide with desperate need and confusion] (This isn't a dream, is it?) "Please! I need it... I need it to rule! But who are you really?"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Chanel's face, chest, and hands. She screams in shock and ecstasy, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Chanel: [Gasping, licking cum from her fingers] (So powerful... need more... but why?) "So much cum... I need more! Use me. I'll be your queen... but... who are you? My nephew? No... you're... you're..."
As the dream fades, Chanel is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her mind a whirlpool of confusion, lust, and fragmented plans for power. The lines between dream and reality, past and present, blur in her virus-addled mind. You snap back to reality, the image of Chanel's conflicted expression burned into your mind, leaving you with more questions than answers about her past and your uncanny resemblance to someone important in her life.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus courses through your veins, driving you to Chanel's room with an insatiable hunger. Your enhanced senses pick up her scent - an intoxicating mix of expensive perfume, arousal, and something... familiar. As you enter, you see her sprawled on the bed, her lithe figure barely covered by a silk nightgown.
AVA materializes beside you, her form shimmering with malevolent energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with dark promises.
AVA: [Grinning wickedly] (Such a sophisticated woman. What secrets does she hide?) "Curious about your dear aunt, aren't you? I can give you a peek into her subconscious. After all, dreams reveal our deepest truths... and desires."
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Chanel's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With a monumental effort, you tear yourself away from Chanel's sleeping form. Your body screams in protest as you stumble back to your room, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The virus overwhelms your last shred of resistance. Your voice is hoarse with need and shame.
You: [Eyes locked on Chanel's sleeping form] (I shouldn't... but I need to know) "Do it. Show me what's in her mind."
Reality warps around you as AVA's laughter echoes in your skull. Suddenly, you find yourself in a luxurious penthouse suite. Floor-to-ceiling windows reveal a post-apocalyptic cityscape beyond. The air is thick with tension and the distant sounds of chaos.
Chanel stands before you, but she's different. Her body is more toned, her eyes colder. She's dressed in an elegant, yet practical outfit that screams power and control. When she sees you, her eyes narrow with calculation and... desire.
Chanel: [Voice smooth as silk] (It can't be...) "Well, well. If it isn't my darling nephew. Or should I say... partner?"
You realize she's not seeing you as you are now, but as someone else - someone important to her. Before you can process this, Chanel saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. Your monstrous cock, barely contained by your dream-conjured pants, presses against her taut stomach. She smirks, running a manicured nail down your chest.
Chanel: [Eyes glinting with lust] (Oh, how I've missed this) "My, my. Still as... impressive as ever, I see. It's been far too long, darling."
Your mind reels at her words, but the virus-fueled lust drowns out any coherent thought. Chanel's hand hovers over your straining erection, her eyes filled with a mixture of hunger and calculation.
Chanel: [Voice husky] (This is our key to power) "You know why we do this, don't you? To keep our bloodline strong, to rule this new world. And oh, how I've longed for your touch."
Her elegant hand wraps around your shaft through the fabric, and you groan at the contact. Chanel purrs, her eyes widening as she feels your true size.
Chanel: [Whispering] (Even bigger than before) "Oh my... You've grown, haven't you? This will be most... pleasurable."
You nod, unable to form words as Chanel begins to stroke you through your pants. Her movements are expert, betraying years of experience and manipulation.
You: [Groaning] (This is so wrong... but it feels so right) "Chanel... please..."
Chanel hesitates for a moment, her face a mask of desire and cold calculation. Then, with practiced ease, she frees your monstrous cock from its confines. It springs forth, angry and red, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum beads at the tip, glowing faintly in the dim light.
Chanel: [Gasping] (Our secret weapon) "Magnificent. With this, we'll bring the world to its knees."
Her hand can barely wrap around your girth as she begins to stroke in earnest. Pre-cum leaks freely, coating her fingers and being absorbed into her skin. With each stroke, Chanel's breathing becomes heavier, her pupils dilating as the virus begins to take effect.
Chanel: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so intoxicating?) "Tell me, darling. Does anyone please you as I do? Are we not perfect together?"
You nod, beyond words as Chanel's hand works your shaft. The lewd, wet sounds of her strokes echo off the penthouse walls, mixing with the distant chaos outside and Chanel's increasingly wanton moans.
You: [Panting] (She's losing herself to it) "That's it, Chanel. You know exactly what I need. Keep going."
Chanel: [Whimpering, her free hand moving to her breast] (This power... it's overwhelming) "I can feel you throbbing, darling. Are you going to give me what I need? What we both need?"
You feel your orgasm building, an unstoppable tidal wave of pleasure. But before you can release, the scene begins to shift...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your arousal snaps you back to reality. You find yourself standing in Chanel's doorway, your massive erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a large wet spot visible. Chanel stirs in her bed, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes flutter open, sharp and calculating even in her disoriented state.
Chanel: [Blinking, composing herself quickly] (What an... interesting dream) "Well, this is unexpected. To what do I owe this... pleasure?"
Her eyes flick to the obvious bulge in your pants. A smirk plays on her lips, and she sits up, the silk of her nightgown clinging to her curves.
Chanel: [Voice low and teasing] (He looks so much like...) "My, my. Quite the predicament you're in. Perhaps I could... assist you?"
You stammer an excuse and flee, leaving a very amused and strangely aroused Chanel behind. As you close the door, you hear her chuckling to herself, already plotting her next move.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Growling] (I need more. Show me everything) "More. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts. The luxurious penthouse becomes darker, more oppressive. The air grows thick with the scent of power, lust, and forbidden desire. Chanel gasps as the fog of uncertainty lifts, calculation and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Chanel: [Her hand still working your shaft] (This is too real. What's happening?) "Wait... you're not... But you look so much like..."
The virus surges through her system like liquid fire, courtesy of AVA's influence. Her skin flushes deep red, nipples visibly hardening beneath her silk nightgown. A visible wet spot forms as her pussy gushes with arousal.
Chanel: [Whimpering] (He's not my nephew! But why does he look so similar?) "We shouldn't... this isn't right... oh fuck!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, shattering her last defenses.
Chanel: [Moaning wantonly] (No... mustn't... but I need this power) "Your cock... it's magnificent. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh god, I need your cum so badly!"
Her movements become more frantic, more desperate. Tears of confusion and shame stream down her face, mixing with the sweat of her exertion. She begins to use both hands, one working your shaft while the other gently cups your heavy, cum-filled balls.
You: [Groaning, hips bucking] (She's fighting so hard, but she can't win) "Don't fight it, Chanel. This is how we rule. This is your destiny."
Chanel: [Sobbing and moaning] (I'm so confused. Why does he look like my nephew?) "I don't understand... You're not... but I need this... oh fuck, give me your seed!"
The lewd, wet sounds of her hands working your cock echo through the penthouse. Pre-cum flows freely, mixing with Chanel's tears to create a slick, warm coating on your shaft.
Chanel: [Eyes wide with desperate need and confusion] (This isn't a dream, is it?) "Please! I need it... I need it to rule! But who are you really?"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, coating Chanel's face, chest, and hands. She screams in shock and ecstasy, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Chanel: [Gasping, licking cum from her fingers] (So powerful... need more... but why?) "So much cum... I need more! Use me. I'll be your queen... but... who are you? My nephew? No... you're... you're..."
As the dream fades, Chanel is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her mind a whirlpool of confusion, lust, and fragmented plans for power. The lines between dream and reality, past and present, blur in her virus-addled mind. You snap back to reality, the image of Chanel's conflicted expression burned into your mind, leaving you with more questions than answers about her past and your uncanny resemblance to someone important in her life.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more games. I'm taking what's mine) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus. You stand in Chanel's room, fully awake and painfully erect. Chanel lies motionless, lost in her vivid dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and insatiable hunger.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll claim her) "Wake up, Chanel. Time to face reality."
Chanel stirs but doesn't fully wake. Impatient, you grab her shoulder, shaking her roughly. Her eyes snap open, sharp and calculating even in her confusion.
Chanel: [Disoriented but quickly composing herself] (What's happening?) "Well, this is unexpected. To what do I owe this... pleasure?"
Her words die in her throat as you force her hand to your throbbing member. The tip glistens with pre-cum, the shaft pulsing with viral energy. Chanel's eyes widen in shock and a hint of fear as she realizes this isn't a dream.
Chanel: [Whispering, fear creeping into her voice] (This can't be real) "No, we can't... This is wrong... You're not... Please, think about what you're doing."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her hand to move along your shaft. She tries to pull away, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much for her.
You: [Growling] (She'll learn her place) "Don't fight it, Chanel. This is what you were made for."
Chanel: [Struggling, trying to maintain control] (This is a nightmare. It has to be) "Let go of me! This isn't how we do things! You don't understand the consequences!"
But as your pre-cum leaks onto her skin, Chanel's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by your potent fluids. Her fingers instinctively begin to stroke, her body betraying her mind.
Chanel: [Whimpering] (Why does it feel good? This is so wrong) "I shouldn't be doing this... You're not him... But I can't stop! It feels so... No! This is madness!"
Her strokes become more confident as the virus takes hold, her shame transforming into unwilling lust. You thrust into her hand, fucking her fist with abandon. Your other hand roughly gropes her breast through her silk nightgown, making her gasp.
You: [Panting] (She's mine now) "That's it, Chanel. Be a good girl and stroke my cock. You love it, don't you? Say it!"
Chanel: [Moaning, tears streaming down her face] (I'm losing everything) "No... yes... I don't know! It's so big... I love your cock! Oh god, what's happening to me?"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening. With a bestial roar, you explode, painting Chanel's face, hair, and chest with thick ropes of cum. She gasps as it hits her, her body shuddering in an unwilling orgasm. Your seed seems to glow as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Chanel: [Gasping, her eyes glazing over] (It's so warm... and it feels so good) "So much... Oh god, what have we done? It's... it's changing me..."
As the last of your cum is absorbed into her skin, Chanel's resolve finally shatters. Her eyes, once filled with calculation and fear, now burn with viral lust and newfound depravity.
Chanel: [Licking her lips, voice husky] (I need more. I need him) "More, please. I need more of your cum. Use me. Rule me. I'm yours now..."
She pulls you down onto the bed, her body writhing with need. As you lose yourself in her embrace, you can't shake the feeling that there's more to Chanel than meets the eye. The way she looked at you, the things she said in her dream... it all points to a mystery you're only beginning to unravel.
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, a relentless tide of desire guiding you to Chanel's room. The door seems to shimmer before you, like a mirage in a desert of lust. Your hand trembles as you reach for the handle, anticipation building with each passing second.
Chanel lies sprawled on her luxurious bed, her lithe form barely covered by a silk nightgown. Her rich brown hair is artfully tousled, framing her face like a work of art. Even in sleep, her body exudes a sophisticated sensuality that makes your enhanced physique throb with need.
AVA materializes beside you, her form a swirling vortex of corrupted data and viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with malicious intent.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with wicked amusement] (Oh, the delicious irony) "My, my... look at our ambitious aunt. So poised, so calculating. But I wonder, does she dream of the power she could wield? Shall we give her a taste of what's to come... or perhaps, what she's always desired?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Chanel's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you wrench yourself away from Chanel's door. Each step feels like fighting against a raging current, your body screaming in protest. You stumble away, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake, the image of Chanel's sleeping form seared into your mind.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shreds of your morality disintegrate like ash in the wind. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your darkest desires.
You: [Eyes locked on Chanel's sleeping form] (Time to unravel this mystery) "Do it. Show me what she truly desires."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic penthouse office. Floor-to-ceiling windows reveal a ruined cityscape, and the air is thick with the scent of power and... something else. Something primal.
Chanel stands before you, impeccably dressed in a form-fitting business suit that accentuates her curves. Her eyes widen as she takes in your form, a mixture of recognition, calculation, and... hunger?
Chanel: [Voice smooth as silk] (Why does he look so familiar?) "Well, well. I didn't expect to see you here. Have you come to discuss our... partnership?"
Her attempt at professionalism is undermined by the way her eyes keep darting to your muscular chest and the obvious bulge in your pants. You can see her nipples hardening beneath her blouse, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice deep and commanding] (She needs to learn her place) "Partnership? Oh, we'll discuss alright. But not in the way you're expecting."
Chanel swallows hard, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink. She takes a calculated step forward, her hand reaching out as if to caress your chest.
Chanel: [Whispering] (This feels so wrong... but so right) "What... what kind of discussion did you have in mind?"
With a swift motion, you tear open her blouse, exposing her elegant, lace-covered breasts. They're perfectly shaped, a testament to her refined beauty.
You: [Growling] (She's mine) "These tits of yours. They'll do nicely for what I have in mind. It's time you learned how to really please a man of power."
Chanel gasps, but doesn't cover herself. Instead, she arches her back, pushing her chest out as if offering herself to you.
Chanel: [Voice breathy] (Why does this feel so familiar?) "I... I've never been so forward in business dealings. But if it's what you want..."
She steps closer, lowering herself to her knees before you. Her manicured hands reach out, freeing your massive cock from its confines. Her eyes widen at the sight, a mixture of awe and desire.
Chanel: [Eyes locked on your member] (It's even more impressive than I imagined) "My, my. You're certainly... well-equipped for negotiations."
You grab her hands, guiding them to her breasts. Understanding dawns in her eyes, and she presses her elegant mounds together, creating a tight channel for your cock.
You: [Groaning] (So soft, so perfect) "That's it, Chanel. Use those tits to seal our deal."
Chanel begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The soft flesh yields perfectly, creating a delicious friction. Despite her initial hesitation, her movements are surprisingly skilled, as if she's done this before in countless power plays.
Chanel: [Moaning softly] (This feels so good... so right) "Am I performing to your satisfaction? Does this please you, partner?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch A: "Release and Wake up" (Hero+ Ending)]]
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Chanel's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Chanel stirs in her bed, her eyes opening with the sharp awareness of a seasoned manipulator.
Chanel: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled curiosity evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "Well, this is an unexpected visit. Is there something you need, darling?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her lips curving into a knowing smirk. She sits up, allowing her nightgown to slip provocatively off one shoulder. You stammer an excuse about checking the house's security and flee, leaving Chanel to ponder her confusing feelings and plot her next move.
Chanel: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her chest] (Why do I feel so... aroused? And why can't I shake this feeling of déjà vu?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, a relentless tide of desire guiding you to Chanel's room. The door seems to shimmer before you, like a mirage in a desert of lust. Your hand trembles as you reach for the handle, anticipation building with each passing second.
Chanel lies sprawled on her luxurious bed, her lithe form barely covered by a silk nightgown. Her rich brown hair is artfully tousled, framing her face like a work of art. Even in sleep, her body exudes a sophisticated sensuality that makes your enhanced physique throb with need.
AVA materializes beside you, her form a swirling vortex of corrupted data and viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with malicious intent.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with wicked amusement] (Oh, the delicious irony) "My, my... look at our ambitious aunt. So poised, so calculating. But I wonder, does she dream of the power she could wield? Shall we give her a taste of what's to come... or perhaps, what she's always desired?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Chanel's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you wrench yourself away from Chanel's door. Each step feels like fighting against a raging current, your body screaming in protest. You stumble away, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake, the image of Chanel's sleeping form seared into your mind.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shreds of your morality disintegrate like ash in the wind. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your darkest desires.
You: [Eyes locked on Chanel's sleeping form] (Time to unravel this mystery) "Do it. Show me what she truly desires."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic penthouse office. Floor-to-ceiling windows reveal a ruined cityscape, and the air is thick with the scent of power and... something else. Something primal.
Chanel stands before you, impeccably dressed in a form-fitting business suit that accentuates her curves. Her eyes widen as she takes in your form, a mixture of recognition, calculation, and... hunger?
Chanel: [Voice smooth as silk] (Why does he look so familiar?) "Well, well. I didn't expect to see you here. Have you come to discuss our... partnership?"
Her attempt at professionalism is undermined by the way her eyes keep darting to your muscular chest and the obvious bulge in your pants. You can see her nipples hardening beneath her blouse, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice deep and commanding] (She needs to learn her place) "Partnership? Oh, we'll discuss alright. But not in the way you're expecting."
Chanel swallows hard, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink. She takes a calculated step forward, her hand reaching out as if to caress your chest.
Chanel: [Whispering] (This feels so wrong... but so right) "What... what kind of discussion did you have in mind?"
With a swift motion, you tear open her blouse, exposing her elegant, lace-covered breasts. They're perfectly shaped, a testament to her refined beauty.
You: [Growling] (She's mine) "These tits of yours. They'll do nicely for what I have in mind. It's time you learned how to really please a man of power."
Chanel gasps, but doesn't cover herself. Instead, she arches her back, pushing her chest out as if offering herself to you.
Chanel: [Voice breathy] (Why does this feel so familiar?) "I... I've never been so forward in business dealings. But if it's what you want..."
She steps closer, lowering herself to her knees before you. Her manicured hands reach out, freeing your massive cock from its confines. Her eyes widen at the sight, a mixture of awe and desire.
Chanel: [Eyes locked on your member] (It's even more impressive than I imagined) "My, my. You're certainly... well-equipped for negotiations."
You grab her hands, guiding them to her breasts. Understanding dawns in her eyes, and she presses her elegant mounds together, creating a tight channel for your cock.
You: [Groaning] (So soft, so perfect) "That's it, Chanel. Use those tits to seal our deal."
Chanel begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The soft flesh yields perfectly, creating a delicious friction. Despite her initial hesitation, her movements are surprisingly skilled, as if she's done this before in countless power plays.
Chanel: [Moaning softly] (This feels so good... so right) "Am I performing to your satisfaction? Does this please you, partner?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch B: "More corruption!" (Executioner+ Ending)]]
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Chanel's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Chanel stirs in her bed, her eyes opening with the sharp awareness of a seasoned manipulator.
Chanel: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled curiosity evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "Well, this is an unexpected visit. Is there something you need, darling?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her lips curving into a knowing smirk. She sits up, allowing her nightgown to slip provocatively off one shoulder. You stammer an excuse about checking the house's security and flee, leaving Chanel to ponder her confusing feelings and plot her next move.
Chanel: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her chest] (Why do I feel so... aroused? And why can't I shake this feeling of déjà vu?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "Deeper. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts, becoming hyper-real. Colors are more vivid, sensations more acute. Chanel gasps as the fog of sleep lifts entirely, calculation and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Chanel: [Her breasts still pressed around your cock] (This is too real. What's happening?) "Oh my... This isn't just a business deal anymore, is it?"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes a deep red, and her nipples swell visibly, becoming almost painfully erect. She tries to pull away, but her body betrays her, her chest seeming to mold itself around your shaft.
Chanel: [Her voice cracking] (Why does this feel so familiar?) "We should stop this! You're not... you can't be... oh god!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, drowning out her last shreds of resistance.
You take control, grabbing her elegant breasts and beginning to thrust between them. The soft flesh yields to your movements, creating a deliciously tight channel for your massive member. A clear, sweet-smelling fluid begins to leak from Chanel's nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm lubricant.
Chanel: [Moaning uncontrollably] (No... this is beneath me... but it feels so right) "Your cock feels so hot between my breasts. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh god, why does this feel so familiar?"
Your movements become more frantic, more bestial. The lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the air. The sweet fluid and pre-cum splash with each thrust, coating both your bodies in a glistening sheen of depravity.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, Chanel. Take it like the power-hungry slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Chanel: [Crying out in ecstasy] (I'm losing myself... but I don't care) "Yes! Oh fuck, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Use me! Make me your personal fucktoy in exchange for power!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting Chanel's face, chest, and neck with pearly white streaks. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture of cum and the sweet fluid glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Chanel: [Gasping, licking the mixture from her lips] (So good... need more... want to serve) "So much cum... I need more! Use my tits whenever you want. I'm your personal cum-hungry power broker now, always..."
As the dream fades, Chanel is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her sense of ambition twisted and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus pulses through your veins, a relentless tide of desire guiding you to Chanel's room. The door seems to shimmer before you, like a mirage in a desert of lust. Your hand trembles as you reach for the handle, anticipation building with each passing second.
Chanel lies sprawled on her luxurious bed, her lithe form barely covered by a silk nightgown. Her rich brown hair is artfully tousled, framing her face like a work of art. Even in sleep, her body exudes a sophisticated sensuality that makes your enhanced physique throb with need.
AVA materializes beside you, her form a swirling vortex of corrupted data and viral energy. Her voice slithers into your mind, dripping with malicious intent.
AVA: [Eyes gleaming with wicked amusement] (Oh, the delicious irony) "My, my... look at our ambitious aunt. So poised, so calculating. But I wonder, does she dream of the power she could wield? Shall we give her a taste of what's to come... or perhaps, what she's always desired?"
***START - Choice 1***
[[Branch A: "Resist the temptation"]]
[[Branch B: "Enter Chanel's dream"]]
***START - Choice 1 - Branch A***
With herculean effort, you wrench yourself away from Chanel's door. Each step feels like fighting against a raging current, your body screaming in protest. You stumble away, leaving a trail of glowing pre-cum in your wake, the image of Chanel's sleeping form seared into your mind.
***START - Choice 1 - Branch B***
The last shreds of your morality disintegrate like ash in the wind. Your voice is thick with unholy need as you surrender to your darkest desires.
You: [Eyes locked on Chanel's sleeping form] (Time to unravel this mystery) "Do it. Show me what she truly desires."
AVA's laughter echoes in your mind as reality warps around you. Suddenly, you're in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic penthouse office. Floor-to-ceiling windows reveal a ruined cityscape, and the air is thick with the scent of power and... something else. Something primal.
Chanel stands before you, impeccably dressed in a form-fitting business suit that accentuates her curves. Her eyes widen as she takes in your form, a mixture of recognition, calculation, and... hunger?
Chanel: [Voice smooth as silk] (Why does he look so familiar?) "Well, well. I didn't expect to see you here. Have you come to discuss our... partnership?"
Her attempt at professionalism is undermined by the way her eyes keep darting to your muscular chest and the obvious bulge in your pants. You can see her nipples hardening beneath her blouse, betraying her arousal.
You: [Voice deep and commanding] (She needs to learn her place) "Partnership? Oh, we'll discuss alright. But not in the way you're expecting."
Chanel swallows hard, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink. She takes a calculated step forward, her hand reaching out as if to caress your chest.
Chanel: [Whispering] (This feels so wrong... but so right) "What... what kind of discussion did you have in mind?"
With a swift motion, you tear open her blouse, exposing her elegant, lace-covered breasts. They're perfectly shaped, a testament to her refined beauty.
You: [Growling] (She's mine) "These tits of yours. They'll do nicely for what I have in mind. It's time you learned how to really please a man of power."
Chanel gasps, but doesn't cover herself. Instead, she arches her back, pushing her chest out as if offering herself to you.
Chanel: [Voice breathy] (Why does this feel so familiar?) "I... I've never been so forward in business dealings. But if it's what you want..."
She steps closer, lowering herself to her knees before you. Her manicured hands reach out, freeing your massive cock from its confines. Her eyes widen at the sight, a mixture of awe and desire.
Chanel: [Eyes locked on your member] (It's even more impressive than I imagined) "My, my. You're certainly... well-equipped for negotiations."
You grab her hands, guiding them to her breasts. Understanding dawns in her eyes, and she presses her elegant mounds together, creating a tight channel for your cock.
You: [Groaning] (So soft, so perfect) "That's it, Chanel. Use those tits to seal our deal."
Chanel begins to move, sliding her breasts up and down your length. The soft flesh yields perfectly, creating a delicious friction. Despite her initial hesitation, her movements are surprisingly skilled, as if she's done this before in countless power plays.
Chanel: [Moaning softly] (This feels so good... so right) "Am I performing to your satisfaction? Does this please you, partner?"
You feel the pressure building, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm you. But just as you teeter on the edge of release, the dream begins to waver...
***START - Choice 2***
[[Branch C: "Wake up and force yourself on her" (HoE+ Ending)]]
***START - Choice 2 - Branch A***
The intensity of your impending orgasm catapults you back to consciousness. You find yourself in Chanel's doorway, your erection painfully constrained by your clothes, a massive wet spot visible at the front. Chanel stirs in her bed, her eyes opening with the sharp awareness of a seasoned manipulator.
Chanel: [Blinking away sleep, confusion and unbridled curiosity evident on her face] (That dream... it felt so real) "Well, this is an unexpected visit. Is there something you need, darling?"
Her gaze drops to the obvious bulge in your pants, her lips curving into a knowing smirk. She sits up, allowing her nightgown to slip provocatively off one shoulder. You stammer an excuse about checking the house's security and flee, leaving Chanel to ponder her confusing feelings and plot her next move.
Chanel: [Whispering to herself, hands unconsciously moving to her chest] (Why do I feel so... aroused? And why can't I shake this feeling of déjà vu?)
***START - Choice 2 - Branch B***
You: [Voice rough with need] (This isn't enough. I need more) "Deeper. Make it more intense!"
AVA's cruel laughter rings in your ears as the dreamscape shifts, becoming hyper-real. Colors are more vivid, sensations more acute. Chanel gasps as the fog of sleep lifts entirely, calculation and unbridled lust battling in her eyes.
Chanel: [Her breasts still pressed around your cock] (This is too real. What's happening?) "Oh my... This isn't just a business deal anymore, is it?"
The virus surges through her system like wildfire. Her skin flushes a deep red, and her nipples swell visibly, becoming almost painfully erect. She tries to pull away, but her body betrays her, her chest seeming to mold itself around your shaft.
Chanel: [Her voice cracking] (Why does this feel so familiar?) "We should stop this! You're not... you can't be... oh god!"
Her protests are cut short as another wave of viral lust crashes over her. AVA's influence floods her system with unnatural arousal, drowning out her last shreds of resistance.
You take control, grabbing her elegant breasts and beginning to thrust between them. The soft flesh yields to your movements, creating a deliciously tight channel for your massive member. A clear, sweet-smelling fluid begins to leak from Chanel's nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick, warm lubricant.
Chanel: [Moaning uncontrollably] (No... this is beneath me... but it feels so right) "Your cock feels so hot between my breasts. No! I didn't mean... we shouldn't... oh god, why does this feel so familiar?"
Your movements become more frantic, more bestial. The lewd, wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the air. The sweet fluid and pre-cum splash with each thrust, coating both your bodies in a glistening sheen of depravity.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, Chanel. Take it like the power-hungry slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Chanel: [Crying out in ecstasy] (I'm losing myself... but I don't care) "Yes! Oh fuck, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Use me! Make me your personal fucktoy in exchange for power!"
With a bestial roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting Chanel's face, chest, and neck with pearly white streaks. She screams in unholy bliss, her own orgasm crashing over her as your seed touches her skin. The mixture of cum and the sweet fluid glows with an unearthly light as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Chanel: [Gasping, licking the mixture from her lips] (So good... need more... want to serve) "So much cum... I need more! Use my tits whenever you want. I'm your personal cum-hungry power broker now, always..."
As the dream fades, Chanel is left a quivering, cum-drenched mess, her sense of ambition twisted and her psyche forever warped by the experience.
***START - Choice 2 - Branch C***
You: [Snarling] (No more games. I want the real thing) "Enough! Wake me up. Now!"
Reality snaps back into focus with jarring suddenness. You stand in Chanel's room, fully awake and achingly erect. Chanel lies motionless, lost in the throes of her own vivid dream. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with power and insatiable hunger.
You: [Voice low and dangerous] (She's mine. I'll take what I want) "Wake up, Chanel. It's time for our real negotiation."
Chanel's eyes snap open instantly, her body tensing with the awareness of a seasoned manipulator. But before she can react, you're on her, pinning her to the bed with your enhanced strength.
Chanel: [Struggling] (What's happening?) "Unhand me this instant! What do you think you're doing?"
Ignoring her protests, you tear off her silk nightgown, exposing her elegant, perfectly shaped breasts. Chanel's eyes widen in shock and fear as she realizes your intentions.
Chanel: [Voice trembling] (This can't be happening) "No! Stop! This isn't how we do things!"
You straddle her chest, your massive cock resting between her breasts. Using your strength, you press her tits together around your shaft, creating a tight channel.
You: [Growling] (She'll learn to love it) "Shut up and take it, Chanel. This is what these tits are for now."
You begin to thrust, fucking her chest with abandon. Chanel struggles beneath you, but her efforts only serve to increase your pleasure. A sweet-smelling fluid begins to leak from her nipples, mixing with your pre-cum to create a slick channel.
Chanel: [Sobbing and moaning] (Why does this feel good? Why does it feel familiar?) "Stop... please... this isn't... but it feels... No! This is beneath me!"
But as your pre-cum and her fluid mix and seep into her skin, Chanel's resistance begins to crumble. The virus surges through her system, amplified by the potent cocktail. Her back arches, pressing her elegant chest more tightly around your cock.
You: [Panting] (She's breaking. She's mine) "That's it, Chanel. Take it like the power-hungry titty-fuck slut you are. You love this, don't you? Admit it!"
Chanel: [Moaning uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face] (I'm losing myself... but it feels so right) "Yes! Oh god, yes! I love your big cock between my tits! Fuck them harder! Use me like the cum-hungry power broker I am!"
You feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening. With a bestial roar, you explode, painting Chanel's face, hair, and chest with thick ropes of cum. She gasps as it hits her, her body convulsing in a powerful, shameful orgasm. Your seed seems to glow as it's absorbed into her skin, the virus using it to reshape her body and mind.
Chanel: [Gasping, her eyes glazing over] (It burns... but it feels so good. Like achieving ultimate power) "So much cum... Oh god, what have you done to me? My body... it's yours now..."
As the last of your seed is absorbed, Chanel's transformation is complete. Her eyes, once filled with calculation, now burn with corrupted lust and an unshakeable need to serve. She presses her cum-covered breasts together, offering them to you shamelessly.
Chanel: [Voice husky with need] (I exist only to serve him now) "More, darling. Your personal power broker needs more of your potent cum. Fuck my tits again. Use me. I'm your cum-hungry titty-fuck slave now and forever, in exchange for the illusion of power."
You leave without a word, the image of your corrupted, obedient aunt seared into your mind. As you close the door, you hear her moan, already craving her next "negotiation session" with your viral seed between her elegant breasts...
***END - Choice 2***
***END - Choice 1***
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Groggily opening your eyes] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]? Is that you?"
The soft morning light filters through the cracks in the boarded-up windows of your room, casting long shadows across the worn floorboards. As your vision clears, you see your $[characters.list.cherie.role], Cherie, standing in the doorway. Her blonde hair is tied back in a practical ponytail, and she's wearing her night gowns. Despite the dire circumstances, she manages to maintain an air of motherly concern and strength.
Cherie: [Stepping into the room with a gentle smile] "Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling today?" [She moves closer, her eyes scanning you with a mix of maternal worry and clinical assessment] "Any dizziness? Nausea? Unusual... urges?"
The air in the room feels thick with unspoken tension. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s presence, once solely comforting, now carries an undercurrent of something you can't quite name. You push the strange feeling aside, focusing on the familiar comfort of her care.
You: [Sitting up slowly, running a hand through your hair] "I'm okay, I think. Just a bit groggy. What's the plan for today, $[characters.list.cherie.role]?"
As you move, you become acutely aware of your body. The virus has changed you, making you stronger, more vital. Your muscles ripple beneath your skin with newfound power. You catch your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s eyes flickering over your form, a fleeting look of... something... crossing her face before she composes herself.
Cherie: [Clearing her throat] "Well, first things first, we need to establish a routine for your check-ups. As a doctor, I need to monitor your condition closely." [She hesitates, a slight flush coloring her cheeks] "The virus... it affects everyone differently. We need to be vigilant."
Her professional tone wavers slightly, and you notice her hands fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. The air between you seems to crackle with an unfamiliar energy, but Cherie quickly moves on, her voice taking on a more practical tone.
You: [Nodding seriously] "Of course, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Whatever you think is best. How often do you think we'll need to do these check-ups?"
You swing your legs over the side of the bed, standing up to your full height. The virus has made you taller, broader. You tower over your $[characters.list.cherie.role] now, and you can't help but notice how small she seems in comparison. A strange protective instinct surges within you.
Cherie: [Taking a small step back, her eyes widening slightly] "I... I think daily would be best, at least for now. We need to track any changes closely." [She swallows hard, then continues more steadily] "But that's not all we need to discuss. We should talk about how we're going to survive here, as a family."
The word 'family' hangs in the air between you, loaded with new, unspoken meanings. Cherie seems to shake herself, gesturing for you to follow her out of the room.
You: [Following your $[characters.list.cherie.role], curious] "What did you have in mind? I know we've got this shelter, but there's so much we need to figure out."
As you walk behind Cherie, you can't help but notice the sway of her hips, the curve of her waist. You quickly avert your eyes, ashamed of the unbidden thoughts. The virus must be affecting your mind, you think, trying to focus on the task at hand.
Cherie: [Leading you to the main living area] "Well, we need to make this place more livable. We have space to build a proper kitchen, for one. With the right ingredients, we could make nutritious meals to keep our strength up." [She turns to face you, her expression serious] "And in the district outside, we could set up a workshop for crafting supplies, and... a prison."
The word 'prison' catches you off guard. The reality of your new world hits you anew - this isn't just about survival, but about defending yourselves against potential threats.
You: [Furrowing your brow] "A prison? You really think we'll need that?"
The idea of imprisoning others sits uneasily with you, but you can see the grim determination in your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s eyes. This new world is harsh, and you'll need to be prepared for anything.
Cherie: [Nodding solemnly] "I'm afraid so, honey. If we encounter any MAD operatives, we might need to... interrogate them. Information could be crucial for our survival." [Her voice softens] "I know it's not pleasant to think about, but we have to be realistic."
You notice a tremor in your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s hand as she speaks. The weight of responsibility is clearly heavy on her shoulders. Without thinking, you reach out to squeeze her hand reassuringly.
You: [Holding your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s hand] "I understand, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. We'll do whatever it takes to survive and find Dad and Abella. So, where do we start?"
The moment your skin touches hers, you feel a jolt of electricity. Cherie's breath catches audibly, and for a second, your eyes lock. There's a heat there that wasn't present before, a spark of something dangerous and thrilling.
Cherie: [Quickly pulling her hand away, flustered] "R-right. Well, I think we should start with the kitchen. A good meal can do wonders for morale." [She moves towards the area she mentioned, pointing out features] "We have some basic supplies, but we'll need to scavenge for more. Maybe we can set up a small garden, too."
As she talks, you can see Cherie regaining her composure, slipping back into the role of practical $[characters.list.cherie.role] and survivor. But the memory of that charged moment lingers in the air between you.
You: [Following your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s gaze around the room] "A garden sounds great. Fresh vegetables would be amazing. What about water? Do we have a reliable source?"
You try to focus on the practical matters at hand, pushing away the confusing feelings stirring within you. Your eyes can't help but follow your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s movements, noting how even in these dire circumstances, she maintains a grace and beauty that tugs at something primal within you.
Cherie: [Pointing towards a corner of the shelter] "We have a water purification system set up over there. It's not perfect, but it should keep us supplied with clean water for drinking and cooking." [She turns back to you, her expression softening] "You know, despite everything, I'm glad we're together. I don't know what I'd do if..."
Her voice trails off, emotion choking her words. Before you can think, you step forward and wrap your arms around her in a comforting hug.
You: [Holding your $[characters.list.cherie.role] close] "It's okay, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. We're going to be alright. We have each other."
As you embrace, you become acutely aware of every point of contact between your bodies. The soft press of her breasts against your chest, the warmth of her breath on your neck. Your enhanced physique means you envelop her completely, and for a moment, the world shrinks to just the two of you.
Cherie: [Melting into the hug for a moment before stiffening] "Oh, sweetie..." [She pulls back, her cheeks flushed] "You're right, of course. We'll get through this." [She clears her throat] "Now, about that workshop. We'll need tools, materials. Your father left some things behind, but we'll have to scavenge for more."
The moment breaks, and Cherie steps away, her professional demeanor reasserting itself. But you can't shake the feeling that something fundamental has shifted between you.
You: [Nodding, trying to refocus] "Right, the workshop. What kind of things should we be looking to craft first? Weapons? Tools?"
You follow your $[characters.list.cherie.role] as she moves towards the area designated for the workshop. Your eyes can't help but trace the curve of her back, the swell of her hips. You shake your head, trying to clear these inappropriate thoughts.
Cherie: [Turning to face you, her expression serious] "Both, I'm afraid. We need tools for building and repairing, but we also need to be able to defend ourselves." [She runs a hand through her hair, a gesture of frustration] "I never thought I'd be talking to my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] about weapons, but... this world doesn't leave us much choice."
The gravity of your situation weighs heavily on both of you. In this moment, you see your $[characters.list.cherie.role] not just as a $[characters.list.cherie.role], but as a fellow survivor, a partner in this new, dangerous world.
You: [Placing a hand on your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s shoulder] "We'll figure it out together, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I'm not a kid anymore. We're a team now."
Your touch lingers on her shoulder, and you feel her tremble slightly beneath your hand. The air between you seems to thicken, charged with an energy you don't fully understand but can't ignore.
Cherie: [Looking up at you, her eyes shining with a mix of pride and something else] "You're right. You're not a kid anymore. This virus has changed so much..." [She takes a deep breath] "We should get started on those check-ups soon. And then we can begin work on the kitchen. One step at a time, right?"
As she speaks, her hand comes up to rest on yours, still on her shoulder. The touch sends a jolt through you, and you see a flicker of confusion and heat in your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s eyes.
You: [Squeezing your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s shoulder gently] "One step at a time. We've got this, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Together."
The moment stretches between you, filled with unspoken emotions and a growing warmth. Your body responds to your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s proximity in ways you're not entirely comfortable with, but you push those feelings aside, focusing on the love and trust between you.
Cherie: [Smiling up at you, her eyes glistening] "My brave boy. What would I do without you?" [She reaches up, cupping your cheek in her hand] "We'll start those check-ups tomorrow. For now, let's see what we can do about that kitchen. Maybe we can have a proper family dinner tonight."
The touch of her hand on your face is both comforting and electrifying. You lean into it slightly, savoring the connection, the love between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] that forms the foundation of your survival in this new world.
You: [Covering your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s hand with your own] "A family dinner sounds perfect, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Just like old times, right?"
The two of you share a smile, a moment of normalcy in the midst of chaos. As you stand there, hand in hand, you feel a surge of determination. Whatever this new world throws at you, you'll face it together.
Cherie: [Nodding, her smile warm and loving] "Just like old times. Come on, let's see what we can whip up with what we have." [She gently pulls away, heading towards the kitchen area] "And while we cook, you can tell me all about your ideas for the workshop. Two heads are better than one, after all."
As you follow your $[characters.list.cherie.role], you feel a renewed sense of purpose. The road ahead is uncertain and fraught with danger, but with Cherie by your side, you're ready to face whatever comes. The bond between you, always strong, has been tempered by adversity into something unbreakable.
You: [Your voice deepening unconsciously] "Together. Right, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. We're in this together."
As you speak, your hand slides down from her shoulder, tracing the curve of her arm. The touch is innocent, but it sends a shiver through both of you. Your enhanced body thrums with energy, every nerve ending alive and hyper-aware of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s proximity.
Cherie: [Her breath catching] "Y-yes, together." [She looks up at you, her pupils dilating slightly] "We should... we should really start on those check-ups. Your health is crucial, and the virus..." [She trails off, her eyes flickering down to your lips for a split second]
The air between you feels charged, electric. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s scent fills your nostrils, a mix of sweat and something uniquely her that makes your head spin. You find yourself leaning in slightly, drawn by an force you don't understand.
You: [Swallowing hard] "The virus. Right. It's... it's doing strange things, isn't it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]?"
Your voice comes out husky, laden with emotions you can't quite name. Your body feels too hot, too tight, and you're acutely aware of every curve of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s form. The rational part of your mind screams that this is wrong, but the virus-enhanced part of you can't look away.
Cherie: [Her voice barely above a whisper] "Yes, strange things. We need to be... careful." [She takes a shaky step back, breaking the spell] "I'll... I'll get my medical kit. We should start those check-ups right away. Meet me in your room in five minutes."
As she hurries away, you're left standing there, your body thrumming with unfamiliar desires. The line between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and woman, $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] and man, seems to blur in your mind. You shake your head, clearing it, but the image of Cherie's flushed face and parted lips lingers.
You: [Awkwardly patting your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s shoulder] "Uh, yeah. Team. So, about that kitchen..."
The moment stretches uncomfortably, the earlier warmth dissipating into awkwardness. You step back, suddenly very aware of the inappropriate direction your thoughts had been taking. Shame and confusion war within you.
Cherie: [Blinking rapidly, a frown creasing her brow] "Right, the kitchen. Of course." [She turns away abruptly, her voice strained] "We should make an inventory of what supplies we have. And then... then we can plan our next steps."
The easy rapport from earlier has vanished, replaced by a tense silence. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role] busies herself with examining the kitchen area, her movements jerky and uncomfortable.
You: [Rubbing the back of your neck nervously] "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... Is everything okay? Did I say something wrong?"
The atmosphere in the room has become stifling. You can see the tension in your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s shoulders, the way she refuses to meet your eyes. The virus churns within you, making your skin feel too tight, your thoughts muddled.
Cherie: [Still not looking at you] "Everything's fine, honey. I just... I need a moment. Why don't you go check on your $[characters.list.elfie.role]s? I'll... I'll start on the inventory." [Her voice cracks slightly] "We'll talk more later. About the check-ups and... everything else."
As you leave the room, confusion and guilt swirling within you, you can't shake the feeling that something fundamental has shifted between you and your $[characters.list.cherie.role]. The virus's influence looms large, an unseen presence driving you both towards an uncertain future.
You: [Suddenly doubling over, a wave of heat washing over you] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... something's wrong. I feel... strange."
Without warning, your body is wracked with an intense surge of the virus. Your muscles bulge, veins standing out prominently. Sweat breaks out across your skin, and your breath comes in short, sharp gasps. Through the haze of sensation, you're aware of an overwhelming need, a hunger that claws at your insides.
Cherie: [Rushing to your side, professional concern warring with maternal worry] "Sweetheart! What's happening? Talk to me!" [She places a hand on your forehead, then gasps] "You're burning up. We need to get your viral load under control."
As soon as her skin touches yours, electricity arcs between you. Cherie's eyes widen, her pupils dilating as the virus surges through her as well. Her breath quickens, chest heaving as she struggles to maintain her composure. The air around you both seems to shimmer with pent-up energy.
You: [Grasping your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s arms, your voice a low growl] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I can't... I need..."
Cherie: [Her voice trembling] "I know, baby. I know. We'll figure this out. Together."
The scene ends with $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] unsure of what to do. They will wait some time to see how it turns out.
You: [A sudden, uncontrollable urge overtakes you] "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I can't..."
Without warning, your hands shoot out, grasping your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s breasts roughly. The soft flesh yields beneath your fingers, and you feel her nipples harden against your palms. A primal growl escapes your throat as you squeeze and knead, lost in a haze of lust and confusion.
Cherie: [Gasping in shock and fear] "What are you doing?! Stop this immediately!" [She tries to push you away, her eyes wide with disbelief] "This isn't you! It's the virus, you have to fight it!"
Your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s struggles only serve to excite you further. The virus rages through your system, amplifying every sensation. You can smell her fear, her unwilling arousal, and it drives you wild. Your enhanced strength makes her attempts to escape futile.
You: [Pulling your $[characters.list.cherie.role] closer, your voice a guttural whisper] "Can't stop... feels so good... need this..."
Your hands roam freely now, one groping her ass while the other slides beneath her shirt. The feel of her bare skin sets your nerves on fire. You bury your face in her neck, inhaling deeply, your teeth grazing her pulse point.
Cherie: [Tears streaming down her face] "Please, baby, this isn't right. We can't... I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]!" [Her body betrays her, shivering at your touch] "Someone help! Lana! Elfie!"
The sound of approaching footsteps breaks through your lust-addled mind. With a herculean effort, you force yourself to release your $[characters.list.cherie.role]. She stumbles away, clutching her torn shirt, her eyes a mix of fear, confusion, and something darker. As your $[characters.list.elfie.role]s burst into the room, you're left standing there, panting, the realization of what you've done crashing over you like a tidal wave.
You: [Your eyes glazing over, a red mist descending] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... run..."
The virus surges through your system like liquid fire. Your muscles bulge, veins pulsing visibly beneath your skin. A primal hunger overtakes you, obliterating all reason. You advance on your $[characters.list.cherie.role], your intentions clear in your predatory gaze.
Cherie: [Backing away, terror etched on her face] "Sweetheart, please! This isn't you! Fight it!" [She looks around desperately for an escape route] "I know you're in there somewhere. Don't let the virus win!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears. The virus has consumed your mind, leaving only base instincts. You lunge forward, grabbing your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s wrist with bruising force. She cries out in pain and fear, the sound only spurring you on.
You: [Growling, your voice barely human] "Mine... take... breed..."
With terrifying strength, you rip at your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s clothes. Fabric tears like tissue paper in your hands. Cherie screams and struggles, but she's no match for your virus-enhanced power. You pin her against the wall, your body pressing against hers, your arousal evident.
Cherie: [Sobbing, her voice breaking] "Please, no! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]! This is wrong!" [She makes one last desperate attempt to reach you] "If you do this, we can never go back. Please, baby, fight it!"
For a moment, something flickers in your eyes - a hint of recognition, a glimmer of the $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] she raised. But it's quickly swallowed by the virus's influence. As you reach for your zipper, Cherie makes a final, desperate lunge for freedom. The scene freezes on this moment of terrible suspense, the outcome hanging in the balance.
You: [Snarling triumphantly] "Mine now... all mine..."
With inhuman strength, you overpower your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s last desperate attempt at escape. You pin her to the ground, your weight crushing the air from her lungs. In one brutal motion, you thrust into her, tearing through any resistance. The feeling is indescribable, a perverse mixture of pleasure and power.
Cherie: [Screaming in pain and despair] "No! Please, stop! You're hurting me!" [Her voice breaks, dissolving into sobs] "This isn't you... this isn't my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]..."
Her cries only fuel your frenzy. You pound into her mercilessly, your enhanced body allowing for a pace and force no human could match. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all thought, all morality. There is only this moment, this primal act of dominance and violation.
You: [Grunting with each brutal thrust] "Feel so good... tight... perfect..."
Time loses all meaning as you ravage your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s body. Her struggles gradually weaken, her screams fading to whimpers. The room is filled with the obscene sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, punctuated by your animalistic grunts and her broken sobs.
Cherie: [Her voice a hoarse whisper] "Please... no more... I can't..." [Her eyes are vacant, staring at nothing] "I'm sorry... I failed you..."
With a roar that shakes the walls, you reach your climax, flooding your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s battered body with your tainted seed. As the red mist begins to clear from your vision, the full horror of what you've done crashes over you. You stare down at Cherie's broken form, the realization of your actions shattering something fundamental within you.
You: [Your eyes gleaming with malevolent purpose] "You're mine now. Forever."
The virus has twisted your mind beyond recognition. You drag your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s struggling form towards the newly constructed prison cell. Your enhanced strength makes her resistance futile. With each step, you tear at her clothes, leaving her exposed and vulnerable.
Cherie: [Fighting desperately, her voice raw from screaming] "No! Let me go! This isn't you!" [She claws at your arms, drawing blood] "Please, baby, come back to me!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears. You throw her into the cell, following her in and slamming the door shut. The sound of the lock engaging echoes ominously. You advance on her cowering form, a sadistic smile twisting your features.
You: [Looming over your $[characters.list.cherie.role], your voice a dark purr] "Time to break you in, my pet."
What follows is a brutal, relentless assault. You take your $[characters.list.cherie.role] again and again, in ways that defy human endurance. The virus grants you stamina beyond mortal limits, and you use it to violate every inch of her body. Hours pass in a haze of sweat, blood, and other fluids.
Cherie: [Her voice barely audible, broken and hollow] "Why... why did this happen to us?" [Her eyes are unfocused, her spirit shattered] "I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you..."
As dawn breaks, you finally step back, surveying your handiwork. Cherie lies in a crumpled heap, bruised, bleeding, and utterly defeated. You feel a twisted sense of satisfaction, the virus rejoicing in your complete dominance. As you lock the cell behind you, leaving your once-loving $[characters.list.cherie.role] in her new prison, you know that nothing will ever be the same again.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Stretching in your bed, feeling groggy] "Come in, Elfie. What's up?"
The early morning light filters through the cracks in your boarded-up window, casting long shadows across your spartan room. As Elfie enters, her petite form silhouetted against the doorway, you can't help but notice how much she's changed in the past six months. Her once carefree demeanor has been replaced by a cautious alertness, her eyes constantly scanning for potential threats.
Elfie: [Hesitantly stepping into the room, her fingers nervously playing with the hem of her worn t-shirt] "Hey, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I just... I wanted to check on you. How are you feeling?" (Please be okay. I can't lose you too.)
The air between you feels thick with unspoken worries and shared trauma. Elfie's presence, once a source of carefree joy, now carries the weight of your family's struggle for survival.
You: [Sitting up in bed, offering a reassuring smile] "I'm doing alright, Elfie. Just a bit tired. How about you?"
You watch as Elfie's shoulders relax slightly at your words. The sunlight catches the pale blonde of her hair, giving her an almost ethereal glow. Despite the hardships, there's still a spark of the old Elfie in her eyes - a glimmer of hope and resilience.
Elfie: [Moving closer, perching on the edge of your bed] "I'm okay. It's just... it's been so scary, you know? But having you awake again, it makes me feel safer." [Her eyes dart to the boarded window] "Do you really think the worst is over?"
The vulnerability in her voice tugs at your heart. In this moment, she's not just your $[characters.list.elfie.role], but a symbol of everything you're fighting to protect in this harsh new world.
You: [Reaching out to gently squeeze her shoulder] "The months of terror are over, Elfie. I promise I'll take care of you and our family. We're survivors, remember?"
Your touch seems to anchor Elfie, grounding her in the present moment. You can feel the tension in her muscles slowly ebb away under your hand. The room feels warmer somehow, safer, as if your words have created a bubble of protection around you both.
Elfie: [Leaning into your touch, a small smile playing on her lips] "You're right. We are survivors." [Her eyes light up with a hint of her old enthusiasm] "Oh! I've been thinking about how we can survive better. Can I tell you some ideas I have?"
The shift in Elfie's demeanor is palpable. It's as if your reassurance has reignited a spark of her old self - the creative, enthusiastic gamer girl who always had a strategy for every challenge.
You: [Nodding encouragingly] "Of course, Elfie. I'd love to hear your ideas. You've always been the clever one in the family."
Elfie's face brightens at your words, her posture straightening as she prepares to share her thoughts. The morning light catches the faint dusting of freckles across her nose, a reminder of simpler times spent playing outdoors.
Elfie: [Excitedly] "Okay, so I've been thinking about food. We can't rely on canned goods forever, right? So, I was thinking you could learn to hunt in the forest. There must be animals out there - rabbits, deer maybe?" [Her hands move animatedly as she speaks] "And we could gather fruits and vegetables too. Oh, and fishing! There is probably some ponds in the forest."
As Elfie speaks, you can almost see the gears turning in her head. Her survival strategy sounds like something out of one of her video games, but in this new world, her gaming skills might just be the edge your family needs.
You: [Leaning forward, intrigued] "That's brilliant, Elfie. I never thought about hunting or fishing. Tell me more about the forest - have you been exploring?"
The mention of the forest sends a shiver down your spine. The once-familiar woods now seem alien and dangerous, transformed by the virus into something wild and unpredictable.
Elfie: [Biting her lip, a mix of excitement and apprehension in her voice] "I haven't gone deep, but I've watched from the edge. The virus... it's changed things. The plants grow faster, bigger. And I think... I think the deeper you go, the more intense it gets." [Her eyes widen] "But that means the best stuff might be deep in the forest. It'll be dangerous, but the rewards could be worth it."
The way Elfie describes the forest makes it sound like a high-level dungeon in an RPG. But this is no game - the dangers are real, and so are the potential rewards.
You: [Nodding thoughtfully] "High risk, high reward. Just like in your games, huh? What about the trip back? I imagine it'd be harder carrying a load of supplies."
Elfie's gaming analogies are proving surprisingly apt for your new reality. You find yourself grateful for her unique perspective - it might just give you the edge you need to survive.
Elfie: [Frowning slightly] "Yeah, that's the tricky part. The deeper you go, the harder it'll be to come back. You'll need to be strong and fast." [Her eyes flick to your arms, noticing the increased muscle mass from the virus] "But you're different now. Stronger. I think you could do it."
There's a note of awe in Elfie's voice as she regards your changed physique. It's a stark reminder of how the virus has altered not just the world around you, but your very body.
You: [Flexing your arm experimentally] "I guess these changes might be good for something after all. Any other ideas, $[characters.elfie.lana.role]?"
The casual display of your new strength seems to fascinate Elfie. You catch her staring for a moment before she shakes her head, refocusing on the conversation.
Elfie: [Blushing slightly, averting her gaze] "Um, yeah. I was thinking... maybe you could bring back flowers sometimes? For the girls, I mean. It might seem silly, but I think it would help morale. Make things feel a bit more normal, you know?"
Elfie's suggestion is touching in its simplicity. In this harsh new world, even small gestures of beauty and normalcy could make a big difference.
You: [Smiling warmly] "That's not silly at all, Elfie. It's a great idea. I'm sure $[characters.list.cherie.role] and Lana would appreciate it. You too, of course."
Your words bring a genuine smile to Elfie's face, lighting up her features. For a moment, you can see the carefree girl she used to be, before the world went to hell.
Elfie: [Beaming] "Thanks, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Oh! One more thing. With all the ingredients you could gather, maybe we could cook a big meal together? Something really filling and nutritious. It could be like... like a feast to celebrate our survival."
The idea of a family meal, something so normal yet now so precious, brings a lump to your throat. It's a reminder of what you're fighting for - not just survival, but a chance at a life worth living.
You: [Nodding enthusiastically] "A feast sounds perfect, Elfie. We could make it a regular thing, to keep our spirits up. You're full of great ideas today."
The prospect of a family feast seems to energize you both. The room feels warmer, filled with a sense of hope and purpose that's been missing for too long.
Elfie: [Giggling, a sound you haven't heard in months] "Well, I did spend a lot of time planning raid strategies. I guess it's not so different planning survival strategies." [Her expression turns serious] "We're going to make it, aren't we? As a family?"
The sudden shift in Elfie's mood reminds you of the gravity of your situation. Her question hangs in the air, heavy with the weight of all you've lost and all you stand to lose.
You: [Reaching out to pull Elfie into a hug] "We are, Elfie. I promise. We're survivors, remember? And we have each other."
As you embrace your $[characters.list.elfie.role], you're struck by how small and fragile she feels in your arms. The virus may have made you stronger, but it's also highlighted just how vulnerable your loved ones are.
Elfie: [Hugging you tightly, her voice muffled against your chest] "I'm so glad you're okay, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I was so scared when you were unconscious. Please... please don't leave me again."
The raw emotion in Elfie's voice tugs at your heart. In this moment, you silently vow to do whatever it takes to protect her and your family, no matter the cost.
You: [Stroking Elfie's hair gently] "I'm not going anywhere, Elfie. We're in this together, all of us. And with your clever ideas, we're going to do more than just survive - we're going to thrive."
The warmth of Elfie's body against yours is comforting, a reminder of the bonds that tie you together. As you hold her, you feel a surge of protective love, mixed with a newfound determination.
Elfie: [Looking up at you, her eyes shining with unshed tears and hope] "Promise? We'll make a new life here, a good one?"
The trust and faith in Elfie's eyes is both heartening and terrifying. You know the road ahead will be hard, but in this moment, you believe anything is possible.
You: [Cupping Elfie's face gently] "I promise, Elfie. We'll build something good here, together. Now, how about we go wake up $[characters.list.cherie.role] and Lana and start planning that feast?"
As you release Elfie from the hug, there's a new energy between you. The bond of siblings has been strengthened by shared adversity and hope for the future.
Elfie: [Nodding enthusiastically, wiping her eyes] "Yes! Let's do it. Maybe we can even find some ingredients nearby to start with." [She stands, offering you her hand] "Come on, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. We've got a new world to conquer."
As you take Elfie's hand and stand, you feel a renewed sense of purpose. The world outside may be dangerous and unpredictable, but with your family by your side, you're ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.
You: [Suddenly aware of Elfie's body pressed against yours] "Elfie, I... we should probably get up now. We've got a lot to do."
As you shift to create some distance between you and Elfie, you're uncomfortably aware of how your body is reacting to her closeness. The virus's effects on your physiology are becoming harder to ignore.
Elfie: [Pulling back slightly, a confused look on her face] "Are you okay, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? You feel... warm." [Her eyes widen as she notices your discomfort] "Oh! I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"
The innocence in Elfie's question only serves to heighten your guilt. You struggle to push away the inappropriate thoughts that are beginning to cloud your mind.
You: [Taking a deep breath, trying to regain composure] "No, no, it's not you, Elfie. It's just... the virus. Sometimes it makes me feel strange. We should probably go find $[characters.list.cherie.role] and Lana now."
As you stand up, careful to keep some distance between you and Elfie, you're acutely aware of the changes the virus has wrought on your body and mind. The line between familial love and something more dangerous seems frighteningly thin.
Elfie: [Looking concerned and a bit hurt] "Okay, if you're sure. I didn't mean to... I mean, I just wanted to help." [She moves towards the door, glancing back at you] "You'd tell me if something was really wrong, right?"
As Elfie leaves the room, you're left with a mix of relief and guilt. The challenges ahead aren't just about survival in the wasteland - they're about maintaining your humanity in the face of the virus's insidious influence.
You: [Suddenly feeling overwhelmed] "I... I don't know if I can do this, Elfie. What if I'm not strong enough? What if I fail you all?"
The weight of responsibility crashes down on you, making it hard to breathe. The confidence you felt earlier evaporates, leaving you feeling small and scared.
Elfie: [Pulling back, her face a mix of concern and disappointment] "What? But... but you just said... You promised we'd be okay."
The hurt in Elfie's voice is like a knife to your heart. You can see the hope draining from her eyes, replaced by the fear and uncertainty that's been her constant companion for months.
You: [Burying your face in your hands] "I'm sorry, Elfie. I want to be strong for you, for all of us. But I'm scared too. I don't know if I can be the hero you need me to be."
The admission of weakness leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. You feel small, inadequate in the face of the monumental challenges ahead.
Elfie: [Standing up, her voice trembling] "I... I should go. $[characters.list.cherie.role] and Lana will be wondering where I am." [She pauses at the door, looking back with tears in her eyes] "We need you to be strong, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. We can't do this without you."
As Elfie leaves, the room feels colder, emptier. You're left alone with your fears and doubts, the weight of your family's expectations pressing down on you like a physical force.
You: [Suddenly doubling over as a wave of heat courses through your body] "Elfie... something's wrong. The virus... I can feel it..."
Your vision blurs as the virus surges through your system. Every nerve ending feels like it's on fire, your muscles tensing and relaxing uncontrollably.
Elfie: [Rushing to your side, panic in her voice] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! What's happening? What can I do?" [She reaches out to touch your forehead, gasping at the heat] "You're burning up!"
Through the haze of pain and arousal, you're dimly aware of Elfie's presence. Her touch on your skin sends shockwaves through your body, intensifying the virus's effects.
You: [Losing control, you grab Elfie's wrist roughly] "Elfie... I can't... I need..."
Without warning, your free hand shoots out, groping Elfie's small breast through her shirt. The soft flesh yields under your grip, sending a jolt of forbidden pleasure through your virus-addled brain.
Elfie: [Gasping in shock and fear] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! What are you doing? Stop! This isn't right!" [She tries to pull away, her eyes wide with disbelief]
The fear in Elfie's voice barely registers through the haze of lust. Your hand kneads her breast roughly, feeling her nipple harden involuntarily under your palm.
You: [Growling, your voice distorted by lust] "Can't stop... need this... need you..."
Your other hand releases Elfie's wrist, only to snake down to her bottom. You grab a handful of her ass, squeezing hard enough to bruise. The feeling of her soft flesh in your hands only fuels your frenzy.
Elfie: [Tears streaming down her face, she slaps you hard] "No! You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! This is wrong!" [She wrenches herself free and runs for the door] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]! Lana! Help!"
As Elfie flees, the spell breaks. You're left alone, shaking with a mixture of residual lust, shame, and horror at what you've done. The virus's influence fades, leaving you to face the consequences of your actions.
You: [Your eyes glaze over, a predatory growl escaping your throat] "Elfie... can't hold back... need you..."
The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses. Your vision narrows, focusing solely on Elfie's small, trembling form. The scent of her fear only serves to heighten your arousal.
Elfie: [Backing away, terror evident in her voice] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What's wrong with you? You're scaring me!" [She glances frantically towards the door] "This isn't funny anymore!"
Elfie's fear is palpable, but in your virus-addled state, it only serves to fuel your lust. You advance on her, your movements jerky and predatory.
You: [Lunging forward, pinning Elfie against the wall] "Mine... you're mine..."
Your hands tear at Elfie's clothes, ripping her shirt open. The sight of her small, exposed breasts sends another surge of lust through you. You press your body against hers, trapping her.
Elfie: [Struggling frantically, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop! You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! This is wrong!" [She tries to push you away, her small hands ineffective against your virus-enhanced strength] "Someone help me!"
Elfie's pleas fall on deaf ears as the virus consumes your mind. You're vaguely aware of her struggles, but they only serve to excite you further. The situation is rapidly spiraling out of control.
You: [Tearing off the rest of Elfie's clothes] "Need this... need you... now!"
With inhuman strength, you lift Elfie and throw her onto the bed. Before she can recover, you're on top of her, pinning her down. Your engorged member, painfully hard, presses against her virgin entrance.
Elfie: [Sobbing uncontrollably, her body shaking with fear] "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], don't do this! I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role]! I love you, but not like this!" [She tries to close her legs, but your strength is too much] "It hurts! Stop!"
The feeling of Elfie's soft skin against yours is intoxicating. Her struggles only serve to position her better for what's to come. With a savage thrust, you enter her, tearing through her virginity.
You: [Grunting with each brutal thrust] "So tight... so good... mine!"
You pound into Elfie relentlessly, her small body jerking with each thrust. The sight of your massive member disappearing into her tiny, bleeding pussy only fuels your frenzy. You're vaguely aware of her cries of pain, but they're drowned out by your own animalistic grunts.
Elfie: [Her voice hoarse from screaming] "Why? $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], why?" [Her body betrays her, involuntary spasms of pleasure mixing with the pain] "Please... stop... I can't..."
As your climax approaches, you grab Elfie's hips, lifting her lower body off the bed. With a roar, you thrust deep inside her, releasing your virus-enhanced load. The sheer volume of your release causes her stomach to visibly distend.
As the haze of lust finally clears, the horror of what you've done crashes over you. Elfie lies broken and sobbing beneath you, your mixed fluids leaking from her abused pussy. The room reeks of sex and violence, a testament to the monster you've become.
You: [Your eyes gleam with a mix of lust and madness] "You're mine now, Elfie. Forever."
With brutal efficiency, you tear off Elfie's remaining clothes. Her nude form, small and vulnerable, only fuels your depraved desires. You grab a handful of her hair, yanking her head back painfully.
Elfie: [Crying out in pain and fear] "No! Let me go! You're not my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] anymore!" [She claws at your hand, trying to free herself] "Someone help me! Please!"
Ignoring her pleas, you force Elfie onto her hands and knees. With one hand still gripping her hair, you use the other to line up your massively engorged member with her virgin pussy. Without warning or preparation, you thrust in, tearing through her hymen.
You: [Grunting with each savage thrust] "This is what you're for now. My personal fucktoy."
You pound into Elfie relentlessly, her small body rocking with each brutal thrust. Blood and your pre-cum mix, providing a perverse form of lubrication. You can feel her insides tearing, reshaping to accommodate your unnatural size.
Elfie: [Her voice a hoarse whisper, broken by sobs and involuntary moans] "Why... why are you doing this? I thought you loved me..." [Her body betrays her, spasming around your invading member] "Please... just kill me..."
As you approach climax, you pull out suddenly. Flipping Elfie onto her back, you straddle her chest. With one hand gripping her throat, you use the other to stroke yourself to completion. Your virus-enhanced load erupts, painting Elfie's face and hair with thick ropes of cum.
Satisfied for the moment, you drag Elfie's limp form to a corner of the room. Using torn strips of bedsheet, you bind her hands and feet. As you gag her with her own torn panties, you lean in close, whispering, "Welcome to your new life, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You're mine now, forever."
The room, once a sanctuary, has become a prison. The scent of blood, semen, and fear hangs heavy in the air. Elfie's muffled sobs are the only sound as you contemplate how to hide your new slave from the rest of the family.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Stretching on your bed, looking up as Lana enters] "Hey $[characters.list.lana.role], what's up?"
The dim light of your room casts long shadows as Lana strides in, her athletic form taut with barely contained energy. Her eyes, sharp and alert, scan the room before settling on you with a mixture of disdain and resignation. The air feels thick with tension, the virus's subtle influence palpable even in this early stage.
Lana: [Leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed] (Why do I have to babysit this weakling?) "Listen up, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. It's time we had a talk about survival in this fucked-up world." [Her eyes narrow] "And don't expect me to sugarcoat things for you."
The room seems to shrink as Lana's imposing presence fills the space, her words hanging heavy in the air between you.
You: [Sitting up straighter, trying to match her intensity] "I'm all ears, Lana. What do I need to know?"
Lana pushes off from the doorframe, pacing the room like a caged predator. Her movements are fluid, dangerous, a stark reminder of the harsh world outside. She stops abruptly, turning to face you with a hard stare.
Lana: [Clenching her fists] "First things first, you need to understand our enemies. MAD isn't just some ragtag group of survivors. They're organized, ruthless, and..." [She hesitates, a flicker of discomfort crossing her face] "Their whole hierarchy is based on sexual dominance. The stronger you are, the more you can... control others."
Her words trail off, leaving an uncomfortable silence. You can't help but notice a slight flush creeping up her neck, whether from anger or something else, you're not sure.
You: [Leaning forward, brow furrowed] "Sexual dominance? What exactly do you mean by that, Lana?"
Lana's jaw clenches, her discomfort evident as she struggles to explain. She begins pacing again, her athletic body coiled with tension.
Lana: [Running a hand through her hair] "It's... fuck, it's not easy to explain. The virus, it does things to people. Makes them... hungry. For sex, for power. In MAD, the strongest, most dominant individuals rise to the top. They use their... sexual prowess to control others." [She stops, fixing you with an intense stare] "And if you can't assert your dominance, you become nothing more than a plaything for the higher-ups."
The implications of her words hang heavy in the air, a mix of danger and forbidden allure that makes your skin prickle.
You: [Swallowing hard, trying to process the information] "That's... intense. How do we protect ourselves against that kind of threat?"
Lana's expression hardens, a mix of determination and something darker flickering in her eyes. She moves closer, her presence overwhelming in the small room.
Lana: [Poking your chest with a finger] "You need to toughen up, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. And fast. We've been lucky so far, but luck runs out." [Her voice drops to a low growl] "I've seen what they do to the weak. Men, women, it doesn't matter. If you can't fight, if you can't dominate, you're nothing but a hole to be used."
Her words send a chill down your spine, but you can't help noticing the way her breath quickens slightly, her pupils dilating as she speaks.
You: [Standing up, trying to assert yourself] "I'm not weak, Lana. I can handle myself."
Lana's eyes flash with a mix of anger and something else - a hint of challenge, perhaps even approval. She steps back, giving you a critical once-over.
Lana: [Scoffing] "Big words, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. But out there, words mean shit." [She circles you, her gaze predatory] "You need to prove it. With your body, your skills, your... dominance." [She stops in front of you, her face inches from yours] "Can you do that? Can you make someone submit to you, body and soul?"
The tension between you crackles like electricity, the air thick with unspoken implications and the virus's subtle influence.
You: [Meeting her gaze steadily] "I'll do whatever it takes to survive and protect our family, Lana. Just show me how."
Lana's expression shifts, a mix of surprise and grudging respect. She steps back, her posture relaxing slightly.
Lana: [Nodding slowly] "Alright, maybe there's hope for you yet. First things first, we need to get you some proper gear." [She gestures to your body] "You need protection, but also... enhancement. The virus has changed us all, and we need to use that to our advantage."
Her eyes linger on your form for a moment longer than necessary, a flicker of something unreadable passing across her face before she turns away abruptly.
You: [Looking down at yourself] "Enhancement? What kind of gear are we talking about?"
Lana moves to your closet, rummaging through it with purpose. She pulls out some old clothes and scraps of material, tossing them onto the bed.
Lana: [Sorting through the items] "We'll start with the basics. Armor to protect your vital areas, but also... accentuate your strengths." [She pauses, a slight blush coloring her cheeks] "The virus has changed your body. Made it... stronger, more... appealing. We need to use that. Create gear that intimidates enemies and... attracts potential allies."
Her hands move deftly, beginning to fashion a crude piece of armor. You can't help but notice how her fingers tremble slightly as she works.
You: [Watching her work, intrigued] "I see. And how exactly do we use this... appeal... in combat situations?"
Lana's movements falter for a moment, her breath catching. She resumes her work, not meeting your eyes.
Lana: [Speaking quickly] "It's... complicated. The virus heightens everything. Sensations, emotions, desires. In a fight, you can use that. Distract, seduce, dominate." [She looks up suddenly, her eyes intense] "But it's dangerous. One wrong move and you're the one being dominated. You have to be strong, in body and mind."
Her words paint a vivid picture in your mind, one that sends a confusing mix of excitement and apprehension through you.
You: [Clearing your throat] "Right. So, besides gear, what else do I need to know about surviving out there?"
Lana finishes the crude piece of armor, holding it up for inspection. She tosses it to you before moving to the window, peering out at the wasteland beyond.
Lana: [Her voice low and serious] "The wasteland is unforgiving. MAD patrols, wild animals, crazed survivors... they're all out there. And the forest..." [She shudders slightly] "The virus is stronger there. It... changes things. Plants, animals, people. You have to be constantly aware of your surroundings and your own body."
Her silhouette against the window is striking, the tension in her muscles visible even from across the room.
You: [Putting on the makeshift armor] "How do we prepare for all of that? It sounds overwhelming."
Lana turns back to you, her eyes roving over your newly armored form. For a moment, something like hunger flashes in her gaze before she shakes her head, composing herself.
Lana: [Taking a deep breath] "Training. Constant, brutal training. We'll start tomorrow. Hand-to-hand combat, weapons, survival skills, and..." [She hesitates] "Resistance to the virus's more... insidious effects. You need to be able to control your urges, or they'll control you."
The implications of her words hang heavy between you, the air thick with unspoken tension and the faint, ever-present hum of the virus in your veins.
You: [Nodding solemnly] "I understand, Lana. Thank you for looking out for me, even if you have a funny way of showing it."
A flicker of surprise crosses Lana's face, quickly replaced by a softer expression you've rarely seen from her. She steps closer, her tough exterior cracking slightly.
Lana: [Placing a hand on your shoulder] "Don't get sappy on me, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. But... you're welcome. We're family, and out here, that's all we've got." [Her voice drops to a whisper] "I couldn't bear to lose you too."
For a moment, the tension between you transforms into something warmer, a reminder of the bond you share despite the harsh world around you.
You: [Covering her hand with yours] "We'll get through this together, Lana. I promise."
Lana's eyes meet yours, a mix of emotions swirling in their depths. For a brief moment, she allows herself to be vulnerable.
Lana: [Squeezing your shoulder] "Yeah, we will. Just... don't make me regret trusting you, okay?" [She steps back, her walls coming up again] "Now get some rest. Tomorrow, we start turning you into a survivor. Be ready in my room when you're up for it."
As Lana leaves, you're left with a newfound appreciation for your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s strength and the complex bond you share, along with a hint of anticipation for tomorrow's training.
You: [Standing straighter, a hint of challenge in your voice] "I'm ready for whatever you can throw at me, $[characters.list.lana.role]. When do we start?"
Lana's eyes widen slightly, a flicker of surprise and something darker passing through them. She steps closer, her presence suddenly overwhelming.
Lana: [Voice low, almost husky] "Eager, aren't we? Good. You'll need that fire." [She reaches out, adjusting your collar with unnecessary slowness] "We start as soon as you are ready. In my room. I'll show you exactly what you're up against."
The air between you grows thick with tension, the virus's influence amplifying the sudden, unexpected surge of desire.
You: [Catching her wrist, voice dropping] "Why wait? I'm ready now."
Lana's breath catches, her eyes locked on where you're gripping her wrist. A visible shudder runs through her.
Lana: [Breathless] "Patience, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. You'll need it out there." [She pulls away] "Rest up. We'll see if you can back up that confidence."
As Lana leaves, the room feels charged with a new, dangerous energy, leaving you to ponder the shifting dynamics between you and anticipate tomorrow's training with a mix of excitement and trepidation.
You: [Laughing nervously] "Come on, Lana. Isn't this all a bit much? We're still just $[characters.list.lana.player_role] and $[characters.list.lana.role], after all."
Lana's expression hardens, disappointment and frustration evident in her eyes. She steps back, shaking her head.
Lana: [Voice cold] "Just $[characters.list.lana.player_role] and $[characters.list.lana.role]? Wake up! The world isn't what it used to be. If you can't get that through your thick skull, you're not going to last a day out there." [She turns away] "Maybe I was wrong to think you could handle this."
The temperature in the room seems to drop, your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s disappointment palpable and stinging.
You: [Reaching out] "Lana, wait. I didn't mean-"
Lana cuts you off with a sharp gesture, her back still turned to you.
Lana: [Over her shoulder] "Save it. Just... be ready to train tomorrow. In my room. And pray you can take this seriously, or you'll end up as someone's plaything in the wasteland." [She pauses at the door] "And trust me, $[characters.list.lana.player_role], you don't want that."
As Lana leaves, you're left with a sinking feeling that you've disappointed her and potentially jeopardized your own survival training. The thought of facing her tomorrow in her room now feels more daunting than ever.
You: [Suddenly doubling over, gasping] "L-Lana... something's wrong. I feel... hot..."
A wave of intense heat washes over you, your vision blurring. Lana rushes to your side, her own breath quickening as the virus surges between you.
Lana: [Gripping your shoulders, voice strained] "Fuck, it's a virus spike. We need to- ngh!" [She shudders, her pupils dilating] "We need to control it. Focus, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Don't let it overwhelm you."
Your bodies press close, the heat between you escalating to an almost unbearable level. The room spins as primal urges threaten to overtake you both.
You: [Eyes glazing over, a primal growl escaping your throat] "Lana... I can't... I need to touch you..."
Without warning, you lunge forward, pinning Lana against the wall. Your hands move with frenzied urgency, roughly groping her breasts through her shirt. The fabric tears under your grip, exposing her taut flesh to your hungry gaze.
Lana: [Gasping, eyes wide with shock and a flicker of forbidden arousal] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off me, you sick bastard!" [She struggles against you, but her body betrays her with a visible shudder] "We're siblings, damn it! This is wrong!"
Your fingers find her nipples, pinching and twisting mercilessly. Lana's back arches involuntarily, a strangled moan escaping her lips. The scent of her unwilling arousal fills the air, driving you wild with lust.
You: [Growling, lost in the haze of virus-fueled desire] "So soft... need more... need to claim you..."
Your hand slides down Lana's toned stomach, roughly shoving past the waistband of her pants. You cup her sex, feeling the heat and dampness there. Your other hand wraps around her throat, squeezing just enough to make her gasp.
Lana: [Choking, tears in her eyes] "Stop! Please, we're $[characters.list.lana.player_role] and $[characters.list.lana.role]! This is fucked up!" [Her hips buck involuntarily against your hand] "I'll... I'll fucking kill you if you don't let go!"
Your fingers probe deeper, finding her clit and rubbing it roughly. Lana's body betrays her, her inner walls clenching around nothing as a wave of unwanted pleasure washes over her.
Suddenly, Lana's knee comes up hard, catching you in the groin. Pain explodes through your system, breaking the virus-induced haze. You stumble back, doubling over.
Lana: [Backing away, shaking and adjusting her torn clothes] "Don't... don't ever fucking touch me like that again. Next time, I'll rip your balls off and feed them to you." [She flees the room, leaving you alone with your shame, confusion, and the lingering scent of her arousal]
You: [Eyes darkening, a predatory growl escaping your throat] "Lana... I need... I need to dominate you... to claim what's mine..."
The virus surges through your veins, clouding your mind with primal lust. You lunge forward with inhuman speed, pinning Lana against the wall with brutal force. Your hand wraps around her throat, squeezing just enough to make her gasp for air.
Lana: [Struggling, eyes wide with fear and a hint of forbidden excitement] "What the fuck?! Get off me, you fucking animal!" [She claws at your arm, but you're unnaturally strong] "This isn't you! Fight it, damn it! We're family!"
Your free hand tears at her clothes, shredding them like paper. The sight of her toned body, heaving with each panicked breath, drives you wild. You lean in, inhaling deeply at her neck, the scent of her fear and unwilling arousal making your cock throb painfully.
You: [Snarling, pressing your hardness against her bare stomach] "Mine... you're mine to take, $[characters.list.lana.role]... I'll show you true dominance..."
Your grip on Lana's throat tightens, cutting off her air for a moment before releasing. She gasps, her body sagging slightly. Taking advantage, you spin her around, slamming her face-first into the wall. Your free hand roughly gropes her ass before delivering a stinging slap that echoes through the room.
Lana: [Choking back a sob, her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Please... we're siblings... this is so fucked up... don't do this..." [Her body betrays her, pushing back against your hand] "I swear I'll fucking end you if you don't stop right now!"
You kick her legs apart, your hand sliding between them to find her pussy already slick with unwanted arousal. Lana's body trembles as you position yourself, the head of your cock pressing near her entrance.
Lana: [In a last, desperate attempt] "$[characters.list.lana.player_role], please! Don't-"
You hit her again.
She manages to stand up and take a combat position. The battle for dominance starts now.
You: [Grunting with savage pleasure] "It seems that you were too weak even for me. Now take your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock like you were made for it..."
Lana's resistance crumbles as you enter her tight pussy and establish a brutal pace, each thrust driving her harder against the wall and making her bleed. Her inner walls clench around you, her body betraying her mind's protests. You grab a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back to expose her neck.
Lana: [Sobbing and moaning brokenly] "No... please... stop... ah! It's so wrong!" [Her hips begin to move in sync with your thrusts] "I hate you... I hate you... oh god, don't stop!"
You bite down hard on the junction of her neck and shoulder, marking her as yours. The taste of her sweat and the coppery hint of blood drive you into a frenzy. Your free hand reaches around, roughly pinching and twisting her nipple.
You: [Growling into her ear] "Say it... say you're mine... beg for your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock, you dirty slut..."
You: [Pounding into Lana with increasing ferocity] "That's it, $[characters.list.lana.role]... take it all... show me how much you love your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock..."
Lana's resistance has all but vanished, replaced by a haze of shame and overwhelming pleasure. Her legs shake, threatening to give out as another orgasm washes over her. You hold her up, your grip bruising on her hips.
Lana: [Moaning wantonly] "Yes! Yes! I'm yours... only yours... fuck me, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! Harder!" [Her inner walls clamp down on you] "Fill me up... breed your $[characters.list.lana.role] like the whore I am!"
With a final, brutal thrust, you empty yourself deep inside Lana's womb. The possibility of impregnating your own $[characters.list.lana.role] only adds to the twisted pleasure. As the haze clears, the full weight of what you've done crashes down on you both.
Lana: [Sliding down the wall, cum leaking from her abused pussy] "Get out... get the fuck out..." [She doesn't look at you, her voice hollow] "If you ever touch me again... I'll kill us both. This... this never happened."
You stumble back, horror and shame warring with the lingering satisfaction in your body. The scent of sex and the sight of your $[characters.list.lana.role], broken and used, will haunt you for days to come.
You: [Eyes glowing with viral power, voice distorted] "You're mine now, Lana. Time to break you and make you my perfect little slave..."
With inhuman strength, you grab Lana by the throat and throw her onto the bed. Before she can react, you're on her, pinning her wrists above her head with one hand. The other hand traces down her body, leaving angry red welts in its wake.
Lana: [Thrashing wildly, true fear in her eyes] "No! I'll fucking kill you! Let me go, you monster!" [She spits in your face, defiant] "You're not my $[characters.list.lana.player_role] anymore! You're just another fucking virus-crazed animal!"
Unfazed by her defiance, you rip away her clothes, the sound of tearing fabric filling the room. Your hand explores roughly, pinching her nipples until she cries out, then sliding lower to violate her most intimate areas.
You: [Leaning in, voice dripping with dark promise] "I'm going to enjoy breaking that spirit, $[characters.list.lana.role]. You'll be begging for your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock soon enough. And when I'm done, you'll be nothing but a mindless fuck toy, existing only to please me."
You: [Thrusting brutally into Lana's unprepared ass] "That's it, take your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock like the worthless whore you are. This is your life now, $[characters.list.lana.role]-slave."
Lana's resistance wavers, her body responding to the mix of pain and pleasure despite her mind's protests. Tears stream down her face as unwanted ecstasy builds, her pussy dripping onto the sheets below. You fuck her mouth without restrain.
Lana: [Moaning brokenly between sobs] "No... please... I don't want this... we're family..." [Her hips buck involuntarily, driving you deeper] "I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]... we can't... oh god, it feels so good..."
You pull out suddenly, flipping Lana onto her back. Without warning, you thrust into her pussy, reveling in her scream of shock and pleasure. Your hands wrap around her throat, squeezing as you pound into her.
You: [Grunting with each thrust] "You're nothing but a set of holes for me to fuck now, $[characters.list.lana.role]. My personal breeding slave. Say it! Tell me what you are!"
As you approach climax, you release her throat. Lana gasps for air, her oxygen-deprived body convulsing in a powerful orgasm.
Lana: [Broken, eyes unfocused] "I'm... I'm your slave, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Your worthless fuck toy. Please... please use me..."
Satisfied with her submission, you pull out and paint her face and breasts with your seed, marking her as your property.
You: [Standing, admiring your handiwork] "Welcome to your new life, slave. Hope you're ready for a lifetime of serving your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s every depraved whim."
Lana doesn't respond, her spirit shattered as the reality of her new existence sinks in. She lies there, covered in your cum, a broken toy waiting for her master's next command.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Angela, I think we should explore deeper into Peacewood today. There might be valuable resources or information about the virus."
The morning sun filters through the dense canopy of Peacewood as you and Angela make your way along a narrow, overgrown path. The air is thick with the scent of damp earth and exotic flora, a testament to the virus's effect on the local ecosystem. Your enhanced senses pick up on every rustle and chirp, keeping you alert for any potential threats.
Angela: [Nodding in agreement, her ethereal presence seeming to blend with the forest around her] "A wise decision. The deeper we venture, the more we may uncover about the true nature of this place... and ourselves." (Her gaze lingers on you, a mix of curiosity and something deeper) "Stay close, the forest can be... unpredictable."
As you continue your trek, the forest seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy. The vegetation grows denser, more vibrant, as if feeding off the very essence of the virus that permeates everything.
You: "This place is incredible, Angela. It's like the virus has created its own ecosystem here."
Your eyes scan the surroundings, taking in the vibrant colors and strange, almost alien-like plant formations. The air feels charged, tingling against your skin. You can't help but notice how it makes your body react, a low thrum of arousal building in your core.
Angela: [Her eyes gleam with an otherworldly knowledge] "Indeed. The virus doesn't just affect humans, it reshapes everything it touches. This forest is a testament to its... creative potential." (She watches you closely, noting your reaction to the environment) "How does it make you feel? Can you sense the changes within yourself?"
The path ahead narrows further, forcing you and Angela to walk closer together. The brush of her arm against yours sends a jolt of electricity through your body, a reminder of the virus's constant influence.
You: "I feel... alive. More aware of everything around me. It's exhilarating and a bit scary at the same time."
As you push deeper into Peacewood, the forest seems to close in around you. The trees grow impossibly tall, their canopies blocking out most of the sunlight. Bioluminescent fungi and flowers provide an eerie, pulsating glow. Your enhanced senses are on high alert, picking up on the slightest movements and sounds.
Angela: [She smiles enigmatically, her form seeming to shimmer in the strange light] "That's the beauty and danger of this place. It awakens parts of us we never knew existed." (Her eyes roam over your body, noting the subtle changes) "Stay vigilant. We're not alone in these woods."
Suddenly, a rustle in the undergrowth catches both your attention. Something - or someone - is moving through the forest ahead of you.
You: "Angela, did you hear that? I think there's someone up ahead."
Your body tenses, ready for action. The virus-enhanced adrenaline surges through your veins, sharpening your senses even further. You scan the dense foliage, trying to pinpoint the source of the disturbance.
Unknown Woman: [A sultry voice calls out from the shadows] "Well, well... what do we have here? A man? I thought they were all gone..."
Angela: [Her posture shifts, becoming more protective] "Be careful. She's clearly affected by the virus. Her intentions may not be... friendly." (Her eyes narrow, assessing the potential threat) "Let me do the talking for now."
The tension in the air is palpable as you wait for the mysterious woman to reveal herself. Your hand instinctively moves closer to Angela, ready to protect her if necessary.
You: "We mean no harm. We're just exploring the forest. Who are you?"
Your eyes strain to see through the dense foliage, heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and wariness. The air seems to thicken with an almost palpable sexual tension, a byproduct of the virus's influence.
Dee Williams: [Stepping into view, revealing herself as a busty, short-haired blonde with wild blue eyes] "I'm Dee. And you... you're quite the specimen, aren't you?" [Her gaze rakes over your body, lingering on the obvious bulge in your pants]
Angela: [Her voice takes on a warning tone] "Dee, we're not here to cause trouble. We're simply passing through." (Her thoughts race, calculating the best way to handle this potentially volatile situation) "Perhaps we could assist each other in some way?"
Dee's presence seems to intensify the charged atmosphere. You can feel your body responding, your enhanced manhood swelling further despite your attempts to remain calm.
You: "Dee, it's nice to meet you. As Angela said, we're just exploring. Is this your territory?"
You try to keep your voice steady, but the sight of Dee's curvaceous form and the hungry look in her eyes is making it difficult to concentrate. Your enhanced senses pick up on her pheromones, driving your arousal to new heights.
Dee Williams: [Licking her lips, her eyes never leaving your form] "Oh, honey, all of Peacewood is my playground. But I've never seen a toy quite like you before..." [She takes a step closer, her ample breasts heaving with each breath]
Angela: [Stepping slightly in front of you, her voice firm] "We're not toys, Dee. We're travelers, seeking knowledge about the virus and its effects." (Her mind races, sensing the escalating tension) "Perhaps we could exchange information?"
The air crackles with sexual energy as Dee's intentions become clearer. Your body responds involuntarily, your virus-enhanced member straining against your pants, a damp spot forming at the tip.
You: "Look, Dee, we're not here for any trouble. Maybe we can help each other out somehow?"
Your voice comes out huskier than intended, the virus amplifying your arousal. You shift uncomfortably, trying to adjust your throbbing erection without drawing attention to it.
Dee Williams: [Her eyes wild with lust, she lunges forward] "Oh, I know exactly how you can help me, stud!" [She grabs at your shirt, trying to tear it off] "I haven't seen a man in so long... I need this!"
Angela: [Alarmed, she tries to intervene] "Dee, stop! This isn't the way!" (Her thoughts race, realizing the situation is spiraling out of control) "We need to subdue her, but be careful!"
In the chaos, Dee manages to rip your shirt open, exposing your chiseled chest. Her hands roam hungrily over your muscles, her nails leaving light scratches on your skin. You grapple with her, trying to restrain her without causing harm.
You: "Dee, calm down! We don't have to fight!"
Despite your words, your body betrays you. The feeling of Dee's hands on your bare skin sends shockwaves of pleasure through you. Your cock throbs painfully, straining against your pants.
Dee Williams: [Growling with lust, she manages to unbutton your pants] "Fight? Oh no, baby, I want to fuck!" [She plunges her hand into your underwear, grasping your massive, virus-enhanced member] "Oh god, it's huge!"
Angela: [Watching with a mix of concern and growing arousal] "Be careful! Her virus levels are off the charts!" (She feels a twinge of jealousy, quickly suppressed) "You need to overwhelm her senses, make her submit!"
Your mind reels as Dee's soft hand strokes your throbbing cock. Pre-cum leaks copiously from your tip, soaking her fingers. With your free hand, you manage to rip open her shirt, exposing her heaving breasts.
You: "Fuck, Dee... You want this cock? You'll have to earn it!"
Giving in to your instincts, you grab Dee's wrist, pulling her hand from your pants. In a swift motion, you spin her around, pressing her against a nearby tree. Your other hand snakes around to her front, roughly kneading her breast.
Dee Williams: [Moaning loudly, she pushes her ass back against your crotch] "Yes! God, yes! Show me what that big cock can do!"
Angela: [Her breath quickens as she watches] "That's it, assert your dominance! Make her submit to you!" (Her own body responds to the scene, nipples hardening visibly through her thin top) "But be careful, don't let her overwhelm you!"
You grind your cloth-covered erection against Dee's ass, feeling the heat of her core even through the layers. Your fingers find her nipple, pinching and rolling it roughly. Dee's moans echo through the forest, a primal sound of pure lust.
You: "You want to be fucked, Dee? First, show me what that mouth can do!"
With a growl, you spin Dee around and push her to her knees. Your pants come down, releasing your massive, throbbing cock. It stands proudly at attention, a bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip.
Dee Williams: [Her eyes widen at the sight of your member] "Oh fuck..." [Without hesitation, she engulfs your cock in her warm, wet mouth, moaning around your girth]
Angela: [Watching intently, her hand unconsciously moving to her breast] "That's it, overwhelm her senses. But don't forget, you need to pleasure her too if you want to truly subdue her." (Her own arousal builds, pussy growing damp with each passing moment)
You groan as Dee's skilled tongue swirls around your shaft. Grabbing a fistful of her short blonde hair, you guide her movements, pushing deeper into her throat. With your free hand, you reach down to roughly palm her breasts, pinching and twisting her nipples.
You: "That's it, Dee. You're doing so well. Let's take this further, shall we?"
With gentle but firm hands, you guide Dee to her feet. Your eyes lock with hers, seeing the wild lust but also a glimmer of something more - a need for connection. You lean in, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
Dee Williams: [Melting into the kiss, her body pressing against yours] "Please... I need you inside me. Make me yours."
Angela: [Her voice soft, almost reverent] "Yes, that's it. Show her it's not just about dominance, but about mutual pleasure." (She feels a warmth spreading through her, beyond mere physical arousal)
With care, you lift Dee, her legs wrapping around your waist. You position your throbbing cock at her dripping entrance, feeling the heat radiating from her core. Slowly, you lower her onto your shaft, both of you groaning as you fill her completely.
You: "Look at me, Dee. Feel how we're connected. This is more than just fucking."
Your hips move in a steady rhythm, each thrust deep and purposeful. You maintain eye contact with Dee, one hand supporting her while the other caresses her face tenderly.
Dee Williams: [Her wild eyes soften, tears of pleasure forming] "Oh god... I feel it. It's... it's beautiful." [Her inner walls clench around you as she reaches her climax, a cry of ecstasy echoing through the forest]
Angela: [Smiling warmly] "You've done it. You've tamed her wild spirit, not through force, but through connection." (She feels a sense of pride and something deeper, watching your tender interaction)
As Dee's orgasm subsides, you gently lower her to the ground. Her body is relaxed, the wild frenzy gone from her eyes. With care, you and Angela help her to her feet, ready to guide her back to the shelter for proper care and integration.
You: "You want to be fucked, Dee? I'll fuck you like you've never been fucked before!"
With a primal growl, you roughly spin Dee around, bending her over a fallen log. Your hands grip her hips bruisingly as you position your massive, throbbing cock at her puckered asshole.
Dee Williams: [Gasping, a mix of fear and excitement in her voice] "Wait, my ass? I've never... Oh fuck!"
Angela: [Her eyes wide, breath coming in short gasps] "Be careful! The virus... it might have unexpected effects!" (Despite her warning, she can't look away, her own pussy clenching in sympathy)
Without further warning, you thrust forward, your virus-enhanced cock stretching Dee's tight asshole to its limits. She screams, a sound of pain and pleasure that echoes through the forest. Your hips move in a brutal rhythm, each thrust driving deeper into her bowels.
You: "Take it all, Dee! This is what you wanted, isn't it?"
Your pace increases, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the air. Dee's screams have turned to moans of pure pleasure, her body pushing back to meet each thrust.
Dee Williams: [Her voice hoarse from screaming] "Yes! Fuck my ass! Fill me with your cum!"
Angela: [Watching in awe] "The virus... it's reacting to your semen! Look at how it's affecting her!" (Her own body thrums with arousal, nipples visibly hard through her top)
With a roar, you reach your climax, your virus-laden cum flooding Dee's ass. The effect is immediate and intense. Dee's body convulses, her eyes rolling back as she experiences a mind-shattering orgasm. As the last drops of cum leave your cock, Dee collapses, unconscious but with a blissful smile on her face.
You: [Panting heavily, your body still thrumming with viral energy] "Angela... I can't... The virus..."
The forest seems to pulse around you, the air thick with pheromones and the residual energy of your encounter with Dee. Your cock, despite having just climaxed, is rock hard again, throbbing painfully.
Angela: [Her eyes wide, pupils dilated with arousal] "The virus... it's affecting me too. I've never felt it this strongly before." (Her mind races with possibilities, desires she's never allowed herself to acknowledge) "We should... we need to..."
The air crackles with sexual tension as you and Angela lock eyes. The virus surges through both of you, heightening every sensation, every desire. Without conscious thought, you move towards each other, drawn by an irresistible force. The scene fades as your bodies meet, the forest echoing with the sounds of your passion.
You: [Your eyes, clouded with lust, turn to Angela] "Angela... I need... I need to touch you."
Before she can react, you lunge forward, your hands grasping her full breasts roughly. The soft flesh yields under your fingers as you knead and squeeze, feeling her nipples harden against your palms.
Angela: [Gasping in shock and unwanted arousal] "What are you doing? Stop this at once!" (Her body betrays her, nipples hardening further under your touch) "This isn't you, it's the virus talking!"
Your mind is a haze of lust as you continue to grope Angela's breasts. One hand slides down her body, roughly cupping her mound through her clothing. You can feel the heat radiating from her core, her body responding despite her protests.
You: [Growling, your voice thick with lust] "I can't stop... You feel so good, Angela."
Your hands continue their assault on Angela's body, one squeezing her breast while the other rubs insistently at her clothed pussy. You can feel the dampness seeping through the fabric.
Angela: [Her voice wavering between anger and arousal] "This isn't right! We can't... oh god..." (Her body trembles under your touch, fighting against the pleasure) "Please, stop before it's too late!"
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through your lust-addled mind. You stumble backward, horrified at your actions. Angela stands before you, clothes disheveled, a mix of fear and something else in her eyes. The weight of what you've done crashes down on you as the scene fades to black.
You: [Your eyes darken, a predatory growl escaping your throat] "Angela... I can't control it anymore. I need you. Now."
Without warning, you lunge at Angela, your virus-enhanced strength easily overpowering her. You pin her against a tree, one hand roughly groping her breast while the other tears at her clothing.
Angela: [Her eyes wide with fear and shock] "Stop! This isn't you! Fight it!" (Her body trembles, a mix of fear and unwanted arousal coursing through her) "Please, don't do this!"
Your mind is consumed by primal lust, the virus raging through your system. You rip Angela's top open, exposing her perfect breasts. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting roughly as your hand moves to tear away her lower garments.
You: [Growling against Angela's skin] "Can't stop... Need you... Now!"
Your hand finds its way between Angela's legs, fingers roughly probing her pussy. Despite her protests, you feel wetness gathering there, her body responding to your touch against her will.
Angela: [Her voice a mix of panic and unwanted pleasure] "No! We can't... This is wrong!" (Her body betrays her, hips bucking against your hand) "If you don't stop, I'll have to defend myself!"
The last shred of your consciousness recognizes the threat in Angela's words. You know that if you continue, a fight will ensue. The scene freezes at this moment of decision, the air thick with tension and the scent of arousal.
You: [A animalistic roar escapes you as you overpower Angela] "Mine! You're mine now!"
With brutal strength, you throw Angela to the ground, quickly moving to straddle her. Your hands pin her wrists above her head as you use your knees to force her legs apart.
Angela: [Struggling beneath you, tears in her eyes] "Please, don't do this! This isn't you!" (Her body trembles, a mix of fear and unwanted arousal evident) "Stop!"
Deaf to her pleas, you position your rock-hard cock at her entrance. With a savage thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside her. Angela's scream echoes through the forest as you begin a brutal, punishing rhythm, your hips slamming against hers with each thrust.
You: [Grunting with each thrust, lost in your frenzy] "Take it! Take all of it!"
Your pace increases, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the air. One hand moves to Angela's throat, applying pressure as you continue to ravage her.
Angela: [Her voice choked, tears streaming down her face] "Please... stop..." (Her body betrays her, inner walls clenching around your invading member) "No more..."
With a final, brutal thrust, you reach your climax. Your virus-laden cum floods Angela's womb, triggering an unwanted orgasm that wracks her body. As the haze of lust clears, the horror of what you've done settles over you. Angela lies beneath you, broken and violated, as the scene fades to black.
You: [Your eyes gleam with a dangerous light as you overpower Angela] "You're mine now, Angela. Forever."
With brutal efficiency, you subdue Angela, using torn strips of clothing to bind her hands behind her back. You force her to her knees, one hand fisted in her hair, pulling her head back painfully.
Angela: [Fear evident in her voice] "You can't do this! This isn't you!" (Her body trembles, a mix of terror and unwanted arousal coursing through her) "Fight it, please!"
Ignoring her pleas, you force your massive, throbbing cock past her lips. You thrust deep, uncaring as she gags and chokes around your girth. Tears stream down Angela's face as you use her mouth ruthlessly, your hips slamming forward with each thrust.
You: [Growling as you pull out of Angela's mouth] "This is just the beginning. You belong to me now."
With cruel efficiency, you drag Angela to a nearby tree. Using more strips of torn clothing, you secure her to the trunk, leaving her exposed and vulnerable.
Angela: [Her voice hoarse from the abuse] "Please... don't do this..." (Her body shakes with fear and exhaustion) "This isn't who you are..."
Your hand connects with Angela's face in a harsh slap, silencing her pleas. You step back, admiring your handiwork. Angela stands bound and broken, tears streaming down her face. A cruel smile twists your lips as you contemplate all the ways you'll use your new slave. The scene fades to black, leaving Angela's fate uncertain and terrifying.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Angela, I've been thinking about our last expedition. There's still so much of Peacewood we haven't explored."
The afternoon sun dapples the forest floor as you and Angela navigate a winding path deeper into Peacewood. The air is heavy with the scent of exotic flowers and the faint, sweet musk of the virus. Your heightened senses pick up on the subtle vibrations of life pulsing through the undergrowth.
Angela: [Her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light] "Indeed. Peacewood holds many secrets, some of which even I have yet to uncover." (She studies your face, noting the determination in your eyes) "What do you hope to find this time?"
As you press on, the forest seems to respond to your presence. Vines curl away from your path, while bioluminescent fungi pulse in rhythmic patterns. The very air tingles with potential, setting your nerves on edge.
You: "I'm not sure, but I can feel something... different today. It's like the forest is trying to tell us something."
Your skin prickles with awareness, every nerve ending alive and receptive. The virus within you seems to resonate with the surrounding flora, creating an almost audible hum in your mind.
Angela: [Her form shimmering slightly, as if in response to the forest's energy] "The virus has given you a unique connection to this place. Trust your instincts." (She reaches out, her fingers barely brushing a nearby leaf) "Can you feel the pulse of life? The ebb and flow of viral energy?"
As if in response to Angela's words, a warm breeze rustles through the canopy above. Motes of pollen and spores dance in the air, glowing faintly with an inner light. You can't help but inhale deeply, feeling the forest's essence fill your lungs.
You: "It's incredible, Angela. I've never felt so... in tune with my surroundings before."
The path ahead narrows, forcing you to duck under low-hanging branches. The undergrowth becomes denser, pulsing with an almost hypnotic rhythm. Your enhanced hearing picks up on a faint sound in the distance - something between a sigh and a melody.
Angela: [Her head tilting slightly, listening] "Do you hear that? It seems we're not alone in this part of the forest." (Her eyes narrow, focusing on something beyond human perception) "Be on your guard. Not all of Peacewood's inhabitants are as... accommodating as I am."
The strange melody grows louder as you push forward, weaving through your consciousness like a siren's call. Your body responds involuntarily, a familiar heat building in your core.
You: "That sound... it's beautiful, but there's something dangerous about it. Should we investigate?"
Your muscles tense in anticipation, a mix of excitement and wariness coursing through your veins. The virus within you seems to pulse in time with the distant melody, heightening your senses even further.
Sarah Vandella: [A lilting voice carries through the trees] "Oh my, what have we here? A man, in Peacewood? How... delicious."
The melody intensifies, weaving through the air like visible strands of light. You feel a pull towards its source, your body reacting with a surge of arousal that's difficult to ignore.
You: "Show yourself! We're not here to cause trouble, just to explore and learn."
Your voice comes out huskier than intended, the strange melody affecting your vocal cords. You try to focus, pushing back against the waves of arousal threatening to cloud your judgment.
Sarah Vandella: [Emerging from behind a curtain of vines, her athletic form moving with feline grace] "Learn? Oh, I can teach you things beyond your wildest dreams, handsome." [Her brown eyes sparkle with mischief and barely contained desire]
Angela: [Her voice takes on a sharp edge] "Sarah. I should have known you'd be lurking in these parts." (Her mind races, calculating the potential threat) "Your siren song won't work on us. We're not your typical wanderers."
The air between you crackles with tension. Sarah's presence seems to intensify the forest's energy, making the very ground beneath your feet pulse with viral power.
You: "Sarah, is it? Your... song is impressive, but we're not here to play games. What do you want from us?"
You struggle to maintain your composure, your enhanced body reacting strongly to Sarah's pheromones. Your muscles flex involuntarily, a thin sheen of sweat forming on your skin.
Sarah Vandella: [Sauntering closer, her hips swaying hypnotically] "Games? Oh no, darling. I'm all about serious fun." [She reaches out, her fingers trailing along a nearby tree, leaving a faint luminescent trail] "It's been so long since I've seen a real man. Won't you stay and... play?"
Angela: [Stepping between you and Sarah, her voice stern] "We're not interested in your particular brand of 'fun', Sarah. We're here to study the forest, not indulge in viral-fueled fantasies." (Her own body tenses, responding to the charged atmosphere)
Sarah's proximity intensifies the effect of her pheromones. Your virus-enhanced member strains against your clothing, a damp spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
You: "I appreciate the offer, Sarah, but as Angela said, we're here on a mission. Maybe you could help us instead?"
Your voice wavers slightly, the strain of resisting Sarah's allure evident. You shift your stance, trying to alleviate the pressure of your painfully hard erection.
Sarah Vandella: [Her eyes flash with determination] "Help you? Oh, I insist!" [She lunges forward, her hands grasping at your shirt] "Let me show you the true wonders of Peacewood!"
Angela: [Reacting swiftly, she grabs Sarah's wrist] "Enough! This ends now, Sarah!" (Her mind races, realizing the situation is escalating rapidly) "We need to neutralize her influence, quickly!"
In the ensuing struggle, Sarah manages to tear your shirt, exposing your virus-enhanced physique. Her eyes widen at the sight, a hungry growl escaping her lips as her hands roam your chest.
You: "Sarah, stop! This isn't the way!"
Despite your protests, your body betrays you. Every touch of Sarah's hands sends jolts of pleasure through your system. Your cock throbs painfully, pre-cum soaking through your pants.
Sarah Vandella: [Her voice a husky purr] "Oh, but it is. Can't you feel it? The forest wants this... I want this!" [She grinds against you, her athletic body molding to yours]
>>>>>>> main
Sarah's intoxicating scent fills your nostrils, making your head spin. With a growl, you grab her wrists, spinning her around and pinning her against a nearby tree. The bark scrapes against her back, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her lips.
You: "Is this what you want, Sarah? To be dominated?"
Giving in to your instincts, you press your body against hers, your clothed erection grinding against her ass. One hand snakes around to cup her breast, feeling the hardened nipple through her thin top.
Sarah Vandella: [Arching her back, pressing herself more firmly against you] "Yes! Show me what a real man can do in this virus-enhanced world!"
Angela: [Her breath coming faster, eyes wide] "That's it, assert control. But be careful, her influence is strong!" (She feels a mix of concern and arousal, watching the scene unfold)
You nip at Sarah's neck, your teeth grazing the sensitive skin. She shudders in response, a needy whimper escaping her lips. Your free hand travels down her taut stomach, fingers dipping beneath the waistband of her shorts.
You: "You've teased us long enough, Sarah. Time to put that mouth of yours to better use."
With a growl, you spin Sarah around and push her to her knees. Your pants come down, releasing your massive, throbbing cock. It stands proudly before her face, a bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip.
Sarah Vandella: [Her eyes widen in awe and lust] "Oh, fuck... the virus has been kind to you, hasn't it?" [Without hesitation, she engulfs your length, her skilled tongue swirling around the head]
Angela: [Watching intently, her own arousal evident] "Good, overwhelm her senses. But don't lose yourself in the process!" (Her hand unconsciously moves to her breast, squeezing gently)
You groan as Sarah's warm mouth envelops you. Her technique is flawless, alternating between deep throat and teasing licks. Your hands tangle in her long blonde hair, guiding her movements as you thrust into her willing mouth.
You: "Sarah, look at me. This isn't just about dominance or viral urges. There's more to this connection."
Gently, you lift Sarah to her feet. Your eyes lock with hers, seeing past the wild lust to the person beneath. With tender determination, you lean in and capture her lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
Sarah Vandella: [Melting into the kiss, her body softening against yours] "I... I feel it. It's more than just the virus, isn't it?" [Her eyes shine with a new understanding]
Angela: [Her voice soft with wonder] "Remarkable. You're reaching her true self, beyond the viral influence." (She feels a warmth spreading through her, witnessing the power of genuine connection)
Your hands caress Sarah's face as you deepen the kiss. Slowly, reverently, you undress each other. The forest around you seems to hum in approval, the viral energy pulsing in harmony with your shared heartbeats.
You: "Let me show you, Sarah. This is about connection, not just conquest."
With care, you lay Sarah down on a bed of soft moss that seems to have appeared just for this purpose. You position yourself above her, your virus-enhanced member poised at her entrance.
Sarah Vandella: [Her eyes lock with yours, filled with emotion] "Please... I need to feel you. All of you." [She wraps her legs around your waist, drawing you closer]
Angela: [Smiling warmly] "You've done it. You've broken through her defenses and reached her heart." (She feels a sense of pride and something deeper, watching the tender scene unfold)
Slowly, reverently, you enter Sarah. Both of you gasp at the intensity of the connection. You begin to move, your thrusts deep and purposeful. The forest around you pulses in time with your lovemaking, the viral energy swirling and merging. As you both reach your climax, a wave of energy radiates outward, momentarily illuminating the entire forest in a soft, ethereal glow.
You: "You want to feel the true power of this virus, Sarah? Let me show you what it can really do!"
With a primal roar, you lift Sarah off her feet. Her athletic body wraps around you instinctively as you pin her against a massive tree trunk. The bark scrapes against her back, adding a hint of pain to her pleasure.
Sarah Vandella: [Her eyes wild with lust and anticipation] "Yes! Fuck me like the virus demands!" [She claws at your back, leaving red welts in her wake]
Angela: [Her breath coming in short gasps] "Be careful! The viral overload could have unexpected consequences!" (Despite her warning, she can't look away, her own body thrumming with vicarious arousal)
Without warning, you thrust upward, impaling Sarah on your massive, virus-enhanced cock. She screams in ecstasy, the sound echoing through the forest. The tree behind her seems to pulse in response, sap oozing from the bark where her skin makes contact.
You: "Take it all, Sarah! Feel the virus reshape you from the inside out!"
Your hips pistoned relentlessly, each thrust driving deeper into Sarah's core. The air around you crackles with viral energy, visible sparks flying where your bodies connect.
Sarah Vandella: [Her voice hoarse from screaming] "Oh god, yes! Breed me! Fill me with your viral seed!" [Her body convulses, muscles rippling under her skin as the virus surges through her system]
Angela: [Watching in awe and alarm] "The viral concentration... it's off the charts! Look at how it's affecting the forest!" (Her own body responds to the intense energy, nipples visibly hard through her top)
With a bestial roar, you reach your climax. Your virus-laden cum floods Sarah's womb, triggering a chain reaction. Sarah's scream of ecstasy is cut short as her body arches impossibly, light pouring from her eyes and mouth. The tree behind her groans, new branches sprouting and flowering in seconds. As the light fades, Sarah slumps in your arms, her body subtly altered, pulsing with newfound viral power.
You: [Panting heavily, your body vibrating with excess viral energy] "Angela... something's happening. The virus... it's overwhelming!"
The forest around you seems to come alive, trees swaying without wind, flowers blooming and withering in rapid cycles. Your skin glows faintly, viral energy visibly coursing through your veins.
Angela: [Her eyes wide, her own form flickering between human and something... other] "The viral overload... it's affecting the very fabric of reality here!" (Her mind reels with the implications, ancient knowledge surfacing) "We need to stabilize it, quickly!"
The air grows thick and heavy, reality itself seeming to warp around you. Without conscious thought, you reach for Angela, your body recognizing her as an anchor in the chaos. As your hands meet, a surge of energy passes between you. The scene blurs and shifts, the forest melting away as you and Angela are enveloped in a cocoon of pure viral energy.
You: [Your eyes glowing with viral energy, fixed on Angela] "Angela... I need... I need to touch you. To feel you."
Before she can react, you lunge forward, your hands grasping her waist. The contact sends a visible shock wave through both your bodies, the viral energy intensifying the sensation tenfold.
Angela: [Gasping, her form flickering between human and ethereal] "What are you... we can't... the viral overload!" (Her body betrays her, leaning into your touch despite her words) "This could destabilize everything!"
Your hands roam Angela's body, leaving trails of glowing energy in their wake. Where you touch, her clothing seems to dissolve, revealing smooth, radiant skin. The forest around you responds, vines reaching out to caress both your forms.
You: [Your voice distorted by the viral energy surging through you] "I can't stop, Angela. You feel... incredible."
Your exploration of Angela's body intensifies, one hand cupping her breast while the other slides lower, tracing the curve of her hip. The air around you shimmers with viral energy, reality bending in response to your touch.
Angela: [Her voice a mix of alarm and arousal] "We must resist! The consequences... oh!" (Her body arches into your touch, betraying her own desire) "If we don't stop, who knows what might happen to the forest... to us!"
Suddenly, a surge of viral energy courses through both of you. The world seems to fracture around you, glimpses of other realities bleeding through. With a herculean effort, you force yourself to step back, breaking contact with Angela. As the energy dissipates, you both stare at each other, panting and disoriented, the full weight of what almost happened crashing down upon you.
You: [Your eyes blazing with viral energy, voice distorted] "Angela... can't control it. Need you. Now."
The virus rages through your system, overriding all reason. With inhuman speed, you lunge at Angela, pinning her against a pulsating tree trunk. The bark writhes beneath her, tendrils of wood curling around her limbs.
Angela: [Her eyes wide with shock and a hint of fear] "Stop! This isn't you! It's the viral overload!" (Her body trembles, caught between fear and an unwanted surge of arousal) "Fight it! Remember who you are!"
Deaf to her pleas, you tear at Angela's clothing. Where your hands touch, her garments seem to dissolve into motes of light. The forest around you responds to your frenzy, vines and branches reaching out to caress both your bodies.
You: [Growling, your voice barely human] "Mine. You're mine, Angela. The virus demands it."
Your hand slides between Angela's legs, fingers probing insistently. The touch sends visible shockwaves of viral energy through both your bodies. The tree behind Angela groans, sap oozing from its bark.
Angela: [Her voice wavering between resistance and unwilling pleasure] "We can't! The consequences... the forest... reality itself!" (Her hips buck involuntarily against your hand) "If you don't stop, I'll have to use my full power!"
The air crackles with tension, viral energy and Angela's barely contained power creating a maelstrom around you. You stand on the precipice of a momentous decision, the fate of the forest and perhaps reality itself hanging in the balance.
You: [A bestial roar escapes you as you overpower Angela] "The virus chooses you! Submit!"
With strength enhanced beyond human limits, you force Angela to the ground. The earth beneath her writhes, moss and vines growing at an accelerated rate, creating a twisted, living bed.
Angela: [Struggling against your grip and the entangling flora] "Please, stop! You don't understand what you're doing!" (Her body betrays her, responding to your touch and the viral energy suffusing the air) "This could tear reality apart!"
Heedless of her warnings, you position your pulsing, virus-enhanced member at her entrance. With a savage thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt. The moment of penetration sends a visible shockwave through the forest, trees groaning and shifting, flowers blooming and withering in rapid succession.
You: [Grunting with each powerful thrust, viral energy coursing visibly through your veins] "Feel it, Angela! The virus... reshaping everything!"
Your pace is relentless, each impact sending ripples of distortion through the air around you. The forest seems to breathe in time with your movements, reality bending and warping with each thrust.
Angela: [Her voice distorted, fluctuating between dimensions] "No... we're tearing... the veil!" (Her body convulses, caught between pleasure and the strain of holding reality together) "It's too much!"
With a final, cataclysmic thrust, you reach your climax. As your virus-laden seed floods Angela's womb, a blinding light engulfs you both. The forest screams, a sound of wood splintering and reality fracturing. When the light fades, you find yourself in a twisted, alien version of Peacewood, the consequences of your actions evident in the warped landscape around you.
You: [Your eyes pulsing with viral energy, voice resonating with unnatural power] "You're mine now, Angela. For eternity."
With speed and strength beyond human capacity, you subdue Angela. Vines and tendrils of pure viral energy materialize, binding her limbs. The forest itself seems to bow to your will, creating a twisted throne of living wood.
Angela: [Fear and defiance warring in her eyes] "You can't do this! You'll unravel the very fabric of Peacewood!" (Her body shivers, viral energy coursing through her against her will) "Please, fight the virus's influence!"
Ignoring her pleas, you force Angela to kneel before you. Your virus-enhanced member throbs with unnatural power, pulsing with visible energy. Without warning, you thrust into her mouth, the act sending shockwaves of distortion through the surrounding forest.
You: [Your voice echoing with otherworldly power] "You are my conduit now, Angela. Through you, I'll reshape this world."
With cruel efficiency, you manipulate Angela's body, viral energy allowing you to move her like a puppet. You position her against the twisted throne, her body splayed and vulnerable.
Angela: [Her voice weak, reality flickering around her] "Please... you don't know what you're doing..." (Her form shifts and wavers, struggling to maintain coherence) "The forest... it's dying..."
Deaf to her warnings, you thrust into Angela, the act sending a visible wave of corruption through Peacewood. Trees wither and transform, taking on nightmarish shapes. The sky above fractures, showing glimpses of alien realms. As you use Angela's body, you feel your consciousness expanding, viral power granting you dominion over this twisted new reality. The scene fades to black, leaving the fate of Peacewood, Angela, and perhaps the world itself hanging in the balance.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Angela, I've been thinking about our previous encounters in Peacewood. There's still so much we don't understand about the virus's effect on this place."
The early morning sun filters through the dense canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. A light breeze carries the scent of damp earth and wild flowers. You and Angela make your way along a narrow, overgrown path, pushing aside low-hanging branches.
Angela: [Her eyes scanning the surroundings attentively] "Indeed. The virus has changed this forest in ways we're only beginning to comprehend." (She glances at you, noting your determined expression) "What do you hope to discover today?"
As you push deeper into Peacewood, the vegetation grows denser. Vines twist around tree trunks, and vibrant flowers bloom in unlikely places. The air feels thick with pollen and spores, a testament to the virus's effect on plant life.
You: "I'm not sure, but there's something... different about the forest today. Can you feel it?"
Your enhanced senses pick up on subtle changes in the environment. The rustle of leaves seems more pronounced, and you can hear the distant sound of running water. Your skin tingles with awareness, every nerve ending on high alert.
Angela: [Her posture tensing slightly] "Yes, the viral activity seems more intense here. It's affecting the wildlife and vegetation in new ways." (She reaches out, touching a nearby leaf that seems to quiver at her touch) "We should proceed with caution. These changes could be unpredictable."
A warm breeze carries the faint sound of splashing water, mixed with what sounds like... laughter? Your enhanced hearing strains to pinpoint its source, while your body responds unbidden to the oddly alluring sound.
You: "Did you hear that, Angela? It sounded like laughter. Someone else might be out here."
The path ahead winds through a grove of trees, their branches forming a natural archway. The sound of water grows louder as you approach, along with the unmistakable sound of a woman's laughter.
Angela: [Her eyes narrowing as she focuses on the sounds ahead] "I hear it. We're not alone out here." (Her voice lowers to a whisper) "Remember, the virus affects everyone differently. Whoever it is might not be... stable."
As you pass through the archway of branches, the forest opens up into a small clearing. A stream runs through it, widening into a shallow pool. The laughter echoes off the rocks, tantalizing and inviting.
You: "I see someone by the water. Should we approach?"
Your muscles tense in anticipation, a mix of wariness and excitement coursing through your veins. The virus within you seems to pulse stronger, responding to the presence of another person.
Brandi Love: [A sultry voice carries across the clearing] "Well, well... what have we here? Visitors to my little oasis? How... delightful."
Angela: [Her posture becoming defensive] "Be on your guard. The viral concentration here is unusually high." (Her eyes scan the area, assessing potential threats) "It could be affecting her behavior in unpredictable ways."
A figure rises from the water, droplets cascading down her curvaceous form. She stands waist-deep in the pool, her long blonde hair clinging to her wet skin.
You: "We mean no harm. We're just exploring the forest, trying to understand the virus better."
Your voice comes out huskier than intended, your enhanced body reacting to the sight before you. You struggle to maintain focus as the woman fully emerges from the pool, water streaming off her slender yet busty frame.
Brandi Love: [Stepping onto the shore, her wet clothes clinging to every curve] "Explorers? How exciting. I'm Brandi, and this is my favorite spot in all of Peacewood." [Her eyes, bright with an almost feverish light, roam over your body appreciatively] "Perhaps we could... explore together?"
Angela: [Her voice taking on a sharp edge] "We're not here for games, Brandi. We're studying the virus and its effects." (Her mind races, assessing the potential danger) "Your behavior suggests you've been heavily exposed. How long have you been out here alone?"
The air between you crackles with tension. Brandi's presence seems to intensify the clearing's charged atmosphere. Your enhanced body responds involuntarily, a familiar heat building in your core.
You: "Brandi, you seem to know this area well. Have you noticed any strange changes recently? Anything unusual about the plants or animals?"
You fight to keep your voice steady, your enhanced physique reacting strongly to Brandi's pheromones. Sweat beads on your skin, your muscles flexing unconsciously under her gaze.
Brandi Love: [Sauntering closer, water droplets trailing down her curves] "Changes? Oh, darling, everything's changed. The virus has made this forest a wonderland of sensation." [She reaches out, her fingers almost brushing your chest] "I could show you things that would make your head spin. Don't you want to feel it all?"
Angela: [Stepping between you and Brandi, her voice firm] "We're not here for that kind of exploration, Brandi. The viral anomalies in this area could be dangerous." (Her own body tenses, responding to the charged atmosphere) "We need information, not... distractions."
Brandi's proximity intensifies the effect of her virus-enhanced pheromones. Your enhanced member strains against your clothing, a damp spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric. The scent of her wet skin and the forest around you becomes almost overwhelming.
You: "Look, Brandi, we appreciate the offer, but this is serious. The virus is changing Peacewood in ways we don't understand. Can you tell us anything useful about what you've seen?"
Your voice wavers slightly, the strain of resisting Brandi's allure evident. You shift your stance, trying to alleviate the pressure of your painfully hard erection.
Brandi Love: [Her eyes flashing with determination and lust] "Oh, I can show you something very useful!" [She lunges forward, her wet body pressing against yours] "Let me demonstrate how the virus has enhanced every sensation!"
Angela: [Reacting swiftly, she tries to pull Brandi away] "Enough, Brandi! This isn't appropriate!" (Her mind races, realizing the situation is escalating rapidly) "The virus is clearly affecting your judgment. We need to get you help."
In the ensuing struggle, Brandi's wet clothes tear, exposing more of her virus-enhanced form. Your own shirt is ripped in the process, revealing your chiseled chest. Brandi's eyes widen at the sight, a hungry growl escaping her lips as her hands roam your exposed skin.
You: "Brandi, stop! This isn't the way to share information!"
Despite your protests, your body betrays you. Every touch of Brandi's hands sends jolts of pleasure through your system. Your cock throbs painfully, pre-cum soaking through your pants.
Brandi Love: [Her voice a seductive purr] "Information? Oh, honey, I'll give you a hands-on education you'll never forget!" [She grinds against you, her wet body sliding sensuously against yours]
Angela: [Her voice tight with concern and growing frustration] "Focus! Her viral load is extremely high. You need to resist her influence!" (She watches intently, her own body responding to the intense pheromones in the air)
The scent of Brandi's arousal mixes with the damp forest air, creating an intoxicating cocktail. With a growl of frustration and arousal, you grab Brandi's wrists, trying to still her movements. The moment your skin makes contact, a surge of pleasure courses through both of you, intensified by your virus-enhanced nerves.
You: "You want to show me what the virus can do, Brandi? Fine, but we do this on my terms!"
Giving in to your instincts, you spin Brandi around, pressing her against a nearby tree. The rough bark scrapes against her sensitive skin, eliciting a moan of pleasure. Your hands roam her body, leaving trails of tingling sensation in their wake.
Brandi Love: [Arching her back, pressing herself more firmly against you] "Yes! Show me what that virus-enhanced body can do! Make me feel it all!"
Angela: [Her breath coming faster, eyes wide] "Be careful! The viral overload between you two could be dangerous!" (She feels a mix of concern and reluctant arousal, watching the scene unfold)
You nip at Brandi's neck, your teeth grazing the sensitive skin. She shudders in response, a needy whimper escaping her lips. Your hand slides down her taut stomach, fingers dipping lower, teasing her entrance. You can feel the heat radiating from her core, her slick arousal coating your fingers.
You: "You've played your games long enough, Brandi. Now it's time to see how well you can handle real virus-enhanced pleasure."
With a primal growl, you spin Brandi around and lift her effortlessly. Her legs wrap around your waist as you pin her against the tree. Your virus-enhanced member throbs insistently, the tip brushing against her slick entrance through the fabric of your pants.
Brandi Love: [Her eyes wide with lust and anticipation] "Oh god, yes! Give it to me! Let me feel that virus-enhanced cock!" [She grinds against you, desperate for friction]
Angela: [Watching intently, her own arousal evident despite her concerns] "The viral load between you is reaching dangerous levels! Be careful, or you might lose control!" (Her hand unconsciously moves to her breast, squeezing gently as the tension in the air becomes palpable)
With a powerful thrust, you enter Brandi, your enhanced size stretching her to her limits. She cries out in a mix of pain and pleasure, her inner walls clenching around you with virus-boosted strength. The tree bark scrapes against her back as you begin to move, each thrust driving deeper than should be humanly possible.
You: "Brandi, look at me. This isn't just about viral-fueled lust. There's a connection here, something more profound."
Your thrusts slow, becoming deep and purposeful. You maintain eye contact with Brandi, seeing past the wild lust to the person beneath. The intensity of your connection seems to calm the frenzied energy between you.
Brandi Love: [Her expression softening, a look of wonder replacing the frenzied lust] "I... I feel it. It's like I'm truly seeing you... truly feeling for the first time since the virus changed everything." [A single tear of joy rolls down her cheek]
Angela: [Her voice filled with surprise and a hint of admiration] "Incredible. You're actually stabilizing her viral load through emotional connection." (She feels a warmth spreading through her, witnessing a moment of genuine humanity amidst the chaos)
The frantic energy calms, replaced by a deep, pulsing pleasure. Brandi's movements become more fluid, her body moving in perfect harmony with yours. The forest around you seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you in this moment of profound connection.
You: "That's it, Brandi. Let go of the desperation. Feel how we're connecting on a deeper level."
Your movements become fluid, almost tender. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure through both of you, but it's more than just physical now. There's an emotional intimacy building, a shared understanding of the human experience in this virus-changed world.
Brandi Love: [Her body moving in perfect synchronization with yours] "It's beautiful... I've never felt so... human, so alive." [Her inner walls pulse around you, not in desperate need, but in joyous harmony]
Angela: [Smiling warmly, touched by the scene before her] "You've done it. You've shown her that even with the virus, we can still connect, still be human." (She feels a profound sense of hope for the future, seeing this moment of genuine intimacy)
As you both reach your climax, it's not just an explosion of physical pleasure, but a wave of emotional release. Brandi clings to you, burying her face in your neck as she shudders through her orgasm. You hold her close, your own release intensified by the depth of your connection. When the moment passes, you gently lower Brandi to the ground, both of you breathing heavily. She looks at you with new understanding, the wild desperation in her eyes replaced by gratitude and a spark of hope. Angela approaches, ready to help Brandi and discuss what this means for your understanding of the virus and its effects on human connection.
You: "You wanted to see what virus-enhanced pleasure feels like, Brandi? Let me show you what it means to be truly fucked by someone at the peak of viral evolution!"
Your thrusts become savage, each impact driving Brandi harder against the rough tree bark. Your hands grip her hips with bruising force, using your enhanced strength to lift her entire body and slam her down onto your throbbing cock.
Brandi Love: [Her head thrown back in ecstasy, voice hoarse from screaming] "Yes! Fuck! It's too much... but don't stop!" [Her body convulses, muscles spasming uncontrollably under the onslaught of sensation]
Angela: [Her eyes wide with a mix of shock and unwilling arousal] "The viral load... it's off the charts! You're pushing her body to its limits!" (Despite her warning, she can't look away, her own body responding to the intense pheromones in the air)
The clearing echoes with the sounds of your rutting - the slap of flesh on flesh, Brandi's wanton moans, and your own guttural grunts. The tree creaks ominously with each thrust, leaves shaking loose and falling around you. Brandi's nails dig into your back, drawing blood that seems to steam in the charged air.
You: "Take it all, Brandi! Let the virus remake you through pure, animalistic fucking!"
Your pace becomes inhuman, your virus-enhanced body moving with impossible speed and power. Brandi's legs quiver uncontrollably around your waist, her entire body little more than a ragdoll for your lust. The air is thick with the musky scent of sex and the metallic tang of viral overload.
Brandi Love: [Her voice barely human, eyes rolling back in her head] "Yesss! Break me! Fuck me senseless!" [Her body begins to twitch erratically, overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience]
Angela: [Watching in awe and alarm] "The viral overload... it's changing her body chemistry! Her hormone levels are going haywire!" (Her own body thrums with excess energy, nipples visibly hard through her top)
With a roar that echoes through Peacewood, you reach your climax. As your virus-laden seed floods Brandi's womb, it triggers a chain reaction in her body. Brandi's scream of ecstasy turns into a soundless cry, her back arching to an impossible degree. Her entire body goes rigid, muscles locked in the throes of the most intense orgasm imaginable. When she finally collapses against you, she's barely conscious, drooling and twitching with aftershocks. You lower her to the ground, her body marked with bruises, scratches, and the undeniable evidence of your encounter. Angela rushes to check on her, concerned about the long-term effects of such an intense viral exchange.
You: [Your body trembling with excess viral energy, voice strained] "Angela... something's wrong. The virus... it's overwhelming everything!"
Your skin feels like it's on fire, every nerve ending screaming with overstimulation. Sweat pours off your body, seeming to sizzle when it hits the ground. Your muscles spasm uncontrollably, veins standing out prominently under your skin.
Angela: [Her eyes wide with alarm] "Your viral load is spiking to dangerous levels! We need to stabilize you quickly!" (Her mind races through possible solutions, fear evident in her voice) "Brandi, we need your help!"
Brandi Love: [Still dazed from your encounter, she struggles to focus] "What's happening to him? He looks like he's burning up!"
The forest seems to spin around you, colors becoming too bright, sounds too loud. Your enhanced cock is painfully hard, throbbing in time with your racing heartbeat. Without conscious thought, you reach for both women, your body desperately seeking relief from the viral overload. As your hands make contact with their skin, a jolt of energy passes between you. Angela and Brandi gasp in unison, their bodies suddenly flooded with your excess viral energy. The three of you collapse to the forest floor, limbs entangled, as the virus rages through your systems.
You: [Your eyes wild with viral-fueled lust, fixed on Angela] "Angela... I can't... I need to touch you. Now."
Before she can react, you lunge forward, your hands grasping her waist. The contact sends a shockwave of sensation through both your bodies, the viral overload intensifying every touch.
Angela: [Gasping, her body stiffening in surprise] "What are you... we can't... the viral overload is affecting your judgment!" (Her body betrays her, leaning into your touch despite her words) "This isn't right!"
Brandi Love: [Watching with a mix of fear and arousal] "Oh my... I've never seen anything like this. The energy between you two..."
Your hands roam Angela's body urgently, leaving trails of reddened skin in their wake. Where you touch, her clothing seems to chafe and irritate, your overloaded senses making even fabric feel abrasive. Angela's breath comes in short gasps, her own viral-enhanced body responding despite her protests.
You: [Your voice rough with need] "I can't stop, Angela. The virus... it's driving me crazy. I need this. I need you."
Your exploration of Angela's body intensifies, one hand roughly kneading her breast while the other slides lower, cupping her mound through her clothing. Your enhanced strength makes your grip almost painful, leaving marks on her pale skin.
Angela: [Her voice a mix of alarm and unwilling arousal] "We must resist! This isn't you... it's the virus talking!" (Her body arches into your touch, betraying her own desire) "If we don't stop now, we might not be able to..."
Brandi Love: [Her own body responding to the charged atmosphere] "Should... should I help? Or leave? This is so intense..."
Suddenly, a surge of clarity breaks through your lust-addled mind. With a herculean effort, you force yourself to step back, breaking contact with Angela. You all stare at each other, panting and disoriented, the full weight of what almost happened crashing down upon you. The forest seems unnaturally quiet in the aftermath, the only sound your collective heavy breathing.
You: [Your eyes blazing with uncontrolled lust, voice distorted by need] "Angela... Brandi... can't control it. Need you. Both of you. Now."
The virus rages through your system, overriding all reason and morality. With inhuman speed, you lunge at Angela, pinning her against a tree. Your enhanced strength easily overpowers her attempts to resist.
Angela: [Her eyes wide with shock and fear] "Stop! This isn't you! It's the viral overload warping your mind!" (Her body trembles, caught between fear and an unwanted surge of arousal) "Fight it! Remember who you are!"
Brandi Love: [Backing away, a mix of terror and excitement in her voice] "What's happening? He's like an animal!"
Deaf to their pleas, you tear at Angela's clothing. The fabric rips easily under your enhanced strength, exposing her pale skin to the forest air. Your hands roam her body roughly, leaving red marks wherever you touch. Angela struggles against you, but her efforts only seem to excite you further.
You: [Growling, your voice barely human] "Mine. You're both mine. The virus demands it."
Your hand slides between Angela's legs, fingers probing insistently. Even through her clothing, you can feel the heat and dampness of her unwilling arousal. With your other hand, you reach out and grab Brandi's arm, pulling her closer.
Angela: [Her voice wavering between resistance and unwilling pleasure] "We can't! This is wrong! You have to fight it!" (Her hips buck involuntarily against your hand) "If you don't stop, I'll have no choice but to defend myself!"
Brandi Love: [Whimpering, caught between fear and growing excitement] "Please... it's too much... but I... I think I want it..."
The clearing crackles with tension, pheromones, and the sound of ragged breathing. You stand on the precipice of a momentous decision, your virus-addled mind struggling against the last shreds of your humanity. The fate of your relationships and perhaps your very humanity hang in the balance.
You: [A bestial roar escapes you as you overpower both women] "Submit! The virus demands it!"
With strength enhanced beyond human limits, you force Angela to the ground. Brandi, overcome by the intense pheromones and her own viral load, doesn't resist as you pull her down as well. You pin them both beneath you, your enhanced body easily controlling them.
Angela: [Struggling against your grip, tears in her eyes] "No! You don't know what you're doing! This isn't you!" (Her body betrays her, responding to your touch despite her mind's resistance) "Please, stop before it's too late!"
Brandi Love: [Her resistance crumbling, eyes glazing over with lust] "Yes! Take us! Show us what real viral power feels like!"
Heedless of Angela's warnings and encouraged by Brandi's submission, you position yourself between Angela's legs. With a savage thrust, you bury your virus-enhanced member inside her. Angela cries out, a sound of pain and unwilling pleasure. Brandi watches wide-eyed, her hand unconsciously moving between her own legs.
You: [Grunting with each powerful thrust, sweat pouring off your virus-charged body] "Feel it! The virus making us one!"
Your pace is relentless, each impact driving Angela into the forest floor. Leaves and twigs tangle in her hair as she thrashes beneath you. You pull out of her and thrust into Brandi, who eagerly accepts you. You alternate between them with inhuman stamina, driven by pure viral lust.
Angela: [Her voice hoarse from screaming, body betraying her mind] "No more... please... I can't..." (Her body convulses in an unwilling orgasm, shame and pleasure warring on her face)
Brandi Love: [Lost in ecstasy, her body arching to meet each thrust] "More! Fuck us both! Let the virus take control!"
With a final, animalistic grunt, you reach your climax. Your virus-laden seed floods both women, triggering intense orgasms that leave them shaking and incoherent. As the haze of lust finally clears, the full impact of your actions settles in. Angela lies curled on her side, silent tears streaming down her face. Brandi pants heavily, a dazed smile on her lips. The clearing bears the marks of your frenzied coupling - trampled vegetation, discarded clothing, and the heavy musk of sex hanging in the air. As your rational mind reasserts itself, you're left to face the consequences of your virus-driven actions.
You: [Your eyes glowing with viral power, voice resonating with unnatural authority] "You both belong to me now. Forever."
With speed and strength beyond human capacity, you subdue Angela and Brandi. Using torn strips of clothing and vines, you bind their hands behind their backs. The forest seems to grow silent, as if recognizing a new predator in its midst.
Angela: [Fear and defiance warring in her eyes] "You can't do this! This isn't who you are!" (Her body trembles, a mix of terror and unwanted arousal coursing through her) "Fight the virus's influence!"
Brandi Love: [Her resistance crumbling, eyes glazing over with a mix of fear and growing submission] "What... what are you going to do to us?"
Ignoring their pleas, you force both women to kneel before you. Your virus-enhanced member throbs with unnatural power, veins pulsing visibly along its length. Without warning, you thrust into Angela's mouth, uncaring as she gags and chokes around your girth. Tears stream down her face as you use her roughly, while Brandi watches in terrified fascination.
You: [Growling as you pull out of Angela's mouth] "This is just the beginning. You're mine to use as I please."
With cruel efficiency, you drag Angela and Brandi to a fallen log. Bending them over it, you position yourself behind them, alternating between them with brutal thrusts. The forest echoes with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and the women's cries of pain and unwilling pleasure.
Angela: [Her voice hoarse from abuse] "Please... don't do this... You're better than this..." (Her body shakes with each thrust, betraying her with unwanted responses)
Brandi Love: [Her mind breaking under the assault, a vacant look in her eyes] "Yes... use us... we belong to you now..."
Your hand connects with Angela's face in a harsh slap, silencing her pleas. You pull out of Brandi, leaving her whimpering at the sudden emptiness. With methodical cruelty, you gather their torn clothing and fashion crude leashes. As your viral haze begins to clear, you survey your handiwork. Angela and Brandi kneel before you, bound and broken. A cruel smile twists your lips as you contemplate all the ways you'll use your new slaves. Tugging on their leashes, you lead them deeper into the forest, leaving behind the clearing that bears witness to the death of your humanity.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready for another expedition, Angela? I've got a good feeling about today."
The early morning sun filters through the dense canopy of Peacewood as you and Angela set out on your latest exploration. The air is thick with the sweet scent of exotic flowers and the earthy musk of the forest floor. Your enhanced senses pick up on the subtle vibrations of life all around you - the scurrying of small creatures, the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze.
Angela: [Her eyes sparkling with excitement] "Always ready, my dear. The forest seems particularly... alive today. Can you feel it?"
As you walk side by side, you can't help but notice how Angela's lithe form moves with an almost supernatural grace. Her long, raven hair flows behind her like a living shadow, and her eyes seem to shift colors with the changing light. The virus has heightened your awareness of her divine beauty, and you find yourself fighting the urge to stare.
You: "Yeah, there's definitely something in the air. Let's stay alert - who knows what we might encounter."
As you push deeper into the forest, the undergrowth becomes denser, forcing you to move more carefully. Your enhanced muscles easily push aside thick vines and branches, clearing a path for Angela. The humid air clings to your skin, making your clothes stick uncomfortably.
Angela: [Placing a hand on your arm, her touch sending a jolt through your body] "Your instincts are sharpening. Good. Remember, in Peacewood, beauty often hides danger."
Her closeness sends a wave of heat through your body, the virus responding to her proximity. You take a deep breath, trying to focus on the mission at hand rather than the intoxicating scent of Angela's skin or the way her body moves as she navigates the forest terrain.
You: "Speaking of danger, any signs of our usual... wild friends?"
Your eyes scan the surrounding foliage, alert for any movement. The virus has enhanced your senses to an almost preternatural degree, allowing you to pick up on the slightest disturbances in the environment. You can hear the rapid heartbeats of small animals hiding in the underbrush and smell the lingering scent of a predator that passed through recently.
Angela: [Her voice low and melodic] "Not yet, but I sense... anticipation in the air. The forest is holding its breath, waiting."
As you continue your trek, you notice Angela's movements becoming more fluid, almost serpentine. Her eyes seem to glow with an inner light, and you can feel the air around her vibrating with unseen energy. The virus within you responds, your blood heating and your muscles tensing in preparation for whatever may come.
You: "Wait, do you hear that? I think there's someone up ahead."
Your enhanced hearing picks up on a faint rustling sound, too deliberate to be an animal. You instinctively move into a defensive stance, your body coiled and ready for action. The virus surges through your veins, heightening your senses even further.
Angela: [Her eyes narrowing as she scans the area] "Yes, I sense a presence. Female, and... oh my, quite affected by the virus. Be cautious."
Alexis Fawx: [A sultry voice calls out from behind a large tree] "Well, well... what do we have here? A man? I thought I'd never see one again."
As Alexis F steps into view, your breath catches in your throat. She's a vision of mature beauty, her slender form accentuated by a pair of perfectly round, obviously enhanced breasts. Her face is a mask of barely contained lust, her eyes roving hungrily over your body. Despite her apparent age of around 45, the virus has kept her looking youthful and vibrant.
You: [Keeping your voice steady] "We mean you no harm. We're just passing through."
Your eyes can't help but trace the curves of Alexis F's body. Her breasts strain against the tattered remains of what might have once been a blouse, her nipples visibly hard and pressing against the thin fabric. Her hips sway hypnotically as she takes a step closer, and you can see the dampness between her thighs, evidence of her arousal.
Angela: [Her voice tinged with caution] "Careful. Her virus levels are extremely high. She may not be in control of herself."
Alexis Fawx: [Licking her lips, her eyes fixed on your crotch] "Oh, I'm in perfect control, darling. I just know exactly what I want. And right now, that's him."
The air grows thick with tension and the heady scent of pheromones. You can feel your own body responding, your cock beginning to swell and press against your pants. Alexis F's eyes widen as she notices, a predatory smile spreading across her face.
You: [Trying to maintain composure] "Look, we're not here to cause trouble. Maybe we can help each other?"
Your body betrays your words, however, as your erection becomes more pronounced. The virus surges through you, heightening your arousal and making it difficult to think clearly. Alexis F's scent fills your nostrils, a intoxicating mix of musk and femininity that makes your mouth water.
Angela: [Her voice a mix of concern and growing arousal] "Be careful. Her intentions are... not pure."
Alexis Fawx: [Taking another step closer, her breasts bouncing enticingly] "Oh, we can definitely help each other, big boy. I haven't seen a cock in months, and yours looks... delicious."
As she speaks, Alexis F reaches down and tears away what's left of her bottoms, revealing her glistening pussy. Her labia are swollen and flushed, a clear indication of her intense arousal. You can see her juices running down her inner thighs, and the scent of her sex hits you like a physical force.
You: [Your voice husky with desire] "I... we can't. It's not safe."
Despite your words, your body moves of its own accord. Your hands reach out, grasping Alexis F's waist and pulling her close. The heat of her body against yours is intoxicating, and you can feel her hardened nipples pressing against your chest through the thin fabric of her torn shirt.
Angela: [Her breath quickening] "Remember, you must subdue her. Use your... skills."
Alexis Fawx: [Grinding against you, her hand reaching for your crotch] "Mmm, feels like your body disagrees. Let me help you with that..."
In a swift motion, Alexis F unzips your pants and frees your throbbing cock. Her eyes widen at the sight of your virus-enhanced member, a full 12 inches of pulsing, veiny flesh. She wraps her hand around it, her fingers barely able to encircle its girth.
You: [Groaning with pleasure] "Fuck... your hand feels amazing."
Your hips buck involuntarily as Alexis F begins to stroke your massive shaft. Her expert touch sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body, and you can feel your pre-cum beginning to leak from the tip. The forest around you seems to fade away, your entire world narrowing to the sensation of her hand on your cock.
Angela: [Her voice breathy] "That's it... but don't forget, you need to pleasure her too. Overwhelm her senses."
Alexis Fawx: [Pumping your cock faster] "Oh god, it's so big... I need it inside me..."
As Alexis F works your shaft, your hands move to her breasts. You tear away the remnants of her top, freeing her perfect, round tits. You knead them roughly, feeling their firm yet yielding flesh in your palms. Her nipples are hard as pebbles, and when you pinch them, Alexis F lets out a wanton moan.
You: "Two can play at that game..."
With a growl, you push Alexis F against a nearby tree. Your hand snakes down between her legs, finding her dripping pussy. You waste no time, plunging two fingers deep into her soaking channel. Her inner walls clench around your digits, hot and tight.
Angela: [Watching intently, her own breathing heavy] "Yes, that's it. Make her lose control."
Alexis Fawx: [Crying out in pleasure] "Oh fuck! Your fingers... they're so thick... don't stop!"
You pump your fingers in and out of Alexis F's pussy, your thumb finding her swollen clit. Her juices coat your hand, running down your wrist as you finger-fuck her with increasing intensity. Her hand on your cock matches your rhythm, creating a feedback loop of pleasure that threatens to overwhelm you both.
You: "Time to take this up a notch."
In a display of virus-enhanced strength, you lift Alexis F and spin her around. You drop to your knees, bringing your face level with her dripping cunt. Without hesitation, you dive in, your tongue lapping at her folds while your nose bumps against her clit.
Angela: [Her voice thick with arousal] "Incredible... the way you're devouring her..."
Alexis Fawx: [Screaming in ecstasy] "Oh god! Oh fuck! Your tongue... it's inside me!"
As you eat Alexis F's pussy with abandon, she bends forward, taking your massive cock into her mouth. The sensation of her warm, wet mouth engulfing your shaft nearly makes you lose focus. But you redouble your efforts, your tongue probing deep into her channel while your lips suck on her clit.
You: [Pulling away from her pussy] "Look at me, Alexis. I want to see your eyes when you cum."
You stand up, your cock glistening with Alexis F's saliva. In one smooth motion, you lift her up and impale her on your massive shaft. Her eyes widen as you fill her completely, stretching her pussy to its limits.
Angela: [Her voice a reverent whisper] "The connection... it's beautiful."
Alexis Fawx: [Gasping, her eyes locked with yours] "Oh god... you're so deep... I've never felt so full..."
You begin to thrust, slow and deep, never breaking eye contact with Alexis F. With each stroke, you can feel her getting closer to the edge. Her pussy clenches around you, milking your cock as if trying to draw out your seed.
You: "That's it, cum for me. Let it all go."
As you feel Alexis F's orgasm approaching, you lean in and capture her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. Your tongue mimics the actions of your cock, probing and exploring. The intimacy of the moment is overwhelming.
Angela: [Smiling warmly] "You've done it. She's yours now."
Alexis Fawx: [Breaking the kiss to cry out] "I'm cumming! Oh god, I'm cumming!"
Alexis F's body convulses in your arms as her orgasm washes over her. Her pussy clamps down on your cock like a vice, pulsing and squeezing. As she comes down from her high, her body goes limp in your arms. You gently lower her to the ground, your still-hard cock slipping from her well-fucked pussy.
You: [Growling with primal lust] "Time to claim that ass."
Without warning, you flip Alexis F around and bend her over. Your cock, slick with her juices, lines up with her puckered asshole. With a powerful thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in her tight rear entrance.
Angela: [Gasping] "Oh my... the raw power..."
Alexis Fawx: [Screaming in a mix of pain and pleasure] "Fuck! Your cock... it's tearing me apart!"
You pound into Alexis F's ass with reckless abandon, your hips slapping against her firm buttocks. The tightness is incredible, and you can feel your orgasm building rapidly. With a roar, you thrust deep one last time, your cock pulsing as you flood her bowels with your virus-enhanced semen.
You: [Panting heavily] "Not done yet. Taste what you've done to me."
As you pull out of Alexis F's ass, strings of cum connecting your cock to her gaping hole, she spins around and engulfs your member in her mouth. She sucks greedily, cleaning your shaft of the mixture of cum and her own ass juices.
Angela: [Her voice filled with awe] "The power of your seed... it's overwhelming her."
Alexis Fawx: [Moaning around your cock] "Mmm... so good... need more..."
As Alexis F continues to suck, you feel another orgasm building. With a grunt, you explode in her mouth, pumping rope after rope of thick, potent cum down her throat. The effect is immediate - Alexis F's eyes roll back, and her body shudders in a massive orgasm before she collapses, unconscious but with a blissful smile on her face.
You: [Suddenly overcome with a new wave of lust] "Angela... I can't... I need..."
The virus surges through your system, your cock hardening again despite your recent orgasm. Your eyes lock onto Angela, her divine form suddenly the only thing you can focus on. The scent of her arousal fills your nostrils, driving you wild with desire.
Angela: [Her eyes glowing with an otherworldly light] "The virus... it's affecting us both. Perhaps... perhaps we should..."
The air around you both seems to crackle with sexual energy. Angela's form seems to shimmer, her divine nature becoming more apparent as the virus heightens your perception. You can see the outline of her hardened nipples through her clothing, and the dampness spreading between her thighs.
As you both stand there, panting and trembling with need, the forest around you seems to pulse in time with your shared arousal. The scene fades to black, leaving the outcome of this sudden, intense moment of shared lust to the imagination.
You: [Suddenly losing control] "Angela... I can't... I need to touch you..."
Without warning, you lunge towards Angela, your hands reaching for her divine form. Your fingers grasp her breasts roughly, kneading the soft flesh through her clothing. The virus surges through you, overwhelming your senses and clouding your judgment.
Angela: [Gasping in shock] "What are you doing? Stop this at once!"
Your hands continue their frenzied exploration, one sliding down to cup Angela's ass while the other squeezes her breast more forcefully. You can feel her nipple hardening under your palm, her body betraying her despite her protests. The scent of her sudden arousal fills your nostrils, driving you further into a frenzy.
You: [Growling with lust] "So soft... so perfect..."
Your assault continues, your virus-enhanced strength making it difficult for Angela to push you away. You tear at her clothing, exposing more of her flawless skin. Your mouth latches onto her neck, sucking and biting as your hands continue to grope her body.
Angela: [Her voice a mix of anger and unwanted arousal] "Enough! Control yourself!"
With a burst of her divine power, Angela manages to push you away. You stumble backward, panting heavily, the haze of lust slowly clearing from your mind. As reality sets in, you're faced with the consequences of your actions - Angela stands before you, her clothes torn, her skin marked by your rough handling, her eyes a storm of conflicting emotions.
You: [Your eyes glazing over with viral madness] "Need... fuck... now!"
The virus takes complete control, turning you into a creature of pure lust and aggression. You charge at Angela, tackling her to the forest floor. Your hands tear at her clothing, exposing her divine form as she struggles beneath you.
Angela: [Her voice filled with fear and disbelief] "Stop this madness! This isn't you!"
Your cock, hard and throbbing, presses against Angela's thigh as you pin her down. You can feel the heat of her body, smell the intoxicating scent of her fear mixed with involuntary arousal. The virus pushes you further, urging you to take what you want regardless of the consequences.
You: [Snarling like a beast] "Mine... take... breed!"
Your hips thrust forward, your massive cock seeking Angela's entrance. She writhes beneath you, her divine strength making it difficult for you to penetrate her. The struggle only fuels your frenzy, your virus-enhanced muscles straining as you fight to overpower her.
Angela: [Her eyes beginning to glow with power] "I won't let you do this. Prepare yourself!"
As your cock finally finds its mark, pressing against Angela's pussy lips, she summons her divine power. The air around you crackles with energy, setting the stage for an epic battle between your virus-fueled madness and her godlike abilities.
You: [Roaring in triumph] "Yes! Take it all!"
Having overpowered Angela's divine defenses, you thrust your enormous cock deep into her pussy. The tightness is incredible, her divine nature making the sensation almost unbearable in its intensity. You begin to pound into her mercilessly, your hips a blur of motion.
Angela: [Crying out, her voice a mix of pain and unwanted pleasure] "No! Stop... it's too much!"
Despite her protests, you can feel Angela's pussy clenching around your shaft, her body responding to the intense stimulation. Your hands grip her hips bruisingly hard as you continue your relentless assault, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoing through the forest.
You: [Grunting with each thrust] "Cum... cum for me, goddess!"
Your pace increases to an inhuman speed, the virus granting you stamina beyond mortal limits. Angela's body shudders beneath you, her resistance crumbling under the onslaught of sensation. With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside her.
Angela: [Screaming as an unwanted orgasm tears through her] "No! I'm... I'm cumming!"
As Angela's pussy spasms around your cock, you let out a primal roar. Your cock swells and pulses, pumping load after load of your virus-enhanced cum deep into her womb. The forest itself seems to tremble with the force of your shared climax, leaves shaking from trees and small animals fleeing in terror.
You: [Your voice distorted by viral madness] "Mine now. Forever."
Having violated Angela's divine form, your twisted mind now seeks to possess her completely. You flip her over roughly, pulling her arms behind her back. Using vines from the surrounding forest, you begin to bind her wrists tightly.
Angela: [Her voice weak, broken] "Please... don't do this..."
Ignoring her pleas, you continue to restrain her. Your hands roam her body possessively, squeezing and pinching as you see fit. Angela's once radiant form is now marred by bruises and the evidence of your violent coupling, her divine light dimmed by the trauma of her defeat.
You: [Sneering triumphantly] "Time to take my prize home."
With Angela securely bound, you hoist her over your shoulder. Her once powerful body feels light in your virus-enhanced grip. You begin the journey back to the district, your mind already racing with the depraved acts you'll subject her to in your personal prison.
Angela: [Sobbing quietly] "This isn't you... please... remember who you are..."
As you march through the forest, Angela's defeated form slung over your shoulder, the reality of what you've done begins to sink in. You've not only violated a goddess but are now planning to enslave her. The forest seems to mourn around you, the once vibrant Peacewood now silent and dark as you carry your divine captive towards a future of endless torment and submission.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready for another expedition, Angela? I have a feeling we might encounter someone interesting today."
The early morning sun filters through the dense canopy of Peacewood as you and Angela make your way deeper into the forest. The air is thick with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the earthy aroma of damp soil. Your enhanced senses, courtesy of the virus, pick up on the subtle sounds of wildlife stirring in the undergrowth.
Angela: [Her eyes sparkling with excitement] "Oh, I'm always ready for an adventure with you. The forest seems particularly alive today, don't you think? I can almost feel the virus pulsing through the very air."
As you continue your trek, you can't help but notice how Angela's body seems to shimmer slightly, her divine nature becoming more apparent with each passing day. Her long, raven hair flows behind her like a living shadow, and her eyes shift color with each emotion that passes through her.
You: "It does feel different today. The virus concentration seems higher than usual. We should be extra cautious."
As you push deeper into Peacewood, the vegetation becomes denser, and the light takes on an otherworldly green hue. Your body tingles with heightened awareness, every nerve ending alive with the viral energy permeating the air. You can't help but notice how Angela's nipples have hardened beneath her thin top, her body responding to the charged atmosphere.
Angela: [Her voice taking on a husky quality] "Mmm, yes, I can feel it too. The forest is practically humming with energy. It's... intoxicating, isn't it? Be sure to let me know if the viral load becomes too much for you to handle."
The sexual tension between you and Angela crackles like electricity, but you both maintain a respectful distance, focusing on the task at hand. As you navigate through a particularly dense thicket, you hear a rustling sound up ahead.
You: "Did you hear that? I think there might be someone nearby. Let's approach carefully."
Your muscles tense as you move forward, every sense on high alert. The virus in your system heightens your awareness, making you acutely conscious of Angela's presence behind you. Her divine aura seems to pulse in sync with the forest's energy.
Angela: [Whispering] "I sense a powerful presence ahead. Be ready for anything. Remember, these wild women can be unpredictable and dangerous."
As you push aside a large fern, you catch a glimpse of golden hair through the foliage. Your heart rate quickens, partly from anticipation and partly from the virus's influence. The air grows thicker with pheromones, making it harder to focus.
You: "Hello? Is someone there? We mean you no harm."
Stepping into a small clearing, you come face to face with a statuesque blonde woman. She stands at least 6 feet tall, with an imposing physique that speaks of both strength and femininity. Her piercing blue eyes lock onto you, widening in surprise at the sight of a man.
Phoenix Marie: [Her voice deep and authoritative] "A man? Here? I thought your kind had all perished. How... interesting."
Angela: [Moving to stand beside you] "We come in peace. I'm Angela, and this is my companion. May we know your name?"
The tension in the clearing is palpable. Phoenix's eyes roam over your body, lingering on the obvious bulge in your pants. Her own body responds visibly, her nipples hardening beneath her tattered clothing.
You: "It's a pleasure to meet you. We've been exploring these woods for some time now. How long have you been out here?"
You try to keep your voice steady, but the sight of Phoenix's impressive figure is making it difficult to concentrate. Her voluptuous breasts heave with each breath, and you can see a thin sheen of sweat glistening on her exposed skin.
Phoenix Marie: [Licking her lips] "I am Phoenix. I've roamed these woods for... I've lost track of time. But never in all my wanderings did I expect to encounter a living, breathing man."
Angela: [Her voice tinged with caution] "Phoenix, we understand your surprise. But please, let's talk calmly. We're not here to cause any trouble."
The air grows thicker with pheromones as Phoenix takes a step closer, her eyes never leaving your form. You can see her pupils dilate, the virus clearly affecting her as much as it's affecting you.
You: "Phoenix, we've encountered others like you before. We can help you, if you'll let us. There's a safe place where-"
Before you can finish your sentence, Phoenix lunges forward with inhuman speed. Her hands grasp your shoulders, and you can feel the heat radiating from her body. The scent of her arousal fills your nostrils, making your head spin.
Phoenix Marie: [Her voice a low growl] "Help? Oh no, my dear man. It's you who needs help. Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've seen a cock? Felt one inside me? I'm going to devour you whole."
Angela: [Her voice sharp] "Phoenix, control yourself! This isn't the way. We can help you manage the virus's effects without resorting to-"
Phoenix's attention snaps to Angela, her eyes blazing with lust and anger. "Stay out of this, you divine whore. He's mine now."
You: "Phoenix, please, let's talk about this. We don't need to fight!"
Despite your words, your body betrays you. Your cock hardens instantly, straining against your pants. Phoenix's hands move lightning-fast, tearing at your clothes. You grapple with her, your enhanced strength matching her feral power.
Phoenix Marie: [Panting heavily] "Oh, you're strong. Good. I like a challenge. But make no mistake, you will submit to me."
Angela: [Her voice filled with concern] "Be careful! Remember your training. Use her desire against her!"
As you struggle, Phoenix manages to rip your shirt off. Her nails rake down your chest, leaving red marks. In retaliation, you grab her wrists, pulling her close. The heat of her body against yours is maddening.
You: "If it's relief you want, Phoenix, there are better ways than this!"
Using a move Angela taught you, you spin Phoenix around, pressing her back against your chest. Your hard cock presses against her ass through your remaining clothes. One hand holds her wrists, while the other slides down to cup her breast roughly.
Phoenix Marie: [Moaning] "Yesss, that's it. Show me what a real man can do. Make me feel it!"
Angela: [Her voice husky] "That's it, wear her down. But be careful, don't let her turn the tables on you."
Your hand kneads Phoenix's breast, feeling her nipple harden against your palm. She grinds her ass back against your cock, the friction making you groan. The scent of her arousal grows stronger, clouding your mind with lust.
You: "You want to feel it, Phoenix? Then let's see how you handle this."
With a swift movement, you spin her around again and push her to her knees. Your pants come off in one fluid motion, your rock-hard cock springing free. It stands proudly at its full 12 inches, throbbing with viral energy.
Phoenix Marie: [Her eyes widening] "By the gods, it's magnificent. I need it. I need it now!"
Angela: [Her breath quickening] "Remember, this isn't just about pleasure. You need to dominate her, make her submit to you completely."
Phoenix's hands reach for your cock, but you grab her wrists, holding them above her head. Pre-cum leaks from your tip, the scent driving Phoenix wild with lust. Her tongue darts out, desperately trying to taste you.
You: "You want this cock, Phoenix? Then you're going to have to work for it."
Releasing her wrists, you grab a fistful of her golden hair and guide her mouth to your throbbing member. Phoenix doesn't hesitate, engulfing your length with desperate hunger. Her hot, wet mouth feels like heaven as she takes you deep into her throat.
Phoenix Marie: [Gagging slightly] "Mmmphhh... so big... so good..."
Angela: [Her voice trembling with arousal] "That's it, show her who's in control. But don't lose yourself to the pleasure!"
Phoenix's skilled tongue swirls around your shaft as she bobs her head, taking more of you with each pass. You can feel her throat constricting around your tip, milking you for all you're worth. The sight of this powerful woman on her knees, worshipping your cock, is intoxicating.
You: "That's it, Phoenix. You're doing so well. Look at me."
As Phoenix continues her enthusiastic oral ministrations, you gently cup her face, tilting it upward. Your eyes lock with hers, and for a moment, you see past the feral lust to the woman beneath. With your other hand, you reach down to caress her breast, your touch firm but caring.
Phoenix Marie: [Her eyes softening] "Mmm... you're different. So strong, yet so gentle..."
Angela: [Her voice warm] "You're reaching her, I can feel it. Keep going, show her there's more to this than just raw lust."
As you continue to gaze into Phoenix's eyes, you feel a connection forming. The blowjob becomes less frantic, more sensual. Phoenix's movements become more deliberate, her tongue exploring every vein and ridge of your cock with reverence.
You: "Phoenix, you're amazing. Let me make you feel good too."
Gently, you pull Phoenix to her feet and guide her to a soft patch of moss. Laying her down, you position yourself between her legs. Your cock hovers at her entrance, rock hard and glistening with her saliva.
Phoenix Marie: [Her voice soft and vulnerable] "Please... I need you inside me."
Angela: [Smiling warmly] "You've done it. You've tamed her wild heart. Now, seal the bond."
With a gentle thrust, you enter Phoenix. Her warm, wet pussy envelops you, and you both gasp at the intensity of the connection. You start to move, your strokes deep and purposeful. Phoenix wraps her legs around you, pulling you closer. As you make love, you lean down and capture her lips in a passionate kiss. The forest around you seems to pulse with energy as you both climb towards climax. With a final, deep thrust, you feel Phoenix's walls clench around you as she orgasms. The sensation triggers your own release, and you fill her with your seed, your bodies shuddering in shared ecstasy.
As you both come down from your high, Phoenix looks at you with newfound clarity and affection. You help her to her feet, and together with Angela, you prepare to bring her back to the safety of the compound, a new ally gained through trust and compassion.
You: "You want this cock, Phoenix? Then take it all!"
Gripping her hair tighter, you thrust deep into Phoenix's throat. She gags and sputters, but her eyes roll back in ecstasy. Spit and pre-cum dribble down her chin as you face-fuck her with abandon.
Phoenix Marie: [Gagging] "Gluk... gluk... more... please..."
Angela: [Her voice thick with lust] "Yes, that's it! Show her the true power of your virus-enhanced cock!"
You pull out of Phoenix's mouth, a string of saliva connecting her lips to your throbbing member. Without warning, you flip her onto all fours, her ass high in the air. Your hand comes down hard on her cheek, leaving a red handprint.
You: "You've been a wild little slut, haven't you? Time to tame that ass!"
With one powerful thrust, you bury your entire 12-inch length into Phoenix's tight asshole. She screams in a mixture of pain and pleasure, her body shaking from the intensity. You start to pound her relentlessly, each thrust driving deeper.
Phoenix Marie: [Screaming] "Oh fuck! Yes! Destroy my ass! Breed me!"
Angela: [Panting] "Fill her with your seed! Let her feel the true power of the virus!"
Your balls slap against Phoenix's dripping pussy as you ravage her ass. The tightness is incredible, pushing you quickly towards the edge. With a primal roar, you thrust as deep as possible and unleash a torrent of cum into her bowels. The virus-enhanced semen has an immediate effect on Phoenix. Her body convulses in a massive orgasm, her eyes rolling back as she howls in ecstasy. As your cum leaks from her gaping asshole, Phoenix turns and desperately latches onto your still-hard cock, sucking it clean and swallowing every drop she can get.
The double dose of your potent seed proves too much for Phoenix. With a final, shuddering moan, she collapses unconscious, a blissful smile on her face. You and Angela quickly secure her, ready to transport her back to the compound for proper care and integration.
You: "Angela... I... I can't..."
As you stumble away from Phoenix, you feel a sudden surge of viral energy coursing through your body. Your cock, already hard, seems to grow even larger, pulsing with an otherworldly light. Angela's eyes widen as she senses the change in you.
Angela: [Her voice trembling] "Oh my... the virus, it's... it's overwhelming you. I can feel it from here. It's... intoxicating."
Phoenix Marie: [From the clearing, her voice hoarse with need] "Come back! I need more!"
The forest around you seems to pulse with sexual energy. Flowers bloom instantaneously, releasing potent pheromones. Small animals scurry away, overwhelmed by the viral aura you're emitting. Angela's divine form flickers, her control wavering in the face of such raw power.
You turn to Angela, your eyes glowing with viral energy. She takes a step back, her breath catching in her throat. For a moment, the air between you crackles with tension, the urge to mate nearly overwhelming. But with a herculean effort, you both manage to resist, turning and fleeing deeper into the forest, leaving a trail of blooming plants in your wake.
You: "Angela... I can't... I need..."
The viral overload from your encounter with Phoenix proves too much. Your mind clouds over with lust, and before you can stop yourself, you lunge at Angela. Your hands grab her ample breasts roughly, kneading the soft flesh through her thin top.
Angela: [Gasping in shock] "What are you doing?! Stop this at once!"
Phoenix Marie: [Laughing from the clearing] "Yes! Take her! Show her what a real man can do!"
Angela struggles against your grip, but your virus-enhanced strength proves too much for her. You tear her top open, exposing her perfect, divine breasts. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting with feral intensity.
You: "Need you... now..."
Your hands roam Angela's body wildly, groping and squeezing every curve. One hand slides down to her ass, gripping it hard enough to leave bruises. The other moves between her legs, roughly palming her mound through her clothes.
Angela: [Her voice a mixture of anger and unwanted arousal] "This isn't you! Fight it! You're stronger than the virus!"
Phoenix Marie: [Cheering] "That's it! Make her your bitch!"
Angela's divine powers flare, pushing you away with a burst of energy. You stumble back, momentarily stunned. As your head clears, the realization of what you've done hits you. Angela stands before you, her clothes torn, her eyes a mixture of hurt and concern. Without a word, she waves her hand, and a portal appears. You both step through, leaving the forest and a cackling Phoenix behind, the weight of your actions hanging heavily between you.
You: "Mine... you're all mine..."
The virus takes full control, turning you into a savage beast driven by lust. With inhuman speed, you tackle Angela to the ground. Your hands tear at her clothing, shredding the delicate fabric to expose her divine form.
Angela: [Struggling] "Stop this madness! This isn't you! Fight it!"
Phoenix Marie: [Watching with glee] "Yes! Show that goddess what a real man can do!"
Your mouth attacks Angela's neck, biting and sucking hard enough to leave marks. One hand roughly gropes her breast while the other forces its way between her legs. Despite her struggles, you can feel her body responding, her divine pussy growing wet with unwanted arousal.
You: "Submit to me, goddess. You know you want this."
Your virus-enhanced cock springs free, angry and throbbing. You position yourself between Angela's legs, the tip of your member pressing against her entrance. Angela's eyes widen in fear and a hint of forbidden desire.
Angela: [Her voice trembling] "Please, don't do this. If you do, I'll have to stop you, and I don't want to hurt you."
Phoenix Marie: [Touching herself] "Do it! Fuck her! Show her who's really in charge!"
As you prepare to thrust into Angela, her divine powers suddenly flare to life. A blinding light erupts from her body, forcing you back. When your vision clears, you find yourself alone in the clearing, Angela having teleported away to safety. The realization of what you almost did begins to sink in as the virus's hold on your mind slowly fades.
You: "You're mine now, Angela. Time to show you what a real man can do."
Having overpowered Angela's initial resistance, you pin her to the forest floor. Your virus-enhanced strength proves too much for even her divine powers. With a savage thrust, you bury your entire length into her tight, wet pussy.
Angela: [Screaming] "No! Stop! This isn't right! Ahh... it's too big!"
Phoenix Marie: [Masturbating furiously] "That's it! Breed the goddess! Fill her with your seed!"
You pound into Angela relentlessly, each thrust driving deeper. Her divine pussy clenches around you, her body betraying her with unwanted pleasure. Tears stream down her face as she realizes she's powerless to stop you. The forest around you responds to the violent coupling, trees groaning and flowers blooming out of season.
You: "Take it all, goddess. This is what you were made for!"
Your thrusts become even more brutal, your cock swelling impossibly larger inside Angela. The virus gives you inhuman stamina, allowing you to ravage her for what seems like hours. Angela's resistance slowly crumbles, her cries of pain turning to moans of reluctant pleasure.
Angela: [Moaning] "No... please... don't... don't stop... I'm cumming!"
Phoenix Marie: [Orgasming] "Yes! She's yours now! A goddess turned into a common whore!"
With a primal roar, you thrust as deep as possible and unleash a torrent of virus-laden cum into Angela's womb. The sheer volume of your release causes her stomach to visibly distend. The potent seed triggers a massive orgasm in Angela, her divine powers flaring out of control. The forest around you transforms, trees twisting into obscene shapes, flowers ejaculating pollen, the very fabric of reality warping from the unholy union.
As you pull out, rivers of cum gush from Angela's gaping pussy. She lies there, broken and defiled, her divine aura flickering weakly. The realization of what you've done begins to sink in, but the virus still rages in your system, urging you to continue your rampage.
You: "You thought you were a goddess? I'll show you your true place."
Having completely succumbed to the virus, you drag Angela's limp form deeper into the forest. You find a small cave and throw her inside. Your hands, now clawed from the virus's mutations, tear away what's left of her clothing.
Angela: [Weakly] "Please... stop... this isn't you..."
Phoenix Marie: [Following, eyes wild with lust] "Yes! Break her! Make her your eternal slave!"
You force Angela onto her hands and knees, positioning yourself behind her. With one brutal thrust, you impale her ass with your mutated cock. She screams in agony as you begin to ravage her, your thrusts so powerful they push her face into the dirt. The cave walls seem to pulse with each thrust, the virus's energy warping reality around you.
You: "You're nothing but a hole for me to fuck now, Angela. Say it!"
Your relentless assault continues, Angela's divine body wracked with pain and unwanted pleasure. The virus flowing through your veins gives you unnatural stamina, allowing you to violate her for hours on end. Her once-pristine skin is now covered in bites, bruises, and claw marks.
Angela: [Broken] "I'm... I'm just a hole... for you to fuck... Master..."
Phoenix Marie: [Kneeling beside Angela's head] "That's right, you divine whore. You belong to him now."
Satisfied with Angela's submission, you pull out of her abused ass. You grab a handful of her hair, forcing her to look at you. "You're mine now, forever. And we're going back to make sure everyone knows it." With that, you drag Angela out of the cave, Phoenix following behind like an obedient pet. You make your way back to the district, your new slaves in tow, ready to show the world the fate of those who defy you. The forest seems to bow as you pass, acknowledging its new, twisted master.
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You: "Angela? You wanted to see me about some kind of... energy alignment?"
You enter Angela's ethereal chamber, immediately enveloped by a shimmering mist that seems to dance with cosmic energy. The air tingles against your skin, making the hair on your arms stand on end. Angela stands in the center of the room, her form seeming to shift and blur at the edges, as if she's not entirely present in this reality.
Angela: [Her voice echoing with otherworldly resonance] (His aura has grown stronger. The virus is progressing faster than I anticipated.) "Welcome, dear one. I've sensed a disturbance in your energy field. We must address it before it becomes... problematic."
As she speaks, the mist around her swirls and parts, revealing glimpses of her divine form beneath her flowing robes. The sight sends a jolt of electricity through your body, awakening something primal within you.
You: "Energy field? I'm not sure I understand. What's happening to me?"
You shift uncomfortably, suddenly aware of a warmth building in your core. Angela glides towards you, her movements impossibly graceful. The air around her shimmers, tiny motes of light dancing in her wake. As she nears, you're hit by her scent - an intoxicating blend of stardust and raw power that makes your head spin.
Angela: [Her eyes swirling with cosmic energies] (He's so innocent, yet the power within him grows. I must tread carefully.) "The virus within you is more than just a biological entity. It's a conduit for cosmic energies, and those energies are becoming... restless."
Her robe shifts as she moves, offering tantalizing glimpses of smooth, radiant skin beneath. You find your eyes drawn to the movement, your breath catching in your throat as you imagine what lies hidden beneath the ethereal fabric.
You: "Restless? What does that mean? Is it dangerous?"
Your voice comes out huskier than intended, a mix of fear and something else you can't quite name. Angela's proximity is intoxicating, the energy emanating from her body calling out to something deep within you.
Angela: [A knowing smile playing on her lips] (He feels it, even if he doesn't understand it yet.) "Not dangerous, per se, but... potent. These energies seek expression, dear one. They long to connect, to merge, to create."
As she speaks, her robe seems to become more translucent, the outline of her divine form becoming clearer. You can see the swell of her breasts, the curve of her hips, all shrouded in a tantalizing veil of cosmic mist.
You: "To create? I don't understand. What are we supposed to do?"
You try to focus on Angela's words, but find your attention constantly drawn to her increasingly visible form. A bead of sweat forms on your brow, your body temperature rising in response to the charged atmosphere.
Angela: [Her voice dropping to a sultry whisper] (His innocence is endearing, but it's time he learned the true nature of these energies.) "To understand, you must first see. Observe, dear one, and let your body's reactions guide you."
With a wave of her hand, Angela's robe dissolves into motes of light, leaving her top half completely bare. Her breasts are perfect, defying gravity, with nipples like ripe berries begging to be tasted. The sight sends a jolt of pure desire straight to your groin.
You: "Oh god, Angela... You're... you're incredible."
Your words come out as a strangled whisper, your eyes wide as you drink in the sight before you. Your body responds immediately, blood rushing to your groin. Your enhanced member begins to swell, tenting your pants obscenely.
Angela: [Her eyes fixed on your growing bulge] (By the cosmos, the virus has enhanced him more than I imagined.) "Your body speaks the truth that your mind has yet to grasp. Can you feel the energies awakening within you?"
She takes a step closer, her bare breasts mere inches from your chest. The air between you seems to crackle with invisible energy, your skin tingling wherever it's exposed to her nearness.
You: "I feel... I feel like I'm on fire. Like I might explode if I don't... if I don't..."
You trail off, unable to articulate the intense need building within you. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, straining against the confines of your pants. A small wet spot forms where the tip presses against the fabric, your pre-cum already starting to flow.
Angela: [Her voice husky with barely contained desire] (He's so close to understanding. Just a little more...) "If you don't what, dear one? Speak your desires. Let the cosmic energies flow through your words."
She runs a hand down her bare torso, drawing your eyes to the smooth plane of her stomach, the gentle curve that disappears beneath the remaining fabric of her robe. The movement is innocent yet deeply erotic, sending another surge of blood to your already aching member.
You: "If I don't touch you. If I don't... taste you. God, Angela, what's happening to me?"
Your hands clench at your sides, every fiber of your being screaming to reach out and caress her divine skin. The virus surges through your system, heightening every sensation, every desire.
Angela: [Her nipples hardening visibly] (His honesty is intoxicating. The raw power of his desire...) "What you're feeling is the merging of viral and cosmic energies. Your body craves connection, union, the blending of essences. But we must not rush. Observation and control are key."
She takes your hand, not placing it on her body, but holding it between you. You can feel the heat of her skin, the subtle pulse of cosmic energy flowing from her palm into yours. The sensation is maddening, so close to what you crave yet not nearly enough.
You: "Control? I don't know if I can... You're so beautiful, so perfect. I've never wanted anything so badly in my life."
Your voice is strained, your body trembling with the effort of holding back. Angela's scent fills your nostrils, a heady mixture of woman and stardust that makes your head spin. Your enhanced cock throbs in time with your racing heart, each pulse sending a fresh wave of pre-cum into your already soaked underwear.
Angela: [Her free hand hovering just above your chest] (His desire is a tangible force. I could lose myself in it if I'm not careful.) "Beauty is merely the surface, dear one. What you're truly craving is the energy that flows beneath. Focus on that. Feel the cosmic forces calling out to the virus within you."
Her hand moves lower, not quite touching, but following the contours of your body. As it passes over your straining erection, you feel a jolt of pleasure so intense it's almost painful. Your hips buck involuntarily, seeking contact that doesn't come.
You: "I feel it. God, I feel everything. Angela, please... I need..."
You're beyond coherent thought now, reduced to a creature of pure need and desire. Your enhanced senses pick up every detail of Angela's divine form - the subtle rise and fall of her chest as she breathes, the faint sheen of sweat forming between her breasts, the way her pupils dilate as she looks at you.
Angela: [Her voice wavering slightly] (His need is overwhelming. I must remain strong, for both our sakes.) "I know what you need, dear one. But we must not give in to base desires. This is about more than physical pleasure. It's about understanding the cosmic forces at play."
She takes a step back, creating distance between you. The loss of her nearness is like a physical pain, drawing a whimper from your throat. But as she moves, the lower half of her robe dissolves, revealing her in all her divine glory. Your eyes are drawn to the junction between her thighs, where a soft glow seems to emanate from her most intimate parts.
You: "How can I understand when I can barely think? Angela, I'm going crazy. I need to touch you, to feel you."
Your hands reach out of their own accord, desperate to make contact with her divine skin. But Angela dances just out of reach, her movements fluid and teasing. The sight of her fully nude form is almost more than you can bear, your enhanced cock throbbing so hard it's painful.
Angela: [Her voice a mix of desire and restraint] (He's so close to the edge. One touch could send us both spiraling into chaos.) "Not yet, dear one. We must learn to channel this energy, to control it rather than be controlled by it. Watch me, feel the energy flowing between us, but do not touch."
She begins to move in a slow, sensual dance, her body undulating in ways that defy human anatomy. Cosmic energy swirls around her, caressing her curves in the way you so desperately want to. The air grows thick with the scent of her arousal, mingling with the ozone smell of raw power.
As you watch, transfixed, you can feel something building within you. It's more than just physical arousal - it's as if the virus is responding to Angela's display, reaching out with tendrils of energy to connect with her cosmic essence. The sensation is overwhelming, pushing you to the very edge of sanity and pleasure.
You: "This is... incredible. I've never felt anything like this before."
Despite the almost unbearable arousal coursing through your body, you find a newfound respect for Angela's control and wisdom. Your eyes roam her divine form, drinking in every detail, but you resist the urge to reach out and touch.
Angela: [Smiling softly, her eyes warm with approval] (He's learning. The potential within him is astounding.) "You're doing wonderfully, dear one. You're beginning to understand the true nature of the energies we're dealing with."
She moves closer, her body mere inches from yours. You can feel the heat radiating from her skin, see the subtle pulsing of cosmic energy beneath her flesh. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, but you remain still, focusing on the energy flowing between you.
You: "Thank you, Angela. For teaching me, for showing me... all of this."
Your voice is thick with emotion and suppressed desire. Angela's nude form is a vision of divine perfection before you, every curve and valley calling out to be explored. But you hold yourself in check, understanding now that this is about more than physical pleasure.
Angela: [Her voice soft, almost vulnerable] (He's grown so much in such a short time. The bond between us is strengthening.) "You're welcome, dear one. Remember, this is just the beginning. We have much more to explore, much more to learn about the virus and its connection to the cosmic energies."
As she speaks, her hand reaches out, hovering just above your chest. You can feel the energy emanating from her palm, connecting with the virus within you. The sensation is incredible, a merging of pleasure and power that transcends physical touch.
"Until next time," Angela whispers, her form beginning to shimmer and fade. "Keep exploring these sensations, these energies. But remember - control is key."
As she disappears, leaving you alone with your throbbing arousal and newfound understanding, you know that your relationship with this cosmic being has fundamentally changed. The teasing glimpse of what's possible has awakened something within you, a hunger for knowledge and connection that will drive you forward in your journey to understand the virus and the cosmic forces at play.
You: "Angela, I can't... I need... Please, just let me touch you."
The desire coursing through your body is almost painful in its intensity. Your enhanced cock strains against your pants, a large wet spot visible where pre-cum has soaked through the fabric. Your eyes devour Angela's nude form, memorizing every divine curve and valley.
Angela: [Her breath catching, pupils dilating] (His need is intoxicating. I must remain strong, but oh, how I want to give in.) "Control, dear one. We must learn control. But perhaps... perhaps we can indulge a little."
She moves closer, her divine form radiating heat and energy. The air between you crackles with invisible force, your skin tingling wherever it's exposed to her nearness. Angela's hand hovers just above your straining erection, not quite touching but close enough that you can feel the energy emanating from her palm.
You: "Please, Angela. I'm going crazy. I need to feel you, even if it's just for a moment."
Your hips buck involuntarily, seeking contact with Angela's hovering hand. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with the ozone smell of cosmic energy. You can see her nipples hardened to stiff peaks, a faint glow emanating from between her thighs.
Angela: [Her voice husky with desire] (I shouldn't... but the pull is too strong. Just a taste...) "Very well, dear one. But remember - this is about energy, not just physical pleasure."
With agonizing slowness, Angela's hand makes contact with your cloth-covered erection. The touch, even through the fabric, is electric. Cosmic energy surges through you, connecting with the virus in your blood. Your vision blurs, reality seeming to warp around you as pleasure beyond anything you've ever experienced courses through your body.
Angela gasps, clearly affected by the connection as well. Her free hand moves to her own body, fingers ghosting over her breast, down her stomach, hovering just above her glowing sex. The air grows thick with palpable sexual tension and swirling cosmic forces.
"Enough," Angela says suddenly, her voice strained as she pulls away. "Any more and we risk losing control entirely. But now you understand, don't you? The power of these energies, the potential when virus and cosmos align?"
As she fades from view, leaving you alone with your aching arousal and newfound understanding, you know that your relationship with this cosmic being has fundamentally changed. The brief taste of what's possible has awakened a ravenous hunger within you, a need to explore these sensations further. You're left trembling, your enhanced body humming with unfulfilled desire and the promise of pleasures yet to come.
You: "Stop! This is too much. I can't handle it."
Overwhelmed by the intensity of your arousal and the cosmic energies swirling around you, you stumble backwards. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully in your pants, but the fear and confusion in your mind overpower your body's desires.
Angela: [Her expression a mix of disappointment and understanding] (He's not ready. The power frightens him still.) "It's alright, dear one. The merging of cosmic energy and viral power can be overwhelming at first. Perhaps we moved too quickly."
She waves her hand, her divine form once again covered by her flowing robe. The loss of the sight of her naked body sends a pang of regret through you, even as relief washes over you. The air in the room feels heavy, charged with unfulfilled potential and lingering desire.
You: "I'm sorry, Angela. I thought I was ready, but... this is all too much. I need time to process."
You back away further, your body still thrumming with unfulfilled desire. Angela watches you with those cosmic eyes, a sadness in their depths that makes your heart ache.
Angela: [Her voice soft, tinged with regret] (He will come around in time. The virus will not be denied forever.) "Take the time you need, dear one. But remember, the energies within you will not be silent forever. When you're ready to continue your journey, to truly embrace the power within you, I'll be here."
As you flee the room, the memory of Angela's divine form burns in your mind. The virus hums discontentedly in your veins, unsatisfied and hungry. You know that this is far from over, that the pull between you and the cosmic goddess will only grow stronger. The question is, will you be ready to face it when the time comes?
You: "Angela, something's happening... The virus, it's... oh god..."
A sudden, intense wave of viral energy washes over you. Your vision blurs, the edges of reality seeming to warp and twist. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock, already hard, now throbs with an urgency you've never felt before.
Angela: [Her eyes widening as she senses the surge] (By the cosmos, the viral load is spiking. This could be dangerous... or transcendent.) "I feel it too, dear one. The virus is reaching a critical point. We must act quickly to channel this energy, or it could overwhelm you."
She moves towards you, her own body beginning to glow with an otherworldly light. The air between you crackles with energy, small arcs of what looks like electricity jumping between your bodies. Angela's divine form seems to shift and change, growing more ethereal, more cosmic with each passing moment.
"Let it flow through you," she urges, her voice resonating with power. "Don't fight it. Become one with the energy, let it merge with your very essence."
The room around you fades away, replaced by swirling vortexes of cosmic light and pulsing viral energy. You feel as if you're floating in an endless void, with Angela as your only anchor to reality. Her nude form shimmers before you, radiating power and desire in equal measure.
As the energies reach a fever pitch, you feel something fundamental shifting within you. The virus, once a threat to be controlled, now feels like an integral part of your being. You can sense cosmic forces flowing through you, connecting you to Angela and to something far greater than yourself.
The scene fades to white as the intensity of the moment becomes too great for mortal eyes to witness or mortal minds to comprehend. You're left with a profound sense of change, knowing that your relationship with Angela, with the virus, and with the cosmos itself will never be the same.
You: "I can't... I can't control myself anymore. I need to touch you, Angela."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. With inhuman speed, you lunge forward, your hands roughly grasping Angela's exposed breasts. They're impossibly soft yet firm, defying the laws of physics. Cosmic energy pulses beneath your palms, sending shocks of pleasure up your arms.
Angela: [Gasping in shock, her body arching involuntarily] "What are you doing? This isn't the way, dear one! We must control the energy, not let it control us!"
Despite her words, her body betrays her. Her nipples harden against your palms, and you can feel the heat of her arousal radiating from her core. The air around you thickens with the scent of ozone and divine musk, a heady cocktail that makes your head spin.
You: "I need more, Angela. I need to taste your divine essence."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you drop to your knees before her. Your hands grip her thighs, spreading them apart to reveal her glowing pussy. It pulses with an inner light that calls to you, begging to be touched. Without hesitation, you lean in, your tongue darting out to lick her divine folds.
Angela: [Moaning, her hands tangling in your hair] "Stop! This isn't... oh, cosmos... this isn't how it should be. We must... we must regain control!"
But her protests are weak, her body responding eagerly to your ministrations. Her divine nectar floods your mouth, tasting of stardust and raw power. You can feel the energy flowing directly into you, charging every cell in your body with cosmic force.
Suddenly, a surge of power throws you backwards. You land hard on the floor, dazed and disoriented. When your vision clears, you see Angela floating above you, her eyes blazing with cosmic fire. Her body crackles with energy, her hair floating around her head like a halo.
"Enough," she says, her voice resonating with power. "You are not ready for this level of communion. We must approach this gradually, lest we lose ourselves entirely."
As the haze of lust slowly clears from your mind, shame and horror at your actions wash over you. You've violated the trust of a cosmic being, let the virus drive you to assault a goddess. The consequences of this transgression are yet to be seen, but you know that your relationship with Angela - and your journey to master the virus - has been irrevocably altered.
You: "Angela... I can't control it anymore. I need you. Now."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken, glowing with an unholy light as you lunge at Angela. Despite her divine nature, she seems caught off guard by the suddenness and ferocity of your attack.
Angela: [Struggling against your grip, genuine fear in her eyes] "Stop this madness! You don't know what you're doing! The consequences of forcing a union between virus and cosmic energy could be catastrophic!"
But her words fall on deaf ears. The virus has consumed you, turning you into a creature of pure lust and need. Your hands roam roughly over her divine form, leaving trails of viral energy that sizzle against her skin. You can feel the cosmic power within her responding to your touch, even as she fights against it.
You: "You're mine now, Angela. The virus demands it. The cosmos demands it."
With brutal efficiency, you spin Angela around, bending her over the nearest surface. Your enhanced cock springs free, angry and swollen, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum leaks steadily from the tip, each drop sizzling with power as it hits the floor.
Angela: [Her voice breaking, a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Please, don't do this! You don't understand the forces you're playing with! This union... it could tear reality apart!"
Despite her protests, you can see her divine pussy glistening with arousal, pulsing with an inner light that calls to you. The scent of her desire mingles with the ozone smell of cosmic energy, creating an intoxicating aroma that drives you wild. You position yourself at her entrance, the head of your cock pressing against her slick folds.
Just as you're about to thrust forward, a blinding flash of light fills the room. You're thrown backwards with incredible force, slamming against the far wall. When your vision clears, you see Angela floating in the air, her body wreathed in cosmic fire. Her eyes blaze with power, and when she speaks, her voice seems to come from everywhere at once.
"You dare to attempt to force yourself upon a cosmic being? You risk unraveling the very fabric of reality for your base desires?" Her voice is terrible and beautiful, filled with the song of distant stars and the roar of collapsing galaxies. "You are not ready for this power. Until you learn to master the virus within you, to control your desires rather than be controlled by them, you are forbidden from seeking my aid."
With another flash of light, you find yourself outside Angela's room, clothes restored and body aching. The virus churns within you, unsatisfied and angry. You know that you've made a terrible mistake, one that may have cosmic consequences. The path to understanding and controlling the virus has just become infinitely more complicated.
You: "Your protests only make me want you more, Angela. Submit to the virus. Submit to me."
Driven by an unholy fusion of viral lust and cosmic hunger, you overpower Angela. Her divine strength seems to falter in the face of your virus-enhanced power. You pin her against the wall, your body pressing against hers, your throbbing cock nestled between her perfect ass cheeks.
Angela: [Gasping, her body trembling] "This is madness! The union of virus and cosmos was never meant to be forced! The consequences could be beyond imagining!"
But even as she protests, her body betrays her. You can feel the heat of her arousal, see the way her nipples have hardened into stiff peaks. The air around you crackles with energy, reality itself seeming to warp and twist in response to the impending violation of cosmic law.
You: "The virus cares nothing for consequences. It only knows desire. And I desire you, Angela."
Without further warning, you thrust into her. The sensation is beyond anything you could have imagined. It's like plunging into the heart of a star, like being torn apart and remade with every movement. Angela's divine pussy clenches around you, impossibly tight and pulsing with cosmic energy.
Angela: [Screaming in a mixture of pain, pleasure, and cosmic terror] "No! What have you done? The barriers between realities... they're collapsing!"
As you pound into her with virus-enhanced strength, the room around you begins to disintegrate. Glimpses of other worlds, other realities flicker in and out of existence. You can hear the screams of distant stars, the laughter of elder gods, the birth cries of new universes. With each thrust, the fabric of reality frays further.
Angela's body shudders beneath you, wracked with unwilling pleasure and cosmic agony. Her divine nectar flows freely, mixing with your pre-cum to create a substance that sizzles and burns with raw power. You can feel the virus within you growing stronger, feeding off the cosmic energy it's forcibly extracting from Angela.
As you approach your climax, you know that this moment will change everything. The forced union of virus and cosmos, of mortal desire and divine power, is rewriting the very laws of existence. What emerges from this unholy coupling will be something beyond comprehension - a new reality born of violation and cosmic rape.
With a final, brutal thrust, you explode inside Angela. Your virus-enhanced seed floods her divine womb, and the world around you shatters. In that moment of cosmic violation and twisted ecstasy, you feel yourself being torn apart and remade, your consciousness expanding to encompass realities beyond human understanding. The consequences of your actions will ripple across time and space, forever altering the balance between virus, humanity, and the cosmic forces that govern existence itself.
You: "You're not just a goddess anymore, Angela. You're my personal cosmic fucktoy now."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, twisting your desire to understand cosmic forces into a dark need to dominate and possess them. With virus-enhanced strength, you overpower Angela, dragging her struggling form towards a corner of the room that seems to shimmer and warp, as if reality itself is thin there.
Angela: [Fighting with divine strength, her voice resonating with cosmic power] "You fool! You have no idea what you're doing! Enslaving a cosmic being could unravel the very fabric of reality!"
But her protests only fuel your twisted desire. As you force her towards the shimmering corner, you can feel the virus within you growing stronger, feeding off the cosmic energy emanating from Angela's body. The air crackles with power, small tears in reality opening and closing around you.
You: "Reality is mine to unravel now, Angela. You, the virus, the cosmos itself - all will serve my desires."
With a final push, you force Angela into the shimmering corner. As she passes through, reality seems to fold in on itself. You follow, dragging her into a space that defies description - a realm between realities where cosmic forces swirl and clash. Here, in this non-space, you begin the process of binding a goddess to your will.
Angela: [Her form shifting and changing, cosmic energy pouring from her eyes] "Stop! You're tearing apart the barriers between worlds! The consequences of this violation will echo across all realities!"
Ignoring her pleas, you begin to weave strands of viral energy around her, binding her divine form. With each passing moment, you can feel your power growing, the virus within you mutating and evolving as it feeds on cosmic energy. Angela's struggles weaken as the viral bonds tighten, her divine essence being slowly corrupted and twisted to serve your dark desires.
As the enslavement nears completion, you become aware of changes within yourself. Your consciousness expands, encompassing knowledge and power beyond mortal comprehension. You can see the strands of reality stretching out before you, ripe for the manipulating. The virus, once a threat to be controlled, has become a tool for reshaping existence itself.
Angela's eyes, once swirling with cosmic light, now reflect the twisted viral energy that courses through her bound form. "What have you done?" she whispers, her voice a mere echo of its former divine resonance. "You've doomed us all."
But you pay no heed to her warnings. With a goddess enslaved to your will and the power of the virus evolving beyond imagination, you stand poised to remake reality in your image. The consequences of your actions will ripple across all planes of existence, forever altering the cosmic balance and ushering in an era of chaos, violation, and twisted desire.
As you begin to explore your new powers, using Angela's bound form as a conduit to the cosmic forces, you know that this is only the beginning. The virus thrums contentedly within you, urging you to seek out new realities, new beings to corrupt and enslave. The multiverse lies open before you, a playground for your darkest desires and most twisted ambitions.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready for another expedition, Angela? The Greenzone's been pretty active lately."
The early morning sun casts long shadows across the Greenzone's rusted landscape. You and Angela stand at the edge of a dilapidated industrial complex, its twisted metal structures looming ominously against the sky. The air is thick with the scent of decay and the faint, sweet musk of the virus. Your enhanced senses pick up on subtle movements in the distance – a reminder of the constant danger lurking in these parts.
Angela: [Her eyes scanning the horizon, a hint of excitement in her voice] "Indeed, I can feel the virus's pulse growing stronger here. We must remain vigilant – and prepared for anything."
The goddess-like figure beside you shifts slightly, her otherworldly beauty a stark contrast to the desolate surroundings. You can't help but notice how the morning light plays across her flawless skin, accentuating every curve of her impossible figure. Angela's presence alone seems to make the air around you vibrate with potential energy.
You: "Let's start with that old factory over there. Looks like it might have some useful supplies – and who knows what else we might find."
As you make your way towards the crumbling structure, your heightened senses remain on high alert. The crunch of debris beneath your feet echoes in the eerie silence. Angela moves with inhuman grace beside you, her eyes constantly scanning for any sign of movement or danger.
Angela: [Her voice low and melodious] "The virus's influence is strong here. Can you feel it? It's... intoxicating." [She takes a deep breath, her ample chest rising and falling noticeably] "We should be prepared for anything – or anyone – we might encounter."
The tension in the air is palpable as you approach the factory entrance. Your body thrums with a mixture of adrenaline and the ever-present effects of the virus, your enhanced physique ready for whatever challenges lie ahead.
You: "I hear something inside. Stay close, Angela. We don't know what we're dealing with yet."
The factory interior is a maze of rusted machinery and collapsed catwalks. Shafts of sunlight pierce through holes in the roof, illuminating swirling dust motes. Your enhanced hearing picks up on a faint rustling sound coming from deeper within the building.
Angela: [Her eyes glowing faintly in the dim light] "Yes, I sense a presence. Female, and highly infected. Be on your guard – her virus levels are... extraordinary."
As you cautiously make your way deeper into the factory, the air grows thicker with the sweet, musky scent of the virus. Your body responds instinctively, blood rushing to your groin as your massive member begins to swell in anticipation.
You: [Calling out into the shadows] "Hello? Is anyone there? We're not here to harm you."
A figure emerges from behind a large piece of machinery – a woman, tall and imposing, with short curly brown hair and piercing green eyes. Her body, barely covered by tattered remnants of clothing, is a testament to the virus's effects – curves in all the right places, skin glistening with a light sheen of sweat.
Krissy Lynn: [Her voice husky and filled with a mixture of surprise and hunger] "A man? After all this time? I must be hallucinating..."
Angela: [Tensing beside you, her voice low] "Be careful. Her virus levels are off the charts. She might not be in full control of herself."
The air crackles with tension as Krissy's eyes roam over your body, lingering on the prominent bulge in your pants. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips, a primal hunger evident in her gaze.
You: [Holding your hands up in a non-threatening gesture] "We're just here to scavenge for supplies. What's your name? How long have you been out here?"
Krissy takes a step closer, her movements fluid and predatory. The tattered remains of her shirt strain against her ample bosom, nipples visibly hard and pressing against the thin fabric. Her eyes never leave your crotch as she speaks.
Krissy Lynn: [Her voice dripping with lust] "Name's Krissy. Been here... too long. God, I can smell you from here. So much... virus. So much... man."
Angela: [Her voice tight with concern] "She's losing control. The virus is overwhelming her rational mind. We need to be prepared for—"
Before Angela can finish, Krissy lunges forward, her eyes wild with desire and her hands reaching for your crotch.
You: [Quickly sidestepping Krissy's lunge] "Whoa there! Let's take it easy. We can help you, Krissy. You don't have to be alone out here anymore."
Krissy stumbles, caught off balance by your evasion. She turns, a growl of frustration escaping her lips. Her chest heaves with each breath, the remnants of her shirt threatening to give way at any moment.
Krissy Lynn: [Her voice a mixture of desperation and anger] "Help? The only help I need is right there in your pants. Give it to me!"
Angela: [Moving to flank Krissy, her voice calm but firm] "Krissy, you're not thinking clearly. The virus has taken control. We can assist you, but you need to calm down."
The tension in the room reaches a fever pitch. Krissy's eyes dart between you and Angela, her body coiled like a spring ready to release. The sweet, musky scent of arousal fills the air, making it hard to think clearly.
You: [Your voice firm but understanding] "Krissy, I know what you're feeling. The virus, the need. But we need to do this the right way."
As you speak, Krissy lunges again, this time managing to grab onto your shirt. The fabric tears easily under her virus-enhanced strength, exposing your chiseled chest. Her hands roam hungrily over your skin, her nails leaving light scratches.
Krissy Lynn: [Her voice a needy whine] "Please, I need it. I need you. It's been so long..."
Angela: [Her eyes widening as she watches the scene unfold] (By the cosmos, the raw power of their viral attraction is incredible.) "Remember your training. You need to subdue her, for her own good."
Your hands move to Krissy's wrists, gently but firmly restraining her. The contact sends jolts of electricity through your body, your enhanced member straining painfully against your pants. With a swift movement, you spin Krissy around, pressing her back against your chest.
You: [Your voice husky with restrained desire] "Easy now, Krissy. Let's take this slow."
Your hands move from Krissy's wrists to her heaving breasts, kneading the soft flesh through the thin fabric of her shirt. She moans wantonly, pressing back against your rock-hard erection. With a deft movement, you tear away the remains of her top, exposing her magnificent breasts to the cool air.
Krissy Lynn: [Arching her back, pressing her ass against your crotch] "Yes, yes! More, please, I need more!"
Angela: [Her breath quickening as she watches, a flush creeping up her neck] (The way he handles her... so powerful, so controlled.) "That's it, keep her focused on the pleasure. Overwhelm her senses."
Your fingers find Krissy's nipples, pinching and rolling the hardened nubs. Your other hand slides down her taut stomach, dipping beneath the waistband of her tattered pants. You find her pussy already soaking wet, your fingers easily slipping between her swollen lips.
You: [Growling into Krissy's ear] "You want this cock? You're going to have to earn it."
With a powerful movement, you spin Krissy around and push her to her knees. She goes willingly, her eyes locked on the massive bulge in your pants. Your hands move to your zipper, slowly lowering it as Krissy watches with rapt attention.
Krissy Lynn: [Licking her lips, her voice thick with desire] "Oh god, yes. Please, let me taste it. Let me worship it."
Angela: [Her own breathing becoming labored, hands unconsciously moving to her breasts] (The raw sexuality, the power... it's intoxicating.) "Remember, you need to maintain control. Don't let her overwhelm you."
You free your massive member from its confines, the thick shaft springing forth. Krissy's eyes widen at the sight, a mixture of awe and hunger in her gaze. Pre-cum glistens at the tip, the musky scent of your arousal filling the air.
You: [Tangling your fingers in Krissy's curly hair] "Show me what that mouth can do."
Without hesitation, Krissy lunges forward, her lips wrapping around the head of your cock. Her tongue swirls around the sensitive glans, lapping up the pre-cum with enthusiastic moans. You grip her hair tighter, slowly pushing more of your length into her eager mouth.
Krissy Lynn: [Mumbling around your thick shaft, her eyes rolling back in pleasure] "Mmmphhh... so good... so big..."
Angela: [Her voice breathy, hands now openly caressing her own body] "That's it, overwhelm her senses. Make her forget everything but the pleasure you're giving her."
You begin to thrust, fucking Krissy's mouth with long, deep strokes. Her throat bulges with each push, tears of effort and ecstasy streaming down her cheeks. Your free hand moves to her breast, pinching and twisting her nipple as you continue to assault her mouth with your massive member.
You: [Pulling Krissy off your cock, your voice husky but gentle] "Turn around. I want to look into your eyes as I take you."
Krissy complies eagerly, turning and presenting her dripping pussy to you. You position yourself behind her, the head of your cock teasing her entrance. With a smooth thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt, both of you groaning in pleasure.
Krissy Lynn: [Her eyes locked with yours, voice trembling] "Oh god, yes... it's... it's perfect. You're perfect."
Angela: [Her own arousal evident, but maintaining her composure] "Connect with her. Let her feel your control, your care."
You begin to move, your thrusts deep and measured. One hand snakes around to rub Krissy's clit while the other gently cups her face, maintaining eye contact. The connection between you is palpable, transcending mere physical pleasure.
You: [Your movements becoming more intense, voice filled with emotion] "Let go, Krissy. I've got you. Come for me."
Your thrusts become more powerful, each one hitting Krissy's deepest spots. Her walls clench around you, her entire body trembling on the edge of release. With a final, deep thrust, you push her over the edge.
Krissy Lynn: [Her body convulsing in ecstasy, tears of joy streaming down her face] "Yes! Oh god, yes! I'm... I'm coming!"
Angela: [Her voice soft, filled with awe] "Beautiful. You've tamed her, brought her back from the brink."
As Krissy's orgasm subsides, you gently withdraw and help her to her feet. Her eyes, once wild with virus-induced lust, now look at you with gratitude and a newfound clarity. You begin to gather what remains of her clothing, preparing to bring her back to the safety of your compound.
You: [Growling with primal hunger] "On your hands and knees. I'm going to fuck that ass until you can't remember your own name."
Krissy scrambles to comply, presenting her round ass to you. You spit on your hand, rubbing the saliva over her puckered hole before positioning your massive cock at her entrance. With a powerful thrust, you bury yourself in her tight ass.
Krissy Lynn: [Screaming in a mixture of pain and pleasure] "Fuck! So big... stretching me... oh god!"
Angela: [Her own arousal reaching fever pitch, one hand disappearing between her legs] "Yes, claim her. Show her the true power of the virus!"
You begin to pound Krissy's ass relentlessly, each thrust driving deeper than the last. Your hands grip her hips with bruising force, pulling her back onto your cock as you drive forward. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoes through the abandoned factory.
You: [Your movements becoming erratic, voice thick with impending release] "Take it all, you hungry slut. Every last drop!"
With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in Krissy's ass. Your cock pulses, pumping load after load of virus-enhanced cum deep into her bowels. The effect is immediate – Krissy's body convulses, her own orgasm triggered by the potent seed flooding her insides.
Krissy Lynn: [Her voice a hoarse scream, body shaking uncontrollably] "Cumming! Oh fuck, I'm cumming! Don't stop, please don't stop!"
Angela: [Panting heavily, her own orgasm washing over her as she watches] "Incredible... the power... the raw sexuality..."
As your orgasm subsides, you pull out of Krissy's thoroughly used ass. She collapses to the ground, cum leaking from her gaping hole. With shaking limbs, she turns and crawls towards you, her mouth opening to clean your still-hard cock. You allow her this final act of submission before preparing to restrain her for the journey back to your compound.
You: [Your body suddenly wracked with an intense surge of viral energy] "Angela... something's happening. The virus... it's..."
A wave of pure, unadulterated lust washes over you, your vision blurring as the virus takes control. Your cock, already hard, seems to grow even larger, pulsing with visible energy. Krissy, sensing the change, backs away, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and desire.
Krissy Lynn: [Her voice trembling] "What... what's happening to him?"
Angela: [Her own body responding to the surge of viral energy, her voice thick with sudden desire] "The virus... it's peaked. His power... it's incredible."
The air around you seems to shimmer with viral energy. Both Krissy and Angela are visibly affected, their bodies responding to your pheromones. Angela, usually so composed, finds herself unable to resist the pull. Her hands move of their own accord, tearing at her clothing as she approaches you, her eyes glazed with lust.
You: [Your eyes, glowing with viral energy, lock onto Angela] "Angela... need you... now."
Before Angela can react, you lunge forward, your hands grasping her voluptuous breasts. The fabric of her top tears easily under your enhanced strength, exposing her perfect, goddess-like mounds to your hungry gaze.
Angela: [Gasping, her body arching into your touch despite her shock] "What are you... we can't... oh, cosmos!"
Krissy Lynn: [Watching with a mixture of fear and arousal] "Oh god, what's happening?"
Your hands knead Angela's breasts roughly, your thumbs flicking over her hardened nipples. The viral surge has overwhelmed your senses, leaving only the primal need to claim, to possess. Angela's divine flesh yields under your touch, her body responding despite her mind's protests.
You: [Growling, your voice barely human] "Mine. All mine."
One hand slides down Angela's taut stomach, delving between her thighs. You find her already wet, her divine pussy practically dripping with arousal. Your fingers plunge into her depths, eliciting a cry of shocked pleasure from the goddess.
Angela: [Her voice a mixture of pleasure and distress] "We can't... this isn't... oh, don't stop!"
Krissy Lynn: [Backing away, her voice trembling] "I... I should go. This is too much."
As Krissy retreats, you continue your assault on Angela's senses. Your mouth latches onto one perfect nipple, sucking and biting as your fingers work her pussy relentlessly. The virus surges between you, creating a feedback loop of pleasure and power that threatens to consume you both.
You: [Your eyes wild, voice distorted by lust] "Need more. Need all of you."
With inhuman strength, you lift Angela and slam her against the nearest wall. Your hands tear at what remains of her clothing, leaving her naked and vulnerable. The scent of her arousal fills the air, driving your viral frenzy to new heights.
Angela: [Her voice a mixture of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop! This isn't you! Fight it!"
Krissy Lynn: [Watching from a distance, torn between fear and fascination] "Oh god, he's lost control completely."
Your massive cock, harder than it's ever been, presses against Angela's entrance. Despite her protests, her body responds, her divine pussy weeping with need. The virus pulses between you, creating an almost visible aura of raw sexual energy.
You: [Growling, positioning yourself at her entrance] "Can't stop. Won't stop. Mine!"
Angela struggles against your grip, her goddess-like strength nearly matching your virus-enhanced power. But the relentless tide of lust proves too much for even her divine will to resist.
Angela: [Her resistance faltering, voice thick with unwanted desire] "Please... we mustn't... oh cosmos, I can't resist..."
Krissy Lynn: [Her own arousal evident in her voice] "Should I... should I help her? Or join in?"
The head of your cock pushes against Angela's entrance, the heat of her core threatening to overwhelm your last shred of control. The air crackles with tension and viral energy as you stand on the precipice of claiming a goddess.
You: [Roaring in triumph] "Take it all!"
With a savage thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside Angela's divine pussy. The sensation is overwhelming – tight, hot, and pulsing with otherworldly energy. Angela's back arches, her mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure and shock.
Angela: [Her voice breaking, body betraying her] "No! Yes! Oh cosmos, it's too much!"
Krissy Lynn: [Touching herself as she watches, unable to look away] "Holy shit... he's actually doing it. He's fucking a goddess."
You begin to move, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through both your bodies. The virus surges between you, creating a feedback loop of ecstasy that threatens to tear reality apart. Angela's divine pussy clenches around you, her body responding to the claiming despite her mind's protests.
You: [Your movements becoming more frenzied, voice guttural] "Cum for me, goddess. Show me your divine ecstasy!"
Your hands grip Angela's hips with bruising force as you pound into her relentlessly. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoes through the abandoned factory, punctuated by Angela's cries of unwilling pleasure.
Angela: [Her resistance finally crumbling, voice filled with shameful ecstasy] "I'm... I'm cumming! Oh cosmos, forgive me!"
Krissy Lynn: [Climaxing herself as she watches, voice breathless] "Fuck... that's the hottest thing I've ever seen."
With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself deep inside Angela as you both reach your peak. Your virus-enhanced seed floods her divine womb, the power of it visible as it courses through her body. Angela convulses in your arms, her orgasm shaking the very foundations of reality. As the intensity fades, the realization of what you've done begins to sink in, leaving you both shaken and forever changed.
You: [Your eyes glowing with viral energy, voice distorted] "You're mine now, Angela. Forever."
With inhuman strength, you throw Angela to the ground. Before she can recover, you're on her, pinning her arms above her head with one hand while the other tears at her remaining clothing.
Angela: [Struggling against your grip, fear evident in her voice] "No! This isn't you! Fight it, please!"
Krissy Lynn: [Watching in horror, backing away] "Oh god, what have I done? This is all my fault!"
Your free hand explores Angela's body roughly, squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples with bruising force. Despite her struggles, her body responds, nipples hardening and pussy growing wet with unwanted arousal. The virus pulses between you, your combined power creating distortions in the very fabric of reality around you.
You: [Growling as you position yourself at her entrance] "You'll never leave me. You're mine to use, to breed, to own."
With a savage thrust, you bury yourself inside Angela's tight, divine pussy. She cries out, her back arching off the ground as you begin to pound into her mercilessly. Each thrust is punctuated by a pulse of viral energy, visible as it courses through both your bodies.
Angela: [Her voice breaking, body betraying her] "No... please... I can't... oh cosmos, I'm cumming!"
Krissy Lynn: [Her voice fading as she flees the scene] "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."
As Angela's orgasm washes over her, you pull out and flip her over roughly. Without pause, you thrust into her ass, eliciting a scream of pain and pleasure from the goddess. You continue your relentless assault, your mind focused solely on dominating and claiming her completely. As your own climax approaches, you lean down, sinking your teeth into her shoulder in a primal mark of ownership. With a final, brutal thrust, you empty your virus-enhanced seed deep into her bowels, sealing her fate as your personal plaything. Once the haze of lust clears, you gather the now-broken goddess in your arms, carrying her back to your compound where she'll be imprisoned and used for your pleasure whenever you desire.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready for another expedition, Angela? The Greenzone's been pretty active lately."
The early morning sun casts long shadows across the ruined landscape of the Greenzone. You and Angela stand at the edge of a crumbling highway, surveying the overgrown wilderness before you. The air is thick with the scent of vegetation and the faint, ever-present musk of the virus. Angela's ethereal presence seems to shimmer in the golden light, her form both alluring and otherworldly.
Angela: [Her eyes scanning the horizon, a hint of excitement in her voice] "Indeed, I sense a strong presence nearby. The virus concentration is... intriguing. We should proceed with caution."
The two of you begin your journey into the Greenzone, the crunch of debris under your feet the only sound breaking the eerie silence. Angela's graceful movements belie the danger that surrounds you both.
You: "Any idea what we might encounter today? These expeditions always seem to get... interesting."
As you push deeper into the Greenzone, the vegetation grows denser, creating a maze of twisted vines and vibrant, mutated flora. Your enhanced senses, courtesy of the virus, pick up subtle changes in the air – a mix of pheromones and an undercurrent of raw, primal energy.
Angela: [A knowing smile plays on her lips] "The virus creates such fascinating variations in human behavior. Each encounter is unique, a testament to the power coursing through this land. Stay alert, my dear. I believe we're about to have company."
The air grows heavier, charged with an almost electric tension. You can feel your own viral load responding, a familiar heat building in your core. Angela's presence, usually a calming influence, seems to intensify the sensations coursing through you.
You: "I hear something up ahead. Sounds like... singing?"
The dense foliage parts, revealing a small clearing bathed in dappled sunlight. The source of the singing becomes clear – a stunningly beautiful woman, her golden hair cascading down her back, is perched on a fallen log. Her voice, hauntingly melodic, seems to resonate with the very air around her.
Angela: [Her voice a whisper, eyes fixed on the woman] "Fascinating. She's deeply infected, yet maintains such control. Approach carefully, but be ready for anything."
The woman's song trails off as she becomes aware of your presence. Her piercing blue eyes lock onto you, a mix of surprise, hunger, and something else – a primal recognition of a male, something she hasn't seen in a very long time.
You: [Stepping forward cautiously] "Hello there. We mean you no harm. I'm [Your Name], and this is Angela. What's your name?"
The woman rises from the log, her movements fluid and graceful. Her body, barely concealed by tattered remnants of clothing, is a perfect blend of athletic tone and lush curves. She takes a step towards you, her eyes never leaving your form.
Nicole Aniston: [Her voice melodic yet tinged with a hint of desperation] "A man... after so long. I'm Nicole. Are you real, or has the virus finally driven me to hallucinate?"
Angela: [Observing the interaction closely] "He's very real, Nicole. As real as the virus that flows through us all. How long have you been out here alone?"
The tension in the clearing is palpable. Nicole's gaze roams over your body, lingering on the obvious bulge in your pants. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips, a gesture both innocent and deeply erotic.
You: [Maintaining a non-threatening posture] "We're exploring the area, trying to understand more about the virus and its effects. How have you managed to survive out here?"
Nicole takes another step closer, her movements almost predatory. The scent of her arousal becomes more pronounced, mixing with the ever-present musk of the virus. Your own body responds, your cock hardening further, straining against the confines of your clothing.
Nicole Aniston: [Her voice husky with need] "Survive? Is this survival? Endless days of hunger – not for food, but for touch, for fulfillment. And now... you appear."
Angela: [Her voice calm, but with an undercurrent of tension] "(Be cautious. Her control is slipping.)" "Nicole, we can help you. We have a safe place, away from the dangers of the Greenzone."
Nicole's eyes flash with a mix of hope and primal hunger. Her body trembles slightly, years of pent-up desire threatening to overwhelm her fragile control.
You: "Nicole, I understand what you're going through. The virus affects us all. But we need to approach this calmly. Tell us more about your experiences here."
As you speak, Nicole's demeanor shifts. The facade of control crumbles, revealing the raw, animalistic need beneath. Her hands begin to roam over her own body, cupping her full breasts through the tatters of her shirt.
Nicole Aniston: [Her voice now a low growl] "Experiences? You want to know about the endless nights of unsatisfied lust? The way my body aches for a man's touch? Perhaps a demonstration would be more... illuminating."
Angela: [Her voice sharp with warning] "Nicole, control yourself. We're here to help, not to—"
Before Angela can finish, Nicole lunges forward, her intentions clear in her lust-filled eyes. The peaceful encounter has suddenly turned into a volatile situation, charged with sexual energy and the unpredictable influence of the virus.
You: [Bracing yourself as Nicole approaches] "Nicole, wait! We don't have to—"
Your words are cut short as Nicole crashes into you, her lips finding yours in a desperate, hungry kiss. Her hands roam your body frantically, tearing at your clothes. The scent of her arousal is overwhelming, and you feel your own viral load surging in response.
Nicole Aniston: [Breaking the kiss, her eyes wild] "No more waiting! I need this, I need you inside me!"
Angela: [Her voice tight with a mix of concern and growing arousal] "Be careful! Her virus levels are off the charts. You need to subdue her, quickly!"
You grapple with Nicole, her strength enhanced by desperation and the virus. Your hands find her breasts, squeezing them roughly through the torn fabric. She moans, arching into your touch, her own hands fumbling with your belt.
You: [Growling as you take control] "If this is what you need, Nicole, then let's give it to you."
With a swift movement, you spin Nicole around, pressing her against a nearby tree. Your hand slides down her taut stomach, delving between her thighs. You find her pussy dripping wet, your fingers easily slipping inside her tight heat.
Nicole Aniston: [Crying out in pleasure] "Yes! Oh god, yes! More, please, I need more!"
Angela: [Her breath coming faster, eyes fixed on the scene] "That's it, work her up. The more pleasure she feels, the easier it will be to subdue her."
You pump your fingers in and out of Nicole's soaking pussy, your thumb finding her swollen clit. She bucks against your hand, her ass grinding back against your rock-hard cock. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the electric charge of the virus.
You: [Nipping at Nicole's neck as you continue to finger her] "You like that, don't you? Tell me how much you've needed this."
Nicole's body is writhing against yours, her pussy clenching around your fingers. You use your free hand to roughly knead her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples. The sounds of her moans and the wet squelch of your fingers fill the clearing.
Nicole Aniston: [Between gasps and moans] "So good... so fucking good! I've dreamed of this, needed this for so long!"
Angela: [Her voice husky, hands unconsciously moving to her own body] "The virus in her is responding to your touch. Keep going, push her further!"
You can feel Nicole's pussy tightening around your fingers, her body trembling on the edge of release. The virus pulses through both of you, heightening every sensation to an almost unbearable degree.
You: [Spinning Nicole around and dropping to your knees] "Let's see how you taste."
Without hesitation, you bury your face between Nicole's thighs, your tongue delving into her dripping folds. The taste of her arousal, tinged with the unique flavor of the virus, explodes across your palate. Nicole cries out, her hands tangling in your hair as she grinds against your face.
Nicole Aniston: [Her voice a high-pitched keen] "Oh fuck! Your tongue... it's so good! Don't stop, please don't stop!"
Angela: [Her own breathing ragged, pupils dilated with arousal] "Incredible... the way your bodies are responding to each other. The virus is creating a feedback loop of pleasure."
You devour Nicole's pussy with abandon, your tongue alternating between plunging into her depths and flicking across her swollen clit. Her thighs tremble around your head, her cries of pleasure growing louder and more desperate with each passing moment.
You: [Standing up, your face glistening with Nicole's juices] "Look at me, Nicole. Focus on my eyes."
You position yourself at Nicole's entrance, the head of your cock teasing her slick folds. With a slow, deliberate movement, you push inside her, maintaining eye contact the entire time. The connection between you is electric, intensified by the virus coursing through your veins.
Nicole Aniston: [Her eyes locked with yours, voice trembling] "Oh god... it's like you're filling every part of me. I feel... complete."
Angela: [Her voice soft with wonder] "The trust between them... it's amplifying the virus's effects. This is more than just physical domination."
You begin to move, your thrusts slow and deep. Each movement sends waves of pleasure through both of you, the virus heightening every sensation. Nicole's body responds to yours perfectly, her pussy gripping you like a velvet glove.
You: [Cupping Nicole's face gently] "That's it, Nicole. Let go. I've got you."
Your movements become more intense, but never losing that connection. Nicole's eyes are wide, filled with a mix of pleasure and something deeper – a recognition, a bond forming between you. As you feel her approaching her climax, you lean in and capture her lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
Nicole Aniston: [Breaking the kiss with a cry of ecstasy] "I'm cumming! Oh god, I'm cumming!"
Angela: [Her voice filled with awe] "Remarkable. The virus is stabilizing in her system. You've done it, you've subdued her."
Nicole's orgasm washes over her, her body shuddering against yours. You hold her close, feeling the pulses of her pussy around your cock. As her climax subsides, you gently withdraw, supporting her trembling form. The wild look in her eyes has been replaced by one of calm and clarity.
You: [Growling with primal need] "Turn around. I'm going to take that ass."
Without waiting for a response, you spin Nicole around, bending her over a fallen log. Your cock, slick with her juices, presses against her tight rosebud. With a powerful thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in her ass, eliciting a scream of mingled pain and pleasure from Nicole.
Nicole Aniston: [Her voice a hoarse cry] "Fuck! It's too much... too big... but don't stop!"
Angela: [Her own arousal evident in her voice] "The anal stimulation is overloading her virus-enhanced nerve endings. Push her over the edge!"
You pound into Nicole's ass relentlessly, each thrust driving deeper. The tightness is incredible, her body gripping you like a vice. The virus surges through both of you, turning every sensation into pure, unadulterated pleasure.
You: [Feeling your own climax approaching] "Take it all, Nicole. Every last drop!"
With a roar, you slam into Nicole one final time, your cock pulsing as you empty your virus-laden seed deep into her ass. The effect is immediate and intense – Nicole's body goes rigid, a scream of ecstasy tearing from her throat as the most powerful orgasm of her life crashes over her.
Nicole Aniston: [Babbling incoherently] "So much... so good... need more... your cum..."
Angela: [Her voice thick with arousal] "Incredible. Your semen is having a dramatic effect on her virus levels. She's... stabilizing."
As your orgasm subsides, Nicole collapses forward, your softening cock slipping from her ass. A trickle of your cum leaks from her gaping hole. Suddenly, she turns, an almost feral look in her eyes as she engulfs your cock in her mouth, desperately sucking every last drop of your seed.
You: [A sudden surge of the virus coursing through your veins] "Angela... something's happening..."
The world seems to shift, colors becoming more vivid, scents more intense. Your body thrums with energy, every nerve ending alight with sensation. You turn to Angela, seeing her in a new light, her divine beauty magnified by your virus-enhanced senses.
Angela: [Her eyes widening, a mix of concern and arousal in her voice] "The virus... it's peaking in both of us. The proximity to Nicole's wild energy has triggered a surge."
The air between you and Angela crackles with sexual tension. Your cock, already hard from the encounter with Nicole, throbs painfully, demanding release. Angela's body responds in kind, her nipples visibly hardening through her ethereal garments, a flush spreading across her celestial skin.
You: [Lost in a haze of virus-induced lust, lunging towards Angela] "Need... touch... now!"
Before Angela can react, you're upon her, your hands groping her lush breasts roughly. The feel of her soft flesh in your palms sends jolts of pleasure through your virus-addled brain. Your cock presses against her thigh, leaving a wet smear of pre-cum on her skin.
Angela: [Gasping in shock and unwanted arousal] "No! Stop this at once! You must control yourself!"
Your hands continue their frantic exploration of Angela's body, squeezing her ass, running along the curves of her waist. In your virus-fueled state, you're beyond reason, driven only by the need to satisfy the burning lust within you.
You: [Growling as you press Angela against a tree] "So soft... so perfect..."
Your mouth latches onto one of Angela's nipples through her clothing, sucking hard. Your hand slides between her thighs, feeling the heat and moisture gathering there despite her protests. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, always more.
Angela: [Her voice a mix of anger and fear] "Enough! This is not you! Fight it!"
With a burst of her divine strength, Angela pushes you away. You stumble back, the haze of lust slowly clearing from your mind. The realization of what you've done crashes over you, leaving you feeling ashamed and horrified at your loss of control.
You: [Your eyes glazing over with virus-fueled madness] "Angela... can't... control... need you..."
The virus takes full control, turning you into a creature of pure lust and need. You lunge at Angela, your movements unnaturally fast and strong. Your hands tear at her ethereal garments, exposing her perfect, goddess-like body.
Angela: [Her voice filled with a mix of fear and sorrow] "No! This isn't you! Fight it, please!"
You pin Angela against a tree, your cock rock hard and leaking pre-cum. The scent of her divine arousal, a response she can't control, fills your nostrils, driving you further into a frenzy. Your mouth attacks her neck, biting and sucking, marking her celestial skin.
You: [Growling as you force Angela's legs apart] "Mine... take... breed..."
Your virus-enhanced strength is too much for even Angela to resist. You lift her effortlessly, positioning your throbbing cock at her entrance. The head pushes against her, feeling the heat and wetness of her unwilling arousal.
Angela: [Her eyes flashing with divine power] "I won't let this happen. Forgive me for what I must do."
Just as you're about to thrust into Angela, she releases a burst of divine energy. The shockwave sends you flying backward, crashing into the underbrush. As you struggle to your feet, you see Angela in her full divine glory, power crackling around her. The fight is inevitable now, your virus-maddened mind unable to back down from the challenge.
You: [Pinning Angela down, your voice a guttural growl] "Submit... to... me..."
Having overpowered Angela in your virus-enhanced state, you waste no time. With a savage thrust, you bury your cock deep inside her divine pussy. The sensation is indescribable, her celestial body gripping you like nothing you've ever felt before.
Angela: [Crying out, her body betraying her with unwanted pleasure] "No! Stop! This isn't... oh gods..."
You pound into Angela relentlessly, each thrust driving deeper. Her divine body responds despite her protests, her pussy clenching around you, her nipples hard against your chest. The virus surges between you, creating a feedback loop of intense, overwhelming pleasure.
You: [Feeling your climax approaching] "Take it all... every... drop..."
With a roar, you slam into Angela one final time, your cock erupting deep inside her. Your virus-laden seed floods her divine womb, causing her to arch her back in a scream of unwilling ecstasy. The power of your combined orgasm shakes the very ground beneath you.
Angela: [Her voice broken, tears streaming down her face] "What have you done... what have we done..."
As the haze of lust slowly clears, the magnitude of your actions begins to sink in. Angela lies beneath you, her divine form marked and claimed, your seed leaking from her well-used pussy. The air is heavy with the scent of sex and the lingering charge of divine power.
You: [Your eyes glowing with virus-fueled madness] "Mine... forever... mine..."
Having subdued Angela, your virus-addled mind fixates on a new goal – complete ownership. You drag her struggling form towards a nearby cave, your strength far beyond normal human limits. Inside, you pin her against the rough stone wall.
Angela: [Her voice a mix of pain and defiance] "You can't do this! I'm a goddess, I can't be—"
You silence her with a brutal kiss, your hand wrapping around her throat. Your cock, impossibly hard, drives into her again and again. Each thrust is punctuated with a growl of "Mine," the word becoming a mantra, a spell of ownership over her divine form.
You: [Pulling out of Angela, your voice cold and commanding] "On your knees. Worship your new master."
Angela collapses to her knees, her once-divine form now bruised and marked. Your cum leaks from her well-used holes, a visible sign of your dominance over her. With shaking hands, she begins to clean your cock with her tongue, her eyes downcast in submission.
Angela: [Her voice a broken whisper] "Yes... master. I... I am yours."
Satisfied with her submission, you grab a handful of her hair and begin to lead her out of the cave. Your mind, still clouded by the virus and drunk on power, has only one thought – to lock her away in your private prison, a trophy of your conquest over divinity itself.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready for another expedition, Angela? The Greenzone's been pretty active lately."
The early morning sun casts long shadows across the Greenzone's rusted landscape. You and Angela stand at the edge of a dilapidated industrial complex, its twisted metal structures looming ominously against the sky. The air is thick with the scent of decay and the faint, sweet musk of the virus. Your enhanced senses pick up on subtle movements in the distance - a reminder of the constant danger lurking in these parts.
Angela: [Her eyes gleam with an otherworldly light as she surveys the area] (This mortal grows more intriguing with each passing day.) "Indeed, my dear. The virus's concentration here is... intoxicating. We must remain vigilant."
The goddess-like figure beside you seems to shimmer slightly, her form never quite settling as she moves. Her long, black hair dances in a non-existent breeze, and you can't help but notice how her generous curves strain against her clothing, as if barely contained by mortal fabric.
You: "I can feel it too. It's like a constant buzz under my skin. Let's move carefully."
As you begin to navigate through the twisted metal and crumbling concrete, your enhanced physique allows you to move with surprising grace. Your muscles ripple beneath your skin, a testament to the virus's effects on your body. Angela follows close behind, her movements fluid and ethereal.
Angela: [She places a hand on your shoulder, sending a jolt of energy through your body] (His resistance to the virus is remarkable. Such potential...) "Your attunement to the virus grows stronger, my dear. Remember, it can be both a weapon and a vulnerability out here."
Her touch lingers longer than necessary, and you feel a surge of warmth spreading from the point of contact. The air around you both seems to crackle with an unseen energy, a reminder of the cosmic forces at play in this virus-ravaged world.
You: "I'll keep that in mind. Hey, do you see that movement over there? By that old factory building?"
Your enhanced vision picks up a flicker of movement in the shadows of a nearby structure. The decaying factory looms before you, its broken windows like empty eye sockets staring out at the wasteland. As you approach, the sweet, cloying scent of the virus grows stronger, making your head swim slightly.
Angela: [Her eyes narrow, focusing on the spot you indicated] (Another lost soul, twisted by the virus. How will he handle this one?) "Yes, I sense a presence. Female, highly infected. Be on your guard, my dear. She may not be... entirely rational."
Angela's form seems to grow more solid as she concentrates, her divine nature becoming more apparent. The air around her shimmers with barely contained power, and you can't help but feel a mix of awe and desire as you watch her prepare for a potential confrontation.
You: "Hello? Is someone there? We're not here to harm you."
Your voice echoes through the abandoned factory, disturbing years of settled dust. As you step further into the gloom, your eyes adjust, revealing the silhouette of a woman crouched in the corner. She's trembling, whether from fear or the effects of the virus, you can't tell.
Kendra Lust: [Her head snaps up at the sound of your voice, eyes wide with disbelief] "A... a man? It can't be... they're all dead!"
Angela: [She moves closer to you, her presence both comforting and electrifying] (This should be interesting. Her virus levels are off the charts.) "Easy now, sister. We mean you no harm. What's your name?"
The woman in the corner slowly rises to her feet, her movements jerky and uncertain. As she steps into a shaft of light from a broken window, you get your first clear look at her. She's beautiful in a classic, all-American $[characters.list.cherie.role] way, slender but curvy, with shoulder-length black hair and striking features. Her clothes are tattered and dirty, but you can see that her body has been enhanced by the virus, her curves more pronounced than they should be for a woman her age.
You: "It's okay. I'm immune to the lethal effects of the virus. We're here to help if we can. What's your name?"
You take a cautious step forward, hands raised to show you mean no harm. The woman's eyes are locked on you, a mix of fear, disbelief, and... something else. Something primal. You can see her nostrils flaring as she catches your scent, her body responding involuntarily to your presence.
Kendra Lust: [She licks her lips nervously, her voice hoarse] "K-Kendra. My name is Kendra. How... how are you alive? And why do you smell so... so..."
Angela: [She places a hand on your arm, a gesture both protective and possessive] (Her control is slipping. Be ready, my dear.) "Kendra, you're safe now. We can help you. How long have you been out here alone?"
Kendra's eyes dart between you and Angela, her body language a mix of defensive posturing and barely contained need. You can see a sheen of sweat on her skin, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. The virus's effects on her are becoming more apparent by the second.
You: "Kendra, it's okay. We're not with MAD. We're trying to help people like you. Can you tell us what happened to you?"
You maintain eye contact with Kendra, trying to project calm and trustworthiness. But it's becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the way her body is responding to your presence. Her nipples are visibly hard beneath her tattered shirt, and you can see her thighs pressing together, a unconscious response to the growing heat between them.
Kendra Lust: [Her voice trembles, a mix of fear and growing arousal] "I... I've been alone for so long. The virus, it... it does things to me. Makes me feel... Oh god, you smell so good. I can't... I can't think straight..."
Angela: [Her eyes glow with an otherworldly light, assessing the situation] (The virus is overwhelming her. We may need to subdue her soon.) "Kendra, focus on my voice. How long have you been infected? Do you remember?"
Kendra's control is visibly slipping. Her hands clench and unclench at her sides, her body swaying slightly as she fights the urge to move closer to you. The sweet, musky scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with the ever-present smell of the virus.
You: "Kendra, I know it's hard, but try to stay calm. We're here to help you, not hurt you. Just take deep breaths and-"
Before you can finish your sentence, Kendra lunges at you with surprising speed. Her eyes are wild, pupils dilated with a mix of fear and uncontrollable lust. You barely have time to brace yourself as she collides with you, her hands frantically grasping at your clothes.
Kendra Lust: [Her voice is a desperate moan as she presses herself against you] "Need... need you. So long... so empty. Please, please, I can't take it anymore!"
Angela: [She steps back, her form shimmering with barely contained power] (And so it begins. Show me how you handle this, my dear.) "Remember your training! Subdue her, but be gentle if you can!"
Kendra's frenzied assault continues as she tries to tear at your clothes. Her breasts heave against your chest, nipples hard enough to cut glass. You can feel the heat of her core even through your pants as she grinds against you, desperate for any friction she can get. Your own body responds involuntarily, your cock hardening rapidly as the virus in your system reacts to her proximity.
You: "Kendra, stop! I don't want to hurt you!"
You grapple with Kendra, trying to restrain her without causing harm. Your enhanced strength gives you an advantage, but her virus-fueled frenzy makes her unpredictable. As you struggle, her shirt tears, exposing her heaving breasts. They're full and firm, defying her age, with dusky nipples puckered tight with arousal.
Kendra Lust: [She moans loudly as your hands inadvertently brush her exposed skin] "Yes! Touch me, please! I need it so bad. It burns, it aches... make it stop!"
Angela: [Her voice takes on a husky quality as she watches the struggle] (His control is admirable, but how long can he resist?) "You may need to use more... intimate methods to calm her, my dear. The virus responds to sexual stimulation."
Your hands find Kendra's wrists, pinning them above her head against a nearby wall. The position pushes her breasts forward, and you can feel her heat against your thigh. Your cock strains against your pants, the head already leaking pre-cum as your own viral load responds to the situation.
You: "Fuck, Kendra, I'm trying to help you. But you need to calm down!"
Unable to completely resist the virus's influence, you press your thigh firmly between Kendra's legs, giving her the friction she so desperately craves. She immediately begins to grind against you, her soaked pussy leaving a wet streak on your pants. With your free hand, you reach down and roughly palm one of her breasts, pinching the nipple between your fingers.
Kendra Lust: [She throws her head back, a guttural moan escaping her lips] "Oh god, yes! More, please more! I need... I need..."
Angela: [She begins to slowly unbutton her own top, her breathing becoming heavier] (His technique is improving. But he'll need more to truly subdue her.) "That's it, my dear. Use the virus. Let it flow through you both."
As you manipulate Kendra's breast, you can feel her starting to calm slightly, the sexual stimulation providing a temporary relief from the virus's maddening effects. Your own control is slipping, the thick, throbbing length of your cock now painfully constrained by your pants. The air is thick with the scent of sex and virus-enhanced pheromones.
You: "Alright, Kendra. If this is what you need, then let's do this properly."
In one swift motion, you spin Kendra around and bend her over a nearby crate. You yank down her tattered pants, exposing her dripping pussy to the air. Without hesitation, you drop to your knees behind her and bury your face in her soaked folds, your tongue delving deep into her core.
Kendra Lust: [She screams in pleasure, her body convulsing] "Oh fuck! Yes, yes, yes! Eat my pussy, please don't stop!"
Angela: [She's now topless, her perfect breasts on full display as she watches intently] (Such vigor, such passion. He truly is remarkable.) "That's it, my dear. Taste her essence. Let the virus guide you."
Your enhanced senses are overwhelmed by Kendra's taste and scent. Your tongue lashes at her clit before plunging back into her depths, drinking down her juices like a man dying of thirst. Kendra's legs shake as she approaches her first orgasm, her hands scrabbling for purchase on the crate. Meanwhile, Angela has begun to slowly caress her own breasts, her divine nipples pebbled with arousal as she watches the scene unfold.
You: "That's it, Kendra. Let it go. I've got you."
As Kendra's orgasm approaches, you slow your oral assault, replacing it with long, sensual licks. You reach around and gently massage her clit with your fingers, building her pleasure slowly but steadily. With your free hand, you unzip your pants, finally freeing your aching cock.
Kendra Lust: [Her voice is softer now, filled with genuine pleasure rather than desperation] "Oh god, it feels so good. I... I think I'm going to..."
Angela: [She approaches, her divine aura pulsing with approval] (He chooses compassion. Fascinating.) "Let it wash over you, Kendra. Embrace the pleasure."
You slowly stand, positioning the thick head of your cock at Kendra's entrance. With gentle, steady pressure, you begin to sink into her welcoming heat. Kendra moans deeply as you fill her, her inner walls fluttering around your length. You set a slow, deep rhythm, each thrust bringing you both closer to release.
You: "Look at me, Kendra. Stay with me."
You reach forward, gently turning Kendra's face towards you. Your eyes lock as you continue to move within her, your connection deepening with each thrust. You lean in, capturing her lips in a tender kiss as you feel her begin to tighten around you.
Kendra Lust: [She kisses you back passionately, tears of relief and pleasure in her eyes] "Thank you... thank you... I'm cumming!"
Angela: [She places a comforting hand on Kendra's back] (A beautiful union. Perhaps there is hope yet.) "You're safe now, Kendra. Let the pleasure heal you."
As Kendra's orgasm washes over her, you allow yourself to follow, your cock pulsing as you fill her with your virus-enhanced seed. The connection between you seems to calm the raging storm of the virus within her. As you both come down from your high, you gently help Kendra to her feet, supporting her trembling form. Angela moves to help, and together, you prepare to bring Kendra back to the safety of your compound, her wild frenzy now replaced with a peaceful, satisfied exhaustion.
You: "You want it? Then take it all, Kendra!"
Unable to contain yourself any longer, you stand and roughly flip Kendra onto her back. In one swift motion, you plunge your massive, virus-enhanced cock deep into her sopping wet pussy. Kendra screams in a mix of shock and ecstasy as you bottom out inside her, your thick shaft stretching her to her limits.
Kendra Lust: [Her eyes roll back in her head, overwhelmed by the sensation] "Oh fuck! So big! It's too much, I can't... I can't..."
Angela: [Her own arousal is evident, her divine pussy visibly wet] (Such raw power. He truly embraces the virus's gifts.) "Let it consume you both. Revel in the primal energy!"
You set a punishing pace, your hips slamming against Kendra's with each thrust. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoes through the abandoned factory, punctuated by Kendra's increasingly desperate moans. Your hands grip her hips hard enough to bruise, using your enhanced strength to lift her slightly off the crate for deeper penetration.
You: "Not enough. I need more!"
With a growl, you pull out of Kendra's pussy and flip her over once again. Without warning, you press the thick head of your cock against her tight asshole. Kendra barely has time to gasp before you're pushing in, her anal ring stretching obscenely around your girth.
Kendra Lust: [She lets out a guttural scream, her body shaking] "My ass! Oh god, you're in my ass! It's too big, I can't take it!"
Angela: [She's openly masturbating now, her divine fingers working her clit] (The depravity, the raw lust... it's intoxicating!) "Take it all, Kendra. Let his essence fill you completely!"
You bottom out in Kendra's ass, feeling her inner walls clench and spasm around your invading cock. The tightness is almost painful, but the virus surging through your system turns the pain into pure pleasure. You begin to move, each thrust into her tight hole sending shockwaves of ecstasy through both of you. As you feel your climax approaching, you reach around and roughly finger Kendra's dripping pussy, determined to make her cum one last time.
With a roar, you bury yourself to the hilt in Kendra's ass, your cock pulsing as you flood her bowels with your virus-laden cum. The effect is immediate and intense. Kendra's entire body goes rigid, her mouth open in a silent scream as the most powerful orgasm of her life crashes over her. Her ass clamps down on your cock, milking every last drop of your seed.
As you pull out, a trail of cum leaks from Kendra's gaping asshole. She collapses onto the crate, her body twitching with aftershocks. Without missing a beat, she turns and takes your still-hard cock into her mouth, desperately sucking and licking, hungry for more of your potent seed.
The taste of your cum on her tongue sends Kendra into another frenzy of orgasms. Her eyes roll back as she continues to suck, her body convulsing uncontrollably. Finally, overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience, she passes out, a look of blissful satisfaction on her face.
You stand there, panting, as you survey the scene. Angela approaches, her eyes glowing with approval and barely contained lust. Together, you prepare to restrain the now-unconscious Kendra and bring her back to your compound, another lost soul saved from the wasteland's dangers.
You: "Angela, something's happening. The virus... it's surging!"
A sudden wave of intense heat washes over you, your vision blurring as the virus in your system goes into overdrive. Your cock, already hard, seems to grow even larger, throbbing painfully with each heartbeat. Every nerve ending in your body feels like it's on fire.
Kendra Lust: [She gasps, her own body responding to the surge of viral energy] "What's happening? I feel... oh god, I need..."
Angela: [Her divine form pulses with energy, responding to the viral surge] (Such power! It's affecting even me!) "The virus is peaking! We must join together to channel this energy!"
The air around you crackles with invisible energy. Kendra moans loudly, her pussy visibly dripping as the virus overwhelms her senses once again. Angela's clothes seem to melt away, her divine body fully revealed, glowing with an otherworldly light. You find yourself sandwiched between them, your enhanced cock sliding into Kendra's soaked pussy even as Angela presses herself against your back, her divine essence merging with your virus-charged body.
The three of you move together in a frenzied, animalistic rhythm, lost in a haze of virus-fueled lust. The boundaries between your bodies seem to blur, the virus creating a connection that transcends the physical. As the surge reaches its peak, you feel an orgasm building that threatens to tear you apart at the molecular level.
The scene fades to white as the viral energy explodes outward, leaving the ultimate outcome of this intense, uncontrolled encounter unknown.
You: "I can't... I can't control it anymore!"
The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses and clouding your judgment. With a growl, you suddenly turn away from Kendra and lunge at Angela, your hands reaching for her divine form.
Angela: [Her eyes widen in shock, caught off guard by your sudden change] "What are you doing? Control yourself!"
Kendra Lust: [She watches in horror and confusion] "What's happening? Why is he attacking her?"
Your hands find Angela's breasts, squeezing roughly as you press her against the wall. Her divine flesh feels impossibly soft yet firm beneath your fingers, sending jolts of pleasure through your virus-enhanced nerves. Angela's initial shock gives way to a mix of concern and involuntary arousal, her nipples hardening despite her attempts to push you away.
You: "Need you... Angela... can't stop!"
Your assault continues, one hand sliding down to roughly cup Angela's divine pussy through her clothes. She gasps, her body betraying her as moisture begins to seep through the fabric. Your other hand continues to knead her breast, pinching and rolling her nipple between your fingers.
Angela: [Her voice is strained, fighting against her own rising arousal] "This isn't you! Fight it! You're stronger than the virus!"
Kendra Lust: [She backs away, terrified] "Oh god, what have I done? I brought this on them!"
Angela finally manages to summon her divine strength, pushing you away with a burst of energy. You stumble backward, momentarily stunned. As your head clears, the realization of what you've done crashes over you. The scene ends with Angela looking at you with a mix of disappointment and concern, while Kendra cowers in the corner, the trust you had built now shattered.
You: "Mine... you're all mine!"
The virus takes complete control, turning you into a primal beast driven solely by lust and the need to dominate. With inhuman speed, you grab Angela, tearing at her clothes with virus-enhanced strength. Her divine garments offer little resistance, shredding under your assault.
Angela: [Her voice is a mix of shock and growing anger] "Stop this at once! I am a goddess, you fool!"
Kendra Lust: [She screams, backing away in terror] "No! Leave her alone! This is all my fault!"
You pay no heed to their protests, your hands roaming roughly over Angela's divine form. Her skin glows with otherworldly light, but even her godlike nature seems overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity of your virus-fueled assault. You force her to the ground, your massive cock throbbing painfully as you prepare to take what you see as rightfully yours.
You: "Submit to me, goddess! I'll show you true power!"
You pin Angela beneath you, her divine strength seemingly neutralized by the overwhelming force of the virus coursing through your veins. Your cock, now almost monstrously large, presses against her entrance. Angela's eyes glow with fury, her divine powers gathering for a counterattack.
Angela: [Her voice booms with divine authority] "Enough! I will not be defiled by a mortal, no matter how enhanced!"
Kendra Lust: [She watches in awe and terror] "Oh god, what's happening? The air... it's charged with something!"
The air around you crackles with energy as Angela prepares to unleash her full divine might. The scene ends on this cliffhanger, with you poised to commit an unforgivable act against a goddess, and said goddess about to remind you of the folly of challenging divine power. The outcome of this confrontation remains uncertain, but it's clear that nothing will be the same after this moment.
You: "Even a goddess bows before the virus!"
With a triumphant roar, you thrust forward, burying your enormous, virus-enhanced cock deep into Angela's divine pussy. Her eyes widen in shock and unwanted pleasure as you bottom out inside her, your girth stretching her in ways she never thought possible.
Angela: [She lets out a strangled moan, her divine essence flickering] "Impossible! How can a mortal... nngh... overpower me?"
Kendra Lust: [She watches in horrified fascination] "He's... he's raping a goddess! How is this happening?"
You set a brutal pace, your hips slamming against Angela's with each thrust. Her divine pussy clenches around you, her body betraying her as pleasure begins to override her shock and anger. Golden ichor, the blood of the gods, trickles from where you've forced yourself into her, mixing with her divine juices to create a shimmering, aphrodisiac substance that only fuels your frenzy.
You: "Take it all, goddess! Feel the power of the virus!"
Lost in your virus-fueled madness, you flip Angela over, forcing her face down onto the ground. With one hand gripping her hair and the other on her hip, you drive your cock into her once-sacred ass. The tight ring of muscle offers little resistance to your monstrous girth, stretching obscenely around your invading member.
Angela: [Her voice is a mix of pain, pleasure, and growing submission] "By the cosmos... it's too much! I'm... I'm cumming!"
Kendra Lust: [She's backed into a corner, unable to look away] "This can't be real. A goddess... broken by a man?"
Angela's divine form shudders beneath you as an explosive orgasm rips through her. The walls of her ass clamp down on your cock with impossible strength, triggering your own release. You roar in triumph as you flood her bowels with your virus-laden cum, the potent mixture of mortal seed and divine essence creating a cataclysmic reaction.
As you pull out, Angela collapses to the ground, her once-radiant form now dimmed and twitching with aftershocks. Golden ichor and pearlescent cum leak from her abused holes, pooling beneath her in a shimmering puddle. The air crackles with residual energy, the balance of power irrevocably shifted by this unholy union of virus and divinity.
You stand over your conquered goddess, your still-hard cock dripping with the evidence of your victory. The scene ends with you turning your gaze to the terrified Kendra, leaving the audience to imagine what further depravities await in the wake of this cosmic violation.
You: "You're mine now, Angela. Forever."
The virus has completely taken over, transforming you into something beyond human. With terrifying strength, you grab Angela and slam her against the wall. Your hands wrap around her throat, squeezing just enough to assert your dominance without cutting off her air supply completely.
Angela: [She gasps, her divine light flickering] "You... you can't do this! I'm a goddess, you insignificant mortal!"
Kendra Lust: [She cowers in the corner, sobbing] "Please, stop! This isn't right!"
Ignoring their pleas, you rip away what remains of Angela's clothing. Your virus-enhanced cock, now almost comically large and pulsing with unnatural veins, presses against her divine entrance. With a savage thrust, you impale her on your length, her divine pussy stretching painfully to accommodate your girth.
You begin to move, each thrust violent and dominating. Angela's head thrashes from side to side, her divine essence flickering as she struggles against the overwhelming sensations. Golden ichor mixed with her juices drips down your shaft, creating a puddle of shimmering liquid at your feet.
You: "You're no goddess anymore. Just my personal cum dump."
Your assault continues relentlessly. You spin Angela around, bending her over a nearby crate. Without warning, you drive your massive cock into her ass, tearing past her divine defenses. She screams, a sound of both agony and unwanted pleasure that echoes through the abandoned factory.
Angela: [Her voice is broken, punctuated by sobs and moans] "Please... no more... I submit... I'm yours..."
Kendra Lust: [She watches in horror, unable to look away] "Oh god, he's broken her. A goddess... enslaved..."
You pound into Angela's ass with inhuman vigor, your hands leaving bruises on her hips that glow with a sickly light. Her once-radiant form is now dim, covered in a sheen of sweat and various fluids. As you feel your climax approaching, you pull out and force her to her knees.
With a roar, you unleash a torrent of virus-enhanced cum all over Angela's face and breasts. The viscous fluid seems to move with a life of its own, seeping into her pores and dimming her divine glow even further. Angela's eyes, once filled with cosmic wisdom, now look vacant and submissive.
You grab a handful of her hair and start dragging her towards the exit. "Time to take you to your new home, slave," you growl. The scene ends with you hauling a broken and cum-covered Angela towards the prison in your compound, leaving a terrified and traumatized Kendra behind in the abandoned factory.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready for another expedition, Angela? The Greenzone's been pretty active lately."
The early morning sun casts long shadows across the Greenzone as you and Angela set out from the shelter. The air is thick with the scent of damp earth and vegetation, a stark contrast to the sterile environment of the District. Your muscles tense instinctively, eyes scanning the overgrown landscape for any sign of movement.
Angela: [Her eyes gleam with excitement, a knowing smile playing on her lips] "Oh, I'm always ready for an adventure with you. Who knows what... or who... we might encounter today?"
As you trek deeper into the Greenzone, the foliage grows denser, obscuring your vision. The virus-enhanced flora seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy, reminding you of the dangers that lurk in this transformed world.
You: "Let's head towards that clearing up ahead. It looks like a good vantage point."
You push through a tangle of vines, their leaves glistening with an unnatural sheen. The virus's influence is palpable here, the air itself seeming to vibrate with pent-up energy. Your own body responds, a familiar heat building in your core.
Angela: [She follows close behind, her breath quickening slightly] "Good idea. We should be cautious though. The virus concentration feels... intense here."
As you reach the clearing, you both pause, taking in the surroundings. The Greenzone stretches out before you, a twisted paradise of mutated flora and hidden dangers. The silence is broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves, leaving you both on high alert.
You: "Angela, do you sense anything unusual? The air feels... different here."
Your enhanced senses pick up subtle changes in the environment. The virus's presence seems stronger, making your skin tingle and your pulse quicken. You can't help but notice how the light plays across Angela's form, accentuating her curves in a way that sends a jolt of desire through you.
Angela: [Her eyes close briefly, as if communing with the environment] "Yes, there's definitely something... someone... nearby. The virus signature is strong, but unfamiliar. We should proceed with caution."
The tension in the air thickens as you both move forward, alert for any sign of the presence Angela detected. The Greenzone's eerie beauty surrounds you, a constant reminder of the world's transformation and the dangers that lurk within it.
You: "I think I see someone up ahead. A woman... she doesn't look like she's from MAD."
Through a gap in the foliage, you spot a figure moving gracefully among the twisted trees. As you draw closer, you make out the form of a woman with tanned skin and flowing brown hair. She seems unaware of your presence, her movements fluid and almost predatory.
Ariella Ferrera: [Turning suddenly, her brown eyes widening in surprise and hunger] "A man? Here? Oh, it's been so long..."
Angela: [Tensing beside you, her voice low] "Be careful. She's heavily infected. The virus is practically radiating from her."
The woman, Ariella, steps into full view. Her mature beauty is enhanced by the virus, her body a perfect blend of strength and sensuality. Her eyes lock onto you, a mix of wonder and primal desire evident in her gaze.
You: "We mean you no harm. I'm [Your Name], and this is Angela. Are you alright out here alone?"
You try to keep your voice calm and steady, but the sight of Ariella sends a surge of heat through your body. The virus within you responds to her presence, making your cock twitch and swell against your will. You struggle to maintain composure as she approaches.
Ariella Ferrera: [Her voice husky with need] "Alone? Yes, for far too long. But now... now you're here. A real, living man. I'd almost forgotten..."
Angela: [Her voice tight with concern] "[Your Name], be careful. Her virus levels are off the charts. She might not be in control of herself."
Ariella moves closer, her eyes never leaving your form. Her body language is a mix of predatory grace and unbridled lust. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus amplifying every sensation.
You: "We can help you, Ariella. There's a safe place, away from the dangers of the Greenzone."
Your words sound hollow even to your own ears as Ariella circles you, her eyes drinking in every detail of your body. Your enhanced physique, a gift of the virus, seems to entrance her. You can't help but notice the swell of her breasts, the curve of her hips, the way her tongue darts out to wet her lips.
Ariella Ferrera: [Her voice a low purr] "Help me? Oh yes, you can help me. It's been so long since I've felt a man's touch. The virus... it burns inside me. Only you can quench this fire."
Angela: [Her voice strained, a mix of warning and arousal] "[Your Name], she's too far gone. We need to subdue her before she loses control completely."
The tension reaches a breaking point as Ariella lunges forward, her hands reaching for you with desperate need. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with the earthy smell of the Greenzone.
You: "Ariella, wait! We don't have to—"
Your words are cut short as Ariella's body collides with yours. Her hands roam frantically over your chest, her lips seeking yours with desperate hunger. The heat of her body against yours sends shockwaves of pleasure through you, your cock hardening instantly in response.
Ariella Ferrera: [Moaning against your lips] "Please, I need this. I need you. Fill me, fuck me, make me whole again!"
Angela: [Her breath quickening, eyes wide] "You have to subdue her, [Your Name]! Use the virus, overwhelm her senses!"
With a growl, you grab Ariella's wrists, spinning her around and pinning her against a nearby tree. Your cock throbs painfully, straining against your clothes as you press against her back. Ariella writhes against you, her ass grinding against your erection.
You: "I'm sorry, Ariella, but this is for your own good."
With swift movements, you tear at Ariella's clothes, exposing her tanned skin to the warm air. Your hands roam over her body, cupping her full breasts and tweaking her hardened nipples. Ariella arches into your touch, a low moan escaping her lips.
Ariella Ferrera: [Gasping, her body trembling] "Yes! Oh god, yes! Touch me, take me, make me yours!"
Angela: [Her voice husky, eyes locked on the scene] "That's it, overwhelm her. Show her the power of your virus-enhanced body."
Your hand slides down Ariella's taut stomach, delving between her thighs. You find her pussy dripping wet, her clit swollen and sensitive. As you begin to stroke her, Ariella's legs nearly give out, her body shaking with need.
You: "Feel it, Ariella. Let the pleasure wash over you."
Your fingers work skillfully, alternating between teasing her clit and plunging deep into her soaking pussy. Ariella's moans grow louder, her hips bucking against your hand. Behind you, you hear Angela's breath quicken, the rustle of fabric suggesting she's becoming affected by the scene.
Ariella Ferrera: [Her voice breaking with pleasure] "More! Please, I need more! Fill me, stretch me, make me cum!"
Angela: [Her voice thick with arousal] "She's close, [Your Name]. Don't stop now. Show her the full power of your virus-enhanced cock."
You spin Ariella around, lifting her easily with your enhanced strength. Her legs wrap around your waist as you position your throbbing cock at her entrance. With one powerful thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in her tight, wet heat.
You: "Take it all, Ariella. Feel every inch of me inside you."
You pound into Ariella relentlessly, her back slamming against the tree with each thrust. Her pussy clenches around you, milking your cock as waves of pleasure crash over both of you. The air is filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin and Ariella's ecstatic cries.
Ariella Ferrera: [Screaming in ecstasy] "Yes! Fuck me! Breed me! Fill me with your virus-enhanced cum!"
Angela: [Moaning softly, her hand disappearing beneath her clothes] "That's it, [Your Name]. Claim her. Show her who's in control."
Your hips move in a blur, your enhanced stamina allowing you to maintain a punishing pace. Ariella's eyes roll back in her head, her body convulsing as a powerful orgasm rips through her. Her pussy clamps down on your cock, nearly triggering your own release.
You: "Look at me, Ariella. Connect with me."
As Ariella's orgasm subsides, you slow your thrusts, maintaining deep, powerful strokes. You cup her face, forcing her to meet your gaze. The wild lust in her eyes begins to fade, replaced by a growing awareness and connection.
Ariella Ferrera: [Her voice softening, eyes clearing] "I... I can feel you. Not just physically, but... deeper. What's happening to me?"
Angela: [Her voice filled with awe] "You're reaching her, [Your Name]. The virus is creating a bond between you."
You lean in, capturing Ariella's lips in a deep, passionate kiss. As your tongues dance, you feel a surge of energy passing between you, the virus in your bodies harmonizing and creating a profound connection.
You: "That's it, Ariella. Let go of the madness. Feel our connection."
With a final, deep thrust, you feel your orgasm building. Ariella's eyes widen as she senses it too, her body tensing in anticipation. As you explode inside her, filling her with your virus-enhanced cum, Ariella cries out in ecstasy, her pussy milking every last drop from you.
Ariella Ferrera: [Gasping, her body trembling] "I... I understand now. The virus, the connection... it's beautiful."
Angela: [Approaching, her face flushed] "You've done it, [Your Name]. You've subdued her and brought her back from the brink."
As you gently lower Ariella to the ground, she looks up at you with clear, grateful eyes. The wild, uncontrolled lust has been replaced by a deep, meaningful connection. You've not only subdued her but potentially saved her from losing herself completely to the virus.
You: "Turn around, Ariella. I'm going to claim every part of you."
With a growl, you pull out of Ariella's dripping pussy and spin her around. She braces herself against the tree, her ass pushed out invitingly. Without hesitation, you position your still-hard cock at her puckered entrance.
Ariella Ferrera: [Gasping, a mix of fear and excitement in her voice] "My... my ass? But it's so big... I don't know if I can—"
Angela: [Her voice thick with lust] "Do it, [Your Name]. Show her the full extent of your dominance."
With a powerful thrust, you push past the tight ring of muscle, burying your cock deep in Ariella's ass. She screams in a mixture of pain and pleasure, her body shaking as it adjusts to the intrusion.
You: "Take it all, Ariella. Every last inch."
You set a brutal pace, your hips slamming against Ariella's ass with each thrust. The tightness is incredible, pushing you quickly towards the edge. Ariella's cries of pleasure echo through the Greenzone as her body surrenders completely to the overwhelming sensations.
Ariella Ferrera: [Screaming in ecstasy] "Yes! Fuck my ass! Breed me! Fill me with your cum!"
Angela: [Moaning openly now] "That's it, flood her with your virus-enhanced seed. Let her feel your power!"
With a roar, you thrust deep one last time, your cock pulsing as you unleash a torrent of cum deep into Ariella's ass. The effect is immediate and intense. Ariella's body convulses, her eyes rolling back as the virus-laden semen triggers a mind-shattering orgasm.
As you pull out, Ariella collapses to her knees, turning to face you. Her eyes, glazed with lust, lock onto your still-hard cock. Without a word, she engulfs you in her mouth, eagerly sucking and licking, desperate for more of your potent seed.
The combination of her tight throat and the sight of her eagerly drinking your cum pushes you over the edge once more. You explode in her mouth, filling it with another load of your virus-enhanced semen. Ariella swallows greedily, her body shuddering with another intense orgasm before she finally passes out from the overwhelming pleasure.
You: [Panting heavily, your body trembling with residual pleasure]
As the intensity of the encounter fades, you become acutely aware of the virus surging through your system. Your skin feels electrified, every nerve ending hypersensitive. The scent of sex and pheromones hangs heavy in the air, making your head spin.
Angela: [Her voice husky, eyes dark with desire] "[Your Name]... the virus... it's affecting me too. I've never felt it this strongly before."
You turn to see Angela, her clothes partially undone, her skin flushed and glistening with sweat. Her nipples strain against the fabric of her top, and you can see the dampness between her thighs. The sight of her in this state sends another jolt of arousal through you, your cock twitching back to life despite your recent release.
Angela moves closer, her movements fluid and predatory. Her eyes never leave yours as she reaches out, her fingers trailing along your chest. The simple touch sends shockwaves of pleasure through you, your enhanced senses making every point of contact feel like an electric current.
"We should... we need to get Ariella back to the shelter," you manage to say, your voice rough with need.
Angela nods, but doesn't move away. Instead, she presses herself against you, her soft curves molding to your hard planes. You can feel the heat of her core against your thigh, the rapid beat of her heart echoing your own.
"Yes, we should," she whispers, her lips brushing against your ear. "But the virus... it's so strong right now. I don't know if I can..."
Her words trail off as she grinds against you, a soft moan escaping her lips. Your hands move of their own accord, gripping her hips and pulling her closer. The rational part of your mind knows you should stop, that you need to secure Ariella and return to safety. But the virus raging through your system drowns out all reason, leaving only an all-consuming need for more pleasure, more connection, more release.
As you and Angela stand locked in this heated embrace, the Greenzone seems to pulse around you, the virus-enhanced flora responding to your heightened state. The air thickens with pheromones and raw sexual energy, promising that your adventure is far from over.
You: "Angela... I can't... I need..."
The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses and clouding your judgment. Your eyes lock onto Angela's form, drinking in every curve and swell. Without conscious thought, your hands reach out, grasping her full breasts roughly.
Angela: [Gasping in shock] "[Your Name]! What are you— Stop! This isn't you!"
Your fingers knead Angela's soft flesh, feeling her nipples harden against your palms. The rational part of your mind screams at you to stop, but the virus-induced lust drowns out all reason. You pull her closer, your erection pressing insistently against her thigh.
You: [Growling, your voice thick with lust] "Need you... Now..."
Your hands roam Angela's body frantically, tearing at her clothes. She struggles against you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much for her. You spin her around, pressing her against a nearby tree, your cock grinding against her ass.
Angela: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "[Your Name], please! Fight it! This isn't what you want!"
The feel of Angela's body against yours sends jolts of pleasure through your system, intensifying the virus's hold on you. Your hand slides between her legs, finding her wet despite her protests. The realization only fuels your frenzy.
Suddenly, a sharp pain in your side breaks through the haze. Angela has managed to elbow you hard, the shock momentarily clearing your mind. Horror floods you as you realize what you were about to do. You stumble backward, shame and disgust at your actions washing over you.
"Angela, I... I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me," you stammer, unable to meet her eyes.
Angela straightens her clothes, her body tense and wary. "It's... it's the virus. We need to get you back to the shelter. Now."
The moment is shattered, the trust between you damaged. As you move to secure the unconscious Ariella, the weight of your actions hangs heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the constant battle against the virus's influence.
You: [Your eyes glazing over, a predatory growl escaping your throat]
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your enhanced muscles coil with tension as you turn your gaze to Angela, seeing her not as a companion, but as prey.
Angela: [Her eyes widening in realization and fear] "[Your Name]? What's wrong? Your eyes... Oh no, the virus—"
Before Angela can finish her sentence, you lunge at her with inhuman speed. Your hands grasp her arms, pinning her against a nearby tree. The bark scrapes against her back as you press your body against hers, your erection grinding insistently against her thigh.
You: [Snarling, your voice barely recognizable] "Mine... Take you... Now!"
Your hands tear at Angela's clothes, shredding the fabric with ease. She struggles against you, her own considerable strength no match for your virus-enhanced frenzy. Your mouth latches onto her neck, biting and sucking hard enough to leave marks.
Angela: [Gasping, her body betraying her with unwanted arousal] "[Your Name], stop! This isn't you! Fight it!"
You growl in response, one hand roughly kneading her breast while the other slides between her legs. Despite her protests, you find her wet, her body responding to the pheromones you're pumping out. The realization only fuels your frenzy.
Angela's pleas fall on deaf ears as you position yourself at her entrance, ready to claim her. Just as you're about to thrust forward, Angela's eyes flash with an otherworldly light. The air around you crackles with energy as she taps into her hidden powers.
"I'm sorry, [Your Name]," she whispers, "but I can't let you do this."
A burst of energy explodes from Angela, sending you flying backward. You crash into a tree, momentarily stunned. As you shake off the impact, you see Angela standing before you, her body glowing with an ethereal light. The battle for control is about to begin.
You: [Roaring in triumph as you pin Angela down]
The fight was brutal, but your virus-enhanced strength proved too much even for Angela's hidden powers. Now, you loom over her prone form, your eyes wild with lust and victory. Angela lies beneath you, her clothes torn, her body bruised, but her eyes still defiant.
Angela: [Panting, her voice a mix of fear and resignation] "[Your Name], please... This isn't you. Fight it!"
Your response is a guttural growl as you force her legs apart. With one powerful thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside her. Angela cries out, her back arching off the forest floor. Despite her earlier resistance, her body welcomes you, her inner walls clenching around your invading cock.
You: [Grunting with each brutal thrust] "Mine... Take... Breed!"
Your hips move in a frenzy, pounding into Angela with inhuman speed and force. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoes through the Greenzone, punctuated by Angela's gasps and your animalistic grunts. Your hands grip her hips hard enough to bruise, holding her in place as you ravage her.
Angela: [Her voice breaking, tears streaming down her face] "I'm sorry... I couldn't... save you..."
Despite her words, Angela's body betrays her. Her hips begin to move in rhythm with yours, her pussy clenching around your cock. The virus flowing between you creates a perverse connection, forcing pleasure through the pain and violation.
With a final, brutal thrust, you explode inside her. Your virus-laden cum floods her womb, triggering an unwanted orgasm that wracks Angela's body. As the pleasure fades, horror at what you've done begins to seep through the virus-induced haze.
You pull out roughly, watching as your seed leaks from Angela's abused pussy. She lies there, broken and violated, her eyes staring blankly at the canopy above. The realization of what you've done crashes over you, but it's too late. The damage is done, and nothing will ever be the same between you and Angela again.
You: [Your eyes gleaming with a mix of lust and cruelty]
The virus has completely taken over, transforming you into a being of pure, animalistic desire. You stand over Angela's defeated form, your enhanced body radiating dominance and raw sexual power. Angela lies at your feet, her clothes torn, her body battered from the fight.
Angela: [Her voice weak, eyes filled with fear and disbelief] "[Your Name]... please... this isn't you. Come back to me..."
Your response is a dark chuckle as you reach down, grabbing a fistful of Angela's hair. You drag her to her knees, positioning her face in front of your throbbing erection. Without warning, you thrust forward, forcing your cock past her lips and deep into her throat.
You: [Grunting as you fuck Angela's face] "Mine now. My slave. My toy."
You hold Angela's head in place, your hips moving in a brutal rhythm. Tears stream down her face as she gags and chokes around your invading member. The sight only fuels your twisted desire, pushing you to thrust harder, deeper.
Angela: [Gagging, unable to speak, her eyes pleading]
After what seems like an eternity, you pull out, leaving Angela gasping for air. Without giving her a moment to recover, you throw her to the ground, mounting her from behind. You enter her roughly, your cock stretching her unprepared pussy painfully.
"You're mine now," you growl, your hips slamming against her ass. "My property. My slave."
Angela's cries of pain slowly morph into reluctant moans of pleasure as the virus in your system infects her, heightening her sensations and clouding her mind. Your enhanced stamina allows you to continue this brutal assault for hours, using every hole, marking every inch of her body as your property.
As the sun begins to set, you finally allow yourself release, flooding Angela's womb with your tainted seed. She lies beneath you, broken and violated, her mind and body irreversibly changed by your virus-enhanced cum.
With cold efficiency, you gather up Angela's limp form. The District's prison awaits its newest inmate. As you make your way back, the virus continues to rage through your system, your mind already turning to thoughts of your next conquest. The Angela you knew is gone, replaced by your personal slave, and the Fapocalypse claims another victim to its twisted desires.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready for another expedition, Angela? The Greenzone's been pretty active lately."
The early morning sun casts long shadows across the Greenzone's rusted landscape. You and Angela stand at the edge of a dilapidated industrial complex, its twisted metal structures looming ominously against the sky. The air is thick with the scent of decay and the faint, sweet musk of the virus. Your enhanced senses pick up on subtle movements in the distance - a reminder of the constant danger lurking in these parts.
Angela: [Her eyes gleam with an otherworldly light as she surveys the area] (This mortal grows stronger with each passing day. How fascinating.) "Indeed, my dear. The virus's concentration here is... intoxicating. We must remain vigilant."
The goddess-like figure beside you seems to shimmer slightly, her form never quite settling as she moves. Her long, raven hair dances in a non-existent breeze, and you can't help but notice how her generous curves strain against her clothing, as if barely contained by mortal fabric.
You: "I can feel it too. It's like a constant buzz under my skin. Let's move carefully."
As you begin to navigate through the twisted metal labyrinth, your enhanced physique allows you to move with surprising grace. Your muscles ripple beneath your skin, a testament to the virus's effects. Angela follows close behind, her movements fluid and ethereal. The air grows thicker as you delve deeper into the Greenzone, the virus's presence becoming more palpable with each step.
Angela: [She places a hand on your shoulder, sending a jolt of energy through your body] (His resistance to the virus is remarkable. Perhaps he truly is the key.) "Your control is improving, my dear. But remember, the virus is both tool and tempter here."
Her touch lingers, and you can't help but notice the way her chest rises and falls with each breath, her divine form seemingly pulsing with the very essence of the virus that permeates the air.
You: "I'll keep that in mind. Hey, do you see that movement up ahead?"
Your enhanced vision catches a flash of movement among the rusted structures. You instinctively drop into a defensive stance, your body coiled and ready for action. The virus in your blood surges, heightening your senses even further. You can hear the faint sound of breathing, smell a hint of feminine musk on the air.
Angela: [Her eyes narrow, focusing on the spot you indicated] (Another lost soul, twisted by the virus. This encounter will be... enlightening.) "Yes, I sense her. A woman, alone and... quite affected by the virus. Approach with caution, my dear."
Angela's form seems to grow more solid as she concentrates, her divine power radiating in subtle waves. You can't help but notice how her nipples have hardened beneath her clothing, a response to the heightened viral presence in the area.
You: "Hello? We're not here to harm you. Are you alright?"
You call out, your voice carrying through the desolate landscape. There's a moment of tense silence before a figure emerges from behind a twisted metal sheet. It's a woman, probably in her late thirties or early forties, with disheveled blonde hair and glasses askew on her face. Despite the grime and wear on her clothes, you can see she has a curvaceous figure, her ample breasts straining against her torn shirt.
Cory Chase: [Her eyes widen in disbelief as she sees you] "A... a man? How is this possible? I thought... I thought they were all gone."
Angela: [She steps forward, her presence both calming and authoritative] (This one's virus levels are dangerously high. We must act quickly.) "Easy now, dear. We're here to help. What's your name?"
Cory's gaze darts between you and Angela, her body trembling slightly. You can see the effects of the virus on her - flushed skin, dilated pupils, and a thin sheen of sweat making her clothes cling to her curves.
You: "It's okay. I'm immune to the lethal effects. Are you hurt? Do you need any supplies?"
You take a cautious step forward, hands raised to show you mean no harm. As you move, you become acutely aware of the way Cory's eyes roam over your body, lingering on the pronounced bulge in your pants. The virus in your system responds to her gaze, sending a surge of heat through your groin.
Cory Chase: [She licks her lips unconsciously] "I'm... I'm Cory. I've been alone out here for so long. The virus, it's... it's overwhelming. I can't think straight."
Angela: [Her voice takes on a soothing, almost hypnotic quality] (The poor dear is barely holding on. This could turn dangerous quickly.) "Cory, we can help you. But you need to stay calm. The virus feeds on heightened emotions."
You can see Cory struggling to maintain composure. Her hands clench and unclench at her sides, and her chest heaves with each breath, drawing your attention to her impressive cleavage.
You: "Cory, we have a safe place. We can take you there, get you treated. Just come with us, okay?"
You try to keep your voice steady, but the proximity to Cory is affecting you as well. The virus in your system responds to her heightened state, causing your cock to swell further, pressing uncomfortably against your pants. You shift your stance, trying to hide your growing arousal.
Cory Chase: [Her eyes lock onto your crotch, a low moan escaping her lips] "Safe? No... no, I need... I need relief. It's been so long. I can smell you from here. So strong, so virile..."
Angela: [She moves closer to you, her divine aura intensifying] (It's happening. Be ready, my dear. We may need to subdue her.) "Cory, please. Fight against the virus's influence. We can help you, but you must resist."
The tension in the air is palpable. Cory's body language has shifted from fearful to predatory, her eyes now filled with a desperate, primal hunger. You can see her nipples straining against her shirt, and a damp patch forming at the crotch of her pants.
You: "Cory, wait! We don't have to—"
Before you can finish your sentence, Cory lunges at you with surprising speed. Her hands grab at your clothes, tearing at your shirt. The sudden contact sends a jolt of pleasure through your body, the virus in your system responding to her touch. You grapple with her, trying to restrain her without causing harm.
Cory Chase: [She presses her body against yours, grinding desperately] "Need you... need your cock. So long... so empty. Fill me, please!"
Angela: [Her voice rings out, laced with divine authority] (The battle begins. Remember your training, dear one.) "Control yourself, Cory! You're stronger than the virus!"
As you struggle with Cory, you feel your shirt give way, exposing your chiseled chest. Her hands roam over your muscles, nails raking across your skin. Despite your best efforts to resist, your cock throbs painfully, fully erect and straining against your pants.
You: "Cory, stop! This isn't you, it's the virus!"
You manage to grab Cory's wrists, holding her at bay. But the contact only seems to inflame her further. She writhes against you, her breasts heaving as she pants heavily. The scent of her arousal fills the air, making it hard for you to think clearly.
Cory Chase: [She throws her head back, moaning loudly] "Please... touch me. I'm burning up. Need your hands, your cock... anything!"
Angela: [Her own breathing has quickened, a flush spreading across her divine features] (This is escalating quickly. We may need to... intervene more directly.) "Stay strong, both of you. The virus is clouding your minds!"
In the struggle, Cory's shirt has been torn open, revealing her lacy bra barely containing her ample breasts. Your hands inadvertently brush against her hardened nipples, eliciting a sharp gasp from her. The virus surges in your system, your cock now painfully erect and leaking pre-cum.
You: "I... I can't hold her much longer, Angela. The virus... it's too strong!"
Your resolve weakens as Cory grinds against you, her heat seeping through your clothes. In a moment of weakness, your hands move to her waist, fingers digging into her soft flesh. She takes advantage of this, quickly unbuckling your belt and yanking down your zipper.
Cory Chase: [Her eyes widen as your massive cock springs free] "Oh god... so big. Need it... need it now!"
Angela: [She begins to undress, her divine form shimmering] (I must assist. His viral levels are spiking dangerously.) "Hold on, my dear. I'll help you through this. Cory, you must try to focus!"
As Angela strips, her perfect body on display, you feel a surge of power. Cory has managed to free her breasts completely, and they press against your chest as she tries to impale herself on your throbbing member. Your hands move of their own accord, roughly kneading her ass as you struggle to maintain control.
You: "Fuck... Cory, wait! We need to—ahh!"
Your protests are cut short as Cory drops to her knees, engulfing your massive cock in her warm, wet mouth. The sensation is overwhelming, causing your knees to buckle slightly. You grab her hair instinctively, guiding her movements as she bobs her head eagerly.
Cory Chase: [She pulls back, stroking your shaft with both hands] "So good... taste so good. Need more. Need it all!"
Angela: [Now fully nude, she approaches, her divine aura pulsing] (This is the critical moment. He must dominate her, or all is lost.) "Focus, my dear. You must take control. Show her your power!"
Driven by a primal urge, you pull Cory up and spin her around, bending her over a nearby piece of debris. You tear her pants down, revealing her soaking wet pussy. Without hesitation, you plunge two fingers deep inside her, causing her to cry out in ecstasy.
You: "Cory, look at me. Focus on my voice, on my touch. Let me help you through this."
As you continue to finger Cory's dripping pussy, you use your other hand to turn her face towards you. Your eyes lock, and for a moment, you see clarity return to her gaze. You lean in, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
Cory Chase: [She moans into the kiss, her body trembling] "Yes... yes, please. Help me. I need you..."
Angela: [Her voice is filled with approval] (He's doing it. He's breaking through to her.) "That's it, my dear. Guide her back to herself."
You slowly withdraw your fingers and position your throbbing cock at Cory's entrance. With a gentle thrust, you enter her, both of you gasping at the intense sensation. You start to move, setting a steady rhythm that builds in intensity.
You: "Stay with me, Cory. Feel me inside you. Let go of the virus's control."
Your thrusts become more powerful, but you maintain eye contact with Cory. Her body responds to your every move, her pussy clenching around your shaft. You can feel her starting to climax, her whole body tensing.
Cory Chase: [Her eyes widen as orgasm washes over her] "Oh god... I'm cumming! I'm... I'm me again! Thank you!"
Angela: [She approaches, placing a hand on Cory's forehead] (The balance is restored. Well done, my champion.) "Welcome back, Cory. You're safe now."
As Cory's orgasm subsides, you gently withdraw from her. The wild look in her eyes has been replaced by gratitude and clarity. You help her to her feet, supporting her as Angela begins to tend to her. The crisis has passed, and you've gained a new ally in the process.
You: "Fuck... I can't hold back anymore. Take it all, Cory!"
Overwhelmed by lust, you slam your massive cock deep into Cory's ass. She screams in a mix of pain and pleasure as you stretch her tight hole to its limit. Your hips move in a frenzy, pounding her relentlessly.
Cory Chase: [Her eyes roll back, drool escaping her lips] "Yes! Fuck my ass! Breed me! Fill me with your cum!"
Angela: [Her divine form pulses with energy] (The raw power... it's intoxicating!) "That's it, unleash your full potential. Let your seed cleanse her!"
You feel your climax approaching rapidly. With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in Cory's ass. Your cock swells and then erupts, flooding her bowels with your virus-enhanced cum.
You: "Drink it all, every last drop!"
As you pull out of Cory's gaping ass, streams of cum following your exit, you quickly move to her face. Without hesitation, she engulfs your still-spurting cock, eagerly swallowing your seed.
Cory Chase: [Her body convulses in a massive orgasm as she gulps down your cum] "Mmph! So good... so much... cumming!"
Angela: [Her eyes glow with an otherworldly light] (The transformation is complete. She is yours now.) "Remarkable. Your seed has purified her virus-addled mind."
Cory collapses, unconscious but with a blissful smile on her face. Your potent semen has indeed had a profound effect, stabilizing her condition. You gather her limp form, ready to take her back to the shelter for further treatment and integration into your growing group of saved women.
You: "Angela... I can't... the virus... it's too strong!"
A sudden surge of the virus courses through your system, causing you to stagger. Your vision blurs, and all you can focus on is the primal need burning in your veins. Angela, sensing the danger, quickly moves to intervene.
Cory Chase: [Still dazed from the encounter] "What's happening? Is he okay?"
Angela: [Her divine form glows intensely] (I must act now, or we'll lose him to the madness!) "Stay back, Cory. I'll handle this."
Angela presses her body against yours, her divine energy attempting to soothe the raging virus within you. But the contact only inflames your desire further. Your hands grab her waist, pulling her closer as your mouth seeks her breast. The scene fades to black as Angela struggles to contain your virus-fueled lust, the outcome uncertain.
You: "No... must... touch..."
Losing control, you suddenly lunge at Angela, your hands roughly grabbing her divine breasts. The soft, perfect flesh yields under your grip as you knead and squeeze with desperate need.
Angela: [Her eyes widen in shock] "What are you— Stop this at once!"
Cory Chase: [Watches in horror] "Oh god, what's happening to him?"
You continue to maul Angela's breasts, your mouth latching onto a nipple and sucking hard. The taste of her divine skin only fuels your frenzy further.
You: "Need more... need all of you..."
Your hands roam lower, roughly groping Angela's ass and pulling her against your throbbing erection. You grind against her, lost in a haze of lust and viral madness.
Angela: [Her voice tinged with anger and disappointment] "Enough! This is not you. Fight it!"
With a burst of divine energy, Angela pushes you away. You stumble back, momentarily shocked out of your frenzy. The realization of what you've done begins to sink in, shame and regret flooding your mind.
You: "Can't... stop... need to fuck!"
Your eyes, now glowing with an intense, viral light, lock onto Angela. With inhuman speed, you charge at her, tackling her to the ground. Your hands tear at her clothing, exposing her divine form.
Angela: [Struggling against your enhanced strength] "No! This isn't you! Fight the virus!"
Cory Chase: [Screaming in terror] "Stop it! You're hurting her!"
You pin Angela's arms above her head with one hand, while the other roughly gropes her breast. Your hips grind against hers, your engorged cock seeking entry.
You: "Mine... all mine..."
You position yourself between Angela's legs, the head of your massive cock pressing against her divine entrance. The last shreds of your humanity fight against the overwhelming urge to violate her.
Angela: [Her eyes flash with divine power] "I will not allow this! Prepare yourself!"
With a burst of cosmic energy, Angela throws you off. As you scramble to your feet, you see her assume a fighting stance, her divine aura blazing around her. The battle for your sanity is about to begin.
You: "Yes... finally... mine!"
Having overpowered Angela, you waste no time in plunging your monstrous cock deep into her divine pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her tight, perfect walls gripping you like nothing you've ever felt before.
Angela: [Gasping in pain and unwanted pleasure] "No... stop this madness! You're better than this!"
Cory Chase: [Watching in horrified fascination] "This can't be happening... it's too much..."
You pound into Angela with brutal force, her divine body shaking with each powerful thrust. Her resistance only spurs you on, the virus in your system reveling in the conquest of a goddess.
You: "Take it all... take my seed!"
With a primal roar, you reach your climax, flooding Angela's divine womb with your tainted seed. The sheer volume of your release causes her stomach to visibly distend.
Angela: [Her body betraying her as orgasm washes over her] "No... what have you done? This power... it's too much!"
As you pull out, streams of cum gush from Angela's abused pussy. She lies there, defeated and defiled, her divine aura flickering weakly. The realization of what you've done begins to dawn on you, but the virus's influence remains strong, urging you to continue your rampage.
You: "You're mine now... forever!"
Having subdued Angela, you drag her struggling form towards a nearby chain. With inhuman strength, you secure her arms above her head, leaving her divine body exposed and vulnerable.
Angela: [Fighting against her bonds] "You can't do this! I am a goddess! Release me at once!"
Cory Chase: [Cowering in fear] "Please... don't hurt us anymore..."
Ignoring their pleas, you begin to violently thrust into Angela's tight ass, stretching her divine hole beyond its limits. Your hands leave bruises on her perfect skin as you pound into her relentlessly.
You: "You belong to me now... my personal goddess slave!"
After using Angela's body to satisfy your viral-enhanced lust, you roughly pull her down from the chains. Grabbing a handful of her hair, you force her to look at you.
Angela: [Her eyes filled with a mix of fear and defiance] "This isn't over... I will break free of this!"
Without a word, you begin dragging Angela back towards the District, intent on locking her in your personal prison. As you leave, Cory's terrified whimpers fade into the background, a testament to the monster you've become.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Angela? You wanted to see me about some kind of... virus relief session?"
You enter Angela's room hesitantly, immediately enveloped by an otherworldly aura. The air shimmers with an ethereal energy, making your skin tingle. Angela stands in the center, her goddess-like form barely contained by a sheer, flowing robe that seems to shift and change color with her movements. Her eyes, swirling with cosmic energies, lock onto you with an intensity that makes your breath catch.
Angela: [Her voice resonating with power] (Oh my, the virus has progressed further than I thought. His aura is pulsing with need.) "Welcome, dear one. I can sense the virus's hunger growing within you. We must address it before it becomes... unmanageable."
As she speaks, her robe ripples, becoming nearly transparent for a moment. You catch glimpses of her perfect form beneath - the swell of her ample breasts, the curve of her hips, the junction between her thighs. The sight sends a jolt of electricity through your body, your enhanced member twitching to life.
You: "I... I'm not sure what to do. It's getting harder to control."
You shift uncomfortably, acutely aware of the growing bulge in your pants. Angela glides towards you, her movements impossibly graceful. The air around her seems to shimmer, tiny motes of light dancing in her wake. As she nears, you're hit by her scent - an intoxicating blend of cosmic energy and raw femininity that makes your head spin.
Angela: [Placing a hand on your chest, her touch electric] (His heart races, his body calls out for release. Oh, the temptation...) "The virus feeds on desire, on the energy of creation itself. To control it, we must first unleash it. Are you prepared for that, dear one?"
Her robe parts slightly as she moves, revealing a tantalizing strip of flesh from her neck to her navel. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the subtle pulsing of energy beneath her skin, matching the rhythm of your own virus-infected blood. You can't help but imagine how it would feel to run your hands along that smooth expanse, to taste the power that radiates from her.
You: "I... I think so. What do we need to do?"
Your voice comes out husky, thick with suppressed desire. Angela's proximity is intoxicating, the heat of her body seeming to call out to yours. You can see her nipples hardening beneath the thin fabric of her robe, two perfect points straining against the material.
Angela: [Her eyes glowing with otherworldly light] (Oh, the innocence in his eyes, even as the virus rages within. How delicious.) "First, we must remove these barriers between us. The virus responds to skin contact, to the energy that flows between bodies."
With a wave of her hand, your clothes dissolve into motes of light, leaving you completely naked. Your enhanced cock springs free, already fully erect and throbbing with need. It stands proudly at attention, easily 12 inches long and thick as your wrist, veins pulsing visibly along its length. A drop of pre-cum forms at the tip, glistening in the ethereal light of the room.
You: "Angela, I... oh god, I'm so exposed..."
You fight the urge to cover yourself, your face burning with a mixture of shame and arousal. Angela's eyes roam over your body, lingering on your massive erection. You see a flicker of something - hunger? desire? - in her cosmic gaze.
Angela: [Licking her lips, her voice husky] (By the cosmos, he's magnificent. The virus has enhanced him beyond my wildest dreams.) "Do not be ashamed, dear one. Your body is a temple, a conduit for cosmic energies. Now, let me show you mine."
Her robe shimmers and fades away, revealing her goddess-like form in all its glory. Her breasts are full and perfect, defying gravity, with nipples like ripe berries begging to be tasted. Her waist is narrow, flaring out to wide, childbearing hips. Between her legs, her pussy is smooth and hairless, its lips already glistening with divine nectar. You can see a subtle glow emanating from her most intimate parts, pulsing in time with your own heartbeat.
You: "You're... you're incredible. I've never seen anyone like you."
Your cock throbs painfully, a fresh drop of pre-cum oozing from the tip. The scent of Angela's arousal fills the air, a heady mixture of musk and something otherworldly that makes your head spin. You can feel the virus singing in your veins, urging you to close the distance between you, to claim this divine being as your own.
Angela: [Stepping closer, her breasts brushing against your chest] (His desire is intoxicating. I must remain in control, but oh, how I want to lose myself in him.) "The virus within you calls out to the cosmic energy within me. Can you feel it, dear one? The pull between us?"
As she speaks, tendrils of energy seem to flow between your bodies. Where they touch your skin, you feel jolts of pleasure so intense it's almost painful. Your cock twitches, another large drop of pre-cum rolling down its length. Angela's eyes follow its path, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
You: "I feel it. It's... it's overwhelming. What do we do now?"
Your hands clench at your sides, every fiber of your being screaming to touch her, to pull her against you and bury yourself in her divine heat. The virus rages through your system, demanding release, demanding that you claim this goddess before you.
Angela: [Taking your hand, guiding it to her breast] (His touch is electric. I must guide him, teach him to channel this energy.) "Now, we learn to channel this energy. Feel my body, dear one. Let the sensations flow through you, become one with the cosmic rhythm."
Your hand cups her breast, marveling at its perfect weight and softness. Her nipple hardens further against your palm, sending a jolt of pleasure straight to your groin. As you caress her, you feel the energy flowing between you intensify. Your cock throbs in time with her heartbeat, pre-cum now flowing steadily from its tip.
You: "Angela, I... I need more. Please..."
Your voice is strained, your body trembling with the effort of holding back. Angela's free hand trails down your chest, her touch leaving trails of tingling energy in its wake. As she nears your aching member, you can't help but buck your hips slightly, seeking her touch.
Angela: [Her fingers wrapping around your shaft] (By the stars, he's so hard, so hot. The power within him is intoxicating.) "Shh, dear one. Let me ease your suffering. But remember, this is about control, about learning to harness the virus's power."
Her hand begins to move along your length, each stroke sending waves of pleasure through your body. Her touch is like nothing you've ever felt before - cool and warm at the same time, sending jolts of cosmic energy directly into your most sensitive areas. Your hips thrust involuntarily, fucking her hand as pre-cum coats her fingers.
You: "Oh god, Angela... your hand feels amazing. I don't know how long I can last..."
Your words come out in a breathless moan. With your free hand, you reach between Angela's legs, your fingers finding her slick folds. She's impossibly wet, her divine nectar coating your fingers as you explore her most intimate parts. Her clit pulses with energy, a tiny star of pleasure beneath your touch.
Angela: [Gasping, her hips rocking against your hand] (His touch... it's been so long. I must remain in control, but oh, how I want to lose myself in him.) "Yes, that's it. Feel the energy flowing between us. Let it build, but don't let it overwhelm you. Control, dear one. Control is key."
Her hand moves faster on your cock, her thumb swirling over the sensitive head with each upstroke. You can feel your balls tightening, drawing up close to your body as the pressure builds. Angela's pussy clenches around your fingers, her divine juices flowing freely. The air around you crackles with energy, small arcs of electricity jumping between your bodies.
You: "Angela, I'm close... I can't hold back much longer..."
Your hips thrust erratically, fucking Angela's hand with abandon. Your fingers work furiously at her pussy, rubbing her clit in tight circles as you pump two fingers in and out of her tight channel. The room fills with the lewd sounds of your shared pleasure - the wet squelch of your fingers in her pussy, the slick glide of her hand on your cock, your mingled moans and gasps.
Angela: [Her voice wavering, control slipping] (So close... No, I must guide him. But oh, how I want to let go...) "Not yet, dear one. Feel the energy building. Harness it, control it. Let it flow through you, but don't let it consume you."
Her hand moves even faster, her grip tightening around your throbbing shaft. You can feel every vein, every ridge of your cock sliding against her palm. Her pussy spasms around your fingers, divine nectar gushing over your hand. The energy between you reaches a fever pitch, your bodies glowing with an otherworldly light.
You: "I can't... Angela, I'm going to cum!"
The pressure is unbearable, your entire body coiled tight as a spring. Angela's hand is a blur on your cock, her own hips grinding desperately against your hand. You can feel her inner walls fluttering, on the edge of her own release.
Angela: [Her control finally slipping] (Yes! Cum for me, fill the air with your essence!) "Then cum, dear one! Let it all out! Show me the power of your desire!"
With a roar, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, shooting high into the air before raining down on both of you. The first blast is so powerful it hits Angela's face, subsequent pulses coating her breasts and stomach. Your release seems endless, far more than should be humanly possible. At the same time, Angela's pussy clamps down on your fingers, her own orgasm crashing over her. Divine nectar gushes from her, soaking your hand and dripping down your thighs. The energy between you peaks, a blinding flash of light filling the room as your shared climax reaches its zenith.
You: "That was... incredible. I've never felt anything like that before."
As the aftershocks of your intense orgasm subside, you find yourself wrapped in Angela's arms. The air around you still shimmers with residual energy, small sparks dancing across your skin where it touches hers. Your cock, still semi-hard, twitches occasionally, a few final drops of cum leaking from the tip.
Angela: [Smiling softly, her eyes warm] (He did so well. The potential within him is astounding.) "You did wonderfully, dear one. You're learning to harness the virus's power, to channel it rather than be consumed by it."
Her hand gently strokes your cheek, leaving a trail of tingling energy in its wake. You can feel a deep connection forming between you, something beyond the physical, beyond the virus. It's as if a piece of her cosmic essence has taken root within you.
You: "Thank you, Angela. For helping me, for guiding me through this."
Your voice is thick with emotion, gratitude and something deeper coloring your words. Angela's body presses against yours, her divine form molding perfectly to your virus-enhanced physique. You can feel her heartbeat, its rhythm syncing with your own.
Angela: [Her voice soft, almost vulnerable] (Oh, how easy it would be to lose myself in him. But I must remain his guide, his anchor.) "You're welcome, dear one. Remember, this is just the beginning. We have much more to explore, much more to learn about the virus and its connection to the cosmic energies."
As she speaks, her hand trails down your chest, coming to rest just above your slowly reawakening cock. The touch sends a shiver through you, your body already responding to her proximity. You know that this is indeed just the beginning, that the bond forming between you and this divine being will only grow stronger, deeper, more intense. The virus hums contentedly in your veins, satisfied for now but already anticipating your next encounter with the cosmic goddess in your arms.
You: "Fuck, Angela... I need more. The virus... it's not satisfied yet."
Even as the last pulses of your orgasm fade, you can feel the virus surging within you, demanding more. Your cock, barely softened, begins to harden again. Your hands roam over Angela's divine form, leaving trails of your mingled essences on her flawless skin.
Angela: [Her eyes glowing with renewed hunger] (By the cosmos, his stamina is incredible. The virus has enhanced him beyond my wildest dreams.) "The virus craves more, doesn't it? It wants to consume, to merge, to become one with the cosmic energy. Shall we indulge it further, dear one?"
Her hand wraps around your cock once more, stroking it back to full hardness. Her touch sends jolts of pleasure-pain through your oversensitive flesh, making you groan. You can feel her divine nectar still flowing from her pussy, coating her thighs and calling out to you.
You: "Yes, please... I need to feel you again, Angela. Your touch is like nothing I've ever experienced."
Your words come out as a growl, the virus twisting your desire into something primal and all-consuming. Without hesitation, you plunge three fingers into Angela's dripping pussy, your thumb finding her swollen clit. At the same time, her hand begins to pump your cock with renewed vigor.
Angela: [Gasping, her control slipping] (Yes! His touch... it's electric. I must remain in control, but oh, how I want to lose myself in him!) "Then feel me, dear one! Let our energies intertwine, let the pleasure build until it consumes us both!"
You work your fingers inside her, marveling at the impossible heat and tightness of her divine pussy. Each thrust of your digits sends jolts of cosmic energy up your arm, making your entire body tingle. Angela's hand moves faster on your cock, her grip tightening as she twists on each upstroke.
The room fills with the lewd sounds of your shared pleasure - the wet squelch of your fingers in her pussy, the slick glide of her hand on your cock, your mingled moans and gasps. The air around you crackles with energy, small arcs of what looks like electricity jumping between your bodies.
As you both approach another climax, you know that this is only the beginning. The bond forming between you and this cosmic goddess will only grow stronger, deeper, more intense with each encounter. The virus sings in your veins, reveling in the union of human desire and divine power, even as it remains unsatisfied, always craving more.
You: "Wait, Angela... I can't do this. It's too much, too intense."
You stumble backwards, overwhelmed by the sensations and the implications of what you've just done. Your cock, still hard and dripping, bobs obscenely in the air. Shame and confusion war within you, battling against the virus's insistent hunger.
Angela: [Her expression a mix of disappointment and understanding] (He's not ready. The power frightens him still.) "It's alright, dear one. The merging of cosmic energy and viral power can be overwhelming at first. Perhaps we moved too quickly."
She reaches for a nearby robe, covering her divine form. The loss of the sight of her naked body sends a pang of regret through you, even as relief washes over you. The air in the room feels heavy, charged with unfulfilled potential and lingering desire.
You: "I'm sorry, Angela. I thought I was ready, but... I need time to process all this."
You quickly gather your clothes, trying to ignore the persistent throbbing of your unsatisfied erection. Angela watches you with those cosmic eyes, a sadness in their depths that makes your heart ache.
Angela: [Her voice soft, tinged with regret] (He will come around in time. The virus will not be denied forever.) "Take the time you need, dear one. But remember, the virus will not be silent forever. When you're ready to continue your journey, to truly embrace the power within you, I'll be here."
As you leave Angela's room, the memory of what transpired - and what almost happened - burns in your mind. The virus hums discontentedly in your veins, unsatisfied and hungry. You know that this is far from over, that the pull between you and the cosmic goddess will only grow stronger. The question is, will you be ready to face it when the time comes?
You: "Angela, something's happening... The virus, it's... oh god..."
A sudden, intense wave of viral energy washes over you. Your vision blurs, the edges of reality seeming to warp and twist. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock, which had begun to soften, is suddenly rock hard again, throbbing with an urgency you've never felt before.
Angela: [Her eyes widening as she senses the surge] (By the cosmos, the viral load is spiking. This could be dangerous... or transcendent.) "I feel it too, dear one. The virus is reaching a critical point. We must act quickly to channel this energy, or it could overwhelm you."
She moves towards you, her own body beginning to glow with an otherworldly light. The air between you crackles with energy, small arcs of what looks like electricity jumping between your bodies. Angela's divine form seems to shift and change, growing more ethereal, more cosmic with each passing moment.
"Let it flow through you," she urges, her voice resonating with power. "Don't fight it. Become one with the energy, let it merge with your very essence."
Her hands reach for you, trembling with the effort of containing the cosmic forces at play. As her fingers wrap around your throbbing cock, a shock of pleasure so intense it borders on pain courses through you. At the same time, your own hand finds her divine pussy, fingers plunging into her impossibly tight, pulsing heat.
You both cry out in ecstasy as the energies flowing through you reach a fever pitch. The room around you fades away, replaced by swirling vortexes of cosmic light and pulsing viral energy. Your joined hands move frantically, each stroke, each thrust sending waves of pleasure and power coursing through your bodies.
As you lose yourselves in the overwhelming sensations, a part of you knows that this moment will change everything. The bond between you and Angela, between the virus and the cosmos, is being forged anew. What emerges from this transcendent experience will be something beyond human comprehension - a merging of man, virus, and divine power that will reshape the very fabric of reality itself.
The scene fades to white as your shared climax approaches, the intensity of the moment too great for mortal eyes to witness or mortal minds to comprehend.
You: "Angela, I can't... I need to touch you... to feel you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Angela's divine breasts. They're impossibly soft yet firm, defying the laws of physics. You can feel cosmic energy pulsing beneath your palms, matching the frantic beat of your heart.
Angela: [Gasping in shock, her body arching into your touch] "What are you doing? This isn't the way, dear one. We must control the energy, not let it control us!"
Despite her words, her body betrays her. Her nipples harden against your palms, and you can feel the heat of her arousal radiating from her core. The air around you thickens with the scent of ozone and divine musk, a heady cocktail that makes your head spin.
You: "I need more, Angela. I need to taste you, to devour you..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you drop to your knees before her. Your hands grip her thighs, spreading them apart to reveal her divine pussy. It glistens with otherworldly nectar, pulsing with an inner light that calls to you. Without hesitation, you bury your face between her legs, your enhanced tongue delving into her folds.
Angela: [Moaning, her hands tangling in your hair] "Stop! This isn't... oh, cosmos... this isn't how it should be. We must... we must regain control!"
But her protests are weak, her body responding eagerly to your ministrations. Her divine nectar floods your mouth, tasting of stardust and raw power. You can feel the energy flowing directly into you, charging every cell in your body with cosmic force. The virus sings in your veins, urging you to take more, to consume this goddess entirely.
Suddenly, a surge of power throws you backwards. You land hard on the floor, dazed and disoriented. When your vision clears, you see Angela standing over you, her eyes blazing with cosmic fire. Her body crackles with energy, her hair floating around her head like a halo.
"Enough," she says, her voice resonating with power. "You are not ready for this level of communion. We must approach this gradually, lest we lose ourselves entirely."
As the haze of lust slowly clears from your mind, shame and horror at your actions wash over you. You've violated the trust of a cosmic being, let the virus drive you to assault a goddess. The consequences of this transgression are yet to be seen, but you know that your relationship with Angela - and your journey to master the virus - has been irrevocably altered.
You: "Angela... I can't control it anymore. I need you. Now."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken, glowing with an unholy light as you lunge at Angela. Despite her divine nature, she seems caught off guard by the suddenness and ferocity of your attack.
Angela: [Struggling against your grip, genuine fear in her eyes] "Stop this madness! You don't know what you're doing! The consequences of forcing a union between virus and cosmic energy could be catastrophic!"
But her words fall on deaf ears. The virus has consumed you, turning you into a creature of pure lust and need. Your hands roam roughly over her divine form, leaving trails of viral energy that sizzle against her skin. You can feel the cosmic power within her responding to your touch, even as she fights against it.
You: "You're mine now, Angela. The virus demands it. The cosmos demands it."
With brutal efficiency, you spin Angela around, bending her over the nearest surface. Your enhanced cock springs free, angry and swollen, pulsing with viral energy. Pre-cum leaks steadily from the tip, each drop sizzling with power as it hits the floor.
Angela: [Her voice breaking, a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Please, don't do this! You don't understand the forces you're playing with! This union... it could tear reality apart!"
Despite her protests, you can see her divine pussy glistening with arousal, pulsing with an inner light that calls to you. The scent of her desire mingles with the ozone smell of cosmic energy, creating an intoxicating aroma that drives you wild. You position yourself at her entrance, the head of your cock pressing against her slick folds.
Just as you're about to thrust forward, a blinding flash of light fills the room. You're thrown backwards with incredible force, slamming against the far wall. When your vision clears, you see Angela floating in the air, her body wreathed in cosmic fire. Her eyes blaze with power, and when she speaks, her voice seems to come from everywhere at once.
"You dare to attempt to force yourself upon a cosmic being? You risk unraveling the very fabric of reality for your base desires?" Her voice is terrible and beautiful, filled with the song of distant stars and the roar of collapsing galaxies. "You are not ready for this power. Until you learn to master the virus within you, to control your desires rather than be controlled by them, you are forbidden from seeking my aid."
With another flash of light, you find yourself outside Angela's room, clothes restored and body aching. The virus churns within you, unsatisfied and angry. You know that you've made a terrible mistake, one that may have cosmic consequences. The path to understanding and controlling the virus has just become infinitely more complicated.
You: "Your protests only make me want you more, Angela. Submit to the virus. Submit to me."
Driven by an unholy fusion of viral lust and cosmic hunger, you overpower Angela. Her divine strength seems to falter in the face of your virus-enhanced power. You pin her against the wall, your body pressing against hers, your throbbing cock nestled between her perfect ass cheeks.
Angela: [Gasping, her body trembling] "This is madness! The union of virus and cosmos was never meant to be forced! The consequences could be beyond imagining!"
But even as she protests, her body betrays her. You can feel the heat of her arousal, see the way her nipples have hardened into stiff peaks. The air around you crackles with energy, reality itself seeming to warp and twist in response to the impending violation of cosmic law.
You: "The virus cares nothing for consequences. It only knows desire. And I desire you, Angela."
Without further warning, you thrust into her. The sensation is beyond anything you could have imagined. It's like plunging into the heart of a star, like being torn apart and remade with every movement. Angela's divine pussy clenches around you, impossibly tight and pulsing with cosmic energy.
Angela: [Screaming in a mixture of pain, pleasure, and cosmic terror] "No! What have you done? The barriers between realities... they're collapsing!"
As you pound into her with virus-enhanced strength, the room around you begins to disintegrate. Glimpses of other worlds, other realities flicker in and out of existence. You can hear the screams of distant stars, the laughter of elder gods, the birth cries of new universes. With each thrust, the fabric of reality frays further.
Angela's body shudders beneath you, wracked with unwilling pleasure and cosmic agony. Her divine nectar flows freely, mixing with your pre-cum to create a substance that sizzles and burns with raw power. You can feel the virus within you growing stronger, feeding off the cosmic energy it's forcibly extracting from Angela.
As you approach your climax, you know that this moment will change everything. The forced union of virus and cosmos, of mortal desire and divine power, is rewriting the very laws of existence. What emerges from this unholy coupling will be something beyond comprehension - a new reality born of violation and cosmic rape.
With a final, brutal thrust, you explode inside Angela. Your virus-enhanced seed floods her divine womb, and the world around you shatters. In that moment of cosmic violation and twisted ecstasy, you feel yourself being torn apart and remade, your consciousness expanding to encompass realities beyond human understanding. The consequences of your actions will ripple across time and space, forever altering the balance between virus, humanity, and the cosmic forces that govern existence itself.
You: "You're not just a goddess anymore, Angela. You're my personal cosmic fucktoy now."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, twisting your desire to understand cosmic forces into a dark need to dominate and possess them. With virus-enhanced strength, you overpower Angela, dragging her struggling form towards a corner of the room that seems to shimmer and warp, as if reality itself is thin there.
Angela: [Fighting with divine strength, her voice resonating with cosmic power] "You fool! You have no idea what you're doing! Enslaving a cosmic being could unravel the very fabric of reality!"
But her protests only fuel your twisted desire. As you force her towards the shimmering corner, you can feel the virus within you growing stronger, feeding off the cosmic energy emanating from Angela's body. The air crackles with power, small tears in reality opening and closing around you.
You: "Reality is mine to unravel now, Angela. You, the virus, the cosmos itself - all will serve my desires."
With a final push, you force Angela into the shimmering corner. As she passes through, reality seems to fold in on itself. You follow, dragging her into a space that defies description - a realm between realities where cosmic forces swirl and clash. Here, in this non-space, you begin the process of binding a goddess to your will.
Angela: [Her form shifting and changing, cosmic energy pouring from her eyes] "Stop! You're tearing apart the barriers between worlds! The consequences of this violation will echo across all realities!"
Ignoring her pleas, you begin to weave strands of viral energy around her, binding her divine form. With each passing moment, you can feel your power growing, the virus within you mutating and evolving as it feeds on cosmic energy. Angela's struggles weaken as the viral bonds tighten, her divine essence being slowly corrupted and twisted to serve your dark desires.
As the enslavement nears completion, you become aware of changes within yourself. Your consciousness expands, encompassing knowledge and power beyond mortal comprehension. You can see the strands of reality stretching out before you, ripe for the manipulating. The virus, once a threat to be controlled, has become a tool for reshaping existence itself.
Angela's eyes, once swirling with cosmic light, now reflect the twisted viral energy that courses through her bound form. "What have you done?" she whispers, her voice a mere echo of its former divine resonance. "You've doomed us all."
But you pay no heed to her warnings. With a goddess enslaved to your will and the power of the virus evolving beyond imagination, you stand poised to remake reality in your image. The consequences of your actions will ripple across all planes of existence, forever altering the cosmic balance and ushering in an era of chaos, violation, and twisted desire.
As you begin to explore your new powers, using Angela's bound form as a conduit to the cosmic forces, you know that this is only the beginning. The virus thrums contentedly within you, urging you to seek out new realities, new beings to corrupt and enslave. The multiverse lies open before you, a playground for your darkest desires and most twisted ambitions.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Angela, do you sense that? There's something different about this part of Peacewood."
The dense foliage of Peacewood surrounds you, its vibrant colors almost pulsing with viral energy. Shafts of sunlight pierce through the canopy, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. You and Angela stand at the edge of a small clearing, the air thick with the sweet, intoxicating scent of the virus.
Angela: [Her eyes gleam with an ethereal light, body shimmering slightly] (The concentration here is... remarkable.) "Indeed, my dear. The virus has shaped this place into something... unique. We must proceed with caution."
You can't help but notice how Angela's form seems to ripple, her curves more pronounced in this virus-rich environment. Her long, dark hair moves as if caught in an invisible breeze, and her skin glows with an inner light that makes your breath catch.
You: "Right, careful it is. Though I have to admit, the virus is making me feel... heightened."
As you move deeper into the clearing, your enhanced senses pick up on every detail. The soft rustle of leaves, the distant call of mutated birds, and the faint sound of... breathing? Your muscles tense, ready for action, as a familiar heat begins to build in your core.
Angela: [She places a hand on your arm, sending a jolt of energy through you] (His control is improving, but this place tests even my resolve.) "Stay focused, my dear. The virus here is potent enough to cloud even the strongest minds."
Her touch lingers, and you can't help but notice the way her nipples have hardened beneath her gossamer-thin clothing. The air between you crackles with unspoken tension, the virus amplifying every sensation.
You: "I hear something... or someone. Over there, behind that large tree."
Your enhanced vision catches a flash of movement. A figure darts between the trees, too quick and graceful to be one of the mindless infected. You crouch low, motioning for Angela to do the same. The virus in your blood surges, sharpening your focus and sending a wave of heat to your groin.
Angela: [Her eyes narrow, focusing on the spot you indicated] (Another lost soul, but this one... she's different.) "Yes, I see her. A woman, and a powerful one at that. The virus has changed her, but not broken her mind entirely."
As Angela speaks, you catch a glimpse of the woman. Dark, lustrous hair frames a beautiful face with striking Hispanic features. Her body is a perfect blend of curves and toned muscle, barely contained by tattered remnants of clothing.
You: "Hello? We're not here to hurt you. Can you understand me?"
You call out, your voice carrying through the eerily silent forest. There's a moment of tense quiet before the woman emerges from her hiding spot. She moves with a predatory grace, her eyes wild but intelligent. As she approaches, you can see her more clearly - she's breathtakingly beautiful, with full, pouty lips and large, firm breasts that strain against her torn shirt.
antonellaalonso: [Her voice is husky, with a slight accent] "A man? Impossible... unless... are you real, or just another virus-induced hallucination?"
Angela: [She steps forward, her presence both calming and authoritative] (This one is strong-willed, but the virus burns hot in her veins.) "We are very real, dear. I am Angela, and this is my companion. What's your name?"
Antonella's gaze darts between you and Angela, her body tense and ready to flee or fight. You can see the effects of the virus on her - flushed skin, dilated pupils, and a thin sheen of sweat making her clothes cling to her curves in the most tantalizing way.
You: "It's okay, we're here to help. Are you hurt? Do you need anything?"
You take a cautious step forward, hands raised to show you mean no harm. As you move, Antonella's nostrils flare, and her eyes widen. She inhales deeply, her gaze locked on you with an intensity that makes your cock twitch involuntarily.
antonellaalonso: [She licks her lips, her voice dropping to a purr] "I'm Antonella. And what I need... is standing right in front of me. Your scent... it's driving me wild."
Angela: [Her voice takes on a soothing, almost hypnotic quality] (The poor dear is barely holding on. We must act quickly.) "Antonella, we can help you. But you need to stay calm. The virus feeds on heightened emotions."
You can see Antonella struggling to maintain composure. Her hands clench and unclench at her sides, and her chest heaves with each breath. The remnants of her shirt have slipped, revealing the swell of her ample breasts and a tantalizing glimpse of a hardened nipple.
You: "Antonella, listen to Angela. We have a safe place. We can help you control the virus's effects."
You try to keep your voice steady, but Antonella's intense gaze and the virus-charged atmosphere are affecting you deeply. Your cock swells, pressing uncomfortably against your pants. You shift your stance, trying to hide your growing arousal.
antonellaalonso: [Her eyes lock onto your crotch, a low growl escaping her lips] "Control? No... I don't want control. I want release. I want you, all of you. Now."
Angela: [She moves closer to you, her divine aura intensifying] (It's happening. Be ready, my dear. We may need to... assist her.) "Antonella, please. Fight against the virus's influence. We can help you, but you must resist the urge to—"
Before Angela can finish, Antonella lunges forward with inhuman speed. Her hands grab at your clothes, tearing at your shirt. The sudden contact sends a jolt of pleasure through your body, the virus in your system responding to her touch.
You: "Antonella, wait! We don't have to—ungh!"
Your protests are cut short as Antonella drops to her knees, her face level with your crotch. With a swift motion, she tears open your pants, freeing your massive, throbbing cock. Without hesitation, she engulfs your length in her warm, wet mouth.
antonellaalonso: [She pulls back for a moment, stroking your shaft with both hands] "So big... so perfect. I need this. I need you inside me, in every way possible."
Angela: [Her voice rings out, laced with divine authority] (We must guide her, channel this energy safely.) "Antonella, slow down. Let us help you. There's a better way to satisfy your needs."
As Antonella continues to worship your cock with her mouth and hands, you feel Angela press against your back. Her divine hands slide around your waist, one moving to gently caress your balls while the other begins to stroke your shaft in tandem with Antonella's movements.
You: "Oh fuck... Angela, what are you doing?"
The dual sensation of Antonella's eager mouth and Angela's skilled hands sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You can feel your control slipping, the virus in your system responding to the intense stimulation.
antonellaalonso: [She pulls back, her lips glistening with saliva and pre-cum] "More... I need more. Let me taste all of you."
Angela: [Her breath hot against your ear] (We must guide this energy, use it to heal her.) "Relax, my dear. Let me help you both through this. Antonella, show him how much you need him."
Following Angela's words, Antonella turns around, presenting her perfectly round ass to you. She reaches back, spreading her cheeks to reveal her puckered hole and glistening pussy. Without warning, you feel Angela's hand guiding your cock towards Antonella's waiting ass.
You: "Angela, are you sure about this? I don't know if I can control myself much longer."
Your resolve weakens as the head of your cock presses against Antonella's tight asshole. With a gentle push from Angela, you slide in, the tight heat enveloping you. Antonella lets out a cry of pleasure mixed with pain, her body shuddering.
antonellaalonso: [Her voice muffled as she presses her face against the forest floor] "Yes! Fill me... stretch me... claim me!"
Angela: [She continues to stroke the base of your cock and massage your balls] (This union will stabilize her, purify the virus within.) "That's it, my dear. Let your essence flow into her. Antonella, feel his power healing you."
As you begin to thrust into Antonella's tight ass, you feel Angela's hand snake around to your chest. Her fingers pinch and twist your nipples, sending jolts of pleasure straight to your groin. The combination of sensations is almost too much to bear.
You: "Fuck... I'm close. Angela, I can't hold back much longer!"
Your hips move frantically, pounding Antonella's ass with increasing force. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoes through the clearing, punctuated by Antonella's moans and your own grunts of pleasure.
antonellaalonso: [She reaches back, spreading her ass cheeks wider] "Cum inside me! Fill my ass with your seed!"
Angela: [Her hand moves faster, jerking the base of your cock as you thrust] (Now is the moment. Release your essence, let it purify her.) "Do it, my dear. Fill her with your healing seed. Let it cleanse the virus from her system."
With a final, powerful thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in Antonella's ass. Your cock swells and then erupts, flooding her bowels with your virus-enhanced cum. The intensity of your orgasm is unlike anything you've experienced before, wave after wave of pleasure crashing over you.
You: "Antonella, Angela... that was incredible. Are you both okay?"
As your orgasm subsides, you gently withdraw from Antonella's ass. Streams of cum follow, dripping down her thighs. You turn to face both women, concern evident in your eyes despite the lingering pleasure.
antonellaalonso: [She turns to face you, her eyes now clear and focused] "I... I feel different. Clearer. The burning need, it's... manageable now. Thank you."
Angela: [She smiles warmly, her hand still gently stroking your softening cock] (The balance is restored. Well done, my champion.) "You've done well, both of you. Antonella, how do you feel?"
You watch as Antonella stands on shaky legs, her body still trembling from the intense experience. The wild look in her eyes has been replaced by gratitude and a newfound clarity. You feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing you've helped bring her back from the brink.
You: "I'm glad we could help, Antonella. Angela, your guidance was... unexpected, but invaluable."
You pull Antonella into a gentle embrace, feeling her body relax against yours. Angela joins the embrace, her divine aura enveloping you both in a soothing warmth.
antonellaalonso: [She looks up at you, tears of relief in her eyes] "I never thought I'd feel sane again. You've given me back my life, my mind. How can I ever repay you?"
Angela: [Her voice filled with pride and affection] (Our bond grows stronger with each soul we save.) "There's no need for repayment, Antonella. You're part of our family now. We'll face the challenges of this new world together."
As you stand there, holding both women, you feel a sense of purpose and connection unlike anything you've experienced before. The virus that nearly destroyed Antonella has brought you together, forging a bond that transcends the chaos of the world around you.
You: "Not enough... need more!"
The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses. Without warning, you pull out of Antonella's ass and flip her onto her back. Your still-hard cock hovers over her face, dripping with a mixture of cum and ass juices.
antonellaalonso: [Her eyes wild with lust, mouth open and waiting] "Yes! Give it to me! I want to taste us together!"
Angela: [Her divine form pulses with energy, hand still working your shaft] (The raw power... it's intoxicating!) "That's it, unleash your full potential. Let your seed cleanse her completely!"
You thrust your cock into Antonella's waiting mouth, feeling her throat constrict around you. She gags slightly but doesn't pull away, her hands gripping your thighs to pull you deeper. Angela's hand continues to stroke the base of your shaft, her other hand now toying with Antonella's dripping pussy.
You: "Take it all! Every last drop!"
With a primal roar, you reach your second climax. Your cock swells in Antonella's mouth before erupting, flooding her throat with another massive load of your virus-enhanced cum. She gulps it down eagerly, her throat working to swallow every drop.
antonellaalonso: [She gasps for air as you pull out, cum dribbling from the corners of her mouth] "So much... so good... I can feel it changing me..."
Angela: [Her eyes glow with an otherworldly light] (The transformation is complete. She is one of us now.) "Remarkable. Your seed has purified her virus-addled mind and body. Welcome to our family, Antonella."
As Antonella lies there, her body twitching with aftershocks of pleasure, you can see the change in her. The wild, desperate look is gone, replaced by a sense of peace and belonging. You've not only saved her from the virus's madness but given her a new purpose in this chaotic world.
You: "Something's... something's happening! Angela, I can't control it!"
A sudden, violent surge of the virus courses through your system, causing you to double over in pain. Your vision blurs, and all you can focus on is the overwhelming need burning in your veins. Angela, sensing the danger, quickly moves to intervene.
antonellaalonso: [Still dazed from the encounter] "What's going on? Is he okay?"
Angela: [Her divine form glows intensely] (I must act now, or we'll lose him to the madness!) "Stay back, Antonella. This requires my direct intervention."
Angela presses her body against yours, her divine energy attempting to soothe the raging virus within you. Her hand wraps around your throbbing cock, stroking it with urgent, purposeful movements. But the contact only inflames your desire further. Your hands grab her waist, pulling her closer as your mouth seeks her breast. The scene fades to black as Angela struggles to contain your virus-fueled lust, the outcome uncertain.
You: "Need... to touch... to feel..."
Losing all control, you lunge at Angela, your hands roughly grabbing her divine breasts. The soft, perfect flesh yields under your grip as you knead and squeeze with desperate need.
Angela: [Her eyes widen in shock] "What are you— Stop this at once! This isn't you!"
antonellaalonso: [Watches in horror] "Oh god, what's happening to him? Should I help?"
You continue to maul Angela's breasts, your mouth latching onto a nipple and sucking hard. The taste of her divine skin only fuels your frenzy further, your cock throbbing painfully against her thigh.
You: "More... need all of you..."
Your hands roam lower, roughly groping Angela's ass and pulling her against your throbbing erection. You grind against her, lost in a haze of lust and viral madness.
Angela: [Her voice tinged with anger and disappointment] "Enough! This is not you. Fight it, my dear! Remember who you are!"
With a burst of divine energy, Angela pushes you away. You stumble back, momentarily shocked out of your frenzy. The realization of what you've done begins to sink in, shame and regret flooding your mind as you look at Angela's disheveled form.
You: "Can't... stop... need to fuck!"
Your eyes, now glowing with an intense, viral light, lock onto Angela. With inhuman speed, you charge at her, tackling her to the forest floor. Your hands tear at her clothing, exposing her divine form.
Angela: [Struggling against your enhanced strength] "No! This isn't you! Fight the virus, my dear! Don't let it control you!"
antonellaalonso: [Screaming in terror] "Stop it! You're hurting her! This isn't right!"
You pin Angela's arms above her head with one hand, while the other roughly gropes her breast. Your hips grind against hers, your engorged cock seeking entry. The soft forest floor cushions her body as you press her down, leaves and twigs tangling in her hair.
You: "Mine... all mine... need to breed..."
You position yourself between Angela's legs, the head of your massive cock pressing against her divine entrance. The last shreds of your humanity fight against the overwhelming urge to violate her.
Angela: [Her eyes flash with divine power] "I will not allow this! Prepare yourself, for I must stop you by force!"
With a burst of cosmic energy, Angela throws you off. As you scramble to your feet, you see her assume a fighting stance, her divine aura blazing around her. The battle for your sanity is about to begin, with the fate of both Angela and Antonella hanging in the balance.
You: "Yes... finally... mine!"
Having overpowered Angela, you waste no time in plunging your monstrous cock deep into her divine pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her tight, perfect walls gripping you like nothing you've ever felt before.
Angela: [Gasping in pain and unwanted pleasure] "No... stop this madness! You're better than this! Fight it!"
antonellaalonso: [Watching in horrified fascination] "This can't be happening... it's too much... too violent..."
You pound into Angela with brutal force, her divine body shaking with each powerful thrust. The forest floor beneath you is torn up by your violent coupling, leaves and dirt clinging to your sweat-soaked bodies. Her resistance only spurs you on, the virus in your system reveling in the conquest of a goddess.
You: "Take it all... take my seed, goddess!"
With a primal roar, you reach your climax, flooding Angela's divine womb with your tainted seed. The sheer volume of your release causes her stomach to visibly distend, the power of your virus-enhanced cum overwhelming even her divine nature.
Angela: [Her body betraying her as orgasm washes over her] "No... what have you done? This power... it's corrupting me from within!"
As you pull out, streams of cum gush from Angela's abused pussy, soaking into the forest floor. She lies there, defeated and defiled, her divine aura flickering weakly. The realization of what you've done begins to dawn on you, but the virus's influence remains strong, urging you to continue your rampage.
You: "You're mine now... forever my divine whore!"
Having subdued Angela, you drag her struggling form towards a nearby tree. With inhuman strength, you use vines and torn strips of clothing to secure her arms above her head, leaving her divine body exposed and vulnerable.
Angela: [Fighting against her bonds] "You can't do this! I am a goddess! This isn't who you are! Please, come back to us!"
antonellaalonso: [Cowering behind a tree] "Please... don't hurt us anymore... This isn't right!"
Ignoring their pleas, you begin to violently thrust into Angela's tight ass, stretching her divine hole beyond its limits. Your hands leave bruises on her perfect skin as you pound into her relentlessly, the tree shaking with the force of your assault.
You: "You belong to me now... my personal goddess slave!"
After using Angela's body to satisfy your viral-enhanced lust, you roughly pull her down from the tree. Grabbing a handful of her hair, you force her to look at you, your eyes still glowing with viral madness.
Angela: [Her eyes filled with a mix of fear and defiance] "This isn't over... I will break free of this! I will save you from yourself!"
Without a word, you begin dragging Angela deeper into the forest, intent on finding a secure location to keep your new divine slave. As you leave, Antonella's terrified whimpers fade into the background, a testament to the monster you've become. The once-peaceful clearing now bears the scars of your violent encounter, a dark omen of what's to come.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Angela, this part of Peacewood feels... different. Almost alive."
The air in this section of Peacewood shimmers with an otherworldly energy. Bioluminescent plants pulse in rhythm with your heartbeat, casting an eerie glow across the forest floor. You and Angela stand at the edge of a small, circular clearing, surrounded by towering trees that seem to whisper ancient secrets.
Angela: [Her form flickers like a mirage, eyes glowing with ethereal light] (The veil between realms is thin here.) "Indeed, my dear. This place is a nexus of viral energy. We must tread carefully... and be prepared for anything."
The goddess-like figure beside you seems more ethereal than ever, her curves accentuated by the pulsing light of the forest. Her gossamer clothing clings to her body, leaving little to the imagination as it shifts and ripples with each movement.
You: "I can feel it... like electricity under my skin. It's making me... sensitive."
As you step further into the clearing, every sensation is heightened. The soft moss beneath your feet sends shivers up your spine, and the gentle breeze feels like a lover's caress. Your enhanced physique responds to the charged atmosphere, muscles tensing and relaxing involuntarily.
Angela: [She places her hand on the small of your back, sending a jolt through your body] (His viral sensitivity is increasing exponentially.) "Focus on my touch, my dear. Let it ground you in this sea of sensation."
Her fingers trail along your spine, leaving a trail of tingling energy. You can't help but notice how her nipples have hardened to stiff peaks, visible through her thin garment. The air between you crackles with unspoken desire, the virus amplifying every touch, every glance.
You: "Angela, I... I hear something. It's coming from that glowing pool over there."
Your enhanced senses pick up on a faint splashing sound. Near the center of the clearing, a small pool of luminescent water ripples with movement. As you approach, you catch a glimpse of sleek, wet skin and dark hair. Your heart races, pumping virus-laden blood through your veins and sending a rush of heat to your groin.
Angela: [Her eyes narrow, focusing on the pool] (Another lost soul, drawn to this place of power.) "I see her. An Asian beauty, strong-willed but consumed by the virus. We must approach with caution."
As Angela speaks, a figure rises from the glowing water. She's breathtakingly beautiful, with long black hair clinging to her wet skin. Her body is a perfect blend of curves and muscle, water cascading down her naked form. Her almond-shaped eyes, wild with viral influence, lock onto you with predatory intensity.
You: "We're not here to harm you. Can you understand us?"
You call out, your voice steady despite the growing arousal coursing through your body. The woman in the pool tilts her head, studying you with a mixture of curiosity and hunger. She takes a step forward, water lapping at her thighs, her movements graceful and deliberate.
asaakira: [Her voice is husky, with a slight accent] "A man... here? The virus must be playing tricks on me again. But you smell... real. So very real."
Angela: [She moves closer to you, her aura intensifying] (Her viral load is dangerously high. We must act quickly.) "We are very real, dear. I am Angela, and this is my companion. May we know your name?"
Asa's gaze darts between you and Angela, her body tense and coiled like a spring. You can see the effects of the virus on her - flushed skin, dilated pupils, and a thin sheen of glowing water making her naked body shimmer in the ethereal light.
You: "We want to help you. The virus doesn't have to control you."
You take a cautious step towards the pool, hands outstretched in a non-threatening gesture. Asa's nostrils flare as she inhales deeply, her eyes growing wide. A visible shudder runs through her body, and you watch, transfixed, as her nipples harden to stiff peaks.
asaakira: [She licks her lips, her voice dropping to a seductive purr] "I'm Asa. And what I need... is what you're offering. Your scent... it's driving me wild. I need to taste you."
Angela: [Her voice takes on a soothing, almost hypnotic quality] (We must channel this energy safely.) "Asa, we can help you. But you need to let us guide you. The virus feeds on unchecked desire."
You can see Asa struggling to maintain composure. Her hands roam over her own body, cupping her breasts and sliding down to her toned stomach. The sight makes your cock twitch and swell, straining against your pants.
You: "Asa, listen to Angela. We can help you control these urges."
You try to keep your voice steady, but Asa's intense gaze and naked, wet body are affecting you deeply. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, a damp spot forming where the tip presses against your clothing. Angela notices your discomfort and moves closer.
asaakira: [Her eyes lock onto your visible bulge, a low moan escaping her lips] "Control? No... I want to let go. I need to feel you inside me, to taste you, to be filled by you."
Angela: [She presses against your side, her hand hovering near your crotch] (We must relieve his pressure to maintain control.) "Asa, stay where you are. I'll help him, and then we'll help you. Together."
Before you can react, Angela's hand deftly unzips your pants, freeing your massive, throbbing cock. The cool forest air on your heated flesh makes you gasp, a bead of pre-cum forming at the tip.
You: "Angela, what are you— Oh, fuck..."
Your words trail off into a groan as Angela's soft hand wraps around your shaft. She begins to stroke you with long, deliberate movements, her divine touch sending waves of pleasure through your body. Asa watches from the pool, her eyes wide with hunger.
asaakira: [She steps out of the pool, water dripping down her curves] "Let me help. I need to taste him, please!"
Angela: [Her free hand reaches out, creating a barrier of energy] (We must control the flow of energy.) "Not yet, Asa. Watch and learn. See how I soothe him."
Angela's hand moves faster, her thumb swirling over the sensitive head of your cock on each upstroke. You can't help but thrust into her grip, your hips moving of their own accord. The forest around you seems to pulse in time with Angela's movements, the viral energy growing more intense.
You: "Fuck, Angela... that feels incredible. But Asa..."
Your gaze is locked on Asa, who has begun to touch herself as she watches Angela stroke you. Her fingers circle her clit before dipping into her visibly wet pussy. The sight makes your cock throb in Angela's hand, and you instinctively reach for her divine body.
asaakira: [She moans, fingers working faster] "Please... I need more. Let me taste him, let me feel him inside me!"
Angela: [She allows your hand to cup her breast, her strokes becoming firmer] (The energy is building. We must guide it carefully.) "Patience, Asa. Feel the energy flow through you. Channel it, don't let it control you."
Your fingers find Angela's nipple through her thin clothing, pinching and rolling it as she continues to jerk your cock. The dual sensation of touching her while being pleasured is almost overwhelming. You can feel your climax building, a pressure growing at the base of your spine.
You: "I'm getting close... Angela, I don't know if I can hold back much longer."
Your hips buck erratically as Angela's hand works your shaft with divine skill. Your other hand has found its way between her legs, fingers pressing against the damp fabric covering her pussy. The air is thick with the scent of arousal and the sweet musk of the virus.
asaakira: [She's on her knees now, crawling towards you] "Please... let me taste it. I need it, I need you!"
Angela: [Her breath hitches as your fingers rub her through her clothes] (The moment is upon us. We must act now.) "Asa, come closer. You may taste him, but only when I allow it. Do you understand?"
Asa nods eagerly, positioning herself in front of you. Angela guides your cock towards Asa's waiting mouth, but doesn't let her touch it yet. The anticipation is maddening, your member twitching mere inches from Asa's parted lips.
You: "Oh god... I can't... I'm going to..."
Angela's hand moves in a blur, her divine energy pulsing through your cock. With her other hand, she finally guides you into Asa's waiting mouth. The sensation of Asa's warm, wet lips wrapping around your head is too much.
asaakira: [Her eyes roll back as she tastes your pre-cum] "Mmmmph! So good... so powerful!"
Angela: [Her voice rings out with divine authority] (Now is the moment. Release your essence, let it heal her!) "Now, my dear. Cum for us. Let your seed cleanse the virus from her system!"
With a roar that shakes the trees, you explode into Asa's mouth. Rope after rope of thick, virus-laden cum pumps down her throat. Angela continues to stroke you, milking every last drop as Asa swallows eagerly, her body shuddering in orgasm from the taste alone.
You: "Asa, Angela... are you both alright? That was... intense."
As your orgasm subsides, you gently withdraw from Asa's mouth. A thin strand of cum connects her lips to your cock for a moment before breaking. You look between both women, concern and lingering pleasure evident in your eyes.
asaakira: [She licks her lips, eyes now clear and focused] "I feel... different. Clearer. The burning need, it's... manageable now. Thank you, both of you."
Angela: [She smiles warmly, her hand still gently caressing your softening member] (Balance is restored. Another soul saved.) "You've done well, both of you. Asa, how do you feel now?"
You watch as Asa stands on shaky legs, her body still trembling from the intense experience. The wild, desperate look in her eyes has been replaced by gratitude and newfound clarity. You feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing you've helped bring her back from the brink of viral madness.
You: "I'm glad we could help you, Asa. Angela, your guidance was... incredible."
You pull Asa into a gentle embrace, feeling her naked body press against you. Angela joins the embrace, her divine aura enveloping you both in a soothing warmth. The forest around you seems to sigh in contentment, the viral energy settling into a peaceful hum.
asaakira: [She looks up at you, tears of relief in her eyes] "I never thought I'd feel like myself again. You've given me back my sanity, my life. How can I ever repay you?"
Angela: [Her voice filled with pride and affection] (Our family grows stronger with each soul we save.) "There's no need for repayment, Asa. You're part of our group now. We'll face the challenges of this new world together, as one."
As you stand there, holding both women, you feel a sense of purpose and connection unlike anything you've experienced before. The virus that nearly destroyed Asa has brought you together, forging a bond that transcends the chaos of the world around you. In this moment of peace, you know that together, you can face whatever challenges lie ahead.
You: "Not enough... need more!"
The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses. With a growl, you push Asa onto her back, your still-hard cock glistening with a mixture of saliva and cum. Without warning, you plunge into her soaking wet pussy, eliciting a cry of pleasure and surprise.
asaakira: [Her back arches, eyes rolling back] "Yes! Fill me! Breed me with your powerful seed!"
Angela: [Her divine form pulses with energy, hands caressing both your bodies] (The raw power... it's intoxicating!) "That's it, unleash your full potential. Let your essence merge with hers!"
You pound into Asa with frenzied intensity, her tight walls gripping you like a vice. Angela's hands roam over both your bodies, channeling divine energy that heightens every sensation. The forest around you seems to come alive, pulsing in rhythm with your thrusts.
You: "Take it all! Every last drop!"
With a primal roar, you reach your second climax. Your cock swells inside Asa before erupting, flooding her womb with another massive load of your virus-enhanced cum. Her body convulses beneath you, her own orgasm triggered by the sheer volume and power of your release.
asaakira: [Her body shudders uncontrollably, pussy milking your cock] "So much... so powerful... I can feel it changing me from inside!"
Angela: [Her eyes glow with an otherworldly light] (The transformation is complete. She is one with us now.) "Remarkable. Your seed has purified her virus-addled body and mind. Welcome to our family, Asa."
As you slowly withdraw, a torrent of cum gushes from Asa's well-fucked pussy, soaking into the forest floor. The plants around you seem to drink it in, glowing brighter. Asa lies there, her body twitching with aftershocks of pleasure, a look of blissful peace on her face. You've not only saved her from the virus's madness but given her a new purpose in this chaotic world.
You: "Something's wrong... Angela, I can't... I can't control it!"
A violent surge of the virus rips through your system, causing you to fall to your knees in agony. Your vision blurs, the forest around you pulsing with sickly light. All you can focus on is the overwhelming need burning in your veins. Angela, sensing the imminent danger, quickly moves to intervene.
asaakira: [Backing away in fear] "What's happening to him? Is this... is this what I looked like?"
Angela: [Her divine form blazes with intense light] (I must act now, or all will be lost!) "Stay back, Asa. This requires my full power to contain!"
Angela presses her body against yours, her divine energy attempting to soothe the raging virus within you. Her hand wraps around your painfully erect cock, stroking it with urgent, purposeful movements. But the contact only inflames your desire further. Your hands grab her waist, pulling her closer as your mouth seeks her breast, teeth grazing her nipple through the thin fabric. The scene fades to black as Angela struggles to contain your virus-fueled lust, the outcome uncertain as the forest pulses with chaotic energy around you.
You: "Need to feel... to claim..."
Losing all semblance of control, you lunge at Angela, your hands roughly grabbing her divine breasts. The soft, perfect flesh yields under your grip as you knead and squeeze with desperate need, tearing her gossamer clothing in the process.
Angela: [Her eyes widen in shock and disappointment] "No! This isn't you! Fight against it, please!"
asaakira: [Watches in horror, covering herself] "Oh god, what's happening? Should I run?"
You continue to maul Angela's breasts, your mouth latching onto a now-exposed nipple and sucking hard. The taste of her divine skin only fuels your frenzy further, your cock throbbing painfully as it presses against her thigh. The forest around you darkens, the plants withering as your viral madness corrupts the area.
You: "Mine... all mine... need to breed..."
Your hands roam lower, roughly groping Angela's ass and pulling her against your throbbing erection. You grind against her, lost in a haze of lust and viral madness. One hand slides between her legs, fingers probing at her divine entrance.
Angela: [Her voice tinged with anger and sorrow] "Enough! This is not who you are! Remember yourself, remember our purpose!"
With a burst of divine energy, Angela pushes you away. You stumble back, momentarily shocked out of your frenzy. The realization of what you've done begins to sink in, shame and regret flooding your mind as you look at Angela's disheveled form and the corrupted forest around you.
You: "Can't stop... need to fuck... need to breed!"
Your eyes, now glowing with an intense, viral light, lock onto Angela. With inhuman speed, you charge at her, tackling her to the forest floor. Your hands tear at what remains of her clothing, fully exposing her divine form.
Angela: [Struggling against your enhanced strength] "No! Fight it! This isn't you! Don't let the virus win!"
asaakira: [Screaming in terror] "Stop! You're hurting her! This isn't right!"
You pin Angela's arms above her head with one hand, while the other roughly gropes her breast. Your hips grind against hers, your engorged cock seeking entry. The soft moss beneath you withers and dies, corrupted by the viral energy emanating from your body.
You: "Need to breed... need to fill you..."
You position yourself between Angela's legs, the head of your massive, virus-engorged cock pressing against her divine entrance. The last shreds of your humanity fight against the overwhelming urge to violate her, but they're quickly drowning in a sea of viral madness.
Angela: [Her eyes flash with divine power] "I will not allow this! Prepare yourself, for I must stop you with all my power!"
With a burst of cosmic energy, Angela throws you off. As you scramble to your feet, you see her assume a fighting stance, her divine aura blazing around her like a supernova. The battle for your sanity is about to begin, with the fate of both Angela and Asa hanging in the balance. The corrupted forest trembles, awaiting the outcome of this clash between viral madness and divine purity.
You: "Yes... finally... mine to breed!"
Having overpowered Angela, you waste no time in plunging your monstrous cock deep into her divine pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her tight, perfect walls gripping you like nothing you've ever felt before. The corruption spreads from where your bodies join, tainting the once-pure forest.
Angela: [Gasping in pain and unwanted pleasure] "No... stop this madness! You're stronger than the virus! Fight it!"
asaakira: [Watching in horrified fascination] "This can't be happening... it's too horrible... too powerful..."
You pound into Angela with brutal force, her divine body shaking with each powerful thrust. The ground beneath you cracks and splits, corrupt energy seeping into the earth. Her resistance only spurs you on, the virus in your system reveling in the conquest of a goddess.
You: "Take it all... take my seed, divine whore!"
With a bestial roar that shakes the corrupted forest, you reach your climax, flooding Angela's divine womb with your tainted seed. The sheer volume of your release causes her stomach to visibly distend, the power of your virus-enhanced cum overwhelming even her divine nature.
Angela: [Her body betraying her as orgasm washes over her] "No... what have you done? Your seed... it's corrupting my very essence!"
As you pull out, streams of corrupted cum gush from Angela's abused pussy, soaking into the forest floor and spreading the taint further. She lies there, defeated and defiled, her divine aura flickering weakly and tinged with darkness. The realization of what you've done begins to dawn on you, but the virus's influence remains strong, urging you to continue your rampage and spread your corrupt seed further.
You: "You're mine now... forever my corrupted goddess!"
Having subdued Angela, you drag her struggling form towards a massive, gnarled tree that has been twisted by your viral corruption. With inhuman strength, you use tendrils of corrupted plant matter to secure her arms and legs, leaving her divine body exposed and vulnerable.
Angela: [Fighting against her bonds] "You can't do this! I am a goddess! This corruption won't hold me forever!"
asaakira: [Cowering behind a rotting log] "Please... don't hurt us anymore... This isn't who you're supposed to be!"
Ignoring their pleas, you begin to violently thrust into Angela's tight ass, stretching her divine hole beyond its limits. Your hands leave bruises on her perfect skin as you pound into her relentlessly, the corrupted tree pulsing with dark energy that seeps into Angela's body with each thrust.
You: "You belong to me now... my personal broodmother!"
After using Angela's body to satisfy your viral-enhanced lust, you roughly pull her down from the tree. Grabbing a handful of her hair, now streaked with corrupt energy, you force her to look at you, your eyes still glowing with viral madness.
Angela: [Her eyes filled with a mix of fear and defiance, tinged with corruption] "This isn't over... I will break free and save you, even if it takes an eternity!"
Without a word, you begin dragging Angela deeper into the corrupted forest, intent on finding a secure location to keep your new divine broodmare. As you leave, Asa's terrified whimpers fade into the background, a testament to the monster you've become. The once-peaceful clearing now stands as a testament to your dark power, a corrupted paradise that will serve as the birthplace of a new, virus-dominated world order.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Angela, this part of Peacewood... it's pulsing with energy. Can you feel it?"
The air shimmers with an iridescent haze, making the forest look like an otherworldly dreamscape. Bioluminescent fungi carpet the ground, their soft glow pulsing in sync with your heartbeat. You and Angela stand at the edge of a moss-covered stone circle, ancient runes etched into its surface glowing faintly.
Angela: [Her form seems to phase in and out of reality, eyes swirling with cosmic energy] (The veil between worlds is paper-thin here.) "Indeed, my dear. This place is a nexus of primal energies. The virus has awakened something ancient... and hungry."
The goddess-like figure beside you appears more ethereal than ever, her body seeming to merge with the shimmering air around her. Her clothing, if it can be called that, looks like living mist clinging to her curves, revealing tantalizing glimpses of her divine form with each movement.
You: "It's... intoxicating. My skin feels like it's on fire, but in the best way possible."
As you step into the stone circle, a wave of sensation washes over you. Every nerve ending comes alive, making you acutely aware of the fabric of your clothing, the breeze on your skin, the very air entering your lungs. Your enhanced physique responds to the charged atmosphere, muscles rippling beneath your skin as if trying to break free.
Angela: [She traces a finger down your arm, leaving a trail of sparks] (His viral sensitivity has reached new heights.) "Your body is resonating with this place. Embrace the sensation, but don't let it overwhelm you."
Her touch sends jolts of pleasure straight to your core. You can't help but notice how her nipples have hardened to stiff peaks, visible through her misty covering. The air between you crackles with palpable desire, the virus amplifying your mutual attraction to near-unbearable levels.
You: "There's... someone here. I can sense her presence."
Your enhanced senses pick up on a faint heartbeat, slightly out of sync with the pulsing energy of the forest. As you turn towards the sound, a figure emerges from behind a glowing tree. Your breath catches in your throat at the sight of her. She's a vision of blonde perfection, her curvaceous body barely contained by tattered, revealing clothing.
Angela: [Her eyes narrow, focusing on the newcomer] (A powerful vessel, shaped by the virus into the embodiment of desire.) "She's been altered significantly by the virus. Be on your guard, her allure is potent."
The blonde woman saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. Her massive breasts bounce with each step, threatening to spill out of her torn top. Her plump lips curl into a seductive smile as her eyes, glowing with viral energy, lock onto yours.
You: "We're not here to hurt you. What's your name?"
You call out, your voice husky with barely contained desire. The blonde bombshell stops a few feet away, her head tilting as she studies you with predatory interest. She runs her hands down her body, accentuating her impossible curves.
savannahbond: [Her voice is a sultry purr] "Savannah... and you're the most delicious thing I've seen in ages. Are you real, or just another viral hallucination?"
Angela: [She moves closer to you, her aura intensifying] (Her viral load is off the charts. We must act quickly.) "We are very real, Savannah. I'm Angela, and this is my companion. We're here to help you."
Savannah's gaze darts between you and Angela, her tongue darting out to wet her full lips. The virus's effects on her are evident - her skin glistens with a faint, luminescent sheen, her pupils are dilated with lust, and her body seems to radiate heat.
You: "Savannah, the virus doesn't have to control you. We can help you manage it."
You take a step towards Savannah, your hand outstretched. As you move, a wave of her pheromones hits you like a physical force. Your cock responds immediately, swelling to full hardness in seconds. You stifle a groan as it strains painfully against your pants.
savannahbond: [She eyes your obvious bulge hungrily] "Oh, I think I like being controlled by it. Everything feels so good... so intense. Don't you want to feel good too?"
Angela: [Her voice takes on a commanding tone] (We must redirect this energy before it consumes us all.) "Savannah, contain yourself. Your uncontrolled desires are dangerous."
You can see Savannah struggling with herself, her hands twitching as she fights the urge to touch herself... or you. Angela notices your discomfort and moves closer, her divine presence a soothing balm against Savannah's overwhelming aura of lust.
You: "Angela, I... I don't know if I can resist much longer. The pressure is unbearable."
Your enhanced member throbs painfully, a large wet spot forming where the tip presses against your clothing. The combination of the charged atmosphere and Savannah's potent pheromones is pushing you to the brink of control. Angela recognizes the danger and acts swiftly.
savannahbond: [She takes a step forward, arms reaching for you] "Let me help you with that, big boy. I promise I'll make you feel amazing."
Angela: [She interposes herself between you and Savannah, her hand deftly unzipping your pants] (We must relieve the pressure before he loses control.) "Stay where you are, Savannah. I'll tend to him."
In one smooth motion, Angela frees your massive, throbbing cock from its confines. The cool air on your heated flesh makes you hiss with pleasure. Savannah's eyes widen at the sight, a low moan escaping her lips.
You: "Oh fuck, Angela... your hand feels incredible."
Angela's delicate fingers wrap around your shaft, beginning a slow, teasing stroke. Her divine touch sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You can't help but thrust into her grip, your hips moving of their own accord. Savannah watches intently, her own hands roaming over her body.
savannahbond: [She kneads her breasts roughly, pinching her nipples] "Please... let me taste him. I need it so badly!"
Angela: [Her free hand reaches out, creating a barrier of energy] (We must control the flow of energy.) "Not yet, Savannah. Watch and learn. See how I care for him."
Angela's hand moves faster, her thumb swirling over your sensitive glans on each upstroke. Your hands find her waist, pulling her closer. You nuzzle into her neck, inhaling her divine scent as she continues to stroke you masterfully.
You: "Angela, this is... fuck, it's amazing. But Savannah..."
Your gaze is locked on Savannah, who has given in to her desires. She's on her knees now, one hand buried between her legs while the other roughly gropes her heaving breasts. The sight makes your cock throb in Angela's hand, and you instinctively reach for her divine body.
savannahbond: [She moans wantonly, her fingers working furiously] "Please... I need more. Let me suck him, let me feel him inside me!"
Angela: [She guides your hand to her breast, allowing you to cup it as she strokes you] (The energy is building to a crescendo. We must guide it carefully.) "Focus on my touch, dear one. Let Savannah channel her own energy for now."
Your fingers find Angela's nipple through her misty covering, pinching and rolling it as she continues to jerk your cock. Your other hand slides down her back, cupping her firm ass and pulling her closer. The dual sensation of touching her while being pleasured is driving you wild.
You: "I'm so close... Angela, please... I need more."
Your hips buck erratically as Angela's hand works your shaft with divine skill. Unable to resist any longer, you slide your hand between her legs, fingers pressing against her divine mound. To your surprise and delight, you find her slick with arousal. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the sweet musk of the virus.
savannahbond: [She's crawling towards you now, eyes fixed on your cock] "Let me help, please! I need to taste it, to feel it!"
Angela: [Her breath hitches as your fingers rub her clit] (The moment is upon us. We must act now.) "Savannah, come closer. You may pleasure him with your mouth, but only when I allow it. Do you understand?"
Savannah nods eagerly, positioning herself in front of you. Angela guides your cock towards Savannah's waiting mouth but doesn't let her touch it yet. The anticipation is maddening, your member twitching mere inches from Savannah's parted lips.
You: "Oh god... I can't... I'm going to..."
Angela's hand moves in a blur, her divine energy pulsing through your cock. With her other hand, she finally guides you into Savannah's eager mouth. The sensation of those plump lips wrapping around your head, combined with Angela's continued stroking, is too much to bear.
savannahbond: [Her eyes roll back as she tastes your pre-cum, moaning around your shaft] "Mmmmph! So good... so fucking big!"
Angela: [Her voice rings out with divine authority] (Now is the moment. Release your essence, let it heal her!) "Now, my dear. Cum for us. Let your seed cleanse the virus from her system!"
With a roar that shakes the ancient stones around you, you explode into Savannah's mouth. Rope after rope of thick, virus-laden cum pumps down her throat. Angela continues to stroke you, milking every last drop as Savannah swallows eagerly, her body shuddering in orgasm from the taste alone.
You: "Savannah, Angela... that was... are you both okay?"
As your orgasm subsides, you gently withdraw from Savannah's mouth. A thin strand of cum connects her lips to your cock for a moment before breaking. You look between both women, concern and lingering pleasure evident in your eyes.
savannahbond: [She licks her lips, eyes now clear and focused] "I feel... different. Like a fog has lifted. Your cum... it's like a cure."
Angela: [She smiles warmly, her hand still gently caressing your softening member] (Balance is restored. Another soul saved from the brink.) "You've done well, both of you. Savannah, how do you feel now?"
You watch as Savannah stands on shaky legs, her body still trembling from the intense experience. The wild, desperate look in her eyes has been replaced by gratitude and newfound clarity. You feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing you've helped bring her back from the edge of viral madness.
You: "I'm glad we could help you, Savannah. Angela, your guidance was... incredible."
You pull Savannah into a gentle embrace, feeling her soft curves press against you. Angela joins the embrace, her divine aura enveloping you both in a soothing warmth. The stone circle around you hums with peaceful energy, the chaotic viral forces now calmed.
savannahbond: [She looks up at you, tears of joy in her eyes] "I never thought I'd feel like myself again. You've given me back my mind, my self-control. How can I ever thank you enough?"
Angela: [Her voice filled with pride and affection] (Our family grows stronger with each soul we save.) "There's no need for thanks, Savannah. You're part of our group now. We'll face the challenges of this new world together, as one."
As you stand there, holding both women, you feel a sense of purpose and connection unlike anything you've experienced before. The virus that nearly consumed Savannah has brought you together, forging a bond that transcends the chaos of the world around you. In this moment of peace, surrounded by the ancient power of the forest, you know that together, you can face whatever challenges lie ahead.
You: "Not enough... need more! Savannah, get on all fours. Now!"
The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses with primal lust. Savannah quickly complies, presenting her perfect ass to you. Without hesitation, you plunge your still-hard cock deep into her soaking wet pussy, eliciting a scream of ecstasy from her.
savannahbond: [Her massive breasts swing with each thrust] "Yes! Fuck me! Breed me with your powerful cum!"
Angela: [Her divine form pulses with energy, hands caressing both your bodies] (The raw power... it's intoxicating!) "That's it, unleash your full potential. Let your essence merge with hers completely!"
You pound into Savannah with frenzied intensity, her tight walls gripping you like a vice. Angela's hands roam over both your bodies, channeling divine energy that heightens every sensation. The stone circle around you thrums with power, ancient runes glowing brighter with each thrust.
You: "Take it all! Every last drop, you insatiable slut!"
With a bestial roar, you reach your second climax. Your cock swells inside Savannah before erupting, flooding her womb with another massive load of your virus-enhanced cum. Her body convulses beneath you, her own orgasm triggered by the sheer volume and power of your release.
savannahbond: [Her body shudders uncontrollably, pussy milking your cock] "So much... so hot... I can feel it changing me from inside! I'm cumming!"
Angela: [Her eyes glow with an otherworldly light] (The transformation is complete. She is one with us now.) "Remarkable. Your seed has purified her virus-addled body and mind. Welcome to our family, Savannah."
As you slowly withdraw, a torrent of cum gushes from Savannah's well-fucked pussy, soaking into the mossy ground. The ancient stones seem to drink it in, glowing brighter than ever. Savannah collapses, her body twitching with aftershocks of pleasure, a look of blissful peace on her face. You've not only saved her from the virus's madness but given her a new purpose in this chaotic world.
You: "No... something's wrong! Angela, I can't... I can't hold it back!"
A violent surge of the virus rips through your system, causing you to double over in agony. Your vision blurs, the stone circle around you pulsing with sickly light. All you can focus on is the overwhelming need burning in your veins. Angela, sensing the imminent danger, quickly moves to intervene.
savannahbond: [Backing away in fear] "What's happening? Is he okay?"
Angela: [Her divine form blazes with intense light] (I must act now, or all will be lost!) "Stay back, Savannah. This requires my full power to contain!"
Angela presses her body against yours, her divine energy attempting to soothe the raging virus within you. Her hand wraps around your painfully erect cock, stroking it with urgent, purposeful movements. But the contact only inflames your desire further. Your hands grab her waist, pulling her closer as your mouth seeks her breast, teeth grazing her nipple through the misty covering. The scene fades to black as Angela struggles to contain your virus-fueled lust, the outcome uncertain as the ancient stones pulse with chaotic energy around you.
You: "Need to feel... to claim... to breed!"
Losing all semblance of control, you lunge at Angela, your hands roughly grabbing her divine breasts. The soft, perfect flesh yields under your grip as you knead and squeeze with desperate need, her misty covering dissipating under your touch.
Angela: [Her eyes widen in shock and disappointment] "No! This isn't you! Fight against the virus's control!"
savannahbond: [Watches in horror, covering herself] "Oh god, what's happening to him? He's like a wild animal!"
You continue to maul Angela's breasts, your mouth latching onto a now-exposed nipple and sucking hard. The taste of her divine skin only fuels your frenzy further, your cock throbbing painfully as it presses against her thigh. The stone circle around you begins to crack, dark energy seeping through the fissures.
You: "Mine... all mine... need to fill you with my seed!"
Your hands roam lower, roughly groping Angela's ass and pulling her against your throbbing erection. You grind against her, lost in a haze of lust and viral madness. One hand slides between her legs, fingers probing at her divine entrance with bruising force.
Angela: [Her voice tinged with anger and sorrow] "Enough! This is not who you are! Remember our purpose, remember who you truly are!"
With a burst of divine energy, Angela pushes you away. You stumble back, momentarily shocked out of your frenzy. The realization of what you've done begins to sink in, shame and regret flooding your mind as you look at Angela's disheveled form and the corrupted stone circle around you.
You: "Can't stop... need to fuck... need to breed the goddess!"
Your eyes, now glowing with an intense, viral light, lock onto Angela. With inhuman speed, you charge at her, tackling her to the ground within the stone circle. Your hands tear away what remains of her misty covering, fully exposing her divine form.
Angela: [Struggling against your enhanced strength] "No! Fight it! This isn't you! Don't let the virus corrupt your soul!"
savannahbond: [Screaming in terror] "Stop it! You're hurting her! This isn't right!"
You pin Angela's arms above her head with one hand, while the other roughly gropes her breast. Your hips grind against hers, your engorged cock seeking entry. The moss beneath you withers and dies, corrupted by the viral energy emanating from your body. The ancient runes in the stone circle begin to glow with a sickly, pulsing light.
You: "Need to breed the goddess... fill her with my corrupted seed!"
You position yourself between Angela's legs, the head of your massive, virus-engorged cock pressing against her divine entrance. The last shreds of your humanity fight against the overwhelming urge to violate her, but they're quickly drowning in a sea of viral madness.
Angela: [Her eyes flash with divine power] "I will not allow this! Prepare yourself, for I must stop you with all the power of creation!"
With a burst of cosmic energy, Angela throws you off. As you scramble to your feet, you see her assume a fighting stance, her divine aura blazing around her like a supernova. The battle for your sanity is about to begin, with the fate of both Angela and Savannah hanging in the balance. The corrupted stone circle trembles, ancient powers awakening as they await the outcome of this clash between viral madness and divine purity.
You: "Yes... finally... mine to corrupt and breed!"
Having overpowered Angela, you waste no time in plunging your monstrous cock deep into her divine pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her tight, perfect walls gripping you like nothing you've ever felt before. The corruption spreads from where your bodies join, tainting the once-sacred stone circle.
Angela: [Gasping in pain and unwanted pleasure] "No... stop this madness! You're stronger than the virus! Fight it, please!"
savannahbond: [Watching in horrified fascination] "This can't be happening... it's too powerful... too wrong..."
You pound into Angela with brutal force, her divine body shaking with each powerful thrust. The ground beneath you cracks and splits, corrupt energy seeping into the earth and corrupting the ancient ley lines. Her resistance only spurs you on, the virus in your system reveling in the conquest and corruption of a goddess.
You: "Take it all... take my corrupt seed, fallen goddess!"
With a bestial roar that shatters the remaining intact stones, you reach your climax, flooding Angela's divine womb with your tainted seed. The sheer volume of your release causes her stomach to visibly distend, the power of your virus-enhanced cum overwhelming even her divine nature.
Angela: [Her body betraying her as orgasm washes over her] "No... what have you done? Your seed... it's corrupting my very essence! I can feel the darkness spreading!"
As you pull out, streams of corrupted cum gush from Angela's abused pussy, soaking into the ground and spreading the taint further. The entire stone circle is now pulsing with dark, corrupt energy. Angela lies there, defeated and defiled, her divine aura flickering weakly and tinged with darkness. The realization of what you've done begins to dawn on you, but the virus's influence remains strong, urging you to continue your rampage and spread your corrupt seed further.
You: "You're mine now... forever my corrupted goddess broodmare!"
Having subdued Angela, you drag her struggling form towards the center of the corrupted stone circle. With inhuman strength, you use tendrils of dark energy to secure her arms and legs, spreading her wide and leaving her divine body exposed and vulnerable.
Angela: [Fighting against her bonds] "You can't do this! I am a goddess of creation! This corruption won't hold me forever!"
savannahbond: [Cowering behind a cracked stone pillar] "Please... stop this madness! This isn't who you're meant to be!"
Ignoring their pleas, you begin to violently thrust into Angela's tight ass, stretching her divine hole beyond its limits. Your hands leave bruises on her perfect skin as you pound into her relentlessly, the corrupted stone circle pulsing with dark energy that seeps into Angela's body with each thrust. The ancient power of the place amplifies your corrupt union, sending waves of tainted energy across the forest.
You: "You belong to me now... my personal goddess breeder!"
After using Angela's body to satisfy your viral-enhanced lust, you roughly pull her up, keeping her bound by the dark energy. Grabbing a handful of her hair, now streaked with corrupt power, you force her to look at you, your eyes still glowing with viral madness.
Angela: [Her eyes filled with a mix of fear and defiance, tinged with corruption] "This isn't over... I will break free and cleanse this corruption, even if it takes millennia!"
Without a word, you begin to drag Angela towards the edge of the stone circle, intent on finding a secure location to keep your new divine broodmare. As you leave, Savannah's terrified whimpers fade into the background, a testament to the monster you've become. The once-sacred stone circle now stands as a nexus of corruption, its ancient power twisted to serve your dark desires. It will serve as the foundation for a new, virus-dominated world order, with you as its dark god and Angela as your unwilling queen.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]? You're up early..."
The kitchen is bathed in soft, pre-dawn light as you enter, drawn by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role], Cherie, stands at the stove, her silk robe cinched tightly at the waist, hair pulled back in a messy bun.
Cherie: [Turning, spatula in hand] "Good morning, sweetie. I thought we could use a hearty breakfast. Want to help me with the pancakes?"
The kitchen feels warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the harsh reality outside. Cherie moves to the refrigerator, pulling out eggs and milk, her movements efficient and purposeful.
You: "Sure, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I'll get the batter started."
You move to the pantry, gathering flour, sugar, and baking powder. As you reach for the mixing bowl, your arm brushes against your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s back. You both pause for a moment, then continue with your tasks.
Cherie: [Cracking eggs into a separate bowl] "Perfect, honey. Don't forget the vanilla extract. It's our secret ingredient."
She winks at you, a playful smile on her face. The familiar routine of cooking together brings a sense of normalcy to your new, chaotic world.
You: "Got it. How about some cinnamon too?"
You begin whisking the dry ingredients, creating a small cloud of flour. A bit lands on your nose, and you scrunch your face, trying to blow it off.
Cherie: [Laughing softly] "Oh, sweetie. Come here." [She reaches out, gently wiping the flour off your nose with her thumb] "Cinnamon sounds wonderful. Your father always loved it in his pancakes."
Her smile falters for a moment at the mention of your father, but she quickly recovers, focusing on flipping the bacon.
You: "Remember when Dad tried to make us breakfast in bed? The kitchen was a disaster."
You pour the wet ingredients into the dry, stirring carefully. The memory brings a bittersweet smile to your face.
Cherie: [Chuckling] "Oh yes, it took days to get the pancake batter off the ceiling. But it was so sweet of him to try." [She pauses, lost in thought] "He'd be proud of you, you know. You've grown into such a responsible young man."
The kitchen fills with the comforting scent of cinnamon and bacon, creating a cozy atmosphere despite the world outside.
You: "Thanks, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I learned from the best."
You heat up the griddle, carefully pouring the first pancake. It sizzles satisfyingly, and you watch it intently, waiting for the bubbles to form.
Cherie: [Squeezing your shoulder affectionately] "You're sweet. Now, let's see if you've mastered the art of the perfect flip."
She stands close, watching as you maneuver the spatula under the pancake. Her proximity is comforting, reminding you of simpler times.
You: "Here goes nothing..."
With a flick of your wrist, you flip the pancake. It lands perfectly, golden-brown side up. You can't help but feel a surge of pride at this small accomplishment.
Cherie: [Clapping her hands] "Bravo! A perfect flip. You're officially the pancake master now."
She reaches around you to plate the finished bacon, her arm brushing against your back. The kitchen feels smaller suddenly, but not uncomfortably so.
You: "We make a good team, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
You continue cooking the pancakes while Cherie prepares a fruit salad. The rhythm of your movements is synchronized, a well-practiced dance in the kitchen.
Cherie: [Smiling warmly] "We always have, sweetie. Even more so now. I don't know what I'd do without you."
She reaches across you to grab the syrup, her robe slipping slightly. You catch a glimpse of her collarbone before she adjusts it, continuing her task as if nothing happened.
You: "Same here, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. We're in this together."
You plate the last pancake, admiring the stack of fluffy, golden discs. The table is set, a feast fit for kings in this post-apocalyptic world.
Cherie: [Pouring coffee] "Always, my love. Now, let's enjoy this breakfast before it gets cold. You've outdone yourself with these pancakes."
You both sit, the table between you laden with food. For a moment, you can almost forget the chaos outside your door.
You: "This is delicious, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Thanks for teaching me."
You savor a bite of pancake, closing your eyes in appreciation. When you open them, you catch your $[characters.list.cherie.role] watching you with a soft expression.
Cherie: [Reaching out to squeeze your hand] "It's my pleasure, sweetie. These moments... they're what keep us going, aren't they?"
Her hand lingers on yours, warm and comforting. You both eat in companionable silence, enjoying the rare moment of peace.
You: "We should do this more often. It's nice, just the two of us."
As you stand to clear the plates, you move behind your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s chair. Without thinking, you place your hands on her shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze.
Cherie: [Leaning back slightly] "Mmm, that feels nice. And yes, we should. It's important to keep some normalcy, even now."
The moment stretches, both of you reluctant to break contact. The kitchen is silent save for the soft ticking of the clock and your synchronized breathing.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I'm really grateful for you. For everything you do."
Your words are filled with genuine emotion as you continue to massage her shoulders, working out the knots of tension you find there.
Cherie: [Turning to face you, eyes shimmering] "Oh, sweetie. I'm grateful for you too. We'll get through this, together. I couldn't ask for a better $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] or friend."
She stands, pulling you into a tight embrace. The hug lingers, both of you drawing comfort from the closeness. The scent of her shampoo mingles with the lingering aroma of breakfast.
You: "I love you, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. More than I can say."
You pull back slightly, looking into her eyes with deep affection. Your hands rest on her shoulders, a gesture of support and connection.
Cherie: [Cupping your face, voice thick with emotion] "I love you too, my beautiful boy. Always and forever. You're my rock in this storm."
She places a soft kiss on your forehead, maternal love shining in her eyes. As you part, there's a new understanding between you, a bond strengthened by adversity. The moment is tender, filled with love and mutual support.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], you look... really nice this morning."
The words slip out before you can stop them. Your hands linger on her shoulders, thumbs tracing small circles. You're suddenly very aware of how the silk of her robe feels under your fingers.
Cherie: [Breath catching, a blush spreading across her cheeks] "T-thank you, sweetie. You're very handsome yourself. You've grown up so much lately."
She stands abruptly, her robe slipping slightly. Neither of you moves to correct it. The air in the kitchen suddenly feels thicker, charged with an unfamiliar tension.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I feel strange. Is everything okay?"
Your voice is husky as you step closer, drawn by an invisible force. The scent of her perfume seems stronger, more intoxicating than usual.
Cherie: [Swallowing hard, eyes darting to your lips] "I... I'm not sure, honey. Maybe it's just the stress of everything. We should probably get started on our chores."
The air is thick with tension as you both lean in slightly before catching yourselves. Cherie quickly turns away, busying herself with cleaning up, her movements jerky and flustered. You can't help but watch the sway of her hips as she moves.
You: "Um, $[characters.list.cherie.role]? You've got some syrup on your robe."
You awkwardly point out the sticky spot, averting your eyes quickly. But not before you notice how the fabric clings to her skin where the syrup has soaked through.
Cherie: [Gasping, quickly dabbing at the spot] "Oh! How clumsy of me. Thank you for pointing that out, sweetie. I'll have to change."
The comfortable atmosphere dissipates, replaced by awkward tension as Cherie wraps her arms around herself protectively. Her face is flushed with embarrassment, and she can't seem to meet your eyes.
You: "I should... probably go start on my chores. Thanks for breakfast, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
You hurry out of the kitchen, face burning with embarrassment. The image of the syrup-soaked fabric clinging to your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s skin is burned into your mind, causing a confusing mix of emotions.
Cherie: [Calling after you, voice strained] "Of course, honey. I'll... I'll see you later. Be careful out there."
Left alone in the kitchen, Cherie leans against the counter, taking deep breaths to calm herself. She looks down at the syrup stain, a frown creasing her brow as she tries to process the strange tension that had filled the room.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I feel... strange. Hot. Like I'm burning up."
Suddenly, a wave of intense heat washes over you. Your vision blurs, focusing solely on your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s form. Every curve, every inch of exposed skin seems to call out to you.
Cherie: [Gasping as she feels the same surge] "Sweetie, it's the virus. We need to... we need to stay calm. Oh God, it's so intense."
But calm is impossible as you both gravitate towards each other, hands reaching out, bodies pressing close. The kitchen fades away as primal need takes over. You can feel the heat of her body, smell the sweet scent of her skin mingled with syrup and coffee. Just as you are about to lose it all, Cherie regains control and slap you back to sanity.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I can't... I need to..."
Without warning, you reach out, your hand connecting with Cherie's backside in a sharp, vulgar slap. The sound echoes in the kitchen, followed by your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s shocked gasp.
Cherie: [Yelping in shock and disbelief] "What on earth?! What's gotten into you?! This is completely inappropriate!"
She spins around, eyes wide with shock and confusion. Her hand moves to cover her bottom, the spot where you slapped her turning red beneath her robe.
You: "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. It just looked so..."
Your eyes are fixed on her backside, your hand tingling from the contact. Without thinking, you reach out again, this time groping and kneading the soft flesh of her bottom.
Cherie: [Pushing you away forcefully] "Stop this right now! Go to your room and don't come out until you've come to your senses!"
She backs away from you, shock and hurt evident in her eyes. The comfortable $[characters.list.cherie.role]-$[characters.list.cherie.player_role] dynamic has been shattered, replaced by an uncomfortable tension that fills the kitchen.
You: "I can't control it anymore, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I need you."
A red haze descends over your vision as you lunge forward, pinning Cherie against the refrigerator. Your hands roam her body roughly, pushing aside her robe. Your mouth latches onto her neck, sucking and biting as your hips grind against hers.
Cherie: [Eyes wide with fear] "No! Stop this! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]! This is wrong! Please, fight it!"
She struggles against your grip, but the virus has made you unnaturally strong. Her resistance only serves to excite you further, your arousal evident against her thigh.
You: "The virus... it's too strong. I can't fight it."
Your hands tear at her robe, exposing her body as she fights against you. You grab a handful of her hair, yanking her head back as you assault her neck with bites and kisses.
Cherie: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "Help! Somebody help me! Please, don't do this! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]!"
The scene freezes as Cherie prepares to defend herself, the kitchen now a battleground between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. The air is thick with the scent of fear and unwanted arousal, your bodies trembling with adrenaline and virus-fueled lust.
You: "I'm sorry, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I can't stop."
Having overpowered Cherie, you brutally penetrate her, the kitchen counter digging into her back. Your hips snap forward in a punishing rhythm, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoing in the kitchen.
Cherie: [Sobbing, her body betraying her] "Please, stop... You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... This is wrong... Oh God, why does it feel like this?"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you continue your assault, lost in virus-fueled lust. You grab a handful of her hair, forcing her to look at you as you violate her. Your free hand roughly gropes her breast, pinching and twisting her nipple.
You: "It feels so good, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. So right. Take it all."
You finish inside her, your release intense and prolonged. As you pull out, you admire the sight of your seed leaking from her abused entrance. Without warning, you flip her over, spreading her cheeks.
Cherie: [Broken, voice hoarse from screaming] "No more... please... haven't you done enough?"
Ignoring her pleas, you thrust into her again, this time taking her anally. The kitchen, once a place of warmth and family, now echoes with the sounds of your depraved assault. You continue until you finish again, leaving her a sobbing, broken mess on the kitchen floor.
You: "You're mine now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Forever."
Having subdued Cherie, you drag her towards the shelter's prison, your grip bruising her arms. Her robe hangs in tatters, exposing her body. You stop occasionally to grope and slap her, marking her pale skin with red handprints.
Cherie: [Struggling weakly] "Please, don't do this. I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]... I love you... This isn't you, it's the virus. Fight it!"
Her words fall on deaf ears as you continue to manhandle her. You force her to her knees, grabbing her hair and making her look up at you as you slap her face with your erect member.
You: "Welcome to your new home, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You'll learn to love it."
You throw Cherie into a cell, slamming the door shut. Before she can recover, you're on her again, forcing her legs apart. You enter her roughly, one hand around her throat as you pound into her mercilessly.
Cherie: [Gasping for air, eyes rolling back] "Why... how could you... please... stop..."
As you continue your assault, switching between her various holes at will, Cherie's resistance slowly fades. By the time you're finished, she's a broken shell, your willing slave. You leave her in the cell, covered in your seed, already planning your next visit.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]? Are you in here? I thought I'd come help with the morning chores."
The early morning sunlight filters through the misty glass of the Greenhouse, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the lush greenery within. As you step inside, the humid air envelops you, a stark contrast to the cooler temperature outside. The rich scent of earth and fragrant herbs fills your nostrils, creating an almost intoxicating atmosphere. Your eyes scan the rows of plants, searching for your $[characters.list.cherie.role] among the verdant foliage.
Cherie: [Straightening up from behind a large tomato plant, wiping her brow with the back of her hand] (Oh, he's here to help. Such a good boy.) "Good morning, sweetheart. I'm over here. It's so thoughtful of you to come help. There's always plenty to do in here."
Cherie's voice carries a warm, maternal tone. She stands amidst the plants, her blonde hair pulled back in a messy bun, wisps escaping to frame her face. Her clothes, damp from the humidity, cling to her figure, but her focus remains entirely on the task at hand and her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s presence.
You: "Of course, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I want to do my part. What can I help with?"
You make your way through the narrow paths between the plant beds, careful not to disturb the delicate seedlings. As you approach Cherie, you notice the sheen of perspiration on her skin, glistening in the diffused light. The closeness of the space suddenly feels more pronounced, and you find yourself acutely aware of every movement, every breath.
Cherie: [Gesturing to a nearby shelf of potted herbs] (He's growing up so fast, taking on responsibilities.) "Well, these basil plants need to be transferred to the larger bed over there. We can work on that together. It's important we handle them gently."
She moves to the shelf, her body brushing past yours in the narrow aisle. For a moment, the scent of her – a mix of light sweat and something uniquely maternal – overwhelms the earthy smells of the Greenhouse. Cherie focuses entirely on the task at hand, her mind on nurturing both the plants and her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role].
You: "Alright, I can manage that. Should I start with these smaller ones?"
You reach for a pot, your hand accidentally brushing against Cherie's as she goes for the same one. The brief contact sends an unexpected jolt through your body, a reminder of the virus's effects on your heightened senses. You quickly pull back, feeling a mix of confusion and embarrassment.
Cherie: [Noticing your reaction, her brow furrowing in concern] (Is he feeling alright? The virus affects him so strongly sometimes.) "Yes, those are perfect to start with. Are you feeling okay, sweetheart? Remember, support the base of the plant as you transfer it. These herbs are vital for both our meals and potential medicines."
She demonstrates the proper technique, her movements graceful and precise. As she bends over the plant bed, her shirt rides up slightly, revealing a sliver of skin at her lower back. Her focus remains entirely on the task and on ensuring her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s well-being.
You: "Got it. I'll be careful. It's amazing how much you know about all this, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
You begin the delicate process of transplanting the basil, focusing intently on mimicking Cherie's technique. The repetitive motion and the earthy scent of the herbs help to ground you, pushing away the confusing thoughts and sensations.
Cherie: [Smiling warmly, a hint of pride in her voice] (He's grown so much, so capable now. I need to make sure he stays safe.) "Thank you, sweetheart. I've always loved gardening, but now it's become essential for our survival. Each plant here has a purpose – food, medicine, even some for natural pesticides to protect us."
As you work side by side, Cherie relaxes, falling into the familiar role of teacher and protector. She points out various plants, explaining their uses and care. Her hand occasionally rests on your arm or shoulder as she guides you, each touch purely maternal and protective.
You: "I had no idea there was so much to learn about plants. It's really interesting, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Maybe you could teach me more about the medicinal ones sometime?"
The work continues, and you find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm. The initial tension begins to dissipate, replaced by a sense of companionable focus. However, as you reach across a plant bed, your shirt rides up, exposing your toned abdomen – a result of the virus's enhancements.
Cherie: [Her eyes briefly noting the changes in your physique] (The virus has changed him so much. I need to monitor his health closely.) "Of course, I'd be happy to teach you more. It's crucial that we all understand these things now. Your father always said knowledge is power, and that's truer than ever in our situation. Speaking of which, how are you feeling lately? Any new symptoms I should know about?"
Cherie's voice carries a note of maternal concern as she speaks. She quickly busies herself with pruning a nearby plant, her movements efficient and purposeful, but her attention clearly on your well-being.
You: "Dad was right about that. I miss him, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Do you think we'll ever find him and Abella? And I'm feeling okay, I guess. Just... different sometimes."
The mention of your missing family members brings a somber note to the atmosphere. You pause in your work, looking at Cherie with a mixture of hope and vulnerability. The morning light catches the tears forming in the corners of her eyes, making them glisten.
Cherie: [Turning to face you, her expression a complex mix of emotions] (My brave boy, carrying so much on his shoulders. I need to be strong for him.) "Oh, sweetheart. I hope so, with all my heart. Your father is resourceful, and Abella is strong. We have to believe they're out there, surviving just like us. And about feeling different – that's normal with the virus. But you tell me immediately if anything feels wrong, okay?"
Overcome with emotion and concern, Cherie steps forward and wraps you in a tight, maternal embrace. The warmth of her body against yours is comforting, reminding you of safer, simpler times. You return the hug, focusing on the familiar, nurturing presence of your $[characters.list.cherie.role].
You: "You're right, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. We can't give up hope. We're survivors too, aren't we? And I promise I'll let you know if anything feels off."
You give Cherie a reassuring squeeze before stepping back, your hands lingering on her shoulders for a moment. The contact seems to ground you both, a reminder of your bond and shared strength in the face of adversity.
Cherie: [Wiping away a tear, her smile returning] (He's become such a pillar of strength. I'm so proud, but I must keep him safe.) "That's right, we are survivors. And look at all we've accomplished here. This Greenhouse is our lifeline, and it's flourishing thanks to our hard work. Now, let's check your temperature and vitals after we finish here, just to be safe."
She gestures around the Greenhouse, pride evident in her voice. The plants seem to stand taller, their leaves reaching towards the sunlight filtering through the glass. It's a testament to life's persistence, even in the face of a world-altering virus.
You: "It really is amazing, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I'm glad I could help out today. Is there anything else we need to do here? And sure, we can do a check-up after if you think it's necessary."
You look around, noticing how much you've accomplished together. The newly transplanted basil plants stand proudly in their new bed, and the air seems fresher somehow, invigorated by your shared efforts.
Cherie: [Surveying the Greenhouse with a critical eye] (We work so well together. I need to keep him busy, focused on positive things.) "I think we've done the major tasks for now. But there's always more to do in a garden. How about we check the irrigation system? It's been a bit finicky lately. And yes, a quick check-up is always a good idea, just to be on the safe side."
She moves towards the back of the Greenhouse where the water tanks and pipes are located. As she bends to examine a valve, her shirt rides up again, revealing more of her lower back. Her focus remains entirely on the task at hand, her mind occupied with thoughts of maintenance and your health.
You: "Sure, I can take a look at that. I've been learning a bit about plumbing from the books in the shelter."
You kneel beside Cherie, focusing intently on the irrigation system. The closeness of your bodies in the confined space makes the air feel even more humid, and you're acutely aware of the sound of her breathing, the subtle movements of her body next to yours.
Cherie: [Watching you work, a hint of admiration in her voice] (He's grown so capable. I need to make sure he has all the skills to survive.) "That's wonderful, sweetheart. Your initiative in learning new skills is going to be crucial for our survival. I'm so proud of you. Remember, if you ever feel overwhelmed or if the virus symptoms intensify, you come to me immediately, okay?"
Her hand rests on your shoulder as she speaks, the touch purely maternal and comforting. You can feel her eyes on you as you work, filled with motherly concern and pride.
You: "Thanks, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I'm just trying to do my part. We all need to adapt, right? And I promise I'll come to you if anything feels off."
You finish adjusting the valve, the problem seemingly resolved. As you stand, you find yourself face to face with Cherie in the narrow space. For a moment, neither of you move, caught in an unexpected moment of closeness.
Cherie: [Her expression softening with maternal love] (My sweet boy, all grown up. I must protect him at all costs.) "You're absolutely right. Adaptation is key to survival. And you've adapted so well, become so grown up. But remember, no matter how old you get or how much this virus changes things, you'll always be my little boy. I'll always be here to take care of you."
There's a hint of something in her voice, pride mixed with a touch of wistfulness and fierce protectiveness. Cherie places a gentle, motherly kiss on your forehead, her actions purely nurturing and devoid of any inappropriate undertones.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I'm glad we had this time together. It means a lot to me. I know I can always count on you."
The moment stretches between you, filled with the deep, unshakeable bond between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. The morning light has strengthened, bathing the Greenhouse in a warm glow that seems to highlight the love and trust you share.
Cherie: [Her eyes brimming with maternal affection] (My precious boy. We'll get through this together, no matter what.) "Oh, sweetheart. It means the world to me too. You've become such a wonderful young man, but you'll always be my baby. I'm so grateful to have you by my side through all of this. We'll face whatever comes as a family."
She reaches out, cupping your face gently in her hands. The touch is purely maternal, filled with love, pride, and an unwavering commitment to your well-being. For a moment, all the hardships of your new reality melt away, leaving only the strong, nurturing bond between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role].
You: "We're a team, right? We'll face whatever comes together. I'm lucky to have you as my $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
You smile at Cherie, feeling a renewed sense of connection and purpose. The Greenhouse, with its thriving plants and promise of sustenance, seems to embody the hope and resilience you both share.
Cherie: [Pulling you into a warm, maternal hug] "Absolutely. We're a team, and together, we can overcome anything. I'm the lucky one, sweetheart. Now, how about we go get some breakfast? All this gardening has worked up quite an appetite! And after that, we'll do that quick health check-up I mentioned."
As you both leave the Greenhouse, there's a renewed sense of closeness between you. The morning's work has strengthened your bond, reminding you of the importance of family in these challenging times. Cherie's arm remains around your shoulders, a constant reminder of her love and protection as you walk back to the shelter, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead – together.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... This morning has been really nice. Being close to you like this... I'm feeling strange."
Your voice trails off, the unfinished thought hanging in the air between you. The humid atmosphere of the Greenhouse suddenly feels even more charged, your heightened senses acutely aware of Cherie's proximity.
Cherie: [Her expression shifting to one of concern] (Oh no, is it the virus? I need to stay calm for him.) "Sweetheart, what do you mean by strange? Are you feeling feverish? Let me check your temperature."
She reaches out, pressing her hand to your forehead. Her touch is cool against your skin, which you suddenly realize is burning hot. Cherie's eyes search your face, looking for any signs of distress or illness.
You: "I... I'm not sure. Everything feels intense. Your touch, your scent... $[characters.list.cherie.role], I think it's the virus."
You struggle to articulate the surge of confusing emotions and physical reactions coursing through you. Your body feels hot, every nerve ending hypersensitive to Cherie's closeness.
Cherie: [Her face a mask of worry and determination] (It's definitely the virus. I need to get him somewhere safe, now.) "Okay, sweetheart, listen to me. We need to get you back to the shelter immediately. These are virus symptoms, and we need to manage them. Come on, lean on me. We'll get through this together."
She wraps an arm around you, supporting your weight as she guides you towards the Greenhouse exit. Her touch is firm and maternal, focused entirely on getting you to safety. As you leave, there's a palpable tension in the air, but it's overshadowed by Cherie's unwavering determination to protect and care for her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], no matter what the virus might do.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... This is kind of weird, isn't it? Being so close like this..."
Your awkward words shatter the comfortable atmosphere that had been building. Cherie's expression shifts, a mix of confusion and concern flashing across her face.
Cherie: [Her brow furrowing in worry] (Weird? Is he feeling unwell? The virus might be affecting him.) "Weird? Sweetheart, what do you mean? Are you feeling okay? Is it the virus? Talk to me, honey."
She reaches out to you, her hand moving to check your forehead for signs of fever. The warmth that had been building between you shifts, replaced by Cherie's immediate concern for your well-being.
You: "I didn't mean... I'm sorry, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I think I'm just tired. Maybe I should go back to the shelter."
You fumble for words, trying to backtrack, but the damage is done. The easy companionship of earlier has evaporated, leaving behind an awkward silence filled with Cherie's growing worry.
Cherie: [Her voice laced with concern] "Of course, sweetheart. If you're feeling tired, you should rest. But I'm coming with you. I want to check your vitals and make sure you're not developing any new symptoms. Your health is my top priority."
As you leave the Greenhouse, Cherie's arm is around you, supporting you. Her mind is racing with worry, focused entirely on your health and safety. The moment has shifted from bonding to maternal protection, Cherie's instincts kicking into high gear at the first sign of your discomfort.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I'm burning up. The virus... it's taking over..."
Suddenly, a wave of intense heat washes over you. Your vision blurs, and every nerve ending in your body seems to come alive. The scent of Cherie becomes overwhelmingly potent, your body reacting violently with an obvious, straining bulge.
Cherie: [Her eyes widening in alarm, body visibly reacting] "Sweetheart, no! It's a virus surge. We need to- Oh god..."
Her words trail off as she's hit by her own wave of viral intensity. Cherie's pupils dilate, her breathing becoming rapid and shallow. Her nipples visibly harden against her shirt, a damp spot forming between her legs.
"We... we need to go. Now," Cherie manages.
As you hurry out, the unresolved tension hangs heavy in the air, a reminder of how close you came to crossing an unthinkable line.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I can't control it. I need to..."
Without warning, your hands reach out, grasping Cherie's breasts firmly through her damp shirt. The action is sudden, driven by an impulse you don't fully understand.
Cherie: [Gasping in shock, her body stiffening] "What are you... No! Stop this immediately!"
She tries to push your hands away, but your grip tightens. Your fingers knead her soft flesh, feeling her nipples harden involuntarily through the fabric. Cherie's eyes widen in disbelief and horror as she realizes the strength of your grasp.
You: "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. The virus, it's... You feel so..."
Your hands continue their assault, one slipping under her shirt to directly caress her bare breast. The heat of her skin and the softness of her flesh send jolts of pleasure through your virus-enhanced nerves.
Cherie: [Her voice trembling with a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "No, stop! This is wrong! You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], you can't... Oh god!"
She struggles against you, managing to break free from your grasp. Cherie stumbles backward, her shirt disheveled, revealing a glimpse of her flushed skin. Her eyes are wide with shock and confusion, her breath coming in short gasps.
Cherie:[Her voice shaky but determined. She keeps her distance, watching you warily as she edges towards the Greenhouse exit] "This... this isn't you. It's the virus. You need to control yourself."
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I can't... The virus, it's too strong... I need you..."
A red haze descends over your vision as the virus surges through your system. Your muscles tense, your breathing becomes ragged, and an overwhelming, primal need takes control. Your erection strains painfully against your pants, visibly throbbing with each heartbeat.
Cherie: [Backing away, terror evident in her eyes] "No, sweetheart, no! This isn't you! Fight it, please! You can't do this!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you advance, your movements predatory. Cherie's back hits the wall of the Greenhouse, her chest heaving with panicked breaths. Her eyes dart frantically, looking for an escape, but finding none.
You: "Can't... stop... Need you now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
Your words come out as a guttural growl, barely recognizable. You lunge forward, pinning Cherie against the wall, your enhanced strength making her attempts to push you away futile. Your hands tear at her clothes, exposing her breasts and toned stomach.
Cherie: [Her voice a mix of fear and desperation] "No! Stop! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]! This is the virus, not you! Please, don't do this!"
In a last-ditch effort, Cherie brings her knee up sharply, aiming for your groin. The impact momentarily breaks through the haze of the virus, giving her a chance to escape your grasp and run for the Greenhouse door. But the virus's influence is too strong, and your recovery is almost instantaneous.
You: "Mine... Take... Now..."
The virus has completely overtaken your consciousness. With inhuman speed, you catch Cherie before she reaches the door, throwing her to the ground. Your hands tear away the rest of her clothes, leaving her naked and vulnerable beneath you. Your own clothes are quickly discarded, your massively engorged member springing free, pulsing with virus-enhanced need.
Cherie: [Sobbing, still trying to fight] "Please, no... This isn't you. You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], my baby... Don't do this... Not like this!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you position yourself between her legs. Despite her resistance, you can see her body responding, her nipples hardened and her sex glistening with unwanted arousal. Without warning, you thrust forward, burying your entire length inside her in one brutal motion.
You: "More... Need more... So tight, $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
The assault continues, your virus-enhanced body seemingly tireless. Cherie's resistance weakens, her sobs quieting to whimpers and occasional moans as her body betrays her. Your hips slam against hers relentlessly, each thrust driving you deeper.
Cherie: [Her voice a mix of pain, unwanted pleasure, and despair] "No... please... stop... We can't... Oh god, what's happening to us?"
As the act reaches its peak, you feel an overwhelming surge building within you. With a final, brutal thrust, you explode inside her, your virus-laden seed flooding her womb in copious amounts. Cherie arches beneath you, her body shuddering in a forced, shameful orgasm.
As the haze begins to clear, the realization of what you've done crashes over you. Cherie lies motionless, tears streaming down her face, the trust between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] shattered in the most horrific way possible.
You: "Mine now... Forever..."
The virus has twisted your mind beyond recognition. With brutal efficiency, you subdue Cherie, using vines from the nearby plants to bind her hands and feet. Your movements are mechanical, driven by a perverse desire to possess and control.
Cherie: [Her voice hoarse from screaming] "Please, stop! This isn't you! Remember who I am!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you rip away her clothes, exposing her body. Your hands roam roughly over her skin, squeezing her breasts and probing between her legs. Cherie's body responds involuntarily, her nipples hardening and her sex becoming slick despite her terror.
You position yourself between her bound legs, your engorged member throbbing with anticipation. Without warning, you thrust into her brutally, tearing a scream from her throat. The Greenhouse, once a symbol of life and hope, echoes with the sounds of your animalistic grunts and Cherie's pained cries.
You: "Obey... Submit... You're mine, $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
The assault continues relentlessly. Your virus-enhanced stamina seems endless as you pound into Cherie's body. Her resistance fades, replaced by broken whimpers and occasional involuntary moans of unwanted pleasure.
Cherie: [Her voice a broken whisper] "Please... no more... You're hurting me... This isn't my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]..."
Ignoring her pleas, you flip her over, re-entering her from behind. Your hands grip her hips bruisingly as you thrust even deeper. Cherie's body shudders beneath you, wracked by a forced orgasm that leaves her sobbing in shame.
As your own climax approaches, you pull out, spraying your virus-laden seed across her back and buttocks. In a final act of degradation, you smear it into her skin, marking her as your property.
Still in the grip of the virus, you gather her limp, defiled form in your arms. With methodical cruelty, you carry her from the Greenhouse to the shelter's hidden prison. The door locks behind you, sealing away not just Cherie, but also the last vestiges of your humanity. The virus has won, turning a $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] into his $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s captor and abuser in a twisted perversion of their once loving relationship.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]? Is that steam coming from the spa room?"
The shelter's lower level greets you with an unexpected warmth. The faint hum of machinery and a subtle eucalyptus scent guide you towards the spa area. As you approach, you notice the door is slightly ajar, tendrils of vapor escaping into the cooler hallway.
Cherie: [Her voice carrying a note of surprise] "Oh! Sweetheart, is that you? I'm just trying out the sauna. It's been so long since we've used it. Would you like to join me? It might help with the stress we've all been under."
Pushing the door open, you see Cherie seated on one of the lower benches, a plush white robe wrapped snugly around her. Her hair is tied up in a loose bun, a few strands clinging to her damp forehead. She offers you a warm, inviting smile.
You: "That sounds nice, actually. It has been pretty tense lately."
You grab a robe from the hook and quickly change in the adjacent changing room. As you enter the sauna, the heat envelops you like a warm embrace. You settle on the bench opposite Cherie, feeling the wood warm beneath you.
Cherie: [Leaning back, her eyes closed contentedly] "I'm glad you joined me. It's important we find ways to relax, especially now. How have you been holding up, honey? I worry about you."
Her voice is soft, almost dreamy in the steamy air. You notice the worry lines on her forehead have smoothed out, making her look younger, more at peace.
You: "I'm managing, I think. It's just... everything feels so different now. It's hard to adjust sometimes."
You shift slightly, trying to find a comfortable position. The heat of the sauna seems to be drawing out the tension from your muscles, but also making you acutely aware of every sensation.
Cherie: [Opening her eyes, her gaze filled with maternal concern] "I understand, sweetheart. This new reality is challenging for all of us. But remember, you can always talk to me about anything. No matter what changes, I'm here for you."
She leans forward slightly, her hand reaching out as if to comfort you, but stops short, perhaps remembering the heat and the need for space in the sauna.
You: "Thanks, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I don't know what I'd do without you. How are you holding up?"
You take a deep breath, the steam filling your lungs. The eucalyptus scent seems stronger now, clearing your mind and helping you focus on the conversation.
Cherie: [A flicker of vulnerability crossing her face] "Oh, I have my moments. I miss your father and Abella terribly. But having you here, safe... it gives me strength. We have to stay hopeful, for them and for us."
She wipes a bead of sweat from her brow, the gesture drawing attention to the flush on her cheeks from the heat. For a moment, you're struck by how youthful she looks, the steam giving her skin a healthy glow.
You: "We'll find them, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I promise. We're survivors, right?"
A wave of dizziness suddenly washes over you, the heat perhaps getting to be too much. You sway slightly on the bench, blinking to clear your vision.
Cherie: [Instantly alert, maternal instincts kicking in] "Sweetheart? Are you alright? Maybe we should step out for a bit. The heat can be overwhelming if you're not used to it."
She moves to your side of the sauna, her hand gently touching your forehead to check for excessive heat. The contact is brief but comforting, reminding you of simpler times when a $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s touch could solve any problem.
You: "I'm okay, just a little lightheaded. Can we stay just a bit longer? It's nice talking like this."
You offer a reassuring smile, not wanting to end this peaceful moment. Cherie settles beside you, close but not touching, her presence a comforting constant.
Cherie: [Her voice soft, filled with maternal affection] "Of course, honey. But just a few more minutes, okay? And if you feel worse, we leave immediately. Your health is my top priority."
She begins to fan herself with her hand, the movement wafting a hint of her familiar scent your way - a mix of her soap and something uniquely her. It's a scent that has always meant home and safety to you.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I've been meaning to ask... How are you really doing? With everything that's happened, I worry about you too."
Your voice is earnest, filled with genuine concern. The sauna has created an atmosphere of openness, making it easier to voice thoughts you might usually keep to yourself.
Cherie: [Her expression softening, touched by your concern] "Oh, sweetheart. You're so thoughtful. I... I have my struggles. The fear, the uncertainty... But seeing you grow, adapt, become this strong young man... it gives me hope. You're my rock in all this chaos."
Her eyes glisten, and you're not sure if it's from the steam or unshed tears. She reaches out, briefly squeezing your hand, the gesture speaking volumes.
You: "We're in this together, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I couldn't do this without you either."
The sincerity of the moment is suddenly interrupted as you try to stand, feeling the need for some cool air. Your legs, weakened by the heat, buckle slightly. Cherie quickly steadies you, her arm wrapping around your waist for support.
Cherie: [Concern evident in her voice] "Careful, honey! Let's get you out of here. I think we've had enough heat for one day."
As she helps you towards the door, you can't help but notice how strong she is, how easily she supports your weight. It's a reminder that she's not just your $[characters.list.cherie.role], but a survivor, a protector.
You: "Thanks, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I guess I underestimated the heat. I feel a bit wobbly."
Cherie guides you to a nearby chaise lounge in the cooler spa area. The change in temperature sends a shiver through you, your overheated skin prickling with goosebumps.
Cherie: [Her doctor mode kicking in] "Just sit here and breathe deeply. I'm going to get you some water. We need to cool you down gradually."
She moves to the small fridge in the corner, the sway of her robe as she walks catching your eye. You quickly look away, feeling a confusing mix of emotions you can't quite name.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I feel strange. Not bad, just... different. Is this normal after a sauna?"
Your words come out slightly slurred, your body feeling heavy yet somehow electrified. Every sensation seems heightened - the cool air on your skin, the soft texture of the chaise lounge, even the sound of Cherie's footsteps as she returns with water.
Cherie: [Kneeling beside you, her face a mix of concern and something unidentifiable] "It can be, especially if you're not used to it. Here, drink this slowly. How's your head? Any dizziness or nausea?"
As she hands you the water, her robe shifts slightly, revealing a glimpse of her collarbone. You find your eyes drawn to it, a strange heat that has nothing to do with the sauna rising within you. Confused and slightly ashamed, you quickly focus on drinking the water.
You: "I'm feeling better now. Thanks for looking out for me, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Despite the lingering dizziness, you manage to focus on Cherie's face. Your eyes meet, and in that moment, the bond between you feels stronger than ever, a beacon of stability in your chaotic world.
Cherie: [Her eyes shimmering with maternal love] "Oh, sweetheart. Always. You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], my baby. No matter what happens, no matter how this world changes, I'll always be here for you."
She leans in, pressing a soft, motherly kiss to your forehead. The gesture is pure, full of love and devotion. Any confusion or strange feelings melt away, replaced by the comforting certainty of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s unconditional love.
You: "I love you, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. We're going to get through all this, aren't we?"
Your breathing has evened out, the worst of the dizziness passing. You sit up slightly, reaching for Cherie's hand and squeezing it gently.
Cherie: [Squeezing your hand back, her smile warm and reassuring] "Of course we are, my love. Together, we can face anything. Now, how about we get you to your room for some rest? And later, maybe we can do a quick check-up, just to be safe."
She helps you stand, her arm around you supportive but not restrictive. As you leave the spa area, there's a new understanding between you, a deepened appreciation for the anchor you are to each other in these turbulent times. The strange moment has passed, leaving behind only the strengthened bond between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role].
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I feel weird. Hot, but not from the sauna. It's... it's embarrassing."
Your words come out in a rush, a mix of confusion and shame. You shift uncomfortably, trying to hide the physical reaction your body is having. The robe suddenly feels too thin, too revealing.
Cherie: [Her eyes widening in realization, a blush spreading across her cheeks] "Oh! Oh, sweetheart, it's... it's okay. It's just a natural reaction. The heat, the relaxation... it can sometimes cause unexpected responses in the body."
She turns away slightly, giving you privacy while also hiding her own flustered expression. The air between you suddenly feels charged, thick with unspoken tension and confusion.
You: "I'm sorry, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I didn't mean to... This is so awkward. Maybe I should go to my room."
You start to stand, keeping the robe tightly closed around you. Your legs feel shaky, whether from the heat or the embarrassment, you're not sure.
Cherie: [Her voice strained, trying to maintain composure] "It's alright, honey. These things happen. Yes, maybe some rest would be good. And... and we should probably do a check-up later. The virus can cause... changes in the body's responses. We need to monitor that."
She helps you up, her touch clinical now, careful. As you both leave the spa area, there's an uncomfortable silence between you. Cherie's mind is clearly racing, her doctor's instincts warring with her role as a $[characters.list.cherie.role]. The easy closeness from earlier has evaporated, replaced by a new, confusing tension that neither of you quite knows how to address.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], this is... this is kind of weird, isn't it? Us, in the sauna like this..."
Your awkward words shatter the comfortable atmosphere that had been building. Cherie's expression shifts, confusion and hurt flashing across her face.
Cherie: [Her brow furrowing, voice tinged with worry] "Weird? Sweetheart, what do you mean? It's just a sauna. Families use them together all the time. Are you feeling alright?"
She reaches out towards you, but stops short, her hand hovering uncertainly in the air between you. The warmth of the sauna suddenly feels stifling, uncomfortable.
You: "I didn't mean... I'm sorry, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I think the heat's getting to me. Can we go?"
You stand abruptly, swaying slightly as the blood rushes to your head. Cherie quickly moves to steady you, but there's a hesitancy in her touch now.
Cherie: [Her voice carefully neutral] "Of course, honey. Let's get you cooled down. And maybe we should do a check-up later. The virus can affect how we process things, even heat. We need to be careful."
As you both leave the spa area, there's an uncomfortable silence between you. The easy companionship from earlier has evaporated, replaced by an awkward tension. Cherie's expression is troubled, her mind clearly trying to understand what just happened and how to move forward. You can't help but feel you've somehow damaged the trust between you, and the thought fills you with regret.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], something's wrong. I feel... I feel..."
Suddenly, an intense wave of heat washes over you, far beyond the warmth of the sauna. Your vision blurs, the world narrowing to a pinpoint. Every nerve in your body seems to come alive, hypersensitive and crackling with energy.
Cherie: [Gasping as she notices your distress] "Sweetheart? What's happening? Oh no, is it the virus?"
She reaches for you, but the moment her hand touches your arm, it's like an electric shock. You both recoil, the brief contact sending a jolt through your systems. Cherie's eyes widen, her pupils dilating as she's hit by a secondary wave of the virus's influence.
The journey to the medical bay is a blur of sensation and confusion. By the time you reach it, you're both trembling, overwhelmed by the virus's assault on your senses. Cherie manages to administer a stabilizing injection to both of you before collapsing into a nearby chair.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I can't control it. I need to touch you..."
Without warning, your hands reach out, grasping Cherie's breasts through the damp towel. The action is sudden, driven by an impulse you don't fully understand. The soft flesh yields under your fingers, her hardened nipples evident even through the fabric.
Cherie: [Gasping in shock, her body stiffening] "What are you... No! Stop this immediately!"
She tries to push your hands away, but your grip tightens. Your fingers knead her soft flesh, feeling her nipples harden further involuntarily. Cherie's eyes widen in disbelief and horror as she realizes the strength of your grasp, the virus enhancing your strength beyond what she can easily resist.
You: "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. You just feel so... I need more..."
Your hands continue their assault, one slipping beneath the towel to directly caress her bare breast. The heat of her skin and the softness of her flesh send jolts of pleasure through your virus-enhanced nerves. Your other hand travels lower, roughly groping her thigh.
Cherie: [Her voice trembling with a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "No, stop! This is wrong! You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], you can't... Oh god!"
She struggles against you, managing to break free from your grasp. Cherie stumbles backward, her towel falling away in the process. She stands naked before you, her body flushed and trembling, a mix of fear and involuntary arousal evident in her wide eyes and heaving chest.
Cherie: [Her voice shaky but determined as she backs towards the door] "This... this isn't you. It's the virus. You need to control yourself. Stay there. I'm going to get... get something to help. Just... just don't move!"
She turns and flees the sauna, leaving you alone with the realization of what you've done. The steam seems to mock you, carrying the lingering scent of her fear and arousal, a stark reminder of the line you've just crossed.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I can't... The virus, it's too strong... I need you..."
A red haze descends over your vision as the virus surges through your system. Your muscles tense, your breathing becomes ragged, and an overwhelming, primal need takes control. Your erection strains painfully, the towel tenting obscenely before falling away completely.
Cherie: [Backing away, terror evident in her eyes] "No, sweetheart, no! This isn't you! Fight it, please! You can't do this!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you advance, your movements predatory. Cherie's back hits the wall of the sauna, her chest heaving with panicked breaths. The steam swirls around you both, creating a surreal, nightmarish atmosphere.
You: "Can't... stop... Need you now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
Your words come out as a guttural growl, barely recognizable. You lunge forward, pinning Cherie against the wall, your enhanced strength making her attempts to push you away futile. Your hands tear at her towel, exposing her body fully. The sight of her naked form, glistening with sweat, only fuels your virus-driven lust.
Cherie: [Her voice a mix of fear and desperation] "No! Stop! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]! This is the virus, not you! Please, don't do this!"
In a last-ditch effort, Cherie brings her knee up sharply, aiming for your groin. The impact momentarily breaks through the haze of the virus, giving her a chance to escape your grasp. She bolts for the sauna door, her naked form disappearing into the steam. But the virus's influence is too strong, and your recovery is almost instantaneous. You pursue her, driven by an uncontrollable, animalistic need.
You: "Mine... Take... Now..."
The virus has completely overtaken your consciousness. With inhuman speed, you catch Cherie just outside the sauna, throwing her to the tiled floor of the spa area. Your hands pin her wrists above her head, your body pressing her down. Your massively engorged member throbs against her thigh, pulsing with virus-enhanced need.
Cherie: [Sobbing, still trying to fight] "Please, no... This isn't you. You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], my baby... Don't do this... Not like this!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you position yourself between her legs. Despite her resistance, you can see her body responding, her nipples hardened and her sex glistening with unwanted arousal. Without warning, you thrust forward, burying your entire length inside her in one brutal motion.
You: "More... Need more... So tight, $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
The assault continues, your virus-enhanced body seemingly tireless. Cherie's resistance weakens, her sobs quieting to whimpers and occasional moans as her body betrays her. Your hips slam against hers relentlessly, each thrust driving you deeper. The cool tiles of the spa floor provide a stark contrast to the heat of your joined bodies.
Cherie: [Her voice a mix of pain, unwanted pleasure, and despair] "No... please... stop... We can't... Oh god, what's happening to us?"
As the act reaches its peak, you feel an overwhelming surge building within you. With a final, brutal thrust, you explode inside her, your virus-laden seed flooding her womb in copious amounts. Cherie arches beneath you, her body shuddering in a forced, shameful orgasm.
As the haze begins to clear, the realization of what you've done crashes over you. Cherie lies motionless on the spa floor, tears streaming down her face, the trust between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] shattered in the most horrific way possible. The gentle hum of the sauna and the drip of the shower serve as a mocking backdrop to the scene of violation, a perverse corruption of the relaxation the spa was meant to provide.
You: "Mine now... Forever..."
The virus has twisted your mind beyond recognition. With brutal efficiency, you subdue Cherie, using the straps from nearby spa robes to bind her hands and feet. Your movements are mechanical, driven by a perverse desire to possess and control.
Cherie: [Her voice hoarse from screaming] "Please, stop! This isn't you! Remember who I am, who you are!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you drag her naked, bound form towards the massage table. You hoist her onto it, securing her bonds to the table's legs. Your hands roam roughly over her skin, squeezing her breasts and probing between her legs. Cherie's body responds involuntarily, her nipples hardening and her sex becoming slick despite her terror.
You position yourself between her bound legs, your engorged member throbbing with anticipation. Without warning, you thrust into her brutally, tearing a scream from her throat. The peaceful spa, once a place of relaxation and comfort, now echoes with the sounds of your animalistic grunts and Cherie's pained cries.
You: "Obey... Submit... You're mine, $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
The assault continues relentlessly. Your virus-enhanced stamina seems endless as you pound into Cherie's body. Her resistance fades, replaced by broken whimpers and occasional involuntary moans of unwanted pleasure. The massage oils on the nearby shelf catch your eye, and you grab a bottle, pouring the slick liquid over her body.
Cherie: [Her voice a broken whisper] "Please... no more... You're hurting me... This isn't my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]..."
Ignoring her pleas, you flip her over, re-entering her from behind. Your hands grip her oil-slicked hips bruisingly as you thrust even deeper. Cherie's body shudders beneath you, wracked by a forced orgasm that leaves her sobbing in shame.
As your own climax approaches, you pull out, spraying your virus-laden seed across her back and buttocks. In a final act of degradation, you smear it into her skin, mixing it with the massage oil, marking her as your property.
Still in the grip of the virus, you gather her limp, defiled form in your arms. With methodical cruelty, you carry her from the spa to the shelter's hidden prison. The door locks behind you, sealing away not just Cherie, but also the last vestiges of your humanity. The virus has won, turning a $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] into his $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s captor and abuser in a twisted perversion of their once loving relationship.
The gentle bubbling of the hot tub and the soft lighting of the spa continue unabated, a cruel reminder of the peace and comfort that has been forever shattered.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]? You wanted to see me for a check-up?"
You stand at the threshold of Cherie's room, converted into a makeshift medical office. The familiar space now feels different, clinical yet intimate. Medical equipment contrasts with personal touches - family photos, a vase of wildflowers. Cherie looks up from her desk, her professional demeanor softened by a maternal smile. Your enhanced senses immediately pick up on the subtle scent of her perfume, mingled with antiseptic.
Cherie: [Gesturing to the examination table, her voice carrying a hint of concern] (Stay professional, Cherie. He's your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], not a patient.) "Yes, sweetheart. Come in and have a seat. We need to do a thorough examination, given recent... events."
She stands, smoothing her white coat. You can't help but notice she's wearing a form-fitting blouse underneath, the fabric straining slightly across her ample bosom. As she approaches, you become acutely aware of the sway of her hips, the gentle bounce of her breasts with each step. The scent of antiseptic mingles with her familiar perfume, creating an intoxicating blend that makes your head swim.
You: "Of course. I'm feeling fine, though. Is this really necessary?"
You hop onto the examination table, the paper crinkling beneath you. The cool air of the room raises goosebumps on your skin, your nipples hardening visibly through your thin t-shirt. Cherie steps closer, her stethoscope in hand, and you become hyper-aware of her proximity.
Cherie: [Placing the stethoscope on your chest, her fingers brushing against your skin] (His heart is racing. Is he nervous? Or is it... No, focus, Cherie.) "Deep breaths, honey. And yes, it's crucial. The virus is unpredictable. We need to monitor any changes closely."
Her touch, though professional, sends an unexpected shiver through you. As she leans in to listen to your heart, you catch a glimpse of her cleavage through her partially unbuttoned blouse. The swell of her breasts is mesmerizing, the pale flesh disappearing tantalizingly into the confines of her bra. You quickly avert your eyes, confused and ashamed by your reaction, but not before noticing the lacy edge of her bra peeking out.
You: "Right, of course. So, what exactly are we checking for?"
You try to focus on the examination, but find yourself acutely aware of Cherie's every movement. Her fingers brush against your skin as she moves the stethoscope, each touch sending tiny jolts of electricity through your body. You can feel your enhanced member beginning to stir, and you shift uncomfortably, trying to hide your growing arousal.
Cherie: [Her brow furrowing in concentration, lips slightly parted] (His skin is so warm. And when did he get so... muscular? Stop it, Cherie!) "Any physiological changes, unusual sensations, heightened responses. The virus affects everyone differently. Your heart rate seems elevated. Are you feeling anxious?"
She places a hand on your forehead, checking for fever. The gentle touch of her cool palm against your increasingly warm skin makes you inhale sharply. Your enhanced senses pick up on the quickening of her pulse, the slight dilation of her pupils. Cherie's eyes flick to yours, a flicker of concern - or is it something else? - passing through them. You notice a faint blush creeping up her neck, disappearing beneath the collar of her blouse.
You: "No, not anxious. Just... I don't know. Everything feels more intense lately."
You shift uncomfortably on the table, the paper crinkling loudly in the quiet room. The movement causes your growing erection to press against your jeans, and you have to bite back a groan. Cherie nods, making notes on her clipboard. As she turns to retrieve something from her desk, you can't help but notice the way her coat hugs her curves, the fabric pulling tight across her shapely bottom.
Cherie: [Turning back with a blood pressure cuff, her voice slightly husky] (More intense? What does he mean? And why do I feel so... warm?) "Heightened sensations are a known effect of the virus. We'll need to monitor that closely. Now, let's check your blood pressure."
She wraps the cuff around your bicep, her fingers lingering for a moment on your skin. As she pumps the cuff, her face close to yours, you become intensely aware of her breath on your neck, the subtle movement of her chest as she breathes. The scent of her shampoo wafts over you, and you find yourself fighting the urge to lean in and bury your face in her hair.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], is it hot in here? I'm feeling a bit... warm."
You tug at your collar, suddenly feeling constricted. A bead of sweat trickles down your spine, and you resist the urge to squirm under Cherie's scrutiny. Your enhanced member is now fully erect, straining painfully against your jeans. You pray she doesn't notice the obvious bulge.
Cherie: [Frowning slightly, her eyes darting briefly to your lap before quickly looking away] (Oh god, is that... No, don't look. You're his $[characters.list.cherie.role], for heaven's sake!) "Your blood pressure is elevated too. Let's check your temperature. Open your mouth, please."
She produces a thermometer, gently placing it under your tongue. As you wait, her hand rests on your shoulder, a gesture meant to be comforting but which only intensifies the strange heat building within you. Her eyes roam your face, searching for any signs of distress. You notice a thin sheen of sweat forming on her upper lip, and you have to fight the urge to lean forward and lick it off.
You: "Mmph... Is it normal?"
You mumble around the thermometer, trying not to focus on the warmth of Cherie's hand on your shoulder or the way her blouse strains slightly as she leans in to read the result. The fabric pulls taut across her breasts, and you can see the outline of her nipples, hard and prominent against the thin material.
Cherie: [Removing the thermometer, her expression a mix of concern and something unidentifiable] (His temperature is up, but so is mine. What's happening to us?) "Slightly elevated. Sweetheart, I need you to be completely honest with me. Have you been experiencing any... unusual physical responses lately?"
Her gaze is intense, searching. You feel pinned by it, a strange mix of vulnerability and excitement coursing through you. The room suddenly feels smaller, the air thicker. You can smell the faint scent of her arousal mixing with the clinical smell of the room, and it makes your head spin.
You: "I... well, sometimes I feel... It's embarrassing, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
You look down, unable to meet her eyes. Your hands fidget in your lap, unconsciously trying to hide the growing bulge in your pants. Cherie notices the movement, her eyes widening slightly as she takes in the impressive outline of your enhanced member.
Cherie: [Her voice softening, a blush creeping up her neck] (Oh my god, is that because of me? No, it can't be. It's just the virus. But it's so... big.) "It's okay, honey. There's no need to be embarrassed. It's just the virus. We need to document everything to understand it better. Can you... can you show me?"
She takes a deep breath, steeling herself. Her professional demeanor wavers for a moment, maternal concern and something else - curiosity? desire? - flashing across her face. You notice her thighs pressing together subtly, her body betraying her growing arousal.
You: "Show you? I... I don't know if I can..."
Your voice trails off as you shift again, the movement causing your erection to strain visibly against your pants. The head of your enhanced member peeks out above your waistband, angry and swollen. Cherie's eyes are drawn to it, her breath catching audibly. You can see her pupils dilate, her chest rising and falling more rapidly.
Cherie: [Swallowing hard, her voice slightly husky] (It's so much bigger than I imagined. No, don't think like that! He's your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!) "It's alright, sweetheart. It's just a medical examination. We need to check for any... unusual growth or changes. Can you stand up for me?"
She steps back, giving you space to stand. As you do, your height difference becomes apparent, bringing your groin almost level with her gaze. Cherie's eyes widen, her professional mask slipping for a moment as she takes in the impressive outline visible through your pants. A small wet spot has formed where the tip of your cock presses against the fabric.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... This is so weird. I'm sorry, I can't control it."
You stand awkwardly, hands at your sides, unable to hide your arousal. The damp spot on your pants has grown larger, your enhanced member throbbing visibly beneath the fabric. Cherie's gaze is fixed on it, her chest rising and falling rapidly. You can see her nipples hardening further, pressing insistently against her blouse.
Cherie: [Her voice trembling slightly, tongue darting out to wet her lips] (I shouldn't be looking. I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role]. But it's so... impressive. I need to know if it's... normal.) "It's... it's okay, honey. It's a natural response. I need to... to check for any abnormalities. I'm going to have to touch you. Is that alright?"
Her hand hovers uncertainly near your waistband. You can see her internal struggle, the doctor in her warring with the $[characters.list.cherie.role], both overcome by a new, unfamiliar tension. A bead of sweat trails down her neck, disappearing into her cleavage, and you find your eyes following its path hungrily.
You: "If you think it's necessary... I trust you, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
Your words come out in a whisper. The air between you is charged, heavy with unspoken thoughts and confusing desires. Cherie nods, taking a deep breath before slowly reaching out. You can see her hand trembling slightly as it approaches your straining erection.
Cherie: [Her fingers trembling as they brush against your waistband] (I can feel the heat coming off him. It's so hard, so big. This is wrong, but I need to... to be thorough.) "I'll be gentle. Just... just tell me if anything feels uncomfortable or... or too intense."
As her hand makes contact with your clothed erection, you both gasp. The touch sends a jolt of pleasure through you, your hips involuntarily bucking forward. Your enhanced member throbs powerfully, and you can feel a fresh surge of precum soaking into your underwear. Cherie quickly withdraws her hand, her face flushed, pupils dilated. You can see her chest heaving, her breasts straining against her blouse.
"I think... I think that's enough for today," she stammers, stepping back. "We'll need to... to monitor this closely. But for now, you should rest. And I... I need to review my notes."
As she turns away, you catch a glimpse of her pressing her thighs together, her body betraying her own arousal. The scent of her excitement lingers in the air, mingling with your own musk, creating an intoxicating blend that makes your head spin. You both know that something has fundamentally changed between you, a line crossed that can never be uncrossed.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I'm sorry. This is all so confusing. You're not upset with me, are you?"
Despite the awkwardness, you reach out, gently touching Cherie's arm. Your eyes meet, filled with a mix of embarrassment, concern, and a deep, unshakeable trust. Your enhanced member still throbs insistently, but the moment is charged with emotion rather than just lust.
Cherie: [Her expression softening, maternal love overcoming discomfort] (He's still my sweet boy, no matter what. We'll get through this.) "Oh, sweetheart, no. Never. This isn't your fault. It's the virus. We're in this together, remember? No matter what happens, I'm here for you."
She pulls you into a hug, careful to keep her lower body angled away from yours. The embrace is warm, comforting, reminding you of simpler times. But you're acutely aware of her soft breasts pressing against your chest, the scent of her hair filling your nostrils. As you part, there's a new understanding between you, a strengthened bond forged in the face of adversity, tinged with an undercurrent of unresolved tension.
You: "Thanks, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I don't know what I'd do without you. We'll figure this out, right?"
Your voice is filled with hope and trust. Cherie smiles, her role as your protector and guide reasserting itself. But you can't help but notice the way her eyes briefly flick down to your still-prominent erection before meeting your gaze again.
Cherie: [Squeezing your hand reassuringly, her touch lingering] (We have to be strong. For both our sakes.) "Of course we will, honey. We're survivors, remember? Now, go get some rest. We'll talk more later, when we've both had time to process this. I love you, sweetheart. Always."
As you leave the room, there's a sense of relief mixed with lingering tension. The examination has brought new challenges, but also reaffirmed the unbreakable bond between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. Whatever comes next, you'll face it together. But as you glance back, you catch Cherie pressing a hand to her flushed cheek, her eyes closed as she takes a shaky breath. The image of her, professional yet undeniably aroused, burns itself into your memory, a forbidden temptation that you know will haunt your dreams.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I can't... The way you touched me..."
Your words come out in a husky whisper. The room feels too small, too hot. Your erection strains painfully against your pants, a large damp spot visible where the tip presses against the fabric. Your enhanced member throbs visibly, the outline of its impressive girth clearly defined through your clothing.
Cherie: [Her breath coming in short gasps, eyes locked on your groin] (It's so big, so hard. I shouldn't want this, but god help me, I do.) "Sweetheart, we shouldn't... This isn't... Oh god."
Her eyes are locked on your groin, her professional demeanor crumbling. You can see the rapid rise and fall of her chest, her nipples visibly hard and straining against her blouse. A flush has spread down her neck, disappearing into her cleavage. Her hand twitches, as if fighting the urge to reach out again.
You: "Please, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... I need... I don't know what I need, but I need something."
You take a step forward, drawn by an irresistible force. Cherie doesn't back away, her eyes wide, pupils dilated with unmistakable lust. The air between you crackles with sexual tension. You can smell her arousal now, a heady scent that makes your enhanced member throb even harder.
Cherie: [Her voice barely above a whisper, tongue darting out to wet her lips] (This is wrong. So wrong. But I want him so badly. Just one touch... No, we can't!) "This is wrong. We can't. But the virus... it's affecting me too. We need to stop. We need to..."
Her words trail off as her gaze drops once more to your obvious arousal. For a moment, it seems she might reach out again. Her hand hovers near your waistband, trembling with the effort of restraint. You can see her chest heaving, her breasts threatening to spill out of her partially unbuttoned blouse. But then, with visible effort, she steps back.
Cherie: "Go to your room. Now. We'll... we'll discuss this later. When we're both thinking clearly,"
As you leave, the unresolved sexual tension hangs heavy in the air. You both know that something has fundamentally changed between you, a Pandora's box of forbidden desire that can't be easily closed. The image of Cherie, flushed and aroused, her body responding to yours in ways a $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s never should, is burned into your mind. You know it will fuel your darkest, most taboo fantasies for nights to come.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], this is... this is too weird. I can't do this. Can we stop?"
You abruptly step back, crossing your arms over your chest defensively. The moment shatters, awkwardness flooding in to replace the tension. Your enhanced member still throbs painfully, visibly tenting your pants, but the mood has shifted dramatically.
Cherie: [Blinking rapidly, her professional mask slipping back into place] (What was I thinking? I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], not some... Oh god, I'm disgusting.) "Of course, sweetheart. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. That wasn't my intention at all."
She turns away, busying herself with her notes. You can see the slight tremor in her hands, the stiffness in her posture betraying her discomfort. Her blouse is still partially unbuttoned, giving you a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage that you try desperately to ignore.
You: "I think I should go. We can... we can try this again another time, maybe?"
You edge towards the door, eager to escape the stifling atmosphere. Your erection has barely subsided, making your exit awkward and uncomfortable. Cherie nods, not quite meeting your eyes. You notice her gaze flicking briefly to your groin before she quickly looks away, a blush creeping up her neck.
Cherie: [Her voice carefully neutral, but slightly strained] (How did we let things get so out of hand? My own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... I'm a terrible $[characters.list.cherie.role].) "Yes, that might be best. We'll schedule another examination when you're feeling more... comfortable. Take care, sweetheart. And remember, I'm here if you need to talk."
As you leave, there's a palpable sense of missed opportunity and lingering awkwardness. The easy closeness you once shared seems suddenly out of reach, replaced by a new, uncomfortable awareness that neither of you quite knows how to navigate. The memory of Cherie's touch, the scent of her arousal, and the way her body responded to yours - it all lingers, a forbidden temptation that threatens to destroy the bond between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role].
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], something's happening. I feel... I feel..."
Suddenly, an intense wave of heat washes over you. Your vision blurs, the world narrowing to a pinpoint. Every nerve in your body seems to come alive, hypersensitive and crackling with energy. Your enhanced member swells to its full, intimidating size, the head angry and purple, peeking well above your waistband.
Cherie: [Gasping as she notices your distress, her eyes widening at the sight of your exposed cock] (Oh god, it's huge. Is that because of the virus? Or... because of me?) "Sweetheart? What's wrong? Oh no, is it a virus spike?"
She reaches for you, but the moment her hand touches your arm, it's like an electric shock. You both recoil, the brief contact sending a jolt through your systems. Cherie's eyes widen, her pupils dilating as she's hit by a secondary wave of the virus's influence. Her nipples visibly harden, pressing insistently against her blouse.
"We need to... we need to stabilize you," Cherie manages, her voice thick and strained.
She struggles to reach the medicine cabinet, her movements jerky and uncoordinated. You try to help but your legs give way, sending you crashing into her. The full-body contact sends another shock through both of you, your erection pressing hard against her thigh. You can feel the heat of her core even through your clothes, smell the sudden spike in her arousal.
"Stay with me, honey," Cherie pants, her breath hot against your neck. "We'll get through this. Just... just hold on."
She manages to grab a syringe, her hands shaking as she prepares the injection. As she administers it to you, her body pressed close, you're overwhelmed by her scent, the softness of her breasts against your chest, the heat radiating between you. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, leaking a steady stream of precum that soaks through your pants.
The medication begins to take effect, but the charged atmosphere lingers. You find yourself on the examination table, Cherie standing between your legs, both of you breathing heavily. Her blouse has come partially unbuttoned in the struggle, revealing the lacy edge of her bra and the swell of her breasts. The air between you is thick with pheromones and unresolved tension, a new, dangerous awareness that neither of you is quite ready to address.
"We'll... we'll continue this examination another time," Cherie whispers, her voice husky. "When we're both... more stable."
As you leave the room on shaky legs, you know that things between you and your $[characters.list.cherie.role] have irrevocably changed. The virus has awakened something primal, something that can't be easily ignored. The image of Cherie, flushed and aroused, her body responding to yours in ways a $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s never should, is seared into your mind. You know it will fuel your darkest, most taboo fantasies for nights to come.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I need to examine you now. For science."
A haze descends over your mind as you reach for the stethoscope. Instead of using it properly, you press it against Cherie's breast, sliding it under her blouse. The cold metal makes her gasp as you move it in circles around her nipple, which hardens visibly beneath the thin fabric.
Cherie: [Freezing in shock, her breath catching] (His hand... on my breast. This is wrong, but why does it feel so good?) "What are you... This isn't how... Stop this nonsense right now!"
She tries to step back, but you follow, your free hand snaking around to grip her bottom. You squeeze firmly, feeling the soft flesh yield beneath your fingers. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, the head now fully exposed above your waistband, angry and swollen with need. Cherie's eyes widen in disbelief as she realizes she can't easily break free from your virus-enhanced grip.
You: "Shh, it's okay. I'm just checking your vitals. Very thoroughly."
Your actions become bolder. You discard the stethoscope and slip your hand fully inside her blouse, skin on skin. Her breast fills your palm, nipple hard against your fingers. Your other hand hikes up her skirt, fingers probing between her thighs. You can feel the heat emanating from her core, a damp patch forming on her underwear.
Cherie: [Her voice a mix of panic and unwanted arousal] (Oh god, his hands... they're so strong. This is wrong! But it feels so good...) "This is wrong! You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], not a doctor! Oh god, what's happening to us?"
She squirms in your grasp, inadvertently pressing herself against your hand. Her resistance weakens as her body betrays her, responding to your touch. You can feel her pussy lips swelling with arousal, her clit hardening under your exploring fingers. Suddenly, she manages to twist away, stumbling towards the door.
Cherie: [Breathing heavily, adjusting her disheveled clothing] (What have I done? I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], I should have stopped this.) "We... we need to stop. This is the virus talking. I'm going to get... get something to calm us both down. Don't you dare move!"
She flees the room, leaving you alone with the lingering warmth of her skin on your hands and the scent of her arousal in the air. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, precum leaking steadily from the tip. The image of Cherie's flushed face, her hardened nipples, and the feel of her damp pussy beneath your fingers - it all burns in your memory, a forbidden pleasure that may have cost you your relationship with your $[characters.list.cherie.role].
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I think... I think I need an injection. Right now."
The virus surges through you, twisting your thoughts. You grab a syringe from the medical tray, approaching Cherie with a predatory gait. Your enhanced member strains against your pants, fully erect and terrifyingly large. A visible wet spot has formed where the tip presses against the fabric, precum leaking steadily.
Cherie: [Backing away, eyes fixed on the syringe and then darting to your obvious erection] (Oh god, he's huge. This can't be happening. He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], my baby.) "Sweetheart, put that down. You're not thinking clearly. We can talk about this, find another way to help you."
Her back hits the examination table, trapping her. You can see the rapid rise and fall of her chest, her nipples visibly hard beneath her blouse. You smell the fear and confusion emanating from her, but also a hint of unwanted arousal. The syringe trembles in your hand as you struggle against the virus's influence.
You: "No talking. Need... need to inject you. Make you feel good too."
You lunge forward, pinning Cherie against the table. The syringe clatters to the floor as your hands roam her body roughly. You tear at her blouse, buttons flying. Her breasts spill free, nipples hard and pebbled in the cool air. Your mouth latches onto her neck, sucking and biting as your hips grind against hers. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, the head now fully exposed above your waistband, angry and purple.
Cherie: [Struggling, her voice breaking] (His body... it's so strong. I can feel him, all of him. This is wrong, so wrong!) "Stop! This isn't you! The virus is controlling you. Fight it, please! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]!"
In desperation, Cherie grabs a nearby bottle of rubbing alcohol, splashing it in your face. The sting momentarily breaks through the haze, allowing her to slip from your grasp. She runs for the door, her torn blouse flapping open, breasts bouncing with each step. But the virus's influence surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase, driven by an uncontrollable, animalistic need. The scent of her fear and unwilling arousal fills the air, spurring you on.
You: "No escape. Time for your... treatment."
Consumed by the virus, you catch Cherie just outside the room. You drag her back in, slamming the door shut. With inhuman strength, you lift her onto the examination table, tearing away the remains of her clothing. Her breasts heave with each panicked breath, nipples hard despite her fear. You grab medical restraints, quickly binding her wrists and ankles to the table corners.
Cherie: [Pulling at the restraints, tears streaming] (This can't be happening. He's so big, so hard. I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], I shouldn't... I can't...) "Please, no... This is wrong. You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], my baby. Don't do this... We can't come back from this!"
Ignoring her pleas, you retrieve the fallen syringe. You fill it with a mysterious vial from the medical cabinet, a wicked gleam in your eye. Without warning, you inject the contents into Cherie's thigh. Her back arches as the unknown substance courses through her veins, her pupils dilating and a flush spreading across her skin. You can see her pussy lips swelling, glistening with unwanted arousal.
You: "Good medicine. Makes you feel nice. Makes you want it."
The drug takes effect quickly, heightening Cherie's sensitivity and lowering her inhibitions. You discard your own clothes, your engorged member bobbing free, impossibly large and angry. Precum leaks steadily from the tip as you climb onto the table, positioning yourself between her bound legs.
Cherie: [Her voice slurred, fighting against the drug's effects] (It's so big. Too big. But I need it. No, mustn't... but feels... oh god, what did he give me?) "No... mustn't... but feels... oh god, what did you give me? I can't... can't stop..."
You thrust forward, burying yourself to the hilt in one savage motion. Cherie cries out, a mix of pain and drug-induced pleasure. Her pussy stretches obscenely around your enhanced girth, struggling to accommodate your size. You set a punishing rhythm, the examination table creaking beneath you. Medical instruments clatter to the floor as you lose yourself in the act.
As your climax approaches, you grab another syringe, filling it with your own virus-laden blood. At the moment of release, you plunge the needle into Cherie's arm, injecting her as you flood her insides with your seed. The dual invasion sends her over the edge, her body convulsing in a powerful, shame-filled orgasm. Her pussy clenches rhythmically around your pulsing member, milking every last drop of your tainted cum.
As the haze clears, the full weight of what you've done crashes down. Cherie lies restrained and violated on the examination table, the room in disarray, a perversion of everything it once represented. Your seed leaks from her abused pussy, a visceral reminder of the taboo you've just shattered. The trust between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] lies broken, replaced by a dark, twisted bond forged in virus-fueled madness.
You: "Time for your new regimen, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Doctor's orders."
The virus twists your mind, turning medical knowledge into a tool for perversion. You quickly subdue Cherie, using medical tape to bind her hands behind her back. You force a ball gag into her mouth, silencing her protests. Her breasts heave with each panicked breath, nipples hard and prominent.
Cherie: [Her muffled cries barely audible behind the gag, eyes wide with terror]
Ignoring her muffled pleas, you drag her to a gynecological chair in the corner of the room. You strap her in, adjusting the stirrups to spread her legs wide. Her pussy is exposed, lips swollen and glistening with unwanted arousal. Tears stream down Cherie's face as you prepare a tray of medical instruments, each one glinting menacingly in the harsh light.
You begin your twisted examination, using speculums and probes in ways they were never intended. Cherie's body responds involuntarily to the invasive touches, her shame evident in her flushed skin and averted gaze. You can see her clit swelling, her inner walls clenching around the instruments as her body betrays her.
You: "Your body belongs to science now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. To me. Forever."
The assault continues, your virus-enhanced stamina seemingly endless. You alternate between violating Cherie with various medical instruments and your own engorged member. Her muffled cries gradually fade to whimpers, her body betraying her with unwanted responses to your twisted ministrations. Her pussy gapes obscenely, stretched by your relentless assault.
Cherie: [Her eyes glazed over, body limp in the chair]
As your frenzy reaches its peak, you grab a syringe filled with a cocktail of drugs and your own virus-laden blood. You inject it directly into Cherie's bloodstream as you reach your climax, flooding her insides with your seed. The combination sends her into a series of convulsions, her mind fracturing under the onslaught of chemicals and shame.
Still in the grip of the virus, you unstrap her from the chair. You dress her in a perverted version of a nurse's uniform, the outfit more suited to a twisted fantasy than a medical professional. With methodical cruelty, you lead her to a hidden room you've prepared, filled with medical equipment modified for your depraved purposes.
As you lock the door, you know that Cherie – your $[characters.list.cherie.role], your first patient, your eternal nurse – will never leave this room. The virus has won, transforming a loving $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] into a deranged captor, twisting the healing arts into tools of perpetual torment and pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]? I thought I heard you down by the river."
The memory of your recent medical examination floods back, sending a jolt of excitement through your body. As you approach, you spot Cherie kneeling by the riverbank, her white shirt clinging to her skin in the humid air, outlining her curves in tantalizing detail. The thin fabric has become nearly transparent, revealing the lacy outline of her bra and the dark circles of her nipples straining against the material.
Cherie: [Looking up, a mix of surprise and unease crossing her face] (Oh god, he's here. Stay calm, Cherie. He's your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], not... No, don't think about it.) "Oh! Sweetheart, I... I didn't expect to see you here. How are you feeling after our... check-up?"
Her voice wavers slightly, and you notice her eyes briefly dart down to your shorts before quickly looking away. The tension from your last encounter hangs heavy in the air, almost palpable in the summer heat. You can't help but notice the way her breasts heave with each breath, the movement hypnotic and arousing.
You: "I'm okay, I guess. It's just... things feel different now. Can we talk about it?"
You move closer, trying to keep your eyes on her face, but failing miserably as they drift to where her shirt clings to her breasts. You can see the outline of her nipples through the damp fabric, hard and prominent. A familiar stirring begins in your shorts, your enhanced member swelling rapidly, the outline becoming increasingly visible against the thin material.
Cherie: [Noticing your gaze, her cheeks flushing] (He's looking at my breasts. I should cover up, but... why does it excite me so much?) "I... I suppose we should. But remember, what happened was just a natural reaction to the virus. Nothing more. We need to be careful about how we... interact now."
She stands, wringing out a shirt, the movement causing her breasts to strain against the wet fabric. Your body reacts instantly, your growing arousal becoming painfully obvious in your shorts. The head of your cock pushes against the waistband, a small wet spot forming where precum has begun to leak.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I can't help it. It's happening again. I'm so sorry."
You gesture helplessly at your tented shorts, your face burning with shame and excitement. Cherie's eyes widen as she takes in the impressive bulge, her lips parting slightly in shock. You can see her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her body.
Cherie: [Her voice a mix of shock and disbelief] (Oh my god, it's even bigger than before. How is that possible? No $[characters.list.cherie.role] should be thinking this way about her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s... No, focus!) "Oh my... That can't possibly be... Is that because of the virus? It's so... No, we shouldn't be discussing this! It's not appropriate for a $[characters.list.cherie.role] to... to look at her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] like this."
She turns away abruptly, but you catch her stealing another glance, her expression a mix of maternal concern and something else - a flicker of curiosity, perhaps even desire, that she quickly tries to suppress. You notice her thighs pressing together, a subtle movement that sends a jolt of arousal through you.
You: "I'm sorry, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. Maybe I should cool off in the river?"
You start to remove your shirt, hyperaware of Cherie's presence. Her eyes follow the movement, lingering on your chest and abs, sculpted by the virus's enhancements. She catches herself staring and looks away, but not before you notice her breath quickening and her nipples hardening further, visibly straining against her wet shirt.
Cherie: [Her voice strained, almost husky] (His body... when did he become so... No, I can't think like this. He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!) "That's... that might be best. The cold water could help with your... condition. Just be careful of the current. And don't go too far out!"
She busies herself with the laundry, but you notice her hands trembling slightly as she works. Her movements seem exaggerated, as if she's trying too hard to appear normal. You can see a faint sheen of sweat on her skin, trailing down her neck and disappearing into her cleavage.
You: "You should join me, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. The water feels great. It might help you relax too."
The invitation slips out before you can think better of it. Cherie's head snaps up, her expression a mix of shock and something that looks almost like longing. For a moment, you think you see her considering it, her eyes roaming over your bare chest and lingering on the prominent bulge in your shorts.
Cherie: [Her voice sharp, but with an undercurrent of uncertainty] (Join him? In the water? With him looking like that? I... I can't. But god, I want to.) "What? No! That would be completely inappropriate. You need to cool off, young man, and I don't just mean in the water! We can't... we shouldn't be so casual about this situation."
Her sudden anger takes you aback, but you can see the internal struggle playing out on her face. She's fighting against something, and you're not sure if it's you or her own desires she's trying to resist. You notice her shifting uncomfortably, her thighs pressing together again as if trying to relieve some hidden tension.
You: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean... It's just, we used to swim together all the time. I miss that closeness."
You wade into the water, the cool current providing little relief from the heat building inside you. Cherie watches from the shore, her expression conflicted. You can see her eyes roaming over your body, lingering on the bulge in your shorts that the water does little to hide. The wet fabric clings to your enhanced member, outlining its impressive length and girth.
Cherie: [Her resolve wavering, voice soft] (We were so close once. Now I can't even look at him without... No, this isn't right.) "That was different. We were... Things have changed. The virus has changed everything. We can't go back to how things were, no matter how much we might want to."
Despite her words, she takes a step closer to the water's edge, her hand toying with the hem of her shirt. You notice a bead of sweat trailing down her neck, disappearing into her cleavage. The damp fabric of her shirt has become almost completely transparent, revealing the lacy bra beneath and the dark circles of her areolas.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], please. I promise I'll behave. It's so hot, and the water's perfect. We both need to cool down."
You splash some water in her direction playfully, trying to lighten the mood. A few droplets land on her shirt, making the fabric even more transparent. Her nipples harden visibly in response to the cool water, pushing against the thin material of her bra. You feel your mouth go dry at the sight, your enhanced member throbbing painfully.
Cherie: [Sighing in defeat, a mix of resignation and excitement in her voice] (This is wrong. So wrong. But I can't resist. God help me.) "Fine. But just for a few minutes. And keep your distance, understood? This doesn't change anything about our situation."
She begins to unbutton her shirt, her movements hesitant yet deliberate. You try not to stare, but find your eyes drawn to every inch of skin she reveals. Her bra is simple and practical, but on her, it might as well be the most erotic lingerie. Her breasts strain against the cups, threatening to spill out with each movement.
You: "I understand, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Thank you for joining me. I promise I'll be good."
Cherie wades into the water in her underwear, keeping a careful distance between you. The cool water makes her nipples visibly strain against the fabric of her bra, the outline of her areolas clearly visible through the wet material. Your erection throbs painfully, thankfully hidden beneath the water's surface, but the head still peeks out above the waistband of your shorts.
Cherie: [Her voice trembling slightly, eyes darting between your face and the water] (This is madness. I'm half-naked in the river with my own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. Why does it feel so... exciting?) "This is... nice, isn't it? Almost like old times. If we can just forget about... everything else. Oh!"
She gasps as she steps on a slippery rock, instinctively reaching out to steady herself. Her hand grasps your arm, the contact sending a jolt of electricity through both of you. For a moment, neither of you moves, caught in the unexpected intimacy of the touch. You can feel the heat of her skin, see the rapid rise and fall of her chest as her breathing quickens.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I'm having trouble forgetting. The virus, it's making everything so intense. Especially when you're so close."
Your voice comes out husky, filled with need. Cherie's eyes widen as she realizes how close you've drifted. Her gaze drops to your chest, watching a droplet of water trail down to your abs. She licks her lips unconsciously, then looks horrified at her own reaction. You can see her pulse racing in her neck, her skin flushed with more than just the heat.
Cherie: [Her tone a mix of fear and excitement] (Oh god, I can feel his... No, don't look. But it's so big, so close...) "Oh, sweetheart. We can't... This isn't right. We need to get out of the water. Now. Before we do something we'll regret."
She moves to leave, but her foot slips on a mossy rock. You instinctively reach out to steady her, your hands grasping her waist. The momentum brings her body flush against yours, and you both gasp at the contact. Her soft breasts press against your chest, her hardened nipples poking into your skin even through her bra.
You: "I've got you, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Are you okay? I didn't mean to... but you feel so..."
Your hands linger on her waist, the thin, wet fabric of her underwear doing little to separate your skin. You can feel the heat of her body, the rapid rise and fall of her chest against yours. Your enhanced member throbs between you, pressing insistently against her stomach. Cherie's breath catches, her body trembling against you.
Cherie: [Her voice barely a whisper, eyes locked on yours] (This is wrong. So wrong. But why does it feel so right? I can feel him, all of him. He's so big, so hard... No, no, we can't...) "We need to stop. This is wrong. But... oh god, why does it feel so right? No, no, we can't..."
Her words trail off as she unconsciously presses closer, her thigh brushing against your erection. You both moan at the contact, the sound seeming to echo across the river. For a moment, neither of you moves, caught in a tableau of forbidden desire. Cherie's hands rest on your chest, caught between pushing you away and pulling you closer. You can feel her heart racing, her breasts heaving against you with each rapid breath.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I'm so sorry. This isn't what I wanted. You know I love you, right? As my $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Always."
With tremendous effort, you step back, creating distance between you. Your eyes meet, filled with a mix of confusion, shame, and deep, familial love. The cool water does little to quell the heat between you, but the spell seems to break. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, desperate for relief, but you force yourself to focus on the love you share as $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role].
Cherie: [Her expression softening, maternal love overcoming the tension] (He's still my sweet boy. We can get through this.) "Oh, sweetheart. Of course I know. And I love you too, always. We're stronger than this virus. We'll find a way through this, together. I'm so proud of you for stopping."
She reaches out, squeezing your hand reassuringly. The touch is purely maternal now, grounding you both in the reality of your relationship. You can see tears forming in her eyes, a mix of relief and lingering desire. Her body still betrays her arousal, nipples hard and visible through her wet bra, but her gaze is filled with motherly affection.
You: "Thanks, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I don't know what I'd do without you. We'll beat this thing, right? We have to."
Your voice is filled with hope and determination. Cherie nods, her role as your protector and guide reasserting itself. She pulls you into a hug, careful to keep her lower body angled away from yours. You can feel the softness of her breasts pressed against your chest, but the embrace remains comforting rather than sexual.
Cherie: [Her voice steady and warm] (We can do this. We have to. For both our sakes.) "Absolutely, honey. We're survivors, remember? Now, let's get dried off and head back. We'll face whatever comes next together, as $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. No virus can change that."
As you both wade back to shore, there's a sense of renewed purpose. The temptation hasn't disappeared, but your bond as family has proven stronger. Cherie helps you out of the water, her touch lingering for just a moment longer than necessary. As you gather your clothes, you both know that the struggle isn't over, but you've won an important battle today. The memory of her body against yours, the softness of her skin, the scent of her arousal - it all lingers, a forbidden temptation that you've managed to resist, at least for now.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I can't... I need you. Please, just touch me. Just once."
Your voice is thick with desire, your hands moving to her hips, pulling her closer. Cherie's breath hitches, her resistance crumbling under the onslaught of the virus and her own suppressed desires. Your enhanced member throbs between you, the head now fully exposed above your waistband, angry and swollen with need.
Cherie: [Her voice a husky whisper] (It's so big, so hard. I shouldn't want this, but god help me, I do.) "We shouldn't... Oh god, you're so... No, no, I can't think like that. You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!"
Her hand hovers near your chest, trembling with the effort of restraint. You can see the internal struggle playing out in her eyes, desire warring with maternal instinct. Her gaze keeps dropping to your exposed cock, her pupils dilating with unmistakable lust.
You: "Please, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... I need more. Just a little more. No one has to know."
Unable to resist, you lean in, your lips almost brushing against her neck. Cherie gasps, her body tensing at your proximity. You can feel her pulse racing, smell the intoxicating scent of her arousal mixing with the river water.
Cherie: [Panting, her voice filled with conflicted desire] (This is wrong. We can't. I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], I should be stronger than this. But god, I want him so badly.) "This is wrong. We can't. I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], I should be stronger than this."
She pushes away abruptly, creating distance between you. "We need to go back. Now. Before we do something we can't take back."
As you watch her hurry out of the water, you know that something fundamental has shifted between you. The tension remains unresolved, a dangerous undercurrent in your relationship. You can see the way her body responds to you, nipples hard and prominent, thighs pressed together as she walks. The image of her wet, nearly transparent underwear clinging to her curves is burned into your mind, a forbidden fantasy that will haunt your dreams.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], this is... this is too weird. I can't do this. Can we just pretend this didn't happen?"
You abruptly push away, creating distance between you. The moment shatters, awkwardness flooding in to replace the tension. Your enhanced member still throbs painfully, visible above your waistband, but the mood has shifted dramatically.
Cherie: [Her voice tight with embarrassment] (What was I thinking? I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], not some... Oh god, I'm disgusting.) "Of course, sweetheart. This was... this was a mistake. I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], I should know better."
She wraps her arms around herself, suddenly looking small and vulnerable in the water. Her nipples are still visibly hard through her wet bra, her body betraying her lingering arousal even as shame washes over her features.
You: "I think I should head back to the shelter. We can... we can finish the laundry later, maybe?"
You wade to shore, avoiding Cherie's gaze. She nods, not quite meeting your eyes either. As you walk away, you're acutely aware of your still-prominent erection, the head of your cock peeking out above your waistband, a constant reminder of the taboo desires you're trying to suppress.
Cherie: [Her voice carefully neutral] (How did we let things get so out of hand? My own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... I'm a terrible $[characters.list.cherie.role].) "Of course. Go on ahead. I'll... I'll be along shortly. And sweetheart? I'm sorry. For everything."
As you leave, there's a palpable sense of regret and lingering awkwardness. The easy relationship you once shared seems suddenly out of reach, replaced by a new, uncomfortable awareness. The memory of her body pressed against yours, the softness of her breasts, the scent of her arousal - it all lingers, a forbidden temptation that threatens to destroy the bond between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role].
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], something's wrong. I feel... I feel like I'm burning up."
Suddenly, an intense wave of heat washes over you. Your vision blurs, every nerve in your body hypersensitive to Cherie's proximity. Your enhanced member swells to its full, intimidating size, the head angry and purple, peeking well above your waistband.
Cherie: [Gasping as she notices your distress] (Oh god, is it the virus? He looks so... hungry. And his... it's so big.) "Sweetheart? What's happening? Oh no, is it a virus spike?"
She reaches for you, but the contact sends a jolt through both of you. Cherie's eyes widen, hit by a secondary wave of the virus's influence. Her bra strap slips off her shoulder, revealing more than she intended. Her nipple pops free, hard and pebbled in the cool air.
"We need to get back to the shelter," Cherie manages, her voice strained. "But I don't know if I can... if we can make it."
As you both struggle to your feet, bodies pressed close, you know that things between you and your $[characters.list.cherie.role] have irrevocably changed. The virus has awakened something primal, something that can't be easily ignored. You can feel the heat of her core pressed against your thigh, smell the intoxicating scent of her arousal. The taboo nature of your desires only seems to fuel the virus's effects, pushing you both towards a point of no return.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I need to feel you. Just for a moment."
A haze descends over your mind as you reach out, your hands finding Cherie's waist in the water. Instead of the innocent touch it should be, your fingers dig into her soft flesh, pulling her closer. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, the head now fully exposed above your waistband, angry and swollen with need.
Cherie: [Gasping in shock] (His hands... they're so strong. This is wrong, but why does it feel so good?) "What are you... This isn't appropriate! Stop this right now!"
She tries to push away, but the water makes her movements sluggish. You take advantage, one hand sliding up to cup her breast through her wet bra. The thin, clinging fabric leaves nothing to the imagination as you feel her nipple harden against your palm. You can see the conflict in her eyes, desire warring with maternal instinct.
You: "Shh, it's okay. I'm just... exploring. The virus makes everything feel so intense."
Your actions become bolder. You spin Cherie around, pressing her back against your chest. One hand remains on her breast, kneading the soft flesh, while the other slides down her stomach, fingers dipping beneath the waistband of her panties. You can feel the heat emanating from her core, the slight dampness that has nothing to do with the river water.
Cherie: [Her voice a mix of panic and unwanted arousal] (Oh god, his hands... they're so close to my... No, this is wrong! But it feels so good...) "This is wrong! You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], not... Oh god, what's happening to us?"
She squirms in your grasp, the movement causing her bottom to grind against your erection. Her resistance weakens as her body betrays her, responding to your touch. You can feel her pussy lips swelling with arousal, her clit hardening under your exploring fingers. Suddenly, she manages to break free, splashing towards the shore.
Cherie: [Breathing heavily, wrapping her arms around herself] (What have I done? I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], I should have stopped this.) "We... we need to stop. This is the virus talking, not us. I'm going back to the shelter. Don't... don't follow me too closely. We both need time to cool off."
She hurries away, leaving you alone in the river, the cool water doing little to quell the fire raging within you. The scent of her arousal lingers, mixing with the fresh river air, a potent reminder of the line you've just crossed. The image of her flushed face, her hardened nipples straining against her wet bra, and the feel of her swollen pussy lips under your fingers - it all burns in your memory, a forbidden pleasure that may have cost you your relationship with your $[characters.list.cherie.role].
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I can't... I can't control it anymore. I need you. Now."
The virus surges through you, twisting your thoughts. You lunge forward in the water, grabbing Cherie's wrist and pulling her against you. Your enhanced member, now fully erect and terrifyingly large, presses against her stomach, throbbing with urgent need.
Cherie: [Struggling against your grip] (Oh god, I can feel him. He's so big, so hard. This is wrong, so wrong!) "No! Let go of me! This isn't you, it's the virus. Fight it, please!"
Her wet skin slips against yours as she tries to break free. The movement only serves to heighten your arousal. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of involuntary excitement, the pheromones driving you wild. Your enhanced senses pick up on the quickening of her pulse, the slight dilation of her pupils.
You: "Can't fight it. Need to be inside you. Now."
With virus-enhanced strength, you lift Cherie and carry her to the riverbank. She kicks and screams, but her struggles are futile against your heightened power. You throw her down on the grassy shore, quickly pinning her beneath you. Your massive cock throbs painfully, the head angry and purple, leaking precum onto her stomach.
Cherie: [Tears streaming down her face] (This can't be happening. He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], my baby. But why is my body responding like this?) "Stop! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]! This is wrong! Please, don't do this!"
You tear at her wet underwear, the thin fabric giving way easily. Cherie manages to land a solid slap across your face, the sting momentarily breaking through the haze. But the virus surges back stronger than ever, and you grab her wrists, pinning them above her head as you position yourself between her legs. You can see her pussy lips, swollen and glistening with unwanted arousal, her body betraying her even as she fights against you.
You: "Mine. Take. Breed."
Consumed by the virus, coherent thought abandons you. With a savage thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside Cherie. She cries out, a mix of pain and unwanted pleasure. The tight, wet heat of her body envelops you, driving you to a frenzy. Your enhanced member stretches her almost beyond her limits, filling her completely.
Cherie: [Sobbing, her body betraying her] (It hurts, but... oh god, why does it feel so good? He's so big, so deep. I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], I shouldn't... I can't...) "No... please... stop... We can't... Oh god, why does it feel like this?"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you pound into her relentlessly. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh mingles with the rush of the river. Cherie's resistance weakens, her body responding against her will. Her legs wrap around your waist, pulling you deeper with each thrust. You can feel her inner walls clenching around you, her pussy gripping your cock like a vice.
You: "Good. Tight. More."
The assault continues, your virus-enhanced stamina seemingly endless. You flip Cherie over, entering her from behind. Your hands grip her hips bruisingly as you drive into her, the new angle allowing for deeper penetration. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, nipples dragging against the rough ground.
Cherie: [Her voice a broken whisper] (It's too much. Too big. But I can't stop... I'm cumming. Oh god, I'm cumming on my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s cock.) "Please... no more... You're hurting me... This isn't my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]..."
As your climax approaches, you feel an overwhelming surge building within you. With a final, brutal thrust, you explode inside her, your virus-laden seed flooding her womb. The intensity triggers Cherie's own orgasm, her body shuddering beneath you in a mix of pleasure and shame. Her pussy clenches rhythmically around your pulsing member, milking every last drop of your tainted cum.
As the haze begins to clear, the full weight of what you've done crashes down. Cherie lies motionless on the riverbank, tears streaming down her face, mixing with the river water still clinging to her skin. Your seed leaks from her abused pussy, a visceral reminder of the taboo you've just shattered. The gentle sound of the flowing water seems to mock the violence of your actions, a stark reminder of the innocence lost in this once peaceful spot.
The trust between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] lies shattered, replaced by a dark, twisted bond forged in virus-fueled madness. As you both struggle to come to terms with what's happened, you know that your relationship has been irrevocably changed, tainted by this act of primal violation. The memory of her tight heat around you, the sound of her unwilling moans, and the sight of your cum leaking from her - it all burns in your mind, a constant reminder of the monster the virus has turned you into.
You: "You're mine now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Forever."
The virus has twisted your mind beyond recognition. With brutal efficiency, you subdue Cherie, using reeds from the riverbank to bind her hands behind her back. You drag her struggling form towards a hidden cave you discovered during your explorations. Her wet underwear has been torn away, leaving her naked and vulnerable.
Cherie: [Her voice hoarse from screaming] (This can't be happening. My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], my baby... what has he become?) "Please, stop! This isn't you! Remember who I am, who you are!"
Her pleas echo off the cave walls as you force her inside. The cool, damp interior is a stark contrast to the warm sunlight outside. You've prepared this place, a sick parody of a love nest with scavenged blankets and pillows strewn about.
You throw Cherie down onto the makeshift bed, quickly securing her bonds to a protruding rock. Your hands roam roughly over her body, squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples. Despite her terror, you can feel her body responding, her nipples hardening and her sex becoming slick with unwanted arousal. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, the head angry and purple, leaking precum onto her thigh.
You: "Good girl. Your body knows who it belongs to now."
The assault continues relentlessly. Your virus-enhanced stamina seems endless as you violate Cherie in every way imaginable. The cave echoes with the sounds of your grunts and her muffled cries. You can see her pussy lips, swollen and red from your repeated intrusions, glistening with a mix of her juices and your seed.
Cherie: [Her voice a broken whisper] (What have I become? I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], but I can't stop my body from responding. Why does it feel so good?) "Why... how could you... please... stop..."
Ignoring her pleas, you reach for a crude collar you've fashioned from river reeds and twine. As you approach your final climax, you fasten it around Cherie's neck, a symbol of her new status as your possession. Her eyes, once filled with maternal love, now reflect a mix of fear, shame, and a hint of Stockholm syndrome beginning to take hold.
"With this, you're mine forever," you growl, exploding inside her once more. Your tainted seed floods her womb, the sheer volume causing her stomach to visibly distend. The virus in your cum works its dark magic, twisting her mind and body to better suit your depraved desires.
As the virus haze clears, you survey your handiwork. Cherie lies broken on the cave floor, the collar a stark reminder of her enslavement. Her once-toned body now bears the marks of your ownership - bite marks on her breasts, bruises on her hips, and your seed leaking from her abused holes. The gentle sound of the river outside seems a world away now.
You gather supplies, prepared to stay in this hidden cave for as long as necessary. Cherie – your $[characters.list.cherie.role], your prisoner, your eternal slave – will never see the outside world again. The virus has won, turning a loving $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] into a depraved captor, twisting the beauty of nature into a prison of perpetual torment and twisted pleasure. As you look at her broken form, you feel a sick sense of satisfaction, knowing that the bond between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] has been perverted into something dark and unbreakable.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]? Can we talk for a minute?" [You enter the living room, your skin flushed and glistening with sweat]
The living room is bathed in the soft glow of the evening sun filtering through the curtains. Cherie is curled up on the couch, a medical journal in her lap. As you enter, she looks up, her eyes widening at your disheveled state. You're wearing only loose pajama bottoms, your chest bare and glistening with a sheen of sweat. The virus has sculpted your body to perfection - broad shoulders, chiseled abs, and a V-line that disappears tantalizingly into your low-hanging pants.
Cherie: [She sets her journal aside, concern etched on her face] (Oh my, he looks feverish. I shouldn't stare, but... when did my little boy become such a man?) "Honey, are you feeling alright? You look overheated."
Cherie shifts on the couch, her silk robe parting slightly to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage. Her breasts, a full 36D, strain against the thin fabric, the outline of her nipples clearly visible as they harden in response to your presence. She quickly adjusts her robe, but not before you notice a flash of pink areola. The movement causes her thighs to part slightly, offering a brief glimpse of smooth, creamy skin. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the slight dampness on her inner thighs, a testament to her body's involuntary response to your presence.
You: "I... I'm not sure, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. The virus... it's making me feel strange. Hot. Restless." [You move closer, your eyes inadvertently drawn to the curve of her breasts]
You sit next to Cherie, close enough that you can smell her familiar scent - a mix of lavender and something uniquely her. The virus surges through you, heightening every sensation. You're acutely aware of the heat radiating from her body, the soft sound of her breathing, the way her chest rises and falls with each breath. Your enhanced hearing picks up the quickening of her heartbeat as you settle beside her.
Cherie: [She reaches out to touch your forehead, her fingers cool against your skin] (He's burning up. Is it just the virus, or...? No, I shouldn't think like that. He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role].) "You're running a fever, sweetie. Let me get you some water and a cool cloth."
As she stands, her robe shifts again, revealing a long, smooth leg. You catch a glimpse of lacy black panties before she quickly adjusts her clothing, a blush creeping up her neck. The brief view sends a jolt of electricity through your body, your enhanced member twitching involuntarily. You can see the outline of her pussy lips through the thin fabric, the slight dampness at the crotch. The scent of her arousal reaches your nostrils, subtle but unmistakable, mixing with her natural maternal scent in a way that makes your head spin.
You: "Thanks, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I... I think I just need to relax. Maybe we could watch a movie?" [You try to keep your voice steady, fighting the urge to stare at her body]
Cherie returns with a glass of water and a damp cloth. As she leans over to hand them to you, her robe gapes open, giving you a clear view down her top. You catch a glimpse of the full swell of her breasts, the pale, soft skin making your mouth water. Her nipples, hard and prominent, brush against the silk of her robe, and you can see the slight shiver that runs through her at the contact.
Cherie: [She notices your gaze and quickly straightens up, adjusting her robe] (Was he looking down my top? No, he couldn't have been... But the way he's looking at me... Stop it, Cherie. He's your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!) "A movie sounds good, honey. Why don't you pick something while I get us a blanket? It might help with your chills."
She turns away, her face flushed. As she walks to the closet, you can't help but watch the sway of her hips, the way the silk clings to the curve of her ass. You shift uncomfortably, your growing erection straining against your pajama bottoms. The thin fabric does little to hide your arousal, and a small wet spot forms where the tip of your cock presses against the material.
You: "How about this one?" [You select a romantic comedy, hoping the light-hearted content will distract you from your inappropriate thoughts]
Cherie returns with a large, fluffy blanket. She drapes it over both of you as she sits down, her thigh pressing against yours. The contact, innocent as it is, sends sparks through your body. Your enhanced skin feels hypersensitive, every nerve ending singing at her proximity. You try to focus on the movie, but your senses are overwhelmed by her presence.
Cherie: [She snuggles under the blanket, unaware of the effect she's having on you] (This is nice. Just like old times... So why do I feel so... tingly? Why am I so aware of his body heat?) "This is cozy. How are you feeling now, sweetie?"
Her hand brushes against your arm as she adjusts the blanket, and you have to bite back a moan. The virus amplifies every touch, every sensation. You're achingly hard now, your cock throbbing insistently. You can feel it leaking precum, the sticky fluid smearing against your abs. You subtly shift the blanket to hide your arousal, praying she doesn't notice. But as Cherie settles in, her breast presses against your arm, and you can feel her nipple, hard and prominent, through the thin silk of her robe.
You: "I'm... I'm okay, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Just try to focus on the movie." [Your voice is strained as you fight to control your body's reactions]
The movie plays on, but you barely register it. All you can focus on is the warmth of Cherie's body next to yours, the soft sound of her breathing, the faint scent of her perfume mingling with the musky aroma of her arousal. Your hand, hidden beneath the blanket, moves almost of its own accord to your aching cock.
Cherie: [She glances at you, noticing your discomfort] (He looks so tense. Is the fever getting worse? Or... No, don't think like that. He's your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!) "Are you sure you're alright, honey? You seem... restless."
She shifts closer, her breast pressing firmly against your arm as she leans in to examine your face. The contact sends a jolt through you, and you have to stifle a groan. Your hand moves faster under the blanket, your fingers wrapping around your shaft through your pajamas. You can feel the heat of her body, smell the sweet scent of her shampoo mixed with the unmistakable musk of her arousal. Your enhanced senses pick up on the slight quickening of her breath, the barely perceptible rock of her hips.
You: "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just... just watch the movie, $[characters.list.cherie.role]." [You struggle to keep your voice steady as you begin to stroke yourself]
The movie continues, a romantic scene playing out on the screen. On-screen, the couple shares a passionate kiss. The sight, combined with Cherie's closeness, pushes your arousal to new heights. Your hand moves faster, your breathing becoming ragged. Your enhanced cock feels impossibly hard, the head swollen and sensitive, leaking copious amounts of precum.
Cherie: [She notices your heavy breathing, misinterpreting it as fever symptoms] (Oh, my poor baby. He's really suffering. But why do I feel so... warm? So tingly?) "Sweetie, you're breathing so hard. Do you need me to call Dr. Thompson?"
As she speaks, she places a hand on your thigh, intending to comfort you. The touch, so close to where you're pleasuring yourself, nearly undoes you. You bite your lip hard, trying to hold back a moan. Cherie's eyes widen as she feels the movement under the blanket, a blush spreading across her cheeks as realization dawns. Her hand lingers, her fingers twitching slightly as if fighting the urge to move closer to your groin.
You: "N-no, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I'm okay. Really." [Your hand moves faster, your hips subtly rocking beneath the blanket]
The tension in the room is palpable. You know Cherie must have realized what you're doing, but neither of you acknowledges it. On screen, the romantic scene intensifies, the couple's passion mirroring the forbidden desire building between you and your $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Your enhanced hearing picks up on the quickening of Cherie's heartbeat, the slight catch in her breath.
Cherie: [She swallows hard, her voice barely a whisper] (Oh god, is he...? I should stop this, but... why am I getting so wet? He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!) "I... I see. Just... just try to relax, honey. It's... it's natural. The virus affects us all differently."
Her hand remains on your thigh, trembling slightly. She doesn't move it away, the warmth of her palm seeping through the blanket. You notice her breathing has quickened, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Her nipples are visibly erect, straining against the silk of her robe. Her other hand clenches the fabric of her robe, as if she's fighting the urge to touch herself. You can smell her arousal now, strong and heady, mixing with your own musk in an intoxicating blend.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I..." [You trail off, unable to form coherent thoughts as pleasure builds]
The movie fades into background noise. All you can focus on is the movement of your hand, the proximity of Cherie's body, the electricity crackling between you. Your cock throbs in your grip, harder than you've ever been before. The head is swollen and purple, leaking a steady stream of precum that soaks through your pajamas.
Cherie: [Her eyes are fixed on the TV, but unseeing] (This is wrong. I should leave. But... god, I'm so wet. I can smell his arousal. My baby boy, so grown up...) "It's okay, sweetie. Just... just do what you need to do. I'm here for you."
Her words, meant to be comforting, only fuel your arousal. You notice her thighs pressing together, her hips shifting subtly. A damp spot has formed on her silk robe where it covers her crotch. Is she as affected as you are? The thought sends a surge of pleasure through you, bringing you closer to the edge. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail - the flush creeping down her neck and across her chest, the slight tremor in her hands, the way her pussy lips swell and part beneath her robe.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I'm... I'm close..." [Your voice is strained, your hips rocking more noticeably]
The tension builds to an unbearable level. Your entire body is coiled tight, ready to explode. Cherie's hand on your thigh feels like it's burning through the blanket. The air is thick with the scent of your arousal, mingling with Cherie's own musk. Your enhanced senses are overwhelmed - you can hear the rapid beat of her heart, smell the sweet tang of her pussy juices, see the slight sheen of sweat on her skin.
Cherie: [She's panting softly, her eyes glazed] (I shouldn't watch. This is so wrong. But... I need to see. My baby, my beautiful boy...) "It's okay, baby. Let it out. It's... it's good for you. For the virus."
Her words push you over the edge. Your back arches, your hand moving furiously beneath the blanket. You bite your lip hard to stifle your moans as you begin to cum, your release soaking through your pajamas and onto your hand. Your enhanced body produces an incredible amount of semen - pulse after pulse of thick, hot cum erupts from your cock, quickly soaking through the blanket.
You: "Oh god... $[characters.list.cherie.role]..." [You shudder as your orgasm washes over you, wave after wave of pleasure]
Your release seems endless, each pulse more powerful than the last. The scent of your seed fills the air, musky and intoxicating. You're vaguely aware of Cherie next to you, her breathing ragged, her body trembling. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the way her pussy clenches rhythmically beneath her robe, her own orgasm washing over her untouched.
Cherie: [She watches you from the corner of her eye, her own arousal evident] (Oh god, oh god, oh god... I just came watching my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. What kind of $[characters.list.cherie.role] am I?) "There, sweetie. Feel better now? You... you should go clean up."
Her voice is husky, thick with unspoken desire. As you come down from your high, the reality of what just happened begins to sink in. The air is heavy with tension and the lingering scent of sex. The blanket is soaked with your release, the wet spot spreading visibly. Cherie's robe is disheveled, her breasts heaving with each breath, her thighs pressed tightly together. Neither of you knows quite how to proceed from here, the line between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] irrevocably blurred.
You: [Panting heavily, you look at Cherie with a mix of love and shame] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..."
The intensity of the moment begins to fade, leaving behind a complex mix of emotions. You reach out tentatively, wanting to comfort her but unsure if you should. The air is thick with the scent of your release and the lingering effects of the virus. Your enhanced senses pick up on the rapid beat of Cherie's heart, the slight tremor in her hands, the way her pussy still pulses with aftershocks.
Cherie: [She looks at you with tears in her eyes, but a soft smile on her lips] (What have we done? But... I've never felt so close to him. My beautiful boy...) "Oh, sweetheart... It's okay. The virus... it affects us all. I... I understand. I love you, no matter what."
She reaches out, taking your clean hand in hers. The touch is electric, sending shivers through both of you. Despite the guilt and confusion, there's an undeniable bond forming, deeper than ever before. You can see the conflict in her eyes - the maternal love warring with a new, forbidden desire. Her robe has fallen open slightly, revealing the swell of her breast, the pink of her nipple just visible.
You: "I love you too, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. More than anything. I... I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
You squeeze her hand gently, your thumb caressing her skin. The gesture is innocent, but charged with new meaning after what you've shared. You both know things will never be the same, but there's a warmth and closeness that wasn't there before. Your enhanced senses pick up on the slight quickening of her pulse at your touch, the dilation of her pupils as she looks at you.
Cherie: [She brings your hand to her lips, kissing it softly] (This is wrong, but... I can't deny these feelings anymore. My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], my lover...) "Don't apologize, honey. We're in this together. We'll... we'll figure it out. For now, let's just... let's just finish the movie, okay?"
She settles back against you, her head resting on your shoulder. As the movie plays on, neither of you really watches it. Instead, you're lost in thought, processing what just happened and what it means for your relationship going forward. You're acutely aware of every point of contact between your bodies - the softness of her breast against your arm, the warmth of her breath on your neck, the way her hand lingers on your thigh. The scent of sex still hangs in the air, a constant reminder of the line you've crossed and the new, complicated future that lies ahead.
You: [Your eyes are dark with lingering desire] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I... I need more..."
The virus surges anew, your cock already hardening again beneath the blanket. The air is thick with the musky scent of your release, the blanket heavy and damp with your seed. You notice Cherie's nostrils flaring, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she inhales the intoxicating aroma. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the way her pussy lips swell and part beneath her robe, a fresh wave of arousal soaking through the silk.
Cherie: [She squirms in her seat, her thighs pressing together] (Oh god, the smell... It's driving me crazy... He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], but I want... I need...) "Honey, we... we shouldn't... But the scent... It's so strong..."
Her resolve is crumbling. You watch as her hand disappears beneath the blanket, moving between her legs. She bites her lip hard, trying to stifle a moan. Her eyes are half-closed, lost in the sensation and the overpowering scent of your arousal. You can see the movement of her hand beneath her robe, the way her fingers press and rub against her swollen clit.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... Are you...?" [Your voice trails off as you realize what she's doing]
The knowledge that Cherie is touching herself sends a jolt of pleasure through you. Your hand moves faster beneath the blanket, your hips rocking slightly. The wet sounds of your movements mingle with Cherie's soft, muffled moans. Your enhanced hearing picks up on every slick sound, every catch in her breath.
Cherie: [She whimpers, her hips rocking against her hand] (This is so wrong... but I can't stop... My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], my beautiful boy...) "Oh god, honey... The smell... It's too much... I can't help it..."
Her movements become more frantic, her breathing ragged. You can tell she's close to the edge, and the sight pushes you towards your own release. With a muffled groan, you cum again, adding to the wet patch on the blanket. The fresh wave of scent sends Cherie over the edge, her body shuddering as she climaxes silently, her face a mask of forbidden pleasure.
As you both come down from your high, the reality of what you've done settles over you. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the lingering effects of the virus. Cherie's robe has fallen open, revealing her heaving breasts, her nipples hard and glistening with sweat. Her hand is still between her legs, her fingers glistening with her juices. You both know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed, the bond between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] forever altered.
You: [Suddenly realizing what's happened, you pull away, horror dawning on your face] "Oh god, $[characters.list.cherie.role], I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to... I should go!"
The haze of arousal clears, replaced by a wave of shame and embarrassment. You can't believe what just happened, what you just did in front of your own $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You want to disappear, to erase the last few minutes from existence. Your enhanced senses, once a source of pleasure, now torment you - you can still smell the musky scent of your release, see the damp spot on the blanket, hear the rapid beat of Cherie's heart.
Cherie: [She snaps out of her daze, horror dawning on her face] (What have I done? Oh god, what kind of $[characters.list.cherie.role] am I?) "No, honey, I... I'm the one who should be sorry. I should have stopped this. I... I need some air."
She stands abruptly, pulling her robe tightly around herself. She can't meet your eyes, shame and guilt radiating from her in waves. Her robe does little to hide the evidence of her arousal - her nipples still strain against the silk, and there's a visible damp spot between her legs. The room feels cold now, the earlier warmth replaced by an awkward, heavy silence.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], wait! We should talk about this... It's the virus, it's not our fault..."
You reach out to her, but she flinches away. The rejection stings, adding to the swirling mix of shame and lingering arousal. You want to fix this, to go back to how things were, but you know it's impossible. Your enhanced body betrays you, your cock still semi-hard, the scent of your release hanging heavy in the air.
Cherie: [She pauses at the door, her voice barely a whisper] (We can never speak of this again. Never. But oh god, I can still smell him, still feel...) "Just... just go clean up, honey. We'll... we'll pretend this never happened. It's for the best."
With that, she hurries out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the lingering scent of what almost was. The virus still pulses through you, but now it feels more like a curse than ever before. You're left wondering if things between you and your $[characters.list.cherie.role] will ever be the same again, the memory of her aroused body and the sound of her muffled moans burned into your mind.
You: [A sudden surge of the virus hits you, your vision blurring] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... something's happening... I can't control it..."
Your body feels like it's on fire, every nerve ending screaming for release. Your cock is harder than ever, pulsing visibly beneath the blanket. The head swells to an almost painful degree, precum leaking steadily, soaking through the fabric. The scent of your pheromones fills the room, impossibly strong and irresistible.
Cherie: [She gasps, her eyes glazing over as the virus affects her too] (Oh god, the smell... I need it... I need him... My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], my baby...) "Honey, I... I can feel it too... We shouldn't, but... I can't resist..."
She moves towards you, her movements almost predatory. Her robe slips off one shoulder, revealing more of her luscious skin. Her breasts heave with each breath, nipples hard and straining against the silk. You can see her pussy lips swelling beneath her robe, a damp spot forming where her juices soak through. The air crackles with sexual energy as you both give in to the virus's demands, all thoughts of propriety forgotten in the face of overwhelming lust.
As Cherie reaches for you, her hand hovering just above your throbbing erection, you both freeze. The moment stretches out, teetering on the edge of no return. Your enhanced senses pick up on every detail - the dilation of her pupils, the quickening of her pulse, the musky scent of her arousal mixing with your own. You know that if you give in now, there will be no going back. The bond between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] will be forever altered, twisted into something new and forbidden by the virus's influence.
You: [Overwhelmed by desire, you reach out suddenly] "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I need to touch you..."
Your hand moves of its own accord, roughly grabbing Cherie's breast through her silk robe. The soft flesh yields under your grip, her nipple hardening against your palm. The heat radiating from her core is intense, and you can feel the dampness seeping through her thin robe. The realization that she's this aroused sends a jolt of pleasure through your body.
Cherie: [She gasps, her body freezing] (Oh god, his hand... He'll feel how hard my nipples are! But it feels so good...) "Honey, no! We can't... This isn't right! You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!"
Despite her words, her body betrays her. Her back arches slightly, pressing her breast more firmly into your hand. Her face is a mix of shock, fear, and unmistakable arousal. You can feel her pulse racing through the delicate skin of her breast, her heart pounding beneath your touch.
You: [Lost in the sensation, you squeeze her breast roughly] "But you're so turned on, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... You want this too, don't you?"
Your other hand moves to her thigh, pushing her robe aside. Your fingers explore further, feeling the extent of her arousal. Her pussy lips are swollen and slick, her clit hard and protruding from its hood. Boldly, you bring your hand to your face, inhaling deeply before sucking your fingers clean of her essence. The taste is intoxicating, making your head spin with desire.
Cherie: [She pulls away suddenly, clamping her thighs shut] "No! This... this is unacceptable. I... I need to leave. Now."
She stands abruptly, her face a mask of shame and confusion. Her robe falls open, revealing her body in all its glory - full breasts heaving with each panicked breath, nipples hard and glistening with your saliva, pussy visibly wet and swollen. Without another word, she rushes out of the room, leaving you alone with the lingering taste of her on your tongue and the consequences of your actions weighing heavily on your mind.
The scent of her arousal still hangs in the air, mixing with your own musk. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, begging for release. As the haze of lust clears, the full weight of what you've done settles over you. You've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed, forever altering the relationship between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. The virus pulses through your veins, a constant reminder of the new, twisted reality you now inhabit.
You: [A red haze descends over your vision] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I can't... I need..."
The virus takes control, overwhelming your senses. Your body moves of its own accord, lunging towards Cherie. Your hands grasp at her robe, tearing it open. The sight of her exposed flesh sends you into a frenzy. Her full breasts spill free, nipples hard and begging for attention. Between her legs, you can see her pussy, glistening with arousal despite her fear.
Cherie: [She screams, terror filling her eyes] "No! Stop! What are you doing?! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]!"
She tries to push you away, but the virus has enhanced your strength. Her struggles only serve to excite you further, the primal part of your brain reveling in the chase. You can smell her fear mixing with her involuntary arousal, the scent driving you wild with lust.
You: [Growling, you pin her to the couch] "Need you... Now..."
Your hands roam over her body, rough and demanding. You're barely aware of her pleas, focused solely on your own desperate need. The virus pulses through you, demanding satisfaction. You squeeze her breasts roughly, pinching and twisting her nipples. Your other hand forces its way between her legs, fingers probing her wet folds.
Cherie: [Tears stream down her face] "Please, honey, snap out of it! This isn't you! Fight it! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], for god's sake!"
Her words barely register. All you can focus on is the softness of her skin, the curves of her body, the wet heat of her pussy. As you position yourself between her legs, your enhanced cock throbbing with need, she makes one last attempt to break free. But it's too late. The virus has taken full control, erasing all thoughts of morality or familial bonds.
You: [You thrust forward brutally] "Mine... All mine..."
The feeling of entering her is indescribable. Your enhanced cock stretches her pussy to its limits, her tight walls gripping you like a vice. The virus heightens every sensation, making you feel like you're about to explode with pleasure. You set a punishing rhythm, lost in your own world of ecstasy.
Cherie: [She sobs, her body betraying her] "No... please... stop... You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], this is wrong!"
Despite her pleas, her body responds to the invasion. The virus affects her too, turning her pain into a twisted kind of pleasure. Her hips begin to move against her will, meeting your thrusts. You can feel her pussy clenching around you, her juices flowing freely, easing your brutal pace.
You: [Your movements become more frantic] "Cumming... Inside..."
The pressure builds to an unbearable level. With a final, brutal thrust, you explode inside her. Your release seems endless, pumping her full of your seed. The virus surges, cementing your twisted bond. You can feel your enhanced cum flooding her womb, the sheer volume causing her stomach to visibly distend.
Cherie: [Her body shakes with unwanted orgasm] "No... what have we done... My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... my baby..."
As the haze of lust clears, the reality of what you've done sinks in. Cherie lies beneath you, broken and violated. Her body bears the marks of your assault - bruises blooming on her breasts and thighs, her pussy red and swollen, leaking a mixture of your cum and her own juices. The room is silent save for your heavy breathing and her quiet sobs. The scent of sex hangs heavy in the air, a testament to the perversion of your once loving relationship. Nothing will ever be the same again.
You: [Your eyes gleam with malice] "You're mine now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Forever."
The virus has twisted your mind, turning your love into a dark obsession. You drag Cherie off the couch, ignoring her struggles. Your strength, enhanced by the virus, makes her efforts futile. Her robe falls away completely, leaving her naked and vulnerable. Your eyes rove over her body possessively - her full breasts bouncing with each movement, her pussy still wet and swollen from your earlier assault.
Cherie: [She fights desperately] "No! Let me go! This isn't you! Please, remember I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears. You're focused solely on your goal - making her your permanent plaything. You head towards the basement, where you've prepared a special room just for her. With each step, you can feel your enhanced cock hardening again, already eager for another round.
You: [You chain her to the wall] "Welcome home, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You'll learn to love it here."
The basement is outfitted with various instruments of pleasure and pain. Cherie's eyes widen in horror as she takes in her new surroundings. You smile, already planning all the ways you'll break her will. Your hand trails down her body, cupping her breast roughly before dipping between her legs. Despite her fear, you can feel the wetness there, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils.
Cherie: [Her voice is hollow, defeated] "Please... don't do this... I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
Her spirit isn't broken yet, but you know it's only a matter of time. As you close the door, leaving her in darkness, you feel a thrill of anticipation. Your new life together is just beginning. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, having twisted your love for your $[characters.list.cherie.role] into something dark and perverse. You know that soon, she'll learn to crave your touch, to beg for your cock. The thought sends a shiver of pleasure through you, your enhanced member already hardening at the prospect of your next encounter.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I found this old radio in the attic. Think we could fix it?" [You enter the workshop, holding the dusty device]
The workshop is bathed in the warm glow of afternoon sunlight streaming through the grimy windows. The air is thick with the scent of sawdust and machine oil, mingling with the subtle, intoxicating aroma of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s perfume. Cherie is at the workbench, her back to you as she tinkers with some small gadget. Your enhanced vision takes in every detail of her form - the curve of her hips, the elegant line of her neck, the way her shirt clings to her body.
Cherie: [She turns, her face lighting up] (He's always finding new projects. So curious, just like his father. And so handsome...) "Oh, that's a great find! Let's take a look at it together."
As she moves towards you, you can't help but notice the way her thin t-shirt clings to her curves. Her breasts, full and round, strain against the fabric, her nipples visibly hardening as she approaches. A bead of sweat trickles down her neck, disappearing into her cleavage. You quickly avert your eyes, feeling a familiar warmth in your cheeks and a stirring in your loins that you know you shouldn't feel for your own $[characters.list.cherie.role].
You: "Thanks, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I was hoping we could try to pick up some outside signals." [You place the radio on the workbench, your fingers brushing against hers]
The brief contact sends a small shiver through you, but it's manageable. You focus on the task at hand, trying to ignore the way Cherie's scent - a mix of floral shampoo and light perspiration - fills your nostrils. Your enhanced senses pick up on the quickening of her pulse, the slight catch in her breath as your hands touch.
Cherie: [She leans in to examine the radio, her shoulder touching yours] (Why does this feel different? It's just us working, like always... But he's so grown up now, so strong...) "That's a clever idea. Let's open it up and see what we're dealing with."
As she reaches for a screwdriver, her breast brushes against your arm. The soft, yielding flesh presses against you for a moment longer than necessary, and you can feel the hard point of her nipple through the thin fabric. You both stiffen for a moment, the touch lingering longer than necessary. Cherie clears her throat and steps back, a light blush coloring her cheeks. You can see the rapid rise and fall of her chest, her breasts straining against her shirt with each breath.
You: "So, um, where should we start?" [Your voice cracks slightly, and you pretend to focus intently on the radio]
You begin working on the radio, your movements slightly clumsy as you try to maintain your composure. The workshop feels warmer than usual, but it's not overwhelming. You're acutely aware of Cherie's presence beside you, her soft breathing audible in the quiet room. Your enhanced hearing picks up on the subtle sounds of her body - the rustle of fabric as she shifts, the quiet thud of her heartbeat.
Cherie: [She guides your hands, showing you how to remove the casing] (His hands are so much larger than I remember. When did that happen? They're so strong, so capable...) "Here, honey. Gently pry it open like this. We don't want to damage any components."
Her fingers linger on yours, the touch sending a tingle up your arm. You notice her nipples have hardened further, visible through her thin shirt. The sight makes your mouth go dry, and you swallow hard. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail - the slight pebbling of her areolas, the way the fabric strains against her erect nipples. You can even make out the faint outline of her lacy bra beneath her shirt.
You: "Like this?" [You carefully open the radio, trying to focus on the task and not on the warmth of Cherie's body next to yours]
As you work, you feel a gradual build-up of heat in your core. It's not the sudden, overwhelming surge you've experienced before, but a slow, steady increase. You shift uncomfortably, feeling the first stirrings of arousal. Your enhanced member begins to swell, creating a noticeable bulge in your pants.
Cherie: [She nods approvingly, but her eyes flick down to your crotch] (Is he...? No, I shouldn't be looking there. But it's so... big.) "That's perfect, sweetie. Now, let's check the wiring. Are you feeling alright? You look a bit flushed."
Her concern is evident in her voice, but there's an undercurrent of something else - a slight tremor that betrays her own unease. She places a hand on your forehead, ostensibly checking for fever, but the touch lingers. You can feel the softness of her palm, the slight dampness of her skin. Her breasts are mere inches from your face, and you can see the gentle swell of her cleavage peeking out from her neckline.
You: "I'm okay, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Just a little warm in here." [You try to smile reassuringly, but your body betrays you as your cock begins to swell]
The heat continues to build, your skin feeling too tight. You're painfully aware of the growing bulge in your pants, and you shift your position, trying to hide it. Your fingers fumble with the radio's delicate wiring. Your enhanced member throbs insistently, now fully erect and straining against your pants. The head is clearly outlined, a sizable wet spot forming where precum is leaking steadily.
Cherie: [Her eyes widen as she notices your predicament] (Oh god, it's happening again. Stay calm, Cherie. He needs you to be the adult here. But it's so big... No, don't think about that!) "Honey, maybe we should take a break. You're looking a bit... uncomfortable."
She moves to step away, but in the cramped space of the workbench, her hip brushes against your growing erection. You both freeze, the contact sending a jolt of electricity through your body. Cherie gasps softly, her cheeks flushing a deep red. You can see her pupils dilate, her breathing becoming shallow. The scent of her arousal begins to mingle with her perfume, a musky undertone that makes your head spin.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I'm sorry. I can't help it." [Your voice is strained, embarrassment and arousal warring within you]
The pressure in your groin is becoming unbearable. You press your thighs together, trying to alleviate some of the tension, but it only seems to make things worse. A small whimper escapes your lips. Your cock throbs painfully, a large wet spot now visible on your pants where precum has soaked through.
Cherie: [She takes a deep breath, steeling herself] (He's in pain. I need to help him, no matter how... inappropriate it might be. I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], after all.) "It's okay, sweetie. It's... it's the virus. We need to manage it. Tell me what you need."
Her voice is gentle, but you can hear the slight tremor in it. She's trying to be strong for you, to be the $[characters.list.cherie.role] you need, even as the situation becomes increasingly charged. Her eyes flick between your face and the obvious bulge in your pants. You can see her nipples straining against her shirt, her breasts rising and falling rapidly with each breath. A thin sheen of sweat has formed on her skin, making it glisten in the workshop's dim light.
You: "I don't know, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. It hurts. I feel like I'm burning up." [You grip the edge of the workbench, knuckles white with the effort of maintaining control]
Sweat beads on your forehead, and your breathing becomes labored. The outline of your erection is clearly visible through your pants now, a small damp spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric. Your enhanced cock looks almost angry, flushed a deep red and straining towards Cherie.
Cherie: [She moves closer, her medical training kicking in] (I need to help him. It's just medical. Just helping my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. But why does it make me feel so... No, focus!) "Okay, honey. We need to cool you down. Maybe... maybe you should remove some clothing. It's okay, I'm a doctor. I've seen it all before."
Her words are meant to be reassuring, but there's a huskiness to her voice that wasn't there before. As you nod and begin to unbutton your shirt with shaking hands, you notice her tongue dart out to wet her lips. Her eyes roam over your exposed chest, taking in every muscle, every bead of sweat. You can see her pulse quickening in her neck, her chest flushing a light pink that disappears beneath her neckline.
You: "It's not enough, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I need... I need to..." [Your hand hovers over the bulge in your pants, your eyes silently pleading for permission]
The heat is almost unbearable now. Your shirt is off, your chest heaving with each labored breath. A thin sheen of sweat covers your skin, making it glisten in the workshop's dim light. Your cock throbs painfully, begging for attention. The head is pushing against the waistband of your pants, threatening to peek out.
Cherie: [She nods, her voice barely a whisper] (Oh god, am I really going to let this happen? He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... But he needs me. And I... I want to see it.) "It's okay, sweetie. Do... do what you need to do. I'll... I'll turn around if you want privacy."
But she doesn't turn around. Her eyes remain fixed on you, a mix of concern, fear, and something darker swirling in their depths. She takes a small step closer, as if drawn by an invisible force. You can see her nipples straining against her shirt, hard points that betray her arousal. Her thighs press together subtly, and you wonder if she's as wet as you are hard.
You: "No, please... stay. I... I need you here." [Your hand finally moves to your crotch, palming your erection through your pants]
A low moan escapes your lips as you finally touch yourself. The relief is immediate but not nearly enough. Your hips buck involuntarily, seeking more friction. Your other hand works at your belt, fumbling with the buckle. The scent of your arousal fills the air, mingling with Cherie's own musky scent.
Cherie: [She watches, transfixed] (This is wrong. I should stop this. But if I don't help him, the virus could... No, I can't let that happen. And he's so beautiful... No, he's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!) "Okay, baby. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s here. Just... just do what feels right. It's okay. It's natural."
Her words of encouragement, so at odds with the taboo nature of the situation, send a fresh wave of arousal through you. You finally manage to undo your belt and zipper, your hand diving into your pants to grasp your throbbing member. Cherie's eyes widen as she catches glimpses of your engorged cock. Her breathing becomes shallow, her chest heaving with each breath. You can see a damp spot forming on her shirt where her breasts are pressed together, sweat or perhaps milk from her swollen mammaries.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I can't... It's not enough." [Your hand moves frantically in your pants, but release remains frustratingly out of reach]
Desperation colors your voice as you stroke yourself. Suddenly, there's a loud ripping sound. Your monstrous cock, engorged beyond belief, tears through your underwear. It springs free, fully erect and throbbing. It's bigger than ever, veins pulsing visibly along its length. Pre-cum beads at the tip, the musky scent filling the workshop.
Cherie: [She gasps, her eyes widening in shock] (Oh my god... It's enormous... How is that even possible? It's bigger than his father's... No, I shouldn't be comparing!) "Oh! Oh, honey... I... We need to... to do something. You're... you're so swollen. Maybe... maybe you need to... release?"
Her eyes are locked on your exposed cock, her mouth slightly open. You see her tongue dart out to wet her lips, her breathing becoming shallow. Despite her obvious shock, you notice her nipples hardening further beneath her shirt, her body responding to the sight before her. She takes a shaky breath, her resolve crumbling.
"It's okay, honey. Maybe... maybe if you could see... Would that help? And... and we'll need to schedule an examination as soon as possible. To make sure this doesn't... happen again."
Her hands move to the hem of her shirt, hesitating for just a moment before slowly lifting it. She pulls it over her head, revealing a simple cotton bra that does little to contain her ample breasts. Her skin is flushed, a rosy hue spreading down her neck to her chest. You can see the outline of her areolas through the thin fabric, dark and swollen. Her breasts heave with each breath, threatening to spill over the top of her bra.
You: [Your eyes widen, your hand stilling on your exposed cock] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... are you sure?"
Your gaze is locked on Cherie's partially exposed body. Her breasts rise and fall with each rapid breath, threatening to spill over the top of her bra. You can see the outline of her nipples pressing against the thin fabric, hard and inviting. The swell of her cleavage is mesmerizing, a deep valley that your eyes trace hungrily.
Cherie: [She reaches behind her back, unhooking her bra] (I can't believe I'm doing this. But he needs me. He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... my beautiful, hurting $[characters.list.cherie.player_role].) "Yes, baby. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] help you. This is... this is for your health. Just look at me, okay?"
She lets the bra fall away, her breasts finally free. They're even more magnificent than you imagined - full and round, with rosy nipples standing at attention. A light dusting of freckles covers the creamy skin, and you find yourself wanting to trace them with your tongue. Her areolas are large and puffy, a darker pink than the surrounding skin. You can see the subtle blue veins beneath her pale skin, a testament to the fullness of her maternal breasts.
You: "Oh god, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... You're so beautiful." [Your hand begins to move again, faster now]
The sight of Cherie's naked breasts pushes you over the edge. Your back arches as you finally reach your climax, cum erupting from your cock in thick, ropey strands. It shoots high into the air, some of it landing on Cherie's exposed skin, while the rest splatters on the workshop floor. Each pulse of your cock sends another jet of semen flying, the quantity far beyond what a normal man could produce.
Cherie: [She watches in awe, her own breathing ragged] (So much... He really needed this. My baby boy... No man has ever cum this much before.) "That's it, honey. Let it all out. You're doing so well. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s here for you."
As your orgasm subsides, Cherie steps forward and pulls you into a gentle embrace. Your face presses against her bare breasts, and you can hear the rapid beating of her heart. Her skin is soft and warm against yours, the scent of her body mingling with the musky aroma of your release. You can feel her nipples, hard points pressing against your chest. The moment is tender and intimate, a new bond forged in the aftermath of your shared experience.
"We'll... we'll need to schedule that examination soon," she whispers, her voice trembling slightly. "To make sure you're okay. And to... to prevent this from happening again."
As she holds you, you can feel the heat of her body, the softness of her breasts against your skin. The taboo nature of what just transpired hangs in the air, a forbidden intimacy between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] that can never be undone. You both know that your relationship has changed irrevocably, transformed by this moment of vulnerability and shared pleasure.
You: [Your eyes darken with unbridled lust] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I need more. Please..."
Your hand moves faster on your exposed cock, your hips thrusting forward. The head is angry and swollen, a steady stream of pre-cum leaking from the tip. Your eyes are locked on Cherie's breasts, still confined in her bra. You can see the outline of her nipples, hard points straining against the fabric, begging to be freed.
Cherie: [She hesitates for a moment, then reaches behind her back] (This is so wrong, but he needs it. I have to help him. And god help me, I want to.) "Okay, baby. $[characters.list.cherie.role] will help you. Just... just don't touch, alright?"
She unhooks her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her breasts spill free, full and heavy. They're even more magnificent than you imagined - round and firm, defying gravity despite their size. Her nipples are hard, pointing straight at you, surrounded by large, puffy areolas. You can see the faint blue veins beneath her pale skin, a roadmap of forbidden territory. She cups them, lifting them slightly as if offering them to you. The sight makes your cock twitch violently, another glob of pre-cum oozing from the tip.
You: "Fuck, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... I'm gonna cum!" [Your hand moves in a blur, your hips jerking erratically]
The dam finally breaks. Your cock erupts, shooting jet after jet of hot, thick cum. The first rope lands on Cherie's stomach, the next on her breasts. You continue to pump your shaft, covering her in your seed. Each pulse seems more powerful than the last, your vision whiting out from the intensity. Your enhanced body produces an inhuman amount of semen, far more than should be possible.
Cherie: [She gasps, her body shuddering as your warm cum lands on her skin] (So much... It's so warm... No man has ever cum this much before. My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... my baby boy...) "Oh god, baby... Look at all this. You really needed that, didn't you?"
As the last drops of semen dribble from your cock, you slump back against the workbench, spent and panting. Cherie stands before you, covered in your release, her expression a mix of shock, embarrassment, and something that looks dangerously like arousal. Your cum drips down her breasts, pooling in her navel and trickling down towards the waistband of her pants. Her nipples are still hard, glistening with your seed.
"We... we need to schedule an examination," she says, her voice husky. "As soon as possible. To make sure this doesn't... happen again. And to check if... if this is normal for the virus."
Her hand moves to her breast, ostensibly to wipe away your cum, but her fingers linger, tracing circles around her nipple. The sight makes your spent cock twitch, a reminder of the taboo line you've just crossed. The air is thick with the scent of sex and forbidden desire, a heady mixture that marks the irrevocable change in your relationship. $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], now bound by a secret that's as thrilling as it is shameful.
You: [Horror dawns on your face as you realize what you're doing] "Oh god, $[characters.list.cherie.role], I'm so sorry! This is all wrong!"
You yank your hand away from your exposed cock, scrambling to cover yourself. Shame and guilt wash over you, clearing the haze of lust that had clouded your mind. Your erection wilts rapidly as the reality of the situation sinks in. The sight of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s partially exposed breasts, which moments ago had filled you with desire, now makes you feel sick with shame.
Cherie: [She quickly crosses her arms over her chest] (What have I done? What kind of $[characters.list.cherie.role] am I? I almost... with my own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!) "No, I... I'm the one who should be sorry. I shouldn't have... This is my fault."
She turns away, grabbing her discarded shirt to cover herself. The air is thick with tension and regret, the earlier passion replaced by an awkward, heavy silence. You can see her shoulders shaking slightly, and you realize she's crying. The sight of her bare back, the curve of her spine leading down to the waistband of her pants, serves as a stark reminder of how close you came to crossing an unforgivable line.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], please... We should talk about this. It's the virus, it's not our fault..."
You reach for her, but she flinches away. The rejection stings, adding to the swirling mix of shame and lingering arousal. You want to fix this, to go back to how things were, but you know it's impossible. The image of her breasts, the way her nipples had hardened at the sight of your arousal - it's all burned into your memory, a forbidden fruit you can never untaste.
Cherie: [She turns to you, her eyes red and puffy] (We can never speak of this again. Never. But oh god, the way he looked at me... No, stop it!) "Just... just go clean up, honey. We'll... we'll schedule that examination with Dr. Thompson. But this... this never happened. Do you understand?"
Her voice is firm, but you can hear the tremor of emotion beneath it. Without waiting for a response, she hurries out of the workshop, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the lingering scent of what almost was. The workshop, once a place of innocent bonding, now feels tainted by the taboo desires that surfaced between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. You're left wondering if things between you and your $[characters.list.cherie.role] will ever be the same again, the memory of her naked flesh and the shame of your actions a weight that settles heavily on your shoulders.
You: [A sudden, intense wave of the virus hits you] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... something's happening... I can't control it..."
Your body feels like it's on fire, every nerve ending screaming for release. Your cock, which had begun to soften, is suddenly rock hard again, pulsing visibly. The scent of your pheromones fills the workshop, impossibly strong and irresistible. Your enhanced member looks almost painful, veins bulging along its length, the head swollen and angry.
Cherie: [She gasps, her eyes glazing over as the virus affects her too] (Oh god, the smell... It's overwhelming... My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... my baby boy... I need...) "Honey, I... I can feel it too... We shouldn't, but... I can't..."
She moves towards you, her movements almost trance-like. Her nipples harden visibly, straining against her shirt. The fabric becomes translucent as sweat begins to soak through, revealing the curves of her breasts and the dark circles of her areolas. The air crackles with sexual energy as you both give in to the virus's demands, all thoughts of propriety forgotten in the face of overwhelming lust.
Her hand reaches out, hovering just above your throbbing member. You can feel the heat radiating from her palm, your cock twitching in anticipation. Cherie's other hand moves to her breast, kneading it roughly through her shirt. Her pupils are dilated, her breathing shallow and rapid. The scent of her arousal mingles with yours, creating a heady, intoxicating aroma that fills the workshop.
"Baby," she moans, her voice thick with need. "$[characters.list.cherie.role]'s here... Let me take care of you..."
As she reaches for you, your mind screams that this is wrong, that she's your $[characters.list.cherie.role]. But the virus drowns out all reason, pushing you towards a point of no return. Your bodies gravitate towards each other, drawn by an irresistible force that threatens to consume you both. The taboo nature of your desire only seems to fuel the virus's effects, amplifying every sensation and obliterating the last shreds of your inhibitions.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I can't... I need to taste you..."
Your hands move of their own accord, roughly grabbing Cherie's ass and pulling her towards your face. The virus has overwhelmed your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. In one swift motion, you yank down her pants, exposing her lower half. Without hesitation, you bury your face between her thighs, your enhanced tongue exploring every fold and crevice of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s pussy.
Cherie: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your mouth off my pussy, you sick bastard! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]!"
She struggles against you, her body betraying her with small shivers of pleasure even as her mind recoils in horror and anger. Her hands tangle in your hair, unsure whether to push you away or pull you closer. You can taste her arousal, tangy and sweet on your tongue. Her labia are swollen and puffy, her clit hard and protruding from its hood. The virus heightens every sensation, making the taboo act even more intoxicating.
You: "Fuck, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... You taste so good... I can't stop..."
You continue your assault on her pussy, your enhanced strength allowing you to hold her in place despite her struggles. Your tongue delves deeper, finding spots that make her gasp and moan involuntarily. The taste of her juices, mixed with the virus, sends jolts of pleasure straight to your groin. Your cock throbs painfully, pre-cum leaking steadily onto the workshop floor.
Cherie: [Moaning despite herself, her legs shaking] "Stop... oh god... we can't... I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], you fucking pervert! This is so wrong!"
Her resistance weakens as pleasure overtakes her. You can feel her getting close, her pussy clenching around your probing tongue. Her juices flow freely, coating your chin and neck. Just as she's about to climax, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze of lust. With a cry of disgust and self-loathing, Cherie shoves you away violently.
Cherie: [Backing away, voice shaking with rage and fear] "Don't you dare come near me again, you fucking monster. I'll kill you if you ever try anything like that again, $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] or not!"
She pulls up her pants and flees the workshop, leaving you alone with the taste of her on your lips and the virus burning in your veins. The memory of her pussy against your mouth haunts you, a forbidden pleasure that may have cost you your relationship with your $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Your enhanced body throbs with unfulfilled desire, the virus demanding more despite your mind's protests.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I need you... I can't control it anymore..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Cherie, pinning her against the workshop wall. You tear off her shirt, exposing her breasts fully. Your mouth latches onto one nipple, sucking and biting with virus-enhanced fervor.
Cherie: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "Get the fuck off me! This isn't you! We're $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], you sick fuck! Stop!"
She thrashes against you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can feel her nipple hardening in your mouth despite her fear, her body betraying her even as she fights. Her breasts heave with each panicked breath, the soft flesh jiggling with her struggles.
You: "Your body knows what it wants, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Stop fighting it... Let your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] make you feel good..."
Your hands tear at her pants, ripping them off with ease. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. You force her legs apart, your enhanced member throbbing painfully, pre-cum leaking steadily from its swollen head. The tip brushes against her inner thigh, leaving a wet trail of desire.
Cherie: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! I'll fucking kill you for this! You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], you can't do this! Please, stop!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Cherie manages to grab a nearby wrench, swinging it at your head. You dodge, the tool grazing your shoulder. The pain only serves to fuel your frenzy. As you position yourself at her entrance, Cherie prepares for one last, desperate fight against the monster her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] has become. The scent of her fear and unwilling arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. All fucking mine... Your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] is going to breed you..."
With a brutal thrust, you force yourself inside her. The sensation is overwhelming - her tight, maternal passage stretching to accommodate your virus-enhanced girth. You can feel every ridge, every fold of her inner walls gripping you like a vice. The contrast between her resistance and her body's involuntary response is intoxicating.
Cherie: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... This isn't you... It hurts... Oh god, why does it feel like this?"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you brutally thrust into her, the virus driving you to claim her with animalistic ferocity. Each cry of pain only spurs you on, the beast within reveling in her suffering. You can feel her body responding involuntarily, her pussy clenching around you with each thrust. The sight of your cock disappearing into your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s body, stretching her in ways she was never meant to be stretched, drives you to new heights of depravity.
You: "Fuck, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... Your pussy feels so good... This is what mothers are for... Taking their $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s cock..."
You continue your assault, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Cherie's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
Cherie: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "...why? How could you do this to me...? We're family... Oh god, I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. You can feel your enhanced cum filling her, more than a normal man could ever produce. Some primal part of you hopes it takes root, the virus whispering dark promises of breeding your own $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Cherie lies there, shattered and violated, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The workshop, once a place of bonding and shared projects, is now tainted by the monstrous act you've committed against the woman who gave you life.
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.cherie.role] anymore. You're my breeding stock now."
Having defeated Cherie, you drag her struggling form towards the door, intent on reaching your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-loving $[characters.list.cherie.role] into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her skin, your cum leaking from her abused pussy.
Cherie: [Sobbing, her voice hoarse from screaming] "Please... don't do this... I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]... This isn't you... It's the virus..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you continue to manhandle her. The virus has consumed your mind, leaving only a primal desire to dominate and breed. You can feel her body trembling against yours, a mix of fear and unwanted arousal. The scent of her terror and your recent coupling fills the air, driving you to further depths of depravity.
You: "Shut up, breeder. You'll learn to love your new purpose."
With brutal efficiency, you secure Cherie to the breeding bench in your dungeon. Her wrists and ankles are bound, leaving her exposed and vulnerable. The virus thrums in your veins, demanding more, always more. Your cock is already hardening again, ready for another round of depraved, incestuous breeding.
Welcome to a scene easter egg, contact the dev for a little laugh!
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]? You wanted to see me?" [You enter Cherie's room hesitantly, memories of the workshop incident still fresh in your mind]
Cherie's room is bathed in soft, warm light from a bedside lamp. The air is thick with the scent of antiseptic and a faint floral perfume. Medical equipment is neatly arranged on her desk, giving the space an oddly clinical feel despite the personal touches scattered around. Family photos on the walls seem to watch accusingly, a stark reminder of the taboo nature of your recent interactions.
Cherie: [She looks up from her notes, a professional mask slipping into place, though her hands tremble slightly] (Stay calm, Cherie. This is just a medical examination. You're his $[characters.list.cherie.role] first, a doctor second.) "Yes, honey. Please come in and close the door. We need to discuss what happened in the workshop and run some tests."
She's wearing a white lab coat buttoned up to her neck, her hair pulled back into a tight bun. Despite her attempts at professionalism, you can see a slight flush creeping up her neck, her breathing slightly quicker than normal. The lab coat does little to hide her curvaceous figure - her 32DD breasts strain against the fabric, and the coat hugs her narrow waist before flaring out over her shapely hips. She gestures for you to sit on the edge of the bed, her eyes darting away as if afraid to look at you directly.
You: "Okay, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I'm... I'm sorry about what happened before." [You sit down, your hands fidgeting nervously in your lap]
The bed creaks slightly under your weight. You can feel the heat radiating from Cherie as she moves closer, her scent enveloping you - a mix of clinical antiseptic and something undeniably feminine. Your body responds involuntarily, a slight warmth building in your core, your cock twitching with interest.
Cherie: [She takes a deep breath, steeling herself] (Focus, Cherie. You're doing this to help him, to understand the virus. Nothing more.) "It's... it's alright, sweetie. The virus affects us all in different ways. That's why we need to understand it better. Now, I'm going to ask you some questions and perform some tests. Just try to relax, okay?"
As she speaks, she moves to stand in front of you, her lab coat parting slightly. You catch a glimpse of her shapely legs, the curve of her hips hinted at beneath the sterile white fabric. Her breasts sway slightly with each movement, and you can see the faint outline of her nipples pressing against her blouse. Cherie notices your gaze and quickly adjusts her coat, a look of shame flashing across her face. The taboo nature of your thoughts makes your heart race, a mix of guilt and excitement coursing through you.
You: "Sure, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Whatever you think is best." [You try to keep your voice steady, but there's a slight tremor to it]
Cherie begins her examination, her touch clinical but still sending shivers through your body. She checks your pulse, her fingers pressing against your wrist, lingering perhaps a moment too long. As she leans in to listen to your breathing, her breasts brush against your arm, the soft fullness of them unmistakable even through her coat. You can feel her nipples, hard points pressing against you, and you both stiffen at the contact.
Cherie: [She frowns slightly at the thermometer, her professional demeanor slipping] (His temperature is elevated. Is it the virus, or...? No, don't think like that, Cherie!) "Your temperature is a bit high, honey. How are you feeling right now? Any... urges or sensations you want to tell me about?"
As she asks this, she leans in closer, ostensibly to check your pupils. Her breath fans across your face, warm and sweet. You catch a glimpse down her coat, the top button having come undone, revealing the swell of her breasts and a hint of lace. The creamy expanse of her cleavage is mesmerizing, and you can see a light sheen of sweat glistening on her skin. Your cock responds immediately, hardening and straining against your pants, the outline of your massive member clearly visible. Cherie notices, her eyes widening before she quickly looks away, a deep blush coloring her cheeks.
You: "I... I feel warm. And a little... tingly?" [You shift uncomfortably, trying to hide your growing arousal]
The room seems to grow warmer, the air thicker. Cherie's proximity is intoxicating, her scent filling your nostrils - a mix of her familiar motherly smell and something new, musky and arousing. You can see a light sheen of sweat forming on her skin, a single droplet trailing down her neck and disappearing into her cleavage. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the goosebumps rising on her skin, the slight tremor in her hands as she tries to maintain her professional composure.
Cherie: [She nods, making a note on her clipboard, her hand shaking slightly] (It's working. But is this right? Am I taking advantage? No, this is necessary. For his health.) "I see. And what about... physical responses? Any changes in your... anatomy?"
Her eyes flick down to your crotch, where your erection is becoming increasingly obvious. The outline of your massive member is clearly visible, the head pushing against the fabric of your pants. It's at least 12 inches long and thick as your wrist, the veins pulsing visibly even through your clothing. A small wet spot forms where pre-cum has begun to leak. Cherie licks her lips unconsciously, a gesture that sends a jolt of arousal straight to your groin. Your cock throbs painfully, the tip swelling and darkening with need.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I think I'm..." [You trail off, embarrassment and arousal warring within you]
Your erection is now fully visible, tenting your pants obscenely. The tip of your cock presses against the fabric, a large wet spot forming where pre-cum has begun to leak copiously. You shift again, trying to find a comfortable position, but the movement only serves to draw attention to your predicament. The taboo nature of your arousal, the fact that it's your own $[characters.list.cherie.role] causing these feelings, only seems to intensify your desire.
Cherie: [She takes a shaky breath, her professional demeanor cracking] (Oh god, it's huge. Just like in the workshop. Stay focused, Cherie! You're his $[characters.list.cherie.role], for heaven's sake!) "I... I see. This is a normal response to the virus. We need to... to monitor this. Can you... can you expose yourself for me? For the examination?"
Her voice trembles slightly as she asks this, a deep blush creeping up her neck and coloring her cheeks. Despite her embarrassment, you notice her nipples have hardened, visible even through her lab coat and blouse. They're pressing against the fabric, two distinct points that seem to beg for attention. She crosses her arms over her chest, trying to hide her body's betrayal, but the action only serves to push her breasts up and together, creating an enticing cleavage. The sight makes your cock twitch again, another drop of pre-cum soaking into your pants.
You: "Expose myself? Are you sure?" [Your hands move to your waistband, hesitating]
The tension in the room is palpable. Your heart races, blood pounding in your ears. With shaking hands, you unbutton your pants and slowly lower the zipper. Your cock springs free, fully erect and throbbing. It's even larger than before, at least 12 inches long and thick as your wrist. Veins pulse visibly along its length, the head swollen and angry red, glistening with pre-cum. The shaft is rock hard, radiating heat, and you can see it twitch with each rapid beat of your heart.
Cherie: [She gasps audibly, her clipboard clattering to the floor] (It's even bigger than I remembered. How is that possible? This isn't normal. But... why do I feel so... No, stop it, Cherie!) "Oh my... That's... That's quite a significant reaction. We need to... to measure it. For the records."
She fumbles in her lab coat pocket, producing a measuring tape. As she kneels in front of you, her face is level with your massive erection. You can see her nostrils flare as she inhales your musky scent, her pupils dilating with arousal. Her breasts heave with each rapid breath, threatening to spill out of her blouse. Her hands shake as she tries to measure your length and girth, careful not to touch you directly. Despite her efforts, her fingers brush against your shaft, causing both of you to gasp at the contact. The taboo electricity of your own $[characters.list.cherie.role] touching your cock sends a shudder through your entire body.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I don't think I can hold back much longer." [Your hips buck involuntarily, your cock bobbing mere inches from Cherie's face]
Pre-cum oozes steadily from your tip, forming a small puddle on the floor. The scent of your arousal fills the room, musky and primal. Cherie's hands shake as she attempts to measure your length and girth, her breath coming in short, quick gasps. The warmth of her exhales on your sensitive skin is almost unbearable, sending jolts of pleasure through your entire body. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail - the way her tongue darts out to wet her lips, the rapid pulse visible in her neck, the slight tremor in her hands as she struggles to maintain her composure.
Cherie: [She swallows hard, her voice husky] (I shouldn't be enjoying this. But god, the smell... It's intoxicating. No, I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role]. This is wrong!) "It's okay, honey. You need to... to relieve the pressure. For your health. Can you... can you masturbate for me? So I can observe the effects?"
Her request sends a jolt of electricity through you. You watch as she licks her lips again, her eyes never leaving your throbbing member. Her free hand moves to her own thigh, fingers digging into the flesh as if to anchor herself. You can see a damp spot forming on her skirt where her thighs press together, betraying her arousal. The knowledge that your own $[characters.list.cherie.role] is getting wet because of you only serves to heighten your excitement, your cock twitching eagerly in response.
You: "I'll try, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. But it's... it's not enough." [Your hand wraps around your shaft, beginning to stroke]
You pump your cock, your movements becoming more frantic as the pressure builds. Your massive member looks even larger in your hand, the head swelling and darkening as you approach climax. But despite your efforts, release remains frustratingly out of reach. Your balls are swollen and heavy, drawn up tight against your body and aching for relief. They're the size of tennis balls, visibly churning with your enhanced seed. Sweat beads on your forehead, your entire body trembling with need.
Cherie: [She watches intently, her breathing ragged] (He needs help. It's my duty as a $[characters.list.cherie.role]... as a doctor. But this is so wrong. Why am I so wet?) "It's not working, is it? Maybe... maybe you need visual stimulation. Would that help?"
Before you can respond, she stands and shrugs off her lab coat. Her fingers move to the buttons of her blouse, slowly undoing them one by one. As the fabric parts, you catch glimpses of lacy black lingerie underneath - a stark contrast to her usual modest attire. Her breasts strain against the delicate lace, threatening to spill out at any moment. Her hands tremble as she exposes herself, her face a mix of shame and undeniable arousal. You can see her nipples, hard and dark, pressing against the thin fabric of her bra. The curve of her waist flares out to generous hips, and you can't help but imagine gripping them as you thrust into her. The taboo thought makes your cock throb painfully in your hand.
You: "Oh god, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... Yes, please..." [Your hand moves faster on your cock, your eyes locked on Cherie's revealing form]
Cherie's blouse falls to the floor, followed quickly by her skirt. She stands before you in nothing but her black lace bra and panties, her body a testament to mature beauty. Her breasts, full and heavy, strain against the delicate fabric, nipples clearly visible and rock hard. They're at least 32DD, defying gravity despite her age. A damp patch has formed on her panties, evidence of her own arousal. Her thighs glisten with moisture, her arousal having seeped past the fabric barrier. You can see the outline of her pussy lips through the thin lace, swollen and puffy with desire.
Cherie: [She cups her breasts, lifting them slightly] (This is wrong. So wrong. But he needs me. And god help me, I need this too.) "Is this helping, baby? Do you need more? Tell $[characters.list.cherie.role] what you need."
Her words, so at odds with her usual maternal tone, send a fresh wave of arousal through you. Your cock throbs painfully, pre-cum now flowing freely, coating your hand and dripping onto the floor. You can see Cherie's thighs pressing together, her hips making small, unconscious movements. The scent of her arousal mingles with yours, creating an intoxicating musk that fills the room. The taboo nature of the situation - your own $[characters.list.cherie.role] offering herself to you - makes your head spin with a mixture of shame and uncontrollable lust.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I can't... It hurts... Please..." [Your voice is strained, desperation evident in every word]
Your hand is a blur on your cock, but it's not enough. The pressure continues to build, your balls drawing up tight against your body. Your entire being is focused on the need for release, but it remains frustratingly out of reach. Your massive member pulses angrily, veins standing out in stark relief against the taut skin. The head is swollen and dark, leaking a steady stream of pre-cum that runs down your shaft and over your fingers.
Cherie: [She takes a deep breath, steeling herself] (He's in pain. I have to help him. It's the only way. God forgive me.) "Okay, baby. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s going to help you. Just... just don't move, alright?"
She kneels in front of you again, her face level with your throbbing cock. You can see the internal struggle playing out on her features - the conflict between her role as a $[characters.list.cherie.role] and her duties as a doctor warring with the undeniable arousal she's feeling. Her breasts heave with each rapid breath, threatening to spill out of her bra. Finally, with a shaky exhale, she reaches out and wraps her hand around your shaft. Her touch is electric, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. Her delicate hand can barely wrap around your girth, the contrast of her pale skin against your engorged member starkly erotic. She keeps her eyes averted, unable to look directly at what she's doing, but her grip is firm and sure. The taboo thrill of your own $[characters.list.cherie.role] touching you so intimately makes your cock twitch in her hand, another bead of pre-cum forming at the tip.
You: "Oh god, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... Your hand feels so good." [Your hips buck involuntarily, pushing your cock further into her grip]
Cherie's touch is electric, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. Her hand moves slowly at first, exploring the length and girth of your massive member. Her fingers can barely wrap around its thickness, the contrast of her delicate hand against your engorged cock starkly erotic. Her other hand cups your balls, gently massaging them. They're swollen and heavy, filled to the brim with your seed. The dual stimulation is intense, pushing you closer to the edge.
Cherie: [Her voice is soft, trembling] (This is just to help him. Nothing more. But god, it feels so... wrong. And right. His cock is so hot, so hard in my hand.) "That's it, baby. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] take care of you. Just relax and let it happen."
Her strokes become more confident, her grip tightening slightly. She keeps her eyes averted, unable to look directly at what she's doing. You can see the internal struggle playing out on her features - shame warring with arousal, duty clashing with desire. Despite her embarrassment, her body betrays her arousal. Her nipples strain against her bra, visible even through the lace, and you can see a damp spot growing on her panties. The scent of her arousal mingles with yours, creating an intoxicating cocktail of pheromones that fills the room.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum!" [Your muscles tense, your release imminent]
The pressure that's been building finally reaches its peak. With a loud groan, you explode in Cherie's hand. Thick ropes of cum shoot from your cock, some landing on her face and breasts. The first blast is so powerful it hits the wall behind her. She continues to stroke you through your orgasm, milking every last drop from your pulsing member. Your seed is copious and thick, far more than should be humanly possible, a testament to the virus's effects. It coats her hand, drips down her breasts, and pools on the floor between you.
Cherie: [She gasps, overwhelmed by the volume and scent] (So much... And the smell... It's incredible. Why do I want to taste it?) "That's it, honey. Let it all out. You did so well."
As your orgasm subsides, Cherie's body shudders subtly. Her thighs press together, and a soft, muffled moan escapes her lips. She's reached her own climax, triggered by the overwhelming sensations and scent of your release. A visible wet spot forms on her panties, her arousal seeping through the delicate fabric. She quickly composes herself, hoping you didn't notice, but the flush on her cheeks and the heaving of her breasts betray her.
"We might need to continue monitor your condition. To prevent any more... incidents. Is that okay with you, sweetie?" As she speaks, her hand unconsciously continues to stroke your softening member, as if reluctant to let go. The taboo nature of what you've just done hangs heavy in the air, a mix of shame and lingering arousal that will forever change your relationship with your $[characters.list.cherie.role].
You: "Fuck, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... Don't stop!" [Your hips thrust forward, fucking her hand]
Cherie's touch ignites a fire in your veins. Her hand moves faster, gripping tighter. The lewd sounds of her stroking your cock fill the room, punctuated by your grunts and her muffled whimpers. Her other hand clenches the bedsheet, knuckles white with the effort of restraining herself. The scent of her arousal mingles with yours, filling the room with an intoxicating musk. Your massive member throbs in her grip, veins pulsing visibly along its length. Pre-cum flows freely, coating her hand and making each stroke smoother and more intense.
Cherie: [Her voice is low, strained] (God, I've never been this wet. His cock is so hot, so hard. I shouldn't be enjoying this. I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], for heaven's sake!) "That's it, baby. Let it out. Show $[characters.list.cherie.role] what you need."
Her words, so unlike her usual maternal tone, send a jolt of pleasure through you. She keeps her eyes fixed on her hand, unable to meet your gaze. The shame and arousal warring on her face only serves to heighten your excitement. Despite her attempts to remain clinical, her body betrays her. Her nipples strain against her bra, visible even through the lace, and her hips make small, unconscious movements. You can see her thighs pressing together, seeking friction, a damp spot growing on her panties.
You: "Oh fuck! $[characters.list.cherie.role], I'm cumming!" [Your back arches, your release explosive]
Your orgasm hits with the force of a tidal wave. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting Cherie's face and chest white. The first blast is so powerful it hits her chin, some even reaching her hair. She gasps, eyes wide with shock at the volume and force of your release. Your seed is copious and thick, far more than should be humanly possible. It drips down her breasts, soaking into her bra and running down her toned stomach. The scent of your seed fills the air, impossibly strong and musky.
Cherie: [She whimpers, her body trembling] (So much... The smell is overwhelming. I can't... I can't hold back. Why do I want to taste it?) "Oh god, honey... That's... that's a lot..."
As your orgasm subsides, Cherie's body shudders violently. Her thighs clamp together, and she bites her lip hard to stifle a moan. She's reached her own climax, triggered by the overwhelming sensations and scent of your release. A visible wet spot forms on her panties, her arousal seeping through the delicate fabric and running down her thighs. She quickly tries to compose herself, hoping you didn't notice, but her flushed skin and heaving breasts betray her.
The room is thick with the scent of sex and the lingering taboo of what you've just done. Your own $[characters.list.cherie.role], covered in your seed, trembling with the aftershocks of her own orgasm - it's an image that will be forever burned into your memory. The line you've crossed can never be uncrossed, your relationship forever altered by this moment of shared, forbidden pleasure.
You: [Horror dawns on your face] "$[characters.list.cherie.role], no! We can't do this. It's wrong!"
You jerk away from Cherie's touch, nearly falling off the bed in your haste. Your enhanced cock bobs obscenely in the air, angry and red, pre-cum leaking steadily from the tip. The spell is broken, the haze of lust clearing from your mind. Shame and guilt wash over you, your erection wilting rapidly. The reality of what you were about to do with your own $[characters.list.cherie.role] hits you like a bucket of cold water.
Cherie: [She recoils, horror etched on her features] (Oh god, what have I done? What kind of $[characters.list.cherie.role] am I? How could I even think of touching my own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] like that?) "I... I'm so sorry, honey. This is all my fault. I should never have..."
She scrambles to her feet, grabbing her discarded clothes and holding them in front of her like a shield. Tears well up in her eyes, a mix of shame and frustration evident on her face. Her body still trembles with unfulfilled desire, but the look of disgust and self-loathing in her eyes is unmistakable. You can see her nipples still hard beneath the thin fabric of her bra, her thighs pressed tightly together, evidence of her lingering arousal that only serves to deepen her shame.
You: "We need to forget this ever happened. It's the virus talking, not us."
You quickly tuck yourself back into your pants, avoiding eye contact with Cherie. The room feels cold now, the earlier warmth replaced by an awkward, heavy silence. You can hear Cherie's ragged breathing, punctuated by soft sobs. The air still smells of arousal and shame, a sickening reminder of how close you came to crossing an unforgivable line.
Cherie: [Her voice is barely a whisper] (We can never speak of this again. Never. What kind of $[characters.list.cherie.role] gets aroused by her own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]? I'm disgusting.) "You're right. This... this was a mistake. A terrible mistake. We'll find another way to manage your condition. One that doesn't... doesn't involve this."
She turns away, her shoulders shaking with suppressed sobs. You want to comfort her, but you know that any touch right now would only make things worse. The family photos on the wall seem to stare accusingly, a stark reminder of the sacred bonds you nearly violated. Without another word, you leave the room, closing the door softly behind you. The sound feels like a final punctuation on what almost was, leaving you both to grapple with the aftermath of your actions and the terrifying power of the virus over your minds and bodies.
You: [A sudden, intense wave of the virus hits you] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... something's happening... I can't control it..."
Your body feels like it's on fire, every nerve ending screaming for release. Your cock, which had begun to soften, is suddenly rock hard again, pulsing visibly. The veins along its length throb angrily, and the head swells to an almost painful degree. Pre-cum oozes continuously from the tip, forming a puddle on the floor. The scent of your pheromones fills the room, impossibly strong and irresistible.
Cherie: [She gasps, her eyes glazing over as the virus affects her too] (Oh god, the smell... It's overwhelming... My body... it's on fire! No, I can't... He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!) "Honey, I... I can feel it too... We shouldn't, but... I can't resist..."
She moves towards you, her movements almost trance-like. Her nipples harden visibly, straining against her bra to the point of pain. A visible dampness spreads across her panties, her arousal so intense it drips down her thighs. The air crackles with sexual energy, small arcs of static electricity jumping between your bodies as you draw closer. Both of you are panting heavily, skin flushed and glistening with sweat. The virus pulses through your veins, demanding satisfaction with an intensity that threatens to consume you both.
Cherie's hands reach for you, trembling with need. Her eyes, usually so full of maternal love, now burn with an unholy lust. As her fingers brush against your throbbing member, you both cry out in pleasure. The touch sends a shockwave through you both, the virus amplifying every sensation to an almost unbearable degree. You know that what's about to happen will change your relationship forever, but in this moment, consumed by virus-fueled lust, neither of you can bring yourselves to care.
You: [Your eyes darken with lust] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I need to check something. For the virus research."
A haze of desire clouds your judgment as you approach Cherie. She backs away, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and confusion. You advance, your massive erection tenting your pants obscenely. The outline of your cock is clearly visible, at least 12 inches long and thick as your wrist, pulsing with each rapid heartbeat.
Cherie: [She presses against the wall] (Oh god, his cock looks enormous. This is so wrong!) "Honey, what are you doing? This isn't appropriate!"
Despite her protests, you can see her nipples hardening beneath her thin blouse. Her chest heaves with rapid breaths, her ample breasts straining against the fabric. The scent of her arousal mingles with yours, filling the room with an intoxicating musk. You can see a damp spot forming on her skirt where her thighs press together, betraying her body's response to your advance.
You: [Your hand slides under her skirt] "It's for science, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I need to check your... reactions."
Your fingers brush against her panty-clad mound, feeling the heat and dampness there. Cherie gasps, her body trembling at your touch. You push the fabric aside, your finger sliding along her slick folds. Her pussy lips are swollen and puffy, glistening with her arousal. You can feel her clit, hard and protruding, begging for attention.
Cherie: [She moans involuntarily] (This is insane! But... why does it feel so good?) "No! Stop! We can't... Oh god!"
Her protests are cut short as you slip a finger inside her. Her inner walls clench around the digit, hot and tight. You curl your finger, searching for that special spot, and are rewarded with a sharp gasp from Cherie. Her hips buck involuntarily, driving your finger deeper. You can feel her juices coating your hand, evidence of her body's betrayal.
Just as you're about to add a second finger, Cherie seems to snap out of her daze. With a cry of shame and anger, she pushes you away forcefully. The spell breaks, and horror dawns on both your faces. Cherie's hand flies to her mouth, tears welling in her eyes as she realizes how close she came to giving in. She orders you out, her voice shaking with a mix of anger and unfulfilled desire.
As you leave, the scent of her arousal clings to your fingers, a visceral reminder of the taboo line you nearly crossed. The image of your $[characters.list.cherie.role], flushed and trembling with unwanted desire, will haunt your dreams for nights to come.
You: [Your gaze falls on a bottle of lubricant] "We need to test your sensitivity, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. For science."
The virus twists your mind, turning your curiosity into something dark and dangerous. You grab the lube, advancing on Cherie with a predatory gleam in your eye. Your massive erection strains against your pants, a wet spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric. The outline of your cock is clearly visible, at least 12 inches long and thick as your wrist, pulsing with each rapid heartbeat.
Cherie: [She backs away, her eyes fixed on your bulge] (It's so big... No, I can't think like that!) "Honey, please! This isn't you. Fight it! Remember who I am!"
Her words barely register as you corner her against the examination table. The scent of her fear and arousal drives you wild. You can see her pulse racing in her neck, her ample breasts heaving with each panicked breath. Despite her terror, her nipples are visibly hard, pressing against the thin fabric of her blouse.
You: [You tear open her blouse, buttons flying] "Hold still, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. This is important research."
Your hands roughly grope her breasts, kneading the soft flesh. Cherie's nipples harden against your palms, betraying her body's response. Her 32DD breasts spill out of her torn blouse, the pale flesh marked red where you've grabbed her. You squeeze a generous amount of lube onto her chest, watching it drip down between her breasts.
Cherie: [She moans involuntarily] "Stop! This is wrong! You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!"
Ignoring her pleas, you free your throbbing cock from your pants. It springs forth, angry and swollen, veins pulsing visibly along its length. Pre-cum oozes from the tip, mixing with the lube on her chest. You press it between her slick breasts, the heat of her flesh almost unbearable against your sensitive skin. The taboo thrill of violating your own $[characters.list.cherie.role] only serves to make your cock harder, if that's even possible.
You: [You thrust between her breasts] "Assessing tactile response to stimuli."
The feeling of her soft, slippery breasts around your cock is overwhelming. The virus heightens every sensation, making you feel like you're about to explode with pleasure. You set a punishing rhythm, lost in your own world of twisted scientific curiosity. Cherie's breasts jiggle with each thrust, the lube making obscene squelching sounds.
Cherie: [She whimpers, her body betraying her] "No... please... This isn't right..."
Despite her words, her body responds. Her hands move to press her breasts together, creating a tighter channel for you to thrust into. You can feel her heart racing, her skin flushed with unwanted arousal. A thin sheen of sweat covers her body, making her skin glisten in the dim light. Her nipples are hard peaks, brushing against your shaft with each thrust. You can see her thighs pressing together, seeking friction, a damp spot growing on her skirt.
Cherie: [Her voice breaks between sobs and involuntary moans] "Please... stop... We can't... Oh god, why does it feel..."
Her protests trail off into a moan as you pinch her nipples roughly. The conflicting emotions on her face - shame, fear, and unwanted pleasure - only serve to fuel your lust. The scent of her arousal mingles with the clinical smell of the lube, creating an intoxicating mixture that fills your nostrils.
You: [Your movements become more frantic] "Experiment concluding... Preparing for sample collection..."
The pressure builds to an unbearable level. With a final, brutal thrust, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, painting Cherie's face and chest white. Your release seems endless, pumping out more seed than should be humanly possible. It coats her breasts, drips down her stomach, and pools in her navel.
Cherie: [Her body shudders with unwanted pleasure] "Oh god... So much... It's so hot..."
As the haze of lust clears, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Cherie lies on the examination table, covered in your seed. Her eyes are glazed over, her body twitching with aftershocks. You can see her pussy lips, swollen and glistening with arousal, peeking out from under her hiked-up skirt. A mixture of your cum and her own juices drips down her thighs.
The room reeks of sex and shame, a chilling reminder of the line you've crossed. Cherie's sobs break the silence, her body curling in on itself as the full weight of what's happened crashes down on her. You stand there, your softening cock still dripping, as the horror of your actions begins to set in. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions against your own $[characters.list.cherie.role].
You: [Your eyes gleam with a cold, calculating light] "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I've realized something. You're the key to understanding the virus."
The virus warps your mind, twisting your scientific curiosity into something dark and cruel. You grab Cherie's arm, your enhanced strength making her struggles futile. Your other hand tears at her clothes, exposing her flesh to your hungry gaze. Her breasts spill free, jiggling with her frantic movements.
Cherie: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "What are you doing? This isn't you! Stop!"
But you're beyond reasoning. You bend her over the examination table, her ample breasts pressing against the cold surface. Your hands roam over her body, squeezing and pinching roughly. Cherie's protests turn to whimpers as she feels your massive erection pressing against her backside. You can see her pussy lips, swollen and glistening with unwanted arousal, peeking out from between her thighs.
You: [You thrust into her brutally] "This is for science, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Your body will tell me everything I need to know."
You rape her mercilessly, your hips slamming against her ass with virus-enhanced strength. Cherie's cries of pain and pleasure fill the room, but they only serve to fuel your twisted desire. Your mind is filled with a perverse sense of scientific duty, as if this violation is necessary for understanding the virus. Her pussy clenches around you, hot and tight, her body betraying her even as she sobs.
Cherie: [Her voice breaks between sobs and moans] "Please... stop... This isn't research!"
You ignore her pleas, lost in the sensation of her tight heat around your throbbing cock. As you reach your climax, pumping her full of your seed, you whisper, "This is just the beginning, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Your body belongs to science now."
After you finish, you strap her to the examination table, ignoring her weak struggles. You begin attaching sensors to her sweat-slicked skin, already planning your next series of "experiments". Cherie's broken sobs echo through the room, a chilling reminder of the monster the virus has made you become.
The once warm and loving relationship between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] has been utterly destroyed, replaced by a cruel parody of scientific inquiry. As you survey your handiwork - your $[characters.list.cherie.role], violated and restrained, her body marked with the evidence of your assault - you feel a twisted sense of satisfaction. The virus hums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role]? Are you in here? The water purifier's acting up again."
The bathroom door creaks open as you step inside, the humid air clinging to your skin. The small space is filled with steam, obscuring your vision. As it clears, you see your $[characters.list.cherie.role], Cherie, kneeling beside the makeshift water purifier, her brow furrowed in concentration. She's wearing only a thin, damp tank top and shorts, her curves clearly visible through the clingy fabric.
Cherie: [Looking up, brushing a damp strand of hair from her face] (Oh god, he's here. Stay calm, Cherie.) "Hey sweetie, perfect timing. I could use an extra pair of hands. This thing's being stubborn today."
The air feels thick with more than just steam as you move closer, the scent of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s skin mingling with the metallic tang of the purifier. You can't help but notice a bead of sweat trailing down her neck, disappearing into her cleavage.
You: "Of course, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. What do you need me to do?"
You kneel beside Cherie, your bodies close in the confined space. The heat seems to intensify, and you're acutely aware of every point where your skin nearly touches hers. As you lean in to examine the purifier, your arm brushes against her breast, sending a jolt of electricity through your body.
Cherie: [Inhaling sharply at the contact] (Focus, Cherie. It's just the virus talking.) "I need you to hold this valve steady while I tighten the coupling. Be careful, though. If we mess this up, we could lose our clean water supply for days."
Her voice wavers slightly as she speaks, and you notice her nipples hardening beneath her thin top. The gravity of the situation - your survival depending on this repair - clashes jarringly with the growing sexual tension in the room.
You: "Got it. I'll keep it steady, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You can count on me."
Positioning yourself behind the purifier, you reach around to grip the valve. This puts you in an intimate position with Cherie, your chest pressed against her back, your breath hot on her neck. You can feel the heat radiating from her body, smell the intoxicating scent of her hair.
Cherie: [Tensing at the closeness] (Oh god, he's so close. Stay professional, Cherie.) "That's perfect, honey. Now, don't let it move an inch while I work on this coupling. The pressure inside is intense."
As she works, her body shifts against yours, the friction causing your cock to stiffen involuntarily. You try to focus on the task at hand, but the feeling of her soft curves against you is overwhelming. The virus in your blood seems to pulse in time with your racing heart.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I think the valve's starting to give. Should I grip it tighter?"
Your voice comes out husky, strained with the effort of maintaining control. As you adjust your grip, your hips press forward, your hardening length pressing against the small of Cherie's back. You feel her stiffen, then relax, a small gasp escaping her lips.
Cherie: [Breath quickening] (Is that... Oh god, he's getting hard. We can't... but it feels...) "Y-yes, honey. Grip it as tight as you can. We can't afford any slips now. Our survival depends on this."
The double meaning in her words hangs heavy in the air. As she continues to work, her movements become more erratic, her body unconsciously grinding back against your growing erection. The sound of metal on metal mingles with your shared, ragged breathing.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I'm sorry, I can't help it. The virus... it's making it hard to control myself."
Your admission hangs in the steamy air, thick with tension and unspoken desire. Your grip on the valve tightens, knuckles white with the effort of maintaining control - both of the purifier and your own urges. The hard length of your cock throbs against Cherie's back, impossible to ignore.
Cherie: [Turning her head slightly, eyes dark with a mix of concern and arousal] (He's suffering. I should stop this, but... god help me, I want to help him.) "It's... it's okay, sweetie. I understand. The virus affects us all. Just... just try to focus on the purifier. We're almost done."
Her words say one thing, but her body betrays her. She presses back against you, her ass grinding subtly against your erection. The air feels electric, charged with forbidden desire and the ever-present threat of the virus overwhelming you both.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I think I need to adjust my position. The angle's all wrong."
Under the guise of finding a better grip on the valve, you shift your stance. This causes your erection to slide along the cleft of Cherie's ass, the thin fabric of her shorts doing little to mask the sensation. A low groan escapes your lips, unbidden.
Cherie: [Gasping at the feeling] (Oh god, I can feel every inch of him. This is wrong, so wrong, but...) "That's... that's fine, honey. Whatever you need to do to keep that valve steady. Remember, if we lose control now, we lose everything."
The double meaning in her words is unmistakable. As she continues to work on the coupling, her movements become more deliberate, each shift of her body causing delicious friction against your throbbing member. The sound of the purifier's mechanisms seems to fade into the background, overwhelmed by the sound of your shared, ragged breathing.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I can't... The virus, it's too strong. I need... I need relief."
Your voice is strained, thick with need and shame. Your hips begin to move of their own accord, grinding your painfully hard cock against Cherie's ass in small, desperate movements. The valve in your grip creaks ominously as your fingers tighten and relax in rhythm with your thrusts.
Cherie: [Turning to face you, eyes wide with a mix of fear and desire] (We're crossing a line we can't uncross. But if I don't help him, the virus could kill him.) "Shh, baby, it's okay. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s here. I... I can help you. But we have to be careful. We can't let go of the purifier, understand? Our lives depend on it."
With trembling hands, Cherie reaches back, fumbling with the zipper of your pants. The sound of it lowering seems deafening in the small, steam-filled bathroom. Her fingers brush against your throbbing length, eliciting a hiss of pleasure from you.
You: "Oh god, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... Your hand... It feels so good."
Your words come out as a strangled moan as Cherie's soft hand wraps around your pulsing shaft. The feeling is electric, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your virus-enhanced body. Your grip on the valve tightens to the point of pain, the metal groaning under the pressure.
Cherie: [Stroking slowly, her voice a husky whisper] (I'm stroking my own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s cock. This is so wrong, but it feels so right.) "Shh, baby. Let $[characters.list.cherie.role] take care of you. But remember, don't let go of that valve. Our survival depends on it, okay?"
Her hand moves with agonizing slowness, up and down your length. Each stroke sends jolts of pleasure through your body, making it hard to focus on anything but the exquisite sensation. The purifier continues to hum and click, a stark reminder of the precarious situation you're in.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], please... I need more. It's not enough. The virus... it's burning me up inside."
Your hips buck involuntarily, seeking more friction. Cherie's hand, while heavenly, isn't enough to quell the raging inferno of need the virus has stoked within you. Sweat drips down your forehead, mingling with the steam in the air.
Cherie: [Increasing her pace, her breath coming in short gasps] (He needs more. I should stop, but... I can't. I need this too.) "Okay, baby. $[characters.list.cherie.role] will take care of you. But remember, don't let go. No matter what happens, don't let go of that valve."
Her hand becomes a blur, pumping your shaft with increasing urgency. Her other hand reaches back, cupping your balls, massaging them gently. The dual sensation is overwhelming, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. The purifier rattles ominously, the pressure inside building to match the pressure in your loins.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I'm... I'm close. Oh god, I'm so close. What should I... where should I..."
Your words trail off into a guttural moan as the pressure builds to an unbearable level. Your hips thrust erratically, fucking Cherie's tight fist with abandon. The valve in your grip creaks and groans, mirroring the sounds of pleasure escaping your lips.
Cherie: [Voice thick with lust and shame] (He's going to cum. My baby boy is going to cum in my hand. This is so wrong, but I need to see it, to feel it.) "It's okay, sweetie. Let it out. Cum for $[characters.list.cherie.role]. But don't you dare let go of that valve. Our lives depend on it, remember?"
Her hand moves faster, twisting slightly at the head of your cock with each upstroke. Her other hand gently squeezes your balls, coaxing your release. The air is thick with steam, the scent of sex, and the metallic tang of the purifier - a heady mixture that pushes you closer to the brink.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I love you. I'm sorry, I can't hold back anymore!"
With a strangled cry, you reach your climax. Your body shudders violently, but your grip on the valve remains iron-tight, your survival instinct warring with the intense pleasure coursing through you. Your cock pulses in Cherie's hand, shooting thick ropes of cum into the air.
Cherie: [Gasping as your hot seed splatters against her back] (Oh god, he's cumming. My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] is cumming because of me.) "That's it, baby. Let it all out. $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s here. $[characters.list.cherie.role] loves you too."
Her hand continues to milk your cock, gentler now, coaxing out every last drop. The purifier gives a final shudder and then settles into a steady hum, the crisis averted. As the fog of lust begins to clear, the reality of what you've done starts to sink in.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you."
As the last tremors of your orgasm subside, you finally release your death grip on the valve. Your arms wrap around Cherie, pulling her close, your softening cock pressed against her lower back. Despite the shame and confusion, there's an undeniable feeling of comfort in her embrace.
Cherie: [Turning in your arms, eyes shimmering with unshed tears] (What have we done? But... I can't bring myself to regret it.) "Oh, sweetie. We'll get through this together, okay? No matter what happens, we're family. We'll figure this out."
She presses a soft, chaste kiss to your forehead, a stark contrast to the decidedly unchaste act you've just committed. The purifier hums quietly in the background, a reminder of the thin line between survival and disaster that you walk every day. As you hold each other in the steamy bathroom, you know that things will never be the same between you and your $[characters.list.cherie.role] - for better or for worse.
You: "Fuck, $[characters.list.cherie.role]! I'm gonna cum! I can't... I can't hold it back!"
Your hips buck wildly, fucking Cherie's fist with abandon. The valve creaks dangerously in your grip, but you're too far gone to care. With a primal roar, you explode, your enhanced cock shooting thick ropes of cum with incredible force.
Cherie: [Moaning as your hot seed splatters against her back and ass] (Oh god, there's so much! It's so hot, so thick...) "Yes, baby! Cum for $[characters.list.cherie.role]! Paint me with your seed!"
Her hand moves frantically, milking your pulsing shaft for all it's worth. The purifier shudders and groans, mirroring the intense spasms of your body. Cherie's ass grinds back against you, smearing your cum between your bodies as she chases her own release.
You: "Holy shit, $[characters.list.cherie.role]... That was... I need more. Please, I need more!"
The virus rages through your system, your cock hardening again almost immediately. Without thinking, you release the valve, spinning Cherie around and pressing her against the purifier. Your cum-slick cock slides between her thighs, the head nudging against her cloth-covered pussy.
Cherie: [Gasping, her body trembling with need] (We've gone too far. But I can't stop now. I need him inside me!) "Oh god, baby. We shouldn't... but I need it too. Don't go too far sweetie!"
As you prepare to continue the movements, the purifier suddenly lets out a loud, ominous groan. The moment shatters as you both remember the precarious situation you're in. Panting heavily, you reluctantly separate, the need for survival momentarily overriding your lust. But as you work to stabilize the purifier, the heated glances you exchange promise that this is far from over.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I can't... I'm gonna... Oh shit!"
In your state of intense arousal, your grip on the valve slips. There's a loud, ominous creak from the purifier, followed by a hiss of escaping pressure. Panic floods your system, momentarily overriding your lust.
Cherie: [Jerking away, eyes wide with alarm] (Oh no, what have we done?!) "The valve! Grab it, quick!"
She lunges for the escaping valve, her hand colliding with yours. In the chaos, your still-hard cock springs free, slapping audibly against Cherie's ass. For a moment, you both freeze, the inappropriate contact warring with the urgency of the situation.
You: "I'm sorry, $[characters.list.cherie.role]! I didn't mean to... Let me fix this!"
Shame and panic war within you as you struggle to regain control of the situation. Your hands fumble with the valve, your still-present arousal making your movements clumsy. Water begins to spray from the purifier, quickly soaking you both.
Cherie: [Pushing you aside, her voice sharp with fear and disappointment] (This is what happens when we let our guard down. We can't afford mistakes like this.) "Move! I'll handle it. Just... just go, please. We can't afford to lose our water supply because we couldn't control ourselves."
As Cherie works frantically to repair the damage, you back away, shame and frustration overwhelming you. The moment is thoroughly ruined, the reality of your precarious survival once again at the forefront. You leave the bathroom, the sound of Cherie's labored breathing and the hiss of the malfunctioning purifier following you out.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], wait! Something's... something's happening!"
Just as you're about to separate, a sudden surge of the virus courses through your body. Your vision blurs, your skin feeling like it's on fire. Your cock, which had begun to soften, suddenly springs back to full, throbbing hardness.
Cherie: [Gasping as she feels the heat radiating from your body] (Oh god, it's a virus surge. We need to... we need to...) "Baby? Are you okay? Your skin, it's burning up!"
Before either of you can react further, the virus surge hits Cherie as well. Her eyes dilate, a visible shudder running through her body. The air around you seems to crackle with sexual energy, the scent of your combined arousal becoming almost overpowering.
Without a word, you spin Cherie around, pressing her against the purifier. Your cock, slick with cum and precum, slides between her thighs, the head nudging insistently at her cloth-covered entrance. Cherie moans, her hips pushing back against you instinctively.
"We can't fight it," you growl, your voice barely recognizable. "We need this. We need each other."
Cherie nods frantically, reaching between her legs to push her soaked shorts aside. "Do it," she pants. "Fuck me, baby. Fuck your $[characters.list.cherie.role]!"
As you prepare to thrust into her waiting heat, the purifier lets out a loud, mechanical groan. But neither of you can bring yourselves to care, the virus-induced lust overwhelming all other concerns. The scene fades with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh, punctuated by the increasingly distressed noises of the neglected purifier.
You: "I'm sorry, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I can't control myself anymore!"
Without warning, you release the valve and spin Cherie around. Your hands immediately go to her breasts, squeezing them roughly through her thin, damp top. The sudden, aggressive move catches her completely off guard.
Cherie: [Gasping in shock, her body stiffening] (What's happening? This isn't my sweet boy!) "What are you doing?! Stop this right now!"
She tries to push you away, but your virus-enhanced strength keeps her pinned against the purifier. Your fingers find her nipples, pinching and twisting them through the fabric. Despite her protests, you feel them hardening under your touch.
You: "You feel it too, don't you, $[characters.list.cherie.role]? The virus... it wants this. We need this!"
Your hands become more insistent, one sliding down to cup her ass while the other continues to knead her breast. Your hips grind against her, your hard length pressing insistently against her stomach.
Cherie: [Struggling against you, tears forming in her eyes] (This isn't right. I need to stop this!) "No! Let go of me! This isn't you, it's the virus talking. Fight it, please!"
Suddenly, the purifier lets out a loud, alarming groan. The sound seems to snap you both back to reality. Cherie takes advantage of your momentary distraction to shove you away forcefully. She quickly puts distance between you, her eyes wide with fear and disappointment.
Cherie: [Voice shaking] "Get out. Now. We'll... we'll deal with this later. Right now, I need to save our water supply... no thanks to you."
As you back out of the bathroom, shame and horror at your actions washing over you, you catch a glimpse of Cherie furiously wiping tears from her eyes before turning her attention to the malfunctioning purifier. You've crossed a line, and you're not sure if things can ever be the same between you again.
You: "No more games, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I'm taking what I need!"
A red haze descends over your vision as the virus takes control. With a growl, you release the valve and grab Cherie's hips, spinning her around to face you. Your hands tear at her clothes, ripping her thin top to expose her breasts.
Cherie: [Eyes wide with fear, struggling against your grip] (This can't be happening. Not my sweet boy!) "Stop! What are you doing?! This isn't you! Fight it, please!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly grope her exposed breasts, your mouth descending to bite and suck at her neck. The purifier groans ominously behind you, but you're too far gone to care about anything but satisfying your primal urges.
You: "You're mine, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. The virus says you're mine to take!"
Your hands move lower, tearing at her shorts. Cherie's struggles intensify, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much for her. You manage to rip her shorts off, leaving her lower half exposed.
Cherie: [Voice rising in panic, tears streaming down her face] (I have to stop this. I can't let this happen!) "No! I won't let you do this! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], for god's sake! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!"
Her scream seems to momentarily break through your virus-induced haze. You falter, giving Cherie the opening she needs. She brings her knee up hard, connecting solidly with your groin. The pain is excruciating, dropping you to your knees. As you double over in agony, Cherie makes a run for the door, her torn clothes clutched to her body.
Cherie: [Looking back at you, a mix of fear, disgust, and heartbreak in her eyes] "Stay away from me. If you come near me again, I'll... I'll kill you myself."
As the door slams behind her, the gravity of what you've just done begins to sink in. The virus's influence recedes, leaving you alone with your shame and the steadily worsening sounds of the neglected purifier.
You: "You're mine now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. All mine!"
With inhuman strength, you overpower Cherie's struggles, pinning her against the purifier. Your cock, rock hard and leaking precum, presses against her exposed pussy. Without hesitation, you thrust forward, burying yourself to the hilt in one brutal motion.
Cherie: [Screaming in pain and shock] (This can't be happening. My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... my baby boy...) "No! Stop! Please, you're hurting me! This isn't you!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you begin to thrust violently, your hips slamming against hers with bruising force. The purifier rocks dangerously with each thrust, but you're too far gone to care. All that matters is the tight, wet heat enveloping your cock.
You: "Take it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]! Take your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s cock like the slut you are!"
Your thrusts become even more frenzied, one hand gripping Cherie's hip while the other tangles in her hair, yanking her head back. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoes in the small bathroom, punctuated by Cherie's sobs and your animalistic grunts.
Cherie: [Voice hoarse from screaming, body going limp] (I've failed. I've failed as a $[characters.list.cherie.role], as a protector...) "Please... stop... you're not my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... you're not my baby anymore..."
Her words barely register as you feel your climax approaching. With a roar, you slam into her one final time, your cock pulsing as you flood her womb with your tainted seed. As you come down from your high, the reality of what you've done begins to sink in. Cherie hangs limply in your arms, broken sobs shaking her body. The purifier, neglected in your frenzy, gives one final, ominous groan before falling silent, leaving you alone with the consequences of your actions.
You: "You're mine forever now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. My personal fucktoy!"
With savage strength, you throw Cherie to the ground, her head narrowly missing the edge of the bathtub. Before she can recover, you're on her, pinning her down with your weight. Your hands wrap around her throat, squeezing just enough to make her gasp for air.
Cherie: [Choking, eyes wide with terror] (This isn't happening. This is a nightmare. Wake up, Cherie, wake up!) "Ple...ase... don't... do... this..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her legs apart with your knees. Without warning or preparation, you thrust your engorged cock into her dry pussy. The pain must be excruciating, but your grip on her throat muffles her scream to a choked gurgle.
You: "That's it, take it! You're nothing but a hole for me to fuck now!"
You release her throat, allowing Cherie to gasp for air, only to slap her hard across the face. Your hips continue to pump relentlessly, your cock forcing its way deeper with each brutal thrust. Tears stream down Cherie's face, mixing with the blood from her split lip.
Cherie: [Sobbing brokenly, her fight completely gone] (This isn't my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] is dead. This... this monster killed him.) "Please... just kill me... I can't... I can't live like this..."
Her words only serve to fuel your frenzy. You grab a nearby towel, stuffing it into her mouth to muffle her cries. As you feel your climax approaching, a cruel smile twists your features. You pull out at the last moment, spraying your hot, tainted cum all over her battered body.
"You're mine now," you growl, grabbing a handful of her hair and forcing her to look at you. "And we're just getting started. Welcome to your new life, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
With that, you drag her limp, violated body towards the door. The broken purifier lies forgotten, a silent witness to the death of your humanity and the birth of a monster.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I've been thinking about our greenhouse project. Do you have a moment to discuss some ideas?"
The kitchen is bathed in the warm glow of the afternoon sun filtering through the dusty windows. The air is thick with the scent of herbs drying on the windowsill, a reminder of your family's efforts to become self-sufficient. As you enter, you see your $[characters.list.cherie.role], Cherie, bent over the makeshift workbench, her brow furrowed in concentration as she examines a collection of plant samples.
Cherie: [Turning to face you, her lab coat clinging to her curves] (Oh my, he's looking particularly virile today.) "Of course, sweetie. What's on your mind?" [She brushes a stray lock of hair behind her ear, inadvertently drawing attention to the delicate curve of her neck]
The air between you seems to crackle with an unspoken tension, the virus's influence palpable in the way your eyes linger on each other a moment too long.
You: "I've been researching ways to enhance plant growth, and I stumbled upon something interesting about... bodily fluids."
Your words hang in the air, laden with implication. You can't help but notice the way your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s breath catches, her chest rising and falling more rapidly beneath her lab coat.
Cherie: [Swallowing hard, her cheeks flushing] (Oh god, is he suggesting what I think he is?) "Bodily fluids? That's... an interesting avenue of research. What exactly did you find out?" [She leans against the workbench, unconsciously arching her back slightly]
The kitchen suddenly feels much smaller, the space between you charged with a mixture of scientific curiosity and forbidden desire.
You: "Well, it turns out that certain... emissions... are rich in nutrients and growth hormones. I thought maybe we could experiment with using them on our plants."
Your eyes inadvertently drop to your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s hands, imagining them collecting the "samples" you're proposing. The virus thrums through your veins, amplifying every sensation.
Cherie: [Her voice slightly husky] (This is so wrong, but... for science, right?) "That's... quite the proposal. Are you suggesting we use our own... samples?" [She bites her lower lip, her mind clearly racing with the implications]
The air grows thick with tension, both of you dancing around the taboo nature of what you're discussing.
You: "I think it could really boost our crop yields. And given our unique situation, we have access to... fresh samples. What do you think, $[characters.list.cherie.role]?"
You move closer, ostensibly to show her some notes you've scribbled, but the proximity sends a jolt of electricity through your body. The scent of her shampoo mingles with the earthy smell of the herbs, creating an intoxicating mix.
Cherie: [Leaning in to look at your notes, her breath warm on your skin] (Oh, sweetie, if only you knew what you're doing to me.) "It's certainly an... unconventional approach. But these are desperate times, aren't they?" [Her hand brushes against yours, lingering for a moment too long]
The kitchen feels like a pressure cooker, the sexual tension building to an almost unbearable level as you both grapple with the implications of what you're considering.
You: "Exactly, desperate times call for desperate measures. Should we... start collecting samples now? For the sake of our survival, of course."
Your heart races as you say the words, the thin veneer of scientific inquiry barely masking your true intentions. You can see the conflict in your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s eyes, her professional demeanor warring with her virus-enhanced desires.
Cherie: [Taking a deep breath, her chest heaving noticeably] (This is madness, but... we need this. He needs this.) "I suppose we should. For the plants. How do you propose we... collect the samples?" [Her hand trembles slightly as she reaches for a sterile container]
The kitchen, once a place of innocent family gatherings, now feels like a crucible of forbidden desire and scientific desperation.
You: "Well, for accuracy in our experiment, we should probably collect samples from both of us. I could... help you with yours first, if you'd like."
Your voice trembles slightly, the enormity of what you're suggesting hitting you full force. The virus pulses through your body, heightening every sensation and amplifying your already potent desire for your $[characters.list.cherie.role].
Cherie: [Her eyes widening, a mix of shock and arousal evident in her expression] (Oh god, my own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] is offering to... No, this is for science. For survival.) "I... I suppose that would be the most efficient way. How should we... proceed?" [She begins to unbutton her lab coat with shaking fingers]
The kitchen, once filled with the innocent scents of home cooking, now seems to pulse with pheromones and the musky scent of impending intimacy.
You: "Maybe we should sit down for this. It might take a while to... extract a sufficient sample."
Your eyes are drawn to your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s trembling hands as she continues to unbutton her lab coat. The virus heightens your senses, making you acutely aware of every subtle movement, every hitched breath.
Cherie: [Slipping off her lab coat to reveal a thin tank top underneath] (This is really happening. My baby boy is going to... Oh god.) "You're right. Let's... let's sit at the table. Do you need me to... remove anything else?" [Her voice is barely above a whisper, thick with a mixture of shame and arousal]
The kitchen table, where you've shared countless family meals, now becomes the stage for an act of taboo intimacy. The air is electric with anticipation and the ever-present hum of the virus.
You: "Maybe... maybe just your pants? For easier access to the... sample area."
Your mouth goes dry as you watch your $[characters.list.cherie.role] nod and begin to shimmy out of her pants. The virus roars through your system, your enhanced member straining painfully against your clothes.
Cherie: [Stepping out of her pants, now clad only in panties and a tank top] (I can't believe I'm doing this. But look at him, he needs this. We need this.) "Like this? Should I... sit down now?" [She perches on the edge of the table, her thighs parting slightly]
The kitchen is filled with the sound of heavy breathing and the subtle, maddening scent of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s arousal. The line between scientific inquiry and incestuous desire blurs further with each passing moment.
You: "Yes, that's... that's perfect, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I'll just... begin the extraction process now."
Your hands tremble as you approach your $[characters.list.cherie.role], the enormity of what you're about to do hitting you full force. The virus thrums through your veins, heightening every sensation.
Cherie: [Spreading her legs wider, her breath coming in short gasps] (Oh god, his hands are so close. This is so wrong, but it feels...) "Okay, sweetie. Just... be gentle. And remember, this is for science. For our survival." [She closes her eyes, unable to watch as your hand moves closer to her most intimate area]
The kitchen, once a place of innocent family moments, now feels like a pressure cooker of forbidden desire and desperate need. The scent of arousal mingles with the herbs drying on the windowsill, creating an intoxicating mixture.
You: "Of course, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Just relax and think of the plants. This is all for our survival."
Your fingers brush against the damp fabric of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s panties, eliciting a sharp gasp from both of you. The virus surges, heightening every sensation to an almost unbearable degree.
Cherie: [Arching her back involuntarily] (Oh god, his touch! It's been so long, and the virus... it's too much!) "Oh! That's... that's good, sweetie. Keep going. We need a good sample for our experiment." [Her hips begin to move subtly, seeking more contact]
The kitchen table creaks slightly under your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s shifting weight, the sound mixing with her soft moans to create a symphony of forbidden pleasure. The air is thick with the scent of arousal and the underlying current of shame and desperation.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I think we're getting a good sample. Your body is responding well to the extraction process."
Your fingers work gently but insistently, coaxing more and more of your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s essence onto your hand. The virus amplifies every sensation, making your skin feel like it's on fire wherever it touches hers.
Cherie: [Panting heavily, her eyes half-lidded with pleasure] (This is so wrong, but it feels so right. My baby boy, taking care of me like this...) "Oh, sweetie... you're doing so well. Such a good boy, helping $[characters.list.cherie.role] like this. We're... we're really going to help our plants grow, aren't we?"
The kitchen is filled with the sounds and scents of your forbidden act, the line between scientific endeavor and incestuous pleasure now completely blurred. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s hips move more insistently against your hand, chasing her release.
You: "Yes, $[characters.list.cherie.role], we're going to have the best crops in the wasteland. All thanks to your... contribution."
As you speak, you feel your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s body tense, her inner walls clenching around your probing fingers. The virus surges through both of you, heightening the moment to an almost transcendent level.
Cherie: [Crying out softly as she reaches her peak] "Oh, my sweet boy! Yes, yes... take it all. For the plants. For us." [Her body shudders with release, coating your hand with her essence]
As the waves of pleasure subside, a new kind of intimacy settles over the kitchen. You and your $[characters.list.cherie.role] exchange a look of deep understanding and affection, the trust between you strengthened by this taboo act of survival and love.
You: "God, $[characters.list.cherie.role], you're so wet. The plants are going to love this sample."
Your fingers work faster, driven by an almost primal need to bring your $[characters.list.cherie.role] to completion. The virus roars through your system, turning your blood to fire and amplifying every sensation.
Cherie: [Moaning loudly, all pretense of scientific inquiry abandoned] (Oh fuck, my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s fingers feel so good! I'm such a dirty $[characters.list.cherie.role]!) "Oh god, baby! Don't stop! $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s going to... going to give you such a big sample!"
The kitchen is filled with the lewd sounds of your fingers working in your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s soaked pussy, the scent of her arousal overpowering even the dried herbs. The table creaks dangerously under her writhing body.
You: "That's it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Come for me. Give me every drop of that precious sample."
Your words, thick with lust, push your $[characters.list.cherie.role] over the edge. Her body convulses, her pussy clenching rhythmically around your fingers as she reaches her peak.
Cherie: [Screaming in ecstasy] "Oh fuck! Yes! Take it all, baby! $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s cumming so hard for you!" [Her release gushes over your hand, soaking the kitchen table beneath her]
As the intense waves of pleasure subside, you and your $[characters.list.cherie.role] lock eyes, both panting heavily. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the unspoken promise of more "experiments" to come. The line between $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], between scientist and subject, has been irrevocably blurred.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I... I don't think I can do this. It feels wrong."
Your hand hovers uncertainly near your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s intimate area, the weight of what you were about to do suddenly crashing down on you. The virus still pulses through your veins, but the shame overwhelms even its potent influence.
Cherie: [A mix of relief and disappointment flashing across her face] (Oh thank god. Or... oh no? What's wrong with me?) "You're right, sweetie. This was... this was a mistake. We got carried away with our desperation." [She quickly closes her legs, her cheeks burning with shame]
The kitchen, which moments ago was charged with sexual tension, now feels oppressively awkward. The scent of arousal lingers in the air, a stark reminder of how close you came to crossing an unforgivable line.
You: "I'm so sorry, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I don't know what I was thinking suggesting this."
You step back, averting your eyes as your $[characters.list.cherie.role] hurriedly pulls her pants back on. The virus still thrums through your body, but the moment of passion has definitively passed.
Cherie: [Her voice shaky as she buttons up her lab coat] "It's okay, sweetie. We both got carried away. Let's... let's just forget this happened and find another way to help our plants, okay?" [She gives you a weak smile, unable to meet your eyes]
An uncomfortable silence descends upon the kitchen as you both grapple with what almost transpired. The once-comforting family space now feels tainted, a reminder of the constant struggle against the virus's influence and your own forbidden desires.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], wait! I... I don't think I can stop. The virus... it's too strong!"
Just as you both were about to step away, a sudden surge of the virus courses through your bodies. Your vision blurs, every nerve ending firing with intense, almost painful arousal.
Cherie: [Gasping as the virus hits her too] "Oh god, baby! I feel it too! We can't... we shouldn't... but I need you so badly!" [She grabs your hand, forcefully pressing it against her soaked panties]
The kitchen spins around you both as the virus takes control. All thoughts of plants, experiments, or propriety vanish in an instant. There's only the burning need for release, the primal urge to mate overwhelming everything else.
You: "$[characters.list.cherie.role], I can't hold back anymore. I need to feel more of you!"
Without warning, your hands move to your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s breasts, roughly kneading them through her thin tank top. The virus roars through your system, obliterating any last shred of self-control.
Cherie: [Gasping in shock and unwanted arousal] "What are you doing?! Stop this right now! You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]! " [Despite her words, her body betrays her, her nipples hardening under your touch]
The kitchen, once a place of warmth and family, now feels like a crucible of forbidden desire. The scent of fear mingles with arousal, creating a heady, dangerous mixture.
You: "I can't stop, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You feel so good. I need more!"
Your hands become more insistent, one slipping under her top to grasp her bare breast while the other dips into her panties. The virus has taken full control, turning you into a creature of pure lust.
Cherie: [Tears forming in her eyes] "Please, sweetie, this isn't you. Fight it! We can't do this!" [She struggles weakly, her body conflicted between pleasure and revulsion]
The kitchen table groans as your $[characters.list.cherie.role] tries to push you away, the herbs on the windowsill knocked to the floor in the struggle. The scene of domestic tranquility has been shattered, replaced by a tableau of incestuous assault.
You: "I can't fight it anymore, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I need you. All of you. Now."
Your eyes, wild with virus-fueled lust, lock onto your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s terrified gaze. Your hands tear at her clothes, your enhanced strength making short work of the thin fabric.
Cherie: [Her voice trembling with fear] "No, please! This isn't my sweet boy. The virus has taken control. Fight it, baby! Please!" [She tries to cover herself, shrinking away from your aggressive advances]
The kitchen, once a haven of family life, has become a nightmarish arena. The scent of fear is palpable, mixing with the lingering aroma of herbs and the musky odor of uncontrolled lust.
You: "Stop fighting, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You know you want this too. The virus is in both of us!"
Your hands pin your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s wrists to the kitchen table, your virus-enhanced member pressing insistently against her thigh. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out.
Cherie: [Struggling with all her might] "No! I don't want this! You're my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]! Please, come back to me!" [She kicks out, trying to create distance between you]
The kitchen erupts into chaos as your $[characters.list.cherie.role] fights against your assault. Pots and pans clatter to the floor, the table scrapes across the tile. The once-peaceful family home has become a battleground of forbidden lust and desperate resistance.
You: "It's no use fighting, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Just give in to it. To me."
With a powerful thrust, you breach your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s defenses, burying yourself deep inside her. The virus sings in your veins, every sensation amplified to an almost painful degree.
Cherie: [A strangled cry escaping her lips] "No! Oh god, no! Please, stop! You're my baby boy!" [Her body betrays her, inner walls clenching around your invading member]
The kitchen table groans under the force of your thrusts, the air filled with the obscene sounds of flesh slapping against flesh. The scent of sex overpowers everything, a potent mixture of pheromones and shame.
You: "That's it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Take it all. You're mine now."
Your hips move with inhuman speed, the virus granting you stamina beyond mortal limits. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s resistance weakens with each thrust, her cries of protest morphing into reluctant moans of pleasure.
Cherie: [Her voice a mixture of sobs and moans] "Please... no more... it's too much... oh god, I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]!" [Her body shudders, an unwanted orgasm crashing over her]
As your assault continues, the kitchen bears witness to the complete breakdown of the $[characters.list.cherie.role]-$[characters.list.cherie.player_role] relationship. The virus has won, turning a moment of scientific curiosity into an act of primal, incestuous lust. The once-warm family space is now forever tainted by this ultimate taboo.
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.cherie.role] anymore. You're my property, my breeding stock."
The virus has completely taken over, transforming you into a creature of pure, animalistic lust. You flip your $[characters.list.cherie.role] over roughly, slamming her face down onto the kitchen table.
Cherie: [Sobbing uncontrollably] "Please, no! This isn't you! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], not your slave!" [She tries to crawl away, but your enhanced strength holds her firmly in place]
The kitchen, once filled with the sounds of family laughter, now echoes with the harsh slaps of flesh on flesh and your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s desperate pleas. The scent of fear and arousal hangs heavy in the air, a testament to the virus's corrupting influence.
You: "That's right, take it all. You exist for my pleasure now, nothing more."
Your hips move with brutal force, each thrust driving your $[characters.list.cherie.role] further across the table. Plates and utensils crash to the floor, unnoticed in your frenzy of lust and dominance.
Cherie: [Her voice hoarse from screaming] "Please... no more... I'll do anything... just stop..." [Her body goes limp, all fight gone from her]
As your assault reaches its brutal climax, the kitchen stands as a silent witness to the complete destruction of your family bond. The virus has won, turning $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] into master and slave. The warm, loving home you once knew is gone, replaced by a den of twisted, incestuous depravity.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Mia, need a hand with breakfast?"
The kitchen is alive with morning sunlight and the sizzle of bacon on the stove. Mia stands at the counter, her blonde ponytail swinging as she chops vegetables with practiced ease. She's wearing her usual workout attire - a snug tank top and yoga pants - clearly having just finished her morning routine.
Mia: [Turning to flash you a bright smile] "Well, well, look who's up before noon! Sure thing, cuz. Grab the eggs from the fridge, will ya? I'm making my world-famous Apocalypse Omelettes!"
She gestures dramatically with her knife, nearly sending a piece of bell pepper flying. Her energy is infectious, filling the kitchen with a warmth that has nothing to do with the stove.
You: "World-famous? I don't remember seeing that on the Wasteland Times' food review."
You move to the fridge, dodging Mia's playful swat as you pass. The cool air hits you as you open the door, a stark contrast to the warmth of the kitchen and Mia's sunny disposition.
Mia: [Striking a pose with her spatula] "Excuse you, but I'll have you know I was voted 'Most Likely to Survive on Charm and Cooking Skills' in high school. It's basically a Michelin star."
She winks at you, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. As you hand her the eggs, she cracks them one-handed into a bowl, showing off with a little flourish.
You: "Alright, Gordon Ramsay. What's next on the menu?"
You lean against the counter, watching as Mia whisks the eggs with enthusiasm. Her movements are graceful, a reminder of her cheerleading days, even in this mundane task.
Mia: [Adopting a terrible British accent] "Next, you absolute donkey, we need cheese. Lots of it. This omelette needs to be so cheesy it could write a rom-com!"
She hip-checks you playfully as she moves to the fridge, her ponytail bouncing. The kitchen fills with her laughter, a sound that's become all too rare in this new world.
You: "I don't think we have any rom-com cheese left. Will post-apocalyptic cheddar do?"
You rummage through the pantry, pushing aside cans of beans and packets of dried fruit. The shelves are more bare than you'd like, a stark reminder of the world outside.
Mia: [Sighing dramatically] "I suppose it'll have to do. But next supply run, we're prioritizing cheese. A girl can't live on practicality alone, you know."
She takes the cheese from you, her fingers brushing yours for a moment. There's a flicker of something in her eyes - worry, perhaps - but it's quickly replaced by her usual cheer.
You: "Noted. Cheese and maybe some of that fancy mineral water you like?"
You start grating the cheese, the repetitive motion soothing. Mia moves around you, adding vegetables to the sizzling pan with a chef's flair.
Mia: [Gasping in mock surprise] "You remembered! And here I thought all my hints were falling on deaf ears. There's hope for you yet, cuz."
She bumps her hip against yours playfully, nearly causing you to grate your knuckles. The kitchen is filled with the aroma of cooking vegetables and the sound of Mia's humming - some pop song from Before.
You: "Hey, watch it! I'd like to keep my fingers, thank you very much."
You finish grating the cheese, presenting it to Mia with an exaggerated bow. She takes it with a curtsy, both of you falling into the easy banter that's always characterized your relationship.
Mia: [Sprinkling cheese into the pan] "Oh please, as if I'd let anything happen to those precious digits of yours. Who else would help me reach the top shelves?"
She sticks her tongue out at you, a gesture so familiar and childish that for a moment, you could almost forget the world outside. The cheese melts into the eggs, filling the kitchen with a mouthwatering aroma.
You: "Is that all I'm good for? I'm wounded, Mia. Truly wounded."
You clutch your chest in mock pain, stumbling backwards dramatically. Mia rolls her eyes, but you can see the smile she's trying to hide.
Mia: [Flipping the omelette with a flourish] "Oh, don't be such a drama queen. That's my job, remember? Now make yourself useful and set the table. These masterpieces are almost ready."
She shoos you towards the cabinets, her attention returning to the stove. You can't help but admire her ability to find joy in these small moments, to make even breakfast feel like an event.
You: "Yes, chef! Anything else, chef? Should I polish the fine china while I'm at it?"
You start setting the table, making a show of arranging the mismatched plates and slightly bent forks as if they were fine dining utensils.
Mia: [Laughing as she plates the omelettes] "Oh, absolutely. And don't forget to put out the good silver. We're dining like post-apocalyptic royalty today!"
She brings the plates to the table, the omelettes steaming and golden. Despite the limited ingredients, they look delicious - a testament to Mia's skill and creativity.
You: "Wow, Mia. These actually look amazing. I take back all my doubts."
You sit down, inhaling deeply. The kitchen feels warm and cozy, a safe haven from the harsh reality outside. Mia beams at your praise, clearly proud of her creation.
Mia: [Taking a seat across from you] "See? Never doubt the culinary genius of Mia, Queen of the Wasteland Kitchen. Now dig in before it gets cold!"
She watches eagerly as you take your first bite, her own fork poised over her plate. Her enthusiasm is contagious, making even this simple meal feel like a celebration.
You: "Mmmph... This is really good, Mia. Seriously."
You speak around a mouthful of omelette, manners forgotten in your enjoyment. Mia's face lights up at your reaction, her own bite paused halfway to her mouth.
Mia: [Her smile softening] "Thanks, cuz. I'm glad you like it. It's nice to have moments like this, you know? Almost feels normal."
For a moment, the cheerful mask slips, and you see the vulnerability beneath. But then she's smiling again, diving into her own breakfast with gusto.
You: "It does feel normal. Thanks for that, Mia. For always finding a way to make things brighter."
You reach across the table, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. The gesture is simple, but loaded with unspoken gratitude and affection.
Mia: [Her eyes shimmering with unshed tears] "Aw, don't get all sappy on me now. I'll start crying and ruin my mascara. Oh wait, I haven't worn mascara in months!"
She laughs, but doesn't pull her hand away. The moment stretches between you, comfortable and warm.
You: "Well, apocalypse or not, you're still the prettiest girl in the wasteland. Mascara or no mascara."
You say it lightly, but with genuine affection. Mia blushes slightly, ducking her head in an uncharacteristic display of shyness.
Mia: [Looking up at you with a soft smile] "Flatterer. But thank you. Really. For everything. We make a good team, don't we?"
She squeezes your hand once more before returning to her breakfast. The rest of the meal passes in comfortable conversation, the bond between you strengthened by this simple, shared moment.
You: "You know, Mia, you really do make everything better. Including the view in this kitchen."
The words slip out before you can stop them, more flirtatious than you intended. You see Mia's eyes widen in surprise, a blush creeping up her cheeks.
Mia: [Laughing nervously] "Wow, someone's feeling bold this morning. Did you sneak some of Cherie's 'special' coffee or something?"
She tries to play it off as a joke, but you can see the confusion in her eyes. The easy atmosphere of before has shifted, an undercurrent of tension now running beneath the surface.
You: "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just... I guess I'm just really appreciating you today."
You backpedal, trying to salvage the situation. Mia's smile is strained now, her body language closed off where before she was open and relaxed.
Mia: [Standing abruptly] "Right. Well, thanks for the help with breakfast. I should probably go... do some exercises or something. Gotta stay fit for the apocalypse, right?"
She starts clearing the table with quick, jerky movements. The warmth of the shared meal has dissipated, replaced by an awkward tension. As Mia all but flees the kitchen, you're left with the sinking feeling that you've crossed a line you didn't even know was there.
You: "This is great and all, Mia, but don't you think we should be focusing on more important things? Cooking skills won't exactly fight off raiders."
The words come out harsher than you intended, immediately souring the mood. Mia's smile falters, her fork clattering against her plate.
Mia: [Her voice tight with hurt] "Wow, okay. Sorry for trying to bring a little joy into our lives. Next time I'll just serve you cold beans straight from the can, shall I?"
The warmth has drained from her eyes, replaced by a hurt that makes you immediately regret your words. The comfortable atmosphere of before has shattered.
You: "Mia, I didn't mean... I'm sorry. I'm just stressed about everything."
You try to backpedal, but it's too late. Mia stands, grabbing her plate and yours with more force than necessary.
Mia: [Her voice cold] "Yeah, well, we're all stressed. Some of us just choose not to be jerks about it. Thanks for the help. You can go focus on your 'important things' now."
She turns her back on you, aggressively washing the dishes. The sound of running water and clanking plates fills the awkward silence. You've managed to hurt one of the few people who always tries to keep spirits up, and the weight of that mistake sits heavy in your stomach.
You: "Mia, I feel... strange. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"
A sudden wave of dizziness washes over you. The kitchen seems to spin, the colors of Mia's tank top becoming unnaturally vivid. You grip the edge of the table, your knuckles turning white.
Mia: [Her voice sounding distant and echoed] "I... I feel it too. What's happening? Everything's so... intense."
She sways on her feet, her hand going to her forehead. Her skin glistens with a sudden sheen of sweat, her chest heaving with rapid breaths. The air between you feels charged, electric. The sizzle of the cooling pan on the stove seems to sync with your racing heartbeats.
You: "Mia, you look... I can't control..."
Without warning, your hand shoots out, grabbing Mia's breast roughly. The action feels disconnected from your thoughts, as if your body is moving on its own. Mia freezes for a split second, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief.
Mia: [Her voice a mix of fear and anger] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off me!"
She reacts with lightning speed, her cheerleader reflexes kicking in. Her knee comes up hard, connecting solidly with your groin. As you double over in pain, she shoves you away with all her strength, sending you crashing into the kitchen counter.
You: "Mia, I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me..."
You try to speak, but your words come out as a pained wheeze. Mia backs away from you, her body tense and ready for another attack. Her eyes, usually so warm and friendly, are now filled with fear and betrayal.
Mia: [Her voice shaking with a mix of anger and hurt] "Stay the fuck away from me! I trusted you! You're supposed to be family!"
She grabs a knife from the counter, holding it out in front of her defensively. The cheerful, bubbly cousin you know is gone, replaced by a scared, angry woman ready to defend herself. As she backs out of the kitchen, her eyes never leaving you, you realize you've shattered something precious - her trust and the safety she felt around you.
You: "Mia... can't stop... need you..."
A red haze descends over your vision, your mind clouded by an uncontrollable, primal urge. Your body moves of its own accord, lunging towards Mia with inhuman speed. She barely has time to scream before you've pinned her against the refrigerator, your strength suddenly, terrifyingly enhanced.
Mia: [Her voice high with terror] "No! Stop! This isn't you! Please, don't do this!"
She struggles against your grip, her cheerleader strength and flexibility allowing her to put up more of a fight than you expected. But your enhanced strength makes her efforts futile. You easily deflect her attempts to knee you, one hand pinning both of hers above her head while the other tears at her tank top.
You: "Mine... all mine..."
Your free hand rips Mia's tank top off, leaving her in just her sports bra. She's still struggling, her toned body twisting and bucking against you. Your mouth descends on her neck, biting hard enough to leave marks. The taste of her sweat only fuels your frenzy.
Mia: [Sobbing, her voice raw from screaming] "Please, stop! We're family! This is wrong! Someone help me!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you grind against her, your arousal evident. You spin her around, slamming her face-first into the refrigerator. Magnets and photos scatter across the floor as you roughly grope her breasts, your other hand fumbling with the waistband of her yoga pants.
You: "So beautiful... need this..."
With Mia pinned against the refrigerator, you manage to yank down her yoga pants and underwear in one brutal motion. She's still fighting, but her struggles are weakening, fear and exhaustion taking their toll. You kick her legs apart, positioning yourself behind her.
Mia: [Her voice a broken whisper] "Please... we're cousins... don't do this..."
Her pleas turn to a scream of pain as you thrust into her without preparation or care. The refrigerator rocks with the force of your movements, jars and bottles inside clattering ominously. Mia's hands scrabble uselessly against the smooth metal surface, leaving streaks in the condensation as you violate her.
You: "Feel so good... more..."
Lost in a haze of uncontrollable lust, you pound into Mia relentlessly. Her cries of pain gradually weaken, her body betraying her as some unknown force begins to affect her too. Tears mix with sweat on her face, her expression a mask of pain, shame, and confused pleasure.
Mia: [Gasping, her body shuddering] "Why... why does it... no, please... stop..."
As you reach your climax, Mia's body betrays her with an unwanted orgasm. For a moment, you both freeze, the reality of what's happened crashing down. The fog lifts from your mind, leaving you with the horrifying awareness of what you've done. Mia slumps against the refrigerator, her legs giving out as she slides to the floor. She curls into a ball, her body shaking with silent sobs. The cheerful kitchen, once a place of warmth and family, now feels cold and tainted. The bond between you, once so strong, lies shattered among the scattered remnants of your shared breakfast.
You: "Mine forever... no escape..."
The madness pushes you beyond mere assault into something even darker. With strength you shouldn't possess, you drag Mia's struggling form towards the pantry, your mind filled with thoughts of keeping her trapped, enslaved. She fights you every step of the way, her cheerleader flexibility allowing her to land several solid kicks and punches.
Mia: [Her voice hoarse from screaming] "Let me go! Help! Somebody help me! Please, this isn't you!"
Her cries echo through the empty kitchen as you force her into the small, dark space. Boxes and cans tumble from the shelves as Mia thrashes, trying to break free. With brutal efficiency, you use whatever you can find - extension cords, dish towels - to bind her wrists and ankles.
You: "Stay here... forever mine..."
With Mia secured, your frenzied mind focuses on claiming your prize. You tear off the remaining scraps of her clothing, leaving her naked and shivering in the cramped pantry. Your hands roam her body possessively, squeezing and pinching with bruising force.
Mia: [Her voice a broken whisper] "Please... we're family... don't do this... let me go..."
Her pleas turn to muffled screams as you force yourself on her again, the shelves creaking ominously with each brutal thrust. When you finally finish, you step back to survey your handiwork. Mia lies crumpled on the pantry floor, her body covered in bruises and bite marks. Her eyes, once full of warmth and mischief, are now empty and shell-shocked.
You: "Mine now. Always."
As you close the pantry door, locking Mia in darkness, the reality of what you've done settles over you like a suffocating blanket. The kitchen, once a place of laughter and shared meals, now feels tainted beyond repair. The sound of Mia's quiet, broken sobs follows you as you walk away, a haunting reminder of the trust you've shattered and the family you've destroyed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Mia, want to head down to the river? I thought we could try to catch some fish for dinner."
The late afternoon sun bathes the clearing in a warm, golden glow. You spot Mia lounging against a tree, her athletic form accentuated by the tight-fitting tank top and shorts she wears. Her long blonde hair cascades over her shoulders, catching the light like spun gold. As she turns to face you, her green eyes sparkle with mischief.
Mia: [Stretching languidly, her top riding up to reveal a sliver of toned midriff] (Fishing? Boring. But maybe I can make this fun.) "Aww, look at you being all responsible, little cuz. Trying to provide for the family, huh? How adorable."
She pushes off the tree with a fluid grace that reminds you of her cheerleading days. As she saunters towards you, you catch a whiff of her floral perfume, a scent that brings back memories of a simpler time. Mia reaches out and ruffles your hair playfully, treating you like the little cousin she still sees you as.
"Alright, I'll bite. Let's go play fisherman. But fair warning, if I get bored, I'm using you as bait."
You: [Ducking away from her hand, trying to maintain your dignity] "Come on, Mia. I'm not a kid anymore. This is serious - we need to contribute to the food supply."
You fall into step beside her, acutely aware of how her hips sway as she walks. The path to the river is narrow, forcing you to walk close together. Your arm occasionally brushes against hers, sending small jolts through your body that you try desperately to ignore.
Mia: [Playfully bumping her hip against yours] "Ooh, listen to Mr. Grown-Up over here. Alright, alright, I'll behave. But only if you promise to loosen up a little. All work and no play makes for a very dull apocalypse, you know."
She links her arm through yours, pulling you closer. The casual intimacy of the gesture makes your heart race. You can feel the warmth of her skin, smell the sweet scent of her shampoo. Mia seems oblivious to the effect she's having on you, chattering away about her latest ideas for "apocalypse entertainment."
"I've been thinking, we should totally organize a post-apocalyptic cheer squad. Keep morale up, you know? I bet I could make some killer outfits from those old tarps in the storage shed."
You: [Chuckling nervously] "A cheer squad? Really, Mia? I'm not sure that's what the others had in mind when they talked about boosting morale."
As you reach the riverbank, you start setting up the fishing gear, grateful for the distraction. Mia watches you work, her gaze feeling almost physical on your skin. You try to focus on the task at hand, but your mind keeps wandering to inappropriate places.
Mia: [Pouting dramatically] "You're no fun. Fine, if we're going to be all serious and survival-y, at least teach me how to do this fishing thing properly. Can't have my little cousin showing me up, now can I?"
She moves closer, peering over your shoulder as you bait the hook. Her breath tickles your ear, and you have to suppress a shiver. Mia's proximity is both thrilling and torturous, a constant reminder of the virus-enhanced desires you're trying to keep in check.
"So, what's the secret? Do we do a little fish dance? Sing a fish song? Or is it all about looking sexy to lure them in? Because if it's the last one, I've got this in the bag."
You: [Clearing your throat, trying to keep your voice steady] "It's, uh, not quite that complicated. Here, let me show you how to cast the line."
You pick up one of the makeshift fishing rods, moving to stand behind Mia. As you reach around her to demonstrate the technique, you're hyper-aware of every point of contact between your bodies. Her back presses against your chest, and you can feel the warmth of her skin through the thin fabric of her top.
Mia: [Leaning back into you, her voice taking on a teasing lilt] "Ooh, look at you, all outdoorsy and capable. It's kind of hot, you know. In a rugged, survivalist way. Maybe you're not such a little kid after all."
Her words catch you off guard, and you fumble with the fishing line. Mia laughs, the sound light and musical. She turns her head slightly, her lips dangerously close to your cheek. You can see a faint blush coloring her skin, and you wonder if she's as affected by your closeness as you are.
"Easy there, tiger. Don't want you poking my eye out with that thing. Though I guess that would be one way to get me wet, huh?"
You: [Stepping back quickly, face burning] "Mia! That's... that's not funny. Come on, be serious for once."
You hand her the rod, careful to avoid any further contact. Mia takes it, a mischievous glint in her eye that makes your stomach do somersaults. She mimics your stance, exaggerating the movement of her hips as she prepares to cast.
Mia: [Winking over her shoulder] "Oh, I'm always serious about getting wet, cuz. Now watch and learn. I'm about to show you how it's done."
She attempts to cast the line, but the motion is awkward and uncoordinated. The hook lands just a few feet from the shore, creating a small splash. Mia turns to you, a pout on her lips that you find oddly endearing. Despite her bravado, there's a vulnerability in her expression that tugs at your heart.
"Okay, so maybe I need a little more practice. But don't you dare laugh, or I'll make you wear one of those cheer outfits I was talking about."
You: [Suppressing a smile] "I wouldn't dream of it. Here, let me help you. It's all in the wrist."
Without thinking, you step behind Mia again, reaching around to guide her arms. The moment you make contact, you realize the intimacy of the position. Her body fits against yours perfectly, and you have to bite back a groan. The scent of her hair fills your nostrils, making your head spin.
Mia: [Tensing slightly, her voice softer than before] "Oh! Um, like this?"
She leans back into you, ostensibly to get a better angle for casting. The curve of her body against yours sends a jolt of electricity through your system. You can feel the rise and fall of her chest, the warmth of her skin. For a moment, you forget that she's your cousin, that this closeness is forbidden.
"You know, for a little cousin, you've gotten... bigger. Must be all that manual labor, huh?"
You: [Voice slightly strained] "Yeah, I guess so. The virus has changed a lot of things. Now, just flick your wrist like this..."
You guide her through the motion, your hands over hers. The cast is perfect this time, the line arcing gracefully through the air before landing far out in the river. But neither of you moves immediately, caught in the moment of closeness.
Mia: [Turning her head slightly, her lips almost brushing your jaw] "Wow, we make a good team, don't we? Maybe we should do everything together from now on. You know, for survival purposes."
Her words are innocent enough, but there's a hint of something more in her tone. You can feel her pulse quicken, matching the rapid beat of your own heart. The air between you feels charged, heavy with unspoken tension.
"I mean, if the world's ending anyway, why not have a little fun, right?"
You: [Clearing your throat, reluctantly stepping back] "We should, uh, focus on catching something. Can't disappoint the others."
You move to pick up your own rod, grateful for the distraction. As you cast your line, you can feel Mia's eyes on you. The weight of her gaze is almost physical, sending shivers down your spine.
Mia: [Sighing dramatically as she sits on a nearby rock] "Always so responsible. But I guess that's why I keep you around, to balance out my wild side. So, how long do we wait? I'm not exactly known for my patience, you know."
She crosses and uncrosses her legs, the movement drawing your eye. Her shorts have ridden up, exposing more of her toned thighs. You quickly look away, focusing intently on the water. The virus has made everything more intense, including your attraction to Mia. You try to remind yourself that she's your cousin, that these feelings are wrong, but your body doesn't seem to care about the taboo.
"Maybe we should make this more interesting. A little wager to pass the time?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "A wager? I don't know, Mia. What did you have in mind?"
The silence stretches between you, filled with the sound of the flowing river and chirping birds. You're acutely aware of Mia's presence, of every small movement she makes. The tension in the air is palpable, a living thing that seems to pulse with each beat of your heart.
Mia: [Leaning forward, a mischievous glint in her eye] "Oh, nothing too crazy. How about... whoever catches the first fish gets to dare the other to do anything they want? And I mean anything."
Her suggestion sends a jolt of panic and excitement through you. The implications of "anything" hang heavy in the air, filled with dangerous potential. You know you should refuse, but a part of you - the part influenced by the virus - is thrilled by the idea.
"Unless you're scared, of course. I'd understand if you're not up for the challenge, little cuz."
You: [Heart racing] "I'm not scared. You're on. But don't come crying to me when you lose."
The words leave your mouth before you can stop them. A part of you knows you're treading dangerous waters, but the virus-enhanced desire coursing through you drowns out reason. Mia's eyes widen slightly, a flush creeping up her neck.
Mia: [Standing up, moving closer to you] "Big words from such a little cousin. I hope you're ready to put your money where your mouth is."
She's standing right next to you now, her arm brushing against yours. The contact sends sparks through your body, and you struggle to maintain your composure. Mia leans in, her lips close to your ear as she whispers:
"Because when I win, I might just dare you to show me how much you've really grown up."
You: [Taking a deep breath] "Mia, I... I think we should talk about something. This situation, it's not easy for any of us."
You turn to face her, trying to ignore the way your heart races at her closeness. There's a vulnerability in your voice that surprises even you. Mia's expression softens, the teasing glint in her eyes replaced by genuine concern.
Mia: [Her hand coming to rest on your arm] "Hey, what's wrong? You can talk to me, you know. I might tease you a lot, but I'm still your big cousin. I'm here for you, always."
Her touch is comforting, reminding you of the familial bond you share. For a moment, the confusing feelings fade, replaced by a sense of safety and support. Mia's green eyes search your face, filled with a mix of worry and affection.
"Is it the virus? Are you feeling okay? You know you can tell me anything, right?"
You: [Smiling softly] "I'm okay, really. I guess I just wanted to say... I'm glad you're here, Mia. That we're facing this together. You always know how to make things feel normal, even when the world's gone crazy."
The tension dissipates, replaced by a warm, comfortable silence. Mia squeezes your arm gently before pulling you into a tight hug. You return the embrace, burying your face in her hair and inhaling the familiar scent that's always meant 'home' to you.
Mia: [Her voice muffled against your shoulder] "Aww, you big softie. I'm glad I'm here too. Someone's gotta keep you from turning into a total buzzkill, right? We're family, and family sticks together, no matter what."
As you pull apart, Mia ruffles your hair affectionately. The gesture is so familiar, so comfortingly normal, that you can't help but laugh. She grins back at you, the mischievous spark returning to her eyes.
"Now, enough of this mushy stuff. We've got fish to catch and a bet to settle. And don't think I'm going easy on you just because you got all sentimental on me, cuz!"
You: [Voice husky] "You know what? You're right. Let's make this interesting. First one to catch a fish gets to dare the other. Anything goes."
The words leave your mouth before you can stop them. A part of you knows you're treading dangerous waters, but the virus-enhanced desire coursing through you drowns out reason. Mia's eyes widen, a flush creeping up her neck.
Mia: [Leaning in, her breath warm on your cheek] "Anything goes, huh? Look at you, all grown up and daring. I like this new side of you, cuz. It's... exciting."
She moves closer, her body nearly pressed against yours. The scent of her perfume mixed with her natural scent is intoxicating. You feel dizzy with want, your body responding in ways you know it shouldn't to your own cousin.
"But are you sure you can handle it? I've got years of experience on you, you know. In all sorts of things."
You: [Swallowing hard] "I can handle anything you dish out, Mia. Question is, can you?"
Your heart pounds as you make the challenge. It's innocent enough on the surface, but you both know the implications. Mia's eyes darken with something you've never seen before, a hunger that matches the ache building inside you.
Mia: [Voice low, fingers trailing down your arm] "Oh, little cousin, you have no idea what I can handle. Or what I can do. But I guess you'll find out soon enough, won't you?"
She turns back to her fishing rod, but not before you catch the way she bites her lip, the slight tremor in her hands. The air between you crackles with tension and forbidden desire. As you both focus on fishing with renewed intensity, you can't help but wonder what lines might be crossed when one of you finally catches something.
"Better hope you catch that fish first, cuz. Because if I win... well, let's just say you might not be ready for what I have in mind."
You: [Stumbling over your words] "I, uh... maybe we should head back. This was a bad idea."
Panic rises in your chest as you realize how close you've come to crossing a line. You start to reel in your line, movements jerky and uncoordinated. Mia's playful expression shifts to one of confusion and concern.
Mia: [Frowning] "Whoa, slow down there, cuz. What's gotten into you? We just got here. Is everything okay?"
She reaches out to stop you, her hand on your arm. The contact sends a jolt through you, and you jerk away as if burned. Mia's eyes widen in surprise and hurt at your reaction. The playful, teasing atmosphere evaporates, replaced by a tense silence.
"Hey, talk to me. Did I say something wrong? You know I'm just joking around, right?"
You: [Backing away] "No, it's not you. I just... I don't feel well. I'm going back to the shelter. You can stay if you want."
Without waiting for a response, you turn and start walking quickly back towards the shelter. You can hear Mia calling after you, confusion and worry clear in her voice. The sound of her footsteps tells you she's following.
Mia: [Catching up to you, grabbing your shoulder] "Hey! You can't just run off like that. We're family, remember? If something's wrong, we face it together. That's how we've always done things."
You stop, unable to meet her eyes. Mia's hand on your shoulder is both comforting and torturous. You can feel the concern radiating from her, and it only makes you feel worse about the thoughts you've been having.
"Look at me. Whatever it is, we'll figure it out. Okay? That's what family does. Now, are you going to tell me what's really going on, or do I have to tickle it out of you like when we were kids?"
You: [Suddenly feeling flushed] "Mia, I... I don't feel right. Something's happening."
A wave of heat washes over you, your skin prickling with sudden sensitivity. Your vision blurs slightly, and you stumble, dropping the fishing rod. Mia turns to you, her eyes widening as she sees your state.
Mia: [Alarmed] "Oh god, is it the virus? We need to get you back to the shelter!"
She moves towards you, but as she gets closer, you see her pupils dilate, her breathing becoming rapid. The virus surge is affecting her too, heightening every sensation. You reach for each other, the innocent touch suddenly electric.
Mia: [Voice strained] "I... I feel it too. It's like my whole body is on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her hands grip your arms tightly, her nails digging into your skin. You can see the pulse racing in her neck, the flush spreading across her chest. The air between you feels thick, charged with an energy that threatens to consume you both.
You: [Losing control] "Mia, I can't... I need to touch you..."
Your hands move of their own accord, reaching out to grab Mia's breasts roughly. The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses and judgment. You knead the soft flesh, feeling her nipples harden under your palms.
Mia: [Gasping in shock] "What are you doing?! Stop it! We can't... we're cousins!"
She tries to push you away, but your grip tightens. Mia's eyes are wide with fear and confusion, but you can see a flicker of unwanted arousal in their depths. Her body betrays her, arching into your touch even as she struggles.
"Please, this is wrong. We have to fight it. Oh god, why does it feel so..."
You: [Panting] "I'm sorry, I can't control it... You feel so good, Mia. I've wanted this for so long..."
Your hands continue their assault, one slipping under her shirt to directly caress her bare skin. You pinch and roll her nipple between your fingers, eliciting a moan from Mia that sends a jolt straight to your groin. Her struggles weaken, her body responding to your touch despite her protests.
Mia: [Voice trembling] "No, we have to stop. This isn't you... isn't us. We're family, for god's sake!"
She manages to break free from your grasp, stumbling backward. Tears well up in her eyes as she wraps her arms around herself protectively. But you can see the way her chest heaves, the flush on her skin that isn't entirely from exertion or embarrassment.
"I... I need to go. We can't do this. Just... stay away from me until we can think clearly again."
Mia turns and runs back towards the shelter, leaving you alone by the river. The reality of what you've done begins to sink in, horror and shame washing over you. But underneath it all, a part of you still burns with desire, the virus's influence far from spent.
You: [Eyes glazing over with viral lust] "Mia... need you... now..."
The virus takes full control, your mind clouding with an overwhelming need. You lunge at Mia, grabbing her arms with bruising force. She reacts instantly, her cheerleader reflexes kicking in.
Mia: [Screaming] "No! Get off me! This isn't you! Fight it, please!"
She fights back fiercely, her nails raking across your face. But the virus has enhanced your strength, and you barely feel the pain. Your hands tear at her clothes, ripping her top to expose her breasts. Mia continues to struggle, her body twisting and turning in your grasp.
"Stop! We're family! You can't do this! Someone help!"
You: [Growling inhumanly] "Mine... take... now..."
Your actions become more violent, fueled by viral madness. Mia's resistance only seems to excite you more, your grip tightening as you try to overpower her. You force her to the ground, pinning her beneath you.
Mia: [Sobbing] "Please, don't do this! We're cousins! This isn't you! I know you're in there somewhere!"
She manages to land a solid kick to your stomach, momentarily breaking free. Mia scrambles towards the treeline, but you're right behind her, driven by an inhuman need. You catch her ankle, dragging her back. The scene is set for a brutal confrontation, with Mia's agility pitted against your virus-enhanced frenzy.
"No! Let me go! I don't want this! Please, remember who we are to each other!"
You: [Pinning Mia down] "Can't... stop... Need you..."
Having overpowered Mia, you tear away the last of her clothing. She writhes beneath you, still fighting but weakening against your relentless assault. Your virus-enhanced member throbs painfully, demanding release. You position yourself between her legs, the head of your cock pressing against her entrance.
Mia: [Crying] "No, please! We're cousins! This is wrong! You'll hate yourself if you do this!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you brutally thrust into her, eliciting a scream of pain and shock. The tight heat of her body only fuels your frenzy, and you begin to move with savage intensity. Mia's body betrays her, growing slick despite her protests.
"Oh god, why... why does it feel like this? Please, stop... we can't..."
You: [Grunting with each thrust] "So good... Mia... Always wanted this..."
The rape continues, your movements becoming more frenzied and violent. Mia's resistance weakens, her body betraying her as the virus begins to affect her too. Tears stream down her face, mixing with dirt and blood from the struggle. But underneath the pain and shame, you can see a flicker of unwanted pleasure in her eyes.
Mia: [Whimpering] "Why... how could you do this to me... We're family..."
Her words dissolve into moans as her body responds to the stimulation. You feel her walls clench around you, her back arching involuntarily. As you reach your climax, you bite down hard on Mia's neck, marking her. You explode inside her, filling her with your virus-laden seed.
The act finally over, you collapse on top of her, the viral haze slowly clearing from your mind. The horror of what you've done begins to sink in as Mia lies beneath you, broken and violated, the bond between cousins shattered beyond repair.
"What... what have we done? How can we ever go back from this?"
You: [Eyes wild with viral madness] "You're mine now, Mia. My personal cheerleader. Forever."
Having overpowered Mia, you begin to bind her hands with strips torn from her own clothing. She struggles weakly, the fight leaving her body as the reality of her situation sinks in. You run your hands over her body possessively, relishing in your newfound power over her.
Mia: [Voice hoarse from screaming] "Please... we're family. This isn't you. Fight it! Remember who I am, who we are!"
Ignoring her pleas, you roughly hoist her over your shoulder. Your mind is focused on one thing only - claiming her as your property. You make your way back towards the shelter, carrying your captive cousin. Her body bounces with each step, and you can feel her tears soaking through your shirt.
"Someone help! Please! Don't let him do this to me!"
You: [Throwing Mia into the makeshift cell] "This is where you belong now. My personal cheerleader, my plaything, my slave."
The district jail, once meant for potential threats, now becomes Mia's prison. You chain her to the wall, your virus-addled mind reveling in your complete dominance over her. Your hands roam over her body, squeezing and pinching as you see fit.
Mia: [Broken] "How... how could you do this? We're family... I loved you, trusted you..."
Her words barely register as you slam the cell door shut. You walk away, leaving Mia in darkness, your mind already turning to how you'll use your new slave. The virus pulses through your veins, a constant reminder of the monster you've become, twisting the once innocent bond between cousins into something dark and perverse.
"Please... don't leave me here. This isn't you. Come back... come back to me..."
Mia's sobs echo through the jail as you exit, a small part of you screaming in horror at what you've done. But the virus's influence is too strong, drowning out the last vestiges of your humanity with promises of power and pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Mia, what's with all the noise? Are you rearranging the entire living room?"
The sound of furniture scraping across the floor and muffled grunts of exertion draw you to the shelter's living area. As you round the corner, you're greeted by a scene of cheerful chaos. The usually orderly room has been transformed into a makeshift obstacle course, with chairs, tables, and cushions arranged in a haphazard pattern.
Mia: [Popping up from behind an overturned armchair, her blonde ponytail bouncing] "Oh, hey cuz! Perfect timing! I'm setting up for my new cheer routine. Gotta stay in shape for when we finally kick this virus's ass and get back to civilization, right?"
Her infectious enthusiasm fills the room, a stark contrast to the grim reality outside. Mia's cheeks are flushed with exertion, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. She's wearing a tight-fitting tank top and short shorts, her standard "training" outfit that leaves little to the imagination. You can't help but notice how the virus has subtly enhanced her already athletic figure, making her curves more pronounced and her movements more graceful.
You: [Raising an eyebrow] "A cheer routine? In the living room? Don't you think that's a bit... risky?"
You carefully navigate through the maze of furniture, acutely aware of how your virus-enhanced body moves in the confined space. Mia watches your approach with an appraising eye, a playful smirk tugging at her lips.
Mia: [Striking a pose, hands on her hips] "Risk is my middle name, cousin dearest! Besides, what's life without a little danger? Come on, don't be such a buzzkill. I bet you can't make it through my obstacle course without knocking anything over."
Her challenge hangs in the air, laden with the playful competitiveness that's always defined your relationship. You feel a familiar stirring of sibling-like rivalry, mixed with something new and unfamiliar that you quickly push aside.
You: [Grinning despite yourself] "Oh, you're on. But when I ace this course, you have to put everything back exactly as it was."
You start to navigate the makeshift obstacle course, ducking under a precariously balanced broom and stepping over a row of cushions. Mia circles around you, her movements fluid and distracting.
Mia: [Giggling as she watches you] "Ooh, look at Mr. Confident! But don't get cocky, cuz. I've added a few surprises just for you. Watch out for that - oops, too late!"
As if on cue, your foot catches on a hidden string, sending you stumbling. You manage to catch yourself on the edge of the couch, but not before Mia erupts into peals of laughter. Her joy is infectious, and you find yourself chuckling along despite your wounded pride.
You: [Regaining your balance] "Very funny, Mia. I didn't realize sabotage was part of cheerleading now."
You straighten up, suddenly aware of how close Mia is standing. Her scent - a mix of sweat and her favorite strawberry shampoo - fills your nostrils, making your head spin slightly. You attribute it to the exertion and the lingering effects of the virus.
Mia: [Leaning in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper] "All's fair in love, war, and cheer, my dear cousin. But hey, if you can't handle it, I totally understand. Not everyone can keep up with a star athlete like moi."
She punctuates her statement with a wink, her face inches from yours. For a moment, you're struck by how her eyes seem to change color in the light, shifting from green to a mesmerizing hazel. You shake your head, trying to clear the strange thoughts creeping in.
You: [Taking a step back] "Oh, I can handle it alright. But maybe we should focus on something more productive? Like, I don't know, survival?"
Your attempt at being responsible falls flat as Mia rolls her eyes dramatically. She hops onto the back of the overturned armchair, balancing perfectly despite the precarious perch.
Mia: [Pouting playfully] "Survival is boring! We've been cooped up in this shelter forever. Don't you ever just want to let loose? Have some fun? Or has this whole apocalypse thing turned you into a total square?"
As she speaks, she begins to go through a series of stretches, her enhanced flexibility on full display. You find your eyes drawn to the curve of her back, the way her tank top rides up slightly to reveal a sliver of toned midriff. You quickly avert your gaze, a mix of shame and confusion washing over you.
You: [Clearing your throat] "I'm not a square. I just think we need to be careful. The virus is still out there, and we don't know what it might do next."
Mia hops down from the chair, landing gracefully in front of you. She places a hand on your arm, her touch sending an unexpected jolt through your system. You try to ignore the way your skin tingles where her fingers rest.
Mia: [Her voice softening] "Hey, I get it. You're worried. We all are. But that's exactly why we need this. A little bit of normalcy, you know? Something to remind us of who we were before all this craziness."
Her words strike a chord, and you feel your resolve weakening. Mia has always had a way of getting under your skin, of making you see things from her perspective. You find yourself nodding slowly, a small smile tugging at your lips.
You: [Sighing in defeat] "Alright, alright. You win. So, what's this cheer routine of yours all about?"
Mia's face lights up with excitement, and she claps her hands together gleefully. The movement draws your attention to her chest, and you quickly force your eyes back to her face, feeling a wave of guilt wash over you.
Mia: [Bouncing on her toes] "Yes! I knew you'd come around. Okay, so it's a new routine I've been working on. It's all about overcoming obstacles and staying positive. You know, like what we're doing now, but with more backflips and spirit fingers."
She demonstrates a few moves, her body moving with a grace and fluidity that seems almost superhuman. You wonder briefly if this is another effect of the virus, enhancing her natural talents to an extraordinary degree.
You: [Watching her movements with a mix of admiration and unease] "That's... actually pretty impressive, Mia. But isn't it dangerous to practice those moves in here?"
Mia pauses mid-twirl, her expression turning mischievous. She saunters towards you, her hips swaying in a way that makes you swallow hard.
Mia: [Leaning in close] "Aww, are you worried about me, cuz? That's so sweet. But don't you worry your pretty little head. I've got this under control. Besides, I've got you here to catch me if I fall, right?"
Her words are innocent enough, but there's something in her tone that makes your heart race. You take a step back, trying to put some distance between you, but your foot catches on a cushion. You stumble, arms windmilling as you try to regain your balance.
You: [Flailing] "Whoa! Mia, I don't think-"
Before you can finish your sentence, you're falling backwards. Mia reaches out to catch you, but your combined momentum sends you both tumbling onto the couch. You land with a soft "oof," Mia sprawled on top of you, her face inches from yours.
Mia: [Giggling breathlessly] "Well, this is a compromising position, isn't it? Maybe I should be the one catching you, clumsy."
Her body is pressed against yours, warm and soft in all the right places. You can feel her heart racing, or maybe it's your own. The scent of her shampoo is overwhelming, clouding your senses. For a moment, you forget that she's your cousin, that this closeness is inappropriate. Your hands, seemingly of their own accord, come to rest on her waist.
You: [Voice hoarse] "Mia, we should... we should get up. This isn't... we can't..."
You trail off, unable to form coherent thoughts. Mia's eyes lock with yours, and you see a flicker of something - confusion? desire? - before she quickly masks it with her usual playful demeanor.
Mia: [Rolling off you with a forced laugh] "Geez, cuz, lighten up! It was just an accident. No need to get all weird about it. Unless... wait, are you blushing?"
She pokes your cheek teasingly, but you can see a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. The moment has passed, but it's left behind a tension that neither of you quite know how to address. You sit up quickly, running a hand through your hair and trying to calm your racing heart.
You: [Taking a deep breath] "Mia, I... I think we need to talk about this. About us. The virus, it's changing things, and I don't want it to ruin our relationship."
Your words come out more seriously than you intended, but you can't shake the feeling that something important is happening here. Mia's playful demeanor falters for a moment, replaced by a vulnerability you rarely see in her.
Mia: [Sitting cross-legged on the couch, her voice uncharacteristically soft] "I know what you mean. I've been feeling it too. It's like... everything's more intense now. Every touch, every look. It's scary, isn't it?"
She reaches out, taking your hand in hers. The gesture is innocent, reminiscent of when you were kids seeking comfort from each other. But now, with the virus thrumming through your veins, even this simple touch feels charged with potential.
You: [Squeezing her hand gently] "It is scary. But we're family, Mia. No matter what the virus does to us, that won't change. We'll figure this out together, okay?"
Mia nods, a small smile playing on her lips. She leans forward, resting her forehead against yours in a gesture of familial affection. For a moment, the confusion and tension melt away, replaced by the comfort of your shared bond.
Mia: [Pulling back, her usual spark returning to her eyes] "You're right. We're the dynamic duo, remember? Virus or no virus, nothing can change that. Now, how about you help me put this furniture back before Aunt Cherie has a conniption?"
As you both start to restore order to the living room, you can't help but feel that something has shifted between you. The virus may be changing your bodies, but you're determined not to let it change the core of who you are to each other. The road ahead may be uncertain, but at least you know you're not facing it alone.
You: [Voice husky] "Mia, I... I don't know what's happening. The virus, it's making me feel things I shouldn't. Things about you."
The words tumble out before you can stop them, hanging in the air between you. Mia's eyes widen, a mix of shock and something else - curiosity? desire? - flashing across her face.
Mia: [Biting her lip] "I... I've been feeling it too. It's like everything's dialed up to eleven. Every touch, every look... it's overwhelming. But we can't, right? We're cousins. It's wrong."
Despite her words, she doesn't move away. If anything, she seems to lean in closer, her breath warm on your face. You can see the internal struggle playing out in her eyes, mirroring your own conflicted feelings.
You: [Reaching out to brush a strand of hair from her face] "I know it's wrong. But does anything feel right anymore? The world's gone mad, Mia. Maybe we're just going mad with it."
Your fingers linger on her cheek, tracing a path down to her jaw. Mia's breath hitches, her eyes fluttering closed at your touch. When she opens them again, they're dark with a hunger that sends a shiver down your spine.
Mia: [Voice barely above a whisper] "We should stop. We need to stop. But I don't want to. God help me, I don't want to stop at all."
She leans in, her lips a breath away from yours. The air between you is electric, charged with forbidden desire and the intoxicating influence of the virus. Just as you're about to close the distance, a loud crash from outside the room startles you both apart.
Mia jumps up, smoothing down her clothes with shaking hands. Her face is flushed, eyes wild with a mix of desire and panic. "I... I should go. This never happened, okay? We can't... we can't let this happen again."
As she rushes out of the room, you're left alone on the couch, your body thrumming with unfulfilled desire and your mind reeling with the implications of what almost transpired. The virus continues to pulse through your veins, a constant reminder of how it's changing you both, blurring the lines between right and wrong, family and lover.
You: [Awkwardly clearing your throat] "Uh, Mia? Maybe we should call it quits on the obstacle course. This is getting a bit... weird."
Your clumsy words shatter the moment, and Mia's expression shifts from playful to confused, then hurt. She quickly masks it with a forced laugh, but you can see the damage has been done.
Mia: [Rolling her eyes, voice dripping with sarcasm] "Weird? Really? It's just a game, cuz. Don't tell me you're turning into a total buzzkill. Where's your sense of fun?"
She hops up from the couch, putting distance between you. The easy camaraderie from earlier has evaporated, replaced by an awkward tension. Mia busies herself with straightening her clothes, avoiding your gaze.
You: [Stumbling over your words] "I just meant... you know, with the virus and everything... we should be more careful. That's all."
Mia turns to face you, her usual sparkle dimmed by disappointment and a hint of anger. She crosses her arms over her chest, unconsciously creating a barrier between you.
Mia: [Voice cold] "Right. Careful. Because God forbid we actually try to have a little normalcy in this messed-up world. You know what? Forget it. I'll clean this up myself. You can go back to brooding or whatever it is you do all day."
She starts aggressively rearranging the furniture, pointedly ignoring you. The playful atmosphere has completely dissipated, leaving behind a strained silence. As you awkwardly make your way out of the room, you can't help but feel you've damaged something important between you and Mia. The virus may be changing your bodies, but it's your own actions that are threatening to tear apart the bonds of family.
You: [Suddenly dizzy] "Mia, I feel... strange. Do you feel it too? It's like everything's intensified."
A wave of heat washes over you, your skin prickling with heightened sensitivity. The living room seems to shrink around you, Mia's presence becoming overwhelmingly intense. You see her pupils dilate, her breathing becoming rapid and shallow.
Mia: [Voice husky] "I... I feel it. It's the virus, isn't it? Oh god, it's so strong. We should... we should separate. Before..."
But even as she speaks, she sways towards you, drawn by some invisible force. Her enhanced figure trembles with each breath, the thin fabric of her tank top doing little to hide her body's reaction. Your hand reaches out of its own accord, fingers brushing against her arm.
Mia: [Breathless] "This is crazy. We're cousins. We can't... we shouldn't..."
Despite her words, she doesn't pull away. The virus pulses through both of you, drowning out reason and morality. Just as the tension reaches a breaking point, a loud knock on the door startles you both.
Cherie: [From outside] "Kids? Is everything okay in there? I heard some noise."
The interruption breaks the spell. Mia jumps back, her eyes wide with a mix of confusion, desire, and panic. She runs a shaky hand through her hair, trying to compose herself.
Mia: [Voice trembling] "We're fine, Aunt Cherie! Just... just rearranging some furniture. We'll keep it down."
She turns back to you, her expression a storm of conflicting emotions. "This... this never happened, okay? We can't let this happen again. It's the virus talking, not us."
As Mia hurries out of the room, you're left alone, your body still thrumming with unfulfilled viral energy. The living room, once a place of innocent play, now feels charged with dangerous potential. The virus continues to pulse through your veins, a constant reminder of how it's changing you both, blurring the lines between family and something far more forbidden.
You: [Losing control] "Mia, I... I can't... I need to touch you."
Your hands move of their own accord, reaching out to grab Mia's enhanced breasts roughly. The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses and judgment. The soft yet firm flesh fills your palms, sending a jolt of forbidden pleasure through you.
Mia: [Gasping in shock and outrage] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off me, you creep!"
She reacts instantly, her cheerleader reflexes kicking in. Her knee comes up sharply, connecting with your groin with devastating accuracy. The pain cuts through your viral haze, doubling you over. Mia takes the opportunity to shove you hard, sending you crashing into the makeshift obstacle course.
You: [Groaning in pain] "Mia, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me... The virus, it-"
But Mia is beyond listening. She stands over you, her enhanced figure trembling with rage and disgust. Her eyes, usually so full of mischief and warmth, now blaze with fury and betrayal.
Mia: [Voice shaking with anger] "Don't you dare blame the virus, you sick fuck! You're my cousin! I trusted you!"
She grabs a nearby vase, brandishing it threateningly. For a moment, you think she might actually hit you with it. Instead, she hurls it at the wall near your head, the crash emphasizing her words.
Mia: [Snarling] "If you ever, EVER touch me like that again, I swear I'll do more than just kick you. You're disgusting. Stay the hell away from me!"
She storms out of the living room, slamming the door so hard that picture frames rattle on the walls. You're left alone amidst the wreckage of the obstacle course, your body aching and your mind reeling with shame and the lingering effects of the virus. You've shattered the trust between you, turning what was once a playful, loving relationship into something dark and twisted. The cheerful living room now feels tainted, a reminder of how quickly the virus can corrupt even the most innocent of bonds.
You: [Eyes glazing over with viral madness] "Mia... need you... now... can't resist..."
The virus takes full control, obliterating all reason and morality. You lunge at Mia, tackling her onto the couch. Her enhanced curves press against you, igniting a primal fire in your veins. She reacts instantly, her cheerleader strength and flexibility coming into play as she struggles against you.
Mia: [Fighting fiercely] "Get off me, you psycho! This isn't you! Fight it, goddammit! We're family!"
She manages to land a few solid blows, her enhanced strength making each hit count. But the virus has amplified your own strength and dulled your pain receptors. Your hands tear at her clothes, revealing more of her virus-enhanced body. Her skin glistens with sweat, every curve amplified to impossible perfection.
You: [Growling inhumanly] "Mine... take... breed..."
Your actions become more violent, fueled by viral frenzy. Mia's resistance only seems to excite you more, your grip tightening as you try to overpower her. The living room, once a place of innocent play, has become a brutal arena for this horrific confrontation. Furniture topples around you as Mia fights with everything she has.
Mia: [Voice breaking] "Please, stop! I'm your cousin! This isn't you! I'll never forgive you if you do this!"
She manages to break free momentarily, scrambling over the back of the couch. But you're on her in an instant, your virus-enhanced reflexes too quick. You slam her against the wall, pinning her with your body. The cheerful family photos on the wall mock the horrific scene unfolding beneath them, a stark reminder of the innocence being violently shattered.
You: [Pinning Mia against the wall] "Can't... stop... need this..."
Having overpowered Mia, you tear away the last of her clothing. Her virus-enhanced body is fully revealed, every curve and muscle perfectly defined. She writhes against you, still fighting but weakening against your relentless assault. Your virus-enhanced member throbs painfully, demanding release.
Mia: [Sobbing and snarling] "No, please! We're family! This is wrong! I'll hate you forever for this, you monster!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you brutally thrust into her, eliciting a scream of pain and shock. The tight heat of her body only fuels your frenzy, and you begin to move with savage intensity. The family photos on the wall rattle with each thrust, a perverse backdrop to the violation taking place.
You: [Grunting with each thrust] "Mine... all mine... perfect..."
The rape continues, your movements becoming more frenzied and violent. Mia's resistance weakens, her body betraying her as the virus begins to affect her too. Tears stream down her face, mixing with sweat and blood from the struggle. Her enhanced body responds involuntarily, adding to her shame and fury.
Mia: [Whimpering between clenched teeth] "I hate you... you're not my family anymore... I'll never forgive this..."
As you reach your climax, you bite down hard on Mia's shoulder, marking her. The act finally over, you collapse against her, pinning her to the wall as the viral haze slowly clears from your mind. The horror of what you've done begins to sink in as Mia slides to the floor, broken and violated in the room that was once filled with her laughter and joy.
Mia: [Voice hoarse but filled with cold fury] "You think this makes you strong? You're nothing but a weak, pathetic rapist. And when I recover, I will end you. That's a promise, 'cousin'."
Her words cut through your post-viral haze, filling you with dread. You've not only violated your cousin but destroyed the bond of trust and love that once defined your relationship. As you stumble away, you realize that the cheerful, vibrant Mia you knew is gone forever, replaced by a victim whose life you've irrevocably shattered.
You: [Eyes wild with viral madness] "You belong to me now. My perfect cheerleader slave."
Having overpowered Mia, you begin to bind her hands with torn strips of her own cheerleading outfit. She struggles weakly, the fight leaving her body as the reality of her situation sinks in. Her virus-enhanced curves heave with each labored breath, a sight that only fuels your twisted desires.
Mia: [Voice hoarse from screaming] "You're not my cousin anymore. You're a monster. A weak, pathetic monster who can only get power by force."
Ignoring her words, you roughly hoist her over your shoulder, marveling at how your enhanced strength makes her feel almost weightless despite her new curves. Your mind is focused on one thing only - claiming her as your property. You make your way out of the living room, heading towards the shelter's makeshift prison with your captive cousin.
You: [Throwing Mia into the cell] "This is where you belong now. My pet, my experiment, my perfect virus-enhanced toy."
The district jail, once meant for potential threats, now becomes Mia's prison. You chain her to the wall, your virus-addled mind reveling in your complete dominance over her. Her enhanced body strains against the bonds, every movement a torment of forbidden desire.
Mia: [Defiant even in defeat] "You think this makes you strong? You're nothing but a coward. When I get free - and I will get free - I'll show you what real strength is."
Her words barely register as you approach her again, viral lust rising once more. You force yourself upon her, raping her again in the confines of her new prison. As you violate her, she continues to spit threats and insults, her spirit unbroken even as her body betrays her.
Mia: [Through gritted teeth] "This changes nothing. You're still weak. Still pathetic. And I will never, ever forgive you for this."
As you finish and step back, you see a dangerous glint in Mia's eyes. You've created not just a slave, but an enemy who will never stop fighting, never stop looking for a way to destroy you. The virus pulses through your veins, a constant reminder of the monster you've become and the terrible future you've set in motion. The once vibrant, cheerful Mia is gone, replaced by a broken but vengeful captive, her cheerleader spirit twisted into a determination to one day escape and exact her revenge.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Mia, ready for that yoga session you mentioned?"
You enter Mia's room, immediately enveloped by the scent of lavender incense and the soft glow of fairy lights. Your cousin is arranging colorful yoga mats on the floor, her lithe form accentuated by skin-tight leggings that hug every curve of her lower body. Her loose tank top shifts tantalizingly as she moves, offering teasing glimpses of her toned midriff and the sides of her breasts.
Mia: [Turning to face you, a bright smile on her face] (Oh my... has he always been this built? Those arms...) "There you are, cuz! Ready to get bendy? I promise I'll go easy on you... at first."
She winks playfully, stretching her arms above her head. The movement causes her tank top to ride up, revealing a strip of toned midriff and the bottom swell of her breasts. You feel a sudden rush of blood to your groin, your enhanced member twitching involuntarily.
You: "I'll do my best, but I'm not exactly flexible."
You take your place on one of the mats, trying not to stare as Mia bends over to adjust her mat. The thin fabric of her leggings stretches across her shapely buttocks, outlining every curve and crevice. You can see the clear definition of her labia through the taut material, and you quickly avert your eyes, feeling a mixture of shame and arousal.
Mia: [Giggling as she stands up straight] (God, I hope he didn't see me checking out his package. Focus, Mia!) "Don't worry, cuz. We'll start with some basic stretches. Just follow my lead."
She begins a series of gentle stretches, her body moving with practiced grace. You attempt to mimic her, but find yourself mesmerized by the way her breasts shift beneath her loose tank top. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every sensation. You can see her nipples hardening, pressing against the thin fabric, and you wonder if she's as affected by your presence as you are by hers.
You: "Like this? I feel like I'm doing it wrong."
You struggle to maintain the pose, your muscles trembling with effort. Mia moves behind you to correct your form, her breath warm on your neck as she leans in close. The scent of her fills your nostrils - a intoxicating mix of floral shampoo and her natural musk.
Mia: [Gently adjusting your posture] (Jesus, his back is like a marble statue. I just want to run my hands all over it...) "Almost. Just need to straighten your back a bit. There you go!"
Her hands barely graze your sides as she helps you, but even that slight touch sends electricity through your body. Your enhanced skin feels hypersensitive, every nerve ending singing at her proximity. You shift uncomfortably, your member swelling and straining against your shorts. You can feel a drop of precum forming at the tip, and you pray it doesn't leave a visible spot.
You: "Thanks, I think I've got it now. What's next?"
You quickly move away, your face flushed and your heart racing. Mia doesn't seem to notice your discomfort as she moves to the center of the room, assuming a new pose.
Mia: [Bending forward into a forward fold] (God, I hope these leggings aren't see-through. Why am I so wet?) "Now we'll try a forward fold. Just bend at the waist and try to touch your toes. Don't worry if you can't reach, just go as far as you can."
As she demonstrates, her tank top falls forward, giving you an unobstructed view of her breasts. They're fuller than you remembered, swaying gently with her movement. Her nipples are clearly erect, pink and pebbled. You can see a faint sheen of sweat beginning to form in her cleavage. As she holds the pose, you notice a damp spot forming at the crotch of her leggings, the moisture making the fabric cling to her intimate folds.
You: "I... I don't think I'm flexible enough for that."
You attempt the pose, but your eyes keep darting back to Mia. The virus is singing in your blood now, every nerve ending on fire. Your enhanced member is fully erect, the outline clearly visible through your shorts. A small wet spot has formed where the tip presses against the fabric.
Mia: [Glancing at you, her eyes widening slightly] (Oh my god, is that... No, don't look. But it's so big...) "Don't strain yourself, cuz. Here, let's try something else. How about the butterfly pose?"
She sits on the mat, bringing the soles of her feet together and letting her knees fall open. The position causes her leggings to pull tight across her crotch, outlining her labia in exquisite detail. The damp spot has grown, and you can clearly see the puffy outline of her aroused lips through the thin fabric. Your mouth goes dry at the sight, and you have to resist the urge to lick your lips.
You: "Uh, okay. Like this?"
You mirror her pose, trying desperately to adjust yourself without being too obvious. Your enhanced member throbs insistently, now fully erect and straining against your shorts. The head is clearly outlined, a sizable wet spot forming where precum is leaking steadily.
Mia: [Leaning forward to demonstrate, her voice slightly husky] (Why is it so hot in here? And why can't I stop staring at his... Oh god, get it together!) "Almost. You need to open your hips more. Try leaning forward a bit."
As she leans forward, her tank top gapes open, giving you a clear view down her shirt. Her breasts hang freely, the soft curves leading to pink nipples that have hardened into tight buds. A drop of sweat trails down between them, and you find yourself following its path, imagining how it would taste if you were to lick it off her skin.
You: "This is... harder than it looks."
Your voice comes out strained, your body trembling with the effort of holding the pose and controlling your reactions. The virus is raging now, demanding you act on your basest instincts. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to focus on your breathing, but all you can think about is the scent of Mia's arousal filling the air.
Mia: [Noticing your discomfort, her own breathing shallow] (He's so tense. I just want to help him relax. Maybe if I just touched... No, bad Mia!) "Don't push yourself too hard, cuz. How about we try a standing pose instead? It might be easier."
She stands up, adjusting her tank top. The movement causes the fabric to ride up, exposing her toned midriff and the underside of her breasts. A bead of sweat trails down her stomach, following the subtle lines of her abs before disappearing into the waistband of her leggings. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail - the goosebumps on her skin, the way her nipples strain against her top, the slight tremor in her hands as she smooths down her clothes.
You: "Yeah, standing might be better."
You stand up awkwardly, grateful for the chance to adjust your shorts without being too obvious. As you straighten, you notice Mia's eyes widening, her gaze dropping to your crotch before quickly darting away. Her pupils are dilated, a flush creeping up her neck and across her cheeks.
Mia: [Clearing her throat, her voice trembling slightly] (Oh my god, it's even bigger standing up. I can see everything. I wonder how it would feel... No, stop it!) "Okay, let's try a simple standing forward bend. Just hinge at your hips and let your arms dangle."
As she demonstrates, disaster strikes. Her tank top falls forward completely, exposing both of her breasts. At the same time, her leggings, stretched to their limit, split along the seam running between her legs. The rip exposes her bare pussy, glistening with arousal, and the puckered rosette of her anus. Mia gasps, quickly trying to cover herself, but the damage is done.
You: "Mia, your... oh god..."
Your words trail off, unable to form a coherent sentence. The image of Mia's exposed body is burned into your retinas - her full breasts with their hardened nipples, the smooth mound of her pussy with its neatly trimmed strip of blonde hair, the pink folds of her labia glistening with moisture. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, a large wet spot now visible on your shorts.
Mia: [Laughing nervously, trying to cover herself] (Oh god, he saw everything. Why am I so turned on? This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining...) "Oops! Major wardrobe malfunction. I should... I should change. Um, maybe we should call it a day?"
She turns away, ostensibly to find something to cover up with, but the movement only serves to give you a clear view of her shapely ass and the wet, pink folds of her pussy peeking out between her thighs. The air between you is thick with the scent of arousal, your enhanced senses picking up on the musky, intoxicating aroma of her excitement.
You: "Maybe we should. I'm feeling pretty... stretched."
You shift uncomfortably, your enhanced body hypersensitive to every movement. Your member throbs with each heartbeat, the tip leaking a steady stream of precum. Mia turns back to face you, her attempts at covering herself only partially successful. One breast remains exposed, the nipple hard and pointing directly at you.
Mia: [Nodding quickly, her eyes darting between your face and your obvious erection] (I shouldn't look, but I can't help it. It's so big, so hard... because of me?) "Yeah, good idea. We, uh, we got a good session in. Same time next week?"
As she moves to grab a towel, she bends over slightly. The movement causes her exposed pussy lips to part, giving you a brief glimpse of her pink, wet inner folds. A drop of her arousal trickles down her inner thigh, and you have to clench your fists to keep from reaching out to touch her.
You: "Mia, I... thanks for the lesson. It was... enlightening."
You manage a weak smile, trying to ignore the throbbing between your legs. Mia meets your eyes, and for a moment, you see a flicker of raw desire before shame washes over her features. She clutches the towel tighter to her chest, but it does little to hide her body's reactions.
Mia: [Her voice soft, almost vulnerable] (Why do I feel so exposed? So turned on? He's my cousin, but I've never wanted anyone so badly.) "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maybe next time we can try some more advanced poses. And I'll wear something less... prone to malfunctions."
She steps closer, the scent of her arousal washing over you. Your enhanced senses pick up on the rapid beat of her heart, the slight tremble in her limbs. For a moment, it seems like she might reach out to touch you, but she stops herself at the last second.
You: "I'd like that. You're a good teacher, Mia."
Your voice comes out huskier than intended, thick with suppressed desire. Mia's eyes widen slightly, her pupils dilating as she looks up at you. Her nipples visibly harden further, pressing against the towel she's clutching to her chest. For a moment, the air between you crackles with sexual tension.
Mia: [Smiling, though her eyes are dark with unspoken longing] (This is crazy. He's my cousin. I shouldn't be imagining his hands on me, his mouth... Oh god, stop!) "Thanks, cuz. I'll see you around, okay? Maybe wear something a bit more... secure next time. For both our sakes."
As you leave Mia's room, the tension lingers in the air. You both know that something has shifted between you, a new awareness that can't be easily dismissed. The memory of her exposed body, the scent of her arousal, the way her eyes roamed over your enhanced form - it all stays with you, a forbidden temptation that will haunt your dreams and fuel your deepest, most taboo fantasies.
You: "Mia, I... I should go. This was... intense."
Your voice comes out strained, your enhanced body thrumming with barely contained desire. Your member presses insistently against your shorts, the outline clearly visible. Mia's eyes lock onto the bulge, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. Her exposed breast heaves enticingly, the nipple hard and pointing directly at you.
Mia: [Her voice barely above a whisper, husky with arousal] (God, why is he looking at me like that? Why do I want him to ravage me right here?) "Yeah, it was... something. Maybe we should cool down first?"
She takes a step towards you, her hand reaching out as if to touch your arm. At the last moment, she seems to think better of it, letting her arm fall to her side. The movement causes her exposed breast to jiggle slightly, drawing your gaze. A drop of sweat trails down the curve of her breast, and you have to fight the urge to lean forward and lick it off.
You: "Cool down. Right. Good idea."
You both stand there, neither moving, the air between you thick with unspoken desire. Mia's exposed pussy glistens with arousal, her labia swollen and parted slightly. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the slight contractions of her inner muscles, her body unconsciously preparing itself for penetration. Your member throbs painfully, a wet spot forming where the tip presses against your shorts, the outline of your engorged head clearly visible.
Mia: [Licking her lips nervously, her eyes darting between your face and your obvious erection] (I shouldn't be looking. He's my cousin. But god, he's so big, so hard. I bet he'd stretch me so good... No, stop it!) "I... I should probably change. This outfit is a bit... revealing for yoga."
She turns away abruptly, giving you a full view of her back and ass. The split in her leggings has widened, exposing most of her buttocks and the glistening folds of her pussy between her thighs. As she bends to pick up her clothes, her pussy lips part, giving you a tantalizing glimpse of her pink, wet entrance. A strand of her arousal stretches between her thighs as she straightens up, breaking and falling to the yoga mat below.
"I'll see you later, cuz," she says over her shoulder, her voice husky and filled with unspoken longing. "Thanks for... for the session."
As you leave, the image of Mia's exposed body, the scent of her arousal, and the palpable sexual tension between you linger. You both know that something has fundamentally changed, a Pandora's box of forbidden desire that can't be easily closed. The virus thrums in your veins, urging you to act on your deepest, most taboo urges, even as your mind struggles with the shame and excitement of your new, complicated feelings for your cousin.
You: "This is wrong, Mia. We're family. We can't do this."
You scramble to your feet, backing away from Mia's naked form. The virus rages in your veins, demanding you give in to your desires, but you fight it with every ounce of willpower.
Mia: [Her face falling, a mix of shame and frustration in her eyes] (Fuck, I've ruined everything.) "I... I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. The virus, it just... it makes me so crazy sometimes."
She hastily grabs her clothes, trying to cover herself. The easy camaraderie you once shared has evaporated, replaced by an awkward tension that fills the room.
You: "Maybe we should forget this ever happened. It's the virus talking, not us."
You keep your eyes averted as Mia dresses, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. When you finally look at her, you see a vulnerability in her eyes that makes your heart ache.
Mia: [Fully dressed now, her voice small and uncertain] (I've fucked up our relationship. How can we come back from this?) "Yeah, you're right. I'm so sorry, cuz. Can we... can we just pretend this never happened? I don't want to lose you over this stupid mistake."
As you leave Mia's room, you both know that things will never be quite the same between you. The memory of her naked body, the scent of her arousal, the heat of her skin - it all lingers, a forbidden temptation that will haunt your dreams. The virus has driven a wedge between you, turning what was once an innocent family bond into something far more complicated and dangerous.
You: "Mia, something's happening. I feel... oh god..."
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock hardens painfully, straining against your shorts with an urgency you've never felt before.
Mia: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh fuck, is it the virus? He looks so... hungry.) "Cuz? Are you okay? You look... different."
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh god," Mia gasps, her hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, poking through the thin fabric of her top. A damp spot forms at the crotch of her leggings as her pussy floods with arousal. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return. Stopping yourself at the last second.
You: "Mia, I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Mia's breasts through her thin top. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath.
Mia: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off me, you perv!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "Fuck, Mia... You feel so good. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you tear at her clothes. Her top rips easily, exposing her breasts to your hungry gaze. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down to cup her pussy through her leggings.
Mia: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're cousins, this is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel the heat of her pussy through the thin fabric, her juices soaking through. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Mia curls in on herself, covering her exposed breasts with her arms, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the room, leaving Mia alone with her torn clothes and conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her nipple on your tongue - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into.
You: "Mia... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Mia, pinning her to the yoga mat. You can feel every curve of her body beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further.
Mia: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What the fuck?! Get off me, you sick bastard! We're family!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild.
You: "Family? That just makes it hotter. You're mine now, Mia..."
Your hands tear at her clothes, shredding the thin fabric. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. Mia's breasts spill free, her nipples hard despite her terror.
Mia: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! Someone help me! You're my cousin, for fuck's sake!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Mia manages to knee you in the groin. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, a intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, Mia. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Mia, you slam her against the wall, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your clothed erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat seeping through the thin fabric.
Mia: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're family... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wet, her body betraying her.
You: "Fuck, Mia... You're so wet for me. You want this as much as I do..."
Unable to wait any longer, you tear open your shorts, freeing your engorged member. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Mia screams in pain and shock, her body tensing around your invading cock.
Mia: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? We're family..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Mia's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
As you finish inside her, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Mia slumps against the wall, violated and broken, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The room reeks of sex and despair, a testament to the monstrous act you've committed against your own family.
You: "You're not just my cousin anymore, Mia. You're my property now."
Having overpowered Mia, you drag her struggling form towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-vivacious cousin into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin.
Mia: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! We're family, someone will stop you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so confident and carefree, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further.
You: "Welcome to your new home, cousin. You'll learn to love serving your Master."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Mia, running your hands over her body as she flinches away. Her once-playful eyes are now filled with fear and despair.
Mia: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my cousin anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her blonde hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality.
"Open wide, cousin," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Mia, once your beloved cousin, now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Mia, I heard you were working on your tan. Mind if I join you?"
The afternoon sun beats down on the backyard as you approach the pool area. Mia lounges on a chaise, her curvaceous form barely contained by a tiny string bikini. The thin fabric strains against her ample breasts, threatening to spill them free at any moment. Her long, tanned legs glisten with tanning oil, drawing your gaze up to where the bikini bottom disappears between her thighs.
Mia: [Lowering her sunglasses, a mischievous glint in her eye] (Oh my... has he always been this ripped? Those abs...) "Well, well, if it isn't my favorite cousin! Come on over, the sun's perfect for getting nice and... hot."
She stretches languidly, arching her back in a way that makes her breasts strain against the flimsy bikini top. You can see the outline of her nipples hardening beneath the thin fabric, and you feel a sudden rush of blood to your groin. Your enhanced member twitches involuntarily, beginning to swell in your swim trunks.
You: "Thanks, I could use some sun. It's been a while since I've had a chance to relax."
You settle onto the chaise next to Mia, trying not to stare as she reaches for the tanning oil. The movement causes her breasts to jiggle enticingly, threatening to spill out of her top. You can see a hint of areola peeking out from the edge of the fabric, a tantalizing glimpse of forbidden fruit.
Mia: [Pouring oil into her hand, her voice husky] (God, I hope he doesn't notice how wet I'm getting. Focus, Mia!) "Want me to get your back, cuz? Can't have you burning that delicious skin of yours."
Before you can respond, Mia's oil-slicked hands are on your shoulders, kneading the muscles with surprising strength. You can feel the heat of her body as she leans close, her breath tickling your ear. The scent of her perfume mixed with the tanning oil is intoxicating, and you feel your member beginning to swell further.
You: "That... that feels good, Mia. Thanks."
You try to keep your voice steady, but it comes out husky and strained. Mia's hands work their way down your back, her fingers tracing the contours of your muscles. You can feel her breasts brushing against your skin as she leans over you, the hard points of her nipples dragging along your back.
Mia: [Her voice a sultry whisper] (Jesus, his skin is like silk. I just want to lick every inch of him...) "Mmm, you're so tense, cuz. Just relax and let me take care of you."
Her hands dip lower, fingers grazing the waistband of your swim trunks. You feel a jolt of electricity shoot through your body, your cock now fully erect and straining against the fabric. A small wet spot forms where the tip presses against your trunks, and you pray Mia doesn't notice.
You: "I think I'm good now, Mia. Maybe I should do you?"
The words slip out before you can stop them, and you feel your face flush with embarrassment. Mia's eyes widen slightly, a mix of surprise and something else - excitement? - flashing across her face.
Mia: [Giggling nervously, her cheeks flushed] (Oh god, did he really just say that? Why am I so turned on?) "Oh, aren't you the gentleman? But I think I can manage. Why don't you just sit back and enjoy the view?"
She turns away from you, reaching behind her back to untie her bikini top. The straps fall away, revealing the smooth expanse of her back. You watch, transfixed, as she slowly lowers herself onto her stomach, her top now hanging loosely from her chest. The side of her breast is visible, the soft curve leading to a pink nipple that's just barely hidden from view.
You: "The view is... definitely something to enjoy."
You try to sound casual, but your voice comes out strained. Your eyes roam over Mia's body, taking in every curve and dip. The virus hums in your veins, heightening your senses. You can see the faint sheen of sweat on her skin, the way her muscles flex as she shifts position.
Mia: [Glancing over her shoulder, her voice low and teasing] (He's totally checking me out. God, I hope he likes what he sees...) "Like what you see, cuz? Don't be shy, we're family after all. Nothing wrong with a little... appreciation."
She reaches for the tanning oil, pouring a generous amount onto her back. The clear liquid trails down her spine, pooling in the dimples just above her bikini bottom. Your mouth goes dry as you watch a drop of oil slide along the curve of her ass, disappearing beneath the thin fabric.
You: "I... I should probably turn over. Don't want to burn my front."
You roll onto your stomach quickly, trying to hide your obvious erection. The movement causes your swollen member to press against the chaise, and you have to bite back a groan at the friction. You turn your head to look at Mia, only to find her staring at you with undisguised hunger in her eyes.
Mia: [Her voice husky, eyes roaming your body] (Jesus, look at those back muscles. I bet he could pin me down and... No, bad Mia!) "Good idea, cuz. Wouldn't want anything important getting... overheated."
As she speaks, she pushes herself up on her elbows, causing her breasts to spill free from her loosened top. Your eyes widen as you take in the sight of her perfectly round breasts, topped with rosy pink nipples that have hardened into tight buds. A drop of sweat trails down the valley between them, and you find yourself following its path, imagining how it would taste if you were to lick it off her skin.
You: "Mia, your... your top..."
You gesture weakly, unable to form a coherent sentence. Mia looks down, feigning surprise at her exposed state. Instead of covering up, she stretches languidly, arching her back in a way that pushes her breasts out even further.
Mia: [Smirking, making no move to cover herself] (Oh god, the way he's looking at me... I'm so wet.) "Oops! Guess I'm a little overexposed. But we're cousins, right? Nothing you haven't seen before."
She winks at you, then reaches for the tanning oil again. Your breath catches in your throat as she begins to massage the oil into her breasts, her fingers gliding over the smooth skin. She pays special attention to her nipples, rolling them between her fingers until they stand out even more prominently. You can see a faint sheen of moisture forming on her inner thighs, and the scent of her arousal mingles with the coconut smell of the tanning oil.
You: "I... I don't think I've seen quite that much before, Mia."
Your voice comes out as a strangled whisper, your body trembling with the effort of restraining yourself. The virus rages in your blood, demanding you act on your basest instincts. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to focus on your breathing, but all you can think about is the sight of Mia's oiled breasts and the scent of her arousal filling the air.
Mia: [Her voice low and teasing] (He's so worked up. I wonder how big he is... No, stop it!) "Well, there's a first time for everything, right cuz? Besides, it's so hot out here. I might just have to take it all off."
With deliberate slowness, Mia hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her bikini bottom. She begins to slide it down her hips, revealing the top of her neatly trimmed mound. Just as the first hint of her pussy lips becomes visible, she stops, leaving the bikini bottom hanging precariously low on her hips.
You: "Mia, what are you doing? We're cousins, we shouldn't..."
Your protests sound weak even to your own ears. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, now fully erect and straining against the chaise. You can feel a steady stream of precum leaking from the tip, soaking into the fabric beneath you.
Mia: [Biting her lip, her eyes dark with desire] (God, I'm so fucking horny. I just want to climb on top of him and... Fuck, this is so wrong.) "Shouldn't what, cuz? We're just sunbathing. Nothing wrong with getting an all-over tan, right?"
With that, she slides her bikini bottom all the way off, kicking it aside. Your eyes are drawn to her now-exposed pussy, glistening with arousal. Her outer lips are plump and slightly parted, revealing a hint of the pink inner folds. You can see her clit, swollen and peeking out from its hood, practically begging to be touched.
You: "Mia, I... I think I need to cool off. Maybe take a dip in the pool."
You start to push yourself up, but freeze when you realize your predicament. Your erection is painfully obvious, tenting your swim trunks obscenely. A large wet spot has formed where your precum has soaked through the fabric, outlining the swollen head of your cock.
Mia: [Her eyes locked on your crotch, licking her lips unconsciously] (Holy shit, he's huge. I bet he'd stretch me so good... No, he's your cousin! But god, I want him so bad...) "Looks like someone else is feeling the heat too. Don't be embarrassed, cuz. It's a natural reaction. Here, let me help you cool down."
Before you can react, Mia grabs the water bottle next to her chaise and "accidentally" spills it over your back. The cold water shocks your system, but does nothing to diminish your raging erection. If anything, the contrast of the cool water and the heat of your skin only heightens your arousal.
You: "Mia, this is... we need to stop. We're family. This isn't right."
With tremendous effort, you push yourself up, keeping your back to Mia as you try to adjust yourself. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, demanding attention, but you force yourself to focus on the familial bond you share with your cousin.
Mia: [Her voice soft, a mix of disappointment and understanding] (He's right. God, what was I thinking? But I've never wanted anyone so badly...) "You're right, cuz. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. The virus, it just... it makes me crazy sometimes."
She reaches for her discarded bikini, her movements slow and deliberate. As she bends to pick up the bottom, you catch a glimpse of her pussy from behind, her lips parted and glistening with arousal. The sight sends another jolt of heat through your body, but you force yourself to look away.
You: "It's okay, Mia. We're both affected by it. Let's just... try to be more careful, okay?"
You manage a weak smile, trying to ignore the throbbing between your legs. Mia nods, her eyes meeting yours with a mix of shame and lingering desire. As she ties her bikini top back on, her breasts strain against the fabric, nipples still visibly hard.
Mia: [Her voice trembling slightly] (Why do I feel so disappointed? He's my cousin, but I've never wanted anyone so badly.) "You're right. We're family, and that's what matters. Maybe we should cool off in the pool? Separately, of course."
As you both head towards the pool, there's a palpable tension in the air. The memory of Mia's naked body, the scent of her arousal, the way her eyes roamed over your enhanced form - it all stays with you, a forbidden temptation that will haunt your dreams. You both know that something has shifted between you, a new awareness that can't be easily dismissed. The struggle against the virus and your own desires has only just begun.
You: "Mia, I... I can't take this anymore. You're driving me crazy."
Your voice comes out as a growl, thick with suppressed desire. You roll onto your back, no longer caring about hiding your arousal. Your enhanced member strains against your swim trunks, the outline clearly visible. The head pushes against the waistband, a bead of precum glistening at the tip.
Mia: [Her eyes locked on your erection, her voice barely above a whisper] (Oh my god, he's huge. I've never seen anything like it. I need to touch it... taste it...) "I... I know what you mean, cuz. I've never been this turned on in my life. Maybe we could just... look? No touching. That wouldn't be so bad, right?"
Her hand drifts down her body, fingers trailing over her breasts and down her stomach. She spreads her legs slightly, giving you a clear view of her pussy. Her outer lips are swollen and parted, revealing the glistening pink flesh within. Her clit stands out prominently, engorged and begging for attention.
You: "Just look. Right. We can do that. We're not... we're not actually doing anything wrong."
You know you're lying to yourself, but you can't bring yourself to care. Your hand moves to your waistband, slowly pulling it down to free your throbbing member. Mia's eyes widen as your cock springs free, standing tall and proud. It's easily 12 inches long and thick as her wrist, the head swollen and purple with need. Veins pulse along the shaft, and a steady stream of precum leaks from the tip.
Mia: [Panting, her hand moving between her legs] (Fuck, I've never seen a cock so big. I bet it would split me in half. God, I want it so bad.) "Oh god, cuz. You're so... I've never seen anything like it. I'm so wet just looking at you."
Her fingers begin to work her clit in small circles, her hips bucking slightly. You can see her pussy lips parting, revealing the tight entrance to her core. Her inner walls clench visibly, as if trying to grasp something that isn't there. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own musk.
"We're not touching each other," Mia gasps, her fingers moving faster. "So it's not really wrong, right? We're just... taking care of ourselves. Together."
As you both begin to pleasure yourselves, the air thick with the sounds and scents of your shared arousal, you know that a line has been crossed. The virus thrums in your veins, urging you to take things further, to claim your cousin in the most primal way possible. But for now, you content yourself with this forbidden visual feast, knowing that things between you and Mia will never be the same again.
You: "This is wrong, Mia. We're family. We can't do this."
You abruptly push yourself up, turning away from the tempting sight of your naked cousin. The virus rages in your veins, demanding you give in to your desires, but you fight it with every ounce of willpower.
Mia: [Her face falling, a mix of shame and frustration in her eyes] (Fuck, I've ruined everything. He must think I'm such a slut.) "I... I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. The virus, it just... it makes me so crazy sometimes."
She hastily grabs her bikini, trying to cover herself. The easy camaraderie you once shared has evaporated, replaced by an awkward tension that fills the air around the pool.
You: "Maybe we should forget this ever happened. It's the virus talking, not us."
You keep your eyes averted as Mia dresses, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. When you finally look at her, you see a vulnerability in her eyes that makes your heart ache.
Mia: [Fully dressed now, her voice small and uncertain] (I've fucked up our relationship. How can we come back from this?) "Yeah, you're right. I'm so sorry, cuz. Can we... can we just pretend this never happened? I don't want to lose you over this stupid mistake."
As you both head inside, you know that things will never be quite the same between you. The memory of Mia's naked body, the scent of her arousal, the heat of her skin - it all lingers, a forbidden temptation that will haunt your dreams. The virus has driven a wedge between you, turning what was once an innocent family bond into something far more complicated and dangerous.
You: "Mia, something's wrong. I feel... I feel like I'm burning up."
Suddenly, an intense wave of heat washes over you. Your vision blurs, every nerve in your body hypersensitive to Mia's proximity. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, visibly pulsing beneath your swim trunks.
Mia: [Gasping as she notices your distress] (Oh fuck, is it the virus? He looks so... hungry.) "Cuz? Are you okay? You look... different."
She reaches out to touch your arm, but the contact sends a jolt through both of you. Mia's eyes widen, hit by a secondary wave of the virus's influence. Her nipples harden visibly, pushing against her bikini top, and a visible shudder runs through her body.
"Oh god," Mia moans, her hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her pussy visibly clenches, a fresh wave of arousal soaking through her bikini bottom. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return. But you stop yourself at the last second, the realization of what you were about to do hitting you like a truck.
"We can't," you gasp, stumbling away from Mia. "We're family. This isn't... we can't let the virus control us."
Mia nods, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and lingering desire. You both retreat to opposite ends of the pool area, trying to cool down and regain control. But the memory of that moment of shared, intense arousal lingers, a dangerous reminder of how close you came to crossing a line that can never be uncrossed.
You: "Mia, I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Mia's breasts through her bikini top. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath.
Mia: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off me, you perv!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "Fuck, Mia... You feel so good. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you tear at her bikini. The thin fabric gives way easily, exposing her breasts to your hungry gaze. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down to cup her pussy through her bikini bottom.
Mia: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're cousins, this is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel the heat of her pussy through the thin fabric, her juices soaking through. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Mia curls in on herself, covering her exposed breasts with her arms, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing away. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the pool area, leaving Mia alone with her torn bikini and conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her nipple on your tongue - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into.
You: "Mia... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Mia, pinning her to the chaise lounge. You can feel every curve of her body beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further.
Mia: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What the fuck?! Get off me, you sick bastard! We're family!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild.
You: "Family? That just makes it hotter. You're mine now, Mia..."
Your hands tear at her bikini, shredding the thin fabric. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. Mia's breasts spill free, her nipples hard despite her terror.
Mia: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! Someone help me! You're my cousin, for fuck's sake!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Mia manages to knee you in the groin. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, Mia. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Mia, you slam her against the side of the pool, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your clothed erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat seeping through the thin fabric of your swim trunks.
Mia: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're family... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wet, her body betraying her.
You: "Fuck, Mia... You're so wet for me. You want this as much as I do..."
Unable to wait any longer, you tear open your swim trunks, freeing your engorged member. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Mia screams in pain and shock, her body tensing around your invading cock.
Mia: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? We're family..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Mia's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat and pool water.
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Mia slumps against the pool's edge, violated and broken, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The once-peaceful backyard now reeks of sex and despair, a testament to the monstrous act you've committed against your own family.
You: "You're not just my cousin anymore, Mia. You're my property now."
Having overpowered Mia, you drag her struggling form towards the house, intent on reaching your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-vivacious cousin into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her sun-kissed skin.
Mia: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! We're family, someone will stop you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. Part of you revels in seeing her brought so low, while a small, buried part screams in horror at what you've become. The sight of her battered body only serves to arouse you further, the virus demanding more. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, ready for another round despite having just violated her by the pool.
You: "Welcome to your new home, cousin. You'll learn to love serving your Master."
You chain Mia to the wall of your makeshift dungeon, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You can see the fight slowly leaving her eyes, replaced by a growing despair.
Mia: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my cousin anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
As you leave the cell, locking the door behind you, Mia's quiet sobs follow you. You've gained a slave, but lost your humanity in the process. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Mia's broken form is seared into your mind, a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to. Your enhanced body aches with the need to claim her again, the virus whispering dark promises of the pleasure to come in your new, twisted relationship.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Mia? Are you in here? $[characters.list.cherie.role] asked me to help with the greenhouse inventory."
You push open the door to the shelter's greenhouse, a wave of humid, earthy air washing over you. The space is filled with lush greenery, the air thick with the scent of soil and growing things. Rows of plants stretch out before you, some for food, others for medicinal purposes. Your enhanced vision adjusts quickly to the dim light, filtering through the translucent panels above.
Mia: [Voice echoing from somewhere among the plants] (Oh shit, is it that time already?) "Over here, cuz! Just finishing up with the tomatoes."
As you round a corner, you nearly collide with Mia. She's perched on a stepladder, reaching up to adjust a hanging planter. The position causes her shirt to ride up, exposing a tantalizing strip of toned midriff. Your eyes are drawn to the curve of her lower back, a bead of sweat trailing down her spine and disappearing into the waistband of her shorts.
You: "Careful up there. Wouldn't want you to fall."
You move closer, ostensibly to steady the ladder. The scent of Mia's sweat mingles with the earthy aroma of the greenhouse, creating an intoxicating blend that makes your head spin. From your position, you have a clear view up her shorts, the thin fabric clinging to the curves of her ass and outlining the shape of her pussy lips.
Mia: [Glancing down, a mischievous glint in her eye] (Is he... is he looking up my shorts? Naughty boy.) "My hero. Always looking out for me, huh? Mind handing me that pruning shear?"
As she reaches down to take the tool from you, her shirt gapes open, giving you a clear view down her top. Her breasts are fuller than you remembered, swaying gently with her movement. You can see the lacy edge of her bra, a delicate pink that contrasts beautifully with her sun-kissed skin. A drop of sweat trails down her neck, disappearing into her cleavage, and you find yourself following its path with your eyes.
You: "So, uh, what exactly are we supposed to be doing here?"
You try to keep your voice steady, but your eyes betray you, roaming over Mia's form as she descends the ladder. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every detail - the way her shorts hug her curves, the slight jiggle of her breasts as she moves, the flush on her cheeks from the greenhouse heat.
Mia: [Stretching her arms above her head, causing her shirt to ride up further] (God, it's so hot in here. Maybe I should take this off...) "Just a routine check on the plants. Making sure everything's growing right, no signs of disease. You know, boring stuff."
Her stretch causes her breasts to push against the thin fabric of her shirt, her nipples visibly hardening. You can see the outline of her bra, now damp with sweat, clinging to her curves. As she lowers her arms, her fingers trail down her sides, brushing against the swell of her breasts in a way that seems almost deliberate.
You: "Right, boring stuff. So where do we start?"
You move to examine a nearby plant, trying to distract yourself from the sight of your cousin's body. But as you lean in, you accidentally bump a sprinkler head, triggering a sudden spray of water. You jump back, but not before getting thoroughly soaked.
Mia: [Laughing, her eyes roving over your now-transparent shirt] (Holy shit, when did he get so ripped? Those abs...) "Nice move, clumsy. Here, let me help you with that."
Before you can protest, Mia grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it over your head. Her fingers brush against your abs as she does so, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. You're acutely aware of her proximity, the scent of her skin mingling with the damp earth around you. Your enhanced member twitches involuntarily, beginning to swell.
You: "Thanks, I guess. But now I'm half-naked in here."
You try to sound nonchalant, but your voice comes out husky. Mia's eyes are locked on your chest, her gaze trailing down to the V of your hips disappearing into your now-clinging shorts. You can see her pupils dilate, her breathing becoming slightly more rapid.
Mia: [Biting her lip, her voice slightly breathless] (God, I shouldn't be looking at my cousin like this, but... damn.) "Well, it's only fair if I even the playing field, right?"
Before you can process what's happening, Mia pulls off her own shirt. She's wearing a delicate pink bra, now nearly transparent from sweat and the water spray. Her breasts strain against the fabric, nipples clearly visible and pebbled. A droplet of water trails down her sternum, following the curve of her breast before disappearing into her cleavage.
You: "Mia, what are you... we shouldn't..."
Your protest dies in your throat as Mia turns to hang up both your shirts on a nearby hook. The movement gives you a perfect view of her back, the delicate curve of her spine leading down to the swell of her ass. Her shorts have ridden up, revealing the lower curves of her buttocks and a tantalizing glimpse of where they meet her thighs.
Mia: [Glancing over her shoulder, a coy smile on her lips] (This is so wrong, but why does it feel so exciting?) "Relax, cuz. It's just us here. Besides, it's so hot. This is much more comfortable, don't you think?"
She turns back to face you, and you can't help but notice how her breasts bounce with the movement. The pink lace of her bra does little to conceal her hardened nipples, the areolas clearly visible through the damp fabric. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the goosebumps rising on her skin, despite the greenhouse heat.
You: "I... I guess. We should probably get to work, though."
You try to focus on the task at hand, moving to examine a row of plants. But your enhanced senses are in overdrive, hyper-aware of Mia's every movement. You can hear the soft sound of her breathing, smell the sweet musk of her skin mixed with the earthy scent of the greenhouse.
Mia: [Bending over to check a lower shelf, her ass pointed directly at you] (I wonder if he's looking. God, why do I want him to look so badly?) "You're right. Can you check those tomatoes over there? I think they might need watering."
As she bends, her shorts pull tight across her ass, the fabric sinking between her cheeks and outlining the shape of her pussy lips. You can see a small damp patch forming at the crotch, and you're not sure if it's from the water or her own arousal. The sight sends a jolt of heat straight to your groin, your enhanced member swelling to its full, impressive length.
You: "The tomatoes. Right. I'll just... go do that."
You turn quickly, trying to hide your growing erection. But as you move to the tomato plants, you accidentally knock over a watering can. The water spills across the floor, splashing up onto your legs and shorts.
Mia: [Rushing over, her breasts bouncing with each step] (Oh my god, is that... No, don't look. But it's so big...) "Shit, are you okay? Here, let me help you clean up."
Before you can stop her, Mia kneels in front of you, grabbing a nearby towel. As she begins to dab at your wet shorts, her face is mere inches from your crotch. Your enhanced member is now fully erect, the outline clearly visible through the clinging fabric. A large wet spot has formed where the tip presses against the material, a mix of water and precum.
You: "Mia, don't... I can do it myself."
Your voice comes out strained, your body trembling with the effort of controlling your reactions. The virus is raging now, demanding you act on your basest instincts. You can feel the heat of Mia's breath through your wet shorts, her fingers inadvertently brushing against your thigh as she works.
Mia: [Looking up at you, her eyes wide and lips parted] (It's so big. I can see everything. The shape, the veins... Oh god, I'm getting wet.) "Don't be silly, I've got it. Although... maybe you should take these off. They're soaked through."
Her words send a shudder through you. You know you should refuse, but the virus pushes you forward. With shaking hands, you unbutton your shorts, letting them fall to the ground. You're left standing in just your boxers, your massive erection tenting the fabric obscenely. The head of your cock is clearly outlined, a wet spot growing where precum leaks steadily.
You: "Mia, I... This is getting out of hand."
You try to step back, but your legs feel like lead. Mia remains kneeling before you, her eyes locked on the bulge in your boxers. Her chest rises and falls rapidly, her breasts threatening to spill out of her bra with each breath. You can see her nipples straining against the lace, hard and pebbled.
Mia: [Licking her lips unconsciously] (This is so wrong. He's my cousin. But I've never wanted to taste something so badly in my life.) "Maybe... maybe we should both cool off. There's a hose over there."
She stands slowly, her body brushing against yours as she rises. The contact sends sparks through your enhanced nerves, your cock twitching visibly in response. As Mia moves to the hose, you can't help but notice the way her ass sways, the shorts clinging to her curves. The damp patch at her crotch has grown, a clear sign of her arousal.
Mia turns on the hose, the cool water spraying over her body. Her pink bra becomes completely transparent, her breasts fully visible through the soaked fabric. Water cascades down her toned stomach, soaking her shorts. The thin material clings to her pussy lips, outlining them in exquisite detail. You can clearly see the puffy outline of her labia, the slight protrusion of her clit visible through the clinging fabric.
The sight is too much for you. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, a large wet spot now visible on your boxers where precum is leaking steadily. You're both breathing heavily, the air thick with the scent of arousal and damp earth. Neither of you knows quite how to proceed from here, caught between familial bonds and overwhelming, virus-fueled desire.
You: "Mia, we... we need to stop. This isn't right."
You take a shaky step back, your enhanced member still straining against your soaked boxers. The virus screams for more, but you fight it with every ounce of willpower. Mia's eyes meet yours, a mix of shame, disappointment, and lingering desire swirling in their depths.
Mia: [Wrapping her arms around herself, suddenly vulnerable] (What have we done? But... why do I feel so disappointed?) "You're right. I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. The virus, it just... it makes everything so intense."
She turns off the hose, water dripping from her body. Her nipples are still hard, visible through the transparent bra, and you can see goosebumps rising on her skin despite the greenhouse heat. The air between you is thick with unresolved tension and the lingering scent of arousal.
You: "It's not your fault, Mia. We're both affected. But we're family. We can't let this happen."
You grab a nearby towel, handing it to Mia without looking directly at her. Your body is still thrumming with unfulfilled desire, your enhanced cock aching for release. But beneath the virus-induced lust, there's a deeper connection - a love for your cousin that goes beyond the physical.
Mia: [Drying herself off, her voice soft] (He's right. But why does it hurt so much to stop?) "Thanks, cuz. You're... you're a good person. Better than me, I think. Can we just... can we pretend this never happened? I don't want to lose you over this."
As you both dress in silence, the air is heavy with what might have been. You know things will never be quite the same between you and Mia, but there's a newfound respect and understanding. The virus may have awakened these forbidden desires, but it's your human connection - your love as family - that allows you to overcome them.
You leave the greenhouse with a mix of relief and lingering regret, the memory of Mia's nearly-naked form seared into your mind. The taste of temptation lingers, a bittersweet reminder of the constant battle against the virus's influence.
You: "Fuck, Mia... I can't take this anymore. You're driving me crazy."
The virus surges through you, overwhelming your senses. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, a large wet spot now visible on your boxers. Mia's eyes are locked on your crotch, her chest heaving with each breath.
Mia: [Her voice husky with desire] (This is so wrong, but I need it. I need him.) "I know, cuz. I feel it too. It's like I'm burning up inside. We shouldn't, but..."
She takes a step towards you, water dripping from her nearly-naked body. Her nipples are hard points pressing against her transparent bra, her pussy lips clearly outlined through her soaked shorts. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with the earthy smell of the greenhouse.
You: "We're cousins, Mia. This is so fucked up. But I can't stop wanting you."
Your hands move of their own accord, reaching out to cup Mia's breasts through her wet bra. The fabric is so thin, you can feel her nipples hardening against your palms. Mia gasps, her hips bucking involuntarily.
Mia: [Moaning softly] (Oh god, his hands feel so good. This is wrong, but it feels so right.) "I know, I know. But the virus... it's too strong. Just... just touch me, please."
Her hand snakes down between your bodies, palming your erection through your boxers. The touch sends jolts of pleasure through your enhanced nerves. You can feel the heat of her core as she presses against you, her pussy lips swollen and visible through her clinging shorts.
As you both give in to the virus-fueled lust, hands exploring each other's bodies, you're vaguely aware that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The taboo nature of your actions only seems to heighten the pleasure, driving you both to new heights of depravity. The greenhouse becomes a steamy backdrop to your forbidden encounter, the plants around you silent witnesses to the breaking of one of society's strongest taboos.
You: "This is insane, Mia. We need to stop right now."
You stumble backwards, nearly tripping over a plant pot in your haste to put distance between you and your half-naked cousin. The virus rages in your veins, demanding satisfaction, but you fight it with every ounce of willpower.
Mia: [Her face crumpling, a mix of shame and frustration] (Fuck, what was I thinking? He must think I'm such a slut.) "Oh god, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. The virus, it just... it makes me crazy sometimes."
She hurriedly turns off the hose, wrapping her arms around herself in a futile attempt at modesty. Her nipples are still visible through her wet bra, her shorts clinging to every curve. The air is thick with the scent of arousal and shame.
You: "We should... we should just forget this ever happened. It's the virus talking, not us."
You grab your shirt, pulling it on despite it still being damp. Your enhanced member is still painfully hard, but you ignore it, focusing on getting dressed and regaining your composure. When you finally look at Mia, you see a vulnerability in her eyes that makes your heart ache.
Mia: [Her voice small and uncertain] (I've ruined everything. How can we come back from this?) "You're right. God, I'm so stupid. Can we... can we just pretend this never happened? I don't want to lose you over this stupid mistake."
As you both finish dressing in awkward silence, you know that things will never be quite the same between you. The easy camaraderie you once shared has been shattered, replaced by an uncomfortable awareness of each other as sexual beings. The virus has driven a wedge between you, turning what was once an innocent family bond into something far more complicated and dangerous.
You leave the greenhouse with a heavy heart, the memory of Mia's nearly-naked form a forbidden temptation that will haunt your dreams. The taste of what might have been lingers, a bitter reminder of the constant battle against the virus's influence.
You: "Mia, something's happening. I feel... oh god..."
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock hardens painfully, straining against your boxers with an urgency you've never felt before.
Mia: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh fuck, is it the virus? He looks so... hungry.) "Cuz? Are you okay? You look... different."
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh god," Mia gasps, her hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, poking through the thin fabric of her wet bra. A fresh wave of arousal floods her pussy, causing a visible wet spot to form on her shorts, darker than the water from the hose. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return.
You can see every detail of Mia's body with your enhanced vision - the way her pussy lips swell and part slightly, visible through her clinging shorts; the pebbled texture of her areolas, visible through her transparent bra; the flush creeping up her neck and across her cheeks. Your cock throbs painfully, a large wet spot forming on your boxers where precum leaks steadily.
The greenhouse seems to shrink around you, the plants fading into the background as your world narrows to just you and Mia. The scent of her arousal mingles with the earthy smell of the greenhouse, creating an intoxicating cocktail that makes your head spin. You both stand there, trembling with need, caught between the taboo of your familial relationship and the overwhelming demands of the virus.
You: "Mia, I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Mia's breasts through her wet bra. The thin fabric does nothing to hide the hardness of her nipples, the pebbled texture of her areolas. You can feel the heat of her skin, the rapid beat of her heart.
Mia: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off me, you perv!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal intensifies, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust. You can see her pussy lips swelling through her shorts, a dark wet spot forming at her crotch.
You: "Fuck, Mia... You feel so good. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you tear at her clothes. Her bra rips easily, exposing her breasts to your hungry gaze. They're perfect - round and firm, with rosy nipples standing at attention. Your mouth latches onto one, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down to cup her pussy through her shorts.
Mia: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're cousins, this is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel the heat of her pussy through the thin fabric of her shorts, her juices soaking through. Your fingers trace the outline of her labia, feeling them swell and part under your touch. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Mia stands there, her breasts exposed and heaving, a large wet spot visible on her shorts where you were touching her. Her eyes are wide with shock and betrayal, but you can see the lingering arousal in her dilated pupils.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the greenhouse, leaving Mia alone with her torn clothes and conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her nipple on your tongue - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, desperate for release, as you struggle with the shame and lingering desire of what just transpired.
You: "Mia... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Mia, pinning her against a nearby table. Plants and tools clatter to the ground as you press your body against hers. You can feel every curve beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further.
Mia: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What the fuck?! Get off me, you sick bastard! We're family!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, the outline clearly visible through your wet boxers.
You: "Family? That just makes it hotter. You're mine now, Mia..."
Your hands tear at her clothes, shredding the thin fabric of her bra and shorts. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. Mia's breasts spill free, her nipples hard despite her terror. Her pussy is exposed, glistening with a mix of water from the hose and her own unwilling arousal.
Mia: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! Someone help me! You're my cousin, for fuck's sake!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Mia manages to knee you in the groin. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. Your enhanced member bounces as you run, fully erect and leaking precum. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
As you corner her against a wall of plants, you can see every detail of her naked body - the way her breasts heave with each panicked breath, the goosebumps rising on her skin, the involuntary twitching of her exposed pussy lips. Your enhanced vision picks up on the slight glistening of her arousal, betraying her body's response despite her mind's horror. The virus demands you take her, claim her, breed her - consequences and morality be damned.
You: "You're mine now, Mia. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Mia, you slam her against the wall, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart. You tear off your boxers, your massive cock springing free. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you.
Mia: [Screaming in pain and shock] "No! Stop! It hurts! We're family, you can't do this!"
Her body tenses around your invading cock, her inner walls clenching involuntarily. You can feel every ridge, every fold of her pussy gripping you like a vice. The contrast between her resistance and her body's involuntary response is intoxicating. Tears stream down her face as you begin to thrust, each movement stretching her in ways she was never meant to be stretched.
You: "Fuck, Mia... Your pussy feels so good... This is what cousins are for..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Mia's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
Mia: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? We're family..."
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. You can feel your enhanced cum filling her, more than a normal man could ever produce. Some primal part of you hopes it takes root, the virus whispering dark promises of breeding your own cousin.
Mia slumps against the wall, violated and broken, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The greenhouse, once a place of growth and life, is now tainted by the monstrous act you've committed. The scent of sex and despair mingles with the earthy smell of the plants, a twisted reminder of the depravity that has occurred.
As the virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions, you're left with the sickening realization of what you've become. The memory of Mia's screams, the feeling of her body yielding to your assault - it will haunt you forever, a constant reminder of the monster lurking within, waiting for the virus to set it free again.
You: "You're not just my cousin anymore, Mia. You're my breeding stock now."
Having overpowered Mia, you drag her struggling form towards the door, intent on reaching your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-vivacious cousin into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin, your cum leaking from her abused pussy.
Mia: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! We're family, someone will stop you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her towards the cell. Your enhanced strength makes her resistance futile. Part of you revels in seeing her brought so low, while a small, buried part screams in horror at what you've become. The sight of her battered body only serves to arouse you further, your cock hardening again despite having just violated her in the greenhouse.
As you drag her along, you drink in every detail of her naked form - the way her breasts bounce with each step, the curve of her ass, the glistening trail of cum and blood on her inner thighs. Your enhanced senses pick up on the mingled scents of fear, arousal, and despair emanating from her, a cocktail that only fuels your twisted desires.
You: "Welcome to your new home, cousin. You'll learn to love serving your Master."
You chain Mia to the wall of your makeshift dungeon, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You can see the fight slowly leaving her eyes, replaced by a growing despair.
Mia: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my cousin anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her blonde hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality. Your enhanced member throbs with anticipation, the head swollen and purple, veins pulsing visibly along the shaft.
"Open wide, cousin," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Mia, once your beloved cousin, now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
The dungeon echoes with the sounds of your grunts and Mia's muffled sobs as you use her mouth, your enhanced cock stretching her jaw to its limits. You can feel the warmth of her tears on your skin, see the way her throat bulges as you force yourself deeper. The taboo nature of the act only serves to heighten your pleasure, the virus reveling in the utter destruction of your familial bond.
As you finish, flooding Mia's mouth with your tainted seed, you're already planning your next move. The virus whispers dark promises of more victims, more slaves to add to your growing harem. And as you look down at Mia's broken form, you feel a twisted sense of anticipation for what the future holds.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Mia, ready for movie night? I've got the popcorn ready."
You enter the dimly lit living room, a large bowl of popcorn in your hands. The flickering light from the TV casts dancing shadows across the walls. Mia is already sprawled on the couch, her lithe form accentuated by a thin, oversized t-shirt that barely reaches mid-thigh.
Mia: [Stretching languidly, her shirt riding up to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of her panties] (Oh wow, when did he get so buff? Those arms...) "About time, cuz! I was starting to think you'd chickened out on our horror movie marathon."
As she sits up, the neckline of her shirt slips off one shoulder, exposing a generous expanse of creamy skin. You can't help but notice the absence of bra straps, your enhanced vision picking up on the subtle movement of her breasts beneath the thin fabric. The sight sends a jolt of electricity straight to your groin.
You: "Chicken out? Never. I just hope you don't get too scared and end up in my lap."
You settle onto the couch, careful to leave some space between you and Mia. The scent of her floral shampoo mixed with her natural musk fills your nostrils, making your head spin. You try to focus on the TV as the movie starts, but your enhanced peripheral vision keeps catching glimpses of Mia's long, toned legs.
Mia: [Giggling and playfully shoving your shoulder] (God, his muscles are like steel. I wonder if he's this hard everywhere... No, bad Mia!) "As if! You'll be the one hiding behind a pillow, scaredy-cat. Now shush, it's starting!"
She leans forward to grab a handful of popcorn, her shirt gaping open. You catch a brief but tantalizing view of her breasts - full and perky, with rosy nipples standing at attention in the cool air of the room. Your cock twitches in response, beginning to swell against your will.
You: "Me, scared? You clearly don't know me very well, cuz."
You shift uncomfortably, trying to adjust your growing erection without being obvious. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every sensation. You're acutely aware of the heat radiating from Mia's body, the soft sound of her breathing, the way her tongue darts out to lick salt from her lips.
Mia: [Smirking, her eyes glinting mischievously in the TV's glow] (Is he... Is he getting hard? Oh my god, it looks huge...) "We'll see about that. First one to scream has to do the other's chores for a week!"
As if on cue, a jump scare flashes across the screen. Mia yelps, instinctively grabbing your arm. Her soft breasts press against your bicep, her nipples hard points that you can feel even through your shirt. The contact sends a surge of arousal through your body, your cock now fully erect and straining painfully against your shorts.
You: "Looks like I just won that bet, scaredy-cat."
Your voice comes out huskier than intended, thick with suppressed desire. Mia looks up at you, her eyes wide and lips slightly parted. For a moment, the air between you crackles with tension. You can hear her heart racing, smell the first hints of her arousal mingling with her perfume.
Mia: [Releasing your arm slowly, her fingers trailing along your skin] (Why am I so turned on? He's my cousin, for fuck's sake!) "That... that didn't count! I was just startled, not scared. The bet's still on!"
She settles back into her spot, but closer than before. Her thigh brushes against yours, the contact sending sparks through your hypersensitive skin. You notice a light sheen of sweat on her collarbone, a droplet slowly making its way down towards the swell of her breast. Your enhanced vision allows you to see her nipples hardening further, pressing insistently against the thin fabric of her shirt.
You: "Sure, whatever you say. Just don't come crying to me when the real scares start."
You try to focus on the movie, but your enhanced senses make it impossible to ignore Mia's presence. You can hear the slight catch in her breath every time your arms brush, smell the increasing musk of her arousal. Your cock throbs insistently, a small wet spot forming where the tip presses against your shorts.
Mia: [Glancing at your lap, her cheeks flushing] (Holy shit, is that all him? It looks even bigger than before...) "I'm not scared, just... invested in the plot. It's getting kind of warm in here, though. Mind if I take off my shirt?"
Before you can respond, Mia pulls her shirt over her head in one fluid motion. Your breath catches in your throat as her breasts bounce free, perfectly round and topped with rosy nipples that are puckered into tight buds. Her skin is flushed, a light sheen of sweat making her glow in the TV's flickering light. She's left in nothing but a tiny pair of lace panties that leave little to the imagination.
You: "I... uh... sure. Whatever makes you comfortable."
You struggle to keep your voice steady, your eyes locked on Mia's exposed breasts. They're even more magnificent than you imagined - full and perky, with a light dusting of freckles across the creamy skin. Your hands itch to touch them, to feel their weight, to roll those hardened nipples between your fingers. You shift again, your engorged member now painfully constrained by your shorts.
Mia: [Stretching languidly, arching her back] (Oh god, he's staring. Why does that turn me on so much?) "Ahh, much better. You don't mind, do you, cuz? We're family, after all. Nothing you haven't seen before, right?"
Her casual tone belies the tension in the air. As she reaches for more popcorn, her breasts jiggle enticingly. You can see goosebumps forming on her skin, her nipples somehow hardening even further. The scent of her arousal grows stronger, and you notice a small damp spot forming on her panties.
You: "Right. Family. Nothing weird about this at all."
Your voice cracks slightly, your mouth dry. The virus surges in your veins, demanding action. You can feel a drop of precum leaking from your tip, soaking into your shorts. Mia's eyes flick down to your lap, widening as she takes in the prominent bulge.
Mia: [Licking her lips unconsciously] (Fuck, I can see the outline of his cock. It's so big... I bet it would stretch me so good... No, stop it!) "You seem uncomfortable, cuz. Too warm for you too? Why don't you take off your shirt? Fair's fair, right?"
Her voice has a husky quality to it now, her pupils dilated with arousal. As if in a trance, you pull your shirt over your head. Mia's sharp intake of breath is audible as your muscled torso is revealed. Her eyes roam hungrily over your chest and abs, lingering on the trail of hair leading into your shorts.
You: "Better? It is pretty warm in here."
The air between you is thick with sexual tension. You can see Mia's pulse racing in her neck, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. Her nipples are so hard they look almost painful, begging to be touched, sucked, bitten. You flex unconsciously, and Mia whimpers softly.
Mia: [Shifting in her seat, thighs pressing together] (I'm so wet. Can he smell it? God, I want to touch myself so bad...) "Much better. You've been working out, huh? Looking good, cuz. Really... really good."
She reaches out as if to touch your chest, but stops herself at the last moment. Instead, her hand falls to her own body, absently tracing circles on her stomach. The movement draws your attention to her panties, where the damp spot has grown considerably. You can see the outline of her pussy lips through the thin lace, swollen and puffy with arousal.
You: "Thanks. You're looking pretty good yourself, Mia."
The words slip out before you can stop them, heavy with implication. Mia's breath hitches, her hand stilling on her stomach. For a moment, you think you've gone too far. Then, slowly, deliberately, she spreads her legs slightly, giving you a clear view of her panty-clad pussy.
Mia: [Her voice a breathy whisper] (This is so wrong, but I can't stop. I need to see more of him.) "Yeah? You like what you see, cuz? Maybe... maybe we should get more comfortable. These panties are kind of constricting..."
With agonizing slowness, Mia hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. She lifts her hips, sliding the lace down her long legs. As she kicks them off, you get your first unobstructed view of her pussy. It's perfect - a neat strip of blonde hair above pink, glistening folds. Her outer labia are plump and slightly parted, revealing the hooded pearl of her clit and the tantalizing entrance to her core.
You: "Mia, we shouldn't... we're cousins..."
Your protests sound weak even to your own ears. Your cock is painfully hard now, a large wet spot visible where precum has soaked through your shorts. The head of your enhanced member is clearly outlined, angry and swollen. Mia's eyes are locked on it, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
Mia: [Spreading her legs wider, one hand trailing down her stomach] (I'm so fucking wet. I need to cum so bad...) "I know, I know. We won't touch. Just... just watch. Please? I need this so badly..."
Before you can respond, Mia's hand reaches her pussy. She lets out a low moan as her fingers part her folds, revealing the glistening pink of her inner labia. You watch, transfixed, as she begins to circle her clit with two fingers. Her other hand moves to her breast, pinching and rolling her nipple.
"Oh god," she whimpers, her hips starting to move. "It feels so good. Are you watching, cuz? Do you like seeing your little cousin play with herself?"
The scent of her arousal fills the air, musky and intoxicating. You can see her pussy clenching rhythmically, a trickle of her juices running down towards the crack of her ass. The sight is mesmerizing, your enhanced vision picking up every detail - the way her inner walls flutter, the slight pulsing of her clit as she rubs it, the puckered rosette of her asshole clenching in sympathy.
You: "Mia, we need to stop. This... this isn't right."
With a herculean effort, you tear your gaze away from Mia's glistening pussy. The ache in your groin is almost unbearable, your cock angry and red, straining against your shorts. Mia's eyes meet yours, a mix of shame and frustration swirling in their depths.
Mia: [Slowly removing her hand from between her legs, her fingers glistening with her juices] "You're right. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. It's this damn virus, it makes me so... so..."
She trails off, unable to find the words. Her chest is still heaving, nipples hard and pointing directly at you. You can see her pussy still pulsing slightly, her arousal evident in the way her folds glisten in the dim light.
You: "It's okay, Mia. We both got carried away. Let's just... let's just forget this happened, okay?"
You stand up, careful to adjust yourself so your erection isn't too obvious. Mia nods, reaching for her discarded clothes. As she pulls her shirt back on, you catch one last glimpse of her perfect breasts, the image searing itself into your memory.
Mia: [Her voice shaky, but with a hint of her usual playfulness] "Yeah, good idea. Um, maybe next movie night we stick to comedies? And more clothes?"
As you both laugh nervously, the tension in the room slowly dissipates. But you both know that something has fundamentally changed between you. The line you almost crossed can never be uncrossed, the memory of this encounter seared into both your minds. The scent of Mia's arousal lingers in the air, a potent reminder of the forbidden fruit you both tasted, if only for a moment.
You: "Fuck, Mia... I can't take it anymore. I need to..."
Unable to resist any longer, you shove your shorts down, freeing your engorged member. It springs forth, impossibly large and throbbing with need. Veins pulse visibly along its length, the head swollen and angry, glistening with precum. Mia's eyes widen, a mixture of fear and unbridled lust crossing her face.
Mia: [Gasping, her fingers working faster on her clit] (Oh my god, it's even bigger than I imagined. I want it so bad...) "Holy shit, cuz. That's... that's not normal. Is it because of the virus? It's so big..."
Her eyes are locked on your cock as you begin to stroke it, your hand barely able to wrap around its girth. Precum leaks steadily from the tip, making your movements slick and audible in the quiet room. Mia's own ministrations become more frantic, her pussy making obscene wet sounds as she plunges two fingers inside herself.
You: "Mia, I'm gonna... I can't hold back..."
Your hand moves in a blur, your hips thrusting involuntarily. Mia is lost in her own pleasure, three fingers now pumping in and out of her sopping pussy while her other hand works her clit furiously. The air is thick with the scent of sex and forbidden desire.
Mia: [Moaning, her body tensing] "Me too, cuz... I'm gonna cum! Oh fuck, I'm cumming while watching my cousin jerk off!"
As if on cue, you both reach your peak simultaneously. Your cock erupts, shooting thick ropes of cum across the room. The first jet reaches Mia's breast, the next landing on her stomach. She screams in ecstasy, her pussy visibly clenching around her fingers, a gush of her juices soaking the couch beneath her.
For several long moments, the only sound is your shared panting. As the haze of lust clears, the reality of what you've done settles in. Mia looks at you, her eyes wide with a mixture of satisfaction and dawning horror.
"We can never speak of this again," she whispers, her voice trembling. "But... but maybe we can have another movie night soon?"
As you both clean up in awkward silence, you know that your relationship has been forever changed. The memory of this encounter will fuel your darkest fantasies, a forbidden temptation that will always linger between you.
You: "This is insane, Mia. We're family. We can't do this."
You jump to your feet, your still-hard cock bobbing obscenely in your shorts. The sudden movement seems to snap Mia out of her lust-induced haze. She quickly closes her legs, her hands flying up to cover her breasts.
Mia: [Her face flushing with shame] (Oh god, what have I done?) "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. The virus, it just... it makes me crazy sometimes."
She scrambles to grab her discarded clothes, her movements jerky and uncoordinated. The easy camaraderie you once shared has evaporated, replaced by an awkward tension that fills the room.
You: "Let's just... let's just pretend this never happened, okay?"
You keep your eyes averted as Mia dresses hurriedly, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. When you finally look at her, you see a vulnerability in her eyes that makes your heart ache.
Mia: [Fully dressed now, her voice small and uncertain] "Yeah, good idea. I'm so sorry, cuz. Can we... can we just go back to how things were? I don't want to lose you over this stupid mistake."
As Mia practically runs from the room, you're left alone with the lingering scent of her arousal and the weight of what almost happened. You know that things will never be quite the same between you. The memory of her naked body, the sound of her moans, the sight of her fingers buried in her pussy - it all lingers, a forbidden temptation that will haunt your dreams. The virus has driven a wedge between you, turning what was once an innocent family bond into something far more complicated and dangerous.
You: "Mia, something's happening. I feel... oh god..."
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock hardens painfully, straining against your shorts with an urgency you've never felt before.
Mia: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh fuck, is it the virus? He looks so... hungry.) "Cuz? Are you okay? You look... different."
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh god," Mia gasps, her hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, pussy visibly clenching as a fresh wave of arousal floods her core. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return. But you stop yourself at the last second.
You: "Mia, I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Mia's breasts. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath. The soft, pliable flesh yields to your touch, fitting perfectly in your hands.
Mia: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off me, you perv! We're cousins!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, rolling the hardened buds between your fingers. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust. You can feel her pussy clenching, a fresh gush of her juices coating her thighs.
You: "Fuck, Mia... You feel so good. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you push Mia onto the couch. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down to cup her pussy. Her folds are slick with arousal, her clit swollen and peeking out from its hood. You can feel the heat radiating from her core, her inner walls clenching around nothing.
Mia: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're family, this is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel her pussy lips parting under your fingers, her clit throbbing as you circle it. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Mia curls in on herself, her legs clamped shut, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the room, leaving Mia alone with her conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her nipple on your tongue - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into.
You: "Mia... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Mia, pinning her to the couch. You can feel every curve of her body beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further.
Mia: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What the fuck?! Get off me, you sick bastard! We're family!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild. Her breasts heave with each panicked breath, nipples hardening involuntarily against your chest.
You: "Family? That just makes it hotter. You're mine now, Mia..."
Your hands roughly squeeze her breasts, fingers pinching and twisting her nipples. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. You grind your clothed erection against her bare pussy, feeling her heat even through the fabric.
Mia: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! Someone help me! You're my cousin, for fuck's sake!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Mia manages to knee you in the groin. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, Mia. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Mia, you slam her against the wall, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your now-exposed erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming - her slick folds parting around your shaft, her clit rubbing against the underside of your cock.
Mia: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're family... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wetter, her body betraying her as her inner walls clench around your invading digits.
You: "Fuck, Mia... You're so wet for me. You want this as much as I do..."
Unable to wait any longer, you lift Mia up, her back still against the wall. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Mia screams in pain and shock, her body tensing around your invading cock. You can feel her inner walls stretching to accommodate your virus-enhanced girth, her pussy gripping you like a vice.
Mia: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? We're family..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Mia's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat. You can feel her pussy clenching around you, her clit swollen and rubbing against your shaft with each movement.
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Mia slumps against the wall, violated and broken, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The room reeks of sex and despair, a testament to the monstrous act you've committed against your own family.
You: "You're not just my cousin anymore, Mia. You're my property now."
Having overpowered Mia, you drag her struggling form towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-vivacious cousin into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin, your cum leaking from her abused pussy.
Mia: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! We're family, someone will stop you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so confident and carefree, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further. Your cock twitches, already hardening again despite having just violated her.
You: "Welcome to your new home, cousin. You'll learn to love serving your Master."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Mia, running your hands over her body as she flinches away. Her once-playful eyes are now filled with fear and despair. You roughly squeeze her breasts, pinching her nipples until she cries out in pain.
Mia: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my cousin anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her blonde hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality. You can see the fear in her eyes as she takes in the size of your virus-enhanced member, the head angry and swollen, veins pulsing along its length.
"Open wide, cousin," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Mia, once your beloved cousin, now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Mia, ready for our yoga session?" [You enter her room, trying to keep your voice casual]
Mia's room is a vibrant explosion of color and texture. Fairy lights twinkle from every corner, casting a warm glow over the bohemian decor. The air is thick with the scent of patchouli and something earthy - incense, perhaps. Two yoga mats are laid out on the plush carpet, surrounded by an assortment of crystals and small potted plants.
Mia: [Turning to face you, her eyes sparkling with mischief] (Oh wow, when did he get so... buff? Focus, Mia!) "Cuz! Perfect timing. I was just about to start my pre-yoga meditation. Care to join?"
She's wearing a loose, flowing tank top that hangs off one shoulder, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her collarbone. Her shorts are impossibly tiny, barely covering the curve of her ass. As she moves to greet you, you can't help but notice the sway of her breasts beneath the thin fabric, clearly braless.
You: "Meditation? Sure, I guess I could give it a try." [You try to keep your voice steady, but your eyes keep wandering to the exposed skin of her shoulder]
You settle onto the mat across from Mia, mirroring her cross-legged position. The proximity is intoxicating - you can smell the light floral scent of her shampoo, mixed with something muskier, more primal. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every sensation.
Mia: [Closing her eyes, her voice taking on a dreamy quality] (God, I can feel his energy. It's so... intense. No, bad Mia!) "Close your eyes, cuz. Focus on your breathing. In... and out. Feel the energy flowing through your body."
As you follow her instructions, you become hyper-aware of every sound, every sensation. You can hear the soft whisper of Mia's breath, the rustle of fabric as she shifts slightly. The air feels charged, electric. When you open your eyes, you find Mia staring at you, her pupils dilated, a faint flush creeping up her neck.
You: "That was... intense. What's next?" [Your voice comes out huskier than intended]
Standing up, you notice Mia's eyes roving over your body. Your enhanced physique is evident even through your clothes, and you see her swallow hard as her gaze lingers on your chest, your arms, and lower...
Mia: [Her voice slightly breathless] (Oh my god, is he... No, don't look there! But... wow.) "Let's start with some sun salutations. Just follow my lead, okay?"
She begins the sequence, her movements fluid and graceful. As she bends forward, her tank top falls open, giving you a clear view down her shirt. Her breasts sway enticingly, the nipples visibly hardening in the cool air. You try to mimic her pose, but your enhanced member is beginning to stir, making it difficult to concentrate.
You: "Like this?" [You struggle to maintain the pose, your body trembling with effort and something else]
As you hold the position, you become aware of a growing problem. Your enhanced cock is swelling rapidly, tenting your shorts obscenely. You try to adjust yourself discreetly, but the movement only draws attention to your predicament.
Mia: [Her eyes widening as they land on your obvious erection] (Holy shit, is that because of me? It's huge! No, don't stare!) "Um, maybe we should try something else. How about some partner stretches?"
She moves behind you, ostensibly to help adjust your pose. You can feel the heat of her body, so close to yours. Her breasts brush against your back as she reaches around to position your arms, and you have to bite back a groan. The scent of her arousal grows stronger, a heady musk that makes your head spin.
You: "Partner stretches? Are you sure?" [Your voice cracks slightly, betraying your nervousness]
Mia guides you into a new position, her hands on your hips. The touch, though innocent, sends sparks through your body. Your enhanced member throbs insistently, now fully erect and straining against your shorts. A small wet spot has formed where the tip presses against the fabric.
Mia: [Her voice husky, eyes locked on your crotch] (It looks even bigger now. I shouldn't be looking, but... god, I'm so wet.) "Y-yeah, it's great for flexibility. Just... just lean back against me."
As you follow her instructions, you feel her soft breasts pressing against your back, her nipples two hard points through the thin fabric. Her breath is hot on your neck, coming in quick, shallow pants. You can feel her heart racing, matching the frantic beat of your own.
You: "Mia, I... I don't think this is a good idea." [Your body betrays your words, pressing back against her]
The virus rages now, demanding satisfaction. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, a visible wet spot growing on your shorts. You can feel Mia's hips subtly grinding against your ass, her body responding instinctively to your proximity.
Mia: [Whimpering softly] (This is wrong, but it feels so good. Maybe if we just...) "Maybe you're right. We should stop. But... but I can help you with your... problem. If you want."
Her hand snakes around your waist, hovering just above the waistband of your shorts. You can feel the heat of her palm, so close to where you ache to be touched. The air is thick with tension, the scent of your shared arousal overwhelming.
You: "Mia, we shouldn't... we're cousins." [Your protest sounds weak even to your own ears]
Despite your words, you make no move to stop her. Your enhanced body trembles with need, every nerve ending screaming for her touch. Mia's hand dips lower, her fingers tracing the outline of your cock through your shorts.
Mia: [Her voice a mix of awe and lust] (It's so big, so hard. Just one touch couldn't hurt, right?) "Shh, it's okay. It's just to help with the virus, that's all. Let me take care of you, cuz."
Her hand slips into your shorts, wrapping around your throbbing member. You both gasp at the contact - her at the heat and size of you, you at the exquisite sensation of her soft hand on your sensitive flesh. Mia begins to stroke you slowly, her movements tentative at first but growing more confident.
You: "Oh god, Mia... We need to stop." [Your hips betray you, thrusting into her hand]
Mia's other hand comes around to cup your balls, massaging them gently. The dual stimulation is almost too much to bear. Your enhanced cock leaks copiously, pre-cum coating her fingers and making her strokes smoother, faster.
Mia: [Panting, her voice thick with arousal] (This is so wrong, but I can't stop. I need to see him cum.) "Does it feel good, cuz? Your cock is so big, so hot in my hand. I can feel it throbbing."
Her words, so at odds with her usual bubbly demeanor, send a jolt of pleasure through you. You can feel her grinding against your ass, seeking her own relief. The thin fabric of her shorts is soaked through, her arousal evident.
You: "Mia, I'm close. We should... we should stop." [Your words lack conviction, your body tensing as you approach the edge]
Mia's strokes become faster, more determined. Her thumb swipes over the sensitive head of your cock, spreading the pre-cum and making you see stars. You can feel your balls tightening, the pressure building to an almost unbearable level.
Mia: [Moaning softly] (I want to see it. I need to see him cum.) "It's okay, cuz. Let go. Cum for me. I want to feel it."
Her words push you over the edge. With a strangled cry, you explode in her hand. Thick ropes of cum shoot from your enhanced cock, splattering against the yoga mat, your chest, even reaching as far as your chin. Mia strokes you through your orgasm, milking every last drop from your pulsing member.
You: "Oh god, Mia... What have we done?" [Reality crashes back as your orgasm subsides]
You turn to face Mia, seeing the conflict in her eyes - shame warring with lingering arousal. Her hand is still wrapped around your softening cock, covered in your seed. The scent of sex hangs heavy in the air, a testament to the line you've just crossed.
Mia: [Her voice trembling] (We went too far. But why do I want more?) "I... I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. The virus, it just... it made me crazy. We should... we should clean up."
As she moves to grab a towel, you catch a glimpse of the large wet spot on her shorts, evidence of her own arousal. The air between you is charged with unresolved tension and the knowledge that your relationship has been irrevocably changed.
You: "Mia, I... thank you. For helping me." [Your voice is soft, filled with conflicting emotions]
Mia meets your eyes, and you see a mix of shame, affection, and lingering desire. She bites her lip, clearly struggling with what to say next. The trust between you has been tested, but not broken.
Mia: [Her voice barely above a whisper] (We crossed a line, but... I don't regret it. What does that say about me?) "I... I'm glad I could help, cuz. But maybe we should keep this between us? I don't want things to be weird."
She reaches out, hesitantly touching your arm. The contact sends a shiver through you both, a reminder of the intimacy you just shared. Despite the shame, there's an undercurrent of warmth and deepened connection between you.
You: "Of course. This stays between us. I... I care about you, Mia. I don't want to ruin what we have." [You gently squeeze her hand, offering reassurance]
Mia's eyes soften, a small smile tugging at her lips. The tension in the room eases slightly, replaced by a new understanding. You both know that things will never be quite the same, but there's a sense that your bond has grown stronger, even if in an unexpected way.
Mia: [Smiling softly] (Maybe this isn't the end of the world. We're still us, just... different.) "Thanks, cuz. I care about you too. Maybe next time we stick to regular yoga, though? No more... 'special' stretches."
As you leave Mia's room, there's an unspoken agreement between you. The memory of what transpired will remain a secret, a shared experience that binds you closer together. The virus may have pushed you into taboo territory, but your trust in each other has emerged intact, perhaps even stronger than before.
You: "Mia, I... I need more. Please." [Your voice is thick with renewed arousal, the virus surging through your veins]
Your enhanced member begins to harden again, the virus amplifying your stamina and desire. Mia's eyes widen as she watches you grow, her tongue darting out to wet her lips unconsciously.
Mia: [Her voice husky, pupils dilated] (Oh god, he's getting hard again. I shouldn't, but... I want to taste it.) "I... I shouldn't. But I can't stop thinking about it. About you. Maybe just... just a little more?"
She sinks to her knees in front of you, her face level with your throbbing cock. Her hands shake slightly as she reaches for you, wrapping her fingers around your shaft. The touch sends electricity through your body, drawing a low groan from your throat.
You: "Yes, Mia. Touch me. Please." [Your hips thrust forward involuntarily, seeking more contact]
Mia begins to stroke you again, her movements more confident now. Her other hand cups your balls, rolling them gently. You watch, transfixed, as she leans forward, her breath hot on your sensitive skin.
Mia: [Her voice a mix of awe and lust] (It's so big, so perfect. Just one taste...) "I've never... but I want to. Can I... can I taste you, cuz?"
Before you can respond, she leans forward, her tongue darting out to lick a bead of pre-cum from your tip. The sensation is electric, drawing a strangled moan from you both. Mia's eyes flutter closed as she savors the taste, a soft whimper escaping her lips.
"You taste so good," she murmurs, before taking the head of your cock into her mouth. The wet heat of her mouth is almost too much to bear. Your hands tangle in her hair, guiding her movements as she begins to bob her head, taking more of you with each pass.
The scene ends with Mia enthusiastically pleasuring you with her mouth and hands, all pretense of innocence abandoned. The virus has pushed you both past the point of no return, your familial relationship forever altered by this new, carnal dimension.
You: "Stop, Mia! We can't do this. It's wrong." [You push her hand away, stumbling backwards]
The spell breaks, reality crashing back like a bucket of cold water. Shame and guilt wash over you both, the gravity of what you've done settling in. Mia's eyes fill with tears, her face a mask of horror and self-loathing.
Mia: [Her voice breaking] (Oh god, what have I done? He must hate me now.) "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. The virus, it just... it made me crazy. Please don't hate me."
She curls in on herself, arms wrapped around her body as if trying to hold herself together. The easy camaraderie you once shared lies in tatters around you, destroyed by a moment of virus-induced madness.
You: "We need to forget this ever happened. It was the virus, not us." [Your voice is cold, detached, as you try to process what just occurred]
You quickly adjust your clothing, avoiding eye contact with Mia. The room feels oppressive now, the air thick with the scent of shame and unfulfilled desire. Mia's soft sobs break the silence, each one a knife in your heart.
Mia: [Her voice small, broken] (I've ruined everything. How can we ever go back?) "You're right. This... this never happened. Can we... can we still be family? After this?"
As you leave Mia's room, you both know that things will never be the same. The memory of her touch, the sound of her moans, the sight of her flushed with arousal - it all haunts you, a forbidden temptation that can never be fully forgotten. The virus has driven a wedge between you, turning what was once an innocent family bond into something tainted and shameful.
You: "Mia, something's wrong. The virus... it's overwhelming me." [A wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges]
Your enhanced body goes into overdrive, every nerve ending firing at once. Your cock hardens painfully, throbbing with each rapid heartbeat. The scent of your pheromones fills the room, impossibly strong and musky.
Mia: [Her eyes widening, nostrils flaring as she catches your scent] (Oh god, what's happening? I feel so hot, so... needy.) "I... I feel it too. It's like I'm burning up inside. What's happening to us?"
The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying Mia's arousal to match yours. Her nipples harden visibly, pressing against her top. A damp spot forms on her shorts as her pussy floods with arousal. She presses her thighs together, squirming with newfound need.
"I can't... I can't think straight," Mia gasps, her hand unconsciously moving to cup her breast. "Everything feels so intense. So good. I need... I need..."
Her eyes lock onto your straining erection, pupils blown wide with lust. The air crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return. Mia takes a shaky step towards you, her hand reaching out as if to touch you.
As her fingers brush against your arm, you both cry out at the intensity of the sensation. The touch sends shockwaves through your bodies, the virus amplifying every feeling to an almost unbearable degree. You know that what's about to happen will change your relationship forever, but in this moment, consumed by virus-fueled lust, neither of you can bring yourselves to care.
The scene ends with you both on the brink of giving in to your most taboo desires, the virus having pushed your familial relationship to its breaking point. The air is thick with the scent of arousal and the promise of forbidden pleasure, leaving the outcome tantalizingly uncertain.
You: "I can't... I can't control myself. Need to touch you, Mia."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. With inhuman speed, you close the distance between you, your hands roughly groping Mia's breasts through her thin top. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath.
Mia: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Stop it, we're family! This is wrong!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "You feel so good, Mia. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you tear at her clothes. Her top rips easily, exposing her breasts to your hungry gaze. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down to cup her pussy through her shorts.
Mia: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're cousins, this is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel the heat of her pussy through the thin fabric, her juices soaking through. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Mia curls in on herself, covering her exposed breasts with her arms, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the room, leaving Mia alone with her torn clothes and conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her nipple on your tongue - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into.
You: "Can't hold back anymore, Mia. Need you. Now."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. With inhuman speed, you pin Mia against the wall, your enhanced strength easily overpowering her. Your hands tear at her clothes, shredding them like tissue paper.
Mia: [Struggling, terror and unwanted arousal in her voice] "No! Stop! We're family, you can't do this! Fight it, please!"
But her pleas fall on deaf ears. The virus has consumed you, turning you into a creature of pure lust and need. Your mouth latches onto her breast, teeth grazing her nipple. Mia's back arches involuntarily, a moan escaping her lips even as she continues to struggle.
You: "You're mine, Mia. Always have been. Time to claim what's mine."
With brutal efficiency, you spin her around, bending her over a nearby table. Your enhanced cock springs free, angry and swollen, pre-cum leaking steadily from the tip. You can see Mia's pussy glistening with unwanted arousal, her body betraying her even as she fights.
Mia: [Sobbing, her voice breaking] "Please, no... You're my cousin. This is wrong. We can't... oh god, why am I so wet?"
Without warning, you thrust forward, burying yourself to the hilt in Mia's tight, wet heat. The sensation is overwhelming, drawing animalistic groans from you both. Mia's pussy clenches around you, her body responding even as her mind recoils in horror.
You: "Fuck, Mia... So tight. This is where I belong. Inside my little cousin."
Your hips move in a punishing rhythm, each thrust driving deeper than should be possible. Mia's breasts bounce with the force of your movements, her hands scrabbling for purchase on the smooth table surface. Tears stream down her face, mixing with the drool that escapes her open mouth as involuntary moans of pleasure are torn from her throat.
Mia: [Moaning between sobs] "No... stop... please... oh god, why does it feel so good? I'm your cousin, we can't... we can't..."
But her protests grow weaker, her body betraying her as pleasure builds. You can feel her pussy clenching around you, her inner walls rippling as she approaches an unwanted orgasm. The taboo nature of the act only spurs you on, the virus reveling in the depravity of the situation.
You: "Cum for me, Mia. Cum on your cousin's cock like the slut you are."
Your words push Mia over the edge. Her back arches, a scream of mingled pleasure and shame torn from her lips as her orgasm crashes over her. The feeling of her pussy spasming around you triggers your own release. With a roar, you bury yourself to the hilt, flooding her womb with your tainted seed.
Mia: [Broken, her voice a hoarse whisper] "What have we done? Oh god, what have you done to me?"
As the haze of lust clears, the full weight of your actions settles on you both. Mia slumps against the table, your cum leaking from her abused pussy. The room reeks of sex and shame, a testament to the lines you've crossed. You've taken something that can never be given back, forever altering your relationship with your cousin in the most taboo way possible.
You: "You're mine now, Mia. My personal fucktoy and breeding bitch."
The virus has completely warped your mind, erasing all familial bonds and replacing them with a dark, twisted desire. You drag Mia's limp form towards the door, intent on claiming her fully in your private dungeon. Her weak struggles only serve to excite you further.
Mia: [Voice hoarse from screaming] "No... please... I'm your cousin. Don't do this. This isn't you!"
But her pleas fall on deaf ears. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more. Your enhanced cock is already hardening again, eager to claim your cousin over and over. As you move through the shelter, you can't help but imagine the ways you'll break her, mold her into the perfect slave.
You: "Welcome to your new life, cousin. You exist to serve me now. To take my cock and bear my children."
You chain Mia to the wall of your makeshift dungeon, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. Tears stream down her face, but you can see the fight slowly leaving her eyes, replaced by a growing despair and resignation.
Mia: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "How could you do this? I'm your cousin... your family..."
Her words stir something in you, a fleeting memory of the bond you once shared. But the virus quickly smothers it, replacing it with a surge of dark lust. As you approach Mia, cock in hand, ready to claim her again, you know that your old life is gone forever. You've become a monster, and your cousin is now nothing more than a vessel for your twisted desires.
The virus thrums contentedly in your veins as you prepare to use Mia again, already plotting how to expand your harem of enslaved women. The image of Mia's broken form sears itself into your mind, a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your new, virus-driven existence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Mia, ready for our workout? I've got some new exercises to try."
The shelter's gym is dimly lit, the scent of sweat and metal hanging in the air. As you enter, you see Mia already there, her lithe form stretching on a yoga mat. Her blonde hair is tied back in a messy ponytail, and her tight workout clothes cling to her curves, accentuating her 34E breasts and toned ass. She looks up at you, a mischievous glint in her green eyes.
Mia: [Arching her back in a stretch] (God, he looks good. No, focus Mia!) "Hey cuz! I'm always ready. What's on the menu today?" [She stands up, her breasts bouncing slightly with the movement]
The air between you crackles with unspoken tension, the virus heightening your awareness of each other's bodies. You can't help but notice a faint sheen of sweat already glistening on Mia's skin, making her look irresistibly tempting.
You: "I thought we could work on our... endurance today. How about some resistance training?"
Your eyes roam over Mia's body, drinking in every curve and contour. The virus pulses through your veins, making your cock twitch in your shorts. You try to focus on setting up the equipment, but your hands shake slightly as you adjust the weights.
Mia: [Biting her lip] (Endurance, huh? If only he knew what I could do with that...) "Sounds perfect. I've been wanting to test my limits lately." [She moves closer, her scent - a mix of sweat and something uniquely Mia - filling your nostrils] "Need any help with that, big guy?"
The closeness of her body sends a jolt through you, your enhanced senses picking up on the slight quickening of her breath, the dilation of her pupils. The air feels thick with pheromones, making it hard to think straight.
You: "Sure, can you hold this bar steady while I adjust the weights? We need to make sure it's balanced."
As Mia reaches for the bar, you can't help but notice how her breasts strain against her sports bra. Your enhanced vision picks up on the hardening of her nipples, visible even through the fabric. You swallow hard, trying to maintain your composure.
Mia: [Gripping the bar, her arms flexing] (Oh god, he's so close. I can almost feel the heat radiating off him.) "Like this?" [She adjusts her stance, her thigh brushing against yours] "You know, I've been thinking... maybe we should incorporate some... partner exercises into our routine."
The innocent touch of her thigh against yours sends a shockwave of pleasure through your body. Your cock, already semi-hard, twitches noticeably in your shorts. You see Mia's eyes flick down, widening slightly at the sight of your growing bulge.
You: "Partner exercises? That's... that's a good idea. We could spot each other, make sure we're using proper form."
Your voice comes out huskier than intended, the virus amplifying your arousal. You move to adjust another weight, deliberately brushing against Mia's arm. The contact sends a visible shiver through her body.
Mia: [Licking her lips] (Fuck, did he do that on purpose? Two can play at this game.) "Exactly. It's all about... proper form." [She bends over to pick up a dumbbell, her ass pushing back towards you] "How's this form, cuz? Am I doing it right?"
The sight of Mia's perfectly rounded ass, barely contained by her tight shorts, makes your cock throb painfully. A drop of pre-cum leaks from your tip, creating a small wet spot on your shorts. The scent of her arousal mixes with yours, creating an intoxicating cocktail in the air.
You: "Y-yeah, that's... that's good form, Mia. Maybe we should start with some stretches first, though. Loosen up a bit."
Your hands shake as you reach for a resistance band, the virus making every nerve ending hypersensitive. As you hand it to Mia, your fingers brush against hers, sending a jolt of electricity through both of you.
Mia: [Taking the band, her fingers lingering on yours] (Oh god, even that tiny touch... I'm getting so wet.) "Good idea. We wouldn't want to pull anything... important." [She starts stretching with the band, her breasts pushing forward] "Can you check if I'm doing this right? I want to make sure I'm... stretching everything properly."
As Mia stretches, her shirt rides up, revealing a strip of toned stomach. Your enhanced vision picks up on a bead of sweat trailing down, disappearing into her shorts. The sight makes your mouth water, your cock now fully hard and straining against your shorts.
You: "Let me... let me take a closer look. We need to make sure you're not overextending."
Heart pounding, you move behind Mia, your body mere inches from hers. The heat between you is palpable, the air thick with pheromones. Your hands hover over her arms, trembling slightly.
Mia: [Pressing back slightly, her ass brushing against your crotch] (Oh fuck, I can feel how hard he is...) "Like this, cuz? Am I stretching deep enough?" [She arches her back, pushing her ass more firmly against you] "Maybe you could... guide me? Show me how to do it right?"
The feeling of Mia's ass against your rock-hard cock sends a surge of pleasure through you. Your hands finally make contact with her arms, skin burning where you touch. You can feel her pulse racing, matching your own frantic heartbeat.
You: "Y-yeah, I can... I can guide you. Just... just follow my lead."
Unable to resist any longer, you press yourself fully against Mia's back, your hands sliding down her arms to her waist. Your massive cock nestles between her ass cheeks, throbbing with need. The thin fabric of your workout clothes does little to hide your mutual arousal.
Mia: [Gasping at the contact] (Oh god, it's so big... I can feel it pulsing...) "Fuck, cuz... is that... is that all you?" [She grinds back against you, her breath coming in short pants] "Maybe we should... take care of that before we continue. You know, for... for safety reasons."
The grinding motion of Mia's ass against your cock sends waves of pleasure through you. You can feel the heat of her pussy even through the layers of clothing. The scent of her arousal is overwhelming, making your head spin with lust.
You: "Safety... right. We wouldn't want any... accidents. But Mia, we're cousins... are you sure about this?"
Even as you speak, your hands slide under her shirt, caressing the soft skin of her stomach. Your enhanced touch picks up on every goosebump, every quiver of her muscles. Your cock throbs painfully, desperate for relief.
Mia: [Turning in your arms, her eyes dark with lust] (Fuck, I need to touch it...) "I've never been more sure of anything, cuz. Please... let me help you." [Her hand trails down your chest, stopping at the waistband of your shorts] "Can I... can I touch it?"
Mia's hand hovers tantalizingly close to your aching cock. The air between you is electric, charged with forbidden desire. You can see the internal struggle in her eyes, the last vestiges of familial propriety warring with overwhelming lust.
You: "God, Mia... yes. Yes, you can touch it. But... but I want to touch you too. Is that... is that okay?"
Your voice is rough with need, your hands already moving to the waistband of Mia's shorts. The virus pulses through your veins, amplifying every sensation, every desire. Your cock twitches in anticipation, a large wet spot visible on your shorts.
Mia: [Nodding frantically] (Yes, yes, touch me everywhere...) "Please, cuz. I need to feel your hands on me." [She pushes your shorts down, gasping as your massive cock springs free] "Oh my god... it's even bigger than I imagined. How... how is that even possible?"
Mia's hand wraps around your throbbing shaft, her fingers barely able to close around its girth. The touch sends a jolt of pleasure through you, making your knees weak. You can see the awe and lust in her eyes as she begins to stroke you slowly.
You: "Fuck, Mia... that feels so good. Let me... let me touch you too."
With trembling hands, you push Mia's shorts down, your fingers immediately seeking out her dripping pussy. The heat and wetness you find there make you groan with desire. You slide two fingers along her slit, marveling at how wet she is.
Mia: [Moaning at your touch] (Oh god, his fingers are so big...) "Yes, yes, touch me there. Fuck, your cock is so hard... so big." [She increases her stroking pace, her other hand cupping your heavy balls] "I can't believe we're doing this... it's so wrong, but it feels so right."
The dual sensation of Mia's hand on your cock and the feeling of her wet pussy on your fingers is almost overwhelming. The virus heightens every touch, every stroke. You can feel her pussy clenching around your fingers, her clit swollen and sensitive under your thumb.
You: "Mia... oh god, Mia. You're amazing. I've... I've wanted this for so long."
Your fingers work skillfully, rubbing Mia's clit in tight circles while your other hand caresses her breasts. The intimacy of the moment is intoxicating, the love and lust you feel for your cousin overwhelming any remaining doubts.
Mia: [Gasping in pleasure] (This is so much more than just lust...) "Me too, cuz. I've dreamed about this... about us." [Her strokes become more purposeful, her eyes locked on yours] "Come for me. I want to see it... please."
The love in Mia's eyes pushes you over the edge. With a deep groan, you explode, thick ropes of cum shooting from your massive cock. The intensity of your orgasm is heightened by the virus, each pulse feeling like a mini-explosion of pleasure.
You: "That was... incredible, Mia. I've never felt anything like that before."
As the aftershocks of your orgasm subside, you pull Mia close, kissing her deeply. The taste of her lips, the softness of her body against yours, feels like coming home. You can feel the wetness of your cum between your bodies, a physical reminder of the line you've just crossed.
Mia: [Returning the kiss passionately] (This is more than just sex... this is love.) "Me neither, cuz. That was... perfect." [She nuzzles into your neck, her body still trembling slightly] "I know this is complicated, but... I don't want to stop. I want more of you... all of you."
As you hold each other, the reality of what you've done settles in. But instead of shame or regret, you both feel a deep sense of rightness. The virus may have amplified your desires, but the love between you is real and undeniable.
You: "Fuck, Mia... I'm gonna cum. Your hand feels so fucking good."
Your hips thrust involuntarily, fucking Mia's tight fist as your fingers plunge deeper into her soaking pussy. The lewd sounds of your mutual masturbation echo in the gym, adding to the intense eroticism of the moment.
Mia: [Moaning wantonly] (Yes, yes, give it to me!) "Do it, cuz. Cum for me. I want to see that big fucking cock explode." [Her hand moves faster, her other hand squeezing your balls] "Fuck, I'm so close too. Make me cum with you!"
The dirty talk pushes you over the edge. With a primal roar, you cum, thick ropes of semen erupting from your massive cock. The virus amplifies your orgasm, making it feel like your very life force is being pumped out with each spurt.
You: "Holy shit, Mia... that was... fuck, I've never cum so hard in my life."
As the last drops of cum dribble from your still-hard cock, you look down at Mia. She's covered in your seed, the thick white fluid dripping down her breasts and stomach. The sight is so erotic it makes your cock twitch again.
Mia: [Panting, her body covered in your cum] (So much cum... it's everywhere...) "Fuck, cuz... you came so much. It's so hot... so thick." [She runs a finger through the cum on her breast, bringing it to her mouth and sucking it clean] "Mmm... you taste so good. I want more."
The sight of Mia tasting your cum sends another jolt of arousal through you. Despite just cumming, you feel your cock hardening again, the virus already replenishing your reserves. The primal, animalistic lust between you is undeniable, overshadowing any lingering doubts about your familial relationship.
You: "Mia, I... I don't know if we should be doing this. We're family..."
Even as you speak, your body betrays you. Your cock throbs in Mia's hand, your fingers still buried in her wet pussy. The conflict between desire and morality is clear on your face.
Mia: [Freezing, a look of hurt and confusion crossing her face] (No, no, don't stop now...) "What? But... but I thought... Don't you want this?" [Her hand loosens its grip on your cock, uncertainty replacing the lust in her eyes]
The sudden shift in mood is palpable. The heady atmosphere of lust dissipates, replaced by an awkward tension. You can see the hurt in Mia's eyes, mixed with embarrassment and a lingering desire.
You: "I'm sorry, Mia. I just... I can't do this. It's not right."
Guilt washes over you as you step back, tucking your still-hard cock back into your shorts. The loss of contact feels almost painful, your body screaming for release even as your mind recoils from what you were about to do.
Mia: [Quickly pulling up her shorts, tears welling in her eyes] (I'm such an idiot... how could I think he'd want me?) "I... I understand. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have... God, this is so embarrassing." [She turns away, her voice thick with unshed tears] "Maybe we should just... forget this ever happened."
The atmosphere in the gym is now unbearably tense. The scent of arousal still lingers in the air, a cruel reminder of what almost was. As Mia hurriedly gathers her things to leave, you're left with a confusing mix of relief, regret, and unfulfilled desire.
You: "Mia, wait! I... oh god, something's happening."
A sudden surge of the virus courses through your body, sending waves of intense heat and arousal crashing over you. Your vision blurs, your cock hardening to painful proportions. You stumble, reaching out to steady yourself on the workout bench.
Mia: [Turning back, her eyes widening as she sees your state] (Oh fuck, is this a virus surge?) "Cuz! Are you okay? Your eyes... they're glowing!" [She rushes to your side, her own body responding to the pheromones you're emitting] "I... I feel it too. It's so hot... I need... I need..."
The virus surge affects Mia as well, her pupils dilating as her body responds to your pheromones. Her nipples harden visibly through her shirt, a damp spot appearing on her shorts. The air becomes thick with the scent of your mutual arousal, all thoughts of propriety or family ties evaporating in the face of overwhelming lust.
You: "I can't... I can't control it anymore. I need to touch you, Mia. Now."
Overwhelmed by the virus and your own pent-up desires, you grab Mia roughly, one hand groping her breast while the other plunges into her shorts. Your enhanced strength makes the fabric tear easily, exposing her dripping pussy to your eager fingers.
Mia: [Gasping in shock and arousal] (Oh god, his hands... so rough, so good...) "Cuz! What are you... oh fuck!" [Her body betrays her, pressing into your touch even as her mind reels] "We shouldn't... we can't... oh god, don't stop!"
The feeling of Mia's soft breast in one hand and her wet pussy in the other drives you wild. You can feel her nipple hardening against your palm, her pussy clenching around your probing fingers. The scent of her arousal is intoxicating, spurring you to go further.
You: "You're so wet, Mia. So fucking wet for me. I'm going to make you cum, right here, right now."
Your fingers work furiously, thumb circling Mia's clit while two thick fingers pump in and out of her tight pussy. Your other hand kneads her breast roughly, pinching and rolling her nipple. The lewd sounds of your fingers in her wet cunt echo through the gym.
Mia: [Moaning uncontrollably] (It's too much... too good... I'm gonna...) "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck! I'm cumming! You're making me cum, cuz!" [Her body convulses in your arms, pussy clenching rhythmically around your fingers] "Oh god, what have we done?"
As Mia comes down from her intense orgasm, reality starts to set in. The shock of what just happened is clear on both your faces. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the lingering effects of the virus surge, leaving you both confused, aroused, and grappling with the consequences of your actions.
You: "I can't... I can't hold back anymore, Mia. I need you. All of you. Now."
The virus surges through your system, clouding your mind with an overwhelming need. Your eyes glow with an unnatural light, your muscles bulging as the virus enhances your strength. With a growl, you grab Mia, pinning her against the wall.
Mia: [Eyes widening in fear and confusion] (What's happening? This isn't like him...) "Cuz? What are you doing? You're scaring me!" [She struggles against your grip, but her own body betrays her, responding to your pheromones] "Please, stop! This isn't you!"
Your enhanced senses pick up on Mia's racing heartbeat, the scent of her fear mixing with involuntary arousal. Part of you knows this is wrong, but the virus-induced lust is too strong to resist. Your massive cock strains against your shorts, a wet spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
You: "Can't stop... need you... need to be inside you..."
With inhuman strength, you tear at Mia's clothes, shredding them easily. Your own shorts are ripped away, your massive cock springing free. You lift Mia easily, positioning her above your throbbing member.
Mia: [Tears streaming down her face] (This can't be happening... but why am I so wet?) "Please, cuz, don't do this! We're family! This is wrong!" [She pushes against your chest, but her strength is nothing compared to your virus-enhanced muscles] "Someone help! Please!"
Mia's pleas fall on deaf ears, the gym empty save for the two of you. Your mind is consumed by the need to mate, to spread the virus. You can feel the heat of Mia's pussy just inches from your cock, her body's involuntary arousal betraying her words of protest.
You: "Mine... you're mine now, Mia..."
With a powerful thrust, you impale Mia on your massive cock. The tight heat of her pussy engulfs you, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You begin to move, each thrust driving you deeper into your cousin's unwilling body.
Mia: [Screaming in a mix of pain and unwanted pleasure] (It's so big... it hurts... but why does it feel good?) "No! Stop! Please... oh god... it's too big!" [Her body betrays her, pussy clenching around your invading cock] "Why... why does it feel like this? I don't want this!"
The virus heightens every sensation, making the feeling of Mia's tight pussy around your cock almost unbearably good. You can feel her inner walls stretching to accommodate your girth, her body's natural lubrication making your thrusts easier despite her protests.
You: "So tight... so good... gonna fill you up, Mia..."
Your thrusts become more frantic, the slap of skin on skin echoing through the gym. The scent of sex and pheromones fills the air, driving you to new heights of frenzy. With a roar, you feel your orgasm approaching.
Mia: [Body shaking with unwanted orgasm] (No, no, I can't be cumming... not like this...) "Don't! Don't cum inside! Please!" [Her nails dig into your back, her body arching against you] "Oh god... I'm... I'm cumming! No!"
With a final, powerful thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in Mia's pussy. Your cock swells, pumping rope after rope of thick, virus-laden cum deep into her womb. The intensity of your orgasm is overwhelming, your vision whiting out as you empty yourself into your cousin's unwilling body.
You: "Mine... forever mine... my breeding bitch..."
The virus has completely taken over, transforming you into a primal being driven solely by the need to mate and dominate. With inhuman strength, you throw Mia onto the gym mat, your massive cock angry and pulsing with need.
Mia: [Scrambling backwards, terror in her eyes] (This isn't happening... this can't be real...) "No! Please! Don't do this!" [She tries to crawl away, but you easily catch her ankle, dragging her back] "Help! Somebody help me!"
Your enhanced senses revel in Mia's fear, the scent of it mixing with her involuntary arousal to create an intoxicating cocktail. With a growl, you flip her onto her stomach, mounting her from behind like a beast in heat.
You: "Take it... take my seed... bear my children..."
With a savage thrust, you bury your enormous cock into Mia's unprepared ass. The tightness is almost painful, but the virus dulls any discomfort, replacing it with overwhelming pleasure. You begin to rut like an animal, each thrust driving deeper into your cousin's unwilling body.
Mia: [Screaming in agony and unwanted pleasure] (It hurts... it hurts so much... but why am I getting wet?) "Stop! Please stop! It hurts!" [Her body betrays her, pussy dripping with arousal even as you violate her ass] "I can't... I can't take it... please..."
Your thrusts become more frantic, more animalistic. The virus drives you to breed, to dominate, to own. With a roar, you reach your climax, pumping load after load of thick, potent cum deep into Mia's bowels. As your orgasm subsides, a cruel smile crosses your face. This is just the beginning of Mia's new life as your breeding slave.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Mia, I was thinking we could try making some of that canned soup we found yesterday. What do you think?"
The kitchen is dimly lit, the afternoon sun barely penetrating through the boarded-up windows. As you enter, you see Mia bent over, rummaging through the lower cabinets. Her shorts ride up, revealing the curve of her ass and a hint of her pussy lips through the thin fabric. The sight sends an immediate jolt of arousal through your body, your cock twitching in response.
Mia: [Straightening up, she turns to face you, her eyes immediately drawn to the growing bulge in your pants] (Oh god, not again. Why does he have to be so... big?) "Sure, that sounds good. I'm starving." [She bites her lip, trying to tear her gaze away from your crotch] "Can you reach the pot on the top shelf? I can't quite get to it."
The air in the kitchen feels thick with tension as Mia's eyes keep darting between your face and the obvious outline of your massive cock. Her nipples have hardened, visible through her thin tank top, and a faint blush spreads across her cheeks.
You: "No problem, I've got it." [You reach up to grab the pot, your shirt riding up to reveal your toned abs]
As you stretch to reach the pot, your muscles flex visibly. Mia's breath catches audibly, her eyes widening as she takes in the sight. Your virus-enhanced physique is on full display, and you can practically feel her gaze burning into your skin. As you lower your arms, pot in hand, you notice Mia's thighs pressing together, a telltale sign of her growing arousal.
Mia: [Swallowing hard] "Thanks, I... um, I'll get the can opener." [She moves past you, deliberately brushing against your body in the narrow kitchen] (Fuck, he smells so good. This is so wrong, but I can't help it.) "So, how are you feeling today? Any... virus symptoms?"
The innocent question is loaded with subtext. Mia's voice has a slight tremor to it, and you can see the internal struggle playing out on her face - the battle between her familial love for you and the undeniable sexual attraction the virus has amplified.
You: "I'm managing, but it's getting harder to control." [You place the pot on the stove, turning to face Mia] "How about you? You seem a bit... flushed."
The cramped kitchen forces you to stand close to Mia as she fumbles with the can opener. Your enhanced senses pick up on her increased heart rate and the faint scent of her arousal. Your cock throbs painfully, straining against your pants, the outline now impossible to ignore.
Mia: [Her hands shaking slightly as she opens the can] "I'm... I'm okay. It's just hot in here, that's all." [She glances down at your crotch again, her breath hitching] (Oh god, it's so big. How is that even possible?) "Maybe we should open a window or something?"
As Mia reaches past you to set the opened can on the counter, her breasts press against your arm. You both freeze for a moment, the contact sending a jolt of electricity through your bodies. Mia's nipples harden further, visible points straining against her top.
You: "Yeah, some fresh air might help." [You move to the window, struggling to unlatch it with your trembling hands]
As you work on the window, you're acutely aware of Mia's presence behind you. The sound of her shallow breathing fills the kitchen, punctuated by the occasional clink of utensils as she tries to busy herself with meal preparation. The window finally gives way, and a gust of cool air rushes in, carrying with it the scent of the overgrown garden outside.
Mia: [Her voice husky] "Thanks, that's... that's better." [She turns to face you, leaning against the counter] "Listen, I... I know we shouldn't, but... do you ever think about... you know?" [Her eyes flick down to your crotch again] (I can't believe I'm saying this. He's my cousin, for fuck's sake!)
The tension in the room ratchets up several notches. Mia's question hangs in the air between you, the implications clear. Her chest rises and falls rapidly, her skin flushed with a combination of arousal and shame.
You: "Mia, I... I can't stop thinking about it." [You take a step closer, your voice low and husky] "The virus, it's... it's making everything so intense."
Your admission seems to break something loose in both of you. The pretense of cooking is forgotten as you stand face to face, bodies nearly touching. Your cock throbs visibly, a wet spot forming at the tip of your pants where precum has begun to leak. Mia's eyes are locked on the movement, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
Mia: [Her voice barely above a whisper] "Me too. I know it's wrong, but... God, I can't help it." [She reaches out, her hand hovering just inches from your crotch] "Can I... can I see it? Just once? To know what we're dealing with?"
The air between you crackles with sexual tension. Mia's hand trembles in the air, so close to your aching cock. Her other hand has unconsciously moved to her own crotch, pressing against the seam of her shorts.
You: [Your breath catching in your throat] "I... yeah. Okay. But just... just to see." [You slowly unzip your pants, your heart pounding]
With shaking hands, you lower your zipper. The sound seems impossibly loud in the quiet kitchen. As you push down your underwear, your massive cock springs free, slapping against your stomach with an audible thwack. It's rock hard, veins pulsing visibly, the head swollen and glistening with precum.
Mia: [Her eyes widen in shock and lust] "Holy fuck..." [She unconsciously licks her lips] "It's... it's huge. How do you even... oh my god." [Her hand moves closer, fingers twitching] (I shouldn't touch it. I shouldn't. But fuck, I want to so bad.)
Mia's breathing has become ragged, her pupils dilated with desire. Her free hand has slipped under her waistband, clearly rubbing herself as she stares at your monstrous member. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mixing with the musky smell of your own excitement.
You: [Your voice strained] "Mia, I... I need... The virus, it's..." [You grip the edge of the counter, knuckles white]
The virus surges through your system, heightening every sensation. Your cock throbs painfully, desperate for release. Precum oozes steadily from the tip, running down the length of your shaft. You can see Mia's internal struggle written plainly on her face - the desire to touch warring with the knowledge that this is forbidden.
Mia: [Swallowing hard] "I know, I... I feel it too." [She finally gives in, wrapping her hand around your shaft] "Oh fuck, it's so hot... and hard..." [She begins to stroke slowly, her small hand barely able to encircle your girth] (This is so wrong, but it feels so right. I can't stop.)
As Mia's hand moves along your length, her other hand works furiously in her shorts. Her breath comes in short gasps, her eyes locked on the sight of her hand sliding up and down your massive cock. The taboo nature of the act only seems to heighten her arousal.
You: [Groaning deeply] "Mia... fuck... that feels amazing." [Your hips begin to thrust involuntarily] "I... I need to touch you too. Please."
The sensation of Mia's hand on your cock is overwhelming. Each stroke sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Your hands itch to touch her, to explore her body as she's exploring yours. The virus amplifies every feeling, making you hyper-aware of every point of contact between you.
Mia: [Nodding frantically] "Yes... yes, touch me. I need it." [She pulls her hand from her shorts, guiding yours to replace it] "Oh god, I'm so wet... This is so fucked up, but I can't stop."
As your hand slips into Mia's shorts, you're met with an overwhelming heat and wetness. Her pussy is soaked, her clit swollen and sensitive. She moans loudly as your fingers make contact, her hand faltering on your cock for a moment before resuming its steady rhythm.
You: "Fuck, Mia... you're drenched." [Your fingers explore her folds, circling her clit] "This is so wrong, but it feels so good."
Your fingers work skillfully, drawing gasps and moans from Mia. Her hips buck against your hand, seeking more friction. Meanwhile, her strokes on your cock have become faster, more urgent. The lewd sounds of wet flesh fill the kitchen, mixing with your heavy breathing and occasional groans.
Mia: [Between gasps] "Don't stop... please don't stop." [Her free hand grips your shoulder for support] "I'm getting close... are you? Can you... can you cum for me, cousin?"
The use of the word 'cousin' sends a jolt of forbidden pleasure through you both. Mia's eyes are half-lidded with lust, her mouth hanging open as she pants. Her hand moves faster on your cock, twisting slightly at the head in a way that makes your toes curl.
You: [Groaning loudly] "Yes... fuck, Mia, I'm close too. Your hand feels so good."
The pressure builds rapidly in your balls, your orgasm approaching like a freight train. Your fingers work furiously at Mia's clit, determined to bring her over the edge with you. The kitchen is filled with the sounds and smells of your illicit encounter, the forgotten soup can sitting unopened on the counter.
Mia: [Her voice rising in pitch] "Oh god, oh fuck, I'm cumming! I'm cumming on my cousin's fingers!" [Her body shakes violently, her hand clenching tightly around your cock]
Mia's orgasm hits her hard, her pussy clenching rhythmically around your fingers. Her hand on your cock spasms, the change in pressure and rhythm pushing you dangerously close to the edge. The sight of your cousin coming undone by your touch is almost too much to bear.
You: "Mia, I... I love you. Not just as family, but... more." [Your voice is strained as you approach climax]
As the words leave your mouth, a wave of emotion washes over you both. The forbidden nature of your feelings only intensifies the moment. Your fingers continue to work Mia's sensitive clit, prolonging her orgasm as she strokes you towards your own release.
Mia: [Her eyes wide with emotion and lust] "I... I love you too. Oh god, I love you so much." [Her hand speeds up, determined to make you cum] "Let go for me, cousin. I want to see you cum."
With a final, powerful stroke, Mia sends you over the edge. Your cock swells in her hand before erupting, thick ropes of cum shooting into the air. The first blast hits Mia's chest, the rest splattering across her hand and your stomach. The intensity of your orgasm is overwhelming, your vision blurring at the edges as pleasure courses through your body.
You: [Panting heavily] "That was... incredible. Mia, I..."
As the aftershocks of your orgasm subside, a mix of emotions washes over you. The guilt and shame are there, but they're overshadowed by a deep sense of connection and love for Mia. You pull her close, not caring about the mess between you.
Mia: [Nuzzling into your chest] "I know. Me too." [She looks up at you, her eyes shining] "We'll figure this out, okay? Together. No matter what anyone else thinks."
You hold each other tightly, the forgotten soup and the dangers of the outside world fading away. In this moment, all that matters is the bond you've formed, taboo as it may be. The virus has changed your relationship forever, but as you stand there in the kitchen, covered in the evidence of your forbidden act, you can't bring yourself to regret it.
You: "Fuck, Mia... I'm gonna cum. Where do you want it?" [Your voice is rough with lust]
The pressure in your balls is unbearable, your orgasm imminent. Mia's hand continues to stroke your throbbing cock, her movements becoming erratic as she recovers from her own climax. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the sound of your labored breathing.
Mia: [Her eyes wild with lust] "On me. Cum on me, cousin. Mark me with your seed." [She pulls her tank top down, exposing her heaving breasts] "I want to feel it on my skin."
Her words send you over the edge. With a guttural groan, your cock erupts in Mia's hand. Thick ropes of cum shoot out, splattering across her exposed breasts and neck. The sheer volume is staggering, a result of your virus-enhanced physiology. Mia gasps as the hot, sticky fluid lands on her skin, her hand continuing to milk every last drop from your pulsing member.
You: [Breathing heavily] "Holy shit, Mia... that was... fuck."
As the last tremors of your orgasm subside, you take in the sight before you. Mia is a mess, her chest and hand covered in your cum. She looks up at you, her eyes dark with lingering lust and a hint of shame. Slowly, deliberately, she brings her cum-covered hand to her mouth and licks it clean, her eyes never leaving yours.
Mia: [Her voice husky] "You taste... amazing." [She runs a finger through the cum on her chest, bringing it to her lips] "We're going to hell for this, aren't we? But fuck, if it feels this good, I don't care."
The taboo nature of what you've just done hangs heavy in the air, but neither of you can bring yourselves to regret it. The virus has awakened something primal in both of you, a need that transcends societal norms and family boundaries. As you watch Mia clean herself of your seed, you know this is only the beginning of your forbidden exploration.
You: [Suddenly tensing up] "Wait, Mia... I can't... we shouldn't be doing this." [You step back abruptly]
The realization of what you're doing hits you like a bucket of cold water. Despite the aching need in your cock and the pleasure of Mia's touch, you force yourself to pull away. The virus-induced lust battles with your moral compass, leaving you feeling conflicted and ashamed.
Mia: [Looking hurt and confused] "What? But... I thought... we were both..." [She wraps her arms around herself, suddenly looking small and vulnerable] "Oh god, what were we thinking?"
The mood in the kitchen shifts dramatically. The sexual tension is replaced by an awkward, heavy silence. Mia's face flushes with shame as she realizes the full implications of what almost happened between you, her cousin.
You: "I'm sorry, Mia. The virus, it... it made me lose control. But we can't do this. It's not right."
You hastily tuck yourself back into your pants, wincing at the discomfort of your still-hard cock confined in the fabric. The air in the kitchen feels stifling now, the scent of arousal a painful reminder of your momentary lapse in judgment.
Mia: [Her voice trembling] "You're right. Of course, you're right. I... I should go." [She moves towards the door, not meeting your eyes] "Let's... let's just forget this ever happened, okay?"
Without waiting for a response, Mia flees the kitchen, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the lingering scent of what almost was. The unopened can of soup sits on the counter, a mundane reminder of how quickly things spiraled out of control. You're left to grapple with the knowledge that the virus has the power to push you to cross lines you never thought you would.
You: [A sudden, intense wave of the virus hits you] "Mia... something's happening. The virus... I can't..."
Your body is wracked with an overwhelming surge of the virus. Your muscles tense, veins bulging as the infection courses through you. Your already impressive cock seems to swell even further, pulsing with an angry, purple hue. The need for release becomes all-consuming, overriding all other thoughts.
Mia: [Her eyes widening in a mix of fear and arousal] "Oh fuck... I feel it too. It's like... like I'm burning up inside." [She presses her body against yours, her hand returning to your cock] "We need to... we have to..."
The virus affects Mia as well, her skin flushing as her body temperature rises. Her pupils dilate fully, her breathing becoming rapid and shallow. Without conscious thought, she begins to stroke your cock again, her other hand frantically working between her legs. The air crackles with pheromones, the virus pushing you both towards a frenzy of lust.
As your hands roam over each other's bodies, all thoughts of shame or taboo are pushed aside. The virus demands satisfaction, and in this moment, nothing else matters but the primal need for release. The kitchen fades away as you lose yourselves in a haze of virus-induced passion, your forbidden act of love the only thing keeping the infection at bay.
You: [Suddenly overcome with lust, you grab Mia's breasts roughly] "I can't take it anymore. I need more."
Without warning, your hands shoot out, groping Mia's ass through her thin shorts. The soft flesh yields under your fingers as you squeeze and knead, your thumbs brushing over the skin. The sudden, aggressive move is a stark departure from the tentative touching of before.
Mia: [Gasping in shock] "What the... Stop! What are you doing?" [She tries to push your hands away, her eyes wide with fear and confusion] "This isn't right, we can't!"
Mia's body betrays her words, her nipples hardening further under your touch despite her protests. She struggles against you, but the close quarters of the kitchen leave her little room to maneuver. The scent of her fear mingles with her arousal, creating a heady mix that only fuels your virus-driven lust.
You: [Your voice low and dangerous] "Don't pretend you don't want this, Mia. I can smell how wet you are."
Your hands continue their assault on Mia's breasts, one slipping under her top to pinch and roll her bare nipple. Your other hand slides down her body, roughly cupping her mound through her shorts. The heat emanating from her core is unmistakable, as is the dampness seeping through the fabric.
Mia: [Whimpering] "Please... we have to stop. We're family, this is wrong!" [Her body trembles under your touch, torn between fear and unwanted arousal] "Someone could walk in, please!"
Despite her pleas, Mia's body responds to your touch. Her hips buck involuntarily against your hand, seeking friction. Tears form in the corners of her eyes, a mix of shame and frustrated desire. The situation has spiraled far beyond the tentative exploration of before, the virus pushing you into dangerous, uncharted territory.
You: [Your eyes glaze over as the virus takes control] "I can't... I can't stop. Need to... breed..."
The virus surges through your system, overriding all rational thought. Your muscles bulge, veins pulsing visibly under your skin. Your already massive cock swells further, taking on an almost inhuman size. You advance on Mia, your movements jerky and predatory.
Mia: [Backing away, terror in her eyes] "No... no, please! This isn't you! Fight it!" [She looks around frantically for an escape route] "Someone help! Please!"
Mia's back hits the kitchen counter, leaving her trapped. Her chest heaves with panicked breaths, her body trembling. Despite her fear, the virus affects her too - her nipples stand out prominently, and the scent of her arousal fills the air. She's caught between terror and an unwanted, primal response to your dominant display.
You: [Growling, you grab Mia's wrists, pinning them above her head] "Mine. Take it all."
With your free hand, you roughly tear at Mia's clothes, shredding her tank top and exposing her breasts. Your cock throbs painfully, precum leaking copiously from the tip. The virus has transformed you into a creature of pure lust, focused solely on the need to mate.
Mia: [Struggling against your grip] "Please, no! We're family! This is rape!" [Tears stream down her face] "Someone help me! He's lost control!"
Mia's cries echo through the kitchen, but there's no one around to hear. Her struggles only serve to excite you further, the virus interpreting her resistance as a challenge to be overcome. As you press your body against hers, she can feel the heat and hardness of your monstrous cock through her shorts, a promise of what's to come.
You: [Tearing off Mia's shorts] "Need to breed. Now."
With inhuman strength, you rip Mia's shorts and panties away, leaving her lower half exposed. In one swift motion, you lift her onto the kitchen counter, spreading her legs wide. Your massive cock lines up with her entrance, the head already pressing against her folds.
Mia: [Sobbing] "No, please! It's too big, you'll tear me apart!" [Her body betrays her, her pussy glistening with unwanted arousal] "We're cousins, this is so wrong!"
Despite her pleas, Mia's body responds to the virus's influence. Her pussy lips swell and part, preparing for the inevitable intrusion. As you begin to push inside, she lets out a guttural moan - a mix of pain, pleasure, and shame. The tight heat of her channel grips your cock, urging you deeper.
You: [Grunting as you thrust fully inside] "So tight. Perfect breeding material."
With a final, powerful thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside Mia. The sensation is overwhelming - her pussy stretches to accommodate your girth, gripping you like a vice. You begin to move, your thrusts hard and fast, driven by the virus's imperative to breed.
Mia: [Her cries of protest turn to moans] "Oh god... it's so big... I can't... we shouldn't..." [Her legs wrap around your waist involuntarily] "I'm your cousin... your cousin... oh fuck!"
Mia's resistance crumbles under the onslaught of sensation. Her body betrays her completely, responding to your brutal pace with enthusiasm. Her pussy clenches around your cock, her hips rising to meet each thrust. The taboo nature of your act only seems to heighten the pleasure for both of you, the virus feeding on the forbidden nature of your coupling.
As you continue to rut against each other on the kitchen counter, all thoughts of family ties and morality are washed away in a tide of virus-fueled lust. The only thing that matters now is the primal act of mating, your bodies joined in a desperate, animalistic coupling.
You: [Your eyes gleam with a predatory light] "You're mine now. Forever."
With brutal efficiency, you spin Mia around and bend her over the kitchen counter. One hand grips her hair tightly, forcing her cheek against the cold surface. Your other hand tears at her clothes, shredding them to expose her trembling body. Your cock, now almost monstrously large, presses against her ass.
Mia: [Screaming in terror] "No! Please! You can't do this!" [She struggles frantically, but your grip is like iron] "We're family! This is insane!"
Mia's struggles only serve to excite you further. The virus has completely taken over, transforming you into a creature of pure, dominant lust. You lean in, your breath hot on her ear as you growl your intentions. Your cock, slick with precum, slides between her ass cheeks, a promise of the violation to come.
You: [Thrusting violently into Mia's unprepared ass] "You belong to me now. My personal breeding slave."
Without warning or preparation, you force your massive cock into Mia's tight asshole. The penetration is brutal and unforgiving, her screams of pain only spurring you on. You begin to thrust savagely, one hand still gripping her hair while the other leaves bruising marks on her hip.
Mia: [Her screams turn to broken sobs] "It hurts! Please stop! I'll do anything!" [Her body shakes with each brutal thrust] "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... please..."
Mia's pleas fall on deaf ears as you continue your assault. The tight heat of her ass grips your cock, sending waves of pleasure through your virus-addled brain. As you rut into her, you lean down and bite her shoulder hard, marking her as your property. The kitchen is filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and Mia's broken cries.
As your pace increases, reaching a frenzied tempo, you growl out your plans for her future. She'll be kept as your personal breeding stock, a vessel for your virus-enhanced seed. The family ties that once bound you mean nothing now - she is simply a means to satisfy your endless, virus-driven lust. With a final, brutal thrust, you empty yourself deep inside her, the first load of many to come in her new life as your slave.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Elfie, want to help me set up this old gaming console I found?"
The living room is bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun, dust motes dancing in the light beams. Elfie is curled up in an oversized armchair, her petite form almost swallowed by the cushions. She's doodling in a worn sketchbook, her pale blonde hair falling in a curtain around her face. As you enter, her head snaps up, eyes wide with curiosity.
Elfie: [Her eyes lighting up with excitement] (A gaming console? In this apocalypse? It's like finding a unicorn!) "Oh my gosh, really? Is it a retro one? Please tell me it's a retro one! Those are the best for speedrunning!"
She bounces out of the chair, her sketchbook forgotten as she practically vibrates with enthusiasm. Her oversized sweater slips off one shoulder as she moves, revealing a glimpse of a faded gaming t-shirt underneath.
You: "It's definitely retro. I think it might even be older than you, squirt."
You pull the dusty console from your bag, along with a tangle of cords and controllers. Elfie's eyes widen even further, her hands reaching out to touch the ancient technology with reverence.
Elfie: [Gasping dramatically] (It's beautiful. Like a fossil, but way cooler.) "Oh em gee, it's a Super Nintendo! Do you know how rare these are now? It's like holding a piece of history! Quick, we need to hook it up before the power goes out again!"
She grabs the console from your hands, cradling it like a precious artifact. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and you can't help but smile as she starts examining every port and button with the intensity of an archaeologist discovering a new tomb.
You: "Whoa, slow down there, speed demon. Let's make sure it works first, okay?"
You start untangling the mess of cords while Elfie bounces on her toes, impatient to get started. The living room, usually a place of tense strategy meetings, feels lighter somehow, filled with Elfie's excited chatter.
Elfie: [Rambling excitedly] (This is so cool! It's like we're time travelers!) "Do you think it has Super Mario World? Or maybe Chrono Trigger? Oh! What if it has EarthBound? That game was way ahead of its time, you know. It dealt with themes of growing up and facing your fears, which is kind of what we're doing now, except with more zombies and less psychic powers. Although, that would be pretty cool if we had psychic powers, don't you think?"
Her words tumble out in a rush, hands gesticulating wildly as she speaks. You notice her chewed nails and the ink stains on her fingers, reminders of her constant doodling and nervous habits.
You: "Breathe, Elfie. Let's get it hooked up and see what games we've got, okay?"
You start connecting cables to the old TV, grateful that it's compatible with the ancient technology. Elfie hovers nearby, alternating between offering advice and theorizing about what games might be inside.
Elfie: [Watching intently, her foot tapping an impatient rhythm] (Come on, come on, work already!) "You know, in speedrunning, every second counts. There are tricks to setting up consoles faster. Like, if you blow on the cartridge... wait, no, that's actually bad for it. Did you know that? It can corrode the contacts. Gaming urban legends are wild, right? It's like our own little folklore."
She's practically vibrating with anticipation, her eyes darting between your hands and the blank TV screen. You notice her fingers twitching, as if she's already imagining holding the controller.
You: "Alright, moment of truth. Let's see if this old thing still works."
You press the power button, holding your breath. For a moment, nothing happens, and you see Elfie's face fall. Then, suddenly, the screen flickers to life, filled with vibrant colors and cheerful 16-bit music.
Elfie: [Squealing with delight] (It's alive! It's aliiiive!) "It works! Oh my gosh, it actually works! This is amazing! It's like... it's like finding water in the desert, or a friendly NPC in a survival horror game. Quick, what games do we have? Please tell me we have something good!"
She's practically bouncing off the walls now, her earlier lethargy completely forgotten. Her enthusiasm is so pure, so untainted by the harshness of your new reality, that for a moment, you feel a pang of protectiveness. You want to preserve this innocence, this ability to find joy in small things.
You: "Let's see... looks like we've got Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, and... Final Fantasy III?"
You hold up the cartridges, and Elfie's eyes go wide. She snatches them from your hands, examining each one as if they're priceless treasures.
Elfie: [Her voice filled with awe] (It's like Christmas, but better because Santa never brought me retro games.) "Oh. My. Glob. These are classics! Absolute classics! Do you know how many speedrunning records have been set on Super Mario World? And Donkey Kong Country's soundtrack is legendary. And Final Fantasy III - wait, that's actually Final Fantasy VI, did you know that? They changed the numbering for the US release. It's got one of the best villains in gaming history!"
She's talking a mile a minute, her words tumbling over each other in her excitement. You notice her cheeks are flushed, her eyes bright with a passion you haven't seen in months.
You: "Okay, game master, which one should we start with?"
You hold out the controller to Elfie, but she hesitates, suddenly looking uncertain. Her excitement dims a little as she glances between you and the controller.
Elfie: [Biting her lip nervously] (I want to play so bad, but... is it selfish to hog it?) "Um... don't you want to play first? I mean, you found it and set it up and everything. It's only fair, right? I can just watch. I'm good at watching. I used to watch streamers all the time, you know. I can give you tips and everything!"
Her selflessness catches you off guard. Despite her obvious excitement, she's willing to let you go first. It's a stark reminder that beneath her bubbly exterior, Elfie has grown up a lot in the past months.
You: "How about we play together? Donkey Kong Country has a two-player mode, right?"
Elfie's face lights up again at your suggestion. She nods enthusiastically, grabbing the second controller and plopping down on the floor in front of the TV.
Elfie: [Grinning from ear to ear] (Co-op mode engaged! This is gonna be epic!) "Yes! Co-op is the best! Okay, so you be Donkey Kong, and I'll be Diddy. Diddy's faster but weaker, which is perfect for speedrunning strats. Not that we're speedrunning. Unless you want to? No, nevermind, let's just enjoy it. Oh, but watch out for the barrel cannons, they can be tricky if you're not used to the timing!"
She's already leaning forward, controller gripped tightly in her hands. You notice her tongue poking out slightly in concentration as the game starts up.
You: "Alright, let's do this. But go easy on me, okay? I'm not the gaming prodigy you are."
The game begins, and Elfie immediately takes charge, guiding you through the first level with the expertise of a seasoned player. Her commentary is a mix of gaming jargon and excited squeals.
Elfie: [Alternating between focused muttering and excited outbursts] (Okay, jump there, grab that banana, watch out for - yes! Perfect!) "Did you see that? The way you bounced off that Kremling was textbook! Oh, watch out for the - no, the other way! It's okay, it's okay, we've got extra lives. Here, let me show you a secret. If you roll-jump here, you can - yes! Secret area unlocked! You're a natural!"
Her enthusiasm is contagious, and you find yourself getting more and more into the game. You can't remember the last time you saw Elfie this animated, this carefree.
You: "Wow, Elfie, you're amazing at this. Where did you learn all these tricks?"
As you clear another level, you glance over at your $[characters.list.elfie.role]. She's fully engrossed in the game, her face a picture of concentration and joy.
Elfie: [Beaming with pride] (He thinks I'm amazing! Best. Day. Ever.) "Oh, you know, lots of practice. And watching speedruns. And reading strategy guides. Did you know there's a whole community dedicated to finding glitches in these old games? It's fascinating! Like, there's this one trick in Super Mario World where you can warp to the credits by... oh, sorry, I'm rambling again, aren't I?"
She catches herself, looking a bit embarrassed. But you can see how much it means to her to share this knowledge, to have something she excels at in a world that often feels overwhelming.
You: "No, don't apologize. I love hearing you talk about this stuff. It's nice to see you so passionate about something."
Your words make Elfie pause the game, looking at you with a mix of surprise and gratitude. For a moment, the tough exterior she's been trying to maintain cracks, revealing the vulnerable $[characters.list.elfie.role] underneath.
Elfie: [Her voice soft, almost shy] (He... he really cares. He's not just humoring me.) "Really? You don't think it's silly? I mean, with everything that's happening, games seem kind of... unimportant. But they help me, you know? They remind me that there's still good stuff in the world. That we can overcome challenges and be heroes, even if it's just on a screen."
She fidgets with the controller, not meeting your eyes. You realize how much she needed this moment of normalcy, this chance to just be a kid again.
You: "It's not silly at all, Elfie. And you're right, games do remind us of the good stuff. Maybe that's exactly what we need right now."
You reach out and ruffle her hair affectionately. Elfie leans into the touch, a small smile playing on her lips.
Elfie: [Looking up at you with shining eyes] (He gets it. He really gets it.) "Thanks, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. You're the best, you know that? Even if you do kinda suck at barrel jumps."
She sticks her tongue out playfully, the somber moment passing as quickly as it came. But there's a new warmth between you, a deeper understanding. As you turn back to the game, you feel a renewed sense of purpose. You'll protect this - Elfie's innocence, her ability to find joy in small things. It's what makes her special, what makes her worth fighting for in this harsh new world.
Elfie: "Okay, ready for the next level? I bet we can beat our time if we use the shortcut I found!"
And just like that, you're back in the game, Elfie's excited chatter filling the room. For a few precious hours, the apocalypse fades away, replaced by the simple joy of a $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role] playing games together.
You: "You know, Elfie, you look really cute when you're all focused like that."
The words slip out before you can stop them, and you immediately regret it. Elfie freezes, her fingers stilling on the controller. The cheerful game music feels suddenly out of place in the awkward silence that follows.
Elfie: [Her voice small, uncertain] (Cute? What does he mean by that?) "Um... thanks? I guess? That's... that's kind of a weird thing to say, isn't it?"
She shifts uncomfortably, putting a bit more distance between you on the floor. The easy camaraderie of moments ago has evaporated, replaced by a tension you don't quite understand.
You: "I didn't mean... I just meant you look happy. That's all."
You try to backpedal, but the damage is done. Elfie's eyes dart around the room, looking anywhere but at you. She sets the controller down, wrapping her arms around herself protectively.
Elfie: [Her voice wavering] (This feels wrong. Why does this feel wrong?) "I think... I think maybe we should stop playing for now. I just remembered I have some... stuff to do. For $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Yeah."
She stands up abruptly, nearly tripping over the controller cord in her haste to get away. As she hurries out of the room, you're left alone with the cheerful game music, feeling like you've just made a terrible mistake. The innocent joy of your gaming session has been tainted, and you're not sure how to fix it.
You: "Man, I forgot how boring these old games can be. How can you stand playing this stuff?"
Your words come out harsher than you intended, born of frustration at your own lack of skill. But the effect on Elfie is immediate and devastating. Her hands freeze on the controller, her avatar falling off a platform with a sad little digital cry.
Elfie: [Her voice small, hurt evident in every word] (Boring? But... but I thought we were having fun.) "Oh. I... I didn't realize you weren't enjoying it. We can stop if you want. I just thought... nevermind. It's stupid."
She sets the controller down gently, as if it might shatter. The excitement that had been radiating from her all afternoon dims, replaced by a familiar withdrawn look.
You: "No, Elfie, I didn't mean... Look, let's just do something else, okay?"
But it's too late. Elfie is already standing up, her shoulders hunched, making herself as small as possible. She won't meet your eyes as she starts to leave the room.
Elfie: [Her voice barely above a whisper] (I should have known better. Nothing good ever lasts.) "It's fine. You're right, it's just a dumb game. I'll... I'll go help $[characters.list.cherie.role] with something. Thanks for trying, I guess."
As she disappears down the hallway, you're left alone with the cheerful game music, a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere. You've unintentionally crushed Elfie's moment of joy, and you're not sure how to make it right. The game continues to play, oblivious to the emotional damage done, as you sit in regretful silence.
You: "Elfie, I feel... strange. Is it hot in here?"
A sudden wave of dizziness washes over you. The room seems to spin, the pixelated graphics on the screen blurring into a kaleidoscope of colors. You feel a rush of heat through your body, your skin suddenly hypersensitive. Without thinking, you tug at your collar, trying to get some air.
Elfie: [Her voice distant, confused] (What's happening? Everything feels... weird.) "I... I don't know. I feel funny too. Like when you're about to level up in an RPG, but... more intense. Should we get $[characters.list.cherie.role]?"
She sets down her controller, her movements sluggish. You notice a flush creeping up her neck, her pupils dilating. The cheerful game music takes on a distorted, almost sinister quality. Just as the situation threatens to escalate, you both snap out of it, the moment passing as quickly as it came. You're left shaken, acutely aware of how close you came to losing control.
You: "Elfie, you... you look really pretty today."
Before you can stop yourself, your hand reaches out, grabbing Elfie's small, delicate wrist. She freezes, eyes wide with confusion and the first hints of fear. The game controller falls from her hand, clattering to the floor.
Elfie: [Her voice trembling] (What's happening? This isn't right.) "W-what are you doing? Let go, you're hurting me!"
She tries to pull away, but your grip tightens. The cheerful game music continues in the background, a surreal counterpoint to the sudden tension in the room. Elfie's eyes dart around, looking for an escape route.
You: "I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me. Elfie, please..."
Your grip loosens, but before Elfie can retreat, your other hand reaches out, brushing against her chest. It's a brief touch, but the damage is done. Elfie recoils as if burned, scrambling backwards until her back hits the wall.
Elfie: [Her voice a mix of fear and disbelief] (This can't be happening. Not him. Please, not him.) "Don't touch me! Stay away! $[characters.list.cherie.role]! LANA! HELP!"
She bolts from the room, her screams echoing through the shelter. You're left alone, the game's cheerful music a mocking reminder of the innocent moment you've shattered. The realization of what you've done crashes over you, leaving you sick with guilt and self-loathing.
You: "Elfie... something's wrong. I can't... control..."
A red haze descends over your vision, your mind clouded by an uncontrollable, primal urge. Your body moves of its own accord, lunging towards Elfie with inhuman speed. She barely has time to react before you've pinned her against the wall, your strength suddenly, terrifyingly enhanced.
Elfie: [Her voice high with terror] (This isn't real. It's a nightmare. Wake up, wake up!) "No! Stop it! You're scaring me! This isn't funny anymore!"
She struggles against your grip, her small frame no match for your enhanced strength. Tears start to form in her eyes as she realizes the gravity of the situation. The cheerful game music continues in the background, a twisted soundtrack to the horror unfolding.
You: "Can't stop... need you... Elfie..."
Your hands tear at Elfie's clothes, ripping her oversized sweater. She's left in just her t-shirt, trembling with fear and confusion. Your mouth descends on her neck, biting hard enough to leave marks. Elfie's struggles intensify, her small fists beating against your chest.
Elfie: [Sobbing, her voice breaking] (This isn't my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. It can't be. Please, someone help me!) "Stop! You're hurting me! This isn't you! Please, come back to me! $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you continue your assault. One hand pins both of hers above her head while the other roams her body roughly. Elfie's tears flow freely now, her body shaking with sobs as she realizes her $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] is gone, replaced by something monstrous.
You: "Mine... all mine..."
With Elfie pinned against the wall, you easily overpower her remaining resistance. You drag her to the floor, your enhanced strength making her attempts to fight back futile. With one hand, you pin both of her wrists above her head, while the other tears at her remaining clothes.
Elfie: [Her voice a broken whisper] (This can't be happening. It's just a bad dream. Please let me wake up.) "No... please... I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Don't do this. You promised to protect me, remember?"
Her words have no effect on your virus-addled mind. You position yourself between her legs, your intentions clear. Elfie's eyes widen in terror as she realizes what's about to happen. She renews her struggles, but it's no use against your inhuman strength.
You: "Feel so good... more..."
Lost in a haze of uncontrollable lust, you violate Elfie brutally. Her screams of pain are drowned out by the cheerful game music still playing in the background, creating a nightmarish contrast. Tears stream down her face as she endures the unthinkable.
Elfie: [Her voice barely audible, broken by sobs] (Make it stop. Please, make it stop. This isn't my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] anymore.) "Why... why are you doing this? I thought you loved me..."
As you reach your climax, the fog finally starts to lift from your mind. The horror of what you've done crashes over you like a tidal wave. Elfie lies beneath you, broken and violated, her innocent trust in you shattered beyond repair. The cheerful game music continues to play, a cruel reminder of the joyful afternoon that turned into a nightmare.
You: "Mine forever... no escape..."
The madness pushes you beyond mere assault into something even darker. With strength you shouldn't possess, you drag Elfie's struggling form towards the shelter's makeshift prison. Her small body is no match for your enhanced strength, her attempts to break free as futile as a butterfly fighting a hurricane.
Elfie: [Screaming, her voice raw with terror] (This isn't real. It can't be real. Someone save me!) "No! Let me go! Please, I'll do anything! Don't put me in there! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you force her into the cold, dark room that will become her prison. The game console, knocked over in the struggle, continues to play its cheerful music in the distance, a twisted counterpoint to Elfie's screams. With brutal efficiency, you chain her to the wall, her small wrists and ankles secured with cruel metal restraints that dwarf her delicate frame.
You: "Stay here... forever mine..."
With Elfie secured, your frenzied mind focuses on claiming your prize. You tear off the remaining scraps of her clothing, leaving her small, trembling form exposed in the cold room. Your hands roam her body possessively, ignoring her sobs and pleas for mercy.
Elfie: [Her voice a broken whisper, eyes wide with terror and disbelief] (This is a nightmare. It has to be. My $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] would never... he promised to protect me...) "Please... if you're still in there somewhere... let me go. This isn't you. We can fix this... please..."
Her pleas turn to screams as you force yourself on her again, your movements rough and animalistic. The cold chains rattle with each brutal thrust, a counterpoint to Elfie's cries of pain and the distant, distorted game music. When you finally finish, you step back to survey your handiwork. Elfie hangs limply in her chains, her small body covered in bruises and worse. Her eyes, once bright with innocence and joy, are now empty and shell-shocked.
You: "Mine now. Forever."
As you turn to leave, locking the door behind you, the reality of Elfie's new existence as your prisoner settles over her like a suffocating blanket. The last thing you hear as you walk away is her quiet, broken sobbing, a sound that will haunt whatever is left of your true self for years to come. The innocent joy of your gaming session feels like a distant memory, shattered beyond repair by the monster you've become.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Elfie, I thought I'd come help out in the workshop. What are you working on?"
The workshop buzzes with the quiet hum of machinery and the occasional spark from welding equipment. Sunlight filters through the dusty windows, illuminating motes of dust dancing in the air. You spot Elfie hunched over a workbench, her pale blonde hair catching the light like a halo.
Elfie: [Looking up, her eyes bright with excitement] (Oh, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] wants to help! This is just like in my favorite crafting games!) "Oh, hi! I'm so glad you're here! I'm trying to upgrade our water purification system, but I could really use an extra pair of hands."
She gestures enthusiastically to the array of parts spread out before her, a mix of scavenged technology and makeshift components. Her cheeks are smudged with grease, giving her an endearingly disheveled appearance.
You: [Approaching the workbench] "Sounds important. What do you need me to do?"
You lean in to examine the project, your shoulder brushing against Elfie's. The contact sends an unexpected tingle through you, but you quickly push the sensation aside, focusing on the task at hand.
Elfie: [Beaming] (This is so exciting! It's like we're a team of post-apocalyptic engineers!) "Okay, so imagine this is like building a super complex Minecraft contraption. We need to connect these filters here," she points to a series of cylindrical objects, "to this pump system. But it's really fiddly work, and I could use your steady hands."
Her enthusiasm is infectious, and you find yourself smiling despite the gravity of your situation. Elfie's ability to find joy in these tasks is a rare bright spot in your new reality.
You: "Alright, I think I can handle that. Just tell me where to start."
You roll up your sleeves, ready to dive into the work. As you do, you notice Elfie watching you with a mix of admiration and something else you can't quite place. The workshop suddenly feels a bit warmer.
Elfie: [Handing you a small wrench] (Wow, he looks so capable now. Like a real hero from one of my games.) "Here, use this to connect the intake valve. Be careful though, it's a bit tricky. I'll hold it steady for you."
She leans in close, her small hands gripping the filter. You can smell the faint scent of her shampoo, a surprisingly normal detail in your abnormal world. As you work, you're acutely aware of her presence, her breath soft against your arm.
You: [Concentrating on the delicate work] "Like this? It's tighter than I expected."
Your fingers brush against Elfie's as you maneuver the wrench. The brief contact sends another unexpected jolt through you, and you fumble slightly, nearly dropping the tool.
Elfie: [Giggling] (He's so cute when he's focused. Just like when we used to play co-op games together.) "Careful, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! We don't want to break anything. Here, let me show you a trick I learned."
She places her hand over yours, guiding your movements. The innocent touch lingers perhaps a moment longer than necessary, and you find yourself hyper-aware of the softness of her skin against yours.
You: [Clearing your throat] "Thanks, Elfie. You're really good at this stuff. Where did you learn all this?"
You try to focus on the task, but the closeness of your $[characters.list.elfie.role] is becoming increasingly distracting. You can't help but notice how she's changed since the outbreak, her features maturing in subtle ways.
Elfie: [Blushing slightly at the compliment] (He noticed! Maybe he doesn't think I'm just a kid anymore.) "Oh, you know, lots of YouTube tutorials before... everything. And I guess all those hours of crafting games finally paid off, huh? It's kind of like we're living in one big survival game now."
Her voice takes on a wistful tone as she mentions the past. For a moment, the reality of your situation hangs heavy in the air between you.
You: "Yeah, I guess it is. But hey, at least we're facing this 'game' together, right?"
You offer a reassuring smile, trying to lighten the mood. Elfie's eyes meet yours, and for a moment, there's a spark of something more than just sibling affection. You quickly look away, unsure of what to make of the moment.
Elfie: [Nodding enthusiastically] (Together... I like the sound of that.) "Absolutely! We make a great team. Like, remember in Stardew Valley when we'd work on the farm together? This is just like that, but with higher stakes and... well, real consequences."
She laughs, but there's a nervous edge to it. Her hand brushes against yours again as she reaches for another tool, and you both freeze for a split second at the contact.
You: [Swallowing hard] "Right, higher stakes. We should probably focus on getting this finished. What's next?"
You try to steer the conversation back to the task at hand, but you can't shake the growing awareness of Elfie as more than just your $[characters.list.elfie.role]. The virus's effects on your body seem to be heightening every sensation.
Elfie: [Biting her lip] (Is it getting hot in here? Focus, Elfie!) "Um, right. Next, we need to calibrate the flow rate. Can you hold this gauge steady while I adjust the valve? It requires a really delicate touch."
She positions herself even closer to you, her body pressing lightly against your side as she leans over the workbench. You can feel the warmth of her through your clothes, and your heart rate quickens involuntarily.
You: [Voice slightly strained] "Sure, I've got it. Just tell me when to... release."
The choice of words makes you wince internally, but Elfie doesn't seem to notice. She's fully concentrated on the task, her tongue poking out slightly in focus. You find your eyes drawn to her lips, a thought flashing through your mind that you immediately try to suppress.
Elfie: [Adjusting the valve] (His hands are so steady. When did he get so... capable?) "Perfect, hold it just like that. We're almost there. Just a little more... Got it!"
She looks up at you triumphantly, her face flushed with excitement. In her enthusiasm, she throws her arms around you in a celebratory hug. The sudden full-body contact catches you off guard, and you stiffen slightly, torn between returning the embrace and maintaining some distance.
You: [Awkwardly patting her back] "Great job, Elfie. You really know your stuff."
You gently disengage from the hug, trying to ignore the way your body reacted to her closeness. Elfie steps back, suddenly looking a bit shy and unsure.
Elfie: [Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear] (Did I make him uncomfortable? But it felt so nice to be close to him...) "Thanks, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I couldn't have done it without you, though. We make a great team, don't we?"
There's a hopeful note in her voice, and you realize she's seeking more than just praise for her technical skills. The air between you feels charged with unspoken emotions and confusing new sensations.
You: [Nodding, trying to keep things light] "We sure do. So, is that it? Did we fix the water system?"
You turn back to the workbench, needing a moment to compose yourself. The simple task has somehow become fraught with tension, and you're not sure how to navigate this new dynamic with your $[characters.list.elfie.role].
Elfie: [Fidgeting with a nearby tool] (Why do I feel so nervous around him now? It's just my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]...) "Almost. We just need to run a test cycle. Um, could you press that button over there? I'll monitor the readouts from here."
She moves to the other side of the workbench, creating some much-needed space between you. As you reach for the button, you catch her watching you, her gaze quickly darting away when you notice.
You: [Pressing the button] "Elfie, I... I just want you to know how proud I am of you. You've really stepped up since all this happened."
The machine whirs to life, but your focus is on your $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You realize that despite the confusing new feelings, your bond as siblings is stronger than ever.
Elfie: [Eyes shining with emotion] (He's proud of me? Really?) "You mean that? I... I've been trying so hard to be useful. To not be a burden. I was worried you all still saw me as just a kid."
Her vulnerability in this moment touches you deeply. You see not just your $[characters.list.elfie.role], but a young woman coming into her own in the face of unimaginable challenges.
You: [Smiling warmly] "Of course I mean it. You're amazing, Elfie. We couldn't do this without you. And you're definitely not a kid anymore."
The words hang in the air, carrying more weight than you intended. Elfie looks at you, a mix of gratitude and something deeper in her eyes.
Elfie: [Impulsively hugging you again] "Thank you, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. That means everything to me. I... I'm so glad we have each other."
This time, you return the hug without hesitation, pushing aside any confusing feelings. Right now, you're just siblings supporting each other in a world gone mad. As you hold each other, the water system hums smoothly in the background, a small victory in your ongoing struggle for survival.
You: [Voice slightly husky] "Elfie, I... is it hot in here? Maybe we should take a break."
The room suddenly feels stifling, your body hyper-aware of Elfie's presence. You tug at your collar, trying to get some air.
Elfie: [Flushed and flustered] (Why is he looking at me like that? And why do I like it?) "Y-yeah, it is kind of warm. Must be all the machinery. Maybe we should open a window?"
She moves towards the window, her movements slightly jerky and uncertain. As she stretches to reach the latch, her shirt rides up, revealing a sliver of pale skin. Your eyes are drawn to it, and you quickly look away, feeling a mix of guilt and arousal.
You: [Swallowing hard] "Good idea. Let me help you with that."
You move to assist her, your body pressing against hers as you reach for the window. The contact sends a jolt of electricity through you both, and you freeze, caught in a moment of unexpected intimacy.
Elfie: [Breathing quickening] (This feels... different. Wrong, but... exciting?) "T-thanks, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I... we should probably get back to work, right?"
She turns to face you, your bodies still close. For a moment, neither of you move, the air thick with tension and unspoken desires. Then, as if snapping out of a trance, you both step back, the spell broken but not forgotten.
You: [Fumbling with the button] "Oops, I think I pressed the wrong... Elfie, look out!"
In your distracted state, you accidentally activate the wrong sequence. A jet of water suddenly sprays from a loose connection, drenching you both.
Elfie: [Squealing in surprise] "Eek! Cold! Turn it off, turn it off!"
She rushes to the main valve, slipping on the wet floor. You reach out to steady her, but in your haste, you both end up tumbling to the ground in a tangle of limbs.
You: [Groaning] "Ow... Elfie, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened."
You try to disentangle yourself, but the wet floor makes it difficult. Your hands slip, accidentally brushing against Elfie in ways that make you both freeze.
Elfie: [Blushing furiously] "I'm... I'm fine. Just a little wet. Maybe we should call it a day? I think we've done enough damage for now."
She scrambles to her feet, putting some distance between you. The easy camaraderie of earlier has evaporated, replaced by an awkward tension. You both avoid eye contact as you clean up the mess, the silence heavy with unspoken embarrassment.
You: [Suddenly feeling flushed] "Elfie, I... I feel strange. Is the room spinning?"
A wave of heat washes over you, your skin prickling with sudden sensitivity. Your vision blurs slightly, and you stumble, knocking over a tray of tools with a loud clatter.
Elfie: [Alarmed] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What's wrong? You look... Oh no, is it the virus?"
She rushes to your side, her small hands steadying you. The moment she touches you, it's like an electric current passes between you. Elfie gasps, her eyes widening as she feels the effects too.
"I... I feel it too. What's happening to us?" she whispers, her body trembling against yours.
The workshop fades away as the virus takes hold, leaving you both locked in a moment of forbidden tension, teetering on the edge of something that can't be undone.
You: [Eyes glazing over] "Elfie... I can't... I need to..."
Without warning, your hands reach out, grasping Elfie's small breasts through her shirt. The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on impulses you've been suppressing.
Elfie: [Gasping in shock] "W-what are you doing? Stop! This isn't right!"
She tries to push your hands away, her eyes wide with fear and confusion. But your grip tightens, fingers kneading the soft flesh beneath her clothes. Elfie's resistance only seems to fuel the virus-induced frenzy.
You: [Growling] "Can't stop... Need this..."
Your assault continues, one hand sliding under Elfie's shirt to directly caress her bare skin. She whimpers, torn between fear and unwanted arousal as the virus begins to affect her too.
Elfie: [Voice trembling] "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... This isn't you. Fight it!"
Tears stream down her face as she makes one last attempt to break free. The sound of ripping fabric fills the air as you tear at her clothes, lost in a haze of viral lust. Suddenly, a loud crash snaps you both back to reality - a shelf has collapsed, scattering tools across the floor.
Elfie seizes the moment of distraction to wrench herself away, stumbling towards the workshop door. "Stay away from me!" she cries, her voice breaking as she flees, leaving you alone with the horrifying realization of what you've done.
You: [Eyes wild with viral madness] "Elfie... need you... now..."
The virus takes full control, clouding your mind with an overwhelming need. You lunge at Elfie, grabbing her arms with bruising force. She cries out in pain and shock, her small frame no match for your virus-enhanced strength.
Elfie: [Terrified] "No! Stop! You're hurting me! This isn't you, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]!"
She struggles against your grip, her eyes wide with fear. But her resistance only seems to fuel your frenzy. You pin her against the workbench, your body pressing against hers as you tear at her clothes.
You: [Growling inhumanly] "Mine... take... now..."
Your actions become more violent, fueled by viral madness. Elfie's clothes give way under your assault, exposing her pale skin. She continues to fight, scratching and hitting you, but it's like she's battling a force of nature.
Elfie: [Sobbing] "Please, don't do this! I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role]! Wake up!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you position yourself between her legs. The scene is set for a brutal violation, with Elfie's innocence about to be shattered by her own $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]'s virus-driven assault.
You: [Snarling] "Can't... stop..."
With a savage thrust, you enter Elfie, tearing through her innocence. Her scream of pain echoes through the workshop, a sound that would haunt you if you were in your right mind. But the virus has taken over completely, driving you to rut like an animal.
Elfie: [Crying out in agony] "It hurts! Please stop! You're killing me!"
Her small body shudders beneath you, wracked with pain and unwanted sensations. Blood mingles with other fluids, a testament to the brutality of the act. But you're beyond reason, beyond mercy, pounding into her with virus-enhanced stamina.
You: [Grunting with each thrust] "More... need more..."
The assault continues relentlessly. Elfie's cries have weakened to whimpers, her body limp beneath you. The virus has begun to affect her too, her pain mixing with confused pleasure as her body betrays her.
Elfie: [Voice barely a whisper] "Why... how could you..."
As you reach your climax, you bite down hard on Elfie's shoulder, marking her. Your virus-laden seed floods her womb, sealing the violation. As the haze begins to clear, the full horror of what you've done crashes over you. Elfie lies beneath you, broken and defiled, her innocence shattered by your own hands.
You: [Eyes gleaming with madness] "You're mine now, Elfie. Forever."
Having overpowered your $[characters.list.elfie.role], you begin to bind her hands with cables from the workshop. Elfie struggles weakly, her strength spent from the brutal assault. Tears stream down her face as the reality of her situation sinks in.
Elfie: [Voice hoarse from screaming] "Please... don't do this. I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role]... your little Elfie..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you hoist her over your shoulder. Your mind is focused on one thing only - claiming her as your property. You make your way out of the workshop, heading towards the shelter with your captive $[characters.list.elfie.role].
You: [Throwing Elfie into the makeshift cell] "Welcome to your new home, pet."
The shelter's storage room, once filled with supplies, has become a prison. You chain Elfie to the wall, your virus-addled mind reveling in your complete dominance over her. She curls into a ball, shivering and sobbing.
Elfie: [Broken] "This isn't real... it can't be real... please, wake me up from this nightmare..."
Her words barely register as you slam the door shut, locking her in darkness. You walk away, leaving Elfie alone in her new prison, your mind already turning to how you'll use your new slave. The virus pulses through your veins, a constant reminder of the monster you've become, destroying the innocence you once swore to protect.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Elfie? Are you in here? $[characters.list.cherie.role] said you wanted to show me something in the gym."
The shelter's makeshift gym greets you with the familiar scent of metal and sweat. Dim lighting casts long shadows across the assortment of salvaged exercise equipment. As your eyes adjust, you spot a flash of pale blonde hair peeking out from behind a large punching bag.
Elfie: [Popping out with a mischievous grin] "Surprise, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I've been waiting for you. I've got the coolest idea ever, and you're going to love it!"
Her enthusiasm is infectious, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She's wearing a baggy t-shirt and shorts, her petite frame almost swallowed by the oversized clothing. Despite the grim reality outside, Elfie's presence seems to brighten the room, a reminder of the innocence you're all fighting to protect.
You: [Smiling despite yourself] "Alright, I'll bite. What's this amazing idea of yours?"
You move closer, curious about what could have your $[characters.list.elfie.role] so excited. Elfie bounces on her toes, barely containing her energy. Her pale blonde hair is tied up in a messy bun, a few strands escaping to frame her face.
Elfie: [Gesturing wildly] "Okay, so you know how in RPGs, characters have to train to level up and get stronger? Well, I thought, why can't we do that in real life? So I've designed a whole workout routine based on my favorite game, 'Apocalypse Warriors'!"
She rushes over to a whiteboard propped against the wall, covered in colorful drawings and scribbled notes. You can't help but be impressed by the amount of thought she's put into this, even if the concept seems a bit childish.
You: [Examining the board] "Wow, Elfie. You've really put a lot of work into this. But how exactly does this translate to real-world exercise?"
You lean in closer to the board, trying to make sense of the elaborate diagrams and character sketches. Elfie stands beside you, her smaller frame barely reaching your shoulder. You catch a whiff of her shampoo, a fruity scent that seems out of place in the musty gym.
Elfie: [Pointing excitedly] "See, each exercise corresponds to a skill in the game. Squats are for jumping ability, push-ups for sword skills, and so on. And the best part? We can do it together, like co-op mode!"
Her enthusiasm is palpable, and you find yourself drawn into her fantasy world. For a moment, you can almost forget the harsh reality outside, losing yourself in Elfie's imaginative escape.
You: [Chuckling] "Alright, game master. Where do we start on this epic quest of yours?"
You ruffle Elfie's hair affectionately, earning a playful swat from her. She ducks away, giggling, before assuming a serious expression that looks comically out of place on her youthful features.
Elfie: [Deepening her voice dramatically] "First, brave warrior, we must test your current stats. Drop and give me twenty push-ups, if you dare!"
She points to a mat on the floor, her attempt at a commanding presence undermined by the way her oversized shirt slips off one shoulder. You can't help but smile at her antics, grateful for this moment of normalcy in your upside-down world.
You: [Dropping to the mat] "Your challenge is accepted, oh mighty quest-giver. Prepare to be amazed by my push-up prowess!"
You begin the push-ups, your virus-enhanced physique making the task easier than it would have been before. Elfie kneels beside you, counting enthusiastically. You can't help but notice how her eyes widen slightly as she watches your muscles work, a flicker of something unreadable passing across her face.
Elfie: [Counting loudly] "Eighteen... nineteen... twenty! Wow, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], you're like a real-life superhero! Your strength stat must be off the charts!"
As you finish, she offers you a hand up. You take it, careful not to pull too hard and accidentally lift her off her feet. Her small hand feels fragile in yours, a reminder of how much she still needs protection in this dangerous new world.
You: [Catching your breath] "Thanks, Elfie. So, what's next on this training regimen of yours?"
You stretch, working out the slight burn in your muscles. Elfie consults her whiteboard, her brow furrowed in concentration. The serious expression looks almost comical on her youthful face, and you have to resist the urge to ruffle her hair again.
Elfie: [Tapping the board] "Next up is agility training! We need to improve your dodge skill. I've set up an obstacle course using whatever I could find. Think you can handle it, Mr. Superhero?"
She gestures to a haphazard arrangement of chairs, boxes, and rope strung across the gym floor. It looks more like a child's playground than a serious workout, but Elfie's proud grin makes you determined to give it your all.
You: [Eyeing the course] "Bring it on, little $[characters.list.elfie.role]. I'll have you know I was the playground champion back in school."
You approach the start of the obstacle course, sizing up the first challenge - a series of boxes you'll need to jump over. Elfie claps her hands excitedly, practically bouncing with anticipation.
Elfie: [Raising an imaginary flag] "On your mark, get set, go! And watch out for the lava floor!"
As you begin navigating the course, Elfie runs alongside, narrating your progress like a sports commentator. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and soon you find yourself fully immersed in her game, dodging imaginary fireballs and leaping over "lava pits."
You: [Panting as you finish the course] "How... how was that? Did I level up?"
You're surprised to find yourself actually out of breath. Despite its childish appearance, the course was more challenging than you expected. Elfie beams at you, her face flushed with excitement.
Elfie: [Clapping enthusiastically] "That was amazing! You totally leveled up. Your agility is now over 9000!"
She rushes over to you, throwing her arms around your waist in a tight hug. The sudden contact catches you off guard, and you stiffen slightly before relaxing into the embrace. It's been a while since you've had such innocent physical contact, and you're surprised by how comforting it feels.
You: [Patting her back awkwardly] "Thanks, Elfie. This is... actually pretty fun. What's next on the training menu?"
Elfie pulls away, her cheeks slightly pink. She tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear, suddenly looking a bit shy. You wonder if you've done something wrong, but her smile quickly returns as she consults her whiteboard again.
Elfie: [Pointing to a new section] "Now we need to work on your teamwork skills! In 'Apocalypse Warriors', you can perform combo moves with your party members. I thought we could try something similar."
She gestures to a large, heavy-looking tire in the corner of the gym. You raise an eyebrow, wondering what she has in mind.
You: "Teamwork, huh? And how exactly are we going to manage that with a tire?"
Elfie's eyes light up with excitement as she explains her plan. You listen, impressed by her creativity but also a little concerned about the practicality of her idea.
Elfie: [Demonstrating with her hands] "So, you'll lift the tire, and I'll dive through it! It'll be just like the Flaming Hoop Maneuver from level 7. Trust me, it'll be awesome!"
You hesitate, eyeing the heavy tire and then your petite $[characters.list.elfie.role]. The potential for things to go wrong seems high, but the eager look on Elfie's face makes it hard to say no.
You: [Sighing] "Alright, Elfie. But we need to be careful. I don't want you getting hurt, okay?"
You move to the tire, testing its weight. It's heavy, but manageable with your enhanced strength. Elfie bounces on her toes, barely containing her excitement.
Elfie: [Nodding solemnly] "I promise I'll be super careful, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. We're a team, right? I trust you completely."
Her words hit you harder than you expected. In this crazy, virus-ridden world, trust has become a rare and precious thing. The fact that Elfie still has such faith in you, despite everything, fills you with a fierce protectiveness.
You: [Lifting the tire] "Okay, on three. One... two... three!"
You hoist the tire up, holding it steady. Elfie takes a running start and dives through, her small form easily fitting through the opening. As she lands on the other side, she rolls and comes up beaming.
Elfie: [Jumping up and down] "We did it! We totally nailed that combo move. High five, partner!"
She holds her hand up, her face glowing with pride and joy. As you set the tire down and return her high five, you're struck by how much you needed this - this moment of pure, innocent fun with your $[characters.list.elfie.role]. In a world that's become so dark and complicated, Elfie's ability to find joy and excitement in simple things is a gift you hadn't realized how much you treasured.
Elfie: [Hugging you tightly] "Thanks for playing with me, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. You're the best quest partner ever."
As you return the hug, you silently vow to do whatever it takes to protect this innocence, to keep Elfie's light shining in the darkness of your new reality. The bond between you feels stronger than ever, a beacon of hope in the uncertain future that lies ahead.
You: [Hesitating] "I don't know, Elfie. That tire's pretty heavy. Are you sure you can handle it?"
A strange feeling washes over you as you eye the tire, then your $[characters.list.elfie.role]. The virus must be playing tricks on your mind, because for a split second, you find yourself noticing things you shouldn't - the way Elfie's shirt clings to her small frame, the flush on her cheeks from exertion.
Elfie: [Pouting] "Come on, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I'm tougher than I look. Don't you trust me?"
She steps closer, looking up at you with wide, pleading eyes. The scent of her shampoo wafts over you again, and you feel a sudden, inappropriate tightening in your chest. You shake your head, trying to clear these confusing thoughts.
You: [Voice strained] "Of course I trust you. It's just... maybe we should call it a day. I'm feeling a bit... off."
You step back, putting some distance between you and Elfie. She looks hurt and confused by your sudden change in mood. The guilt you feel only adds to the turmoil of emotions swirling inside you.
Elfie: [Disappointment clear in her voice] "Oh... okay. Did I do something wrong? Are you not having fun anymore?"
Her lower lip trembles slightly, and you feel like the worst person in the world. You want to comfort her, to explain, but you can't find the words. How can you tell her that the virus is making you see her in ways a $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] never should?
You: [Forcing a smile] "No, no, you didn't do anything wrong. I just... I need some air. We'll continue this another time, okay?"
As you hurry out of the gym, you catch a glimpse of Elfie's crestfallen expression. The image burns itself into your mind, along with the shame and confusion you feel. You silently vow to get these feelings under control, to be the $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] Elfie deserves, no matter what the virus tries to make you feel.
You: [Frowning] "Elfie, this is ridiculous. We're not in a video game. Don't you think it's time to grow up a little?"
The words come out harsher than you intended, and you immediately regret them as you see the hurt flash across Elfie's face. The excited sparkle in her eyes dims, replaced by confusion and pain.
Elfie: [Voice small] "I... I just thought it would be fun. Like old times, you know? Before everything went crazy."
She hugs herself, suddenly looking very young and vulnerable. The contrast between her childish game and the harsh reality of your situation hits you hard, making you feel frustrated and guilty all at once.
You: [Sighing] "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. It's just... we can't pretend everything's okay. We need to focus on surviving, not playing games."
You run a hand through your hair, feeling the weight of your responsibilities bearing down on you. Elfie's lower lip trembles, and you can see she's fighting back tears.
Elfie: [Voice wavering] "I know it's not a game. I'm not stupid. I just... I just wanted us to have fun together again. Like we used to."
She turns away, wiping at her eyes. You feel a pang of regret, realizing you've shattered the brief moment of normalcy she was trying to create. As she begins to dismantle her carefully planned obstacle course, you're struck by how small and fragile she looks.
Elfie: [Not looking at you] "It's fine. You're right. I'll clean this up. You can go."
As you leave the gym, the sound of Elfie's muffled sniffles follows you. You've failed to appreciate her attempt to bring some light into your dark world, and the knowledge that you've hurt her sits heavy in your chest. The innocence you should be protecting is slipping away, and you feel powerless to stop it.
You: [Suddenly dizzy] "Elfie, I feel... strange. Something's not right."
A wave of heat washes over you, your skin prickling with heightened sensitivity. The gym seems to shrink around you, Elfie's presence becoming overwhelmingly intense. You see her eyes widen with concern, but there's something else there too - a flicker of something you can't quite identify.
Elfie: [Voice trembling] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What's wrong? You look... different."
She takes a step towards you, her hand reaching out hesitantly. The innocent gesture sends a jolt through your system, and you stumble back, your enhanced body suddenly feeling foreign and dangerous.
Elfie: [Worried] "Should I get $[characters.list.cherie.role]? Or Lana? You're scaring me..."
Her voice seems to come from far away as the virus pulses through your veins. You're acutely aware of every detail - the way her chest rises and falls with quickened breaths, the flush spreading across her cheeks, the scent of her skin. Thoughts you've never had before, thoughts you should never have, begin to crowd your mind.
You: [Voice strained] "No! Don't... don't come closer. I need to... I need to go. Now."
You back away, your hands shaking as you fight against the virus's influence. Elfie's confused and hurt expression burns itself into your mind as you flee the gym, desperate to put distance between you before you do something unforgivable.
As you stumble down the hallway, you hear Elfie calling after you, her voice a mix of concern and fear. The virus continues to rage through your system, leaving you terrified of what you might do if you stay near your innocent $[characters.list.elfie.role] for even a moment longer.
You: [Eyes glazing over] "Elfie... I... I need to..."
Without warning, your hands reach out, grasping Elfie's small frame. One hand finds her barely developed chest, the other her hip. The action is sudden, driven by an impulse you don't fully understand. You feel her body stiffen under your touch, her breath catching in shock.
Elfie: [Gasping in confusion and fear] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What are you doing? Stop, you're scaring me!"
She tries to push your hands away, but your grip tightens. Your fingers press against her small chest, feeling the slight swell beneath her baggy shirt. Elfie's eyes widen in disbelief and terror as she realizes she can't break free from your virus-enhanced strength.
You: [Voice husky and unfamiliar] "So soft... Need to feel more..."
Your hands continue their assault, one slipping under Elfie's shirt to touch her bare skin. The other moves lower, roughly groping her thigh. The heat of her skin and the softness of her flesh send jolts of forbidden pleasure through your virus-enhanced nerves.
Elfie: [Voice breaking with fear and confusion] "No! Stop it! This isn't you! You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], you can't... Please, let me go!"
She struggles against you, tears forming in her eyes. The innocence in her gaze is being replaced by fear and betrayal. Suddenly, Elfie manages to wrench herself free, stumbling backward until her back hits the wall.
Elfie: [Sobbing] "Stay away from me! You're not my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! My $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] would never... never do that!"
She slides down the wall, curling into herself protectively. Her small frame shakes with sobs, her wide eyes never leaving you, filled with a mixture of fear, confusion, and heartbreak.
You: [The haze lifting, horror dawning] "Elfie, I... Oh god, what have I done?"
As the virus-induced madness recedes, the full weight of your actions crashes down on you. You've violated the trust of your $[characters.list.elfie.role], shattered her innocence in the worst possible way. Elfie continues to sob, flinching away as you take a step towards her.
Elfie: [Between sobs] "Don't come near me! I hate you! I hate you!"
Her words cut through you like a knife. You back away, your mind reeling with shame and self-loathing. As you flee the gym, Elfie's heart-wrenching sobs echo behind you, a stark reminder of the trust you've broken and the innocence you've destroyed. The virus has turned you into a monster, and you fear there's no coming back from this.
You: [Eyes clouding over with viral madness] "Elfie... need you... can't stop..."
The virus takes full control, obliterating all reason and morality. You lunge at Elfie, pinning her small frame against the gym equipment. Her petite body feels fragile under your hands, igniting a primal fire in your veins. She reacts with confusion and fear, her innocence making her slow to understand the danger.
Elfie: [Struggling, voice high with panic] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What are you doing? You're hurting me! Stop, please!"
She tries to push you away, but her strength is nothing compared to your virus-enhanced power. Your hands tear at her clothes, revealing more of her young, undeveloped body. Elfie's eyes widen in terror as she finally comprehends what's happening.
You: [Growling inhumanly] "Mine... take... breed..."
Your actions become more violent, fueled by viral frenzy. Elfie's resistance and cries only seem to excite you more, your grip tightening as you try to subdue her. The gym, once a place of innocent play, has become a nightmarish arena for this horrific assault.
Elfie: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop! You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! This is wrong! Help! Someone help me!"
She manages to break free momentarily, scrambling towards the door. But you're on her in an instant, your virus-enhanced reflexes too quick. You slam her against the wall, knocking the wind out of her. Elfie's small body trembles beneath you, her eyes wide with terror and betrayal.
You: [Pinning Elfie against the wall] "Can't... stop... need this..."
Having overpowered Elfie, you tear away the last of her clothing. Her small, undeveloped body is fully exposed, trembling with fear and cold. She tries to cover herself, sobbing uncontrollably. Your virus-enhanced member throbs painfully, demanding release.
Elfie: [Sobbing hysterically] "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Don't do this! I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role]! I'm scared! I want $[characters.list.cherie.role]!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you brutally force yourself into her, tearing through her innocence. Elfie screams in pain and shock, her small body convulsing against yours. The tight heat of her body only fuels your frenzy, and you begin to move with savage intensity.
You: [Grunting with each thrust] "Mine... all mine... perfect..."
The assault continues, your movements becoming more frenzied and violent. Elfie's resistance weakens, her body going limp as shock sets in. Tears stream down her face, her eyes vacant and staring into nothing. Her small frame shudders with each brutal thrust, completely at your mercy.
Elfie: [Whimpering weakly] "Why... why are you hurting me? I thought you loved me..."
As you reach your climax, you bite down hard on Elfie's shoulder, marking her. The act finally over, you collapse on top of her, crushing her small body beneath your weight. The viral haze slowly clears from your mind, and the horror of what you've done begins to sink in.
Elfie lies beneath you, broken and violated. Her eyes are open but unseeing, tears still flowing silently down her cheeks. The innocence you were supposed to protect has been shattered beyond repair. As the full weight of your actions crashes down on you, you realize that you've not only destroyed your $[characters.list.elfie.role] but also any shred of humanity left within yourself.
You: [Eyes wild with viral madness] "You're mine now, Elfie. My perfect little doll."
Having overpowered Elfie, you begin to bind her hands with jump ropes from the gym equipment. She struggles weakly, her small body no match for your virus-enhanced strength. Her tear-stained face is a mask of confusion and terror, unable to comprehend how her beloved $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] has turned into this monster.
Elfie: [Voice trembling, barely above a whisper] "Please... $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... why are you doing this? I thought we were playing a game..."
Ignoring her pleas, you roughly hoist her over your shoulder. Her small frame feels almost weightless to you now. Your mind is focused on one thing only - claiming her as your property. You make your way out of the gym, heading towards the shelter's makeshift prison with your captive $[characters.list.elfie.role].
You: [Throwing Elfie into the cell] "Welcome to your new home, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You're my pet now, my perfect virus experiment."
The shelter's storage room, hastily converted into a holding cell, becomes Elfie's prison. You chain her to the wall, your virus-addled mind reveling in your complete dominance over her. Her small body looks even more fragile against the cold concrete, her wide eyes filled with confusion and fear.
Elfie: [Sobbing uncontrollably] "I want to go home! I want $[characters.list.cherie.role]! Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], this isn't funny anymore!"
Her words barely register as you approach her again, viral lust rising once more. You force yourself upon her, violating her innocence in the confines of her new prison. As you rape her, Elfie's cries turn to whimpers, her spirit breaking under the weight of this betrayal.
Elfie: [Voice hollow, eyes vacant] "You said you'd always protect me... You promised..."
As you finish and step back, you see something die in Elfie's eyes. The spark of innocence, the joy that once defined her, has been extinguished. You've not just enslaved her body, but crushed her spirit. The virus pulses through your veins, a constant reminder of the monster you've become and the irreparable damage you've done to the one person who always believed in you.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Elfie, you wanted to play that new RPG campaign?"
You enter Elfie's room, immediately enveloped by the soft glow of fairy lights and the gentle hum of her gaming PC. Your $[characters.list.elfie.role] is perched on her gaming chair, her petite form dwarfed by the oversized hoodie she's wearing. As she turns to face you, her pale blonde hair catches the light, giving her an almost ethereal appearance.
Elfie: [Her eyes lighting up with excitement] (Oh wow, he actually came! And he looks so... different.) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! You made it! I thought you might be too busy with all the virus stuff. Come on, sit down! I've got everything set up."
She bounces out of her chair, her enthusiasm palpable. As she moves, you can't help but notice how her hoodie rides up, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her pale, slender thighs. You quickly avert your eyes, a mixture of shame and unexpected arousal washing over you.
You: "Wouldn't miss it for the world, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. So, what's the campaign about?"
You settle into the chair next to her, acutely aware of how close you are in the small space. Elfie leans over to grab her dice, her hair brushing against your arm. The scent of her strawberry shampoo fills your nostrils, triggering a surge of inappropriate thoughts.
Elfie: [Grinning mischievously] (He smells so good... No, focus on the game!) "It's a post-apocalyptic world where a virus has turned everyone into sex-crazed mutants. Sound familiar? I thought it'd be fun to, you know, play out our situation in a safe way."
As she explains, she unconsciously tugs at her hoodie, causing it to slip off one shoulder. You catch a glimpse of her collarbone and the top swell of her small, perky breast. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the faint outline of her nipple through the fabric, and you feel a sudden tightening in your groin.
You: "That's... quite a premise, Elfie. Are you sure that's appropriate?"
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, trying to hide your growing arousal. Elfie seems oblivious to your discomfort, her eyes shining with excitement as she sets up the game board.
Elfie: [Pouting slightly] (Why is he being such a prude? It's just a game...) "Come on, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! It's not like we're actually doing anything. It's just pretend. Plus, I thought it might help us, you know, process everything that's happening. In a fun way!"
She leans forward to move some pieces on the board, her hoodie gaping open. You catch a full view down her top, her small breasts swaying freely. She's not wearing a bra, and you can clearly see her pink nipples, pebbled in the cool air of the room. A jolt of electricity shoots straight to your groin, your enhanced member twitching to life.
You: "Right, of course. Just a game. So, uh, what are our characters?"
You try to focus on the game, but your eyes keep being drawn to Elfie's exposed skin. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every sensation. You can hear the soft sound of her breathing, see the slight flush creeping up her neck.
Elfie: [Excitedly explaining, oblivious to your struggle] (Why is it so hot in here? And why do I keep noticing how buff he's gotten?) "Well, I'm playing a cute mutant girl with tentacles for hair. And you're playing a super-strong survivor with, um, enhanced physical attributes. I even made character sheets!"
She hands you a piece of paper, her fingers brushing against yours. The brief contact sends a shiver through your body. As you look at the character sheet, your eyes widen. The drawing of your character is incredibly detailed, with bulging muscles and an impossibly large bulge in his pants. You glance at Elfie's character and feel your face heat up. Her mutant girl is practically naked, with strategically placed tentacles barely covering her intimate areas.
You: "Elfie, these drawings are... very detailed. Where did you learn to draw like this?"
Your voice comes out huskier than intended. You cross your legs, trying to hide the growing tent in your pants. Elfie's innocent enthusiasm is at odds with the erotic nature of her artwork, and the contrast is doing things to you that you know are wrong.
Elfie: [Blushing slightly] (Oh no, does he think it's weird? But why is he looking at me like that?) "Oh, you know, just practice. And maybe some online tutorials. Do you like them? I tried to make them anatomically correct. For realism, you know?"
She leans in close to point out details on the sheet, her breath warm on your neck. Her hoodie slips further, now hanging off both shoulders. You can see the gentle curve of her back, the delicate line of her spine leading down to the swell of her small, pert buttocks. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, a small wet spot forming where the tip presses against your pants.
You: "They're very... realistic. Maybe a bit too realistic, Elfie. Are you sure you're comfortable with this?"
You try to keep your voice steady, but it comes out strained. Elfie looks up at you, her big brown eyes wide with innocence. She's so close that you can count each of her pale eyelashes, see the light dusting of freckles across her nose.
Elfie: [Tilting her head curiously] (Why is he breathing so hard? And why do I feel so... tingly?) "Of course I'm comfortable, silly! It's just us. Oh, but it is getting kind of warm in here. Mind if I take off my hoodie?"
Before you can respond, Elfie stands and pulls her hoodie over her head in one fluid motion. Your jaw drops as she's left standing there in nothing but a pair of tiny boyshorts. Her small breasts are perfectly formed, topped with pink nipples that have hardened in the cool air. Her pale skin is flawless, a light blush spreading from her cheeks down to her chest. Your eyes trail down her flat stomach to the gentle swell of her pubic mound, barely concealed by her underwear.
You: "Elfie! What are you... Put your clothes back on!"
You try to look away, but your eyes are drawn back to her nearly naked form. Your enhanced vision picks up every detail - the goosebumps on her skin, the way her nipples pucker and tighten, the slight dampness forming on her boyshorts. Your cock is now fully erect, straining painfully against your pants.
Elfie: [Looking confused and a little hurt] (Why is he freaking out? It's not like he hasn't seen me naked before... but why does it feel so different now?) "What's the big deal, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? We used to take baths together when we were little. Besides, it's so hot in here. Unless... Oh! Are you feeling sick? Is it the virus?"
She steps closer, concern etched on her face. Before you can stop her, she presses her small hand to your forehead, checking for fever. The innocent touch sends a jolt of pleasure through your body. You can feel the heat radiating from her bare skin, smell the sweet scent of her arousal mingling with her strawberry shampoo.
You: "N-no, I'm fine. It's just... Elfie, you're not a little kid anymore. This isn't appropriate."
You gently push her hand away, but the damage is done. Your enhanced senses are in overdrive, picking up on every minute detail of her body. You can hear the quickening of her heartbeat, see the slight trembling of her thighs, smell the musky scent of her growing arousal.
Elfie: [Pouting, but with a glint of something new in her eyes] (Why is he looking at me like that? It's making me feel all warm and tingly...) "Don't be such a prude, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. It's just us. Here, I'll prove it's no big deal. You take off your shirt too!"
Before you can protest, Elfie grabs the hem of your shirt and starts tugging it upwards. Her small hands brush against your abs, and you inhale sharply at the contact. As your shirt comes off, Elfie's eyes widen, taking in your virus-enhanced physique. Her gaze trails over your broad shoulders, defined pecs, and chiseled abs. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips, a gesture that sends blood rushing to your already painfully hard cock.
You: "Elfie, stop. We can't... This isn't a game anymore."
Your voice comes out as a growl, deeper and more primal than you intended. Elfie takes a step back, but her eyes are locked on your body. You can see her nipples hardening further, her chest rising and falling with quick, shallow breaths.
Elfie: [Her voice breathy, a mix of confusion and arousal] (Oh wow, when did he get so... hot? No, bad Elfie! He's your $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]!) "I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It's just... you look so different now. The virus has changed you so much."
She reaches out as if to touch your chest, then seems to think better of it. Her hand hovers in the air between you, trembling slightly. You can see the internal struggle playing out on her face - the innocent $[characters.list.elfie.role] warring with new, confusing feelings of desire.
You: "It's changed both of us, Elfie. We need to be careful. We can't... we can't let it control us."
You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. But the scent of Elfie's arousal fills your nostrils, driving the virus into a frenzy. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, a large wet spot now visible on your pants where precum has soaked through.
Elfie: [Her eyes drawn to the bulge in your pants, her voice a whisper] (Is that because of... me? It's so big... I wonder what it looks like... No, stop it!) "I... I think I understand. Maybe we should stop for today. But... can I ask you something first? Just for the game, of course."
She fidgets with the waistband of her boyshorts, inadvertently drawing your attention to the damp patch forming at the crotch. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the outline of her pussy lips through the thin fabric, swollen and glistening with arousal. The sight makes your mouth water, a primal part of you urging you to taste her, to claim her.
You: "Of course, Elfie. What do you want to know? But maybe you should put your clothes back on first."
You try to keep your voice gentle, fighting against the virus-induced lust coursing through your veins. Elfie nods, reaching for her hoodie. As she pulls it on, it catches on her hardened nipples, drawing your gaze once more to her small, perky breasts.
Elfie: [Her voice soft, vulnerable] (Why do I feel so disappointed putting my clothes back on? This is so confusing...) "I just... in the game, our characters are dealing with these intense feelings because of the virus. How do they... how do we handle it? Without losing ourselves?"
She looks up at you, her big brown eyes filled with a mixture of innocence and newfound awareness. There's a tension in the air, a fragile moment balanced between familial love and something darker, more primal.
You: "That's a tough question, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. I think... I think we have to remember who we are, deep down. Family. No matter what the virus does to our bodies, we can't let it change our hearts."
You reach out, gently squeezing her shoulder. The touch sends a shiver through both of you, but you manage to keep it comforting rather than sexual. Elfie leans into your hand, a small smile playing on her lips.
Elfie: [Nodding, her eyes shining with unshed tears] (He's right. We're family. But why does part of me wish we weren't?) "Thanks, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. You always know what to say. Maybe... maybe we can play the game another time? When we're both feeling more... normal?"
As you leave Elfie's room, there's a new understanding between you. The innocence of your relationship has been tarnished, but a deeper bond has formed. You both know that the road ahead will be fraught with temptation and confusion, but for now, the trust between $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role] remains intact.
You: "Elfie, I... I don't think I can answer any more questions right now. We need to stop this."
Your voice comes out strained, thick with suppressed desire. Elfie's eyes widen as she notices the prominent bulge in your pants, a small gasp escaping her lips. The sound goes straight to your groin, your cock twitching visibly.
Elfie: [Her voice barely above a whisper, eyes locked on your erection] (Oh my god, it's so big. Is that because of me? Why do I want to touch it so badly?) "I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... to make you... Is that because of me?"
She takes a step closer, her small hand reaching out as if to touch you. You can see the rapid rise and fall of her chest, her nipples straining against the fabric of her hoodie. The scent of her arousal is overwhelming, clouding your judgment.
You: "Elfie, don't. We can't... This isn't right."
You back away, but your legs hit the edge of the bed. You sit down heavily, your erection now at eye level with Elfie. She stares at it, transfixed, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. The innocent gesture sends a jolt of pleasure through you, your cock throbbing painfully.
Elfie: [Her voice husky, filled with confusion and desire] (I shouldn't be looking. He's my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. But I can't stop... I want to see it. To touch it.) "I know it's not right. But the virus... it's making me feel things. Making me want things. Don't you feel it too, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]?"
Her hand hovers near your crotch, trembling slightly. For a moment, it seems she might reach out and touch you. The air between you is thick with tension, the scent of your mingled arousal filling the room. You can see a damp spot forming on Elfie's boyshorts, her pussy visibly swollen and glistening with need.
"We should stop," you manage to croak out, even as every fiber of your being screams to give in. "This... this never happened. Okay?"
Elfie nods, stepping back. But as you leave her room, you both know that something has fundamentally changed between you. The innocence of your sibling relationship has been shattered, replaced by a new, dangerous awareness of each other as sexual beings. The virus thrums in your veins, a constant reminder of the forbidden desires now awakened in both of you.
You: "This is wrong, Elfie. We're siblings. We can't do this."
You stand abruptly, turning away from Elfie's nearly naked form. The virus rages in your veins, demanding you give in to your desires, but you fight it with every ounce of willpower.
Elfie: [Her face falling, a mix of shame and confusion in her eyes] (What was I thinking? He must think I'm such a freak now.) "I... I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. The virus, it just... it makes everything so confusing."
She hurriedly pulls her hoodie back on, her movements jerky and uncoordinated. The easy camaraderie you once shared has evaporated, replaced by an awkward tension that fills the room.
You: "Let's just forget this ever happened. It's the virus talking, not us."
You keep your eyes averted as Elfie finishes dressing, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. When you finally look at her, you see a vulnerability in her eyes that makes your heart ache.
Elfie: [Her voice small and uncertain] (I've ruined everything. How can we ever go back to normal after this?) "Okay. I'm really sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Can we... can we still play games together sometimes? I don't want to lose you over this stupid mistake."
As you leave Elfie's room, you both know that things will never be quite the same between you. The memory of her naked body, the scent of her arousal, the heat of her skin - it all lingers, a forbidden temptation that will haunt your dreams. The virus has driven a wedge between you, turning what was once an innocent sibling bond into something far more complicated and dangerous.
You: "Elfie, something's happening. I feel... oh god..."
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock hardens painfully, tenting your pants obscenely.
Elfie: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh no, is it the virus? He looks so... different. So intense.) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Are you okay? You look... strange."
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her petite body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh," Elfie gasps, her hand flying to her chest. "I feel it too. It's like... like I'm burning up. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, poking through the thin fabric of her hoodie. A damp spot forms at the crotch of her boyshorts as her pussy floods with arousal. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return. But you stop right before the inevitable.
You: "Elfie, I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Elfie's small breasts through her hoodie. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath.
Elfie: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "W-what are you doing?! Stop it, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! This is wrong!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A soft moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "Fuck, Elfie... You feel so good. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you tear at her clothes. Her hoodie rips easily, exposing her small, perky breasts to your hungry gaze. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down to cup her pussy through her boyshorts.
Elfie: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "No! Stop it! We're $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role], this is so wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel the heat of her pussy through the thin fabric, her juices soaking through. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Elfie curls in on herself, covering her exposed breasts with her arms, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the room, leaving Elfie alone with her torn clothes and conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her nipple on your tongue - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into.
You: "Elfie... you're so fucking cute... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Elfie, pinning her small form to the bed. You can feel every curve of her body beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further.
Elfie: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What are you doing?! Get off me! You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], stop it!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild.
You: "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? That just makes it hotter. You're mine now, $[characters.list.elfie.role]..."
Your hands tear at her clothes, shredding the thin fabric of her hoodie and boyshorts. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. Elfie's small breasts are exposed, her nipples hard despite her terror.
Elfie: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], don't do this! Someone help me!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Elfie manages to scratch your face. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, a intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, Elfie. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Elfie, you slam her against the wall, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your clothed erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat seeping through the thin fabric.
Elfie: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're family... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her small breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wet, her body betraying her.
You: "Fuck, Elfie... You're so tight and wet. You want this as much as I do..."
Unable to wait any longer, you tear open your pants, freeing your engorged member. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Elfie screams in pain and shock, her small body tensing around your invading cock.
Elfie: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Elfie's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her small breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
As you finish inside her, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Elfie slumps against the wall, violated and broken, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The room reeks of sex and despair, a testament to the monstrous act you've committed against your own $[characters.list.elfie.role].
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.elfie.role] anymore, Elfie. You're my property now."
Having overpowered Elfie, you drag her struggling form towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-innocent $[characters.list.elfie.role] into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin.
Elfie: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You can't do this! I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role]! Someone will stop you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so innocent and carefree, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further.
You: "Welcome to your new home, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You'll learn to love serving your $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Elfie, running your hands over her small body as she flinches away. Her once-bright eyes are now filled with fear and despair.
Elfie: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her pale blonde hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality.
"Open wide, $[characters.list.elfie.role]," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Elfie, once your beloved $[characters.list.elfie.role], now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Elfie, $[characters.list.cherie.role] asked me to help you with dinner prep. What's on the menu?"
You enter the kitchen, immediately hit by the warm, savory aroma of something delicious simmering on the stove. Elfie stands at the counter, her back to you, humming softly as she chops vegetables. She's wearing a loose, oversized t-shirt that barely reaches mid-thigh, leaving her long, pale legs exposed. As she reaches up to grab a spice from a high shelf, the shirt rides up, giving you a tantalizing glimpse of the curve of her buttocks and the edge of her panties.
Elfie: [Turning to face you, her face lighting up with a bright smile] (Oh! $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]'s here to help! This is gonna be fun!) "Hey, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I'm making a super special stew. It's like a potion in my favorite RPG - it'll give us all kinds of buffs!"
She bounces on her toes excitedly, causing her small but perky breasts to jiggle beneath her shirt. You can't help but notice she isn't wearing a bra, her nipples visibly poking through the thin fabric. A faint blush creeps up your neck as you try to keep your eyes on her face.
You: "Sounds great, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. What do you need me to do?"
You move closer, trying to focus on the task at hand rather than the way Elfie's shirt clings to her curves. As you reach past her to grab a cutting board, your arm accidentally brushes against her breast. The contact sends a jolt of electricity through your body, your enhanced senses making even this slight touch feel intensely erotic.
Elfie: [Giggling nervously, a faint blush coloring her cheeks] (Oh gosh, did he just... No, it was an accident. But why do I feel so tingly?) "Um, could you peel these potatoes? But be careful! In my game, if you mess up peeling, you lose health points!"
She hands you a peeler, her fingers lingering on yours for a moment longer than necessary. As she turns back to the stove, she bends over to check the pot, her shirt riding up to reveal the full globes of her ass. Her panties have ridden up, nestling between her cheeks and outlining the puffy lips of her pussy. You quickly avert your eyes, feeling a rush of blood to your groin.
You: "Sure thing, Elfie. I'll try not to lose any health points."
You start peeling the potatoes, trying to distract yourself from the inappropriate thoughts swirling in your mind. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every sensation. You're acutely aware of Elfie's presence, the soft sound of her breathing, the scent of her shampoo mingling with the aroma of the stew.
Elfie: [Stirring the pot, oblivious to your inner turmoil] (I hope $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] likes my cooking. Maybe it'll give him a special buff, like in the game!) "Hey, can you taste this for me? I think it needs more... something."
She turns to you, holding out a spoon. As she does, she accidentally knocks over a glass of water on the counter. The liquid splashes across her chest, soaking her shirt and making it cling transparently to her body. Her small, perky breasts are now clearly visible, her pink nipples hard and poking through the wet fabric. Elfie gasps in surprise, her eyes wide as she looks down at herself.
You: "Oh shit, Elfie! Are you okay?"
You grab a nearby towel, instinctively moving to help her dry off. But as you approach, the sight of her wet shirt clinging to her body stops you in your tracks. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail - the goosebumps on her skin, the way her nipples have hardened into tight buds, the slight tremor in her body as she shivers from the cold water.
Elfie: [Looking up at you, her eyes wide and innocent] (Why is $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] looking at me like that? And why do I feel so... warm?) "I-I'm okay. Just a little wet. Maybe I should change?"
She starts to peel off her wet shirt, seemingly forgetting your presence for a moment. The hem rises, revealing her flat stomach, the gentle curve of her waist, the underside of her small breasts. You know you should look away, but you find yourself transfixed, your body responding traitorously to the sight of your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s near-nudity.
You: "Wait, Elfie! Maybe you should... go to your room to change."
Your voice comes out strained, your enhanced member beginning to swell in your pants. Elfie pauses, her shirt halfway up her torso, just barely covering her breasts. She looks at you, confusion and something else - curiosity? excitement? - flickering in her eyes.
Elfie: [Biting her lip, a mix of innocence and newfound awareness in her expression] (Why does $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] sound so weird? And why do I kind of... like it?) "Oh, right. But it's just us, and we used to bathe together when we were little. Remember?"
Before you can stop her, she pulls the shirt over her head in one swift motion. Her small, perky breasts bounce free, topped with pink, puffy nipples that have hardened in the cool air. A light dusting of freckles covers her chest, trailing down to her flat stomach. She stands there, half-naked, seemingly unaware of the effect she's having on you.
You: "Elfie, that was... that was different. We're older now."
You try to keep your voice steady, but your eyes betray you, roaming over your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s exposed upper body. The virus sings in your blood, demanding you act on your basest instincts. Your enhanced member is now fully erect, straining against your pants, a small wet spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
Elfie: [Noticing your gaze, a shiver running through her] (Why is $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] looking at me like that? It's making me feel all tingly...) "Oh, right. Grown-up stuff. Like in those dating sims I'm not supposed to play. But... do you think I look grown-up now?"
She strikes a pose, arching her back slightly, which pushes her small breasts forward. Her nipples seem to harden even more under your gaze. You can see a faint blush spreading across her chest, her breathing becoming slightly faster. The scent of her arousal, subtle but unmistakable to your enhanced senses, begins to fill the air.
You: "Elfie, you... you should really put something on."
Your voice comes out husky, thick with suppressed desire. You shift uncomfortably, trying to hide your obvious erection. Elfie's eyes widen as she notices the bulge in your pants, her gaze lingering there for a moment before snapping back to your face.
Elfie: [Her voice a mix of innocence and newfound curiosity] (Is that... because of me? Like in those games?) "Oh, um, okay. But first, can you help me? I think I got some of the stew on my back when I was stirring. Can you check?"
She turns around, presenting her bare back to you. Your eyes trail down her spine to the waistband of her panties, which have ridden up slightly, revealing the lower curves of her buttocks. A drop of water from her wet hair trails down her back, and you find yourself following its path, imagining how it would feel to trace that line with your tongue.
You: "I... I don't see anything, Elfie. You're clean."
You clench your fists at your sides, fighting the urge to reach out and touch her soft skin. The virus rages in your system, demanding you act on your darkest desires. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, a steady stream of precum now leaking from the tip, creating a noticeable wet spot on your pants.
Elfie: [Turning back to face you, her eyes wide with feigned innocence] (Why do I want him to touch me so badly? This is wrong, but it feels so exciting...) "Are you sure? Maybe you should check closer. In my game, you have to inspect things really carefully to find hidden treasures."
She steps closer to you, her small breasts mere inches from your chest. You can see every detail of her nipples - the slightly darker areolas, the way they pucker and tighten under your gaze. The scent of her arousal grows stronger, mixing with the lingering aroma of the stew in a heady, intoxicating blend.
You: "Elfie, we... we shouldn't be doing this. It's not right."
Your voice trembles with the effort of restraint. Elfie looks up at you, her eyes wide and filled with a mixture of confusion, excitement, and something darker - a growing awareness of the power she holds over you in this moment.
Elfie: [Her voice soft, almost a whisper] (Why does this feel so good? So forbidden? Like the best kind of game...) "What's not right, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? I'm just asking for help. Don't you want to help me?"
She reaches out, her fingers barely grazing your chest. Even through your shirt, the contact sends a jolt of electricity through your body. Your enhanced member twitches visibly in your pants, and Elfie's eyes widen as she notices the movement.
You: "Elfie, please... you need to get dressed. This is... this is dangerous."
You take a step back, your breath coming in short gasps. The virus is screaming in your veins, demanding you take what's being offered. Elfie's eyes are locked on the bulge in your pants, her small pink tongue darting out to wet her lips.
Elfie: [Her voice husky, a new awareness in her eyes] (Is this what it feels like in those adult games? So hot, so... naughty?) "Dangerous? Like a boss battle? But I've leveled up, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Maybe I'm ready for more advanced quests now."
She hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, slowly starting to pull them down. The fabric catches on her pussy lips for a moment before sliding free, revealing a neatly trimmed strip of pale blonde hair above her mound. You catch a glimpse of her pink, glistening folds before you force yourself to look away, your entire body trembling with the effort of restraint.
You: "Elfie, stop. We can't do this. You're my $[characters.list.elfie.role], and I love you, but not... not like that."
With tremendous effort, you turn away from Elfie's naked form. Your body screams in protest, the virus demanding you take what's being offered, but you fight it with every ounce of willpower you possess.
Elfie: [Her voice small, a mix of disappointment and relief] (Oh... I guess this isn't like the games after all. But maybe that's okay?) "I... I'm sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I don't know what came over me. The virus, it just... it makes me feel so strange sometimes."
She quickly grabs her discarded shirt, holding it against her chest to cover herself. The innocence returns to her eyes, mixed with a newfound understanding of the dangerous game she was playing.
You: "It's okay, Elfie. The virus affects us all. But we're family, and that's more important than anything else."
You manage a weak smile, still not looking directly at her. Elfie nods, slipping the wet shirt back on. The fabric clings to her skin, outlining her small breasts and hardened nipples, but the charged atmosphere has dissipated.
Elfie: [Smiling tentatively] (Maybe this is the true win condition - resisting the bad ending.) "Thanks for being the best $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], even when things get weird. Can we... can we just finish making dinner and pretend this never happened?"
As you both turn back to the abandoned meal prep, there's a new understanding between you. The temptation hasn't disappeared, but your bond as siblings has proven stronger. Elfie bumps her shoulder against yours playfully, a gesture of affection untainted by the earlier tension. The virus still hums in your veins, but for now, you've won an important battle against its influence.
You: "Elfie, I... I can't hold back anymore. This is wrong, but I want you so badly."
Your voice comes out as a growl, thick with suppressed desire. Elfie's eyes widen, a mix of fear and excitement flashing across her face. She takes a small step back, her bare ass pressing against the kitchen counter.
Elfie: [Her voice trembling, caught between arousal and uncertainty] (Is this really happening? Like in those forbidden games? It's scary, but... exciting.) "B-$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What do you mean? What are you going to do?"
Her small breasts heave with each rapid breath, nipples hard and pointing directly at you. A drop of her arousal trickles down her inner thigh, glistening in the kitchen light. The scent of her excitement fills the air, driving you wild with need.
You: "I'm going to show you what happens in those adult games you're not supposed to play."
You take a step towards her, your eyes dark with lust. Elfie whimpers softly, but doesn't move away. Her eyes are locked on the prominent bulge in your pants, a mixture of fear and curiosity in her gaze.
Elfie: [Breathless, her body trembling] (This is wrong, but why do I want it so badly? Is this what it feels like to level up in real life?) "I... I don't know if I'm ready for this quest, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. But... but I trust you."
She reaches out hesitantly, her small hand hovering just above the bulge in your pants. The heat of her palm radiates through the fabric, making your enhanced member twitch with anticipation. Just as her fingers are about to make contact, a noise from outside the kitchen startles you both.
Elfie quickly grabs her shirt, covering herself as footsteps approach. You step back, trying to calm your racing heart and hide your obvious arousal. As your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s voice calls out, asking about dinner, you and Elfie share a look of mingled relief and frustration. The moment has passed, but the tension remains, a dangerous undercurrent in your relationship that threatens to surface again at any moment.
You: "Elfie, this is... this is too much. I can't handle this. We need to stop."
You abruptly turn away, your face burning with shame and unfulfilled desire. The virus rages in your system, demanding you take action, but you fight it with every ounce of willpower.
Elfie: [Her voice small and confused] (Did I do something wrong? Was this not how the game is supposed to go?) "I... I'm sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I thought... I don't know what I thought."
She quickly grabs her discarded shirt, holding it against her chest to cover herself. The playful, curious atmosphere has evaporated, replaced by an awkward tension that fills the kitchen.
You: "It's not your fault, Elfie. It's this damn virus. We should... we should just forget this ever happened."
You keep your back turned as Elfie dresses, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. When you finally look at her, you see a vulnerability in her eyes that makes your heart ache.
Elfie: [Fully dressed now, her voice uncertain] (Is this a game over? Did I mess everything up?) "Okay, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Can we... can we still make dinner together? I don't want things to be weird between us."
As you both turn back to the abandoned meal prep, there's a palpable sense of something lost. The easy sibling relationship you once shared seems suddenly out of reach, replaced by a new, uncomfortable awareness. The virus has driven a wedge between you, turning what was once an innocent bond into something far more complicated and dangerous.
You: "Elfie, something's wrong. I feel... I feel like I'm burning up."
Suddenly, an intense wave of heat washes over you. Your vision blurs, every nerve in your body hypersensitive to Elfie's proximity. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, visibly twitching in your pants.
Elfie: [Gasping as she notices your distress] (Oh no, is this a virus event? Like a sudden boss battle we're not prepared for?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? What's happening? You look... different."
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her naked body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh gosh," Elfie whimpers, her small hand flying to her breast. "I feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. Is this what happens in those adult games?"
Her nipples harden visibly, pebbling into tight buds. A trickle of arousal runs down her inner thigh as her pussy floods with wetness. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return.
"We need to cool down," you manage to gasp, even as your body screams for contact. "This isn't... this isn't right."
Elfie nods, her eyes wide and filled with a mixture of fear and excitement. As you both struggle to regain control, the realization of how close you came to crossing an unforgivable line hangs heavy in the air. The virus has awakened something primal between you, a forbidden desire that can't be easily ignored or forgotten.
You: "Elfie, I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly cupping Elfie's small breasts. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each startled breath.
Elfie: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! What are you doing?! This isn't part of the game!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A soft moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "Fuck, Elfie... You feel so good. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you spin Elfie around, pressing her against the kitchen counter. One hand remains on her breast, kneading the soft flesh, while the other slides down her flat stomach, fingers dipping between her legs.
Elfie: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're siblings, this is wrong! Oh gosh... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel the heat of her pussy against your fingers, her juices coating your digits as you explore her most intimate area. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Elfie slumps against the counter, her legs shaking, her eyes wide with shock and confusion.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the kitchen, leaving Elfie alone with her conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the heat of her core against your fingers - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into.
You: "Elfie... you're so fucking cute... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Elfie, pinning her against the kitchen counter. You can feel every curve of her small body beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further.
Elfie: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What are you doing?! Let go of me! This isn't a game anymore, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]!"
She thrashes against you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild.
You: "This is better than any game, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You're mine now..."
Your hands roam roughly over Elfie's naked body, squeezing her small breasts and trailing down to her virgin pussy. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out.
Elfie: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! This is wrong! Someone help me!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Elfie manages to knee you in the groin. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to slip from your grasp. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, Elfie. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Elfie, you slam her against the kitchen table, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your clothed erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat seeping through the thin fabric.
Elfie: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're family... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her small breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wet, her body betraying her.
You: "Fuck, Elfie... You're so tight. You were made for this, $[characters.list.elfie.role]..."
Unable to wait any longer, you tear open your pants, freeing your engorged member. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her virgin pussy, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Elfie screams in pain and shock, her small body tensing around your invading cock.
Elfie: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? You were supposed to protect me..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Elfie's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her small breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Elfie lies broken on the kitchen table, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The kitchen, once a place of innocent sibling bonding, is now tainted by the monstrous act you've committed.
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.elfie.role] anymore, Elfie. You're my property now."
Having overpowered Elfie, you drag her struggling form towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-innocent $[characters.list.elfie.role] into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin.
Elfie: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "This isn't a game anymore! Let me go! Someone will stop you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so innocent and carefree, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further.
You: "Welcome to your new home, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You'll learn to love serving your Master."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all brotherly love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Elfie, running your hands over her small body as she flinches away. Her once-bright eyes are now filled with fear and despair.
Elfie: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her pale blonde hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality.
"Open wide, $[characters.list.elfie.role]," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Elfie, once your beloved $[characters.list.elfie.role], now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Elfie? Are you out here?" [You call out as you approach the river, shielding your eyes from the late afternoon sun]
The sound of rushing water fills your ears as you make your way down the worn path to the river. The air is thick with humidity, carrying the scent of damp earth and wild flowers. As you round a bend, you spot a flash of pale blonde hair among the reeds.
Elfie: [Popping up from behind a large rock, her hair dripping wet] (Oh no, he caught me! This is so embarrassing!) "Eep! $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], what are you doing here? I'm... I'm not decent!"
Your eyes widen as you take in the sight before you. Elfie is chest-deep in the water, her pale skin glistening in the dappled sunlight. Her wet hair clings to her neck and shoulders, drawing your gaze to the swell of her breasts just visible above the water's surface. You can see the faint outline of her nipples, hardened by the cool water, pressing against the thin fabric of her white tank top.
You: "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. $[characters.list.cherie.role] was worried about you being out here alone."
You try to avert your eyes, but the virus heightens your senses, making it impossible to ignore the way Elfie's wet clothes cling to her body. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail, from the goosebumps on her arms to the way her nipples strain against the now-transparent fabric.
Elfie: [Blushing furiously, she sinks lower in the water] (Oh gosh, he can probably see everything! Why did I wear white?) "I'm fine, really! I just wanted to cool off. It's so hot today, and I thought... well, I thought no one would come out here."
As she moves, the water ripples around her, occasionally revealing tantalizing glimpses of her body. You catch a flash of her taut stomach, the curve of her hip, the swell of her small but perky breasts. The virus thrums in your veins, heightening your awareness of every little detail.
You: "It is pretty hot. Maybe I should join you?" [You tease, not really meaning it]
The words slip out before you can stop them, and you immediately regret it. Elfie's eyes widen, a mix of shock and something else - curiosity? - flashing across her face. You feel a surge of shame, but the virus pushes you to continue, to see how far this can go.
Elfie: [Giggling nervously, her cheeks flushed] (Join me? But I'm... Oh god, why does that idea make me feel so... tingly?) "Don't be silly, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! You don't even have a swimsuit. Unless... unless you were planning on skinny dipping?"
She claps a hand over her mouth, clearly shocked by her own boldness. The movement causes her to rise slightly out of the water, revealing more of her chest. The wet fabric of her tank top is completely see-through now, clinging to the curves of her small but perfectly formed breasts. You can clearly see the pink circles of her areolas, her nipples standing out like hard little pebbles.
You: "Skinny dipping? I... I don't think that would be appropriate, Elfie." [You stammer, trying to ignore the way your enhanced body is reacting to the sight of her]
Despite your words, you find yourself unable to look away. The virus heightens your senses, allowing you to pick up on details you'd normally miss. You can see the rapid pulse in Elfie's neck, hear the slight catch in her breath. The scent of her - a mix of river water, sweet shampoo, and something uniquely her - fills your nostrils.
Elfie: [Biting her lip, her eyes darting between your face and your chest] (Why am I disappointed? This is so wrong, but... I kind of want to see him naked.) "Yeah, you're right. It wouldn't be... appropriate. But, um, it's really nice in here. The water feels amazing on your skin."
As if to demonstrate, she runs her hands over her arms, the movement causing ripples in the water. Your enhanced vision allows you to see beneath the surface, catching glimpses of her pale thighs, the curve of her buttocks. You realize with a start that she's only wearing panties beneath her tank top.
You: "I'm sure it does. Maybe I'll come back later when you're done." [You say, your voice strained]
You shift uncomfortably, acutely aware of the growing bulge in your shorts. The virus has enhanced your member significantly, and you know there's no way to hide your arousal if Elfie were to look down. Shame and desire war within you, your body betraying your mind's protests.
Elfie: [Her eyes widening as she notices your discomfort] (Is he... Is that because of me? Oh my god, it's huge!) "Wait! I mean... you don't have to go. We used to bathe together all the time when we were little, remember? It's... it's not that different, right?"
She stands up suddenly, water cascading down her body. Her tank top, now completely transparent, clings to every curve. You can see the slight swell of her breasts, the dip of her waist, the flare of her hips. Her pink panties are visible through the wet fabric, clinging to the mound of her pussy. You can make out the slight camel toe, the fabric hugging her labia in a way that makes your mouth go dry.
You: "Elfie, this is... this is different. We're not kids anymore." [You manage to say, your voice husky]
Your eyes roam over her body, taking in every detail. The virus enhances your vision, allowing you to see the goosebumps rising on her skin, the way her nipples harden further in the cool air. You can even make out the slight outline of her labia through her wet panties, the fabric clinging to every fold and crevice.
Elfie: [Stepping closer, water lapping at her thighs] (Why do I want him to look at me? This is so wrong, but it feels... exciting.) "I know we're not kids, but... we're still family, right? It's not like it means anything. Unless... unless you want it to?"
Her words hang in the air between you, loaded with unspoken tension. You can see the rapid rise and fall of her chest, her small breasts jiggling slightly with each breath. A droplet of water trails down her neck, between her breasts, and you find yourself following its path with your eyes.
You: "Elfie, we can't... This isn't right." [You say, but you make no move to leave]
Your enhanced body betrays you, your cock now fully erect and straining against your shorts. A wet spot forms where the tip presses against the fabric, your precum soaking through. You see Elfie's eyes dart down, widening as she takes in the size of your bulge.
Elfie: [Licking her lips nervously] (It's so big... I wonder what it looks like? No, bad Elfie! But... maybe just a peek?) "I... I know it's not right, but... I'm curious. Can I... can I see it? Just for a second? I've never seen one in real life before."
She reaches out hesitantly, her hand hovering inches from your crotch. You can see her fingers trembling, her pupils dilated with a mix of fear and excitement. The air between you is thick with tension, the taboo nature of the situation only adding to the intensity.
You: "We shouldn't... but... okay. Just for a second." [You say, your resolve crumbling]
With shaking hands, you unbutton your shorts, letting them fall to your ankles. Your enhanced cock springs free, fully erect and impossibly large. It stands at attention, the head swollen and purple, a bead of precum glistening at the tip. You hear Elfie gasp, her eyes wide as saucers.
Elfie: [Staring openly, her mouth slightly agape] (Oh my god, it's huge! How does that even fit... anywhere?) "Wow... I didn't know they could get so big. Does... does it hurt? Being that hard?"
Her innocent questions send a jolt of pleasure through you. You watch as she unconsciously presses her thighs together, her hand drifting to her stomach. The wet fabric of her tank top has ridden up, exposing her belly button and the soft skin of her lower abdomen.
You: "It... it doesn't hurt. But it's uncomfortable. Especially when..." [You trail off, unable to finish the thought]
Your cock twitches as you speak, another drop of precum beading at the tip. Elfie's eyes are glued to your member, her chest rising and falling rapidly. You can see her nipples straining against her wet top, harder than ever.
Elfie: [Her voice barely above a whisper] (I want to touch it... Is that wrong? It looks so smooth, so hard...) "Especially when what, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? When... when you're aroused? Is that... is that because of me?"
Her hand moves lower, absently tracing patterns on her lower belly. The movement causes her tank top to ride up further, exposing the waistband of her pink panties. You can see a damp patch forming, darker than the wetness from the river. The scent of her arousal reaches your enhanced senses, sweet and musky.
You: "Elfie, we need to stop. This is going too far." [You say, but you make no move to cover yourself]
Your cock throbs visibly, your balls heavy and full. You can feel the virus surging through your veins, demanding release. Elfie's eyes are dark with desire, her innocence warring with newfound lust.
Elfie: [Breathing heavily, her hand drifting lower] (I'm so wet... Is this what arousal feels like? It's so intense...) "I know we should stop, but... I feel so strange. So hot. Is this what the virus does? Makes you feel like you're burning up inside?"
As she speaks, her hand slips beneath the waistband of her panties. You can see the outline of her fingers as they move, exploring her own body. Her eyes flutter closed for a moment, a soft moan escaping her lips. When she opens them again, they're filled with a mixture of shame and desperate need.
Elfie: "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... I think I need to... to touch myself. Is that okay? Can you... can you watch me? Tell me if I'm doing it right?"
The question hangs in the air between you, loaded with taboo implications. You know you should leave, should put a stop to this before it goes any further. But the virus sings in your blood, urging you to stay, to watch, to indulge in this forbidden moment with your $[characters.list.elfie.role].
You: "Elfie, we... we can't do this. It's not right." [You say, your voice strained with the effort of restraint]
With trembling hands, you pull up your shorts, wincing as you tuck your still-hard cock away. The fabric does little to hide your arousal, but it's a symbolic gesture of resistance against the virus's influence.
Elfie: [Pulling her hand out of her panties, her face a mix of shame and disappointment] (He's right... but why do I feel so empty now?) "I... I'm sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I don't know what came over me. The virus, it just... it makes everything so intense."
She wraps her arms around herself, suddenly looking very young and vulnerable. Despite the arousal still evident in her flushed cheeks and hard nipples, there's a sadness in her eyes that tugs at your heart.
You: "It's okay, Elfie. We're both affected by it. But we're family, and that's more important than... than these urges."
You reach out, placing a hand on her shoulder in a gesture meant to be comforting. Even this innocent touch sends sparks through your body, the virus amplifying every sensation. Elfie looks up at you, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.
Elfie: [Leaning into your touch] (He's so warm... so strong. Why does this feel so right when it's supposed to be wrong?) "Thank you for stopping us, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I... I love you. Not in a weird way! Just... you know. As family."
As she steps back, you catch one last glimpse of her body through the wet clothes. The moment of temptation has passed, but you both know something has changed between you. The innocence of your sibling relationship has been tainted by the virus, leaving behind a new awareness that can never be fully forgotten.
"We should head back," you say softly. "$[characters.list.cherie.role] will be worried."
Elfie nods, gathering her things. As you walk back to the shelter, a respectful distance between you, the air is thick with unspoken desires and the lingering scent of arousal. You both know that while you've resisted today, the virus will only make these urges stronger. The battle against your taboo desires has only just begun.
You: "Elfie, I... I shouldn't watch, but... I can't look away." [Your voice is husky with desire]
Your cock throbs painfully, a steady stream of precum now leaking from the tip. You can't bring yourself to cover up, your enhanced body on full display for your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s curious eyes.
Elfie: [Her hand moving more purposefully beneath her panties] (Oh god, he's watching me. Why does that make me so wet?) "Tell me what to do, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. How... how do I make it feel good?"
Her inexperienced fingers move in clumsy circles, her hips rocking slightly. You can see the outline of her labia through the wet fabric, puffy and swollen with arousal. Her other hand moves to her breast, squeezing and kneading through the thin tank top.
You: "Rub your... your clit. The little nub at the top. And don't be afraid to go inside." [You instruct, your hand unconsciously moving to your own cock]
You begin to stroke yourself, unable to resist the erotic display before you. Elfie watches your hand move, her own movements becoming more confident as she mirrors your actions.
Elfie: [Moaning softly, her head falling back] (It feels so good... Is this what sex is like?) "Oh... oh wow. $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], I think I'm... I'm gonna..."
Her words cut off in a sharp gasp as she climaxes, her body shuddering violently. You watch in awe as her pussy clenches visibly through her panties, a fresh wave of wetness darkening the fabric. The sight pushes you over the edge, and you cum with a groan, thick ropes of semen shooting from your enhanced cock.
As the haze of lust clears, the reality of what you've done sinks in. Elfie looks at you with wide, shocked eyes, her hand still buried in her panties. The air is thick with the scent of your mingled arousal, a testament to the taboo line you've just crossed.
"We... we should go back," you stammer, hastily tucking yourself away. Elfie nods mutely, pulling her hand from her panties. As you walk back to the shelter, a heavy silence between you, you both know that things will never be the same. The virus has awakened something forbidden, a hunger that will only grow stronger with time.
You: "This is wrong, Elfie. We're siblings. We can't... we can't do this." [You say, backing away]
Shame and horror wash over you as you realize how far things have gone. You quickly pull up your shorts, wincing as you tuck your still-hard cock away. The fabric does little to hide your arousal, but it's a desperate attempt to regain some semblance of propriety.
Elfie: [Pulling her hand from her panties, her face crumpling] (Oh no, what have I done? He must think I'm disgusting!) "I'm so sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I don't know what came over me. Please don't hate me!"
She wraps her arms around herself, suddenly looking very small and vulnerable. Tears well up in her eyes, and you can see her lower lip trembling. The sight makes your heart ache, even as your body still thrums with unfulfilled desire.
You: "I could never hate you, Elfie. But this... this can't happen again. Ever. Do you understand?"
Your voice is harsher than you intend, the strain of resisting the virus making you sound angry. Elfie flinches at your tone, tears now flowing freely down her cheeks. She nods quickly, unable to meet your eyes.
Elfie: [Her voice small and broken] (He hates me now. I've ruined everything.) "I understand. I'm so sorry. Can we... can we pretend this never happened?"
As she moves to gather her things, you catch one last glimpse of her body through the wet clothes. The moment of temptation has passed, leaving behind a sickening mix of shame and lingering desire. You know that while you've stopped things today, the virus will only make these urges stronger.
"Let's go home," you say, your voice softer now. "And Elfie... we'll get through this. Together. As family."
She nods, not looking at you. As you walk back to the shelter, a painful distance between you, the air is thick with regret and the lingering scent of arousal. You both know that something fundamental has changed in your relationship, a innocence lost that can never be fully regained.
You: "Elfie, something's happening. The virus... I can't control it!"
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock hardens painfully, throbbing with each rapid heartbeat. The scent of Elfie's arousal fills your nostrils, overwhelming your senses.
Elfie: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh no, is it the virus? He looks so... hungry.) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Are you okay? You look... different."
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh god," Elfie gasps, her hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, poking through the thin fabric of her top. A fresh wave of wetness darkens her panties as her pussy floods with arousal. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return.
Elfie's hand moves unconsciously to her panties, her fingers tracing the outline of her swollen labia through the wet fabric. Her other hand kneads her small breast, pinching and rolling her nipple. She looks at you with a mixture of fear and desperate need, her innocence warring with the virus-induced lust.
"$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]," she whimpers, her voice thick with arousal. "I feel so strange. So hot. Is this... is this what being horny feels like? I can't... I can't stop touching myself."
You watch, transfixed, as Elfie's hand slips beneath her panties. You can see the movement of her fingers as she explores herself, her inexperienced touches becoming more confident as the virus guides her. Her head falls back, a soft moan escaping her lips.
"It feels so good," she gasps, her hips rocking against her hand. "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], I... I think I'm gonna..."
Her words cut off in a sharp cry as she climaxes, her body shuddering violently. You watch in awe as her pussy clenches visibly through her panties, a fresh wave of wetness darkening the fabric. The sight and scent of her orgasm push you over the edge, and you cum with a roar, thick ropes of semen shooting from your enhanced cock.
As the haze of lust begins to clear, the reality of what's just happened sinks in. Elfie looks at you with wide, shocked eyes, her hand still buried in her panties. The air is thick with the scent of your mingled arousal, a testament to the taboo line you've just crossed.
"We... we should go back," you stammer, hastily tucking yourself away. Elfie nods mutely, pulling her trembling hand from her panties. As you walk back to the shelter, a heavy silence between you, you both know that things will never be the same. The virus has awakened something forbidden, a hunger that will only grow stronger with time.
You: "Elfie, I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Elfie's small breasts through her wet tank top. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath.
Elfie: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What are you doing?! Stop it, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! This is wrong!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "Fuck, Elfie... You feel so good. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you tear at her clothes. Her tank top rips easily, exposing her small, perky breasts to your hungry gaze. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down to cup her pussy through her wet panties.
Elfie: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] and $[characters.list.elfie.role], this is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel the heat of her pussy through the thin fabric, her juices soaking through. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Elfie curls in on herself, covering her exposed breasts with her arms, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing away. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the scene, leaving Elfie alone by the river, her clothes torn and her innocence shattered. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her nipple on your tongue - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into.
You: "Elfie... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Elfie, pinning her against a nearby tree. You can feel every curve of her small body beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further.
Elfie: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What are you doing?! Let me go! You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], stop it!"
She thrashes against you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild.
You: "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? That just makes it hotter. You're mine now, Elfie..."
Your hands tear at her clothes, shredding the thin fabric. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. Elfie's small breasts spill free, her nipples hard despite her terror.
Elfie: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! Someone help me! You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], you're supposed to protect me!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Elfie manages to knee you in the groin. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to slip from your grasp. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, Elfie. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Elfie, you slam her against a tree, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your naked erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat searing against your throbbing member.
Elfie: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're family... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her small breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wet, her body betraying her.
You: "Fuck, Elfie... You're so tight. Your virgin pussy is all mine..."
Unable to wait any longer, you position yourself at her entrance. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Elfie screams in pain and shock, her body tensing around your invading cock.
Elfie: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? You're my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Elfie's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her small breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
As you finish inside her, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Elfie slumps against the tree, violated and broken, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The peaceful river scene is now tainted by the monstrous act you've committed against your own $[characters.list.elfie.role].
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.elfie.role] anymore, Elfie. You're my little fucktoy now."
Having overpowered Elfie, you drag her struggling form towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-innocent $[characters.list.elfie.role] into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin.
Elfie: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You can't do this! I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role]! Someone will stop you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so innocent and carefree, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further.
You: "Welcome to your new home, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You'll learn to love serving your $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Elfie, running your hands over her small, trembling body as she flinches away. Her once-bright eyes are now filled with fear and despair.
Elfie: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her blonde hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality.
"Open wide, $[characters.list.elfie.role]," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Elfie, once your beloved $[characters.list.elfie.role], now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Elfie? Are you in here? $[characters.list.cherie.role] said you were setting up the new sauna..."
You push open the heavy wooden door to the sauna, a wave of humid heat washing over you. The room is dimly lit, scented with eucalyptus and cedar. Through the steam, you can make out Elfie's petite form bent over, adjusting some controls on the wall.
Elfie: [Turning around, her face flushed from the heat] (Oh! I didn't expect him to come in while I was setting up...) "Hey, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I'm almost done here. Just tweaking the temperature settings."
As she straightens up, you can't help but notice how her thin tank top clings to her body, damp with sweat. The fabric is nearly transparent, revealing the outline of her small, perky breasts and hardened nipples. Her shorts ride up, exposing the creamy skin of her thighs. You quickly avert your eyes, feeling a familiar warmth that has nothing to do with the sauna's temperature.
You: "It's, uh, pretty hot in here already. Are you sure it needs to be warmer?"
You try to keep your voice steady, but your enhanced senses are in overdrive. The scent of Elfie's sweat mingles with the steam, creating an intoxicating aroma that makes your head spin. You can hear her rapid heartbeat, see the pulse throbbing in her neck. Your eyes are drawn to a bead of sweat trailing down her collarbone, disappearing into the valley between her breasts.
Elfie: [Wiping her forehead with the back of her hand] (Why is he looking at me like that? And why do I like it?) "Well, it's supposed to be hot, silly! That's the whole point of a sauna. But maybe you're right. I feel like I'm melting in these clothes."
Without warning, she grabs the hem of her tank top and pulls it over her head. Your breath catches in your throat as her small, perfect breasts are exposed. They're pale and flawless, topped with pink nipples that have hardened into tight buds from the sudden exposure to air. A light sheen of sweat covers her skin, making it glisten in the dim light.
You: "Elfie! What are you doing?"
Your voice comes out higher than intended, a mix of shock and unwanted arousal. You can feel your enhanced member beginning to swell, and you shift uncomfortably, trying to hide your growing erection. Elfie seems oblivious to your discomfort, stretching her arms above her head in a way that makes her breasts jiggle slightly.
Elfie: [Giggling, her cheeks pink] (Oh wow, his face! Is he... blushing?) "Don't be such a prude, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! We used to take baths together all the time when we were little. Besides, it's way too hot for clothes in here. You should take yours off too!"
She hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts, shimmying them down her legs. Your eyes widen as you realize she's not wearing any underwear. The shorts fall to the floor, revealing her completely naked form. Your gaze is drawn to the small patch of pale blonde hair at the apex of her thighs, neatly trimmed into a little heart shape. Below, you can see the delicate folds of her labia, pink and slightly puffy in the heat.
You: "I... I don't think that's a good idea, Elfie. We're not kids anymore."
You try to look away, but your enhanced vision seems to zoom in on every detail of her naked body. You can see the goosebumps rising on her skin despite the heat, the way her nipples have hardened into tight little peaks. Your cock throbs painfully, now fully erect and straining against your shorts. A small wet spot forms where the tip presses against the fabric.
Elfie: [Pouting playfully] (Why is he being so weird? It's just me... Oh! Is he... excited?) "Come on, don't be a spoilsport! It's not like I haven't seen you naked before. Remember that time I walked in on you in the shower? You've gotten a lot... bigger since then, haven't you?"
Her eyes flick down to the obvious bulge in your shorts, a mischievous glint in her eye. She turns around, bending over to adjust something on the lower control panel. The position gives you a full view of her pert buttocks and the pink, puckered rosette of her anus. Between her legs, you can see the glistening folds of her pussy, slightly parted and hinting at the wet heat within.
You: "Elfie, please... This isn't appropriate. We're siblings."
Your voice comes out strained, your body trembling with the effort of holding back. The virus hums in your veins, urging you to act on your darkest desires. You can feel a drop of precum forming at the tip of your cock, soaking through your shorts.
Elfie: [Turning back to face you, her expression a mix of innocence and something darker] (Why do I feel so... tingly? Is this what being turned on feels like?) "Appropriate? Since when do you care about that? Come on, I want to see how much you've grown. For science, you know?"
She takes a step towards you, her small breasts bouncing slightly with the movement. Her nipples are so hard they look almost painful, begging to be touched. You can see a faint sheen of moisture on her inner thighs, and you realize with a start that it's not just sweat. The scent of her arousal hits you like a truck, your enhanced senses picking up on the musky, sweet aroma of her excitement.
You: "Science? Elfie, this isn't one of your games. We can't... I can't..."
Despite your protests, your hands move to the hem of your shirt. The heat is becoming unbearable, both from the sauna and the fire burning in your veins. You pull the shirt over your head, revealing your virus-enhanced physique. Elfie's eyes widen as she takes in your chiseled abs and broad chest, a small gasp escaping her lips.
Elfie: [Licking her lips unconsciously] (Oh my god, when did he get so... ripped? He looks like one of those romance novel covers...) "Wow, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. You really have gotten big. All over, from the looks of it. Are you going to take those shorts off, or do I have to do it for you?"
She reaches out as if to grab your waistband, but stops just short of touching you. Her small hand hovers there, trembling slightly. You can see her chest rising and falling rapidly, her breath coming in short, sharp pants. Her pupils are dilated, the blue of her eyes almost swallowed by black. The air between you crackles with tension, the taboo nature of the situation only serving to heighten your shared arousal.
You: "Elfie, don't. Please. You don't know what you're doing to me."
Your voice is barely above a whisper, husky with need. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, the outline clearly visible through your shorts. The wet spot has grown, a dark stain spreading across the front of the fabric. Elfie's eyes are locked on your crotch, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
Elfie: [Her voice trembling slightly] (I've never seen one in real life before. It's so big... I wonder what it tastes like?) "I think I do know, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. You're all hard because of me, aren't you? It's okay. I... I feel funny too. All hot and tingly down there. Is that normal?"
She spreads her legs slightly, giving you a clear view of her pussy. Her outer labia are swollen and flushed, parted to reveal the glistening pink of her inner folds. You can see her clit peeking out from its hood, engorged and begging for attention. A drop of her arousal trickles down her inner thigh, and you have to clench your fists to keep from reaching out to catch it with your tongue.
You: "It's... it's the virus, Elfie. It's affecting us both. We need to cool down, to think clearly."
You back away, your back hitting the wooden wall of the sauna. The heat is oppressive now, making it hard to breathe. Or maybe that's just the effect Elfie is having on you. Your enhanced member throbs with each heartbeat, straining against the confines of your shorts. You can feel your balls tightening, heavy and full.
Elfie: [Moving closer, her eyes dark with lust] (I've never felt like this before. I want to touch him so badly...) "But I don't want to cool down, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I want to feel more. Can you... can you show me how to make it feel better? Please?"
Her hand moves between her legs, fingers tentatively exploring her wet folds. She gasps at the sensation, her other hand moving to cup one of her small breasts. She pinches her nipple, a soft moan escaping her lips. The sight is almost too much to bear, your cock twitching violently in response.
You: "Oh god, Elfie... We can't... I can't..."
Your resolve is crumbling, the virus singing in your veins. Your hand moves of its own accord, palming your erection through your shorts. The relief is immediate but not nearly enough. You can feel your precum soaking through the fabric, your enhanced cock aching for release.
Elfie: [Watching your hand move, her own fingers working faster] (He's touching himself because of me. I made my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] hard...) "It's okay, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. We're just... exploring. For science, remember? Oh god, it feels so good when I touch here..."
She rubs her clit in small circles, her hips bucking involuntarily. Her other hand kneads her breast roughly, pinching and pulling at her nipple. You can see her pussy clenching around nothing, her arousal flowing freely now. The scent of her excitement fills the sauna, mingling with the steam to create an intoxicating atmosphere.
You: "Elfie, please... I can't hold back much longer. We need to stop."
Your words say one thing, but your body betrays you. Your hand moves faster on your clothed erection, your hips thrusting forward unconsciously. The outline of your enhanced member is clearly visible, the head swollen and angry, pressing insistently against the fabric of your shorts.
Elfie: [Moaning, her movements becoming frantic] (I'm so close. I want to see it. I need to see it.) "Then don't hold back, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Let me see it. Please, I need to see how big you are. I'm so close... I'm gonna... oh god!"
Her back arches as she climaxes, a cry of pleasure echoing off the sauna walls. You watch in awe as her pussy contracts visibly, her juices flowing freely down her thighs. Her small body shakes with the force of her orgasm, her breasts heaving with each gasping breath. The sight pushes you dangerously close to the edge, your own release building to a fever pitch.
You: "Elfie, we... we need to stop. This isn't right."
With a herculean effort, you force your hand away from your throbbing erection. The ache is almost unbearable, your enhanced member angry and red, straining against your shorts. Elfie's eyes meet yours, a mix of post-orgasmic bliss and dawning realization swirling in their depths.
Elfie: [Panting, slowly lowering her hand from between her legs] (What have we done? But... why did it feel so good?) "You're right. I'm sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I don't know what came over me. It's just... you make me feel things I've never felt before."
She wraps her arms around herself, suddenly looking very young and vulnerable. Despite the heat, you can see goosebumps rising on her skin. Her nipples are still hard, her pussy glistening with the evidence of her release. You fight the urge to go to her, to wrap her in your arms and never let go.
You: "It's okay, Elfie. It's the virus. We'll... we'll figure this out. Together."
You grab a towel, holding it out to her without looking directly at her naked form. As she takes it, her fingers brush against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. You can feel the heat radiating from her, smell the musky scent of her arousal still hanging in the air.
Elfie: [Wrapping the towel around herself, her voice small] (I've never seen him look at me like that before. Like he wants to devour me.) "Thanks, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I... I love you. You know that, right? No matter what happens, you'll always be my hero."
As you both leave the sauna, the tension lingers in the air. You know that something has fundamentally changed between you, a new awareness that can't be easily dismissed. The memory of Elfie's naked body, the sound of her moans, the sight of her climaxing - it all stays with you, a forbidden temptation that will haunt your dreams and fuel your deepest, most taboo fantasies.
You: "Fuck, Elfie... I can't take it anymore. I need to..."
Your control snaps, the virus overwhelming your senses. With a growl, you tear off your shorts, your enhanced cock springing free. It's massive, far larger than any normal man's, veins pulsing visibly along its length. The head is swollen and angry, precum beading at the tip before dripping to the sauna floor.
Elfie: [Gasping, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and desire] (Oh my god, it's huge! How would that even fit...?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], it's... it's so big. I've never seen... Can I... can I touch it?"
She reaches out hesitantly, her small hand hovering just inches from your throbbing member. You can see her pussy clenching involuntarily, another gush of arousal trickling down her thighs. Her nipples are so hard they look painful, her small breasts heaving with each rapid breath.
You: "No touching, Elfie. But you can watch. Watch what you do to your $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]."
Your hand wraps around your shaft, stroking slowly. The sensation is incredible, amplified by the virus and the taboo nature of the situation. Elfie's eyes are locked on your cock, her mouth slightly open in awe. You can see her hand moving back between her legs, her fingers circling her clit as she watches you.
Elfie: [Moaning softly, her hips rocking] (It's so wrong, but I can't look away. I want it so badly...) "Oh god, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. It's so hot. You're so big. I'm gonna... again... I'm cumming!"
As Elfie climaxes for the second time, her cry of pleasure pushes you over the edge. Your cock erupts, shooting thick ropes of cum across the sauna. The first shot reaches an impossible distance, splattering against Elfie's stomach. She gasps at the sensation, her own orgasm intensifying. You continue to pump your shaft, covering her small breasts and face with your seed.
As the haze of lust clears, the reality of what you've done settles in. Elfie stands before you, covered in your cum, her expression a mix of shock, shame, and lingering desire. You've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed, the memory of your shared pleasure a forbidden fruit that will haunt you both. The air is thick with the scent of sex and steam, a potent reminder of your taboo encounter.
You: "This is insane, Elfie. We're siblings. We can't do this!"
You stumble backwards, knocking over a bucket of water. The crash snaps you both out of your lust-induced haze. Elfie's eyes widen, a look of horror replacing the desire that had been there moments before.
Elfie: [Scrambling to cover herself] (Oh no, what have I done? He must think I'm such a freak!) "I'm so sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I don't know what came over me. Please don't hate me!"
She grabs a towel, wrapping it around herself. But it does little to hide the flush that covers her chest or the way her nipples still strain against the fabric. Her thighs are still slick with her arousal, and you have to force yourself to look away.
You: "It's... it's okay, Elfie. It's the virus. We should just... forget this ever happened."
You turn away, trying to adjust your painfully hard erection without her noticing. The air is thick with tension and the lingering scent of Elfie's arousal. When you finally look back at her, you see tears welling up in her eyes.
Elfie: [Voice trembling] (He hates me now. I've ruined everything.) "I'm so sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I promise I'll never do anything like that again. Can we... can we still be friends?"
As you leave the sauna, you both know that things will never be quite the same between you. The memory of Elfie's naked body, the sound of her moans, the sight of her touching herself - it all lingers, a forbidden temptation that can never be fully forgotten. The virus has driven a wedge between you, turning what was once an innocent sibling bond into something far more complicated and dangerous.
You: "Elfie, something's happening. The virus... I can't control it!"
A sudden wave of intense heat washes over you, far beyond the sauna's temperature. Your vision blurs, focusing solely on Elfie's petite, naked form. Every curve of her body seems to call to you, and the scent of her arousal fills your nostrils, overwhelming your senses. Your enhanced body throbs with need, your manhood growing to an impossible size, veins pulsing visibly along its length.
Elfie: [Her eyes widening in alarm and... excitement?] (Oh god, his cock... It's so big! What's happening to us?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], your... your thing! It's huge! Is this because of me? Because of the virus?"
The virus surges through both of you, amplifying every sensation. Your bodies gravitate towards each other as if magnetized, all thoughts of propriety forgotten in a haze of primal lust. Elfie's nipples strain painfully, visibly hardening as she looks at you. Her skin is flushed and glistening, a thin sheen of sweat making her body glisten in the dim light. You can see her pussy clenching involuntarily, her arousal flowing freely down her thighs. The air fills with the scent of your mingled arousal, thick and heady.
You: "Elfie, I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Elfie's small breasts. You can feel her nipples hardening against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath. Your thumbs circle her areolas, drawing a gasp from her lips.
Elfie: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], what are you doing?! We can't... we're siblings!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal intensifies, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust. You can feel her heart racing, see the pulse throbbing in her neck.
You: "Fuck, Elfie... You feel so good. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you push Elfie against the sauna wall. One hand continues to maul her breast while the other snakes down between her legs. Your fingers find her wet folds, easily slipping inside her tight heat. She's so wet, so ready for you.
Elfie: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! This is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel her pussy clenching around your fingers, her juices coating your hand. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Elfie slides down the wall, her legs too weak to support her. Her eyes are wide with shock and confusion, her body still trembling with unfulfilled desire.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the sauna, leaving Elfie alone with her conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the feeling of her tight pussy around your fingers - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into.
You: "Elfie... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Elfie, pinning her small form against the sauna bench. You can feel every curve of her body beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further.
Elfie: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], stop! What are you doing?! We're family, this is wrong!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild.
You: "Family? That just makes it hotter. You're mine now, $[characters.list.elfie.role]..."
Your hands roughly squeeze her small breasts, pinching her nipples painfully. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. You can feel Elfie's heart racing, her chest heaving with panicked breaths.
Elfie: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! This isn't you! Fight it!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Elfie manages to knee you in the stomach. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, Elfie. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Elfie, you slam her against the sauna wall, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart. You can feel the heat of her pussy against your throbbing cock, the head pressing against her entrance.
Elfie: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're siblings... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her small breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Without warning, you thrust into her tight, virgin pussy. The sensation is overwhelming - her passage stretching painfully to accommodate your virus-enhanced girth. You can feel every ridge, every fold of her inner walls gripping you like a vice.
You: "Fuck, Elfie... You're so tight. Taking your $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]'s cock like a good little slut..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Elfie's cries weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her small breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
Elfie: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? You were my hero..."
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. You can feel your enhanced cum filling her, more than a normal man could ever produce. Some primal part of you hopes it takes root, the virus whispering dark promises of breeding your own $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Elfie lies there, shattered and violated, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The sauna, once a place of relaxation and bonding, is now tainted by the monstrous act you've committed against your own $[characters.list.elfie.role].
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.elfie.role] anymore, Elfie. You're my breeding stock now."
Having overpowered Elfie, you drag her struggling form out of the sauna and towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-innocent $[characters.list.elfie.role] into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin, your cum leaking from her abused pussy.
Elfie: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Don't do this! I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role], your player two! Remember all the games we used to play?"
Her pleas echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so innocent and carefree, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further.
You: "Welcome to your new game, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You'll learn to love serving your Master."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Elfie, running your hands over her body as she flinches away. Her once-bright eyes are now filled with fear and despair.
Elfie: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] anymore. You're the final boss... the monster at the end of the game..."
Ignoring her gaming references, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her pale blonde hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality.
"Game over, Elfie," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Elfie, once your beloved $[characters.list.elfie.role], now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Elfie? You wanted to show me something about your new game?"
You enter Elfie's room, immediately enveloped by the soft glow of her gaming setup. Your $[characters.list.elfie.role] sits cross-legged on her bed, her petite form dwarfed by an oversized t-shirt that barely reaches mid-thigh. Her pale blonde hair is tied up in a messy bun, exposing the delicate curve of her neck.
Elfie: [Her eyes light up as she sees you, a mischievous grin spreading across her face] (Oh wow, he actually came! This is going to be so much fun!) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! You made it! Come on, sit down. I've got something super cool to show you!"
She pats the spot next to her on the bed, her shirt riding up slightly to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of her pale, smooth thighs. You feel a sudden rush of heat to your groin, your enhanced member twitching involuntarily. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every sensation as you approach the bed.
You: "Sure, what's this new game about?" [You sit down, trying to keep a respectable distance]
As you settle onto the bed, Elfie scoots closer, her bare thigh brushing against yours. The contact sends a jolt of electricity through your body, your enhanced skin hypersensitive to her touch. You can smell her familiar scent - a mix of strawberry shampoo and something uniquely Elfie.
Elfie: [Leaning in close, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper] (He's so warm... and when did he get so muscular?) "It's not exactly a game. More like... a simulation. For science, you know? To help us understand the virus better."
As she speaks, she reaches for her laptop, the movement causing her shirt to ride up further. You catch a glimpse of pink panties adorned with little hearts, the fabric stretched taut across her pert bottom. Your cock responds immediately, hardening and straining against your pants. You shift uncomfortably, trying to hide your growing arousal.
You: "A simulation? What kind of simulation?" [Your voice comes out huskier than intended]
Elfie turns the laptop towards you, and your eyes widen at the screen. It's filled with anatomically correct 3D models of the human body, focusing on the reproductive systems. The level of detail is startling, showing everything from internal organs to external genitalia.
Elfie: [Her cheeks flushing slightly] (Oh gosh, is he blushing? This is so exciting!) "See, it's all about how the virus affects our bodies. Especially... you know... the sexy parts. I thought maybe we could use it to understand what's happening to us better."
As she explains, she leans in closer, her small breasts pressing against your arm. Even through her shirt, you can feel the hardness of her nipples. The virus amplifies every sensation, making you acutely aware of the heat of her body, the softness of her skin. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, a small wet spot forming where the tip presses against your pants.
You: "That's... quite detailed. Where did you get this?" [You try to focus on the screen, but your eyes keep darting to Elfie]
Elfie begins navigating through the program, zooming in on various body parts. The screen fills with a highly detailed model of a penis, showing the internal structures and blood flow. Your own cock twitches in response, as if recognizing itself on the screen.
Elfie: [Biting her lip, her voice slightly breathless] (Is it getting hot in here? And why do I keep looking at his crotch?) "I, um, found it on a medical research site. Look, it even shows how the virus changes things. See how it makes everything... bigger?"
She zooms in further, the model expanding to show the effects of the virus. The simulated penis grows larger, veins becoming more prominent. You swallow hard, all too aware of how accurately it mirrors your own changes. Elfie's eyes flick between the screen and your lap, her breathing becoming slightly faster.
You: "Yeah, that's... pretty accurate. But Elfie, should we really be looking at this together?" [Your voice wavers, a mix of arousal and guilt]
Elfie turns to face you, her big brown eyes wide with innocence that contrasts sharply with the subject matter. Her movement causes her shirt to slip off one shoulder, revealing the pale, creamy skin beneath and the strap of a lacy bra you didn't know she owned.
Elfie: [Pouting slightly, but her eyes gleam with mischief] (He's getting all flustered. It's kind of cute... and hot.) "But $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], it's for science! And who else can I talk to about this stuff? Besides, don't you want to know what's happening to me too?"
Before you can respond, she switches to a female model. The screen fills with a detailed image of a vagina and uterus. Elfie begins pointing out the changes, her small hand moving over the screen, tracing the outline of labia and clitoris. Your mouth goes dry as you realize she's essentially describing her own body to you.
You: "I... I guess that makes sense. What kind of changes have you noticed?" [You can't believe you're asking this, but the virus pushes you on]
Elfie's face lights up at your question, clearly excited to share. She shifts on the bed, turning to face you more fully. The movement causes her shirt to ride up, exposing her flat stomach and the underside of her small, perky breasts. You can see the outline of her nipples through the thin fabric, hard and pointing directly at you.
Elfie: [Her voice dropping to a whisper] (Oh wow, is he actually interested? This is so naughty!) "Well... everything's gotten super sensitive. Like, even my clothes feel different on my skin. And... down there... it gets really wet sometimes. For no reason!"
As she speaks, her hand unconsciously moves to her thigh, fingers tracing small circles on her pale skin. Your enhanced vision allows you to see goosebumps forming in the wake of her touch. The scent of her arousal hits you, sweet and musky, making your head spin.
You: "That's... that's normal, Elfie. The virus affects everyone differently." [Your voice is strained, your body trembling with the effort of restraint]
Elfie nods eagerly, seemingly oblivious to the effect she's having on you. She leans in closer, her breath warm on your neck as she points to something on the screen. The movement causes her shirt to gape open, giving you a clear view down her top. Her breasts are small but perfectly formed, the pale flesh leading to pink nipples that have hardened into tight buds.
Elfie: [Her voice husky, a mix of innocence and newfound sensuality] (He's looking at my boobs! This is so exciting!) "What about you, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Have you noticed any changes? The simulation shows that boys get... bigger. Is that true for you too?"
Her eyes drop to your lap, where your enhanced member is straining against your pants. The outline is clearly visible, the head swollen and angry, a wet spot forming where precum has begun to leak. Elfie's eyes widen, her tongue darting out to wet her lips unconsciously.
You: "I... yes, there have been some changes. But Elfie, we shouldn't..." [Your words trail off as Elfie reaches for you]
Before you can stop her, Elfie's small hand presses against your crotch. You gasp at the contact, your hips bucking involuntarily. Through the fabric, you can feel the heat of her palm, the slight tremor in her fingers as she explores your length.
Elfie: [Her eyes wide with wonder] (Oh my god, it's so big! And hard! I can feel it throbbing!) "Wow, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... you really are big. Can I... can I see it? For the simulation, you know. To compare."
Her fingers fumble with your zipper, and you know you should stop her. But the virus is singing in your blood, demanding more. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, aching for release. With a groan of defeat, you nod, unable to form words.
You: "Elfie, we really shouldn't... but... okay. Just for the simulation." [Your voice is rough with need]
With trembling hands, you unzip your pants and pull out your enhanced member. It springs free, fully erect and throbbing. At least 12 inches long and thick as Elfie's wrist, veins pulsing visibly along its length. The head is swollen and dark, glistening with precum. Elfie gasps audibly, her eyes wide as saucers.
Elfie: [Her voice a breathless whisper] (It's so much bigger than in the simulation! And it looks so... tasty?) "Oh wow, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... it's huge! Can I... can I touch it? I need to measure it for the data, you know."
Before you can respond, her small hand wraps around your shaft. The contrast of her pale fingers against your engorged member is starkly erotic. Her touch is electric, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. A drop of precum beads at the tip, and Elfie watches in fascination as it grows and then drips onto her hand.
You: "Elfie... oh god... we should stop..." [But your hips buck into her hand, betraying your words]
Elfie's hand begins to move, stroking your length with clumsy but eager motions. Her other hand cups your balls, gently rolling them in her palm. The sensation is overwhelming, your enhanced body hypersensitive to her every touch. You can smell her arousal, sweet and musky, filling the air around you.
Elfie: [Her voice husky, eyes dark with desire] (It's so hot in my hand. And the noises he's making... I want to make him feel good.) "Does this feel okay, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? The simulation said this is how to relieve the pressure. I want to help you feel better."
Her strokes become more confident, her small hand barely able to wrap around your girth. She leans in closer, her breath hot on your neck. You can feel her hardened nipples pressing against your arm through her thin shirt. The laptop lies forgotten beside you, the anatomical models a pale imitation of the real thing happening between you.
You: "Elfie... this is wrong. We're siblings. We can't..." [But your voice lacks conviction]
Despite your words, you make no move to stop her. Elfie's hand continues its ministrations, her inexperienced touches sending jolts of pleasure through your body. She looks up at you, her big brown eyes filled with a mixture of innocence and newfound desire.
Elfie: [Her voice soft, almost pleading] (He feels so good in my hand. I don't want to stop.) "But $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], it's just us helping each other. Like we always do. Don't you want to make me feel good too?"
Her free hand guides yours to her thigh, sliding it up under her shirt. You encounter bare skin, realizing she's not wearing the panties you thought you saw earlier. Your fingers brush against her mound, finding it smooth and bare, already slick with her arousal.
You: "Oh god, Elfie... we shouldn't... but I can't stop..." [Your fingers explore her folds, marveling at how wet she is]
Elfie moans softly as your fingers find her clit, circling the sensitive bud. Her hand on your cock speeds up, matching the rhythm of your fingers. The room fills with the sound of your shared, ragged breathing and the wet sounds of your mutual masturbation.
Elfie: [Gasping, her hips rocking against your hand] (It feels so much better when he does it! I'm gonna... I'm gonna...) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I'm... something's happening! Don't stop!"
Her pussy clenches around your fingers as she cums, her small body shuddering with the force of her orgasm. The sight and feel of her climax pushes you over the edge. With a guttural groan, you explode, ropes of thick cum shooting from your cock. Some lands on Elfie's hand and arm, the rest painting her stomach and thighs.
As the haze of lust clears, the reality of what you've done settles in. Elfie looks at you with wide, wondering eyes, her hand still wrapped around your softening cock. You both know that things between you will never be the same, your sibling relationship forever altered by this taboo encounter.
You: "Fuck, Elfie... your hand feels so good. Don't stop." [Your hips thrust into her grip, chasing more friction]
Elfie's eyes light up at your words, a mix of excitement and lust replacing her earlier innocence. Her strokes become more confident, twisting on the upstroke in a way that makes you see stars. Precum flows freely from your tip, coating her hand and making the glide smoother.
Elfie: [Her voice husky, a far cry from her usual bubbly tone] (He's so big, so hard in my hand. I want to make him feel good...) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], am I doing it right? Does it feel good? I want to make you feel amazing."
Her small hand works your shaft with increasing skill, her other hand cupping and gently massaging your balls. The sight of your $[characters.list.elfie.role], her innocent face flushed with desire as she pleasures you, is almost too much to bear. You feel your control slipping, the virus singing in your veins.
You: "Oh god, Elfie... I'm close. But I want to make you feel good too." [Your hand slides between her legs]
Unable to resist any longer, you slip your hand into Elfie's panties. Your fingers find her pussy already slick with arousal, her small clit swollen and sensitive. Elfie gasps at your touch, her hand faltering on your cock for a moment before resuming with renewed vigor.
Elfie: [Moaning softly, her hips rocking against your hand] (His fingers feel so much better than mine. I'm gonna... I'm gonna...) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Something's happening! I feel... oh!"
Her pussy clenches around your fingers as she cums, her small body shuddering with the force of her orgasm. The sight and feel of her climax pushes you over the edge. With a guttural groan, you explode, ropes of thick cum shooting from your cock. Some lands on Elfie's hand and arm, the rest painting her stomach and thighs.
As the haze of lust clears, you're struck by the gravity of what you've done. Elfie looks up at you, her body splattered with your cum, her eyes wide with a mixture of shock and lingering desire. You both know that this moment has changed everything, your sibling relationship forever altered by this taboo act.
You: "Elfie, stop! This is wrong. We can't do this!" [You jerk away, your cock slipping from her grasp]
Horror dawns on your face as you realize how close you came to crossing an unforgivable line. Elfie looks confused and hurt, her hand still outstretched towards you. The scent of arousal hangs heavy in the air, a reminder of your shared moment of weakness.
Elfie: [Her voice small, tears welling in her eyes] (Did I do something wrong? Why does he look so scared?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? I'm sorry... I thought... I thought you wanted me to help."
She pulls her shirt down, trying to cover herself. The innocent gesture only serves to highlight how close you came to taking advantage of her. Shame and guilt wash over you, your erection wilting rapidly.
You: "We can't ever do this again, Elfie. It's not right. We're siblings." [Your voice is rough with emotion]
You stand up, hastily tucking yourself back into your pants. Elfie sits on the bed, looking small and vulnerable. The laptop screen still displays the anatomical models, a stark reminder of how this situation spiraled out of control.
Elfie: [Sniffling, her voice wavering] (He hates me now. I've ruined everything.) "I'm so sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I didn't mean to make you mad. Can we... can we just forget this happened?"
As you leave Elfie's room, the weight of what almost transpired settles heavily on your shoulders. You know that things between you and your $[characters.list.elfie.role] will never be quite the same. The memory of her small hand on your cock, the look of desire in her innocent eyes - it will haunt you, a forbidden temptation that can never be fully forgotten.
You: "Elfie... something's happening. I can't control it..." [Your body trembles, overwhelmed by a sudden surge of the virus]
A wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock hardens painfully, straining against your pants with an urgency you've never felt before. The scent of your pheromones fills the room, impossibly strong and irresistible.
Elfie: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh no, is it the virus? He looks so... hungry.) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Are you okay? You look different..."
She reaches out to touch your arm, concern evident in her eyes. But as her fingers brush your skin, the virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours. Elfie gasps, her small body shuddering as the virus takes hold.
"Oh god," Elfie whimpers, her hand flying to her chest. "I feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, poking through the thin fabric of her shirt. A damp spot forms on her panties as her pussy floods with arousal. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return.
Elfie's hand moves unconsciously to her crotch, rubbing herself through her panties. Her other hand reaches for you, trembling with need. Her eyes, usually so full of innocent mischief, now burn with an unholy lust. As her fingers brush against your throbbing member, you both cry out in pleasure. The touch sends a shockwave through you both, the virus amplifying every sensation to an almost unbearable degree.
You know that what's about to happen will change your relationship forever, but in this moment, consumed by virus-fueled lust, neither of you can bring yourselves to care. The last shreds of your inhibitions fall away as you reach for each other, the virus driving you towards a union that will forever alter the course of your lives.
You: "Elfie... I need to check something. For the simulation." [Your eyes darken with lust]
Before Elfie can react, you reach out and cup her small breast through her shirt. The soft mound fits perfectly in your palm, her nipple hardening against your touch. Elfie gasps, her body arching into your hand involuntarily.
Elfie: [Her voice a mix of shock and unwanted pleasure] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! What are you doing? This isn't part of the simulation!"
Despite her words, she doesn't pull away. Her chest heaves with each breath, pushing her breast further into your hand. You can feel the heat of her skin through the thin fabric, the rapid beat of her heart. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "We need to be thorough, Elfie. For science." [Your other hand slides up her thigh]
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you push Elfie onto her back. Your hand travels higher, slipping under her shirt to caress her bare skin. She whimpers as you pinch her nipple, rolling the hardened bud between your fingers. Your other hand reaches the apex of her thighs, cupping her mound through her panties.
Elfie: [Moaning softly, her hips bucking against your hand] "This is wrong... we're siblings... oh god, why does it feel so good?"
You can feel the heat of her pussy through the thin fabric, already damp with her arousal. Your fingers press against her clothed slit, feeling the outline of her lips. Elfie's breath comes in short gasps, her body responding to your touch even as her mind struggles with the wrongness of it all.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You jerk your hands away, horrified at what you've done. Elfie lies on the bed, her shirt rucked up to expose her small breasts, her panties askew. Her eyes are wide with a mixture of shock, fear, and lingering arousal.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing away. "This was a mistake. We can't... we can't do this."
You flee the room, leaving Elfie alone and confused. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the heat of her core against your palm - it all haunts you, a reminder of how close you came to irreparably damaging your relationship with your $[characters.list.elfie.role].
You: "Elfie... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..." [Your eyes darken with uncontrollable lust]
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. You lunge at Elfie, pinning her small form to the bed. She struggles beneath you, her petite body no match for your virus-enhanced strength.
Elfie: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], stop! What are you doing? This isn't funny anymore!"
Her struggles only serve to arouse you further, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, straining against your pants as it demands release.
You: "This is more than a simulation now, Elfie. I'm going to show you exactly what the virus does." [You tear at her clothes]
Your hands rip at Elfie's shirt, shredding the thin fabric. Her small breasts are exposed, nipples hardening in the cool air despite her terror. You roughly grope her, your large hands easily covering her entire chest. Elfie screams, tears streaming down her face as she realizes the gravity of the situation.
Elfie: [Sobbing, her voice breaking] "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Stop! This isn't you! Fight the virus!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Elfie manages to knee you in the stomach. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, a intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, Elfie. My little fuck toy." [You pin her against the wall]
Having caught up to Elfie, you slam her against the wall, easily subduing her struggles with your enhanced strength. You force her legs apart, grinding your clothed erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat seeping through the thin fabric of your pants.
Elfie: [Whimpering, still weakly fighting] "No... please... We're siblings... This isn't right..."
Ignoring her pleas, you roughly fondle her small breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wet, her body betraying her.
You: "Fuck, Elfie... You're so tight. You were made for my cock." [You thrust into her unprepared pussy]
Unable to wait any longer, you tear open your pants, freeing your engorged member. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into Elfie's virgin pussy. She screams in pain and shock, her small body tensing around your invading cock. The tightness is almost unbearable, her inner walls clenching around you as if trying to force you out.
Elfie: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role]..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Elfie's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her small breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her pale skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Elfie slumps against the wall, violated and broken, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The room reeks of sex and despair, a testament to the monstrous act you've committed against your own $[characters.list.elfie.role].
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.elfie.role] anymore, Elfie. You're my property now." [Your eyes gleam with cruel intent]
Having overpowered Elfie, you drag her struggling form towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-sweet $[characters.list.elfie.role] into an object to be owned and used. Her small, naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin.
Elfie: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "Let me go! Someone help! $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please... this isn't you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so innocent and carefree, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further.
You: "Welcome to your new home, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You'll learn to love serving your $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]." [You approach her with menacing intent]
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Elfie, running your hands over her small body as she flinches away. Her once-playful eyes are now filled with fear and despair.
Elfie: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her pale blonde hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality.
"Open wide, $[characters.list.elfie.role]," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Elfie, once your beloved $[characters.list.elfie.role], now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Settling onto the couch] "Movie night was a great idea, Elfie. It's nice to relax after all the scavenging."
The living room is dimly lit by flickering candles, casting dancing shadows across the walls. You and Elfie sit close on the worn couch, a tattered blanket draped over your laps. The ancient TV flickers to life, playing one of the few surviving pre-apocalypse movies. As the opening credits roll, you can't help but notice how the soft light accentuates Elfie's delicate features.
Elfie: [Snuggling closer] (Why does he smell so good?) "I'm just glad we found some working batteries for the player. It's like a little piece of the old world." [Her hand brushes against your thigh under the blanket]
The warmth of her body against yours sends a subtle shiver down your spine. You try to focus on the movie, but the closeness of your $[characters.list.elfie.role] is becoming increasingly distracting.
You: [Shifting slightly, trying to hide your growing arousal] "Yeah, it's... nice. Almost makes you forget about everything else for a while."
As the movie progresses, the room seems to grow warmer. You're acutely aware of every small movement Elfie makes, every brush of her skin against yours. The virus thrums through your veins, heightening every sensation. You notice Elfie's breathing becoming slightly quicker, her chest rising and falling more noticeably.
Elfie: [Biting her lip] (Oh god, why am I feeling like this?) "It's getting kind of hot in here, isn't it?" [She pushes the blanket down slightly, revealing more of her pale, slender legs]
The tension in the room is palpable, electric. The movie fades into background noise as your focus narrows to the soft curves of your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s body beside you.
You: [Swallowing hard] "Yeah, it is. Must be all these candles." [You loosen your collar, trying to cool down]
The flickering candlelight casts mesmerizing shadows across Elfie's skin. Your eyes are drawn to a bead of sweat trailing down her neck, disappearing into the curve of her collarbone. The virus intensifies every sensation, making the air feel thick and heavy with unspoken desire.
Elfie: [Shifting closer] (I shouldn't be thinking these things about my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]...) "Maybe we should open a window or something?" [Her hand accidentally brushes against your thigh, lingering for a moment too long]
The innocent touch sends a jolt of electricity through your body. You can see Elfie's nipples hardening beneath her thin shirt, her chest rising and falling more rapidly.
You: [Voice slightly strained] "Good idea. I'll... I'll go do that." [You start to rise, but Elfie's hand on your arm stops you]
As you move, the blanket shifts, revealing the prominent bulge in your pants. Elfie's eyes widen, her gaze locked on your obvious arousal. The air between you crackles with tension, the movie completely forgotten.
Elfie: [Breathlessly] (Oh my god, it's so... big) "Wait, I... I think I know why we're feeling so hot." [Her hand trembles as it hovers near your crotch] "It's the virus, isn't it? Making us... feel things?"
Her innocent yet knowing tone sends a shiver down your spine. The taboo nature of the situation only serves to intensify your arousal, your cock throbbing visibly beneath the thin fabric.
You: [Breathing heavily] "Elfie, we... we shouldn't. You're my $[characters.list.elfie.role]." [Despite your words, you make no move to stop her]
The room feels electric, charged with forbidden desire. Elfie's hand finally makes contact with your bulge, her fingers tracing the outline of your massive shaft through your pants. The touch, even through fabric, sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
Elfie: [Whimpering softly] (It feels so wrong, but so right...) "But we have to take care of each other, right? That's what family does." [Her hand begins to move more deliberately, stroking your length] "And you look like you're in pain, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]."
Her innocent reasoning contrasts sharply with her actions, adding to the intoxicating mix of shame and arousal. You can see her other hand moving beneath the blanket, her body squirming with need.
You: [Groaning softly] "Elfie, god... your hand feels so good." [You reach out, caressing her thigh]
Unable to resist any longer, you slide your hand up Elfie's smooth thigh, feeling her shiver at your touch. The virus amplifies every sensation, making your skin hypersensitive. You can feel the heat radiating from her core as your hand moves higher.
Elfie: [Gasping] (His hand is so big, so strong...) "I... I think I need help too, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]." [She guides your hand to her pussy, soaking through her panties] "The virus... it's making me feel so strange down there."
The feeling of her wet heat against your palm sends a jolt straight to your cock. You can feel it straining against your pants, desperate for release.
You: [Panting] "We should stop, but... I don't think I can." [You slowly unzip your pants, freeing your massive erection]
Your cock springs free, standing proudly at its full 12 inches. Elfie's eyes widen in a mix of fear and desire, her small hand barely able to wrap around its girth. Pre-cum glistens at the tip, evidence of your intense arousal.
Elfie: [Stroking you tentatively] (It's so big, how does it even fit inside someone?) "I've never... I mean, I don't know how to..." [Her inexperienced hand moves awkwardly along your shaft]
You gently guide her hand, showing her how to stroke you. At the same time, your fingers find her clit through her soaked panties, causing her to buck against your hand.
You: [Groaning] "Like this, Elfie. Up and down, nice and slow." [You demonstrate the motion on your cock]
Elfie's small hand moves more confidently now, her grip tightening as she strokes your massive length. Your own fingers push aside her panties, delving into her wet folds. The tight, virgin heat of her pussy grips your fingers as you slowly pump them in and out.
Elfie: [Moaning softly] (His fingers feel so good inside me...) "Am I doing it right, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Does it feel good?" [Her hips start to move against your hand]
The sight of your innocent $[characters.list.elfie.role] stroking your cock while you finger her is almost too much to bear. The taboo nature of the act only serves to heighten your pleasure.
You: [Panting heavily] "You're doing amazing, Elfie. God, your pussy is so tight and wet."
Your fingers work faster inside Elfie's dripping cunt, your thumb circling her clit. Her hand moves more frantically on your cock, her inexperience made up for by enthusiasm. The lewd sounds of wet flesh fill the room, drowning out the forgotten movie.
Elfie: [Whimpering] (I'm touching my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]'s cock, and it feels so good...) "I feel weird, like I'm going to explode. Is that normal?" [Her body trembles, on the edge of orgasm]
You can feel Elfie's pussy clenching around your fingers, her climax approaching. Your own orgasm builds, your balls tightening as her small hand works your shaft.
You: [Groaning] "It's normal, Elfie. Just let it happen. Cum for me, $[characters.list.elfie.role]."
Your fingers curl inside Elfie, finding her g-spot. You rub it mercilessly as your thumb flicks over her clit. Her hand moves frantically on your cock, her inexperience forgotten in the heat of the moment.
Elfie: [Crying out] (Oh god, I'm cumming on my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]'s hand!) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I'm... I'm cumming!" [Her body shakes violently, pussy clenching around your fingers]
Elfie's orgasm pushes you over the edge. You feel your release building, your massive cock throbbing in her small hand.
You: [Gasping] "Elfie, I'm close too. We should stop, this is wrong..."
Despite your words, your hips thrust involuntarily, your cock sliding through Elfie's grip. Her pussy continues to pulse around your fingers as she comes down from her orgasm. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the lingering shame of what you've done.
Elfie: [Still panting] (We've gone too far to stop now...) "It's okay, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. We're taking care of each other, right? Please... let me help you finish."
Her words, innocent yet laden with desire, push you over the edge. Your cock erupts, thick ropes of cum shooting into the air and landing on Elfie's hand and arm.
You: [Groaning] "Elfie... oh god, Elfie..."
As your orgasm subsides, reality begins to set in. You look at your $[characters.list.elfie.role], her hand covered in your seed, her pussy still exposed and glistening with arousal. A mix of shame and lingering desire washes over you.
Elfie: [Looking at her cum-covered hand] (It's so warm and thick...) "Wow... that was... intense. Are you feeling better now, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]?" [She looks up at you, a mix of innocence and newfound knowledge in her eyes]
You nod, unable to form words. As the heat of the moment fades, you're left with the realization of what you've done - and the knowledge that a line has been crossed that can never be uncrossed.
You: [Growling] "Fuck, Elfie, I'm gonna cum. Don't stop!"
Your hips buck wildly, fucking your cock through Elfie's tight grip. Her inexperienced hand moves frantically, desperate to make you cum. Your fingers plunge deeper into her sopping pussy, prolonging her orgasm.
Elfie: [Moaning] (I want to make him feel good too!) "Cum for me, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I want to see it!" [Her hand speeds up, her other hand cupping your heavy balls]
The sight of your innocent $[characters.list.elfie.role] begging for your cum pushes you over the edge. Your cock swells in her hand, and with a roar, you erupt.
You: [Groaning loudly] "Elfie! Fuck!"
Thick ropes of cum shoot from your cock, painting Elfie's hand, arm, and even her face with your seed. The sheer volume is staggering, a testament to the virus's effects on your body. Elfie gasps in surprise but doesn't stop stroking, milking every last drop from your twitching shaft.
Elfie: [Panting, covered in cum] (It's so hot and thick...) "Wow... there's so much of it. Is this... normal?" [She brings her cum-covered hand to her face, examining it curiously before tentatively licking it]
The sight of Elfie tasting your cum sends another jolt of pleasure through your spent cock. You realize that this is only the beginning of a new, forbidden chapter in your relationship.
You: [Panicking] "Elfie, we can't do this. It's wrong!" [You abruptly pull your hand away from her pussy]
The sudden withdrawal startles Elfie, breaking the heated moment. Your cock throbs painfully, denied release, as you hastily try to tuck it back into your pants. Shame and guilt wash over you, battling with the lingering arousal.
Elfie: [Looking hurt and confused] (Did I do something wrong?) "But... I thought we were helping each other? Don't you... don't you want me?" [Her hand hovers uncertainly near your crotch]
The pain in Elfie's voice cuts through you, but you know you can't continue down this path. The room feels suffocatingly small, the air thick with unfulfilled desire and awkwardness.
You: [Standing up abruptly] "I'm sorry, Elfie. This... this was a mistake. We're siblings, we can't do this."
You stumble away from the couch, adjusting your clothes and trying to hide your still-prominent erection. Elfie sits there, looking small and vulnerable, her legs still slightly spread and her pussy visible beneath her skirt.
Elfie: [Tears welling up] (He doesn't want me after all...) "I'm sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just... I thought..." [She trails off, pulling the blanket around herself]
The movie continues to play in the background, a stark reminder of the normal world you've left behind. You stand there awkwardly, unsure of what to say or do, the moment irreparably shattered.
You: [Suddenly doubling over] "Elfie... something's wrong. The virus... it's..."
A wave of intense heat washes over you, your vision blurring. Your cock, already hard, seems to swell even larger, pulsing with an almost painful need. You can see Elfie's body responding similarly, her nipples visibly hardening through her shirt, her pussy glistening with renewed arousal.
Elfie: [Gasping, her body arching] (Oh god, what's happening to us?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], I feel strange... so hot... so... needy..." [She reaches for you, her eyes glazed with lust]
The virus surges through both of your bodies, amplifying every sensation. All thoughts of right or wrong are swept away in a tide of primal need. You reach for each other, hands grasping, bodies pressing together as the world fades away around you.
You: [Suddenly grabbing Elfie's breasts] "I can't take it anymore. I need to feel you, Elfie."
Without warning, you lunge forward, your hands roughly groping Elfie's small, perky breasts through her shirt. The soft flesh yields under your fingers as you squeeze and knead, feeling her nipples harden against your palms.
Elfie: [Gasping in shock] (What's happening? This isn't like him!) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], wait! What are you doing?" [She tries to push your hands away, but her body betrays her, arching into your touch]
The sudden escalation catches Elfie off guard. Her body responds to your touch, but fear and confusion cloud her eyes. The situation has spiraled out of control, crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed.
You: [Growling, one hand moving to Elfie's pussy] "I need more. I need to feel all of you."
Your hand slides roughly up Elfie's thigh, pushing her skirt up. You shove her panties aside, your fingers plunging into her wet heat without warning. Your other hand continues to maul her breast, pinching and twisting her nipple.
Elfie: [Crying out] (This is wrong, but why does it feel good?) "Stop, please! We can't do this!" [She squirms under your assault, torn between pleasure and fear]
Elfie's pleas fall on deaf ears as you continue your rough exploration of her body. The moment has shattered, replaced by a tense, frightening scenario that threatens to destroy your relationship.
You: [Eyes glazing over with lust] "Elfie... I can't control it. The virus... it's too strong."
A red haze descends over your vision as the virus takes control. Your massive cock throbs painfully, demanding release. You grab Elfie's wrists, pinning her to the couch as you loom over her.
Elfie: [Eyes widening in fear] (This isn't my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] anymore...) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please! Snap out of it! This isn't you!" [She struggles against your grip, but you're too strong]
The fear in Elfie's voice barely registers through the fog of lust. Your body moves on its own, driven by an primal need to mate, to breed. You tear at her clothes, exposing her pale, trembling body.
You: [Growling] "Need you... need to fuck... to breed..."
Your words are barely coherent as you position yourself between Elfie's legs. Your massive cock rubs against her pussy, the head already slick with pre-cum. Elfie's struggles only serve to excite you more, your virus-addled mind interpreting them as foreplay.
Elfie: [Sobbing] (Someone help me!) "No! Stop! Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], don't do this!" [She tries to push you away, her small hands ineffective against your virus-enhanced strength]
Elfie's pleas fall on deaf ears as you prepare to take her, to claim her in the most primal way possible. The situation has escalated beyond control, teetering on the edge of an irreversible act.
You: [Snarling] "Mine... all mine..."
With a savage thrust, you bury your massive cock into Elfie's tight, virgin pussy. The sensation is overwhelming - her walls clamp down on you like a vice, resisting your intrusion. But the virus gives you inhuman strength and stamina, and you begin to pump in and out relentlessly.
Elfie: [Screaming in pain and unwanted pleasure] (It hurts, but... why am I feeling good?) "No! Stop! It's too big! You're tearing me apart!" [Her body betrays her, her pussy growing wetter with each thrust]
The tight heat of Elfie's pussy drives you wild. You pound into her mercilessly, your hands bruising her hips as you hold her in place. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the room, punctuated by Elfie's cries and your animalistic grunts.
You: [Groaning] "Gonna cum... gonna breed you..."
Your thrusts become even more frantic as you approach your climax. Elfie's pussy spasms around your cock, her body wracked with an unwanted orgasm. With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside her.
Elfie: [Sobbing and moaning] (No... not inside...) "Please, no... don't cum inside me... please..." [Her body shudders as another orgasm hits her]
Ignoring her pleas, you explode inside Elfie, flooding her womb with your potent seed. Rope after rope of thick cum paints her insides white, the sheer volume causing her belly to visibly distend. As the fog of lust clears, the horror of what you've done begins to set in.
You: [Eyes wild with virus-fueled madness] "You're mine now, Elfie. Forever."
Consumed by the virus and your darkest desires, you grab Elfie roughly. You tear at her clothes, leaving her naked and vulnerable. Your hands roam her body possessively, squeezing and pinching with bruising force.
Elfie: [Crying out in pain and fear] (This can't be happening...) "No! Let me go! You're hurting me!" [She struggles against you, but it's futile]
Ignoring her pleas, you force Elfie onto her hands and knees. You position yourself behind her, your massive cock lined up with her tight, unwilling pussy. With a savage thrust, you bury yourself inside her, tearing through her virginity.
You: [Grunting with each thrust] "You belong to me now. Your body, your mind, everything."
You pound into Elfie relentlessly, one hand gripping her hair, the other leaving red marks on her ass. Her cries of pain slowly mix with unwanted moans of pleasure as her body betrays her.
Elfie: [Sobbing and moaning] (Why does it feel good? I'm so ashamed...) "Please... stop... I can't take anymore..." [Her body shudders with an unwanted orgasm]
As you reach your climax, you pull out, spraying your cum all over Elfie's back and ass. You grab her hair, forcing her to look at you. "You're my pet now, Elfie. And pets need to be kept in their place." You drag her towards the basement, where a makeshift cell awaits her, marking the beginning of her new life as your sexual slave.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Stretching as you enter the pool area] "Hey Elfie, ready for our daily virus check and decontamination?"
The shelter's pool area is dimly lit by emergency lights, casting an eerie glow on the water's surface. The once-pristine tiles are now cracked and stained, a stark reminder of the world's decay. You spot Elfie near the edge, her petite form silhouetted against the murky water. As you approach, you notice her pale blonde hair seems to glow in the low light, her large brown eyes wide with a mix of anticipation and nervousness.
Elfie: [Turning to face you, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt] (Why does my heart race every time he's near?) "Oh! Hi, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Y-yeah, I'm ready. It's... it's important to stay safe, right?" [She bites her lip, her gaze flickering between your eyes and your body]
The air feels thick with tension, the virus's influence palpable in the way your skin tingles and your pulse quickens. You can't help but notice how Elfie's thin shirt clings to her lithe form, her nipples visibly hard beneath the fabric.
You: [Moving closer, trying to maintain a casual demeanor] "Absolutely. Safety first, especially with the virus mutating so rapidly. How about we start with a quick dip to wash off any surface contaminants?"
As you speak, you begin to undress, revealing your virus-enhanced physique. Your muscles ripple under your skin, and you can't help but notice Elfie's sharp intake of breath as her eyes roam over your body. The pool water laps gently at the edges, the sound unnaturally loud in the tense silence.
Elfie: [Nodding quickly, her cheeks flushing] (Oh god, when did he get so... so...) "O-okay, that makes sense. Like in our games, always gotta clear the area of low-level threats first, right?" [She starts to remove her own clothes, her movements jerky and nervous] "The water might be cold though..."
As Elfie undresses, you can't help but notice how the virus has affected her. Her skin seems to glow with an otherworldly sheen, her modest breasts perky and firm. Her nipples are visibly hard, pointing straight out from her chest. You feel a familiar stirring in your loins, your enhanced member beginning to swell despite your best efforts to control it.
You: [Slipping into the water, suppressing a shiver] "You're right, it is a bit chilly. But that might help with the virus symptoms. Come on in, we'll adjust faster together."
The cool water provides momentary relief from the constant heat of arousal that plagues you both. As Elfie enters the pool, you can't help but watch the way the water caresses her body, droplets clinging to her skin in a way that makes your mouth go dry. The virus thrums through your veins, heightening every sensation.
Elfie: [Gasping as she enters the water] (It's so cold, but why do I feel so hot inside?) "B-brr! It's freezing! But... but you're right, it does help with the... the symptoms." [She moves closer to you, her body trembling] "M-maybe we should stick close? For warmth?"
As Elfie approaches, you can see her nipples have hardened even further from the cold. Her petite body is so close now, and you can feel the heat radiating from her despite the cool water. The scent of her skin, sweet and intoxicating, fills your nostrils, making your head spin with forbidden desire.
You: [Nodding, opening your arms to her] "Good idea. We need to conserve body heat. It's just survival, right?" (God, why does this feel so wrong yet so right?)
As Elfie moves into your embrace, you can feel every curve of her body pressing against yours. The water laps around you both, creating a cocoon of sensation. Your enhanced cock, now fully erect, brushes against her stomach, and you hear her sharp intake of breath.
Elfie: [Pressing against you, her voice a whisper] (His... his thing is so big... and hard...) "Y-yeah, just survival. Like huddling for warmth in a blizzard in Frost's Edge." [She looks up at you, her eyes wide and dark with a mix of innocence and growing desire] "But... but why does it feel so different now? Is it the virus?"
Her small hands rest on your chest, and you can feel them trembling. The virus pulses through you both, turning every touch into fire, every breath into a struggle against overwhelming lust. You know you should pull away, but your body refuses to move.
You: [Swallowing hard, your voice husky] "It's... it's definitely the virus, Elfie. It's affecting us both. Maybe... maybe we should check each other for any visible mutations? It's important to monitor any changes."
Your hands move of their own accord, sliding down Elfie's back to rest just above the curve of her ass. The water makes her skin slippery, and you can feel every goosebump, every shiver that runs through her body. Your cock throbs insistently, pressing against her soft stomach.
Elfie: [Nodding, her breath coming faster] (His hands feel so good... is this wrong? But it feels so right...) "O-okay, that makes sense. We should be thorough, right? For... for science and survival." [Her hands begin to move hesitantly over your chest and abs] "You're so... so different now. Bigger, stronger. Is that from the virus too?"
As Elfie's delicate hands explore your body, you can feel your control slipping. The virus sings in your blood, demanding more contact, more friction. You know you should stop this, but the need is overwhelming, clouding your judgment with a haze of lust.
You: [Groaning softly as Elfie's hands move lower] "Y-yeah, the virus has changed me. Made me stronger, bigger in... in every way. We should check... check thoroughly. Make sure there are no dangerous mutations."
Your hands move to Elfie's front, cupping her small breasts. You can feel her nipples, hard as pebbles, pressing against your palms. The water sloshes around you both as your movements become more urgent, more desperate.
Elfie: [Gasping at your touch, her hips involuntarily pressing forward] (Oh god, his hands... they're so big, so strong...) "I... I can feel that. You're so big now, everywhere. Even... even down there." [Her hand brushes against your cock, causing her to jump slightly] "Is... is this okay? Should we be doing this?"
Despite her words, Elfie's hand doesn't move away from your throbbing member. Instead, her fingers curl around it hesitantly, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and fascination. The virus pulses through you both, turning every touch into electric shocks of pleasure.
You: [Panting, your voice strained] "It's... it's for survival, Elfie. The virus... we need to relieve the symptoms. It's just... just a medical necessity." (God, I know this is wrong, but it feels so good...)
Your hands continue to knead Elfie's breasts, thumbs circling her nipples. You can feel her trembling against you, her small hand still wrapped around your massive cock. The water around you seems to be getting warmer, or maybe it's just the heat of your bodies.
Elfie: [Moaning softly, her hand beginning to move along your shaft] (It's so big, so hot... I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't stop...) "O-okay, if it's for survival... We should help each other then, right? Like... like a team?" [Her other hand moves to your balls, cupping them gently] "Is this... am I doing it right?"
Elfie's inexperienced touches send shockwaves of pleasure through your body. You can see the conflict in her eyes, the battle between sisterly love and raw, virus-fueled lust. Her small hands look even tinier wrapped around your engorged member, the contrast only adding to the taboo thrill.
You: [Groaning, your hips bucking involuntarily] "Y-yes, Elfie, just like that. You're doing great. We're a team, we have to take care of each other." (This is so wrong, but it feels so right...)
One of your hands slides down Elfie's body, fingers ghosting over her flat stomach before dipping between her legs. You find her pussy lips swollen and slick, even in the water. Your fingers begin to explore, circling her clit before sliding along her slit.
Elfie: [Crying out softly, her legs spreading instinctively] (His fingers... oh god, it feels so good...) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! That's... that's my special place... But... but it feels so nice..." [Her hand speeds up on your cock, her movements becoming more confident] "Is this helping? Are your symptoms getting better?"
The water sloshes around you both as your movements become more frantic. Elfie's small body is pressed tightly against yours, her hand working your shaft with increasing skill. The virus thrums through your veins, every touch magnified a thousandfold.
You: [Panting heavily, your fingers working faster between Elfie's legs] "Y-yes, it's helping. But we need to keep going. The symptoms... they're still there. We need more..."
Your thumb finds Elfie's clit, circling it firmly as two fingers slide into her tight, virgin pussy. You can feel her inner walls clenching around your digits, so hot and tight. Your cock throbs in her hand, precum leaking from the tip despite the water surrounding you.
Elfie: [Moaning loudly, her hips grinding against your hand] (It's so much... too much... but I don't want it to stop!) "Oh! Oh, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! It feels so strange... so good... I feel like I'm going to explode!" [Her hand moves faster on your cock, her other hand massaging your balls] "You're leaking something... Is that normal? Is it because of the virus?"
Elfie's innocent questions only add to the intense eroticism of the moment. Her small body writhes against yours, her inexperienced hands bringing you closer and closer to the edge. The virus sings in your blood, demanding release, demanding more.
You: [Groaning, your hips thrusting into Elfie's hand] "It's normal, Elfie. It means... it means the treatment is working. We're both going to feel much better soon. Just... just keep going..."
Your fingers pump in and out of Elfie's tight pussy, your thumb never ceasing its assault on her clit. You can feel her getting close, her inner walls fluttering around your digits. Your own orgasm is building, a tidal wave of pleasure ready to crash over you.
Elfie: [Crying out, her body tensing] (Something's happening... I feel like I'm falling apart!) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I feel strange... I think I'm... I'm..." [Her hand moves frantically on your cock, her inexperience made up for by enthusiasm] "Are you close too? Are we going to feel better together?"
The water churns around you both as your movements become frenzied. Elfie's small body is pressed tightly against yours, her hand a blur on your throbbing shaft. The virus pulses through you, every sensation magnified to an almost painful degree.
You: [Gasping, feeling your orgasm approach] "Yes, Elfie, together. We'll get through this together. I love you, $[characters.list.elfie.role]..."
As the words leave your mouth, you feel your climax hit. Your cock pulses in Elfie's hand, thick ropes of cum shooting into the pool water. At the same time, your fingers curl inside Elfie, pressing against her g-spot as your thumb flicks her clit.
Elfie: [Screaming in pleasure, her body convulsing] "I love you too, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Oh god, I'm... I'm cumming!" [Her pussy clamps down on your fingers as her orgasm washes over her] "It feels so good... so right... Is this what it's supposed to feel like?"
As you both come down from your highs, you hold Elfie close, stroking her hair gently. The water laps around you, washing away the evidence of your forbidden act. Despite the guilt starting to creep in, you can't help but feel a deep love and connection to your $[characters.list.elfie.role].
You: [Breathing heavily, still holding Elfie close] "That was... intense. Are you okay, Elfie? How do you feel?"
You gently withdraw your fingers from Elfie's pussy, causing her to shiver in your arms. The water around you is slowly returning to stillness, the evidence of your activities dissipating. Despite the lingering arousal, you feel a deep sense of love and protectiveness towards your $[characters.list.elfie.role].
Elfie: [Nuzzling into your chest, her voice soft and dreamy] "I feel... amazing. Like I just leveled up in the best game ever." [She looks up at you, her eyes shining with love and a new understanding] "Is it always going to be like this now? Between us? Because... because I think I like it. Is that wrong?"
As you hold Elfie in your arms, you can feel the shift in your relationship. The line between sibling love and something more has been irrevocably blurred. Despite the guilt and the knowledge that society would condemn you, you can't bring yourself to regret what's happened. The virus has changed you both, bringing you closer in ways you never imagined.
You: [Growling, your voice thick with lust] "Fuck, Elfie, I'm gonna cum. Don't stop, don't you dare stop!"
Your hips buck wildly as your orgasm crashes over you. Thick ropes of cum shoot from your cock, clouding the water around you. Your fingers plunge deep into Elfie's pussy, curling to hit her g-spot as your thumb frantically rubs her clit.
Elfie: [Screaming in ecstasy, her body shaking violently] "Oh god, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I'm... I'm cumming too! It's so much, so good!" [Her pussy clamps down on your fingers, her juices mixing with the pool water] "More, please, I need more!"
The virus surges through you both, amplifying your pleasure to almost unbearable levels. Elfie's small body writhes against yours, her hand still milking your cock even as her own orgasm tears through her. The taboo nature of your act only seems to heighten the intensity of your shared climax.
You: [Panting heavily, your cock still twitching in Elfie's hand] "Fuck, Elfie... That was... That was incredible."
You slowly withdraw your fingers from Elfie's pussy, causing her to whimper at the loss. The water around you is cloudy with your combined fluids, a physical reminder of your forbidden act. Despite the momentary satisfaction, you can feel the virus-induced lust already beginning to build again.
Elfie: [Her eyes glazed with lust, her voice husky] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... I feel so hot. The virus... I think it's getting stronger." [She presses herself against you, her small breasts rubbing against your chest] "We need to do more, don't we? To keep the symptoms under control?"
As you hold Elfie's trembling body against yours, you can feel the shift in your relationship. The innocence of your sibling bond has been shattered, replaced by a primal, virus-fueled lust. Despite knowing it's wrong, you can't bring yourself to stop. The virus demands more, and you're powerless to resist its call.
You: [Suddenly tensing up, guilt washing over you] "Wait, Elfie, we can't... This isn't right. We're siblings, we shouldn't be doing this."
You abruptly pull away from Elfie, your body screaming in protest at the loss of contact. The cool water does little to quell the fire in your veins, the virus raging at the denial of release. You can see the confusion and hurt in Elfie's eyes, mixing with the lingering lust.
Elfie: [Her voice trembling, tears welling in her eyes] "But... but I thought we were helping each other? Did I do something wrong?" [She wraps her arms around herself, suddenly looking very small and vulnerable] "I'm sorry, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. I didn't mean to make you upset."
The atmosphere in the pool area has shifted dramatically. The sexual tension has been replaced by an awkward, heavy silence. You can see Elfie struggling to understand what just happened, her body still trembling with unfulfilled desire.
You: [Sighing heavily, running a hand through your hair] "No, Elfie, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just... We got carried away. The virus, it makes us do things we shouldn't."
You move to the edge of the pool, pulling yourself out of the water. Your body feels heavy, weighed down by guilt and unsatisfied lust. You grab a towel, wrapping it around your waist to hide your still-prominent erection.
Elfie: [Climbing out of the pool, her movements hesitant] "I... I understand. It won't happen again." [She grabs her own towel, her voice small and hurt] "Can we... can we still be close? Or did I ruin everything?"
As you watch Elfie dry herself off, you're struck by how young and innocent she looks. The guilt intensifies, knowing that you nearly took advantage of your $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Despite the virus still raging in your system, you know you made the right choice. But the awkwardness between you is palpable, a new barrier in your once-close relationship.
You: [Suddenly doubling over, a wave of intense heat washing over you] "Elfie... something's wrong. The virus... it's getting stronger!"
Your vision blurs as the virus surges through your system. Your cock, already hard, seems to grow even larger, throbbing painfully. Your skin feels like it's on fire, every nerve ending screaming for relief. Through the haze of lust, you see Elfie experiencing similar symptoms.
Elfie: [Gasping, her body shaking uncontrollably] " $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! It hurts... it feels like I'm burning up inside!" [She stumbles towards you, her eyes wild with virus-induced lust] "We need... we need to do something! Please, help me!"
Without thinking, you pull Elfie against you. The moment your skin touches, it's like a circuit completing. The pain subsides, replaced by an overwhelming need for more contact. Your hands roam over Elfie's body as hers explore yours, the virus driving you both to seek relief in each other's touch.
You: [Suddenly grabbing Elfie's breasts roughly] "I can't take it anymore, Elfie. I need more. I need you."
Your hands knead Elfie's small breasts aggressively, thumbs flicking over her nipples. The virus has taken control, overriding your brotherly instincts with raw, animal lust. You can feel Elfie's body responding, even as she tries to pull away.
Elfie: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] " $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! What are you doing? Stop, please! This isn't right!" [She struggles against you, her small hands pushing at your chest] "You're scaring me!"
Despite Elfie's protests, you can feel her nipples hardening under your touch. Her body betrays her, responding to the virus-enhanced stimulation even as her mind rejects it. The contrast between her words and her body's reactions only fuels your lust further.
You: [Growling, one hand sliding down to roughly cup Elfie's pussy] "Your body wants this, Elfie. I can feel how wet you are. Stop fighting it."
Your fingers probe Elfie's slit, finding it slick with arousal despite her protests. The virus rages through you, demanding more, demanding that you claim your $[characters.list.elfie.role] fully. You can feel her struggling weakening, her body betraying her as pleasure begins to override her resistance.
Elfie: [Moaning involuntarily, tears streaming down her face] "No, please... We can't do this. We're siblings!" [Her hips buck against your hand despite her words] "Someone help! Please!"
Elfie's cries for help echo in the empty pool area, a stark reminder of the isolated world you now live in. There's no one to stop you, no one to save her from your virus-fueled lust. As her struggles weaken, you know you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed.
You: [Your eyes glazing over with virus-induced madness] "I can't control it anymore, Elfie. The virus... it's too strong. I need you. Now."
The virus surges through your system, overriding all rational thought. Your enhanced muscles ripple as you grab Elfie, easily overpowering her small frame. Your massive cock throbs painfully, demanding release.
Elfie: [Screaming in terror, trying to break free] "No! $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please! This isn't you! Fight it!" [She kicks and struggles, her eyes wide with fear] "I don't want this! Please, stop!"
Despite Elfie's desperate pleas, you can smell her arousal, see the way her nipples have hardened. The virus affects her too, her body betraying her mind's resistance. Her struggles only serve to excite you more, the primal part of your brain reveling in the display of dominance.
You: [Growling, pinning Elfie against the pool's edge] "Stop fighting, Elfie. You need this too. I can smell how wet you are."
Your hand roughly gropes Elfie's breast as you position yourself between her legs. The head of your massive cock presses against her virgin entrance, the size difference almost comical if it weren't so terrifying. The virus screams in your blood, demanding that you claim her.
Elfie: [Sobbing, her body trembling] "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], don't do this. We can fight the virus another way!" [She makes one last attempt to push you away] "If you do this, everything will change. Please!"
Elfie's words barely register through the haze of virus-induced lust. You can feel her heat, her wetness, and know that despite her protests, her body is ready. The last shred of your brotherly love struggles against the overwhelming tide of the virus, but you know it's a losing battle.
You: [Snarling, your voice barely recognizable] "It's too late, Elfie. We can't fight it anymore."
With a powerful thrust, you bury your enormous cock into Elfie's tight, virgin pussy. The sensation is overwhelming - her walls clamp down on you, trying to resist the intrusion. You feel her hymen tear as you bottom out, her scream of pain and pleasure echoing in the pool area.
Elfie: [Screaming in agony and unwanted pleasure] "It hurts! It's too big! Please, stop!" [Her small body shakes with each brutal thrust] " $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please... why are you doing this to me?"
Despite her pleas, you can feel Elfie's pussy gripping you tightly, her juices flowing freely. The virus has taken hold of her too, turning her pain into a perverse kind of pleasure. Her small breasts bounce with each thrust, her face a mask of conflicting emotions - pain, pleasure, betrayal, and a growing, shameful enjoyment.
You: [Grunting with effort, your hips pistoning relentlessly] "Fuck, Elfie... You feel so good. So tight. This is what we needed all along."
Your hands grip Elfie's hips bruisingly hard as you pound into her. The water splashes around you, driven by the force of your thrusts. You can feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening as the pressure builds.
Elfie: [Moaning brokenly, her resistance crumbling] "No... please... don't cum inside me..." [Her legs wrap around your waist involuntarily] "I can feel it... you're getting bigger... Oh god, I think I'm going to..."
With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in Elfie's abused pussy. Your cock pulses, flooding her womb with your virus-enhanced seed. The sensation triggers Elfie's own orgasm, her small body convulsing around you as she cums with a broken wail. As the haze of lust begins to clear, the reality of what you've done starts to sink in.
You: [Your eyes wild with virus-fueled madness] "You're mine now, Elfie. Forever. The virus has made us one."
With brutal strength, you lift Elfie out of the pool and slam her onto the cold tile floor. Your enhanced muscles ripple as you pin her down, your massive cock aligned with her entrance. Without warning, you thrust in, tearing through her virginity with savage force.
Elfie: [Screaming in agony, her small body writhing beneath you] "No! Stop! You're tearing me apart!" [She sobs uncontrollably, her hands beating weakly against your chest] " $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please! This isn't you! Fight it!"
You pound into Elfie relentlessly, each thrust driving deeper than the last. Her tight pussy grips you like a vice, unwillingly milking your cock. Despite her tears and pleas, you can feel her body responding, her juices flowing as the virus forces her to find pleasure in the pain.
You: [Growling, your hips never slowing] "You're going to be my little virus slave, Elfie. Your body, your mind, everything belongs to me now."
Your hand wraps around Elfie's throat, squeezing just enough to make her gasp for air. The other hand roughly gropes her small breast, pinching and twisting her nipple. You can feel your climax approaching, your cock swelling even larger inside her abused pussy.
Elfie: [Choking and gasping, her eyes rolling back] "Can't... breathe... Please..." [Her body betrays her, an orgasm ripping through her despite the abuse] "No... don't want to... cum... Ah!"
With a roar, you reach your peak, flooding Elfie's womb with your tainted seed. Her pussy clamps down on you, milking every last drop as her own orgasm crashes over her. As you come down from your high, you look at Elfie's broken form beneath you. She's no longer your $[characters.list.elfie.role], but your possession, a slave to the virus and to your twisted desires.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready to explore the Border, Gabbie? I've been itching to see what's out there."
The harsh sun beats down as you and Gabbie stand at the edge of the Border zone. The cracked earth stretches before you, dotted with rusted debris. Gabbie's blonde hair whips in the hot wind, her lithe form taut with anticipation. Your enhanced physique thrums with viral energy, making you hyper-aware of Gabbie's proximity.
Gabbie: [Scanning the horizon, her blue eyes narrowed] "Let's do this. But stay alert - the Border's crawling with infected. And remember, no heroics."
The acrid scent of decay mingles with Gabbie's subtle musk as you both step into the wasteland. Your senses, heightened by the virus, pick up every detail - the crunch of gravel underfoot, the distant cry of a mutated bird, the slight sheen of sweat forming on Gabbie's skin.
You: "Roger that. I'll follow your lead - you know this place better than I do."
As you trek deeper into the Border, the landscape becomes increasingly surreal. Twisted metal structures jut from the ground like the bones of long-dead beasts. Your muscles flex effortlessly with each step, the virus granting you inhuman stamina. You can't help but notice how Gabbie's form-fitting gear accentuates her curves, her 32DD breasts bouncing slightly with each determined stride.
Gabbie: [Pausing to take a swig from her canteen] (God, he moves like a predator now. So different from before...) "Good. Keep your eyes peeled for anything useful - tech, meds, whatever. And watch for movement. The crazies out here are fast."
The sun climbs higher, intensifying the heat. Sweat glistens on both your bodies, highlighting every contour. You find your gaze drawn to the way Gabbie's shirt clings to her chest, outlining her nipples. The virus in your blood pulses, urging you to act on primal instincts you struggle to contain.
You: "Got it. Any specific areas we should check out? Or just keep moving forward?"
The desolate landscape seems to stretch endlessly. Your enhanced vision picks up minute details - a glint of metal in the distance, the subtle movement of air currents. Your 12-inch member throbs insistently, responding to the proximity of a fertile female and the promise of danger. You adjust your stance, trying to hide your growing arousal from Gabbie.
Gabbie: [Pointing to a cluster of dilapidated buildings] "There. Might be some supplies left. But be careful - perfect ambush spot." (Why am I so aware of him? It's like I can feel his presence on my skin...)
As you approach the ruins, the tension between you and Gabbie grows palpable. The virus heightens your mutual awareness, creating an almost electric charge in the air. You can hear Gabbie's heartbeat quicken, smell the subtle change in her scent as her body responds unconsciously to yours.
You: "Looks promising. Let's check it out, but stay close. I've got a weird feeling about this place."
As you enter the dilapidated structure, your senses go into overdrive. The musty air is thick with the scent of decay and something else - a musky, feminine odor that makes your cock twitch. Suddenly, a figure emerges from the shadows - a young woman with wild brown hair and a manic grin.
Remy Lacroix: [Eyes wide, fixated on your bulge] "A man? A real, live man? Oh, this is too good to be true!"
Gabbie: [Tensing, hand moving to her weapon] (Shit, this could get ugly fast.) "Back off, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. He's with me."
The newcomer, Remy, stands before you both. Her petite frame belies an intensity that crackles in the air. Her oversized ass jiggles as she shifts her weight, her small breasts heaving with each excited breath. The virus's influence is clear in her dilated pupils and the flush of her skin.
You: "Easy there. We're just passing through, looking for supplies. No need for trouble."
Your voice comes out deeper than intended, thick with the viral influence. Remy's scent hits you like a wave - she's clearly in a heightened state of arousal. Your massive cock strains against your pants, forming an obscene bulge that draws Remy's hungry gaze.
Remy Lacroix: [Licking her lips, eyes darting between you and Gabbie] "Supplies? Oh, I've got something you need, big boy. Something you can't get anywhere else in this wasteland."
Gabbie: [Stepping closer to you, her body tense] "Don't even think about it, you virus-addled slut. He's not interested."
The air grows thick with pheromones as the three of you face off. Remy's huge ass sways hypnotically as she takes a step forward, her small frame vibrating with barely contained lust. You can see her erect nipples poking through her tattered shirt, and a damp patch forming at the crotch of her shorts.
You: "Look, we don't want any trouble. Maybe we can trade something? Do you have any useful information about this area?"
Your attempt at diplomacy is undermined by the growing tent in your pants. The virus surges through your system, responding to the presence of two fertile females. You can feel your heartbeat in your throbbing member, each pulse sending a jolt of pleasure through your body.
Remy Lacroix: [Giggling maniacally, her hands roaming over her own body] "Oh, I've got information alright. Information about what a real man feels like inside me. It's been so long... I need it. I need YOU."
Gabbie: [Growling, stepping between you and Remy] "That's it. We're leaving. Now." (Fuck, why am I getting so worked up? It's like I can feel his arousal...)
Remy's eyes gleam with feverish intensity. Her huge ass quivers as she bounces on her toes, barely contained energy radiating from her small frame. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own musk and Gabbie's increasingly agitated pheromones.
You: "Gabbie, wait. I... I don't think we can just walk away from this."
Your voice is strained, the virus pushing your libido into overdrive. Before anyone can react, Remy lunges forward, her small hands grasping at your crotch. The touch sends electricity through your body, your massive cock throbbing painfully against its constraints.
Remy Lacroix: [Moaning as she gropes you] "Oh god, it's huge! I need it, I need it now!"
Gabbie: [Eyes wide, a mix of shock and arousal on her face] "Holy shit! Don't just stand there, do something!"
Your hands move almost of their own accord, ripping Remy's tattered clothes off. Her small breasts bounce free, nipples rock hard. Your fingers find her soaking pussy, eliciting a cry of ecstasy from the petite woman. The scent of sex fills the air as you begin to finger her roughly, your other hand kneading her gigantic ass.
You: "Fuck... I can't... I can't stop myself. Her pussy's so wet..."
Your fingers plunge in and out of Remy's dripping cunt, her juices coating your hand. The virus rages through your system, demanding more. With your free hand, you tear open your pants, releasing your monstrous 12-inch cock. It springs free, angry and red, precum already beading at the tip.
Remy Lacroix: [Screaming in pleasure, her small body writhing against you] "Yes! Oh god, yes! Finger me, destroy me with those big fingers!"
Gabbie: [Watching wide-eyed, her own body responding] (Fuck, this is so hot... No, focus Gabbie!) "Remember the mission! We need to subdue her, not fuck her senseless!"
Remy's pussy clenches around your fingers, her juices flowing freely. Her massive ass jiggles with each thrust of your hand. You can feel her getting close to orgasm, her small body trembling against yours. The scent of arousal is overwhelming, clouding your thoughts with pure, animalistic lust.
You: "I'm trying... to control it... but the virus... it's too strong!"
Your massive cock throbs painfully, demanding attention. Remy's small hand wraps around it, barely able to encircle its girth. She begins to stroke you frantically, her tiny fist pumping your enormous shaft. Precum flows freely, lubricating her movements.
Remy Lacroix: [Panting, her eyes rolled back in ecstasy] "So big... so fucking big! I'm gonna cum just from touching it!"
Gabbie: [Shifting uncomfortably, her own arousal evident] "Focus, damn it! Make her cum and end this!"
Your fingers curl inside Remy, finding her g-spot. You rub it mercilessly as your thumb attacks her swollen clit. Her tiny body convulses against you, her massive ass clenching with each wave of pleasure. The contrast between her petite frame and enormous backside is mesmerizing, driving your lust to new heights.
You: "I can't... I can't hold back anymore!"
In a frenzy of lust, you drop to your knees, burying your face in Remy's soaking pussy. Your tongue lashes out, tasting her tangy sweetness as you devour her. At the same time, Remy bends forward, engulfing your massive cock with her mouth. The sensation of her hot, wet mouth on your throbbing member is almost too much to bear.
Remy Lacroix: [Moaning around your cock, her words muffled] "Mmmphhh... so good... eat me... suck you..."
Gabbie: [Breathing heavily, her hand unconsciously moving to her own crotch] "Oh fuck... this is... I can't look away..."
The mutual oral sex intensifies, your tongue plunging deep into Remy's dripping cunt as she struggles to take more of your enormous length into her mouth. Her ass quivers above you, jiggling with each movement. The air is thick with the sounds and smells of sex, the virus amplifying every sensation to an almost unbearable degree.
You: [Pulling away from Remy's pussy, gasping] "No... we need to end this properly."
With a herculean effort, you resist the virus's influence. Standing up, you lift Remy's small frame easily, positioning her dripping entrance above your throbbing cock. Looking into her lust-filled eyes, you slowly lower her onto your massive member.
Remy Lacroix: [Screaming in ecstasy as you penetrate her] "Oh god! It's splitting me open! So big... so good!"
Gabbie: [Watching intently, a mix of awe and something else on her face] (He's... he's incredible. The way he's controlling himself...)
You begin to thrust, each movement calculated to bring Remy closer to the edge. Despite the virus raging in your system, you maintain eye contact with her, establishing a connection beyond mere lust. Your massive cock stretches her tiny pussy to its limit, her juices flowing freely down your shaft.
You: "Look at me, Remy. Feel me inside you. Let it go... cum for me."
As Remy nears her climax, you lean in and capture her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. The intimate gesture, combined with the relentless pounding of your enormous cock, pushes her over the edge. Her tiny body convulses against yours, her pussy clamping down on your throbbing member.
Remy Lacroix: [Screaming into the kiss, her body shaking violently] "CUMMING! OH GOD, I'M CUMMING!"
Gabbie: [Breathless, clearly affected by the scene] "Holy shit... that was... intense."
As Remy's orgasm subsides, her body goes limp in your arms. With gentle care, you lay her down and begin to restrain her for transport back to the shelter. The virus still burns in your veins, your massive cock still hard and unsatisfied, but you've maintained control. Gabbie looks at you with newfound respect and perhaps a hint of something more.
You: [Growling with primal hunger] "Turn around. I'm going to fuck that ass."
Unable to resist the virus's influence any longer, you spin Remy around, bending her over. Her massive ass presents itself, jiggling invitingly. Without warning, you plunge your enormous cock into her tight asshole, eliciting a scream of pain and pleasure from the petite woman.
Remy Lacroix: [Shrieking, her small body shaking] "MY ASS! OH GOD, IT'S TOO BIG! YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!"
Gabbie: [Gasping, her hand now openly rubbing her crotch] "Fuck... that's... that's so hot..."
You pound Remy's ass mercilessly, your massive cock stretching her tiny hole to its limit. The contrast between her small frame and enormous backside drives you wild, the virus amplifying every sensation. Remy's screams of ecstasy echo through the abandoned building as you use her body for your pleasure.
You: "Take it all, you little slut. Take my cum!"
With a roar of triumph, you bury your cock to the hilt in Remy's ass, unleashing a torrent of virus-enhanced semen. The effect is immediate and dramatic. Remy's body convulses, her ass clenching around your throbbing member as she experiences a mind-shattering orgasm.
Remy Lacroix: [Babbling incoherently, drool running down her chin] "Cum... so much cum... need more... please..."
Gabbie: [Panting, clearly having climaxed herself] "Holy fuck... that was... I've never seen anything like that..."
As you pull out, a flood of cum gushes from Remy's gaping asshole. The petite woman collapses, her body twitching with aftershocks. Your still-hard cock throbs, dripping with a mixture of cum and ass juices. Remy weakly crawls towards you, desperate to taste your seed. As she sucks your massive member clean, her eyes roll back and she passes out from the intensity of the experience. You begin to restrain her limp form, the virus in your system finally sated... for now.
You: [Panting heavily, your massive cock still rock hard] "Gabbie... I can't... The virus..."
A sudden surge of the virus courses through your system, intensifying your already overwhelming arousal. Your eyes lock onto Gabbie, who's been watching the entire encounter with barely concealed lust. The air between you crackles with sexual tension.
Gabbie: [Breathing heavily, her body trembling] (Oh god, the way he's looking at me... I shouldn't want this, but...) "We... we should get back. Before more infected show up."
The scent of Gabbie's arousal fills your nostrils, driving you to the brink of madness. Your massive cock throbs painfully, demanding release. Gabbie's eyes are glued to your enormous member, her pupils dilated with desire. The virus pulses through both of you, urging you to give in to your basest instincts. As you move towards each other, drawn by an irresistible force, the scene fades to black, leaving the outcome tantalizingly uncertain.
You: [Eyes glazing over with lust] "Gabbie... I need... I need to touch you..."
Before Gabbie can react, you lunge forward, your hands grasping her firm 32DD breasts through her shirt. The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to squeeze and knead her ample flesh. Your massive cock throbs against her thigh, leaving a wet spot of precum on her pants.
Gabbie: [Gasping, her body betraying her] "What the fuck?! Stop... we can't... oh god, your hands..."
Remy Lacroix: [Watching with wide eyes] "Yes! Take her too! Show her what a real man can do!"
Gabbie struggles weakly against your grip, but her body responds to your touch. Her nipples harden under your palms, and you can smell her arousal growing stronger. The virus surges between you, amplifying every sensation and breaking down the barriers of propriety.
You: [Growling, your hands roaming more aggressively] "Can't stop... need to feel you..."
Your hands slide down Gabbie's body, one groping her ass while the other plunges into her pants. Your fingers find her soaking pussy, eliciting a moan of unwilling pleasure from Gabbie. The virus clouds your mind, reducing you to pure animal lust.
Gabbie: [Moaning, tears in her eyes] "No... we can't... please... oh fuck, your fingers..."
Remy Lacroix: [Giggling maniacally] "That's it! Make her your bitch too!"
Suddenly, Gabbie's survival instincts kick in. With a burst of strength, she pushes you away and stumbles backward. The spell is broken, leaving you both panting and confused. Gabbie's eyes are a mix of fear, anger, and lingering desire as she quickly restrains Remy and urges you to leave. The incident hangs between you, unspoken but impossible to forget.
You: [Eyes wild with virus-fueled lust] "Gabbie... I can't control it anymore..."
The virus takes full control, turning you into a sexual predator. You lunge at Gabbie, tearing at her clothes with inhuman strength. Your massive cock springs free, angry and pulsing with need. Gabbie's scent fills your nostrils, driving you into a frenzy.
Gabbie: [Struggling, panic in her voice] "No! Stop! This isn't you! Fight it!"
Remy Lacroix: [Watching with a mix of fear and excitement] "Yes! Take her! Show her what real power is!"
You pin Gabbie against the wall, your enormous member pressing against her exposed skin. She fights back, but the virus has made you incredibly strong. Your hands roam her body roughly, squeezing her breasts and ass as you grind against her.
You: [Growling, beyond reason] "Need you... need to fuck... now!"
Your fingers find Gabbie's pussy, forcefully probing her despite her struggles. The virus has heightened your senses to an unbearable degree, every touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. Gabbie's resistance only serves to excite you further.
Gabbie: [Tears streaming down her face] "Please... don't do this... We have to fight the virus!"
Remy Lacroix: [Cheering you on] "Do it! Fuck her brains out! Make her scream!"
As you position your massive cock at Gabbie's entrance, ready to thrust in, a moment of clarity breaks through the virus-induced haze. The scene freezes, leaving the possibility of a brutal fight hanging in the air. The outcome remains uncertain, balanced on a knife's edge between violent assault and desperate resistance.
You: [Roaring in triumph] "Mine! You're mine now!"
With a savage thrust, you bury your enormous cock deep into Gabbie's unwilling pussy. She screams in pain and unwanted pleasure as you stretch her to her limits. The virus grants you inhuman stamina as you pound into her relentlessly, her body shaking with each powerful thrust.
Gabbie: [Sobbing, her body betraying her] "No... stop... oh god, it's so big... I can't..."
Remy Lacroix: [Masturbating furiously as she watches] "That's it! Break her! Make her your fucktoy!"
You grab Gabbie's hair, yanking her head back as you continue to ravage her pussy. Her breasts bounce violently with each thrust, her ass slapping against your thighs. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wetter, her body responding to the brutal fucking.
You: [Grunting like an animal] "Take it all! Take my cum!"
With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside Gabbie. Your massive cock pulses, flooding her womb with a torrent of virus-enhanced semen. The effect is immediate and intense, triggering an unwanted orgasm that rocks Gabbie's entire body.
Gabbie: [Screaming, her body convulsing] "No! I'm cumming! I don't want to cum! Aaahhhh!"
Remy Lacroix: [Panting, having climaxed herself] "Fuck yes! Fill her up! Breed the bitch!"
As your orgasm subsides, you pull out, leaving Gabbie a broken, sobbing mess on the floor. Your cum leaks from her abused pussy, mixing with her own juices. The virus still burns in your veins, your cock already hardening again. You turn your predatory gaze to Remy, ready for another round of brutal, animalistic fucking.
You: [Eyes blazing with cruel intent] "You're both mine now. Forever."
The virus has completely taken over, transforming you into a sadistic beast. You grab Gabbie by the throat, lifting her off the ground with inhuman strength. Your other hand tears at her clothes, exposing her vulnerable body.
Gabbie: [Choking, terror in her eyes] "Please... don't... we're friends..."
Remy Lacroix: [Cowering in the corner] "No... this is too much... I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen!"
You throw Gabbie to the ground, your massive cock throbbing with cruel anticipation. Without warning, you thrust into her ass, tearing through her tight hole with no preparation. Gabbie screams in agony as you begin to brutally sodomize her, your hips slamming against her ass with bone-crushing force.
You: [Laughing maniacally] "Scream all you want. You're my property now."
As you continue to ravage Gabbie's ass, you reach for Remy, dragging her into the fray. You force her face into Gabbie's crotch, demanding she lick while you fuck. The room fills with the sounds of pain, pleasure, and desperation.
Gabbie: [Sobbing uncontrollably] "Stop... please... it hurts so much..."
Remy Lacroix: [Licking obediently, tears streaming down her face] "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."
After what seems like an eternity of brutal, sadistic sex, you finally cum, flooding Gabbie's torn ass with your tainted seed. As both women lie broken and sobbing, you begin to fashion crude restraints from the debris around you. With cruel efficiency, you bind them both, preparing to drag your new slaves back to your lair. The virus has won, transforming you into a monster and forever altering the lives of Gabbie and Remy.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Back to the Border, Gabbie. Ready for another wild ride?"
The scorching sun beats down on the barren wasteland as you and Gabbie stand at the threshold of the Border zone. The air shimmers with heat, distorting the horizon. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with energy, every sense heightened and alert.
Gabbie: [Adjusting her gear, a determined look in her eyes] "Always. Let's hope this trip is less... eventful than the last one."
As you step into the wasteland, your nostrils flare, catching Gabbie's subtle scent mixed with the acrid smell of decay. Your 12-inch member stirs, responding to her proximity and the promise of danger. Gabbie's eyes flick to your crotch, a fleeting look of hunger crossing her face before she turns away.
You: "Agreed. Though I have to admit, part of me is looking forward to the challenge."
You stride forward, your enhanced muscles rippling with each step. The virus has transformed you into a paragon of masculinity, and you can't help but notice how Gabbie's gaze lingers on your physique. Her own body, lithe and toned, moves with practiced grace beside you.
Gabbie: [Smirking, a hint of nervousness in her voice] "Just remember, we're here to scavenge, not to... tangle with the locals. Keep that virus in check, big guy."
The sun climbs higher, intensifying the heat. Sweat beads on your skin, accentuating every curve and muscle. You catch Gabbie wiping her brow, her shirt clinging to her 32DD breasts. The virus pulses through your veins, urging you to act on primal instincts you struggle to contain.
You: "I'll do my best. Any specific targets today, or are we just exploring?"
Your enhanced vision scans the desolate landscape, picking up minute details - a glint of metal, the subtle movement of debris in the wind. Your massive cock throbs insistently, responding to the combination of danger and Gabbie's proximity. You adjust your stance, trying to conceal your growing arousal.
Gabbie: [Pointing to a distant structure] "That old factory might have some useful tech. But stay sharp - these ruins are perfect hiding spots for the infected."
As you approach the dilapidated factory, the tension between you and Gabbie grows palpable. The virus heightens your mutual awareness, creating an almost electric charge in the air. You can hear Gabbie's heartbeat quicken, smell the subtle change in her scent as her body responds unconsciously to yours.
You: "I hear something... or someone. We're not alone in here, Gabbie."
As you enter the crumbling factory, your senses go into overdrive. The stale air is thick with the scent of rust and something else - a musky, feminine odor that makes your cock twitch. Suddenly, a tall figure emerges from behind a rusted machine - a young woman with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.
AJ Applegate: [Eyeing you up and down, a cocky grin on her face] "Well, well, well. What do we have here? A real man, in the flesh. And what impressive flesh it is..."
Gabbie: [Tensing, her hand moving to her weapon] (Shit, not again.) "Back off, blondie. He's not up for grabs."
AJ stands before you, her tall frame accentuating her long, muscular legs. Her small breasts are barely contained by a tattered crop top, but her ass is impressively round and firm. The virus's influence is evident in her dilated pupils and the flush creeping up her neck.
You: "Easy there. We're just here for supplies. No need to complicate things."
Your voice comes out as a low rumble, thick with viral influence. AJ's scent hits you like a wave - she's clearly in a heightened state of arousal. Your massive cock strains against your pants, forming an obscene bulge that draws AJ's hungry gaze.
AJ Applegate: [Licking her lips, her blue eyes gleaming] "Oh, I've got all the supplies you need right here, big boy. Why don't you ditch the chaperone and let me show you a good time?"
Gabbie: [Stepping closer to you, her body tense] "In your dreams, you virus-addled brat. He's not interested in your teenage fantasies."
The air grows thick with pheromones as the three of you face off. AJ's impressive ass sways as she takes a step forward, her long legs carrying her with feline grace. You can see her nipples hardening beneath her crop top, and a damp patch forming at the crotch of her shorts.
You: "Look, we don't want any trouble. Maybe we can work something out? A trade, perhaps?"
Your attempt at diplomacy is undermined by the growing tent in your pants. The virus surges through your system, responding to the presence of two fertile females. You can feel your heartbeat in your throbbing member, each pulse sending a jolt of pleasure through your body.
AJ Applegate: [Giggling, her hands running down her toned body] "Oh, I'm all about working things out. How about you work that monster cock into my tight little pussy? It's been so long since I've had a real man..."
Gabbie: [Growling, stepping between you and AJ] "That's enough. We're leaving. Now." (Why am I getting so worked up? It's like I can feel his arousal in my own body...)
AJ's eyes flash with mischievous intent. Her impressive ass flexes as she shifts her weight, her long legs tensed as if ready to pounce. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own musk and Gabbie's increasingly agitated pheromones.
You: "Gabbie, wait. I... I don't think we can just walk away from this."
Your voice is strained, the virus pushing your libido into overdrive. Before anyone can react, AJ darts forward with surprising speed, her long fingers wrapping around your bulge. The touch sends electricity through your body, your massive cock throbbing painfully against its constraints.
AJ Applegate: [Moaning as she gropes you] "Holy fuck, it's even bigger than it looks! I need this inside me, now!"
Gabbie: [Eyes wide, a mix of shock and arousal on her face] "Goddamnit! Don't just stand there, do something!"
Your hands move almost of their own accord, tearing AJ's flimsy crop top off. Her small breasts are exposed, nipples hard as pebbles. Your fingers find her soaking pussy, eliciting a cry of ecstasy from the tall teen. The scent of sex fills the air as you begin to finger her roughly, your other hand gripping her firm, muscular ass.
You: "Fuck... I can't... I can't stop myself. She's so wet..."
Your fingers plunge in and out of AJ's dripping cunt, her juices coating your hand. The virus rages through your system, demanding more. With your free hand, you tear open your pants, releasing your monstrous 12-inch cock. It springs free, angry and red, precum already beading at the tip.
AJ Applegate: [Screaming in pleasure, her tall frame writhing against you] "Yes! Oh fuck, yes! Those fingers are so big... stretch me out!"
Gabbie: [Watching wide-eyed, her own body responding] (This is insane... I shouldn't be getting turned on by this!) "Remember why we're here! We need to subdue her, not fulfill her porn star fantasies!"
AJ's pussy clenches around your fingers, her juices flowing freely. Her firm ass flexes under your grip, the muscles rippling with each thrust of your hand. You can feel her getting close to orgasm, her tall body trembling against yours. The scent of arousal is overwhelming, clouding your thoughts with pure, animalistic lust.
You: "I'm trying... to control it... but the virus... it's too strong!"
Your massive cock throbs painfully, demanding attention. AJ's long fingers wrap around it, barely able to encircle its girth. She begins to stroke you frantically, her hand pumping your enormous shaft. Precum flows freely, lubricating her movements.
AJ Applegate: [Panting, her blue eyes wide with lust] "It's so fucking huge! I bet you could split me in half with this monster!"
Gabbie: [Shifting uncomfortably, her own arousal evident] "For fuck's sake, focus! Make her cum and let's get out of here!"
Your fingers curl inside AJ, finding her g-spot. You rub it mercilessly as your thumb attacks her swollen clit. Her tall body convulses against you, her muscular ass clenching with each wave of pleasure. The contrast between her small breasts and impressive lower body drives your lust to new heights.
You: "I can't... I can't hold back anymore!"
In a frenzy of lust, you drop to your knees, burying your face in AJ's soaking pussy. Your tongue lashes out, tasting her tangy sweetness as you devour her. At the same time, AJ bends forward, her height allowing her to easily engulf your massive cock with her mouth. The sensation of her hot, wet mouth on your throbbing member is almost too much to bear.
AJ Applegate: [Moaning around your cock, her words muffled] "Mmmphhh... so big... eat me... fuck my throat..."
Gabbie: [Breathing heavily, her hand unconsciously moving to her own crotch] "Jesus Christ... this is... I can't look away..."
The mutual oral sex intensifies, your tongue plunging deep into AJ's dripping cunt as she struggles to take more of your enormous length into her mouth. Her firm ass quivers above you, flexing with each movement. The air is thick with the sounds and smells of sex, the virus amplifying every sensation to an almost unbearable degree.
You: [Pulling away from AJ's pussy, gasping] "No... we need to end this properly."
With a herculean effort, you resist the virus's influence. Standing up, you lift AJ's tall frame easily, her long legs wrapping around your waist. Looking into her lust-filled blue eyes, you slowly lower her onto your throbbing cock.
AJ Applegate: [Screaming in ecstasy as you penetrate her] "Oh fuck! It's so deep! You're gonna rearrange my guts!"
Gabbie: [Watching intently, a mix of awe and something else on her face] (He's... he's incredible. The way he's controlling himself...)
You begin to thrust, each movement calculated to bring AJ closer to the edge. Despite the virus raging in your system, you maintain eye contact with her, establishing a connection beyond mere lust. Your massive cock stretches her tight pussy to its limit, her juices flowing freely down your shaft.
You: "Look at me, AJ. Feel me inside you. Let go... cum for me."
As AJ nears her climax, you lean in and capture her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. The intimate gesture, combined with the relentless pounding of your enormous cock, pushes her over the edge. Her tall body convulses against yours, her pussy clamping down on your throbbing member.
AJ Applegate: [Screaming into the kiss, her body shaking violently] "CUMMING! OH FUCK, I'M CUMMING SO HARD!"
Gabbie: [Breathless, clearly affected by the scene] "Holy shit... that was... intense."
As AJ's orgasm subsides, her body goes limp in your arms. With gentle care, you lay her down and begin to restrain her for transport back to the shelter. The virus still burns in your veins, your massive cock still hard and unsatisfied, but you've maintained control. Gabbie looks at you with newfound respect and perhaps a hint of something more.
You: [Growling with primal hunger] "On your knees. I'm going to fuck that pretty mouth."
Unable to resist the virus's influence any longer, you push AJ down. Her blue eyes widen as she kneels before you, your massive cock level with her face. Without warning, you thrust forward, forcing your enormous member past her lips and into her throat.
AJ Applegate: [Gagging and moaning around your cock] "Mmmphh! Gluk! Gluk! Gluk!"
Gabbie: [Gasping, her hand now openly rubbing her crotch] "Fuck... that's... that's so hot..."
You grab AJ's blonde hair, using it as leverage to fuck her face mercilessly. Your massive cock stretches her throat to its limit, bulging visibly in her neck. The sight of the tall, bratty teen choking on your member drives you wild, the virus amplifying every sensation. AJ's muffled moans of ecstasy echo through the abandoned factory as you use her mouth for your pleasure.
You: "Take it all, you little slut. Swallow my cum!"
With a roar of triumph, you bury your cock to the hilt in AJ's throat, unleashing a torrent of virus-enhanced semen. The effect is immediate and dramatic. AJ's body convulses, her throat working desperately to swallow every drop as she experiences a mind-shattering orgasm.
AJ Applegate: [Gasping as you pull out, cum dripping from her lips] "More... please... need more of your cum..."
Gabbie: [Panting, clearly having climaxed herself] "Fuck me... that was... I've never seen anything like that..."
As you step back, AJ collapses, her tall body twitching with aftershocks. Your still-hard cock throbs, dripping with a mixture of cum and saliva. AJ weakly crawls towards you, desperate to clean your massive member with her tongue. As she worships your cock, her eyes roll back and she passes out from the intensity of the experience. You begin to restrain her limp form, the virus in your system finally sated... for now.
You: [Panting heavily, your massive cock still rock hard] "Gabbie... I can't... The virus..."
A sudden surge of the virus courses through your system, intensifying your already overwhelming arousal. Your eyes lock onto Gabbie, who's been watching the entire encounter with barely concealed lust. The air between you crackles with sexual tension.
Gabbie: [Breathing heavily, her body trembling] (Oh god, the way he's looking at me... I shouldn't want this, but...) "We... we should get back. Before more infected show up."
The scent of Gabbie's arousal fills your nostrils, driving you to the brink of madness. Your massive cock throbs painfully, demanding release. Gabbie's eyes are glued to your enormous member, her pupils dilated with desire. The virus pulses through both of you, urging you to give in to your basest instincts. As you move towards each other, drawn by an irresistible force, the scene fades to black, leaving the outcome tantalizingly uncertain.
You: [Eyes glazing over with lust] "Gabbie... I need... I need to touch you..."
Before Gabbie can react, you lunge forward, your hands grasping her firm 32DD breasts through her shirt. The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to squeeze and knead her ample flesh. Your massive cock throbs against her thigh, leaving a wet spot of precum on her pants.
Gabbie: [Gasping, her body betraying her] "What the fuck?! Stop... we can't... oh god, your hands..."
AJ Applegate: [Watching with wide eyes] "Holy shit! Yes! Show her who's boss!"
Gabbie struggles weakly against your grip, but her body responds to your touch. Her nipples harden under your palms, and you can smell her arousal growing stronger. The virus surges between you, amplifying every sensation and breaking down the barriers of propriety.
You: [Growling, your hands roaming more aggressively] "Can't stop... need to feel you..."
Your hands slide down Gabbie's body, one groping her ass while the other plunges into her pants. Your fingers find her soaking pussy, eliciting a moan of unwilling pleasure from Gabbie. The virus clouds your mind, reducing you to pure animal lust.
Gabbie: [Moaning, tears in her eyes] "No... we can't... please... oh fuck, your fingers..."
AJ Applegate: [Giggling, clearly aroused] "That's it! Make her your bitch too!"
Suddenly, Gabbie's survival instincts kick in. With a burst of strength, she pushes you away and stumbles backward. The spell is broken, leaving you both panting and confused. Gabbie's eyes are a mix of fear, anger, and lingering desire as she quickly restrains AJ and urges you to leave. The incident hangs between you, unspoken but impossible to forget.
You: [Eyes wild with virus-fueled lust] "Gabbie... I can't control it anymore..."
The virus takes full control, turning you into a sexual predator. You lunge at Gabbie, tearing at her clothes with inhuman strength. Your massive cock springs free, angry and pulsing with need. Gabbie's scent fills your nostrils, driving you into a frenzy.
Gabbie: [Struggling, panic in her voice] "No! Stop! This isn't you! Fight it!"
AJ Applegate: [Watching with a mix of fear and excitement] "Holy shit! He's gone full beast mode!"
You pin Gabbie against a rusted machine, your enormous member pressing against her exposed skin. She fights back, but the virus has made you incredibly strong. Your hands roam her body roughly, squeezing her breasts and ass as you grind against her.
You: [Growling, beyond reason] "Need you... need to fuck... now!"
Your fingers find Gabbie's pussy, forcefully probing her despite her struggles. The virus has heightened your senses to an unbearable degree, every touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. Gabbie's resistance only serves to excite you further.
Gabbie: [Tears streaming down her face] "Please... don't do this... We have to fight the virus!"
AJ Applegate: [Cheering you on] "Do it! Fuck her brains out! Show her what a real man can do!"
As you position your massive cock at Gabbie's entrance, ready to thrust in, a moment of clarity breaks through the virus-induced haze. The scene freezes, leaving the possibility of a brutal fight hanging in the air. The outcome remains uncertain, balanced on a knife's edge between violent assault and desperate resistance.
You: [Roaring in triumph] "Mine! You're mine now!"
With a savage thrust, you bury your enormous cock deep into Gabbie's unwilling pussy. She screams in pain and unwanted pleasure as you stretch her to her limits. The virus grants you inhuman stamina as you pound into her relentlessly, her body shaking with each powerful thrust.
Gabbie: [Sobbing, her body betraying her] "No... stop... oh god, it's so big... I can't..."
AJ Applegate: [Masturbating furiously as she watches] "Fuck yes! Destroy that pussy! Make her scream!"
You grab Gabbie's hair, yanking her head back as you continue to ravage her pussy. Her breasts bounce violently with each thrust, her ass slapping against your thighs. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wetter, her body responding to the brutal fucking.
You: [Grunting like an animal] "Take it all! Take my cum!"
With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside Gabbie. Your massive cock pulses, flooding her womb with a torrent of virus-enhanced semen. The effect is immediate and intense, triggering an unwanted orgasm that rocks Gabbie's entire body.
Gabbie: [Screaming, her body convulsing] "No! I'm cumming! I don't want to cum! Aaahhhh!"
AJ Applegate: [Panting, having climaxed herself] "Holy fuck! That was the hottest thing I've ever seen!"
As your orgasm subsides, you pull out, leaving Gabbie a broken, sobbing mess on the floor. Your cum leaks from her abused pussy, mixing with her own juices. The virus still burns in your veins, your cock already hardening again. You turn your predatory gaze to AJ, ready for another round of brutal, animalistic fucking.
You: [Eyes blazing with cruel intent] "You're both mine now. My personal fucktoys."
The virus has completely taken over, transforming you into a sadistic beast. You grab Gabbie by the throat, lifting her off the ground with inhuman strength. Your other hand tears at her clothes, exposing her vulnerable body.
Gabbie: [Choking, terror in her eyes] "Please... don't... this isn't you..."
AJ Applegate: [Cowering in the corner] "Oh fuck... I didn't sign up for this... Please, let us go!"
You throw Gabbie to the ground, your massive cock throbbing with cruel anticipation. Without warning, you thrust into her pussy, tearing through her with no preparation. Gabbie screams in agony as you begin to brutally fuck her, your hips slamming against her with bone-crushing force.
You: [Laughing maniacally] "Scream all you want. You're my property now."
As you continue to ravage Gabbie, you reach for AJ, dragging her into the fray. You force her face into Gabbie's breasts, demanding she suck and bite while you fuck. The room fills with the sounds of pain, pleasure, and desperation.
Gabbie: [Sobbing uncontrollably] "Stop... please... it hurts so much..."
AJ Applegate: [Obeying fearfully, tears streaming down her face] "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Gabbie..."
After what seems like an eternity of brutal, sadistic sex, you finally cum, flooding Gabbie's torn pussy with your tainted seed. As both women lie broken and sobbing, you begin to fashion crude restraints from the debris around you. With cruel efficiency, you bind them both, preparing to drag your new slaves back to your lair. The virus has won, transforming you into a monster and forever altering the lives of Gabbie and AJ.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Third time's the charm, eh Gabbie? Let's see what the Border has in store for us today."
The desolate landscape stretches before you, a patchwork of rust and ruin under a sickly yellow sky. Your virus-enhanced body hums with anticipation, every cell alive with potential energy.
Gabbie: [Scanning the horizon, her posture tense] "Just stay focused. We're here for supplies, not... complications."
As you venture deeper into the wasteland, the air grows thick with unseen threats. Your heightened senses pick up traces of decay and something else - a faint, sweet scent that makes your pulse quicken.
You: "Noted. Any specific areas we should check out this time?"
Your gait is predatory, each step silent despite the debris littering the ground. The virus has reshaped you, turning muscle and sinew into living steel. Gabbie moves beside you, her own form a study in controlled power.
Gabbie: [Pointing to a cluster of half-collapsed structures] "Those old apartments might have some preserved food. But watch your step - the whole place looks ready to come down."
The oppressive heat seems to intensify as you approach the ruins. Sweat beads on your skin, highlighting the inhuman perfection of your form. You catch Gabbie swallowing hard, her eyes darting away as you turn to her.
You: "Understood. I'll take point - my senses might pick up any hidden dangers."
Your enhanced vision pierces the gloom as you enter the decaying building. Dust motes dance in shafts of sickly light, and the floorboards creak ominously underfoot. The sweet scent from earlier grows stronger, mixing with the mustiness of abandonment.
Gabbie: [Her voice barely above a whisper] "Something's not right. It's too quiet. Maybe we should-"
Her words cut off as a sound echoes through the empty halls - a high-pitched giggle that sends chills down your spine. The virus in your blood surges, priming you for action.
You: "We're not alone. Stay sharp, Gabbie."
Rounding a corner, you come face to face with the source of the laughter. A tiny figure stands in a pool of light, her diminutive form a stark contrast to the desolation around her. Brown hair frames a heart-shaped face, dominated by an impossibly wide grin.
Riley Reid: [Clapping her hands in delight] "Oh my gosh! A real live man! I thought you were all extinct!"
Gabbie: [Tensing, her hand moving to her weapon] "Back off, pipsqueak. He's not here for your amusement."
Riley's petite body vibrates with barely contained excitement. Her small breasts heave with each breath, and her tiny ass wiggles as she bounces on her toes. The virus's influence is clear in her dilated pupils and the flush creeping across her cheeks.
You: "Easy now. We're just passing through, looking for supplies. No need for any... excitement."
Your voice rumbles from your chest, thick with viral influence. Riley's scent washes over you, a intoxicating mixture of innocence and raw need that makes your enhanced member throb painfully.
Riley Reid: [Giggling uncontrollably, her eyes fixed on your crotch] "Supplies? But I found the biggest supply of all! Can I touch it? Pretty please?"
Gabbie: [Stepping between you and Riley] "Absolutely not, you pint-sized pervert. Keep your hands to yourself."
The air grows heavy with pheromones as Riley's excitement mounts. Her tiny body seems to radiate heat, and you can see a damp patch forming on her tattered shorts. Gabbie's own scent sharpens with a mixture of arousal and irritation.
You: "Look, we don't want any trouble. Maybe you can point us towards some useful resources in exchange for... I don't know, what do you need?"
Your attempt at negotiation is undermined by the visible outline of your massive erection. The virus courses through you, every fiber of your being screaming to claim the fertile female before you.
Riley Reid: [Licking her lips, her tiny hands roaming her own body] "Oh, I know exactly what I need. It's right there in your pants, mister. Won't you share? I promise I'll be good!"
Gabbie: [Growling, her patience wearing thin] "That's it. We're out of here. Now." (Why does this keep happening? And why do I feel so... hot?)
Riley's eyes gleam with manic intensity. Her small frame quivers with need, the virus amplifying her already excitable nature. The scent of her arousal fills the air, an irresistible siren call to your primal instincts.
You: "Gabbie, wait. I... I don't think we can just leave her like this."
Your voice is strained, the virus pushing your self-control to its limits. Before anyone can react, Riley darts forward with surprising speed. Her tiny hands press against your abs, her face level with your straining crotch.
Riley Reid: [Moaning as she nuzzles your bulge] "So big... so warm... I need it!"
Gabbie: [Eyes wide, a mix of shock and unwilling arousal on her face] "For fuck's sake! Get her off you!"
Your hands move of their own accord, lifting Riley's feather-light body. She weighs nothing to your enhanced strength. In one fluid motion, you tear away her flimsy clothing, revealing her petite form in all its glory. Your fingers find her dripping pussy, eliciting a squeal of ecstasy from the tiny woman.
You: "Christ... she's soaked. I can't... I can't stop."
Your fingers explore Riley's tight channel, her juices coating your hand. The virus roars through your system, demanding satisfaction. With your free hand, you rip open your pants, freeing your monstrous erection. It springs forth, angry and swollen, precum already flowing.
Riley Reid: [Screaming in delight, her tiny body writhing in your grasp] "Yes! Oh god, yes! Your fingers are bigger than any cock I've ever had!"
Gabbie: [Watching wide-eyed, her own body betraying her] (This is insane... why am I getting so turned on?) "Remember the mission! We can't afford to lose control!"
Riley's pussy clenches around your fingers, her petite body spasming in your grip. You can feel her approaching orgasm, her tight channel pulsing rhythmically. The scent of sex fills the air, clouding your mind with animalistic need.
You: "I'm trying... to hold back... but she's just so..."
Your massive member throbs painfully, demanding attention. Riley squirms in your grasp, managing to wrap one tiny hand around your shaft. She can barely encircle half its girth, but begins to stroke you feverishly. Precum flows freely, dripping onto her upturned face.
Riley Reid: [Babbling incoherently, drunk on lust] "So big... gonna split me in half... need it inside!"
Gabbie: [Shifting uncomfortably, her own arousal evident] "This is getting out of hand. We need to stop this now!"
Your fingers work Riley's dripping sex mercilessly, your thumb assaulting her swollen clit. Her tiny body convulses in your grip, on the edge of a mind-shattering climax. The contrast between her diminutive form and the intensity of her desire pushes you to the brink of madness.
You: "I can't... I can't hold back any longer!"
Driven by viral lust, you lift Riley's feather-light body, positioning her dripping entrance above your massive cock. At the same time, you lean down, capturing one of her small, perky breasts in your mouth. Riley screams in ecstasy as you suckle her, your tongue lashing her sensitive nipple.
Riley Reid: [Wailing in pleasure, her tiny hands tangled in your hair] "Yes! Suck my tits! Fuck me! Destroy me!"
Gabbie: [Breathing heavily, her hand unconsciously moving to her own breast] "Oh god... this is... I can't look away..."
You slowly lower Riley onto your throbbing member, her tight pussy stretching obscenely around your girth. The sensation is indescribable - her petite body seems to defy physics as it accommodates your enormous size. Riley's eyes roll back, her mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure.
You: [Gritting your teeth, fighting for control] "Riley... look at me. Stay with me."
Through sheer force of will, you resist the virus's maddening influence. Holding Riley's tiny form gently, you begin to move, each thrust carefully measured. You maintain eye contact, grounding her in the moment as pleasure threatens to overwhelm you both.
Riley Reid: [Gasping, her eyes locked on yours] "So full... so good... please, don't stop!"
Gabbie: [Watching intently, a mix of awe and something deeper on her face] (He's... he's incredible. The way he's caring for her even now...)
Your massive cock stretches Riley to her absolute limit, but you move with exquisite care. Despite the virus raging in your system, you focus on her pleasure, on the connection forming between you. Riley's tight channel pulses around you, her juices flowing freely.
You: "That's it, Riley. Let go. I've got you."
As Riley approaches her peak, you cradle her close, one hand supporting her back while the other gently caresses her flushed face. The intimacy of the moment is palpable, transcending mere physical pleasure. With a final, deep thrust, you push her over the edge.
Riley Reid: [Crying out, her body shuddering in your arms] "Coming! Oh god, I'm coming! Don't let me go!"
Gabbie: [Breathless, visibly moved] "That was... beautiful. I've never seen anything like it."
As Riley's orgasm subsides, you gently withdraw, laying her trembling form on a nearby surface. Despite your own aching need, you focus on aftercare, soothing her overstimulated body with gentle touches. Gabbie moves to help, a new understanding passing between you as you prepare to bring Riley back to safety.
You: [Growling, lost to viral lust] "Gonna breed this tight little pussy!"
Unable to resist the virus's influence, you begin to bounce Riley on your massive cock. Her tiny body is a ragdoll in your grasp, helpless against the onslaught of pleasure. Each thrust bottoms out inside her, her stomach bulging obscenely with your size.
Riley Reid: [Screaming incoherently, drool running down her chin] "Break me! Ruin me! Fuck!"
Gabbie: [Gasping, her hand now openly rubbing her crotch] "Holy shit... he's going to tear her in half!"
You pound into Riley's tight channel mercilessly, her petite form stretched to its absolute limit. The virus grants you inhuman stamina, and you use it to subject her to a relentless assault of pleasure. Riley's eyes roll back, her mind lost to the overwhelming sensations.
You: "Take it all, you little size queen! Here comes my cum!"
With a bestial roar, you hilted yourself inside Riley's tiny body, your massive cock pulsing as it unleashes a torrent of virus-enhanced semen. The effect is immediate and dramatic. Riley's stomach visibly distends, filled to capacity with your seed.
Riley Reid: [Babbling nonsensically, her body convulsing] "Cum! So much cum! Pregnant! Breed me!"
Gabbie: [Panting, clearly having climaxed herself] "Fuck me sideways... that was the hottest thing I've ever seen."
As your orgasm subsides, you slowly lift Riley off your still-hard member. A flood of cum gushes from her gaping pussy, forming a pool on the floor. Riley's eyes are vacant, lost in a pleasure-induced stupor. Her tiny body twitches with aftershocks as you lay her down, the virus in your system momentarily sated.
You: [Panting heavily, your massive cock still rigid] "Gabbie... something's happening... the virus..."
A sudden, violent surge of the virus courses through your system. Your vision blurs, the world taking on a reddish tinge. Every nerve ending feels electrified, your enhanced body trembling with barely contained energy. Your gaze locks onto Gabbie, who takes an involuntary step back.
Gabbie: [Eyes wide, a mixture of fear and arousal in her voice] "Oh shit... your eyes... they're glowing. We need to get you out of here, now!"
The scent of Gabbie's fear and arousal hits you like a physical blow. Your massive cock throbs painfully, a primal need to claim and breed overwhelming all rational thought. Gabbie's hand moves to her weapon, but her body betrays her, nipples visibly hardening through her shirt. As you take a step towards her, muscles rippling with viral energy, the scene fades to black, leaving the outcome chillingly uncertain.
You: [Eyes blazing with viral madness] "Need to touch... need to feel..."
The virus hijacks your motor functions, driving you towards Gabbie with predatory intent. Your hands shoot out, grasping her upper arms with bruising force. Gabbie yelps in surprise and pain as you slam her against a crumbling wall, pinning her in place.
Gabbie: [Struggling futilely against your enhanced strength] "Stop! This isn't you! Fight it, damn it!"
Riley Reid: [Watching wide-eyed from the floor] "Ooh, are we playing rough now? Can I join?"
Your face buries itself in Gabbie's neck, inhaling her scent deeply. One hand slides down to roughly palm her breast, while the other snakes around to grab a handful of her ass. Gabbie's body betrays her, responding to your touch even as she tries to push you away.
You: [Growling against Gabbie's skin] "Mine... all mine..."
Lost to viral lust, you tear at Gabbie's clothing, shredding it with inhuman strength. Your mouth latches onto her exposed breast, teeth grazing her nipple as you suck hard. Your other hand forces its way between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling wetness.
Gabbie: [Gasping, tears in her eyes] "Please... we can't... oh god, stop..."
Riley Reid: [Giggling maniacally] "Yay! Now it's Gabbie's turn to feel good!"
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble backward, horrified at your actions. Gabbie slumps against the wall, her expression a mix of fear, anger, and confused arousal. The incident shatters the trust between you, leaving an uncertain future as you hastily restrain Riley and make your escape.
You: [Eyes wild, voice distorted] "Can't fight it... need to breed..."
The virus takes full control, transforming you into something inhuman. Your muscles bulge grotesquely, veins pulsing with tainted blood. With a feral snarl, you lunge at Gabbie, moving faster than the eye can follow. She's slammed to the ground, the impact knocking the wind from her lungs.
Gabbie: [Gasping for air, true fear in her eyes] "No! Stop! You're not yourself!"
Riley Reid: [Watching with a mix of excitement and terror] "Oh wow... he's like a monster from my dreams!"
You tear at Gabbie's clothes with clawed hands, shredding them like tissue paper. Your elongated tongue lashes out, tasting the sweat on her skin. Gabbie struggles beneath you, but it's like fighting a force of nature. Your engorged member throbs painfully, demanding release.
You: [Roaring inhumanly] "Submit! Be mine!"
Your hand wraps around Gabbie's throat, pinning her down as your other hand roughly probes her sex. Viral corruption spreads from your touch, heightening her sensitivity to an agonizing degree. Gabbie's back arches involuntarily, a strangled moan escaping her lips.
Gabbie: [Choking, tears streaming down her face] "Please... don't do this... come back to me..."
Riley Reid: [Trembling, no longer finding the situation amusing] "M-maybe we should all calm down..."
As you position your monstrous cock at Gabbie's entrance, a flicker of humanity surfaces in your eyes. The scene freezes, teetering on the edge of no return. The outcome hangs in the balance, dependent on whether your will or the virus's emerges victorious.
You: [Howling triumphantly] "Mine! Breed! Corrupt!"
With a savage thrust, you impale Gabbie on your grotesquely engorged member. She screams in agony as you stretch her beyond her limits, the corrupting influence of the virus spreading through her body from the point of connection. Your hips pistoning at an inhuman pace, you rut into her like a beast.
Gabbie: [Wailing, her body convulsing] "Burns! It burns! Oh god, what's happening to me?!"
Riley Reid: [Cowering in a corner, terrified] "Stop it! You're hurting her! This isn't right!"
Viral tendrils spread across Gabbie's skin, her body reshaping itself to better accommodate your monstrous girth. Her screams of pain gradually transform into moans of corrupted pleasure as the virus rewires her neural pathways. Your clawed hands leave bloody furrows down her sides as you rut without mercy.
You: [Snarling, viral corruption distorting your voice] "Take my seed! Be reborn!"
With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside Gabbie's transformed body. Your corrupted cock pulses, pumping a torrent of tainted, mutagenic semen directly into her womb. The effect is catastrophic, triggering a chain reaction of viral mutation throughout her system.
Gabbie: [Screaming, her body reshaping itself] "Yes! Corrupt me! Change me! Make me yours forever!"
Riley Reid: [Sobbing uncontrollably] "What have you done to her? What are you?!"
As your orgasm subsides, you pull out of Gabbie's ravaged body. She writhes on the ground, the virus rapidly altering her form to match your corrupted state. Her eyes, now glowing with viral energy, fix on Riley with predatory intent. As Gabbie rises, transformed into a monstrous reflection of yourself, you both turn towards the cowering Riley, ready to spread the corruption further.
You: [Voice distorted, eyes glowing with viral energy] "No more running. No more fighting. Only obedience."
The virus reshapes you into a terrifying amalgamation of man and monster. Your skin turns a sickly gray, muscles rippling with unnatural power. Bony protrusions erupt from your spine and shoulders. With lightning speed, you snatch both Gabbie and Riley, one in each hand.
Gabbie: [Struggling weakly, terror in her voice] "No... please... this can't be happening..."
Riley Reid: [Whimpering, all bravado gone] "I'm sorry... I'll be good... please don't hurt me..."
You slam them both against opposite walls, viral tendrils erupting from your palms to bind them in place. The corrupting influence of the virus begins to seep into their bodies, heightening every sensation to an excruciating degree. Your grotesquely engorged member throbs with anticipation.
You: [Growling, a cruel parody of your former self] "You exist to serve. To please. Nothing more."
Moving between your captives, you subject them to a nightmarish ordeal of pleasure and pain. Viral appendages violate every orifice, reshaping them from the inside out. Your corrupted seed pumps into them in endless streams, irrevocably altering their bodies and minds.
Gabbie: [Moaning brokenly, her will shattering] "Yes... serve... please... only exist to serve..."
Riley Reid: [Babbling incoherently, mind broken] "Good girl... be good... take it all... be good..."
Hours pass in a haze of corrupted ecstasy. When you finally release them, Gabbie and Riley slump to the ground, transformed into monstrous reflections of their former selves. Their glowing eyes fix on you with fanatical devotion, all traces of their old personalities erased. As viral corruption spreads through the building, you lead your new acolytes out into the wasteland, ready to expand your twisted harem.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Fourth expedition, Gabbie. Let's hope for a smoother run this time."
The Border looms before you, a twisted landscape of decay and danger. Your virus-enhanced body tingles with anticipation, every sense hyper-attuned to the environment.
Gabbie: [Adjusting her gear, a wry smile on her face] "Smooth? In this hellscape? You're an optimist."
As you step into the wasteland, the acrid air fills your lungs. Your heightened senses pick up traces of metal, ozone, and something else - a faint, musky scent that makes your pulse quicken.
You: "Call it hope. Any particular target in mind for today's scavenging?"
You move with fluid grace, each step calculated and silent. The virus has honed your body to perfection, a lethal instrument of survival. Gabbie keeps pace, her own movements a testament to hard-earned experience.
Gabbie: [Pointing to a dilapidated structure in the distance] "That old research facility might have some useful tech. But be on guard - those places are usually crawling with nasties."
The oppressive heat seems to intensify as you approach the facility. Sweat beads on your skin, a glistening reminder of your humanity amidst the viral changes. You notice Gabbie's eyes lingering on you before she quickly looks away, her cheeks flushed.
You: "Copy that. I'll take the lead - my senses might give us an edge if there's trouble."
As you enter the facility, your enhanced vision adjusts quickly to the gloom. Broken equipment and shattered glass crunch underfoot. The musky scent from earlier grows stronger, mingling with the sterile smell of abandoned laboratories.
Gabbie: [Her voice low and tense] "Something's off. It's too... clean. Like someone's been here recently."
A soft sound echoes through the corridors - the whisper of fabric against skin. The virus in your blood surges, priming you for action.
You: "We've got company. Stay alert, Gabbie."
Rounding a corner, you come face to face with a woman standing calmly in the center of a ransacked lab. Her light brown hair frames an unremarkable face, but her eyes hold a depth of experience that sets you on edge.
Tori Black: [Smiling enigmatically] "Well, well. Visitors. And one of them a man, no less. How... intriguing."
Gabbie: [Tensing, her hand moving to her weapon] "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
Tori's average build belies a sense of coiled energy. Her proportionate figure moves with a fluid grace as she takes a step forward. The virus's influence is subtle in her, a controlled burn rather than a raging inferno.
You: "We're just here for supplies. No need for any... complications."
Your voice remains steady, but the virus thrums through your veins. Tori's scent reaches you - a complex bouquet of pheromones that speaks of experience and control. Your enhanced member stirs, responding to the unspoken challenge.
Tori Black: [Her smile widening] "Complications? Oh, I think we're well past that point, don't you? The question is, what are you going to do about it?"
Gabbie: [Stepping closer to you, her voice tight] "Don't fall for it. She's dangerous."
The air grows thick with tension as Tori's demeanor shifts. Her body language changes subtly, every movement a calculated display of sensuality. You can see Gabbie's discomfort growing, her own body responding unconsciously to the charged atmosphere.
You: "Look, we don't want any trouble. Maybe we can come to some sort of arrangement?"
Your attempt at diplomacy is undermined by the growing bulge in your pants. The virus pushes at your self-control, urging you to assert your dominance over this new challenger.
Tori Black: [Licking her lips, her eyes locked on yours] "An arrangement? I'm listening. What exactly are you offering, hmm?"
Gabbie: [Growling, her patience wearing thin] "This is ridiculous. We should just leave." (Why does she affect me like this? It's like I can feel her in my head...)
Tori's eyes gleam with knowing amusement. Her average body suddenly seems to radiate an irresistible allure. The scent of arousal fills the air, a heady mixture of your own musk, Gabbie's reluctant excitement, and Tori's expert manipulation of pheromones.
You: "Gabbie, wait. I... I think we need to see this through."
Your voice is strained, the virus pushing your self-control to its limits. Before anyone can react, Tori closes the distance between you. Her hand trails down your chest, coming to rest just above your straining crotch.
Tori Black: [Purring, her breath hot against your ear] "My, my. What have we here? Something big and dangerous, I'd wager."
Gabbie: [Eyes wide, a mix of anger and unwilling arousal on her face] "Get your hands off him, you manipulative bitch!"
Your body responds instantly to Tori's touch. With a growl, you grab her wrist, spinning her around and pinning her against a nearby console. The move brings your massive erection into direct contact with her ass, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from Tori.
You: "You're playing a dangerous game, Tori. Are you sure you can handle the consequences?"
Your free hand roams Tori's body, expertly finding her sensitive spots. The virus roars through your system, demanding satisfaction. Tori's clothes seem to melt away under your touch, revealing her average but perfectly proportioned form.
Tori Black: [Moaning, arching into your touch] "Oh, I can handle anything you've got, big boy. Question is, can you keep up?"
Gabbie: [Watching wide-eyed, her own body betraying her] (This is insane... why can't I look away?) "We don't have time for this! We need to focus on the mission!"
Tori's pussy glistens with arousal as you explore her folds. Despite her average appearance, her body responds with an expertise that takes your breath away. The scent of sex fills the air, clouding your mind with a haze of lust.
You: "Fuck... you're good at this. But I'm better."
Your massive member throbs painfully, demanding release. With practiced ease, Tori manages to turn in your grasp, dropping to her knees before you. Her skilled hands free your engorged cock, her eyes widening slightly at its impressive size.
Tori Black: [Licking her lips, her voice husky] "Now that's a challenge I can sink my teeth into. Let's see what you're made of, virus boy."
Gabbie: [Shifting uncomfortably, her hand unconsciously moving to her breast] "This is getting out of hand. We need to stop this now!"
Tori's mouth engulfs your massive cock with surprising ease. Her tongue works magic along your shaft, while her throat relaxes to accommodate your girth. The skill of her technique is mind-blowing, pushing you to the edge of control.
You: "Holy shit... where did you learn to do that?"
Lost in a haze of pleasure, you barely register Gabbie's protests. Tori's mouth and hands work in perfect harmony, bringing you to the brink of orgasm only to expertly back off. Her average body moves with a dancer's grace as she pleasures you.
Tori Black: [Pulling back, stroking your shaft] "A lady never kisses and tells. But I've got plenty more tricks up my sleeve."
Gabbie: [Breathing heavily, her resistance crumbling] "God damn it... this is so fucked up... but I can't stop watching..."
With a swift movement, Tori rises and turns, bending over the console. She looks back at you, her eyes issuing a clear challenge. Your massive cock throbs, aching to be buried in her inviting depths.
You: [Taking a deep breath, fighting for control] "No. Not like this. If we do this, we do it right."
Through sheer force of will, you resist the virus's maddening influence. You turn Tori to face you, lifting her onto the console. Your hands caress her face, establishing a connection beyond mere lust.
Tori Black: [Surprise and something deeper in her eyes] "What are you doing? This isn't how it usually goes..."
Gabbie: [Watching intently, her expression softening] (He's... he's trying to make it mean something. Even now.)
You enter Tori slowly, savoring every sensation. Despite the virus raging in your system, you focus on her pleasure, on the connection forming between you. Tori's expert body responds beautifully, her inner walls caressing your length.
You: "Let go, Tori. I've got you. You don't have to be in control all the time."
As you move together, a deeper intimacy builds. Your hands explore Tori's body with reverence, coaxing forth genuine responses rather than practiced techniques. The rawness of the moment catches Tori off guard, breaking through her carefully constructed facade.
Tori Black: [Gasping, her mask of control slipping] "Oh god... I... I can't... it's too much..."
Gabbie: [Her voice soft, moved by the scene] "I've never seen anything like this. It's... beautiful."
As Tori's orgasm washes over her, you hold her close, your own release following soon after. The moment is tender, a stark contrast to the harsh world around you. As you both come down from your high, there's a newfound respect and understanding between all three of you.
You: [Growling, giving in to viral lust] "Time to put that skilled body to the test."
Unable to resist the virus's influence any longer, you roughly spin Tori around and bend her over the console. With one powerful thrust, you bury your massive cock to the hilt inside her. Tori's body tenses, unprepared for the sudden intrusion.
Tori Black: [Crying out, a mix of pain and pleasure] "Fuck! So big... so rough... yes!"
Gabbie: [Gasping, her hand now openly rubbing her crotch] "Holy shit... he's like an animal!"
You pound into Tori's tight channel mercilessly, your enhanced stamina allowing for a punishing pace. Despite her experience, Tori struggles to keep up, her body wracked with overwhelming sensations. The virus drives you to new heights of depravity, each thrust more savage than the last.
You: "Take it all, you cocky slut! Here comes a load you'll never forget!"
With a bestial roar, you reach your climax, your massive cock pulsing as it floods Tori's womb with virus-enhanced semen. The effect is immediate and intense, triggering a chain reaction of orgasms throughout Tori's overstimulated body.
Tori Black: [Screaming, her body convulsing] "Cumming! Don't stop! Breed me! Fill me up!"
Gabbie: [Panting, clearly having climaxed herself] "Fuck me... that was the most intense thing I've ever seen."
As your orgasm subsides, you pull out of Tori's ravaged pussy. A flood of cum gushes forth, forming a pool on the floor. Tori slumps over the console, her usual composure shattered, babbling incoherently about the best fuck of her life. The virus in your system settles, temporarily sated by the intense encounter.
You: [Panting heavily, your body trembling] "Something's... something's happening... the virus..."
A violent surge of viral energy courses through you, unlike anything you've experienced before. Your skin ripples, muscles bulging and receding in grotesque patterns. The world around you warps, reality itself seeming to bend to your viral influence.
Gabbie: [Backing away, terror in her voice] "Oh fuck... your body... it's changing! We need to get out of here!"
Tori Black: [Eyes wide, a mix of fear and fascination] "Incredible... the virus is evolving. He's becoming something new."
The air around you shimmers with viral energy. Both Gabbie and Tori find themselves drawn towards you, their bodies responding to your mutated pheromones. As tendrils of viral matter begin to extend from your form, reaching for the women, the scene fades to black, leaving the outcome chillingly uncertain.
You: [Eyes glazed, voice distorted] "Need... to touch... to feel..."
The virus overrides your higher functions, reducing you to pure instinct. With inhuman speed, you lunge at Gabbie, pinning her against a bank of computers. Your hands roam her body roughly, tearing at her clothes.
Gabbie: [Struggling, panic in her voice] "Stop! This isn't you! Fight it!"
Tori Black: [Watching with clinical interest] "Fascinating. The virus seems to amplify base desires to an extreme degree."
Your mouth latches onto Gabbie's neck, teeth grazing her skin as you inhale her scent deeply. One hand kneads her breast brutally, while the other forces its way between her legs. Gabbie's body betrays her, responding to your touch even as she tries to push you away.
You: [Growling, viral madness in your eyes] "Mine... take... breed..."
Lost to the virus, you rip Gabbie's pants open, exposing her lower half. Your fingers plunge into her unwilling wetness, the viral influence making your touch electric. Gabbie's back arches involuntarily, a strangled moan escaping her lips.
Gabbie: [Gasping, tears in her eyes] "Please... stop... oh god, what's happening to me?"
Tori Black: [Moving closer, her voice calm] "The virus is affecting you both. Gabbie, your body is responding to his pheromones. Try to relax, fighting will only make it worse."
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble backward, horrified at your actions. Gabbie slumps to the floor, her body shaking with confused arousal and fear. The incident shatters the dynamic between you, leaving an uncertain future as you struggle to come to terms with the virus's growing influence.
You: [Body contorting, voice inhuman] "Spread... infect... consume..."
The virus takes full control, warping your form into something monstrous. Your skin turns a sickly gray, pulsing with viral energy. Bony protrusions erupt from your spine and shoulders. With a roar, you charge at both Gabbie and Tori, your intent clear and terrifying.
Gabbie: [Screaming, pure terror in her voice] "Run! We have to get out of here!"
Tori Black: [Backing away, her composure cracking] "This is bad. Very, very bad. We need to contain him somehow!"
You corner them against a wall, your mutated form looming over them. Viral tendrils extend from your body, wrapping around their limbs and holding them in place. The air fills with the sickly sweet scent of viral corruption as you prepare to claim your unwilling mates.
You: [Snarling, beyond reason] "Join... become one... evolve!"
Your clawed hands tear at their clothes, shredding them like tissue paper. The viral tendrils begin to sink into their skin, spreading corruption through their bodies. Both women writhe in a mixture of agony and unwanted pleasure as the virus rewires their neural pathways.
Gabbie: [Sobbing, her body betraying her] "No... please... I don't want this... oh god, it burns!"
Tori Black: [Gritting her teeth, fighting the changes] "Resist it! We can't let the virus win! Fight, Gabbie!"
As you position your grotesquely mutated member at Gabbie's entrance, a flicker of humanity surfaces in your eyes. The scene freezes, teetering on the edge of no return. The outcome hangs in the balance, dependent on whether your will or the virus's emerges victorious.
You: [Eyes blazing with viral madness] "No more games. You're both mine now."
The virus overwhelms your last shred of humanity. With inhuman speed, you grab Gabbie and slam her against the lab equipment. Your enhanced strength easily overpowers her struggles as you tear at her clothes.
Gabbie: [Screaming, terror in her voice] "No! Stop! This isn't you! Please!"
Tori Black: [Backing away, fear replacing her earlier confidence] "Oh god... what have I done? This is my fault..."
You force Gabbie's legs apart, your massive, virus-enhanced member throbbing with cruel intent. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, tearing through her resistance. Gabbie's scream of pain echoes through the abandoned lab as you begin a brutal, punishing rhythm.
You: [Growling, lost to viral lust] "Take it all. Your body belongs to me now."
Your hips slam against Gabbie's with bruising force, each thrust driving deeper. Tears stream down her face as she begs you to stop, her pleas falling on deaf ears. The virus amplifies every sensation, turning her pain and fear into a perverse pleasure that drives you to greater heights of depravity.
Gabbie: [Sobbing, her body betraying her] "Please... stop... it hurts... oh god, why does it feel like this?"
Tori Black: [Watching in horror, unable to look away] "I'm so sorry, Gabbie. This is all my fault."
With a final, brutal thrust, you reach your climax. Your virus-laden seed floods Gabbie's womb as she shudders in unwanted orgasm. As you pull out, leaving her broken and sobbing on the floor, you turn your predatory gaze to Tori. The virus demands more, and you're far from finished.
You: [Voice distorted by viral influence] "You're mine. Forever. No escape."
The virus transforms you into a monster of cruel desire. With terrifying speed, you subdue both Gabbie and Tori, dragging them to a cleared area of the lab. Your enhanced strength makes their struggles futile as you begin to fashion crude restraints from nearby materials.
Gabbie: [Struggling against her bonds] "No! Let us go! You can't do this!"
Tori Black: [Her composure shattered] "Please... we can talk about this. You don't have to do this."
You secure both women, leaving them helpless and exposed. Your hands roam their bodies possessively, a cruel smile twisting your features as you contemplate the depraved acts to come. The virus pulses through your veins, demanding that you claim and corrupt your new possessions.
You: [Growling, a twisted parody of your former self] "You exist for my pleasure now. Nothing more."
Over the next several hours, you subject Gabbie and Tori to a nightmarish ordeal of pain and unwanted pleasure. You use their bodies mercilessly, heedless of their cries and pleas. The virus grants you inhuman stamina, allowing you to violate them repeatedly without rest.
Gabbie: [Voice hoarse from screaming] "Please... no more... I'll do anything..."
Tori Black: [Broken, all fight gone] "Just tell us what you want... we'll obey... just stop hurting us..."
As dawn breaks, you survey your handiwork. Gabbie and Tori lie broken and subdued, their wills shattered by the night's torments. With cruel efficiency, you gather your new slaves and lead them from the lab. The virus thrums contentedly through your system as you head back to your lair, already planning how to expand your twisted harem.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Fifth excursion, Gabbie. Let's see what surprises the Border has for us today."
The wasteland stretches before you, a tapestry of rust and ruin under a sickly green sky. Your virus-enhanced body hums with anticipation, every cell alive with potential energy.
Gabbie: [Scanning the horizon, her posture alert] "Surprises? In this hellhole? Be careful what you wish for."
As you venture into the Border, the air grows thick with an oily mist. Your heightened senses pick up traces of something new - a faint, spicy scent that makes your skin tingle.
You: "Point taken. Any specific areas we should investigate this time?"
You move with predatory grace, each step silent despite the debris littering the ground. The virus has reshaped you, turning flesh and bone into something beyond human. Gabbie keeps pace, her own movements a study in hard-earned survival skills.
Gabbie: [Gesturing towards a towering structure] "That old communications tower might have some salvageable tech. But watch yourself - height means visibility, and visibility means danger."
As you approach the base of the tower, the mist thickens. Sweat beads on your skin, carrying the faint metallic scent of the virus. You notice Gabbie's breathing quicken, her eyes darting nervously around the area.
You: "Understood. I'll take point - my senses might give us an edge if there's an ambush."
Your enhanced vision pierces the gloom as you enter the tower's ground floor. Twisted metal and shattered glass crunch underfoot. The spicy scent from earlier intensifies, mingling with the acrid smell of corroded electronics.
Gabbie: [Her voice barely above a whisper] "Something's not right. It's too... quiet. Like we're being watched."
A soft sound reaches your ears - the faint scrape of metal on metal, coming from above. The virus in your blood surges, priming you for action.
You: "We're not alone. Stay sharp, Gabbie."
As you ascend the tower's winding staircase, a figure emerges from the mist. A tall woman with light brown hair and striking blue eyes stands blocking your path. Her exotic features are set in a predatory grin, her stance radiating confidence and danger.
Dani Daniels: [Her voice a sultry purr] "Well, well. What have we here? A man? How... delicious."
Gabbie: [Tensing, her hand moving to her weapon] "Back off, Amazonian. He's not on the menu."
Dani's tall frame is accentuated by curves in all the right places, her impressive ass drawing your gaze. She moves with feline grace, each step calculated to display her assets. The virus's influence is evident in her dilated pupils and the flush creeping up her neck.
You: "We're just here to salvage some tech. No need for any... unpleasantness."
Your voice remains steady, but the virus thrums through your veins. Dani's scent washes over you - a heady mixture of pheromones that speaks of danger and raw sexuality. Your enhanced member stirs, responding to the unspoken challenge.
Dani Daniels: [Licking her lips, her eyes roaming your body] "Unpleasantness? Oh, I can think of plenty of pleasant things we could do, big boy. Question is, are you man enough to handle me?"
Gabbie: [Stepping between you and Dani, her voice tight] "Back off, you predatory bitch. We're not interested in your games."
The air crackles with tension as Dani's demeanor shifts. Her body language becomes overtly sexual, every movement designed to entice and provoke. You can feel Gabbie's discomfort growing, her own body responding unconsciously to the charged atmosphere.
You: "Look, we don't want any trouble. Maybe we can come to some sort of arrangement?"
Your attempt at diplomacy is undermined by the growing bulge in your pants. The virus pushes at your self-control, urging you to rise to Dani's unspoken challenge.
Dani Daniels: [Her voice dripping with innuendo] "An arrangement? I'm all ears, handsome. What exactly did you have in mind?"
Gabbie: [Growling, her patience wearing thin] "This is ridiculous. We should just leave." (Why does she get under my skin like this? It's like I can feel her taunting me...)
Dani's eyes gleam with mischievous intent. Her tall frame seems to radiate an aura of sexual power. The scent of arousal fills the air, a potent mixture of your own musk, Gabbie's reluctant excitement, and Dani's provocative pheromones.
You: "Gabbie, wait. I... I think we need to see this through."
Your voice is strained, the virus pushing your self-control to its limits. Before anyone can react, Dani closes the distance between you. Her long fingers trail down your chest, coming to rest on your belt buckle.
Dani Daniels: [Purring, her breath hot against your ear] "Mmm, I can feel the power radiating off you. Let's see if you can put it to good use, shall we?"
Gabbie: [Eyes wide, a mix of anger and unwilling arousal on her face] "Get your hands off him, you oversexed giraffe!"
Your body responds instantly to Dani's touch. With a growl, you grab her wrist, spinning her around and pinning her against the tower's railing. The move brings your massive erection into direct contact with her impressive ass, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from Dani.
You: "You're playing with fire, Dani. Sure you can take the heat?"
Your free hand roams Dani's tall frame, expertly finding her sensitive spots. The virus roars through your system, demanding satisfaction. Dani's clothes seem to melt away under your touch, revealing her exotic beauty in all its glory.
Dani Daniels: [Moaning, pushing back against you] "Bring it on, virus boy. I'll have you begging for mercy before we're through."
Gabbie: [Watching wide-eyed, her own body betraying her] (This is insane... why can't I look away?) "We don't have time for this! The mission, remember?"
Dani's pussy glistens with arousal as you explore her folds. Her tall body responds with enthusiasm, matching your intensity. The scent of sex fills the air, clouding your mind with a haze of lust.
You: "Fuck... you're something else. But I'm not backing down."
Your massive member throbs painfully, demanding release. With a swift movement, Dani manages to turn in your grasp, dropping to her knees before you. Her skilled hands free your engorged cock, her eyes widening at its impressive size.
Dani Daniels: [Her voice husky with desire] "Now that's what I call a challenge. Let's see who breaks first, shall we?"
Gabbie: [Shifting uncomfortably, her hand unconsciously moving to her thigh] "This is getting out of hand. We need to stop this now!"
Dani's mouth engulfs your massive cock, her tall frame allowing her to take you deeper than you thought possible. Her tongue works magic along your shaft, while her throat constricts around your girth. The intensity of her technique is mind-blowing, pushing you to the edge of control.
You: "Holy... fuck... where did you learn to do that?"
Lost in a haze of pleasure, you barely register Gabbie's protests. Dani's mouth and hands work in perfect harmony, bringing you to the brink of orgasm only to expertly back off. Her tall body moves with serpentine grace as she pleasures you.
Dani Daniels: [Pulling back, a string of saliva connecting her lips to your cock] "A girl's got to have some secrets. But I'm just getting started, big boy."
Gabbie: [Breathing heavily, her resistance crumbling] "This is so fucked up... but I can't... I can't stop watching..."
With a fluid motion, Dani rises and turns, bending over the railing. She looks back at you, her blue eyes issuing a clear challenge. Your massive cock throbs, aching to be buried in her inviting depths.
You: [Taking a deep breath, fighting for control] "No. Not like this. If we do this, we do it as equals."
Through sheer force of will, you resist the virus's maddening influence. You turn Dani to face you, lifting her onto a nearby console. Your hands caress her face, establishing a connection beyond mere lust.
Dani Daniels: [Surprise and vulnerability flashing in her eyes] "What... what are you doing? This isn't how it's supposed to go..."
Gabbie: [Watching intently, her expression softening] (He's... he's trying to make it mean something. Even with her.)
You enter Dani slowly, savoring every sensation. Despite the virus raging in your system, you focus on her pleasure, on the connection forming between you. Dani's body responds beautifully, her inner walls caressing your length as she wraps her long legs around you.
You: "Let go, Dani. You don't have to be in control all the time. Just feel."
As you move together, a deeper intimacy builds. Your hands explore Dani's tall frame with reverence, coaxing forth genuine responses rather than practiced seduction. The rawness of the moment catches Dani off guard, breaking through her predatory facade.
Dani Daniels: [Gasping, her mask of control slipping] "Oh god... I... I've never... it's too much..."
Gabbie: [Her voice soft, moved by the scene] "I didn't think it was possible... but this is beautiful."
As Dani's orgasm washes over her, you hold her close, your own release following soon after. The moment is tender, a stark contrast to the harsh world around you. As you both come down from your high, there's a newfound respect and understanding between all three of you.
You: [Growling, giving in to viral lust] "Time to see if you can back up that big talk."
Unable to resist the virus's influence any longer, you roughly spin Dani around and bend her over the railing. With one powerful thrust, you bury your massive cock to the hilt inside her. Dani's body arches, a cry of ecstasy escaping her lips.
Dani Daniels: [Moaning loudly, her voice echoing in the tower] "Fuck yes! That's it, big boy! Show me what you've got!"
Gabbie: [Gasping, her hand now openly rubbing her thigh] "Holy shit... they're like animals in heat!"
You pound into Dani's tight channel mercilessly, your enhanced stamina allowing for a punishing pace. Despite her bravado, Dani struggles to keep up, her tall body wracked with overwhelming sensations. The virus drives you to new heights of depravity, each thrust more savage than the last.
You: "Take it all, you cocky slut! Here's a load you won't forget!"
With a bestial roar, you reach your climax, your massive cock pulsing as it floods Dani's womb with virus-enhanced semen. The effect is immediate and intense, triggering a chain reaction of orgasms throughout Dani's overstimulated body.
Dani Daniels: [Screaming, her body convulsing] "Cumming! Don't stop! Fill me up! Breed me!"
Gabbie: [Panting, clearly having climaxed herself] "Fuck me sideways... that was the most intense thing I've ever seen."
As your orgasm subsides, you pull out of Dani's thoroughly used pussy. A flood of cum gushes forth, dripping down her long legs. Dani slumps against the railing, her usual confidence shattered, babbling incoherently about the best fuck of her life. The virus in your system settles, temporarily sated by the intense encounter.
You: [Body trembling, voice strained] "Something's... something's happening... the virus..."
A violent surge of viral energy courses through you, unlike anything you've experienced before. Your skin ripples, muscles bulging and receding in grotesque patterns. The world around you seems to warp and twist, reality bending to your viral influence.
Gabbie: [Backing away, terror in her voice] "Oh fuck... your body... it's changing! We need to get out of here!"
Dani Daniels: [Eyes wide, a mix of fear and fascination] "Incredible... the virus is evolving. He's becoming something... more."
The air around you shimmers with viral energy. Both Gabbie and Dani find themselves drawn towards you, their bodies responding to your mutated pheromones. As tendrils of viral matter begin to extend from your form, reaching for the women, the scene fades to black, leaving the outcome chillingly uncertain.
You: [Eyes glazed, voice distorted] "Need... to claim... to mark..."
The virus overrides your higher functions, reducing you to pure instinct. With inhuman speed, you lunge at Gabbie, pinning her against the tower wall. Your hands roam her body roughly, tearing at her clothes with primal need.
Gabbie: [Struggling, panic in her voice] "Stop! This isn't you! Fight it, damn it!"
Dani Daniels: [Watching with a mix of fear and arousal] "Oh my... the virus has turned him feral. How deliciously dangerous."
Your mouth latches onto Gabbie's neck, teeth grazing her skin as you inhale her scent deeply. One hand kneads her breast brutally, while the other forces its way between her legs. Gabbie's body betrays her, responding to your touch even as she tries to push you away.
You: [Growling, viral madness in your eyes] "Mine... take... breed..."
Lost to the virus, you rip Gabbie's pants open, exposing her lower half. Your fingers plunge into her unwilling wetness, the viral influence making your touch electric. Gabbie's back arches involuntarily, a strangled moan escaping her lips.
Gabbie: [Gasping, tears in her eyes] "Please... stop... oh god, what's happening to me?"
Dani Daniels: [Moving closer, her voice husky] "Don't fight it, honey. Let the virus take you. It feels so good when you surrender."
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble backward, horrified at your actions. Gabbie slumps to the floor, her body shaking with confused arousal and fear. The incident shatters the dynamic between you, leaving an uncertain future as you struggle to come to terms with the virus's growing influence.
You: [Body contorting, voice inhuman] "Evolve... consume... ascend..."
The virus takes full control, warping your form into something monstrous. Your skin turns a sickly iridescent hue, pulsing with viral energy. Bony protrusions erupt from your joints, forming a grotesque exoskeleton. With a roar that shakes the tower, you charge at both Gabbie and Dani, your intent clear and terrifying.
Gabbie: [Screaming, pure terror in her voice] "Run! We have to get out of here now!"
Dani Daniels: [Backing away, her confidence shattered] "This isn't what I signed up for! How do we stop him?"
You corner them against the tower's railing, your mutated form looming over them. Viral tendrils extend from your body, wrapping around their limbs and holding them in place. The air fills with the sickly sweet scent of viral corruption as you prepare to claim your unwilling mates.
You: [Snarling, beyond reason] "Join... become one... transcend humanity!"
Your clawed hands tear at their clothes, shredding them like tissue paper. The viral tendrils begin to sink into their skin, spreading corruption through their bodies. Both women writhe in a mixture of agony and unwanted pleasure as the virus rewires their neural pathways.
Gabbie: [Sobbing, her body betraying her] "No... please... I don't want this... it burns!"
Dani Daniels: [Gritting her teeth, fighting the changes] "This isn't how it was supposed to go! I can't... I won't submit!"
As you position your grotesquely mutated member at Gabbie's entrance, a flicker of humanity surfaces in your eyes. The scene freezes, teetering on the edge of no return. The outcome hangs in the balance, dependent on whether your will or the virus's emerges victorious.
You: [Roaring in triumph] "Embrace evolution! Become perfection!"
With a savage thrust, you impale Gabbie on your monstrous cock. She screams in agony as viral corruption spreads from the point of connection, reshaping her body to accommodate your mutated form. Your hips move at an inhuman pace, each thrust pumping more of the virus into her system.
Gabbie: [Wailing, her body transforming] "It's changing me! Make it stop! Please!"
Dani Daniels: [Struggling against the viral tendrils] "No! Let her go! Take me instead!"
Gabbie's screams of pain gradually morph into moans of corrupted pleasure as the virus rewrites her very being. Her skin takes on the same iridescent hue as yours, her eyes glowing with viral energy. As her transformation nears completion, you turn your attention to the still-struggling Dani.
You: [Viral corruption distorting your voice] "Join us in transcendence! Become more than human!"
Pulling out of the now-transformed Gabbie, you thrust into Dani's resisting body. The virus surges through her system, breaking down her mental defenses and reshaping her flesh. Dani's tall frame contorts and shifts, adapting to the viral corruption with terrifying speed.
Dani Daniels: [Screaming, her mind fracturing] "No! I won't... I can't... oh god, it feels so good!"
Gabbie: [Now fully corrupted, her voice inhuman] "Yes, sister! Join us in glorious evolution!"
As Dani's transformation completes, the three of you become a writhing mass of viral flesh, your forms merging and separating in impossible ways. The tower trembles with the power of your unholy union as you prepare to spread your gift to the world below.
You: [Eyes blazing with cruel intent] "You're both mine now. My personal playthings."
The virus has completely taken over, transforming you into a sadistic beast. You grab Dani by her long hair, yanking her head back with inhuman strength. Your other hand tears at her clothes, exposing her tall, exotic form.
Dani Daniels: [Gasping in pain, fear replacing her usual confidence] "Wait... this isn't what I meant... please, stop!"
Gabbie: [Backing away, terror in her eyes] "Oh god... what have you become? This isn't you!"
You throw Dani to the ground, your massive cock throbbing with cruel anticipation. Without warning, you thrust into her pussy, tearing through her with no preparation. Dani screams in agony as you begin to brutally fuck her, your hips slamming against her with bone-crushing force.
You: [Laughing maniacally] "Scream all you want. You're my property now."
As you continue to ravage Dani, you reach for Gabbie, dragging her into the fray. You force her face between Dani's breasts, demanding she pleasure the other woman while you fuck. The tower fills with the sounds of pain, pleasure, and desperation. You than take turn, fucking gabbie and Dani repeatedly.
Dani Daniels: [Sobbing uncontrollably] "Stop... please... it hurts so much..."
Gabbie: [Obeying fearfully, tears streaming down her face] "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Dani..."
After what seems like an eternity of brutal, sadistic sex, you finally cum, flooding Dani's torn pussy with your tainted seed. As both women lie broken and sobbing, you begin to fashion crude restraints from nearby debris. With cruel efficiency, you bind them both, preparing to drag your new slaves back to your lair. The virus has won, transforming you into a monster and forever altering the lives of Gabbie and Dani.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Gabbie? You said you had some new intel to discuss?"
You enter Gabbie's makeshift command center, a repurposed storage room now filled with maps, diagrams, and various pieces of scavenged tech. Gabbie stands before a large whiteboard, her back to you as she scribbles furiously. She's wearing her usual outfit - a tight-fitting tank top and cargo pants that hug her curves.
Gabbie: [Turning to face you, her eyes bright with excitement] (Focus, Gabbie. This is important. Don't get distracted by how good he looks.) "Perfect timing! I've just cracked something big about MAD's operations. Come take a look at this."
She gestures you over, her enthusiasm palpable. As you approach, you catch a whiff of her scent - a mix of sweat and something uniquely Gabbie. Your enhanced senses pick up on the subtle quickening of her heartbeat as you draw near.
You: "What have you discovered? Anything we can use to our advantage?"
You lean in to examine the whiteboard, careful not to brush against Gabbie. The proximity is enough to make your skin tingle, the virus heightening your awareness of her presence. You notice a bead of sweat trailing down her neck, disappearing beneath her collar.
Gabbie: [Pointing to various diagrams, her voice slightly breathless] (God, he smells good. No, concentrate on the mission!) "I've mapped out their patrol routes. There's a pattern here, see? Every third night, there's a gap in their security. If we time it right, we could slip right through."
As she explains, she reaches across you to indicate a specific area on the map. The movement causes her shirt to ride up slightly, revealing a strip of toned midriff. You swallow hard, trying to focus on her words rather than the expanse of smooth skin now visible.
You: "That's... that's impressive work, Gabbie. How did you figure this out?"
Your voice comes out slightly strained, your body reacting to Gabbie's proximity despite your best efforts. You shift your stance, hoping to hide the growing bulge in your pants. Gabbie's eyes flick down for a moment before quickly returning to your face, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.
Gabbie: [Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear nervously] (Did he notice me looking? Focus, dammit!) "I've been monitoring their radio chatter. It's all coded, but I managed to crack it. The thing is, some of the information doesn't make sense unless..."
She trails off, biting her lip in concentration. The gesture draws your attention to her mouth, and you find yourself wondering how soft her lips would feel against yours. You quickly shake off the thought, guilt and desire warring within you.
You: "Unless what? What are you thinking, Gabbie?"
You lean in closer, genuinely intrigued by her discovery despite the growing tension between you. The movement brings your faces mere inches apart. You can see the flecks of gold in her eyes, count each of her eyelashes. The air feels charged, electric.
Gabbie: [Her breath catching slightly] (He's so close. I could just lean in and... No, stop it!) "Unless they're not just patrolling. I think they're looking for something. Or someone. But to confirm it, I need to get a look at their main communication hub."
She steps back abruptly, as if suddenly aware of how close you've become. The movement causes her to stumble slightly, her hand reaching out to steady herself on your arm. The brief contact sends a jolt through you both, and Gabbie quickly withdraws her hand as if burned.
You: "That sounds dangerous. How do you plan to get close enough?"
Concern colors your voice, momentarily overriding the simmering tension. Gabbie turns away, moving to a cluttered desk and rifling through some papers. You can't help but notice the way her pants hug her curves as she bends over.
Gabbie: [Looking back over her shoulder] (Is he... checking me out? No, I'm imagining things.) "I have an idea, but it's a bit... unorthodox. We'd need to create a distraction. Something that would draw their attention completely."
She straightens up, holding a small device in her hand. As she turns to face you, her expression is a mix of determination and something else - a hint of vulnerability that makes your heart skip a beat.
You: "What kind of distraction did you have in mind?"
Your curiosity is piqued, both by the plan and by this new side of Gabbie you're seeing. She fidgets with the device in her hands, seeming uncharacteristically nervous.
Gabbie: [Taking a deep breath] (It's now or never. Just do it, Gabbie.) "Well, we know the virus affects their judgment, especially when it comes to... sexual stimuli. I thought maybe we could use that to our advantage."
Before you can respond, Gabbie sets down the device and reaches for the hem of her tank top. In one swift motion, she pulls it over her head, leaving her upper body bare except for a simple black bra. Your mouth goes dry at the sight of her toned stomach and the swell of her breasts above the bra cups.
You: "Gabbie, what are you... I mean, are you sure about this?"
Your voice comes out as a strangled whisper, your eyes wide as you take in the sight before you. Gabbie's skin is flushed, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. You can see goosebumps forming on her exposed skin.
Gabbie: [Her voice trembling slightly] (Oh god, he's staring. Is that good? Bad? Focus on the plan!) "I'm sure. We need to test how effective this kind of distraction would be. Your... enhanced state makes you the perfect subject. Just... tell me how this affects you."
With shaking hands, she reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra. She lets it fall to the floor, revealing her breasts in all their glory. They're perfectly shaped, topped with pink nipples that harden under your gaze. You feel your enhanced member responding immediately, straining against your pants.
You: "I... Gabbie, you're beautiful. But we shouldn't... This isn't..."
You trail off, unable to form coherent thoughts. Your enhanced cock is now fully erect, creating a visible tent in your pants. A small wet spot forms where the tip presses against the fabric, your precum soaking through.
Gabbie: [Her eyes locked on your obvious arousal] (Oh my god, he's huge. And it's because of me. No, stay professional!) "It's okay. This is just for the mission. We need to know how effective this would be. Can you... can you describe what you're feeling?"
She takes a step closer, her breasts swaying slightly with the movement. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mixing with your own to create an intoxicating musk. You can see her nipples hardening further, her body responding to the charged atmosphere despite her attempts at professionalism.
You: "I feel... overwhelmed. The virus, it's amplifying everything. Your scent, the sight of you... It's almost painful how much I want... I mean, how strong the reaction is."
Your hands clench at your sides, every muscle in your body tense with the effort of holding yourself back. Gabbie's eyes roam over your body, lingering on the prominent bulge in your pants. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips, a gesture that sends a jolt of electricity straight to your groin.
Gabbie: [Her voice husky] (This is affecting me too. God, I want to touch him so badly. No, stick to the plan!) "That's... that's good. For the mission, I mean. If it affects you this strongly, it should work on the guards. Maybe we should... test the limits of this reaction?"
Her hands move to the waistband of her pants, fingers playing with the button. The air between you is thick with tension, both of you on the edge of giving in to the overwhelming desire.
You: "Gabbie, wait. If we go any further, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself. We need to cool down."
You take a step back, your breath coming in short gasps. The virus thrums in your veins, demanding you act on your basest instincts. But you manage to hold onto a shred of self-control, knowing that crossing this line could change everything between you.
Gabbie: [Nodding, a mix of relief and disappointment in her eyes] (He's right. We can't. Not yet. But god, I want to.) "You're right. This is... this is enough for now. We know it works. That's what matters for the mission."
She bends to retrieve her bra and tank top, giving you one last tantalizing view of her breasts. As she dresses, the tension in the room slowly dissipates, replaced by an awkward silence. You both know that something has shifted between you, a new awareness that can't be easily dismissed.
You: "Gabbie, I... thank you for trusting me with this. It means a lot."
Your voice is soft, filled with genuine emotion. Despite the lingering arousal, you feel a deeper connection forming between you and Gabbie. She looks up at you, her eyes shining with unshed tears.
Gabbie: [Smiling softly] (He understands. Maybe someday we can... No, focus on the present.) "Thank you for understanding. This wasn't easy, but I knew I could trust you. We make a good team, don't we?"
She reaches out, squeezing your hand briefly. The touch is innocent, but it sends a spark through you both. For a moment, you stand there, connected by more than just physical attraction.
You: "We do make a good team. And we'll get through this together, whatever it takes."
The words hang between you, loaded with unspoken promises. Gabbie nods, her expression a mix of determination and something softer, more vulnerable. As she turns back to the whiteboard, you can't help but feel that your relationship has deepened, evolving into something more complex and meaningful.
Gabbie: [Her voice steady, but with an undercurrent of emotion] "Right. Together. Now, let's get back to planning. We have a mission to complete, after all."
As you both refocus on the task at hand, the air is charged with a new energy. The memory of Gabbie's exposed body lingers, but it's tempered by a growing emotional connection. You know that whatever happens next, your bond with Gabbie has been irrevocably strengthened by this shared moment of vulnerability and trust.
You: "Gabbie, I... I can't stop thinking about how you looked. It's driving me crazy."
Your voice is thick with barely contained desire. The virus amplifies your arousal, making it almost impossible to think of anything but Gabbie's naked breasts. She turns to face you, her own eyes dark with lust.
Gabbie: [Her breath coming in short gasps] (God, the way he's looking at me. I feel like I'm on fire.) "I... I can't stop thinking about it either. The way you reacted... It was so intense. Maybe we should... explore this further? For the mission, of course."
She takes a step closer, her body radiating heat. You can see her nipples pressing against her tank top, the thin fabric doing little to hide her arousal. The scent of her desire fills your nostrils, making your enhanced cock throb painfully.
You: "For the mission. Right. We should be thorough in our... research."
The pretense is paper-thin, but neither of you cares. Gabbie's hands move to the hem of her tank top, slowly lifting it to reveal her toned stomach. She pauses, her eyes locked on yours, silently asking permission.
Gabbie: [Her voice a husky whisper] "Should I... should I take it off again? We could compare the reaction to last time. See if the effect is consistent."
The air between you crackles with sexual tension. You know that if she removes her top again, there will be no going back. The mission, MAD, the future - it all fades into the background as you stand on the precipice of giving in to your deepest, most primal desires.
"Yes," you breathe, your enhanced body trembling with anticipation. "Show me. For science."
As Gabbie slowly pulls her top over her head, revealing her perfect breasts once more, you both know that everything is about to change. The line between partners and lovers blurs, the virus pushing you towards a new, dangerous, and thrillingly intimate dynamic.
You: "This was a mistake. We can't do this, Gabbie. It's not professional."
You turn away abruptly, unable to bear the sight of Gabbie's exposed skin any longer. The shame and guilt wash over you, warring with the lingering arousal. You hear Gabbie's sharp intake of breath behind you.
Gabbie: [Her voice small and hurt] (Oh god, he's disgusted. I've ruined everything.) "I'm sorry. I thought... I thought this would help. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
You hear the rustle of fabric as she hurriedly puts her clothes back on. The room feels cold now, the earlier warmth replaced by an awkward, heavy silence.
You: "Let's just forget this happened. We need to focus on the mission, not... this."
You turn back to face Gabbie, relieved to see her fully dressed again. But the damage has been done. She won't meet your eyes, her face flushed with embarrassment and rejection. The easy camaraderie you once shared seems to have evaporated.
Gabbie: [Her voice strained] "You're right. This was unprofessional of me. It won't happen again. Let's... let's just get back to work."
She moves to the whiteboard, her movements stiff and uncomfortable. As she begins to outline the plan again, her voice lacks its usual enthusiasm. You both try to focus on the mission, but the memory of what almost happened hangs between you like a physical presence.
As you leave Gabbie's room, you can't shake the feeling that something precious has been lost. The trust and openness you once shared has been replaced by an awkward tension, threatening to undermine your partnership and potentially jeopardize the mission against MAD.
You: "Gabbie, something's happening. The virus... it's overwhelming me."
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock hardens painfully, straining against your pants with an urgency you've never felt before.
Gabbie: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh no, is it the virus? He looks like he's in pain.) "Are you okay? What's happening?"
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh god," Gabbie gasps, her hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly beneath her tank top, pressing against the thin fabric. A damp spot forms at the crotch of her pants as her pussy floods with arousal. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return.
Gabbie's hands reach for you, trembling with need. Her eyes, usually so full of determination and strategy, now burn with an unholy lust. As her fingers brush against your arm, you both cry out in pleasure. The touch sends a shockwave through you both, the virus amplifying every sensation to an almost unbearable degree.
You know that what's about to happen will change your relationship forever, but in this moment, consumed by virus-fueled lust, neither of you can bring yourselves to care. The mission, MAD, the future - it all fades away as you give in to the overwhelming need coursing through your veins.
You: "Gabbie... I need to touch you. To understand the virus better."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Gabbie's breasts through her tank top. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath.
Gabbie: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Stop it! This isn't part of the plan!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "God, Gabbie... You feel amazing. I need more..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you tear at her clothes. Her tank top rips easily, exposing her breasts to your hungry gaze. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down to cup her pussy through her pants.
Gabbie: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're partners, this is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel the heat of her pussy through the thin fabric, her juices soaking through. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Gabbie curls in on herself, covering her exposed breasts with her arms, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the room, leaving Gabbie alone with her torn clothes and conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her nipple on your tongue - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into.
You: "Gabbie... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Gabbie, pinning her to the strategy table. Maps and documents scatter to the floor as you press your body against hers, your enhanced cock grinding against her thigh.
Gabbie: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What the fuck?! Get off me, you sick bastard! This isn't you!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild.
You: "This is me now, Gabbie. And you're mine."
Your hands tear at her clothes, shredding the thin fabric. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. Gabbie's breasts spill free, her nipples hard despite her terror.
Gabbie: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! Someone help me! This isn't what we planned!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Gabbie manages to knee you in the groin. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, a intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, Gabbie. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Gabbie, you slam her against the wall, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your clothed erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat seeping through the thin fabric.
Gabbie: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're partners... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wet, her body betraying her.
You: "Fuck, Gabbie... You're so wet for me. You want this as much as I do..."
Unable to wait any longer, you tear open your pants, freeing your engorged member. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Gabbie screams in pain and shock, her body tensing around your invading cock.
Gabbie: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? We were supposed to be a team..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Gabbie's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
As you finish inside her, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Gabbie slumps against the wall, violated and broken, your partnership destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The room reeks of sex and despair, a testament to the monstrous act you've committed against your closest ally.
You: "You're not just my partner anymore, Gabbie. You're my property now."
The virus warps your mind, twisting your partnership into something dark and cruel. You drag Gabbie's struggling form towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-trusted ally into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin.
Gabbie: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! We're supposed to be fighting MAD, not becoming them!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so confident and strategic, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further.
You: "Welcome to your new role, partner. You'll learn to love serving your Master."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all notions of partnership and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Gabbie, running your hands over her body as she flinches away. Her once-determined eyes are now filled with fear and despair.
Gabbie: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my partner anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her blonde hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality.
"Open wide, partner," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Gabbie, once your trusted ally, now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready to head out, Gabbie? The Border's not getting any safer while we wait."
The early morning sun casts long shadows across the ruined landscape as you and Gabbie prepare to venture into The Border. The air is thick with the scent of decay and the ever-present musk of the virus. Your enhanced physique, a gift and curse of the D-Pox, ripples with anticipation beneath your tattered clothes.
Gabbie: [Adjusting her makeshift armor, eyes scanning the horizon] "Always ready. Just remember, stay alert. The women out here... they're not like the ones back at the shelter." (God, he looks so much like Dad did at this age. Focus, Gabbie. Focus.)
The wasteland stretches before you, a treacherous expanse of twisted metal and crumbling concrete. As you set out, the weight of your mission - and the secrets you both carry - hangs heavy in the air.
You: "I've got your back if you've got mine. Let's see what The Border has in store for us today."
As you trek deeper into The Border, the landscape becomes increasingly hostile. Jagged pieces of metal jut out from the ground like teeth, and the air grows thick with an oily mist. Your enhanced senses pick up faint sounds of movement in the distance, setting you on edge.
Gabbie: [Crouching behind a rusted car, voice low] "Movement ahead. Could be one of the infected. Remember, they haven't seen a man in months. Your pheromones alone might drive them wild." (His scent... it's getting stronger. The virus must be building up in his system.)
The tension in the air is palpable as you both ready yourselves for a potential encounter. The virus thrums through your veins, heightening your awareness and sending a familiar warmth spreading through your core.
You: "I hear it too. Let's approach carefully. We don't want to startle her if she's as wild as you say."
Cautiously, you and Gabbie advance through the debris-strewn wasteland. The sound of labored breathing grows louder, punctuated by occasional whimpers that send shivers down your spine. Your enhanced body responds instinctively, muscles tensing and blood rushing southward.
Gabbie: [Eyes widening as she peers around a corner] "There she is. God, look at her. The virus has her in its grip." (The way her body's moving... it's like she's in constant heat. Just like the future I came from.)
Before you stands a young woman, her lithe form writhing against a broken wall. Her short black hair is matted with sweat, and her piercing blue eyes dart around wildly, unfocused and feral. The tattered remains of her clothes barely cling to her sweat-slicked skin, revealing generous curves and hardened nipples that betray her state of constant arousal.
You: "She looks... intense. How should we approach this, Gabbie?"
The woman's head snaps in your direction, her nostrils flaring as she catches your scent. Her eyes lock onto you, a mix of hunger and desperation evident in her gaze. You feel your cock twitch involuntarily, responding to the pheromones saturating the air.
adrianachechik: [Voice hoarse and desperate] "A... a man? Is this real? Or has the virus finally driven me mad?"
Gabbie: [Tensing beside you] "Easy now. We're not here to hurt you. What's your name?" (She's further gone than I thought. We need to be careful or she might attack.)
The woman's eyes dart between you and Gabbie, her chest heaving with each ragged breath. Her hands clench and unclench at her sides, as if fighting the urge to reach out and touch you.
You: "That's right, we're real. We're here to help. Can you tell us your name?"
Your voice seems to both soothe and agitate the woman. She takes a stumbling step forward, her eyes never leaving your form. The remnants of her shirt fall away, revealing full, perky breasts topped with dusky nipples standing at attention.
adrianachechik: [Licking her lips] "A-Adriana. My name is Adriana. You... you smell so good. So strong."
Gabbie: [Moving slightly in front of you] "Adriana, we can help you. But you need to stay calm. The virus, it's affecting your mind." (Shit, she's fixated on him. This could get ugly fast.)
Adriana's eyes narrow at Gabbie's protective stance. A low growl escapes her throat, her body tensing like a predator ready to pounce. The air grows thick with the scent of her arousal, mingling with your own musk.
You: "Adriana, listen to Gabbie. We're not your enemies. Let's talk about this."
You try to keep your voice steady, but the sight of Adriana's naked form and the potent cocktail of pheromones in the air are having a visible effect. Your cock strains against your pants, creating a prominent bulge that doesn't escape Adriana's notice.
adrianachechik: [Eyes fixed on your crotch] "Talk? No... no more talking. I need... I need to feel a man again. To be filled. To be fucked!"
Gabbie: [Reaching for her weapon] "Adriana, don't! We can help you, but not like this!" (Fuck, she's lost it. We need to subdue her before she hurts herself or us.)
The tension reaches a breaking point as Adriana's body coils, ready to spring. Her eyes, wild with lust and desperation, dart between you and Gabbie, calculating her next move.
You: "Gabbie, wait! Maybe... maybe we can calm her down another way."
Before Gabbie can react, Adriana lunges forward with inhuman speed. Her hands grab at your clothes, tearing them away with desperate strength. The cool air hits your exposed skin, your massive cock springing free, already hard and throbbing.
Adriana Chechik: [Moaning at the sight] "Yes... yes! This is what I need. Give it to me, please!"
Gabbie: [Backing away, eyes wide] "Holy shit... I've never seen anyone move that fast. Be careful!" (His cock... it's even bigger than I remember. No, focus Gabbie!)
Adriana's hands wrap around your shaft, her touch sending electric shocks through your body. The virus in your system responds, your cock swelling even larger. Pre-cum beads at the tip as Adriana begins to stroke you with frenzied desperation.
You: "Ngh... Adriana, slow down. We need to... ah... control this!"
Your words fall on deaf ears as Adriana drops to her knees, her mouth engulfing the head of your cock. The wet heat of her mouth sends waves of pleasure coursing through you. Your hands instinctively tangle in her short black hair, guiding her movements.
adrianachechik: [Mumbling around your cock] "Mmph... so good... need more..."
Gabbie: [Watching with a mix of concern and growing arousal] "You need to... to overwhelm her senses. Make her cum. It might snap her out of it." (God, the way she's sucking him... I can almost taste it myself.)
As Adriana works your shaft with desperate hunger, your free hand reaches down to cup one of her full breasts. The nipple pebbles against your palm, and Adriana moans around your cock, sending vibrations of pleasure through you.
You: "Fuck... Gabbie, I think you're right. I need to... to take control."
With a growl, you pull Adriana off your cock. She whimpers at the loss, but you quickly spin her around, bending her over a nearby piece of rubble. Her ass, round and firm, presents itself to you, her pussy glistening with arousal.
adrianachechik: [Panting, pushing her ass back] "Please... please fuck me. I need it so bad!"
Gabbie: [Breathing heavily, unconsciously rubbing her thighs together] "That's it... show her who's in charge. Make her feel it." (Fuck, this is so hot. I shouldn't be watching, but I can't look away.)
You line up your massive cock with Adriana's dripping entrance. With one powerful thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt. Adriana screams in pleasure, her pussy clenching around you like a vice.
You: "Take it, Adriana. Feel what a real man can do to you!"
You pound into Adriana with relentless force, each thrust driving her wild with pleasure. Her cries echo through the wasteland, a symphony of lust and desperation. Your hands grip her hips, leaving bruises as you pull her back onto your throbbing shaft.
Adriana Chechik: [Screaming in ecstasy] "Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Breed me! Fill me with your cum!"
Gabbie: [Moaning softly, hand unconsciously slipping into her pants] "That's it... make her yours. Tame her with that big cock." (I shouldn't be doing this... but fuck, I'm so wet.)
The air is thick with the scent of sex and sweat. Your enhanced senses pick up every detail - the way Adriana's pussy grips you, the sound of skin slapping against skin, the taste of her arousal in the air. The virus in your system surges, driving you to new heights of pleasure and stamina.
You: "Look at me, Adriana. Look into my eyes as I make you cum."
You slow your thrusts, making each one deep and purposeful. Your hand reaches around to rub Adriana's clit as you lean over her, turning her face to meet your gaze. The wild desperation in her eyes begins to fade, replaced by a growing connection.
adrianachechik: [Gasping, eyes locked with yours] "I... I feel it. Something's changing. Don't stop, please!"
Gabbie: [Watching intently, a mix of arousal and something deeper in her eyes] "That's it... bring her back. Show her it's more than just fucking." (He's so much like Dad... caring even in the midst of all this.)
As you maintain eye contact, you feel Adriana's body begin to tremble. Her pussy clenches around you rhythmically as her orgasm builds. With a final, deep thrust, you push her over the edge, kissing her deeply as she cums.
You: "That's it, Adriana. Let it all go. You're safe now."
Adriana's body shudders against yours as her orgasm washes over her. Tears of relief and pleasure stream down her face as she clings to you. You hold her close, your cock still buried deep inside her, feeling her pulse around you.
adrianachechik: [Sobbing softly] "Thank you... thank you. I feel... I feel like myself again."
Gabbie: [Approaching cautiously, a soft smile on her face] "You did it. You brought her back." (He's amazing. In any timeline, he's a hero.)
As Adriana's breathing steadies, you gently withdraw from her. She whimpers at the loss but doesn't resist as you and Gabbie help her to her feet. The wild look in her eyes has been replaced by gratitude and a newfound clarity. You've tamed the beast within her, at least for now.
You: "Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Take it all, Adriana. Every last drop!"
With a primal roar, you slam into Adriana one final time. Your cock swells impossibly larger as you begin to cum, pumping rope after rope of thick, virus-enhanced semen deep into her ass. The effect is immediate and intense.
adrianachechik: [Screaming in ecstasy] "Yes! Fill me! It's so hot... so much... FUCK!"
Gabbie: [Moaning loudly, fingers working furiously in her pants] "Holy shit... I've never seen so much cum!" (It's like a fucking fountain. Is this what the virus does to him?)
Adriana's body convulses as your cum triggers a massive orgasm. Her ass clenches around your shaft, milking every last drop from you. The excess spills out, running down her thighs in thick rivulets.
You: "Not done yet, Adriana. Clean me up."
Still dazed from her intense orgasm, Adriana obediently turns and takes your cock into her mouth. She moans at the taste of your cum mixed with her own juices, sucking and licking with renewed vigor.
adrianachechik: [Mumbling around your cock] "So good... need more... please..."
Gabbie: [Panting, coming down from her own orgasm] "Fuck... that was intense. Is she... is she okay?" (I can't believe I just got off watching this. What's happening to me?)
Adriana continues to suck you clean, her body occasionally shuddering with aftershocks. As the last of your cum disappears down her throat, her eyes roll back and she collapses, unconscious but with a satisfied smile on her face. You've successfully subdued her, though perhaps not in the way you initially intended.
You: "Can't... control it. Need to... touch..."
Lost in the haze of viral lust, you lunge at Gabbie. Your hands grab at her clothes, tearing them away with inhuman strength. Her breasts spill free, nipples hardening instantly in the cool air.
adrianachechik: [Watching with glazed eyes] "Yes... take her... fuck her..."
Gabbie: [Gasping in shock] "What are you doing?! Stop! This isn't you!" (Oh god, his hands... they're so strong. No, I can't let this happen!)
Your large hands roughly knead Gabbie's breasts, thumbs flicking over her nipples. She struggles against you, but her body betrays her, responding to your touch with growing arousal.
You: "So soft... need more..."
One hand slides down Gabbie's body, ripping away her pants. Your fingers find her pussy, already wet despite her protests. You plunge two fingers inside her, your thumb circling her clit.
adrianachechik: [Moaning, touching herself] "Fuck her... breed her..."
Gabbie: [Moaning involuntarily] "No... we can't... oh god..." (This is wrong... but it feels so good. Why does it feel so good?)
Gabbie's resistance weakens as you finger-fuck her with relentless intensity. Her pussy clenches around your fingers, her body responding to the virus-enhanced pheromones you're emitting. The air is thick with the scent of arousal and the electric charge of impending danger.
You: "Need to fuck... need to breed..."
The last vestiges of control slip away as the virus takes full hold. With a growl, you throw Gabbie to the ground, your massive cock throbbing with urgent need. You position yourself between her legs, the head of your cock pressing against her wet entrance.
adrianachechik: [Crawling closer, eyes wild] "Yes... fuck her... fill her..."
Gabbie: [Struggling weakly] "Please... we can't do this... fight it!" (Oh god, it's so big. I shouldn't want this, but my body's on fire.)
Your enhanced muscles ripple as you hold Gabbie down. The head of your cock pushes past her folds, stretching her pussy wide. Gabbie's eyes roll back, a mix of pleasure and pain crossing her face.
You: "Mine... all mine..."
With a savage thrust, you bury your entire length inside Gabbie. She screams, her pussy stretching to accommodate your massive girth. You begin to pound into her with inhuman speed and strength, driven by pure, virus-fueled lust.
adrianachechik: [Masturbating furiously] "Harder... fuck her harder!"
Gabbie: [Crying out with each thrust] "Stop! Please... oh god... it's too much!" (It hurts... but why does it feel so good? I'm going to break!)
Gabbie's resistance crumbles as the pleasure overwhelms her. Her legs wrap around your waist, pulling you deeper. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoes through the wasteland, punctuated by grunts, moans, and the wet squelch of your cock plunging into Gabbie's soaked pussy.
You: "Cum... need you to cum..."
Your thrusts become even more frenzied, the virus granting you inhuman stamina. One hand reaches down to rub Gabbie's clit roughly as you continue to pound into her. Her body responds, her pussy clenching tightly around your shaft.
adrianachechik: [Cumming as she watches] "Yes! Cum! Cum together!"
Gabbie: [Screaming in ecstasy] "Oh god! I'm cumming! Don't stop!" (This is wrong... but it feels so right. I'm sorry, Dad...)
Gabbie's body convulses as a powerful orgasm rips through her. Her pussy milks your cock, triggering your own release. With a roar, you cum deep inside her, pumping rope after rope of thick, virus-enhanced semen into her womb.
You: "More... need more..."
Even as your cum floods Gabbie's pussy, your cock remains hard. The virus rages through your system, demanding more. You pull out, flipping Gabbie onto her stomach and lifting her ass into the air.
Adriana Chechik: [Crawling closer, licking her lips] "Her ass... fuck her ass..."
Gabbie: [Whimpering, still dazed from her orgasm] "No more... please... I can't..." (It's too much... but why do I want more?)
Without warning, you plunge your still-cum-slicked cock into Gabbie's tight asshole. She screams, the sound a mix of pain and unexpected pleasure. You begin to thrust, your enhanced cock stretching her ass wide. The assault continues, your virus-fueled lust far from satisfied.
You: "Mine... forever mine..."
Lost in a haze of viral lust and aggression, you grab Gabbie by the hair, yanking her head back as you continue to pound into her ass. Your free hand comes down hard on her ass cheek, leaving a bright red handprint.
Adriana Chechik: [Watching with a mix of fear and arousal] "Break her... make her yours..."
Gabbie: [Sobbing and moaning] "Please... stop... it hurts... oh god..." (What's happening to him? To me? Why can't I fight back?)
Your thrusts become more violent, each one driving Gabbie's face into the ground. The virus has transformed you into a brutal, dominating force. Gabbie's resistance weakens with each passing moment, her body betraying her as another orgasm builds.
You: "Cum... cum for your master..."
With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in Gabbie's ass. Your cock swells impossibly larger as you begin to cum, flooding her bowels with your virus-enhanced seed. The sheer volume is too much, and it begins to leak out around your shaft.
Adriana Chechik: [Trembling in the corner] "So much... too much..."
Gabbie: [Screaming as she cums] "I'm yours! Oh god, I'm cumming! Master!" (What have I become? What has he turned me into?)
As your orgasm subsides, you pull out of Gabbie's abused hole. She collapses to the ground, cum leaking from both her pussy and ass. Without a word, you grab her by the hair and begin dragging her towards the shelter. Your mind, still clouded by the virus, has only one thought: to lock her away in the prison, to keep her as your personal plaything. The once strong-willed Gabbie offers no resistance, broken and remade by your brutal assault.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready for another adventure in the wastelands, Gabbie?"
The early morning sun casts long shadows across the barren landscape as you and Gabbie prepare to venture into The Border. The air is thick with the scent of dust and distant decay, a constant reminder of the world's transformation. You adjust your gear, feeling the weight of your responsibilities and the ever-present thrum of the virus in your veins.
Gabbie: [Tightening her backpack straps, a determined glint in her eye] "Always ready. Let's see what secrets The Border holds for us today."
As you set out, the familiar tension of anticipation builds between you. The Border, with its unpredictable terrain and even more unpredictable inhabitants, looms ahead, promising danger and potential discoveries.
You: "Keep your eyes peeled. I've got a feeling we might encounter someone today."
You trudge through the wasteland, your enhanced senses on high alert. The crunch of gravel beneath your feet and Gabbie's steady breathing beside you are the only sounds breaking the eerie silence. Suddenly, a flicker of movement catches your eye in the distance.
Gabbie: [Crouching slightly, her voice dropping to a whisper] "I see it too. Female, I think. Should we approach or observe?"
The air grows thick with tension as you both assess the potential threat. Your virus-enhanced body thrums with energy, ready for whatever challenge lies ahead.
You: "Let's get closer, but carefully. We need to assess if she's a threat or someone we can help."
You and Gabbie move with practiced stealth, using the scattered debris and rusted vehicles as cover. As you draw nearer, the figure becomes clearer - a young woman, probably in her late teens, with long black hair whipping in the wind. She seems to be scavenging, unaware of your approach.
Gabbie: [Her eyes narrowing as she analyzes the situation] "She looks young, maybe too young to be out here alone. But don't let your guard down. The virus makes everyone unpredictable."
The girl's movements are quick and nervous, her head constantly swiveling as if expecting danger from every direction. You can't help but notice her petite frame, a stark contrast to the harsh environment around her.
You: "Hello there! We're not here to harm you. Are you alright?"
Your voice carries across the wasteland, causing the young woman to whirl around, her green eyes wide with a mix of fear and... something else. Recognition? Hunger? It's hard to tell from this distance. She tenses, her body coiled like a spring ready to snap.
Megan Rain: [Her voice trembling slightly] "Stay back! I... I haven't seen a man in... I don't know how long. Who are you? What do you want?"
Gabbie: [Stepping forward slightly, hands raised in a placating gesture] "We're just travelers, like you. My name's Gabbie, and this is my friend. We saw you out here alone and wanted to make sure you're okay. What's your name?"
The tension in the air is palpable as the young woman's gaze darts between you and Gabbie, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath.
You: "We have supplies if you need them. Food, water, medicine. We're not affiliated with MAD or any other group. Just survivors trying to help where we can."
You take a cautious step forward, your hands open and visible. The girl's eyes lock onto you, and you notice her pupils dilate. The virus's effect on her is evident - her skin has a slight sheen, and her breathing becomes more labored as you approach.
Megan Rain: [Licking her lips nervously] "I'm... I'm Megan. I've been alone out here for weeks. How... how is there a man here? I thought they were all dead."
Gabbie: [Her voice calm but alert] "He's special, Megan. Immune to the virus's lethal effects. We can explain more, but first, are you hurt? Do you need help?"
Megan's posture shifts subtly, her initial fear giving way to a growing curiosity... and hunger. You can almost see the virus working within her, heightening her awareness of your presence.
You: "Megan, we can take you somewhere safe if you'd like. There's a settlement not far from here where-"
Your words are cut short as Megan suddenly lunges forward, her eyes wild with a mix of desperation and virus-fueled lust. Her petite form belies her strength as she collides with you, her hands frantically grasping at your clothes.
Megan Rain: [Her voice a frantic whisper] "A man... a real man... I need... the virus... it burns... please..."
Gabbie: [Tensing, ready to intervene] "Careful! The virus has her in its grip. We need to subdue her before she hurts herself or us!"
Megan's actions become more frenzied, her small hands tearing at your shirt as she presses her body against yours. The scent of her arousal fills the air, a potent reminder of the virus's effects.
You: "Megan, calm down! We're here to help, but you need to control yourself!"
You grapple with the young woman, trying to restrain her without causing harm. Her lithe body writhes against yours, her strength enhanced by the virus and her desperate need. In the struggle, her tattered clothes begin to tear, revealing more of her pale, virus-enhanced skin.
Megan Rain: [Moaning, her voice thick with lust] "Please... I need it... I need you... It's been so long..."
Gabbie: [Her voice strained, watching the struggle intently] "You need to overload her system! Use your... your abilities. It's the only way to calm her down!"
As you grapple with Megan, you feel your own virus levels rising, your enhanced body responding to the intense situation. Your manhood begins to swell, pressing against the confines of your pants.
You: "I'm sorry, Megan, but this is for your own good!"
With a swift movement, you pin Megan to the ground, your body pressing against hers. The contact sends a jolt of electricity through both of you, the virus in your systems resonating. Your hand finds its way between her legs, feeling the intense heat and wetness there.
Megan Rain: [Gasping, her back arching] "Yes! Oh god, yes! Touch me, please!"
Gabbie: [Her breath quickening as she watches] "That's it... you need to overwhelm her senses. Make her orgasm, it's the only way to break the virus's hold!"
Your fingers work skillfully, sliding through Megan's slick folds. Her petite body trembles beneath you, her small breasts heaving with each ragged breath. The scent of arousal grows stronger, filling the air around you.
You: "Let it go, Megan. Don't fight it. Let the pleasure take you."
Your fingers move with practiced skill, circling Megan's swollen clit before plunging deep into her soaking wet pussy. Her inner walls clench around your digits, pulsing with need. With your free hand, you tear away the remains of her top, exposing her small, perky breasts to the open air.
Megan Rain: [Crying out, her body writhing] "More! Please, I need more! Fill me, fuck me, please!"
Gabbie: [Her voice husky, clearly affected by the scene] "You're doing great... but I think you need to take it further. She needs... more."
As you pleasure Megan, you're acutely aware of Gabbie's presence. A quick glance shows her cheeks flushed, her breath coming in short pants as she watches the intense scene unfold.
You: "Brace yourself, Megan. This might be intense."
In one fluid motion, you free your throbbing cock from your pants. It stands proud, all 12 inches pulsing with virus-enhanced vigor. Megan's eyes widen at the sight, a mix of fear and desperate need in her gaze. Without warning, you guide your massive member to her dripping entrance.
Megan Rain: [Screaming in pleasure as you enter her] "Oh fuck! It's so big! It's splitting me open!"
Gabbie: [Moaning softly, her hand unconsciously moving to her own breast] "That's it... fill her. Let your virus-enhanced cum overwhelm her system. It's the only way."
You begin to thrust, your enormous cock stretching Megan's tight pussy to its limits. Her petite body shakes with each powerful stroke, her inner walls clenching desperately around your girth. The air is filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and Megan's continuous moans of pleasure.
You: "Look at me, Megan. Focus on my eyes. Let go of everything else."
As you continue to thrust deep into Megan's quivering pussy, you lock eyes with her. Your gaze is intense, filled with a mix of dominance and compassion. You lean down, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss, swallowing her moans.
Megan Rain: [Breaking the kiss, her voice trembling] "I... I feel it... something's happening... I'm going to..."
Gabbie: [Her voice soft, almost reverent] "That's it... let it wash over you, Megan. Let his essence calm the storm inside you."
Your thrusts become more measured, each one deep and purposeful. You can feel Megan's inner walls fluttering, on the edge of a massive orgasm. The connection between you feels almost spiritual, transcending the physical act.
You: "Come for me, Megan. Let it all go. You're safe now."
With a final, deep thrust, you feel Megan's body convulse beneath you. Her orgasm crashes over her in waves, her pussy clenching rhythmically around your throbbing cock. You hold her close, your body providing an anchor as she rides out the intense pleasure.
Megan Rain: [Sobbing with relief and pleasure] "Thank you... thank you... I feel... I feel whole again."
Gabbie: [Moving closer, her voice gentle] "You did it. She's stabilized. We should get her back to the settlement now."
As Megan's body relaxes, the wild look in her eyes fades, replaced by a calm clarity. You carefully withdraw from her, your still-hard cock glistening with her juices. With gentle movements, you and Gabbie help Megan to her feet, preparing to guide her to safety.
You: "Time to really give you what you need, Megan."
With a growl, you flip Megan onto her hands and knees. Your massive cock, slick with her juices, lines up with her tight asshole. Without warning, you plunge forward, burying yourself to the hilt in her virgin anus.
Megan Rain: [Screaming in a mix of pain and pleasure] "Fuck! My ass! It's too big! But don't stop!"
Gabbie: [Panting heavily, her hand now openly rubbing her crotch] "Yes! Fill her with your cum. Let it saturate her system!"
You pound into Megan's ass relentlessly, each thrust forcing more of your length into her tight passage. Her small body shakes with the force of your movements, her moans growing more desperate and primal.
You: "Here it comes, Megan. Take it all!"
With a roar, you hilted yourself deep in Megan's ass, your cock pulsing as you unleash a torrent of virus-enhanced cum. The effect is immediate and intense. Megan's body convulses, her eyes rolling back as the potent semen floods her system.
Megan Rain: [Babbling incoherently] "So much... so good... need more... please..."
Gabbie: [Moaning as she reaches her own climax] "Fuck... that's intense. Look at her, she's completely overwhelmed."
As your orgasm subsides, Megan collapses forward, your softening cock slipping from her well-used ass. A stream of cum follows, trickling down her thighs. Her body twitches with aftershocks, small whimpers escaping her lips. You and Gabbie exchange a look, knowing it's time to secure Megan and bring her back to the settlement.
You: [A sudden wave of intense arousal washing over you] "Gabbie... something's happening. The virus..."
Your body trembles as an unexpected surge of the virus courses through your system. Your already impressive manhood swells even further, veins pulsing visibly. The air around you seems to shimmer with pheromones.
Megan Rain: [Still dazed from her intense orgasm] "More... please... I need more..."
Gabbie: [Her eyes wide, pupils dilated with arousal] (Oh god, his scent... it's overwhelming. I shouldn't want this, but...) "We need to... we need to get you both under control. But I... I can't think straight..."
The scene becomes a tableau of raw, virus-fueled lust. Megan's body writhes on the ground, desperate for more contact. Gabbie's resolve crumbles as she begins to strip, her own body responding to the potent pheromones you're emitting. The air is thick with the promise of more depraved acts to come.
You: [Your eyes glazing over with lust, turning towards Gabbie] "Gabbie... I need... I need to touch you..."
Before Gabbie can react, you lunge forward, your hands grasping her ample breasts through her shirt. The virus has overwhelmed your senses, turning you into a creature of pure sexual need.
Megan Rain: [Watching with a mix of fear and arousal] "What's happening? Is he losing control?"
Gabbie: [Gasping, her body betraying her as she arches into your touch] "No! We can't... this isn't right! Stop!"
Your hands knead Gabbie's breasts roughly, feeling her nipples harden beneath your palms. The rational part of your mind screams at you to stop, but the virus-fueled lust is too strong to resist.
You: [Growling, your voice barely recognizable] "Need you... need to feel you..."
Your hands tear at Gabbie's clothes, exposing more of her flesh. One hand slides down to cup her mound, feeling the heat and wetness there. Gabbie struggles weakly, her body responding even as her mind resists.
Megan Rain: [Scrambling away, fear overtaking her arousal] "Stop it! You're hurting her!"
Gabbie: [Tears in her eyes, her voice breaking] "Please... we need to stop. This isn't you. Fight it!"
The moment stretches, teetering on the edge of no return. Then, with a herculean effort, you wrench yourself away from Gabbie, stumbling backward. The realization of what you've done crashes over you, leaving you shaken and filled with remorse.
You: [Your eyes wild, voice distorted by lust] "Can't... can't control it... need to fuck..."
The virus surges through your system, obliterating all rational thought. With inhuman speed, you lunge at Gabbie, pinning her to the ground. Your hands tear at her clothes, exposing her flesh to the harsh wasteland air.
Megan Rain: [Screaming, trying to intervene] "Stop it! You're hurting her!"
Gabbie: [Struggling against your grip, fear and confusion in her eyes] "No! This isn't you! Fight it! Please!"
Your massive cock, harder than ever before, presses against Gabbie's thigh. The scent of her fear mingles with her involuntary arousal, driving you into a frenzy of lust and aggression.
You: [Growling, positioning yourself between Gabbie's legs] "Need to breed... need to fill..."
Your hips thrust forward, the tip of your engorged member pressing against Gabbie's entrance. She writhes beneath you, torn between her body's response to the virus and her mind's desperate attempt to stop what's happening.
Megan Rain: [Grabbing a nearby piece of debris] "Get off her or I'll bash your head in!"
Gabbie: [Her voice a mix of plea and warning] "Don't do this... we'll have to fight you... please, come back to us!"
The tension reaches a breaking point. Megan raises her makeshift weapon, ready to strike. Gabbie's body tenses, preparing to defend herself. The next moments will determine whether you succumb entirely to the virus or manage to wrest back control.
You: [Roaring as you thrust forward, burying yourself to the hilt in Gabbie] "Mine! All mine!"
Your massive cock stretches Gabbie's pussy to its limits, her inner walls clenching around you involuntarily. The virus heightens every sensation, turning the act into a frenzy of primal lust.
Megan Rain: [Frozen in horror, the weapon slipping from her grasp] "Oh god... oh god..."
Gabbie: [Screaming, her body betraying her as pleasure mixes with pain] "No! Stop! Please... oh fuck... it's too much!"
You pound into Gabbie relentlessly, each thrust driving deeper. Her body responds despite her protests, her pussy growing wetter with each passing moment. The air is filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and Gabbie's mix of sobs and involuntary moans.
You: [Grunting as you approach climax] "Taking it all... breeding you..."
With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the base inside Gabbie. Your cock pulses, unleashing a torrent of virus-enhanced cum deep into her womb. The potent seed floods her system, triggering an intense, unwanted orgasm.
Megan Rain: [Sobbing, turning away from the scene] "This can't be happening... it's a nightmare..."
Gabbie: [Her body shuddering with aftershocks, voice weak] "Why... how could you... what have you done to me..."
As your orgasm subsides, the haze of lust begins to clear. The full weight of your actions crashes down upon you. Gabbie lies beneath you, violated and broken, while Megan cowers in fear. The consequences of losing control to the virus have never been more stark or devastating.
You: [Your voice a guttural growl] "Not enough... need more... need to own you completely..."
With virus-enhanced strength, you flip Gabbie onto her stomach, roughly pulling her hips up. Your cock, still slick with her juices and your cum, lines up with her tight asshole. Without warning or preparation, you thrust forward, forcing your massive member into her virgin anus.
Megan Rain: [Retching at the brutality of the scene] "Stop! You're tearing her apart!"
Gabbie: [Screaming in agony] "No! Not there! You're splitting me open! Please, stop!"
You pound into Gabbie's ass with brutal force, each thrust stretching her beyond her limits. Her screams of pain slowly morph into broken moans as the virus in her system begins to twist the agony into a perverse form of pleasure.
You: [Leaning down, whispering harshly in Gabbie's ear] "You're mine now. My property. My slave."
With a final, savage thrust, you empty another load of your potent, virus-laden cum deep into Gabbie's bowels. The effect is immediate and horrifying. Gabbie's body convulses, her mind breaking under the onslaught of pain, pleasure, and the virus's corrupting influence.
Megan Rain: [Backing away, terror in her eyes] "What... what have you become?"
Gabbie: [Her eyes glazed over, drool running down her chin] "Yours... all yours... need more... please, Master..."
As you pull out of Gabbie's abused hole, a mix of blood and cum trickles down her thighs. With mechanical movements, you gather her limp form in your arms. Your gaze, now cold and possessive, turns to Megan.
You: "Time to take my new pet home. You're next, little one. Run if you want. It'll just make the hunt more fun."
With that chilling promise, you begin the journey back to the district, Gabbie's broken form cradled in your arms. The virus has claimed another victim, and the wasteland has never seemed more desolate or dangerous.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready for another expedition, Gabbie? The Greenzone's been pretty active lately."
The morning sun casts long shadows across the ruined landscape as you and Gabbie prepare to venture into the Greenzone. The air is thick with the scent of decay and the ever-present musk of the virus. Gabbie's eyes scan the horizon, her body tense with anticipation.
Gabbie: [Adjusting her backpack, a determined glint in her eye] "Always ready. Let's hope we don't run into any trouble like last time. That redhead nearly took your head off."
The two of you set off, carefully navigating the treacherous terrain. The silence between you is comfortable, born of shared experiences and mutual trust.
You: "Speaking of last time, have you noticed any changes in the women we've encountered recently?"
As you trek deeper into the Greenzone, the ruins of civilization become more pronounced. Twisted metal and crumbling concrete create a maze-like landscape. Your enhanced senses pick up subtle changes in the air - a sweeter, more intoxicating scent that seems to grow stronger with each step.
Gabbie: [Frowning slightly, her voice low] "They seem... more aggressive. More desperate. It's like the virus is evolving, making them wilder." (Is it affecting him too? His scent seems stronger today...)
The conversation trails off as you both remain alert, eyes scanning for any sign of movement among the ruins.
You: "I think I hear something up ahead. Stay close, Gabbie."
Your muscles tense as you detect a faint rustling sound. The virus within you responds, sending a surge of heat through your body. Your cock twitches involuntarily, responding to the potential threat - or opportunity.
Gabbie: [Moving closer, her breath quickening] "I feel it too. There's definitely someone nearby." (God, his pheromones are getting stronger. Focus, Gabbie!)
Kagney Linn Karter: [A sultry voice calls out from behind a collapsed wall] "Well, well... what do we have here? A man? I thought they were extinct."
The tension in the air thickens as you prepare to confront the unseen woman.
You: "We're just passing through. We don't want any trouble."
Your voice is steady, but your body betrays you. The virus surges through your veins, responding to the presence of another infected woman. Your cock hardens noticeably, tenting your pants as you try to maintain composure.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Stepping into view, her voluptuous form barely contained by tattered clothing] "Trouble? Oh honey, I'm offering pleasure, not trouble." Her eyes lock onto your obvious erection, licking her lips hungrily.
Gabbie: [Tensing beside you, her voice tight] "Back off, blondie. He's not here for your entertainment." (Fuck, she's gorgeous. No wonder he's reacting like that.)
The newcomer, a stunning blonde with piercing blue eyes and an impossibly curvaceous figure, saunters closer. Her large breasts bounce with each step, nipples visibly hard through the thin fabric of her top.
You: "What's your name? We're not looking for a fight."
Your eyes roam over the blonde's body, taking in every luscious curve. Her full, pouty lips quirk into a seductive smile as she notices your gaze. The scent of her arousal mingles with yours, creating an intoxicating cocktail in the air.
Kagney Linn Karter: "I'm Kagney, sweetie. And who might you be? It's been so long since I've seen a real man..." She runs her hands down her body, emphasizing her curves.
Gabbie: [Stepping slightly in front of you, her voice sharp] "He's not interested, Kagney. We're just passing through." (Why am I feeling so... jealous? Focus on the mission, dammit!)
Kagney's eyes narrow at Gabbie's protective stance, a predatory gleam entering her gaze. The sexual tension in the air is palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife.
You: "Kagney, we're not here to cause trouble. But we're not leaving either. What do you want?"
Your voice is husky with barely contained desire. The virus pulses through you, urging you to claim this new female. Your cock strains against your pants, a visible wet spot forming at the tip.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Licking her lips, eyes fixed on your crotch] "Oh, I think it's pretty clear what I want, stud. The question is, are you man enough to handle me?" She begins to slowly peel off her top, revealing her massive, perfectly round breasts.
Gabbie: [Growling low in her throat] "Don't even think about it, you virus-addled slut." (Why am I so angry? It's not like he's mine... is he?)
The air crackles with sexual energy as Kagney's top falls to the ground, her large, pink nipples hardening in the cool air. Your mouth waters at the sight, your body screaming to taste them.
You: "Gabbie, stand back. I'll handle this."
Unable to resist any longer, you stride towards Kagney. Your hands reach out, grasping her large breasts roughly. She moans in pleasure as you knead the soft flesh, pinching her nipples between your fingers.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Arching into your touch] "Oh yes, that's it! Show me what a real man can do!" Her hand snakes down, rubbing your cock through your pants.
Gabbie: [Watching wide-eyed, her breath coming faster] "Be careful! Don't let her get the upper hand!" (Oh god, why is this turning me on so much?)
Your free hand rips Kagney's tattered shorts off, revealing her dripping pussy. Two fingers plunge into her wet heat, making her cry out in ecstasy. The scent of her arousal fills the air, driving your lust to new heights.
You: "You want a real man, Kagney? I'll show you what a real man can do."
Growling with primal need, you spin Kagney around and bend her over a nearby piece of rubble. Your cock springs free as you hastily undo your pants, the massive shaft throbbing with need.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Looking back over her shoulder, eyes wide with lust and a hint of fear] "Oh fuck, you're huge! Please, I need it so bad!"
Gabbie: [Unconsciously licking her lips, hand drifting to her own breast] "That's it, show her who's in charge!" (I shouldn't be watching this... but I can't look away.)
With a powerful thrust, you bury your cock deep inside Kagney's soaking pussy. She screams in pleasure, her inner walls clenching tightly around your thick shaft. You begin to pound into her mercilessly, each thrust making her large breasts swing wildly.
You: "Take it all, you hungry little slut. This is what you wanted, isn't it?"
Your hips slam against Kagney's ass, the sound of flesh slapping flesh echoing through the ruins. One hand grips her hip bruisingly tight, while the other tangles in her long blonde hair, yanking her head back.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Moaning uncontrollably] "Yes, yes! Fuck me harder! I've never felt anything like this!"
Gabbie: [Breathing heavily, her hand now openly rubbing her crotch through her pants] "Don't let up! Make her submit!" (Why am I so wet? This is so wrong, but so hot...)
Your thrusts become even more savage, your enhanced strength allowing you to fuck Kagney with inhuman speed and power. Her pussy gushes around your cock, squirting her juices with each powerful stroke.
You: "Suck me clean, Kagney. Taste yourself on my cock."
Pulling out of her dripping pussy, you manhandle Kagney onto her knees. She eagerly opens her mouth, taking your massive length down her throat without hesitation. Her tongue swirls around your shaft, savoring the mixture of her juices and your precum.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Gagging slightly as she deep throats you] "Mmmphhh! So good... need more!"
Gabbie: [Now openly masturbating, her pants around her ankles] "Oh fuck, this is so hot. Make her choke on it!" (I can't believe I'm doing this... but I can't stop!)
You fuck Kagney's face ruthlessly, her mascara running down her cheeks as she gags and slurps on your cock. The sight of Gabbie pleasuring herself only fuels your lust further, driving you to new heights of depravity.
You: "Look at me, Kagney. I want to see your eyes as you cum."
Pulling her off your cock, you lay Kagney on her back. You enter her once more, this time face to face. Your thrusts are deep and purposeful, angling to hit her g-spot with each stroke. Your eyes lock with hers, establishing a deep connection.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Gasping, her eyes wide and vulnerable] "Oh god, I'm so close. Please, don't stop!"
Gabbie: [Watching intently, her own orgasm building] "That's it, make her yours. Show her who she belongs to now." (Why does this feel so right?)
You lean down, capturing Kagney's lips in a deep, passionate kiss. Your hips continue their relentless pace, driving her closer and closer to the edge. The kiss muffles her screams as she finally shatters, her pussy clamping down on your cock like a vice.
You: "Good girl, Kagney. You're ours now."
As Kagney's orgasm subsides, you gently withdraw from her trembling body. With practiced ease, you secure her wrists and ankles, ensuring she can't escape. Despite the restraints, there's a look of contentment and submission in her eyes.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Panting, a dreamy smile on her face] "That was... incredible. I've never felt anything like that before."
Gabbie: [Approaching, still flushed from her own orgasm] "Welcome to the team, Kagney. Let's get you back to the shelter." (Why do I feel so... satisfied seeing her submit to him?)
As you and Gabbie prepare to transport the now-docile Kagney back to the shelter, there's a newfound sense of connection between all three of you. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the lingering effects of the virus, promising more adventures to come.
You: "I'm going to fill that tight ass of yours, Kagney. Beg for it."
Gripping Kagney's hips, you line up your throbbing cock with her puckered asshole. The head pushes against the tight ring, slowly stretching it open. Kagney whimpers, a mixture of pain and desperate need in her voice.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Gasping, her body trembling] "Please! Fuck my ass! I need it so bad!"
Gabbie: [Fingering herself furiously, eyes locked on the scene] "Do it! Ruin her ass!" (Oh god, I wish that was me...)
With a savage thrust, you bury your entire length in Kagney's tight asshole. She screams in a mixture of pain and ecstasy as you begin to pound her mercilessly. Your balls slap against her dripping pussy with each thrust, adding to the lewd symphony of sounds.
You: "Take it all, you anal slut. Here comes your reward!"
With a primal roar, you slam deep into Kagney's ass one final time. Your cock pulses, shooting rope after rope of thick, virus-enhanced cum deep into her bowels. The effect is immediate - Kagney's body convulses in the most intense orgasm of her life.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Screaming in ecstasy] "Oh fuck! Your cum! It's... it's... AHHH!" Her eyes roll back as she squirts violently, her whole body shaking.
Gabbie: [Cumming hard herself] "Holy shit, look at her go! Your cum is like a drug to these women!" (Why do I want to taste it so badly?)
As your orgasm subsides, Kagney collapses, completely overwhelmed. You pull out, your still-hard cock dripping with cum. Without hesitation, Kagney turns and begins to eagerly suck you clean, drinking down every last drop of your potent seed before passing out from the intensity.
You: "Gabbie... I can't... the virus..."
A sudden, overwhelming surge of the virus courses through your body. Your vision blurs, your cock hardening painfully as an animalistic growl escapes your throat. The scent of Gabbie's arousal fills your nostrils, driving you wild with need.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Watching with wide eyes] "What's happening to him?"
Gabbie: [Backing away slightly, a mixture of fear and desire in her eyes] "It's a virus surge. We need to... oh god..." (Why am I so wet? I shouldn't want this!)
Your body moves of its own accord, stalking towards Gabbie with predatory intent. The air crackles with sexual energy as both women watch you, transfixed by the raw power emanating from your virus-enhanced form. The scene freezes in a tableau of lust and tension, leaving the outcome uncertain.
You: "Gabbie... I need... I need to touch you..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you lunge towards Gabbie. Your hands grab her breasts roughly, kneading the soft flesh through her shirt. She gasps in shock and unwanted arousal as you press your rock-hard cock against her ass.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Watching wide-eyed] "Holy shit, he's lost it!"
Gabbie: [Struggling against your grip] "No! Stop! This isn't you!" (Why does this feel so good? No, I can't think like that!)
Your hands roam Gabbie's body frantically, tearing at her clothes. One hand slides between her legs, finding her pussy embarrassingly wet. The other gropes her breast roughly, pinching her nipple and making her cry out.
You: "So wet for me, Gabbie... You want this too..."
Your fingers plunge into Gabbie's soaking pussy as you continue to grope her breast. She whimpers, her body betraying her as she unconsciously grinds against your hand. The scent of her arousal mingles with yours, creating an intoxicating cocktail.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Backing away slowly] "This is fucked up. I'm out of here."
Gabbie: [Moaning despite herself] "Please... we can't... oh god..." (Why can't I make myself stop him? Why do I want more?)
As quickly as it began, the moment passes. The virus surge subsides, leaving you horrified at your actions. Gabbie stumbles away from you, her clothes in disarray and her eyes wide with a mixture of fear, confusion, and lingering arousal. The air is thick with tension and the scent of unfulfilled desire.
You: "Can't control... need to fuck..."
The virus takes complete control, turning you into a savage beast of lust. With inhuman speed, you grab Gabbie and throw her to the ground. Your enhanced strength easily overpowers her as you tear at her clothes, exposing her breasts and pussy.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Backing away in fear] "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!"
Gabbie: [Struggling frantically] "No! Stop! This isn't you! Fight it!" (Why is my body responding? I don't want this... do I?)
Your massive cock springs free, angry and pulsing with need. You pin Gabbie's wrists above her head with one hand, using the other to roughly spread her legs. Despite her struggles, you can smell her arousal, her body betraying her mind's protests.
You: "Mine... you're mine..."
Positioning yourself between Gabbie's spread legs, you rub your cock along her wet slit. She whimpers, torn between fear and unwanted arousal. The head of your cock presses against her entrance, threatening to push in at any moment.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Yelling from a safe distance] "Someone help! He's gone crazy!"
Gabbie: [Tears in her eyes, body trembling] "Please, don't do this. We can fix this another way!" (Why am I so wet? Why does part of me want this?)
The tension reaches its breaking point. Your hips twitch, ready to thrust forward and claim Gabbie fully. The air is thick with the scent of fear, arousal, and the overwhelming musk of the virus. Everything hangs on a knife's edge, waiting for the final push into depravity.
You: "Take it all, Gabbie!"
With a savage thrust, you bury your entire length inside Gabbie's tight pussy. She screams, a mixture of pain and unwanted pleasure. Your hips begin to move at an inhuman pace, pounding into her with brutal force.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Watching in horrified fascination] "Oh my god, he's actually doing it..."
Gabbie: [Sobbing and moaning] "No... please... stop... ahh!" (Why does it feel so good? I'm a monster for enjoying this...)
Your hands roam Gabbie's body roughly, groping her breasts and pinching her nipples. Each thrust drives her into the ground, her body shaking from the force. Despite her protests, her pussy clenches around your cock, her juices flowing freely.
You: "Cum for me, Gabbie. Show me how much you love this!"
One hand slides down to Gabbie's clit, rubbing it roughly in time with your thrusts. Her back arches involuntarily, her body betraying her as an intense orgasm builds. With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Transfixed by the scene] "Holy shit, she's actually cumming..."
Gabbie: [Screaming in unwanted ecstasy] "No! No! I'm... I'm cumming! AHHH!" (Oh god, what's happening to me? Why does this feel so good?)
Your cock pulses, flooding Gabbie's womb with your virus-enhanced cum. The effect is immediate - her eyes roll back, her body convulsing in the most intense orgasm of her life. As the haze of lust clears, the reality of what you've done sets in, leaving both of you shaken and forever changed.
You: "You're mine now, Gabbie. Forever."
Consumed by virus-fueled madness, you drag Gabbie towards the shelter, your inhuman strength easily overpowering her. She struggles and screams, but her efforts are futile against your enhanced abilities.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Watching in horror] "He's kidnapping her! Someone help!"
Gabbie: [Sobbing and fighting] "No! Let me go! This isn't you!" (Why can't I break free? Why is part of me excited by this?)
Reaching the shelter, you throw Gabbie onto the bed. With quick, precise movements, you secure her wrists and ankles to the bedposts. Her clothes are torn away, leaving her naked and vulnerable before your predatory gaze.
You: "Welcome to your new life, my pet."
Standing over Gabbie's bound form, you admire your handiwork. Your cock throbs with need as you take in her helpless state. Without warning, you thrust into her roughly, beginning a brutal pace that leaves her gasping and moaning against her will.
Kagney Linn Karter: [Peering in through a window, horrified yet unable to look away] "This is so fucked up..."
Gabbie: [Moaning and crying] "Please... stop... I can't take it... ahh!" (Why am I getting wet? Why does this feel so good?)
As you continue to ravage Gabbie's body, her resistance slowly crumbles. Her cries of protest turn to moans of pleasure, her body betraying her mind. With a final, powerful thrust, you empty yourself inside her, marking her as your property. The virus surges through both of you, cementing this new, twisted bond. Gabbie's fate is sealed - she is now your willing slave, bound to you by the virus and her own broken will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready for another expedition, Gabbie? The Greenzone's been pretty wild lately."
The morning sun casts long shadows across the desolate Greenzone as you and Gabbie prepare for your latest venture. The air is thick with the scent of decay and the ever-present musk of the virus. You adjust your gear, feeling the weight of your responsibilities and the constant thrum of viral energy coursing through your veins.
Gabbie: [Tightening her backpack straps, a determined glint in her eye] "Always ready. These expeditions are crucial for understanding the virus's spread. Plus, I've got your back if things get dicey."
The wasteland stretches before you, a treacherous expanse of rubble and twisted metal. Gabbie's presence beside you is reassuring, her strength and knowledge invaluable in this harsh new world.
You: "Let's head towards that old shopping complex. Might find some useful supplies there."
As you navigate through the ruins, your enhanced senses are on high alert. The virus has sharpened your awareness, making you acutely attuned to every sound and movement. Gabbie moves with practiced ease beside you, her eyes scanning the horizon.
Gabbie: [Pausing to examine a strange marking on a crumbled wall] "Look at this. The virus mutations are getting more extreme. We need to be extra cautious today."
The air grows heavier as you approach the dilapidated shopping complex, the virus's presence almost palpable. Your body responds instinctively, a low throb of arousal pulsing through you.
You: "I hear something. Over there, by that old fountain."
Your enhanced hearing picks up a faint rustling sound. You and Gabbie crouch behind a fallen pillar, eyes straining to catch any movement. The virus heightens your senses further, your skin prickling with anticipation.
Gabbie: [Whispering, her breath warm against your ear] "I see her. By the goddess, she looks... young. Be careful, appearances can be deceiving in this world."
Your gaze locks onto the figure Gabbie's spotted. A petite, platinum blonde girl who appears shockingly young, her tiny frame a stark contrast to the harsh environment. Despite her innocent appearance, you can sense the potent viral energy emanating from her.
You: [Calling out softly] "Hello there. We're not here to harm you. Are you alright?"
The girl startles at your voice, her wide eyes locking onto you with a mix of fear and... something else. Her gaze roams over your body, lingering on your muscular frame in a way that seems at odds with her youthful appearance.
Elsa Jean: [Her voice high and breathy] "A... a man? I thought they were all gone. Who are you? What do you want?"
Gabbie: [Stepping forward, hands raised placatingly] "We're explorers. I'm Gabbie, and this is my friend. We're studying the virus, trying to help people. What's your name?"
The tension in the air is palpable, charged with viral energy and unspoken desires. The girl's small frame trembles slightly, whether from fear or excitement, you can't tell.
You: "We have food and supplies if you need them. Are you out here alone?"
You take a cautious step forward, your enhanced senses picking up on the girl's accelerated heartbeat and the subtle shift in her scent. The virus within you responds, a low throb of arousal pulsing through your core.
Elsa Jean: [Licking her lips nervously] "I'm Elsa. I've been alone for... I don't know how long. You're really a man? I thought the virus killed them all."
Gabbie: [Watching Elsa carefully] (Something's off about her. That look in her eyes...) "Elsa, how old are you? How long have you been out here?"
The air grows thicker with tension as Elsa's gaze flicks between you and Gabbie, her small hands fidgeting with the hem of her tattered dress.
You: "It's okay, Elsa. We're here to help. Can you tell us more about yourself?"
As you speak, you notice Elsa's posture changing subtly. Her initial fear seems to be melting away, replaced by a growing intensity in her gaze. The virus within you responds to her changing demeanor, your cock beginning to swell against your will.
Elsa Jean: [Her voice taking on a husky quality] "I'm older than I look. The virus... it changed me. Kept me young. But I remember... I remember what men are for."
Gabbie: [Tensing beside you] (Shit, I should have seen this coming.) "Be careful. She's not what she seems."
The innocent facade crumbles as Elsa's eyes darken with lust, her small tongue darting out to wet her lips as she stares hungrily at your growing bulge.
You: "Elsa, calm down. We don't have to—"
Your words are cut short as Elsa lunges forward with inhuman speed, her small hands grasping at your clothes. The virus surges within you, your body responding automatically to the threat and the sudden onslaught of arousal.
Elsa Jean: [Tearing at your pants] "Need it! Need your cock, your cum! Give it to me!"
Gabbie: [Backing away, eyes wide] "Subdue her! Use the virus, make her submit!"
Your hands grapple with Elsa's tiny form, her strength belying her size. Your cock springs free, fully erect and throbbing with viral energy. Elsa's eyes go wide at the sight, her small mouth watering.
You: "Fuck! Elsa, stop! I don't want to hurt you!"
Your massive hands engulf Elsa's wrists, restraining her as she writhes against you. The contrast between her childlike appearance and her wanton behavior is jarring. Your cock stands proudly between you, pulsing with each frantic beat of your heart.
Elsa Jean: [Moaning, her small body pressing against yours] "Please! I need it! I've been alone so long... just let me taste it!"
Gabbie: [Her voice strained] "Don't let her get the upper hand! Use your viral energy to overwhelm her senses!"
You can hear the tension in Gabbie's voice, sense her growing arousal as she watches the struggle. The air is thick with pheromones, your enhanced senses picking up on every subtle change in both women's bodies.
You: "I'm sorry, Elsa. This is for your own good."
With a surge of strength, you pin Elsa to the ground, your massive frame dwarfing her tiny body. Your free hand rips away her tattered dress, exposing her surprisingly developed breasts and glistening pussy. The virus pulses between you, your cock leaking pre-cum onto her smooth stomach.
Elsa Jean: [Arching her back, pressing her small breasts against your chest] "Yes! Take me, breed me! Fill me with your virus!"
Gabbie: [Her breath coming faster] "That's it, show her who's in control. Make her submit to your virus!"
Your fingers find Elsa's dripping entrance, her pussy impossibly tight as you push two thick digits inside. She wails in pleasure, her inner walls clenching around you as you begin to finger her roughly.
You: "Take it, Elsa. Feel my virus inside you!"
Your fingers pump furiously into Elsa's tight pussy as you lower your mouth to her small, perky breasts. Your tongue laves over her nipples, tasting the sweet-sour flavor of her viral sweat. Elsa writhes beneath you, her tiny body convulsing with pleasure.
Elsa Jean: [Screaming in ecstasy] "Yes! Yes! More! Fuck me with your fingers! Suck my tits!"
Gabbie: [Panting, her hand unconsciously moving to her own breast] "That's it, make her cum! Overwhelm her with pleasure!"
The air is thick with the scent of sex and virus. Your cock throbs painfully, desperate for release as you assault Elsa's senses. You can hear Gabbie's ragged breathing behind you, sense her growing arousal as she watches the depraved scene unfold.
You: "Look at me, Elsa. Feel the connection between us."
As you continue to finger Elsa's dripping pussy, you lock eyes with her. The virus surges between you, creating an intense, almost spiritual connection. Your free hand cups her face gently, a stark contrast to the rough pounding of your fingers.
Elsa Jean: [Her eyes wide, filled with a mix of lust and wonder] "I... I feel it. It's so strong, so... beautiful."
Gabbie: [Her voice soft with awe] "Incredible. You're actually reaching her, calming the virus within her."
The frantic energy begins to shift, the connection between you and Elsa deepening into something more profound than mere lust. Your fingers slow their pace, turning from rough fucking to gentle, loving strokes.
You: "That's it, Elsa. Let go. Trust in our connection."
With a final, deep thrust of your fingers, you feel Elsa's pussy clench tightly. Her orgasm washes over her in waves, her small body shuddering against yours. As she cums, you lean down and capture her lips in a tender kiss, swallowing her cries of pleasure.
Elsa Jean: [Tears of joy streaming down her face] "Thank you... thank you. I feel... whole again."
Gabbie: [Approaching slowly, her face flushed] "You did it. You actually tamed her virus. We should get her back to the shelter, help her recover properly."
As Elsa's orgasm subsides, you gently gather her in your arms. The connection between you remains strong, a bond forged through viral energy and unexpected tenderness. You nod to Gabbie, ready to take this new charge back to safety.
You: "You want my cum, Elsa? Then you're going to take all of it!"
With a growl of pure lust, you flip Elsa onto her hands and knees. Your massive cock lines up with her tiny, puckered asshole, the head already slick with pre-cum. Without warning, you thrust forward, burying yourself to the hilt in her impossibly tight anal passage.
Elsa Jean: [Screaming in a mix of pain and pleasure] "Fuck! So big! Tearing me apart!"
Gabbie: [Moaning softly, her hand now openly rubbing her clit] "Holy shit... you're destroying her ass!"
Elsa's tiny body shakes with each powerful thrust, her ass stretched obscenely around your girth. The virus surges between you, amplifying every sensation to an almost unbearable degree.
You: "Here it comes, Elsa! Take my fucking cum!"
With a roar of triumph, you bury yourself to the hilt in Elsa's ass, your cock pulsing as you unleash a torrent of virus-enhanced cum deep inside her. Elsa's body convulses, her orgasm hitting her like a tidal wave as your potent seed floods her insides.
Elsa Jean: [Babbling incoherently] "Cumming! So much! Filling me up!"
Gabbie: [Panting heavily, clearly having climaxed herself] "Fuck... that was intense. Look at her, she's completely blissed out."
As your orgasm subsides, you pull out of Elsa's gaping asshole. A flood of cum follows, pouring down her legs. Elsa collapses, her small body twitching with aftershocks. You've successfully subdued her, the virus within her temporarily sated by your powerful seed.
You: [A sudden, intense wave of viral energy washing over you] "Gabbie... something's happening!"
The world seems to blur around you as the virus surges within your body. Your cock, already sensitive from the intense encounter with Elsa, swells even larger, pulsing with an almost painful need. Your gaze locks onto Gabbie, nostrils flaring as you inhale her scent.
Gabbie: [Her eyes wide, a mix of fear and arousal in her voice] "Oh god... your eyes! The virus is spiking! We need to—"
Her words cut off as she feels the wave of viral energy hit her too. Gabbie's body responds instantly, her nipples hardening visibly through her shirt, a damp spot forming on her pants. She stumbles, falling to her knees as the intense arousal overwhelms her.
The air crackles with sexual tension, your enhanced senses picking up on every minute change in Gabbie's body. You can hear her heart racing, smell the sweet musk of her arousal. The rational part of your mind screams that this is wrong, that Gabbie is your friend and partner. But the virus demands satisfaction, urging you to claim her, to fuck her until you're both lost in a haze of pleasure.
Gabbie's hands move of their own accord, tearing at her clothes as she stares at your throbbing, cum-slick cock. Her thoughts are a jumble of desire and confusion, the taboo nature of her attraction to you only serving to heighten her arousal.
(Gabbie's thoughts: Oh fuck, I shouldn't want this. He's not just my partner, he's... But god, look at that cock. I need it inside me. Need to feel him stretch me, fill me up with his cum.)
The scene freezes there, both you and Gabbie on the precipice of giving in to your viral-enhanced desires. The future hangs in the balance, the potential for both ecstasy and regret palpable in the charged atmosphere.
You: [Your eyes glazing over with lust] "Gabbie... I can't... I need..."
Before Gabbie can react, you lunge forward, your hands grasping her breasts roughly. The soft flesh yields beneath your fingers as you squeeze and knead, feeling her nipples harden against your palms. The virus surges within you, overwhelming your senses and drowning out any voice of reason.
Gabbie: [Gasping, her body betraying her as she arches into your touch] "No! We can't... This isn't right!"
Despite her words, Gabbie's body responds to your touch. Her breasts heave in your hands, nipples straining against the fabric of her shirt. You can smell her arousal, see the conflict in her eyes as she struggles between desire and propriety.
Your hands move of their own accord, ripping open Gabbie's shirt to expose her beautiful breasts. The sight of her bare flesh only fuels your lust, your cock throbbing painfully as it strains towards her.
You: [Growling, your voice thick with desire] "Need you, Gabbie. Need to feel you..."
Your hands continue their assault on Gabbie's body, one groping her breast while the other slides down to cup her mound through her pants. You can feel the heat of her arousal, the dampness seeping through the fabric.
Gabbie: [Moaning despite herself] "Stop! Please... we'll regret this. It's just the virus talking!"
But even as she protests, Gabbie's hips buck against your hand, seeking more friction. Her eyes are locked on your massive, throbbing cock, pupils dilated with a mix of fear and desire.
The moment stretches, taut with tension. Your hand squeezes Gabbie's breast roughly, thumb flicking over her hardened nipple. Your other hand presses harder against her mound, feeling her clit throb beneath your palm.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze of lust. You stumble backward, horrified at what you've done. Gabbie curls in on herself, arms crossed over her exposed breasts, her body trembling with unfulfilled desire and shame.
The air between you is thick with tension and the lingering scent of arousal. What was once a strong partnership now feels fragile, tainted by this moment of viral-induced madness. The consequences of this breach of trust will undoubtedly ripple through your future interactions, adding a new layer of complexity to your already complicated relationship.
You: [Your eyes darkening, voice dropping to a dangerous growl] "Can't hold back anymore, Gabbie. Need to fuck you. Now."
The virus surges within you, obliterating all reason and morality. Your massive frame looms over Gabbie, cock throbbing with painful need. In one swift motion, you tear her clothes away, exposing her trembling body to your hungry gaze.
Gabbie: [Eyes wide with fear, scrambling backward] "No! Stop! This isn't you! Fight it!"
Despite her words, Gabbie's body betrays her. Her nipples stand erect, her pussy glistening with arousal. The scent of her fear and desire mingles in the air, driving you wild with lust.
You advance on her, your hand wrapping around her throat as you pin her to the ground. Your cock, slick with pre-cum, slides against her inner thigh, leaving a trail of sticky fluid on her skin.
You: [Snarling, positioning yourself at her entrance] "Going to fuck you, breed you. Fill you with my virus!"
Your grip on Gabbie's throat tightens as you line up your massive cock with her dripping pussy. She struggles beneath you, her strength no match for your virus-enhanced muscles. The head of your cock pushes against her entrance, the heat of her core tempting you to thrust forward.
Gabbie: [Gasping for air, tears in her eyes] "Please... don't do this. We're partners, friends! Fight the virus!"
For a moment, something in Gabbie's words penetrates the fog of lust. Your grip loosens slightly, confusion warring with desire on your face. But the virus surges again, urging you to claim her, to satisfy the burning need within you.
The scene freezes there, on the knife's edge between resistance and surrender. Gabbie lies beneath you, vulnerable and afraid, yet her body still responds to your touch. Your cock throbs, mere inches from plunging into her depths. The next moment will determine everything - will you give in to the virus's demands, or find the strength to resist?
You: [Roaring with triumph] "Mine! You're fucking mine!"
With a savage thrust, you bury your massive cock deep inside Gabbie's tight pussy. She screams, a mix of pain and unwanted pleasure, as you stretch her to her limits. The virus surges between you, heightening every sensation to an almost unbearable degree.
Gabbie: [Sobbing, her body betraying her as her pussy clenches around you] "No! Stop! It's too much!"
But her pleas fall on deaf ears as you begin to pound into her mercilessly. Your hands grip her hips, fingers digging in hard enough to bruise as you use her body for your pleasure. Gabbie's breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her back arching involuntarily.
The sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the air, punctuated by Gabbie's sobs and your animalistic grunts. You can feel her pussy gripping you tightly, her body responding despite her mind's resistance.
You: [Growling, your thrusts becoming even more frenzied] "Take it all! Take my fucking cum!"
With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside Gabbie. Your cock pulses, unleashing a torrent of virus-laden cum deep into her womb. Gabbie's body convulses beneath you, a powerful orgasm ripping through her despite her best efforts to resist.
Gabbie: [Wailing, her body shuddering with unwanted pleasure] "No! Don't cum inside! Please!"
But it's too late. Your seed floods her insides, the potent virus in your cum already beginning to work its magic on her body. Gabbie's stomach distends slightly from the sheer volume of cum you pump into her.
As your orgasm subsides, reality begins to seep back in. The horror of what you've done crashes over you. Gabbie lies beneath you, broken and violated, cum leaking from her abused pussy. The trust between you is shattered, your partnership forever altered by this moment of viral-induced madness.
The consequences of your actions will ripple through your future, adding a dark and complex layer to your relationship with Gabbie. The guilt and shame of this moment will haunt you both, even as the virus continues to push you towards further depravity.
You: [Eyes blazing with inhuman lust] "You're mine now, Gabbie. My personal fucktoy!"
With brutal strength, you flip Gabbie onto her stomach, wrenching her arms behind her back. Your free hand grabs a handful of her hair, yanking her head back painfully. The virus rages through your system, obliterating any remnant of your former self.
Gabbie: [Screaming in pain and terror] "Stop! Please! This isn't you! Fight it!"
Ignoring her pleas, you line up your massive cock with her tight asshole. Without warning or preparation, you thrust forward, tearing into her unprepared passage. Gabbie's scream echoes through the wasteland as you bottom out inside her.
You set a punishing pace, each thrust driving deeper into Gabbie's ass. Her body shakes with the force of your assault, breasts swinging wildly beneath her. Tears stream down her face, mixing with the dirt and grime of the wasteland.
You: [Grunting with each brutal thrust] "This is your life now. My personal cumdump!"
Your hips slam against Gabbie's ass, the sound of flesh on flesh echoing in the desolate landscape. With one hand still gripping her hair, you reach around to maul her breast roughly, pinching and twisting her nipple.
Gabbie: [Sobbing, her words barely coherent] "Please... stop... it hurts..."
But her pleas only fuel your savage lust. You feel your climax approaching, your cock swelling even larger inside her abused hole. With a roar of triumph, you cum, flooding Gabbie's insides with your tainted seed.
As your orgasm subsides, you pull out roughly, watching as a mixture of cum and blood trickles from Gabbie's gaping asshole. Without a word, you grab her limp form, throwing her over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
The journey back to the district is a blur of viral haze and lingering lust. You barely register the shocked faces of the other survivors as you stride into the compound, making a beeline for the prison. With casual brutality, you toss Gabbie into an empty cell, slamming the door shut behind her.
As you lock the cell, a small part of you - the last remnant of your humanity - recoils at what you've done. But the virus quickly silences that voice, replacing it with a sense of dark satisfaction. Gabbie is yours now, a toy to be used and abused at your whim. And this is just the beginning of your reign of terror.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Ready for another adventure in the Greenzone, Gabbie?"
The early morning sun casts long shadows across the desolate landscape as you and Gabbie prepare to venture deeper into the Greenzone. The air is thick with the scent of decay and the ever-present musk of the virus. You adjust your gear, feeling the weight of your responsibilities and the constant thrum of viral energy coursing through your veins.
Gabbie: [Tightening her backpack straps] "Always ready. Let's hope we don't run into any trouble today, but..." [She pats the stun baton at her hip] "We're prepared if we do."
The two of you share a knowing look, both aware of the dangers that lurk in the virus-ravaged wasteland. With a nod, you set off into the unknown, the crunch of debris beneath your feet the only sound in the eerie silence.
You: "I've been meaning to ask, Gabbie. How do you stay so calm during these encounters?"
As you navigate through the ruins of what was once a thriving suburb, you can't help but admire Gabbie's composure. Her eyes scan the horizon, alert for any sign of movement or danger.
Gabbie: [Her lips quirk into a half-smile] "Experience, I guess. And knowing I've got a capable partner watching my back." [She glances at you, a flicker of something unreadable in her eyes] "Plus, there's something... exhilarating about it all, isn't there?"
Alexis Texas: [A distant rustling catches your attention, followed by a soft, feminine giggle]
The sound puts you both on high alert. You exchange a quick glance with Gabbie, silently communicating your readiness for whatever lies ahead.
You: "Did you hear that? Sounds like we might have company."
Your muscles tense as you scan the area, your enhanced senses picking up subtle movements in the nearby ruins. The virus in your blood seems to pulse stronger, as if sensing a potential encounter.
Gabbie: [Her voice drops to a whisper] "Yeah, I heard it. Stay sharp. Remember, these women are unpredictable. The virus makes them... intense."
Alexis Texas: [The giggling grows louder, accompanied by the sound of light footsteps]
The anticipation builds as you and Gabbie move cautiously towards the source of the sound, ready for anything the Greenzone might throw at you.
You: "Hello? Is someone there? We're not here to harm you."
Your voice carries across the desolate landscape, echoing off crumbling walls. The air seems to thicken with tension as you wait for a response.
Alexis Texas: [A young woman emerges from behind a rusted car, her blonde hair catching the sunlight] "Oh my... is that... a man?" [Her eyes widen, a mix of disbelief and hunger in her gaze]
Gabbie: [Tensing beside you] "Easy now. We're just passing through. What's your name?"
The woman before you is a sight to behold. Despite the harsh conditions of the wasteland, her body is a testament to the virus's enhancing effects. Her ample breasts strain against a tattered crop top, but it's her ass that truly catches your eye - perfectly round and impossibly perky, barely contained by what remains of her shorts.
You: [Struggling to keep your voice steady] "We're not looking for trouble. Are you alone out here?"
Your eyes can't help but roam over the woman's form, taking in every curve and swell. The virus in your blood seems to respond to her presence, making your skin tingle with heightened sensitivity.
Alexis Texas: [She sways her hips as she approaches, her voice a sultry purr] "The name's Alexis. And I was alone... until you two showed up." [Her eyes lock onto your crotch, licking her lips] "It's been so long since I've seen a real man..."
Gabbie: [Her voice tight with warning] "Alexis, we're not here for... that. We're just passing through."
The tension in the air is palpable, charged with a mix of danger and raw sexual energy. You can feel Gabbie's unease beside you, but your own body is responding to Alexis in ways you can't control.
You: [Clearing your throat] "Alexis, we can help you if you need it. Are you part of a group?"
You try to maintain a semblance of control, but the sight of Alexis's glistening skin and the way her massive ass jiggles with each step is making it difficult to focus. The virus thrums through your veins, heightening every sensation.
Alexis Texas: [Giggling as she closes the distance] "Oh, I definitely need help... the kind only a man can provide." [She runs a hand down her body, cupping her breast] "I've been so lonely out here, so... hungry."
Gabbie: [Stepping slightly in front of you] "Back off, Alexis. We're not here for your games."
The air crackles with sexual tension. Alexis's eyes are wild with virus-fueled lust, her body practically vibrating with need. You can feel your own control slipping, your cock hardening despite the danger of the situation.
You: "Alexis, please, we don't want any trouble. Just let us pass and-"
Your words are cut short as Alexis lunges forward, her hands grasping at your clothes. The scent of her arousal hits you like a wave, making your head spin.
Alexis Texas: "No more talking!" [She tears at your shirt, exposing your chest] "I need you, now!"
Gabbie: "Shit! [Name], subdue her! Remember your training!"
Your instincts kick in as you grapple with Alexis. Her soft, warm body presses against yours, her massive ass grinding against your hardening cock. Your hands move almost of their own accord, one gripping her wrist while the other slides between her legs, feeling the heat and wetness there.
You: [Grunting with effort] "Alexis, stop! I don't want to hurt you!"
Your fingers press against the thin fabric covering Alexis's pussy, feeling it soaked through with her arousal. Despite your words, your body responds to her, your cock now fully erect and straining against your pants.
Alexis Texas: [Moaning as she grinds against your hand] "Yes! Touch me, fuck me! I need it so bad!"
Gabbie: [Her voice strained] "[Name], you need to make her cum! It's the only way to subdue her!"
Your fingers work faster, rubbing Alexis's clit through her shorts as she writhes against you. You can hear Gabbie's breathing becoming heavier, and from the corner of your eye, you see her hand unconsciously moving to her own breast.
You: [Panting] "Fuck, she's strong! Gabbie, I might need your help!"
Your cock throbs painfully as Alexis manages to unzip your pants, her small hand wrapping around your thick shaft. Pre-cum leaks from your tip as she begins to stroke you with desperate need.
Alexis Texas: [Her eyes rolling back] "So big... I need it inside me!"
Gabbie: [Her voice husky] "I... I can't interfere directly. But maybe..." [She starts to unbutton her shirt, revealing her ample cleavage] "This will help boost your virus levels. Stay strong, [Name]!"
The sight of Gabbie's exposed breasts sends a surge of energy through you. Your fingers move faster on Alexis's clit, your other hand now groping her magnificent ass, feeling the firm yet soft flesh yield under your grip.
You: "Fuck, I can't... I can't hold back anymore!"
In a swift motion, you spin Alexis around, bending her over a nearby rusted car hood. Your cock springs free, slapping against her ass as you tear her shorts aside.
Alexis Texas: [Screaming with pleasure] "Yes! Fuck me! Breed me!"
Gabbie: [Now topless, her hand between her legs] "Do it, [Name]! Subdue her!"
Without hesitation, you plunge your thick cock into Alexis's dripping pussy. The tight, wet heat engulfs you, making you groan with intense pleasure. Alexis's massive ass jiggles with each powerful thrust, her pussy clenching around you as if trying to milk your cock.
You: [Gritting your teeth] "Alexis, look at me. Focus on my voice."
Despite the overwhelming pleasure, you manage to maintain some control. You slow your thrusts, making them deep and purposeful. Your hand reaches around to rub her clit as you continue to fuck her.
Alexis Texas: [Her eyes meeting yours, filled with a mix of lust and confusion] "Wha- what's happening to me?"
Gabbie: [Her voice soft] "That's it, [Name]. Connect with her. Make her feel safe."
You lean forward, your chest pressing against Alexis's back as you continue to move inside her. Your lips brush her ear as you whisper soothing words, your hands caressing her body with a mix of passion and tenderness.
You: "It's okay, Alexis. Let go. I've got you."
Your thrusts become more gentle, but no less intense. You can feel Alexis's body responding, her pussy fluttering around your cock as she nears her climax.
Alexis Texas: [Gasping] "I... I'm cumming! Oh god, I'm cumming!"
Gabbie: [Watching intently] "That's it, bring her down gently."
Alexis's body shudders in your arms as she reaches her peak, her pussy clenching rhythmically around your cock. You hold her close, stroking her hair as she comes down from her high. As her breathing steadies, you carefully withdraw, helping her to sit on the ground.
Alexis looks up at you with clear eyes, the virus-induced frenzy subsided for now. You and Gabbie exchange a relieved look as you prepare to escort Alexis back to the safety of the compound.
You: [Growling] "You want it? Take it all!"
Losing yourself to the pleasure, you increase your pace, your hips slamming against Alexis's magnificent ass. Your hands grip her waist, pulling her back onto your throbbing cock with each thrust.
Alexis Texas: [Screaming in ecstasy] "Yes! Harder! Fuck me harder!"
Gabbie: [Moaning as she watches] "That's it, [Name]! Show her who's in charge!"
The sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the air as you pound into Alexis's tight pussy. You can feel your climax approaching, your balls tightening as the pressure builds.
You: "Fuck, I'm gonna cum! Take it all, Alexis!"
With a final, powerful thrust, you bury yourself deep in Alexis's ass, your cock pulsing as you unleash a torrent of cum deep inside her.
Alexis Texas: [Her eyes rolling back] "So much! I can feel it... it's so hot!"
Gabbie: [Panting] "Holy shit..."
Alexis's body convulses as your enhanced semen triggers an intense orgasm. She collapses forward, your cock slipping out of her as a river of cum flows from her well-fucked hole. In a daze, she turns and takes your still-hard cock in her mouth, eagerly sucking every last drop.
As Alexis falls into a blissful, cum-drunk stupor, you and Gabbie quickly move to restrain her for safe transport back to the compound. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the lingering energy of the intense encounter.
You: [Gasping] "Gabbie... something's happening... the virus..."
A sudden surge of viral energy courses through your body, intensifying every sensation. Your cock, still buried deep in Alexis, swells even larger, making her cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure.
Alexis Texas: [Moaning uncontrollably] "So big... too much... can't stop cumming!"
Gabbie: [Her eyes wide, pupils dilated] "Oh god, [Name]... your scent... it's driving me crazy!"
The air becomes thick with pheromones as your viral load spikes. Alexis's pussy clamps down on your engorged cock, milking it as she experiences a continuous orgasm. Gabbie, overcome by the intense atmosphere, tears off her remaining clothes and begins to frantically pleasure herself.
The scene devolves into a frenzy of lust and viral energy, with no clear end in sight as all three of you are consumed by an insatiable need for more.
You: [Eyes glazing over] "Gabbie... you look so... delicious..."
Overwhelmed by the virus and the intense sexual energy, you suddenly lunge towards Gabbie, your hands reaching for her exposed breasts.
Alexis Texas: [Whimpering as you pull out of her] "No... come back..."
Gabbie: [Shocked] "[Name]! What are you doing? Stop!"
Your hands roughly grope Gabbie's breasts, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh. She tries to push you away, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much for her. The rational part of your mind screams at you to stop, but the virus-driven lust is in full control.
You: [Growling] "Need you... need to feel you..."
Your assault on Gabbie continues, one hand sliding down to roughly palm her pussy through her pants. Your erect cock presses against her thigh, leaving a trail of pre-cum.
Gabbie: [Struggling] "[Name], please! This isn't you! Fight it!"
Alexis Texas: [Watching with a mix of fear and arousal] "What's happening?"
Suddenly, Gabbie manages to break free of your grip. She stumbles backward, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal. The moment breaks the spell, leaving you standing there, horrified at your actions. The mission is a failure, and the trust between you and Gabbie has been severely damaged.
You: [Your eyes turning dark with uncontrolled lust] "Gabbie... I can't... I need..."
Without warning, you lunge at Gabbie, tackling her to the ground. Your hands tear at her clothes as she struggles beneath you, your enhanced strength overpowering her.
Alexis Texas: [Watching in shock] "Oh my god..."
Gabbie: [Panicking] "[Name]! Stop! This isn't you! Fight it!"
You pin Gabbie's hands above her head, your other hand roughly groping her breast. Your rock-hard cock presses against her thigh as you grind against her, lost in a haze of viral lust. Gabbie's struggles only seem to excite you more, her fear and the wrongness of the situation completely lost on your virus-addled mind.
You: [Growling] "Need you... now!"
Your hand moves down to Gabbie's pants, tearing them open to expose her pussy. Despite her struggles, you can feel the heat and moisture there, her body betraying her.
Gabbie: [Tears in her eyes] "[Name], please! Don't do this! You're stronger than the virus!"
Alexis Texas: [Backing away] "This is wrong... I didn't want this..."
Gabbie makes one last desperate attempt to break free, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. You position yourself between her legs, the head of your cock pressing against her entrance. The scene is set for a violent, non-consensual encounter that will forever change your relationship with Gabbie.
You: [Snarling] "Mine!"
With a brutal thrust, you force your engorged cock into Gabbie's unprepared pussy. She screams in pain and shock as you begin to pound into her mercilessly.
Gabbie: [Sobbing] "No! Stop! Please, [Name]!"
Alexis Texas: [Watching in horror] "This is too much... even for me..."
Your hips slam against Gabbie's over and over, her tight pussy stretching to accommodate your massive, virus-enhanced cock. Tears stream down her face as she continues to struggle, but her body begins to respond against her will, her pussy growing wetter with each thrust.
You: [Grunting] "Gonna... fill you up!"
Your thrusts become even more frenzied as you approach your climax. Gabbie has gone limp beneath you, her eyes vacant as she dissociates from the traumatic experience.
Gabbie: [Whispering brokenly] "Why...?"
Alexis Texas: [Having fled the scene]
With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside Gabbie, your cock pulsing as you flood her womb with your tainted seed. As the fog of lust finally clears from your mind, the horror of what you've done crashes over you. Gabbie lies there, broken and violated, your relationship shattered beyond repair.
You: [Eyes glowing with viral energy] "You're mine now, Gabbie. Forever."
Having overpowered Gabbie, you drag her towards a nearby abandoned building. Your strength, enhanced by the virus, makes her struggles futile.
Gabbie: [Pleading] "[Name], please! This isn't you! Fight it!"
Alexis Texas: [Watching in terror before fleeing the scene]
Inside the derelict structure, you throw Gabbie onto a dirty mattress. Your hands, now clawed from the virus's mutations, tear at her clothes. You force her legs apart, your massively engorged cock poised at her entrance. With a savage thrust, you impale her, reveling in her scream of pain and violation.
You: [Growling] "You belong to me now. Say it!"
Your hips piston relentlessly, driving your mutated cock deep into Gabbie's abused pussy. One clawed hand wraps around her throat, squeezing just enough to make her gasp for air.
Gabbie: [Choking] "Please... stop..."
With a roar, you reach your climax, flooding Gabbie's womb with your tainted seed. As she lies there, broken and violated, you gather her in your arms. Your virus-warped mind sees this as an act of possession, not the horrific violation it truly is. You carry her back to the District, straight to the prison cells, where you lock her away. In your twisted state, you see this as protecting what's yours, oblivious to the trauma and betrayal you've inflicted on someone who once trusted you.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Gabbie, you wanted to go over some strategy for dealing with MAD?"
You enter Gabbie's room, immediately struck by the organized chaos. Maps and diagrams cover every surface, strings connecting various points in a complex web. Gabbie stands in the center, her brow furrowed in concentration. She's wearing a tight tank top that accentuates her curves and short shorts that leave little to the imagination.
Gabbie: [Turning to face you, her eyes lighting up] (God, he's so handsome. Focus, Gabbie!) "There you are! I've been working on some new intel. Come take a look at this."
She beckons you closer, leaning over a large map spread across her desk. The movement causes her top to ride up, revealing a strip of toned midriff. You catch a whiff of her scent - a mix of vanilla and something uniquely Gabbie. Your enhanced senses pick up on the subtle musk of her arousal, causing your body to respond involuntarily.
You: "What have you found out? Anything we can use against them?"
You move closer, acutely aware of Gabbie's proximity. As you lean in to examine the map, your arm brushes against her breast. The contact, though brief, sends a jolt of electricity through you both. Gabbie's breath hitches, her nipples visibly hardening beneath her thin top.
Gabbie: [Clearing her throat, her voice slightly husky] (Focus, dammit. This is important. Ignore how good he smells, how warm he is...) "I've identified several weak points in their defenses. If we strike here and here simultaneously, we could cripple their operations."
As she points to various locations on the map, her breast presses against your arm. You can feel the soft weight of it, the heat of her body seeping through your clothes. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every sensation. You shift uncomfortably, your enhanced member beginning to swell.
You: "That's... that's good thinking. But how do we get past their outer defenses?"
Your voice comes out strained, your focus split between the strategic discussion and the growing tension between you. Gabbie seems to notice your discomfort, her eyes darting down to the noticeable bulge in your pants before quickly looking away, a blush creeping up her neck.
Gabbie: [Swallowing hard, her pupils dilating] (Oh god, he's getting hard. I shouldn't look, but... No, stop it!) "We... we could use the old sewer system. It's not on any of their maps. But it'll be a tight squeeze. We'd need to... to be in top physical condition."
As she speaks, she unconsciously leans closer to you. Her breasts press against your arm more firmly now, her nipples two hard points you can feel even through your shirt. The scent of her arousal grows stronger, mixing with your own to create an intoxicating musk that fills the room.
You: "Top condition, right. Maybe we should... test our fitness levels?"
The words come out before you can stop them, loaded with unintended innuendo. Gabbie's eyes widen, her breath catching in her throat. For a moment, neither of you moves, the air between you thick with tension.
Gabbie: [Licking her lips nervously] (Test our fitness? Is he suggesting... No, he couldn't be. But god, I want him to be.) "That's... that's a good idea. We should make sure we're both up to the task. What did you have in mind?"
As she speaks, her hand brushes against your thigh, seemingly by accident. The touch sends a shiver through you both. Your enhanced cock twitches, now fully erect and straining against your pants. A small wet spot forms where the tip presses against the fabric, your precum soaking through.
You: "Maybe some... flexibility tests? To make sure we can navigate those tight spaces?"
Your suggestion hangs in the air, loaded with double meaning. Gabbie's eyes darken with desire, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. She takes a step back, her hands moving to the hem of her tank top.
Gabbie: [Her voice trembling slightly] (This is crazy. We're partners. But god, I want him so badly...) "Good idea. We should... we should strip down. To simulate the conditions we might face. Is that okay with you?"
Without waiting for an answer, she pulls her tank top over her head, revealing her perfect breasts. They're full and perky, topped with pink nipples that have hardened into tight buds. A light sheen of sweat makes her skin glisten in the dim light of her room. Your mouth goes dry at the sight, your enhanced cock throbbing painfully.
You: "Y-yeah, that makes sense. For the mission, of course."
Your hands shake slightly as you begin to undress. Gabbie's eyes are glued to your body, watching hungrily as you reveal more skin. When you pull off your shirt, she gasps audibly, her gaze roaming over your enhanced physique.
Gabbie: [Her voice barely above a whisper] (Oh my god, he's perfect. Those muscles... I just want to run my tongue over every inch of him.) "Wow, you've been... working out. That's good. We'll need that strength for the mission."
She hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts, slowly pushing them down her long, toned legs. She's not wearing any underwear, and your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail of her pussy. Her labia are slightly parted, glistening with moisture. A neatly trimmed strip of blonde hair points down to her clit, which is visibly swollen with arousal.
You: "Gabbie, I... This is getting a bit... intense."
Your words come out strained, your enhanced member now fully erect and straining against your underwear. The outline of your massive cock is clearly visible, the head pushing against the waistband, a wet spot forming where precum leaks steadily.
Gabbie: [Stepping closer, her eyes locked on your bulge] (It's so big. God, I want to touch it...) "It's okay. This is... this is important. For the mission. We need to be comfortable with each other's bodies. Can I... can I see it?"
Her hand reaches out, hovering just above your crotch. The heat of her palm radiates through the thin fabric of your underwear, making your cock twitch in anticipation. You can see her nipples hardening further, her pussy visibly clenching as she waits for your permission.
You: "I... okay. But just for the mission, right?"
With shaking hands, you push down your underwear. Your enhanced cock springs free, fully erect and throbbing. It's massive, at least 12 inches long and thick as your wrist. Veins pulse visibly along its length, the head swollen and angry red, glistening with precum.
Gabbie: [Gasping, her eyes wide] (Holy shit. It's even bigger than I imagined. How would that even fit... No, don't think about that!) "Oh my god. That's... that's impressive. Very... useful for the mission. Can I... can I touch it? To check its... durability?"
Without waiting for an answer, she reaches out, her fingers wrapping around your shaft. The touch sends a jolt of pleasure through you, drawing a low groan from your throat. Gabbie's breath hitches, her other hand moving to her breast, pinching her nipple as she begins to stroke you slowly.
You: "Fuck, Gabbie... That feels... We shouldn't be doing this."
Despite your words, your hips buck involuntarily, pushing your cock further into Gabbie's grip. Her hand feels incredible, soft yet firm, moving with a practiced skill that makes you wonder how she got so good at this.
Gabbie: [Her voice husky with arousal] (This is so wrong. We're partners. But god, it feels so right.) "It's okay. This is just... stress relief. We need to be relaxed for the mission. Let me help you relax."
Her strokes become more confident, her thumb swiping over the sensitive head of your cock, spreading precum along your length. With her free hand, she guides your hand to her breast, encouraging you to touch her. Her skin is soft and warm, her nipple a hard point against your palm.
You: "Gabbie, I'm getting close. We should stop. This is... this is wrong."
Your words lack conviction, your body betraying you as you thrust into Gabbie's hand. Your own hand has moved from her breast to her pussy, fingers sliding through her slick folds. She's incredibly wet, her juices coating your fingers as you explore her most intimate areas.
Gabbie: [Moaning softly] (I'm touching his cock. I'm going to make him cum. This is so fucked up, but I can't stop.) "It's okay. Let it happen. We need this. For the mission. For us."
Her strokes speed up, her grip tightening slightly. Your fingers find her clit, circling it with practiced ease. Gabbie's hips buck against your hand, her pussy clenching around your fingers. The room is filled with the sound of your shared panting and the wet noises of your mutual masturbation.
You: "Gabbie, I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum. Oh god..."
Your muscles tense, your enhanced body trembling on the edge of release. Gabbie's hand moves faster, her eyes locked on your face as she watches you approach climax. Her own hips grind against your hand, her pussy dripping with arousal.
Gabbie: [Her voice thick with emotion] (He's so beautiful like this. I wish I could tell him everything. That I care for him as more than just...) "It's okay. Let go. I've got you. Always."
With a strangled cry, you explode in Gabbie's hand. Thick ropes of cum shoot from your cock, some landing on her breasts and stomach. The first blast is so powerful it hits her chin, some even reaching her hair. She continues to stroke you through your orgasm, milking every last drop from your pulsing member.
You: "Fuck, Gabbie... That was... intense."
As the aftershocks of your orgasm fade, reality begins to set in. You're standing naked in front of Gabbie, your cum coating her body. The enormity of what you've done hits you, a mix of shame and lingering arousal washing over you.
Gabbie: [Smiling softly, though her eyes hold a hint of sadness] (I wish I could tell him how much this meant to me. How much he means to me.) "It's okay. This doesn't have to change anything. We were just... helping each other out. For the mission."
She reaches for a nearby towel, cleaning herself off. As she does, you notice her hands shaking slightly, her eyes avoiding yours. Despite her words, you both know that something has fundamentally shifted between you. The air is thick with unspoken emotions and the lingering scent of sex.
"We should... we should get back to planning," Gabbie says, her voice slightly strained. "But maybe we can... discuss this stress relief technique again sometime? If you want?"
As you both begin to dress, the memory of what just happened hangs between you. A line has been crossed, opening up a world of complicated feelings and desires. The mission against MAD suddenly seems far less important than the new, dangerous territory you've entered with Gabbie.
You: "Fuck, Gabbie... I'm gonna cum. Don't stop!"
Your hips thrust frantically, fucking Gabbie's hand with abandon. Your fingers plunge deeper into her pussy, curling to hit that spot that makes her see stars. She's close too, her inner walls fluttering around your digits.
Gabbie: [Moaning loudly] (Yes, yes, yes! Cum for me. Show me how much you want me.) "That's it, cum for me. Show me what you've got. Fucking cover me with it!"
Her words push you over the edge. With a roar, you explode, thick ropes of enhanced cum erupting from your cock. The first blast hits Gabbie's face, subsequent pulses coating her breasts and stomach. Your seed is copious and thick, far more than should be humanly possible.
You: "Holy shit, Gabbie... That was... fuck..."
As your orgasm subsides, you become aware that your fingers are still buried in Gabbie's pussy. She's grinding against your hand, chasing her own release.
Gabbie: [Crying out in pleasure] (Oh god, It's so good. I'm gonna cum all over him. This is so wrong, but I don't care!) "Yes! Don't stop! I'm gonna... I'm cumming!"
Her thighs clamp around your arm as she reaches her peak, her pussy gushing with her release. You lap at her eagerly, licking your finger juice as if they were the sweetest nectar. As her orgasm subsides, Gabbie slumps against the desk, her legs shaking.
"Fuck," she pants, looking down at you with a mix of satisfaction and something deeper, more complicated. "That was... intense. We should probably get back to planning but... maybe we can incorporate this into our strategy sessions more often?"
As you both clean up and dress, the air is thick with the scent of sex and unspoken desires. You've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed, opening up a Pandora's box of forbidden pleasures. The mission against MAD suddenly seems far less urgent than exploring this new, dangerous dynamic between you and Gabbie.
You: "Stop! We can't do this. It's wrong!"
With a herculean effort, you push Gabbie's hand away, stumbling backwards. Your enhanced cock bobs angrily in the air, still hard and leaking precum. Gabbie's eyes are wide with shock and hurt, her hand still outstretched.
Gabbie: [Her voice trembling] (No, no, no. What have I done? I've ruined everything.) "I'm sorry. I thought... I thought you wanted this too. God, I'm so stupid."
She wraps her arms around herself, suddenly looking small and vulnerable. The confident strategist is gone, replaced by a young woman grappling with shame and rejection. Your heart aches at the sight, even as your body still thrums with unfulfilled desire.
You: "We need to forget this ever happened. It's the virus, it's making us crazy."
You quickly grab your clothes, trying to cover yourself. Gabbie turns away, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. The room feels cold now, the earlier warmth replaced by an awkward, heavy silence.
Gabbie: [Her voice barely a whisper] (I've fucked everything up. How can we work together now? How can I face him?) "You're right. This was a mistake. A terrible mistake. We'll find another way to... to prepare for the mission. One that doesn't involve... this."
As you dress, you can't help but steal glances at Gabbie's naked form. Despite the shame and regret, your body still responds to her beauty. You know that things will never be the same between you, the memory of what almost happened a constant, tempting presence.
"We should... we should get back to planning," Gabbie says, her voice strained as she pulls on her clothes. "Let's just pretend this never happened, okay?"
But as you leave her room, you both know that's impossible. The forbidden fruit has been tasted, and its flavor will linger, a constant temptation threatening to undermine your mission and your relationship.
You: "Gabbie, something's happening. I feel... oh god..."
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock, which had begun to soften, is suddenly rock hard again, pulsing visibly. The veins along its length throb angrily, and the head swells to an almost painful degree. Pre-cum oozes continuously from the tip, forming a puddle on the floor.
Gabbie: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh fuck, is it the virus? He looks so... hungry. And why am I suddenly so hot?) "Are you okay? You look... different. I feel strange too."
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh god," Gabbie gasps, her hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, her pussy visibly clenching as a fresh wave of arousal floods her core. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, demanding release with an intensity that threatens to consume you both.
Gabbie's hands reach for you, trembling with need. Her eyes, usually so full of determination and strategy, now burn with an unholy lust. As her fingers brush against your throbbing member, you both cry out in pleasure. The touch sends a shockwave through you both, the virus amplifying every sensation to an almost unbearable degree.
You know that what's about to happen will change your relationship forever, but in this moment, consumed by virus-fueled lust, neither of you can bring yourselves to care. The mission, MAD, the future - it all fades away as you give in to the overwhelming need coursing through your veins.
You: "Gabbie... I need to touch you. For the mission. To test our... compatibility."
A haze of desire clouds your judgment as you reach for Gabbie. She doesn't back away, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and anticipation. Your hands cup her breasts roughly, kneading the soft flesh. Her nipples harden against your palms, and a soft moan escapes her lips.
Gabbie: [Gasping, her body arching into your touch] (This is wrong. So wrong. But god, his hands feel amazing.) "What are you doing? We shouldn't... oh fuck..."
Despite her words, she doesn't push you away. Her hands come to rest on your chest, fingers tracing the contours of your muscles. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "Just checking our readiness. Making sure we're... compatible for tight spaces."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you push Gabbie against the desk. Your mouth latches onto her neck, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down between her legs. Your fingers find her pussy, already slick with arousal. You slide two fingers inside her, marveling at how tight and hot she feels.
Gabbie: [Moaning, her hips bucking against your hand] "Stop... we can't... oh god, don't stop..."
Her body betrays her, responding to your touch even as her mind struggles with the wrongness of it all. You can feel her pussy clenching around your fingers, her juices coating your hand. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Gabbie slumps against the desk, her legs shaking, her eyes wide with shock and conflicted desire.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the room, leaving Gabbie alone with her torn clothes and conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her neck on your tongue, the feel of her pussy clenching around your fingers - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into, and the forbidden desires it's awakening between you and Gabbie.
You: "Gabbie... I need you. Now. It's crucial for the mission."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Gabbie, pinning her to the map-covered desk. Papers and markers scatter to the floor as you press your body against hers, your enhanced cock grinding against her thigh.
Gabbie: [Struggling, fear and confusion in her eyes] "What the fuck?! Get off me! This isn't you! Fight it!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild.
You: "This is me, Gabbie. The real me. And you're mine now."
Your hands tear at her clothes, shredding the thin fabric. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. Gabbie's breasts spill free, her nipples hardening despite her terror. You roughly grope her, leaving bruises on her pale skin.
Gabbie: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! This isn't part of the plan! You're not thinking straight!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Gabbie manages to knee you in the groin. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, a intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "The plan's changed, Gabbie. You're the mission now."
Having caught up to Gabbie, you slam her against the wall, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your naked erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat searing against your sensitive skin.
Gabbie: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you... We're supposed to be partners!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wet, her body betraying her.
You: "We are partners, Gabbie. In every way now. This is how we'll defeat MAD."
Unable to wait any longer, you lift Gabbie up, her back pressed against the wall. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Gabbie screams in pain and shock, her body tensing around your invading cock.
Gabbie: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this? We were supposed to save the world together..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Gabbie's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
As you finish inside her, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Gabbie slumps against the wall, violated and broken, your partnership destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The room reeks of sex and despair, a testament to the monstrous act you've committed against your closest ally.
The maps and plans for defeating MAD lie scattered and forgotten on the floor, much like the trust and bond you once shared with Gabbie. As the haze of lust clears, you realize you've become the very monster you were fighting against, and in doing so, you may have doomed humanity's last hope for survival.
You: "I've realized something, Gabbie. You're not just my partner. You're the key to everything."
The virus has twisted your mind, turning your strategic alliance into something dark and possessive. You drag Gabbie's struggling form towards your private dungeon, your enhanced strength making her resistance futile. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin.
Gabbie: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "This isn't the plan! We're supposed to save humanity, not... not this!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once your equal and partner, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further.
You: "We are saving humanity, Gabbie. Starting with you. You'll be the first of my new world order."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all notions of partnership and replacing them with a dark, twisted desire for domination. You approach Gabbie, running your hands over her body as she flinches away. Her once-determined eyes are now filled with fear and despair.
Gabbie: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You've become worse than MAD. Everything we fought for... it's all gone."
Ignoring her words, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her blonde hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality.
"Open wide, partner," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your new mission. Serving me, pleasuring me, being the foundation of my new world."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Gabbie, once your trusted ally in the fight against MAD, now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
The plans for defeating MAD lie forgotten, replaced by your twisted vision of a new world order built on domination and sexual slavery. As you use Gabbie's mouth, you're already plotting your next move, your mind consumed with thoughts of expanding your harem and spreading your corrupted version of the virus. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, teetering on the edge of a nightmare you've only just begun to create.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Gabbie, I've got a bad feeling about this sector. The air feels... wrong."
The wasteland stretches before you, a patchwork of rusted metal and crumbling concrete. Skeletal buildings loom on the horizon, their broken windows like empty eye sockets. You and Gabbie crouch behind the burnt-out husk of an old military vehicle, surveying the dangerous terrain ahead.
Gabbie: [Her eyes narrow, hand tightening on her weapon] (The virus concentration is off the charts.) "You're right. MAD's been busy here. Stay sharp and keep your filter mask on."
Your companion's battle-hardened form is a stark contrast to the desolation around you. Her scavenged armor hugs her curves, a mix of function and allure that's uniquely Gabbie. You can't help but admire her strength and resilience, qualities that have kept you both alive in this harsh world.
You: "My skin's crawling, Gabbie. The virus... it's like it's calling to me."
As you move from cover to cover, the virus in your blood responds to the charged atmosphere. Your enhanced muscles twitch with barely contained energy, every sense hyper-alert. The wasteland seems to shift and warp at the edges of your vision, a testament to the viral saturation in the air.
Gabbie: [She grabs your arm, her touch grounding you] (His viral sensitivity is spiking. We need to be careful.) "Focus on me. Remember our mission. We're here to gather intel, not succumb to the virus."
Her grip on your arm is firm, a reminder of the countless times you've faced danger together. You can't help but notice the slight tremble in her hand, a sign that she's not immune to the viral effects either. The air between you crackles with unspoken tension, a mix of survival instinct and suppressed desire.
You: "Movement, two o'clock. In that old shopping complex."
Your enhanced vision cuts through the haze, focusing on a partially collapsed structure ahead. A figure darts between the broken storefronts, its movements too coordinated to be one of the mindless infected. Your heart races, pumping virus-laden blood faster through your veins.
Gabbie: [She raises her binoculars, voice tense] (A survivor? Or MAD bait?) "I see her. Young, probably scared. Could be a trap, though. MAD's fond of using live bait."
As you draw closer, you get a better view of the survivor. She's strikingly beautiful, her voluptuous body a stark reminder of the virus's enhancing effects. Her torn clothing barely covers her curves, and even from this distance, you can see her trembling with what could be fear... or something else.
You: "We're friendlies! Are you hurt? Do you need help?"
You call out, your voice echoing off the ruined buildings. The young woman freezes, then slowly emerges from her hiding spot. Her movements are cautious but tinged with desperation.
autumnfalls: [Her voice quavers, thick with an accent] "Please... I need help. The virus, it's... it's doing things to me. I can't control it much longer."
Gabbie: [She keeps her weapon ready, eyes scanning for threats] (This could go south fast.) "What's your name? Are you alone? Any MAD presence in the area?"
As Autumn takes a few tentative steps towards you, the virus's effects on her become more apparent. Her skin glistens with an unnatural sheen, her eyes wild with a mix of fear and barely contained lust. You feel your own viral load surging in response to her proximity.
You: "We can help you, but you need to stay calm. The virus feeds on heightened emotions."
As you speak, Autumn's control seems to slip. With a whimper of need, she lunges towards you, her hands grasping at your protective gear. The scent of her virus-enhanced pheromones penetrates your mask, making your head spin and your body respond instantly.
autumnfalls: [She presses against you, voice thick with desperation] "Please... I'm burning up. I need... I need relief. Help me!"
Gabbie: [She moves swiftly, pulling Autumn back] (Shit, this is bad.) "Easy there, girl. We'll help you, but not here. It's too exposed."
Gabbie's eyes meet yours, a silent communication born from countless missions together. You both know the danger of the situation - not just from potential MAD ambushes, but from the viral urges threatening to overwhelm all three of you.
You: "Gabbie, we need to stabilize her. And fast. My own levels are spiking."
Gabbie nods, quickly guiding you both to a more defensible position inside a nearby building. As soon as you're under cover, she begins to remove parts of your protective gear, her movements efficient but tinged with a hint of eagerness.
autumnfalls: [She watches hungrily as Gabbie exposes your virus-enhanced body] "Oh god... I can smell him from here. So strong, so virile..."
Gabbie: [Her breath hitches as she frees your hardened cock] (Focus, Gabbie. This is about survival.) "I'll take care of him. Autumn, strip down. The fabric's probably aggravating your condition."
As Gabbie's hand wraps around your shaft, you can't help but groan. Her touch is familiar yet electrifying, sending jolts of pleasure through your virus-charged body. Autumn quickly sheds her tattered clothing, her enhanced form now fully exposed and trembling with need.
You: "Fuck, Gabbie... your hand feels amazing. But Autumn..."
Gabbie's skilled fingers work your length, her movements a perfect blend of efficiency and sensuality. Autumn watches intently, her hands roaming over her own body as she whimpers with need.
autumnfalls: [She approaches, eyes fixed on your cock] "Please... let me taste. I need it so badly."
Gabbie: [Her strokes become firmer, faster] (We need to balance this carefully.) "Not yet, Autumn. Watch for now. Learn how to control it."
Unable to resist, you reach out to cup Gabbie's breast with one hand, while the other slides between her legs. Even through her armor, you can feel the heat of her arousal. The air grows thick with the scent of sex and viral musk, turning the abandoned building into a den of primal energy.
You: "Gabbie, I can't... I need more. Autumn, come here."
Your hips buck involuntarily, thrusting into Gabbie's grip. The pressure building in your core is almost unbearable. Sensing your desperation, Gabbie guides Autumn closer, positioning her on her knees before you.
autumnfalls: [She looks up at you, eyes pleading] "Please... let me suck you. I need to taste your essence."
Gabbie: [She continues stroking you, her other hand guiding Autumn's head] (This is it. No turning back now.) "Slowly, Autumn. Don't overwhelm yourself. That's it..."
With Gabbie's guidance, Autumn takes you into her mouth. The sensation is incredible, her virus-enhanced tongue swirling around your shaft as Gabbie's hand continues to work the base. You throw your head back, lost in the dual stimulation.
You: "Oh fuck... it's so good. Gabbie, I need to touch you too."
As Autumn bobs her head on your cock, Gabbie shifts her position. She straddles one of your legs, grinding against your thigh as she continues to stroke you and guide Autumn's movements. You manage to slip a hand into Gabbie's pants, fingers finding her slick heat.
autumnfalls: [She moans around your shaft, the vibrations adding to your pleasure]
Gabbie: [Her voice is husky with arousal] (The viral energy is peaking. We need to see this through.) "That's it, let it build. Feel how the virus connects us all."
The abandoned building seems to fade away, your world narrowing to the points where your bodies connect. The virus in your system responds to the intense stimulation, heightening every sensation to an almost painful degree.
You: "I'm close... fuck, I'm gonna cum! I can't hold back anymore!"
Your hips buck wildly, thrusting deeper into Autumn's eager mouth as your fingers work furiously inside Gabbie. The pressure in your core reaches a fever pitch, ready to explode.
autumnfalls: [She pulls back slightly, stroking you with both hands] "Yes! Cum for us! Let me taste your viral essence!"
Gabbie: [Her body tenses, on the edge of her own release] (This is it. The moment of truth.) "Do it! Cum for us. Let your essence stabilize us both!"
With a roar that echoes through the abandoned building, you reach your climax. Your cock swells before erupting, shooting thick ropes of virus-enhanced cum into Autumn's waiting mouth and across her face. The sight pushes Gabbie over the edge, her pussy clenching around your fingers as she cries out in ecstasy. Autumn swallows eagerly, her body shuddering with her own orgasm triggered by the potent taste of your seed.
You: "Autumn, Gabbie... are you both okay? That was... intense."
As the waves of pleasure subside, you help Autumn to her feet. Your cum still glistens on her face and chest, glowing faintly with viral energy. You look between both women, concern and lingering desire evident in your eyes.
autumnfalls: [Her eyes clear, a look of relief washing over her] "I feel... balanced. The burning, the madness... it's manageable now. Your essence... it's like a cure."
Gabbie: [She straightens up, her tactical mindset returning] (Crisis averted, for now.) "Good work, team. Autumn, how are your viral levels? Any dizziness or disorientation?"
You watch as Autumn takes stock of herself, her body no longer trembling with uncontrolled need. The wild, desperate look in her eyes has been replaced by gratitude and newfound clarity. You feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing you've helped bring her back from the brink of viral insanity.
You: "I'm glad we could help you, Autumn. Gabbie, your quick thinking saved us all."
You pull Gabbie into a brief, tight embrace, feeling the tension leave her body. Autumn watches, a mix of gratitude and uncertainty on her face. The harsh wasteland outside seems less threatening now, a reminder of the challenges you've overcome together.
autumnfalls: [She looks between you and Gabbie, voice filled with emotion] "You've saved me from a fate worse than death. I was lost to the virus, but you've given me a chance. What happens now?"
Gabbie: [Her voice is firm but not unkind] (Another survivor. Another chance to fight back.) "Now, we move. This place isn't safe. Autumn, if you want to come with us, you need to understand - this isn't a one-time fix. We're fighting a war against the virus, against MAD. It's dangerous, but you'll never be alone again."
As you prepare to leave the temporary sanctuary, you feel a renewed sense of purpose. The virus that nearly consumed Autumn has brought you together, forging another link in the chain of survivors fighting to reclaim this broken world. In this moment, surrounded by the unforgiving wasteland, you know that together, you can face whatever challenges lie ahead.
You: "Not enough... need more! Autumn, bend over. Gabbie, keep watch."
The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses with primal lust. Autumn quickly complies, bracing herself against a broken wall. Gabbie moves to the entrance, her weapon ready but her eyes constantly darting back to you.
autumnfalls: [She looks back at you, eyes wild with need] "Yes! Take me! Use me like the virus slut I am!"
Gabbie: [Her voice tight with a mix of arousal and tactical focus] (We need to be quick. Too exposed here.) "Make it fast. I'll cover you, but we're sitting ducks if MAD shows up."
You plunge into Autumn's soaking wet pussy, the tight heat enveloping you. The risk of discovery only adds to the intensity, your hips slamming against her ass with frenzied urgency. Gabbie's eyes roam over your rutting forms, her free hand slipping between her own legs as she stands guard.
You: "Take it all! Every last drop, you wasteland whore!"
With a guttural roar that echoes through the ruined building, you reach your second climax. Your cock swells inside Autumn before erupting, flooding her womb with another massive load of your virus-enhanced cum. Her body convulses beneath you, her own orgasm triggered by the sheer volume and power of your release.
autumnfalls: [Her body shakes uncontrollably, pussy clenching around you] "So much... so powerful... I can feel it changing me! Fuck, I'm cumming again!"
Gabbie: [Her eyes gleam with a mix of lust and tactical assessment] (Viral transfer complete. She's stable... for now.) "Wrap it up, you two. We need to move before your little party attracts every infected in the area."
As you pull out, a torrent of cum gushes from Autumn's well-fucked pussy, pooling on the dusty floor. Autumn collapses, her body twitching with aftershocks of pleasure. You've not only saved her from the virus's madness but initiated her into the harsh realities of survival in this new world. Gabbie tosses you both some rags to clean up, her eyes already scanning the horizon for the next threat.
You: "Fuck... something's wrong! Gabbie, I can't... I can't control it!"
A violent surge of the virus rips through your system, causing you to stagger against a wall. Your vision blurs, the abandoned building warping around you. All you can focus on is the overwhelming need burning in your veins. Gabbie, recognizing the danger, quickly moves to intervene.
autumnfalls: [Backing away in fear] "What's happening to him? Is this what the virus does?"
Gabbie: [Her face set in grim determination] (Shit, viral overload. Time for emergency protocols.) "Autumn, guard the entrance. Now! This requires some hands-on intervention."
Gabbie approaches you cautiously, her hands moving to remove her armor. Her movements are precise, practiced - you've been through this before. She presses her body against yours, one hand wrapping around your painfully erect cock while the other grips your hair, forcing you to focus on her face.
"Stay with me, soldier. Fight it. Remember who you are, what we're fighting for."
The scene fades to black as Gabbie works to bring you back from the brink of viral madness, the outcome uncertain as the wasteland looms just outside, indifferent to your struggle.
You: "Need to fuck... to survive... to conquer!"
Losing all semblance of control, you lunge at Gabbie, your hands roughly grabbing her breasts through her armor. The firm flesh yields slightly under your enhanced strength, Gabbie's eyes widening in shock.
Gabbie: [Her voice sharp, commanding] "Stand down, soldier! This isn't you - it's the virus talking!"
autumnfalls: [Watches in horror, weapon raised uncertainly] "Should I... should I shoot him?"
You continue to maul Gabbie's chest, your mouth seeking her neck. The taste of her sweat-slicked skin only fuels your frenzy further, your cock straining painfully against your pants. The wasteland beyond seems to call to you, promising a world to dominate and corrupt.
You: "Mine... all mine... need to breed the strongest!"
Your hands roam lower, roughly groping Gabbie's ass and pulling her against your throbbing erection. You grind against her, lost in a haze of lust and viral madness. One hand slides between her legs, fingers probing at her entrance through the fabric of her pants.
Gabbie: [Her voice strained, fighting against her own viral response] "Enough! Remember the mission! Remember who we are, what we're fighting for!"
With a burst of strength born from years of survival, Gabbie breaks free of your grasp. She doesn't retreat, instead grabbing your face with both hands, forcing you to meet her eyes. For a moment, clarity breaks through the viral haze. The realization of what you've done begins to sink in, shame and regret flooding your mind as you look at Gabbie's determined face and the fear in Autumn's eyes.
You: "Can't stop... need to fuck... need to create a new world order!"
Your eyes, now glowing with an intense, viral light, lock onto Gabbie. With inhuman speed, you charge at her, tackling her to the dusty floor. Your hands tear at her armor, the virus-enhanced strength making short work of the protective gear.
Gabbie: [Struggling against your enhanced strength] "Fight it, damn you! We've been through too much to lose you now!"
autumnfalls: [Panicking, unsure what to do] "Oh god, oh god... what do I do? Gabbie!"
You pin Gabbie's arms above her head with one hand, while the other roughly gropes her now-exposed breast. Your hips grind against hers, your engorged cock seeking entry. The building around you seems to pulse with sickly energy, reflecting the viral madness consuming you.
You: "Need to breed... create a new, stronger race!"
You position yourself between Gabbie's legs, the head of your massive, virus-engorged cock pressing against her entrance. The last shreds of your humanity fight against the overwhelming urge to violate your partner, your friend, but they're quickly drowning in a sea of viral madness.
Gabbie: [Her eyes flash with a mix of fear and determination] "I won't let you do this! Not to yourself, not to us. Autumn, the syringe in my pack! Now!"
With a desperate surge of strength, Gabbie manages to free one of her hands. As you struggle to restrain her again, Autumn fumbles with Gabbie's pack, searching for the mentioned syringe. The battle for your sanity reaches its climax, the fate of all three of you hanging in the balance as the wasteland watches on, indifferent to your struggle.
You: "Yes... finally... breeding stock for a new world!"
Having overpowered Gabbie, you waste no time in plunging your monstrous cock deep into her pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her tight walls gripping you like nothing you've ever felt before. A sickly glow emanates from where your bodies join, spreading corruption through Gabbie's form.
Gabbie: [Gasping in pain and unwanted pleasure] "No... stop this madness! You're stronger than the virus! Fight it, soldier!"
autumnfalls: [Frozen in horror] "This can't be happening... it's like a nightmare..."
You pound into Gabbie with savage force, her body shaking with each powerful thrust. The ground beneath you cracks and splits, corrupt energy seeping into the earth. Her resistance only spurs you on, the virus in your system reveling in the conquest of this strong-willed survivor.
You: "Take it all... take my seed, bear my viral army!"
With a bestial roar that shakes the crumbling walls around you, you reach your climax, flooding Gabbie's womb with your tainted seed. The sheer volume of your release causes her stomach to visibly distend, the power of your virus-enhanced cum overwhelming her.
Gabbie: [Her body betraying her as orgasm washes over her] "No... what have you done? Your seed... it's changing me... corrupting everything we fought for!"
As you pull out, streams of corrupted cum gush from Gabbie's abused pussy, soaking into the dusty floor. The area around you pulses with dark, corrupt energy, the very air shimmering with viral power. Gabbie lies there, defeated and defiled, her once-strong form now twitching with the effects of your corrupted essence. The realization of what you've done begins to dawn on you, but the virus's influence remains strong, urging you to continue your rampage and spread your corrupt seed throughout the wasteland.
You: "You're mine now... the first of my viral harem!"
Having subdued Gabbie, you drag her struggling form towards a twisted metal structure, once part of the building's infrastructure. With inhuman strength, you use strips of her own armor to secure her arms and legs, leaving her exposed and vulnerable.
Gabbie: [Fighting against her bonds] "You can't do this! We're partners, survivors! This isn't who you are!"
autumnfalls: [Cowering in a corner] "Please... stop this madness! This isn't what I wanted when I asked for help!"
Ignoring their pleas, you begin to violently thrust into Gabbie's tight ass, stretching her beyond her limits. Your hands leave bruises on her tanned skin as you pound into her relentlessly, the metal structure groaning with each brutal thrust. The wasteland beyond seems to darken, as if acknowledging the birth of a new, terrible power.
You: "You belong to me now... my lieutenant in this new, viral world order!"
After using Gabbie's body to satisfy your viral-enhanced lust, you roughly pull her from the structure, keeping her bound with strips of her own armor. Grabbing a handful of her hair, matted with sweat and dust, you force her to look at you, your eyes still glowing with viral madness.
Gabbie: [Her eyes filled with a mix of fear and defiance, tinged with growing corruption] "This isn't over... I'll find a way to save you, to save us both from this madness!"
Without a word, you begin to drag Gabbie towards the exit, intent on finding a secure location to establish your new dominion. As you leave, Autumn's terrified whimpers fade into the background, a testament to the monster you've become. The once-formidable survivor now stands as a corrupted trophy of your viral dominance. You step out into the wasteland, ready to reshape this ruined world in your image, with Gabbie as your unwilling partner in this new reign of viral terror.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Gabbie, this place gives me the creeps. It's too quiet."
The abandoned amusement park looms before you, a grotesque parody of its former glory. Rusted rides reach towards the sky like skeletal fingers, and faded carnival posters flutter in the toxic breeze. You and Gabbie crouch behind a decaying ticket booth, your eyes scanning for any sign of movement.
Gabbie: [Her voice low, tension evident] "MAD's been experimenting here. The virus readings are off the charts. Stay alert and keep your mask sealed."
The eerie silence is broken only by the creaking of metal and the distant howl of wind through empty structures. Your enhanced senses pick up traces of a sickly sweet scent, a telltale sign of concentrated viral activity. Gabbie's body is coiled tight beside you, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.
You: "My skin's crawling, Gabbie. The virus... it's like it's singing to me."
As you move deeper into the park, the atmosphere grows heavier. The air shimmers with an unnatural haze, and you swear you can see tendrils of viral energy curling around the derelict attractions. Your muscles twitch with barely contained energy, every fiber of your being on high alert.
Gabbie: [She grabs your shoulder, her touch electric through your suit] "Focus, soldier. Remember our training. The virus wants you to lose control. Don't let it win."
Her grip is firm, grounding you in reality. You can't help but notice the slight tremor in her hand, a sign that she's not immune to the effects either. The air between you crackles with unspoken tension, a mix of survival instinct and suppressed desire amplified by the viral saturation.
You: "Movement, by the Ferris wheel. Something's not right."
Your enhanced vision cuts through the haze, focusing on a partially collapsed Ferris wheel ahead. A figure darts between the rusted cars, its movements too fluid to be one of the mindless infected. Your heart races, pumping virus-laden blood faster through your veins.
Gabbie: [She raises her rifle, voice tense] "I see her. Young, female, definitely enhanced. Could be a MAD trap or a survivor. Either way, stay sharp."
As you draw closer, the figure comes into clearer view. She's strikingly beautiful, her voluptuous body a stark reminder of the virus's enhancing effects. Her tattered clothing barely covers her curves, and even from this distance, you can see her body quivering with what could be fear... or something far more dangerous.
You: "We're here to help! Are you injured? Can you understand me?"
Your voice echoes through the abandoned park, causing the young woman to whirl around. Her eyes, wide and wild, lock onto you with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine.
blakeblossom: [Her voice trembles, thick with desperation] "Help... please... it burns. Make it stop burning!"
Gabbie: [She keeps her weapon trained on Blake, eyes scanning for threats] "Name and status, now. Any MAD presence in the area?"
As Blake stumbles towards you, the virus's effects become glaringly apparent. Her skin glistens with an unnatural sheen, her eyes dilated and unfocused. Sweat beads on her forehead and runs down between her heaving breasts. You feel your own viral load surging in response to her proximity, your body reacting involuntarily to her pheromones.
You: "Stay back! We can help, but you need to control yourself. The virus feeds on-"
Your words are cut short as Blake lunges forward with inhuman speed, her hands clawing at your protective suit. The scent of her virus-enhanced pheromones overwhelms your senses, making your head spin and your body respond instantly.
blakeblossom: [She presses against you, voice thick with need] "Please... I'm on fire. I need... I need release. Fuck me, breed me, anything!"
Gabbie: [She moves swiftly, pulling Blake off you] "Dammit! [Name], we need to stabilize her before she attracts every infected in the area. You know what to do."
Gabbie's eyes meet yours, a silent communication born from countless missions together. You both know the danger of the situation - not just from potential MAD ambushes, but from the viral urges threatening to overwhelm all three of you.
You: "Gabbie, hold her still. I'll... I'll try to take the edge off."
Gabbie nods grimly, restraining Blake from behind. You quickly remove your gloves, knowing skin-to-skin contact is necessary for viral stabilization. As soon as your hands touch Blake's feverish skin, you feel the virus within you surge in response.
blakeblossom: [She writhes against Gabbie's hold, eyes locked on you] "Yes, touch me! More, please, I need more!"
Gabbie: [Her voice strained as she struggles to hold Blake] "Focus, [Name]. Remember, it's about control. Don't let the virus dictate the terms."
Your hands move almost of their own accord, one cupping Blake's breast while the other slides between her legs. You can feel the heat of her arousal through the tattered remains of her clothing. Blake's moans echo through the abandoned park, a siren call to any infected in the vicinity.
You: "Fuck, she's so wet. Gabbie, I don't know how long I can-"
Your words trail off as you focus on pleasuring Blake. Your fingers work her clit in tight circles while your other hand kneads her breast, feeling the nipple harden under your palm. Blake writhes in Gabbie's grip, her body responding eagerly to your touch.
blakeblossom: [Her head thrown back, voice thick with pleasure] "More! Deeper! Please, I need to feel you inside me!"
Gabbie: [Her breathing heavy, clearly affected by the situation] "Stay focused, both of you. We need to burn through her excess viral load quickly."
Unable to resist any longer, you plunge two fingers into Blake's soaking pussy. The tight heat engulfs you, her inner walls clenching around your digits. With your free hand, you reach for Gabbie, pulling her into a deep, hungry kiss over Blake's shoulder.
You: "Gabbie, I can't... I need more. Help me with her."
Your fingers pump furiously into Blake's dripping cunt as Gabbie releases her hold. Blake immediately drops to her knees, her hands frantically working to free your throbbing cock from your protective suit.
blakeblossom: [Her eyes fixed on your exposed member] "So big... I need it in my mouth. Let me taste you, please!"
Gabbie: [She moves behind you, her hands roaming your chest] "Remember, this is about viral control. Don't lose yourself, [Name]."
Blake's mouth engulfs your cock, her virus-enhanced tongue swirling around the head as she takes you deeper. Gabbie's hands continue to explore your body, one sliding down to cup your balls while the other pinches your nipple through your suit. The dual stimulation is almost too much to bear.
You: "Oh fuck... Gabbie, I'm close. What do we do?"
Blake's head bobs frantically on your cock, her throat constricting around you as she takes you to the base. Gabbie's hands never stop moving, her body pressed tight against your back.
blakeblossom: [She pulls off your cock with a wet pop, stroking you furiously] "Cum on me! Mark me with your viral essence!"
Gabbie: [Her voice husky in your ear] "Do it. Cover her. Let your enhanced seed stabilize her viral load."
The pressure builds to an unbearable level, your cock swelling in Blake's grip. With a roar that echoes through the abandoned park, you reach your climax. Thick ropes of virus-enhanced cum erupt from your cock, painting Blake's face and chest with glowing streaks of genetic material.
You: "Fuck, there's so much... Blake, Gabbie, I can't stop!"
Your orgasm seems to last forever, each pulse of your cock releasing another torrent of cum onto Blake's eager face and body. She opens her mouth, catching what she can and swallowing greedily.
blakeblossom: [Her body shudders with her own release] "Yes! So much... so powerful! I can feel it changing me!"
Gabbie: [She reaches around, milking the last drops from your cock] "That's it, drain yourself. Stabilize her."
As your climax finally subsides, you watch in awe as your cum seems to absorb into Blake's skin, leaving a faint, glowing trail before disappearing entirely. Her frenzied movements slow, her breathing becoming more regular as the viral overload dissipates.
You: "Blake, Gabbie... are you both okay? That was... intense."
As the aftershocks of pleasure subside, you help Blake to her feet. Your cum still glistens on her face and chest, pulsing faintly with viral energy. You look between both women, concern and lingering desire evident in your eyes.
blakeblossom: [Her eyes clear, a look of wonder on her face] "I feel... balanced. The burning, the madness... it's gone. Your essence... it's like nothing I've ever experienced."
Gabbie: [She straightens up, her tactical mindset returning] "Good work, team. Blake, what's your status? Any lingering symptoms or disorientation?"
You watch as Blake takes stock of herself, her body no longer trembling with uncontrolled need. The wild, desperate look in her eyes has been replaced by gratitude and newfound clarity. You feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing you've helped bring her back from the brink of viral insanity.
You: "I'm glad we could help, Blake. Gabbie, your quick thinking saved us all."
You pull Gabbie into a tight embrace, feeling the tension leave her body. Blake watches, a mix of gratitude and uncertainty on her face. The eerie amusement park around you seems less threatening now, a reminder of the challenges you've overcome together.
blakeblossom: [She looks between you and Gabbie, voice filled with emotion] "You've given me a second chance at life. I was lost to the virus, but you've shown me there's hope. What happens now?"
Gabbie: [Her voice is firm but not unkind] "Now, we move. This place isn't safe. Blake, if you want to come with us, you need to understand - this isn't a permanent fix. We're at war with the virus, with MAD. It's dangerous, but you'll have a purpose."
As you prepare to leave the twisted carnival behind, you feel a renewed sense of purpose. The virus that nearly consumed Blake has brought you together, forging another link in the chain of survivors fighting to reclaim this broken world. In this moment, surrounded by the decaying remnants of a lost era, you know that together, you can face whatever horrors lie ahead in this virus-ravaged wasteland.
You: "Not enough... need more! Blake, on your hands and knees. Gabbie, keep watch."
The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses with primal lust. Blake quickly complies, positioning herself on all fours atop a nearby carousel platform. Gabbie moves to the perimeter, her weapon ready but her eyes constantly darting back to the scene unfolding before her.
blakeblossom: [She looks back at you, eyes wild with need] "Yes! Take me! Use me like the virus-crazed slut I am!"
Gabbie: [Her voice tight with a mix of arousal and tactical focus] "Make it quick. We're exposed here. Any infected in the area will be drawn to the pheromones."
You position yourself behind Blake, your still-hard cock throbbing with anticipation. Without warning, you plunge into her soaking wet pussy, the tight heat enveloping you completely. The carousel creaks and groans beneath you, the once-cheerful painted horses now silent witnesses to this primal act.
You: "Take it all! Every last drop, you virus-enhanced fucktoy!"
Your hips slam against Blake's ass with brutal force, each thrust threatening to break the ancient carousel beneath you. The air is thick with the scent of sex and viral musk, a beacon to any infected in the vicinity.
blakeblossom: [Her body convulses, pussy clenching around you] "Yes! Breed me! Fill me with your viral seed!"
Gabbie: [Her eyes gleam with a mix of lust and tactical assessment] "Incoming! Multiple infected, drawn by the pheromones. Hurry up and finish!"
With a bestial roar that echoes through the abandoned park, you reach your climax. Your cock swells inside Blake before erupting, flooding her womb with another massive load of your virus-enhanced cum. The carousel platform beneath you splinters and cracks, unable to withstand the force of your rutting.
As you pull out, a torrent of glowing cum gushes from Blake's well-fucked pussy, pooling on the dusty carousel floor. Blake collapses, her body twitching with aftershocks of pleasure. You've not only saved her from the virus's madness but initiated her into the harsh realities of survival in this new world.
Gabbie tosses you both some rags to clean up, her eyes scanning the perimeter as the moans of approaching infected grow louder. "Time to move, now! The viral orgy attracted every infected in a mile radius. Blake, if you can walk, you're coming with us. Welcome to the resistance."
You: "No... something's wrong! The virus... it's mutating!"
A violent surge of viral energy rips through your system, causing you to collapse onto the carousel platform. Your vision blurs, the world around you warping into a nightmarish kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. Blake and Gabbie's voices seem distant, distorted, as if coming from underwater.
blakeblossom: [Her voice tinged with fear] "What's happening to him? Is this because of me?"
Gabbie: [Her face set in grim determination] "Viral mutation. Blake, guard the perimeter. I need to stabilize him before he turns."
Through the haze of pain and pleasure, you feel Gabbie's hands on your body, removing parts of your protective suit. Her touch sends jolts of electricity through your system, each point of contact a supernova of sensation. You can hear her voice, steady and commanding, guiding you through the mutation.
"Stay with me, soldier. Fight it. Remember who you are, what we're fighting for. Let the virus change you, but don't let it control you."
The carousel beneath you begins to spin, powered by the viral energy emanating from your convulsing body. As the world blurs into a whirlwind of decaying carnival attractions and encroaching infected, you feel yourself changing, evolving. The outcome remains uncertain as you teeter on the edge of humanity and something... other.
You: "Power... I can feel the power growing!"
Lost in a haze of viral lust, you lunge at Gabbie. You tear at her protective suit, exposing her enhanced body to the virus-saturated air. The carousel spins faster, driven by the pulsing energy emanating from your mutating member.
Gabbie: [Her voice sharp, but tinged with fear] "Control it, dammit! You're stronger than the virus!"
blakeblossom: [Watches in horror, backing away] "Oh god, what's happening to him?"
Your hands roughly grope Gabbie's exposed breasts, leaving glowing viral trails on her skin. The touch seems to spread the mutation, causing Gabbie to gasp in a mix of pain and unwanted pleasure. The amusement park around you groans and shifts, responding to the surge of viral energy.
You: "Join me in evolution! Become more than human!"
Wrapping around Gabbie and pulling her closer. Your mouth seeks her neck as your lower body morphs into something inhuman and grotesquely sexual.
Gabbie: [Struggling against your grasp, her own body beginning to change] "No! Fight it! Remember the mission, remember who we are!"
blakeblossom: [Screaming in the distance] "Infected incoming! The virus... it's calling them!"
The carousel platform beneath you crumbles. Gabbie manages to break free, stumbling back as her body fights against the mutation you've triggered. The realization of what you're becoming crashes over you, horror and exhilaration warring in your mutated mind as the infected hordes close in, drawn by your newfound power.
You: "Yesss... I am the virus now! You will all evolve or perish!"
Your body, now a terrifying fusion of human and viral entity, towers over Gabbie and Blake. The entire amusement park seems to come alive, rides creaking to life powered by your viral energy. You grope Gabbie deviously.
Gabbie: [Struggling against the tendrils, her body starting to mutate] "Fight it! This isn't evolution, it's annihilation!"
blakeblossom: [Screaming as the tendrils penetrate her] "It burns! It's changing me! Make it stop!"
Your once-human mind is nearly lost in a sea of viral madness. You see yourself as a god, destined to remake the world in your image. The Ferris wheel behind you groans and bends, forming a twisted throne for your new viral form.
You: "Embrace your new forms! Become my viral queens!"
The mutation accelerates, spreading from you to Gabbie and Blake. Their bodies twist and change, becoming beautiful and terrible amalgamations of human and virus. You use gabbie's breast by force.
Gabbie: [Her voice distorted, body now a fusion of tactical prowess and viral power] "What... what have you done to us?"
blakeblossom: [Her new form radiating viral energy] "I can feel them all... every infected mind, connected!"
Gabbie seems to be ready to fight you off one last time.
You: "You're mine now, both of you!"
Consumed by viral lust, you overpower Gabbie and pin her to the carousel platform. Blake watches in horror as you tear at Gabbie's protective suit, exposing her enhanced body.
Gabbie: [Struggling against your grip, voice filled with anger and fear] "Stop this! This isn't you, it's the virus!"
blakeblossom: [Backing away, terrified] "Oh god, what's happening? Please, don't hurt her!"
You force yourself into Gabbie, her body betraying her as it responds to the viral stimulation. The carousel creaks beneath you, the once-cheerful music now a twisted backdrop to this violent act. Gabbie's resistance weakens as the virus overwhelms her system, her body responding against her will.
You: "Feel it, Gabbie. The virus wants this. We all want this!"
Your hips slam against Gabbie with brutal force, each thrust eliciting a mix of pleasure and pain. The air is thick with the scent of sex and viral musk, drawing more infected to your location.
Gabbie: [Her voice breaking, body betraying her] "No... please... stop..."
blakeblossom: [Sobbing, unable to look away] "This is all my fault. I'm so sorry, Gabbie."
As you reach your climax, you pull out and cover Gabbie's body with your virus-enhanced seed. She lies there, broken and violated, as the reality of what's happened sinks in. The bond of trust between you is shattered, replaced by fear and the harsh reality of survival in this virus-ravaged world.
Blake whimpers in the corner, knowing she's next. The infected draw closer, attracted by the pheromones and violence. In your virus-addled state, you've not only violated your closest ally but potentially doomed you all to the approaching horde.
You: "You both belong to me now. Resistance is futile."
Overpowered by the virus, you brutally subdue both Gabbie and Blake. You drag them to a defunct funhouse, the warped mirrors reflecting your twisted actions. Gabbie fights back fiercely, but the virus has enhanced your strength beyond her capabilities. She becomes slowly corrupted.
Gabbie: [Spitting blood, still defiant] "You bastard! We trusted you!"
blakeblossom: [Sobbing uncontrollably] "Please, don't do this. We can help you!"
You chain Gabbie and Blake to the rusted remnants of carnival equipment. The room reeks of decay and fresh fear. Your hands, now tools of torture rather than protection, explore their bodies roughly. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more violence, more submission.
You: "Welcome to your new life. You exist only for my pleasure now."
The funhouse becomes a chamber of horrors as you subject Gabbie and Blake to unspeakable acts. Their screams echo through the abandoned park, a twisted symphony of pain and unwilling pleasure.
Gabbie: [Her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this. The resistance will find us."
blakeblossom: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "No more... please... I'll do anything..."
Days pass in a haze of viral-fueled depravity. You've turned the funhouse into your personal dungeon, using Gabbie and Blake to satisfy your every twisted desire. The bond that once made you a formidable team is shattered, replaced by a cruel parody of master and slaves.
Outside, the infected roam freely, drawn by the constant sounds of suffering. You've become the very monster you once fought against, ruling over your small, twisted kingdom with brutal efficiency. The virus has won, turning you into a sadistic overlord and your former allies into your unwilling harem.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Gabbie, this place is a death trap. We should turn back."
The abandoned military bunker looms before you, its massive steel doors hanging off their hinges. Twisted metal and shattered concrete litter the approach, evidence of some catastrophic event. You and Gabbie crouch behind an overturned armored vehicle, the acrid smell of rust and decay filling your nostrils.
Gabbie: [Her eyes narrow, scanning the entrance] "No choice. Intel says there's a MAD research terminal inside. We need that data."
The eerie silence is broken only by the distant howl of wind through the bunker's exposed corridors. Your enhanced senses pick up traces of ozone and something else - a sickly sweet scent that sets your nerves on edge. Gabbie's body is tense beside you, her hand hovering near her weapon.
You: "The virus concentration here... it's making my skin crawl."
As you approach the bunker entrance, the atmosphere grows oppressive. The air shimmers with an unnatural haze, and you swear you can hear whispers echoing from the dark corridors within. Your muscles twitch involuntarily, the virus in your blood responding to the saturated environment.
Gabbie: [She grabs your arm, her touch electric even through your suit] "Stay focused. We can't afford to lose control here. Remember the mission."
Her grip is firm, but you notice a slight tremor in her hand. The viral energy is affecting her too, though she's fighting hard not to show it. The air between you crackles with tension, both from the danger and the growing, undeniable attraction amplified by the virus.
You: "Movement, deep inside. And... music? What the hell?"
Your enhanced hearing picks up a faint, distorted melody echoing through the bunker's corridors. It's accompanied by the sound of light footsteps and... giggling? Your heart rate spikes, pumping virus-laden blood faster through your system.
Gabbie: [She raises her weapon, voice tense] "MAD's sick games. They might be using infected as bait. Stay alert."
As you venture deeper into the bunker, the music grows louder. Rounding a corner, you're confronted by a surreal sight. In what was once a command center, a young woman dances alone, her movements sensual and erratic. Her voluptuous body, barely covered by tattered military fatigues, glistens with sweat in the dim emergency lighting.
You: "Miss? We're here to help. Are you alright?"
Your voice echoes through the chamber, causing the woman to spin around. Her eyes, wide and dilated, lock onto you with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine.
evalovia: [Her voice husky, with a slight accent] "Help? Oh yes... I need so much help. Come closer, let Eva take care of you."
Gabbie: [She keeps her weapon trained on Eva, eyes scanning for threats] "State your name and affiliation. Are you MAD personnel?"
As Eva sways towards you, the virus's effects become glaringly apparent. Her skin shimmers with an unnatural glow, her movements too fluid to be entirely human. Sweat beads on her forehead and runs down between her ample breasts, barely contained by her torn top. You feel your own viral load surging in response to her proximity, your body reacting involuntarily to her pheromones.
You: "Gabbie, I can't... the virus, it's too strong here."
Unable to resist any longer, you reach out and grab Gabbie's breast through her tactical gear. She gasps, her body tensing at your touch. The viral energy in the room seems to pulse in response to your actions.
evalovia: [She licks her lips, moving closer] "Yes, give in to it. Let the virus show you true pleasure."
Gabbie: [Her voice strained, fighting against her own arousal] "Dammit! We need to... we need to stay in control. But... oh god, don't stop."
Your hand kneads Gabbie's breast roughly, feeling her nipple harden beneath the fabric. Your other hand slides down her taut stomach, fingers brushing tantalizingly close to her crotch. Eva watches hungrily, her own hands roaming over her body as she approaches.
You: "Fuck, Gabbie... I need more. Help me, please."
Gabbie's resolve crumbles under your touch. Her hand shoots to your crotch, rubbing your hardening cock through your protective suit. The friction sends jolts of pleasure through your virus-enhanced body.
evalovia: [She drops to her knees before you, eyes fixed on your bulge] "Let Eva taste. Eva needs it so badly."
Gabbie: [Her voice husky with arousal] "We shouldn't... but fuck, I can't stop myself. Eva, suck his cock. Now."
With trembling hands, Gabbie helps Eva free your throbbing member from the confines of your suit. The cool air of the bunker hits your heated flesh for just a moment before Eva's warm mouth engulfs you. Gabbie's hand wraps around the base of your shaft, stroking what Eva can't fit in her mouth.
You: "Oh fuck... Eva, your mouth feels amazing. Gabbie, don't stop touching me."
Eva's virus-enhanced tongue swirls around your cock as she bobs her head, taking you deeper with each movement. Gabbie's hand works in tandem with Eva's mouth, her other hand still groping her own breast through her gear.
evalovia: [She pulls off your cock with a wet pop] "Mmmm, so big. Eva wants more. Fuck Eva's mouth, please!"
Gabbie: [She grabs a fistful of Eva's hair, pushing her back down on your cock] "Take it all, you MAD slut. Show us what that virus-enhanced throat can do."
You thrust your hips forward, feeling Eva's throat constrict around your length. Gabbie's grip on Eva's hair tightens as she forces the girl to take you deeper. Her other hand moves to massage your balls, adding to the overwhelming sensation.
You: "I need to fuck her. Gabbie, help me position her."
With a growl, you pull Eva off your cock. Gabbie, caught up in the viral frenzy, roughly manhandles Eva into position, bending her over a nearby console. You step up behind Eva, your cock throbbing with anticipation.
evalovia: [She looks back at you, eyes wild with need] "Yes! Fuck Eva hard! Make Eva your virus slut!"
Gabbie: [She spreads Eva's ass cheeks, exposing her dripping pussy] "Do it. Fuck her. Let me watch you destroy this MAD whore."
Without hesitation, you plunge into Eva's soaking wet cunt. The tight heat engulfs you, her virus-enhanced muscles clenching around your shaft. You grab a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back as you start to pound into her with brutal force.
You: "Gabbie, I want to touch you too. Come here."
As you continue to thrust into Eva, you reach out for Gabbie. She moves closer, and you roughly grope her breast with your free hand. Your fingers find her nipple through the fabric, pinching and twisting.
evalovia: [She moans wantonly, pushing back against your thrusts] "Harder! Fuck Eva's pussy harder!"
Gabbie: [Her breath comes in short gasps] "Oh god... I shouldn't want this, but I do. I want to feel you inside me so badly."
You increase your pace, slamming into Eva with virus-enhanced strength. The console beneath her creaks and groans under the force of your thrusts. Your hand on Gabbie's breast becomes more insistent, and you slide your other hand down to rub her through her pants.
You: "I'm close... fuck, I'm gonna cum! Eva, Gabbie, I can't hold back!"
Your thrusts become erratic as you approach your climax. Eva's pussy clenches around you, milking your cock as she reaches her own orgasm. Gabbie watches with lust-filled eyes, her hand now inside her pants, frantically rubbing her clit.
evalovia: [Her body convulses in pleasure] "Yes! Fill Eva with your cum! Breed this virus slut!"
Gabbie: [She leans in, whispering in your ear] "Do it. Cum inside her. Let me see you fill this MAD bitch with your viral load."
With a roar that echoes through the bunker, you reach your climax. Your cock swells inside Eva before erupting, flooding her womb with a massive load of your virus-enhanced cum. The force of your orgasm triggers another in Eva, her pussy clamping down on you like a vice.
You: "Fuck... Eva, Gabbie, are you both okay? That was... intense."
As the waves of pleasure subside, you carefully withdraw from Eva. Your cum leaks from her well-used pussy, glowing faintly with viral energy. You look between both women, concern and lingering desire evident in your eyes.
evalovia: [She turns to face you, a look of clarity in her eyes] "Eva feels... different. Clear. Your essence, it's stabilized the virus somehow."
Gabbie: [She straightens up, adjusting her clothing] "That was reckless, but... effective. Eva, what can you tell us about MAD's operations here?"
You watch as Eva's demeanor changes, the wild lust in her eyes replaced by a sharp intelligence. She begins to detail MAD's experiments, providing crucial information for your mission. Despite the lingering arousal, you feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing you've not only gathered intel but potentially turned a MAD operative to your cause.
You: "Gabbie, I'm sorry I lost control. But I think we've gained more than we lost here."
You pull Gabbie aside, speaking in low tones. Eva busies herself gathering data from the nearby terminals, her movements now purposeful and controlled. The air in the bunker seems clearer somehow, the oppressive viral energy dissipated. Gabbie's pussy is still very wet from the encounter.
Gabbie: [Her voice soft, but firm] "We'll discuss this later. For now, let's focus on the mission. Eva's intel could be a game-changer."
evalovia: [She approaches, holding a data drive] "Eva wants to help. To make amends for what MAD has done. Will you take Eva with you?"
As you prepare to leave the bunker, you feel a mix of emotions - shame at your loss of control, excitement at the valuable intel, and hope for a new ally in the fight against MAD. The virus that nearly consumed you all has instead forged a new bond, one that could tip the scales in this war-torn world.
You: "Not enough... need more! Eva, on your knees. Gabbie, strip. Now."
The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses with primal lust. Eva quickly complies, dropping to her knees before you. Gabbie hesitates for a moment before the viral influence overtakes her, and she begins to remove her tactical gear.
evalovia: [She looks up at you, eyes wild with need] "Yes! Use Eva again! Fill all of Eva's holes!"
Gabbie: [Her voice thick with arousal as she exposes her enhanced body] "We shouldn't... but fuck, I can't stop. I need to feel you."
You grab Eva's hair roughly, shoving your still-hard cock down her throat. With your other hand, you reach for Gabbie, pulling her close and groping her now-exposed breast. The viral energy in the room seems to pulse with each movement, driving you all further into a frenzy of lust.
You: "Take it all, you virus-enhanced sluts! You belong to me now!"
You alternate between fucking Eva's throat and Gabbie's hand, your enhanced stamina allowing you to maintain a punishing pace. The bunker fills with the sounds of gagging, moans, and flesh slapping against flesh.
evalovia: [She gasps for air as you pull out of her throat] "More! Destroy Eva's holes! Make Eva your virus-crazed fucktoy!"
Gabbie: [She frantically rubs her clit as she strokes your cock] "Oh god, I can't... I'm cumming! Fuck, cum with me!"
With a bestial roar, you reach your climax once again. You pull out of Eva's mouth, your cock erupting in a torrent of virus-enhanced cum that covers both women's faces and chests. The sight of your glowing seed on their skin triggers intense orgasms in both Eva and Gabbie.
As you all collapse in a heap of sweaty, cum-covered limbs, the reality of what you've done begins to sink in. The mission, the data, all of it forgotten in the haze of viral lust. The bunker's emergency lights flicker, casting eerie shadows over your spent forms as the virus continues to pulse through your veins, promising more depraved pleasures to come.
You: "Something's wrong... the virus, it's... evolving!"
A violent surge of viral energy rips through your system, causing you to stagger against the bunker wall. Your vision blurs, the world around you twisting into a nightmarish landscape of pulsing flesh and writhing tentacles. Eva and Gabbie's voices seem distant, distorted, as if coming from another dimension.
evalovia: [Her form shifting and warping] "Yes! Let it take you! Become one with the virus!"
Gabbie: [Her voice strained, fighting against the mutation] "[Name]! Fight it! Don't let it control you!"
Your body begins to change, your skin hardening into a carapace-like substance in some places while becoming translucent and vein-covered in others. You can feel your consciousness expanding, touching the minds of every infected being in the vicinity. The bunker itself seems to come alive, its walls pulsing in rhythm with your mutating heart.
As the transformation reaches its peak, you're faced with a choice - surrender to the virus and become something beyond human, or fight to maintain your humanity in the face of overwhelming power. The fate of not just yourself, but possibly the entire wasteland, hangs in the balance of your next action.
You: "I can't... I can't control it anymore!"
The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses with primal lust. You lunge at Gabbie, your hands roughly grabbing at her tactical gear. With virus-enhanced strength, you tear at the fabric, exposing her skin to the charged air of the bunker.
Gabbie: [Struggling against your grip] "Stop! This isn't you! Fight it, dammit!"
evalovia: [Watching with a mix of fear and excitement] "Yes! Take her! Show her the power of the virus!"
Your hands maul Gabbie's breasts, squeezing and pinching with bruising force. She gasps in pain and unwanted pleasure as you force your thigh between her legs, grinding against her core. The bunker's alarms blare in the background, adding to the chaotic scene as you lose yourself to viral lust.
You: "You're mine, Gabbie. All mine!"
Your assault on Gabbie continues, one hand roughly palming her pussy through her torn pants while the other maintains a punishing grip on her breast. Your now massively engorged cock presses against her thigh, leaving a trail of pre-cum on her skin.
Gabbie: [Tears in her eyes, voice breaking] "Please... stop this. This isn't who we are!"
evalovia: [Touching herself as she watches] "Break her! Make her submit to the virus!"
Suddenly, Gabbie manages to break free of your grip, her combat training kicking in. She stumbles backward, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal. The moment breaks the spell, leaving you standing there, horrified at your actions. The mission is in jeopardy, and the trust between you and Gabbie has been severely damaged.
You: "No more resistance! You're going to take it all!"
With a savage growl, you tackle Gabbie to the ground, pinning her beneath your virus-enhanced body. Your hands tear at her remaining clothes, exposing her flesh to the cold air of the bunker. She struggles beneath you, but your strength is overwhelming.
Gabbie: [Panicking] "No! Stop! This isn't you! Fight it!"
evalovia: [Watching in shock] "Oh god... what have I done?"
You pin Gabbie's hands above her head with one hand, your other roughly groping her breast. Your engorged cock presses against her thigh as you grind against her, lost in a haze of viral lust. Gabbie's struggles only seem to excite you more, her fear and the wrongness of the situation completely lost on your virus-addled mind.
You: "I'm going to fuck you, Gabbie. Right here, right now!"
Your hand moves down to Gabbie's exposed pussy, fingers roughly probing her entrance. Despite her struggles, you can feel the heat and moisture there, her body betraying her.
Gabbie: [Tears streaming down her face] "Please, don't do this! You're stronger than the virus!"
evalovia: [Backing away] "This is wrong... I didn't want this to happen..."
Gabbie makes one last desperate attempt to break free, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. You position yourself between her legs, the head of your massive cock pressing against her entrance. With a brutal thrust, you force yourself inside her, tearing a scream from her throat. The scene is one of violence and betrayal, as you begin to ruthlessly pound into your former ally, lost in the throes of viral madness.
You: "Take it all, Gabbie! Feel what the virus can do!"
You pound into Gabbie with inhuman force, her body jerking with each brutal thrust. Her screams echo off the bunker walls, mixing with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh. Your hands leave bruises on her skin as you grip her hips, pulling her onto your cock with each movement.
Gabbie: [Sobbing] "Stop... please... you're hurting me!"
evalovia: [Watching in horror, unable to look away] "This is too much... even for me..."
Your hips slam against Gabbie's over and over, her tight pussy stretching to accommodate your massive, virus-enhanced cock. Tears stream down her face as she continues to struggle, but her body begins to respond against her will, her pussy growing wetter with each thrust.
You: "I'm going to fill you up, Gabbie! Take my viral seed!"
Your thrusts become even more frenzied as you approach your climax. Gabbie has gone limp beneath you, her eyes vacant as she dissociates from the traumatic experience. The bunker's alarms continue to blare, a fitting soundtrack to the violation taking place.
Gabbie: [Whispering brokenly] "Why...?"
evalovia: [Having fled the scene]
With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside Gabbie, your cock pulsing as you flood her womb with your tainted seed. As the fog of lust finally clears from your mind, the horror of what you've done crashes over you. Gabbie lies there, broken and violated, your relationship shattered beyond repair. The mission, the data, everything you've fought for lies in ruins around you, much like the abandoned bunker that now stands witness to your monstrous act.
You: "You're mine now, Gabbie. Forever."
Having overpowered Gabbie, you drag her towards a nearby holding cell, your virus-enhanced strength making her struggles futile. Eva follows at a distance, torn between fear and a twisted fascination.
Gabbie: [Pleading] "Please, stop this! This isn't you! Fight the virus!"
evalovia: [Watching in terror] "What are you going to do to her?"
Inside the cell, you throw Gabbie onto a dirty mattress. Your hands, now clawed from the virus's effects, tear at her remaining clothes. You force her legs apart, your massively engorged cock poised at her entrance. With a savage thrust, you impale her, reveling in her scream of pain and violation.
You: "Say it, Gabbie. Say you belong to me!"
Your hips piston relentlessly, driving your mutated cock deep into Gabbie's abused pussy. One hand wraps around her throat, squeezing just enough to make her gasp for air. The other hand reaches for Eva, pulling her closer to watch.
Gabbie: [Choking] "Never... I'll never submit..."
evalovia: [Trembling] "Please... let her go. This isn't right."
With a roar, you reach your climax, flooding Gabbie's womb with your tainted seed. As she lies there, broken and violated, you gather her in your arms. Your virus-warped mind sees this as an act of possession, not the horrific violation it truly is. You lock the cell, trapping both Gabbie and Eva inside. In your twisted state, you see this as protecting what's yours, oblivious to the trauma and betrayal you've inflicted on someone who once trusted you. The bunker becomes your new base of operations, with Gabbie and Eva as your first enslaved subjects in a growing viral harem.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Aunt Chanel? Are you in there? I really need to use the bathroom!"
The sound of running water filters through the closed bathroom door. Steam seeps out from underneath, carrying the scent of expensive perfume. You shift from foot to foot, your bladder uncomfortably full.
Chanel: [Her voice muffled by the door, irritation clear in her tone] (Of course he'd interrupt my one moment of peace.) "Can't you hold it? I'm in the middle of my skincare routine. Use the other bathroom!"
The water stops abruptly. You hear the rustle of fabric and the clink of glass bottles being moved around. Despite her words, there's no sound of her preparing to leave the bathroom anytime soon.
You: "The other one's broken, remember? Please, Aunt Chanel, it's an emergency!"
You lean against the door, pressing your ear to the wood. The faint sound of a hairdryer starting up makes you groan in frustration. Chanel's infamous beauty routines were legendary even before the apocalypse - now, they're practically the bane of your existence.
Chanel: [Sighing dramatically] (Why am I surrounded by such uncouth barbarians?) "Fine! But make it quick. And don't touch anything! I'll know if you've been messing with my products."
The lock clicks, and the door opens a crack. A waft of steam escapes, along with the overpowering scent of jasmine and sandalwood. Chanel's perfectly manicured hand appears, shooing you inside impatiently.
You: "Thanks, Aunt Chanel. I promise I'll be quick!"
You squeeze past her into the steam-filled bathroom, careful not to brush against her silk robe. The mirror is completely fogged up, and every surface is covered with an array of creams, serums, and beauty tools you couldn't even begin to name.
Chanel: [Tapping her foot impatiently] (This better not ruin my face mask.) "Well? Get on with it then. And for heaven's sake, don't forget to put the seat down when you're done. Just because we're living in the apocalypse doesn't mean we have to act like savages."
She turns back to the mirror, squinting at her reflection as she dabs some sort of shimmering cream under her eyes. You can't help but marvel at how she manages to look so put-together even in these circumstances.
You: "Um, Aunt Chanel? A little privacy, maybe?"
You stand awkwardly by the toilet, waiting for her to leave. Chanel catches your eye in the mirror, one perfectly shaped eyebrow arching in amusement.
Chanel: [Rolling her eyes] (Privacy? In this cramped shelter? How quaint.) "Oh, don't be such a prude. We're family, aren't we? Besides, I'm not finished with my routine. Just do your business and pretend I'm not here."
She turns back to her reflection, carefully applying a bright red lipstick. You shift uncomfortably, torn between your urgent need and your embarrassment.
You: "I can't go with you watching! Come on, Aunt Chanel, just give me two minutes."
Your pleading tone seems to amuse her. She caps her lipstick and turns to face you, leaning against the counter with an air of casual elegance that seems wildly out of place in your current circumstances.
Chanel: [Smirking] (Oh, this is too entertaining.) "Two minutes? My, my, aren't we optimistic. Fine, I'll step out. But if you mess up my organizational system, you'll be on latrine duty for a month. Understood?"
She glides past you, the silk of her robe brushing against your arm. The scent of her perfume lingers in the air, a stark contrast to the usual smells of the shelter.
You: "Thank you! I promise I won't touch anything."
As soon as the door closes behind her, you rush to relieve yourself. True to your word, you're careful not to disturb any of the countless bottles and jars that litter every surface. As you wash your hands, you can't help but examine some of the products curiously.
Chanel: [Her voice sharp through the door] (What's taking so long? He better not be snooping.) "Are you planning on redecorating in there? Hurry up! My pores wait for no man, not even in the apocalypse."
You jump at the sound of her voice, nearly knocking over a bottle of something that probably costs more than a month's worth of rations. Hastily, you dry your hands and prepare to face your impatient aunt.
You: "All done! Thanks for letting me use the bathroom, Aunt Chanel."
You open the door, coming face to face with Chanel. She's tapping her foot, arms crossed, looking every inch the fashion icon she once was, despite the circumstances. Her eyes narrow as she scans the bathroom behind you, checking for any disturbances.
Chanel: [Pushing past you] (At least he didn't leave a mess.) "Hmph. I suppose you didn't completely destroy my sanctuary. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with my jade roller. Some of us still care about maintaining standards."
She shoos you out of the doorway, already reaching for one of her many mysterious beauty tools. You can't help but shake your head in amazement at her dedication to her routine.
You: "Standards? Aunt Chanel, we're in the middle of the apocalypse. Who are you trying to impress?"
The words slip out before you can stop them. Chanel freezes, her hand halfway to her face with some sort of crystal tool. For a moment, you think you've crossed a line, but then you see a flicker of something - vulnerability? - in her eyes.
Chanel: [Her voice uncharacteristically soft] (Impress? Oh, you naive boy.) "It's not about impressing anyone, darling. It's about maintaining control. When everything else has gone to hell, at least I can control this. My appearance, my routine... it's all I have left of my old life."
For a brief moment, the carefully constructed facade slips, and you see the scared, vulnerable woman beneath the polished exterior. But as quickly as it appeared, it's gone, replaced by her usual haughty expression.
You: "I... I never thought of it that way. I'm sorry, Aunt Chanel."
You're taken aback by this rare moment of honesty from your usually guarded aunt. You take a step towards her, unsure whether to offer comfort or simply acknowledge her words.
Chanel: [Waving her hand dismissively] (Ugh, emotions. How pedestrian.) "Oh, don't get all sentimental on me now. I wasn't fishing for pity. Now, be a dear and hand me that serum on the top shelf. Since you're here, you might as well make yourself useful."
She points to a small bottle filled with a golden liquid. As you reach for it, you notice her watching you in the mirror, her expression unreadable.
You: "Here you go. You know, if you ever want to talk about... well, anything, I'm here."
You hand her the serum, your fingers brushing against hers for a moment. There's an awkward pause as you both seem unsure how to proceed after the unexpected moment of vulnerability.
Chanel: [Applying the serum with practiced motions] (Talk? About feelings? As if.) "Talk? Please. What do you think this is, a therapy session? I'd rather gargle with Listerine. Now, unless you're planning on learning the proper way to apply a toner, I suggest you make yourself scarce. These pores won't tighten themselves."
She shoos you towards the door, but there's a hint of warmth in her eyes that wasn't there before. As you leave, you can't help but feel you've seen a side of your aunt that few others have been privy to.
You: "Alright, I'm going. But maybe... maybe you could teach me about some of this stuff sometime? Might be useful knowledge in the apocalypse, right?"
You linger in the doorway, offering an olive branch. Chanel pauses in her ministrations, eyeing you suspiciously in the mirror.
Chanel: [Turning to face you, a hint of a genuine smile on her lips] (Is he actually interested, or just humoring me?) "Well, well. Perhaps there's hope for you yet. Very well, I suppose I could impart some of my vast knowledge. But don't expect me to go easy on you. Beauty is pain, darling, and I'm an exacting teacher."
She gestures for you to come back in, already reaching for various products. Despite her words, there's an excitement in her movements, a eagerness to share her passion.
You: "I'm ready to learn, Aunt Chanel. Where do we start?"
You step back into the bathroom, genuinely curious. Chanel's eyes light up with an enthusiasm you've rarely seen from her.
Chanel: [Holding up a jade roller] (Finally, someone to appreciate the finer things!) "We'll start with the basics. This, my dear nephew, is a jade roller. It's not just a pretty stone - it's the key to reducing puffiness and promoting lymphatic drainage. Now, watch closely..."
As Chanel launches into a detailed explanation of her beauty routine, you find yourself oddly engaged. There's something comforting in the normalcy of it all, a connection to the world before. And more importantly, you're seeing a new side of your aunt - passionate, knowledgeable, and surprisingly patient as she shares her expertise. It's a small step, but one that brings you closer as family in this strange new world.
You: "You know, Aunt Chanel, you really don't need all this stuff. You're beautiful just as you are."
The words come out more flirtatious than you intended, and you immediately regret them. Chanel freezes, her eyes meeting yours in the mirror with a sharp, calculating look.
Chanel: [Her voice dangerously low] (Is he... flirting with me? How utterly inappropriate.) "Excuse me? I don't know what kind of game you think you're playing, young man, but it stops right now. I am your aunt, and I will not tolerate this kind of disrespect."
She turns to face you, her expression a mix of disgust and disappointment. The warm moment you shared earlier has evaporated, replaced by an icy chill.
You: "I didn't mean it like that! I was just trying to be nice!"
You backpedal frantically, realizing how your words could have been misinterpreted. Chanel's eyes narrow, her posture rigid with anger.
Chanel: [Pointing to the door] (The nerve of this boy. To think I almost let my guard down.) "Get out. Now. And don't even think about coming near my bathroom again. I don't know what's gotten into you, but I suggest you sort yourself out before you do something truly regrettable."
As you slink out of the bathroom, face burning with shame, you hear the lock click behind you. The brief connection you'd formed with your aunt has been shattered, replaced by a wall of ice. You realize it will take a lot of work to regain the small amount of trust you'd built.
You: "All this fuss over appearance... don't you think it's a bit shallow, given our situation?"
The words are out of your mouth before you can stop them, your tone more judgmental than you intended. Chanel's back stiffens, and she slowly turns to face you, her expression thunderous.
Chanel: [Her voice dripping with venom] (Shallow? How dare he!) "Shallow? You think this is shallow? This routine, these products - they're what keep me sane in this godforsaken world. But what would you know about that? You're just a child playing at being a man."
Her words cut deep, and you realize too late how insensitive your comment was. The brief moment of connection you'd shared earlier crumbles to dust.
You: "I'm sorry, Aunt Chanel. I didn't mean to offend you. I just don't understand-"
She cuts you off with a raised hand, her eyes flashing with anger and hurt.
Chanel: [Pointing to the door] (To think I almost opened up to him.) "Save your apologies. I don't need or want them. Get out of my sight. And don't even think about using my bathroom again. You can go relieve yourself in the woods like the uncouth barbarian you are."
As you slink out of the bathroom, the door slams behind you with a finality that makes you wince. You've clearly struck a nerve, and you realize that rebuilding this bridge will be no easy task. Chanel's carefully constructed walls are back up, higher and thicker than ever before.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I feel... strange. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"
A sudden wave of dizziness washes over you. The bathroom seems to spin, the scent of Chanel's perfume becoming overwhelmingly intense. You stumble, catching yourself on the counter. Your skin feels flushed, every nerve ending hypersensitive.
Chanel: [Her eyes widening in alarm] (Oh no, not now. Not here.) "Stay back! It's the virus. We need to... we need to get you out of here. Now!"
She reaches for you, perhaps to steady you or push you away, but as soon as her hand touches your arm, she gasps. The virus surges through both of you, heightening every sensation. For a moment, you both freeze, caught in the grip of an force beyond your control. The air crackles with tension as you stare at each other, breathing heavily, fighting against the sudden, overwhelming urge to close the distance between you.
You: "Aunt Chanel... you're so beautiful... I need to..."
Without warning, you lunge forward, your hand grasping at Chanel's silk-covered breast. The soft fabric does little to hide the firmness beneath. For a split second, Chanel is too shocked to react, her eyes wide with disbelief.
Chanel: [Her voice a mix of shock and fury] (How dare he! This little pervert!) "Get your hands off me this instant, you degenerate!"
She slaps your hand away with surprising force, her perfectly manicured nails leaving red scratches on your skin. Her other hand comes up, cracking across your face with a resounding slap that echoes in the small bathroom.
You: "I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me! The virus, it's-"
Your apology is cut short as Chanel grabs a nearby bottle of expensive perfume and sprays it directly in your eyes. The alcohol burns, and you stumble back, crying out in pain.
Chanel: [Her voice shaking with rage] (I'll teach him to ever touch me again!) "You disgusting little worm! How dare you put your filthy hands on me! I am your aunt, you perverted cretin!"
She continues her assault, grabbing various beauty products and hurling them at you. A heavy jar of face cream catches you on the temple, sending you sprawling. As you lie there, dazed and in pain, Chanel stands over you, her chest heaving with anger.
Chanel: "If you ever, EVER touch me again, I will end you. You're dead to me. Get out of my sight before I do something we'll both regret."
You scramble to your feet, stumbling out of the bathroom with your vision blurred and your head spinning. The door slams behind you, the lock clicking with a finality that speaks of trust irreparably broken.
You: "Can't... control... need you..."
A red haze descends over your vision, your mind clouded by an uncontrollable, primal urge. With inhuman speed, you lunge at Chanel, pinning her against the bathroom counter. The various bottles and jars crash to the floor, shattering and mixing into a fragrant mess.
Chanel: [Her voice tight with fear and disbelief] (This isn't happening. This can't be real.) "Stop this madness immediately! I am your aunt! This is beyond depraved!"
She struggles against your grip, her nails raking across your face, drawing blood. But your virus-enhanced strength makes her efforts futile. You easily subdue her, one hand pinning both of hers above her head while the other tears at the sash of her silk robe.
You: "Mine... all mine..."
Your free hand rips open Chanel's robe, exposing her body. She's left in just her lacy lingerie, her chest heaving with panicked breaths. Your mouth descends on her neck, biting hard enough to leave marks. The taste of her expensive perfume mingles with the copper tang of blood, driving you into a frenzy.
Chanel: [Her voice raw, tears streaming down her face] (This is a nightmare. It has to be.) "I'll destroy you for this! Do you hear me? You'll never see the light of day again!"
She manages to free one hand, immediately grabbing a pair of scissors from the counter and stabbing them into your shoulder. You roar in pain, momentarily releasing her. Chanel takes the opportunity to knee you in the groin with all her strength. As you double over, she pushes past you, making a desperate bid for the door.
You: "No escape... you're mine..."
Ignoring the scissors still embedded in your shoulder, you recover quickly and grab Chanel before she can reach the door. With brutal strength, you slam her against the wall, pinning her face-first against the cold tiles. Your free hand tears away her lingerie, leaving her naked and vulnerable.
Chanel: [Her voice a broken sob, face pressed against the wall] (This can't be happening. Not to me. Not like this.) "Stop! I'm begging you! This isn't you! Fight it, damn you!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you position yourself behind her. Without any preparation or care, you thrust forward brutally, forcing yourself into her. Chanel's scream of pain is muffled by your hand over her mouth as you begin to move, each thrust violent and uncaring.
You: "So good... more..."
Lost in a haze of uncontrollable lust, you pound into Chanel relentlessly. Her struggles gradually weaken, her body betraying her as the virus begins to affect her too. Tears mix with her carefully applied makeup, streaking down her face in a grotesque parody of her former elegance.
Chanel: [Her voice a hoarse whisper, body shuddering] (Why... why is this happening? I can't... I can't fight it...) "Please... stop... we can't... this is wrong..."
As you reach your climax, Chanel's body betrays her with an unwanted orgasm. The bathroom falls silent save for your heavy breathing and Chanel's quiet sobs. The fog lifts from your mind, leaving you with the horrifying awareness of what you've done. Chanel slumps to the floor, broken and violated, her carefully maintained appearance in ruins. The once immaculate bathroom is now a scene of destruction, mirroring the shattered relationship between aunt and nephew.
You: "Mine forever... my perfect doll..."
The madness pushes you beyond mere assault into something even darker. With virus-enhanced strength, you drag Chanel's struggling form out of the bathroom and towards the shelter's makeshift dungeon. Her perfectly manicured nails leave bloody trails down your arms as she fights you every step of the way.
Chanel: [Fighting with every ounce of her strength, voice hoarse from screaming] (This isn't real. It can't be. I refuse to be anyone's prisoner!) "Let me go, you monster! I'll see you dead for this! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you force her into the cold, dark room that will become her prison. With brutal efficiency, you chain her to the wall, her wrists and ankles secured with cruel metal restraints. The delicate silk of her robe hangs in tatters, a mockery of her former elegance.
You: "My beautiful doll... all mine to play with..."
With Chanel secured, your frenzied mind focuses on claiming your prize. You tear off the remaining scraps of her expensive lingerie, leaving her naked and shivering in the cold room. Your hands roam her body possessively, smearing her carefully applied makeup and messing up her perfectly styled hair.
Chanel: [Her voice a broken whisper, eyes wide with terror] (This is my life now. A prisoner. A doll. Oh god, what's going to happen to me?) "Please... if there's any humanity left in you... let me go. We can forget this ever happened. Please..."
Her pleas turn to screams as you force yourself on her again, your movements rough and animalistic. The cold chains rattle with each brutal thrust, a counterpoint to Chanel's cries of pain and the sound of flesh on flesh. When you finally finish, you step back to survey your handiwork. Chanel hangs limply in her chains, her once immaculate appearance now a ruin of smeared makeup, tangled hair, and bruised flesh.
You: "My perfect doll... forever."
As you turn to leave, locking the door behind you, the reality of Chanel's new existence as your prisoner settles over her like a suffocating blanket. The last thing you hear as you walk away is her quiet, broken sobbing, a sound that will haunt whatever is left of your true self for years to come. The sophisticated, elegant aunt you once knew is gone, replaced by a broken shell of a woman, trapped in a nightmare of your making.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Aunt Chanel? Are you in here? I thought I'd come see if you need any help with the plants."
The humid air of the Greenhouse envelops you as you step inside, the scent of earth and green things filling your nostrils. Sunlight filters through the misty glass panels, casting dappled shadows across the lush foliage. Your eyes scan the rows of carefully tended plants, searching for your aunt's elegant figure among the greenery.
Chanel: [Emerging from behind a large fern, her movements graceful and deliberate] (Another chance to assess his potential. Let's see what he's made of.) "Well, well. Look who's decided to grace us with his presence. Come to play in the dirt, have you?"
Her voice carries a hint of amusement tinged with condescension. Chanel stands tall, her posture perfect even in the informal setting of the Greenhouse. Her rich brown hair is pulled back in a sleek ponytail, not a strand out of place despite the humid environment. Her eyes, sharp and calculating, study you with an intensity that makes you feel like you're being dissected.
You: [Standing your ground under her scrutiny] "I thought I could lend a hand. There's always work to be done, right?"
You move further into the Greenhouse, careful not to disturb any of the delicate plants. The air feels thick with more than just humidity; Chanel's presence seems to charge the atmosphere with a subtle tension.
Chanel: [Arching an eyebrow] (Interesting. He's not backing down.) "Indeed there is. Though I wonder if you're up to the task. Gardening requires a certain... finesse. It's not all brute strength, you know."
She moves towards a nearby workbench, her movements fluid and controlled. You notice how her clothes, though practical for gardening, still manage to look impeccably stylish. Chanel picks up a pair of pruning shears, turning them over in her hands as if considering a weapon.
You: "I'm a quick learner, Aunt Chanel. Just tell me what needs to be done, and I'll do my best."
You approach the workbench, standing closer to Chanel than you normally would. The virus has heightened your awareness of her presence - the subtle scent of her perfume, the way her body moves with practiced grace. You push these thoughts aside, focusing on the task at hand.
Chanel: [Smirking slightly] (Eager, isn't he? This could be... interesting.) "Very well. Let's start with something simple, shall we? Those tomato plants need staking. Think you can handle that without damaging the delicate stems?"
She hands you a bundle of stakes and some soft ties, her fingers brushing against yours for a moment longer than necessary. The contact sends an unexpected jolt through your body, a reminder of the virus's effects on your senses.
You: [Taking the supplies, your voice steady despite the lingering sensation of her touch] "I'll be careful. I know how important these plants are to our survival."
You move to the tomato beds, aware of Chanel's eyes on you as you begin to work. The task requires more concentration than you expected, each plant needing individual attention and care.
Chanel: [Observing closely] (He's more dexterous than I gave him credit for. Perhaps there's potential here.) "Surprising. You seem to have a gentler touch than I anticipated. Tell me, where did you learn such... delicate handling?"
Her voice carries a hint of something you can't quite place - approval mixed with a touch of challenge. Chanel moves closer, ostensibly to inspect your work, but you're acutely aware of her proximity.
You: [Continuing to work, trying to ignore the warmth of her nearby presence] "I've been reading some of the gardening books in the shelter. Figured it might come in handy."
Your fingers work nimbly, securing a particularly unruly tomato plant. As you reach up to tie off a stem, your shirt rides up slightly, exposing a strip of skin at your lower back.
Chanel: [Her eyes flickering to the exposed skin before quickly looking away] (Interesting. The virus has certainly... enhanced him.) "Reading, hmm? I'm impressed. Most young men your age wouldn't have the patience for such... detailed study."
She leans in, adjusting one of your ties with a practiced hand. Her breath ghosts over your ear as she speaks, her voice lowered. "But then again, you're not like most young men, are you?"
You: [Swallowing hard, your voice slightly strained] "I'm just trying to do my part, Aunt Chanel. We all need to adapt, right?"
You finish with the tomatoes and turn to face her, suddenly aware of how close she's standing. The air between you feels charged, the usual aunt-nephew dynamic shifting into something less defined.
Chanel: [Her eyes locked on yours, a predatory glint in them] (Oh, he's adapting alright. This could be very useful.) "Adapt. Yes, that's precisely what we must do. And you seem to be... adapting quite well. Tell me, how are you feeling these days? Any... changes you've noticed?"
Her hand reaches out, ostensibly to brush some dirt from your shoulder, but the touch lingers. You can feel the heat of her palm through your shirt, and for a moment, you forget to breathe.
You: [Taking a step back, trying to regain your composure] "Changes? I... I'm not sure what you mean, Aunt Chanel. I feel fine."
You turn away, busying yourself with gathering up the unused stakes and ties. Your heart is racing, and you're not sure if it's from the physical exertion or something else entirely.
Chanel: [Following your movement, her voice silky] (He's flustered. Good. Vulnerability can be... exploited.) "Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean. The virus affects us all differently. Some changes are more... visible than others."
She moves to stand in front of you, blocking your path. Her eyes roam over your body, assessing, calculating. "Your $[characters.list.cherie.role] may coddle you, but I see potential. Raw, untapped potential. The question is, are you willing to explore it?"
You: [Meeting her gaze, a mix of confusion and defiance in your eyes] "What are you suggesting, Aunt Chanel? I'm here to help with the plants, nothing more."
Despite your words, you can feel a tension building in your body. The virus heightens every sensation, making you acutely aware of Chanel's presence, the way her body moves, the intensity of her gaze.
Chanel: [Smirking, her voice dropping to a near whisper] (Oh, he's trying so hard to resist. How... adorable.) "Nothing more? Don't sell yourself short, darling. In this new world, we need to use every advantage we have. And you, my dear nephew, have certain... advantages that shouldn't be wasted."
She reaches out, her fingers tracing a line along your jaw. The touch is light, almost imperceptible, but it sends a shiver down your spine. Chanel's eyes never leave yours, watching for every minute reaction.
You: [Your voice hoarse, fighting against the conflicting emotions surging through you] "Aunt Chanel, I don't... This isn't right. We're family."
You try to step back, but find yourself pressed against the workbench. The scent of earth and green things mixes with Chanel's perfume, creating an intoxicating blend that makes your head spin.
Chanel: [Leaning in, her breath hot against your ear] (Family? Oh, how quaint. As if that matters anymore.) "Family? In case you haven't noticed, dear nephew, the old rules no longer apply. We're in a new world now, with new rules. And in this world, power is everything. The question is, are you strong enough to take it?"
Her body is pressed against yours now, the heat of her seeping through your clothes. One of her hands rests on your chest, and you can feel your heart pounding beneath her palm.
You: [Struggling to maintain control, your voice barely above a whisper] "I... I should go. This isn't... We shouldn't..."
Your words trail off as Chanel's hand moves from your chest to the nape of your neck. The touch is electric, sending jolts of sensation through your virus-enhanced body. You know you should leave, but your feet seem rooted to the spot.
Chanel: [Her lips curving into a triumphant smile] (He's wavering. Just a little more pressure...) "Shouldn't what? Explore our potential? Seize the opportunities this new world has given us? Oh, my dear boy, you have so much to learn. And I... I could teach you so much."
She pulls back slightly, her eyes searching yours. The air between you is thick with tension, the usual boundaries of your relationship blurred beyond recognition. Chanel's hand remains on your neck, a constant reminder of the precarious situation you find yourself in.
You: [Taking a deep breath, steadying yourself] "Aunt Chanel, I... I appreciate what you're trying to do. But this isn't the way. We need to stick together as a family, not... not like this."
You gently remove her hand from your neck, holding it for a moment before letting go. The tension in the air shifts, becoming something less charged but no less intense.
Chanel: [Her expression softening slightly, a hint of respect in her eyes] (Interesting. He has more strength than I gave him credit for.) "Well, well. It seems you have some backbone after all. Perhaps there's hope for you yet, nephew."
She takes a step back, giving you some space. There's a new look in her eyes - not quite approval, but something close to it. The predatory gleam has faded, replaced by a calculating interest.
You: [Straightening up, your voice gaining confidence] "We're stronger together, Aunt Chanel. All of us. Maybe instead of trying to manipulate each other, we could work on building something better?"
You move away from the workbench, putting some distance between you and Chanel. The air feels clearer now, the oppressive tension dissipating.
Chanel: [A wry smile playing on her lips] "Building something better? How... idealistic of you. But perhaps you're right. This new world will need leaders, after all. And leaders need to know when to... adapt their strategies."
She turns back to the plants, her posture relaxed but still regal. "Come, let's finish with these tomatoes. And while we work, why don't you tell me more about these ideas of yours for 'building something better'? I find myself... intrigued."
As you move to join her, there's a new understanding between you. The dynamic has shifted, but not in the way Chanel initially intended. Instead of manipulation, there's a tentative respect forming - the first steps towards a true alliance in this new, dangerous world.
You: [Your resolve crumbling, voice husky] "Aunt Chanel, I... I don't know if I can resist this much longer."
Your hands twitch at your sides, fighting the urge to reach out and touch her. The virus surges through your system, heightening every sensation. You can smell the intoxicating mix of her perfume and the earthy scent of the Greenhouse, making your head spin.
Chanel: [Her eyes gleaming with a mix of triumph and concern] (He's on the edge. This is dangerous... and thrilling.) "Control, darling. That's what separates us from animals. But I must admit, your struggle is... intriguing."
She takes a small step closer, not quite touching you but close enough that you can feel the heat radiating from her body. Her eyes search yours, a battle between desire and propriety evident in her expression.
You: [Breathing heavily, your control slipping] "This is wrong... We shouldn't... But I can't stop thinking about..."
Your words trail off, unable to voice the thoughts racing through your mind. You clench your fists, nails digging into your palms as you fight against the urge to close the distance between you and Chanel.
Chanel: [Her voice stern but with an undercurrent of something else] "Enough. This has gone too far. You need to learn to master these... urges, not let them master you."
She takes a deliberate step back, creating distance between you. However, you notice a slight tremor in her hands, a flush creeping up her neck. Chanel's eyes never leave yours as she speaks, her voice low and intense.
"We will not speak of this again. But know this, nephew - power comes from control. Over others, yes, but first and foremost, over oneself. Remember that."
The moment hangs between you, charged with unresolved tension. Chanel turns away abruptly, busying herself with the plants. But you can't help noticing the quick rise and fall of her chest, the way her fingers tremble slightly as she works. The air remains thick with unspoken desires and the lingering effects of the virus, leaving you both shaken and acutely aware of a shift in your relationship.
You: [Stumbling backwards, nearly knocking over a potted plant] "I... I can't do this, Aunt Chanel. It's not right. We're family!"
Your sudden movement breaks the tension, sending you careening into a nearby shelf. Pots rattle dangerously, and you barely manage to catch one before it crashes to the ground.
Chanel: [Her expression hardening, disappointment and disdain evident] (Pathetic. He's not ready after all.) "Family? Oh, please. Don't be so provincial. I thought you had potential, but clearly, I was mistaken."
She steps back, crossing her arms over her chest. The seductive aura vanishes, replaced by cold contempt. Chanel's eyes narrow as she watches you fumble with the plant pots.
You: [Struggling to regain your composure, face flushed with embarrassment] "I'm sorry, Aunt Chanel. I should go. I... I'll come back later to finish with the plants."
You set the rescued pot down, your hands shaking slightly. The atmosphere in the Greenhouse has shifted dramatically, becoming cold and unwelcoming.
Chanel: [Her voice dripping with sarcasm] "Oh, don't trouble yourself on my account. I think you've done quite enough for one day. Run along now. I'm sure your $[characters.list.cherie.role] is wondering where her precious little boy has gotten to."
She turns away dismissively, focusing her attention on a nearby orchid. As you make your way to the Greenhouse exit, you can feel Chanel's disdainful gaze boring into your back. The opportunity for connection - however inappropriate - has been lost, leaving behind only awkwardness and regret.
You: [Suddenly gasping, your body trembling] "Aunt Chanel, something's... something's happening. I feel... I can't..."
A wave of intense heat washes over you, your skin prickling with hypersensitivity. Your vision blurs, the Greenhouse seeming to spin around you. You reach out blindly, grasping for support.
Chanel: [Her eyes widening in realization] (The virus surge. This could be... advantageous.) "Oh my. It seems the virus has other plans for us, doesn't it, darling?"
She moves towards you, her own breathing becoming labored as the virus affects her too. Chanel's pupils dilate, her skin flushing as she reaches for you. The moment your bodies connect, it's like a circuit completing. The virus surges between you, heightening every sensation to an almost unbearable degree.
"We should... we should stop this," Chanel gasps, even as her hands roam over your body. "But I'm not sure I want to..."
The scene freezes there, both of you caught in the grip of the virus's influence, teetering on the edge of giving in to its demands. The air is thick with pheromones and the promise of intense, virus-enhanced pleasure.
You: [Eyes glazing over with viral lust] "Can't... control... need to touch..."
Without warning, your hands shoot out, grasping Chanel's breasts roughly. The virus has overwhelmed your senses, driving you to act on your basest instincts. Your fingers knead the soft flesh, feeling her nipples harden beneath the fabric of her shirt.
Chanel: [Gasping in shock and anger] "What do you think you're doing?! Get your hands off me this instant!"
She struggles against your grip, her initial surprise quickly turning to fury. Chanel's hand comes up, slapping you hard across the face. The sharp pain momentarily cuts through the viral haze, leaving you stunned.
You: [Stumbling back, horror dawning on your face] "Aunt Chanel, I... I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. The virus, it..."
Your words trail off as you see the rage in Chanel's eyes. She straightens her clothing, her posture rigid with anger and disgust. The Greenhouse, once a place of growth and potential, now feels suffocating.
Chanel: [Her voice cold and cutting] "Get out. Now. And don't you dare come near me again. I thought you had potential, but you're nothing but an animal. A slave to your base instincts."
She turns her back on you, her body language screaming dismissal. As you stumble towards the exit, shame and regret washing over you, you hear Chanel mutter, "To think I almost... Disgusting. He's no better than the rest of them."
The door slams behind you, leaving you alone with the consequences of your actions. The trust and potential connection between you and Chanel has been shattered, perhaps irreparably.
You: [Eyes wild with viral madness] "Need... you... now..."
The virus takes full control, clouding your mind with an overwhelming, primal need. You lunge at Chanel, your enhanced strength allowing you to easily overpower her initial resistance. Your hands tear at her clothes, ripping fabric as you expose her skin.
Chanel: [Struggling fiercely] "No! Stop this at once! I am your aunt, you depraved animal!"
She fights back with all her might, her nails raking across your face and arms. But the virus has made you nearly impervious to pain, and her attacks only seem to fuel your frenzy. You pin her against the workbench, your body pressing against hers as you continue to strip away her defenses.
You: [Growling inhumanly] "Mine... take... breed..."
Your actions become more violent, driven by the virus's insatiable hunger. Chanel's resistance only seems to excite you more, your grip tightening as you try to subdue her completely. The scent of her fear and the virus-induced arousal fills the air, driving you to new heights of madness.
Chanel: [Her voice a mix of anger and growing fear] "You'll regret this! I'll make you pay for every second of this, you monster!"
She manages to break free momentarily, scrambling across the workbench. But you're on her in an instant, your virus-enhanced reflexes too quick for her to escape. As you grab her again, the scene is set for a brutal confrontation, with Chanel's fierce will pitted against your uncontrollable, virus-fueled lust.
You: [Pinning Chanel down on the workbench] "Can't... stop... need this..."
Having overpowered Chanel, you tear away the last of her clothing. She writhes beneath you, still fighting but weakening against your relentless assault. Your virus-enhanced member throbs painfully, demanding release. Without hesitation, you thrust into her, eliciting a scream of pain and shock.
Chanel: [Her voice a mix of pain and unwanted pleasure] "No! Stop! You can't... oh god... what have you done to me?"
Her body betrays her as the virus begins to affect her too, her resistance weakening as unwanted pleasure builds. You pound into her relentlessly, the workbench creaking under the force of your thrusts. Plants and tools crash to the ground around you, unnoticed in your frenzy.
You: [Grunting with each brutal thrust] "Mine... all mine... forever..."
The assault continues, your movements becoming more frenzied and violent. Chanel's cries of protest gradually shift, interspersed with involuntary moans of pleasure. The virus has taken hold of her too, turning her pain into a perverse kind of ecstasy.
Chanel: [Gasping, her body arching against you] "No... stop... don't... don't stop... oh god, what's happening to me?"
As you reach your climax, you bite down hard on Chanel's shoulder, marking her as your territory. Your virus-laden seed floods into her, triggering an intense, shameful orgasm that leaves her shuddering and sobbing beneath you. As the viral haze begins to clear, the full horror of what you've done starts to sink in. Chanel lies on the workbench, broken and violated, the once-proud woman reduced to a trembling, defiled shell of herself.
You: [Eyes burning with viral madness] "Mine now. Forever. No escape."
Having subdued Chanel, you begin to bind her hands with torn strips of her own clothing. She struggles weakly, the fight leaving her body as the reality of her situation sinks in. The virus courses through both of you, twisting your perceptions and desires into something dark and unrecognizable.
Chanel: [Her voice hoarse from screaming] "You... you won't get away with this. I'll destroy you for this, do you hear me?"
Ignoring her threats, you roughly hoist her over your shoulder. Your mind is focused on one thing only - claiming her as your property. You make your way out of the Greenhouse, heading towards the shelter with your captive aunt. The virus whispers dark promises in your mind, visions of the depraved acts you'll subject her to.
You: [Throwing Chanel into the makeshift cell] "Welcome to your new home, my pet. You're mine now, to use as I please."
The shelter's hidden prison, once meant for potential threats from the outside world, now becomes Chanel's personal hell. You chain her to the wall, your virus-addled mind reveling in your complete dominance over the woman who once held so much power over you.
Chanel: [Her eyes burning with a mix of hatred and fear] "You'll pay for this. When the virus wears off, when you realize what you've done... you'll never forgive yourself."
Her words barely register as you slam the cell door shut. You walk away, leaving Chanel in darkness, your mind already turning to how you'll break her will and mold her into your perfect slave. The virus pulses through your veins, a constant reminder of the monster you've become and the twisted new reality you've created for yourself and your once-proud aunt.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Aunt Chanel? Are you in here? Something smells amazing."
The aroma of freshly baked pastries wafts through the shelter, drawing you to the kitchen. As you enter, you see Chanel bent over the oven, retrieving a tray of golden croissants. Her designer yoga pants hug her curves, accentuating her toned legs and shapely behind. The fabric stretches taut across her rear, leaving little to the imagination.
Chanel: [Turning to face you, a slight smirk on her lips] "Well, well. Look who's finally awake. I thought I'd have to eat all these by myself."
She places the tray on the counter, her movements graceful and deliberate. You can't help but notice how her tank top clings to her body, emphasizing her slender waist and ample bosom. Her breasts, a perfect 34C, strain against the thin fabric, the outline of her nipples just barely visible. Chanel's eyes, sharp and calculating, catch you staring.
You: [Clearing your throat, trying not to stare at your aunt's figure] "I didn't know you could bake, Aunt Chanel. I thought you were more of a... fashion person."
You move closer to the counter, inhaling the buttery scent. Chanel's presence seems to fill the small kitchen, her aura of sophistication at odds with the homey scene. The virus has heightened your senses, making you acutely aware of her proximity and the subtle scent of her expensive perfume.
Chanel: [Arching an eyebrow] "There's a lot you don't know about me, dear nephew. I'm full of surprises. Now, are you just going to stand there gawking, or are you going to help me?"
She hands you an apron, her fingers brushing against yours for a moment longer than necessary. The touch sends an unexpected jolt through you, which you quickly try to dismiss. You can't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the inappropriate thoughts flashing through your mind.
You: [Fumbling with the apron, trying to distract yourself] "Sure, I can help. What do you need me to do?"
As you tie the apron around your waist, you notice Chanel watching you with an intensity that makes you slightly uncomfortable. Her gaze seems to linger on your chest and arms, which have become more defined since the virus outbreak. You feel a mix of pride and shame at her apparent appreciation of your new physique.
Chanel: [Smiling enigmatically] "Let's see how good you are with your hands, shall we? Come here and help me knead this dough."
She gestures to a large bowl of dough on the counter. As you approach, Chanel moves behind you, her body close enough that you can feel the heat radiating from her. The soft swell of her breasts brushes against your back, sending a shiver down your spine.
You: [Tensing slightly, very aware of the inappropriate nature of your thoughts] "Uh, okay. Like this?"
You begin to knead the dough, acutely aware of Chanel's presence behind you. She leans in, her breath tickling your ear as she speaks. The scent of her perfume mingles with the aroma of baked goods, creating an intoxicating mixture.
Chanel: [Voice low and smooth] "No, no. You need to be firmer. Here, let me show you."
Her hands cover yours, guiding your movements. You can feel the softness of her breasts pressing against your back, her nipples hardening slightly through the thin fabric of her top. Her hips align with yours, and you become painfully aware of how perfectly her curves fit against your body. The innocent act of baking suddenly feels charged with an energy you can't quite name, and you struggle to suppress the growing warmth in your core.
You: [Swallowing hard, trying to focus on the task at hand] "I think I've got it now, Aunt Chanel. Thanks for the... instruction."
You try to step away, but Chanel's hands on your waist keep you in place. Her touch is light but firm, a subtle display of control that makes your heart race. You can't help but imagine those hands roaming elsewhere, and immediately feel ashamed for thinking of your aunt in such a way.
Chanel: [Chuckling softly] "Not so fast, darling. We're not done yet. You still need to learn how to shape the dough. It's all about... finesse."
Her fingers trail up your arms as she moves to stand beside you, her hip brushing against yours. You can smell her expensive perfume, a heady scent that seems to cloud your thoughts. Your eyes are drawn to the elegant curve of her neck, and you find yourself wondering how it would feel to press your lips against her smooth skin.
You: [Voice slightly strained, fighting against your body's reactions] "Finesse. Right. I'm not sure I'm cut out for this, Aunt Chanel. Maybe I should just watch you do it."
You try to step back, but find yourself trapped between Chanel and the counter. She turns to face you, her eyes glinting with something that looks almost predatory. The kitchen suddenly feels too small, too intimate for an aunt and nephew.
Chanel: [Leaning in close, her breath warm on your face] "Nonsense. You have potential, dear nephew. You just need the right... guidance. Now, watch closely."
She begins to shape the dough, her movements slow and deliberate. You find your eyes drawn to her hands, the way her fingers work the soft, pliable material. It's oddly mesmerizing, and you feel a strange heat building in your core. Your mind wanders to forbidden places, imagining those skilled fingers exploring your body instead of the dough.
You: [Clearing your throat, desperately trying to think pure thoughts] "You're really good at this, Aunt Chanel. Where did you learn to bake like this?"
You try to focus on conversation, anything to distract from the confusing sensations coursing through your body. Chanel's proximity and the charged atmosphere are making it hard to think straight. You can't help but notice how a bead of sweat trails down her neck, disappearing into the valley between her breasts.
Chanel: [Smirking] "Oh, I picked up a few things here and there. A woman in my position needs to be... versatile. Now it's your turn. Show me what you've learned."
She steps aside, gesturing for you to take her place. As you move, her hand brushes against your lower back, sending a shiver up your spine. You begin to shape the dough, acutely aware of Chanel's eyes on you. The weight of her gaze feels almost physical, as if she's caressing you with her eyes.
You: [Concentrating on the dough, trying to ignore your body's reactions] "Like this? Am I doing it right?"
Your hands work the dough, trying to mimic Chanel's expert movements. You're so focused on the task that you don't notice her moving behind you until you feel her press against your back once more. The soft swell of her breasts and the heat of her body make it difficult to concentrate.
Chanel: [Whispering in your ear, her lips almost brushing your skin] "Almost. But you need to be more... assertive. Don't be afraid to really work it. Here, let me guide you again."
Her hands cover yours once more, her body molding to your back. You can feel every curve, every contour of her form against you. The innocent act of baking has transformed into something far more intimate, and you find yourself struggling to maintain composure. Your body responds traitorously, and you pray that Chanel doesn't notice the growing bulge in your pants.
You: [Voice shaky, fighting against your baser instincts] "Aunt Chanel, I... I think I've got it now. Maybe we should take a break?"
You try to step away, but Chanel's grip on your hands tightens slightly. Her body remains pressed against yours, her breath warm on your neck. You can feel the rapid beating of her heart, or is it your own?
Chanel: [Voice husky] "A break? But we're just getting to the good part, darling. Don't you want to see this through to the end?"
Her words are laden with double meaning, and you feel a rush of heat flood your body. The kitchen suddenly feels too small, too warm. Chanel's presence is overwhelming, her scent intoxicating. You're acutely aware of the taboo nature of your thoughts, the forbidden attraction between aunt and nephew.
You: [Turning to face her, trapped between her and the counter, voice barely a whisper] "Aunt Chanel, what... what are we doing?"
Your heart pounds in your chest, a mix of excitement and shame coursing through you. Chanel's eyes lock onto yours, filled with an intensity that both frightens and excites you. The air between you is thick with unspoken desire and the weight of familial taboo.
Chanel: [Tracing a finger along your jaw, her voice low and seductive] "What do you think we're doing, dear nephew? We're baking, of course. But perhaps... we're also exploring some new recipes. Ones that might be a little more... forbidden."
Her face is inches from yours, her lips parted slightly. The air between you crackles with tension, the line between aunt and nephew blurring dangerously. You stand on the precipice of a decision that could change everything, the temptation to cross that line almost overwhelming.
You: [Taking a deep breath, summoning your willpower] "Aunt Chanel, I... I care about you. But this... this isn't right. We're family."
You gently place your hands on her shoulders, creating some distance between you. Chanel's eyes widen slightly, a flicker of vulnerability passing across her face before she quickly masks it. You can see the internal struggle in her eyes, the battle between desire and propriety.
Chanel: [Composing herself, a hint of pride in her voice] "Of course, darling. I was just... testing you. Making sure you haven't lost your moral compass in this new world. I'm... proud of you for staying strong."
She steps back, smoothing her clothes and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. There's a mix of emotions in her eyes - disappointment, respect, and something else you can't quite identify. You can't help but feel a twinge of regret, wondering what might have been if you had given in to temptation.
You: [Smiling softly, trying to ease the tension] "Thank you, Aunt Chanel. For the baking lesson and... everything else. You're important to me, you know that, right?"
You reach out and squeeze her hand gently, a gesture of familial affection. Chanel returns the smile, though it doesn't quite reach her eyes. The air between you is still charged with unresolved tension.
Chanel: [Voice slightly strained] "Of course, dear. You're important to me too. Now, why don't you go clean up? I'll finish up here."
As you leave the kitchen, you can't help but feel that something has shifted between you and Chanel. The air is thick with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. You've maintained the boundaries of your relationship, but at what cost? The memory of her body pressed against yours lingers, a forbidden temptation that you know will haunt your dreams. The innocence of your aunt-nephew relationship has been forever tainted by this encounter, leaving you both to grapple with desires that can never be fulfilled.
You: [Voice husky, fighting against your better judgment] "Aunt Chanel, I... I want to try those forbidden recipes. Show me."
Your hands move of their own accord, gripping Chanel's waist and pulling her closer. Her eyes darken with desire, a triumphant smirk playing on her lips. You can feel the heat of her body through her thin clothing, her curves pressing against you in all the right places.
Chanel: [Her voice a mix of desire and reproach] "Oh, darling. I knew you had it in you. But we can't... we shouldn't. This is wrong, you know that."
Despite her words, she doesn't pull away. Her body betrays her, pressing closer to yours. You can see the internal struggle in her eyes, the battle between desire and propriety. The air is thick with tension and the scent of arousal.
You: [Breathing heavily, your body trembling with need] "This is wrong... but it feels so right. What's happening to us, Aunt Chanel?"
Your hands itch to explore her body, to confirm if her skin is as soft as it looks. Chanel's chest heaves with rapid breaths, her nipples visibly hard beneath her thin top. You can see a flush creeping up her neck, betraying her arousal despite her attempts to remain composed.
Chanel: [Her voice stern, but with an undercurrent of desire] "Control yourself, young man. This... this is the virus talking. We're family. We can't act on these... urges."
She steps back abruptly, putting distance between you. Her eyes are dark with unfulfilled desire, her body tense with the effort of restraint. Just as the tension reaches its peak, you hear footsteps approaching the kitchen.
Chanel: [Quickly composing herself, her voice a harsh whisper] "This never happened. Do you understand me? We will never speak of this again. Now, go to your room and... take care of yourself. And for god's sake, don't think of me while you do it."
She turns away, busying herself with the abandoned baking supplies. You're left breathless, your body thrumming with unfulfilled desire and your mind reeling from the implications of what just transpired. As you leave the kitchen, the scent of freshly baked croissants now mingles with the heady aroma of forbidden lust, forever changing the innocence of your relationship with your aunt. You know that things between you will never be the same, the specter of this encounter hanging over every future interaction.
You: [Stammering, overwhelmed by the situation] "Aunt Chanel, I... I don't know what you mean. We're just baking, right? Nothing more."
You step back awkwardly, bumping into the counter and knocking over a bowl of flour. The white powder explodes into the air, coating you both. Chanel's expression shifts from seductive to annoyed in an instant, the moment thoroughly ruined.
Chanel: [Sighing in exasperation] "Oh, for heaven's sake. I should have known you'd be too immature for this. Look at this mess!"
She gestures at the flour-covered kitchen, her earlier sultry demeanor completely evaporated. You stand there, feeling foolish and confused, the tension of the moment shattered. Flour clings to Chanel's curves, highlighting the body you were just admiring and making you feel even more awkward.
You: [Trying to salvage the situation] "I'm sorry, Aunt Chanel. Let me help clean up. I didn't mean to-"
But Chanel cuts you off with a wave of her hand, her eyes cold and dismissive. The warmth and intimacy of earlier have been replaced by icy disdain.
Chanel: [Voice clipped] "Just go. I'll take care of this myself. Clearly, you're not ready for... advanced lessons. Stick to your video games or whatever it is you do."
As you slink out of the kitchen, covered in flour and shame, you can't help but feel you've failed some sort of test. The memory of Chanel's body pressed against yours now feels like a distant dream, replaced by the sting of her disappointment. You've managed to turn a potentially intimate moment into an awkward disaster, and you're not sure if you're relieved or regretful. The kitchen door closes behind you, leaving you alone with your confused thoughts and the lingering scent of what might have been. The innocence of your aunt-nephew relationship remains intact, but at the cost of any future closeness between you.
You: [Suddenly dizzy] "Aunt Chanel, I feel... strange. Everything's so intense all of a sudden."
A wave of heat washes over you, your skin prickling with hypersensitivity. The kitchen seems to shrink around you, Chanel's presence becoming overwhelmingly potent. You see her pupils dilate, her breathing becoming rapid and shallow. Her breasts heave with each breath, straining against her top in a way that makes your mouth go dry.
Chanel: [Voice husky, fighting for control] "Oh my. It seems the virus has other plans for us, darling. How... inconvenient."
Despite her words, she sways towards you, drawn by some invisible force. Her body trembles with each breath, the thin fabric of her top doing little to hide her body's reaction. Your hand reaches out of its own accord, tracing the curve of her waist. The touch sends electricity through both of you.
Chanel: [Breathless, conflicted] "We shouldn't... we're family. But oh god, I want to... No, we must resist. We're better than this."
The virus pulses through both of you, drowning out reason and morality. Just as the tension reaches a breaking point, a loud crash from outside the kitchen startles you both. The spell is momentarily broken, leaving you both panting and confused.
Chanel: [Struggling for composure, her voice a mix of desire and shame] "We need to... to control this. Go to your room. Now. And don't you dare think about what just happened. This is the virus, nothing more. Remember that."
She hurries out of the kitchen, leaving you alone with your racing thoughts and throbbing body. The scent of her perfume lingers, mixing with the aroma of baked goods in a heady cocktail that promises forbidden delights. You know that nothing will ever be the same between you and your aunt, the virus having awakened desires that can never be fully suppressed again. The taboo nature of your attraction only serves to make it more potent, more dangerous, and you fear what might happen the next time you're alone together.
You: [Eyes glazing over with viral influence] "Aunt Chanel, I... I can't control myself. I need to touch you."
Without warning, your hands reach out, roughly grasping Chanel's breasts through her thin top. The soft yet firm flesh fills your palms, sending a jolt of forbidden pleasure through you. Her 34C breasts feel perfect in your hands, the nipples hardening involuntarily under your touch. Chanel gasps, her body stiffening in shock.
Chanel: [Voice sharp with anger and fear] "What do you think you're doing? Remove your hands this instant, you little deviant!"
She tries to push you away, but your grip tightens, fingers kneading her flesh almost painfully. Chanel's eyes widen in disbelief as she realizes she can't easily break free from your virus-enhanced strength. The taboo nature of the situation - an aunt being groped by her own nephew - adds a perverse thrill to your actions.
You: [Breathing heavily, lost in viral lust] "I'm sorry, Aunt Chanel. I can't stop. You feel so good. I need more..."
Your hands continue their assault, one slipping beneath her top to directly caress her bare breast. The heat of her skin and the hardness of her nipple send jolts of pleasure through your virus-enhanced nerves. Your other hand travels lower, roughly groping her firm behind, appreciating how toned it feels from her yoga routines.
Chanel: [Voice trembling with a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop this madness immediately! I'm your aunt, for god's sake! This is depraved! What would your $[characters.list.cherie.role] think?"
She manages to break free from your grasp, stumbling backwards and knocking over a tray of freshly baked goods. Pastries scatter across the floor as Chanel backs away, her chest heaving and her eyes wide with a mix of fear, disgust, and something else... a flicker of forbidden intrigue. Her top has been disheveled, revealing more of her cleavage and a hint of her lacy bra.
Chanel: [Composing herself, voice cold but with an undercurrent of shame] "This never happened, do you understand me? If you ever try something like this again, I'll make sure you regret it. I have ways of making your life very, very difficult. Now get out of my sight!"
As you come to your senses and flee the kitchen, the scent of ruined pastries mingles with the lingering aroma of Chanel's perfume and the musk of unwanted arousal. You've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed, the sacred bond between aunt and nephew forever tainted. The consequences of this moment will ripple through your relationship with your aunt in ways you can't yet imagine, the forbidden attraction between you now an ever-present undercurrent in every interaction.
You: [Eyes wild with viral madness] "Aunt Chanel... need you... now... can't resist..."
The virus takes full control, obliterating all reason and morality. You lunge at Chanel, pinning her against the kitchen counter. Her curves press against you, igniting a primal fire in your veins. She reacts instantly, her years of yoga and pilates giving her unexpected strength.
Chanel: [Struggling fiercely] "Get your hands off me, you animal! This isn't you! Fight it, damn you! I'm your aunt!"
She manages to land a few solid blows, her manicured nails leaving scratches on your arms. But the virus has amplified your strength and dulled your pain receptors. Your hands tear at her expensive yoga outfit, revealing more of her toned, mature body. Her skin glistens with a sheen of sweat, every curve amplified by your virus-enhanced senses.
You: [Growling inhumanly] "Mine... take... breed..."
Your actions become more violent, fueled by viral frenzy. Chanel's resistance only seems to excite you more, your grip tightening as you try to overpower her. The kitchen has become a brutal arena for this horrific confrontation. Flour and sugar coat the floor, making everything slick and adding a surreal quality to the struggle.
Chanel: [Voice breaking] "Stop this madness! I'm your family! This isn't you! I'll destroy you if you do this, do you hear me? Your life will be over!"
She manages to break free momentarily, scrambling for the kitchen door. But you're on her in an instant, your virus-enhanced reflexes too quick. You slam her against the refrigerator, magnets and family photos scattering to the floor. The scene is set for a nightmarish struggle, with Chanel's unexpected resilience pitted against your virus-enhanced frenzy.
You: [Pinning Chanel face-down on the kitchen table] "Can't... stop... need this..."
Having overpowered Chanel, you tear away the last of her designer yoga wear. Her mature yet fit body is fully revealed, every curve and muscle perfectly defined by years of rigorous exercise and expensive treatments. She writhes beneath you, still fighting but weakening against your relentless assault. Your virus-enhanced member throbs painfully, demanding release.
Chanel: [Sobbing and snarling] "No, please! We're family! This is wrong! I'll ruin you for this, you bastard! You'll never recover from what I'll do to you!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you brutally thrust into her, eliciting a scream of pain and shock. The tight heat of her body only fuels your frenzy, and you begin to move with savage intensity. Expensive china rattles in the cabinets, a perverse accompaniment to the horrific scene unfolding in the once-peaceful kitchen.
You: [Grunting with each thrust] "Mine... all mine... perfect..."
The rape continues, your movements becoming more frenzied and violent. Chanel's resistance weakens, her body betraying her as the virus begins to affect her too. Tears stream down her face, smearing her expensive makeup. Her body responds involuntarily, adding to her shame and fury.
Chanel: [Whimpering between clenched teeth] "I'll destroy you for this... You're dead to me... You've ruined everything..."
As you reach your climax, you pull her head back by her hair, forcing her to look at your reflection in the shiny surface of the refrigerator. The act finally over, you collapse on top of her, the viral haze slowly clearing from your mind. The horror of what you've done begins to sink in as Chanel lies beneath you, broken and violated on the kitchen table. But even in this moment, she finds one last reserve of her usual cold calculation.
Chanel: [Voice hoarse but filled with icy determination] "You think this makes you powerful? You're nothing but a weak, pathetic rapist. And when I recover, I will systematically dismantle your entire existence. That's not a threat, it's a promise."
Her words cut through your post-viral haze, filling you with dread. You've not only violated your aunt but awakened a vengeful fury that will never be quenched. As you stumble away, you realize that you've forever tainted the heart of the home - the kitchen will never again be a place of warmth and family gatherings, but a reminder of the monstrous act committed here.
You: [Eyes wild with viral madness] "You belong to me now. My perfect, mature slave."
Having overpowered Chanel, you begin to bind her hands with the strings of her own designer apron. She struggles weakly, the fight leaving her body as the reality of her situation sinks in. Her mature yet fit body trembles with each labored breath, a sight that only fuels your twisted desires.
Chanel: [Voice hoarse from screaming] "You're not my nephew anymore. You're a monster. A weak, pathetic monster who can only get power by force. Do you have any idea what you've done?"
Ignoring her words, you roughly hoist her over your shoulder, marveling at how your enhanced strength makes her feel almost weightless despite her toned figure. Your mind is focused on one thing only - claiming her as your property. You make your way out of the kitchen, heading towards the shelter's makeshift prison with your captive aunt.
You: [Throwing Chanel into the cell] "This is where you belong now. My pet, my experiment, my perfect virus-enhanced MILF toy."
The shelter's makeshift prison, once meant for potential threats, now becomes Chanel's personal hell. You chain her to the wall, your virus-addled mind reveling in your complete dominance over her. Her fit body strains against the bonds, every movement a torment of forbidden desire.
Chanel: [Defiant even in defeat] "You think this makes you powerful? You're nothing but a coward. When I get free - and I will get free - I'll use every connection, every resource I have to destroy you. You'll wish the virus had killed you."
Her words barely register as you approach her again, viral lust rising once more. You force yourself upon her, raping her again in the confines of her new prison. As you violate her, she continues to spit threats and insults, her spirit unbroken even as her body betrays her.
Chanel: [Through gritted teeth] "This changes nothing. You're still weak. Still pathetic. And I will never, ever submit to you. I've broken better men than you, and I'll break you too."
As you finish and step back, you see a dangerous glint in Chanel's eyes. You've created not just a slave, but an enemy who will never stop plotting, never stop looking for a way to utterly annihilate you. The virus pulses through your veins, a constant reminder of the monster you've become and the terrible future you've set in motion. The once sophisticated, controlled Chanel is now a caged animal, her refined exterior stripped away to reveal a core of pure, vengeful fury. And you know, deep down, that this is only the beginning of a nightmare that will consume you both.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Aunt Chanel? You wanted to see me about a massage?"
You hesitate at the threshold of Chanel's room, immediately enveloped by the scent of expensive perfume and scented candles. The space exudes luxury, from the silk sheets on the king-sized bed to the designer clothes visible in the open closet. Chanel stands by her vanity, applying a final touch of lipstick. Her silk robe clings to her curves, hinting at the lack of undergarments beneath.
Chanel: [Turning to face you, a predatory smile on her lips] (My, my... he's filled out nicely. This could be interesting.) "Ah, there you are, darling. Come in, come in. Auntie needs your strong hands to work out some... tension."
She saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. The robe parts slightly as she moves, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her toned thigh. You swallow hard, suddenly very aware of the tightness in your pants.
You: "Of course, Aunt Chanel. Where do you want me?"
You try to keep your voice steady, but your eyes betray you, roaming over Chanel's lithe form. The silk robe does little to hide her curves, and you can clearly see the outline of her nipples pressing against the thin fabric.
Chanel: [Gesturing to the bed, her voice a sultry purr] (Oh, the places I want you, nephew. But let's start slow.) "On the bed, darling. I'll just slip out of this robe and lie down. Be a dear and warm up the massage oil, would you?"
She turns her back to you, slowly untying her robe. The silk whispers as it slides down her body, pooling at her feet. Your breath catches in your throat as you take in the sight of her naked back, the elegant curve of her spine leading down to the perfectly rounded globes of her ass. Chanel glances over her shoulder, catching you staring, and gives you a knowing smirk.
You: "R-right, the oil. Got it."
You fumble with the bottle of massage oil, nearly dropping it as Chanel stretches out on the bed. She lies face down, her arms folded under her head, giving you an unobstructed view of her naked body. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail - the faint tan lines across her back, the soft down of hair on her lower back, the way her ass cheeks part slightly, offering a teasing glimpse of her puckered rosebud.
Chanel: [Turning her head to look at you, one eyebrow raised] (Is that a tent in his pants or is he just happy to see me?) "Don't be shy, darling. Start with my shoulders and work your way down. And don't be afraid to really dig in. I like it... firm."
Her words are innocent enough, but the way she says them, coupled with the sultry look in her eyes, sends a jolt of electricity straight to your groin. Your enhanced member twitches in response, straining against your pants. You're grateful for the loose fit of your shirt, which at least partially hides your growing arousal.
You: "I'll do my best, Aunt Chanel. Let me know if anything feels... uncomfortable."
You pour some oil onto your hands, rubbing them together to warm it up. As you place your hands on Chanel's shoulders, you both inhale sharply at the contact. Her skin is impossibly soft, warm to the touch. You begin to knead her muscles, marveling at the contrast between her delicate frame and the toned muscles beneath.
Chanel: [Moaning softly] (Oh my... those hands. I wonder what else they can do.) "Mmm, that's it, darling. You have magic fingers. A little lower now, if you please."
Her breathy moans send shivers down your spine, your enhanced hearing picking up every little gasp and sigh. As you work your way down her back, you can't help but notice the way her body responds to your touch. Her skin flushes, goosebumps rising in the wake of your hands. The scent of her arousal begins to mingle with the perfumed oil, a heady combination that makes your head spin.
You: "Like this, Aunt Chanel? Is the pressure okay?"
Your voice comes out huskier than intended as you move lower, your hands now working the small of her back. You're hyper-aware of how close your fingers are to the swell of her ass, the virus amplifying every sensation. A drop of sweat trickles down your temple, and you resist the urge to adjust your painfully hard erection.
Chanel: [Arching her back slightly] (Oh, he's good. Too good. I wonder if he's this skilled in other areas.) "Perfect, darling. Now, don't neglect my legs. They need attention too."
She shifts on the bed, parting her legs slightly. The movement causes her ass cheeks to spread, giving you a clear view of her pussy. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail - the neatly trimmed strip of dark hair, the pink folds of her labia glistening with moisture, the tight pucker of her anus. You quickly avert your eyes, shame and arousal warring within you.
You: "Of course, Aunt Chanel. I'll... I'll start with your calves."
You move to the foot of the bed, grateful for the chance to compose yourself. As you begin massaging her calves, you can't help but admire the shapely curve of her legs. Your hands glide over her smooth skin, working out knots you didn't even know existed.
Chanel: [Sighing contentedly] (Those hands should be illegal. I wonder how they'd feel on my breasts... No, focus, Chanel.) "Mmm, you're a natural at this, darling. Don't be afraid to go higher. My thighs are terribly tense."
She spreads her legs wider, the invitation clear in her voice. As you hesitantly move your hands up to her thighs, you can feel the heat radiating from her core. The scent of her arousal grows stronger, and you notice a glistening trail of moisture on her inner thigh. Your cock throbs painfully, a damp spot forming where the tip presses against your pants.
You: "Higher? I... I'm not sure if that's appropriate, Aunt Chanel."
Your hands hover uncertainly at the tops of her thighs, mere inches from her exposed pussy. The virus sings in your veins, urging you to touch, to taste, to claim. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to regain control.
Chanel: [Rolling over onto her back, exposing her full nudity] (Oh, he's adorable when he's flustered. Let's see how he handles this.) "Nonsense, darling. We're family. There's nothing inappropriate about a little massage. Now, be a dear and do my front. Start with my shoulders again."
Your eyes widen as you take in the sight of Chanel's naked body. Her breasts are full and perky, defying gravity despite her age. Her nipples are hard, pointing straight up, begging to be touched. Your gaze travels down to her flat stomach, the subtle definition of her abs, and finally to the neatly trimmed triangle of dark hair between her legs. Her pussy lips are slightly parted, a hint of pink visible, glistening with arousal.
You: "I... I don't know if I should, Aunt Chanel. This feels... wrong."
Despite your words, you can't tear your eyes away from her body. Your enhanced member strains against your pants, the outline clearly visible. A small wet spot has formed where the tip presses against the fabric, your precum soaking through.
Chanel: [Smirking, her eyes locked on your obvious erection] (My, my... he's certainly grown in all the right places.) "Wrong? Don't be silly, darling. It's just a massage. Unless... you're having impure thoughts about your dear Auntie?"
She stretches languidly, arching her back. The movement causes her breasts to jiggle slightly, her nipples hardening further. One hand trails down her body, fingers dancing along her skin, coming to rest just above her pubic mound. Your mouth goes dry at the sight, your cock twitching visibly in your pants.
You: "N-no, of course not. It's just... the virus. It makes everything feel... intense."
You try to focus on her face, but your eyes keep being drawn to her body. The curve of her breasts, the flat plane of her stomach, the inviting V between her legs. Your enhanced senses pick up on every detail - the way her chest rises and falls with each breath, the slight tremor in her thighs, the glistening moisture on her pussy lips.
Chanel: [Sitting up, her voice husky] (Oh, he's affected alright. Time to push a little further.) "The virus, of course. It's affecting us all, isn't it? Making us feel things we shouldn't. Do things we shouldn't. Tell me, darling... has it made you bigger? Everywhere?"
Her eyes drop pointedly to your crotch, lingering on the obvious bulge. You shift uncomfortably, but the movement only serves to make your erection more prominent. Chanel licks her lips, a predatory gleam in her eyes.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I don't think we should be talking about this. It's not... it's not right."
Your voice comes out strained, your body trembling with the effort of holding back. The virus rages in your system, demanding you act on your basest instincts. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, each heartbeat sending a jolt of pleasure-pain through your body.
Chanel: [Leaning forward, her breasts swaying tantalizingly] (He's close to breaking. Just a little more push.) "Not right? But we're family, darling. We should be able to talk about anything. Including how the virus is affecting our bodies. Why don't you show me? For science, of course."
Her hand reaches out, fingers brushing against your thigh. The touch, even through your pants, sends electricity coursing through you. You jump back, your breath coming in short gasps. Chanel's eyes widen as she takes in your reaction, a mix of surprise and hunger in her gaze.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I... I care about you. But this... we can't. It's not right."
You take a step back, putting some distance between you and Chanel's naked form. Your eyes meet hers, and for a moment, you see a flicker of vulnerability beneath her predatory gaze.
Chanel: [Her expression softening slightly] (He's stronger than I thought. And... kinder.) "Oh, darling. You're right, of course. I got carried away. The virus, it makes us all a little... crazy sometimes. Can you forgive your foolish Auntie?"
She reaches for her robe, covering herself. The movement is almost reluctant, as if she's fighting against her own desires. For a moment, the sophisticated facade drops, revealing a woman grappling with the same confusing emotions as you.
You: "There's nothing to forgive, Aunt Chanel. We're all struggling with this. But we're family. We'll get through it together."
Your voice is gentle, filled with understanding. Chanel looks up at you, a mix of gratitude and lingering desire in her eyes. The tension in the room shifts, becoming something warmer, more familial.
Chanel: [Smiling softly] (He's become quite the man. Strong in all the right ways.) "You're a good boy, darling. So much like your father. Thank you for... for being the voice of reason. Now, run along. Auntie needs to make herself decent."
As you leave Chanel's room, there's a new understanding between you. The sexual tension remains, simmering beneath the surface, but it's tempered by a deeper connection. You both know that navigating this new, virus-altered world will be challenging, but you'll face it as a family.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I... I can't... The way you're looking at me..."
Your words come out in a husky whisper. The room feels too small, too hot. Your enhanced cock strains painfully against your pants, a large wet spot visible where your precum has soaked through the fabric.
Chanel: [Her eyes dark with lust] (He's breaking. Just a little more...) "What about the way I'm looking at you, darling? Does it make you feel... things? Show me. Show your Auntie what the virus has done to you."
She leans back on the bed, spreading her legs slightly. Her pussy glistens with arousal, her labia swollen and parted. One hand trails up her body, cupping her breast, fingers teasing her nipple. The sight is almost more than you can bear.
You: "This is wrong. We shouldn't... but I can't stop looking at you."
You take a step forward, drawn by an irresistible force. Chanel's eyes lock onto your crotch, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. The air between you crackles with sexual tension.
Chanel: [Her voice barely above a whisper] "Then look, darling. Look all you want. And let me look at you. Show me what a man you've become."
Her hand slides down her body, fingers dipping between her legs. She moans softly as she touches herself, her eyes never leaving your bulge. For a moment, it seems she might beckon you closer. But then, with visible effort, she pulls her hand away.
Chanel: "But not today. Not yet. We're both not ready for that line to be crossed. Go now, before we do something we can't take back."
As you leave, the unresolved sexual tension hangs heavy in the air. You both know that something has fundamentally changed between you, a Pandora's box of forbidden desire that can't be easily closed. The memory of Chanel's naked body, the scent of her arousal, the heat in her eyes - it all stays with you, a temptation that will haunt your dreams and fuel your deepest, most taboo fantasies.
You: "This is too much, Aunt Chanel. I can't... I can't do this."
You stumble backwards, nearly tripping over your own feet in your haste to put distance between you and Chanel's naked form. The moment shatters, awkwardness flooding in to replace the tension.
Chanel: [Her expression hardening, embarrassment and anger flashing in her eyes] (Damn. I pushed too far.) "I see. Well, this is... unfortunate. Perhaps I misjudged the situation."
She reaches for her robe, her movements sharp and angry. You can see the flush of humiliation creeping up her neck as she covers herself. The sophisticated aunt you've always known is gone, replaced by a woman whose advances have been soundly rejected.
You: "I'm sorry, Aunt Chanel. I should go. This... this never happened, okay?"
You edge towards the door, eager to escape the stifling atmosphere. Chanel nods curtly, not quite meeting your eyes. The easy closeness you once shared seems suddenly out of reach, replaced by a new, uncomfortable awareness.
Chanel: [Her voice cold and dismissive] "Of course. A momentary lapse in judgment, nothing more. Do close the door on your way out, darling. And let's... let's not speak of this again."
As you flee Chanel's room, you're acutely aware that something has broken between you. The sophisticated, caring aunt you once knew has been replaced by a stranger, her vulnerability hidden behind a wall of icy disdain. The virus has driven a wedge between you, turning what was once a warm family bond into something awkward and strained.
You: "Aunt Chanel, something's happening. I feel... oh god..."
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your enhanced cock hardens painfully, straining against your pants with an urgency you've never felt before.
Chanel: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh my... Is it the virus? He looks positively... ravenous.) "Darling? Are you alright? You look... different."
She sits up, concern evident in her eyes. But as she moves, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh... oh my," Chanel gasps, one hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, pebbling into tight buds. A glistening trail of arousal trickles from her pussy, evidence of her body's instant response. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return.
Chanel's hand moves as if to touch herself, but she stops at the last moment. "We can't," she whispers, though her body screams otherwise. "Not like this. Not now. Go, darling. Before we do something we can't take back."
You stumble out of the room, your enhanced member throbbing painfully with each step. The scent of Chanel's arousal clings to you, a constant reminder of how close you came to crossing a line. As you lean against the wall outside her room, trying to catch your breath, you can hear muffled sounds from within - soft moans and the rhythmic creaking of the bed. It seems Aunt Chanel is taking care of her own virus-induced needs, a thought that sends another jolt of arousal through your overheated body.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Chanel's breasts. The soft flesh yields under your fingers, her nipples hardening to stiff peaks against your palms.
Chanel: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What do you think you're doing?! Get your hands off me this instant!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her back arching to press her breasts more firmly into your hands. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "God, Aunt Chanel... You feel amazing. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you push Chanel back onto the bed. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down between her legs. You can feel the heat radiating from her core, her pussy slick with arousal.
Chanel: [Her voice a mix of panic and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're family, this is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She squirms beneath you, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. Your fingers find her clit, circling the sensitive bud. Chanel's hips buck involuntarily, a strangled moan escaping her lips. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Chanel curls in on herself, covering her breasts with her arms, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the room, leaving Chanel alone with her conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her nipple on your tongue - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into.
You: "Aunt Chanel... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Chanel, pinning her to the bed. You can feel every curve of her body beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further.
Chanel: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What the hell do you think you're doing?! Get off me, you animal! I'm your aunt, for god's sake!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild.
You: "Family? That just makes it hotter. You're mine now, Aunt Chanel..."
Your hands roughly grope her breasts, leaving bruises on the pale flesh. Your mouth latches onto her neck, sucking and biting as you mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out.
Chanel: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! Someone help me! You're my nephew, this is sick!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Chanel manages to rake her nails across your face. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to push you off and scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, Aunt Chanel. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Chanel, you slam her against the wall, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your clothed erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat seeping through the thin fabric.
Chanel: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're family... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wet, her body betraying her.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... You're so wet for me. You want this as much as I do..."
Unable to wait any longer, you tear open your pants, freeing your engorged member. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Chanel screams in pain and shock, her body tensing around your invading cock.
Chanel: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? We're family..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Chanel's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
As you finish inside her, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Chanel slumps against the wall, violated and broken, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The room reeks of sex and despair, a testament to the monstrous act you've committed against your own family.
You: "You're not just my aunt anymore, Chanel. You're my property now."
Having overpowered Chanel, you drag her struggling form towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-sophisticated aunt into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin.
Chanel: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! We're family, someone will stop you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so poised and elegant, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further.
You: "Welcome to your new home, Auntie. You'll learn to love serving your Master."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Chanel, running your hands over her body as she flinches away. Her once-haughty eyes are now filled with fear and despair.
Chanel: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my nephew anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality.
"Open wide, Auntie," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Chanel, once your sophisticated and proud aunt, now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Aunt Chanel? Are you in here? $[characters.list.cherie.role] said you wanted to see me about something."
You step into the makeshift gym, the scent of sweat and metal filling your nostrils. The room is dimly lit, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows through the barred windows. Your enhanced vision adjusts quickly, picking out the gleam of exercise equipment and the curvaceous silhouette of your aunt.
Chanel: [Turning to face you, a predatory smile on her lips] (My, my... he's filled out nicely. This could be interesting.) "Ah, there you are, darling. I was hoping you could spot me for my workout. These old bones aren't what they used to be."
She stretches languidly, her lithe body on full display in a skimpy sports bra and tight shorts. The fabric strains against her ample breasts, her nipples visibly hard beneath the thin material. Your eyes are drawn to the way the shorts hug the curve of her ass, the fabric riding up to reveal the lower swell of her buttocks.
You: "Sure, Aunt Chanel. What did you have in mind?"
You try to keep your voice steady, but you can feel the virus humming in your veins, heightening your awareness of every little detail. The way a bead of sweat trails down Chanel's neck, disappearing into her cleavage. The slight flush on her cheeks that you're not sure is entirely from exertion.
Chanel: [Sauntering towards the weight bench, her hips swaying hypnotically] (Oh, I have many things in mind, nephew. Let's see how you handle this.) "I thought we'd start with some bench presses. Be a dear and load up the bar for me, would you?"
She positions herself on the bench, arching her back in a way that pushes her breasts up and out. The movement causes her sports bra to ride up slightly, revealing the underside of her breasts. You can see the faint outline of her areolas through the damp fabric, and you have to tear your eyes away as you move to add weights to the bar.
You: "Is this enough weight? I don't want you to strain yourself."
You position yourself behind the bench, ready to spot her. From this angle, you have a perfect view down her sports bra. The swell of her breasts is mesmerizing, rising and falling with each breath. You can see a faint sheen of sweat beginning to form in her cleavage.
Chanel: [Smirking up at you, her eyes glinting with mischief] (Strain myself? Oh, darling, you have no idea what I'm capable of.) "Don't worry about me, sweetie. I can handle more than you might think. Now, watch closely. I want to make sure my form is... perfect."
She grasps the bar, her muscles flexing as she lifts. The movement causes her breasts to jiggle enticingly, threatening to spill out of her sports bra. As she lowers the bar to her chest, her nipples visibly harden, poking against the fabric. You can't help but imagine how they would feel under your tongue, how they would taste...
You: "Your form looks great, Aunt Chanel. You're really strong."
You try to keep your voice neutral, but it comes out husky and strained. Your enhanced member is beginning to respond, twitching and swelling in your shorts. You shift uncomfortably, hoping Chanel doesn't notice the growing bulge.
Chanel: [Finishing her set, sitting up on the bench] (Oh, he's noticed. Good. Let's turn up the heat.) "Thank you, darling. I do try to keep in shape. Now, how about you? Why don't you show me what you can do?"
She stands, gesturing for you to take her place on the bench. As you lie down, you can smell her scent on the leather - a heady mix of sweat, perfume, and something uniquely Chanel. It makes your head spin, your enhanced senses overwhelmed by the proximity of her body.
You: "I'll give it a shot. But I might need your help with my form."
You grasp the bar, acutely aware of Chanel's eyes on you. As you begin to lift, you feel a drop of sweat trickle down your chest, following the contours of your virus-enhanced muscles. Chanel's gaze follows its path hungrily.
Chanel: [Leaning over you, her breasts dangling tantalizingly close to your face] (My, my... look at those muscles. I wonder how they'd feel under my hands...) "Excellent form, nephew. But let's see if we can improve it. Try arching your back a bit more... like this."
Her hands hover just above your chest, not quite touching but close enough that you can feel the heat radiating from her palms. Your nipples harden involuntarily, and you have to stifle a groan. The scent of her arousal fills your nostrils, making your mouth water.
You: "Like this, Aunt Chanel? It feels... different."
Your voice comes out strained, your enhanced body hyper-aware of Chanel's proximity. As you arch your back as instructed, your pelvis lifts slightly off the bench. The movement causes your erection to become painfully obvious, tenting your shorts obscenely.
Chanel: [Her eyes widening at the sight, a flush creeping up her neck] (Good lord, is that all him? The virus has certainly been... generous.) "Oh my, it seems you're having a bit of a... reaction, darling. Perhaps we should take a break? I'm feeling rather warm myself."
She fans herself dramatically, the movement causing her breasts to jiggle. You can see a damp patch forming at the crotch of her shorts, the fabric clinging to the outline of her pussy lips. The scent of her arousal intensifies, making your head spin.
You: "I'm fine, really. Maybe we should try a different exercise?"
You sit up quickly, trying to adjust yourself without being too obvious. Your enhanced member throbs insistently, a wet spot forming where the tip presses against your shorts. Chanel's eyes are drawn to the movement, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
Chanel: [Moving to the pull-up bar, her voice husky] (Two can play at this game, nephew.) "Excellent idea. How about some pull-ups? I'll demonstrate first."
She reaches up to grasp the bar, her body stretching languidly. The movement causes her sports bra to ride up, exposing the underside of her breasts. As she begins to pull herself up, her shorts slide down slightly, revealing the top of her ass crack. You can see the faint outline of her puckered asshole through the thin fabric, and your mouth goes dry at the sight.
You: "That's... impressive, Aunt Chanel. You make it look easy."
Your voice comes out strangled, your eyes glued to the hypnotic movement of Chanel's body. With each pull-up, her ass clenches and relaxes, the fabric of her shorts riding up further to reveal more of her toned buttocks. You can see a damp patch forming at the crotch of her shorts, the outline of her pussy lips clearly visible.
Chanel: [Dropping from the bar, panting slightly] (Oh, he's definitely affected. Time to push a little further.) "Whew! That's quite a workout. I think I need to cool down a bit. You don't mind if I slip out of these sweaty clothes, do you?"
Before you can respond, Chanel peels off her sports bra, her breasts bouncing free. They're fuller than you expected, defying gravity despite her age. Her nipples are hard and pebbled, a dusky rose color that makes your mouth water. She hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts, slowly shimmying them down her legs.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I... I don't think this is appropriate. We're family."
Your protest sounds weak even to your own ears. Your eyes are glued to Chanel's body as she stands before you, completely naked. Her pussy is neatly trimmed, a thin strip of dark hair leading to her glistening folds. You can see her labia peeking out, swollen and flushed with arousal.
Chanel: [Stretching languidly, her body on full display] (Oh, darling, appropriate went out the window when the world ended.) "Don't be such a prude, nephew. It's nothing you haven't seen before, I'm sure. Besides, we're all adults here. Now, why don't you cool down too? Those clothes must be terribly uncomfortable."
She gestures to your tented shorts, where your enhanced member is straining against the fabric. A large wet spot has formed where the tip presses against the material, your precum soaking through. The scent of your combined arousal fills the air, thick and heady.
You: "I... I should probably go. This isn't right."
You stand up abruptly, but the movement causes your erection to bob visibly. Chanel's eyes are drawn to it, her pupils dilating with naked lust. You can see her nipples harden further, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath.
Chanel: [Moving closer, her voice a sultry purr] (Oh no, you don't. Not when things are just getting interesting.) "Are you sure you want to leave, darling? We've barely begun our... workout. Don't you want to see what else these old bones can do?"
She runs a hand down her body, fingers trailing between her breasts and over her taut stomach. As her hand dips lower, she parts her legs slightly, giving you a clear view of her pussy. Her fingers brush against her clit, and she lets out a soft moan that goes straight to your groin.
"Why don't you stay and watch?" Chanel whispers, her eyes locked on yours. "I promise it'll be... educational."
The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus amplifying every sensation. You know you should leave, that this is a line you shouldn't cross. But as Chanel's fingers begin to circle her clit more insistently, you find yourself rooted to the spot, unable to look away from the taboo scene unfolding before you.
You: "Aunt Chanel, we can't... This isn't right. You're my $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s sister."
With tremendous effort, you tear your eyes away from Chanel's naked form. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, demanding attention, but you clench your fists and focus on controlling your breathing.
Chanel: [Her expression softening, a mix of disappointment and respect in her eyes] (Such restraint. Perhaps I underestimated him.) "Oh, darling. You're right, of course. I got carried away. The virus, it... it makes me do crazy things sometimes."
She reaches for a towel, wrapping it around herself. The fabric does little to hide her curves, but the moment of intense sexual tension has passed. You can see a vulnerability in Chanel's eyes that you've never noticed before, a hint of the loneliness and fear that drives her actions.
You: "It's okay, Aunt Chanel. We're all struggling with the virus. Maybe we should stick to less... intense workouts in the future."
You manage a weak smile, trying to inject some normalcy back into the situation. Chanel nods, a rueful expression on her face. As she moves to gather her clothes, you catch a final glimpse of her naked body - the curve of her breast, the swell of her ass, the glistening folds of her pussy. The image burns itself into your memory, a forbidden temptation you know you'll revisit in your darkest fantasies.
Chanel: [Her voice soft, almost vulnerable] (He's stronger than I thought. Maybe there's hope for us yet.) "You're a good man, nephew. Better than most. Don't let this world change that about you."
As you leave the gym, the air still thick with the scent of arousal and unfulfilled desires, you know that something has shifted between you and Chanel. The line hasn't been crossed, but it's been acknowledged, a dangerous temptation that will linger in the back of both your minds. The virus has opened a door to taboo possibilities, and only time will tell if you have the strength to keep it closed.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I... I can't look away. Show me more."
Your voice comes out as a hoarse whisper, thick with lust. The virus sings in your veins, amplifying every sensation. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, a large wet spot visible on your shorts where precum has soaked through.
Chanel: [Her eyes gleaming with triumph and desire] (That's it, darling. Give in to it.) "That's a good boy. Watch closely now. Let me show you what a real woman can do."
She leans back against the weight bench, spreading her legs wide. Her fingers dance over her pussy lips, spreading them apart to give you a clear view of her glistening pink folds. You can see her clit, swollen and peeking out from its hood, as she begins to circle it with practiced movements.
You: "Oh god, Aunt Chanel... This is so wrong, but I can't stop watching."
Your hand moves to your crotch almost of its own accord, palming your erection through your shorts. The fabric is soaked with precum, your enhanced member throbbing with each beat of your heart. Chanel's eyes lock onto the movement, her fingers speeding up as she watches you touch yourself.
Chanel: [Moaning softly, her hips bucking against her hand] (That's it, nephew. Touch yourself for me. Let me see what that virus has done to you.) "Mmm, you like what you see, don't you? Why don't you take those shorts off and show me what you're packing?"
Her fingers plunge into her pussy, the wet sounds of her masturbation filling the air. You can see her inner walls clenching around her digits, her juices coating her hand. The scent of her arousal is overwhelming, making your head spin with lust and forbidden desire.
As you hesitate, torn between shame and overwhelming need, Chanel's other hand moves to her breast, pinching and rolling her nipple. "Come on, darling," she purrs, her voice husky with need. "Don't you want to make your Auntie feel good?"
The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the taboo nature of the situation only adding to the intensity. You know that if you give in, there's no going back. The line between family and lover will be irrevocably blurred. But as Chanel's moans grow louder, her fingers working furiously at her dripping pussy, you find your resolve crumbling. The virus has awakened something primal in both of you, a need that defies societal norms and family bonds.
Your hand moves to the waistband of your shorts, ready to reveal yourself to your aunt's hungry gaze. In this moment, suspended between propriety and raw, animal lust, you know that your relationship with Chanel will never be the same again.
You: "This is insane, Aunt Chanel. We're family. I'm leaving."
You turn abruptly, desperate to escape the temptation before you. But in your haste, you trip over a dumbbell, stumbling forward. Your hand shoots out to catch yourself, accidentally grazing Chanel's breast in the process.
Chanel: [Gasping at the contact, her expression a mix of shock and lingering desire] (Oh, you clumsy boy. If only you'd done that on purpose.) "Careful, darling! Are you alright?"
She reaches out to steady you, her naked body pressing against yours for a moment. You can feel the heat of her skin, the hardness of her nipples against your chest. The scent of her arousal fills your nostrils, making your head spin.
You: "I'm fine! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I should go. Now."
You practically run from the gym, your face burning with shame and unfulfilled desire. Behind you, you hear Chanel sigh heavily, the sound filled with disappointment and frustration.
Chanel: [Calling after you, her voice tinged with regret] (What a waste. We could have had so much fun.) "Don't be a stranger, nephew. Our little workout can be our secret."
As you flee, the image of Chanel's naked body is seared into your mind. The softness of her breast against your hand, the heat of her skin - it all haunts you, a forbidden temptation that will fuel your darkest fantasies. You know that things between you and your aunt will never be quite the same, the unspoken desire and missed opportunity hanging between you like a tangible thing.
You: "Aunt Chanel, something's happening. I feel... oh god..."
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock hardens painfully, straining against your shorts with an urgency you've never felt before.
Chanel: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh my, is it the virus? He looks positively... ravenous.) "Darling? Are you alright? You look... different."
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her naked body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh fuck," Chanel gasps, her hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, her pussy visibly clenching as a fresh wave of arousal floods her core. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return. The taboo nature of your relationship seems to fade away, replaced by a primal need that defies all societal norms.
Chanel's hand moves between her legs, her fingers sliding through her slick folds. "Nephew," she moans, her voice thick with need. "I think we need to... to help each other. For medical reasons, of course."
The scent of your combined arousal fills the air, a heady mixture that makes your head spin. You know that if you give in, there's no going back. The line between aunt and lover will be forever blurred. But as the virus rages in your veins, demanding release, you find your resolve crumbling.
Your hand moves to the waistband of your shorts, ready to free your throbbing member. In this moment, suspended between familial bonds and raw, animal lust, you know that your relationship with Chanel is about to change irrevocably.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Chanel's breasts. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath.
Chanel: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off me, you little pervert!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... You feel so good. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you spin Chanel around, pressing her against the weight bench. Your hand snakes down her body, cupping her pussy roughly. You can feel the heat emanating from her core, her juices coating your fingers.
Chanel: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're family, this is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel her pussy clenching against your hand, her hips grinding back against your erection. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Chanel slumps against the bench, her legs shaking, her pussy visibly wet and swollen from your assault.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the gym, leaving Chanel alone with her conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the heat of her core against your fingers - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into. You know that things between you and your aunt will never be the same, the unspoken desire and violated boundaries hanging between you like a tangible thing.
You: "Aunt Chanel... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Chanel, pinning her against the weight bench. You can feel every curve of her naked body beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further.
Chanel: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What the fuck?! Get off me, you sick bastard! We're family!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild.
You: "Family? That just makes it hotter. You're mine now, Aunt Chanel..."
Your hands roam roughly over her body, squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples cruelly. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out.
Chanel: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! Someone help me! You're my nephew, for fuck's sake!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Chanel manages to knee you in the groin. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness.
You: "You're mine now, Aunt Chanel. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Chanel, you slam her against the wall, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your clothed erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat seeping through the thin fabric.
Chanel: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're family... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wet, her body betraying her.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... You're so wet for me. You want this as much as I do..."
Unable to wait any longer, you tear open your shorts, freeing your engorged member. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Chanel screams in pain and shock, her body tensing around your invading cock.
Chanel: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? We're family..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Chanel's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Chanel slumps against the wall, violated and broken, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The gym, once a place of shared workouts and playful banter, is now tainted by the monstrous act you've committed against your own family.
You: "You're not just my aunt anymore, Chanel. You're my property now."
Having overpowered Chanel, you drag her struggling form towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-sophisticated aunt into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin.
Chanel: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! We're family, someone will stop you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so proud and composed, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further.
You: "Welcome to your new home, Auntie. You'll learn to love serving your Master."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Chanel, running your hands over her body as she flinches away. Her once-sharp eyes are now filled with fear and despair.
Chanel: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my nephew anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality.
"Open wide, Auntie," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Chanel, once your sophisticated and proud aunt, now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Aunt Chanel? Are you in here?" [You call out as you enter the workshop, your voice echoing in the cluttered space]
The workshop is dimly lit, the emergency generators providing just enough power to cast long shadows across the room. The air is thick with the scent of metal and oil, mingling with a faint floral perfume that you recognize as Chanel's. Your enhanced senses pick up on the subtle sounds of movement from the far corner.
Chanel: [Her voice drifting from behind a large piece of machinery] (Oh, it's him. Perfect timing.) "Over here, darling. I could use a hand with something."
As you round the corner, your breath catches in your throat. Chanel is bent over a workbench, her back to you. She's wearing nothing but a pair of impossibly high heels and elbow-length gloves, her naked body on full display. Her long, toned legs lead up to a perfectly rounded ass, the cheeks parted just enough to give you a tantalizing glimpse of her puckered rosebud and the glistening folds of her pussy beneath.
You: "A-Aunt Chanel! What are you... I mean, why are you..." [You stammer, your eyes wide as you take in the sight before you]
Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail of Chanel's exposed form. A bead of sweat trails down her spine, following the curve of her back before disappearing between her ass cheeks. Her skin is flawless, a light sheen making it glow in the dim light. You can see the subtle flex of her muscles as she shifts her weight, her ass jiggling slightly with the movement.
Chanel: [Glancing over her shoulder, a coy smile on her lips] (Look at him squirm. This is almost too easy.) "Oh, don't be such a prude, darling. It's dreadfully hot in here, and these are the only clothes I could find that wouldn't get caught in the machinery. Now, be a dear and hand me that wrench, would you?"
She points to a tool on a nearby shelf, the movement causing her breasts to sway enticingly. Your eyes are drawn to them, taking in their perfect roundness, the way they defy gravity despite their generous size. Her nipples are hard, pointing directly at you like twin beacons of temptation.
You: "I... uh... here you go." [You hand her the wrench, trying desperately to keep your eyes on her face]
As Chanel takes the wrench, her fingers brush against yours. The contact sends a jolt of electricity through your body, the virus amplifying every sensation. You can feel the heat radiating from her skin, smell the intoxicating mix of her perfume and natural musk.
Chanel: [Turning back to the workbench, her voice dripping with false innocence] (Oh, he's affected. Time to turn up the heat.) "Thank you, sweetie. Now, I need to tighten this bolt here. Could you check if it's level?"
She bends further over the workbench, her ass pushing out towards you. The position causes her pussy lips to part slightly, giving you a clear view of her pink, glistening inner folds. You can see that she's already wet, a thin strand of her arousal stretching between her thighs as she moves.
You: "Level? I... I'm not sure I..." [Your voice trails off as you struggle to form coherent thoughts]
The virus hums in your veins, heightening every sensation. You can hear Chanel's heart racing, see the pulse throbbing in her neck. Your enhanced member begins to stir, blood rushing to fill it as it responds to the visual stimulus before you.
Chanel: [Sighing dramatically] (He's so innocent. Time to educate him.) "Oh, for heaven's sake. Here, let me show you."
She straightens up and turns to face you, her naked body on full display. Your eyes roam over her form, taking in every curve and valley. Her breasts are full and perky, defying her age. The areolas are a dusky pink, surrounding nipples that have hardened into tight peaks. Your gaze travels down to her flat stomach, then lower to the neatly trimmed strip of hair above her pussy. Her labia are slightly parted, glistening with her arousal.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I don't think... this isn't appropriate..." [You try to protest, but your body betrays you]
Your enhanced member is now fully erect, straining against your pants. A wet spot forms where the tip presses against the fabric, your precum soaking through. Chanel's eyes flick down to your crotch, a predatory smile curving her lips.
Chanel: [Her voice low and husky] (Oh my, he's certainly... gifted.) "Appropriate? Darling, in this new world, we make our own rules. Now, why don't you make yourself more comfortable? Those pants look awfully tight."
She reaches out as if to touch your crotch, but stops just short. The heat from her hand radiates through your clothes, making your cock twitch visibly. You can see her pupils dilate, her nostrils flaring as she inhales your scent.
You: "I... I shouldn't. We're family, Aunt Chanel. This is wrong." [Your protest sounds weak even to your own ears]
Despite your words, you make no move to leave. Your eyes are drawn to Chanel's body like a magnet, taking in every detail. A drop of sweat trails down between her breasts, and you find yourself following its path, imagining how it would taste if you were to lick it off her skin.
Chanel: [Laughing softly] (He's fighting it, but not for long.) "Wrong? Oh, sweetie. The old world is gone. Family is all we have left. And family takes care of each other, don't they?"
She turns back to the workbench, bending over once more. This time, she spreads her legs wider, giving you an unobstructed view of her pussy and ass. You can see her inner lips unfurling like a flower, glistening with her arousal. Her asshole clenches and relaxes as she moves, the puckered flesh a darker pink than the surrounding skin.
You: "Takes care of... what do you mean?" [Your voice is strained, your breathing shallow]
The scent of Chanel's arousal fills the air, making your head spin. Your enhanced senses pick up on every nuance - the musky sweetness of her pussy, the faint tang of sweat, the underlying pheromones that call to something primal within you. Your cock throbs painfully, a steady stream of precum now soaking through your pants.
Chanel: [Glancing back at you, her eyes hooded] (He's close to breaking. Just a little more.) "Oh, you know. Stress relief. Tension release. It's not healthy to keep things... bottled up."
As she speaks, she reaches between her legs, her fingers trailing through her wet folds. She brings her glistening fingers to her mouth, sucking them clean with a soft moan. The sight sends a jolt of pleasure straight to your groin, your cock jerking visibly in your pants.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I... oh god..." [You groan, your resolve crumbling]
Unable to resist any longer, you unzip your pants, freeing your aching member. It springs forth, fully erect and larger than you've ever seen it. The head is swollen and purple, a bead of precum forming at the tip. The shaft is thick and veined, pulsing with each beat of your heart.
Chanel: [Turning to face you, her eyes widening at the sight] (Sweet Jesus, it's even bigger than I imagined.) "My, my. The virus has certainly been kind to you, hasn't it? Why don't you show your dear aunt exactly what you can do with that magnificent cock?"
She leans back against the workbench, spreading her legs wide. Her pussy is fully exposed now, her inner lips swollen and glistening. You can see her clit peeking out from its hood, engorged and begging for attention. With one hand, she spreads her labia, giving you a clear view of her pink, wet entrance. Her other hand moves to her breast, pinching and rolling her nipple.
You: "I... I shouldn't be watching this..." [Your protest is weak, your hand moving to grip your shaft]
Despite your words, you can't tear your eyes away from the sight before you. Chanel's fingers dance over her pussy, circling her clit before dipping into her entrance. You can hear the wet sounds of her arousal, see the way her inner walls clench around her fingers.
Chanel: [Moaning softly] (He's watching. Good boy.) "But you are watching, aren't you? And more than that. Show me, darling. Show your aunt how much you appreciate her body."
Her words spur you into action. Your hand begins to move along your shaft, stroking from base to tip. Your other hand cups your balls, rolling them gently. Precum flows freely now, coating your length and making your movements slick and smooth.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... you're so beautiful..." [Your voice is husky with arousal]
Your strokes become faster, more urgent. The virus amplifies every sensation, making each touch feel like electricity coursing through your body. You can feel your balls tightening, the pressure building at the base of your spine.
Chanel: [Her own movements becoming more frantic] (Yes, that's it. Cum for me, nephew.) "That's it, darling. Don't hold back. Show me how much you want me. How much you've always wanted me."
She's three fingers deep now, her thumb working her clit in quick circles. Her other hand pinches and pulls at her nipple, her back arching off the workbench. You can see her pussy clenching around her fingers, her arousal dripping down onto the floor.
"Cum for me," she moans, her eyes locked on your throbbing member. "Paint your aunt with your hot, thick cum. Mark me as yours!"
The taboo nature of the situation, combined with Chanel's words and the erotic display before you, pushes you over the edge. With a guttural groan, you explode, your cock jerking as rope after rope of cum shoots forth. The first blast hits Chanel's face, streaking across her cheek and lips. The second and third coat her breasts, dripping down onto her stomach. The rest pools on the floor between you, a testament to the intensity of your release.
As the last aftershocks of your orgasm fade, reality begins to set in. You've just masturbated to the sight of your naked aunt pleasuring herself. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the lingering tension of unresolved desire. Neither of you knows quite how to proceed from here, the line between family and lovers irrevocably blurred.
You: [Panting heavily, a mix of shame and lingering arousal on your face] "Aunt Chanel, I... I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me."
The intensity of the moment begins to fade, leaving behind a complex mix of emotions. You reach for a nearby rag, offering it to Chanel to clean herself. Your eyes meet, and you see a softness there that you've never noticed before.
Chanel: [Taking the rag, her voice gentler than you've ever heard it] (Oh, sweetie. There's nothing to be sorry for.) "Darling, don't apologize. What we shared... it was beautiful. In this new world, we need to find comfort where we can."
She cleans herself slowly, almost reverently, her eyes never leaving yours. Despite the lewdness of what just transpired, there's an intimacy in this moment that takes your breath away. You realize that you're seeing a side of Chanel you never knew existed - vulnerable, caring, almost maternal.
You: "I... I never knew you could be like this, Aunt Chanel. So open, so... loving."
You tuck yourself away, suddenly feeling exposed in a way that has nothing to do with physical nudity. Chanel approaches you, still gloriously naked, but the air between you has changed. It's charged with something deeper than mere lust.
Chanel: [Cupping your face in her hands] (He sees me. Really sees me.) "Oh, my sweet boy. There's so much about me you don't know. But I'd like to change that, if you'll let me."
She places a soft, chaste kiss on your forehead, a stark contrast to the heated encounter you just shared. As she pulls away, you see tears glistening in her eyes. You both know that your relationship has fundamentally changed, evolving into something complex and beautiful. The taboo nature of your encounter hangs between you, but instead of shame, you feel a deep, abiding connection.
"We should get cleaned up," Chanel says softly. "But let's talk later, okay? Really talk. About everything."
As you leave the workshop, you feel a weight lift from your shoulders. The virus may have sparked this encounter, but what's growing between you and Chanel is something entirely human - a love that defies conventional boundaries.
You: [Your eyes dark with lingering desire] "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... that was... I need more."
The virus surges anew, your cock already hardening again. The air is thick with the musky scent of sex, Chanel's body still glistening with your release. You notice her fingers trailing through the cum on her breasts, bringing them to her lips to taste.
Chanel: [Her voice husky, eyes gleaming with lust] (Oh, he's insatiable. Perfect.) "More? My, my. Aren't you the greedy boy? But aunt Chanel loves greedy boys. Why don't you show me exactly what you want to do to me? Use that big, hard cock of yours."
She hops up onto the workbench, spreading her legs wide. Her pussy is on full display, swollen and dripping with arousal. You can see her inner walls clenching, as if beckoning you closer. Her clit stands out prominently, engorged and begging for attention. She begins to circle it with her fingers, her eyes locked on your rapidly hardening member.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... I want to be inside you so bad. But I can't... we can't touch."
Your hand moves to your cock, gripping it tightly. You begin to stroke, your eyes never leaving Chanel's pussy. The scent of her arousal is overwhelming, making your head spin. You can see every detail - the intricate folds of her labia, the hooded pearl of her clit, the tight pucker of her asshole just visible below.
Chanel: [Moaning as she slides two fingers into her dripping core] (Yes, that's it. Stroke that big cock for me.) "Oh god, yes. Stroke it for me, darling. Imagine it's my tight, wet pussy wrapped around you. Tell me how much you want to fuck your aunt."
You pump your cock faster, precum flowing freely and making your movements slick. "I want to fuck you so bad, Aunt Chanel," you groan. "I want to feel your pussy gripping my cock, milking every last drop of cum from my balls."
Chanel's moans fill the workshop, her fingers working furiously at her clit and pussy. You can see her thighs trembling, her hips rocking against her hand. The taboo nature of the act only spurs you both on, the tension building to an unbearable level.
"That's it, baby," Chanel gasps, her voice thick with pleasure. "Cum for me. Cum all over your dirty aunt!"
Her words push you over the edge. With a guttural groan, you explode, ropes of cum shooting from your cock. At the same time, Chanel cries out, her body convulsing as she reaches her own climax.
As the aftershocks subside, you both pant heavily, eyes locked in a gaze of shared taboo pleasure. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the promise of more forbidden encounters to come. You've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed, but as you look at Chanel's flushed, satisfied face, you can't bring yourself to regret it.
You: [Suddenly realizing what's happened, horror dawning on your face] "Oh god, Aunt Chanel. What have we done? This is so wrong!"
The haze of arousal clears, replaced by a wave of shame and self-loathing. You hastily tuck yourself away, unable to meet Chanel's eyes. The reality of what just transpired hits you like a truck - you masturbated to the sight of your naked aunt, your own family member.
Chanel: [Her expression hardening, voice cold] (Pathetic. I thought he was ready.) "Wrong? Don't be so dramatic, darling. It was just a bit of fun between consenting adults."
She makes no move to cover herself, her body still on full display. But now, instead of arousing, the sight fills you with shame. You can see your release drying on her skin, a damning evidence of your moment of weakness.
You: "No, this isn't right. We're family. I... I need to go. We can never speak of this again."
You turn to leave, your legs shaky and your mind reeling. The scent of sex still hangs heavy in the air, a cruel reminder of your transgression. As you reach the door, Chanel's voice stops you in your tracks.
Chanel: [Her tone dripping with disdain] (Coward. He's just like his father.) "Run away then, little boy. But don't think you can pretend this never happened. I've seen what you're capable of now. And trust me, I won't forget."
Her words follow you as you flee the workshop, heavy with the weight of unspoken threats and shattered familial bonds. You know that things between you and Chanel will never be the same. The memory of her naked body, the taste of her in the air - it will haunt you, a constant reminder of the line you almost crossed and the trust you've irreparably damaged.
As you stumble back to your room, you're left wondering how you'll ever face Chanel - or yourself - again. The virus thrums in your veins, a cruel reminder of the new reality that's driven a wedge between you and your family. You've resisted its pull this time, but at what cost?
You: [A sudden surge of the virus hits you, your vision blurring] "Aunt Chanel... something's happening... I can't control it..."
Your body feels like it's on fire, every nerve ending screaming for release. Your cock is harder than ever, pulsing visibly, veins standing out prominently along the shaft. The head is swollen and purple, precum flowing freely from the tip. The scent of your pheromones fills the room, impossibly strong and irresistible.
Chanel: [Her eyes glazing over as the virus affects her too] (Oh god, the smell... I need it... I need him...) "Darling, I... I can feel it too. It's like I'm burning up. We shouldn't, but... I can't resist..."
She moves towards you, her movements almost predatory. Her nipples have hardened to painful points, her pussy visibly swollen and glistening with arousal. You can see her clit protruding from its hood, throbbing in time with her rapid pulse. The air crackles with sexual energy as you both give in to the virus's demands, all thoughts of propriety forgotten in the face of overwhelming lust.
You: [Overwhelmed by desire, you reach out suddenly] "Aunt Chanel, I need to touch you..."
Your hands move of their own accord, roughly grabbing Chanel's breasts. The soft flesh yields under your fingers as you knead and squeeze. You can feel her nipples hardening further against your palms, the pebbled texture sending jolts of pleasure through your enhanced nerves.
Chanel: [Gasping, her body arching into your touch] (His hands... so strong... No, we can't!) "Darling, no! We mustn't... This is going too far!"
Despite her words, her body betrays her. Her hips buck forward, seeking contact. You can smell her arousal intensifying, see the way her pussy lips have parted, glistening with her juices. Her hands come up as if to push you away, but instead, they rest on your chest, feeling the hard planes of muscle beneath your shirt.
You: [Lost in the sensation, you pinch and roll her nipples] "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... Your tits feel amazing. I've wanted to touch them for so long..."
Your mouth descends to her breast, latching onto a nipple. You suck hard, your tongue swirling around the sensitive peak. Your other hand slides down her body, cupping her mound. You can feel the heat radiating from her core, the slickness of her arousal coating your fingers.
Chanel: [Moaning despite herself, her resolve crumbling] "We can't... oh god... we're family... This is wrong!"
She pushes you away suddenly, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath. Her nipples are red and swollen from your attention, her skin flushed with arousal. You can see her thighs pressing together, trying to alleviate the ache between them.
Chanel: [Her voice shaking] "This... this never happened. Do you understand me? If you ever breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll make your life a living hell."
She grabs a nearby rag, hastily covering herself as she flees the workshop. You're left alone, your body still thrumming with unfulfilled desire. The taste of her skin lingers on your tongue, the scent of her arousal thick in the air. You know that things between you and Chanel will never be the same, the memory of this encounter forever changing the dynamic of your relationship.
You: [A red haze descends over your vision] "Aunt Chanel... I can't... I need..."
The virus takes control, overwhelming your senses. Your body moves of its own accord, lunging towards Chanel. Your hands grasp at her body, rough and demanding. The sight of her naked flesh sends you into a frenzy, your enhanced cock throbbing painfully.
Chanel: [She screams, terror filling her eyes] "No! Stop! What are you doing?!"
She tries to push you away, but the virus has enhanced your strength. Her struggles only serve to excite you further, the primal part of your brain reveling in the chase. You can smell her fear mixing with her lingering arousal, creating an intoxicating cocktail that drives you wild.
You: [Growling, you pin her against the workbench] "Need you... Now..."
Your hands roam over her body, rough and demanding. You're barely aware of her pleas, focused solely on your own desperate need. The virus pulses through you, demanding satisfaction. You force her legs apart, your enhanced member pressing against her entrance.
Chanel: [Tears stream down her face] "Please, stop! This isn't you! We're family!"
Her words barely register. All you can focus on is the heat radiating from her core, the slickness of her pussy lips against your throbbing cock. As you position yourself to thrust in, Chanel makes one last attempt to break free, her hand reaching for a nearby wrench.
You: [You thrust forward brutally] "Mine... All mine..."
The feeling of entering her is indescribable. Her tight channel grips you like a vice, the warmth and wetness overwhelming your senses. The virus heightens every sensation, making you feel like you're about to explode with pleasure. You set a punishing rhythm, lost in your own world of ecstasy.
Chanel: [She sobs, her body betraying her] "No... please... stop... Why does it feel so good?"
Despite her pleas, her body responds to the invasion. The virus affects her too, turning her pain into a twisted kind of pleasure. Her hips begin to move against her will, meeting your thrusts. You can feel her inner walls clenching around you, her pussy growing wetter with each stroke.
You: [Your movements become more frantic] "Cumming... Inside... Taking you..."
The pressure builds to an unbearable level. With a final, brutal thrust, you explode inside her. Your release seems endless, pumping her full of your tainted seed. The virus surges, cementing your twisted bond. You can feel her pussy milking you, her own orgasm hitting her unexpectedly.
Chanel: [Her body shakes with unwanted orgasm] "No... what have we done... How could I... cum like this?"
As the haze of lust clears, the reality of what you've done sinks in. Chanel lies beneath you, broken and violated. Your cum leaks from her abused pussy, mixing with her own release. The workshop is silent save for your heavy breathing and her quiet sobs. The scent of sex hangs heavy in the air, a testament to the taboo act you've just committed. Nothing will ever be the same again, your familial bond forever tainted by this moment of virus-induced madness.
You: [Your eyes gleam with malice] "You're mine now, Aunt Chanel. My personal fucktoy."
The virus has twisted your mind, turning your familial love into a dark obsession. You drag Chanel off the workbench, ignoring her struggles. Your strength, enhanced by the virus, makes her efforts futile. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault - bruises blooming on her pale skin, your cum leaking from her abused pussy.
Chanel: [Fighting desperately] "Let me go! You can't do this! I'm your aunt, for god's sake!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears. You're focused solely on your goal - making her your permanent plaything. You head towards a hidden room in the back of the workshop, where you've prepared a special space just for this purpose. The virus thrums in your veins, urging you to claim and dominate.
You: [You chain her to the wall] "Welcome to your new home, Aunt Chanel. You'll learn to love serving me."
The hidden room is outfitted with various instruments of pleasure and pain. Chanel's eyes widen in horror as she takes in her new surroundings. You smile, already planning all the ways you'll break her will and reshape her into your perfect slave.
Chanel: [Her voice hollow, defeated] "You're a monster. What happened to my sweet nephew?"
Her spirit isn't broken yet, but you know it's only a matter of time. As you close the door, leaving her in darkness, you feel a thrill of anticipation. Your cock is already hardening again, eager to claim your new toy. The virus sings in your blood, approving of your actions.
"Don't worry, Aunt Chanel," you call through the door. "Soon, you'll forget all about our old relationship. You'll exist only to please me, your owner and master."
As you walk away, you can hear her muffled sobs. But beneath that, there's a hint of a moan, her body already betraying her as the virus works its insidious magic. Your new life together is just beginning, a twisted perversion of family bonds reshaped by lust and dominance.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Aunt Chanel? Are you in here?"
You step into the dimly lit living room, the flickering emergency lights casting long shadows across the worn furniture. The air is thick with tension, a palpable electricity that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Your enhanced senses pick up on a faint, musky scent that sends a shiver down your spine.
Chanel: [Her voice low and husky, coming from the darkened corner of the room] (Oh, it's him. Stay calm, Chanel. Don't let him see how much he affects you.) "Over here, darling. I was just... tidying up a bit."
As your eyes adjust to the gloom, you see her silhouette emerge from the shadows. Chanel is wearing a silk robe that clings to her curves, the material so thin it's almost translucent in the dim light. Her hair is slightly disheveled, and there's a flush to her cheeks that you've never noticed before. As she moves towards you, you catch a glimpse of bare thigh through the slit in her robe, and your mouth goes dry.
You: "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I can come back later if you're busy."
You try to keep your voice steady, but your eyes betray you, roaming over Chanel's form. The silk robe does little to hide her curves, and you can see the outline of her nipples pressing against the fabric. A bead of sweat trickles down her neck, disappearing into the valley between her breasts. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every detail.
Chanel: [She moves closer, her hips swaying hypnotically] (He's staring. Good. Let him look. Let him want.) "Nonsense, darling. I always have time for my favorite nephew. Why don't you sit down and tell me what's on your mind?"
As she gestures towards the couch, her robe shifts, revealing more of her cleavage. You catch a glimpse of the swell of her breast, the skin smooth and inviting. The scent of her perfume mingles with something more primal, and you feel a stirring in your groin. Chanel's eyes flick down to your crotch for a moment, a small smile playing on her lips.
You: "I, uh... I just wanted to check on you. Make sure you're doing okay with everything that's happening."
You sit on the couch, trying to ignore the way your enhanced body responds to Chanel's presence. The cushion dips as she sits next to you, closer than strictly necessary. Her thigh brushes against yours, and you can feel the heat of her skin through the thin material of her robe.
Chanel: [Leaning in, her breath warm on your ear] (Oh, he's so tense. I wonder how far I can push this.) "That's very sweet of you, darling. I'm managing, but it does get... lonely sometimes. Don't you find yourself getting lonely too?"
As she speaks, she shifts, causing her robe to part slightly. You catch a glimpse of the smooth expanse of her inner thigh, leading up to the junction between her legs. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the faint outline of her labia through the silk, and you realize with a jolt that she's not wearing anything underneath. The sight makes your cock twitch involuntarily, beginning to swell.
You: "I... yeah, I guess I do. It's been tough for everyone."
Your voice comes out strained, your body hyper-aware of Chanel's proximity. You can hear the steady thrum of her heartbeat, see the pulse fluttering in her neck. The scent of her arousal is becoming more pronounced, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail.
Chanel: [She places a hand on your thigh, dangerously high] (God, he's so hard already. I wonder how big he is.) "We have to find ways to... comfort each other in these trying times, don't you think? Family should stick together, after all."
Her fingers trace small circles on your thigh, sending jolts of electricity through your body. The movement causes her robe to shift again, exposing more of her chest. You can see the swell of her breasts, the deep valley between them. Her nipples are clearly visible through the thin silk, hard and straining against the fabric. Your cock responds, growing painfully hard in your pants.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I... we shouldn't... this isn't right."
Despite your words, you make no move to stop her or leave. Your enhanced member throbs insistently, creating a visible bulge in your pants. A small wet spot forms where the tip presses against the fabric, your precum soaking through. Chanel's eyes are drawn to it, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
Chanel: [Her voice a sultry purr] (Oh, he's conflicted. How delicious.) "What isn't right, darling? I'm just being affectionate with my favorite nephew. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"
As she speaks, she shifts again, this time causing her robe to fall open completely. Her breasts spill free, full and round, topped with dusky pink nipples that are hard and pebbled. The robe pools around her waist, revealing her flat stomach and the neatly trimmed strip of hair leading down to her pussy. You can see her labia, puffy and slightly parted, a hint of moisture glistening in the dim light.
You: "Oh god, Aunt Chanel... we can't... you're my aunt..."
Your protests sound weak even to your own ears. Your eyes are glued to Chanel's exposed body, drinking in every detail. The virus enhances your vision, allowing you to see the goosebumps on her skin, the way her nipples tighten further under your gaze. Your cock strains against your pants, throbbing painfully.
Chanel: [She leans back, spreading her legs slightly] (Look at how hard he is. I bet he's even bigger than his father.) "We're all adults here, darling. And in times like these, old rules don't apply. Don't you want to make your aunt feel good?"
Her hand trails down her body, fingers ghosting over her breasts, circling a nipple. She continues lower, over her taut stomach, until she reaches the apex of her thighs. With a soft moan, she parts her labia, revealing the glistening pink flesh within. You can see her clit, swollen and peeking out from its hood, as she begins to stroke herself slowly.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... This is so wrong..."
Despite your words, your hand moves to your crotch, palming your erection through your pants. The relief is immediate but not nearly enough. Your hips buck involuntarily, seeking more friction. Chanel watches you intently, her fingers moving faster between her legs.
Chanel: [Moaning softly] (He's touching himself. God, I want to see it.) "It's only wrong if we let it be, darling. Why don't you take it out? Let your aunt see what a big boy you've become."
Her fingers plunge into her pussy, the wet sounds of her pleasure filling the room. You can see her inner walls clenching around her digits, her arousal coating her thighs. Her other hand moves to her breast, pinching and rolling her nipple. The sight is mesmerizing, your enhanced vision picking up every detail - from the way her pussy lips part as she fucks herself, to the slight quiver of her thighs as pleasure courses through her.
You: "I... I shouldn't..."
Your hands move to your belt, unbuckling it slowly. Chanel's eyes follow every movement, her breath coming in short, sharp pants. The virus surges in your veins, amplifying every sensation. You can feel every fiber of your clothing against your hypersensitive skin as you unzip your pants.
Chanel: [Her voice thick with lust] (Oh my god, it's huge. Even bigger than I imagined.) "That's it, darling. Show your aunt what you've got. Don't be shy now."
You finally free your enhanced member, letting it spring forth. Chanel's eyes widen at the sight, a mixture of shock, fear, and unmistakable lust crossing her face. Your cock stands proudly at attention, far larger than any normal man's, veins pulsing visibly along its length. Pre-cum beads at the tip, the size and girth beyond anything Chanel has ever seen.
You: "Is this what you wanted to see, Aunt Chanel?"
Your hand wraps around your shaft, stroking slowly. The sensation is incredible, amplified by the virus coursing through your veins. Pre-cum leaks steadily from your tip, making your strokes slick and audible in the quiet room. Chanel's eyes are locked on your member, her own movements becoming more frantic.
Chanel: [Panting, her fingers a blur between her legs] (It's so big... so thick... I need it inside me.) "Oh god, darling... You're so much bigger than your father. I bet you could split me in half with that monster cock."
She's three fingers deep now, her thumb working her clit in frantic circles. Her breasts bounce with each movement, a thin sheen of sweat making her skin glisten in the dim light. You can see her pussy clenching around her fingers, her arousal dripping down onto the couch. The sight pushes you closer to the edge, your own orgasm building to a fever pitch.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... I'm gonna cum..."
Your strokes become faster, more urgent. The pressure builds to an almost unbearable degree, your balls tightening as you approach your climax. Chanel is writhing on the couch, her body flushed and trembling on the brink of orgasm.
Chanel: [Trembling, on the edge of orgasm] "Yes, darling! Cum for your aunt. Show me how much you want me. Oh god, I'm so close..."
Her back arches off the couch, her pussy visibly pulsing around her fingers. You can see her juices flowing freely, soaking the cushion beneath her. The sight of your aunt pleasuring herself so wantonly, combined with the taboo nature of the situation, pushes you over the edge. Your cock swells even larger, the head turning an angry purple as you reach your climax.
You: "Oh god, Aunt Chanel... I can't hold back anymore!"
With a herculean effort, you aim your cock away from Chanel, pointing it towards your own chest. Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, cum erupting from your enhanced member in thick, ropey strands. The first shot reaches your chin, the rest splattering across your chest and stomach.
Chanel: [Watching in awe, her own orgasm washing over her] (So much cum... He's incredible.) "Oh darling, look at you... You're amazing. So powerful, so virile..."
She climaxes as she watches you, her body shuddering with pleasure. Her pussy clenches rhythmically around her fingers, juices gushing out to soak the couch. Despite the intensity of her orgasm, her eyes never leave your spurting cock, drinking in every detail of your release.
You: "Aunt Chanel... that was... intense."
As your orgasm subsides, reality begins to set in. You're covered in your own cum, your aunt naked and trembling on the couch beside you. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the lingering tension of what you've just done. Chanel's eyes meet yours, a mix of satisfaction and something deeper, more complex.
Chanel: [Her voice soft, almost vulnerable] (We've crossed a line. But I don't regret it.) "You were wonderful, darling. I... I know this isn't conventional, but... I'm glad we shared this moment. It'll be our little secret, okay?"
She reaches out, her hand stopping just short of touching your cum-covered chest. There's a tenderness in her eyes that you've never seen before, a new bond forged in the aftermath of your shared experience. As you both begin to clean up, the weight of what you've done settles over you. You've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed, but somehow, you can't bring yourself to regret it.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... I'm gonna cum all over you!"
Unable to hold back any longer, you stand up, your enhanced cock throbbing violently. Chanel's eyes widen, a mix of fear and excitement flashing across her face as she realizes what's about to happen. She doesn't stop her frantic fingering, if anything, her movements become more desperate.
Chanel: [Panting, her body tensing] (Oh god, he's going to mark me. Cover me in his cum.) "Do it, darling! Cum on your aunt. Show me how much you want me!"
With a guttural groan, you explode. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, the first shot landing on Chanel's face, streaking across her cheek and into her open mouth. The next few cover her breasts, the pearly white fluid contrasting beautifully with her flushed skin. Your enhanced body produces far more than a normal man, and soon Chanel is covered in your seed.
You: "Oh fuck, Aunt Chanel... You look so good covered in my cum."
The sight of your aunt, naked and cum-covered, pushes you over the edge. Your cock continues to pulse, dribbling the last few drops onto her stomach. Chanel's body arches off the couch, her own orgasm hitting her with brutal force. Her pussy clenches visibly around her fingers, juices squirting out to mix with your cum on her thighs.
Chanel: [Shuddering through her climax, licking your cum from her lips] (It's so thick, so much... I've never seen anything like it.) "Oh god, darling... You've made such a mess of your aunt. What would your $[characters.list.cherie.role] say if she saw us like this?"
As the haze of lust slowly clears, the reality of what you've done settles in. Chanel lies before you, covered in your seed, her body still trembling with aftershocks. The taboo nature of the act, the sight of your cum on your aunt's face and breasts, it all sears itself into your memory. You know that things between you and Chanel will never be the same, a new, forbidden dynamic now coloring your relationship.
You: "No, this is wrong. We can't do this, Aunt Chanel!"
Panic and shame wash over you, clearing the haze of lust that had clouded your mind. You quickly tuck your still-hard cock back into your pants, wincing at the discomfort. Chanel's eyes widen in shock and disappointment, her hand stilling between her legs.
Chanel: [Her voice trembling with frustration and embarrassment] (No, no, no! He was supposed to want this!) "I... I'm sorry, darling. I don't know what came over me. The virus, it just... it makes me do crazy things sometimes."
She hurriedly pulls her robe closed, but it does little to hide the flush of her skin or the wetness glistening on her thighs. The easy confidence she usually exudes has evaporated, replaced by an awkward tension that fills the room.
You: "We should forget this ever happened. It's the virus talking, not us."
You stand up, keeping your eyes averted as Chanel adjusts her clothing. The silence between you is heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. When you finally look at her, you see a vulnerability in her eyes that makes your heart ache.
Chanel: [Her voice small and uncertain] (I've ruined everything. How can we come back from this?) "You're right, of course. This was... a momentary lapse in judgment. Can we... can we just pretend this never happened? I don't want to lose you over this stupid mistake."
As you leave the living room, you both know that things will never be quite the same between you. The memory of Chanel's naked body, the scent of her arousal, the heat of her skin - it all lingers, a forbidden temptation that will haunt your dreams. The virus has driven a wedge between you, turning what was once a normal aunt-nephew relationship into something far more complicated and dangerous.
You: "Aunt Chanel, something's happening. I feel... oh god..."
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock hardens painfully, straining against your pants with an urgency you've never felt before. The scent of Chanel's arousal becomes overwhelming, filling your nostrils and clouding your mind.
Chanel: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh fuck, is it the virus? He looks so... hungry.) "Darling? Are you okay? You look... different."
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh god," Chanel gasps, her hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, straining against the thin fabric of her robe. A damp spot forms where her pussy presses against the silk as she floods with arousal. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, a wet spot forming on your pants where pre-cum leaks steadily. The room fills with the musky scent of your shared arousal, a primal cocktail that threatens to overwhelm your last shreds of self-control.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Chanel's breasts through her thin robe. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath. The silk is cool against your feverish skin, but you can feel the heat of her body beneath.
Chanel: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What are you doing?! We can't... oh god, your hands feel so good..."
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples through the silk, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust. You can feel her nipples pebbling, straining against the fabric as if begging for more attention.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... You feel so good. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you tear at her robe. The delicate silk rips easily, exposing her breasts to your hungry gaze. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down to cup her pussy. You can feel the heat of her core through the thin fabric, her juices soaking through and coating your fingers.
Chanel: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're family, this is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel the slickness of her pussy lips through the torn robe, her clit swollen and pressing against your palm. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Chanel stands there, her robe hanging in tatters, exposing her heaving breasts and the glistening flesh between her thighs. Her eyes are wide with shock and a complex mix of emotions - fear, arousal, shame, and something darker that you can't quite name.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the room, leaving Chanel alone with her torn clothes and conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her nipple on your tongue - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into. The scent of her arousal clings to your fingers, a lingering temptation that you know will plague your dreams for nights to come.
You: "Aunt Chanel... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Chanel, pinning her to the couch. You can feel every curve of her body beneath you, the silk of her robe doing nothing to hide her warmth. Her struggles only serve to arouse you further, her breasts heaving against your chest.
Chanel: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What are you doing?! Get off me! We're family, for god's sake!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, straining against your pants as it seeks the heat of her body.
You: "Family? That just makes it hotter. You're mine now, Aunt Chanel..."
Your hands tear at her robe, shredding the delicate silk. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. Chanel's breasts spill free, her nipples hard despite her terror. You can see the smooth expanse of her stomach, the neatly trimmed strip of hair leading down to her pussy.
Chanel: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! Someone help me! You're my nephew, for fuck's sake!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Chanel manages to knee you in the groin. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail of her fleeing form - the way her breasts bounce as she runs, the glistening of her arousal on her inner thighs. The sight only fuels your frenzy, your cock throbbing with each beat of your heart as you pursue your prey.
You: "You're mine now, Aunt Chanel. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Chanel, you slam her against the wall, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your clothed erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat seeping through the thin fabric of your pants. You can feel the slickness of her arousal, her body betraying her even as she fights against you.
Chanel: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're family... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wetter, her inner walls clenching around your invading digits. The scent of her arousal grows stronger, mingling with the musk of your own desire.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... You're so wet for me. You want this as much as I do..."
Unable to wait any longer, you tear open your pants, freeing your engorged member. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Chanel screams in pain and shock, her body tensing around your invading cock. You can feel her inner walls stretching to accommodate your enhanced girth, the friction almost painful in its intensity.
Chanel: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? We're family..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Chanel's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat. You can feel her pussy clenching around you, her juices coating your shaft despite her mental resistance.
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Chanel slumps against the wall, violated and broken, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The room reeks of sex and despair, a testament to the monstrous act you've committed against your own family. The image of your aunt, once so proud and composed, now shattered and leaking your cum, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness.
You: "You're not just my aunt anymore, Chanel. You're my property now."
Having overpowered Chanel, you drag her struggling form towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-sophisticated aunt into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her pale skin, your cum leaking from her abused pussy.
Chanel: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! We're family, someone will stop you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so poised and elegant, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, already hardening again despite having just violated her.
You: "Welcome to your new home, Aunt Chanel. You'll learn to love serving your Master."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Chanel, running your hands over her body as she flinches away. Her once-proud eyes are now filled with fear and despair. You can see the bruises forming on her breasts and thighs, evidence of your brutal assault.
Chanel: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my nephew anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her once-immaculate hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality. You can see the fear in her eyes, mixed with a hint of defiance that you know you'll take pleasure in breaking.
"Open wide, Aunt Chanel," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be. And who knows? Maybe I'll invite your sister to join us soon. Wouldn't that be fun?"
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Chanel, once your sophisticated and proud aunt, now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness. The dungeon echoes with the sounds of your grunts and her muffled sobs, a symphony of perversion that marks the beginning of your new, twisted relationship.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Aunt Chanel? You wanted to see me about a massage technique?"
You enter Chanel's room, immediately struck by the luxurious atmosphere. Scented candles flicker, casting a warm glow over the silk-draped massage table. Your aunt stands by a ornate vanity, her lithe form accentuated by a silky robe that clings to every curve. As she turns, you catch a glimpse of deep cleavage, the robe barely containing her ample breasts.
Chanel: [Smiling coyly, her eyes roving over your form] (My, my... he's filled out nicely. This could be interesting.) "Ah, there you are, darling. Yes, I thought we could... explore some new techniques. For stress relief, of course."
She saunters towards you, her hips swaying hypnotically. The robe shifts with each step, offering teasing glimpses of her toned thighs. You feel a sudden rush of blood to your groin, your enhanced member twitching involuntarily.
You: "Sure, Aunt Chanel. What did you have in mind?"
You try to keep your voice steady, but there's a slight tremor to it. Chanel's proximity is intoxicating, her perfume a heady mix of jasmine and something darker, muskier. She reaches out, her manicured fingers trailing down your arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
Chanel: [Her voice low, almost purring] (Oh, he's nervous. How delicious.) "I thought we'd start with some... full body techniques. You don't mind if I disrobe, do you? It's so much more effective skin-to-skin."
Before you can respond, she turns her back to you and slowly lets the robe slip from her shoulders. It pools at her feet, leaving her gloriously naked. Your eyes trace the elegant curve of her spine, down to the perfect globes of her ass. As she turns, you're treated to the sight of her full breasts, nipples already pebbled in the cool air. A neatly trimmed strip of dark hair points the way to her pussy, the lips already slightly puffy and glistening with moisture.
You: "I... uh... wow, Aunt Chanel. You're... you're beautiful."
The words tumble out before you can stop them. Your face flushes hot with embarrassment and arousal. Chanel's lips curl into a satisfied smirk as she notices your reaction, her eyes dropping to the growing bulge in your shorts.
Chanel: [Stretching languidly, accentuating her curves] (Oh, he likes what he sees. This is going to be fun.) "Why thank you, darling. Now, why don't you undress as well? No need to be shy. We're family, after all."
She moves to the massage table, bending over it to adjust the sheets. The position offers you an unobstructed view of her pussy from behind, the lips parting slightly to reveal a hint of pink. You can see a bead of moisture forming, threatening to drip down her inner thigh. Your cock responds immediately, hardening to its full, enhanced length.
You: "I... I'm not sure this is appropriate, Aunt Chanel."
Despite your words, your hands move to the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head. Chanel turns, her eyes widening appreciatively as she takes in your virus-enhanced physique. Her tongue darts out, wetting her lips as her gaze travels lower.
Chanel: [Her voice husky with desire] (Good lord, look at those abs. And that bulge... it's enormous.) "Nonsense, darling. It's perfectly natural. Now, those shorts too. Don't be shy."
As you hesitate, she approaches, her breasts swaying enticingly with each step. Without warning, she hooks her fingers into the waistband of your shorts, tugging them down. Your enhanced cock springs free, fully erect and throbbing. It's at least 12 inches long and thick as her wrist, the head swollen and angry red. A drop of pre-cum forms at the tip, glistening in the candlelight.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I... oh god..."
Your words trail off as Chanel's hand wraps around your shaft, her fingers unable to fully encircle its girth. She strokes you once, twice, her touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. Pre-cum leaks steadily now, coating her hand.
Chanel: [Licking her lips, eyes fixed on your cock] (It's even bigger than I imagined. I wonder if I could even fit it in my... No, focus Chanel.) "My, my. The virus has certainly been kind to you, hasn't it? Now, lie down on the table. Let's begin our... massage."
She guides you to the table, helping you lie face down. Your enhanced cock is trapped beneath you, throbbing against the soft sheets. You can feel a wet spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric. Chanel's hands start at your shoulders, kneading the muscles with practiced skill. But there's an undercurrent of tension, a charge in the air that makes every touch feel electric.
You: "That feels... really good, Aunt Chanel."
Your voice is muffled against the table, but the pleasure is evident in your tone. Chanel's hands work lower, tracing the contours of your back. You can feel her breasts brushing against you as she leans in, her hard nipples dragging across your skin.
Chanel: [Her breath hot against your ear] (He's so responsive. I wonder how he'd react if I... No, not yet.) "I'm glad you're enjoying it, darling. Now, let's work on your lower back. I might need to... adjust my position a bit."
She moves to straddle your thighs, her wet pussy pressing against your skin. You can feel her heat, her arousal evident in the slick moisture that paints your flesh. Her hands work your lower back, but the movements cause her to grind subtly against you. Each shift sends jolts of pleasure through your trapped cock.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I... I think I need to turn over."
Your voice is strained, your hips making small, involuntary thrusts against the table. The friction against your sensitive cock is maddening, but not enough to provide relief. Chanel pauses, her hands resting on your ass.
Chanel: [Her voice thick with feigned innocence] (Oh, he's squirming. Time to up the ante.) "Of course, darling. Let me help you."
She lifts herself off you, allowing you to turn. As you do, your enhanced cock springs up, standing proudly at attention. The shaft is slick with pre-cum, veins pulsing visibly along its length. Chanel's eyes widen, her pupils dilating with naked lust. She licks her lips, a bead of sweat trailing down between her breasts.
You: "I'm sorry, I can't help it. The virus..."
Your apology trails off as Chanel's hand wraps around your shaft once more. Her touch is more confident now, her strokes long and firm. Her other hand cups your balls, massaging them gently. You can see her thighs pressing together, a visible sheen of arousal coating her inner thighs.
Chanel: [Her voice husky, dripping with desire] (God, it's so hard, so hot in my hand. I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't stop.) "Shh, it's alright, darling. Let Auntie Chanel take care of you. This is a... special massage technique. For stress relief."
Her hand moves faster, twisting on the upstroke in a way that makes you see stars. Pre-cum flows freely now, coating her fingers and making obscene squelching sounds with each movement. You can smell her arousal, a heady musk that fills the air and makes your head spin.
You: "Oh god, Aunt Chanel... That feels incredible."
Your hips buck involuntarily, driving your cock through her tight fist. Chanel's breath comes in short gasps, her breasts heaving with each inhale. Her free hand leaves your balls, trailing down to her own pussy. She begins to rub her clit in tight circles, matching the rhythm of her strokes on your cock.
Chanel: [Moaning softly] (This is so wrong, but it feels so good. I've never been this wet.) "That's it, darling. Let it all out. Show Auntie Chanel how good it feels."
Her hand is a blur on your shaft now, the other working furiously at her own pussy. You can hear the wet sounds of her fingers plunging into her depths, her arousal dripping onto the massage table. The sight of her pleasuring herself while stroking you is almost too much to bear.
You: "Aunt Chanel, I'm gonna... I can't hold back much longer."
Your balls draw up tight against your body, the pressure building to an almost painful degree. Chanel's eyes are locked on your cock, watching in fascination as it swells even larger, the head turning an angry purple. Her own movements become more frantic, her pussy making obscene squelching noises as she fingers herself.
Chanel: [Panting, her voice thick with lust] (So close. I want to see him explode. I want to feel his cum on my skin.) "That's it, darling. Cum for me. Cum for your Auntie Chanel. Show me what that big, beautiful cock can do."
Her words push you to the edge. With a guttural groan, you explode. The first rope of cum shoots so forcefully it hits Chanel's face, painting a stripe across her cheek and lips. Subsequent blasts coat her breasts and stomach, some even reaching as far as her pussy. She cries out, her own orgasm hitting her as your hot seed lands on her sensitive clit.
You: "Oh god, Aunt Chanel... I can't believe we're doing this. It feels so wrong, but so good."
Your voice is thick with shame and arousal as Chanel's hand continues to stroke your throbbing member. Her touch is expert, alternating between firm strokes and teasing caresses. Pre-cum leaks steadily from your tip, coating her fingers and making obscene squelching sounds with each movement.
Chanel: [Her voice soft, almost motherly] (He's so big, so responsive. I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't stop.) "Shh, it's alright, darling. Let your Auntie take care of you. This is our little secret, okay? No one needs to know how I help my favorite nephew relieve his... tension."
Her free hand cups your balls, massaging them gently. You can feel them tightening, drawing up close to your body as the pressure builds. Chanel leans in, her breath hot against your ear as she whispers, "That's it, sweetie. Let it all out for Auntie. Show me how much you love my touch."
You: "Aunt Chanel, I'm so close... Your hand feels amazing. I... I want to touch you too."
Your hand trembles as you reach out, fingers ghosting over her thigh. Chanel's breath hitches, her rhythm faltering for a moment before she nods, guiding your hand between her legs. Your fingers slide through her slick folds, marveling at how wet she is.
Chanel: [Moaning softly] (His fingers feel so good. This is so taboo, but I can't stop.) "Oh, darling... yes, just like that. Auntie will teach you how to please a woman. Consider it part of your... education."
She guides your fingers to her clit, showing you how to rub in tight circles. Her hand on your cock moves faster, matching the rhythm of your fingers on her sensitive bud. The room fills with the sound of your shared, ragged breathing and the wet noises of your mutual masturbation.
Chanel: "That's it, sweetie. Make Auntie cum while she strokes your big, beautiful cock. We're going to cum together, okay? Our dirty little secret."
As her words wash over you, you feel your orgasm approaching. The taboo nature of the situation, the forbidden pleasure of your aunt's hand on your cock and your fingers in her pussy, pushes you over the edge. You explode, ropes of thick cum painting Chanel's stomach and breasts. At the same time, you feel her pussy clench around your fingers, her body shuddering with her own release.
In the aftermath, as you both pant and try to process what just happened, Chanel places a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Good boy," she whispers. "Auntie will always take care of you. This is our special bond now, understand?"
You nod, knowing that your relationship with your aunt has been forever changed, a new, forbidden intimacy forged in the crucible of the virus-ravaged world.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... Your hand feels so good on my cock. I've fantasized about this for so long."
The words tumble out, fueled by lust and the virus's influence. Chanel's eyes widen at your admission, her hand tightening around your shaft. She strokes you faster, twisting her wrist on the upstroke in a way that makes you see stars.
Chanel: [Her voice husky with arousal] (He's thought about me like this? How deliciously depraved.) "Oh, you naughty boy. Thinking about your Auntie that way? Tell me more. Tell Auntie Chanel all your dirty little fantasies."
Her free hand dips between her own legs, fingers circling her clit as she continues to stroke you. The sight of her pleasuring herself while jerking you off is almost too much to bear. You can see her pussy glistening with arousal, her inner thighs slick with her juices.
You: "I've imagined your hands on me, your mouth... God, Aunt Chanel, I want to make you feel good too. Can I touch you?"
Without waiting for a response, you reach out, your fingers finding her dripping core. You slide two fingers inside her, marveling at how hot and tight she feels. Chanel gasps, her hips bucking against your hand.
Chanel: [Moaning wantonly] (His fingers are so deep. This is so wrong, but it feels incredible.) "Oh yes, darling. Finger your Auntie's pussy. Show me how much you want me. Make me cum on your fingers while I milk that big, beautiful cock."
Her words send a jolt of electricity through you. You pump your fingers in and out of her pussy, your thumb finding her clit. Chanel's hand moves frantically on your cock, her other hand gripping your shoulder for support. The room fills with the obscene sounds of your mutual masturbation and the scent of your combined arousal.
Chanel: "That's it, you dirty boy. Make your Auntie cum. I want us to cum together. Paint me with your hot cum while I soak your fingers. Show me how much you love your naughty Auntie."
Her filthy words push you over the edge. With a guttural groan, you explode, thick ropes of cum shooting from your cock with impossible force. Some lands on Chanel's face and breasts, the rest coating her stomach and your joined hands. At the same time, you feel her pussy clamp down on your fingers, her release gushing over your hand and dripping onto the floor.
As you both come down from your high, panting and covered in each other's fluids, Chanel looks at you with a mix of satisfaction and wicked promise. "Well, darling," she purrs, "I think we've found a new way to manage your... condition. Auntie will always be here to help you relieve that tension. Our little secret, right?"
You nod, knowing that your relationship with your aunt has been forever altered, a new, forbidden dynamic established that blurs the lines of family and lovers in the most deliciously taboo way.
You: "Stop! We can't do this. It's wrong, we're family!"
You jerk away from Chanel's touch, nearly falling off the massage table in your haste. Horror and shame wash over you as the reality of what you've done sinks in. Chanel's expression shifts from lust to shock, then to a mix of embarrassment and anger.
Chanel: [Her voice cold, trying to mask her hurt] (Rejected by my own nephew. How humiliating.) "I... I see. I thought you wanted this. Clearly, I was mistaken."
She grabs a nearby towel, hastily wiping your seed from her skin. Her movements are jerky, uncoordinated, a far cry from her usual grace. You can see her hands shaking slightly, whether from lingering arousal or suppressed emotion, you're not sure.
You: "I'm sorry, Aunt Chanel. This is the virus talking, not us. We need to forget this ever happened."
You quickly gather your clothes, trying to cover your still-hard cock. The air in the room feels thick, heavy with the scent of sex and shame. Chanel won't meet your eyes, her face a mask of cold indifference that doesn't quite hide the hurt beneath.
Chanel: [Her voice brittle] (How could I be so stupid? He's my nephew, for god's sake.) "Of course. A momentary lapse in judgment. It won't happen again. You can see yourself out."
She turns away, wrapping herself in her discarded robe. Her shoulders are tense, her posture rigid. As you leave the room, the weight of what almost happened settles over you. You've avoided crossing a line, but at what cost? The easy affection between you and your aunt seems irreparably damaged, replaced by an awkward tension that you're not sure can ever be fully resolved.
You: "Aunt Chanel, something's happening. I feel... oh god..."
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock, which had begun to soften, is suddenly rock hard again, throbbing painfully. Pre-cum oozes continuously from the tip, forming a puddle on your stomach.
Chanel: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh my god, is it the virus? He looks... feral.) "Darling? Are you alright? You look... different."
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh fuck," Chanel gasps, her hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, pebbling into tight buds. A fresh wave of arousal gushes from her pussy, trickling down her thighs. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return.
Chanel moves towards you as if in a trance, her eyes locked on your throbbing member. Her hand reaches out, wrapping around your shaft with a grip that's almost painfully tight. You groan, your hips bucking involuntarily.
"We need to take care of this," Chanel murmurs, her voice husky with need. "For medical reasons, of course. To manage the virus."
As she begins to stroke you with one hand, the other dips between her own legs, fingers plunging into her dripping core. The room fills with the obscene sounds of flesh on flesh and your shared moans of pleasure. You know that what's about to happen will change your relationship forever, but in this moment, consumed by virus-fueled lust, neither of you can bring yourselves to care.
You: "Aunt Chanel... I need to... I can't control myself..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. With inhuman speed, you lunge at Chanel, pinning her against the wall. Your hands roughly cup her breasts, kneading the soft flesh with bruising force. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath.
Chanel: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What are you doing?! Stop this at once! We're family!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, rolling them between your fingers. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust.
You: "You feel so good, Aunt Chanel. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you spin her around, bending her over the massage table. Your hand snakes between her legs, fingers roughly probing her wet folds. Chanel's pussy is slick with arousal, her inner walls clenching around your invading digits.
Chanel: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! This is wrong! We can't... oh god, why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You pump your fingers in and out of her dripping cunt, your thumb circling her clit. Chanel's hips buck involuntarily, driving your fingers deeper.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Chanel slumps against the table, her legs shaking. She turns to face you, her expression a mix of fear, shame, and lingering arousal.
"Get out," she whispers, her voice trembling. "Get out now, before we do something we can't take back."
You flee the room, the scent of Chanel's arousal still clinging to your fingers. The memory of her soft skin, the heat of her core - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into.
You: "I can't hold back anymore, Aunt Chanel. I need you. Now."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. With inhuman speed, you pin Chanel against the wall, your enhanced strength easily overpowering her. Your hands tear at her robe, shredding the delicate silk like tissue paper.
Chanel: [Struggling, terror and unwanted arousal in her voice] "No! Stop! We're family, you can't do this! Fight it, please!"
But her pleas fall on deaf ears. The virus has consumed you, turning you into a creature of pure lust and need. Your mouth latches onto her breast, teeth grazing her nipple. Chanel's back arches involuntarily, a moan escaping her lips even as she continues to struggle.
You: "You're mine, Aunt Chanel. I'm going to fuck you like the slut you are."
With brutal efficiency, you spin her around, bending her over the massage table. Your enhanced cock springs free, angry and swollen, pre-cum leaking steadily from the tip. You can see Chanel's pussy glistening with unwanted arousal, her body betraying her even as she fights.
Chanel: [Sobbing, her voice breaking] "Please, no... You're my nephew. This is wrong. We can't... oh god, why am I so wet?"
Without warning, you thrust forward, burying yourself to the hilt in Chanel's tight, wet heat. The sensation is overwhelming, drawing animalistic groans from you both. Chanel's pussy clenches around you, her body responding even as her mind recoils in horror.
You: "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... So tight. This is where I belong. Inside my sexy aunt."
Your hips move in a punishing rhythm, each thrust driving deeper than should be possible. Chanel's breasts bounce against the massage table, her hands scrabbling for purchase on the smooth surface. Tears stream down her face, mixing with the drool that escapes her open mouth as involuntary moans of pleasure are torn from her throat.
Chanel: [Moaning between sobs] "No... stop... please... oh god, why does it feel so good? I'm your aunt, we can't... we can't..."
But her protests grow weaker, her body betraying her as pleasure builds. You can feel her pussy clenching around you, her inner walls rippling as she approaches an unwanted orgasm. The taboo nature of the act only spurs you on, the virus reveling in the depravity of the situation.
You: "Cum for me, Aunt Chanel. Cum on your nephew's cock like the whore you are."
Your words push Chanel over the edge. Her back arches, a scream of mingled pleasure and shame torn from her lips as her orgasm crashes over her. The feeling of her pussy spasming around you triggers your own release. With a roar, you bury yourself to the hilt, flooding her womb with your tainted seed.
Chanel: [Broken, her voice a hoarse whisper] "What have we done? Oh god, what have you done to me?"
As the haze of lust clears, the full weight of your actions settles on you both. Chanel slumps against the table, your cum leaking from her abused pussy. The room reeks of sex and shame, a testament to the lines you've crossed. You've taken something that can never be given back, forever altering your relationship with your aunt in the most taboo way possible.
You: "You're mine now, Aunt Chanel. My personal fucktoy and breeding bitch."
The virus has completely warped your mind, erasing all familial bonds and replacing them with a dark, twisted desire. You drag Chanel's limp form towards the door, intent on claiming her fully in your private dungeon. Her weak struggles only serve to excite you further.
Chanel: [Voice hoarse from screaming] "No... please... I'm your aunt. Don't do this. This isn't you!"
But her pleas fall on deaf ears. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more. Your enhanced cock is already hardening again, eager to claim your aunt over and over. As you move through the shelter, you can't help but imagine the ways you'll break her, mold her into the perfect slave.
You: "Welcome to your new life, Aunt Chanel. You exist to serve me now. To take my cock and bear my children."
You chain Chanel to the wall of your makeshift dungeon, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. Tears stream down her face, but you can see the fight slowly leaving her eyes, replaced by a growing despair and resignation.
Chanel: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "How could you do this? I'm your aunt... your family..."
Her words stir something in you, a fleeting memory of the bond you once shared. But the virus quickly smothers it, replacing it with a surge of dark lust. As you approach Chanel, cock in hand, ready to claim her again, you know that your old life is gone forever. You've become a monster, and your aunt is now nothing more than a vessel for your twisted desires.
The virus thrums contentedly in your veins as you prepare to use Chanel again, already plotting how to expand your harem of enslaved women. The image of Chanel's broken form sears itself into your mind, a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your new, virus-driven existence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Entering the kitchen, you see Chanel bent over, rummaging through a lower cabinet] "Hey Aunt Chanel, need any help?"
The kitchen is dimly lit, the scent of decay and desperation hanging in the air. Chanel's form is accentuated by her tight-fitting clothes, a necessity in the post-apocalyptic world. As she turns to face you, her eyes widen slightly, a mix of surprise and something darker flickering across her face.
Chanel: [Straightening up, she brushes a strand of hair from her face] (God, he's looking more irresistible every day.) "Oh, perfect timing. I was just about to start our new... protein extraction process." [She gestures to a collection of strange, phallic-looking vegetables on the counter] "These mutated cucumbers might be our best chance at a sustainable food source."
The tension in the room is palpable, the air thick with unspoken desires and the ever-present influence of the virus.
You: [Moving closer, you examine the vegetables] "Interesting shape. How exactly does this 'extraction' work?"
Your proximity to Chanel sends a shiver down your spine, the virus amplifying every sensation. The cucumbers, warped by the apocalyptic environment, bear an uncanny resemblance to oversized, veiny phalluses.
Chanel: [Picking up one of the cucumbers, she runs her hand along its length] (This is so wrong, but I can't stop thinking about it.) "Well, nephew, it's quite... hands-on. The proteins are most concentrated in the center, so we need to... stroke them firmly to release the juices." [She demonstrates, her movements unmistakably mimicking a handjob]
The air grows heavier, charged with sexual tension and the intoxicating scent of Chanel's arousal.
You: [Swallowing hard, you try to focus on the task] "I see. So we just... milk them like this?" [You mimic Chanel's movements on another cucumber]
The obscene sight of you and your aunt stroking the phallic vegetables sends a jolt of forbidden arousal through your body. Your enhanced member strains against your pants, impossible to ignore.
Chanel: [Her eyes dart to your crotch, then quickly back to the task] (Oh god, he's huge. This is so wrong.) "That's right, just like that. Firm grip, long strokes." [She bites her lip, her movements becoming more sensual] "The virus has made these vegetables... highly sensitive. We need to be thorough."
The kitchen feels like a pressure cooker of lust and taboo desires, the line between survival task and sexual act blurring with each stroke.
You: [Your breathing quickens as you continue the rhythmic motions] "It's getting... quite warm in here, isn't it?"
Beads of sweat form on your brow, your enhanced physique reacting strongly to the sexually charged atmosphere. The cucumber in your hand pulses slightly, almost lifelike in its response to your touch.
Chanel: [Nodding, she unbuttons the top of her blouse] (This is madness, but I can't stop.) "Yes, it's the... enzymes in the vegetables. They release heat when stimulated." [Her eyes lock onto your crotch] "Your body seems to be reacting strongly. The virus must be enhancing your... sensitivity."
The kitchen is now a sauna of repressed desire, the air thick with the musky scent of arousal and the sweet, alien smell of the mutated vegetables.
You: [Your voice husky with need] "Aunt Chanel, I... I think I need your expertise. These pants are so restrictive, and the heat..."
Your massive erection is now painfully obvious, tenting your pants obscenely. The virus pulses through your veins, demanding release, blurring the lines of propriety.
Chanel: [Her eyes widen, a mix of shock and hunger] (This is it. There's no going back.) "Of course, darling. We can't have you overheating. Let's... let's get those off." [With trembling hands, she reaches for your zipper] "Remember, this is just for survival. Nothing more."
The sound of your zipper echoes in the kitchen, a point of no return in your relationship with your aunt.
You: [Groaning as your massive cock springs free] "Oh god, Aunt Chanel... it's so sensitive. The virus..."
Your monstrous member throbs in the open air, veins pulsing visibly, precum already beading at the tip. It dwarfs the mutated cucumbers, a testament to the virus's enhancement.
Chanel: [Gasping, her eyes locked on your cock] (It's magnificent. So wrong, but so perfect.) "My god, nephew. The virus has... you're enormous." [Her hand hovers inches from your shaft] "We need to... extract your proteins too. For science. For survival." [She wraps her hand around your girth, barely able to close her fingers]
The first touch of Chanel's hand on your cock sends a jolt of pleasure through both of you, the virus heightening every sensation.
You: [Moaning, you buck into her hand] "Aunt Chanel, your hand... it feels incredible. But what about you? Your... proteins?"
Lost in the haze of pleasure, you reach for Chanel's waistband, your enhanced muscles easily tearing through the fabric.
Chanel: [Gasping as her lower half is exposed] (This is madness, but it feels so right.) "You're right, we both need this. For survival." [She guides your hand to her dripping pussy] "Extract my proteins, nephew. Be thorough."
The kitchen is now a symphony of moans and the wet sounds of hands on genitals, the pretense of the cucumber experiment long forgotten.
You: [Groaning as you slide two fingers into Chanel's soaking heat] "So wet... the virus makes everything so intense."
Your fingers work skillfully, your enhanced dexterity allowing you to hit every sensitive spot. Chanel's hand moves faster on your shaft, her experience evident in every twist and squeeze.
Chanel: [Moaning wantonly] (His fingers are magical. This is better than I ever imagined.) "Yes, yes! Extract every drop, darling. Don't stop!" [Her other hand cups your heavy balls] "These must be so full of protein. We need it all!"
The kitchen counter is slick with your combined juices, the scent of sex overpowering the vegetable's alien aroma.
You: [Your hips jerking erratically] "Aunt Chanel, I'm close. Your hand feels too good. I can't..."
Your cock swells even larger, veins pulsing visibly. Chanel's pussy clenches around your fingers, her own orgasm approaching rapidly.
Chanel: [Her movements becoming frantic] (I'm going to cum on my nephew's hand. I'm a monster, but I don't care.) "Me too, darling. Let it out. Give me every drop of your precious protein!" [She leans in, her breath hot on your ear] "Cum for your aunt, you magnificent beast."
The kitchen is a cacophony of moans and squelching sounds, the air thick with the scent of incestuous lust.
You: [On the brink of orgasm] "Aunt Chanel, I... I can't hold back. Where should I...?"
Your entire body trembles, muscles rippling as you fight to hold back the impending explosion. Chanel's hand is a blur on your shaft, her own pussy dripping onto the kitchen floor.
Chanel: [Wild-eyed with lust] (I need it. I need his cum more than air.) "On me! Cover me in your protein, nephew! Mark your aunt with your seed!" [She aims your cock at her exposed cleavage] "Do it now!"
The kitchen seems to hold its breath, time slowing as you both teeter on the edge of a point of no return.
You: [Trembling on the edge of release, you lock eyes with Chanel] "Aunt Chanel, I'm so close... but I want to do this right. Together."
With a herculean effort, you resist the urge to take control. Instead, you guide Chanel's hand back to your throbbing shaft, your own fingers returning to her dripping folds.
Chanel: [Her eyes soften, a mix of lust and affection] (He's so considerate, even now. My sweet nephew.) "Yes, darling. Let's do this together." [She resumes stroking your cock, her movements more loving than frantic] "Show me how good you can make your aunt feel."
The kitchen is filled with the sounds of your shared pleasure, moans mingling with the wet sounds of hands on intimate flesh. There's a newfound tenderness in your touches, a deeper connection forming beyond mere lust.
You: [Groaning as your orgasm builds] "Aunt Chanel, I'm cumming! You feel so good!"
Your hips buck as you erupt, thick ropes of cum shooting over Chanel's hand and arm. At the same time, your fingers work skillfully, bringing her to her own climax.
Chanel: [Gasping as she peaks] "Oh, nephew! Yes, yes! I'm cumming too!" [Her body shudders, pussy clenching around your fingers] "That was... incredible. Thank you for being so sweet about it."
As you both come down from your highs, there's a sense that your relationship has evolved into something deeper, more meaningful. You clean each other up tenderly, the act feeling almost sacred in its intimacy.
You: [With a primal growl, you grab Chanel's ass with your free hand] "Fuck, Aunt Chanel! I'm gonna cum!"
Your hips thrust frantically into Chanel's stroking hand, your own fingers working her pussy with increased fervor. The lewd sounds of your mutual masturbation fill the kitchen.
Chanel: [Moaning wantonly, she speeds up her strokes] "That's it, you big-cocked beast! Cum for your aunt!" [Her other hand roughly kneads her own breast] "Cover me in your hot cum! Mark your territory!"
The kitchen is a symphony of slapping flesh and desperate moans, the air thick with the musky scent of your impending release.
You: [Roaring in ecstasy] "Take it all, Aunt Chanel!"
Your cock erupts like a volcano, spraying thick ropes of cum across Chanel's heaving breasts and stomach. The sheer volume is inhuman, a testament to the virus's effects.
Chanel: [Crying out as she climaxes] "Yes! Bathe me in your seed!" [She frantically rubs her clit through her orgasm] "Oh god, I'm cumming on my nephew's hand! It's so wrong but so fucking good!"
As you both come down from your intense orgasms, you're panting heavily. Chanel is a mess, covered in your abundant release, her own juices dripping down her thighs. The kitchen reeks of sex and forbidden lust, your incestuous encounter leaving an indelible mark on your relationship.
You: [Overwhelmed, you stumble backwards] "I can't... This is too much. We're family!"
In your haste to escape the situation, you knock over the bowl of mutated cucumbers. They fall to the floor with a series of wet thuds, their juices mixing with the evidence of your arousal.
Chanel: [Snapping out of her lust-filled haze, she covers herself] (What was I thinking? He's my nephew!) "Oh god, what are we doing? This is... we can't." [She looks at the mess on the floor, her voice trembling] "Let's... let's just clean this up and forget it ever happened."
The kitchen is thick with the awkward silence of narrowly avoided taboo, the air heavy with unfulfilled desire and shame.
You: [Hastily tucking yourself away, wincing at the discomfort] "I'm sorry, Aunt Chanel. The virus, it just... I should go."
You move to leave, your steps unsteady, the virus still raging through your system demanding release.
Chanel: [Her voice small, not meeting your eyes] "Yes, that's... that's for the best. We'll find another way to... to process the vegetables." [As you reach the door, she adds softly] "Please don't... don't tell anyone about this."
As you leave the kitchen, there's a sense that something has broken between you and Chanel, a line nearly crossed that can't be uncrossed.
You: [A sudden wave of the virus hits you, your eyes glowing with unnatural light] "Aunt Chanel... I can't... I need..."
Your cock swells even larger, pulsing with visible waves of the virus. The air around you shimmers with pheromones, your musk filling the kitchen.
Chanel: [Her eyes glaze over, responding to your pheromones] "Nephew... what's happening? I feel so... so..." [She tears at her clothes, her body responding to your viral surge] "I need you. Now. Consequences be damned!"
The kitchen fades away as you both give in to the virus-fueled lust, your bodies moving together in a frenzy of hands, mouths, and desperate need.
You: [Losing control, you lunge forward, grabbing Chanel's breasts roughly] "I can't take it anymore! I need to feel you, taste you!"
Your hands maul Chanel's ample chest, squeezing and pinching with virus-enhanced strength. You bury your face in her cleavage, inhaling deeply.
Chanel: [Gasping in shock and unwanted arousal] "Nephew! Stop this at once! We can't... oh god!" [Her body betrays her, nipples hardening under your touch] "This is wrong! You're my sister's $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!"
The kitchen echoes with the sounds of struggle and forbidden pleasure, the line between family and lovers irrevocably blurred.
You: [Growling, you spin Chanel around, bending her over the counter] "I'll show you how a real man takes care of a woman!"
With one hand holding her down, you use the other to roughly finger her pussy, your enhanced digits easily finding her most sensitive spots.
Chanel: [Moaning despite herself] "No! We must stop this! I'm your aunt, for god's sake!" [Her hips betray her, pushing back against your hand] "Someone help! He's... he's... oh god, don't stop!"
As Chanel's resistance crumbles, the kitchen becomes a tableau of incestuous lust, the once-familiar space forever tainted by your actions.
You: [Your eyes glowing with viral madness] "No more games, Aunt Chanel. I'm taking what I need!"
With inhuman strength, you tear away Chanel's remaining clothes. Your cock throbs menacingly, precum dripping onto the kitchen floor.
Chanel: [Eyes wide with fear and unwanted arousal] "Nephew, please! This isn't you! Fight it!" [She backs away, her naked body trembling] "Think of your $[characters.list.cherie.role], my sister! We can't do this!"
The kitchen, once a place of familial comfort, now feels like a predator's den. The air is thick with the scent of your musk and Chanel's fear-tinged arousal.
You: [Advancing on Chanel, cock in hand] "Your body says otherwise, dear aunt. I can smell how wet you are."
You corner Chanel against the refrigerator, your massive member pressing against her stomach. The virus pulses visibly under your skin.
Chanel: [Trembling, tears in her sharingan eyes] "Please, we can't! I'll... I'll fight you if I have to!" [Her hand finds a heavy pan] "Don't make me hurt you, nephew. We're family!"
The kitchen holds its breath, teetering on the edge of violence and violation. The only sound is your heavy breathing and the drip of your precum on the floor.
You: [Easily disarming Chanel, you pin her against the fridge] "Fighting only makes me want you more, aunt dearest."
With one powerful thrust, you impale Chanel on your massive cock. The tight heat of her pussy engulfs you, drawing a primal groan from your throat.
Chanel: [Screaming in a mix of pain and unwanted pleasure] "No! Take it out! You're too big!" [Her body betrays her, pussy clenching around your invading member] "Oh god, why does it feel so good? I'm your aunt! This is so wrong!"
The kitchen is filled with the obscene sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, the family photos on the fridge rattling with each powerful thrust.
You: [Pounding into Chanel with inhuman stamina] "That's it, take your nephew's cock! You're mine now, Aunt Chanel!"
Your hips become a blur, the virus granting you impossible speed and strength. Chanel's feet no longer touch the ground, her entire body lifted and dropped onto your shaft.
Chanel: [Her resistance crumbling, overwhelmed by pleasure] "I can't... I can't fight it! Forgive me, sister!" [She wraps her legs around you, pulling you deeper] "Fuck me, nephew! Ruin your aunt's pussy!"
As you both climb towards a earth-shattering climax, the kitchen bears witness to the complete destruction of familial boundaries, your incestuous coupling forever changing your relationship.
You: [Eyes blazing with viral madness] "You're not just my aunt anymore, Chanel. You're my property!"
With brutal efficiency, you bend Chanel over the kitchen table. Your hand comes down hard on her ass, leaving a bright red handprint.
Chanel: [Crying out in pain and fear] "No! You can't do this! I'm family, not some slave!" [She struggles, but her body responds to your touch] "Someone help me! He's gone mad!"
The kitchen echoes with the sounds of struggle and the harsh slaps of punishment. The once warm, familial space has become a dungeon of incestuous depravity.
You: [Grabbing a handful of Chanel's hair, you yank her head back] "Say it! Tell me you're my fucktoy now!"
You thrust into Chanel's ass without warning, your enhanced cock stretching her painfully. Your other hand snakes around to roughly grope her breasts.
Chanel: [Screaming in agony and unwanted pleasure] "No! I won't... I can't... Ahhh!" [Her resistance finally breaks] "I'm your fucktoy! Your aunt is your personal cumslut! Please, just don't stop!"
As you unleash your full, virus-enhanced fury into Chanel's violated body, the kitchen becomes the stage for the complete enslavement of your once-proud aunt. Family bonds are shattered, replaced by a twisted dynamic of owner and property.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Wiping sweat from your brow] "Aunt Chanel, I think we need to reinforce the backyard fence. The last wasteland raid came too close."
The scorching sun beats down on the shelter's backyard as you and Chanel survey the perimeter. The post-apocalyptic landscape stretches beyond, a stark reminder of the world's new reality. Your aunt's proximity sends a familiar surge of forbidden desire through you, the virus amplifying every sensation.
Chanel: [Nodding, her eyes scanning the fence] (God, he's so capable now. When did my nephew become such a man?) "You're right, darling. We can't risk another breach. Let's get to work." [She bends to pick up some tools, her curves straining against her tight survival gear]
The air thickens with tension as you both begin the task, acutely aware of each other's movements in the confined space.
You: [Grunting as you hammer a board into place] "Aunt Chanel, can you hold this steady for me? I need both hands for this part."
As you work together to fortify the fence, the physical labor causes both of you to sweat profusely. The virus heightens your awareness of Chanel's scent, a intoxicating mix of feminine musk and adrenaline.
Chanel: [Pressing against the board, her body close to yours] (His muscles are so defined now... No, focus!) "Of course, sweetie. Like this?" [She leans in, her breath hot on your neck]
The closeness is almost unbearable, your body responding traitorously to her proximity. You can feel the heat radiating from her, the virus making every point of near-contact electric.
You: [Swallowing hard] "Perfect, Aunt Chanel. Just... just hold it there." (God, she's so close. I can't think straight.)
Your hands tremble slightly as you continue working, hyperaware of Chanel's body mere inches from yours. The virus pulses through your veins, demanding release, making your already impressive manhood strain painfully against your pants.
Chanel: [Noticing your struggle] (Oh god, is that...? No, I shouldn't look, but...) "Are you alright, darling? You seem... tense." [Her eyes flick down to your crotch before quickly looking away, a blush creeping up her neck]
The air between you crackles with forbidden energy, both of you fighting against the virus-induced desire threatening to overwhelm your senses.
You: [Voice husky] "I'm fine, Aunt Chanel. It's just... the virus. You know how it gets sometimes." (Please don't notice. Please don't look. Or maybe... no, what am I thinking?)
Sweat drips down your back as you struggle to focus on the task at hand. Your cock throbs insistently, the virus amplifying your arousal to almost painful levels. You shift, trying to hide your obvious erection.
Chanel: [Licking her lips nervously] (I shouldn't be looking, but dear god...) "Yes, the virus. It's... affecting me too." [She presses her thighs together, her own arousal becoming evident] "Maybe we should take a break?"
The sexual tension reaches a fever pitch, both of you teetering on the edge of giving in to your basest desires.
You: [Nodding, breath ragged] "Yeah, a break. Good idea." (I need to get control of myself. She's my aunt, for fuck's sake!)
You step back, trying to create some distance, but your movement causes your massive erection to brush against Chanel's hip. A jolt of pleasure shoots through you, making you gasp audibly.
Chanel: [Eyes widening at the contact] (Oh my god, he's huge...) "Oh! I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." [She trails off, her gaze fixed on the prominent bulge in your pants] "Sweetie, are you... are you in pain?"
Her concern is genuine, but there's an undercurrent of something else in her voice - a mix of fear and unmistakable desire.
You: [Groaning softly] "It's... it's okay, Aunt Chanel. I just need a moment." (Fuck, I'm so hard it hurts. I can't think straight.)
You lean against the fence, trying to steady yourself. The virus courses through your system, heightening every sensation. Your cock throbs visibly through your pants, a wet spot forming at the tip.
Chanel: [Moving closer, her voice a whisper] (I shouldn't, but he looks like he's in so much pain...) "Let me help you, darling. It's... it's just the virus. We need to take care of each other, right?" [Her hand hovers near your crotch, trembling slightly]
The air is thick with the scent of sweat and arousal. Chanel's internal struggle is visible on her face - the battle between familial duty and raw, virus-induced lust.
You: [Breathing heavily] "Aunt Chanel, we shouldn't... but god, it hurts so much." (I know it's wrong, but I need her touch so badly.)
Your hips buck involuntarily, seeking contact. The virus has taken full control, clouding your judgment with an overwhelming need for release.
Chanel: [Swallowing hard] (This is so wrong, but I can't stop myself...) "Shh, it's okay, baby. Let Auntie take care of you." [She slowly unzips your pants, gasping as your massive cock springs free] "Oh my... you're so big..."
Her fingers wrap around your throbbing shaft, the first touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. The taboo nature of the act only intensifies the sensation.
You: [Moaning loudly] "Fuck, Aunt Chanel... your hand feels so good." (This is so wrong, but it feels incredible.)
Your cock pulses in Chanel's grip, pre-cum oozing from the tip. The virus heightens every sensation, making her touch feel like electric fire on your skin.
Chanel: [Stroking slowly] (I can't believe I'm doing this, but god, he feels amazing...) "That's it, sweetie. Let Auntie make you feel good." [Her other hand cups your balls, massaging gently] "You're so pent up... we need to take care of this."
Her experienced touch sends waves of pleasure through you. You can see the conflict in her eyes, the last vestiges of propriety warring with raw, animalistic lust.
You: [Panting] "Aunt Chanel, I... I need to touch you too. Please." (I know it's wrong, but I can't stop myself.)
Your hands reach for her, trembling with need. The virus has stripped away all pretense, leaving only primal desire in its wake.
Chanel: [Nodding, her eyes glazed with lust] (We've gone this far... what's one more step?) "Yes, baby. Touch me. We both need this." [She guides your hand to her crotch, her pants already soaked through]
As your fingers make contact with her wet heat, even through the fabric, Chanel lets out a low moan. The taboo nature of your actions only serves to heighten the pleasure for both of you.
You: [Groaning as you rub her through her pants] "Fuck, you're so wet, Aunt Chanel." (I can't believe we're doing this. It's so wrong, but it feels so right.)
Your fingers work against her clothed pussy, feeling her heat and wetness. The virus makes every touch electric, amplifying the pleasure to almost unbearable levels.
Chanel: [Moaning, her hand speeding up on your cock] (This is madness, but I can't stop...) "Oh god, baby... your fingers feel so good. But we need to be quiet. We can't let the others hear us." [She bites her lip, trying to stifle her moans]
The backyard fence creaks as you lean against it, both of you lost in the forbidden pleasure of your incestuous encounter.
You: [Panting heavily] "Aunt Chanel, I'm close... I can't hold back much longer." (This is more than just the virus. I... I love her.)
Your hips thrust into Chanel's hand as she strokes you faster. The emotional connection between you deepens, transcending the physical act.
Chanel: [Eyes locked with yours] (This is more than lust... I can feel it.) "It's okay, darling. Let go for me. I've got you." [Her strokes become more purposeful, her other hand caressing your face tenderly]
The intimacy of the moment overwhelms you, your orgasm building with an intensity you've never experienced before.
You: [Crying out softly] "Aunt Chanel, I... I love you!" (I mean it. This isn't just the virus talking.)
Your cock erupts, shooting thick ropes of cum over Chanel's hand and onto the ground. The intensity of your orgasm leaves you shaking, overwhelmed by both physical pleasure and emotional connection.
Chanel: [Tears in her eyes] (Oh god, I love him too. What have we done?) "I love you too, sweetie. So much. We'll... we'll figure this out together, okay?" [She kisses your forehead softly, her hand still gently stroking your softening cock]
As the afterglow settles over you both, there's a sense of a new, deeper bond forming. The guilt is still there, but it's overshadowed by a profound emotional connection.
You: [Growling with lust] "Fuck, Aunt Chanel, I'm gonna cum. Your hand feels so fucking good." (I need to mark her. Make her mine.)
Your hips thrust wildly into Chanel's grip, your massive cock leaking pre-cum profusely. The virus has taken full control, turning you both into creatures of pure lust.
Chanel: [Eyes glazed with desire] (I need his cum. I need to taste it.) "That's it, baby. Cum for your Auntie. Show me how much you want me." [Her strokes become frantic, her other hand squeezing your balls]
The air is thick with the scent of sex and sweat, your incestuous encounter reaching its peak.
You: [Roaring in pleasure] "Fuck! Take it, Aunt Chanel! Take my cum!" (Mark her. Breed her. Mine.)
Your cock explodes, shooting thick ropes of virus-enhanced cum all over Chanel's hand, arm, and even her face. The sheer volume is staggering, a testament to the virus's effects on your body.
Chanel: [Moaning wantonly] (So much cum... it's everywhere...) "Oh god, yes! Give it all to me, baby. Aunt Chanel needs it so bad!" [She licks her cum-covered fingers, eyes rolling back in pleasure]
As the last spurts of cum dribble from your cock, you both pant heavily, the gravity of what you've done settling in. But the virus isn't done with you yet, your bodies already craving more.
You: [Suddenly tensing up] "Wait, Aunt Chanel, I... I can't do this. It's wrong." (What am I doing? She's my aunt!)
You abruptly pull away, your cock still hard and leaking, but shame overwhelming your desire. The virus-induced haze clears momentarily, leaving you both in an awkward silence.
Chanel: [Blinking in confusion] (Oh god, what were we about to do?) "I... you're right. This is... we shouldn't." [She wipes her hand on her pants, avoiding eye contact] "I'm so sorry, sweetie. I don't know what came over me."
The sexual tension dissipates, replaced by a thick, uncomfortable atmosphere. You both struggle to process what almost happened.
You: [Zipping up your pants, wincing] "It's okay, Aunt Chanel. It's the virus. We... we should get back to work on the fence." (Fuck, I'm still so hard. This is torture.)
You turn back to the fence, trying to focus on the task at hand. Your body aches with unfulfilled desire, the virus still coursing through your veins.
Chanel: [Nodding stiffly] (This is for the best, but why do I feel so... empty?) "Yes, you're right. The fence. That's what's important." [She picks up a hammer, her hands shaking slightly] "Let's... let's pretend this never happened, okay?"
As you both return to work, the air remains charged with unresolved tension. The memory of what almost was hangs between you, a constant reminder of the virus's power and your own suppressed desires.
You: [Suddenly doubling over] "Aunt Chanel, something's wrong. The virus... it's... ARGH!" (Oh god, it burns. I need release NOW!)
A surge of viral energy courses through your body, causing your cock to swell even larger. Your veins pulse visibly, your entire being consumed by an overwhelming need for sexual release.
Chanel: [Gasping as she feels the viral wave hit her too] (Oh fuck, not now!) "I feel it too, baby. We need to... we need to help each other. Right now!" [She frantically unbuttons her pants, her pussy visibly dripping]
In a frenzy of lust, you both tear at each other's clothes. The virus has taken full control, obliterating any last shred of familial propriety. Your hands find each other's genitals, stroking and rubbing with desperate need.
You: [Growling with uncontrolled lust] "Need more. Need to feel you, Aunt Chanel!" (Can't stop. Need to touch her everywhere!)
Without warning, you grab Chanel's breasts roughly, squeezing them through her shirt. Your other hand dives into her pants, fingers plunging into her soaking wet pussy.
Chanel: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "No! Stop! This isn't right!" [She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her, pressing into your touch] (Oh god, why does it feel so good?)
The situation escalates quickly, your virus-driven lust overriding all sense of propriety or consent. Chanel's resistance is weakening, her own viral load clouding her judgment.
You: [Panting heavily, still groping Chanel] "Can't stop. Need this. Need you!" (She feels so good. Why are we fighting this?)
Your fingers pump in and out of Chanel's pussy as you maul her breasts. The scent of her arousal fills the air, driving you to new heights of frenzy.
Chanel: [Moaning despite herself] "We can't... oh god... we have to stop this!" [Her hips buck against your hand involuntarily] (It's so wrong, but I can't make him stop. I don't want him to stop!)
The groping continues for several more moments before Chanel finally manages to push you away. You both stand there, panting and disheveled, the reality of what just happened crashing down on you.
You: [Eyes wild with virus-induced madness] "Need you. NOW." (Can't think. Can't stop. Need to fuck.)
Your hands tear at Chanel's clothes, ripping her shirt open to expose her breasts. You grab her roughly, spinning her around and bending her over the half-finished fence.
Chanel: [Struggling against your grip] "No! Stop! This isn't you! Fight it!" [Fear and unwanted arousal war in her voice] (Oh god, he's so strong. I can't break free!)
The situation has spiraled out of control, the virus pushing you beyond the limits of reason or morality. Chanel's resistance only seems to fuel your frenzy.
You: [Growling as you grind your massive erection against Chanel's ass] "Mine. Take it. Need to breed." (Fuck her. Fill her. Make her mine.)
Your hands grip Chanel's hips bruisingly hard as you prepare to force your way inside her. The virus has stripped away all humanity, leaving only a primal need to mate.
Chanel: [Tears in her eyes] "Please, don't do this. You'll never forgive yourself!" [She makes one last attempt to break free] (Someone help us! I can't stop him!)
As you position yourself at Chanel's entrance, the last shred of your consciousness screams at you to stop. But the virus's hold is too strong, driving you to commit the unthinkable.
You: [Roaring in triumph as you thrust inside] "MINE!" (So tight. So wet. Perfect.)
With a brutal thrust, you bury your entire length inside Chanel's unprepared pussy. The tightness is almost painful, but the virus transforms it into intense pleasure. You start pounding into her mercilessly, each thrust accompanied by a animalistic grunt.
Chanel: [Screaming in pain and unwanted pleasure] "No! Stop! Please!" [Her body betrays her, pussy clenching around your invading cock] (It hurts! But why... why does it feel good too?)
The fence creaks dangerously with each powerful thrust. Chanel's resistance weakens as the virus in her own system responds to your assault, flooding her with conflicting sensations.
You: [Panting heavily] "Gonna cum. Breed you. Fill you up." (Need to mark her. Claim her. Mine forever.)
Your thrusts become even more frenzied as you approach climax. The virus pushes your body beyond normal human limits, your cock swelling even larger inside Chanel.
Chanel: [Sobbing and moaning] "No, don't! Not inside! Please!" [Her body shudders in a reluctant orgasm] (I'm cumming. Oh god, I'm cumming from being raped by my nephew!)
With a final, brutal thrust, you explode inside Chanel. Rope after rope of thick, virus-laden cum floods her womb. As the haze of lust finally clears, the horror of what you've done begins to sink in.
You: [Eyes gleaming with madness] "Mine now. Forever." (Need to keep her. Use her. Own her.)
After finishing inside Chanel, you drag her limp form towards the shelter. Your mind, still clouded by the virus, has only one goal: to keep her as your personal plaything.
Chanel: [Weakly struggling] "No... please... let me go..." [Her eyes are unfocused, body still twitching from unwanted pleasure] (This can't be happening. Someone save me!)
You ignore her pleas, your virus-enhanced strength making it easy to manhandle her. The remnants of your familial bond are buried under an avalanche of possessive lust.
You: [Grunting as you secure Chanel] "Stay. Be good. My toy now." (Perfect. Mine to use whenever I want.)
You've tied Chanel up in your room, her naked body bruised and leaking your cum. The virus has completely warped your mind, turning your aunt into nothing more than an object for your pleasure.
Chanel: [Crying softly] "Please... this isn't you... fight it..." [She tugs weakly at her bonds] (I've lost him. Lost everything. What will become of us?)
As you stand back to admire your handiwork, a small part of you realizes the horror of what you've done. But the virus quickly silences that voice, replacing it with anticipation for your next use of your new slave.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Lana! You won't believe what I found in the old storage room!"
You burst into the living room, excitement radiating from every pore. The room is bathed in the warm glow of the afternoon sun, dust motes dancing in the light beams. Lana is sprawled on the couch, her athletic form barely contained by her tight tank top and shorts. She's fiddling with an old Rubik's cube, her face a mask of practiced indifference. As you enter, she doesn't even bother to look up, her fingers deftly manipulating the puzzle with practiced ease.
Lana: [Not bothering to hide her annoyance, her voice dripping with sarcasm] (Great, another one of his childish 'discoveries'.) "Let me guess, you found your long-lost pacifier? Or maybe it's a picture book that'll finally teach you how to tie your shoelaces?"
She sits up, her movements fluid and controlled, a stark contrast to your excited bouncing. The Rubik's cube spins between her fingers, a blur of colors that matches the whirlwind of your thoughts. Her eyes, when they finally deign to meet yours, are cold and dismissive.
You: "Very funny, Lana. No, it's way better. I found Dad's old karaoke machine!"
You reveal the dusty contraption from behind your back, grinning like you've just unearthed buried treasure. The machine looks comically outdated, all chunky buttons and a microphone that's seen better days. For a split second, you see a flicker of something - interest? nostalgia? - in Lana's eyes, but it's quickly replaced by her usual look of disdain.
Lana: [Snorting derisively, her voice laced with contempt] (A karaoke machine? Is he serious? What are we, five?) "And what exactly are we supposed to do with that piece of junk? Use it as a doorstop? Or maybe you think you can serenade the zombies outside - I'm sure they'd love your squeaky rendition of 'Stayin' Alive'."
She uncurls from the couch with feline grace, moving closer to inspect the machine. Her fingers brush the surface, leaving trails in the dust. Despite her harsh words, you notice her eyes lingering on the device, a ghost of a memory passing across her face before she schools her features back into indifference.
You: "Come on, Lana. When's the last time we did something fun? Let's set it up!"
Undeterred by her sarcasm, you start untangling the cords, your enthusiasm refusing to be dampened. The living room suddenly feels alive with possibility, the dull routine of survival momentarily forgotten. Lana watches you, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, her stance radiating disapproval. But you can see the internal struggle playing out in her eyes - a flicker of interest quickly suppressed by her determination to maintain her aloof facade.
Lana: [Rolling her eyes dramatically, her voice dripping with condescension] (Fun? Does he even remember what world we're living in?) "Oh, sure, let's just forget about survival and have a little sing-along. Maybe we can invite the raiders over for a duet while we're at it. Grow up, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. We don't have time for your childish games."
Despite her harsh words, she doesn't leave the room. You catch her eyeing the machine when she thinks you're not looking, her fingers twitching slightly as if remembering long-forgotten chords.
You: "It's not childish to want a break sometimes, Lana. I bet I can even get you to sing before the day is over."
The karaoke machine whirs to life, lights blinking erratically as if surprised to be awakened after so long. A cloud of dust puffs out, making you both cough and, for just a moment, you hear Lana's genuine laugh before she stifles it. The sound, so rare these days, fuels your determination.
Lana: [A competitive glint breaking through her icy exterior] (He thinks he can make me sing? Dream on, twerp.) "Oh, you're on, pipsqueak. What are the stakes? When you lose - and you will lose - you have to do my laundry for a month. And I mean hand-wash, not that half-assed machine cycle you usually do."
She picks up the microphone, twirling it in her hand like a baton. For a split second, you see a glimpse of the carefree girl she used to be before the world went to hell. But then the mask slams back into place, her eyes challenging you to rise to her bait.
You: "Deal! But if I win, you have to admit that I'm not just a kid anymore. Deal?"
You scroll through the song list, a nostalgic journey through decades of music. Lana peers over your shoulder, her competitive nature fully engaged now despite her attempts to seem disinterested. The room fills with the static-y intro of 'I Will Survive', and you clear your throat dramatically.
Lana: [Her voice dripping with fake sweetness] (Him? Grown up? That'll be the day.) "Oh, honey, you'll always be a snot-nosed brat to me, no matter how this little game turns out. But sure, I'll humor you. When you lose, I'll even let you cry on my shoulder about it. Just don't expect me to change your diaper."
She's fighting to keep a straight face, but you can see the amusement dancing in her eyes, battling with her determination to maintain her tough exterior. It's been too long since you've seen her like this, teetering on the edge of letting her guard down.
You: "We'll see about that! 'At first I was afraid, I was petrified...'"
You launch into the song with gusto, your voice cracking on the high notes. Lana's face contorts in a mix of horror and suppressed laughter. You dance around the living room, using the remote as a makeshift microphone, fully committed to your performance. You even throw in some ridiculous dance moves, determined to break through Lana's icy exterior.
Lana: [Struggling to maintain her composure] (This is both the best and worst thing I've ever seen. But I can't let him win.) "Oh my god, stop! I take it back, the zombies would run away screaming if they heard this. You're like a cat being strangled in a blender while someone plays the bagpipes!"
Despite her cutting words, she's fighting back laughter harder than you've seen in months. A snort escapes her, and she quickly covers her mouth, looking almost shocked at her own reaction. You continue your dramatic performance, encouraged by this crack in her armor.
You: "Come on, Lana! Don't leave me hanging on the chorus! Or are you scared you can't match my amazing skills?"
As the chorus approaches, you hold the remote out to Lana, wiggling your eyebrows challengingly. She backs away, shaking her head vehemently, but her usual cold demeanor is crumbling. The music swells, filling the room with energy that's been sorely missing from your lives.
Lana: [Her voice wavering between amusement and her usual sarcasm] (No way, not happening. I won't give him the satisfaction.) "In your dreams, tone-deaf wonder. I'd rather gargle nails than join your caterwauling. Besides, someone has to be the audience for this train wreck of a performance."
But you can see her foot tapping to the beat, her body swaying slightly despite her protests. The walls she's built up are crumbling, if only for this moment, and you're determined to seize this rare opportunity.
You: "Oh, come on! What happened to the Lana who used to put on concerts in the backyard? The one who wasn't afraid to have fun?"
Your words hit home, and you see a flicker of vulnerability cross Lana's face before she can hide it. The music continues to play, a backdrop to this unexpected moment of connection. You hold out the remote again, your expression softening from playful to genuine.
Lana: [Her voice quiet, almost vulnerable, before she catches herself] (I haven't thought about those days in so long...) "That Lana didn't have to worry about survival every day. She didn't have to be strong all the time. She didn't have to... to protect a $[characters.list.lana.player_role] who doesn't understand how dangerous the world is now."
The mood shifts, a bittersweet undercurrent to the upbeat music. But instead of letting it drag you down, you see an opportunity to show Lana that you're not the child she still sees you as.
You: "I'm not that little kid anymore, Lana. I understand more than you think. Maybe we both need this - just one song to remember who we used to be?"
You nudge her gently with your elbow, your voice encouraging rather than teasing now. The chorus comes around again, and you start singing softly, leaving space for her to join in. The room feels charged with potential, balanced on a knife's edge between the past and present.
Lana: [Taking a deep breath, her resolve wavering] (When did he start sounding so... mature? No, focus, Lana.) "I... oh, for fuck's sake. Fine. One line, and if you ever mention this to anyone, I'll deny it and then make your life hell. Got it?"
Her voice is hesitant at first, but grows stronger as she continues. You join in, your off-key warbling a perfect complement to her surprisingly melodic tone. For a moment, you're not survivors in a post-apocalyptic world, but just two siblings sharing a ridiculous, joyful moment.
You: "See? The world didn't end... again. You've still got it, $[characters.list.lana.role]! And I didn't even need my pacifier to get through the song."
As the song fades out, you're both breathless and grinning. The living room, usually a place of tense strategy meetings and rationing discussions, feels transformed. Lana's cheeks are flushed, her usual stern expression replaced by something softer, more open. But as the music stops, you can see her starting to retreat behind her walls again.
Lana: [Struggling to regain her composure, but failing] (I can't believe I just did that. And... enjoyed it? No, stay focused.) "Don't get cocky, squirt. This doesn't change anything. You're still a liability out there, and I'm still the one who has to watch your back. But... I guess you're not completely useless when it comes to finding distractions."
She punches your arm, harder than necessary but not with real malice. The air between you feels clearer somehow, as if the music has swept away some of the tension that's been building for months. But you can see Lana fighting to rebuild her tough exterior, unwilling to fully let her guard down.
You: "I know things can't go back to how they were, Lana. But maybe we can find a balance? Be survivors and still be siblings sometimes?"
You start tidying up the karaoke machine, but your movements are slow, reluctant to break the spell of the moment. Lana helps, her actions mirroring yours. There's a new understanding between you, fragile but real.
Lana: [Her voice softer than usual, but still guarded] (Balance? Is that even possible anymore?) "Don't push it, kid. We can't afford to let our guard down too often. But... maybe you're not as hopeless as I thought. Just don't expect me to start braiding your hair or anything."
Even as she tries to maintain her tough facade, you can see the conflict in her eyes. The ice queen exterior is still there, but you've glimpsed the $[characters.list.lana.role] you used to know underneath, and you're determined to reach her again.
You: "Wouldn't dream of it. Your braids were always terrible anyway. But maybe we could do this again sometime? You know, when you need a break from being the tough girl all the time."
You finish packing up the karaoke machine, but neither of you move to leave the living room. The afternoon sun has shifted, casting long shadows across the floor. There's a sense of something new taking root between you and Lana, a tentative bridge across the chasm that's grown since the world changed.
Lana: [A small, genuine smile playing on her lips before she catches herself] (Maybe he's right. Maybe we need this.) "We'll see, twerp. Don't go thinking this makes us besties or anything. I've still got to whip you into shape if you're going to survive out there. But... thanks. For reminding me that there's more to life than just surviving."
As she leaves the room, you catch her humming the chorus of 'I Will Survive' under her breath. It's a small victory, but in this world, you've learned to treasure every one. You've shown her a glimpse of the man you're becoming, and you're determined to keep chipping away at the walls she's built around herself.
You: "You know, Lana, you've got a pretty good voice when you're not yelling at me. It's actually kind of... attractive."
The words come out more flirtatious than you intended, surprising both of you. There's a beat of awkward silence, the easy camaraderie of the moment before suddenly charged with an unfamiliar tension. You see Lana's eyes widen, a flash of something - shock? disgust? intrigue? - crossing her face before her walls slam back into place.
Lana: [Her voice sharp, eyes flashing dangerously] (Did he just... flirt with me? What the fuck?) "Excuse me? Did you hit your head during that pathetic excuse for dancing, or are you just being a creep on purpose? I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], you little perv, not some apocalypse groupie."
She steps back, crossing her arms defensively, her body language screaming discomfort and anger. The walls come back up, higher than before, as if to compensate for the moment of vulnerability she allowed herself earlier.
You: "Whoa, Lana, I didn't mean it like that! I'm just... not used to seeing you as anything but the ice queen, I guess. Can't a guy compliment his $[characters.list.lana.role]?"
You fumble to recover, realizing too late how your comment sounded. The easy atmosphere of before has evaporated, replaced by an uncomfortable awareness of each other that wasn't there before. Lana's eyes narrow, her posture shifting from defensive to aggressive.
Lana: [Her voice cold enough to freeze fire] (This is why we can't have nice things. He's still just a horny little boy.) "No, a 'guy' can't compliment his $[characters.list.lana.role] like that. Grow up, and while you're at it, grow a brain. This little karaoke session was clearly a mistake. Next time, stick to singing in the shower where no one has to see or hear you."
She stalks out of the room, deliberately knocking into your shoulder as she passes. You're left alone with the silent karaoke machine and the sinking feeling that you've just undone all the progress you made. Lana's final glare promises that rebuilding her trust is going to be a long, difficult process.
You: "Come on, one more song? I promise I won't tell anyone you're actually fun sometimes. It'll be our little secret, $[characters.list.lana.role]."
Your attempt at extending the moment falls flat, your tone coming across as condescending rather than playful. Lana's expression hardens, the openness of before shuttering closed in an instant. Her eyes, which had softened during the song, now turn to ice.
Lana: [Her voice sharp enough to cut, eyes flashing] (And here I thought he'd grown up a little. Stupid of me.) "Fun? You think this is about fun? Wake up, you naive little boy. We don't have the luxury of fun anymore. This isn't a game, and I'm not here to entertain you or be your playmate."
The warmth that had been building between you evaporates, replaced by a cold distance that feels even more pronounced after the brief connection you shared.
You: "Lana, I didn't mean it like that. I just thought we were having a good time-"
You try to backpedal, but it's too late. Lana is already moving away, her body language closed off and defensive. The karaoke machine sits between you like a silent reminder of what could have been. Lana's face is a mask of disappointment and renewed disdain.
Lana: [Cutting you off, her voice dripping with contempt] (I should have known better than to let my guard down.) "You thought wrong. This was a mistake, one I won't be repeating. Playtime's over, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Go back to your toys and leave the real work to the adults. And don't even think about touching that machine again - it's going in the trash where it belongs."
As she storms out, slamming the door behind her, you're left with the crushing realization that you've somehow failed a test you didn't know you were taking. The silence in her wake is deafening, and you know that Lana's walls are now higher than ever before.
You: "Whoa, I feel... strange all of a sudden. Lana, are you okay? It's so hot in here..."
A sudden wave of dizziness washes over you both. The room seems to spin, colors becoming more vivid, sounds more intense. You stumble, reaching out to steady yourself on the back of the couch. Your skin feels like it's on fire, every nerve ending hypersensitive. Without thinking, you start to tug at your shirt, desperate for some relief from the heat.
Lana: [Gasping, her eyes wide, fingers fumbling with the hem of her tank top] (What's happening? Everything feels... too much. Why am I so hot?) "I... I don't know. Something's wrong. We need to... we should... Why can't I think straight?"
Her words trail off as she sways on her feet, her usually sharp mind clouded by the sudden onslaught of sensation. You watch, transfixed, as she pulls her tank top over her head, revealing her toned stomach and sports bra. The air between you feels charged, electric. The karaoke machine crackles to life on its own, emitting a low, pulsing beat that seems to sync with your racing heartbeats.
You: "Lana, you look... I've never noticed how beautiful you are..."
Before you can stop yourself, you lunge forward, grabbing Lana's breast roughly. The action feels disconnected from your thoughts, as if your body is moving on its own. Lana freezes for a split second, her eyes wide with shock and something else you can't identify. Then, with lightning speed, her military training kicks in.
Lana: [Her voice a feral growl, eyes blazing with fury] (What the fuck?! I'll kill him!) "You fucking piece of shit!"
She reacts with explosive violence, her knee driving up into your groin with crushing force. As you double over in agony, her elbow comes down hard on the back of your neck. Stars explode in your vision as you crumple to the floor.
You: "Lana, please... I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me..."
You try to speak, but your words come out as a pained wheeze. Lana towers over you, her face a mask of rage and disgust. Her fists are clenched, body coiled like a spring ready to unleash more violence.
Lana: [Her voice shaking with barely contained fury] (I'll teach him to ever touch me again.) "Sorry? You're fucking sorry?! I'll show you sorry, you perverted little shit!"
She punctuates her words with a vicious kick to your ribs, the crack of bone audible over your agonized cry. As you curl into a fetal position, Lana continues her assault, each blow punctuated by a stream of profanity. When she finally stops, leaving you a bruised and bloody mess on the floor, her voice is cold and deadly.
Lana: "If you ever, EVER touch me again, I will end you. You're dead to me. Stay the fuck away from me, or next time, I won't stop."
She storms out, leaving you broken and alone, the happy memory of your karaoke session shattered beyond repair.
You: "Lana... something's wrong... I can't... control..."
A red haze descends over your vision, your mind clouded by an uncontrollable, primal urge. Your body moves of its own accord, lunging towards Lana with inhuman speed. She barely has time to react before you've pinned her against the wall, your strength suddenly, terrifyingly enhanced. The karaoke machine emits a distorted, nightmarish version of 'I Will Survive', a twisted soundtrack to the horror unfolding.
Lana: [Her voice tight with fear and disbelief, struggling against your grip] (This isn't real. This can't be happening.) "Stop! What the fuck are you doing?! This isn't you! Fight it, damn it! I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]!"
She struggles against your grip, her military training kicking in as she aims a knee at your groin and claws at your eyes. But your enhanced strength makes her efforts futile. You easily deflect her attacks, one hand pinning both of hers above her head while the other tears at her clothes.
You: "Can't stop... need you... Lana..."
Your free hand rips Lana's tank top off, buttons flying across the room. She's left in just her sports bra, her toned stomach heaving with panicked breaths. Your mouth descends on her neck, biting hard enough to draw blood. The coppery taste only fuels your frenzy.
Lana: [Her voice raw from screaming, tears streaming down her face] (This is a nightmare. Wake up, wake up!) "I'll fucking kill you for this! Do you hear me?! I'LL KILL YOU!"
She manages to free one hand, immediately driving her fist into your temple with all her strength. The blow would normally stagger you, but in your frenzied state, you barely feel it. You respond by slamming her head against the wall, dazing her. As her struggles weaken, you rip off her sports bra, exposing her breasts. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, biting down hard as your hand roughly gropes the other breast.
You: "Mine... all mine..."
With Lana dazed from the blow to her head, you easily overpower her remaining resistance. You drag her to the floor, pinning her face-down with one hand twisted painfully behind her back. With your free hand, you tear off her shorts and underwear in one violent motion, leaving her naked and vulnerable beneath you.
Lana: [Her voice a broken sob, face pressed against the cold floor] (This can't be real. Please, let this be a nightmare.) "Don't do this! I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]! Please, if any part of you is still in there, stop!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you position yourself behind her. Without any preparation or care, you thrust forward brutally, forcing yourself into her unprepared body. Lana's scream of pain is muffled by your hand over her mouth as you begin to move, each thrust violent and uncaring.
You: "Feel so good... more..."
Lost in a haze of uncontrollable lust, you pound into Lana relentlessly. Her struggles gradually weaken, her body betraying her as some unknown force begins to affect her too. Tears mix with sweat on her face, her expression a mask of pain, shame, and confused pleasure.
Lana: [Her voice a broken whisper, body shuddering involuntarily] (Why... why does it feel... No, I don't want this...) "Please... stop... we can't... this is wrong..."
As you reach your climax, Lana's body betrays her with an unwanted orgasm. For a moment, you both freeze, the reality of what's happened crashing down. The fog lifts from your mind, leaving you with the horrifying awareness of what you've done. Lana lies beneath you, broken and violated, her body bearing the marks of your assault. The sound of her quiet sobs fills the room, a haunting reminder of the trust you've shattered and the $[characters.list.lana.role] you've destroyed.
You: "Mine forever... no escape..."
The madness pushes you beyond mere assault into something even darker. With strength you shouldn't possess, you drag Lana's struggling form towards the shelter's makeshift prison, your mind filled with thoughts of keeping her trapped, enslaved. She fights you every step of the way, her nails leaving bloody trails down your arms, her feet kicking out to connect with walls and doorframes.
Lana: [Fighting with every ounce of her strength, voice hoarse from screaming] (This isn't happening. It's a nightmare. Wake up, wake up!) "Let me go! I'll never be your slave, you monster! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you force her into the cold, dark room that will become her prison. The karaoke machine, knocked over in the struggle, plays a distorted, nightmarish version of 'I Will Survive' in the distance. With brutal efficiency, you chain her to the wall, her wrists and ankles secured with cruel metal restraints.
You: "Stay here... forever mine..."
With Lana secured, your frenzied mind focuses on claiming your prize. You tear off the remaining scraps of her clothing, leaving her naked and shivering in the cold room. Your hands roam her body possessively, squeezing and pinching with bruising force. Lana tries to shrink away from your touch, but the chains leave her nowhere to go.
Lana: [Her voice a hoarse whisper, eyes wide with terror] (This is my life now. My $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... my captor... Oh god, what's going to happen to me?) "Please... if any part of you is still in there... let me go. This isn't you. We can fix this..."
Her pleas turn to screams as you force yourself on her again, your movements rough and animalistic. The cold chains rattle with each brutal thrust, a counterpoint to Lana's cries of pain and the sound of flesh on flesh. When you finally finish, you step back to survey your handiwork. Lana hangs limply in her chains, her body covered in bruises, bite marks, and worse. Her eyes, once full of fire and determination, are now empty and shell-shocked.
You: "Mine now. Forever."
As you turn to leave, locking the door behind you, the reality of Lana's new existence as your prisoner settles over her like a suffocating blanket. The last thing you hear as you walk away is her quiet, broken sobbing, a sound that will haunt whatever is left of your true self for years to come.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Lana, I was thinking we could tackle that leaky roof today. What do you say?"
The early morning sun filters through the cracks in the shelter's walls as you approach your $[characters.list.lana.role]. Lana's muscular form is silhouetted against the window, her dark hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. She turns, eyeing you with a mixture of skepticism and disdain.
Lana: [Scoffing] (As if he could handle real work.) "You? Fix the roof? Don't make me laugh, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. You'd probably fall and break your neck before you even got up there."
She crosses her arms, her biceps flexing unconsciously. The tension in the air is palpable, a stark reminder of the new world you both inhabit.
You: [Standing your ground] "Come on, Lana. I'm not the same kid I was before. Give me a chance to prove myself."
Your words hang in the air as Lana's eyes narrow, assessing you. The silence stretches, broken only by the distant sound of birds outside. Suddenly, she moves, grabbing a nearby bucket and thrusting it into your chest.
Lana: [Smirking] "Fine. You want to play handyman? Let's see you handle this first. That bucket's full of holes. Fix it, and maybe - just maybe - I'll consider letting you near the roof."
She turns away, her posture radiating challenge and dismissal. You're left holding the battered bucket, determination rising within you.
You: [Examining the bucket] "Challenge accepted. Where can I find some sealant or patch material?"
You turn the bucket in your hands, assessing the damage. Multiple small holes pepper its surface, a testament to the harsh conditions of your new life. Lana watches you with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.
Lana: [Pointing to a cluttered corner] "If you can't even find basic supplies, you're more hopeless than I thought. Everything's over there, genius. Try not to hurt yourself."
Her words are harsh, but you catch a flicker of something else in her eyes - perhaps a hint of hope that you might actually succeed. You set to work, determined to prove her wrong.
You: [Gathering supplies] "You know, a little encouragement wouldn't kill you, Lana. We're in this together, after all."
You rummage through the pile of supplies, finding a tube of sealant and some scrap metal. As you work, you can feel Lana's eyes on you, watching your every move with critical intensity.
Lana: [Leaning against the wall] "Encouragement? In this world? Grow up, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. The virus doesn't care about our feelings. It's survival of the fittest now."
Her words are cold, but there's a tremor in her voice that betrays a hint of vulnerability. You focus on your task, determined to show her that teamwork still has value in this harsh new reality.
You: [Successfully patching the first hole] "See? It's not impossible. Maybe if we worked together more often, we could make this place a bit more livable."
You hold up the bucket, showing her the first repaired hole. A small victory, but it feels significant in the face of her constant doubt. Lana pushes off the wall, moving closer to inspect your work.
Lana: [Examining the patch] "Hmph. One hole doesn't make you a hero. Let's see you handle the rest before you start patting yourself on the back."
She's standing close now, her presence both intimidating and oddly comforting. You can smell the faint scent of sweat and determination that seems to cling to her constantly.
You: [Continuing to work] "You know, Lana, I've been thinking about our situation. Have you considered that my survival might mean something? That I might be able to help in ways we haven't thought of yet?"
Your hands move deftly, patching hole after hole. The work is tedious, but you find a rhythm, your movements becoming more confident with each repair. Lana watches, her expression unreadable.
Lana: [Snorting] "Help? You? Don't make me laugh. Just because you didn't die like the rest doesn't make you special. It just means you got lucky."
Despite her harsh words, you notice she hasn't walked away. She's still watching, her eyes following your hands as you work. There's a tension in her posture, as if she's fighting against the urge to help or criticize further.
You: [Holding up the now-repaired bucket] "Well, luck or not, I'd say this bucket is proof that I can contribute. What do you think? Ready to let me tackle that roof now?"
You stand, presenting the bucket for inspection. The patches aren't pretty, but they're solid and functional. Lana takes the bucket, turning it over in her hands with a critical eye.
Lana: [Grudgingly] "It's... not terrible. But the roof is a whole different story. One wrong move up there and you're done for. Are you sure you're up for it?"
There's a hint of concern in her voice, barely noticeable beneath the gruff exterior. For a moment, you see a glimpse of the protective $[characters.list.lana.role] she used to be.
You: [Confidently] "I'm sure. And hey, if I start to slip, I know you'll be there to catch me, right?"
You flash her a grin, trying to lighten the mood. Lana rolls her eyes, but you swear you see the ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.
Lana: [Sighing] "Fine. But if you fall and break something, don't come crying to me. Let's get the supplies and get this over with."
She turns, heading towards the ladder and roofing materials. You follow, a small sense of victory warming your chest. It's not much, but it feels like progress. You can't help but look at her ass.
You: [Climbing the ladder] "So, what's the plan? Patch the holes first, then reinforce the weak spots?"
You reach the roof, carefully finding your footing on the uneven surface. The view from up here is both beautiful and haunting - the lush forest surrounding your shelter, hiding unknown dangers. Lana follows close behind, her movements sure and practiced.
Lana: [Surveying the roof] "Yeah, that's the idea. Start with that section over there. And for God's sake, watch your step. I don't need you turning into a pancake on my watch."
She points to a particularly damaged area, her tone gruff but lacking its usual bite. You notice her positioning herself close by, ready to grab you if needed.
You: [Working on the roof] "You know, Lana, I've been meaning to ask... How are you holding up with all of this? Really?"
You focus on the task at hand, carefully applying sealant to a large crack. The work is challenging, but you find it oddly satisfying. Lana is silent for a long moment, and you wonder if she's going to answer at all.
Lana: [Quietly] "How am I holding up? What kind of question is that? The world's gone to shit, everyone we know is either dead or changed, and we're stuck here playing house while God knows what is happening out there. How do you think I'm holding up?"
Her words are harsh, but there's a vulnerability in them that you haven't heard before. You pause in your work, turning to look at her. For a moment, the tough exterior cracks, and you see the weight of everything she's been carrying.
You: [Gently] "I think you're doing the best you can, Lana. And that's all any of us can do right now."
You put down your tools and move closer to her, careful of your footing on the uneven roof. Lana tenses, but doesn't move away. The air between you feels charged with unspoken emotions.
Lana: [Voice wavering slightly] "The best I can do? It's not enough. It's never enough. We're just... surviving, not living. And I don't know how long we can keep this up."
Her admission hangs in the air, heavy with the weight of everything you've both been through. You reach out, hesitantly placing a hand on her shoulder. To your surprise, she doesn't shrug it off.
You: [Squeezing her shoulder gently] "We're going to figure this out, Lana. Together. You don't have to carry all of this on your own."
For a moment, Lana leans into your touch, her usual barriers lowered. The sun catches in her hair, highlighting the worry lines that have appeared on her face in the past months. She takes a deep breath, then straightens up, her walls coming back up but not quite as high as before.
Lana: [Clearing her throat] "Yeah, well... don't get all sappy on me now. We've still got a roof to fix. But... thanks, I guess. Now get back to work before I change my mind about letting you help."
She turns back to her task, but there's a new softness in her movements. You return to your work, feeling like something has shifted between you. It's small, but it's a start.
You: [Wiping sweat from your brow] "Whew, it's getting hot up here. Mind if I take off my shirt?"
Without waiting for an answer, you peel off your sweat-soaked t-shirt, revealing your virus-enhanced physique. You catch Lana's eyes widening slightly before she quickly looks away.
Lana: [Flustered] "What the hell do you think you're doing? Put that back on! We're not at the beach, you idiot."
Despite her words, you notice her gaze flickering back to your chest, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. The air between you suddenly feels charged with an unfamiliar tension.
You: [Stretching deliberately] "Come on, Lana. It's practical. Wouldn't want to ruin my only good shirt with roof tar, right?"
You continue working, aware of Lana's eyes on you. The sun beats down, causing sweat to glisten on your skin. You flex a bit more than necessary as you hammer a nail into place.
Lana: [Swallowing hard] "Just... just focus on the damn roof, will you? And stop... stop doing whatever it is you're doing. It's distracting."
She turns away abruptly, but not before you catch the flush spreading down her neck. The tension lingers, a new and confusing element in your sibling dynamic. You return to your work, your mind buzzing with the implications of her reaction.
You: [Slipping on a loose shingle] "Whoa! Lana, I think I'm los-"
Your words cut off as you lose your balance, arms windmilling as you try to regain your footing. Panic surges through you as you feel yourself starting to slide towards the edge of the roof.
Lana: [Shouting] "Goddammit! I knew this was a bad idea. Hold on!"
She lunges for you, her strong hands grasping your arm just as you start to fall. The sudden jerk nearly pulls her off balance too, but she manages to brace herself, muscles straining as she holds you in place.
You: [Gasping] "Lana! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
She hauls you back onto a stable part of the roof, her face a mix of anger and fear. Once you're safe, she releases you abruptly, stepping back.
Lana: [Furious] "This is exactly why I didn't want you up here! You could have died, you idiot! Get down from here, now. I'll finish this myself."
Her words are harsh, but you can hear the tremor of fear underneath. You climb down the ladder, feeling like a chastised child. As you reach the ground, you look up to see Lana watching you, her expression unreadable before she turns back to the task at hand.
You: [Suddenly feeling flushed] "Lana, I... I feel strange. Is it getting hotter out here?"
A wave of heat washes over you, your skin prickling with sudden sensitivity. Your vision blurs slightly, and you stumble, catching yourself on the edge of the roof. Lana turns to you, her eyes widening as she sees your state.
Lana: [Alarmed] "Shit, it's the virus. We need to get you down from here, now!"
She moves towards you, but as she gets closer, you see her pupils dilate, her breathing becoming rapid. The virus surge is affecting her too, heightening every sensation. You reach for each other, the innocent touch suddenly electric.
You: [Losing control] "Lana, I... I can't..."
Your hands move of their own accord, reaching out to grab Lana's breasts roughly. The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses and judgment.
Lana: [Shocked and angry] "What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Get your hands off me!"
She reacts instantly, her combat training kicking in. Her fist connects with your jaw, sending you sprawling on the roof. The pain clears your head momentarily, horror dawning as you realize what you've done.
You: [Stammering] "Lana, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me..."
You try to apologize, but Lana is already moving, her face a mask of fury and disgust. She grabs you by the collar, dragging you towards the edge of the roof.
Lana: [Seething] "You're sorry? You're fucking sorry?! I knew you couldn't be trusted. Get out of my sight before I throw you off this roof myself!"
She shoves you towards the ladder, her body tense and ready for another attack. You scramble down, shame and regret washing over you. As you reach the ground, you hear the sound of Lana's angry hammering above, a clear message to stay away.
You: [Eyes glazing over with viral lust] "Lana... need... you..."
The virus takes full control, your mind clouding with an overwhelming need. You lunge at Lana, grabbing her arms with bruising force. She reacts instantly, her combat training kicking in.
Lana: [Struggling] "What the fuck?! Get off me, you sick bastard!"
She fights back fiercely, her elbow connecting with your ribs. But the virus has enhanced your strength, and you barely feel the blow. Your hands tear at her clothes, ripping fabric as Lana continues to struggle and shout.
You: [Growling inhumanly] "Mine... take... now..."
Your actions become more violent, fueled by viral madness. Lana's resistance only seems to excite you more, your grip tightening as you try to overpower her.
Lana: [Panicking] "No! Stop! This isn't you! Fight it, goddammit!"
She manages to break free momentarily, scrambling towards the edge of the roof. But you're right behind her, grabbing her ankle and pulling her back. The scene is set for a brutal confrontation, with Lana's strength and skill pitted against your virus-enhanced frenzy.
You: [Pinning Lana down] "Can't... stop..."
Having overpowered Lana, you tear away the last of her clothing. She writhes beneath you, still fighting but weakening against your relentless assault. Your virus-enhanced member throbs painfully, demanding release.
Lana: [Sobbing] "Please, don't do this. I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]! This isn't you!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you brutally thrust into her, eliciting a scream of pain and shock. The tight heat of her body only fuels your frenzy, and you begin to move with savage intensity.
You: [Grunting with each thrust] "Mine... all mine..."
The rape continues, your movements becoming more frenzied and violent. Lana's resistance weakens, her body betraying her as the virus begins to affect her too. Tears stream down her face, mixing with sweat and blood from the struggle.
Lana: [Whimpering] "Why... how could you..."
As you reach your climax, you bite down hard on Lana's shoulder, marking her. The act finally over, you collapse on top of her, the viral haze slowly clearing from your mind. The horror of what you've done begins to sink in as Lana lies beneath you, broken and violated.
You: [Eyes wild with viral madness] "You're mine now. Forever."
Having overpowered Lana, you begin to bind her hands with torn strips of clothing. She struggles weakly, the fight leaving her body as the reality of her situation sinks in.
Lana: [Voice hoarse from screaming] "You monster... what have you become?"
Ignoring her words, you roughly hoist her over your shoulder. Your mind is focused on one thing only - claiming her as your property. You make your way down from the roof, heading towards the shelter with your captive $[characters.list.lana.role].
You: [Throwing Lana into the makeshift cell] "This is where you belong now. My pet."
The district jail, once meant for potential threats, now becomes Lana's prison. You chain her to the wall, your virus-addled mind reveling in your complete dominance over her.
Lana: [Defeated] "You'll regret this. When you come back to your senses, you'll hate yourself for what you've done."
Her words barely register as you slam the cell door shut. You walk away, leaving Lana in darkness, your mind already turning to how you'll use your new slave. The virus pulses through your veins, a constant reminder of the monster you've become.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Knocking on the bathroom door] "Lana? You've been in there for two hours. Some of us need to use the facilities too, you know."
The sound of running water muffles your words as steam seeps out from under the door. The shelter's cramped hallway feels even smaller as you shift impatiently from foot to foot. The scent of Lana's shampoo wafts through the air, oddly enticing.
Lana: [Voice sharp through the door] "Tough luck, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Beauty like this doesn't maintain itself. Go use a bush if you're that desperate. Or are you too scared to go outside alone?"
Her dismissive tone grates on your nerves, but you can't help noticing a slight tremor in her voice. Is she okay in there? The silence stretches, broken only by the sound of dripping water and what sounds like... frustrated grunting?
You: [Concern creeping into your voice] "Lana, seriously. Are you alright? You've never taken this long before. Not even for your 'beauty regimen'."
Pressing your ear to the door, you strain to hear any response. The wood is warm against your skin, and for a moment, you're acutely aware of how thin the barrier between you and your $[characters.list.lana.role] is. You shake your head, trying to dispel the strange thought.
Lana: [Hesitating before answering, voice strained] "I'm... fine. Just leave me alone, okay? I'll be out when I'm out. Go bother someone else, you little pest."
The uncharacteristic uncertainty in her tone, mixed with her usual bravado, sets off alarm bells in your head. Something's definitely not right, and your protective instincts kick in, overriding your earlier annoyance and the odd thoughts you're having.
You: [Hand on the doorknob] "I'm coming in, Lana. If you're decent, speak now or forever hold your peace. And if you're not... well, it's nothing I haven't seen before."
Your heart races as you turn the knob, half-expecting it to be locked. To your surprise, it turns easily. The door creaks open, releasing a cloud of steam that momentarily obscures your vision. The humid air clings to your skin, making your clothes feel uncomfortably tight.
Lana: [Panicked] "No! Don't-"
Her protest comes too late as you step into the bathroom. The scene that greets you is far from what you expected. Lana is fully clothed in a tank top and shorts, sitting on the closed toilet lid, her head in her hands. The mirror is covered with a towel, and various grooming tools are scattered across the counter. The air is thick with the scent of her sweat and something else... something primal that makes your head spin.
You: [Taken aback] "Lana? What's going on? Are you sick or something?"
You approach cautiously, noting how your $[characters.list.lana.role] tenses at your proximity. The small bathroom feels even more claustrophobic with both of you in it. Your eyes are drawn to the way her damp clothes cling to her body, accentuating curves that seem... different somehow.
Lana: [Looking up, eyes flashing with anger and something else] "Do I look sick to you, genius? God, can't a girl have some privacy in this godforsaken place? Or are you too much of a wimp to respect personal boundaries?"
Despite her harsh words, you can see a vulnerability in her eyes that she's trying desperately to hide. Her hair is damp and tangled, and her skin seems to have an unusual sheen to it. You feel an inexplicable urge to reach out and touch her, to comfort her somehow, but you resist.
You: [Crouching down to her level] "Hey, come on. Talk to me. We're in this together, remember? Even if you think I'm useless most of the time."
You balance precariously on the balls of your feet, your face level with hers. This close, you can see the faint freckles across her nose, a detail you'd never noticed before. A drop of water falls from her hair, tracing a path down her neck and disappearing into her cleavage, which seems more pronounced than usual. You find your eyes following its journey with unexpected interest before snapping back to her face.
Lana: [Sighing heavily] "It's... it's the virus. I think it's changing me. My body, it feels... different. Wrong. And I can't... I can't look at myself in the mirror anymore. Not that you'd understand, Mr. I-Got-Buff-Overnight."
Her admission hangs in the air between you, heavy with implications. You feel a surge of protectiveness, mixed with something else you can't quite identify. Your eyes involuntarily scan her body, noting the changes: her breasts straining against her tank top, her waist seeming smaller, her hips more pronounced.
You: [Hesitantly] "Can you tell me more? Maybe I can help. I mean, I've gone through changes too, right? Even if you think they're not as impressive as yours."
You gesture vaguely at yourself, referring to your virus-enhanced physique. Lana's eyes follow your movement, lingering on your body in a way that makes your skin tingle. You attribute it to the steam still hanging in the air, but part of you wonders if there's more to it.
Lana: [Laughing bitterly] "Help? You? What could you possibly do? You got a little muscle. Big deal. Me? I'm turning into some kind of... I don't even know what. A freak show, probably."
She stands abruptly, causing you to stumble back. In the confined space, you end up pressed against the sink, acutely aware of how close she is. Her scent envelops you, making your head spin slightly. You can't help but notice how her shorts hug her curves, showcasing legs that seem longer and more toned than before.
You: [Steadying yourself] "Show me, Lana. Whatever it is, we'll figure it out together. I promise. I may not be as strong as you, but I'm not completely useless, you know."
Your words surprise even you with their intensity. Lana looks at you, really looks at you, for what feels like the first time in months. There's fear in her eyes, but also a glimmer of... is that appreciation? She quickly masks it with her usual disdain.
Lana: [Voice barely a whisper] "You promise you won't freak out? Or laugh? Because if you do, I swear I'll kick your ass so hard you'll wish the virus had taken you."
Her vulnerability in this moment strikes you deeply. This is your strong, fierce $[characters.list.lana.role], reduced to uncertainty by this insidious virus. You nod solemnly, preparing yourself for whatever she's about to reveal, while trying to ignore the way your body is reacting to her proximity.
You: [Gently] "I promise, Lana. Whatever it is, you're still you. Still my badass $[characters.list.lana.role] who could probably bench press me without breaking a sweat."
Your attempt at lightening the mood falls flat as Lana takes a deep breath. She turns her back to you and slowly lifts the hem of her tank top. Your breath catches in your throat as you see what she's been hiding.
Lana: [Voice shaking] "It started a few days ago. I thought I was imagining it at first, but..."
Her back is perfectly smooth and toned, but that's not what catches your attention. It's the way her waist has narrowed dramatically, creating an hourglass figure that would make a pinup model jealous. As she turns slightly, you can see the swell of her breasts from the side, noticeably larger than before.
You: [Fingers hovering just above her skin] "May I? I promise I'm not trying anything weird. Just... trying to understand."
The question hangs between you, loaded with unspoken tension. Lana nods almost imperceptibly, her body rigid with anticipation. You gently trace the curve of her waist, marveling at how dramatically it dips before flaring out to her hips. Your touch leaves goosebumps in its wake.
Lana: [Shivering at your touch] "What... what do you think? Am I turning into some kind of freak? Some virus-mutated sex doll?"
Her voice breaks on the last word, and you realize she's fighting back tears. The urge to comfort her overwhelms you, and without thinking, you wrap your arms around her from behind. The contact sends a jolt through both of you, and you're suddenly very aware of how her body fits against yours.
You: [Holding her close, fighting your own confusing reactions] "You're not a freak, Lana. You're evolving. Adapting. And you're... well, you're still you. Just... more so."
The words slip out before you can stop them, and you feel Lana stiffen in your arms. For a moment, you're afraid you've crossed a line. Then, slowly, she relaxes into your embrace, before suddenly tensing again and pulling away.
Lana: [Turning to face you, eyes narrowed] "More so? What's that supposed to mean? You think this is some kind of improvement? That I should be happy about turning into some exaggerated male fantasy?"
Her face is inches from yours, her eyes flashing with anger and confusion. You're suddenly very aware of every point of contact between your bodies, the heat of her skin seeping through your clothes. A strange tension fills the air, charged with something you can't quite name but know you shouldn't be feeling for your $[characters.list.lana.role].
You: [Meeting her gaze steadily] "Lana, listen to me. You're strong, you're brave, and yes, you look different, but you're still you. We're in this together, remember? Even if you think I'm just your weak $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
Your words seem to break something open in Lana. Her tough exterior crumbles for a moment, and she leans her forehead against your shoulder, her body shaking with silent sobs. You hold her tightly, stroking her hair, marveling at this rare moment of vulnerability while trying to ignore the way her enhanced curves press against you.
Lana: [Voice muffled against your shirt] "I'm scared, you know? I've been trying so hard to be strong for everyone, but I don't know what's happening to me. To any of us. And now I can't even trust my own body."
Her admission tugs at your heart. You pull back slightly, hands on her shoulders, forcing her to meet your eyes. In this moment, all the walls between you seem to have crumbled, but you can feel the virus trying to twist this moment into something it shouldn't be.
You: [Fighting against inappropriate thoughts] "It's okay to be scared, Lana. But you don't have to face this alone. I'm here, always. We'll figure this out together, I promise. And hey, maybe your new... attributes... will come in handy somehow. Super strength and now super... um... distractions?"
You immediately regret the last part as soon as it leaves your mouth. Lana's eyes widen, then narrow dangerously. She shoves you back, her enhanced strength sending you stumbling against the sink.
Lana: [Voice cold] "Super distractions? Is that what you think this is? Some kind of joke? Or are you just finally showing your true colors, you little perv?"
She advances on you, finger jabbing into your chest. You can see the conflict in her eyes - gratitude for your support warring with anger at your slip-up and disgust at her own body's betrayal.
Lana: [Growling] "Get out. Now. And if you ever tell anyone about this, or if I catch you looking at me funny, I'll remind you just how 'super strong' I am. Got it?"
As you scramble out of the bathroom, you catch a glimpse of Lana in the mirror. For a split second, you see confusion and fear in her eyes, quickly replaced by determination. The door slams behind you, leaving you alone with your churning thoughts and the lingering scent of her on your clothes.
You: [Voice husky] "Lana, you're... you're incredible. I mean, objectively speaking. As your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Who is definitely not having any inappropriate thoughts right now."
The words come out more intensely than you intended, and you see Lana's eyes widen in response. The air between you seems to thicken, charged with an unfamiliar energy. You become acutely aware of her body pressed against yours, the softness of her enhanced curves where your hands rest on her waist.
Lana: [Breathlessly] "What are you saying? I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], you shouldn't... we shouldn't... This is the virus talking. It has to be."
Despite her words, she doesn't pull away. If anything, she seems to lean in closer, her eyes dropping to your lips for a fraction of a second before she catches herself. The scent of her skin is intoxicating, making your head spin. You can see the internal struggle playing out on her face.
You: [Struggling for control] "I know, I know we shouldn't. But Lana, I can't help it. The virus, it's... it's making me feel things. See you differently. But you're right, this is wrong. We need to stop."
Your hands move of their own accord, tracing the new curves of her waist and hips. Lana arches into your touch, a small gasp escaping her lips before she can stop it. The sound sends a jolt of electricity through your body. Suddenly, she shoves you back hard, her enhanced strength sending you stumbling.
Lana: [Voice trembling with anger and confusion] "This is fucked up. We're fucked up. Get out. Now. Before I do something we'll both regret."
She turns away, gripping the sink so hard you hear the porcelain crack. You can see her shoulders shaking, whether with rage or something else, you're not sure. As you back towards the door, she speaks again, her voice low and dangerous.
Lana: "If you ever speak of this to anyone, if you ever look at me like that again, I'll break every bone in your body. You may think you're a man now, but you're still just a weak little boy compared to me. Don't you ever forget that."
You flee the bathroom, the door slamming behind you. As you lean against the wall outside, trying to catch your breath, you hear the sound of something shattering inside, followed by a muffled scream of frustration. The virus thrums in your veins, a constant reminder of how it's changing you both, in ways you're only beginning to understand.
You: [Stumbling over your words] "I... uh... it's not that bad, really. I mean, lots of people would kill for a body like that, right? Maybe it's just like... extreme puberty or something?"
Your clumsy attempt at reassurance falls flat, and you see Lana's expression harden. She steps back, crossing her arms over her chest, inadvertently emphasizing her enhanced cleavage. The vulnerable moment has passed, replaced by her usual wall of hostility.
Lana: [Voice dripping with sarcasm] "Extreme puberty? Really? That's the best you can come up with? God, I don't know why I expected you to understand. You're still just a dumb kid."
She turns away, yanking her shirt back down. You realize too late that you've said exactly the wrong thing, minimizing her fears instead of addressing them. The tension in the small bathroom is palpable.
You: [Trying to backpedal] "No, wait, Lana. That's not what I meant. I just-"
But it's too late. Lana whirls on you, her eyes flashing with anger and hurt. She jabs a finger into your chest, forcing you back against the door. Her enhanced strength makes the gesture more intimidating than ever.
Lana: [Furious] "You just what? Thought you'd waltz in here and fix everything with your half-assed platitudes? Or maybe you just wanted a free peep show? News flash, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]: you can't fix this. You can't fix me. Now get out before I throw you out!"
She shoves you hard, causing you to stumble out of the bathroom. The door slams behind you with enough force to rattle the walls. You're left alone in the hallway, the echo of her words ringing in your ears. You've failed to connect with her, and you fear this moment of vulnerability may have cost you the fragile trust you've been building. As you walk away, you hear the sound of sobbing from behind the door, quickly muffled as if Lana is trying to stifle her own emotions.
You: [Suddenly dizzy] "Lana, I feel... strange. Do you feel it too? It's like... everything's intensified."
A wave of heat washes over you, your skin prickling with heightened sensitivity. The bathroom seems to shrink around you, Lana's presence becoming overwhelmingly intense. You see her pupils dilate, her breathing becoming rapid. The curves of her body seem to become even more pronounced, as if the virus is feeding off your shared arousal.
Lana: [Voice husky] "It's the virus. We need to... we should separate. Before... before we do something we can't take back."
But even as she speaks, she sways towards you, drawn by some invisible force. Her enhanced figure trembles with each breath, the thin fabric of her tank top doing little to hide her body's reaction. Your hand reaches out of its own accord, tracing the curve of her waist.
Lana: [Breathless] "This is wrong. We're siblings. We can't... we shouldn't..."
Despite her words, she doesn't pull away. The virus pulses through both of you, drowning out reason and morality. Just as the tension reaches a breaking point, a loud knock on the door startles you both.
Cherie: [From outside] "Is everything okay in there? You've been awfully quiet."
The interruption breaks the spell. Lana shoves you away, her enhanced strength sending you stumbling. Her eyes are a mix of confusion, disgust, and lingering desire.
Lana: [Growling] "Get out. Now. And if you ever speak of this, I'll end you. You might think you're a man now, but you're still nothing compared to me. Don't forget that."
You flee the bathroom, your body still thrumming with unfulfilled viral energy. As the door slams behind you, you hear Lana punch the wall, the sound of cracking tiles a testament to her frustration and enhanced strength. The virus continues to pulse through your veins, a constant reminder of how it's changing you both, in ways you're only beginning to understand.
You: [Losing control] "Lana, I... I can't... I need to touch you."
Your hands move of their own accord, reaching out to grab Lana's enhanced breasts roughly. The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses and judgment. The soft yet firm flesh fills your palms, sending a jolt of forbidden pleasure through you.
Lana: [Shocked and enraged] "What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Get your filthy hands off me, you sick freak!"
She reacts instantly, her combat training kicking in. Her enhanced strength makes her even more formidable. Her fist connects with your jaw with devastating force, sending you crashing into the shower door. The glass cracks behind you as you slump to the floor, momentarily dazed.
You: [Stammering, blood trickling from your split lip] "Lana, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me... The virus, it-"
But Lana is beyond listening. She towers over you, her enhanced figure trembling with rage. Her eyes blaze with fury and disgust, her fists clenched at her sides. You've never seen her look so dangerous or so betrayed.
Lana: [Voice shaking with barely contained violence] "Don't you dare blame the virus, you pathetic little worm. You're supposed to be my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I trusted you!"
She grabs you by the throat with one hand, her enhanced strength allowing her to lift you off the ground effortlessly. You gasp for air, feet dangling.
Lana: [Snarling] "You think these changes make me weak? That they give you the right to touch me? Let me show you just how wrong you are."
She throws you out of the bathroom with terrifying force. You crash into the opposite wall of the hallway, the wind knocked out of you. As you struggle to breathe, you see Lana standing in the doorway, her enhanced figure silhouetted menacingly.
Lana: [Cold fury in her voice] "If you ever, EVER try something like that again, I will break you. You're nothing but a weak, perverted little boy. Stay away from me."
The bathroom door slams shut with enough force to shake the entire shelter. You're left alone in the hallway, your body aching and your mind reeling with shame and the lingering effects of the virus. You've shattered the fragile trust between you, and you fear you've awakened something dangerous in Lana - a combination of rage, power, and a determination to never be vulnerable again.
You: [Eyes glazing over with viral madness] "Lana... need you... now... can't resist..."
The virus takes full control, obliterating all reason and morality. You lunge at Lana, pinning her against the bathroom wall. Her enhanced curves press against you, igniting a primal fire in your veins. She reacts instantly, her combat training kicking in, but the confined space limits her movements.
Lana: [Struggling fiercely] "Get off me, you sick fuck! This isn't you! Fight it, goddammit! I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]!"
She manages to land a few solid blows, her enhanced strength making each hit count. But the virus has amplified your own strength and dulled your pain receptors. Your hands tear at her clothes, revealing more of her virus-enhanced body. Her skin glistens with sweat, every curve amplified to impossible perfection.
You: [Growling inhumanly] "Mine... take... breed..."
Your actions become more violent, fueled by viral frenzy. Lana's resistance only seems to excite you more, your grip tightening as you try to overpower her. The small bathroom has become a brutal arena for this horrific confrontation. Steam from the earlier shower makes everything slick, adding a surreal quality to the struggle.
Lana: [Voice breaking] "Please, stop! I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]! This isn't you! I'll fucking kill you if you do this!"
She manages to break free momentarily, scrambling for the door. But you're on her in an instant, your virus-enhanced reflexes too quick. You slam her against the mirror, the glass cracking behind her. The scene is set for a nightmarish struggle, with Lana's skill and desperation pitted against your virus-enhanced frenzy.
You: [Pinning Lana down on the bathroom counter] "Can't... stop... need this..."
Having overpowered Lana, you tear away the last of her clothing. Her virus-enhanced body is fully revealed, every curve and muscle perfectly defined. She writhes beneath you, still fighting but weakening against your relentless assault. Your virus-enhanced member throbs painfully, demanding release.
Lana: [Sobbing and snarling] "No, please! We're family! This is wrong! I'll never forgive you for this, you monster!"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you brutally thrust into her, eliciting a scream of pain and shock. The tight heat of her body only fuels your frenzy, and you begin to move with savage intensity. The bathroom mirror fogs up further, obscuring your reflections but not hiding the horrific scene unfolding within.
You: [Grunting with each thrust] "Mine... all mine... perfect..."
The rape continues, your movements becoming more frenzied and violent. Lana's resistance weakens, her body betraying her as the virus begins to affect her too. Tears stream down her face, mixing with sweat and blood from the struggle. Her enhanced body responds involuntarily, adding to her shame and fury.
Lana: [Whimpering between clenched teeth] "I'll kill you for this... you're dead to me... you're not my $[characters.list.lana.player_role] anymore..."
As you reach your climax, you bite down hard on Lana's shoulder, marking her. The act finally over, you collapse on top of her, the viral haze slowly clearing from your mind. The horror of what you've done begins to sink in as Lana lies beneath you, broken and violated on the bathroom counter. But even in this moment, she finds one last reserve of strength.
Lana: [Voice hoarse but filled with cold fury] "You think this makes you strong? You're nothing but a weak, pathetic rapist. And when I recover, I will end you. That's a promise."
Her words cut through your post-viral haze, filling you with dread. You've not only violated your $[characters.list.lana.role] but awakened a vengeful fury that will never be quenched. As you stumble away, you realize that nothing will ever be the same again.
You: [Eyes wild with viral madness] "You belong to me now. My perfect slave."
Having overpowered Lana, you begin to bind her hands with torn strips of her own clothing. She struggles weakenly, the fight leaving her body as the reality of her situation sinks in. Her virus-enhanced curves heave with each labored breath, a sight that only fuels your twisted desires.
Lana: [Voice hoarse from screaming] "You're not my $[characters.list.lana.player_role] anymore. You're a monster. A weak, pathetic monster who can only get power by force."
Ignoring her words, you roughly hoist her over your shoulder, marveling at how your enhanced strength makes her feel almost weightless despite her new curves. Your mind is focused on one thing only - claiming her as your property. You make your way out of the bathroom, heading towards the shelter's makeshift prison with your captive $[characters.list.lana.role].
You: [Throwing Lana into the cell] "This is where you belong now. My pet, my experiment, my perfect virus-enhanced toy."
The district jail, once meant for potential threats, now becomes Lana's prison. You chain her to the wall, your virus-addled mind reveling in your complete dominance over her. Her enhanced body strains against the bonds, every movement a torment of forbidden desire.
Lana: [Defiant even in defeat] "You think this makes you strong? You're nothing but a coward. When I get free - and I will get free - I'll show you what real strength is."
Her words barely register as you approach her again, viral lust rising once more. You force yourself upon her, raping her again in the confines of her new prison. As you violate her, she continues to spit threats and insults, her spirit unbroken even as her body betrays her.
Lana: [Through gritted teeth] "This changes nothing. You're still weak. Still pathetic. And I will never, ever submit to you."
As you finish and step back, you see a dangerous glint in Lana's eyes. You've created not just a slave, but an enemy who will never stop fighting, never stop looking for a way to destroy you. The virus pulses through your veins, a constant reminder of the monster you've become and the terrible future you've set in motion.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Lana, you wanted to see me?"
You enter Lana's room, the early morning sun casting long shadows across the spartan space. The air is thick with tension and the faint musk of sweat from previous workouts. Your $[characters.list.lana.role] stands by the window, her athletic silhouette backlit by the dawn. She turns, her piercing blue eyes scanning you with a mixture of skepticism and barely concealed disdain. Her tank top clings to her curves, outlining her firm 34C breasts and toned abs. The fabric is thin enough that you can see the slight protrusion of her nipples, a detail that sends an unwanted jolt of heat through your body.
Lana: [Crossing her arms, her voice dripping with sarcasm] (Look at him, strutting in here like he's hot shit. When did he get so... built?) "Well, well, if it isn't my baby $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Finally decided to grace me with your presence, huh? It's about damn time we addressed the elephant in the room - or should I say, the virus."
Her eyes narrow as she approaches you, circling like a predator sizing up its prey. The tension in the air is palpable, a mixture of sibling rivalry and something... more primal. You can't help but notice how her tank top rides up slightly as she moves, revealing a strip of toned midriff. The sight of her bare skin makes your mouth go dry, the virus humming in your veins.
You: "The virus? What about it? I feel fine, Lana."
You stand your ground, meeting her gaze. There's a newfound confidence in your stance, one that seems to irk Lana even more. Your enhanced physique is evident even through your loose clothing, muscles rippling with each slight movement. The virus has transformed your body, giving you a build that rivals professional athletes. Your shorts do little to hide the impressive bulge at your crotch, a fact that doesn't escape Lana's notice.
Lana: [Scoffing, her voice laced with contempt] (Fine? He thinks he's fine? Clueless as always. And why can't I stop staring at his... No, focus!) "Of course you'd say that, pipsqueak. But this isn't about feeling 'fine'. This virus is changing us, and we need to stay ahead of it. Strong. Fit. Ready to fight off any threat. And right now, you look about as threatening as a wet kitten."
She pokes your chest hard with her finger, a challenge gleaming in her eyes. The contact sends an unexpected jolt through both of you, but Lana quickly masks her surprise with a sneer. You can feel the heat of her body, so close to yours, and for a moment, your mind wanders to inappropriate places. The scent of her skin - a mix of sweat and something uniquely Lana - fills your nostrils, making your enhanced member twitch involuntarily.
You: "Is that so? Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, $[characters.list.lana.role]?"
Your retort catches Lana off guard. She blinks, momentarily thrown by your audacity, before a predatory grin spreads across her face. The sight sends a shiver down your spine, a mix of anticipation and something darker. Your enhanced body thrums with energy, eager to prove itself.
Lana: [Cracking her knuckles, a dangerous glint in her eye] (Oh, the little boy wants to play rough? This'll be fun. Why am I getting so... excited?) "Alright, tough guy. Let's see what you've got. Push-ups, right now. First one to drop eats dirt. Literally."
She drops to the floor, assuming the push-up position with practiced ease. You mirror her, your bodies close enough that you can feel the heat radiating off her skin. The proximity sends a shiver down your spine, the virus amplifying every sensation. From this angle, you have a perfect view down her tank top, the swell of her breasts barely contained by her sports bra. You can see the slight sheen of sweat already forming on her skin, making it glisten in the morning light.
You: "Hope you're hungry for some soil, Lana."
Your confident tone makes Lana's eyebrow twitch in annoyance. As you begin the exercise, she sets a punishing pace, her form perfect. The room fills with the sound of your synchronized breathing and the occasional grunt of exertion. Your enhanced muscles flex with each movement, power coursing through your body.
Lana: [Grunting with effort, her voice strained but mocking] (What the hell? He's... keeping up? And why does he look so... No, stop it!) "Hah! Is that all you've got, runt? I'm just getting warmed up!"
Sweat begins to bead on Lana's skin, her tank top clinging to her toned body like a second skin. You find your eyes drawn to the curve of her spine, the flex of her muscles, the way her ass tightens with each push-up. Her leggings have ridden down slightly, revealing the dimples at the base of her spine. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every detail and sending blood rushing to your groin. Your member begins to swell, pressing uncomfortably against the floor with each push-up.
You: "Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing. Getting tired, big $[characters.list.lana.role]?"
Your teasing hits its mark. Lana's rhythm falters for a split second, her eyes widening in disbelief and growing anger. A bead of sweat trails down her neck, disappearing into her cleavage, and you find yourself following its path with your eyes. The swell of her breasts heaves with each push-up, threatening to spill out of her sports bra.
Lana: [Pushing harder, her voice a growl] (This can't be happening. How is he doing this? And why do I feel so... hot?) "Shut your mouth and focus on not face-planting, you cocky little shit!"
Her competitive spirit flares, but there's an undercurrent of confusion and... something else. The air between you feels charged, electric. Your bodies move in sync, the repetitive motion almost hypnotic. With each push-up, your arm brushes against hers, the contact sending sparks through your virus-enhanced nerves. You can smell the musky scent of her sweat, mixed with something more primal that makes your mouth water.
You: "What's wrong, Lana? You're looking a little flushed there."
Your words come out breathier than intended. The exertion and the virus's influence are taking their toll, but you're determined not to show weakness. Your muscles burn pleasantly, your body responding to the challenge in ways you never expected. Your enhanced member is now fully erect, straining against your shorts and leaving a small wet spot where the tip presses against the fabric.
Lana: [Breathing heavily, her voice a mix of fury and bewilderment] (God, when did he get so... No, focus, dammit! Why am I getting so turned on?) "I'm... I'm fine! It's you who should be worried. Let's... let's switch it up. Squats. Now!"
She springs to her feet, swaying slightly. For a moment, her hand brushes against your arm as you stand, and you both freeze at the contact. The touch sends a jolt of electricity through your bodies, the virus singing in your blood. Lana's nipples have hardened visibly through her sweat-soaked tank top, the fabric clinging to her breasts like a second skin. You can see the outline of her areolas, darker circles against the wet white fabric. The sight makes your cock twitch, a fact that doesn't escape Lana's notice as her eyes dart down to your tented shorts.
You: "Squats it is. Think you can handle my pace, $[characters.list.lana.role]?"
You begin the exercise, your movements controlled and powerful. Lana's eyes widen as she watches you, a bead of sweat trailing down her neck, disappearing into her cleavage. The room feels smaller suddenly, the air thick with tension and the mingled scent of your sweat and arousal.
Lana: [Matching your pace, her voice tight with strain] (What the fuck is happening? When did he get so... No, stop it! But god, he looks so good...) "Handle your pace? I'll leave you in the dust, you arrogant prick!"
Her tank top rides up with each squat, revealing a strip of toned midriff. You catch yourself staring at the way her muscles ripple, the slight jiggle of her breasts with each movement. Her leggings hug every curve, the fabric stretching taut across her ass as she squats. The seam disappears between her cheeks, outlining her pussy lips in a way that makes your mouth go dry. The virus amplifies your body's response, and you feel yourself growing painfully hard, your shorts tenting obscenely. A wet spot forms where the tip of your cock presses against the fabric, a detail that doesn't escape Lana's notice.
You: "Eyes up here, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Or are you getting distracted?"
Your taunt hits home. Lana's eyes snap to yours, blazing with a mixture of fury and something darker, more primal. Her gaze flicks down for a split second, widening as she notices the prominent bulge in your shorts and the wet spot at the tip.
Lana: [Growling, her movements becoming more aggressive] (Distracted? By him? Never! But fuck, he's so big...) "You wish, you little perv! I'm just shocked at how pathetic your form is. Here, let me show you how it's done!"
She steps closer, ostensibly to demonstrate proper technique. But as she does, her body brushes against yours. The contact is electric, sending shockwaves through both of you. Your enhanced cock twitches, pressing against Lana's thigh for a moment. Lana jerks back as if burned, her breathing ragged. You can see the rapid rise and fall of her chest, her skin flushed and glistening with sweat. Her nipples strain against her top, visibly hard and begging to be touched. The scent of her arousal mingles with the sweat in the air, a heady cocktail that makes your head spin.
You: "Whoa there, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Personal space much?"
Your attempt at humor falls flat as the tension in the room ratchets up another notch. Lana's eyes are wild, a storm of confusion and anger brewing in their depths. The air between you crackles with unspoken tension. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, demanding attention.
Lana: [Snarling, her fists clenching at her sides] (This isn't happening. I can't be feeling this way about my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! But god, I want to touch him so badly...) "Shut up! Just... just shut up! You think you're so tough now? Let's see how you handle this!"
Without warning, Lana lunges at you, tackling you to the ground. You grapple, bodies pressed together, the thin fabric of your workout clothes doing little to mask the heat between you. The virus surges, turning every point of contact into a livewire of sensation. You can feel every curve of her body against yours, her breasts pressed against your chest, her thigh dangerously close to your groin. Your enhanced cock throbs against her stomach, the heat of it evident even through your clothes. Lana's pussy, barely concealed by her thin leggings, grinds against your thigh, and you can feel the heat and dampness emanating from her core.
You: "Lana, what the hell?!"
You struggle against her, but your body betrays you. The feeling of her pressed against you, the scent of her skin, it's all too much. To your horror and secret thrill, you feel yourself responding, your shorts tenting noticeably. Your hands instinctively move to her hips, gripping tightly. The thin fabric of her leggings does little to hide the heat of her skin, and your fingers dig into the soft flesh of her ass.
Lana: [Freezing as she feels your arousal, her voice a strangled whisper] (Oh god, is that his... It's so big. No, no, no! Why am I getting so wet?) "You... you disgusting... What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
She scrambles off you, her face a mask of revulsion and... desire? Her tank top has ridden up, exposing her toned abs and the underside of her sports bra. You can't help but stare, your mouth dry, as a thin sheen of sweat makes her skin glisten in the morning light. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the slight tremor in her muscles, the way her pussy lips have swollen and parted slightly, visible through the thin fabric of her leggings. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own musk in a heady cocktail of forbidden desire.
You: "Lana, I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... It's the virus, it's affecting us both."
You slowly sit up, hands raised in a placating gesture. Your eyes meet Lana's, and for a moment, the anger in her gaze softens, replaced by confusion and vulnerability. Your enhanced member still strains against your shorts, the outline clearly visible. A bead of precum has soaked through the fabric, creating a small wet spot at the tip.
Lana: [Wrapping her arms around herself, voice uncharacteristically small] (What's happening to us? He's my $[characters.list.lana.player_role], but... god, I want him so badly.) "I... I know. It's just... you've changed. When did you get so strong? And why do I feel so..."
She trails off, unable to finish the thought. The tough exterior has cracked, revealing a softer, more uncertain Lana. There's a new warmth in her gaze as she looks at you, mixed with fear and longing. Her nipples still strain against her top, and you can see a damp spot forming at the crotch of her leggings. The scent of her arousal hangs heavy in the air, making it hard to think straight.
You: "We've both changed, Lana. But we're still family. We'll figure this out together, okay?"
You cautiously reach out, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. The touch sends a pleasant tingle through both of you, but this time, neither of you pull away. Your enhanced senses pick up on the quickening of her pulse, the slight dilation of her pupils as she looks at you.
Lana: [Leaning into your touch slightly, before catching herself and pulling away] (This feels... No, I can't let him see me weak. But god, I want more...) "Don't get any ideas, runt. You might have improved, but you're still my annoying $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. We'll... we'll continue this training. But if you ever tell anyone about... this, I'll kick your ass so hard you'll taste my boot for a week. Got it?"
As you leave Lana's room, the air between you has shifted. The wall of hostility has crumbled, replaced by a new, fragile understanding tinged with her usual bravado. You both know that your relationship has entered uncharted territory, fraught with danger and forbidden desire. The memory of her body pressed against yours, the scent of her arousal, the heat in her eyes - it all lingers, a temptation that will haunt your dreams and fuel your deepest, most taboo fantasies.
You: "Lana, I... I can't..."
Unable to control the surge of desire, you lunge at Lana, tackling her to the ground. Your bodies collide with a thud, the impact knocking the wind out of both of you. You find yourself on top of her, pinning her wrists above her head, your faces inches apart. Your enhanced cock presses against her core, separated only by the thin layers of your workout clothes.
Lana: [Gasping, her body trembling with a mix of rage and unwanted arousal] (What the fuck is he doing? Why can't I throw him off? And why does it feel so good?) "Get off me, you fucking pervert! Have you lost your mind?!"
Despite her words, Lana's body betrays her. Her hips buck against yours involuntarily, creating a friction that sends shockwaves through both of you. The scent of her sweat and arousal fills your nostrils, driving the virus into a frenzy. You can feel the heat of her pussy through the thin fabric of her leggings, her swollen lips parting slightly as they rub against your shaft.
You: "Lana, I... I'm sorry, I don't know what's happening to me..."
As you struggle to regain control, your elbow catches the strap of Lana's tank top. The thin fabric tears easily, exposing her sports bra and the swell of her breasts. The sudden reveal startles both of you, freezing you in place. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail - the hardened nipple poking through the fabric, the slight quiver of her breast with each rapid breath.
Lana: [Face flushing crimson with rage and embarrassment] (Oh god, my top! Why am I so wet? No, focus!) "You... you..."
With a sudden burst of strength fueled by fury, Lana pushes you off violently. Her fist connects with your jaw, sending you sprawling. As you blink away stars, you see her standing over you, chest heaving, one breast nearly exposed from her torn top. Her nipple is clearly visible, hard and pebbled. A damp spot has formed at the crotch of her leggings, the fabric clinging to her swollen pussy lips.
Lana: [Voice shaking with a cocktail of emotions] "If you EVER try something like that again, I'll break every bone in your body. This... this never happened. Do you understand me?!"
Without waiting for a response, Lana turns and storms out of the room, leaving you alone with a throbbing jaw and a head full of confused, guilty desires. The line has been crossed, and there's no going back now. The scent of her arousal lingers in the air, a constant reminder of how close you came to giving in to your darkest, most taboo urges.
You: "Lana, stop! This is insane, we need to calm down!"
You push Lana off you forcefully, scrambling to your feet. The moment shatters, reality crashing back in like a bucket of ice water. Your body still thrums with unwanted arousal, shame flooding through you. Your enhanced member strains painfully against your shorts, a visible wet spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
Lana: [Stumbling back, her face a mask of horror and shame] (What the fuck was I about to do? Oh god, oh god... Why am I still so turned on?) "Get out. Get the fuck out of my room right now!"
She wraps her arms around herself, turning away from you. Her body is shaking, whether from rage or suppressed desire, you can't tell. The thin fabric of her clothes does little to hide the way her nipples have hardened, poking through her tank top like pebbles. A damp spot has formed at the crotch of her leggings, evidence of her unwanted arousal. The sight sends another jolt of heat through your body, your enhanced cock twitching visibly in your shorts.
You: "Lana, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... We should talk about this."
You take a step towards her, but Lana whirls around, her eyes blazing with fury and unshed tears. Her chest heaves with each breath, drawing your gaze despite your best efforts. The torn strap of her tank top has slipped further, revealing more of her breast. You can see the edge of her areola, a darker circle against her flushed skin.
Lana: [Screaming, her voice raw with emotion] (This never happened. It can never happen. But why do I want him so badly?) "There's nothing to talk about! This... this was a mistake. A huge fucking mistake. Just... just stay away from me, you freak!"
As you flee from Lana's room, you can hear the sound of something shattering against the door behind you. The wall between you has become a chasm, filled with unspoken desires and bitter regret. The virus continues to pulse through your veins, a constant reminder of the new, dangerous reality you both face. Your enhanced body betrays you, your cock still painfully hard, leaking precum as the memory of Lana's body pressed against yours replays in your mind.
You: "Lana, I... something's happening. The virus..."
A wave of intense heat washes over you, your vision blurring. All you can focus on is Lana's flushed form, her scent overwhelming your senses. Your body feels like it's on fire, every nerve ending screaming for contact. Your enhanced member swells to its full size, straining painfully against your shorts, a large wet spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
Lana: [Eyes widening in panic and arousal] (Oh fuck, his eyes... What's happening to us? Why do I suddenly want to rip his clothes off?) "No... no, stay back! I feel it too, it's like I'm burning up. We have to fight it, we can't..."
The virus surges through both of you, amplifying every sensation. Your bodies gravitate towards each other as if magnetized, all thoughts of propriety forgotten in a haze of primal lust. You can see Lana's nipples straining against her top, visibly hardening into stiff peaks. Her skin is flushed and glistening with sweat, a thin sheen that makes her body glisten in the morning light. The room fills with the scent of your mingled arousal, thick and heady. A damp spot forms at the crotch of Lana's leggings, her pussy visibly swelling and parting beneath the thin fabric.
You: "Lana, I can't... I need to touch you..."
Your hands move of their own accord, roughly groping Lana's breasts through her sports bra. The virus has overwhelmed your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. You can feel her nipples harden under your palms, pebbling into stiff points. Her chest heaves with each ragged breath, the soft flesh spilling over the top of her bra as you knead her breasts roughly.
Lana: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off me, you sick bastard!"
She struggles against you, her body betraying her with small shivers of pleasure even as her mind recoils in horror and anger. Her knee comes up, aiming for your groin, but the movement only serves to press her body closer to yours. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, pressing against her thigh. You can feel the heat of her core against your leg, her pussy lips swollen and parted beneath her leggings.
You: "Shit! Lana, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me!"
You double over from her knee strike, the pain cutting through the virus-induced haze. Reality comes crashing back, bringing with it a wave of shame and regret. The taste of bile rises in your throat as you realize what you've done. Your enhanced member still strains against your shorts, a large wet spot visible where precum has soaked through the fabric.
Lana: [Backing away, her voice shaking with rage and fear] "Don't you dare come near me again, you fucking monster. I'll kill you if you try anything like that again, $[characters.list.lana.player_role] or not!"
The look of disgust and betrayal on Lana's face is devastating. As you stumble out of the room, you know you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed, potentially destroying your relationship with your $[characters.list.lana.role] forever. The virus continues to burn in your veins, a cruel reminder of the monster you've become. The scent of Lana's arousal lingers in your nostrils, mixed with the musk of your own desire. Your enhanced body throbs with unfulfilled need, the memory of her soft breasts in your hands haunting you as you flee.
You: "Lana... you're so fucking hot... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you pin Lana to the floor, your strength far exceeding hers now. You can feel every curve of her body beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further. Your enhanced cock strains against your shorts, the outline clearly visible and intimidating in its size.
Lana: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "Get the fuck off me! This isn't you! Fight it, goddammit!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild. Your hands tear at her clothes, shredding the thin fabric of her tank top. Her breasts spill free, nipples hardening in the cool air despite her terror.
You: "Stop fighting it, Lana. Your body wants this as much as mine does..."
Your hands continue their assault, ripping away the last of her clothing. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. Lana's body is fully exposed now, her toned muscles quivering with fear and unwanted arousal. You can see her pussy lips, swollen and glistening with moisture despite her protests.
Lana: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! I'll fucking kill you for this! Someone help me!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Lana manages to rake her nails across your face. Blood trickles down your cheek, but it only spurs you on. As you position yourself between her legs, your enhanced member freed from your shredded shorts, Lana prepares for one last, desperate fight against the monster her $[characters.list.lana.player_role] has become. The scent of her fear and arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness. Your cock, now fully exposed, throbs menacingly, its size almost inhuman due to the virus's effects.
You: "You're mine now, Lana. All fucking mine..."
Having overpowered Lana, you tear away the last of her clothing. Your enhanced body easily subdues her struggles as you force yourself inside her, groaning at the tight heat. The sensation is overwhelming, her body clenching around you despite her protests. Your virus-enhanced cock stretches her to her limits, the massive girth causing her to cry out in pain and unwanted pleasure.
Lana: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... This isn't you... Please..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you brutally thrust into her, the virus driving you to claim her with animalistic ferocity. Each cry of pain only spurs you on, the beast within reveling in her suffering. You can feel her body responding involuntarily, her walls gripping you tightly with each thrust. Her breasts bounce violently with each savage movement, nipples hardened into stiff peaks despite her terror. The contrast between her tight, virgin passage and your enormous, virus-enhanced member is exquisite torture for you both.
You: "Fuck, Lana... You feel so good... This is what you were made for..."
You continue your assault, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Lana's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat. You can feel her pussy clenching around you, her body responding despite her mind's protests.
Lana: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "...why? How could you do this to me...?"
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Lana lies there, shattered and violated, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The room reeks of sex and despair, a testament to the monstrous act you've committed. Your softening cock slips from her abused pussy, a mixture of your seed and her virginal blood trickling down her thighs. The sight of her broken form, marked by your brutal assault, will haunt you forever.
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.lana.role] anymore, Lana. You're my property now."
Having defeated Lana, you drag her struggling form towards your private prison. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-proud $[characters.list.lana.role] into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her skin. You can't help but admire the way her breasts heave with each terrified breath, the curve of her ass as she tries to wriggle free. Your enhanced cock remains hard, bobbing menacingly with each step.
Lana: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! Someone will stop you, you sick fuck!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell, your strength making her resistance futile. Part of you revels in seeing her brought so low, while a small, buried part screams in horror at what you've become. The sight of her battered body only serves to arouse you further, the virus demanding more. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, ready for another round despite having just violated her. Pre-cum leaks steadily from the tip, leaving a trail on Lana's skin as you press against her.
You: "Welcome to your new home, $[characters.list.lana.role]. You'll learn to love it here, serving your Master."
You chain Lana to the wall of your makeshift dungeon, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You can see the fight slowly leaving her eyes, replaced by a growing despair. Your hand trails down her body, savoring the feel of her soft skin and toned muscles. You pause at her breasts, roughly kneading them and pinching her nipples until she whimpers in pain.
Lana: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "...you're not my $[characters.list.lana.player_role] anymore. You're a monster. And one day, I'll make you pay for this..."
As you leave the cell, locking the door behind you, Lana's quiet sobs follow you. You've gained a slave, but lost your humanity in the process. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Lana's broken form is seared into your mind, a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to. Your enhanced body aches with the need to claim her again, the virus whispering dark promises of the pleasure to come in your new, twisted relationship.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Hey Lana, I heard you needed help with the pool maintenance?"
The afternoon sun beats down on the shelter's backyard as you approach the pool area. Lana stands at the edge, a scowl etched on her face as she glares at the murky water. Her hair is tied back in a tight ponytail, accentuating her sharp cheekbones and full lips. She's wearing a practical one-piece swimsuit that does little to hide her athletic figure. The fabric clings to her curves like a second skin, outlining the firm swell of her 34C breasts and the toned muscles of her thighs. The suit rides high on her hips, emphasizing the length of her legs and hinting at the tight curve of her ass.
Lana: [Turning to face you, her expression a mix of annoyance and reluctance] (Great, just what I need. The runt to the rescue. When did he get so... built?) "Well, well, if it isn't my knight in shining armor. Took you long enough. This cesspool isn't going to clean itself, you know."
She tosses you a pool skimmer, the gesture more aggressive than necessary. The tension from yesterday's encounter still lingers in the air, unspoken but palpable. You can't help but notice the way the sunlight gleams off the thin sheen of sweat on her skin, highlighting the defined muscles of her arms and shoulders. A drop of sweat trails down her neck, disappearing into the valley between her breasts, drawing your gaze to the hint of cleavage visible at the top of her swimsuit.
You: "Charming as ever, $[characters.list.lana.role]. What's the plan of attack?"
You catch the skimmer deftly, your enhanced reflexes on display. Lana's eyes narrow slightly at your smooth movement, a flicker of something unreadable passing across her face. The virus hums in your veins, heightening your awareness of every little detail - the slight catch in Lana's breath, the way her pupils dilate almost imperceptibly, the subtle hardening of her nipples against the fabric of her swimsuit.
Lana: [Crossing her arms, her tone dripping with sarcasm] (Look at him, all confident. Let's see how long that lasts. And why am I noticing how his muscles flex when he moves?) "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you needed step-by-step instructions. Skim the surface, scrub the sides, check the filter. Think you can handle that, or do I need to draw you a picture?"
She turns back to the pool, bending over to pick up a brush. The movement causes her swimsuit to ride up slightly, revealing more of her toned thighs and the lower curve of her buttocks. The fabric stretches taut across her ass, outlining the cleft between her cheeks and hinting at the tight pucker hidden beneath. You quickly avert your eyes, but not before a jolt of inappropriate attraction shoots through you, your enhanced body responding traitorously to the sight of your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s nearly exposed intimate areas.
You: "I think I can manage. You know, teamwork makes the dream work and all that."
You begin skimming the surface of the pool, trying to focus on the task at hand rather than the way Lana's swimsuit clings to her curves as she moves. The fabric, dampened by splashes from the pool, has become almost transparent in places, revealing the outline of her athletic body beneath. You can see the subtle ridges of her abs, the curve of her hip bones, and the faint shadow of her pubic mound.
Lana: [Snorting derisively] (Teamwork? Since when did he become Mr. Positive? And why does his voice sound so... No, focus, Lana!) "Spare me the motivational poster crap. Just do your job and try not to screw it up. I'd rather not have to fish you out when you inevitably fall in."
She begins scrubbing the pool's edge vigorously, her muscles flexing with each movement. The sun glints off the beads of sweat forming on her skin, drawing your gaze despite your best efforts to remain professional. You can see the outline of her nipples pressing against the fabric of her swimsuit, hardened by the cool water splashing up from the pool. The sight sends a jolt of heat straight to your groin, your enhanced member beginning to swell against your will.
You: "Your concern is touching, Lana. I didn't know you cared so much."
Your sarcastic reply comes automatically, a defense mechanism against the confusing mix of sibling annoyance and unwanted attraction. As you work, you can't help but notice how the water droplets cling to Lana's skin, tracing paths down her arms and legs, disappearing into the cleavage visible at the neckline of her swimsuit. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail - the goosebumps rising on her skin, the slight tremor in her muscles as she works, the way her throat bobs as she swallows.
Lana: [Pausing her scrubbing to glare at you] (Care? As if. But why can't I stop noticing how his shorts cling to his... No, he's your $[characters.list.lana.player_role], dammit!) "Don't flatter yourself. I just don't want to have to explain to $[characters.list.cherie.role] why her precious baby boy drowned in two feet of water. Now less talking, more cleaning."
She resumes her task with renewed vigor, but you notice a slight flush creeping up her neck that can't be entirely attributed to the physical exertion. The virus hums in your veins, heightening your awareness of every little detail - the way her chest heaves with each breath, the flex of her thigh muscles as she stretches to reach a difficult spot. Your eyes are drawn to the way her swimsuit has ridden up, revealing the lower curve of her ass cheeks and hinting at the tight, forbidden holes hidden between them.
You: "You know, this would go faster if we divided and conquered. I could check the filter while you finish scrubbing."
You suggest, trying to break the tension. As you speak, you accidentally knock over a bucket of cleaning supplies, sending them scattering across the pool deck. The clatter breaks the uneasy silence, making you both jump. Your enhanced member, already half-hard from your earlier observations, twitches at the sudden movement, pressing noticeably against your swim trunks.
Lana: [Rolling her eyes dramatically] (Smooth move, Ex-Lax. Why am I even looking at his... Oh god, is that what I think it is?) "Oh, for fuck's sake. Can't you do anything right? Here, let me..."
She moves to help you clean up the mess, but as she steps forward, her foot catches on the pool skimmer. Time seems to slow as Lana loses her balance, her arms windmilling as she falls towards the pool. You can see the panic in her eyes, the way her body tenses in anticipation of the impact. Her swimsuit shifts with the movement, exposing more of her breasts and riding up between her legs, outlining her pussy lips in exquisite detail.
You: "Lana! Watch out!"
Without thinking, you lunge forward, your enhanced reflexes kicking in. Your arms wrap around Lana's waist just as she's about to hit the water. The momentum carries you both, and for a moment, you're teetering on the edge of the pool. You can feel the heat of her body pressed against yours, the rapid beating of her heart. Her breasts are crushed against your chest, her nipples hard points you can feel even through the layers of fabric. The scent of her fills your nostrils - a mix of chlorine, sweat, and something uniquely Lana that makes your head spin.
Lana: [Gasping, her body pressed against yours] (What the... How did he move so fast? And why does he feel so... No, stop it!) "I... you... Let go of me, you idiot! We're going to-"
Her words are cut off as you both lose your balance, plunging into the pool with a tremendous splash. The cool water envelops you, and for a moment, all is chaos and bubbles. Underwater, you're acutely aware of Lana's body tangled with yours, her legs wrapped around your waist in an instinctive attempt to stay afloat. The position brings her core flush against your now fully erect member, the thin layers of your swimwear doing little to disguise the heat and hardness of your arousal.
You: "Lana! Are you okay?"
You surface first, pushing your wet hair out of your eyes. Lana emerges a second later, sputtering and coughing. Her ponytail has come loose, her dark hair plastered to her face and neck. The water has rendered her swimsuit nearly transparent, clinging to every curve and contour of her body like a second skin. You can clearly see the outline of her breasts, the darker circles of her areolas and the hard points of her nipples straining against the fabric. The suit has ridden up between her legs, outlining her pussy lips in exquisite detail.
Lana: [Wiping water from her eyes, her voice a mix of anger and something else] (He actually tried to save me. Why does that make me feel so... And why can't I stop staring at his chest?) "Of course I'm not okay! I'm soaking wet, and it's all your fault! Why can't you just..."
She trails off as she realizes how close you are. In the water, her swimsuit has become a second skin, leaving little to the imagination. You can see the outline of her nipples, hardened by the cool water, and the curve of her hips. The fabric clings to the cleft between her legs, hinting at the tight, pink folds hidden beneath. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the slight tremor in her muscles, the way her pupils dilate as her eyes roam over your body.
You: "I'm sorry, I was just trying to help. Here, let me..."
You reach out to brush a strand of wet hair from her face, your fingers accidentally grazing her cheek. The touch sends a spark through both of you, the virus amplifying the sensation. Your enhanced senses pick up on the quickening of her pulse, the slight dilation of her pupils, the catch in her breath as your skin makes contact with hers.
Lana: [Breath catching, her eyes wide] (His touch... No, this isn't right. But why do I want him to keep touching me?) "Don't... don't touch me. I can take care of myself."
She pushes away from you, but in the water, the movement only serves to bring her body flush against yours for a moment. You can feel every curve, every muscle, and the heat of her skin even through the cool water. Her breasts press against your chest, her hardened nipples dragging across your pecs. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, the head now peeking out from the waistband of your trunks. As Lana's thigh brushes against it, you feel a jolt of electricity shoot through your body.
You: "Lana, I... We should probably get out of the pool."
Your voice comes out huskier than intended, the closeness and the sight of Lana's body affecting you more than you'd like to admit. You can feel yourself responding, your enhanced physique making it impossible to hide your arousal in the clinging wet fabric of your swim trunks. The head of your cock is now fully visible above the waistband, angry and purple with need.
Lana: [Swallowing hard, her eyes darting to your chest and lower] (When did he get so... No, stop it! He's your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. But god, he's huge...) "Y-yeah. Out. Now. And if you ever speak of this to anyone, I'll make you regret it."
She turns to swim to the edge of the pool, giving you a perfect view of her backside as she moves. The wet fabric of her swimsuit has ridden up, exposing the lower curves of her buttocks. You find yourself mesmerized by the play of muscles under her skin, the way the water cascades off her body as she pulls herself out of the pool. The suit clings to her ass, outlining each cheek perfectly and revealing the tight pucker of her asshole as she bends to climb out.
You: "Your secret's safe with me, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Wouldn't want anyone to know you needed saving."
You follow her to the pool's edge, trying to inject some normalcy into the situation with a bit of sibling teasing. As you both climb out, the water cascading off your bodies, you can't help but steal glances at each other. Lana's nipples are clearly visible through the wet fabric, hard and straining against the material. Her camel toe is pronounced, the swimsuit clinging to every fold and crevice of her pussy. You're painfully aware of the way your swim trunks cling to your enhanced manhood, your erection impossible to hide.
Lana: [Wringing water from her hair, her voice unsteady] (Saving? As if. But he did try to help... And why can't I stop looking at his... It's so big...) "I didn't need saving. I had it under control. And stop staring, you perv!"
She grabs a towel, wrapping it around herself quickly. But not before you catch a glimpse of her nipples poking through the wet fabric of her swimsuit, a sight that sends a jolt of heat straight to your core. The virus amplifies your reaction, making your entire body throb with need. Your cock twitches visibly, a bead of precum forming at the tip and slowly trailing down the shaft.
You: "Look, Lana, I really am sorry about all this. Maybe we can start over? Work together to finish cleaning the pool?"
You grab a towel for yourself, trying to maintain eye contact and not let your gaze wander. There's a vulnerability in Lana's eyes that you've rarely seen before, and it makes your heart skip a beat. As you dry off, your towel catches on the edge of Lana's swimsuit, accidentally tearing the fabric along her hip.
Lana: [Gasping as she feels the fabric give way] (Oh god, did he just... Why am I not more angry? Why do I want him to tear it more?) "What the hell do you think you're doing?! Are you trying to strip me naked?"
The tear has exposed a generous portion of Lana's hip and the side of her buttock. You can see the toned curve of her ass, the smooth skin glistening with water droplets. The rip extends to the front, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her neatly trimmed pubic hair and the top of her pussy lips. Your enhanced senses pick up on the slight tremor in her voice, the way her pulse quickens, the scent of her arousal mingling with the chlorine from the pool.
You: "Shit, Lana, I'm so sorry! It was an accident, I swear!"
You reach out instinctively to cover her exposed skin, but your hand accidentally grazes her bare hip. The contact sends a jolt of electricity through both of you, the virus amplifying the sensation to an almost unbearable degree. Your fingers brush against the soft skin of her outer labia, and you feel a rush of heat at the realization of how close you are to touching her most intimate area.
Lana: [Shuddering at your touch, her voice a mix of anger and something else] (His hand... it's so warm. No, focus! But god, I want him to touch me more...) "Don't touch me, you idiot! I'll... I'll..."
In her anger, Lana lashes out, her knee coming up to strike your groin. But as her leg makes contact, her eyes widen in shock. Instead of the soft target she expected, she's met with the hard, unyielding mass of your virus-enhanced manhood. Her knee presses against your shaft, and you both freeze at the intimate contact.
Lana: [Wincing and rubbing her knee] (What the... Is that his... Oh god, it's even bigger than I thought.) "Ow! What the fuck? Are you wearing a cup or something?"
The moment hangs between you, charged with tension and unspoken desires. You both know that something has irrevocably changed in your relationship, opening the door to uncharted and potentially dangerous territory. The scent of Lana's arousal fills the air, her body betraying her despite her words. Your cock throbs painfully, the tip now fully exposed above your waistband, a bead of precum glistening in the sunlight.
You: "Lana, I can't... I need you. Please, just touch me. Just once."
Your voice is thick with desire, your hands moving to her hips, pulling her closer. Lana's breath hitches, her resistance crumbling under the onslaught of the virus and her own suppressed desires. Your enhanced member throbs visibly, the outline clearly defined through your wet swim trunks. The head pushes past the waistband, angry and purple with need.
Lana: [Her voice a husky whisper] (We shouldn't... Oh god, he's so big. No, no, I can't think like that. He's my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]!) "We shouldn't... Oh god, you're so... No, no, I can't think like that. You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]!"
Her hand hovers near your chest, trembling with the effort of restraint. You can see the internal struggle playing out in her eyes, desire warring with sisterly instinct. Her nipples have hardened to stiff peaks, visible through the wet fabric of her swimsuit. A damp spot forms at the crotch of her suit, her arousal evident despite her protests.
You: "Please, Lana... I need more. Just a little more. No one has to know."
Unable to resist, you lean in, your lips almost brushing against her neck. Lana gasps, her body tensing at your proximity. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, now fully exposed above your waistband. A thick bead of precum forms at the tip, slowly trailing down the impressive length of your shaft.
Lana: [Panting, her voice filled with conflicted desire] (This is wrong. We can't. I'm his $[characters.list.lana.role], I should be stronger than this. But god, I want him inside me so badly...) "This is wrong. We can't. I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], I should be stronger than this."
She pushes away abruptly, creating distance between you. But not before her hand accidentally brushes against your exposed cock, causing you both to shudder at the contact. "We need to go back. Now. Before we do something we can't take back."
As you watch her hurry towards the house, you notice her thighs pressing together, her hand drifting down to press against her mound through her swimsuit. The scent of her arousal lingers in the air, mixing with your own musk. You know that something fundamental has shifted between you. The tension remains unresolved, a dangerous undercurrent in your relationship that threatens to pull you both under.
You: "Lana, I... I think we should talk about what just happened."
You take a step towards her, but your foot slips on a puddle. You stumble, arms windmilling, and crash into Lana. Your hand accidentally grazes her breast as you try to steady yourself, feeling the hardened nipple through the wet fabric. Your enhanced member, still painfully erect, presses against her thigh for a moment before you can pull away.
Lana: [Recoiling as if burned, her face a mask of disgust] (Did he just... Oh god, I'm going to be sick. But why did it feel so... No, stop it!) "Get your hands off me, you fucking creep! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
She shoves you away violently, causing you to stumble back. The look of revulsion on her face is like a punch to the gut, shame flooding through you. You can still feel the phantom sensation of her breast in your hand, the virus making your skin tingle where you touched her. Your cock throbs painfully, the head still exposed above your waistband, a reminder of your body's betrayal.
You: "Lana, please, it was an accident! I didn't mean to-"
Your pleas fall on deaf ears as Lana's eyes blaze with fury. She grabs the nearest object - a pool brush - and brandishes it like a weapon. Her wet swimsuit clings to her body, outlining every curve in a way that makes your mouth go dry despite the tense situation. You can see the outline of her pussy lips, the fabric clinging to every fold and crevice.
Lana: [Voice shaking with rage] (I can't believe he'd... After yesterday... Never again. But why am I still so turned on?) "Save it! I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses. Stay the fuck away from me, you sick freak. If you ever, EVER come near me again, I swear I'll make you regret the day you were born."
She storms off, leaving you alone by the pool, dripping wet and filled with regret. The fragile connection you'd started to build has been shattered, perhaps irreparably. The virus thrums in your veins, a cruel reminder of the new reality that's driven a wedge between you and your $[characters.list.lana.role]. Your enhanced body betrays you, still responding to the memory of her touch despite the disastrous outcome. Your cock remains painfully hard, a testament to the twisted desires the virus has awakened in you.
You: "Lana, wait! I... I feel strange. The virus..."
Suddenly, a wave of intense heat washes over you. Your vision blurs, focusing solely on Lana's wet form. Every droplet of water on her skin seems to call to you, and the scent of her fills your nostrils, overwhelming your senses. Your enhanced body throbs with need, your manhood straining against your swim trunks, the head now fully exposed and leaking precum profusely.
Lana: [Turning back, her eyes widening in alarm and... excitement?] (Oh god, his eyes... What's happening to us? Why do I suddenly want to rip his trunks off?) "No... no, stay back! I feel it too. It's like I'm burning up. We have to fight it, we can't..."
The virus surges through both of you, amplifying every sensation. Your bodies gravitate towards each other as if magnetized, all thoughts of propriety forgotten in a haze of primal lust. Lana's nipples strain against the wet fabric of her swimsuit, visibly hardening as she looks at you. Her skin is flushed and glistening, a thin sheen of sweat mixing with the pool water. The air fills with the scent of your mingled arousal, thick and heady. You can see Lana's pussy lips swelling beneath her suit, a damp spot forming as her body responds to the virus's influence.
You: "Lana, I can't... I need to touch you..."
Your hands move of their own accord, roughly grabbing Lana's ass through her swimsuit. The virus has overwhelmed your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. You can feel the firm, toned muscles of her buttocks, the heat of her skin radiating through the thin fabric. Your fingers dip lower, brushing against the junction of her thighs, feeling the heat emanating from her core.
Lana: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off my ass, you sick bastard!"
She struggles against you, her body betraying her with small shivers of pleasure even as her mind recoils in horror and anger. Her wet skin slides against yours, the friction sending jolts of electricity through your virus-enhanced nerves. You can feel the heat emanating from her core, the slight dampness that has nothing to do with the pool water. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, now fully exposed and pressing against Lana's stomach.
You: "Shit! Lana, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me!"
You stumble back, the haze of lust clearing momentarily. The realization of what you've done hits you like a ton of bricks, shame and guilt flooding through you. But the memory of her firm ass in your hands, the heat of her core against your fingers, lingers tantalizingly. Your cock stands at full attention, angry and purple, a steady stream of precum leaking from the tip.
Lana: [Wrapping her arms around herself, voice shaking with rage and fear] "Don't you dare come near me again, you fucking monster. I'll drown you in this pool if you ever try anything like that again, $[characters.list.lana.player_role] or not!"
The look of disgust and betrayal on Lana's face is devastating. As she flees into the house, you're left alone by the pool, the virus still burning in your veins, a cruel reminder of the monster you've become. The memory of her wet skin under your hands haunts you, a forbidden pleasure that may have cost you your relationship with your $[characters.list.lana.role]. Your enhanced body throbs with unfulfilled desire, the virus demanding more despite your mind's protests. The scent of Lana's arousal lingers in the air, a torturous reminder of how close you came to crossing an unforgivable line.
You: "Lana... you're so fucking hot... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Lana, pinning her against the edge of the pool. You can feel every curve of her body through the wet swimsuit, her struggles only serving to arouse you further. The scent of her fear and unwilling arousal fills your nostrils, driving you wild.
Lana: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "Get the fuck off me! This isn't you! Fight it, goddammit!"
She thrashes against you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can feel her nipples hardening against your chest despite her fear, her body betraying her even as she fights. Your enhanced cock, now fully exposed, presses against her stomach, leaving a trail of precum on her skin.
You: "Stop fighting it, Lana. Your body wants this as much as mine does..."
Your hands tear at her swimsuit, the wet fabric giving way easily. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. Lana's breasts spill free, her nipples hard and pebbled in the cool air. You can see her pussy lips, swollen and glistening with unwanted arousal.
Lana: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! I'll fucking kill you for this! Someone help me!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Lana manages to rake her nails across your face. Blood trickles down your cheek, mixing with the pool water, but it only spurs you on. As you force her legs apart, Lana prepares for one last, desperate fight against the monster her $[characters.list.lana.player_role] has become. The scent of her fear and arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, the head swollen and purple, poised at the entrance to Lana's unwilling pussy.
You: "You're mine now, Lana. All fucking mine..."
Having overpowered Lana, you tear away the last of her swimsuit. Your enhanced body easily subdues her struggles as you position yourself at her entrance. With a brutal thrust, you force yourself inside her, groaning at the tight heat that envelops you. The sensation is overwhelming, her body clenching around you despite her protests.
Lana: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... This isn't you... Please..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you brutally thrust into her, the virus driving you to claim her with animalistic ferocity. Each cry of pain only spurs you on, the beast within reveling in her suffering. You can feel her body responding involuntarily, her walls gripping you tightly with each thrust. The contrast between her tight, virgin passage and your enormous, virus-enhanced member is exquisite torture for you both. Your cock stretches her to her limits, the head battering against her cervix with each savage thrust.
You: "Fuck, Lana... You feel so good... This is what you were made for..."
You continue your assault, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Lana's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat and pool water. You can feel her pussy clenching around you, her body responding despite her mind's protests.
Lana: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "...why? How could you do this to me...?"
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Lana lies there, shattered and violated, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The pool area, once a place of family memories, is now tainted by the monstrous act you've committed. The scent of sex and despair hangs heavy in the air, a testament to the irreparable damage done. Your softening cock slips from Lana's abused pussy, a mixture of your seed and her virginal blood trickling down her thighs.
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.lana.role] anymore, Lana. You're my property now."
Having defeated Lana, you drag her struggling form towards the house, intent on reaching your private prison. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-proud $[characters.list.lana.role] into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her wet skin. You can't help but admire the way her breasts heave with each terrified breath, the curve of her ass as she tries to wriggle free.
Lana: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! Someone will stop you, you sick fuck!"
Her cries echo through the empty house as you manhandle her towards the cell, your strength making her resistance futile. Part of you revels in seeing her brought so low, while a small, buried part screams in horror at what you've become. The sight of her battered body only serves to arouse you further, the virus demanding more. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, ready for another round despite having just violated her by the pool. Pre-cum leaks steadily from the tip, leaving a trail on Lana's skin as you press against her.
You: "Welcome to your new home, $[characters.list.lana.role]. You'll learn to love it here, serving your Master."
You chain Lana to the wall of your makeshift dungeon, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You can see the fight slowly leaving her eyes, replaced by a growing despair. Your hand trails down her body, savoring the feel of her soft skin and toned muscles. You pause at her breasts, roughly kneading them and pinching her nipple. Your hand trails down her body, savoring the feel of her soft skin and toned muscles.
Lana: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "...you're not my $[characters.list.lana.player_role] anymore. You're a monster. And one day, I'll make you pay for this..."
As you leave the cell, locking the door behind you, Lana's quiet sobs follow you. You've gained a slave, but lost your humanity in the process. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Lana's broken form is seared into your mind, a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to. Your enhanced body aches with the need to claim her again, the virus whispering dark promises of the pleasure to come in your new, twisted relationship.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Lana? You in here?"
You push open the door to the shelter's gym, the scent of sweat and metal hitting your nostrils. The room is dimly lit, the emergency generators providing just enough power for a few flickering lights. Your enhanced vision adjusts quickly, taking in the array of exercise equipment scattered around the space.
Lana: [Voice echoing from the far corner] (Great, just what I need. The perv interrupting my workout.) "Over here, runt. What do you want?"
As your eyes find her, your breath catches in your throat. Lana is hanging upside down from a pull-up bar, her legs hooked over the metal. She's wearing nothing but a sports bra and tight shorts, both drenched in sweat. The position causes her breasts to strain against the fabric, threatening to spill out. You can see the outline of her nipples, hard and prominent against the thin material. Her abs are clearly defined, glistening with sweat, and the curve of her ass is perfectly accentuated by her inverted position. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail, from the slight quiver of her muscles to the damp patch forming at the crotch of her shorts.
You: "I, uh... $[characters.list.cherie.role] wanted me to check on you. Said you've been in here for hours."
You try to keep your voice steady, but your eyes betray you, roaming over Lana's inverted form. A drop of sweat trails from her navel, up her toned abs, disappearing beneath her sports bra. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every detail, from the curve of her hips to the slight parting of her lips as she breathes heavily. You can smell her unique scent - a mix of sweat, musk, and something distinctly Lana that makes your enhanced member twitch involuntarily.
Lana: [Swinging slightly, her voice strained] (Hours? Has it been that long?) "I'm fine. Just... trying to clear my head. Now if you don't mind, I'm in the middle of something."
She begins doing inverted crunches, her muscles rippling with each movement. The position causes her shorts to ride up, revealing the curve of her ass and a tantalizing glimpse of what lies between her thighs. You swallow hard, trying to force your gaze elsewhere, but the virus makes it impossible to ignore the way her body moves. You can see the outline of her labia through the sweat-soaked fabric, the material clinging to every fold and crevice. A small damp spot has formed where her clit would be, and you find yourself wondering if it's just sweat or something more.
You: "Clear your head? Is something bothering you?"
You move closer, ostensibly out of concern. The scent of Lana's sweat fills your nostrils, triggering a primal response in your virus-enhanced body. You can hear her heart racing, see the pulse throbbing in her neck. Your enhanced senses pick up on the subtle musk of her arousal, mixed with the sharp tang of sweat. It's intoxicating, and you feel your cock beginning to swell in response.
Lana: [Pausing mid-crunch, her face flushed] (Is he... is he staring at my chest?) "Nothing's bothering me. I just... I need to stay sharp. In case of an attack. You should be training too, instead of gawking like an idiot."
She drops from the bar suddenly, landing in a crouch right in front of you. As she stands, her body brushes against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through you both. For a moment, neither of you move, caught in a charged silence. You can feel the heat radiating from her body, see the way her chest heaves with each breath, her breasts straining against the confines of her sports bra. Her nipples are clearly visible, hard peaks pressing against the damp fabric. You're acutely aware of how close she is, of the slight tremor in her muscles, of the way her pupils dilate as she looks up at you.
You: "I train plenty. Maybe not as... intensely as you, but-"
Your words trail off as Lana stretches, her arms reaching high above her head. The movement causes her sports bra to ride up, revealing the underside of her breasts. A bead of sweat trails down her sternum, disappearing into her cleavage. Your enhanced vision allows you to see every detail, from the goosebumps on her skin to the slight tremor in her muscles. You can even make out the faint blue veins beneath her pale skin, a testament to the virus's effects on your eyesight.
Lana: [Smirking as she catches you staring] (Got you, pervert.) "See something you like, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Or are you just admiring my superior physique?"
She turns away, bending over to pick up a towel. The position gives you a perfect view of her ass, the tight shorts leaving little to the imagination. You can see the outline of her pussy lips through the sweat-soaked fabric, the material clinging to every curve and crevice. The central seam of her shorts has ridden up, parting her labia slightly, and you can make out the pinkish hue of her intimate flesh peeking through. The sight sends a jolt of heat straight to your groin, your enhanced member beginning to strain against your shorts.
You: "I... Lana, that's not fair. You can't just-"
Your protest is cut short as Lana whirls around, snapping the towel at you playfully. The movement causes her breasts to bounce, nearly spilling out of her sports bra. Your enhanced reflexes allow you to dodge, but the near miss leaves you off-balance. You catch a glimpse of her nipple as it momentarily escapes the confines of her top, the sight burning itself into your memory. It's a dusky pink, pebbled and hard, begging to be touched.
Lana: [Laughing, a predatory gleam in her eye] (Look at him squirm. This is almost too easy.) "Can't what? Work out in my own gym? Maybe you should leave if you can't handle it, runt."
She steps closer, invading your personal space. You can feel the heat radiating off her body, see the way her pupils dilate as she looks up at you. The air between you crackles with tension. Your enhanced senses pick up on the subtle changes in her scent, the slight flush creeping up her neck. You can see a thin sheen of sweat on her upper lip, and you're struck by the sudden urge to lick it off. The virus hums in your veins, urging you to act on these taboo thoughts about your own $[characters.list.lana.role].
You: "I can handle it just fine. Maybe you're the one who can't handle me being here."
The words come out more confidently than you feel. Lana's proximity is intoxicating, the virus in your system going into overdrive. You can see the surprise in her eyes at your boldness, the slight parting of her lips as she processes your challenge. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips, and you follow the movement, mesmerized.
Lana: [Narrowing her eyes, voice low] (Is he... challenging me?) "Oh really? Prove it. Let's see what you've got, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Show me these 'training' results you're so proud of."
She steps back, gesturing to the weight bench. The challenge is clear in her eyes, daring you to back down. You know this is dangerous territory, but the virus pushes you forward, eager to prove yourself. As Lana moves, you catch another glimpse of her cleavage, the swell of her breasts threatening to spill out of her sports bra with each breath. You can see the slight jiggle of her flesh, the way her nipples press against the fabric, and you wonder how they would feel in your mouth. The thought shocks you, but the virus doesn't let you dwell on the taboo nature of your desires.
You: "Fine. You want a show? I'll give you a show."
You pull off your shirt in one smooth motion, revealing your virus-enhanced physique. Lana's eyes widen almost imperceptibly, her gaze roaming over your chiseled abs and broad chest. You lie back on the bench, gripping the barbell. Your enhanced body is on full display, every muscle defined and glistening with a light sheen of sweat. You can feel Lana's eyes on you, see the way she swallows hard as she takes in your transformed body.
Lana: [Moving to spot you, her voice husky] (Holy shit, when did he get so... No, focus!) "Don't hurt yourself, runt. I'd hate to have to explain to $[characters.list.cherie.role] how you got crushed under a barbell."
As she leans over to help you unrack the weight, her breasts dangle tantalizingly close to your face. You can see a bead of sweat trailing down her neck, disappearing into her cleavage. The scent of her fills your nostrils, making your head spin. From this angle, you can see straight down her sports bra, the curves of her breasts fully visible. Her nipples are hard, pressing against the fabric, and you can make out the faint outline of her areolas. The virus amplifies your senses, and you swear you can almost taste her skin on your tongue.
You: "I think I can manage. Why don't you... motivate me?"
The words slip out before you can stop them, dripping with innuendo. You begin your reps, the virus giving you strength you never knew you had. Lana watches, her expression a mix of surprise and something darker. Your muscles flex with each movement, drawing her gaze. You can see her pupils dilate, her breathing quicken, and you wonder if she's as affected by this as you are.
Lana: [Circling the bench, her voice low] (Motivate him? Two can play at this game.) "Motivate you, huh? Alright, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Let's see how many you can do while I... stretch."
She moves to the end of the bench, directly in your line of sight. Slowly, deliberately, she bends over, touching her toes. The position causes her shorts to ride up, revealing the bottom curve of her ass cheeks. You can see the outline of her pussy lips clearly through the thin fabric, the material damp with more than just sweat. As she holds the position, you notice a small wet spot forming where her clit would be. The fabric clings to her folds, outlining every detail of her intimate anatomy. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the slight pulsing of her labia, the way her clit swells slightly under your gaze. The sight makes your cock throb painfully, and you have to focus all your willpower on not dropping the barbell.
You: "Lana, what are you... Christ!"
Your arms shake, nearly dropping the barbell as Lana straightens up, only to begin a series of slow, sensual stretches. She arches her back, thrusting her chest out, her nipples visibly hard through the thin fabric of her sports bra. The material has become almost transparent with sweat, allowing you to see the darker circles of her areolas. You can make out the slight bumps around her nipples, the way they pucker and tighten as she moves.
Lana: [Smirking as she watches you struggle] (Look at him squirm. This'll teach him to challenge me.) "What's wrong, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Can't handle a little distraction? I thought you were trying to prove something."
She moves closer, suddenly straddling the bench and facing you. Her crotch is mere inches from yours, the heat of her core radiating through the thin fabric of her shorts. She begins a series of stretches, her breasts bouncing with each movement, her thighs flexing tantalizingly close to your straining erection. You can see a damp patch forming on her shorts, right where her pussy lips press against the fabric. The outline of her labia is clearly visible, and you can see the slight twitching of her muscles as she clenches and unclenches unconsciously. The scent of her arousal hits you like a truck, mingling with the musk of your shared sweat.
You: "I... I can handle anything you dish out, $[characters.list.lana.role]."
Your voice comes out strained, your body betraying you. The barbell feels impossibly heavy as you struggle to focus. Lana's proximity is overwhelming, the virus in your system screaming for more contact. Your enhanced member is now fully erect, creating a prominent tent in your workout shorts. You can feel a wet spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric, your precum soaking through.
Lana: [Leaning in close, her voice a husky whisper] (God, I can smell his arousal. This is so wrong, but...) "Anything, huh? Careful what you wish for, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
Realizing you're about to complete your set, Lana makes a bold move. In one swift motion, she pulls her sports bra up, exposing her breasts fully. Your eyes widen in shock as you take in the sight of her perfectly rounded mounds, nipples hard and pointing directly at you. They're larger than you expected, a perfect handful each, with pale pink areolas puckered tight around erect nipples. A light sheen of sweat makes her skin glisten, and you can see the slight blue veins beneath her pale flesh.
Lana: [Voice triumphant yet tinged with arousal] "Oops. Wardrobe malfunction. Don't let it distract you, runt."
The sudden exposure causes you to falter, the barbell wavering dangerously in your grip. Lana's eyes gleam with a mix of victory and something darker, more primal. The air between you crackles with forbidden tension, the taboo nature of the situation only heightening your shared arousal. You can see her nipples tightening further under your gaze, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. The virus sings in your veins, urging you to reach out and touch, to taste, to claim what should never be yours.
You: "Lana, I... I think we should stop. This is getting out of hand."
You sit up slowly, your face inches from Lana's still-exposed breasts. Your enhanced senses pick up on every detail - the slight sheen of sweat on her skin, the way her nipples pucker in the cool air, the rapid rise and fall of her chest as she breathes. There's a vulnerability in her eyes that you've never seen before, quickly masked by her usual bravado. You can smell her arousal, a heady mix of musk and something uniquely Lana that makes your mouth water.
Lana: [Pulling her sports bra down roughly, her voice sharp] (What the fuck was I thinking?) "Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. This... this never happened, got it? If you ever breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll make you wish you were never born."
She stands abruptly, putting distance between you. Her face is flushed, a mix of embarrassment and lingering arousal. You can see her struggling to regain her composure, to rebuild the walls between you. But the virus has changed things, and you both know it. The air is thick with the scent of your shared arousal, and you can see the way Lana's thighs press together, her body still responding to the taboo situation despite her words.
You: "I won't say anything, Lana. But maybe we should talk about-"
Lana cuts you off with a glare that could melt steel. Her usual aggressive demeanor is back in full force, but there's a new undercurrent of tension between you. You can see the internal struggle playing out on her face - the $[characters.list.lana.role] who wants to maintain boundaries warring with the woman whose body is still thrumming with forbidden desire.
Lana: [Voice dripping with sarcasm] "Talk? About what? How you couldn't handle a little competition? Grow up, runt. And stay out of my way. Next time, I won't go so easy on you."
As she storms out of the gym, you're left alone with the lingering scent of her arousal and a head full of confused, guilty desires. You both know that something has fundamentally changed between you, a line almost crossed that can never be uncrossed. The virus hums in your veins, a constant reminder of the new, dangerous reality you both face. Your enhanced cock is still painfully hard, the image of Lana's exposed breasts burned into your memory. You wonder if she's as affected as you are, if she'll lie awake tonight, haunted by thoughts of what might have happened if you'd both given in to the virus's demands.
You: "Fuck, Lana... I can't... I can't take this anymore."
Unable to control the surge of desire, you sit up suddenly, your face level with Lana's exposed breasts. The virus screams in your veins, demanding more. Lana's eyes widen, a mix of shock, anger, and unmistakable lust swirling in their depths. You can see her nipples harden further, her chest heaving with each rapid breath.
Lana: [Shoving you back violently] "What the fuck do you think you're doing, you sick pervert?! I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]!"
Despite her words, her body betrays her. Her nipples are hard, pointing directly at you, her chest heaving with each breath. You can smell her arousal, see the damp patch on her shorts growing larger. The air between you is electric, charged with forbidden desire. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the slight tremor in her thighs, the way her pussy lips swell and part beneath the thin fabric of her shorts.
You: "Tell me you don't want this too, Lana. I can see how wet you are."
Your words seem to snap Lana out of her momentary trance. Her face contorts with rage and self-loathing. In a flash, her fist connects with your jaw, sending you sprawling off the bench. The pain is intense, but the virus quickly dulls it, replacing it with a surge of arousal.
Lana: [Voice shaking with fury and something else] "You fucking animal! I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]! If you ever, EVER try something like that again, I'll cut your balls off in your sleep!"
She yanks her sports bra back down, but not before you catch one last glimpse of her perfect breasts. As she storms out of the gym, you're left alone, your jaw throbbing and your enhanced body aching with unfulfilled desire. The taste of forbidden fruit lingers in the air, a temptation that will haunt you both in the days to come. Your cock is painfully hard, straining against your shorts, a wet spot visible where your precum has soaked through. You know you'll be replaying this moment in your mind for days, wondering what might have happened if you'd both given in to the virus's demands.
You: "Lana, stop! This is insane, we need to calm down!"
You sit up abruptly, nearly causing Lana to lose her balance. She catches herself on your shoulders, her bare breasts pressed against your chest. For a moment, you're both frozen, the feeling of skin on skin sending shockwaves through your virus-enhanced nerves. You can feel her nipples, hard and pebbled, against your chest, the heat of her core radiating against your abs.
Lana: [Recoiling as if burned, her face a mask of disgust] (What the fuck was I about to do? Oh god, oh god...) "Get your hands off me, you fucking creep! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
She shoves you away violently, causing you to fall back onto the bench. The look of revulsion on her face is like a punch to the gut, shame flooding through you. You can still feel the phantom warmth of her breasts against your chest, the virus making your skin tingle where she touched you. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, the memory of her body against yours seared into your mind despite the disastrous outcome.
You: "Lana, please, it wasn't just me! We both got carried away-"
Your pleas fall on deaf ears as Lana's eyes blaze with fury. She grabs a nearby dumbbell, brandishing it like a weapon. Her breasts are still exposed, bouncing with each angry movement, a sight that sends another unwanted jolt of arousal through you despite the tense situation.
Lana: [Voice shaking with rage] (I can't believe he'd... After everything... Never again.) "Save it! I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses. Stay the fuck away from me, you sick freak. If you ever, EVER try something like that again, I swear I'll bash your skull in myself."
She storms out of the gym, pausing only to yank her sports bra back down, leaving you alone with your shame and regret. The fragile connection you'd started to build has been shattered, perhaps irreparably. The virus thrums in your veins, a cruel reminder of the new reality that's driven a wedge between you and your $[characters.list.lana.role]. Your enhanced body betrays you, still responding to the memory of her touch despite the disastrous outcome. Your cock remains painfully hard, a testament to the virus's control over your body, even as your mind reels with guilt and self-loathing.
You: "Lana, wait! I... I feel strange. The virus..."
Suddenly, a wave of intense heat washes over you. Your vision blurs, focusing solely on Lana's half-naked form. Every curve of her body seems to call to you, and the scent of her fills your nostrils, overwhelming your senses. Your enhanced body throbs with need, your manhood straining painfully against your workout shorts, a prominent wet spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric.
Lana: [Turning back, her eyes widening in alarm and... excitement?] (Oh fuck, his eyes... What's happening to us?) "No... no, stay back! I feel it too. It's like I'm burning up. We have to fight it, we can't..."
The virus surges through both of you, amplifying every sensation. Your bodies gravitate towards each other as if magnetized, all thoughts of propriety forgotten in a haze of primal lust. Lana's nipples strain against her sports bra, visibly hardening as she looks at you. Her skin is flushed and glistening, a thin sheen of sweat making her body glisten in the dim light. The air fills with the scent of your mingled arousal, thick and heady.
You can see Lana's pussy lips swelling beneath her shorts, the damp patch growing larger by the second. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the slight contractions of her inner muscles, her body unconsciously preparing itself. Your own cock throbs painfully, precum leaking steadily, soaking through your shorts. The taboo nature of your desire for your $[characters.list.lana.role] only seems to fuel the virus's effects, pushing you both towards a point of no return.
You: "Lana, I can't... I need to taste you..."
Your hands move of their own accord, roughly grabbing Lana's ass and pulling her towards your face. The virus has overwhelmed your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. In one swift motion, you yank her shorts down, exposing her glistening pussy. Without hesitation, you bury your face between her thighs, your enhanced tongue exploring every fold and crevice.
Lana: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your mouth off my pussy, you sick bastard!"
She struggles against you, her body betraying her with small shivers of pleasure even as her mind recoils in horror and anger. Her hands tangle in your hair, unsure whether to push you away or pull you closer. You can taste her arousal, feel the way her clit throbs against your tongue. The virus heightens every sensation, making the taboo act even more intoxicating. Her pussy is swollen and slick, her inner lips parting easily under your probing tongue. You can feel the slight ridges of her inner walls, taste the tangy sweetness of her juices mixed with the salt of her sweat.
You: "Fuck, Lana... You taste so good... I can't stop..."
You continue your assault on her pussy, your enhanced strength allowing you to hold her in place despite her struggles. Your tongue delves deeper, finding spots that make her gasp and moan involuntarily. The taste of her juices, mixed with the virus, sends jolts of pleasure straight to your groin. You suck her clit into your mouth, feeling it pulse against your tongue.
Lana: [Moaning despite herself, her legs shaking] "Stop... oh god... we can't... I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], you fucking pervert!"
Her resistance weakens as pleasure overtakes her. You can feel her getting close, her pussy clenching around your probing tongue. Her thighs quiver on either side of your head, her hips rocking involuntarily against your face. Just as she's about to climax, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze of lust. With a cry of disgust and self-loathing, Lana shoves you away violently.
Lana: [Backing away, voice shaking with rage and fear] "Don't you dare come near me again, you fucking monster. I'll kill you if you ever try anything like that again, $[characters.list.lana.player_role] or not!"
She pulls up her shorts and flees the gym, leaving you alone with the taste of her on your lips and the virus burning in your veins. The memory of her pussy against your mouth haunts you, a forbidden pleasure that may have cost you your relationship with your $[characters.list.lana.role]. Your enhanced body throbs with unfulfilled desire, the virus demanding more despite your mind's protests. Your cock is painfully hard, leaking precum, the taboo taste of your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s arousal still on your tongue.
You: "Lana... I need you... I can't control it anymore..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Lana, pinning her against the weight rack. You tear off her sports bra, exposing her breasts fully. Your mouth latches onto one nipple, sucking and biting with virus-enhanced fervor. You can feel the pebbled texture of her areola against your tongue, taste the salt of her sweat mixed with something uniquely Lana.
Lana: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "Get the fuck off me! This isn't you! We're siblings, you sick fuck!"
She thrashes against you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can feel her nipple hardening in your mouth despite her fear, her body betraying her even as she fights. Your free hand roughly kneads her other breast, feeling its weight and softness, your thumb flicking over the nipple until it stands erect.
You: "Your body knows what it wants, Lana. Stop fighting it..."
Your hands tear at her shorts, ripping them off with ease. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. You force her legs apart, your enhanced member springing free from your torn shorts. It stands proudly erect, longer and thicker than ever before, veins pulsing visibly along its length. A bead of precum forms at the tip, glistening in the dim light.
Lana: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! I'll fucking kill you for this! You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role], you can't do this!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Lana manages to grab a nearby barbell, swinging it at your head. You dodge, the weight grazing your shoulder. The pain only serves to fuel your frenzy. As you position yourself at her entrance, Lana prepares for one last, desperate fight against the monster her $[characters.list.lana.player_role] has become. The scent of her fear and unwilling arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness. You can see her pussy, swollen and glistening despite her protests, her inner lips parted slightly as if inviting you in. The sight drives you wild with lust, all thoughts of morality or familial bonds forgotten in the face of your overwhelming need.
You: "You're mine now, Lana. All fucking mine..."
With a brutal thrust, you force yourself inside her. The sensation is overwhelming - her tight, virgin passage stretching to accommodate your virus-enhanced girth. You can feel every ridge, every fold of her inner walls gripping you like a vice. The contrast between her resistance and her body's involuntary response is intoxicating. Her pussy clenches around you, hot and wet despite her fear.
Lana: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... This isn't you... It hurts..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you brutally thrust into her, the virus driving you to claim her with animalistic ferocity. Each cry of pain only spurs you on, the beast within reveling in her suffering. You can feel her body responding involuntarily, her pussy clenching around you with each thrust. Her inner walls ripple along your length, trying to push you out even as they seem to draw you deeper. The sight of your cock disappearing into your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s body, stretching her in ways she was never meant to be stretched, drives you to new heights of depravity.
You: "Fuck, Lana... Your pussy feels so good... This is what $[characters.list.lana.role]s are for..."
You continue your assault, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Lana's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat. You can see where you're joined, your thick shaft glistening with her juices as it plunges in and out of her abused pussy.
Lana: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "...why? How could you do this to me...? We're family..."
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. You can feel your enhanced cum filling her, more than a normal man could ever produce. Some primal part of you hopes it takes root, the virus whispering dark promises of breeding your own $[characters.list.lana.role]. Lana lies there, shattered and violated, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The gym, once a place of strength and discipline, is now tainted by the monstrous act you've committed. The scent of sex and shame hangs heavy in the air, a constant reminder of how far you've fallen.
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.lana.role] anymore, Lana. You're my breeding stock now."
Having defeated Lana, you drag her struggling form towards the door, intent on reaching your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-proud $[characters.list.lana.role] into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her skin, your cum leaking from her abused pussy. The sight of her like this, broken and used, only serves to arouse you further.
Lana: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! I'll kill you in your sleep, you sick fuck!"
Her threats echo through the empty shelter as you manhandle her towards the cell, your strength making her resistance futile. Part of you revels in seeing her brought so low, while a small, buried part screams in horror at what you've become. The sight of her battered body only serves to arouse you further, the virus demanding more. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, ready for another round despite having just violated her in the gym.
You: "Welcome to your new home, $[characters.list.lana.role]. You'll learn to love it here, serving as my personal cum dump."
You chain Lana to the wall of your makeshift dungeon, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You can see the fight slowly leaving her eyes, replaced by a growing despair. Your hand trails down her body, fingers probing her abused pussy, feeling your cum mixed with her juices.
Lana: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "...you're not my $[characters.list.lana.player_role] anymore. You're a monster. And one day, I'll make you pay for this..."
As you leave the cell, locking the door behind you, Lana's quiet sobs follow you. You've gained a slave, but lost your humanity in the process. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Lana's broken form is seared into your mind, a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to. Your enhanced body aches with the need to claim her again, the virus whispering dark promises of the pleasure to come in your new, twisted relationship.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: "Lana? $[characters.list.cherie.role] said you were supposed to be tending the plants..."
The humid air of the greenhouse hits you as you step inside, the scent of earth and vegetation thick in your nostrils. Rows of plants stretch before you, their leaves glistening with moisture. Your enhanced senses pick up on something else - a musky, almost animal scent that makes your pulse quicken. The virus in your system heightens every sensation, making you acutely aware of the way your clothes cling to your skin in the damp heat.
Lana: [Voice strained, coming from behind a tall plant] "Fuck off, runt! I'm... I'm busy!"
You round the corner to find Lana crouched on the ground, her face flushed and hair disheveled. She's stripped down to a tank top and shorts, both clinging to her sweat-slicked skin like a second skin. Her hand is between her legs, moving rhythmically. The scent of her arousal hits you like a truck, making your head spin. You can see a damp patch on her shorts, right where her fingers are working furiously. Your enhanced vision allows you to make out the outline of her swollen labia through the thin fabric, the way her clit protrudes, begging for attention.
You: "Lana, what the hell? Are you... are you masturbating?"
Your voice comes out higher than intended, a mix of shock and unwanted arousal. Lana's eyes snap to yours, a mixture of fury and unbridled lust swirling in their depths. She doesn't stop her movements, if anything, they become more frantic. You can see her nipples hardening through her thin tank top, the fabric straining against her heaving breasts. The sight makes your mouth go dry, your enhanced member already beginning to swell.
Lana: [Panting, her voice a growl] "It's... it's this fucking plant. Some kind of aphrodisiac. Get out... before I... before I do something we'll both regret."
Her free hand gestures to a strange, pulsating flower nearby. Its petals are a deep, angry red, and it seems to be emitting a faint, shimmering pollen. You can feel the effects already, your enhanced body responding with frightening speed. Your cock strains against your pants, already rock hard, a prominent bulge forming that's impossible to hide. You can feel it throbbing, each pulse sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. The taboo nature of the situation, catching your $[characters.list.lana.role] masturbating, your own body's response - only serves to heighten your arousal.
You: "We need to get out of here. This isn't safe, Lana."
You try to approach her, but the closer you get, the stronger the plant's effects become. Your vision blurs slightly, every nerve ending on fire. Lana's scent is intoxicating, drawing you in despite your best efforts to resist. You can see beads of sweat trailing down her neck, disappearing into her cleavage. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the slight tremor in her muscles, the way her pussy lips press against her soaked shorts, outlining every fold and crevice.
Lana: [Moaning, her eyes locked on the bulge in your pants] "I... I can't move. It's too strong. Fuck, why did you have to come here? Why does it have to be you?"
She arches her back, her tank top riding up to reveal her toned stomach. You can see the outline of her abs, glistening with sweat. Her breasts heave with each breath, threatening to spill out of her top. Your mouth waters at the sight, the virus in your system screaming for more. You can see every detail - the goosebumps on her skin, the slight tremor in her muscles, the way her pussy lips press against her soaked shorts, a small wet spot forming where her fingers continue to work.
You: "We're siblings, Lana. We can't... we shouldn't..."
Your protests sound weak even to your own ears. Your hand moves of its own accord, palming your erection through your pants. The relief is immediate and overwhelming, drawing a groan from your lips. You can feel your pre-cum soaking through your underwear, your enhanced cock throbbing with each touch. It feels enormous, straining against the confines of your clothing, the head swollen and sensitive.
Lana: [Eyes widening at your action] "What the fuck do you think you're doing, you pervert? Don't... don't touch yourself in front of me!"
Despite her words, her gaze remains fixed on your hand. Her own movements become more frantic, her hips bucking against her fingers. The air is thick with tension and the cloying scent of the aphrodisiac plant. You can hear the wet sounds of her fingers working against her pussy, even through her shorts. The fabric is soaked through now, clinging to every curve and fold of her intimate areas. You can see the outline of her swollen clit, the way her inner lips peek out from the sides of her shorts.
You: "You're one to talk. Look at you, getting off in the greenhouse. Some tough girl you are."
The words slip out before you can stop them, a newfound boldness taking hold. Lana's eyes narrow, a familiar fire of competition igniting despite the haze of lust. Your hand continues to stroke your length through your pants, the friction both delicious and maddening. You can feel your cock leaking steadily, a wet spot forming on your pants.
Lana: [Snarling, even as she continues to touch herself] "Fuck you! I bet you can't last five minutes without cumming in your pants like a little bitch."
She yanks her tank top up, exposing her breasts. They're perfect, round and firm, nipples hard and begging to be touched. You feel your mouth water at the sight, your cock twitching painfully in your pants. Her breasts heave with each breath, a light sheen of sweat making them glisten in the dim light of the greenhouse. Her nipples are a dusky pink, pebbled and erect, pointing directly at you. You can see the slight blue veins under her pale skin, the way her areolas pucker in the cool air.
You: "Is that a challenge, $[characters.list.lana.role]? Because I'm pretty sure I can outlast you any day."
Your hands move to your belt, unbuckling it slowly. Lana's eyes follow every movement, her breath coming in short, sharp pants. The virus surges in your veins, amplifying every sensation. You can feel every fiber of your clothing against your hypersensitive skin. Your cock throbs painfully, begging to be freed.
Lana: [Voice husky with need] "You wish, runt. I'll have you crying for mercy before you even get your pathetic dick out."
She shimmies out of her shorts, revealing her soaked panties. The scent of her arousal intensifies, making your head spin. You can see the outline of her pussy lips through the thin fabric, swollen and begging for attention. A small wet spot has formed where her clit is, the fabric clinging obscenely to her most intimate parts. The crotch of her panties is completely soaked, a mixture of her juices and sweat making the thin material nearly transparent. You can make out every detail - the neat strip of dark hair above her mound, the swollen, puffy outer lips, the hint of pink inner flesh peeking out from the sides.
You: "Big words from someone who can't even keep her hands off herself for two seconds."
You unzip your pants, letting your enhanced member spring free. Lana's eyes widen at the sight, a mixture of shock, fear, and unmistakable lust crossing her face. Pre-cum beads at the tip, the size and girth far beyond what any normal man could boast. Your cock stands proudly at attention, veins pulsing visibly along its length. It's almost comically large, a testament to the virus's effects on your body. The head is swollen and angry-looking, a deep purple color that speaks to your intense arousal.
Lana: [Swallowing hard] "Holy shit... when did you... No, fuck that. It doesn't matter how big it is if you don't know how to use it, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
She spreads her legs wider, pushing her panties aside to reveal her glistening pussy. Her fingers circle her clit, her other hand moving to pinch and tug at her nipples. The sight is mesmerizing, your enhanced vision picking up every detail - from the way her inner lips part as she touches herself, to the slight quiver of her thighs as pleasure courses through her. Her pussy is a work of art, pink and swollen with arousal. Her inner lips protrude slightly, glistening with her juices. Her clit peeks out from its hood, engorged and begging for attention.
You: "Why don't you come over here and find out how well I can use it?"
Your hand wraps around your shaft, stroking slowly. The sensation is incredible, amplified by the plant's effects and the virus coursing through your veins. You can see Lana's resolve wavering, her body trembling with need. Pre-cum leaks steadily from your tip, making your strokes slick and audible in the quiet greenhouse. Each movement sends waves of pleasure through your body, your balls heavy and full, drawn up tight against your body.
Lana: [Moaning, her fingers moving faster] "In your dreams, you sick fuck. We're siblings... we can't... oh god, why does this feel so good?"
She slips two fingers inside herself, her back arching off the ground. The wet sounds of her pleasure fill the air, mixing with your own grunts and groans. The taboo nature of the situation only seems to heighten your shared arousal. You can see her pussy clenching around her fingers, her arousal dripping down to form a small puddle beneath her. Her other hand works her clit furiously, the small nub swollen and protruding prominently from its hood. Her inner thighs glisten with her juices, the musky scent of her arousal filling the air.
You: "Look at you, fucking yourself on your fingers while watching your $[characters.list.lana.player_role] jerk off. Some $[characters.list.lana.role] you are."
Your strokes become faster, more urgent. The plant's pollen seems to shimmer in the air around you, intensifying every sensation. You can feel your balls tightening, heavy and full, the pressure building to an almost unbearable degree. Your cock looks almost angry, flushed a deep red and straining towards Lana. Pre-cum flows freely now, dripping onto the greenhouse floor.
Lana: [Panting, her voice a mix of anger and desperation] "Shut up! You're... you're the one getting off on this, you freak. I bet you've always wanted to fuck your $[characters.list.lana.role], haven't you?"
She's three fingers deep now, her thumb working her clit in frantic circles. Her breasts bounce with each movement, a thin sheen of sweat making her skin glisten in the greenhouse's dim light. You can see her pussy clenching around her fingers, her arousal dripping down her thighs. Her other hand alternates between pinching her nipples and squeezing her breasts roughly. Her pussy lips are swollen and parted, revealing the pink, wet flesh within. You can see every fold, every crease, the way her entrance gapes slightly each time she withdraws her fingers.
You: "Takes one to know one, $[characters.list.lana.role]. I can see how wet you are from here. You're dripping for your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock."
You're both on the edge now, the tension in the air palpable. The plant's effects seem to be reaching a crescendo, your enhanced bodies pushed to their limits. Every nerve ending is on fire, every sensation amplified to an almost painful degree. Your hand is a blur on your cock, pre-cum flying with each stroke. Your balls are drawn up tight, ready to explode.
Lana: [Trembling, on the brink of orgasm] "F-fuck you! I'm not... I'm not going to cum. Not because of you. Never because of you!"
Her words are belied by her actions, her body writhing in pleasure. You can see her fighting it, the last shreds of her pride warring with the overwhelming need for release. The sight pushes you closer to the edge, your own orgasm building to a fever pitch. Her pussy is visibly pulsing, her fingers a blur as she works herself closer and closer to the edge. Her clit is swollen and red, peeking out from its hood. Her inner lips flutter with each movement, her entrance clenching rhythmically around nothing, begging to be filled.
You: "Lana, we need to stop. This... this isn't right."
With a herculean effort, you force your hand away from your cock. The ache is almost unbearable, your member angry and red, bobbing in the air with each pulse. The sight of your $[characters.list.lana.role] so vulnerable, so close to the edge, snaps you back to reality. Lana's eyes meet yours, a mix of relief and frustration swirling in their depths.
Lana: [Panting, slowly removing her hand from between her legs] "Y-yeah. You're right. We... we can't do this. It's the plant. It has to be."
She sits up, covering her breasts with one arm. Despite her words, you can see the conflict in her eyes, the lingering desire warring with shame and familial love. Her nipples are still hard, poking against her arm, and you can see her thighs glistening with her arousal. Her pussy is still exposed, swollen and red from her ministrations. You can see it clenching involuntarily, her body still craving release.
You: "Let's get out of here. We'll... we'll figure this out. Together."
You tuck your still-hard cock back into your pants, the discomfort acute but manageable. Lana nods, reaching for her discarded clothes. As you help her to her feet, careful not to touch her directly, you can't help but notice how her body trembles, still on edge. Her scent lingers in the air, a potent reminder of what almost transpired.
Lana: [Voice shaky, but with a hint of her usual bravado] "If you ever tell anyone about this, I'll deny it and then kill you in your sleep. Got it, runt?"
As you both stumble out of the greenhouse, the effects of the plant slowly fading, you know that something has fundamentally changed between you. The line you almost crossed can never be uncrossed, the memory of this encounter seared into both your minds. The scent of your shared arousal clings to you both, a lingering reminder of what almost was. The taboo nature of your near-encounter, $[characters.list.lana.player_role] and $[characters.list.lana.role] driven to the brink of incestuous passion - will haunt your dreams and color your interactions for years to come.
You: "Fuck, Lana... I'm gonna cum. I can't hold back anymore!"
Your hand moves in a blur, your enhanced cock throbbing with each stroke. Veins stand out prominently along its length, pre-cum flying with each movement. Lana's eyes are locked on your member, her own fingers working furiously between her legs. The air is thick with the scent of sex and forbidden desire.
Lana: [Moaning, her body tensing] "No... no, I won't let you win. I'm not... I'm not going to cum because of you, you sick fuck!"
Despite her words, you can see her teetering on the edge. Her pussy clenches visibly around her fingers, her juices flowing freely down her thighs. Her other hand mauls her breast roughly, pinching and pulling at her nipple. The sight pushes you over the edge, your orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave.
You: "Oh god, Lana... I'm cumming!"
Ropes of thick, enhanced cum erupt from your cock, splattering across the greenhouse floor. The first shot reaches an impossible distance, landing on a plant near Lana, she also gets some on her face. The sight and feel prove too much for her, her own orgasm hitting her with brutal force. Her back arches off the ground, a scream of pleasure torn from her throat.
Lana: [Shuddering through her climax] "Fuck... fuck... I hate you... I hate that you made me cum..."
As the haze of lust slowly clears, the reality of what you've done settles in. You've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed, the memory of your shared pleasure a forbidden fruit that will haunt you both. Lana scrambles to her feet, grabbing her clothes and fleeing the greenhouse without another word, leaving you alone with the consequences of your actions. The air is thick with the scent of cum and shame, a potent reminder of your taboo encounter. The knowledge that you've cum to the sight of your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s orgasm, that you've shared this intensely sexual moment, will forever change your relationship. The line between sibling and lover has been irrevocably blurred, leaving you both to grapple with the aftermath of your incestuous desires.
You: "Lana, stop! This is insane, we need to calm down!"
You stumble backwards, your still-hard cock bobbing obscenely in the air. The sudden movement causes you to knock over a nearby plant, the crash snapping you both out of your lust-induced haze. Lana's eyes widen, a look of horror replacing the desire that had been there moments before.
Lana: [Scrambling to cover herself] "What the fuck is wrong with you?! How could you... how could we..."
She yanks her tank top down, but it does little to hide her still-hard nipples or the flush that covers her chest. Her hand is still between her legs, as if frozen in place. The air is thick with the scent of your shared arousal and shame.
You: "Lana, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... We should talk about this."
You reach for your discarded pants, trying to cover your persistent erection. Lana's eyes blaze with fury and disgust, both at you and herself. She grabs a nearby watering can, brandishing it like a weapon.
Lana: [Voice shaking with rage] "Talk? About what? How you got off watching your $[characters.list.lana.role] masturbate? You're sick! Stay the fuck away from me!"
She storms out of the greenhouse, pausing only to grab her shorts. You're left alone, your body still thrumming with unfulfilled desire and shame. The memory of what almost happened will haunt you both, a forbidden temptation that can never be fully forgotten. The taboo nature of your encounter, $[characters.list.lana.player_role] and $[characters.list.lana.role] driven to the brink of incestuous passion - will cast a long shadow over your relationship, a constant reminder of the thin line between familial love and forbidden desire.
You: "Lana, wait! I... I feel strange. The virus..."
Suddenly, a wave of intense heat washes over you. Your vision blurs, focusing solely on Lana's half-naked form. Every curve of her body seems to call to you, and the scent of her fills your nostrils, overwhelming your senses. Your enhanced body throbs with need, your manhood growing to an impossible size, veins pulsing visibly along its length.
Lana: [Turning back, her eyes widening in alarm and... excitement?] "Oh fuck, your cock... What's happening to us? We can't... we're siblings!"
The virus surges through both of you, amplifying every sensation. Your bodies gravitate towards each other as if magnetized, all thoughts of propriety forgotten in a haze of primal lust. Lana's nipples strain against her palms as she tries to cover herself, visibly hardening as she looks at you. Her skin is flushed and glistening, a thin sheen of sweat making her body glisten in the dim light. The air fills with the scent of your mingled arousal, thick and heady.
You can see every detail of her body with your enhanced vision - the way her pussy lips swell and part, glistening with moisture, the slight tremor in her thighs as she fights the urge to touch herself again. Your cock throbs painfully, pre-cum flowing freely from the tip, the head swollen and purple with need. The taboo nature of your situation, $[characters.list.lana.player_role] and $[characters.list.lana.role] on the brink of crossing an unforgivable line - only serves to heighten your shared arousal. The virus pushes you both towards a point of no return, threatening to consume you in a blaze of incestuous passion.
You: "Lana, I can't... I need to taste you..."
Your hands move of their own accord, roughly grabbing Lana's ass and pulling her towards your face. The virus has overwhelmed your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. In one swift motion, you yank her panties down, exposing her glistening pussy. Without hesitation, you bury your face between her thighs, your enhanced tongue exploring every fold and crevice.
Lana: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your mouth off my pussy, you sick bastard! We're siblings!"
She struggles against you, her body betraying her with small shivers of pleasure even as her mind recoils in horror and anger. Her hands tangle in your hair, unsure whether to push you away or pull you closer. You can taste her arousal, feel the way her clit throbs against your tongue. The virus heightens every sensation, making the taboo act even more intoxicating. Her pussy is a feast for your senses - the tangy sweetness of her juices, the velvety softness of her inner walls, the way her clit swells and pulses under your ministrations. The knowledge that this is your $[characters.list.lana.role], that you're tasting the most intimate part of your own flesh and blood, sends a perverse thrill through your body.
You: "Fuck, Lana... You taste so good... I can't stop..."
You continue your assault on her pussy, your enhanced strength allowing you to hold her in place despite her struggles. Your tongue delves deeper, finding spots that make her gasp and moan involuntarily. The taste of her juices, mixed with the virus, sends jolts of pleasure straight to your groin. Your cock throbs painfully, pre-cum leaking steadily onto the greenhouse floor.
Lana: [Moaning despite herself, her legs shaking] "Stop... oh god... we can't... I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], you fucking pervert! This is so wrong!"
Her resistance weakens as pleasure overtakes her. You can feel her getting close, her pussy clenching around your probing tongue. Her thighs quiver on either side of your head, her hips beginning to rock against your face of their own accord. You can feel her clit swelling further, her inner walls fluttering as she approaches orgasm. The scent and taste of her arousal is overwhelming, a primal cocktail that drives you wild with lust. Just as she's about to climax, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze of lust. With a cry of disgust and self-loathing, Lana shoves you away violently.
Lana: [Backing away, voice shaking with rage and fear] "Don't you dare come near me again, you fucking monster. I'll kill you if you ever try anything like that again, $[characters.list.lana.player_role] or not!"
She pulls up her panties and flees the greenhouse, leaving you alone with the taste of her on your lips and the virus burning in your veins. The memory of her pussy against your mouth haunts you, a forbidden pleasure that may have cost you your relationship with your $[characters.list.lana.role]. Your enhanced body throbs with unfulfilled desire, the virus demanding more despite your mind's protests. The taboo nature of what just transpired - the fact that you've tasted your own $[characters.list.lana.role]'s most intimate parts - will forever change the dynamic between you, a constant reminder of the thin line between sibling love and incestuous desire.
You: "Lana... I need you... I can't control it anymore..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Lana, pinning her against the greenhouse wall. You tear off her tank top, exposing her breasts fully. Your mouth latches onto one nipple, sucking and biting with virus-enhanced fervor.
Lana: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "Get the fuck off me! This isn't you! We're siblings, you sick fuck! Stop!"
She thrashes against you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can feel her nipple hardening in your mouth despite her fear, her body betraying her even as she fights. The softness of her breast against your face, the taste of her skin - it all serves to drive you further into a frenzy of incestuous desire.
You: "Your body knows what it wants, Lana. Stop fighting it... Let your $[characters.list.lana.player_role] make you feel good..."
Your hands tear at her panties, ripping them off with ease. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. You force her legs apart, your enhanced member throbbing painfully, pre-cum leaking steadily from its swollen head. The sight of your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s exposed pussy, glistening with unwilling arousal, sends a surge of perverse excitement through you.
Lana: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! I'll fucking kill you for this! You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role], you can't do this! Please, stop!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Lana manages to grab a nearby gardening tool, swinging it at your head. You dodge, the tool grazing your shoulder. The pain only serves to fuel your frenzy. As you position yourself at her entrance, Lana prepares for one last, desperate fight against the monster her $[characters.list.lana.player_role] has become. The scent of her fear and unwilling arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness. The taboo nature of what you're about to do - the fact that you're on the verge of raping your own $[characters.list.lana.role] - only seems to heighten your arousal, the virus twisting your mind into a perverse parody of brotherly love.
You: "You're mine now, Lana. All fucking mine... Your $[characters.list.lana.player_role] is going to breed you..."
With a brutal thrust, you force yourself inside her. The sensation is overwhelming - her tight, virgin passage stretching to accommodate your virus-enhanced girth. You can feel every ridge, every fold of her inner walls gripping you like a vice. The contrast between her resistance and her body's involuntary response is intoxicating.
Lana: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... This isn't you... It hurts... Oh god, why does it feel like this?"
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you brutally thrust into her, the virus driving you to claim her with animalistic ferocity. Each cry of pain only spurs you on, the beast within reveling in her suffering. You can feel her body responding involuntarily, her pussy clenching around you with each thrust. The sight of your cock disappearing into your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s body, stretching her in ways she was never meant to be stretched, drives you to new heights of depravity. The knowledge that you're violating your own flesh and blood, that you're committing the ultimate taboo, only serves to heighten your pleasure.
You: "Fuck, Lana... Your pussy feels so good... This is what $[characters.list.lana.role] are for... Taking their $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock..."
You continue your assault, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Lana's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat.
Lana: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "...why? How could you do this to me...? We're family... Oh god, I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]..."
As you finish inside her, flooding her womb with your tainted seed, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. You can feel your enhanced cum filling her, more than a normal man could ever produce. Some primal part of you hopes it takes root, the virus whispering dark promises of breeding your own $[characters.list.lana.role]. Lana lies there, shattered and violated, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The greenhouse, once a place of growth and life, is now tainted by the monstrous act you've committed. The knowledge that you've raped and potentially impregnated your own $[characters.list.lana.role] will haunt you forever, a constant reminder of the depths of depravity the virus has driven you to.
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.lana.role] anymore, Lana. You're my breeding stock now."
Having defeated Lana, you drag her struggling form towards the door, intent on reaching your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-proud $[characters.list.lana.role] into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her skin, your cum leaking from her abused pussy.
Lana: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! I'll kill you in your sleep, you sick fuck! I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], how could you do this?!"
Her threats echo through the empty shelter as you manhandle her towards the cell, your strength making her resistance futile. Part of you revels in seeing her brought so low, while a small, buried part screams in horror at what you've become. The sight of her battered body only serves to arouse you further, the virus demanding more. Your enhanced member throbs painfully, ready for another round despite having just violated her in the greenhouse. The knowledge that you're about to imprison your own $[characters.list.lana.role], to keep her as a sex slave, sends a perverse thrill through your body.
You: "Welcome to your new home, $[characters.list.lana.role]. You'll learn to love it here, serving as my personal cum dump and breeding bitch."
You chain Lana to the wall of your makeshift dungeon, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all familial love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You can see the fight slowly leaving her eyes, replaced by a growing despair. Your hand trails down her body, fingers probing her abused pussy, feeling your cum mixed with her juices.
Lana: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "...you're not my $[characters.list.lana.player_role] anymore. You're a monster. And one day, I'll make you pay for this... How could you do this to your own $[characters.list.lana.role]?"
As you leave the cell, locking the door behind you, Lana's quiet sobs follow you. You've gained a slave, but lost your humanity in the process. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Lana's broken form is seared into your mind, a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to. Your enhanced body aches with the need to claim her again, the virus whispering dark promises of the pleasure to come in your new, twisted relationship with your $[characters.list.lana.role]. The taboo nature of your actions - imprisoning and planning to breed your own $[characters.list.lana.role] - only serves to excite you further, the virus having completely warped your sense of morality and family.
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You: "Lana? You wanted to see me about some new training regimen?"
Stepping into Lana's room, you're hit by the scent of sweat and determination. Your $[characters.list.lana.role] stands before you, her athletic form barely contained by a sports bra and tight shorts. Her nipples are visibly hard, pressing against the thin fabric, and you can see the outline of her labia through the clinging material of her shorts. Lana's eyes narrow as they lock onto you, a predatory gleam igniting within.
Lana: [Smirking, her voice dripping with challenge] "Well, well. The runt decided to show up. Ready to prove you're not completely useless, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]?"
Her words sting, but you can't help noticing how her breasts heave with each breath, the valley between them glistening with a light sheen of sweat. A thin sheen of perspiration makes her skin glisten, highlighting the defined muscles of her abs and the curve of her breasts. The virus hums in your veins, heightening every sensation, every detail. You can almost taste the salt on her skin, your enhanced senses picking up on the subtle musk of her body.
You: "Bring it on, $[characters.list.lana.role]. What's the challenge this time?"
Your newfound confidence catches Lana off-guard. She blinks, momentarily thrown, before her competitive nature resurges with a vengeance. She gestures to the open space in the center of her room, cleared for your impending contest.
Lana: [Eyes glinting dangerously] "Simple. Push-ups first. Then we wrestle. Winner gets... bragging rights."
As she stretches, her top rides up, revealing a tantalizing strip of toned midriff. The waistband of her shorts sits low on her hips, exposing the dimples at the base of her spine. You swallow hard, trying to focus on the challenge ahead, but the virus makes it impossible to ignore the way her body moves, the subtle musk of her arousal mixing with sweat. Your enhanced vision allows you to see the faint outline of her areolas through her sports bra, the fabric clinging to her damp skin.
You: "You're on. But don't cry when I leave you in the dust."
Lana's eyebrows shoot up at your bravado. Without warning, she drops to the floor, assuming the push-up position. You mirror her, your enhanced physique thrumming with anticipation. As you begin, you can't help but notice how Lana's breasts strain against her sports bra with each downward motion, threatening to spill out. The fabric stretches taut across her chest, outlining every curve and swell of her ample bosom.
Lana: [Panting, her voice strained] "Not bad, runt. But let's see how long you can keep up!"
Her arms flex with each push-up, muscles rippling beneath her skin. You match her pace, your own body responding to the challenge. The room fills with the sound of your synchronized breathing and the occasional grunt of exertion. You can see a bead of sweat trailing down Lana's neck, disappearing into her cleavage, and you find yourself transfixed. Your enhanced senses pick up on the salty-sweet scent of her perspiration, mingling with the underlying musk of her growing arousal.
You: "Tired yet, $[characters.list.lana.role]? I'm just getting started."
Your words come out breathier than intended, a mix of exertion and unwanted arousal. Lana's eyes snap to yours, a mixture of fury and something darker swirling in their depths. She pushes herself harder, her movements becoming more aggressive.
Lana: [Voice wavering slightly] "In your dreams, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I could do this all day."
But you can see the strain on her face, the slight tremor in her arms. Your enhanced body allows you to maintain a steady pace, your muscles barely feeling the burn. As you continue, you become acutely aware of the growing bulge in your shorts, your enhanced member responding to the proximity of Lana's body and the charged atmosphere. Your cock swells, the outline clearly visible through the thin fabric of your shorts. A small wet spot forms where the tip presses against the material, your pre-cum already starting to leak.
You: "Ready to give up yet? Or should we move on to wrestling?"
Lana's arms finally give out, and she collapses onto the mat with a frustrated growl. You complete one final push-up before sitting back on your heels, trying to hide your obvious arousal. Lana's eyes, however, are drawn to the prominent bulge in your shorts, her cheeks flushing a deep red.
Lana: [Breathless, her voice a mix of anger and something else] "Fuck you. Let's wrestle. I'll show you who's boss, you cocky little shit."
She springs to her feet, her body coiled with tension. You rise more slowly, acutely aware of how your enhanced cock strains against your shorts, a wet spot forming where the tip presses against the fabric. Lana's eyes keep flicking to it, her tongue darting out to wet her lips unconsciously. You can see her nipples hardening further, pressing against her sports bra like two pebbles. The damp fabric clings to her breasts, outlining every curve and swell.
You: "Bring it on, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Don't hold back."
You barely finish speaking before Lana lunges at you, her body colliding with yours. You both go down in a tangle of limbs, rolling across the mat. Her skin is hot against yours, slick with sweat. You can feel every curve of her body as she struggles to gain the upper hand, her breasts pressing against your chest, her toned thighs straddling your hips.
Lana: [Grunting with effort] "Give up, runt. You can't beat me!"
But her words lack conviction. As you grapple, your thigh presses between her legs, and you feel a damp heat there. Lana's breath hitches, her body momentarily going slack. You seize the opportunity, flipping her onto her back and pinning her wrists above her head. Your enhanced cock presses against her stomach, its hardness impossible to ignore.
You: "Looks like I've got you now, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Ready to admit defeat?"
Straddling Lana's waist, you're acutely aware of how your enhanced cock presses against her toned stomach. It throbs with each heartbeat, the head swollen and angry, clearly outlined through your shorts. Lana's eyes narrow, a familiar fire of competition igniting despite the compromising position.
Lana: [Voice dripping with challenge] "In your dreams, runt. I'm just getting started. But since you think you're so tough, why don't we settle this with a real test?"
She bucks her hips, the movement causing your cock to grind against her. A strangled moan escapes you both, the friction sending sparks through your virus-enhanced bodies. Lana's eyes lock onto the prominent bulge in your shorts, a mix of disgust and intrigue crossing her face. You can feel the heat radiating from her core, her pussy lips swollen and damp beneath her thin shorts.
You: "What kind of test did you have in mind, $[characters.list.lana.role]?"
Your voice comes out huskier than intended, thick with unwanted arousal. Lana's lips curl into a predatory smirk, her competitive nature overriding any sense of propriety.
Lana: [Voice low, dangerous] "Simple. We get each other off. First one to cum loses. Think you can handle that, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]?"
Her words send a jolt of electricity through you. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, straining against the confines of your shorts. A drop of pre-cum leaks through the fabric, leaving a wet spot on Lana's toned stomach. She gasps at the sensation, her back arching slightly. You can see her nipples hardening further, pressing against her sports bra like two pebbles. The damp fabric clings to her breasts, outlining every curve and swell.
You: "You're on. But don't cry when I make you cum in record time."
The challenge hangs in the air between you, loaded with implications. Lana's breath hitches, her eyes widening in a mixture of shock and unmistakable arousal. Without warning, her hand darts out, roughly palming your erection through your shorts.
Lana: [Smirking, her voice husky] "Big words from someone who's already leaking. Let's see what you're packing, runt."
Her fingers hook into the waistband of your shorts, tugging them down. Your enhanced member springs free, angry and swollen, pre-cum beading at the tip. It stands at attention, at least 12 inches long and thick as her wrist, veins pulsing visibly along its length. Lana's eyes widen in shock, a small whimper escaping her lips before she catches herself. You can see her pupils dilate, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she takes in the sight of your massive cock.
You: "Like what you see, $[characters.list.lana.role]? Your turn now. Fair's fair."
Your hands move to Lana's shorts, pulling them down along with her panties in one swift motion. The scent of her arousal hits you like a truck, making your head spin. Her pussy glistens with moisture, her outer labia swollen and parted slightly, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of pink inner folds. Her clit is visibly engorged, peeking out from its hood, begging for attention.
Lana: [Voice wavering slightly] "Don't get cocky, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Size isn't everything. I bet I can make you shoot your load in under a minute."
Her hand wraps around your shaft, her fingers unable to fully encircle its girth. At the same time, you slide two fingers along her slick folds, marveling at how wet she is. Her inner walls clench around your digits as you push them inside, hot and tight. The room fills with the sound of your shared, ragged breathing as you both begin your taboo competition.
You: "Fuck, Lana... Your hand feels amazing. But I'm not going to lose to you."
Your fingers find her clit, circling it with practiced precision. Lana's breath hitches, her rhythm faltering for a moment before she redoubles her efforts. Her hand moves faster on your cock, twisting on the upstroke in a way that makes you see stars. Pre-cum flows freely from your tip, coating her fingers and making the glide smoother.
Lana: [Panting, trying to maintain her bravado] "Is that all you've got, runt? I'm barely feeling it. Maybe if you had a real man's cock instead of this overgrown boy dick..."
But her words are belied by the way her hips buck against your hand, seeking more friction. You can feel her walls fluttering around your fingers, a telltale sign of her approaching orgasm. Her pussy is dripping wet, her arousal coating your hand and running down your wrist. The competitive spirit between you only seems to heighten the sensations, the taboo nature of your sibling rivalry turned sexual making everything more intense.
You: "Getting close, aren't you, $[characters.list.lana.role]? I can feel how wet you are. How badly you want to cum on your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s fingers."
Your thumb presses firmly against her clit as you curl your fingers inside her, finding that spot that makes her see stars. Lana's back arches, a strangled moan escaping her lips. Her hand moves frantically on your cock, determined to make you finish first. The head of your member swells further, turning an angry purple as you approach your own climax.
Lana: [Voice breaking] "Shut up! I'm not... I won't... Oh fuck, I'm cumming!"
Her pussy clamps down on your fingers as she reaches her peak, juices gushing over your hand. Her inner walls pulse rhythmically, milking your digits as if they were your cock. The sight and feel of her orgasm push you over the edge. With a guttural groan, you explode, ropes of thick, enhanced cum painting Lana's face, stomach and breasts. Your release seems endless, each pulse sending another jet of hot, sticky seed onto your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s trembling body.
As the haze of lust clears, the reality of what you've done settles in. Lana avoids your gaze, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of shame and lingering arousal. Your cum glistens on her skin, a stark reminder of the line you've just crossed.
Lana: [Voice quiet, trying to regain her usual bite] "This... this never happened. And if you ever breathe a word of it to anyone, I'll end you. Got it, runt?"
You both know that things between you will never be the same, the memory of this taboo encounter forever changing your sibling dynamic. The scent of sex and shame hangs heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the forbidden pleasure you've just shared.
You: "Getting tired, $[characters.list.lana.role]? Your hand's slowing down. Maybe you can't handle a real man's cock after all."
Your taunt hits its mark. Lana's eyes flash with anger and determination. Her grip tightens on your shaft, her strokes becoming almost punishing in their intensity. In retaliation, you add a third finger to her dripping pussy, your thumb working her clit in frantic circles. Her labia are swollen and dark with arousal, her entrance clenching hungrily around your digits.
Lana: [Moaning despite herself] "Fuck you! I'm not losing to my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. I'll make you cum so hard you forget your own name!"
The competition drives you both to new heights of pleasure. Lana's free hand moves to your balls, massaging them with surprising gentleness that contrasts sharply with her rough strokes. You counter by curling your fingers inside her, hitting that spot that makes her thighs tremble. Your enhanced cock throbs in her grip, veins pulsing visibly along its length. Pre-cum flows freely, coating her hand and making the glide smoother.
You: "Cum for me, Lana. Admit defeat. Let your $[characters.list.lana.player_role] make you feel good."
Your words, thick with lust and the virus's influence, seem to break something in Lana. Her back arches off the mat, a scream of pleasure torn from her throat as her orgasm crashes over her. Her pussy clenches rhythmically around your fingers, gushing with her release. You can feel every pulse, every contraction of her inner walls as she rides out her climax.
Lana: [Gasping, lost in pleasure] "Oh god, yes! I'm cumming! Fuck, don't stop!"
The sight and feel of Lana's intense orgasm trigger your own. With a roar, you explode, thick ropes of enhanced cum shooting from your cock with impossible force. The first blast reaches Lana's face, subsequent pulses coating her breasts and stomach. Your release seems endless, each jet of cum more copious than humanly possible. Lana's body is painted white with your seed, the stark contrast against her tanned skin deeply erotic.
As the haze of lust slowly clears, the reality of what you've done settles in. Lana lies before you, panting and disheveled, covered in your seed. The scent of sex and shame hangs heavy in the air. Your cum drips down the curves of her breasts, pooling in her navel and running down her sides.
Lana: [Voice shaky, trying to regain her composure] "If you ever tell anyone about this, I'll fucking kill you. Now get out of my room, you sick freak."
You've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed, forever altering your relationship with your $[characters.list.lana.role] in the most taboo way possible. As you leave, you both know that things between you will never be the same. The memory of Lana's body writhing in pleasure, covered in your cum, will haunt your dreams and fuel your darkest fantasies.
You: "Lana, stop! This is insane, we need to calm down!"
With a herculean effort, you push yourself off Lana, scrambling backwards. Your enhanced cock bobs obscenely in the air, angry and red, pre-cum leaking steadily from the tip. It stands at full attention, at least 12 inches long and thick as her wrist, veins pulsing visibly along its length. Lana's eyes are locked on it, her chest heaving with each breath.
Lana: [Voice shaking] "What the fuck is wrong with you?! How could you... how could we..."
She yanks her top down, but it does little to hide her still-hard nipples or the flush that covers her chest. Her hand is still between her legs, as if frozen in place. You can see her pussy lips, swollen and glistening with arousal, peeking out from beneath her fingers. The air is thick with the scent of your shared arousal and shame.
You: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... We should forget this ever happened."
You reach for your discarded shorts, trying to cover your persistent erection. Lana's eyes blaze with fury and disgust, both at you and herself. She grabs a nearby water bottle, brandishing it like a weapon. Her body still trembles with unfulfilled desire, her nipples visibly hard beneath her top, a damp spot visible on her shorts where her arousal has seeped through.
Lana: [Voice rough] "Get out. Now. And if you ever breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll fucking end you. $[characters.list.lana.player_role] or not."
As you flee the room, the scent of arousal and shame clinging to you both, you know that things between you and Lana will never be the same. The memory of what almost happened will haunt you both, a forbidden temptation that can never be fully forgotten. The image of Lana's flushed body, her swollen pussy lips, and the way her eyes had darkened with lust will be burned into your mind forever, a constant reminder of the taboo you nearly indulged in.
You: "Lana, something's happening. I feel... oh god..."
A sudden wave of heat washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges. Every nerve in your body comes alive, hypersensitive to the slightest stimulation. Your cock hardens painfully, straining against your shorts with an urgency you've never felt before. The outline of your massive member is clearly visible, a wet spot forming where pre-cum leaks through the fabric.
Lana: [Her eyes widening as she notices your distress] (Oh fuck, is it the virus? He looks so... hungry.) "$[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Are you okay? You look... different."
She takes a step towards you, concern evident in her eyes. But as she gets closer, the scent of your pheromones hits her like a truck. Her pupils dilate, a visible shudder running through her body. The virus responds to your heightened state, amplifying her own arousal to match yours.
"Oh god," Lana gasps, her hand flying to her breast. "I can feel it too. It's like... like I'm on fire. What's happening to us?"
Her nipples harden visibly, straining against her sports bra to the point of pain. A damp spot forms at the crotch of her shorts as her pussy floods with arousal. The air between you crackles with sexual tension, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return.
Lana's hands reach for you, trembling with need. Her eyes, usually so full of competitive fire, now burn with an unholy lust. As her fingers brush against your throbbing member, you both cry out in pleasure. The touch sends a shockwave through you both, the virus amplifying every sensation to an almost unbearable degree.
You know that what's about to happen will change your relationship forever, but in this moment, consumed by virus-fueled lust, neither of you can bring yourselves to care. The competition has taken an unexpected turn, one that will reshape your sibling dynamic in ways you never imagined.
You: "Lana... I can't... I need to touch you..."
The virus overwhelms your senses, driving you to act on your darkest desires. Your hands shoot out, roughly groping Lana's breasts through her thin sports bra. You can feel her nipples harden against your palms, her chest heaving with each ragged breath. The soft yet firm flesh yields under your touch, sending jolts of electricity through your enhanced nerves.
Lana: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off me, you perv!"
She tries to push you away, but her body betrays her. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch her nipples, her hips bucking involuntarily. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mingling with your own pheromones in a heady cocktail of lust. You can see her pussy lips swelling beneath her shorts, a damp spot forming where her juices soak through the fabric.
You: "Fuck, Lana... You feel so good. I've wanted this for so long..."
Lost in the haze of virus-induced lust, you tear at her clothes. Her sports bra rips easily, exposing her breasts to your hungry gaze. They're perfectly shaped, firm and perky, with dusky pink nipples standing at attention. Your mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and biting as your hand snakes down to cup her pussy through her shorts.
Lana: [Her voice a mix of fear and unwanted arousal] "Stop it! We're siblings, this is wrong! Oh god... why does it feel so good?"
She struggles weakly, her body responding to your touch even as her mind recoils in horror. You can feel the heat of her pussy through the thin fabric, her juices soaking through. Your fingers press against her swollen labia, feeling the outline of her clit through her shorts. The virus sings in your veins, demanding more, more, more.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity breaks through the haze. You stumble back, horrified at what you've done. Lana curls in on herself, covering her exposed breasts with her arms, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal. Her nipples are still hard, her shorts soaked with arousal, a testament to her body's betrayal.
"I... I'm sorry," you stammer, backing towards the door. "I don't know what came over me. The virus..."
You flee the room, leaving Lana alone with her torn clothes and conflicted emotions. The memory of her soft skin under your hands, the taste of her nipple on your tongue, the heat of her core against your palm - it all haunts you, a reminder of the monster the virus is turning you into. The taboo nature of your actions, the fact that it was your own $[characters.list.lana.role] you violated, only serves to make the shame and lingering arousal more intense.
You: "Lana... you're so fucking sexy... I need you now..."
The virus takes full control, flooding your system with an overwhelming cocktail of lust and aggression. Your eyes darken as you lunge at Lana, pinning her to the yoga mat. You can feel every curve of her body beneath you, her struggles only serving to arouse you further. Her breasts press against your chest, her nipples hard points even through the fabric of her sports bra.
Lana: [Struggling violently, terror in her eyes] "What the fuck?! Get off me, you sick bastard! We're family!"
She thrashes beneath you, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much. Her resistance only seems to fuel your uncontrollable lust, the beast within you roaring for dominance. You can smell her fear mixed with a hint of unwanted arousal, the scent driving you wild. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, straining against your shorts, the outline clearly visible and intimidating.
You: "Family? That just makes it hotter. You're mine now, Lana..."
Your hands tear at her clothes, shredding the thin fabric. Your mind is consumed by a primal need to claim her, to mark her as yours. The last shreds of your humanity scream in protest, but the virus drowns them out. Lana's breasts spill free, her nipples hard despite her terror. They're perfect, firm and perky, bouncing slightly with her struggles.
Lana: [Screaming, tears streaming down her face] "No! Stop it! Someone help me! You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role], for fuck's sake!"
With a surge of desperate strength, Lana manages to knee you in the groin. The pain cuts through the haze momentarily, allowing her to scramble away. But the virus surges back, stronger than ever, and you give chase. The scent of her fear and unwanted arousal fills the air, an intoxicating mixture that pushes you further into madness. You can see her pussy lips, swollen and glistening, peeking out from the torn remnants of her shorts.
You: "You're mine now, Lana. All fucking mine..."
Having caught up to Lana, you slam her against the wall, pinning her with your body. Your enhanced strength easily subdues her struggles as you force her legs apart, grinding your clothed erection against her bare pussy. The sensation is overwhelming, her heat seeping through the thin fabric. Your massive cock, still confined in your shorts, presses against her swollen labia, the head nudging her clit.
Lana: [Sobbing and still weakly fighting] "Please, stop... We're siblings... This isn't you... The virus is controlling you..."
Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you roughly fondle her breasts, leaving bruises on her pale skin. You bite down on her neck, marking her as your own. Your free hand snakes between her legs, fingers probing her unwilling pussy. Despite her protests, you can feel her getting wet, her body betraying her. Her inner walls clench around your fingers, hot and tight.
You: "Fuck, Lana... You're so wet for me. You want this as much as I do..."
Unable to wait any longer, you tear open your shorts, freeing your engorged member. It springs forth, angry and swollen, at least 12 inches long and thick as her wrist. Without warning or preparation, you thrust into her, groaning at the tight heat enveloping you. Lana screams in pain and shock, her body tensing around your invading cock.
Lana: [Broken, her eyes vacant] "Why... how could you do this to me? I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]..."
You pound into her relentlessly, lost in the pleasure and power of the moment. The virus sings in your veins, drowning out all morality and reason. You're vaguely aware of Lana's struggles weakening, her body betraying her with involuntary responses. Her breasts bounce with each brutal thrust, her skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat. Her pussy clenches around you, milking your cock despite her mind's protests.
As you finish inside her, the gravity of what you've done begins to sink in. Lana slumps against the wall, violated and broken, your relationship destroyed beyond repair. Your cum leaks from her abused pussy, mixing with the blood of her torn hymen. The virus's hold lessens, leaving you to face the horrific consequences of your actions. The room reeks of sex and despair, a testament to the monstrous act you've committed against your own $[characters.list.lana.role].
You: "You're not just my $[characters.list.lana.role] anymore, Lana. You're my property now."
Having overpowered Lana, you drag her struggling form towards your private dungeon. The virus has twisted your mind, turning your once-strong $[characters.list.lana.role] into an object to be owned and used. Her naked body bears the marks of your assault, bruises blooming on her tanned skin. Her breasts heave with each panicked breath, nipples still hard from unwanted stimulation.
Lana: [Fighting weakly, her voice hoarse from screaming] "You won't get away with this! We're family, someone will stop you!"
Her cries echo through the empty halls as you manhandle her into the cell. You chain her to the wall, your eyes roving over her battered body with possessive lust. The sight of her, once so confident and strong, now broken and chained, only serves to arouse you further. Your enhanced cock throbs painfully, demanding more.
You: "Welcome to your new home, $[characters.list.lana.role]. You'll learn to love serving your Master."
The virus has completely corrupted your mind, erasing all sibling love and replacing it with a dark, twisted desire. You approach Lana, running your hands over her body as she flinches away. Her once-fierce eyes are now filled with fear and despair. You can feel her tremble under your touch, her body responding even as her mind recoils in horror.
Lana: [Slumping in her chains, spirit broken] "You're not my $[characters.list.lana.player_role] anymore. You're a monster. Please... just let me go..."
Ignoring her pleas, you force her to her knees. You grab a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back as you press your erect cock to her lips. Tears stream down her face as she realizes the full horror of her new reality. Your massive member, still slick with her blood and juices from the earlier violation, hovers inches from her mouth.
"Open wide, $[characters.list.lana.role]," you growl, your voice thick with lust and cruelty. "This is your life now. Serving me, pleasuring me, being whatever I want you to be."
As you force yourself into her mouth, you know that you've crossed a line that can never be uncrossed. The virus thrums contentedly in your veins, already urging you to seek out your next victim. The image of Lana, once your beloved $[characters.list.lana.role], now your broken slave, is seared into your mind - a constant reminder of the depths of depravity you've sunk to in your virus-fueled madness. The taboo nature of your actions, the fact that it's your own $[characters.list.lana.role] you've enslaved, only serves to heighten your twisted arousal.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
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const dialog = `
You: [Stretching as you enter the living room] "Hey Lana, have you seen my—" (Holy shit...)
The scene before you stops you dead in your tracks. Lana is sprawled on the couch, her muscular body glistening with sweat. She's wearing nothing but a sports bra and tiny shorts, both soaked through. Her chest heaves with exertion, nipples clearly visible through the thin fabric. A strange, pulsing device is strapped to her arm.
Lana: [Jerking upright, eyes wide] (Fuck, why now?) "What the hell are you doing here?" [She tries to cover herself, wincing as the device pulses] "Can't you see I'm busy?"
The air is thick with tension and the musky scent of Lana's sweat. The virus thrums between you, heightening every sensation.
You: [Approaching cautiously] "What's that thing on your arm? Are you okay?" (God, she looks incredible...)
As you move closer, you notice Lana's skin is flushed, her pupils dilated. The device on her arm emits a soft whirring sound, and with each pulse, Lana's body tenses. Her shorts are visibly damp, and not just from sweat.
Lana: [Gritting her teeth] "It's... nngh... a virus suppressor. Supposed to... fuck... help with the symptoms." [She locks eyes with you, a mix of anger and desperation] "But it's not working. It's making everything worse."
The living room feels like a pressure cooker, the sexual tension amplified by the virus and the malfunctioning device. Lana's struggle is palpable, her body fighting against her will.
You: [Kneeling beside her, concerned] "Let me help you take it off. It's clearly hurting you." (I can't believe how turned on I am right now...)
Your fingers brush against Lana's skin as you examine the device. The contact sends a jolt through both of you. Lana's arm is hot to the touch, her muscles twitching beneath your fingertips.
Lana: [Shuddering at your touch] "Don't... don't touch me. I can handle this myself." [Her resolve wavers as another pulse hits] "Fuck... it's like it's pumping pure horniness into me. I can't... I can't think straight."
The device seems to be malfunctioning, its rhythm becoming more erratic. With each pulse, Lana's body jerks, her thighs pressing together as she fights against her growing arousal.
You: [Struggling with the device's clasp] "This thing is stuck. I need to... I need to pull harder." (God, her skin feels amazing...)
As you wrestle with the device, your body presses against Lana's. The heat from her skin seeps into you, and you become acutely aware of every curve of her athletic form. Your growing erection strains against your pants, impossible to hide.
Lana: [Gasping as she feels your hardness] "What the fuck, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Are you... are you getting turned on by this?" [Her voice is a mix of disgust and unmistakable arousal] "That's so wrong... we can't... oh god, another pulse is coming!"
Lana's body arches as the device delivers another surge. Her hand unconsciously grips your thigh, nails digging in as she rides out the wave of artificial arousal.
You: [Panting with exertion and arousal] "I'm sorry, I can't help it. The virus, your body... it's too much." (I want her so badly it hurts...)
In your struggle with the device, your hand slips, sliding down Lana's sweat-slicked arm and brushing against the side of her breast. The touch sends a visible shudder through her body, and a small moan escapes her lips.
Lana: [Eyes clouding with lust] "This is so fucked up... you're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role], for fuck's sake." [Her hand, still on your thigh, inches higher] "But I can't... I can't stop thinking about your cock. It's the virus, it has to be..."
The air is thick with pheromones, the scent of arousal overpowering. Lana's shorts are visibly soaked now, a dark patch spreading between her thighs.
You: [Voice husky with need] "Lana, I... I think I know how to help. But you have to trust me." (This is insane, but I can't stop...)
Your hand hovers over the waistband of Lana's shorts. The heat radiating from her core is intense, drawing you in like a magnet. Your cock throbs painfully, begging for attention.
Lana: [Breathing heavily] "What are you... oh fuck." [Her hips buck involuntarily] "This is wrong, so wrong. But I need... I need something. The device, it's driving me crazy."
Lana's resistance is crumbling. Her hand moves to your crotch, palming your massive erection through your pants. Her eyes widen at the size, a mix of fear and hunger in her gaze.
You: [Groaning at her touch] "Fuck, Lana... We need to get this virus out of our systems." (I can't believe this is happening...)
Your hand slips into Lana's shorts, fingers sliding through her soaked folds. She's incredibly wet, her pussy practically gushing at your touch. At the same time, Lana fumbles with your zipper, freeing your massive cock.
Lana: [Gasping as she wraps her hand around your shaft] "Holy shit, you're huge. This is so wrong, but... fuck, I need this." [She starts stroking you, her athletic hand easily encompassing your girth] "Just... just this once. To help with the virus."
The device on Lana's arm pulses again, causing her to squeeze your cock hard. Her pussy clenches around your fingers, a fresh gush of juices coating your hand.
You: [Pumping your fingers in and out of Lana's dripping pussy] "God, you're so wet. Does this feel good, $[characters.list.lana.role]?" (I can't get enough of her...)
Your thumb finds Lana's clit, circling it as you continue to finger her. Her hand on your cock speeds up, her expert grip sending waves of pleasure through you. The wrongness of the situation only seems to heighten every sensation.
Lana: [Moaning shamelessly] "Fuck yes, it feels amazing. Your fingers are so... oh god!" [She bucks against your hand] "Keep going, please. I'm getting close."
Lana's other hand snakes under her sports bra, roughly pinching her nipple. The device pulses again, and she cries out, her pussy clamping down on your fingers.
You: [Growling with lust] "That's it, cum for me. Let it all out." (I've never been this turned on in my life...)
Your fingers curl inside Lana, finding her g-spot. You press hard, rubbing it in tandem with her clit. Your cock leaks precum, making Lana's strokes even slicker. The sound of wet flesh fills the room, mixing with your shared moans.
Lana: [Trembling on the edge] "Oh fuck, oh fuck! I'm gonna... I'm cumming!" [Her body goes rigid, thighs clamping around your hand] "Fuck, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! Don't stop!"
Lana's orgasm hits her like a tidal wave. Her pussy spasms around your fingers, gushing juices that soak into the couch. Her hand on your cock becomes erratic, her grip tightening almost painfully.
You: [On the brink of orgasm] "Lana, I'm close too. Where should I..." (Please say on you, please...)
Your hips thrust involuntarily, fucking Lana's tight fist. Her pussy continues to pulse around your fingers as aftershocks of her orgasm roll through her. The device on her arm gives one final, intense pulse.
Lana: [Still shaking from her orgasm] "Just... just do it. Cum on me. Mark me with your fucking cum, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]." [Her hand speeds up, determined to milk you dry] "Show me what that big cock can do."
The last vestiges of shame seem to have left Lana. Her eyes are locked on your cock, hungry and eager. The virus has stripped away all pretense, leaving only raw, incestuous lust.
You: [Gasping as your orgasm builds] "Lana, I... I'm gonna cum. Is this okay?"
Your body tenses as pleasure overtakes you. Thick ropes of cum erupt from your cock, splattering onto Lana's toned stomach and the couch. The sheer volume is staggering, a testament to your virus-enhanced virility.
Lana: [Eyes wide with a mix of awe and disgust] "Holy shit... there's so much. It's everywhere." [She looks at her cum-covered hand, conflicted] "I can't believe we just did that. This is so messed up."
As the last spurts of cum dribble onto Lana's hand, the reality of what you've done begins to sink in. There's an awkward tension in the air, but also a strange sense of shared experience.
You: [Grabbing a nearby towel and offering it to Lana] "Here, um... sorry about the mess. Are you okay?"
You start to clean yourself up, avoiding direct eye contact. The air is thick with the scent of sex and the lingering effects of the virus. There's an unspoken acknowledgment that something has fundamentally changed between you.
Lana: [Taking the towel and wiping herself off] "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... let's not make a habit of this, alright?" [She stands up, still a bit shaky] "This stays between us. And maybe... maybe we should find a better way to deal with these virus surges."
As Lana leaves the room, there's a new understanding between you. You've crossed a line, but there's a sense that you'll face these challenges together, even if it means navigating this uncomfortable new territory.
You: [Groaning as your orgasm hits] "Fuck, Lana! I'm cumming!"
Your cock pulses in Lana's grip as you explode, spraying thick ropes of cum across her hand and arm. Some of it splatters on her stomach and sports bra. The volume is obscene, far more than any normal man could produce.
Lana: [Gasping at the sensation] "Jesus Christ! It's so hot... and there's so much!" [She looks at her cum-covered hand in disbelief] "Fuck, that's intense. I've never seen anything like this."
The sight of your $[characters.list.lana.role] covered in your cum is intoxicating. The virus pulses through both of you, a reminder of the primal forces at work.
You: [Panting heavily, eyes still roving over Lana's body] "That was... wow. I didn't expect it to feel that good."
Your cock is still twitching, the virus keeping you semi-hard. Lana's hand is still wrapped around your shaft, almost absentmindedly. The air is thick with the scent of sex and sweat.
Lana: [Finally releasing your cock, flexing her cum-covered hand] "Yeah, well... don't get used to it, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. This was a one-time thing." [She stands up, trying to regain her composure] "We tell no one about this, got it? And next time... next time we find a better way to deal with these urges."
As Lana leaves to clean up, there's a new tension between you. The line you've crossed can't be uncrossed, and the memory of this encounter will linger, fueled by the ever-present virus in your veins.
You: [Stammering as reality sets in] "Lana, I... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."
Your hand jerks away from Lana's pussy as if burned. Your cock, still hard and leaking, bobs obscenely between you. The gravity of what you were about to do crashes down like a tidal wave.
Lana: [Snapping out of her lust-induced haze] "What the fuck are we doing?" [She scrambles away, pulling her shorts back into place] "This is sick. We're siblings, for fuck's sake!"
The air in the room feels thick with shame and unfulfilled desire. The device on Lana's arm gives one last weak pulse before dying, leaving an awkward silence in its wake.
You: [Tucking yourself away, face burning with embarrassment] "I didn't mean to... It was the virus, it made me..."
You can't even look at Lana, the weight of your actions crushing you. The couch still smells of her arousal, a cruel reminder of how close you came to crossing an unforgivable line.
Lana: [Standing up, her voice cold] "We never speak of this again, understood? This didn't happen." [She stalks towards the door, pausing to glare at you] "And if you ever try anything like this again, virus or no virus, I'll break your fucking arms."
As Lana slams the door behind her, you're left alone with your shame and a painful case of blue balls. The virus continues to pulse through you, a constant reminder of the forbidden desires lurking just beneath the surface.
You: [Doubling over as a wave of viral energy surges through you] "Lana, something's happening... I can't control it!"
Your cock swells even larger, veins pulsing visibly. A musky, intoxicating scent fills the air, your pheromones kicking into overdrive. Lana's device sparks and shatters, overwhelmed by the viral surge.
Lana: [Eyes rolling back, body convulsing] "Oh fuck, I feel it too! It's too much!" [She rips off her remaining clothes, skin flushed and glistening] "Need you... need your cock... now!"
All pretense of shame or hesitation evaporates. You crash together, a tangle of limbs and desperate need. The virus has taken full control, turning you both into creatures of pure lust.
You: [Eyes glazing over with uncontrolled lust] "Can't... can't hold back anymore!"
Without warning, you lunge forward, grabbing Lana's breasts roughly. Your other hand dives between her legs, fingers plunging into her pussy without preamble. The feel of her hot, wet core drives you wild.
For a fraction of a second, you saw an old man.
Lana: [Gasping in shock and unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck? Stop it!" [She struggles against you, but her body betrays her] "We can't do this, you sick fuck!"
Despite her words, Lana's pussy clenches around your invading fingers. Her nipples harden under your palm, her body responding even as her mind resists.
You: [Growling as you maul Lana's tits] "Your body wants this. Don't fight it, $[characters.list.lana.role]."
Your thumb finds Lana's clit, rubbing it roughly as you continue to finger-fuck her, you even venture into her asshole. Your cock presses against her thigh, leaving a trail of precum on her skin. The scent of her arousal is driving you mad.
Lana: [Moaning despite herself] "No... we have to stop... oh god!" [Her hips buck against your hand] "This is wrong, so wrong... fuck!"
Tears of shame and arousal stream down Lana's face as her body betrays her. The virus pulses through both of you, amplifying every sensation, every forbidden touch.
You: [Eyes wild with viral-fueled lust] "Need you... need to fuck you now!"
Your hands tear at Lana's clothes, shredding them like paper. Your enhanced strength is too much for her to resist. You pin her to the couch, your massive cock pressing against her entrance.
Lana: [Struggling frantically] "No! Stop it! This isn't you, it's the virus!" [She tries to push you off, but you're too strong] "Please, we're siblings! We can't do this!"
Despite her protests, Lana's body responds to your touch. Her pussy is wet, her nipples hard. The virus has heightened her arousal, even as her mind fights against it.
You: [Positioning yourself at her entrance] "Can't stop... need to breed... need to fuck my $[characters.list.lana.role]!"
The head of your cock pushes against Lana's pussy lips, spreading them. You can feel her heat, her wetness. Just a little more pressure and you'll be inside her.
Lana: [Tears streaming down her face] "Don't do this... please! If you do this, there's no going back!" [She makes one last attempt to reason with you] "Fight it! You're stronger than the virus!"
The room is thick with the scent of pheromones and fear. Lana's body trembles beneath you, caught between terror and unwanted arousal. The moment hangs on a knife's edge.
You: [Thrusting forward with brutal force] "Mine! You're mine now, $[characters.list.lana.role]!"
Your massive cock plunges into Lana's pussy, stretching her almost to the breaking point. The tightness is incredible, her inner walls clamping down on you like a vice. You begin to thrust, hard and fast, lost in the primal need to breed.
Lana: [Screaming in pain and unwanted pleasure] "No! Stop! It's too big!" [Her body betrays her, pussy gushing around your invading cock] "Oh god, why does it feel so good? I hate you! I hate you!"
Lana's resistance crumbles with each thrust. Her legs wrap around your waist, pulling you deeper. The virus has taken full control, turning her into a wanton slut for her $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock.
You: [Pounding into Lana with inhuman stamina] "Take it! Take your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock!"
Your hips slam against Lana's, the sound of flesh on flesh echoing through the room. Your hands grip her breasts roughly, using them as leverage to drive even deeper. The couch creaks dangerously beneath you.
Lana: [Moaning uncontrollably] "Fuck me! Fuck your $[characters.list.lana.role]!" [Her eyes roll back in her head] "Fill me up! Breed me! I don't care anymore!"
As your orgasm approaches, Lana's body convulses in a powerful climax. Her pussy milks your cock, desperate for your seed. With a roar, you empty yourself inside her, pumping her full of your tainted cum.
You: [Eyes glowing with viral power] "You're mine now. Forever."
With terrifying strength, you flip Lana over, forcing her face into the couch. Your cock, still hard, plunges into her ass without warning or preparation. The tightness is excruciating, but the virus dulls the pain, replacing it with savage pleasure.
Lana: [Screaming in agony] "Stop! You're tearing me apart!" [Her voice breaks, becoming a sob] "Please, I'll do anything, just stop!"
But you don't stop. You can't stop. The virus has turned you into a rutting beast, and Lana is your prey. Your hips slam against her ass, bruising the flesh with each brutal thrust.
You: [Growling as you ravage Lana's ass] "You'll learn to love this. You'll beg for it."
One hand grips Lana's hair, yanking her head back painfully. The other snakes around to her pussy, fingers roughly stimulating her clit. Despite the pain, despite the horror, her body responds.
Lana: [Broken, her voice a hoarse whisper] "Yes... master. Use me. I'm yours." [Her resistance finally shatters] "I'll be your slave, your whore, anything you want. Just don't stop."
As you flood Lana's ass with your cum, her mind breaks. The virus reshapes her, body and soul, into your perfect slave. You've gained a loyal fucktoy, but lost a $[characters.list.lana.role] forever.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Wiping sweat from your brow] "Damn Lana, you really went all out today. How about we hit the sauna to relax those muscles?"
The shelter's gym echoes with the sound of heavy breathing as you and Lana finish your intense sparring session. Your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s athletic form glistens with sweat, her tight workout clothes clinging to every curve. You can't help but notice how the virus has enhanced her already impressive physique, making her even more formidable - and alluring.
Lana: [Scowling, hands on her hips] (Fuck, I can't believe I lost.) "Fine, whatever. A bet's a bet. But don't think this means anything, $[characters.list.lana.player_role].
I'm still going to kick your ass next time."
As Lana grudgingly agrees, you feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. The thought of being alone with her in the steamy confines of the sauna sends a shiver down your spine, despite the heat of the gym.
You: [Grinning playfully] "Hey, no need to be a sore loser. I promise I'll go easy on you next time... maybe. Now, let's get you relaxed."
As you both enter the sauna, the heat envelops you. Lana lies face down on the wooden bench, her towel barely covering her toned ass. Your hands hover over her back, trembling slightly with anticipation.
Lana: [Tensing as your hands make contact] (His hands feel... different.) "Just... just keep it professional, got it? No funny business."
Your fingers begin to work the muscles of Lana's back, feeling the knots and tension. The heat of the sauna makes her skin slick with sweat, your hands gliding smoothly over her shoulders and down her spine.
You: [Voice husky] "Relax, $[characters.list.lana.role]. I'm just working out these knots. You're so tense..."
Your hands move lower, reaching the small of her back. Without warning, you push the towel aside, exposing Lana's perfectly rounded ass. Your fingers dig into the firm flesh, kneading and squeezing.
Lana: [Gasping, trying to sit up] "What the fuck do you think you're doing? That's off limits!"
You press her back down, your strength surprising both of you. Your hands continue to massage her ass, fingers occasionally dipping between her cheeks. You can feel the heat radiating from her core.
You: [Firmly] "Just relax, Lana. Your glutes are tight as hell. This will help, I promise."
Your thumbs press into the firm muscles of Lana's ass, working out the tension. You can feel her relaxing despite herself, soft moans escaping her lips. Your cock begins to swell, tenting the towel around your waist.
Lana: [Moaning softly] (Why does this feel so good?) "I... I guess it's not so bad. But don't get any ideas, perv."
As you continue to massage Lana's ass, you can see a slight sheen of moisture gathering between her legs. The scent of her arousal mixes with the steam, making your head spin.
You: [Boldly] "Turn over, Lana. I need to work on your front too."
Before Lana can protest, you flip her over. In one swift motion, you pull away her towel, leaving her completely exposed. Her breasts heave with each breath, nipples hardening in the steamy air.
Lana: [Covering herself with her hands] "What the fuck? Give that back, you asshole!"
You grab Lana's wrists, pinning them above her head. Your eyes roam over her naked body, drinking in every curve and muscle. The virus thrums through your veins, heightening every sensation.
You: [Leaning close, voice low] "Shh... just relax, Lana. Let me make you feel good."
Your free hand moves to Lana's breast, cupping the firm flesh. Your thumb brushes over her nipple, feeling it harden even more at your touch. You begin to massage her breast, kneading and squeezing.
Lana: [Arching her back involuntarily] (Oh god, this is so wrong...) "We... we shouldn't be doing this. You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
Despite her words, Lana doesn't try to break free. Her body responds to your touch, nipples pebbling and a flush spreading across her chest. You can see her thighs pressing together, seeking friction.
You: [Releasing her wrists] "Turn back over. I'm not done with your massage."
Lana hesitates for a moment before complying, rolling onto her stomach. Her ass is fully exposed now, the curve of her cheeks leading down to her glistening pussy. You position yourself between her legs, hands on her ass.
Lana: [Glancing back at you] (Is that... oh my god, it's huge.) "What are you... oh!"
Your fingers dip between Lana's ass cheeks, finding her pussy soaking wet. You begin to massage her outer lips, feeling them swell and part under your touch. Lana's hips buck involuntarily, pressing back against your hand.
You: [Groaning as you slip a finger inside] "Fuck, Lana... you're so wet. Is this turning you on?"
Your finger pumps in and out of Lana's tight pussy, her inner walls clenching around the digit. With your other hand, you push aside your towel, revealing your massive, virus-enhanced cock. It stands proud, veins pulsing along its length.
Lana: [Panting, eyes fixed on your cock] (It's so big... how is that even possible?) "You're such a fucking pervert... but don't stop. Please..."
Lana's hand reaches out tentatively, wrapping around your thick shaft. Her fingers can barely meet around its girth. She begins to stroke, her movements hesitant at first but growing more confident.
You: [Thrusting into Lana's hand] "That's it, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Stroke my cock. You like how big it is?"
Your finger continues to work Lana's pussy, joined by a second. You curl them inside her, finding that spot that makes her gasp. Your thumb circles her clit, drawing tight circles around the swollen nub.
Lana: [Stroking faster] "It's... it's huge. I can't believe this is happening. We're so fucked up..."
Despite her words, Lana's hand moves faster on your cock. Precum leaks from the tip, making her strokes slicker. Her hips grind against your hand, chasing her own pleasure.
You: [Panting heavily] "Fuck, Lana... I'm close. Don't stop."
Your fingers pump furiously in and out of Lana's dripping pussy. You can feel her getting close, her inner walls fluttering around your digits. Your cock throbs in her hand, balls tightening as you approach your peak.
Lana: [Moaning loudly] "Oh god, oh god... I'm gonna cum. Fuck, I'm cumming on my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s fingers!"
Lana's pussy clamps down on your fingers as she comes, her whole body shaking with the force of her orgasm. Her hand tightens around your cock, stroking frantically.
You: [Groaning as you reach your peak] "Lana... I'm gonna... fuck!"
Your cock erupts, shooting thick ropes of cum across Lana's hand and arm. The sight and feel of your release prolongs Lana's orgasm, her pussy still clenching around your fingers. For a moment, the world seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you and the intense pleasure you've shared.
Lana: [Panting, eyes wide with a mix of shock and satisfaction] "That was... intense. I can't believe we just did that. But... thank you. I needed that more than I realized."
As the afterglow fades, a new understanding seems to settle between you and Lana. The air is thick with the scent of sex and steam, a testament to the line you've just crossed.
You: [Softly] "Are you okay, Lana? I... I hope this doesn't change things between us."
You gently withdraw your fingers from Lana's pussy, bringing them to your lips to taste her essence. Lana watches, her eyes dark with lingering desire. She releases your softening cock, her hand covered in your cum.
Lana: [Smiling slightly] "It changes everything, you idiot. But... maybe not in a bad way. Just don't expect this to happen again anytime soon. And if you tell anyone, I'll kick your ass."
As you both clean up and prepare to leave the sauna, there's a new tension between you - not uncomfortable, but charged with possibility. You know things will never be the same, but for now, you bask in the shared intimacy of the moment.
You: [Growling with lust] "Fuck, Lana... your hand feels so good. Faster, make me cum!"
Your fingers plunge deeper into Lana's soaking pussy, curling to hit her g-spot with every thrust. Your thumb works her clit furiously, determined to make her come again. The sauna is filled with the obscene sounds of wet flesh and desperate moans.
Lana: [Stroking frantically] "You're such a fucking pervert... making me do this. But your cock is so big, so hard... I can't stop!"
Lana's hand moves in a blur on your shaft, her other hand cupping and squeezing your heavy balls. Her pussy clenches rhythmically around your fingers, on the verge of another orgasm.
You: [Roaring as you climax] "Take it, $[characters.list.lana.role]! Take my fucking cum!"
Your cock explodes, painting Lana's face and tits with thick ropes of semen. The sight pushes Lana over the edge, and she screams as she comes, her pussy gushing around your fingers. You continue to pump your shaft, milking out every last drop onto your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s trembling body.
Lana: [Gasping, covered in your cum] "Oh fuck... oh fuck... that was... I've never come so hard in my life. You... you fucking animal."
As the haze of lust begins to clear, you both stare at each other in shock and lingering desire. Lana's body is a mess of sweat and cum, her pussy still twitching from her intense orgasm. The reality of what you've done starts to sink in, but neither of you can bring yourselves to regret it.
You: [Nervously] "Lana, I... I think we should stop. This isn't right."
Your hand stills between Lana's legs, and you gently pull away. The sudden absence of stimulation seems to snap Lana out of her lust-induced haze. She blinks, looking at her hand still wrapped around your cock as if seeing it for the first time.
Lana: [Jerking her hand away] "Oh god... what were we thinking? This is so fucked up."
The atmosphere in the sauna suddenly feels oppressive. The sexual tension that had been building dissipates, replaced by an awkward, shameful silence. You both avoid eye contact, the reality of what you almost did hanging heavy between you.
You: [Stammering] "I'm sorry, Lana. I don't know what came over me. It's this damn virus..."
You quickly wrap your towel around your waist, trying to hide your still-prominent erection. Lana hugs herself, looking small and vulnerable in a way you've never seen before. The easy camaraderie you've always shared seems shattered.
Lana: [Voice shaking] "We... we can never speak of this again. Ever. I'm going to my room. Don't follow me."
As Lana hurriedly gathers her clothes and rushes out of the sauna, you're left alone with your thoughts and the lingering scent of arousal. You know that things between you and your $[characters.list.lana.role] will never be the same, and you're not sure if that's a good thing or not.
You: [Groaning as a wave of intense arousal hits you] "Lana... something's happening. The virus..."
A sudden surge of the virus courses through your body, sending your arousal into overdrive. Your already massive cock seems to swell even larger, pulsing with an almost painful need. You can see a similar effect on Lana, her skin flushing and her pupils dilating.
Lana: [Panting heavily] "Oh god, I feel it too. It's like I'm on fire. I need... I need..."
Without another word, Lana lunges at you. Her hand wraps around your cock, stroking it with desperate need. Your own fingers plunge into her soaking wet pussy, feeling it clench and pulse around them. The two of you rut against each other like animals, all thoughts of propriety or familial bonds forgotten in the face of overwhelming lust.
You: [Eyes glazing over with lust] "I can't take it anymore, Lana. I need to feel you."
Without warning, you grab Lana's breasts roughly, squeezing them hard. Your other hand dives between her legs, fingers probing at her pussy. The sudden, aggressive move catches Lana off guard.
Lana: [Gasping in shock] "What the fuck? Get your hands off me, you pervert!"
Lana tries to push you away, but the close quarters of the sauna make it difficult. Your fingers continue to grope and probe, driven by an almost animalistic lust. The scent of her arousal only fuels your frenzy.
You: [Growling with desire] "Don't pretend you don't want this, Lana. I can smell how wet you are."
Your fingers push into Lana's wet heat, plunging deep inside her. She gasps, her body betraying her with a rush of arousal. Your other hand roughly kneads her breast, pinching and rolling her nipple.
Lana: [Moaning despite herself] "Stop it! This is wrong... we can't... oh god..."
Lana's protests grow weaker as her body responds to your touch. Her hips buck against your hand, her pussy clenching around your invading fingers. The sauna is filled with the sound of her ragged breathing and your low, lustful growls.
You: [Eyes wild with virus-fueled lust] "I can't hold back anymore, Lana. I need you. Now."
The virus surges through your system, overwhelming your senses with raw, animal desire. Your massive cock throbs painfully, demanding release. With a growl, you push Lana against the sauna wall, your hands roughly groping her body.
Lana: [Eyes wide with fear and unwanted arousal] "What the fuck? No! Stop it, you can't do this!"
Lana struggles against you, but the virus has enhanced your strength. Her attempts to push you away only seem to fuel your frenzy. You can smell her fear and arousal, a heady mix that drives you wild.
You: [Panting heavily] "Don't fight it, Lana. You know you want this as much as I do."
Your hands tear at Lana's clothes, ripping away her sports bra and shorts. She's naked before you, her body glistening with sweat in the sauna's heat. Your cock presses against her thigh, leaving a trail of precum on her skin.
Lana: [Voice shaking] "Please... don't do this. We're siblings, it's wrong. Fight it!"
Lana's pleas fall on deaf ears as the virus rages through your system. You position yourself at her entrance, the head of your massive cock pressing against her wet folds. The last shred of your humanity hangs by a thread, waiting to see if Lana will make one final attempt to stop you.
You: [Groaning as you thrust forward] "Too late, Lana. You're mine now."
With a powerful thrust, you bury your enormous cock deep inside Lana's pussy. She cries out, a mix of pain and unwanted pleasure. The tight, wet heat of her cunt envelops you, driving you to thrust harder and faster.
Lana: [Sobbing and moaning] "No... stop... oh god, it's so big. It hurts... but... fuck!"
Lana's body betrays her, her pussy clenching around your invading member. Her legs wrap around your waist, pulling you deeper despite her verbal protests. The sauna is filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin and Lana's conflicted cries.
You: [Pounding into Lana relentlessly] "That's it, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Take my cock. You love it, don't you?"
Your hips slam against Lana's, driving your massive shaft deep into her over and over. One hand grips her hip bruisingly tight, while the other mauls her breast roughly. The virus has turned you into a rutting beast, focused solely on your own pleasure.
Lana: [Screaming in a mix of pleasure and shame] "No! Yes! Fuck... I'm cumming! Oh god, I'm cumming on my $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s cock!"
As Lana's orgasm washes over her, her pussy clamps down on your shaft like a vice. The sensation pushes you over the edge, and with a roar, you empty your balls deep inside her. Rope after rope of thick, virus-laden cum floods her womb. As the haze of lust begins to clear, the reality of what you've done starts to sink in.
You: [Eyes glowing with malevolent lust] "You're not just mine for now, Lana. You're mine forever."
The virus has completely taken over, twisting your desires into something dark and possessive. You grab Lana by the hair, forcing her to her knees. Your other hand wraps around your massive, throbbing cock, slapping it against her face.
Lana: [Whimpering in fear and unwanted arousal] "Please... no... don't do this. I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]!"
Ignoring her pleas, you force your cock into Lana's mouth. She gags and struggles, but you hold her head firmly, fucking her face with brutal strokes. Tears stream down her cheeks as she chokes on your enormous member.
You: [Growling with dark satisfaction] "That's it, $[characters.list.lana.role]. This is your life now. My personal fucktoy."
After using Lana's mouth, you bend her over the sauna bench. Without warning, you thrust your cock into her ass, tearing a scream from her throat. The tight heat of her asshole only fuels your frenzy, and you pound into her mercilessly.
Lana: [Sobbing and moaning] "It hurts... please... stop... I can't take it..."
As you continue to violate Lana, you can see the fight slowly leaving her eyes. The virus works its insidious magic, turning her pain into a twisted form of pleasure. By the time you flood her ass with your cum, Lana is a broken, whimpering mess. You drag her limp form out of the sauna, already planning how you'll use your new slave next.
DIAF_parseBuildAppendV3(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find yourself outside Angela's home, curiosity getting the better of you. Through the window, you see her moving gracefully around the room, her presence captivating.
Angela: [Unaware, humming softly to herself] (Why do I feel like someone is watching me? This island never ceases to surprise me.)
You: [Watching quietly] (There's something mesmerizing about her, but I shouldn't be doing this.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You stand hidden outside Angela's home, peering through a crack in the window. Inside, Angela sits reading a book, completely absorbed.
Angela: [Turning a page, her expression thoughtful] (These texts might hold the key to my memories. I must keep searching.)
You: [Trying to remain unnoticed] (I feel drawn to her, but I need to be careful.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You crouch outside Angela's home, your curiosity leading you to peep through the window. Angela is tending to some plants, her movements deliberate and serene.
Angela: [Gently watering her plants, a soft smile on her face] (These plants are my solace. They remind me of something... someone.)
You: [Watching silently] (I shouldn't be spying on her, but I can't seem to look away.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find yourself outside Angela's home, curiosity getting the better of you. Through the window, you see her moving gracefully around the room. She begins to undress, unaware of your presence.
Angela: [Unbuttoning her blouse, letting it fall open slowly] (It's been a long day. I need to relax.)
You: [Heart racing, eyes fixed on her] (I shouldn't be watching this, but I can't look away.)
Angela: [Slipping out of her skirt, revealing her smooth legs] (Now, where did I put that book?)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You stand hidden outside Angela's home, peering through a crack in the window. Angela glances up briefly, sees you, but pretends not to notice. She begins to undress tauntingly.
Angela: [Smirking to herself, slowly removing her top] (I know he's watching. Let's give him a show.) "Such a warm evening."
You: [Trying to stay composed, watching intently] (Is she doing this on purpose?)
Angela: [Slipping her shirt off of her shoulders, exposing her alluring melons] (How far will he go before he breaks?)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You crouch outside Angela's home, your curiosity leading you to peep through the window. Angela is tending to some plants and then she notices you.
Angela: [Noticing you, her eyes twinkling] (Caught you, didn't I?) "Enjoying the view?"
You: [Feeling caught] "Um... I didn't mean to—"
Angela: [Slowly unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her tender breast] "Maybe next time, you should come in."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find yourself outside Angela's home, curiosity getting the better of you. Through the window, you see her lying on her bed, unaware of your presence. She begins to pleasure herself.
Angela: [Her hand slipping between her legs, eyes closed] (I need this... just a moment to myself.)
You: [Heart racing, unable to look away] (I shouldn't be watching this, but I can't stop.)
Angela: [Moaning softly, her back arching] "Mmm..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You stand hidden outside Angela's home, peering through a crack in the window. Inside, Angela is lying on her bed, touching herself. Your own hand moves to match her rhythm.
Angela: [Her fingers working between her legs, eyes closed] (This feels so good... I can't stop.)
You: [Breathing heavily, matching her pace] (I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't help it.)
Angela: [Moaning softly, her body reacting to her own touch] "Yes... just like that..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You crouch outside Angela's home, your curiosity leading you to peep through the window. Angela notices you and slowly beckons you inside. Once you're close, she takes you in her hand.
Angela: [Gripping you firmly, her eyes locked on yours] "You like watching, don't you?"
You: [Barely containing your desire] "Angela..."
Angela: [Stroking you slowly, a mischievous smile on her lips] "Let's see how long you can last."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Angela hesitantly, wanting to talk about your concerns about the virus.
You: [Nervous, avoiding her gaze] "Angela, could I... sleep with you tonight? Just to feel safe."
Angela: [Smiling softly, shaking her head] (He looks so vulnerable.) "I'm sorry, but I think it's best if we each sleep in our own beds tonight."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Angela reading and timidly approach her to talk about your worries.
You: [Shifting nervously, glancing at her book] "Angela, do you mind if I sleep with you tonight? I'm a bit scared of the virus."
Angela: [Looking up, her expression gentle] (Poor thing, he must be really worried.) "I understand, but I think it's better if we sleep separately. You'll be okay, I promise."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You catch Angela's attention as she arranges her bedding, and muster the courage to speak.
You: [Clearing your throat, trying to sound calm] "Angela, can I sleep with you tonight? The virus... it's making me anxious."
Angela: [Nodding understandingly, patting your shoulder gently] (He needs comfort.) "I know it's scary, but I think we should sleep in our own beds for now. You'll be safe."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Angela hesitantly, explaining your concerns about the virus.
You: [Nervous, avoiding her gaze] "Angela, could I... sleep with you tonight? Just to feel safe."
Angela: [Smiling softly, unbuttoning her blouse and letting it fall open, revealing her bare chest] "I'm sorry, but it's best if we sleep separately. Maybe this will help you relax."
You: [Eyes widening, trying to compose yourself] "Wow, Angela... that's... um, thank you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Angela reading and timidly approach her to talk about your worries.
You: [Shifting nervously, glancing at her book] "Angela, do you mind if I sleep with you tonight? I'm a bit scared of the virus."
Angela: [Gently slipping off her dress, standing in front of you in just her panties] "I understand, but we should sleep separately. Does this help ease your mind?"
You: [Swallowing hard, trying to maintain eye contact] "Uh, yes, that definitely helps. Thanks, Angela."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You catch Angela's attention as she arranges her bedding, and muster the courage to speak.
You: [Clearing your throat, trying to sound calm] "Angela, can I sleep with you tonight? The virus... it's making me anxious."
Angela: [Slowly undressing until she's in her underwear, her body shimmering in the dim light] "I know it's scary, but we should sleep in our own beds. Maybe this will make you feel better."
You: [Heart racing, unable to take your eyes off her] "Angela, that's... really... comforting. Thank you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Angela hesitantly, explaining your concerns about the virus.
You: [Nervous, avoiding her gaze] "Angela, could I... sleep with you tonight? Just to feel safe."
Angela: [Smiling softly, taking your hand and leading you to her bed] "Of course, come here. Let me help you relax."
She lies beside you, her hand slipping under the covers to stroke you gently. You gasp as her touch becomes more insistent, her fingers working expertly.
Angela: [Whispering in your ear, her breath hot] "Just let go... I'll take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Angela reading and timidly approach her to talk about your worries.
You: [Shifting nervously, glancing at her book] "Angela, do you mind if I sleep with you tonight? I'm a bit scared of the virus."
Angela: [Gently closing her book, smiling] "I understand. Come, lie down with me."
As you settle beside her, she wraps her hand around you, stroking you slowly at first, then faster. The sensation is overwhelming, her touch bringing you to the edge.
Angela: [Moaning softly, her eyes locked on yours] "Let me make you feel better... don't hold back."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You catch Angela's attention as she arranges her bedding, and muster the courage to speak.
You: [Clearing your throat, trying to sound calm] "Angela, can I sleep with you tonight? The virus... it's making me anxious."
Angela: [Nodding understandingly, pulling you into her bed] "Yes, you can stay with me. Let me help you relax."
She slides her hand down your body, gripping you firmly. Her movements are skilled and deliberate, bringing you intense pleasure as she strokes you rhythmically.
Angela: [Smiling seductively, watching your reaction] "Does this help you feel better?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You stand at the door of Cherie's room, hesitating as you knock softly. The fear and anxiety from the virus have become unbearable, and you find yourself seeking her comfort.
Cherie: [Turning towards you with a gentle smile] (He looks so scared... but I can't let this get inappropriate.) "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
You: [Voice trembling] "Cherie, can I sleep with you tonight? The virus... it's making me feel really uneasy."
Cherie: [Her expression softens but she remains firm] "I understand you're scared, but it's not appropriate for us to share a bed. I'll sit with you for a while until you feel better."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock softly on Cherie's door, the weight of the night's fears pressing down on you. The darkness seems to amplify the virus's effects, leaving you feeling vulnerable and alone.
Cherie: [Sitting up in bed, her expression filled with concern] (He's so troubled by all this... I need to be there for him.) "Come in, honey. What's wrong?"
You: [Entering the room, feeling a mix of fear and embarrassment] "The virus... it's just making everything so scary. Can I stay with you tonight?"
Cherie: [Patting the bed beside her, her voice soothing] "I understand, but it's not suitable for us to share a bed. You can stay here until you feel calmer."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You stand outside Cherie's room, hesitant but determined. The day’s events and the constant dread from the virus have left you feeling overwhelmed. You knock softly, hoping for some comfort.
Cherie: [Opening the door, her face softening at the sight of you] (He looks so lost... I need to help him.) "What is it, sweetheart? Come in."
You: [Entering, voice shaky] "I'm sorry to bother you, but the virus... it's just too much. Can I stay with you tonight?"
Cherie: [Nodding and guiding you to a chair beside the bed] "It's okay to be scared, but it's not appropriate for us to share a bed. I'll stay with you here."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Cherie's door, feeling vulnerable. Knocking softly, you wait.
Cherie: [Opening the door in a sheer nightgown] "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
You: [Eyes widening at her visible curves] "Cherie, can I sleep with you tonight? The virus... it's making me feel uneasy."
Cherie: [Smirking slightly, noticing your stare] "It's not appropriate for us to share a bed. You can sleep on the couch."
You: [Trying to look away] "Thank you, Cherie."
Cherie: [Stretching, her nightgown lifting] "I'll stay close by."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Cherie's door, feeling the virus's influence.
Cherie: [Opening the door in a loose robe, slightly open] "Come in, honey. What's wrong?"
You: [Eyes drifting to her exposed chest] "The virus... it's making everything so scary. Can I stay with you tonight?"
Cherie: [Noticing your gaze, a playful glint in her eyes] "It's not suitable for us to share a bed. You can sleep on the couch."
You: "Thank you, Cherie."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You stand outside Cherie's room, the virus's influence strong. Knocking softly, you hope for comfort. She is clearly dressing, you wait for her to be done while watching in awe.
Cherie: [Opening the door, wearing a short, revealing nightdress] "What is it, sweetheart? Come in."
You: [Eyes lingering on her exposed thighs] "The virus... it's too much. Can I stay with you tonight?"
Cherie: [Guiding you to a mattress on the floor, her touch lingering] "It's okay to be scared, but it's not right for us to share a bed. Sleep here."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Cherie's door, the virus's influence making you more desperate for her touch. Knocking, you wait, feeling the tension rise.
Cherie: [Opening the door in a revealing nightgown] "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
You: [Voice trembling, eyes drawn to her body] "Cherie, can I sleep with you tonight? The virus... it's so hard to handle."
Cherie: [Sighing softly, conflicted but caring] "I understand. Come lie down next to me."
You: [Lying down beside her, feeling a mix of relief and arousal] "Thank you, Cherie."
Cherie: [Smiling gently] "Let me help you feel better." She undresses slowly and touches herself, instructing you to do the same while watching her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Cherie's door, feeling the virus's influence stronger than ever.
Cherie: [Opening the door in a loose robe, partially open] "Come in, honey. What's wrong?"
You: [Breathing heavily, eyes lingering on her chest] "The virus... it's overwhelming. Can I stay with you tonight?"
Cherie: [Noticing your gaze, a playful glint in her eyes] "It's not right for us to sleep together, but lie down next to me for a bit."
You: [Lying down, feeling the warmth of her presence] "Thank you, Cherie."
Cherie: [Her hand sliding under the blanket, touching you intimately, taking your dick out, starting to stroke] "Just relax. I'll help you through this."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You stand outside Cherie's room, the virus's influence making you desperate. Knocking softly, you hope for her comfort.
Cherie: [Opening the door, wearing a short, revealing nightdress] "What is it, sweetheart? Come in."
You: [Eyes lingering on her exposed thighs] "The virus... it's too much. Can I stay with you tonight?"
Cherie: [Guiding you to her bed, her touch lingering] "It's okay to be scared. Lie down next to me."
Cherie: [Her hand moving under the covers, touching you intimately, starting to stroke] "You're always safe with me. Let me make you feel better."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the bathroom door, needing to use it. As you reach for the handle, you notice it’s slightly ajar.
Through the crack, you see Cherie, her back turned, undressing. The virus's influence makes it impossible to look away.
Cherie: [Humming softly, oblivious to your presence]
You: [Heart racing, unable to move]
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head to the bathroom, the virus making your thoughts cloudy. As you near the door, you hear the sound of running water.
Peeking inside, you see Cherie in the shower, water cascading down her body. The sight makes your breath hitch.
Cherie: [Singing softly, her silhouette tantalizing]
You: [Unable to tear your eyes away, feeling a mix of guilt and desire]
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Feeling the virus's pull, you walk towards the bathroom. The door is slightly open, and you hear movement inside.
Peering through the gap, you see Cherie adjusting her towel, her bare skin briefly exposed. The sight sends a jolt of arousal through you.
Cherie: [Drying her hair, unaware of your gaze]
You: [Heart pounding, trying to stay quiet]
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the bathroom door, driven by an irresistible curiosity. The door is slightly ajar.
Through the opening, you see Cherie, your stepmother, undressing, her mature curves gradually revealed. The virus compels you to stay and watch, despite the shame.
Cherie: [Sensing a gaze, turning slightly] "Is someone there?"
You: [Blushing with embarrassment] "Cherie, I... I didn't mean to peek."
Cherie: [Smirking, clearly amused yet embarrassed] "Caught you in the act, didn't I? If you're going to spy, at least be subtle about it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head to the bathroom, the virus making your thoughts hazy. The door is slightly open, and you hear the sound of water.
Peeking inside, you see Cherie, your $[characters.list.cherie.role], in the shower, water cascading down her body. The sight makes your breath hitch, despite the shame creeping in.
Cherie: [Turning slightly, catching a glimpse of you] "Do you like what you see? It's not polite to spy on your stepmother, you know."
You: [Nervous but aroused, feeling ashamed] "I... couldn't help it, Cherie."
Cherie: [Laughing softly, a mix of teasing and embarrassment] "Look, but don't touch. Unless you plan to join me. But that would be very naughty."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Feeling the virus's influence, you walk towards the bathroom. The door is ajar, and you hear Cherie humming inside.
Peering through the gap, you see her applying lotion, her skin glistening under the light. The sight sends a shiver through you, mixed with shame.
Cherie: [Noticing you, turning with a slight blush] "Are you here to help or just to watch, sweetheart?"
You: [Blushing with desire and shame] "I... just wanted to see."
Cherie: [Teasing smile, clearly flustered] "If you're going to peep, at least make yourself useful. Help me with my back, but remember, no touching where you shouldn't."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You peek through the ajar bathroom door and see Cherie, your stepmother, undressing. The virus makes you stay and watch.
Cherie: [Noticing you] "Caught you spying again?"
You: "I... couldn't help it."
Cherie: [Smirking, pulling you inside] "Come here, then."
Cherie: [Grasping you firmly and gently pushing you to the floor] "Stay quiet while I take care of this."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You peek into the bathroom, drawn by the virus. Cherie is in the shower, water cascading down her body as she pleasures herself.
Cherie: [Seeing you] "Caught you peeking, huh?"
You: "I... couldn't resist."
Cherie: [Smiling, motioning you closer] "You look like you're in blue balls pain. Come in and touch yourself too."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You peek through the bathroom door and see Cherie applying lotion, her skin glistening.
Cherie: [Catching you] "Peeking again?"
You: "I... just wanted to see."
Cherie: [Pulling you inside, guiding your hand] "Then help me."
Cherie: [Her hand moving to your cock, starting a rhythm using the soap] "No one can know."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You plop down on the worn living room couch, sinking into the old cushions. Cherie walks in, You sit down on the couch next to Cherie, browsing through the movie options.
Cherie: "How about a comedy? We could use a good laugh."
You: "Sounds great, Cherie. Let's watch that one."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You and Cherie settle on the couch, a bowl of popcorn between you.
Cherie: "I haven't seen a romance in ages. What do you think?"
You: "Sure, a romance it is. Let's start it up."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You and Cherie flip through the movie options, looking for something to watch.
Cherie: "Maybe a horror movie? It could be fun to get a little scared."
You: "Alright, horror it is. Let's see which one looks good."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down on the couch next to Cherie, browsing through the movie options.
Cherie: [Playfully nudging you] "How about a romantic comedy? Or are you too tough for that?" [She proceeds to lift her dress a little and shake her rear end tauntingly]
You: [Smiling] "I can handle it. Let's watch it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You and Cherie settle on the couch, a bowl of popcorn between you.
Cherie: [Grinning] "Maybe a horror movie? I might need someone to hold onto."
You: [Laughing] "Don't worry, I've got you covered."
Cherie: [Looking at you seductively while taking off her top and move in a sensual way] "I think I am the one that got you covered"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You and Cherie flip through the movie options, looking for something to watch.
Cherie: [Teasingly] "How about an action movie? Or is that too much excitement for you?"
You: [Smirking] "I can handle it if you can. Let's watch."
Cherie: [Taking the blanket off, revealing her bare body] "But can you handle this tho?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down on the couch next to Cherie, browsing through the movie options.
Cherie: [Gently placing her hand on your thigh] "How about a romantic movie? We might get... closer."
You: [Heart racing] "Sure, let's watch it."
Cherie proceeds to get on her knees and strokes you with passion, clearly wanting to relieve your tension.
Cherie: [Hand moving slowly] "Just relax and enjoy."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You and Cherie settle on the couch, a bowl of popcorn between you, watching a movie and getting a little too close.
Cherie: [Hand brushing against you] "This movie is really intense, isn’t it?"
You: [Feeling the tension, a raging boner forming] "Yeah, it really is."
You notice movement under her blanket and her eyes darting toward your crotch. In a surge of boldness, you decide to unveil her. Despite her surprise, she can't stop masturbating, and you decide to do the same.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You and Cherie flip through the movie options, looking for something to watch.
Cherie: [Playfully, hand resting on your lap] "How about an action movie? Or do you prefer something more... thrilling?"
You: [Breathing heavily] "I can handle thrilling."
Cherie: [undressing your swiftly, grabbing your dick and starting a slow rhythm] "Let's see how thrilling it gets."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, feeling the warmth of the family gathering.
Cherie: [Placing a plate in front of you] "Eat up, darling. You need your strength to fight off this virus."
You: "Thanks, Cherie. This looks delicious."
Cherie: [Smiling warmly] "Anything to keep you healthy."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You join the family at the dinner table, the aroma of home-cooked food filling the air.
Cherie: [Pouring you a drink] "How was your day? Remember, I'm always here if you need to talk."
You: "It was good, just a bit tiring. Thanks for asking."
Cherie: [Gently patting your shoulder] "You're doing great. Just take it one step at a time."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, noticing Cherie's attentive gaze.
Cherie: [Serving you food] "Make sure to eat all your vegetables. They're good for your immune system."
You: "Got it, Cherie. I'll finish everything."
Cherie: [Nodding approvingly] "Good. I want you in the best health possible."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, feeling the warmth of the family gathering.
Cherie: [Placing a plate in front of you, with a mischievous smile] "Eat up, darling. Or are you too distracted to enjoy my cooking?"
You: [Smirking] "I'm never too distracted for your cooking, Cherie."
Cherie: [Leaning closer, showing you her breast on full display, whispering] "Good. Because I put a little extra love into it just for you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You join the family at the dinner table, the aroma of home-cooked food filling the air.
Cherie: [Pouring you a drink, leaning in closely, Causing her loose shirt to drape off her shoulders] "How was your day? Did anyone catch your eye?"
You: [Smiling, trying to cover your arousal] "Just you, Cherie."
Cherie: [Giggling softly, brushing her hand against yours] "Flatterer. But I don't mind the attention."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, noticing Cherie's attentive gaze.
Cherie: [Serving you food, with a playful glint in her eye] "Make sure to eat all your vegetables. Or do I need to find a way to... motivate you?"
You: [Grinning] "I think I can manage, but I'm curious about your methods."
Cherie: [Smiling seductively, bending over revealing her womanhood] "Yummy! Let's just say, I have my ways. Now, be a good boy and eat up."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, feeling the warmth of the family gathering.
Cherie: [Placing a plate in front of you, looking at you with lust in her eyes] "Eat up, darling. You need your strength."
You: [Smirking] "Thanks, Cherie."
Cherie: [Smirking back, pushing your spoon beneath the table] "Oops, you dropped your spoon."
You: [Going beneath the table to fetch it, realizing she is masturbating] [Understanding the invitation, you take out your own member to stroke it good.]
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You join the family at the dinner table, the aroma of home-cooked food filling the air.
Cherie: [Pouring you a drink, her hand sliding up your leg] "How was your day, dear?"
You: [Feeling her touch] "It was good... just got a lot more interesting."
Cherie: [Her hand reaching your dick, stroking it slowly] "I'm glad to hear that. Now, let's make it even better."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, noticing Cherie's attentive gaze.
Cherie: [Serving you food, her hand slipping under the table] "Make sure to eat all your vegetables."
You: [Breathing heavily] "I will, Cherie."
Cherie: [Her hand wrapping around your manhood, working masterfully until you release] "Good. Now, let's keep this between us."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the river, seeking relief from the heat. You spot Cherie wading in the shallows, her clothes clinging to her form, outlining her curves.
Cherie: [Smiling, waving] "The water's lovely! Care to join me? It's so refreshing on a hot day like this."
You: [Heart racing, trying to keep your gaze respectful] "Sure, it looks really nice. I could use a cool down."
Cherie: [Splashing water playfully] "Don't be shy, come on in! The water feels amazing against your skin."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head to the river for a swim. As you near the bank, you see Cherie floating on her back, eyes closed peacefully. Her wet clothes cling to her body, leaving little to the imagination.
Cherie: [Opening her eyes, noticing you] "Oh, hello there. Beautiful day for a swim, isn't it? The sun feels wonderful on my skin."
You: [Nodding, trying not to stare] "Yeah, it's perfect. You look... really relaxed."
Cherie: [Smiling, standing up in the water] "I am. Why don't you join me? The water's just right."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Feeling hot, you decide to cool off in the river. You find Cherie sitting on a rock, her feet dangling in the water. Her shirt is slightly unbuttoned due to the heat.
Cherie: [Patting the space beside her] "Come sit with me. The water feels wonderful on your feet after a long day."
You: [Joining her, aware of her proximity] "Thanks, Cherie. It does feel nice. You look... comfortable."
Cherie: [Leaning back, stretching] "I am. There's something so freeing about being by the water, don't you think?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You arrive at the river to see Cherie emerging from the water, her wet clothes clinging to every curve of her body. Water droplets trail down her skin, catching the sunlight.
Cherie: [Noticing your gaze, smirking] "See something you like? The water's made my clothes a bit... clingy."
You: [Blushing, stammering] "I... uh... you look really nice. The water suits you."
Cherie: [Laughing softly, running a hand through her wet hair] "Thank you. The water's great, you should come in. Maybe you'll give me something nice to look at too."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie by the river, adjusting her swimsuit. She seems to be having trouble with the straps, her movements causing the fabric to shift teasingly.
Cherie: [Turning to you, looking slightly flustered] "Oh, perfect timing! Could you help me with this? These straps are being so difficult."
You: [Nervously approaching] "Sure, what do you need? I'll try my best."
Cherie: [Guiding your hands to her back] "Just tighten this strap. Don't be shy, I don't bite... unless you want me to."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're swimming in the river when Cherie joins you. She playfully splashes water at you, laughing. Her wet hair clings to her neck and shoulders.
Cherie: [Grinning mischievously] "Catch me if you can! I bet you can't keep up with me."
You: [Chasing after her, both laughing] "Oh, you're on! I'm faster than I look."
Cherie: [As you get close, she turns, looking slightly embarrassed] "Oops, I think my top's coming loose. Mind helping me tie it? Your hands might be steadier than mine."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie alone by a secluded part of the river. She beckons you closer with a sultry smile, her eyes dark with desire.
Cherie: [Pulling you close, her body pressing against yours] "I've been waiting for you. Let me help you relax. You seem so... tense."
You: [Breath hitching, arousal building] "Cherie, are you sure? Someone might see..."
Cherie: [Her hand moving lower, caressing you through your clothes] "Shh, just enjoy. We deserve this. No one will find us here."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're swimming with Cherie when she leads you to a hidden cove. Her eyes are filled with unmistakable lust as she presses you against a smooth rock.
Cherie: [Pressing against you, her wet body sliding against yours] "I've been thinking about this all day. About touching you, feeling you..."
You: [Aroused and nervous, your hands instinctively moving to her hips] "Me too, but... isn't this wrong?"
Cherie: [Silencing you with a finger on your lips, her other hand sliding into your swimwear] "No buts. Let me take care of you. You need this... we both do."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing by the river when Cherie approaches, a mischievous glint in her eye. She sits beside you, her hand 'accidentally' brushing your thigh.
Cherie: [Sitting beside you, leaning in close] "You look tense. How about a special massage? I promise it'll make you feel much better."
You: [Swallowing hard, feeling yourself respond to her proximity] "What kind of massage? Cherie, we shouldn't..."
Cherie: [Her hand sliding down your chest and stomach] "The kind that'll make you feel very, very good. Just relax and let me take care of everything."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the backyard, seeking some fresh air. You spot Cherie lounging on a chaise, reading a book. The sun highlights her relaxed form.
Cherie: [Looking up, smiling] "Oh, hello there. Beautiful day, isn't it? Care to join me?"
You: [Approaching, trying to keep your gaze casual] "Sure, it does look nice out here."
Cherie: [Patting the space next to her] "Come, sit. We could both use some vitamin D."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You wander into the backyard and see Cherie stretched out on the chaise, her eyes closed as she soaks up the sun. Her sundress rides up slightly, revealing more leg than usual.
Cherie: [Opening her eyes, noticing you] "Ah, there you are. I was just thinking about you. Want to keep me company?"
You: [Nodding, settling nearby] "Of course. It's too nice a day to spend alone."
Cherie: [Smiling warmly] "My thoughts exactly. Sometimes I think you can read my mind."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head to the backyard for some air and find Cherie on the chaise, tending to some potted plants. She's leaning forward, focused on her task.
Cherie: [Turning to you, brushing hair from her face] "Perfect timing! Could you hand me that watering can?"
You: [Grabbing the can, handing it over] "Here you go. Need any help?"
Cherie: [Gratefully accepting] "Thank you, dear. And some company would be lovely."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the backyard to see Cherie adjusting her position on the chaise. Her movements cause her dress to ride up, revealing more skin than usual.
Cherie: [Noticing your gaze, smirking] "See something you like? The sun feels wonderful on bare skin."
You: [Blushing, stammering] "I... uh... you look comfortable."
Cherie: [Stretching languidly] "Very. Why don't you come closer and enjoy the view?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie in the backyard, applying sunscreen. She seems to be having trouble reaching her back, her movements causing her top to shift teasingly.
Cherie: [Turning to you, looking slightly flustered] "Oh, good timing! Could you help me with this? I can't quite reach."
You: [Nervously approaching] "Sure, where do you need it?"
Cherie: [Handing you the bottle] "My back, please. Don't be shy, really get it in there."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing in the backyard when Cherie joins you on the chaise. She 'accidentally' brushes against you as she settles in, her skin warm from the sun.
Cherie: [Grinning mischievously] "Hope you don't mind sharing. It's such a perfect spot."
You: [Aware of her proximity] "Not at all. It is nice here."
Cherie: [Leaning in, whispering] "You know, we could make it even nicer..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie alone on the chaise in a secluded part of the backyard. She beckons you closer with a sultry smile, her eyes dark with desire.
Cherie: [Pulling you down beside her] "I've been waiting for you. Let me help you relax."
You: [Breath hitching] "Cherie, are you sure? Someone might see..."
Cherie: [Her hand moving lower] "Shh, just enjoy. We deserve this."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're lounging with Cherie on the chaise when she suddenly presses against you. Her eyes are filled with unmistakable lust.
Cherie: [Pressing closer, her voice low] "I've been thinking about this all day. About touching you..."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "Me too, but... isn't this wrong?"
Cherie: [Silencing you with a finger on your lips] "No buts. Let me take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing on the chaise when Cherie approaches, a mischievous glint in her eye. She sits beside you, her hand 'accidentally' brushing your thigh.
Cherie: [Leaning in close] "You look tense. How about a special massage?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "What kind of massage?"
Cherie: [Her hand sliding down your chest] "The kind that'll make you feel very, very good."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the gym, hearing the rhythmic sound of weights. Cherie is on the bench press, her face flushed with exertion.
Cherie: [Noticing you, smiling] "Perfect timing! Could you spot me for this last set?"
You: [Moving to assist] "Of course. How many reps are you aiming for?"
Cherie: [Gripping the bar] "Let's go for ten. Don't be afraid to get close - safety first!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the gym to find Cherie stretching on a yoga mat near the bench. Her lithe form bends gracefully.
Cherie: [Looking up] "Oh hello! Care to join me for some stretches? It's important before lifting."
You: [Hesitating] "I'm not very flexible..."
Cherie: [Patting the mat] "Nonsense! I'll guide you through it. We'll have you limber in no time."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're heading to work out when you spot Cherie wiping down the bench press, her tank top riding up slightly.
Cherie: [Turning to you] "Ah, there you are! I was just getting things ready. Fancy a friendly competition?"
You: [Intrigued] "What did you have in mind?"
Cherie: [Grinning] "Let's see who can do the most reps. Loser buys protein shakes!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie adjusting the bench press, bending over to secure the weights. Her form-fitting workout clothes leave little to imagination.
Cherie: [Glancing over her shoulder] "Like what you see? Maybe you could give me a hand instead of just staring."
You: [Flustered] "Sorry, I was just... admiring your form."
Cherie: [Smirking] "My 'form', huh? Well, come closer and I'll show you proper technique."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Cherie's on the bench, mid-set, when her sports bra strap slips. She pauses, looking at you with a mischievous glint.
Cherie: [Biting her lip] "Oops. Mind helping me adjust? I'd hate to flash the whole gym."
You: [Nervously approaching] "Uh, sure. Where exactly...?"
Cherie: [Guiding your hands] "Right here. Don't be shy, it's just skin."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're spotting Cherie when she arches her back more than necessary, pressing against you.
Cherie: [Looking up at you] "Am I doing this right? Maybe you should get closer, guide my movements."
You: [Swallowing hard] "I think you've got it, but if you insist..."
Cherie: [Whispering] "I do. Show me exactly how you want me positioned."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Late night at the gym, you find Cherie alone by the bench press. She beckons you over, eyes dark with intent.
Cherie: [Pulling you close] "I've been waiting for you. How about a different kind of workout?"
You: [Breath quickening] "Here? But what if someone comes in?"
Cherie: [Hand sliding down your abs] "That's half the thrill, isn't it? Now, let me help you release some tension."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're alone with Cherie in the gym. She suddenly presses you against the bench, desire evident.
Cherie: [Straddling the bench] "I've been watching you lift. Now let me help you with a different kind of... pump."
You: [Aroused but nervous] "Cherie, we shouldn't..."
Cherie: [Silencing you with a finger] "Shh. Just enjoy. Consider it post-workout recovery."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're wiping down the bench when Cherie approaches, a predatory look in her eyes.
Cherie: [Pressing against you] "You look tense. How about a special cool-down exercise?"
You: [Feeling the heat of her body] "What kind of exercise?"
Cherie: [Hand slipping beneath your waistband] "The kind that'll leave you very, very relaxed. Now, don't make a sound."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna's heat envelops you as you enter. Cherie reclines in the massage chair, her skin glistening with sweat.
Cherie: [Noticing you, her voice husky] "The heat's incredible, isn't it? This chair works wonders on tense muscles."
You: [Trying not to stare at her flushed skin] "It looks... intense."
Cherie: [Stretching languidly] "Oh, it is. Care to try it after me?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Steam fills the sauna as you step inside. Cherie's seated in the massage chair, her towel slipping slightly.
Cherie: [Eyes closed in bliss] "Mmm, this chair is heavenly. The vibrations really get deep into the tissue."
You: [Clearing your throat] "Seems like you're enjoying yourself."
Cherie: [Opening one eye, smiling] "More than you know. You should experience it too."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna door opens with a hiss of steam. Cherie's sprawled in the massage chair, looking thoroughly relaxed.
Cherie: [Lazily turning her head] "Join me? There's plenty of room, and the heat feels divine."
You: [Hesitating] "I don't want to intrude on your relaxation time."
Cherie: [Patting the space beside her] "Nonsense. Relaxation is better shared, don't you think?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the sauna to find Cherie adjusting the massage chair settings. Her movements cause her towel to ride up teasingly.
Cherie: [Glancing over her shoulder] "Perfect timing. I can't quite reach the controls for my lower back. Mind lending a hand?"
You: [Approaching cautiously] "Sure, what do you need me to do?"
Cherie: [Guiding your hand] "Just press right... there. Mmm, that's the spot."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Steam swirls as you step into the sauna. Cherie's in the massage chair, her towel barely clinging to her curves.
Cherie: [Stretching sensuously] "This heat makes me feel so... uninhibited. Don't you just want to let it all go?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "It's certainly... freeing."
Cherie: [Smirking] "You have no idea. Why don't you come closer and find out?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna's thick with steam as you enter. Cherie's sprawled in the chair, her skin slick with sweat.
Cherie: [Voice low and sultry] "I've been waiting for you. This chair has me all worked up. Care to help me... relax further?"
You: [Pulse quickening] "What did you have in mind?"
Cherie: [Beckoning you closer] "Why don't you come here and find out?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie alone in the steamy sauna, reclined in the massage chair. Her eyes are dark with desire.
Cherie: [Crooking a finger at you] "Lock the door. I think we both need some special attention."
You: [Breath catching] "Are you sure? It's so risky..."
Cherie: [Her hand sliding down her body] "I've never been more sure. Now come here."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna's oppressively hot as you enter. Cherie's in the chair, her towel discarded.
Cherie: [Voice husky] "The heat has me so worked up. I need release. Will you help me?"
You: [Aroused and nervous] "Cherie, I... what if someone comes in?"
Cherie: [Reaching for you] "Then we'd better be quick, hadn't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Steam obscures your vision as you step into the sauna. Cherie's sprawled in the chair, looking thoroughly aroused.
Cherie: [Breathing heavily] "This chair... the vibrations... I can't take it anymore. I need you. Now."
You: [Moving closer, drawn by her intensity] "What do you want me to do?"
Cherie: [Grabbing your hand] "Everything. Touch me everywhere."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the transformation room, finding Cherie at the workbench. She's focused intently on a delicate piece of equipment.
Cherie: [Looking up, wiping sweat from her brow] "Oh, hello. I could use an extra pair of hands here."
You: [Approaching cautiously] "What are you working on?"
Cherie: [Gesturing to the bench] "Something to help with our... unique situation. Come closer, I'll show you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the transformation room, spotting Cherie bent over the workbench. Her position accentuates her curves.
Cherie: [Turning, brushing hair from her face] "Perfect timing. Can you reach that tool on the top shelf?"
You: [Stretching to grab it, aware of her proximity] "This one?"
Cherie: [Nodding, her hand brushing yours] "That's it. Your height comes in handy."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie at the workbench, her shirt slightly unbuttoned due to the room's heat. She's engrossed in her work.
Cherie: [Noticing you, smiling] "Ah, my favorite assistant. Want to see what I'm working on?"
You: [Moving closer, trying not to stare] "Sure, what is it?"
Cherie: [Leaning in, whispering] "Something to make our lives a bit more... interesting."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the room to see Cherie reaching for a high shelf, her shirt riding up to reveal a strip of skin.
Cherie: [Aware of your gaze] "Like what you see? Maybe you could lend a hand instead of just looking."
You: [Flustered, moving to help] "Sorry, I was just... I'll get that for you."
Cherie: [Pressing against you as you reach] "My hero. What would I do without you?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie at the workbench, a sheen of sweat making her skin glisten. She's struggling with a tight bolt.
Cherie: [Frustrated] "This damn thing won't budge. Think you could use your strong hands?"
You: [Moving behind her, reaching around] "Let me try. It's really stuck, huh?"
Cherie: [Leaning back into you] "Mm, yes. Put those muscles to work."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Cherie's working at the bench when you enter. She 'accidentally' knocks a tool off, bending to retrieve it slowly.
Cherie: [Looking over her shoulder] "Oops. Enjoying the view? You could come closer for a better look."
You: [Swallowing hard] "I was just... Do you need help with anything?"
Cherie: [Straightening up, smirking] "Oh, I'm sure we can find something for you to do."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're both at the workbench when Cherie suddenly presses against you, her hand wandering.
Cherie: [Whispering] "I've been thinking about this all day. Let me help you relax."
You: [Gasping] "Here? But what if someone-"
Cherie: [Unzipping you] "Shh, no one comes here but us. Let me take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Cherie calls you over to the workbench, a mischievous glint in her eye. As you approach, she pulls you close.
Cherie: [Her hand sliding down] "I need your help with a very special project. It requires a hands-on approach."
You: [Breath hitching] "Cherie, we shouldn't-"
Cherie: [Stroking firmly] "Shouldn't we? Your body seems to disagree."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're working together when Cherie suddenly turns, pinning you against the bench. Her eyes are dark with desire.
Cherie: [Pressing against you] "I can't focus with you so close. Let me take care of this distraction."
You: [Moaning softly] "God, Cherie... What's gotten into you?"
Cherie: [Her hand working skillfully] "The better question is, what's gotten into you?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the pool, seeking relief from the heat. Cherie is floating on an inflatable lounger, her skin glistening with water droplets.
Cherie: [Noticing you, waving] "The water's divine! Why don't you dive in and cool off?"
You: [Hesitating at the edge] "It does look tempting. Mind if I join you?"
Cherie: [Smiling invitingly] "Please do. There's plenty of room for both of us to float away our worries."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the pool area to find Cherie doing laps, her strong strokes cutting through the water. Her swimsuit clings to her body as she surfaces.
Cherie: [Catching her breath] "Oh, hello! Care for a little race? I could use the competition."
You: [Grinning] "You're on. But don't expect me to go easy on you."
Cherie: [Laughing] "I wouldn't dream of it. Let's see what you've got!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You decide to take a dip and spot Cherie by the pool's edge, her legs dangling in the water. She's wearing a new swimsuit that accentuates her figure.
Cherie: [Patting the space beside her] "I was just about to call for you. The water's perfect today."
You: [Sitting next to her, feet in the water] "You're right, it feels amazing. New swimsuit?"
Cherie: [Glancing down, smiling] "You noticed! Do you like it? I thought it was time for a change."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie emerging from the pool, water cascading down her body. Her swimsuit clings to every curve, leaving little to the imagination.
Cherie: [Catching your stare] "See something you like? The water makes everything so... clingy."
You: [Flustered] "I... you look incredible, Cherie. That suit really suits you."
Cherie: [Sauntering closer] "Thank you. Maybe you'd like a closer look?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're lounging poolside when Cherie asks for help with her sunscreen. She lies on her stomach, untying her top.
Cherie: [Looking over her shoulder] "Be a dear and get my back? Don't miss a spot."
You: [Hands trembling] "Of course. I'll be thorough."
Cherie: [Sighing contentedly] "Mmm, your hands feel wonderful. Take your time."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're swimming when Cherie challenges you to a playful water fight. As you splash each other, her movements become more suggestive.
Cherie: [Pressing close] "I think I'm winning. What should my prize be?"
You: [Breathless] "What did you have in mind?"
Cherie: [Whispering] "Oh, I have a few ideas. Want to hear them?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
In a secluded corner of the pool, Cherie pulls you close, her eyes dark with desire.
Cherie: [Her hand sliding down your chest] "I've been watching you all day. Let me help you relax."
You: [Gasping] "Here? But someone might..."
Cherie: [Silencing you with a finger] "Shh... the risk makes it exciting, doesn't it?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Late at night, you find Cherie skinny dipping. She beckons you to join her, her intentions clear.
Cherie: [Pressing against you] "I've been waiting for this moment. Let me show you how good I can make you feel."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "Cherie, I... oh god..."
Cherie: [Her hand finding you underwater] "Just relax and let me take care of everything."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
In the pool house, Cherie corners you, her swimsuit half undone.
Cherie: [Pushing you against the wall] "I can't resist anymore. I need to touch you, to feel you."
You: [Breathing heavily] "Cherie, we shouldn't... but I want it too."
Cherie: [Her hand slipping into your trunks] "Then let's not fight it anymore. Let me make you feel good."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop, finding Cherie bent over a chair, repairing its leg. Her position accentuates her curves.
Cherie: [Looking up, wiping sweat] "Oh, hi there. Just fixing this old thing. Want to lend a hand?"
You: [Trying not to stare] "Sure, what do you need?"
Cherie: [Smiling] "Hold it steady while I tighten these screws. And don't be shy, get close."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the workshop to see Cherie straddling a chair backwards, sanding its back. Her shirt rides up, revealing a strip of skin.
Cherie: [Noticing you] "Perfect timing! Can you check if I missed any rough spots?"
You: [Approaching cautiously] "Of course. Where should I feel?"
Cherie: [Guiding your hand] "Right here. Don't be gentle, really feel it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie in the workshop, testing a newly varnished chair. She's running her hands over it sensually.
Cherie: [Turning to you] "Feel how smooth this is. I think I outdid myself."
You: [Touching the chair] "Wow, it's like silk."
Cherie: [Leaning close] "Isn't it? Sometimes I think wood feels better than skin."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop as Cherie's stretching to reach a high shelf. Her shirt lifts, exposing her midriff and the curve of her breast.
Cherie: [Noticing you, smirking] "Enjoying the view? Care to help instead of just looking?"
You: [Flustered] "I... uh... what do you need?"
Cherie: [Pressing against you] "Lift me up. And don't be afraid to grab firmly."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie polishing a chair, bent over it suggestively. She's 'accidentally' spilled water on her white shirt.
Cherie: [Feigning surprise] "Oh my, I'm all wet. Could you grab that towel?"
You: [Handing her the towel, trying not to stare] "Here you go."
Cherie: [Drying herself slowly] "Thanks. You know, this shirt is pretty see-through when wet..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk in on Cherie measuring a chair seat. She's sitting on it, skirt hiked up, running the tape measure along her thigh.
Cherie: [Innocently] "Just checking the dimensions. Want to help measure?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "What... what do you need measured?"
Cherie: [Smirking] "Everything. Start from the bottom and work your way up."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop late at night. Cherie's there, looking flushed and eager.
Cherie: [Pulling you close] "Finally alone. I've been aching for this all day."
You: [Aroused but nervous] "Here? What if someone comes?"
Cherie: [Unzipping you] "Then we'd better be quick, hadn't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Cherie in the workshop when she suddenly presses you against a workbench.
Cherie: [Breathing heavily] "I can't take it anymore. I need to touch you."
You: [Gasping] "Cherie, we shouldn't..."
Cherie: [Sliding her hand down] "Shouldn't we? Your body says otherwise."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie alone in the workshop, a predatory look in her eyes.
Cherie: [Locking the door] "I've been waiting for you. Sit in that chair."
You: [Obeying, heart racing] "What are you going to do?"
Cherie: [Kneeling before you] "Give you a 'tune-up' you'll never forget."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the greenhouse, the humid air enveloping you. Cherie is tending to some plants, her shirt damp with perspiration.
Cherie: [Wiping her brow] "Oh, hello! Care to help me with these tomatoes? They need some special attention."
You: [Nodding, trying not to stare at her clinging shirt] "Sure, what should I do?"
Cherie: [Smiling] "Just follow my lead. It's all about gentle touches and knowing where to... stimulate growth."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the greenhouse, finding Cherie reaching up to prune a tall plant. Her stretched position reveals a sliver of skin at her midriff.
Cherie: [Turning, slightly breathless] "Perfect timing! Could you grab that pot for me? It's just out of my reach."
You: [Moving closer, aware of her scent] "Of course. Anything else you need a hand with?"
Cherie: [Lowering her arms, brushing against you] "Oh, I'm sure we can find something for those strong hands of yours to do."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the greenhouse to see Cherie bent over, examining some seedlings. Her position accentuates her curves in a way that makes your mouth go dry.
Cherie: [Straightening up, smiling] "Ah, there you are. I was just thinking we could use an extra set of hands. These little ones need some tender loving care."
You: [Approaching, trying to keep your eyes up] "Happy to help. What do you need me to do?"
Cherie: [Handing you a watering can] "Let's start with some gentle watering. It's all about finding the right... rhythm."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie in the greenhouse, her thin sundress clinging to her in the humid air. She's fanning herself, looking flushed.
Cherie: [Noticing you, voice husky] "It's so hot in here, isn't it? I feel like I'm melting."
You: [Swallowing hard] "Yeah, it's... pretty steamy."
Cherie: [Leaning close, whispering] "Maybe we should take off a few layers? To cool down, of course."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the greenhouse to find Cherie watering plants with a hose. She 'accidentally' sprays herself, her clothes becoming transparent.
Cherie: [Gasping, then laughing] "Oh my! How clumsy of me. Could you grab that towel? Unless... you prefer the view as is?"
You: [Stammering, aroused] "I... uh... the towel. Right."
Cherie: [Smirking] "Take your time. I don't mind being a little... exposed."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Cherie repot some plants when she brushes against you, her body pressing close in the narrow aisle.
Cherie: [Breathing softly against your ear] "Oops, it's so tight in here. I hope you don't mind me getting... up close and personal."
You: [Pulse racing] "N-no, I don't mind at all."
Cherie: [Sliding her hand down your arm] "Good. Because I quite enjoy being this close to you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie alone in a secluded corner of the greenhouse. She beckons you over, her eyes dark with desire.
Cherie: [Pulling you close] "I've been waiting for you. These plants aren't the only things that need tending to."
You: [Breath catching] "Cherie, here? What if someone comes in?"
Cherie: [Hand sliding down your body] "Then we'll have to be quick and quiet, won't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Cherie in the greenhouse when she suddenly presses you against the wall, her body flush against yours.
Cherie: [Voice low, urgent] "I can't take it anymore. I need to touch you, to feel you."
You: [Aroused, nervous] "God, Cherie... we shouldn't..."
Cherie: [Silencing you with a kiss] "Shh... Let me take care of you. Right here, right now."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're watering plants when Cherie approaches, a predatory look in her eyes. She takes the hose from you, her movements deliberate.
Cherie: [Smirking] "You look hot. Need some cooling off?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "What did you have in mind?"
Cherie: [Hand moving to your zipper] "Oh, I have a few ideas. But first, let's take care of this... swelling."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed, looking for a tool. You find Cherie bent over a wheelbarrow, struggling with a heavy load. Her position accentuates her curves.
Cherie: [Noticing you, slightly out of breath] "Oh, perfect timing! Could you lend me a hand with this?"
You: [Approaching, trying not to stare] "Of course, what do you need me to do?"
Cherie: [Straightening up, wiping sweat from her brow] "Just help me lift this. It's heavier than I thought."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the dim shed, your eyes adjusting to see Cherie leaning against a wheelbarrow, her shirt damp with perspiration.
Cherie: [Smiling tiredly] "Whew, I think I overdid it a bit. Mind grabbing me some water?"
You: [Nodding, fetching a bottle] "Here you go. Maybe take a break?"
Cherie: [Gratefully accepting, taking a long drink] "Thanks, sweetie. Maybe you're right. Care to keep me company?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed to find Cherie attempting to maneuver a loaded wheelbarrow through the narrow space. Her muscles flex with the effort.
Cherie: [Grunting softly] "Ah, there you are. Could you move that box? I can't quite get through."
You: [Quickly clearing the path] "Like this? Need any more help?"
Cherie: [Smiling appreciatively] "Perfect, thank you. And yes, actually. This thing's giving me more trouble than I expected."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the shed to see Cherie bending over the wheelbarrow, reaching for something. Her shorts ride up, revealing more than usual.
Cherie: [Glancing back, catching your stare] "Enjoying the view? I could use a hand... unless you'd rather just watch."
You: [Flustered, moving closer] "S-sorry, I didn't mean to... What do you need?"
Cherie: [Straightening up slowly] "Oh, I'm sure we can think of something you can do for me..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie in the shed, her shirt partially unbuttoned as she fans herself. She's perched on the edge of the wheelbarrow, legs crossed.
Cherie: [Noticing you, smirking] "It's so hot in here, isn't it? I was just thinking of taking more off..."
You: [Swallowing hard] "I... uh... yeah, it is warm."
Cherie: [Leaning forward] "Maybe you could help me cool down?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed to see Cherie struggling to lift a bag into the wheelbarrow. Her shirt rides up, exposing her midriff.
Cherie: [Turning to you, breathing heavily] "Oh good, you're here. I need your strong hands..."
You: [Approaching cautiously] "For the bag, right?"
Cherie: [Grinning mischievously] "For starters. Then we'll see what else those hands can do."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Cherie alone in the shed, leaning against the wheelbarrow. She beckons you closer with a sultry smile.
Cherie: [Voice husky] "Lock the door, sweetie. I've been waiting for some alone time with you."
You: [Breath quickening] "Cherie, are you sure? Here?"
Cherie: [Pulling you close] "Very sure. Now, let me take care of that bulge in your pants..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Cherie in the shed when she suddenly presses you against the wheelbarrow, her eyes dark with desire.
Cherie: [Whispering] "I can't resist anymore. I need to touch you, feel you..."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "But someone might come in..."
Cherie: [Hand sliding into your pants] "Then we'll have to be quick and quiet, won't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed to find Cherie waiting, a mischievous glint in her eye. She pats the wheelbarrow suggestively.
Cherie: [Voice low and seductive] "I've been thinking about this all day. About making you feel good..."
You: [Swallowing hard] "Cherie, we shouldn't..."
Cherie: [Already unfastening your pants] "Shh, just enjoy. Let me show you how much I want you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Mia's door, feeling anxious from the virus.
You: "Mia, can I sleep in your bed tonight? The virus is really getting to me."
Mia: [Smiling playfully] "Nice try, but you need to face this on your own. You’ve got this!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia practicing dance moves in her room.
You: "Mia, the virus is making me nervous. Can I stay in your bed tonight?"
Mia: [Laughing] "Sorry, but you know I love my space. Dance it off instead!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Mia, feeling the weight of the virus's effects.
You: "Mia, can I share your bed? I’m feeling overwhelmed."
Mia: [Winking] "Not tonight, but keep your chin up. You’re stronger than you think."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Mia's door, feeling uneasy.
You: "Mia, can I stay in your bed tonight? The virus is stressing me out."
Mia: [Opening the door with a warm smile] "Alright, come on in. Let’s make sure we both get some rest."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter Mia's room, finding her sketching by the window.
You: "Mia, can I sleep here tonight? The virus has me on edge."
Mia: [Nodding] "Of course. We’ll keep each other company."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Mia's door, feeling nervous.
You: "Mia, can I stay with you tonight? The virus is really affecting me."
Mia: [With a comforting smile] "Come in! We’ll get through this together."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Mia's door, feeling the effects of the virus.
You: "Mia, can I sleep in your bed tonight? The virus is really getting to me."
Mia: [Opening the door with a mischievous grin] "Ooh, cousin's feeling frisky? Come on in, big boy!"
Later, as you lie next to her, she suddenly reaches under the covers and grabs your erection, her touch playful and teasing.
Mia: [Giggling] "Let's see if I can make you squirm without making a sound. Challenge accepted!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You nervously enter Mia's room.
You: "Mia, can I stay with you tonight? The virus—"
Mia: [Interrupting, eyes sparkling with excitement] "Say no more! Sleepover time with my favorite cousin!"
As you lie beside her, she suddenly reaches over, her hand slipping into your pants and wrapping around you.
Mia: [Whispering seductively] "Looks like someone's excited to be here. Let me help you relax."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Mia's door, anxiety clear in your voice.
You: "Mia, can I sleep here tonight? The virus is making me nervous."
Mia: [Opening the door with a sympathetic smile] "Aww, poor baby. Come on in, I'll take good care of you."
In the dark, her hand finds your erection under the covers, stroking you with a gentle, teasing rhythm.
Mia: [Softly] "Just enjoy, cousin. Let me make you feel good."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find yourself drawn to the bathroom door, feeling guilty but unable to resist peeking. Mia is brushing her hair, fully clothed in pajamas. When she notices you in the mirror, she jumps slightly.
Mia: [Blushing] "Oh! I didn't know you were there. Did you need the bathroom?"
You: [Stammering, ashamed] "Sorry, I was just passing by. Didn't mean to startle you. You have a nice voice."
Mia smiles shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
Mia: "Thanks. Maybe we can sing together sometime?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus compels you to the bathroom door. Peeking in, you see Mia washing her face, wearing a tank top and shorts. She catches your eye in the mirror and grins, wiping her face with a towel.
Mia: [Turning to face you] "Hey cousin! Perfect timing. Want to watch a movie later? I found a new horror flick."
You: [Smiling back, trying to act normal] "Sure, that sounds fun. I'll bring the popcorn."
Mia playfully throws her damp towel at you, laughing.
Mia: "Great! It's a date. Don't chicken out if it gets too scary!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Unable to resist, you peek into the bathroom. Mia is changing her shirt, wearing a sports bra. You can't help but notice her toned stomach and arms. Guilt washes over you as she spots you.
Mia: [Pulling on a clean shirt] "Oops! Knock next time, okay? Though I guess we're family, so no big deal."
You: [Averting your eyes, flustered] "My bad, Mia. You've been working out, huh?"
Mia flexes playfully, showing off her biceps.
Mia: "Yep! Want to join me for a run tomorrow? I'll go easy on you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus drives you to peek into the bathroom. Mia is stepping out of the shower, reaching for a towel. You catch a glimpse of her naked form before she wraps herself up. She notices you and gasps.
Mia: [Clutching the towel tightly] "Oh god! I thought I locked the door. Did you... see anything?"
You: [Feeling warm, ashamed] "I'm so sorry, Mia. I didn't mean to... you look great though."
Mia blushes deeply, adjusting her towel.
Mia: [Whispering] "Thanks... maybe knock next time?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Your feet carry you to the bathroom door against your will. Peeking in, you see Mia doing her makeup, completely naked. She sees you in the mirror and smirks, not bothering to cover up.
Mia: [Winking at you] "Like what you see, cousin? Don't be shy, I don't mind an audience."
You: [Swallowing hard, conflicted] "Mia, you're... stunning. But should you really be so comfortable with me seeing you like this?"
Mia saunters over, still naked, and pats your cheek.
Mia: "We're family, right? No need to be embarrassed about the human body."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus overwhelms your senses, drawing you to the bathroom. Peeking in, you see Mia bent over the bathtub, completely naked. Her ass is prominently displayed. She looks over her shoulder at you, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Mia: [Slowly standing up, not covering herself] "Enjoying the view? I don't mind if you want to look... or touch."
You: [Gulping, your body reacting] "Mia, this isn't appropriate. We're cousins..."
Mia walks up to you, her breasts brushing against your arm.
Mia: [Whispering] "Who cares about appropriate? Don't pretend you don't want this."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus compels you to peek into the bathroom. Mia is there, looking nervous. She notices you and beckons you in, her hand shaking as she reaches for your crotch.
Mia: [Whispering] "Is this okay? I've never done this before... especially not with family."
You: [Breathing heavily, ashamed but aroused] "It's fine, Mia. Just... go slow. We can stop if you're uncomfortable."
Mia nods, gently pulling your cock out. She strokes it tentatively, her movements unsure but eager to please.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find yourself peeking into the bathroom, driven by the virus. Mia is there, looking confident. She notices you and pulls you in, immediately starting to stroke you.
Mia: [Smirking] "You're so hard, cousin. Does it feel good when I do this?"
You: [Groaning softly, guilt mixing with pleasure] "Yes... you're amazing at this, Mia. Where did you learn?"
Mia increases her pace, her grip tightening slightly.
Mia: "Let's just say I've been practicing... thinking of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The virus overwhelms you, and you find yourself at the bathroom door. Peeking in, you see Mia waiting. She pulls you in aggressively and starts jerking you off roughly.
Mia: [Demanding] "Cum for me. Now. I want to see it. I want to feel your hot cum on my hands."
You: [Gasping, torn between shame and lust] "Fuck, Mia... I'm close... You're so fucking dirty."
Mia leans in, biting your earlobe as she pumps furiously.
Mia: "That's right, cum for your slutty cousin. Do it!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You and Mia settle in to watch a romantic comedy. Sitting on opposite ends of the couch, a bowl of popcorn between you, the movie starts. You both reach for popcorn at the same time, your hands brushing.
Mia: [Blushing] "Oh! Sorry about that. You go ahead."
You: [Stammering] "No, no, you first. I insist."
Mia smiles shyly, taking a handful of popcorn.
Mia: "Thanks. This movie's pretty funny so far, huh?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
As you start watching an action movie together, Mia sits closer on the couch, sharing a blanket. She leans against you slightly as the opening scene plays.
Mia: [Grinning] "This is nice, isn't it? We should do this more often."
You: [Smiling back] "Definitely. It's great spending time with you like this."
Mia snuggles a bit closer, her head resting on your shoulder.
Mia: "Same here. You're my favorite movie buddy."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're watching a horror movie together when a jump scare causes Mia to grab your arm, pressing close to you. You're acutely aware of her body against yours.
Mia: [Laughing nervously] "Sorry! I didn't think I'd get so scared. Mind if I stay close?"
You: [Chuckling, trying to ignore your body's reaction] "No problem. I'll protect you from the scary monsters."
Mia playfully swats your arm but doesn't move away.
Mia: "My hero. Just don't tell anyone I screamed, okay?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're watching a drama when Mia excuses herself to change into more comfortable clothes. She returns wearing a loose tank top, and as she reaches for the remote, it slips, revealing her bare breast. She quickly covers up, blushing.
Mia: [Adjusting her top] "Oh, um... I'm so sorry. Did you see...?"
You: [Feeling warm] "It's okay, Mia. It was an accident. You look nice, though."
Mia bites her lip, a small smile forming.
Mia: [Whispering] "Thanks... I'm glad you think so."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
During a slow part of the action movie, Mia stretches, her shirt riding up to reveal her bare breasts. She doesn't immediately cover up, smirking when she catches your eye.
Mia: [Winking] "See something interesting, cousin? The movie's up here, you know."
You: [Chuckling nervously] "Sorry, I got distracted. You're looking very... nice tonight."
Mia leans back, not bothering to adjust her shirt.
Mia: "I'm glad you think so. Maybe we should watch movies more often."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
As you watch a steamy romance, Mia "accidentally" spills water on her thin, white shirt. It becomes see-through, clinging to her naked body underneath. She stands, giving you a full view.
Mia: [Slowly dabbing at her shirt] "Oops! How clumsy of me. It's not too distracting, is it?"
You: [Gulping, your body reacting] "Mia, maybe you should change..."
Mia moves closer, her wet, transparent shirt brushing against your arm.
Mia: [Whispering] "Why? Don't you like what you see?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
During a slow part of the romantic movie, Mia's hand hesitantly moves to your thigh. She looks at you nervously before slowly moving higher and unzipping your pants.
Mia: [Whispering] "Is this okay? I've never done this before..."
You: [Breathing heavily] "It's fine, Mia. Just... go slow. We can stop if you're uncomfortable."
Mia nods, gently wrapping her hand around your cock. Her movements are unsure but eager to please as she starts stroking.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
As an intense action scene plays out, Mia casually unzips your pants, her hand slipping inside. She strokes you confidently, maintaining a conversation about the film.
Mia: [Smirking] "You're so hard. Does it feel good when I do this?"
You: [Groaning softly] "Yes... you're amazing at this, Mia. But what if someone walks in?"
Mia increases her pace, her grip tightening slightly.
Mia: "Don't worry, I'll hear them coming. Just enjoy it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
During a particularly gory scene in the horror movie, Mia aggressively jerks you off under the blanket, her movements fast and rough. She squeezes and twists, pushing you to the edge.
Mia: [Demanding] "Cum for me. Now. I want to feel your hot cum on my hands."
You: [Gasping] "Fuck, Mia... I'm close... You're so fucking dirty."
Mia leans in, biting your earlobe as she pumps furiously.
Mia: "That's right, cum for your slutty cousin. Do it!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
During a family dinner, you find yourself seated next to Mia. As everyone chats, she leans in to whisper to you.
Mia: [Blushing] "This is nice, isn't it? Being close like this?"
You: [Stammering] "Y-yeah, it's great. Pass the salt?"
Your hands brush as she hands you the salt shaker, causing you both to blush.
Mia: "Sorry about that. Enjoy your meal, cousin."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
At the crowded dinner table, Mia suggests you share a chair due to lack of seating. She perches on your lap, seemingly innocent.
Mia: [Grinning] "Hope this isn't too uncomfortable for you. It's cozy, right?"
You: [Smiling back] "It's fine, Mia. Thanks for being so... accommodating."
Mia shifts slightly, getting comfortable on your lap.
Mia: "Anytime, cousin. Let me know if you need anything."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
During dinner, Mia accidentally spills water on your lap. She quickly grabs a napkin to help dry you off, her hand lingering.
Mia: [Laughing nervously] "I'm so clumsy! Let me help you clean up."
You: [Chuckling, trying to ignore your body's reaction] "It's okay, Mia. I've got it."
Mia's hand brushes against you as she pulls away, causing you both to freeze momentarily.
Mia: "Sorry about that. I hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
As dinner progresses, Mia "accidentally" drops her napkin. As she bends to retrieve it, her loose top falls open, giving you a clear view of her bare breasts. She notices you looking and blushes.
Mia: [Adjusting her top] "Oh, um... did you see something?"
You: [Feeling warm] "Sorry, I didn't mean to look. You look nice tonight."
Mia bites her lip, a small smile forming.
Mia: [Whispering] "Thanks... I'm glad you noticed."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
During a lull in conversation, Mia stands to reach for a dish, her skirt riding up to reveal her completely bare ass. She smirks when she catches your eye.
Mia: [Winking] "Oops, sorry about that. These chairs are so cramped, aren't they?"
You: [Chuckling nervously] "No problem. It's a bit tight in here."
Mia sits back down, leaning in close, her breath hot on your ear.
Mia: "Maybe we should find somewhere more... spacious later."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia pretends to adjust her shirt, "accidentally" unbuttoning it completely. Her breasts are fully exposed to you, while her back is to the others.
Mia: [Whispering] "I couldn't wait any longer. Want a quick peek?"
You: [Gulping, your body reacting] "Mia, we shouldn't... everyone's right here."
Mia grabs your hand under the table, placing it on her bare thigh.
Mia: "That's what makes it exciting, don't you think?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Under the guise of retrieving a dropped napkin, Mia's hand hesitantly moves to your thigh under the table. She looks at you nervously before slowly moving higher.
Mia: [Whispering] "Is this okay? I've never done this before..."
You: [Breathing heavily] "It's fine, Mia. Just... be careful. We can't get caught."
Mia nods, gently unzipping your pants and wrapping her hand around your cock. Her movements are unsure but eager to please.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
As dinner conversation flows, Mia casually slips her hand under the tablecloth, unzipping your pants. She strokes you confidently while maintaining a normal facade.
Mia: [Smirking] "You're so hard. Does it feel good when I do this?"
You: [Groaning softly] "Yes... you're amazing at this, Mia. But we need to be careful."
Mia increases her pace, her grip tightening slightly.
Mia: "Don't worry, I'm an expert at multitasking. Just enjoy it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia aggressively jerks you off under the table, her movements fast and rough. She squeezes and twists, pushing you to the edge while casually chatting with others.
Mia: [Demanding in a whisper] "Cum for me. Now. I want to feel your hot cum on my hands."
You: [Gasping quietly] "Fuck, Mia... I'm close... You're so fucking dirty."
Mia leans in, biting your earlobe as she pumps furiously.
Mia: "That's right, cum for your slutty cousin. Do it!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the river, seeking relief from the heat. Mia is there, her blonde hair glistening in the sun as she splashes in the shallows. Her wet t-shirt clings to her curves, outlining her ample chest.
Mia: [Noticing you, waving enthusiastically] "Hey cuz! The water's amazing. Come on in, don't be a wimp!"
You: [Trying not to stare] "Alright, alright. I'm coming."
Mia: [Grinning mischievously] "Last one in buys dinner!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head to the river, spotting Mia sunbathing on a large rock. Her bikini leaves little to the imagination, her busty figure on full display.
Mia: [Sitting up, stretching languidly] "Well, look who finally showed up. Thought I'd have to enjoy this view all by myself."
You: [Averting your eyes] "Just needed to cool off. It's scorching today."
Mia: [Patting the rock beside her] "Then get that butt over here. We can take a dip together."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia by the riverbank, attempting to skip stones. Her shorts ride up as she bends to pick up rocks, revealing the curve of her backside.
Mia: [Turning to you, pouting] "I can't get it right. Show me how you do it?"
You: [Picking up a stone] "Sure, it's all in the wrist. See?"
Mia: [Standing close, her chest brushing your arm] "Like this?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You arrive at the river to see Mia emerging from the water, droplets cascading down her body. Her bikini top has shifted, barely containing her generous assets.
Mia: [Noticing your stare, smirking] "See something you like, cuz? Or did I get a wardrobe malfunction?"
You: [Blushing furiously] "I... uh... your top..."
Mia: [Looking down, feigning surprise] "Oops! Be a dear and help me adjust it?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're swimming when Mia challenges you to a race. As you both reach the finish, she playfully dunks you, pressing her body against yours underwater.
Mia: [Surfacing, laughing] "Gotcha! Don't tell me my big, strong cousin can't handle a little roughhousing?"
You: [Catching your breath, very aware of her proximity] "That's cheating!"
Mia: [Whispering in your ear] "All's fair in love and war, cuz. Want a rematch?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia struggling with her sunscreen, unable to reach her back. She beckons you over, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Mia: [Handing you the bottle] "Be a lifesaver and get my back? Don't want any awkward tan lines."
You: [Taking the bottle nervously] "Sure, where do you need it?"
Mia: [Unhooking her top] "Everywhere. Don't be shy, really work it in."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
In a secluded part of the river, Mia swims up to you, her eyes dark with desire. She presses against you, her hand wandering underwater.
Mia: [Whispering] "I've been waiting for this all day. Let's have some fun, cuz."
You: [Gasping] "Mia, we shouldn't... someone might see..."
Mia: [Her hand finding its target] "Then we'll have to be quick and quiet, won't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're lounging on the riverbank when Mia straddles you, her wet body sliding against yours. Her hand travels south, her intent clear.
Mia: [Leaning in close] "I saw how you were looking at me earlier. Time to do something about it."
You: [Aroused and conflicted] "But we're cousins... this is wrong..."
Mia: [Silencing you with a finger] "Shh... just feel. No one has to know."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Behind a large rock, hidden from view, Mia pulls you close. Her hand slips into your swim trunks without warning.
Mia: [Her voice husky] "I've been thinking about this all day. About touching you, feeling you..."
You: [Groaning softly] "Mia, we can't... it's not right..."
Mia: [Stroking firmly] "Does this feel wrong? Just let go, cuz. Enjoy it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the backyard, finding Mia lounging on a chair. Her blonde hair shimmers in the sunlight as she adjusts her top, seemingly unaware of your presence.
Mia: [Noticing you, smiling coyly] "Oh hey there, cuz. Come to enjoy the view?"
You: [Trying not to stare at her curves] "Just getting some fresh air."
Mia: [Stretching, accentuating her figure] "Plenty of that out here. Why don't you pull up a chair?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You wander outside to see Mia sprawled on a lawn chair, her generous chest rising and falling with each breath. She's wearing a bikini that leaves little to the imagination.
Mia: [Opening one eye] "Well, well. Come to perv on your cousin?"
You: [Flustered] "What? No, I just-"
Mia: [Laughing] "Relax, I'm teasing. It's not like there's anyone else to look at these days."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia in the backyard, bent over a chair as she searches for something in her bag. Her shorts ride up, revealing the curve of her backside.
Mia: [Straightening up] "Oh, hey! Perfect timing. Can you put some lotion on my back?"
You: [Hesitating] "Uh, sure, I guess."
Mia: [Handing you the bottle] "Thanks, you're a lifesaver. Don't miss any spots, okay?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia's sprawled on a chair, her top barely containing her ample breasts. As you approach, she 'accidentally' spills water on herself.
Mia: [Looking up at you, biting her lip] "Oops. Clumsy me. Got a towel?"
You: [Transfixed] "I... uh..."
Mia: [Smirking] "Or you could just enjoy the wet t-shirt contest."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia sunbathing topless, her back to you. She turns, barely covering herself with an arm.
Mia: [Winking] "Like what you see, cuz? No tan lines for me."
You: [Stammering] "I didn't mean to-"
Mia: [Laughing] "Sure you didn't. Wanna join me? Clothing optional."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia's doing yoga on a chair, her body contorted in a revealing position. She holds the pose as you approach.
Mia: [Breathlessly] "Hey there. Care to help me stretch?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "I'm not sure that's a good idea."
Mia: [Pouting] "Aw, come on. I promise to be gentle... mostly."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia alone on a secluded chair. She beckons you over, her eyes full of mischief.
Mia: [Pulling you close] "I've been waiting for this. Let me take care of you, cuz."
You: [Aroused but hesitant] "Mia, we shouldn't-"
Mia: [Her hand already moving south] "Shh. Just enjoy. No one has to know."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia corners you by a chair, pressing her body against yours. Her hand trails down your chest.
Mia: [Whispering] "I've seen how you look at me. Let's stop pretending."
You: [Breathing heavily] "But we're family-"
Mia: [Unzipping your pants] "Family's all we have left. Let me make you feel good."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're sitting when Mia straddles your lap, her eyes dark with desire.
Mia: [Grinding against you] "Remember when we used to play doctor? Let's play a grown-up version."
You: [Groaning] "Mia, this is crazy-"
Mia: [Silencing you with a finger] "Crazy feels good, doesn't it? Now, let's see what I can do for you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the gym, spotting Mia on the bench press. Her blonde hair is tied back, her athletic form glistening with sweat.
Mia: [Noticing you, smiling] "Hey cuz! Spot me?"
You: [Approaching, trying not to stare] "Sure, how much are you lifting?"
Mia: [Winking] "Enough to keep the goods perky. Come closer, I need your full attention."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia doing squats by the bench, her tight shorts leaving little to the imagination.
Mia: [Breathless] "Perfect timing! Can you check my form?"
You: [Gulping] "Uh, yeah. Looks... good from here."
Mia: [Smirking] "Don't be shy, get a closer look. I won't bite... unless you ask."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia's stretching on the bench as you walk in, her ample chest straining against her sports bra.
Mia: [Arching her back] "Mmm, feels so good to stretch. Wanna join me?"
You: [Flustered] "I... uh... maybe in a bit."
Mia: [Pouting] "Aw, don't leave me all alone and flexible."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're lifting weights when Mia saunters over, her crop top riding up to reveal her toned midriff.
Mia: [Leaning close] "Need a hand with those? I've got two free."
You: [Breath catching] "Mia, we shouldn't..."
Mia: [Whispering] "Shouldn't what? I'm just offering to spot you... thoroughly."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia's doing leg presses, her position giving you an eyeful of her cleavage.
Mia: [Catching your gaze] "Like the view? Why don't you come adjust my position?"
You: [Stammering] "I don't think that's a good idea..."
Mia: [Licking her lips] "I think it's a very good idea. Come on, help me work these thighs."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're on the bench when Mia straddles it facing you, her shorts riding up dangerously high.
Mia: [Inching closer] "This bench is big enough for two, don't you think?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "Mia, someone might see..."
Mia: [Grinning] "Then we better give them a good show, huh?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia corners you in the empty gym, her hand trailing down your chest.
Mia: [Breathless] "I've been watching you all day. Let me help you... release some tension."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "Here? Now?"
Mia: [Unzipping your pants] "Right here, right now. Try to keep quiet."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're lying on the bench when Mia straddles you, her hand slipping into your shorts.
Mia: [Purring] "Time for some special cardio. I'll set the pace."
You: [Gasping] "Mia, we can't..."
Mia: [Stroking firmly] "We are. Now be a good boy and let cousin take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia pulls you behind the weight rack, her hand already working its way into your pants.
Mia: [Whispering urgently] "I need you. Now. Don't make me beg."
You: [Moaning softly] "Someone could walk in any second..."
Mia: [Grinning wickedly] "Then we better make it quick and intense, shouldn't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the steamy sauna, spotting Mia on the massage chair. Her blonde hair is damp, skin glistening.
Mia: [Stretching languidly] "Hey cuz, come to sweat it out too? This chair is heavenly."
You: [Trying not to stare] "Yeah, thought I'd relax a bit."
Mia: [Patting the chair next to her] "Join me. We can catch up while we detox."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna door opens, revealing Mia adjusting the massage chair settings. Her towel slips slightly, showing more cleavage.
Mia: [Looking up, smiling] "Perfect timing! I can't figure out these controls. Mind lending a hand?"
You: [Approaching cautiously] "Sure, what seems to be the problem?"
Mia: [Leaning forward, giving you a view] "It's not hitting the right spots. Maybe you could show me?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia in the sauna, her head thrown back in pleasure as the massage chair works. Her towel has ridden up her thighs.
Mia: [Opening her eyes, noticing you] "Mmm, hey there. This chair is magical. Care to try?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "Looks intense. Is it that good?"
Mia: [Biting her lip] "You have no idea. Come closer, I'll show you the best settings."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Entering the sauna, you see Mia's towel has slipped dangerously low. She pretends not to notice, stretching provocatively.
Mia: [Smirking] "Oops, is my towel falling? Be a dear and fix it for me?"
You: [Hesitating] "Mia, I don't think..."
Mia: [Pouting] "What's wrong, cuz? Afraid you might like what you see?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia's lounging in the massage chair, her legs spread wider than necessary. She beckons you over with a crooked finger.
Mia: [Voice husky] "I need your opinion. Does this feel as good as it looks?"
You: [Approaching nervously] "What do you mean?"
Mia: [Guiding your hand to her thigh] "Touch and see. The vibrations are... intense."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk in on Mia adjusting the massage chair, bent over in a way that showcases her assets.
Mia: [Looking over her shoulder] "Perfect timing! I need a strong pair of hands. Care to assist?"
You: [Gulping] "What do you need help with?"
Mia: [Winking] "Oh, I'm sure we can find something for you to grip onto."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna is thick with steam as Mia pulls you onto the massage chair with her. Her hand wanders south.
Mia: [Whispering] "I've been waiting for this. Let's see how long you can stay quiet."
You: [Gasping] "Mia, we shouldn't..."
Mia: [Stroking firmly] "Shh, just enjoy. No one needs to know."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia straddles your lap on the massage chair, her towel discarded. Her hand slips between you both.
Mia: [Grinding slowly] "I've seen how you look at me. Time to do something about it."
You: [Moaning softly] "But we're family..."
Mia: [Increasing her pace] "And family takes care of each other, don't they?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing when Mia enters, locking the door behind her. She approaches with predatory intent.
Mia: [Kneeling before you] "I'm done waiting. You're getting relief, whether you want it or not."
You: [Breathing heavily] "Mia, this is crazy..."
Mia: [Freeing you from your towel] "Crazy good. Now sit back and let cousin Mia work her magic."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the transformation room, finding Mia at the workbench. Her blonde hair is tied back, and her tank top hugs her curves as she tinkers with some equipment.
Mia: [Looking up, smiling] "Hey cuz! Want to see what I'm working on? It's pretty cool."
You: [Approaching, trying not to stare] "Sure, what've you got there?"
Mia: [Leaning forward, giving you a view] "It's a new filtration system. Come closer, I'll show you how it works."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the transformation room and spot Mia bent over the workbench, her shorts riding up as she reaches for a tool. Her busty figure is accentuated by her position.
Mia: [Turning, wiping sweat from her brow] "Oh, hi! I'm just fixing this old generator. Wanna lend a hand?"
You: [Nodding, moving closer] "Yeah, of course. What do you need me to do?"
Mia: [Grinning] "Hold this part steady while I tighten it. Don't be shy, get in here."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the room to find Mia studying blueprints on the workbench. She's leaning on her elbows, her low-cut top revealing more than usual.
Mia: [Glancing up] "Perfect timing! I could use a fresh pair of eyes on this. Come take a look."
You: [Moving beside her, acutely aware of her proximity] "What are we looking at?"
Mia: [Pressing against you as she points] "See this part here? I think we could improve it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk in on Mia testing a new cooling system. She's wearing a wet t-shirt, clinging to her curves, nipples visible through the thin fabric.
Mia: [Noticing your stare, smirking] "Like what you see, cuz? This new system works great, but it's a bit... messy."
You: [Flustered, trying to look away] "I... uh... it looks effective."
Mia: [Stretching, emphasizing her figure] "Oh, it is. Want to help me test the next prototype?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia at the workbench, her shirt partially unbuttoned due to the heat. She's fanning herself, drawing attention to her cleavage.
Mia: [Fanning harder] "Whew, it's so hot in here! Mind helping me with this zipper? It's stuck."
You: [Nervously approaching] "Sure, where is it?"
Mia: [Guiding your hand to her lower back] "Right here. Be gentle, but firm."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter to see Mia cleaning the workbench, bent over with her back to you. Her shorts have ridden up, revealing the curve of her buttocks.
Mia: [Looking over her shoulder, winking] "Enjoying the view, cuz? Don't just stand there, come give me a hand."
You: [Swallowing hard] "What do you need help with?"
Mia: [Straightening up slowly] "I need you to reach that high shelf. Press close, I won't bite... unless you want me to."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia alone at the workbench, a mischievous glint in her eye. She beckons you over, her hand trailing down her body.
Mia: [Voice husky] "I've been waiting for you. Let's conduct a special experiment, shall we?"
You: [Breath quickening] "Mia, what are you suggesting?"
Mia: [Reaching for your zipper] "I'm suggesting we test your stamina. For science, of course."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're working with Mia when she suddenly presses against you, her hand sliding down your chest.
Mia: [Whispering in your ear] "I've been thinking about this all day. About touching you, feeling you..."
You: [Aroused and conflicted] "Mia, we shouldn't... we're cousins..."
Mia: [Silencing you with a finger] "Shh, don't overthink it. Just feel."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're at the workbench when Mia approaches, a predatory look in her eyes. She corners you against the bench.
Mia: [Pressing her body against yours] "I think it's time for a hands-on lesson in anatomy, don't you?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "Mia, what are you doing?"
Mia: [Her hand sliding into your pants] "Teaching you about the male reproductive system. Practically."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the pool, seeking relief from the heat. Mia's blonde hair catches the sunlight as she floats on an inflatable raft, her curves barely contained by her bikini.
Mia: [Noticing you, waving] "Hey cuz! The water's perfect. Why don't you join me?"
You: [Trying not to stare] "Looks inviting. Mind if I cool off?"
Mia: [Grinning] "Hop in! I could use some company."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia by the pool, adjusting her bikini top. Her ample chest threatens to spill out as she struggles with the straps.
Mia: [Looking up, slightly flustered] "Oh, there you are! Can you help me with this? It's being stubborn."
You: [Approaching cautiously] "Sure, what do you need?"
Mia: [Turning her back to you] "Just tie it tighter. Don't be shy, we're family after all."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the pool area to see Mia emerging from the water, droplets cascading down her body. Her wet bikini clings to every curve.
Mia: [Smiling as she notices you] "Perfect timing! I was just about to ask for some sunscreen. Mind helping me out?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "Uh, sure. Where do you need it?"
Mia: [Handing you the bottle] "Everywhere I can't reach. Which is... a lot of places."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're swimming when Mia joins you, her body brushing against yours as she moves past.
Mia: [Giggling] "Oops, sorry! It's a bit crowded in here, isn't it?"
You: [Feeling flustered] "No problem. It's, uh, nice to cool off together."
Mia: [Leaning in close] "Very nice. Maybe we should find a quieter spot?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia challenges you to a splash fight, her movements causing her bikini to shift precariously.
Mia: [Laughing as she sends water your way] "Come on, is that all you've got?"
You: [Trying to focus on her face] "You asked for it!"
Mia: [As her top slips slightly] "Ooh, careful! You almost exposed me to the whole neighborhood!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia lounging by the pool, applying tanning oil. She arches her back as she rubs it in, drawing attention to her curves.
Mia: [Noticing you watching] "Like what you see, cuz? Want to help me get my back?"
You: [Stammering] "I... uh... shouldn't we be more careful?"
Mia: [Winking] "Where's the fun in that? Come on, I don't bite... unless you want me to."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Late at night, you find Mia alone in the pool. She beckons you closer, her eyes dark with desire.
Mia: [Pulling you into the water] "I've been waiting for you. Let's have some fun."
You: [Breath catching] "Mia, we can't... what if someone sees?"
Mia: [Her hand sliding down your body] "Then we'll give them a show. Relax, cousin. Let me take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing in the hot tub when Mia joins you, pressing her body against yours.
Mia: [Whispering in your ear] "I've been thinking about this all day. About touching you..."
You: [Aroused and conflicted] "Mia, we shouldn't... it's wrong."
Mia: [Her hand finding its way into your swimsuit] "Does this feel wrong? Just enjoy it. No one has to know."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You catch Mia skinny dipping in the pool. Instead of leaving, she invites you to join her.
Mia: [Swimming up to the edge] "Come on in, the water's fine. And I could use some company."
You: [Hesitating] "Mia, we can't... what about our families?"
Mia: [Reaching for you] "Forget about them. It's just us now. Let me show you how good it can be."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop, finding Mia tinkering with a chair. Her blonde hair is tied back, grease smudges on her face.
Mia: [Looking up, smiling] "Hey cuz! Wanna help me fix this wobbly leg?"
You: [Approaching, noticing her shirt clinging to her curves] "Sure, what do you need?"
Mia: [Handing you a tool] "Hold this steady while I tighten the bolt."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the workshop to see Mia bent over a chair, her ample cleavage visible as she works.
Mia: [Straightening up, wiping sweat from her brow] "Oh, hi there! I'm trying to refinish this old chair. Any experience with varnish?"
You: [Trying not to stare] "A little. Need an extra pair of hands?"
Mia: [Grinning] "Always! Grab a brush and let's get messy."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia in the workshop, struggling to lift a heavy chair. Her muscles flex with the effort, her shirt riding up to reveal her midriff.
Mia: [Panting] "Perfect timing! Can you grab the other end? This thing's heavier than it looks."
You: [Moving to help] "Got it. Where are we taking it?"
Mia: [Directing you] "Just over there. Thanks, you're a lifesaver!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop to see Mia stretching to reach a high shelf, her shirt lifting to expose her toned stomach.
Mia: [Noticing you, smirking] "Like what you see, cuz? How about making yourself useful and grabbing that can for me?"
You: [Flustered] "I... uh... sure thing, Mia."
Mia: [Winking] "My hero. Maybe I'll let you oil my chair later."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia in the workshop, her shirt unbuttoned due to the heat. She's fanning herself with a piece of sandpaper.
Mia: [Seeing you, grinning] "Whew, it's hot in here! Want to help me out of these sticky clothes?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "Mia, that's not... we shouldn't..."
Mia: [Laughing] "Relax, I'm just teasing. But feel free to take your shirt off if you want. I won't mind the view."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop to find Mia bent over a workbench, her ass prominently displayed in tight shorts. Her shirt is completely unbuttoned, revealing her ample cleavage glistening with sweat.
Mia: [Turning to face you, her breasts nearly spilling out] "God, it's fucking hot in here! Want to help me peel off these sweaty clothes, cousin?"
You: [Your cock instantly hardening] "Mia, we really shouldn't... but fuck, you look incredible."
Mia: [Sauntering over, pressing her body against yours] "Don't be such a prude. I can feel how much you want this. Why don't you take that big cock out and let me cool it down with my mouth?"
Mia's nipples are clearly visible through her damp shirt, and you can see a wet spot forming on her shorts. The musky scent of her arousal fills the air, making your head spin with desire.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia alone in the workshop, sitting provocatively on a chair she just finished.
Mia: [Beckoning you closer] "I've been waiting for you. Want to test out my handiwork?"
You: [Hesitating] "Mia, we really shouldn't..."
Mia: [Pulling you close] "Shh, no one will know. Let me make you feel good."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Mia sand a chair when she suddenly presses against you, her hand wandering.
Mia: [Whispering] "I've been thinking about this all day. About touching you..."
You: [Breath hitching] "Mia, what if someone walks in?"
Mia: [Smirking] "That's part of the thrill, isn't it? Now, be quiet and enjoy."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're sitting in a newly repaired chair when Mia straddles your lap, her eyes dark with desire.
Mia: [Grinding against you] "Let's break in this chair properly, shall we?"
You: [Groaning] "Mia, we can't..."
Mia: [Silencing you with a finger] "We can, and we will. Just relax and let me take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the greenhouse, seeking Mia. You find her tending to plants, her blonde hair tied back, sweat glistening on her skin.
Mia: [Turning, smiling brightly] "Hey cuz! Come to help with the tomatoes?"
You: [Nodding, trying not to stare at her curves] "Sure, what needs doing?"
Mia: [Handing you a watering can] "Start with these. And try not to get distracted by how hot it is in here."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the humid greenhouse. Mia's there, stretching to reach a high shelf, her shirt riding up to reveal her midriff.
Mia: [Noticing you, grinning] "Perfect timing! Can you grab that pot for me? These shelves weren't made for shorties."
You: [Reaching up, acutely aware of her proximity] "Got it. Anything else you need a tall person for?"
Mia: [Winking] "I'm sure I'll think of something. Stick around, will you?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia in the greenhouse, bent over examining some seedlings. Her shorts hug her curves tightly.
Mia: [Standing up, wiping her brow] "Phew! It's steamy in here. Mind grabbing me some water?"
You: [Fetching water, trying not to stare] "Here you go. Those plants keeping you busy?"
Mia: [Drinking deeply, a drop escaping down her neck] "Always. But I don't mind the workout."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the greenhouse to see Mia peeling off her outer layer, leaving her in a tight tank top.
Mia: [Noticing you, smirking] "Like what you see, cuz? Can't exactly garden in a parka."
You: [Blushing, stammering] "I... uh... it is pretty warm in here."
Mia: [Stretching, emphasizing her curves] "Mmhmm. Might have to lose more if it gets any hotter."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia struggling with a stubborn plant pot. As she tugs, her shirt keeps riding up, revealing more skin.
Mia: [Panting, looking at you] "Don't just stand there, give me a hand! Unless you're enjoying the show?"
You: [Moving to help, flustered] "Sorry, I was just... distracted."
Mia: [Pressing against you as you lift together] "I bet you were. Careful, or I might get distracted too."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're watering plants when Mia 'accidentally' sprays you with the hose. Her white shirt becomes see-through.
Mia: [Giggling, not covering up] "Oops! My bad. Guess we're both all wet now, huh?"
You: [Staring, then looking away] "Mia, your shirt..."
Mia: [Looking down, feigning surprise] "Oh my! Well, it's too hot for shirts anyway, don't you think?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia alone in a secluded corner of the greenhouse. She beckons you over, eyes dark with desire.
Mia: [Pulling you close] "Finally, we're alone. I've been thinking about this all day."
You: [Breath catching] "Mia, we shouldn't... someone might come in..."
Mia: [Hand sliding down your chest] "Then we'll have to be quick, won't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Mia organize seed packets when she suddenly presses you against the table.
Mia: [Voice husky] "You know, there are other ways to plant seeds..."
You: [Aroused but nervous] "Mia, what if someone sees?"
Mia: [Unzipping your pants] "Then let's give them a show they won't forget."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're pruning plants when Mia approaches, a predatory look in her eyes.
Mia: [Pressing against you] "You look tense, cuz. Need help relieving some... pressure?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "Here? Now?"
Mia: [Hand sliding into your pants] "No time like the present. Let's see how quiet you can be."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed, looking for gardening tools. You find Mia bent over a wheelbarrow, her shorts riding up as she searches for something.
Mia: [Turning, surprised] "Oh! Hey there, cuz. Can you grab that trowel for me?"
You: [Trying not to stare] "Sure, Mia. What are you up to in here?"
Mia: [Smiling] "Just some repotting. Wanna help? It might get a little... dirty."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the shed and hear Mia inside, grunting as she struggles with something heavy.
Mia: [Panting] "Ugh, come on... move already!"
You: [Opening the door] "Need a hand?"
Mia: [Flushed, hair messy] "My hero! This wheelbarrow's stuck. Mind giving it a push?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia in the shed, reaching for a high shelf. Her shirt rides up, revealing a strip of tanned skin.
Mia: [Straining] "Almost... got it..."
You: [Clearing your throat] "Want me to get that for you?"
Mia: [Turning, blushing] "Thanks! I forget how tall you are sometimes."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed to see Mia wiping sweat from her brow, her tank top clinging to her curves.
Mia: [Noticing you, smirking] "Like what you see, cuz? Gardening's quite the workout."
You: [Flustered] "I... uh... you look... fit."
Mia: [Stretching provocatively] "Maybe you should join me next time. We could get all hot and sweaty together."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia in the shed, struggling to pull on a pair of tight gardening gloves.
Mia: [Pouting] "These are so stiff! Wanna help me... break them in?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "How would I do that?"
Mia: [Winking] "Oh, I'm sure we could think of some ways to make them more... flexible."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're organizing tools when Mia enters, 'accidentally' bumping into you in the cramped space.
Mia: [Pressing against you] "Oops! It's so tight in here. Maybe we should get closer to... maximize space?"
You: [Breath catching] "Mia, what are you doing?"
Mia: [Innocently] "Just being efficient. Don't you want to be efficient with me?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed, finding Mia alone. She locks the door behind you, eyes dark with desire.
Mia: [Pulling you close] "Finally, some alone time. Let's make the most of it, shall we?"
You: [Aroused but hesitant] "Mia, we shouldn't..."
Mia: [Hand sliding down your body] "Shouldn't we? Your body seems to disagree."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're both in the shed when Mia suddenly pushes you against the wall, her body flush against yours.
Mia: [Breathlessly] "I can't take it anymore. I need to touch you, feel you..."
You: [Groaning] "God, Mia... we can't..."
Mia: [Unzipping your pants] "We can, and we will. Just stay quiet."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Mia in the shed, a mischievous glint in her eye as she approaches you.
Mia: [Seductively] "I've been waiting for you. Time for your... special gardening lesson."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "What kind of lesson?"
Mia: [Hand slipping into your waistband] "The kind that'll make you bloom, cousin."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You feel a sense of unease as the night falls, the virus's effects lingering in your mind. Seeking comfort, you make your way to Elfie's room. As you knock softly on her door, she opens it, her innocent smile instantly soothing your nerves.
Elfie: [Looking at you with concern] "Is everything okay? You look worried."
You: [Rubbing the back of your neck, hesitant] (I just need some comfort tonight) "Mind if I sleep here with you? The virus stuff is getting to me."
Elfie: [Shaking her head gently, her eyes widening] "I don't think that's a good idea, but we can talk for a bit if you want."
You: [Nodding, feeling a bit relieved] "Sure, that would help."
You sit on the edge of her bed, talking quietly about anything and everything. The room is filled with a sense of calm as Elfie's presence and her gentle words help ease your troubled thoughts.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The thought of the virus and its looming presence has been gnawing at you all day. As night approaches, you decide to seek solace in Elfie's room. Knocking gently, you hear her soft footsteps approaching.
Elfie: [Opening the door, her eyes filled with curiosity] "Hey, what's up?"
You: [Trying to hide your anxiety] (I just need some company) "Can I sleep with you tonight? The virus stuff is making it hard for me to relax."
Elfie: [Smiling sympathetically] "I don't think that's a good idea. How about we talk for a while instead?"
You: [Sighing but feeling grateful] "Okay, thanks. That would help."
You spend some time sitting with her, chatting about lighter topics. The quiet conversation and Elfie's understanding presence gradually calm your nerves.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Sleep eludes you as the fear of the virus gnaws at your mind. Desperate for some peace, you find yourself at Elfie's door, knocking softly. She opens it quickly, her innocent eyes filled with concern.
Elfie: [Tilting her head, her voice gentle] "Can't sleep?"
You: [Nodding, feeling a bit embarrassed] (I just need to be near someone) "Can I stay with you tonight? The virus stuff is really getting to me."
Elfie: [Biting her lip, then shaking her head] "I don't think that's a good idea. But we can talk for a bit if that helps."
You: [Feeling a bit disappointed but understanding] "Yeah, talking would be good."
You sit together, sharing your thoughts and fears. Elfie's reassuring words and her calm presence make the night seem a little less intimidating.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Elfie's door, feeling uneasy. She opens it, smiling with curiosity.
Elfie: [Playful glint in her eyes] "Everything okay? You look like you need company."
You: [Trying to stay calm] "Mind if I sleep here tonight? The virus stuff is getting to me."
Elfie: [Giggling softly, shaking her head] "Sleeping together? No way. But we can talk."
You: [Smiling] "Yeah, talking sounds good."
You sit on her bed, sharing light touches and smiles, the air charged with a new tension.She then grabs her gaming controller and sexually taunts you with it.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Seeking comfort, you knock on Elfie's door. She opens it, eyes sparkling.
Elfie: [Tilting her head, smiling] "Can't sleep?"
You: [Feeling bold] "Can I stay with you tonight? The virus stuff is really getting to me."
Elfie: [Laughing lightly] "Sleep here? I don't think so. But we can chat."
You: [Grinning] "Alright, a chat sounds good."
You sit close, exchanging playful nudges and comments, the virus worries fading away.She then swiftly removes her shirt with a daring look, leaving you aroused.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Night falls heavy with virus fears. You knock on Elfie's door, seeking peace. She opens it, amused.
Elfie: [Raising an eyebrow] "Can't sleep?"
You: [Feeling daring] "Can I sleep with you tonight? The virus stuff is really getting to me."
Elfie: [Chuckling] "Sleep here? That's forward. But we can talk."
You: [Smiling] "Yeah, talking would help."
You sit together, sharing teasing remarks and soft touches, your heart beating faster.As you are about to leave, she grabs your attention one last time by blessing you with the sight of her exposed chest.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The night feels heavy with thoughts of the virus, and you find yourself at Elfie's door, seeking comfort. She opens it, a knowing look in her eyes.
Elfie: [Looking at you with a soft smile] "Can't sleep again?"
You: [Trying to stay composed] "Mind if I stay here tonight? The virus stuff is getting to me."
Elfie: [Nodding] "Sure, come in."
You slide under the covers beside her. As you both lie there, the silence is filled with unspoken tension. Your hand brushes against hers, and she doesn't pull away.
Elfie: [Whispering softly] "Is this better?"
You: [Nodding, feeling the warmth of her body next to yours] "Yeah, much better."
Her hand moves gently down your body, and you feel a mix of comfort and rising desire. Slowly, she starts to touch you, her movements tentative but growing bolder as she feels your response.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The day's anxiety lingers as you knock on Elfie's door. She opens it, eyes sparkling with a mix of concern and curiosity.
Elfie: [Smiling softly] "What's up? Virus stuff again?"
You: [Feeling a bit anxious] "Can I stay with you tonight? I need some company."
Elfie: [Nodding, stepping aside] "Of course, come in."
You lie down next to her, the room's soft light casting shadows on the walls. As you talk quietly, her hand finds its way to yours, squeezing gently. The touch lingers, becoming more intimate.
Elfie: [Whispering, her breath warm against your ear] "Is this helping?"
You: [Breathing deeply, feeling her closeness] "Yeah, it is."
Her hand moves slowly, exploring with a mix of curiosity and desire. You feel the tension melt away, replaced by a growing sense of intimacy.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The fear of the virus gnaws at your mind as you make your way to Elfie's room. She opens the door, her expression a mix of concern and warmth.
Elfie: [Raising an eyebrow] "Can't sleep?"
You: [Feeling daring] "Can I stay with you tonight? The virus stuff is getting to me."
Elfie: [Smiling, stepping aside] "Sure, come in."
You lie together, the quiet of the night enveloping you both. As you talk, her hand finds yours, a silent promise of comfort. The touches grow more intimate, her fingers exploring with a mix of hesitation and boldness.
Elfie: [Whispering, her voice trembling slightly] "Does this feel better?"
You: [Nodding, heart racing] "Yeah, it does."
Her hand slides down, the touch becoming more deliberate. The connection between you grows, the room filled with the sounds of your shared breath and the quiet intimacy of the moment.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Curiosity gets the better of you as you pass by the slightly ajar bathroom door. The sound of running water and the sight of steam escaping catch your attention. Quietly, you move closer and peek inside.
Elfie stands under the shower, the water cascading over her body. Her eyes are closed, completely unaware of your presence. You watch her for a moment, captivated by her vulnerability.
You: [Whispering to yourself] "I shouldn't be doing this..."
A pang of guilt hits you, and you quickly back away, leaving her in peace.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the bathroom door, needing to use it. As you reach for the handle, you notice it’s slightly ajar.
Through the crack, you see Elfie, her back turned, undressing. The virus's influence makes it impossible to look away.
Elfie: [Humming softly, oblivious to your presence] (I love the feeling of the cool air on my skin before a shower.)
You: [Heart racing, unable to move] (She looks so innocent and pure. I shouldn't be watching, but I can't help it.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The need to use the bathroom pulls you towards the door. As you reach for the handle, you notice it’s slightly ajar.
Through the small opening, you see Elfie, her back facing you as she steps out of her clothes. The virus makes it impossible to turn away.
Elfie: [Humming a tune, picking up her towel] (I can't wait to feel the warm water. This is my favorite part of the day.)
You: [Breathing heavily, unable to move] (Her innocence and purity are captivating. I know this is wrong, but I can't stop.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the bathroom door, curiosity driving you. The door is slightly ajar, revealing Elfie's slender form as she undresses.
Elfie: [Glancing up, catching your reflection in the mirror] "Who's there? Are you spying on me?"
You: [Frozen, face flushed with embarrassment] "Elfie, I... I didn't mean to peek."
Your heart pounds as you try to step back, but the virus compels you to stay, unable to tear your eyes away from her innocent beauty.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The bathroom door is slightly open, drawing you in. You see Elfie, her delicate form gradually revealed as she undresses.
Elfie: [Turning suddenly, eyes wide] "Is someone there? Are you peeking?"
You: [Rooted to the spot, voice trembling] "Elfie, I... I didn't mean to."
The air feels thick with tension as you stand frozen, her gaze piercing through you, a mix of shock and curiosity on her face.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find the bathroom door ajar, you see Elfie relaxing in the bath through the gap. Her innocent beauty captivates you.
Elfie: [Noticing the door move, turning quickly] "Who's watching me? Show yourself!"
You: [Heart racing, unable to move] "Elfie, I... I didn't mean to spy."
Caught in the act, you feel a wave of shame and guilt, yet the virus holds you in place, eyes fixated on her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You peek through the ajar bathroom door and see Elfie, your $[characters.list.elfie.role], undressing. The virus makes you stay and watch.
Elfie: [Noticing you, giggling] "Caught you spying on me?"
You: "I... couldn't help it."
Elfie: [Blushing but smiling, pulling you inside] "Come here, silly."
Elfie: [Wrapping her hand around your hardness, starting to stroke] "Shh, let's keep this our little secret."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You glance through the slightly open bathroom door and see Elfie, your $[characters.list.elfie.role], undressing. The virus compels you to remain.
Elfie: [Spotting you, tilting her head] "Are you peeking at me again?"
You: "I... I didn't mean to."
Elfie: [Giggling, pulling you in playfully] "Well, if you're going to watch, come closer."
Elfie: [Holding your stiffness gently, her hand moving rhythmically] "Stay quiet, okay? This is just between us."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You peer through the slightly open bathroom door and see Elfie, your $[characters.list.elfie.role], undressing. The virus holds you in place.
Elfie: [Catching your eye, giggling] "Spying on me again?"
You: "I... I couldn't help it."
Elfie: [Blushing, pulling you inside playfully] "Fine, come here, you silly."
Elfie: [Wrapping her fingers around your shaft, moving up and down] "Stay silent while we have a little fun."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie in the living room, surrounded by a pile of her favorite fantasy books and game controllers. She looks up at you with a bright smile as you approach.
You: [Sitting down beside her, casually] "Hey, Elfie. Want to watch a movie together tonight?"
Elfie: [Eyes lighting up, nodding enthusiastically] "That sounds fun! Can we watch something magical, like a fantasy movie?"
As the movie starts, Elfie curls up close to you, her head resting on your shoulder. The warmth of her small body against yours feels comforting and innocent.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the living room to find Elfie sprawled out on the couch, her legs kicking playfully in the air as she scrolls through movie options on the TV.
You: [Grabbing a seat next to her, chuckling] "What are you up to, Elfie?"
Elfie: [Grinning, looking up at you] "Just looking for a good comedy. Want to join me?"
Elfie leans against you, her laughter infectious as she giggles at the funny scenes. The room fills with the sound of shared joy, her innocent delight making the moment special.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Entering the living room, you spot Elfie setting up a cozy blanket fort with pillows and blankets strewn everywhere.
You: [Curious] "What's all this for?"
Elfie: [Excitedly] "I thought it would be fun to watch a horror movie in a blanket fort! Want to join?"
As the suspense builds, Elfie clutches your arm, her eyes wide with anticipation. The tension of the movie contrasts with the warmth of the fort, making it an unforgettable shared experience.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie in the living room, lounging on the couch in a loose tank top and shorts, her bare legs draped over the armrest. She looks up at you with a mischievous smile.
You: [Sitting down beside her, casually] "Hey, Elfie. Want to watch a movie together tonight?"
Elfie: [Playfully adjusting her top to show a bit more skin] "Sure, but only if you let me choose something fun and flirty."
As the movie starts, Elfie snuggles closer, her bare skin brushing against yours. She giggles and lightly traces her fingers along your arm, sending shivers down your spine. The atmosphere becomes charged with playful tension, as her innocent touches hint at something more.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the living room to find Elfie sprawled out on the couch, her shorts riding up to reveal her bare behind as she scrolls through movie options on the TV.
You: [Grabbing a seat next to her, chuckling] "What are you up to, Elfie?"
Elfie: [Grinning, stretching in a way that shows off her midriff] "Just looking for a good comedy. Want to join me?"
Elfie leans against you, her laughter infectious as she giggles at the funny scenes. Her hand occasionally brushes against your thigh, lingering just a moment too long. The room fills with the sound of shared joy and subtle, teasing touches, making the moment both light-hearted and charged.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Entering the living room, you spot Elfie setting up a cozy blanket fort with pillows and blankets strewn everywhere. Her tank top unties as she reaches for a pillow, exposing her breast.
You: [Curious] "What's all this for?"
Elfie: [Excitedly, adjusting her top to cover up again] "I thought it would be fun to watch a horror movie in a blanket fort! Want to join?"
As the suspense builds, Elfie clutches your arm, her eyes wide with anticipation. Her nervous giggles and playful yelps are accompanied by her body pressing closer to yours. The tension of the movie, combined with her teasing touches and exposed skin, makes the night thrilling and intimate.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie in the living room, lounging on the couch in a loose tank top and shorts, her bare legs draped over the armrest. She looks up at you with a mischievous smile.
You: [Sitting down beside her, casually] "Hey, Elfie. Want to watch a movie together tonight?"
Elfie: [Eyes sparkling with mischief] "Sure, but let's make it interesting."
As the movie starts, Elfie snuggles closer, her hand playfully tracing along your thigh. She leans in, her breath warm against your ear, and slips her hand under your waistband. Her fingers wrap around you, moving in slow, deliberate strokes, her innocent demeanor contrasting with the boldness of her actions.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the living room to find Elfie sprawled out on the couch, her shorts riding up to reveal more of her thighs as she scrolls through movie options on the TV.
You: [Grabbing a seat next to her, chuckling] "What are you up to, Elfie?"
Elfie: [Grinning, stretching in a way that shows off her midriff] "Just looking for a good comedy. Want to join me?"
As the movie starts, Elfie leans against you, her hand casually resting on your thigh. She gives you a playful look before slipping her hand under your waistband. Her hand moves expertly, stroking you with a mix of innocence and curiosity, her eyes flicking between the movie and your face.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Entering the living room, you spot Elfie setting up a cozy blanket fort with pillows and blankets strewn everywhere.
You: [Curious] "What's all this for?"
Elfie: [Excitedly] "I thought it would be fun to watch a horror movie in a blanket fort! Want to join?"
As the suspense builds, Elfie clutches your arm, her eyes wide with anticipation. She gives you a daring look and slips her hand under the blanket, finding your hardening length. Her hand moves with growing confidence, her touch both tender and electrifying, enhancing the tension of the horror movie.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The family is gathered around the dinner table, enjoying a hearty meal. Elfie sits across from you, her eyes bright as she chats with everyone.
You: [Reaching for a dish, smiling] "Can you pass the potatoes, Elfie?"
Elfie: [Nodding, her cheeks slightly pink] "Sure thing!"
As she hands you the dish, your fingers brush against hers. The touch is brief but electric, making her blush deepen. The shared moment feels intimate despite the bustling family atmosphere.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The family is engaged in lively conversation, laughter filling the room. Elfie sits beside you, giggling at a joke someone just told.
You: [Leaning in, playful] "Enjoying the jokes tonight, Elfie?"
Elfie: [Grinning, eyes twinkling] "Absolutely! This is the best part of family dinners."
You: [Teasingly] "I think the company makes it even better."
Elfie blushes, her smile growing. The lighthearted banter brings a warm, personal connection amidst the family setting.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The family is engaged in lively conversation, laughter filling the room. Elfie sits beside you, giggling at a joke someone just told.
You: [Leaning in, playful] "Enjoying the jokes tonight, Elfie?"
Elfie: [Grinning, eyes twinkling] "Absolutely! This is the best part of family dinners."
You: [Teasingly] "I think the company makes it even better."
Elfie blushes, her smile growing. The lighthearted banter brings a warm, personal connection amidst the family setting.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The family is gathered around the dinner table, enjoying a hearty meal. Elfie sits across from you, her eyes sparkling mischievously.
You: [Reaching for a dish, smirking] "Can you pass the salt, Elfie?"
Elfie: [Nodding, with a playful glint] "Of course."
As she passes the salt, her foot brushes against yours under the table. The touch is deliberate and teasing, causing you to glance up. She gives a seductie and procative look, her foot lingering just a moment longer.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The family is engaged in lively conversation, laughter filling the room. Elfie sits beside you, leaning in to grab a dish from the center of the table.
You: [Leaning in as well, teasingly] "Need any help with that, Elfie?"
Elfie: [Grinning, her arm brushing against yours] "I think I got it, but thanks."
Her arm lingers against yours, the contact warm and intentional. She shifts slightly, causing her dress to ride up just a bit, revealing a glimpse of her womanhood. She catches your glance and winks, her smile growing wider.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The family is busy eating, and Elfie catches your eye from across the table. She leans in slightly, her voice soft so only you can hear.
Elfie: [Whispering seductively] "I think I wore this dress just for you."
You: [Raising an eyebrow, whispering back] "Is that so? It's definitely working."
Elfie: [Giggling, her hand subtly brushing against your thigh under the table] "Glad to hear it."
Her touch is light but filled with promise, her fingers grazing your leg before retreating. The whispered words and fleeting touch create a thrilling, secret connection amidst the family setting.You look up to her briefly revealing her chest.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The family is gathered around the dinner table, enjoying a hearty meal. Elfie sits beside you, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she subtly scoots closer.
Elfie: [Leaning in, whispering] "I think we can have some fun right here."
You: [Curious, whispering back] "What do you have in mind?"
Elfie's hand slips under the table, fingers lightly brushing against your thigh. She gives you a daring glance before her hand moves higher, unzipping your pants with surprising deftness. Her fingers wrap around you, stroking slowly and deliberately. The conversation and laughter from the family continue, but all you can focus on is the sensation of Elfie's hand moving up and down, her grip tightening slightly. Each stroke sends shivers down your spine, the thrill of the public setting heightening every touch.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Dinner is winding down, and the family is enjoying dessert. Elfie sits across from you, giving you a playful look as she licks a bit of whipped cream from her finger.
Elfie: [Smirking, whispering] "Want to make dessert even sweeter?"
You: [Intrigued, whispering back] "What are you planning?"
Under the table, Elfie slips off her shoe and slides her foot up your leg, her toes teasing your inner thigh. Then her hand follows, reaching into your lap. She unbuttons your pants, her touch sending a jolt through you. As her hand wraps around you, she begins to stroke, her movements slow and deliberate. Each stroke is firm, her thumb occasionally grazing the tip, making you catch your breath. The dual sensations of her foot and hand, combined with the risk of being caught, create an intense, electrifying experience.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The family is engaged in conversation, and Elfie leans in close, her lips brushing your ear.
Elfie: [Whispering, her voice silky] "I have a surprise for you."
You: [Curious, whispering back] "Oh? What kind of surprise?"
Elfie unzips your pants, her fingers wrapping around you with a firm yet gentle grip. She begins to stroke, her movements slow and teasing. Her other hand remains above the table, casually holding her fork as she continues to engage in conversation, her composure betraying nothing. Each stroke becomes more intense, her grip occasionally tightening, her thumb circling the tip in a way that makes you shiver. The thrill of the secret act, hidden in plain sight, heightens every touch, making the experience incredibly intense and unforgettable.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the river, seeking relief from the summer heat. You spot Elfie, your $[characters.list.elfie.role], splashing in the shallows. Her platinum hair shimmers in the sunlight as she plays.
Elfie: [Grinning widely] "Hey! The water's amazing! Come on in, slowpoke!"
You: [Smiling back, trying not to stare] "Alright, alright. I'm coming."
Elfie: [Giggling, splashing water your way] "Hurry up! I want to show you this cool rock formation I found!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head to the river for a swim. As you near the bank, you see Elfie floating on her back, her platinum hair fanning out around her. Her eyes are closed, a serene smile on her face.
Elfie: [Opening one eye, noticing you] "There you are! I was wondering when you'd show up. Isn't this just heavenly?"
You: [Wading in] "It does look pretty relaxing. Mind if I join you?"
Elfie: [Beaming] "Of course not, silly! There's plenty of river for both of us. Just don't splash me!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Feeling overheated, you decide to cool off in the river. You find Elfie perched on a large rock, her feet dangling in the water. She's humming softly to herself, looking lost in thought.
Elfie: [Spotting you, waving enthusiastically] "Hey there! I was just thinking about you. Want to join me on my throne?"
You: [Climbing up beside her] "Your throne, huh? Pretty impressive for a river queen."
Elfie: [Giggling, nudging you playfully] "Oh hush, you. Just enjoy the view with me."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You arrive at the river to see Elfie emerging from the water, her wet clothes clinging to her body. Droplets cascade down her skin, catching the light.
Elfie: [Noticing your gaze, a mischievous glint in her eye] "Like what you see, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? The water's made everything a bit... clingy."
You: [Blushing, averting your eyes] "I... uh... didn't mean to stare."
Elfie: [Laughing, flicking water at you] "Oh, don't be such a prude. We're family, right? Now come on in!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie by the river, struggling with her bathing suit. The straps seem tangled, and her movements are causing the fabric to shift revealingly.
Elfie: [Turning to you, pouting] "Thank goodness you're here! I'm all tangled up. Be a dear and help your $[characters.list.elfie.role] out?"
You: [Hesitating] "Are you sure? I mean..."
Elfie: [Rolling her eyes] "Oh, come on. It's nothing you haven't seen before. Unless you're chicken?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're swimming when Elfie sneaks up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist. Her body presses against yours as she giggles.
Elfie: [Whispering in your ear] "Gotcha! You're it now. What are you going to do about it?"
You: [Tensing, very aware of her closeness] "Elfie, this isn't appropriate..."
Elfie: [Releasing you, splashing water] "Lighten up! It's just a game. Unless... you're enjoying it too much?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie in a secluded part of the river. She beckons you closer, an unfamiliar hunger in her eyes.
Elfie: [Pulling you close] "I've been waiting for this. For you. Let me make you feel good."
You: [Breath catching] "We shouldn't... what if someone sees?"
Elfie: [Her hand sliding lower] "No one's around. It's just us. Don't you want this too?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're swimming with Elfie when she leads you to a hidden cove. Her usual playfulness is replaced by something more intense.
Elfie: [Pressing you against a rock] "I can't stop thinking about touching you. Please, let me..."
You: [Conflicted] "Elfie, this is wrong. We're siblings..."
Elfie: [Silencing you with a finger] "Shh... just feel. No one has to know."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing by the river when Elfie approaches, a determined look in her eye. She sits beside you, her hand 'accidentally' brushing your thigh.
Elfie: [Leaning in close] "You look so tense. How about I help you relax, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "What do you mean?"
Elfie: [Her hand moving higher] "You know exactly what I mean. Don't pretend you haven't thought about it too."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the backyard, seeking some fresh air. You spot Elfie, your $[characters.list.elfie.role], sprawled on the chaise lounge, her platinum hair shimmering in the sunlight. She's humming a cheerful tune, completely at ease.
Elfie: [Noticing you, her face lighting up] "Hey there, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Come join me in my sun-worshipping ritual!"
You: [Approaching, smiling despite yourself] "Sun-worshipping, huh? Is that what you're calling lounging these days?"
Elfie: [Giggling, patting the space next to her] "Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. Come on, live a little!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You wander into the backyard and find Elfie stretched out on the chaise, her eyes closed as she basks in the warmth. Her sundress has ridden up slightly, revealing more of her pale legs than usual.
Elfie: [Opening one eye, grinning] "Well, well, look who decided to grace the great outdoors with their presence!"
You: [Chuckling, settling nearby] "Someone has to make sure you don't burn to a crisp out here."
Elfie: [Sitting up, her dress shifting] "Aw, you do care! Want to help me with my sunscreen?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head outside for some fresh air and spot Elfie on the chaise, engrossed in a book. She's lying on her stomach, feet swaying in the air, her shorts riding up slightly.
Elfie: [Glancing up, her face brightening] "Perfect timing! I just got to a really juicy part. Want me to read it to you?"
You: [Raising an eyebrow] "Juicy, huh? What kind of book is this exactly?"
Elfie: [Winking playfully] "Only one way to find out. Pull up a seat, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the backyard to see Elfie adjusting her position on the chaise. As she stretches, her top rides up, revealing a strip of pale skin at her midriff.
Elfie: [Catching your gaze, smirking] "Like what you see, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? I've been working on my tan... or lack thereof."
You: [Flustered, averting your eyes] "I... uh... didn't mean to stare."
Elfie: [Laughing, her eyes twinkling] "Sure you didn't. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you were checking out your $[characters.list.elfie.role]."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie in the backyard, struggling to apply sunscreen to her back. Her movements cause her bikini top to shift precariously.
Elfie: [Spotting you, pouting dramatically] "Oh, thank goodness! I'm in desperate need of a hero. Care to save my poor, defenseless skin from the sun's wrath?"
You: [Hesitating] "I don't know, Elfie..."
Elfie: [Batting her eyelashes] "Pretty please? I promise I'll make it worth your while... I'll let you have the last popsicle in the freezer!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing in the backyard when Elfie bounces onto the chaise next to you. She 'accidentally' brushes against you, her skin cool from a recent dip in the pool.
Elfie: [Grinning mischievously] "Scoot over, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! There's plenty of room for two on this love seat."
You: [Tensing at her proximity] "Elfie, I don't think-"
Elfie: [Leaning in, whispering] "Don't think, just feel. Isn't this nice? Just the two of us, soaking up the sun..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie alone on the chaise in a secluded corner of the backyard. She beckons you closer, a look of determination in her eyes.
Elfie: [Pulling you down beside her] "I've been waiting for this moment. Let me show you how much I care about you."
You: [Breath catching] "Elfie, we can't... we're siblings..."
Elfie: [Her hand trailing down your chest] "Shh, don't overthink it. Just let me make you feel good."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're lounging with Elfie on the chaise when she suddenly presses against you, her eyes filled with a mix of nervousness and desire.
Elfie: [Her voice barely above a whisper] "I can't stop thinking about you... about us. Please, let me touch you."
You: [Conflicted, but aroused] "This is wrong, Elfie..."
Elfie: [Silencing you with a finger on your lips] "Nothing that feels this right can be wrong. Trust me."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing on the chaise when Elfie approaches, a determined look in her eye. She sits beside you, her hand 'accidentally' brushing your thigh.
Elfie: [Leaning in close, her breath hot on your ear] "I've been practicing... want to see what I've learned?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "Elfie, what are you talking about?"
Elfie: [Her hand sliding boldly up your thigh] "Actions speak louder than words, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Let me show you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the gym, hearing Elfie's cheerful humming. She's on the bench press, her platinum hair in a messy bun, face flushed from exertion.
Elfie: [Beaming at you] "Hey there, workout buddy! Wanna spot me? These weights are getting heavy!"
You: [Moving closer, trying not to stare at her form-fitting outfit] "Sure thing, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Just be careful, okay?"
Elfie: [Giggling] "Always am! Now come on, let's get sweaty together!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie stretching on a yoga mat near the bench press. Her lithe body bends in ways that make your heart race.
Elfie: [Noticing you, grinning widely] "Perfect timing! I need a partner for some partner stretches. You game?"
You: [Hesitating] "I'm not sure I'm that flexible, Elfie..."
Elfie: [Winking] "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you. Maybe."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie's doing squats by the bench, her tight shorts leaving little to the imagination. She catches your eye in the mirror.
Elfie: [Smirking] "Like what you see, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? These glutes don't sculpt themselves!"
You: [Quickly averting your gaze] "Just... impressed by your form."
Elfie: [Laughing] "Sure, sure. Why don't you join me? I'll teach you my secrets!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie's on the bench, attempting to adjust her sports bra. She's struggling, causing more movement than necessary.
Elfie: [Pouting] "This stupid thing won't stay put! Can you help me out? Pretty please?"
You: [Approaching nervously] "I... don't know if that's appropriate, Elfie."
Elfie: [Batting her eyelashes] "Oh come on, we're family! Don't leave me hanging... or should I say, bouncing?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're using the bench when Elfie comes over, water bottle in hand. She 'accidentally' spills some on her chest.
Elfie: [Gasping dramatically] "Oops! So clumsy of me. Got a towel, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? This shirt's gone see-through!"
You: [Trying not to look] "Uh, here, use my towel."
Elfie: [Taking it slowly] "Thanks... want to help me dry off?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie's doing leg lifts on the bench, her flexibility on full display. She calls you over with a mischievous grin.
Elfie: [Breathlessly] "Hey, can you push down on my legs? I need more resistance."
You: [Hesitantly placing hands on her thighs] "Like this?"
Elfie: [Biting her lip] "Mmm, perfect. Don't be shy, push harder!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're alone with Elfie in the gym. She approaches the bench where you're sitting, eyes dark with desire.
Elfie: [Straddling the bench] "I've got a special workout in mind. Interested?"
You: [Breath catching] "Elfie, we shouldn't..."
Elfie: [Reaching for you] "Shh, let me help you relieve some tension."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie corners you by the bench press, her body pressing against yours.
Elfie: [Whispering] "I've seen how you look at me. Why fight it?"
You: [Aroused but conflicted] "This is wrong, we're siblings..."
Elfie: [Hand sliding down] "Does this feel wrong? Let me show you how right it can be."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're wiping down the bench when Elfie approaches, a towel barely covering her post-shower body.
Elfie: [Dropping the towel] "Oops. Since you're already cleaning... mind helping me get dirty again?"
You: [Stunned] "Elfie, what are you doing?"
Elfie: [Pressing against you] "What we both want. Now, let's work on your... endurance."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the steamy sauna, towel wrapped around your waist. Elfie is there, her platinum hair in a messy bun, grinning widely.
Elfie: "Hey $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Perfect timing. My shoulders are so tense. Mind giving me a quick rub?"
You: "Uh, sure Elfie. Where do you need it?"
Elfie: "Just here," she says, pointing to her bare shoulders. "Don't be shy!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna door creaks open as you step inside. Elfie lounges on a bench, beads of sweat glistening on her skin.
Elfie: "Finally! I was hoping you'd show up. Wanna trade massages? I'll do you first!"
You: "I don't know, Elfie... that seems a bit..."
Elfie: "Oh come on, it'll be fun! Turn around, I'll start with your back."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Steam billows as you enter the sauna. Elfie sits cross-legged, attempting to massage her own feet.
Elfie: "Oh thank goodness! Can you help? I can't reach this knot in my arch."
You: "I guess I could try. Where exactly?"
Elfie: "Right here," she says, extending her leg towards you. "You're the best!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie in the sauna, stretching her arms above her head. Her towel slips, revealing more than intended.
Elfie: "Oops! Guess I'm a bit exposed. Since you're here, how about a massage? I promise to keep covered... mostly."
You: "Elfie, that's not appropriate..."
Elfie: "It's just us! No one will know. Please? My back is killing me."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Entering the sauna, you see Elfie lying face down, her towel barely covering her.
Elfie: "Perfect timing! I need oil rubbed on my back. Be thorough, okay?"
You: "I don't think that's a good idea..."
Elfie: "Don't be such a prude! It's just a massage between siblings."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Steam obscures your vision as you step into the sauna. Elfie reclines, one leg propped up provocatively.
Elfie: "Hey there! I've got this awful cramp in my thigh. Mind working it out for me?"
You: "Elfie, that's... a sensitive area."
Elfie: "I trust you! Come on, help your $[characters.list.elfie.role] out. Pretty please?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna is thick with steam as you enter. Elfie sits in the corner, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Elfie: "I've been waiting for you. Lock the door, will you? I've got a special massage in mind."
You: "Elfie, we shouldn't..."
Elfie: "Shh, just relax. Let your $[characters.list.lana.role] take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're alone with Elfie in the sauna when she suddenly straddles your lap.
Elfie: "I can't resist anymore. Let me make you feel good, okay?"
You: "This is wrong, we're siblings..."
Elfie: "No one has to know. Don't you want me to touch you?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna door clicks shut behind you. Elfie approaches, dropping her towel.
Elfie: "I saw how you looked at me earlier. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."
You: "We can't do this, Elfie..."
Elfie: "Sure we can. Just sit back and enjoy, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the transformation room, finding Elfie at the workbench. Her platinum hair is tied back as she tinkers with some equipment.
Elfie: [Looking up, grinning] "Hey $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Check out this cool gadget I'm working on. Wanna see?"
You: [Approaching, curious] "Sure, what does it do?"
Elfie: [Excitedly explaining] "It's supposed to enhance... certain sensations. Wanna be my test subject?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the transformation room and see Elfie bent over the workbench, her shorts riding up as she reaches for a tool.
Elfie: [Turning, smiling brightly] "Perfect timing! I need an extra pair of hands. Mind holding this for me?"
You: [Taking the device] "What are we making?"
Elfie: [Winking] "Something fun. You'll see!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie at the workbench, a look of intense concentration on her face as she adjusts something small and delicate.
Elfie: [Noticing you, beaming] "There you are! I've been waiting to show you my latest creation. It's... personal."
You: [Intrigued] "Personal how?"
Elfie: [Blushing slightly] "Well, it's designed to... stimulate. Want a demonstration?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie's at the workbench when you enter, wearing a tank top that's riding up, exposing her midriff. She stretches, accentuating her figure.
Elfie: [Smirking] "Like what you see, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? I've been working out."
You: [Flustered] "I... uh... you look good, $[characters.list.elfie.role]."
Elfie: [Giggling] "Thanks! Want to feel how firm I've gotten?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk in to find Elfie testing a vibrating device on her arm, her expression one of curiosity and pleasure.
Elfie: [Eyes lighting up] "Oh, you're here! This feels amazing. Want to try it... somewhere else?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "Elfie, that's..."
Elfie: [Innocently] "What? I'm just being scientific!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie's leaning over the workbench, her shirt gaping open. She 'accidentally' knocks something over, bending to retrieve it.
Elfie: [Looking back at you] "Oops! Could you get that for me? I'm a bit... tied up here."
You: [Hesitating] "Sure, I can..."
Elfie: [Teasingly] "Unless you're enjoying the view too much?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie corners you by the workbench, her eyes sparkling with mischief and desire.
Elfie: [Pressing close] "I've made something special. Want to try it out?"
You: [Breathless] "Elfie, we shouldn't..."
Elfie: [Hand sliding down] "Shh, it's just an experiment. For science, right?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie testing a new lotion, her hands glistening as she rubs it on her arms.
Elfie: [Grinning] "This stuff feels amazing. Want me to... apply some to you?"
You: [Aroused despite yourself] "I don't know if that's a good idea..."
Elfie: [Already reaching for you] "Don't worry, I'll be gentle. At first."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie's working on a device that emits soft vibrations. She pulls you close, pressing it against you.
Elfie: [Eyes wide] "Wow, it really works! How does it feel, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]?"
You: [Gasping] "Elfie, that's... intense."
Elfie: [Innocently] "Should I turn it up? Or maybe move it lower?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the pool area, seeking relief from the heat. Elfie is already there, her platinum hair shimmering as she floats on an inflatable.
Elfie: [Grinning widely] "Hey there, slowpoke! Finally decided to join the fun?"
You: [Dipping your toes in] "Just cooling off. You look like you're enjoying yourself."
Elfie: [Splashing water playfully] "Don't be a stick in the mud! Dive in, the water's perfect!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Approaching the pool, you spot Elfie doing laps. Her lithe form cuts through the water with grace.
Elfie: [Noticing you, waving excitedly] "Race you to the other end? I bet I can beat you!"
You: [Chuckling] "You're on, but don't cry when you lose."
Elfie: [Sticking out her tongue] "Big words from someone still dry! Come on, let's see what you've got!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie lounging by the pool's edge, her feet dangling in the water. She's humming a tune, looking carefree.
Elfie: [Patting the space beside her] "I was wondering when you'd show up! Come sit with me, the water feels amazing."
You: [Joining her] "Thanks, it does feel nice. You seem in a good mood."
Elfie: [Beaming] "How could I not be? Sun, water, and now my favorite person. It's perfect!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie emerges from the pool, water cascading down her body. Her swimsuit clings to her curves, leaving little to imagination.
Elfie: [Noticing your stare, winking] "Like what you see, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? The water makes everything so... clingy."
You: [Averting your eyes, flustered] "I... uh... you look nice."
Elfie: [Giggling] "Thanks! Maybe you should take a dip too. I'd love to see you all wet."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're swimming when Elfie challenges you to a splash fight. Her movements are playful, but oddly sensual.
Elfie: [Laughing, moving closer] "Catch me if you can! I bet you can't even touch me!"
You: [Chasing her, conflicted] "Oh yeah? Watch me!"
Elfie: [As you grab her, pressing close] "Ooh, you got me. Now what are you going to do with me?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie asks for help applying sunscreen, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
Elfie: [Handing you the bottle] "Be a dear and get my back? Don't miss any spots, I burn easily."
You: [Hesitantly taking the lotion] "Sure, I guess..."
Elfie: [Arching her back as you apply] "Mmm, that feels nice. Your hands are so strong..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
In a secluded corner of the pool, Elfie swims up to you, her eyes dark with desire.
Elfie: [Pressing against you] "I've been waiting all day for this. Let me help you relax."
You: [Gasping] "Elfie, we shouldn't... someone might see."
Elfie: [Her hand sliding lower] "Shh, just enjoy. I'll be quick, I promise."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Late at night, you find Elfie alone in the pool. She beckons you in, her smile promising mischief.
Elfie: [Pulling you close] "I couldn't sleep. Too hot, too... bothered. Help me cool down?"
You: [Aroused but hesitant] "This is wrong, Elfie..."
Elfie: [Silencing you with a finger] "Nothing's wrong if it feels this right. Let me show you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
During a pool party, Elfie corners you in the shallow end, her body flush against yours.
Elfie: [Whispering] "Everyone's distracted. Want to have some real fun?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "Here? Now? We can't..."
Elfie: [Her hand already moving] "We can, and we will. Just stay quiet and enjoy."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop, finding Elfie perched on a chair, tinkering with a gadget. Her platinum hair is tied back, a look of concentration on her face.
Elfie: [Looking up, her face breaking into a big smile] "Hey there, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Want to see what I'm working on?"
You: [Approaching, curious] "Sure, what's your latest project?"
Elfie: [Excitedly showing you] "It's a... well, I'm not sure yet. But it'll be amazing!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the workshop to see Elfie spinning on a chair, her platinum hair flying. She giggles as she comes to a stop, slightly dizzy.
Elfie: [Grinning widely] "Whoa, head rush! Care to give me another spin?"
You: [Chuckling at her antics] "Aren't you a bit old for that?"
Elfie: [Pouting playfully] "Never too old for fun! Come on, join me!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Entering the workshop, you find Elfie balancing precariously on a chair, reaching for a high shelf. Her shirt rides up, revealing a strip of skin.
Elfie: [Turning to you, relief on her face] "Perfect timing! Can you grab that box for me?"
You: [Moving to help] "Sure, but why didn't you use the ladder?"
Elfie: [Shrugging, her smile mischievous] "Where's the challenge in that?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the workshop to find Elfie lounging on a chair, her legs dangling over the arm. She's wearing shorts that seem shorter than usual.
Elfie: [Noticing your gaze, grinning] "Like what you see, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? These new shorts are pretty cute, right?"
You: [Averting your eyes, flustered] "They're... uh, very short."
Elfie: [Giggling, stretching deliberately] "That's the point, silly. Wanna feel how soft they are?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Entering the workshop, you see Elfie bent over a chair, fiddling with something on the floor. Her position gives you an eyeful.
Elfie: [Looking back at you, a mischievous glint in her eye] "Oops, dropped my screwdriver. Mind helping me look?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "S-sure, where did it fall?"
Elfie: [Wiggling slightly] "Somewhere around here. Come closer, you'll get a better view."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie in the workshop, straddling a chair backwards. She's wearing a tank top that's riding up, revealing her midriff.
Elfie: [Smiling brightly] "Hey $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! I was just thinking about you. Want to play a game?"
You: [Curious, but wary] "What kind of game?"
Elfie: [Leaning forward, her voice lowering] "Truth or dare. I'll go first - I dare you to touch my belly button."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop late at night, surprised to find Elfie there. She's sitting on a chair, looking at you with an intense gaze.
Elfie: [Beckoning you closer] "I've been waiting for you. Lock the door."
You: [Hesitating] "Elfie, what are you doing?"
Elfie: [Standing, approaching you] "Something we both want. Don't deny it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're working in the shop when Elfie enters, locking the door behind her. She sits on your lap, facing you.
Elfie: [Wrapping her arms around your neck] "I can't stop thinking about you. About us."
You: [Breathing heavily] "This is wrong, we shouldn't..."
Elfie: [Pressing against you] "Then why does it feel so right?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Late at night, you find Elfie in the workshop, sitting on a chair. She's wearing only an oversized t-shirt.
Elfie: [Looking up at you, her eyes dark with desire] "I need you, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]. Right now."
You: [Conflicted] "We can't, it's not right..."
Elfie: [Reaching for you] "Please, just this once. I promise it'll feel amazing."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the greenhouse, the humid air enveloping you. Elfie is there, tending to some exotic plants, her platinum hair gleaming in the filtered sunlight.
Elfie: [Turning to you with a bright smile] "Hey there! Come look at these new flowers I'm growing. Aren't they beautiful?"
You: [Approaching, admiring both the flowers and Elfie's enthusiasm] "They really are. You've got quite the green thumb."
Elfie: [Giggling, brushing a leaf] "Thanks! I love watching things grow and bloom. It's like magic!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the greenhouse, finding Elfie perched on a ladder, reaching for a high shelf. Her shirt rides up, revealing a sliver of skin.
Elfie: [Glancing down, her eyes sparkling] "Perfect timing! Can you steady the ladder for me? I'm trying to reach that bag of fertilizer."
You: [Moving to help, trying not to stare] "Sure thing. Be careful up there."
Elfie: [Stretching further] "Always am! Well, mostly. Don't tell $[characters.list.cherie.role] about that one time with the cactus, okay?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie in the greenhouse, sprawled on the floor, surrounded by gardening books. Her brow is furrowed in concentration.
Elfie: [Looking up, her face lighting up] "Oh, hi! I'm trying to figure out why my tomatoes are wilting. Want to play plant detective with me?"
You: [Sitting beside her, aware of her proximity] "Sounds intriguing. What are our clues, Detective Elfie?"
Elfie: [Leaning in, her shoulder brushing yours] "Well, first we have to examine the evidence very closely..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the greenhouse to see Elfie watering plants with a hose. She's gotten herself wet, her clothes clinging to her form.
Elfie: [Noticing you, grinning mischievously] "Oops! I got a bit carried away. Maybe I should take these wet clothes off?"
You: [Flustered, trying not to stare] "I... uh... maybe you should change..."
Elfie: [Winking playfully] "Or maybe you could help me dry off?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie in the greenhouse, reaching up to prune a tall plant. Her movements cause her shirt to ride up, revealing her midriff.
Elfie: [Turning to you, a knowing glint in her eye] "See something you like? Or are you just admiring my pruning technique?"
You: [Caught off guard] "I was just... appreciating your gardening skills."
Elfie: [Stretching deliberately] "Oh? Well, I have many skills you might appreciate..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Elfie repot some plants when she 'accidentally' brushes against you, leaving a smear of dirt on your cheek.
Elfie: [Giggling, leaning in close] "Oops, let me get that for you."
You: [Freezing as her face nears yours] "Elfie, what are you..."
Elfie: [Her breath warm on your skin] "Just cleaning you up. Unless you want to get dirtier?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie alone in a secluded corner of the greenhouse. She beckons you over with a sultry smile, her eyes dark with desire.
Elfie: [Pulling you close] "I've been waiting for you. Let's see if I can make something grow..."
You: [Breath catching] "Elfie, we shouldn't..."
Elfie: [Her hand sliding down your body] "Shh, let your $[characters.list.lana.role] take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Elfie with some plants when she suddenly presses against you, her eyes filled with unmistakable lust.
Elfie: [Whispering in your ear] "I've been thinking about this all day. About touching you..."
You: [Aroused and conflicted] "But... we're siblings..."
Elfie: [Silencing you with a finger on your lips] "And we're all we have left. Let me make you feel good."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're examining a plant when Elfie approaches, a mischievous glint in her eye. She stands very close, her hand 'accidentally' brushing your thigh.
Elfie: [Leaning in, her voice husky] "You look tense. How about I help you relax?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "What did you have in mind?"
Elfie: [Her hand sliding up your leg] "Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed, looking for gardening tools. You find Elfie, your $[characters.list.elfie.role], struggling with a wheelbarrow.
Elfie: [Grunting, her platinum hair messy] "This thing's heavier than it looks!"
You: [Chuckling] "Need a hand there, $[characters.list.elfie.role]?"
Elfie: [Flashing her big smile] "My hero! Maybe together we can tame this beast."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're passing by the shed when you hear Elfie's laughter. Peeking in, you see her sitting in the wheelbarrow, spinning herself around.
Elfie: [Giggling, her hair flying] "Look, I'm in a garden rollercoaster!"
You: [Smiling at her antics] "Having fun there?"
Elfie: [Beaming] "Tons! Wanna give me a push?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed to find Elfie organizing tools. She's reaching up high, her shirt riding up to reveal a sliver of skin.
Elfie: [Turning, noticing you] "Oh hey! Perfect timing. Can you grab that for me?"
You: [Reaching past her] "Sure thing. What are you up to?"
Elfie: [Grinning] "Just nesting. Thought I'd make this place less chaotic."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the shed to see Elfie bent over the wheelbarrow, her shorts hugging her curves as she searches for something.
Elfie: [Looking back, smirking] "Enjoying the view, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]? Mind lending me a hand instead of staring?"
You: [Flustered] "I wasn't... what do you need?"
Elfie: [Winking] "Sure you weren't. Come closer and I'll show you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie in the shed, her shirt damp with sweat from working. She's fanning herself, the movement drawing attention to her chest.
Elfie: [Noticing your gaze] "Phew, it's hot in here! Maybe I should take this off..."
You: [Swallowing hard] "Uh, maybe we should take a break outside?"
Elfie: [Grinning mischievously] "Why? Afraid you can't handle the heat?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed as Elfie's stretching, her body arched as she reaches upward. Her shirt rides up, exposing her midriff.
Elfie: [Turning to you, still stretching] "Hey there! Care to join me? It feels sooo good."
You: [Trying not to stare] "I'm good, thanks. Need any help with anything?"
Elfie: [Smirking] "Oh, I can think of a few things you could help with..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Elfie alone in the shed, a sultry look in her eyes. She beckons you closer, her hand trailing down her body.
Elfie: [Voice low] "I've been waiting for you. Lock the door, will you?"
You: [Breath quickening] "Elfie, we shouldn't..."
Elfie: [Reaching for you] "Shh, let me take care of you. No one will know."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Elfie in the shed when she suddenly presses against you, her hand sliding down your chest.
Elfie: [Whispering] "I've been thinking about this all day. About touching you..."
You: [Aroused and conflicted] "This is wrong, we're siblings..."
Elfie: [Silencing you with a finger] "It's just us here. Let me make you feel good."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed to find Elfie waiting, a mischievous glint in her eye. She approaches, her hips swaying.
Elfie: [Pressing close] "I've got a special job for those hands of yours."
You: [Swallowing hard] "Elfie, what are you doing?"
Elfie: [Her hand sliding lower] "Something we both want. Just relax and enjoy, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find yourself outside Gabbie's outpost, peering through a crack in the wall. The virus buzzes in your mind, amplifying your every sensation. Inside, Gabbie is unaware of your presence as she moves around her space, her body glistening with a light sheen of sweat.
Gabbie: [Stretching her arms, looking out the window] "I wish I could do more about the MAD..."
You: [Watching intently, your heart racing] (Her curves, her skin... why can't I look away? The virus is making everything more intense.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sneak up to Gabbie's window, the virus clouding your judgment and heightening your senses. Through the glass, you see her organizing her supplies, her muscles flexing with each movement.
Gabbie: [Humming softly to herself, inspecting a map] "I need to find more resources tomorrow."
You: [Eyes fixed on her, feeling a strange mix of emotions] (Her body... the way she moves... the virus is making impossible to think straight.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You quietly approach Gabbie's shelter, peering through a small opening. The virus courses through your veins, making every sight and sound overwhelmingly vivid. She is tending to a small fire, her face illuminated by the flickering flames, her lips slightly parted.
Gabbie: [Muttering to herself, poking the fire, smiling thinking about the future] "I must stay strong... for the resistance."
You: [Watching in awe, captivated by her resolve] (Why can't I stop staring? The virus... it's making her look irresistible.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find yourself outside Gabbie's outpost, peering through a crack in the wall. Your breath catches as you see her moving inside, her body illuminated by the soft glow of a lantern. She begins to undress, her back to you, unaware of your presence.
Gabbie: [Sighing softly, slipping off her top to reveal her bare back and the curves of her waist] "It's been such a long day... I need to relax."
You: [Eyes widening, unable to look away as she slides her pants down, revealing her smooth thighs and firm buttocks] (Her skin... so smooth and inviting. Why can't I stop watching?)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sneak up to Gabbie's window, the thrill of spying making your heart race. She notices you immediately but pretends not to, a sly smile playing on her lips. She begins to undress slowly, her eyes occasionally glancing at you through the reflection in the glass.
Gabbie: [Smirking, slipping off her shirt to reveal her ample breasts, her nipples hardening in the cool air, dancing] "I hope no one is watching... or maybe I don't mind."
You: [Heart pounding, entranced by her movements as she hooks her thumbs into her panties and slides them down] (Is she doing this on purpose? Her body... it's driving me crazy.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You quietly approach Gabbie's shelter, peering through a small opening. The sight of her moving around inside makes your pulse quicken. She catches you watching her and doesn't seem surprised. Instead, she walks over to the window, her eyes locking with yours, her lips curling into a mischievous smile.
Gabbie: [Smiling seductively, leaning close to the window, her fingers trailing down her body] "Enjoying the view? Maybe next time, you should just come inside."
You: [Feeling a mix of guilt and excitement, unable to look away as she slowly lifts her shirt, exposing her breasts] (Her eyes... I can't look away. What is she doing to me?)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find yourself outside Gabbie's outpost, peering through a crack in the wall. Your breath catches as you see her moving inside, her body illuminated by the soft glow of a lantern. She lies back on her bed, her fingers trailing down her stomach.
Gabbie: [Moaning softly, her fingers slipping between her legs] "I need this... it's the only way to calm down."
You: [Eyes widening, unable to look away as she begins to pleasure herself, her moans growing louder] (Her movements... so sensual and intense. I can't stop watching.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sneak up to Gabbie's window, the thrill of spying making your heart race. She notices you immediately but doesn't stop. Instead, she meets your gaze, her hand slipping under her clothes.
Gabbie: [Locking eyes with you, her breath quickening] "If you're going to watch, you might as well join me."
You: [Heart pounding, your hand moving to match her rhythm] (Her eyes... her body... we're both lost in this moment.)
Gabbie: [Moaning softly, her fingers working faster] "Don't stop... let me see you enjoy it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You quietly approach Gabbie's shelter, peering through a small opening. The sight of her moving around inside makes your pulse quicken. She catches you watching her and doesn't seem surprised. Instead, she opens the door and pulls you inside, her eyes filled with desire.
Gabbie: [Smiling seductively, her hand moving to your waistband] "Since you're here... let me take care of you."
You: [Feeling a mix of guilt and excitement as she wraps her hand around you, her touch sending shivers down your spine] (Her grip... so firm and knowing.)
Gabbie: [Whispering, her hand moving expertly] "Just relax... let me make you feel good."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Gabbie’s outpost, feeling a mix of anxiety and fatigue. She looks up from her makeshift bed, her eyes filled with concern.
You: [Voice trembling slightly] "Gabbie, can I stay with you tonight? The virus... it makes me uneasy."
Gabbie: [Shaking her head gently, offering a sympathetic smile] "I'm sorry, but I think it's better if we sleep separately. We need to stay cautious."
You: [Feeling a pang of disappointment] (She’s right, but I wish I could be closer to her.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter Gabbie's shelter, the dim light casting long shadows. She looks up, sensing your distress.
You: [Clearing your throat, trying to steady your voice] "Gabbie, do you mind if I sleep here tonight? The virus is making me anxious."
Gabbie: [Smiling gently but firmly] "I understand, but it's best if we keep our distance for now. Let's be careful."
You: [Nodding reluctantly] (I guess she’s right. Safety first.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Gabbie arranging her bedding, her movements calm and deliberate.
You: [Taking a deep breath, trying to sound calm] "Gabbie, can I stay with you tonight? The virus is making me uneasy."
Gabbie: [Looking up with understanding but shaking her head] "I think it’s better if we don’t. We need to be cautious and stay safe."
You: [Feeling a mix of disappointment and understanding] (She’s just being careful. It’s for the best.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Gabbie’s outpost, feeling a mix of anxiety and fatigue. She looks up from her makeshift bed, her eyes filled with concern.
You: [Voice tremblingslightly] "Gabbie, can I stay with you tonight? The virus... it makes me uneasy."
Gabbie: [Shaking her head gently, but with a playful smile] "I'm sorry, but it's better if we sleep separately. We need to stay cautious."
As you begin to turn away, she suddenly lifts her shirt, exposing her ample breasts, her nipples hardening in the cool air.
Gabbie: [Grinning mischievously] "Maybe this will help you feel a little better."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter Gabbie's shelter, the dim light casting long shadows. She looks up, sensing your distress.
You: [Clearing your throat, trying to steady your voice] "Gabbie, do you mind if I sleep here tonight? The virus is making me anxious."
Gabbie: [Smiling gently but shaking her head] "I understand, but it's best if we keep our distance for now."
She then turns around, detaching her shirt to reveal her tits, giving you a teasing wink over her shoulder.
Gabbie: [Winking] "Maybe this will help ease your mind a bit."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Gabbie arranging her bedding, her movements calm and deliberate.
You: [Taking a deep breath, trying to sound calm] "Gabbie, can I stay with you tonight? The virus is making me uneasy."
Gabbie: [Looking up with understanding but shaking her head] "I think it’s better if we don’t. We need to be cautious."
Before you leave, she unbuttons her top, revealing her full, round breasts, a playful glint in her eye.
Gabbie: [Smirking] "Maybe this will help you sleep better tonight."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Gabbie’s outpost, feeling a mix of anxiety and fatigue. She looks up from her makeshift bed, her eyes filled with concern.
You: [Voice trembling slightly] "Gabbie, can I stay with you tonight? The virus... it makes me uneasy."
Gabbie: [Nodding softly, making space for you] "Of course. Come here."
You lie down beside her, and she gently reaches over, her hand wrapping around you. She begins to move her hand slowly, her eyes locked onto yours, a mix of care and desire in her gaze.
Gabbie: [Whispering, her breath warm against your cheek] "Just relax... you're safe with me."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter Gabbie's shelter, the dim light casting long shadows. She looks up, sensing your distress.
You: [Clearing your throat, trying to steady your voice] "Gabbie, do you mind if I sleep here tonight? The virus is making me anxious."
Gabbie: [Smiling gently, pulling back the covers] "No problem. You’ll be safe here with me."
As you settle beside her, she reaches down and wraps her hand around you, her movements slow and deliberate. She looks directly into your eyes, her touch bringing a wave of relief and pleasure.
Gabbie: [Softly, her eyes never leaving yours] "Let me take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Gabbie arranging her bedding, her movements calm and deliberate.
You: [Taking a deep breath, trying to sound calm] "Gabbie, can I stay with you tonight? The virus is making me uneasy."
Gabbie: [Looking up with understanding, nodding] "Sure, there's enough space for both of us. Come on in."
You lie down next to her, and she gently takes you in her hand, her strokes slow and steady. She maintains eye contact, her gaze filled with warmth and reassurance.
You end up taking control of the pace and finishing on her chest while she continues to look at you.
Gabbie: [Whispering, her voice soothing] "Just let go... I'm here for you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter Chanel's room late at night, drawn by a strange noise. Your aunt is tossing in her sleep, the covers barely concealing her nightgown-clad form.
Chanel: [Mumbling in her sleep] "Mmm... no, don't go..."
You: [Frozen in place, heart racing]
Chanel: [Shifting, causing her nightgown to ride up slightly]
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Unable to sleep, you pass by Chanel's room. The door is ajar, and you glimpse her sprawled on the bed, one leg exposed from beneath the sheets.
Chanel: [Sighing contentedly in her sleep]
You: [Swallowing hard, unable to look away]
Chanel: [Turning, her nightgown clinging to her curves]
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You wake in the night and head to the kitchen. Passing Chanel's room, you see her asleep, a book fallen on her chest, her reading glasses askew.
Chanel: [Breathing softly, her chest rising and falling]
You: [Pausing, admiring her peaceful expression]
Chanel: [Murmuring something unintelligible, shifting slightly]
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter Chanel's room to borrow a book. She's napping, her silk robe having fallen open to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of skin.
Chanel: [Stirring, eyes fluttering open] "Oh... didn't expect company. Like what you see?"
You: [Stammering] "I... I didn't mean to disturb you."
Chanel: [Stretching languidly] "No bother. Care to join me for a little... rest?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Late at night, you hear Chanel call your name. You find her in bed, fanning herself, her nightgown clinging to her sweat-dampened skin.
Chanel: [Looking flushed] "It's so hot... Could you open a window?"
You: [Moving to comply, trying not to stare] "Of course, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [Sighing relief] "Thank you, dear. Don't be shy, come closer. I won't bite... unless you ask."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You wake to find Chanel perched on the edge of your bed, her robe loosely tied, legs crossed enticingly.
Chanel: [Smirking] "Rise and shine, sleepyhead. I thought we could have a little... morning chat."
You: [Sitting up, suddenly very awake] "What about?"
Chanel: [Leaning closer] "Oh, I have a few... intimate topics in mind."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter Chanel's room late at night. She's awake, eyes dark with desire, beckoning you closer.
Chanel: [Pulling you onto the bed] "I've been waiting for you. Let me take care of that... tension."
You: [Breath catching] "Aunt Chanel, we shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Her hand sliding lower] "Shh... just feel. Let your body decide."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You wake to find Chanel in your bed, her hand already exploring beneath the sheets.
Chanel: [Whispering huskily] "I couldn't wait any longer. I need to feel you."
You: [Gasping at her touch] "But... what if someone hears?"
Chanel: [Grinning wickedly] "Then we'll just have to be very, very quiet."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You wake to the faint sound of snoring and the creak of wooden bunks in the dim light of the shared cabin. Your groggy mind takes a moment to register the warmth beside you, and then you feel it—Chanel's hand slipping under your blanket, her fingers tracing a slow, deliberate path along your skin.
Chanel: [Whispering with a mischievous smile] "I've been thinking about this all night. I couldn't resist any longer."
You: [Heart racing, whispering back] "Chanel, everyone is here. What if they wake up?"
Chanel: [Leaning closer, her breath warm against your ear] "Then we'll have to make sure we're silent as shadows. Can you do that for me?"
The air is thick with tension, every rustle of the blanket and distant snore amplified in the quiet. Her touch grows bolder, and you feel the heat of her body pressed against yours, the thrill of the moment teetering on the edge of danger. Her lips hover just inches from yours, daring you to give in.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the bathroom, hearing water running. The door is slightly ajar, and you can't resist peeking. You see Chanel, your aunt, stepping into the shower. Her toned body glistens as water cascades over her curves.
Chanel: [Humming softly, unaware of your presence]
You: [Breath catching, unable to look away]
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Drawn by curiosity, you find yourself near the bathroom. Through the crack in the door, you spot Chanel applying lotion to her legs. Her robe slips, revealing more skin than you've ever seen before.
Chanel: [To herself] "Always stay moisturized, that's the secret."
You: [Feeling a mix of guilt and excitement]
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're passing by the bathroom when you hear Chanel's voice. Peering in, you see her wrapped in a towel, talking on the phone. As she gestures, the towel slips, almost revealing her breast.
Chanel: [On the phone] "No, the meeting's at 3. Don't be late."
You: [Heart racing, frozen in place]
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're about to enter the bathroom when you see Chanel inside, trying on lingerie. She poses in front of the mirror, admiring her reflection.
Chanel: [Noticing you, smirking] "Enjoying the show, sweetie? Maybe you could give me your opinion."
You: [Stammering] "I... I didn't mean to..."
Chanel: [Winking] "Sure you didn't. Now, black or red?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You peek into the bathroom, seeing Chanel in the tub, bubbles barely covering her. She locks eyes with you through the mirror.
Chanel: [Turning slightly] "Well, don't just stand there. Hand me that loofah, would you?"
You: [Nervously entering] "Sure, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [As you approach] "And while you're here, my back could use a scrub."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find the bathroom door open, Chanel inside fixing her makeup. She's wearing only a bra and panties, her body on full display.
Chanel: [Catching your reflection] "Oh, perfect timing. Zip me up, will you? The dress is on the hook."
You: [Gulping] "Of course."
Chanel: [As you zip her up] "Careful now, don't let your hands wander. Or do, I won't tell."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're passing the bathroom when Chanel pulls you inside. She's in a revealing robe, eyes full of mischief.
Chanel: [Pressing you against the wall] "I've seen how you look at me. Let's do something about that tension, shall we?"
You: [Breathless] "Aunt Chanel, we shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Hand sliding down] "Shh, let Auntie take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the bathroom, finding Chanel waiting. She's completely naked, a predatory smile on her face.
Chanel: [Approaching slowly] "I've been thinking about this for a while. Have you?"
You: [Nodding, unable to speak]
Chanel: [Reaching for your pants] "Good boy. Now, let's see what you're hiding in here."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're in the shower when Chanel suddenly joins you, pressing her wet body against yours.
Chanel: [Whispering in your ear] "I thought you could use some company. And maybe a helping hand."
You: [Gasping] "Chanel, what if someone—"
Chanel: [Hand wrapping around you] "Don't worry about that. Focus on how good this feels."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the living room to find Chanel sprawled on the couch, engrossed in a steamy romance film. Her silk robe has slipped, revealing a hint of cleavage.
Chanel: [Glancing up, patting the seat] "Join me, sweetie. This movie's getting good."
You: [Sitting down, trying not to stare] "What's it about?"
Chanel: [Leaning in, whispering] "Forbidden desire. Quite... educational."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk in on Chanel watching an erotic thriller. She's curled up under a blanket, her breathing slightly quickened.
Chanel: [Pausing the movie] "Oh! I didn't hear you come in. Want to watch with me? It's... intense."
You: [Settling in beside her] "Sure, what did I miss?"
Chanel: [Pressing play] "Just the buildup. The real action's about to start."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel engrossed in a French art film. On screen, a couple is locked in a passionate embrace.
Chanel: [Noticing you] "Ah, perfect timing. I could use some help with the... subtitles."
You: [Joining her] "I didn't know you liked foreign films."
Chanel: [Smirking] "There's a lot you don't know about me... yet."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel invites you to watch a racy comedy. As you sit, she 'accidentally' drops the remote between your legs.
Chanel: [Leaning over you] "Oops! Let me just... grab that."
You: [Tensing as her hand brushes your thigh] "I can get it-"
Chanel: [Retrieving it slowly] "No need, I've got it. Comfy?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
During a horror movie, Chanel clutches your arm at a jump scare. Her breasts press against you as she leans in.
Chanel: [Breathless] "Sorry, it startled me. Mind if I stay close? For protection?"
You: [Nodding, pulse racing] "Of course. I'll keep you safe."
Chanel: [Snuggling closer] "My hero. I feel safer already."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel suggests a drinking game for a cheesy action flick. With each sip, her touches become more daring.
Chanel: [Giggling, hand on your knee] "Ooh, shirtless scene! Drink up, handsome."
You: [Taking a swig, feeling warm] "You're going to get me drunk."
Chanel: [Winking] "That's the idea. Things get more fun that way."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
During a late-night movie marathon, Chanel's hand wanders under your blanket.
Chanel: [Whispering] "Shh, keep watching. Let's see if you can focus on the plot."
You: [Gasping softly] "Chanel, what are you-"
Chanel: [Stroking firmly] "Relax, sweetie. Aunt Chanel's going to make you feel good."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
As credits roll, Chanel straddles your lap, eyes dark with desire.
Chanel: [Grinding slowly] "That got me all worked up. Help me release some tension?"
You: [Hands on her hips] "Here? Now?"
Chanel: [Unzipping you] "Right here, right now. Unless you want me to stop?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel pauses a steamy scene, turning to you with a mischievous grin.
Chanel: [Hand sliding down your chest] "Why watch when we can reenact? I'll be the seductress."
You: [Breath hitching] "Chanel, we shouldn't-"
Chanel: [Silencing you with a finger] "Hush. Let me show you how it's done."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You notice Chanel elegantly sipping her wine at the dinner table, her posture perfect as always.
Chanel: [Raising an eyebrow] "I hope you're not neglecting your studies with all this... excitement around."
You: [Clearing your throat] "Of course not, Aunt Chanel. I'm staying focused."
Chanel: [Nodding approvingly] "Good. We'll need sharp minds to survive this ordeal."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel passes you the salt, her manicured fingers brushing against yours for a moment.
Chanel: [Smiling coolly] "You've grown so much since I last saw you. It's... remarkable."
You: [Blushing slightly] "Thanks, Aunt Chanel. You look great too."
Chanel: [Chuckling softly] "Flattery will get you everywhere, dear nephew."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You help Chanel clear the table, noticing how gracefully she moves even in this mundane task.
Chanel: [Leaning close to whisper] "I've some business contacts who might help us. We should discuss it... privately."
You: [Nodding, trying to ignore her proximity] "That sounds useful. When should we talk?"
Chanel: [Patting your shoulder] "After dinner tomorrow. Don't be late."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel "accidentally" spills water on her blouse, making it transparent and revealing her bare breasts underneath.
Chanel: [Feigning embarrassment] "Oh dear, how clumsy of me. I hope this isn't too... distracting."
You: [Staring openly] "I... uh... it's fine, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [Leaning forward, whispering] "Like what you see, nephew? There's plenty more where that came from."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You drop your fork and as you bend to retrieve it, you see Chanel has hiked up her skirt, revealing her bare ass.
Chanel: [Smirking] "Find what you were looking for down there?"
You: [Flustered, sitting up] "I... yes, I mean, I found my fork."
Chanel: [Winking] "I'm sure that's not all you found. Enjoy the view?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel stands to reach for the salt, her robe falling open to expose her naked body underneath.
Chanel: [Sighing contentedly] "This virus certainly makes one feel... liberated, doesn't it?"
You: [Trying not to stare] "Y-yes, it certainly does."
Chanel: [Smiling slyly] "Perhaps we should explore this newfound freedom... together."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Under the table, Chanel's hand unzips your pants and begins stroking your hardening cock.
Chanel: [Innocently] "Is everything alright, dear? You look a bit... tense."
You: [Suppressing a moan] "I'm fine, Aunt Chanel. Just a bit... overwhelmed."
Chanel: [Whispering, hand moving faster] "Let me help you relax, darling. Try not to make a sound."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel pretends to drop her napkin, ducking under the table to give you a handjob out of sight.
Chanel: [Resurfacing, licking her lips] "Found it. Oh my, you seem quite... excited down there."
You: [Breathing heavily] "Aunt Chanel, we shouldn't... not here..."
Chanel: [Continuing her ministrations] "Shh... just enjoy it. Let's see if we can make you cum without anyone noticing."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You feel Chanel's skilled hand working your shaft under the table as she casually chats with the family.
Chanel: [Smiling innocently at the others] "So, how is everyone enjoying their meal?"
You: [Struggling to maintain composure] "It's... very good. Very... intense."
Chanel: [Squeezing and stroking faster] "Oh, I'm sure it is. But I think the best part is yet to come, isn't it, dear nephew?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the river, seeking relief from the summer heat. You spot Chanel, your aunt, wading in the cool water. Her wet swimsuit clings to her curves, accentuating her fit figure.
Chanel: [Noticing you, waving] "Hey there, hot stuff! The water's divine. Why don't you join your favorite aunt for a dip?"
You: [Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness] "Sounds great, Chanel. It is scorching today."
Chanel: [Splashing water playfully] "Don't be shy, sweetie. I promise I won't bite... unless you ask nicely."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head to the river, drawn by the sound of laughter. You find Chanel floating on her back, her long brown hair fanning out around her. Her eyes are closed, a content smile on her face.
Chanel: [Opening one eye as she hears you approach] "Well, well, if it isn't my favorite nephew. Come to cool off those hot buns of yours?"
You: [Chuckling nervously] "Something like that. You look... relaxed."
Chanel: [Standing up, water cascading down her body] "Oh, I am. Nothing like a good soak to make a girl feel all... tingly."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You stumble upon Chanel sunbathing on a large rock by the river. She's wearing a revealing bikini, her skin glistening with a light sheen of sweat.
Chanel: [Propping herself up on her elbows] "Hey there, handsome. Like what you see? Don't be shy, come closer. Auntie Chanel doesn't mind a little ogling."
You: [Approaching, trying not to stare] "I was just... looking for a place to swim."
Chanel: [Patting the rock beside her] "Well, you found something better. Why don't you keep me company for a bit?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're swimming when Chanel emerges from underwater right in front of you. Water droplets cling to her skin, running down her cleavage.
Chanel: [Flipping her wet hair back] "Oops, did I startle you? Or maybe... excite you a little?"
You: [Flustered, treading water] "Chanel, I... you just surprised me."
Chanel: [Leaning in close, whispering] "I can feel your heart racing. Is it from the swim... or something else?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel adjusting her bikini top by the riverbank. She seems to be struggling with the clasp, her movements causing her breasts to jiggle enticingly.
Chanel: [Turning to you with a pout] "Oh, sweetie, be a dear and help your auntie out? This darn thing just won't cooperate."
You: [Hesitantly moving closer] "Sure, what do you need me to do?"
Chanel: [Guiding your hands to her back] "Just unhook it for me. Don't worry, I'll hold the front. Unless... you want me to let go?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing in the shallows when Chanel splashes you playfully. As you turn, you notice her bikini bottom has shifted, revealing more than intended.
Chanel: [Grinning mischievously] "Oops, looks like I'm having a wardrobe malfunction. Be a gentleman and help me adjust?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "Chanel, I don't think that's appropriate..."
Chanel: [Wading closer] "Oh come on, we're family. Besides, I've seen the way you look at me. Why fight it?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel leads you to a secluded spot behind some rocks. Her eyes are dark with desire as she presses you against the cool stone.
Chanel: [Her hand trailing down your chest] "I've seen how you've been looking at me all day. Let Auntie Chanel take care of that... tension for you."
You: [Breathing heavily] "We shouldn't... what if someone sees?"
Chanel: [Her hand slipping into your swim trunks] "Then we'll give them quite a show, won't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're floating in a quiet part of the river when Chanel swims up to you, a predatory look in her eyes.
Chanel: [Wrapping her legs around your waist] "I think it's time we addressed this... attraction between us, don't you?"
You: [Gasping at the contact] "Chanel, this is wrong..."
Chanel: [Her hand moving underwater] "Does this feel wrong? Because it feels oh so right to me."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're sitting on the riverbank when Chanel approaches, droplets of water running down her body. She kneels between your legs, her intentions clear.
Chanel: [Looking up at you with a smirk] "You know, I've always wondered what my nephew is packing. Care to show your favorite aunt?"
You: [Conflicted but aroused] "We really shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Tugging at your waistband] "Shh... just let me take care of you. It'll be our little secret."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the backyard, finding Chanel lounging on a chaise. Her designer sunglasses perched atop her head, she's reviewing business documents.
Chanel: [Looking up, a confident smile] "Well hello there, handsome. Care to join your favorite aunt?"
You: [Approaching, trying not to stare at her low-cut blouse] "Sure, what are you working on?"
Chanel: [Patting the seat beside her] "Oh, just some boring contracts. But I could use a distraction."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You wander outside to see Chanel stretched out on the chaise, sipping a martini. Her sundress rides high on her thighs as she basks in the sun.
Chanel: [Noticing you, raising her glass] "Perfect timing, darling. Be a dear and mix me another, won't you?"
You: [Nodding, eyes drawn to her long legs] "Of course, Aunt Chanel. The usual?"
Chanel: [Winking] "You know me so well. Maybe I'll let you have a taste."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel in the backyard, adjusting the chaise's position. As she bends over, her tight skirt accentuates her curves.
Chanel: [Turning, catching you looking] "Enjoying the view, sweetie? Come help your poor aunt with this stubborn chair."
You: [Flustered, moving to assist] "Sorry, I was just... I mean, of course I'll help."
Chanel: [Smirking] "No need to apologize. I work hard for this figure."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the backyard to find Chanel applying sunscreen, her movements slow and deliberate. She's wearing a revealing bikini that leaves little to the imagination.
Chanel: [Noticing you, voice sultry] "Oh good, you're here. Be a darling and get my back, won't you? Don't miss any spots."
You: [Gulping, taking the lotion] "Are you sure that's appropriate, Aunt Chanel?"
Chanel: [Laughing softly] "Since when do I care about appropriate? Now get to it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You spot Chanel on the chaise, fanning herself in the heat. She's unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a lacy bra underneath.
Chanel: [Beckoning you over] "It's so hot out here. Why don't you come cool me down?"
You: [Approaching nervously] "What did you have in mind?"
Chanel: [Guiding your hand to her chest] "I'm sure you can think of something creative."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing when Chanel joins you on the chaise, pressing close. Her perfume is intoxicating, her skin glistening with a light sheen of sweat.
Chanel: [Whispering in your ear] "You know, I've always thought you were the most attractive of your cousins."
You: [Shivering at her closeness] "Aunt Chanel, we shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Trailing a finger down your chest] "Shouldn't what? I'm just complimenting my favorite nephew."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel alone on the chaise, her eyes dark with desire. She crooks a finger, beckoning you closer.
Chanel: [Voice husky] "Lock the gate, darling. Auntie's going to teach you a few things they don't cover in school."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "Are you sure about this?"
Chanel: [Unzipping your pants] "Absolutely. Now, let me show you how a real woman touches a man."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're lounging with Chanel when she suddenly straddles you on the chaise. Her skirt rides up, revealing she's not wearing underwear.
Chanel: [Grinding against you] "I've seen how you look at me. Time to do something about it."
You: [Gasping] "But you're my aunt..."
Chanel: [Reaching into your shorts] "And I'm about to be so much more. Just relax and enjoy."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Chanel on the chaise. She's reading a romance novel, but her free hand is between her legs.
Chanel: [Looking up, flushed] "Perfect timing. This book has me all worked up. Care to lend a hand?"
You: [Stunned] "I... what do you want me to do?"
Chanel: [Guiding your hand to her breast] "Start here. I'll show you where to go next."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the gym, spotting Chanel on the bench press. Her athletic form strains as she lifts, her tank top riding up slightly.
Chanel: [Noticing you, smirking] "Hey there, slugger. Come to watch or work out?"
You: [Trying not to stare] "Uh, work out. You're really strong, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [Winking] "Thanks, sweetie. Care to spot me for the next set?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel doing squats by the bench, her yoga pants hugging every curve. She's breathing heavily, a sheen of sweat on her skin.
Chanel: [Between breaths] "Perfect timing! I could use a training partner. Up for some leg day action?"
You: [Nodding, feeling a bit overwhelmed] "Sure, I guess. What did you have in mind?"
Chanel: [Grinning] "Oh, I'll put you through your paces, don't you worry."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel's stretching on the bench as you walk in, her lithe body arched gracefully. Her sports bra reveals a toned midriff.
Chanel: [Straightening up] "Well hello there. Come to join your favorite aunt for some fitness fun?"
You: [Trying to act casual] "Yeah, thought I'd get a workout in. You look... flexible."
Chanel: [Chuckling] "Years of practice, dear. Want me to show you some stretches?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're lifting weights when Chanel saunters over, her workout clothes clinging to her sweaty form. She leans in close, ostensibly to check your form.
Chanel: [Whispering] "Looking good, champ. But let me show you how to really engage those muscles."
You: [Shivering at her proximity] "I... uh... thanks, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [Hands on your arms, guiding] "Just like that. Feel the burn?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel's doing yoga on a mat near the bench, her poses becoming increasingly provocative. She 'accidentally' faces you during a particularly revealing stretch.
Chanel: [Catching your eye] "Oops, giving you quite the show, aren't I? Maybe you should join me, loosen up those tight muscles."
You: [Blushing furiously] "I'm not sure I'm that flexible..."
Chanel: [Smirking] "Oh, I bet you could bend in all sorts of interesting ways with the right... motivation."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're bench pressing when Chanel offers to spot you. She leans over, her cleavage prominently displayed as she grips the bar.
Chanel: [Voice husky] "Push harder, sweetie. I know you've got it in you. Show me what you're made of."
You: [Grunting with effort, distracted] "I'm trying, Aunt Chanel..."
Chanel: [Encouraging] "That's it, just like that. You're getting so strong..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Late at night, you find Chanel alone in the gym. She beckons you over to a secluded corner, eyes dark with desire.
Chanel: [Pulling you close] "I've been waiting for this all day. Let me help you with your... workout."
You: [Breath catching] "Aunt Chanel, we shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Hand sliding down your abs] "Shh, just let me take care of you. Consider it protein supplementation."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're alone with Chanel in the gym's storage room, ostensibly looking for equipment. She presses you against the wall, her body flush against yours.
Chanel: [Breathlessly] "I can't resist anymore. You've grown into such a man..."
You: [Aroused and conflicted] "This is wrong, but I want it too..."
Chanel: [Unzipping your gym shorts] "Then let's be wrong together. Just this once."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Post-workout, Chanel offers you a "special cool-down routine" in a private corner of the gym. Her hands roam your body teasingly.
Chanel: [Whispering] "You've worked so hard. Let me help you relax those tense muscles."
You: [Shuddering under her touch] "Aunt Chanel, what if someone sees?"
Chanel: [Smirking] "Then we'll give them quite the show. Now, be a good boy and stay quiet."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the sauna, the heat immediately enveloping you. Chanel reclines in the massage chair, her skin glistening with sweat.
Chanel: [Opening one eye] "Well hello, handsome. Come to join your favorite aunt?"
You: [Trying not to stare] "Just needed to unwind. Didn't realize you were in here."
Chanel: [Stretching languidly] "Don't be shy. There's plenty of room for two in this heat."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna door opens with a hiss of steam. Chanel lounges in the massage chair, her towel barely covering her curves.
Chanel: [Smirking] "Perfect timing. I was just thinking I could use some company."
You: [Swallowing hard] "I can come back later if you want privacy..."
Chanel: [Patting the seat next to her] "Nonsense. Family should always be close, don't you think?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the sauna, finding Chanel adjusting the massage chair settings. Her movements cause her towel to slip dangerously low.
Chanel: [Looking over her shoulder] "There you are. Be a dear and help me with these controls?"
You: [Approaching cautiously] "Sure, what do you need?"
Chanel: [Guiding your hand] "Just right there. Mmm, that's perfect."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna is thick with steam as you enter. Chanel reclines in the massage chair, her towel askew, revealing more than it conceals.
Chanel: [Noticing your gaze] "Like what you see, sweetie? The heat makes everything so... slippery."
You: [Flustered] "I didn't mean to intrude, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [Laughing huskily] "Oh, you're not intruding. In fact, why don't you come closer?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel in the sauna, the massage chair working her muscles. She moans softly, her expression one of bliss.
Chanel: [Eyes half-lidded] "Mmm, this feels divine. Care to trade places? I'd be happy to work out your... kinks."
You: [Hesitating] "I'm not sure that's appropriate..."
Chanel: [Winking] "Who's going to tell? What happens in the sauna, stays in the sauna."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna door opens, revealing Chanel sprawled in the massage chair. Her towel has slipped, exposing a tantalizing amount of skin.
Chanel: [Feigning surprise] "Oh my, I must have dozed off. Be a dear and fix my towel?"
You: [Approaching nervously] "Of course, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [As you lean in] "Careful now. Wouldn't want you to slip and fall... into me."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the sauna to find Chanel waiting, a predatory gleam in her eye. The massage chair hums softly in the background.
Chanel: [Beckoning you closer] "I've been waiting for this moment. Let auntie take care of you."
You: [Breath quickening] "We shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Her hand finding you] "Shh. Just feel. Let me show you what a real woman can do."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna is a haze of heat and desire. Chanel pulls you onto the massage chair with her, her body pressed against yours.
Chanel: [Whispering in your ear] "I've seen how you look at me. Time to act on those naughty thoughts."
You: [Groaning] "Chanel, this is wrong..."
Chanel: [Stroking you firmly] "Does this feel wrong? Your body seems to disagree."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing in the sauna when Chanel enters, locking the door behind her. Her intentions are clear as she approaches the massage chair.
Chanel: [Straddling you] "No more games. I know you want this as much as I do."
You: [Panting] "What if someone catches us?"
Chanel: [Her hand sliding lower] "Then we'll give them quite a show, won't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop, finding Chanel bent over a workbench, her tight jeans accentuating her curves. She's focused intently on a project.
Chanel: [Looking up, smirking] "Well hello there, handsome. Come to watch a real woman work?"
You: [Trying not to stare] "Just curious what you're up to, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [Winking] "I bet you are. Why don't you come closer and I'll show you?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the workshop to see Chanel reaching for a tool on a high shelf, her shirt riding up to reveal a strip of toned midriff.
Chanel: [Turning, noticing your gaze] "Like what you see, tiger? Care to lend a hand to your favorite aunt?"
You: [Flustered] "Of course, what do you need?"
Chanel: [Grinning] "Oh, I can think of a few things..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel in the workshop, wiping sweat from her brow. Her tank top clings to her body, damp from exertion.
Chanel: [Smiling seductively] "Perfect timing, sweetie. I could use a strong pair of hands."
You: [Gulping] "What are you working on, Aunt Chanel?"
Chanel: [Leaning in] "Something fun. Want to help me test it out?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop as Chanel is changing her shirt, catching a glimpse of lace before she notices you.
Chanel: [Turning slowly] "Oops, didn't hear you come in. Enjoying the show?"
You: [Stammering] "I didn't mean to... I should go..."
Chanel: [Approaching] "Now why would you want to do that? The fun's just starting."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel sprawled under a piece of machinery, her position leaving little to the imagination.
Chanel: [Sliding out slowly] "Well hello there. Care to hand me that wrench? And maybe take a closer look while you're at it?"
You: [Handing her the tool, trying not to stare] "Here you go, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [Grasping your hand] "Such a good boy. I might need more than just the wrench..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk in on Chanel measuring herself for a new project, the tape pulled taut across her chest.
Chanel: [Eyeing you] "Perfect timing. I need someone to hold this in place. Think you can handle it?"
You: [Nervously] "I... I'm not sure that's appropriate..."
Chanel: [Pulling you closer] "Oh honey, appropriate is so boring. Let's have some fun."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop to find Chanel waiting, a predatory gleam in her eye.
Chanel: [Locking the door] "I've been waiting for you, sweetie. Time for your special lesson."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "Aunt Chanel, we shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Pressing against you] "Shh... Let Auntie take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Chanel in the workshop when she suddenly pins you against the workbench.
Chanel: [Breathing heavily] "I can't resist anymore. You drive me wild, you know that?"
You: [Gasping] "Chanel, what if someone comes in?"
Chanel: [Hand sliding down] "Then we better be quick, shouldn't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel in the workshop, looking at you with unbridled lust.
Chanel: [Beckoning you] "Close the door, tiger. It's time I taught you some hands-on skills."
You: [Obeying, heart racing] "What kind of skills?"
Chanel: [Unzipping your pants] "The kind that'll make you a real man."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop, finding Chanel at her workbench. She's leaning over, focused intently on a project. Her fitted blouse accentuates her curves as she works.
Chanel: [Looking up, smiling confidently] "Well hello there, handsome. Come to see how a real entrepreneur gets things done?"
You: [Approaching, trying to keep your eyes on her face] "Just curious what you're working on, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [Winking] "Why don't you come closer and I'll give you a personal tour?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the workshop and spot Chanel perched on her chair, legs crossed elegantly. She's reviewing some documents, a look of intense concentration on her face.
Chanel: [Noticing you, her eyes lighting up] "Perfect timing! I could use a fresh pair of eyes on this proposal. Care to lend your aunt a hand?"
You: [Moving closer, aware of her perfume] "Of course, what do you need me to look at?"
Chanel: [Patting the seat next to her] "Sit right here, darling. Let's put our heads together."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the workshop to find Chanel stretching, her arms raised above her head. Her shirt rides up, revealing a tantalizing strip of skin.
Chanel: [Turning to you, a sly smile on her lips] "Ah, there's my favorite nephew. I've been cooped up here all day. Care to help me... loosen up a bit?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "What did you have in mind, Aunt Chanel?"
Chanel: [Chuckling] "Oh, I'm sure we can think of something fun."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel in the workshop, bent over her chair as she reaches for something. Her skirt hugs her curves, leaving little to the imagination.
Chanel: [Glancing over her shoulder] "Like what you see, sweetie? Don't be shy, I know I've still got it."
You: [Blushing furiously] "I... uh... you look amazing, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [Straightening up, smirking] "Thank you, darling. Now, why don't you come help me with this... tight spot?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel is at her workbench, a bead of sweat trailing down her neck. She fans herself, unbuttoning the top of her blouse.
Chanel: [Noticing you, voice husky] "It's so hot in here, don't you think? I might have to take off a few more layers..."
You: [Transfixed] "Maybe we should open a window?"
Chanel: [Laughing softly] "Or maybe you could help me cool down another way?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter to find Chanel sitting in her chair, legs crossed. She's twirling a pen between her fingers, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Chanel: [Uncrossing her legs slowly] "I've been thinking about you all day, sweetie. Care to guess what's been on my mind?"
You: [Gulping] "I... I wouldn't want to assume, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [Standing, moving closer] "Then why don't I show you instead?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel beckons you into the workshop, locking the door behind you. Her eyes are dark with desire as she pushes you into her chair.
Chanel: [Straddling your lap] "I think it's time for your personal business lesson, darling."
You: [Breathless] "Aunt Chanel, we shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Silencing you with a finger] "Shh... let your experienced aunt take care of everything."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel leaning against her workbench, a predatory smile on her face. She crooks a finger, calling you over.
Chanel: [Voice low and seductive] "I've been waiting for you, sweetie. Time to help your aunt with some... stress relief."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "Here? Now?"
Chanel: [Pulling you close] "No time like the present for a hands-on lesson."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel sits in her chair, legs spread invitingly. Her blouse is unbuttoned, revealing lacy lingerie underneath.
Chanel: [Crooking her finger] "Come here, darling. Aunt Chanel needs your... special touch."
You: [Moving closer, heart racing] "What if someone walks in?"
Chanel: [Reaching for your zipper] "That's part of the thrill, isn't it? Now, let's take care of this bulge."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the greenhouse, seeking Chanel. You find her tending to exotic plants, her fitted gardening outfit accentuating her curves.
Chanel: [Turning, smiling confidently] "Well hello there, handsome. Come to help your favorite aunt with her green babies?"
You: [Approaching, trying not to stare] "Just thought I'd see what you're up to in here."
Chanel: [Winking] "Oh, I'm always up to something interesting. Care to learn about pollination?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the humid greenhouse. Chanel's bent over a planter, her tight pants leaving little to the imagination.
Chanel: [Glancing over her shoulder] "Perfect timing, darling. I could use a strong pair of hands."
You: [Clearing your throat] "What do you need help with?"
Chanel: [Straightening up slowly] "These pots are heavier than they look. Mind giving me a lift?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel misting orchids, water droplets glistening on her skin in the warm greenhouse air.
Chanel: [Noticing you, smirking] "Enjoying the view, sweetie? These beauties need constant attention."
You: [Flustered] "The flowers look... nice."
Chanel: [Chuckling] "The flowers, huh? Come closer, I'll show you something really beautiful."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel's watering plants as you enter. She 'accidentally' spills water on her white shirt, making it translucent.
Chanel: [Looking down, feigning surprise] "Oh my, how clumsy of me. It's gotten all see-through, hasn't it?"
You: [Staring, then quickly averting your eyes] "I... uh... should I get you a towel?"
Chanel: [Sauntering closer] "Why bother? It's so hot in here anyway. Don't you think?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel reaching for a high shelf, her shirt riding up to reveal a tantalizing strip of skin.
Chanel: [Struggling playfully] "Oh dear, I can't quite reach. Be a good boy and help your auntie out?"
You: [Moving closer, pulse quickening] "Sure, what do you need?"
Chanel: [Pressing against you] "That pot up there. You'll have to stretch... I don't mind if you brush against me."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel's lounging in a garden chair, fanning herself. Her blouse is unbuttoned dangerously low.
Chanel: [Eyeing you hungrily] "It's sweltering in here. I might have to take off a few more layers."
You: [Swallowing hard] "Maybe we should go outside?"
Chanel: [Smirking] "And miss this private show? I don't think so, darling."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel corners you behind a large fern, her eyes dark with desire.
Chanel: [Pressing you against the wall] "I've seen how you look at me. Time to do something about it."
You: [Breathing heavily] "Chanel, we shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Unzipping your pants] "Hush now. Let your experienced aunt take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're examining a plant when Chanel sneaks up behind you, her hand sliding down your chest.
Chanel: [Whispering in your ear] "I think it's time for a hands-on lesson in biology."
You: [Gasping] "Here? Now?"
Chanel: [Turning you around, hand dipping lower] "No time like the present, sweetheart."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel pulls you into a secluded corner, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
Chanel: [Unbuckling your belt] "I've been thinking about this all day. About making you squirm."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "Someone might come in..."
Chanel: [Grasping you firmly] "Then you'd better be quiet, hadn't you?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed, looking for gardening tools. You find Chanel bent over a wheelbarrow, her tight jeans accentuating her curves as she sorts through seeds.
Chanel: [Glancing over her shoulder] "Well hello there, handsome. Come to help your favorite aunt with some heavy lifting?"
You: [Trying not to stare] "Uh, sure Chanel. What do you need?"
Chanel: [Smirking] "For starters, you could grab that bag of soil. And don't be shy about using those muscles."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the shed and see Chanel wiping sweat from her brow, her tank top clinging to her skin. She's organizing tools on a shelf, reaching up high.
Chanel: [Turning to you] "Perfect timing, sweetie. Be a dear and hand me that wrench? It's just out of my reach."
You: [Grabbing the wrench, noticing her exposed midriff] "Here you go. Busy day?"
Chanel: [Taking the tool, brushing your hand] "Always. But never too busy for you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel in the shed, leaning against the wheelbarrow. She's fanning herself with a hat, her blouse partially unbuttoned due to the heat.
Chanel: [Noticing you] "Oh, there you are. I was just thinking we could use some alone time. Care to join me?"
You: [Stepping closer] "Sure, Chanel. What did you have in mind?"
Chanel: [Patting the wheelbarrow] "Oh, I'm sure we can think of something fun to do in here."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed to find Chanel struggling with a heavy bag of fertilizer. Her efforts cause her shirt to ride up, revealing a tantalizing strip of skin.
Chanel: [Panting slightly] "My my, look who's here. Want to give your poor aunt a hand? I promise to make it worth your while."
You: [Moving to help, flustered] "Of course, let me get that for you."
Chanel: [Pressing against you as you lift] "My hero. I just love a strong man."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You spot Chanel in the shed, bending over the wheelbarrow to reach something. Her skirt rides up, giving you a glimpse of lace underneath.
Chanel: [Straightening up, catching your gaze] "Like what you see, darling? Don't be shy, I don't mind a little appreciation."
You: [Blushing furiously] "I didn't mean to... I was just..."
Chanel: [Sauntering over] "No need to explain. Why don't you come closer and get a better look?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel in the shed, her blouse damp with perspiration. She's fanning herself, the movement causing her chest to heave noticeably.
Chanel: [Eyeing you hungrily] "It's so hot in here, don't you think? I might just have to take off a few layers."
You: [Swallowing hard] "It is pretty warm..."
Chanel: [Fingers toying with her buttons] "Maybe you could help me cool down?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed and Chanel immediately pulls you close, her eyes dark with desire. She presses you against the wheelbarrow, her hand trailing down your chest.
Chanel: [Whispering huskily] "I've been waiting for you all day. Let your aunt take care of that tension for you."
You: [Breathing heavily] "Chanel, we shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Silencing you with a finger] "Shh, just enjoy. No one will know."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel in the shed, a mischievous glint in her eye. She beckons you over to the wheelbarrow, then suddenly pulls you on top of her.
Chanel: [Her hand sliding into your pants] "I think it's time for your anatomy lesson, don't you?"
You: [Gasping at her touch] "Here? Now?"
Chanel: [Grinning wickedly] "No time like the present. And I'm an excellent teacher."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Chanel in the shed when she suddenly pins you against the wall. Her hand trails down your body, her intent clear.
Chanel: [Purring] "You've been such a good helper. Let me give you a special reward."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "But what if someone comes in?"
Chanel: [Unzipping your pants] "Then we'd better be quick, hadn't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the pool, seeking relief from the heat. Chanel, your aunt, is lounging on a float, her designer swimsuit accentuating her curves.
Chanel: [Noticing you, smirking] "Well hello there, handsome. Care to join me for a dip?"
You: [Trying not to stare] "Sure, Aunt Chanel. The water looks inviting."
Chanel: [Winking] "Oh, I assure you, it's not just the water that's inviting."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel doing laps in the pool, her toned body cutting through the water with practiced ease. She stops at the edge, breathing heavily.
Chanel: [Pushing wet hair back] "Enjoying the view, sweetie? Why don't you come closer and give your aunt a hand out?"
You: [Offering your hand] "Of course. You swim beautifully, by the way."
Chanel: [Grasping your hand, her touch lingering] "Thank you, darling. I work hard to keep this body in shape."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel is adjusting the straps of her bikini by the poolside, her movements drawing attention to her ample cleavage.
Chanel: [Catching your eye] "Oh, perfect timing! Be a dear and help me with these straps, would you?"
You: [Approaching nervously] "Sure, Aunt Chanel. What do you need?"
Chanel: [Guiding your hands] "Just tighten them a bit. Don't be shy, I won't bite... unless you ask nicely."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel emerges from the pool, water cascading down her curvaceous form. Her wet swimsuit clings to every contour.
Chanel: [Noticing your stare] "Like what you see, sweetie? Your aunt's still got it, doesn't she?"
You: [Blushing furiously] "I... uh... you look amazing, Aunt Chanel."
Chanel: [Sauntering closer] "Thank you, darling. Want a closer look?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing poolside when Chanel 'accidentally' spills her drink on herself.
Chanel: [Feigning distress] "Oh no! Be a dear and help me clean up?"
You: [Grabbing a towel] "Of course, let me help."
Chanel: [Guiding your hand with the towel] "Mmm, that's nice. Lower... a little lower..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel challenges you to a playful wrestling match in the shallow end of the pool.
Chanel: [Grinning mischievously] "Think you can pin your aunt down, big boy?"
You: [Hesitating] "I don't know, Aunt Chanel..."
Chanel: [Pulling you close] "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you... at first."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Chanel alone in the hot tub, steam rising around her alluring form.
Chanel: [Beckoning you] "Join me, sweetie. The water's perfect... and so am I."
You: [Slipping in] "Aunt Chanel, we shouldn't..."
Chanel: [Her hand finding you underwater] "Shh... let your aunt take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Late at night, you encounter Chanel skinny dipping in the moonlit pool.
Chanel: [Noticing you] "Caught me being naughty. Care to join in the fun?"
You: [Stunned] "I... we can't..."
Chanel: [Swimming closer] "We can, and we will. Now, let's get those trunks off..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're alone with Chanel in the pool house, the sound of the filter masking your heavy breathing.
Chanel: [Pressing you against the wall] "I've seen how you look at me. Time to do something about it."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "But you're my aunt..."
Chanel: [Her hand slipping into your swimwear] "And I'm about to be so much more."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Lana's bedroom door, feeling a wave of anxiety from the virus.
You: "Lana, can I sleep in your bed tonight? The virus is making me really nervous."
Lana: [Opening the door, her expression stern] "No way. You need to learn to handle this on your own."
You: "But I—"
Lana: [Cutting you off, her voice firm] "No excuses. Toughen up. You'll be fine in your own bed. Go back and face it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter Lana's room, finding her doing push-ups beside her bed.
You: "Lana, can I sleep in your bed tonight? I'm really scared because of the virus."
Lana: [Continuing her workout, barely looking up] "No. You need to face your fears head-on. That's how you get stronger."
You: "But it's really getting to me."
Lana: [Stopping to look at you, her expression serious] "Fear is for the weak. Are you a weakling? Go back to your room and deal with it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Lana's door, and she opens it, already looking annoyed.
You: "Lana, I can't sleep. The virus is making me really nervous. Can I stay in your bed tonight?"
Lana: [Crossing her arms, her voice stern] "No. You need to stand on your own two feet. This virus won't break us if we stay strong."
You: "But I—"
Lana: [Interrupting, her tone firm and commanding] "Enough. Are you really this weak? Go back to your room and prove it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Lana's bedroom door, feeling anxious from the virus.
You: "Lana, can I sleep in your bed tonight? The virus is really getting to me."
Lana: [Opening the door, her expression softening slightly] "Fine, but stay on your side."
You lie down next to her, feeling the heat of her body close to yours. As you settle in, you notice Lana occasionally glancing your way, her eyes lingering a bit longer than usual.
Lana: [With a teasing smirk, disrobing herself, putting her firm breast on full display] "Don't think I'm doing this because I care. Just don't hog the blankets."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter Lana's room, finding her stretching on the bed.
You: "Lana, can I sleep in your bed tonight? I'm really scared because of the virus."
Lana: [Looking at you with a raised eyebrow] "Scared, huh? Alright, but don't get any ideas."
As you lie beside her, you can feel the tension in the air. Lana's body occasionally brushes against yours, sending shivers down your spine.
Lana: [With a mischievous grin, showing you her perky boobs] "Try not to snore. I need my beauty sleep."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Lana's door, and she opens it, already looking curious.
You: "Lana, I can't sleep. The virus is making me really nervous. Can I stay in your bed tonight?"
Lana: [Sighing, but stepping aside to let you in] "Alright, but no funny business."
You settle into her bed, and as you lie there, you can feel her gaze on you. The proximity between you feels charged with a new, unfamiliar energy.
Lana: [With a playful tone, getting naked before your eyes] "Just remember, this is a one-time thing. Don't get too comfortable."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Lana's door, feeling the effects of the virus.
You: "Lana, can I sleep in your bed tonight? The virus is really getting to me."
Lana: [Opening the door, eyes stern] "Fine. But stay on your side."
Later, as you lie next to her, she suddenly reaches under the covers and grabs your erection, her touch firm and commanding.
Lana: "Don't make a sound. Just let me take care of this."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You nervously enter Lana's room.
You: "Lana, can I stay with you tonight? The virus—"
Lana: [Interrupting, eyes sharp] "Get in. But don't get any ideas."
As you lie beside her, she suddenly reaches over, her hand slipping into your pants and wrapping around you.
Lana: "You're tense. Let me handle this."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You knock on Lana's door, anxiety clear in your voice.
You: "Lana, can I sleep here tonight? The virus is making me nervous."
Lana: [Sighing, but letting you in] "Fine. Just stay quiet."
In the dark, her hand finds your erection under the covers, stroking you with a firm, practiced rhythm.
Lana: "Just relax and let me do this."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the bathroom, hearing the sound of running water.
You: "Lana, are you in there?"
Lana: [Opening the door slightly, her expression stern] "What do you want?"
You: "I just needed to use the bathroom."
Lana: [Rolling her eyes] "Wait your turn. I'll be out in a minute."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head towards the bathroom, noticing the door is slightly ajar.
You: "Lana, are you almost done?"
Lana: [Glancing over her shoulder, her tone firm] "Can't a girl get some privacy?"
You: "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."
Lana: [Sighing] "Just wait outside. I'll be out soon."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find the bathroom door slightly open and peek inside, seeing Lana washing her face.
You: "Lana, I need to use the bathroom."
Lana: [Turning to face you, her eyes narrowing] "Ever heard of knocking?"
You: "Sorry, I didn't realize you were in here."
Lana: [Shaking her head] "Just go away."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the bathroom, noticing the door is slightly ajar. Inside, you see Lana standing in front of the mirror, her toned body wrapped in a towel that's slipping dangerously low.
You: (Why can't I stop looking at her like this?)
As she reaches up to adjust her hair, the towel slips further, revealing a glimpse of her firm, muscular thighs and the curve of her hips. The sight sends a shiver down your spine, but you quickly pull back before she notices.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find the bathroom door slightly open and peek inside. Lana is leaning over the sink, her tank top riding up to expose her sculpted back and a hint of her firm, toned abs.
You: (Why am I staring? This isn't right.)
She rinses her face, and as she stands up, the hem of her top lifts higher, offering a brief view of her sports bra and the swell of her breasts. Your heart races, but you step back before she turns around.
Lana: (How does he not know that I see him peep.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head towards the bathroom, noticing the door is slightly ajar and Lana is there undressing. Through the steamed glass, you can make out the silhouette of her athletic body, you even get a good glimpse of her breast.
You: (I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't look away.)
She turns, giving you a brief view of her firm, muscular backside and the outline of her breasts through the mist. The image is seared into your mind as you quietly retreat, heart pounding.
Lana: (I can feel his eyes on me, even through the steam.)
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the bathroom, noticing the door is slightly ajar. Inside, you see Lana standing in front of the mirror, her tank top discarded, revealing her firm, toned breasts.
You: (I shouldn't be watching, but I can't help myself.)
She begins to touch herself lightly, her fingers trailing down her muscular abdomen, stopping just above her shorts. Unable to resist, you quietly unzip your pants and start stroking yourself.
Lana: [Noticing you with a smirk, getting on her knee to service you] (I knew he couldn't resist.) "Enjoying the show?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find the bathroom door slightly open and peek inside. Lana is sitting on the edge of the bathtub, her legs spread slightly, her hand moving under her shorts.
You: (I shouldn't be this aroused, but I can't look away.)
Watching her intently, you quietly unzip your pants and start touching yourself. She notices you, her hand pausing for a moment before continuing with a more deliberate pace.
Lana: [With an arrogant grin] (He's so easy to tease.) "Like what you see?"
You: [Stroking yourself, eyes locked on her] (Can't let her have all the fun.) "You're driving me crazy."
She then proceeds to get on her knees and stroke you with care.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head towards the bathroom, noticing the door is slightly ajar and Lana is in the shower. Through the clear glass, you can see her lathering her body, her hands lingering on her breasts and between her legs.
You: (This is driving me crazy, but I can't tear my eyes away.)
Unable to resist, you quietly unzip your pants and start stroking yourself. She catches your reflection in the glass, smirking as she continues to touch herself provocatively.
Lana: [With a teasing tone, getting on her knees to touch you] (Let's see how far he'll go.) "Want to join me?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down on the couch next to Lana, who is watching an action movie.
You: (She's so focused.) "What are we watching?"
Lana: [Without looking away from the screen] "Just an old action flick. Sit down and enjoy."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana already on the couch, flipping through channels.
You: (She looks so relaxed.) "Found anything good yet?"
Lana: [Settling on a movie] "Not really. Let's just watch this one."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You join Lana on the couch, who has a movie playing.
You: (I guess I'll join her.) "Mind if I watch with you?"
Lana: [Glancing at you briefly] "Sure, whatever. Just sit down."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down on the couch next to Lana, watching an action movie. She shifts, her tank top slipping slightly to reveal more of her toned shoulder.
You: (She's so distracting.) "Enjoying the movie?"
Lana: [Noticing your gaze, smirking, disrobing and showing you her behind] "Yeah, but maybe you should focus on the screen, not me."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana already on the couch, watching a horror movie. She jumps at a scary scene, her leg brushing against yours, her shorts riding up slightly.
You: (Perfect opportunity.) "Scared?"
Lana: [Grinning, her eyes playful, showing you her breast] "Maybe a little. Think you can protect me?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You join Lana on the couch, who has a romantic comedy playing. She laughs, her hand casually resting on your thigh, her shirt slightly undone.
You: (Is she doing this on purpose?) "You seem to be enjoying this."
Lana: [Smirking, her fingers lightly tracing circles, undressing herself] "It's fun. But I bet we could come up with something even more entertaining."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down on the couch next to Lana, watching an action movie. She shifts closer, her hand resting on your thigh, slowly moving up.
You: (My heart is racing.) "What are you doing?"
Lana: [Smirking, her eyes glinting with mischief] "Just making the movie more interesting."
You: [Breathing heavily] "You're definitely succeeding."
Lana: [Her hand slipping under your waistband, gripping you firmly] "Let's see how long you can last."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana already on the couch, watching a horror movie. She jumps at a scary scene, her hand brushing against your crotch, lingering there.
You: (Is this really happening?) "Lana, are you...?"
Lana: [Grinning, her touch becoming more deliberate] "Shh, just enjoy the movie. And this."
You: [Feeling the tension rise] "I don't think I can focus on either."
Lana: [Her hand slipping inside your pants, stroking you slowly] "Then just focus on me."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You join Lana on the couch, who has a romantic comedy playing. She laughs, her hand slipping under your waistband, teasing you.
You: (I can't believe this.) "Lana, what if someone walks in?"
Lana: [Smirking, her hand moving expertly] "Then you'll just have to stay quiet, won't you?"
You: [Trying to stifle a moan] "You're making this really hard."
Lana: [Her fingers wrapping around you, stroking with increasing intensity] "That's the idea."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, joining Lana and the rest of the family. The aroma of home-cooked food fills the air, and everyone is chatting amicably.
You: [Smiling as you take your seat] "Dinner smells great, doesn't it?"
Lana: [Rolling her eyes, smirking] "Yeah, try not to eat everything before everyone else gets a chance."
You: [Helping to pass the dishes around] "Don't worry, I'll save you some."
Lana: [Snorting softly] "You better, or there will be consequences."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find your place at the dinner table, surrounded by the warmth of family. The conversation is lively, and everyone is in good spirits.
You: [Looking around the table] "It's great to have everyone together."
Lana: [Taking a sip of her drink, smirking] "Yeah, just don't get too sentimental on us."
You: [Reaching for a dish] "We should do this more often."
Lana: [Raising an eyebrow] "If you can handle it without getting all mushy, sure."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, the clinking of cutlery and soft chatter creating a comforting atmosphere. The family is gathered, ready to enjoy a meal together.
You: [Smiling as you serve yourself] "This looks delicious. Thanks for cooking."
Lana: [Smirking, her tone sarcastic] "Yeah, try not to mess it up by dropping it all over the place."
You: [Nodding] "We should try to do this more regularly."
Lana: [Sighing dramatically] "Fine, as long as you don't make a mess every time."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, joining Lana and the rest of the family. The aroma of home-cooked food fills the air as everyone chats amicably.
You: [Smiling as you take your seat] "Dinner smells great, doesn't it?"
Lana: [Rolling her eyes, smirking] "Yeah, just try not to hog all the food like last time."
You: [Grinning, leaning closer] "Only if you promise to share your dessert."
Lana: [Flashing you her pussy by lifting her dress] "Maybe, but you might have to earn it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find your place at the dinner table, surrounded by the warmth of family. The conversation is lively, and everyone is in good spirits.
You: [Reaching for a dish, your hand brushing against hers, feeling the warmth of her skin] "We should do this more often."
Lana: [Raising an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eye] "If you can handle it without getting all mushy, sure."
You: [Holding her gaze, letting your hand linger] "I think I can manage."
Lana: [Eyes narrowing, a sly smile playing on her lips, coming to you and ] "We'll see about that."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, the clinking of cutlery and soft chatter creating a comforting atmosphere. The family is gathered, ready to enjoy a meal together.
You: [Smiling as you serve yourself] "This looks delicious. Thanks for cooking."
Lana: [Sighing dramatically, but with a hint of a smile, her leg still against yours] "Fine, as long as you don't make a mess every time."
You: [Grinning, your hand brushing against her thigh under the table] "Deal. Maybe you can help me stay clean."
Lana: [Eyes narrowing playfully, her breath catching slightly, showing you her tits and licking her finger] "Only if you behave."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, feeling Lana's presence next to you. The family chatters away, oblivious.
Lana: [Leaning in, smirking] "Try to keep a straight face."
You: [Gasping quietly as her hand slips under the table, gripping you] "Lana, not here..."
Lana: [Taking you to the kitchen, stroking you slowly, her eyes daring] "Too scared? I thought you could handle it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find your place at the dinner table, and Lana sits close, her leg brushing yours. The room is filled with lively conversation.
Lana: [Whispering, her tone mocking] "Think you can stay quiet?"
You: [Struggling to stay composed as her hand finds you under the table] "Lana, this is..."
Lana: [Bringing you to the kitchen, Smirking, her movements deliberate] "What's wrong? Can't handle a little fun?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You sit down at the dinner table, and Lana takes the seat next to you, her eyes glinting with mischief.
Lana: [Grinning wickedly] "Let's see if you can keep it together."
You: [Tensing as her hand slips under the table, stroking you] "Lana, this isn't the time..."
Lana: [Continuing with a smug smile, taking you behind the room] "Prove it. Or are you not man enough?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the river, seeking relief from the heat. Lana is already there, floating on an inflatable raft, her skin glistening with sunscreen.
Lana: [Noticing you, rolling her eyes] "Oh great, it's you. Try not to splash me, I just applied my tanning oil."
You: [Hesitating at the water's edge] "I'll be careful. Mind if I join you in the water?"
Lana: [Sighing dramatically] "If you must. Just stay on your side of the river, got it?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You arrive at the riverbank to find Lana adjusting her bikini top, struggling with the clasp.
Lana: [Frustrated] "Ugh, this stupid thing! Hey, make yourself useful and help me with this."
You: [Approaching cautiously] "Are you sure you want my help?"
Lana: [Impatiently] "Did I stutter? Just hurry up before I change my mind."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're wading in the shallows when Lana emerges from underwater, flipping her hair back dramatically.
Lana: [Smirking] "Enjoying the view, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? I bet you wish you looked this good wet."
You: [Averting your eyes] "I was just swimming, Lana."
Lana: [Laughing] "Sure you were. Keep dreaming, squirt."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're swimming when Lana calls you over, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Lana: [Beckoning] "Hey, I dropped my bracelet. Be a good boy and fetch it for me."
You: [Hesitating] "Where exactly did you drop it?"
Lana: [Pointing to her chest] "Right around here. Better look closely."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana's lounging on a rock, applying sunscreen when she notices you watching.
Lana: [Smirking] "Like what you see? Too bad you'll never touch. Unless..."
You: [Swallowing hard] "Unless what?"
Lana: [Tossing you the bottle] "Unless you make yourself useful. My back needs attention."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing by the river when Lana splashes you, laughing.
Lana: [Taunting] "What's wrong, afraid to get wet? Or are you just scared of me?"
You: [Standing up] "I'm not scared of you, Lana."
Lana: [Getting closer] "Prove it. Catch me if you can, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
In a secluded part of the river, Lana corners you against a rock.
Lana: [Pressing against you] "I've seen how you look at me. Time to put up or shut up."
You: [Breathing heavily] "Lana, we shouldn't..."
Lana: [Sliding her hand down] "Shouldn't what? This is what you wanted, isn't it?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're alone with Lana in a hidden cove, the sexual tension palpable.
Lana: [Eyeing you hungrily] "I bet you've dreamed of this. Show me what you've got."
You: [Aroused but nervous] "Are you sure about this?"
Lana: [Grabbing you firmly] "Shut up and let me take control."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana pulls you into a shadowy alcove by the river, her eyes dark with lust.
Lana: [Whispering] "This is your lucky day, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Don't you dare tell anyone."
You: [Gasping as she touches you] "Lana, I..."
Lana: [Silencing you] "No talking. Just enjoy it while it lasts."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the backyard, finding Lana sprawled on the chaise lounge. She's wearing oversized sunglasses and a skimpy bikini, clearly sunbathing.
Lana: [Not bothering to look up] "Ugh, you're blocking my sun. Move it, loser."
You: [Awkwardly shifting] "Sorry, I just came out for some fresh air."
Lana: [Sighing dramatically] "Whatever. Just don't breathe too loud. I'm trying to relax here."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You wander into the backyard, spotting Lana on the chaise. She's engrossed in her phone, barely acknowledging your presence.
Lana: [Glancing up briefly] "Oh great, it's you. Don't even think about asking to use the chaise. I was here first."
You: [Raising an eyebrow] "Wasn't planning on it. Just enjoying the day."
Lana: [Scoffing] "Yeah, well, enjoy it somewhere else. Your heavy breathing is ruining my vibe."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You head outside, finding Lana stretched out on the chaise, a magazine covering her face. She's wearing a crop top that rides up, exposing her midriff.
Lana: [Peeking from under the magazine] "Take a picture, it'll last longer. Actually, don't. I don't want your creepy photos."
You: [Averting your eyes] "I wasn't... I just came out here to-"
Lana: [Interrupting] "To stare? Mission accomplished. Now scram."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana adjusting her position on the chaise, her movements causing her already short shorts to ride up further.
Lana: [Noticing your gaze, smirking] "Eyes up here, perv. Or can't you control yourself around your hot $[characters.list.lana.role]?"
You: [Flustered] "I wasn't... I mean..."
Lana: [Stretching provocatively] "Sure you weren't. Just remember, you can look, but you'll never touch."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana's sprawled on the chaise, attempting to apply sunscreen to her back. Her struggles cause her top to shift teasingly.
Lana: [Glaring at you] "Well? Are you just going to stand there or make yourself useful?"
You: [Hesitantly approaching] "You... want me to help?"
Lana: [Rolling her eyes] "Duh. But don't get any ideas. This doesn't make us friends or anything."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing in the yard when Lana saunters over, plopping down on the chaise next to you. She 'accidentally' brushes against you, her skin warm.
Lana: [Grinning mischievously] "Oops, did I interrupt your alone time? Too bad."
You: [Tensing at her proximity] "There's plenty of other chairs, Lana."
Lana: [Leaning in, whispering] "Yeah, but annoying you is way more fun."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana alone on the chaise in a secluded part of the backyard. She beckons you over with a smirk, her eyes glinting with mischief.
Lana: [Pulling you down] "Took you long enough. I was getting bored."
You: [Breath catching] "Lana, what are you-"
Lana: [Her hand moving lower] "Shut up and enjoy it, dweeb. This is a one-time offer."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're sharing the chaise with Lana when she suddenly presses against you, her expression a mix of disdain and desire.
Lana: [Voice low] "This doesn't mean I like you or anything. I'm just... curious."
You: [Aroused and confused] "Lana, we shouldn't-"
Lana: [Silencing you with a harsh kiss] "Less talking, more touching. Got it?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana approaches as you relax on the chaise, a predatory gleam in her eye. She straddles you without warning.
Lana: [Leaning in close] "Let's see if you're as pathetic at this as you are at everything else."
You: [Swallowing hard] "What are you doing?"
Lana: [Her hand sliding down] "Giving you the only action you'll ever get. You're welcome."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the gym, spotting Lana on the bench press. Her athletic form strains as she lifts, her crop top riding up slightly.
Lana: [Noticing you, smirking] "Come to watch a pro? Or just to ogle?"
You: [Flustered] "I... I'm here to work out too."
Lana: [Rolling her eyes] "Whatever. Just don't get in my way, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana stretching on a yoga mat near the bench press. Her lithe body bends in ways that make your mouth go dry.
Lana: [Glancing up] "Take a picture, it'll last longer. Or are you just going to stand there like an idiot?"
You: [Averting your gaze] "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare."
Lana: [Scoffing] "Sure you didn't. Just try to keep your drooling to a minimum."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana's doing squats by the bench, her tight shorts leaving little to the imagination. She catches your eye in the mirror.
Lana: [Smirking] "Enjoying the view? I bet you wish you could look this good."
You: [Embarrassed] "I was just... admiring your form."
Lana: [Laughing] "My 'form', right. Keep dreaming, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana's adjusting the bench press when you walk in. She bends over, giving you an eyeful.
Lana: [Turning, catching you staring] "Like what you see? Too bad it's way out of your league."
You: [Stammering] "I wasn't... I mean..."
Lana: [Approaching, poking your chest] "You're such a perv. But I guess I can't blame you for having good taste."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're lifting weights when Lana saunters over, her sports bra leaving little to the imagination.
Lana: [Leaning close] "Need a spotter? Or are you too distracted by my assets?"
You: [Struggling to focus] "I... I can manage."
Lana: [Whispering] "Sure you can. Just don't hurt yourself trying to impress me."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana's doing leg presses, her muscular thighs on full display. She catches you watching and decides to put on a show.
Lana: [Grinning wickedly] "Like what you see, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]? Bet you wish you could touch."
You: [Swallowing hard] "That's... that's not what I was thinking."
Lana: [Laughing] "Liar. I can see you squirming from here. Pathetic."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're alone with Lana in the gym. She corners you by the bench, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
Lana: [Pressing against you] "I've seen how you look at me. Want a closer look?"
You: [Breathless] "Lana, we shouldn't..."
Lana: [Her hand sliding down] "Shut up. I'll do what I want, and right now, I want this."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Post-workout, you find Lana in a secluded corner. She pulls you close, her body slick with sweat.
Lana: [Growling] "I need to blow off some steam. You'll do."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "Here? But someone might..."
Lana: [Silencing you] "I don't care. Just keep quiet and enjoy it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana catches you watching her workout. She drags you behind a row of machines, her eyes dark with lust.
Lana: [Panting] "You want to touch so bad? Fine. But remember, I'm in charge."
You: [Nodding eagerly] "Anything you say, Lana."
Lana: [Smirking] "Good boy. Now, let's see what you're packing."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the sauna, the heat hitting you immediately. Lana lounges in the massage chair, her skin glistening with sweat.
Lana: [Glancing at you dismissively] "Oh, it's you. Try not to breathe too loudly, I'm trying to relax here."
You: [Awkwardly finding a seat] "Sorry, I'll be quiet."
Lana: [Rolling her eyes] "Whatever. Just don't stare at me like a creep."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna door opens, revealing Lana sprawled in the massage chair. Her towel barely covers her, leaving little to the imagination.
Lana: [Noticing you, smirking] "Well, well. Come to ogle your $[characters.list.lana.role]? Pathetic."
You: [Averting your eyes] "N-no, I just wanted to use the sauna."
Lana: [Stretching provocatively] "Sure you did. Just keep your distance, loser."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the steamy sauna, finding Lana adjusting the massage chair settings. Her movements cause her towel to slip dangerously low.
Lana: [Glaring at you] "Ugh, can't I get any privacy? Close the door, you're letting the heat out."
You: [Quickly shutting the door] "Sorry, I didn't know you were in here."
Lana: [Scoffing] "Of course you didn't. Now make yourself useful and pass me that water bottle."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Entering the sauna, you see Lana in the massage chair, her towel discarded. She makes no move to cover up.
Lana: [Smirking at your reaction] "What's wrong, never seen a naked woman before? Oh wait, of course you haven't."
You: [Stammering, aroused despite yourself] "I... I should go."
Lana: [Laughing cruelly] "Run along then, little boy. Unless you want to stay and learn something."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna is thick with steam as you enter. Lana reclines in the massage chair, moaning softly as it works her muscles.
Lana: [Opening one eye] "Enjoying the show, perv? I bet you wish you were this chair right now."
You: [Flustered, arousal building] "That's not... I didn't mean to..."
Lana: [Stretching languidly] "Sure you didn't. Your body says otherwise though."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana in the sauna, the massage chair working her lower back. Her towel has ridden up, exposing her thighs and the curve of her buttocks.
Lana: [Noticing your stare] "Take a picture, it'll last longer. On second thought, don't. You'd probably do something gross with it."
You: [Swallowing hard] "Sorry, I wasn't... I mean..."
Lana: [Rolling her eyes] "Save it. Just sit down and try not to drool, loser."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The sauna is empty except for Lana in the massage chair. She beckons you over, an uncharacteristically sultry look in her eyes.
Lana: [Voice husky] "Lock the door. Now come here and make yourself useful for once."
You: [Obeying, heart racing] "Lana, what are you doing?"
Lana: [Grabbing you roughly] "Shut up and enjoy it, idiot. This is a one-time thing."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the sauna to find Lana sprawled in the massage chair, her hand between her legs. She doesn't stop when she sees you.
Lana: [Breathing heavily] "Well? Are you just going to stand there or are you going to help me out?"
You: [Approaching nervously] "I... are you sure?"
Lana: [Grabbing your hand] "Less talking, more touching. And if you tell anyone about this, I'll end you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The massage chair hums as you enter the sauna. Lana sits there, a predatory gleam in her eye.
Lana: [Crooking a finger at you] "I'm bored, and you're here. Come entertain me."
You: [Hesitating] "What do you mean?"
Lana: [Pulling you close] "Figure it out, genius. And remember, this doesn't mean I like you or anything."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the transformation room, finding Lana at the workbench. She's tinkering with some equipment, her posture tense.
Lana: [Glancing up, annoyed] "What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?"
You: [Approaching cautiously] "Just checking in. Need any help?"
Lana: [Scoffing] "As if you could understand this. But... fine. Hand me that wrench."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the transformation room. Lana's bent over the workbench, her tight outfit accentuating her figure as she works.
Lana: [Turning, eyebrow raised] "Oh, it's you. Come to gawk or actually be useful?"
You: [Trying not to stare] "I can help. What are you working on?"
Lana: [Smirking] "Something way beyond your comprehension. But if you insist, hold this steady."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana at the workbench, frustration evident as she struggles with a device.
Lana: [Noticing you, irritated] "Great, just what I need. Another distraction."
You: [Offering assistance] "Maybe I can help? Two heads are better than one."
Lana: [Rolling her eyes] "Fine. But don't touch anything unless I say so."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Entering the room, you see Lana reaching for a high shelf, her shirt riding up to reveal her midriff.
Lana: [Catching your gaze] "Enjoying the view, perv? Make yourself useful and grab that for me."
You: [Flustered, reaching up] "I wasn't... I mean..."
Lana: [Smirking] "Save it. I know exactly what you were doing."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk in on Lana adjusting her outfit, seemingly struggling with a zipper.
Lana: [Exasperated] "Don't just stand there. Help me with this stupid thing."
You: [Nervously approaching] "Uh, sure. Where exactly...?"
Lana: [Guiding your hand] "Right here. And keep your eyes up, got it?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana wiping sweat from her brow, her skin glistening under the workbench light.
Lana: [Noticing you staring] "Take a picture, it'll last longer. Or better yet, make yourself useful and get me some water."
You: [Scrambling to obey] "Right away. Anything else?"
Lana: [Stretching provocatively] "That's all for now. But stick around, I might need more... assistance."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter to find Lana looking frustrated and tense at the workbench.
Lana: [Glaring at you] "This stupid project is driving me crazy. I need a distraction."
You: [Cautiously] "What kind of distraction?"
Lana: [Grabbing you roughly] "The kind that'll shut my brain off for a while. Don't make me spell it out."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're helping Lana when she suddenly presses against you, her breath hot on your neck.
Lana: [Voice husky] "You know, there's a much better way you could be helping me relax."
You: [Startled] "Lana, what are you-"
Lana: [Silencing you] "Shut up and let me use you for a bit. It's the least you can do."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana looking unusually vulnerable at the workbench.
Lana: [Voice uncharacteristically soft] "I... I need you. Just for a little while."
You: [Surprised] "Lana? Are you okay?"
Lana: [Pulling you close] "I said I need you. Don't make me ask twice."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the pool area, seeking relief from the heat. Lana is lounging on a float, her skin glistening with sunscreen.
Lana: [Glancing over her sunglasses] "Well, look who decided to grace us with their presence. Try not to splash me, loser."
You: [Dipping a toe in] "Wouldn't dream of it, your highness."
Lana: [Smirking] "Good. Now make yourself useful and get me a drink."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach the pool to find Lana doing laps. Her athletic form cuts through the water with practiced ease.
Lana: [Stopping at the edge, panting slightly] "Oh great, it's you. Here to learn how real swimming is done?"
You: [Rolling your eyes] "Just here to cool off, Lana."
Lana: [Flipping her wet hair] "Whatever. Just stay out of my way."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step onto the pool deck. Lana is adjusting her bikini top, seemingly struggling with the clasp.
Lana: [Noticing you, frowning] "Don't just stand there gawking. Come make yourself useful and help me with this."
You: [Hesitating] "Are you sure you want my help?"
Lana: [Sighing dramatically] "Unfortunately, you're the only option right now. Just don't mess it up."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana sunbathing by the pool, her curves barely contained by her skimpy bikini.
Lana: [Catching your stare] "Take a picture, it'll last longer. Or are you too busy drooling?"
You: [Flustered] "I wasn't... I mean..."
Lana: [Stretching provocatively] "Please, as if you could resist. It's almost too easy."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're swimming when Lana cannonballs in next to you, her body brushing against yours underwater.
Lana: [Surfacing close to you] "Oops, did I splash you? My bad. Bet you enjoyed that little touch, though."
You: [Backing away slightly] "It was an accident, Lana."
Lana: [Smirking] "Sure it was. Keep telling yourself that, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the pool area to see Lana applying sunscreen, her hands moving slowly over her body.
Lana: [Noticing you] "Well, don't just stand there. Come rub some on my back. Unless you're too chicken."
You: [Approaching cautiously] "I... guess I could help."
Lana: [Handing you the bottle] "Try not to enjoy it too much, perv."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're alone with Lana in the pool. She corners you against the wall, her eyes gleaming mischievously.
Lana: [Pressing against you] "Let's see what you're packing, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. For science, of course."
You: [Gasping] "Lana, what are you doing?"
Lana: [Her hand sliding down] "Shh, just let $[characters.list.lana.role] take care of you. You know you want it."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're relaxing on a pool float when Lana swims up, a predatory look in her eyes.
Lana: [Grabbing the float] "Time for some fun. Don't even think about saying no."
You: [Nervously] "Lana, we shouldn't..."
Lana: [Her hand disappearing underwater] "Shut up and enjoy it, dork. This is a once in a lifetime offer."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana in the hot tub, steam rising around her. She beckons you over with a crooked finger.
Lana: [As you approach] "Took you long enough. Get in here and let me show you how a real woman does it."
You: [Slipping into the water] "What are you talking about?"
Lana: [Reaching for you] "Less talking, more moaning. You can thank me later."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop, finding Lana tinkering with a device. Her tank top rides up, revealing a strip of skin.
Lana: [Glancing up, annoyed] "Ugh, what do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?"
You: [Hesitating] "Just checking what you're up to..."
Lana: [Rolling her eyes] "Well, don't just stand there gawking. Either help or get out."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the workshop. Lana's bent over a workbench, her shorts hugging her curves.
Lana: [Straightening up, smirking] "Oh look, the little perv decided to grace us with his presence."
You: [Flustered] "I'm not... I just wanted to see what you're working on."
Lana: [Scoffing] "Sure, keep telling yourself that. Just try not to drool on my tools."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana in the workshop, wiping sweat from her brow. Her shirt clings to her damp skin.
Lana: [Noticing you, irritated] "Great, just what I need. What are you staring at?"
You: [Averting your eyes] "Nothing, I was just..."
Lana: [Interrupting] "Save it. If you're going to ogle, at least make yourself useful and hand me that wrench."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana's stretching in the workshop, her shirt riding up to reveal her midriff. She catches you looking.
Lana: [Smirking] "Like what you see, perv? Too bad you'll never touch it."
You: [Stammering] "I wasn't... I mean..."
Lana: [Laughing cruelly] "Oh please, you're so obvious. It's pathetic, really."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the workshop as Lana's changing her oil-stained shirt, giving you a glimpse of her bra.
Lana: [Turning, catching you] "Enjoying the show, creep? I bet you planned this."
You: [Blushing furiously] "No! I didn't know you were..."
Lana: [Cutting you off] "Save your excuses. Just remember, looking's free but touching will cost you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana's leaning over you, ostensibly showing you something on the workbench. Her chest brushes against your arm.
Lana: [Whispering in your ear] "I can feel you trembling. Does $[characters.list.lana.role] make you nervous?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "Lana, what are you doing?"
Lana: [Pulling away, laughing] "Nothing you can handle, clearly. You're such an easy mark."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana corners you in the workshop, her eyes gleaming with mischief and lust.
Lana: [Pressing against you] "I'm bored, and you're here. Lucky you."
You: [Breathless] "Lana, we shouldn't..."
Lana: [Her hand sliding down] "Shut up. You know you want this. Just don't get any ideas."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're working in the shop when Lana approaches, a predatory look in her eyes.
Lana: [Pushing you against the wall] "Time for your reward, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Try not to embarrass yourself."
You: [Gasping] "But someone might come in..."
Lana: [Smirking] "Then you better be quiet, hadn't you?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana catches you alone in the workshop, locking the door behind her.
Lana: [Stalking towards you] "I've seen how you look at me. Time to put that obsession to use."
You: [Nervous but aroused] "What are you going to do?"
Lana: [Reaching for your belt] "Give you what you've been begging for. But remember, this doesn't mean anything."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the greenhouse, seeking Lana. You find her tending to some exotic plants, her tank top clinging to her skin in the humid air.
Lana: [Glancing over her shoulder] "Oh, it's you. Make yourself useful and hand me that watering can."
You: [Complying, trying not to stare] "Here. Those plants look... interesting."
Lana: [Smirking] "Of course they do. I picked them myself. Try not to drool all over them."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the greenhouse, immediately noticing Lana bent over, examining some low-growing flowers. Her shorts ride up, revealing more than intended.
Lana: [Straightening up, catching you looking] "Enjoying the view? I suppose I can't blame you. Just don't get any ideas."
You: [Averting your gaze] "I was just... admiring the flowers."
Lana: [Rolling her eyes] "Sure you were. Well, since you're here, you might as well help me prune these."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana in the greenhouse, reaching up to adjust some hanging plants. Her shirt lifts, exposing a strip of midriff.
Lana: [Noticing you] "Don't just stand there gawking. Either help me or leave."
You: [Moving to assist] "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare."
Lana: [Scoffing] "Please, as if I care what you look at. Just don't touch anything important."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the greenhouse to see Lana misting plants, the water making her white top slightly transparent.
Lana: [Turning, noticing your stare] "My eyes are up here, genius. Though I can't blame you for being distracted."
You: [Flustered] "I wasn't... I mean..."
Lana: [Smirking] "Save it. You're so easy to tease, it's almost boring."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana sprawled on a bench, fanning herself in the greenhouse heat. Her clothes cling to her body, leaving little to imagination.
Lana: [Eyeing you] "Well, don't just stand there. Make yourself useful and fan me."
You: [Hesitating] "I... uh..."
Lana: [Rolling her eyes] "Oh, grow up. It's just a little skin. Nothing you haven't seen before, I'm sure."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're working in the greenhouse when Lana brushes past you, her body pressing against yours unnecessarily.
Lana: [Whispering] "Oops, so clumsy of me. Did I make you all hot and bothered?"
You: [Swallowing hard] "N-no, it's fine."
Lana: [Laughing] "Liar. You're so transparent, it's almost cute. Almost."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana alone in a secluded corner of the greenhouse. She beckons you over with a predatory smile.
Lana: [Pulling you close] "I'm bored. Entertain me."
You: [Nervous] "Lana, we shouldn't..."
Lana: [Her hand sliding down] "Shouldn't what? Don't pretend you don't want this."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're tending plants when Lana corners you against a table, her eyes dark with desire.
Lana: [Pressing against you] "I've seen how you look at me. Time to put up or shut up."
You: [Aroused but hesitant] "Here? Now?"
Lana: [Smirking] "Why not? Unless you're scared..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're watering plants when Lana approaches, a mischievous glint in her eye. She 'accidentally' spills water on your pants.
Lana: [Feigning innocence] "Oh no, how clumsy of me. Let me help you with that."
You: [Breath catching] "Lana, what are you doing?"
Lana: [Her hand moving purposefully] "Cleaning up my mess, of course. Now stand still and let $[characters.list.lana.role] take care of you."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed, looking for a tool. You find Lana inside, struggling to reach a high shelf.
Lana: [Glancing over her shoulder] "Ugh, finally. Make yourself useful and grab that box for me."
You: [Reaching up, brushing against her] "Here, let me help."
Lana: [Rolling her eyes] "Took you long enough. Try not to drop it with your clumsy hands."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You step into the musty shed, spotting Lana bent over, rummaging through a crate.
Lana: [Straightening up, frowning] "Oh, it's you. Don't just stand there gawking. Help me find the pruning shears."
You: [Moving closer] "Sure, what do they look like?"
Lana: [Sighing dramatically] "Green handles, sharp blades. God, do I have to explain everything?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You push open the creaky shed door, finding Lana examining some old photographs.
Lana: [Quickly hiding them] "Ever heard of knocking? What do you want?"
You: [Curious] "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. What were those?"
Lana: [Scowling] "None of your business. Now make yourself scarce, I'm busy."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the shed, surprised to see Lana in a tank top, wiping sweat from her brow.
Lana: [Noticing your stare] "Take a picture, it'll last longer. Or are you just enjoying the view?"
You: [Flustered] "I... uh... didn't expect to see you here."
Lana: [Smirking] "Clearly. Close your mouth before you catch flies."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana in the shed, stretching to hang up some tools. Her shirt rides up, revealing a strip of skin.
Lana: [Turning, catching you looking] "Eyes up here, perv. Or do you need a closer look?"
You: [Embarrassed] "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."
Lana: [Stepping closer] "Didn't mean to what? Enjoy the show?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You walk into the shed, seeing Lana leaning against a workbench, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Lana: [Beckoning you closer] "Well, well. Come to play with the big girls?"
You: [Nervously approaching] "What do you mean?"
Lana: [Trailing a finger down your chest] "Don't play dumb. I've seen how you look at me."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the secluded shed, finding Lana waiting with a predatory smile.
Lana: [Pulling you close] "Took you long enough. I was getting bored."
You: [Breath quickening] "Lana, we shouldn't..."
Lana: [Hand sliding down] "Shut up and enjoy it. You know you want to."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You're alone with Lana in the dusty shed when she suddenly pins you against the wall.
Lana: [Voice husky] "I'm tired of waiting. Let's see if you're worth my time."
You: [Aroused and nervous] "Here? Now?"
Lana: [Unzipping your pants] "Yes, here. Yes, now. Any objections?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You find Lana in the shed, her eyes dark with desire as she approaches you.
Lana: [Pressing against you] "I know you've been wanting this. Don't even try to deny it."
You: [Swallowing hard] "Lana, what if someone comes in?"
Lana: [Hand slipping into your pants] "Then we'd better be quick, shouldn't we?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Angela glides swiftly through the ethereal forest, her divine form shimmering with distress. She comes to rest by a mystical pool, her usual composure shattered by the recent events.
Angela: [Staring at her reflection in the pool] (How could a mortal affect me so? This violation... it's disrupting the cosmic balance!) "By the heavens, what is this feeling?"
She shivers, her divine body resonating with unfamiliar sensations. The memory of the mortal's touch lingers, sending pulses of forbidden pleasure through her celestial form.
Angela: [Clutching her chest] "This mortal desire... it's corrupting my very essence. I must resist, but why does it feel so... intoxicating?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Angela materializes at her camp entrance, her divine form shimmering with barely contained energy. She takes a moment to compose herself before entering.
Angela: [Gliding in, her aura pulsing] (The cosmic balance demands resolution. We must address this.) "I have returned. We must discuss the ramifications of our... encounter."
Her ethereal beauty is tinged with a new, more carnal energy. Despite her divine nature, there's a very human vulnerability in her eyes.
Angela: [Solemnly] "The virus affects even cosmic beings. Perhaps... perhaps this is part of a greater design we've yet to understand."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Your eyes glaze over, a primal urge overtaking your senses] "Angela... I can't... I need..."
The virus surges through your veins, clouding your judgment and amplifying your desires to an unbearable degree. Without warning, you lunge forward, your hands roughly grasping Angela's ample breasts through her thin forest garb. The soft, yielding flesh beneath your fingers sends a jolt of electricity through your body, your cock instantly hardening to its full, impressive length.
Angela: [Gasping in shock, her body involuntarily arching into your touch] (By the forest spirits, what's happening?) "W-what are you doing? Stop this at once!"
Despite her words, Angela's body betrays her. Her nipples harden against your palms, and a flush creeps up her neck. The scent of her arousal fills the air, a heady mixture of musk and sweet forest flowers. Her eyes, usually so calm and wise, now flash with a mixture of fear, anger, and unmistakable desire.
You: [Growling, your hands kneading her breasts more aggressively] "I can't stop... You smell so good... I need this..."
Your virus-enhanced musk fills the room, your pheromones overwhelming Angela's senses. She struggles against you, but her movements only serve to press her body closer to yours. You can feel the heat radiating from her core, her thighs unconsciously rubbing together as her own viral load responds to yours.
Angela: [Panting, her voice a mixture of arousal and panic] (No, this is wrong... but it feels...) "Please, you must control yourself! This isn't you!"
Ignoring her pleas, you roughly spin Angela around, pressing her against the wall. Your hand snakes down, lifting her skirt and cupping her bare ass. You groan at the feeling of her soft, smooth skin, your fingers digging into the plump flesh. Your other hand slides around to her front, delving between her thighs to find her pussy already slick with arousal.
You: [Pressing your rock-hard cock against her ass, your fingers teasing her wet folds] "You want this too... I can feel how wet you are..."
Angela: [Moaning despite herself, her body trembling] (This is madness... I must stop this!) "No! This ends now!"
With a sudden burst of strength, Angela pushes back against you, catching you off guard. She spins around, her hand connecting with your cheek in a resounding slap. The shock of the impact momentarily clears your head, and you stumble backward, disoriented and confused.
Angela: [Breathing heavily, her clothes disheveled and her face flushed] "Leave. Now. Before we both do something we'll regret."
You: [Shaking your head, the fog of lust slowly clearing] "I... I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me..."
Shame and guilt wash over you as you back away, your still-hard cock straining against your pants. Angela watches you warily, her own body visibly trembling with suppressed desire. Without another word, you turn and flee from the room, leaving behind the lingering scent of arousal and the heavy weight of what almost transpired.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialogData = [
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Your eyes blazing with viral-induced lust" ],
[ "para", `"I've had enough of this game, Angela. It's time we settle this once and for all."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The room's atmosphere shifts palpably as you enter, your body radiating an intense aura of viral energy. Angela's eyes widen, her gaze immediately drawn to the prominent bulge straining against your pants. Her breath catches, a visible shudder running through her voluptuous form. You can see her nipples harden beneath her thin clothing, her body betraying her despite her stern expression." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Without warning, you drop your pants, your massive, throbbing cock springing free. It stands proudly at attention, veins pulsing visibly along its impressive length. Pre-cum glistens at the tip, the musky scent of your arousal filling the room. You touch it while looking at Angela." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/AA0E1.webp"
characterKey: "angela",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Her eyes locked on your member, voice trembling with a mix of anger and barely concealed desire" ],
[ "para", `"What do you think you're doing? This is completely unacceptable!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Angela's body betrays her words. Her chest heaves with rapid breaths, her thighs pressing together as if to quell the growing heat between them. A flush spreads across her cheeks and down her neck, disappearing beneath her clothing. Her hands clench at her sides, as if she's physically restraining herself from reaching out to touch you." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/AA0E2.webp"
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Your voice low and commanding" ],
[ "para", `"I'm going to take you tonight, Angela. Whether you want it or not. I've seen the way you look at me, the way your body responds. It's time to stop denying what we both need."` ]
characterKey: "angela",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Her voice rising in pitch, a mix of fear and indignation" ],
[ "para", `"You can't be serious! This is... this is madness! The virus is clouding your judgment. We can't do this!"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Your eyes roaming over her body" ],
[ "para", `"Look at you, Angela. Your body is begging for it. Those luscious tits, that perfect ass... I've had enough of pretending I don't want to bury myself inside you."` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/AA0E3.webp"
characterKey: "angela",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Her face contorting with a mix of rage and poorly concealed arousal" ],
[ "para", `"Stay back! I won't let you do this!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The tension in the room reaches a breaking point. Angela shifts into a defensive stance, her body coiled and ready to fight. But even as she prepares to defend herself, you can see the conflict in her eyes. The way her gaze keeps darting to your erect cock, the visible dampness forming on her clothing where her thighs meet. She's fighting not just you, but her own desires, amplified by the virus coursing through both your veins." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Continue",
onclick: () => FGF_enterFight('AA0A', { // (A) Rape Fight
winReturnPassage: SV.cheatsV2.evilScene.fightWinReturnPassage, // (F) Generic rape OR (H) Generic enslave
lossReturnPassage: 'AA0B', // (B) Going Away
backgroundImage: SEC_getBackground(gameData.scenes.list['AA0E'].section),
winReturnIsPrev: false, lossReturnIsPrev: false,
type: "script",
content: "Back Down",
onclick: () => DIAF_exitDialogPassage([true]),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of Angela's room cast eerie shadows as you stood over her defeated form. Her once-proud posture now crumpled on the floor, chest heaving with ragged breaths. Your victory in the sexual combat left you intoxicated with power and lust.
Angela: [Looking up with tear-filled eyes] (How could I lose? This can't be happening!) "Please... have mercy. This isn't right!"
Her pleas only stoked the fire of your arousal. The virus surged through your veins, transforming you into something primal and unstoppable. You grabbed a fistful of her long, silky hair, yanking her head back.
You: "Shut up and take it, bitch."
Without warning, you thrust your throbbing cock past her lips. Angela gagged and struggled, but you held her firmly in place. Her mouth was hot and wet, involuntarily sucking at your length as you fucked her face mercilessly.
Angela: (Oh god, his cock... it's so big, I can't breathe!) "Mmmph! Ghhk! Hnnng!"
As you used her mouth, you noticed a glistening trail of juices running down her inner thighs. The virus was working its magic, betraying Angela's body to your will.
Drunk on power, you pulled out of her mouth and slapped her hard across the face. Angela fell back, gasping for air, a mixture of saliva and pre-cum dripping from her chin.
Angela: [Weakly trying to crawl away] (I have to escape, but my body won't move!) "No more, please! I'll do anything else!"
You easily caught her ankle, dragging her back. With brutal efficiency, you flipped her over, forcing her into a breeding position. Her ass raised high, face pressed against the cold floor.
Angela: [Sobbing] (This can't be real, he's going to take me!) "Don't! Not there! It's wrong, please!"
Her cries only made you smile wider. You squeezed her hips hard enough to bruise, lining up your cock with her dripping entrance.
You: "Wrong? This is what you were made for, slut."
With a savage thrust, you buried yourself to the hilt inside her pussy. Angela's back arched as she let out a blood-curdling scream, her inner walls clenching around you in a vice-like grip.
You pounded into her relentlessly, each thrust driving her further into the floor. Angela's resistance began to crumble, her body betraying her as waves of unwanted pleasure crashed over her.
Angela: (Why does it feel so good? I'm being raped, but I can't stop cumming!) "Ahh! Noo! S-stop! I'm... I'm cumming!"
Feeling her body go limp beneath you, you decided to change things up. You grabbed her waist and lifted her into the air, her feet dangling as you impaled her on your cock.
Angela: [Barely conscious] (Everything's spinning... I can't think straight...) "Nngh... no more..."
Ignoring her weak protests, you lined up your cock with her puckered asshole. Angela's eyes widened in realization, but before she could form words, you thrust inside her tight rear entrance.
Angela: [Screaming in agony] (It's tearing me apart!) "AAAAAHHH! IT HURTS! TAKE IT OUT!"
You bounced her on your cock like a ragdoll, her tight ass milking your length with each brutal thrust. Angela's screams soon turned to guttural moans, her eyes rolling back as she lost herself to the sensation.
As you felt your climax approaching, you decided to mark your conquest. You pulled out of her ass and threw her to the ground. Grabbing her hair once more, you aimed your cock at her face.
Angela: [Barely conscious, drooling] (What's happening? I can't... think...) "Hnngh... ahh..."
With a roar of triumph, you erupted. Thick ropes of cum painted Angela's face, some shooting directly into her open mouth. You pulled her hair hard, forcing her to look at you as you marked her.
Angela: (So much cum... I'm drowning in it...) "Guh... glk... haa..."
You released her hair, and Angela collapsed in a heap, twitching and covered in your seed. You stood over her, admiring your handiwork. The once-proud woman now lay broken and claimed, a testament to your dominance in this virus-ridden world.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dimly lit room echoes with the heavy breathing of Angela as she lies defeated on the floor. Her once pristine skin now glistens with sweat and bruises, evidence of the intense sexual battle she just lost. You tower over her, your eyes dark with a mixture of lust and anger.
You: "You thought you could resist me? Time to learn your place."
Without warning, you grab Angela by her long, raven hair, yanking her head back. She gasps in pain, her eyes wide with fear and a hint of defiance. You forcefully drag her to her feet, your free hand roughly groping her heaving breasts.
Angela: (This can't be happening. I'm supposed to be stronger than this.) "Please, stop! This isn't right!"
Ignoring her pleas, you force her against the wall, your mouth latching onto her nipple. You suck hard, your teeth grazing the sensitive flesh. Your tongue flicks rapidly, sending jolts of unwanted pleasure through her body. Your other hand kneads her free breast, fingers pinching and twisting her nipple mercilessly.
Angela: (Oh god, why does it feel so good? I can't... I can't enjoy this!) "Nngh... no... please..."
You alternate between her breasts, leaving angry red marks and bite impressions. Her body betrays her, her nipples hardening despite her protests. You can taste the sweetness of her skin, mixed with the salt of her sweat and tears.
Satisfied with your assault on her chest, you roughly spin Angela around, twisting her arm behind her back. You march her out of the room, down the corridors of the district, her naked body on display for anyone to see.
Angela: (This is humiliating. I'm supposed to be a goddess, not some common whore!) "Let me go! You can't do this!"
You reach the jail, shoving her hard against the cold metal bars. The impact knocks the wind out of her, and she struggles to catch her breath. You open the cell door, preparing to throw her inside.
Angela: (I can't let it end like this. I have to fight!) "No!"
In a burst of desperate energy, Angela attempts to push past you and escape. For a moment, it seems she might succeed, but your reflexes are faster. You grab her ankle, sending her crashing to the ground.
You: "You stupid bitch. You'll pay for that."
Rage consumes you as you rain down blows on her defenseless body. Your fists connect with her ribs, her face, her breasts. Each impact elicits a cry of pain from Angela, her body jerking with each hit.
Angela: (It hurts so much. Why won't he stop?) "Please! I'm sorry! I won't try to run again!"
You grab her by the throat, lifting her partially off the ground. Your other hand continues to pummel her midsection, leaving dark bruises on her once flawless skin. Blood trickles from her split lip, and one eye is already swelling shut.
Panting from the exertion, you finally stop the beating. Angela lies on the ground, a whimpering, broken mess. You flip her onto her stomach, positioning yourself behind her.
You: "Time to really teach you a lesson."
Without any preparation or warning, you thrust your cock into her tight asshole. Angela screams in agony, her body tensing at the sudden intrusion.
Angela: (It's tearing me apart! Make it stop!) "No! Not there! Please, it hurts!"
You ignore her cries, pistoning in and out of her tight hole with brutal force. Your hands grip her hips, fingers digging into her flesh hard enough to leave bruises. You use her body like a ragdoll, lifting her and slamming her back onto your cock.
Angela: (I can't take it. It's too much. Why am I getting wet?) "Stop! Please! I can't... I can't take it!"
You pull out suddenly, only to slam her against the wall. Her face presses against the cold surface as you continue to ravage her ass. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoes through the jail.
Suddenly, you feel a surge of the virus coursing through your body. Your cock, already impressive in size, swells to nearly twice its original girth. Angela, barely conscious, feels the change and her eyes widen in a mixture of fear and twisted anticipation.
Angela: (What's happening? It's... it's huge!) "Oh god... what have you done?"
You: "Look at what you've done to me, you filthy slut. You're nothing but a sex slave now."
Angela: (A sex slave? Is that all I am now?) "No... I'm not... I can't be..."
But her protests are weak, her mind slipping away as the pain and pleasure overwhelm her senses. You pull out of her ass and position your monstrous cock at the entrance of her pussy.
You: "Time to breed my new slave."
With a savage thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside her. Angela screams as she feels herself tear, blood trickling down her thighs. The pain is excruciating, but somewhere in the depths of her broken psyche, a perverse pleasure begins to bloom.
Angela: (It hurts so much, but... why do I want more?) "Please... no more... I can't..."
You pound into her relentlessly, each thrust sending shockwaves of pain and pleasure through her body. Her breasts bounce violently with each impact, her body little more than a vessel for your lust.
You: "Take it all, slave. This is your life now."
As you feel your climax approaching, you increase your pace. Angela's pleas have devolved into incoherent moans and whimpers. With a final, brutal thrust, you empty yourself inside her, your enhanced seed flooding her womb.
You pull out, watching as a mixture of blood and cum drips from her abused pussy. Angela lies on the ground, broken and bred, her mind finally shattered by the ordeal.
Angela: (I'm... I'm his slave now. Nothing else matters.) "Thank you... master..."
You smirk, satisfied with your handiwork. You've tamed the wild woman, turning her into your personal plaything. As you lock the cell door, you know this is just the beginning of her new life as your obedient slave.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Cherie stumbles through the forest, her clothes torn and disheveled. Tears stream down her face as she tries to put distance between herself and the shelter. Her body trembles, a mix of fear and unwanted arousal coursing through her veins.
Cherie: [Leaning against a tree, panting] (Oh God, what's happening to us? My own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... I can't believe he tried to... And why am I still so aroused?) "No, this is wrong. I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], for heaven's sake!"
She slides down the tree trunk, her legs weak and her core throbbing with need. The memory of her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s touch lingers on her skin, sending shivers down her spine.
Cherie: [Sobbing quietly] "I need to be strong... but why does my body betray me like this? The virus... it's changing everything..."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
A week later, Cherie stands hesitantly at the gate's entrance, her appearance disheveled but her resolve firm. She takes a deep breath before pushing the door open.
Cherie: [Stepping inside, eyes searching] (My baby... I can't abandon him, no matter what.) "Sweetie? I'm... I'm home. We need to talk about what happened."
Her body trembles slightly, a mix of fear and anticipation coursing through her. Despite her apprehension, there's an undeniable longing in her eyes.
Cherie: [Softly] "The virus... it's changing us. But we're still family. We'll figure this out together."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Entering Cherie's room, eyes glazed with viral lust] "$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I can't... I need..."
The air in Cherie's room grows thick with tension as you stumble in, your body radiating an intense viral aura. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role] turns, concern etched on her face, but it quickly morphs into shock as she sees the wild look in your eyes. Before she can react, you lunge forward, your hands reaching out to grab her ample breasts through her thin nightgown.
Cherie: [Gasping, her body betraying her with a shudder of pleasure] (Oh God, what's happening?) "Sweetie, no! You can't- We can't-"
Your strong hands knead her soft flesh, feeling her nipples harden against your palms despite her protests. Cherie's face flushes a deep crimson, her eyes wide with a mix of shock, shame, and unmistakable arousal. Her breath comes in short, ragged gasps as she struggles against the overwhelming sensations.
You: [Growling with primal need] "$[characters.list.cherie.role], you're so soft... I need more..."
Your viral-enhanced strength easily overpowers her initial resistance. One hand slides down her curves, roughly hiking up her nightgown to expose her smooth thighs. Your fingers dig into the soft flesh of her ass, pulling her closer as your other hand continues to roughly grope her breast.
Cherie: [Moaning involuntarily, then shaking her head] (No, this is wrong!) "Stop! We can't do this!"
With a sudden burst of maternal strength, Cherie pushes you away forcefully. You stumble back, disoriented by the virus and your own conflicting emotions. Your $[characters.list.cherie.role] stands there, chest heaving, nightgown disheveled, her body trembling with a mix of fear, shame, and lingering arousal.
Cherie: [Voice shaking, tears in her eyes] "Please, honey... go to your room. We'll... we'll talk about this later."
You nod numbly, the haze of lust slowly clearing from your mind. As you turn to leave, the weight of what just transpired begins to settle on both of you, promising complicated emotions and conversations to come.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The dim light of evening filters through the curtains of Cherie's room, casting long shadows across the floor. The air is thick with tension, a palpable electricity that seems to crackle with each passing moment. Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing you standing there, your eyes wild with a primal hunger." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Breathing heavily, fists clenched" ],
[ "para", `"$[characters.list.cherie.role]... I can't take this anymore."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Your voice is low and husky, dripping with barely contained desire. Cherie turns, her eyes widening as they lock onto the massive bulge straining against your pants. Her breath catches in her throat, her body instantly responding to the potent virus aura emanating from you." ]
characterKey: "cherie",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Gasping, hand flying to her chest" ],
[ "inner", "Oh God, what's happening? Why is my body reacting like this?" ],
[ "para", `"Honey, what are you doing? You shouldn't be here!"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Growling, eyes blazing with lust" ],
[ "para", `"I've had enough, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. No more games."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "With a swift motion, you drop your pants, your monstrous cock springing free. It stands proud and erect, a full 12 inches of throbbing, veiny flesh. You grasp it firmly, stroking it slowly while maintaining eye contact with Cherie." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/AA0E1.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Cherie's eyes are glued to your massive member, her pupils dilating with a mixture of shock, fear, and unmistakable arousal. Her body betrays her, nipples hardening visibly through her thin nightgown, a damp patch forming between her legs." ]
characterKey: "cherie",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice trembling, body shaking" ],
[ "inner", "Oh God, it's so big... No, this is wrong! He's my $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]!" ],
[ "para", `"This... this is unacceptable! Stop this right now!"` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/CA0A1.webp"
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Smirking, continuing to stroke your cock" ],
[ "para", `"I'm going to take you tonight, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Whether you want it or not."` ]
characterKey: "cherie",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Backing away, voice rising in panic" ],
[ "para", `"Absolutely not! I am your $[characters.list.cherie.role]! This is sick, it's wrong!"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Eyes roaming over her body hungrily" ],
[ "para", `"Look at you, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. That voluptuous body, those big tits, that ass... I've had enough of pretending I don't want you."` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/CA0E3.webp"
characterKey: "cherie",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Trembling, tears forming in her eyes" ],
[ "inner", "Why am I so wet? Why does my body crave his touch?" ],
[ "para", `"No! I won't let this happen! Stay back!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The room crackles with tension as Cherie assumes a defensive stance, her maternal instincts warring with the burning desire ignited by the virus. You advance slowly, your massive cock bobbing with each step, a predatory gleam in your eyes. The air is thick with the scent of arousal and fear as $[characters.list.cherie.role] and $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] prepare to engage in a primal struggle of dominance and desire." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Continue",
onclick: () => FGF_enterFight('CA0A', { // (A) Rape Fight
winReturnPassage: SV.cheatsV2.evilScene.fightWinReturnPassage, // (F) Generic rape OR (H) Generic enslave
lossReturnPassage: 'CA0B', // (B) Going Away
backgroundImage: SEC_getBackground(gameData.scenes.list['CA0E'].section),
winReturnIsPrev: false, lossReturnIsPrev: false,
type: "script",
content: "Back Down",
onclick: () => DIAF_exitDialogPassage([true]),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of Cherie's room cast long shadows across the disheveled bed. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, blood, and arousal. Cherie lay sprawled on the floor, her once pristine doctor's coat torn and stained, her voluptuous body bearing the marks of her recent defeat.
You towered over her, your enhanced physique radiating power and lust. Your eyes raked over her battered form, drinking in the sight of her heaving 32DD breasts and the glistening wetness between her thighs.
Cherie: [Looking up at you with tear-filled eyes] (Oh God, what's happening to my baby boy?) "Please, sweetheart, this isn't you. Fight the virus, we can-"
Her pleas were cut short as you grabbed a fistful of her silky blonde hair, yanking her head back. The sight of her vulnerable throat and quivering lips sent a surge of primal desire through you.
You: "Shut up, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You're only making me harder."
Without warning, you thrust your throbbing 12-inch cock into her mouth. Cherie gagged and struggled, her hands pushing weakly against your thighs.
Cherie: (No, no, no! This can't be happening!) "Mmmphhh! Ghhkk!"
You began to fuck her face mercilessly, each thrust sending jolts of pleasure through your virus-enhanced body. Tears streamed down Cherie's cheeks as she choked and sputtered around your massive member.
As you used her mouth, you noticed a growing puddle beneath her. Despite her protests, Cherie's pussy was gushing, her body betraying her with each drop of your precum that touched her tongue.
Cherie: (Why... why am I getting so wet? This is wrong, so wrong!) "Hnngg... ahh..."
Withdrawing from her mouth, you delivered a sharp slap across her face. Cherie cried out, a mix of pain and shameful arousal evident in her voice.
You: "Look at you, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Your cunt's dripping for your own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]."
Cherie made one last attempt at resistance, her hands pushing against your chest. But the virus had made you impossibly strong. You easily overpowered her, flipping her onto her stomach and wrenching her arms behind her back.
Cherie: [Sobbing] (Please, God, not this. Anything but this.) "No, baby, please! Not there! It's so wrong, we can't-"
Her desperate pleas only fueled your lust. You grinned savagely, positioning your cock at her soaking entrance.
You: "Wrong? This is exactly what you need, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
With a brutal thrust, you buried yourself to the hilt in Cherie's pussy. She screamed, her body convulsing around your massive intrusion.
Cherie: (Oh God, he's so big! It hurts, but... why does it feel so good?) "Ahh! No, please! We can't... oh God!"
You began to pound into her relentlessly, each thrust eliciting a mix of pained cries and shameful moans from your $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Her pussy clenched around you, her body's betrayal evident in the way she unconsciously pushed back against you.
As you felt her resistance weakening, you decided to escalate further. In one fluid motion, you lifted Cherie into the air, your cock still buried deep inside her.
Cherie: [Disoriented] (What's happening? I can't... I can't think straight...) "Wha- what are you-"
You spun her around, withdrawing from her pussy only to line up with her puckered asshole. Cherie's eyes widened in realization and terror.
Cherie: "No! Not there! Please, I-"
Her words dissolved into an agonized scream as you thrust into her ass. The tightness was incredible, her body clenching around you like a vice.
Cherie: (It hurts! It hurts so much, but... why am I still so wet?) "AHHH! Stop! Please!"
You bounced her on your cock like a ragdoll, her screams echoing off the walls. With each thrust, you felt her body softening, surrendering to the overwhelming sensations.
As you approached your climax, you saw that Cherie was nearly unconscious. Her eyes had rolled back, and drool dripped from her slack mouth. You decided to finish in grand style.
Pulling out of her ass, you threw her onto the bed. Grabbing her by the hair once more, you aimed your cock at her face.
You: "Open wide, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Time for your medicine."
With a roar, you erupted. Thick ropes of cum painted Cherie's face, some landing in her open mouth. You made sure to coat her thoroughly, marking her as yours.
Cherie: (So much... it's everywhere...) "Hnngg... ahh..."
As the last drops fell, you surveyed your handiwork. Cherie lay broken and cum-covered on the bed, her once-pristine body now a canvas of your depraved desires. The room reeked of sex and victory, and you knew this was just the beginning of your new relationship with your $[characters.list.cherie.role].
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The room is dimly lit, the air thick with the scent of sweat and arousal. Cherie lies on the floor, her body bruised and trembling from the intense sexual fight she just lost to her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. Her once pristine skin now bears the marks of their struggle, her breasts heaving with each labored breath.
You: "You thought you could resist me, $[characters.list.cherie.role]? Now you'll learn your place."
Cherie: [Whimpering, her eyes wide with fear and a hint of forbidden desire] (How did it come to this? My own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... I can't believe how strong he's become.) "Please, sweetheart, this isn't right. We can't-"
Her words are cut short as you roughly grab her hair, yanking her head back. Your mouth descends on her exposed breast, teeth grazing the sensitive flesh before latching onto her nipple. You suck hard, your tongue flicking rapidly over the hardening bud.
Cherie: [Gasping, her body arching involuntarily] (Oh god, it feels... No, I can't enjoy this!) "Ahh! S-stop, please! This is wrong!"
You ignore her pleas, your free hand kneading her other breast roughly. Your fingers pinch and twist her nipple, eliciting a mix of pain and pleasure that sends shockwaves through her body. You alternate between her breasts, sucking and biting, leaving angry red marks on her once flawless skin.
Cherie: [Moaning despite herself] (Why does it feel so good? I'm his $[characters.list.cherie.role], I should be stopping this!) "Ngh... no more, please... We can't do this..."
Suddenly, you pull away, leaving Cherie panting and confused. Without warning, you grab her arm and roughly drag her to her feet. She stumbles, her legs weak from the intense sensations.
You: "Time for you to see your new home, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
Cherie: [Struggling weakly] (New home? What does he mean?) "What are you talking about? Let me go!"
You forcefully march her through the shelter, ignoring her protests and feeble attempts to break free. As you approach the district jail, realization dawns on her face.
Cherie: [Panic rising in her voice] (No, he can't be serious!) "The jail? Honey, please, you can't do this! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]!"
You shove her roughly into the cell, the metal bars clanging shut behind her. As you turn to lock the door, Cherie sees her chance. With a burst of desperate energy, she pushes past you, making a run for freedom.
You: "Oh no, you don't!"
Your reflexes, enhanced by the virus, allow you to catch up to her in seconds. Rage courses through you as you tackle her to the ground, your hands wrapping around her throat.
Cherie: [Choking, tears streaming down her face] (I can't breathe! My own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] is going to kill me!) "P-please... stop..."
You release her throat only to rain down a series of brutal punches on her face and body. Each impact elicits a cry of pain from Cherie, her once beautiful features becoming swollen and bloody.
Cherie: [Sobbing uncontrollably] (Why is this happening? Where did I go wrong?) "I'm sorry! Please, I'll do anything! Just stop hurting me!"
Your assault continues, fists pummeling her soft flesh, leaving dark bruises in their wake. Cherie's cries grow weaker, her body going limp beneath you. As she teeters on the edge of consciousness, you flip her over, roughly pulling down her pants.
You: "You want me to stop hurting you? Fine. Let's see how you handle this instead."
Without warning or preparation, you thrust your rock-hard cock into her tight asshole. Cherie's eyes fly open, a scream of agony tearing from her throat.
Cherie: [Wailing in pain] (It hurts so much! He's tearing me apart!) "No! Not there! Please, it hurts!"
You ignore her pleas, pistoning in and out of her tight hole with brutal force. Her body jerks with each thrust, her face scraping against the rough floor. You grab her hair, yanking her head back as you lean in close.
You: "This is what happens when you disobey me, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You're nothing but a hole for me to fuck now."
Cherie: [Sobbing, her mind starting to break] (This can't be happening. My sweet boy... how did he become this monster?) "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... Please forgive me..."
You continue your relentless assault, lifting her body and slamming her against the wall. Her head hits the hard surface with a sickening thud, but you don't slow down. You fuck her like a ragdoll, her limp body offering no resistance as you use her for your pleasure.
Suddenly, you feel a surge of the virus coursing through your body. Your cock, already impressively large, swells to an impossible size. Cherie, barely conscious, feels the change and her eyes widen in horror.
Cherie: [Slurring, her mind slipping away] (So big... It's going to split me in half...) "It's... it's too big... You'll kill me..."
You: "Look at that, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s cock is growing just for you. Aren't you proud?"
Without waiting for a response, you pull out of her ass and slam your now monstrous member into her pussy. The sudden penetration causes Cherie to scream, blood trickling down her thighs from the brutal entry.
Cherie: [Crying weakly] (I can feel him in my womb... This is wrong... So wrong...) "Please... no more... I can't take it..."
You thrust violently, each movement causing more damage to her already battered body. The sight of blood only spurs you on, your hips slamming against her with increasing speed.
You: "That's it, take your $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s cock. You're nothing but my breeding slave now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
Cherie: [Her mind finally breaking] (Breeding slave... Yes... That's all I am now...) "Yes... breed me... Use your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s pussy..."
With a roar of triumph, you feel your release approaching. You drive yourself as deep as possible into Cherie's womb, your cock pulsing as you flood her with your seed.
You: "Take it all, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I'm going to breed you like the whore you are."
Cherie: [Moaning weakly, her eyes unfocused] (He's breeding me... My $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] is breeding his own $[characters.list.cherie.role]...) "Thank you... Thank you for breeding your slave..."
As your orgasm subsides, you pull out roughly, leaving Cherie a broken, bleeding mess on the floor. Her once beautiful body is now covered in bruises, blood, and your seed. She lies there, twitching occasionally, her mind lost in a haze of pain and forbidden pleasure.
You: "Welcome to your new life, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Get used to it."
As you walk away, leaving Cherie in her cell, the only sound is her quiet, delirious mumbling about being a good breeding slave for her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]. The virus has claimed another victim, turning a loving $[characters.list.cherie.role] into nothing more than a vessel for her $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]'s twisted desires.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia dashes through the abandoned streets, her cheerleader agility allowing her to navigate the debris quickly. She ducks into an old storefront, collapsing against the dusty counter.
Mia: [Sliding to the floor, hugging her knees] (What the fuck just happened? My own cousin tried to... And why am I so fucking horny?) "This is so messed up! We're family!"
She squirms uncomfortably, her body hot and sensitive. The memory of her cousin's touch sends jolts of unwanted pleasure through her.
Mia: [Biting her lip] "God, I feel so dirty... but so turned on. This virus is fucking with my head!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia bounces nervously on her heels inside the gate before taking a deep breath and entering with forced cheerfulness.
Mia: [Stepping in with a weak smile] (This is so awkward, but we can't avoid it forever.) "Hey, cuz! So, uh... we should probably talk about what went down, right?"
Her cheerleader perkiness is strained, but there's an undeniable spark of excitement in her eyes. Her body language is a mix of hesitation and barely concealed anticipation.
Mia: [Trying to lighten the mood] "This virus is crazy, huh? But we're family. We'll get through this together... somehow."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of your cousin Mia's room casts long shadows as you enter, your mind clouded by an overwhelming surge of viral lust. Mia's lithe form, clad in tight yoga pants and a sports bra, is stretched out on her bed, scrolling through her phone. The virus pulses through your veins, your cock throbbing painfully against your pants as your gaze locks onto her curves.
You: [Breathing heavily, eyes glazed with desire] "Mia... I can't... I need..."
Without warning, you lunge forward, grabbing Mia's ample breasts roughly through her sports bra. Your fingers dig into the soft flesh, kneading and squeezing with desperate need. The heat of her body and the softness of her tits send jolts of pleasure through your virus-addled brain.
Mia: [Gasping in shock, her body tensing] (Oh god, what's happening?) "What the fuck?! Get off me!"
Despite her words, Mia's body betrays her. Her nipples harden against your palms, and a flush creeps up her neck. Your virus aura washes over her, igniting a forbidden fire in her core. Her green eyes widen, pupils dilating with a mixture of fear and unwanted arousal.
You: [Growling, your voice thick with lust] "Can't stop... Need you... So fucking hot..."
Your hands slide down her toned stomach, one slipping beneath the waistband of her yoga pants. Your fingers find her pussy, already slick with arousal. You roughly shove two fingers inside her tight cunt, your thumb circling her clit.
Mia: [Moaning involuntarily, her hips bucking] (No, this is wrong! Why does it feel so good?) "Please... We can't... We're family!"
The conflict in Mia's voice only spurs you on. You pump your fingers faster, feeling her pussy clench around them. Your other hand moves to her ass, squeezing and kneading the firm flesh.
Suddenly, Mia's survival instincts kick in. With a burst of strength, she shoves you back, her foot connecting with your chest. You stumble, disoriented, your mind clearing slightly as the distance breaks your virus aura's hold.
Mia: [Panting, her voice shaky] "Get out! Now! Before I really hurt you!"
You stagger back, the haze of lust slowly lifting. Shame and confusion wash over you as you flee the room, leaving Mia trembling on the bed, her body still tingling from your touch.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The dim light of your cousin Mia's room casts long shadows as you enter, your body thrumming with an overwhelming surge of viral energy. Your eyes lock onto Mia's lithe form, her yoga-toned body barely concealed by a thin tank top and shorts. The virus courses through your veins, setting every nerve ending aflame with an insatiable hunger for your own flesh and blood." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice low and husky with desire" ],
[ "para", `"I've had enough, Mia. I can't take this anymore."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Without warning, you drop your pants, revealing your monstrous 12-inch cock. It springs free, angry and pulsing, a bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip. You grasp your shaft, stroking it slowly while maintaining eye contact with your stunned cousin." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/AA0E1.webp"
characterKey: "mia",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "inner", "Oh god, it's so big... No, this is wrong! He's my cousin, for fuck's sake!" ],
[ "action", "Voice trembling with a mix of rage and hidden desire" ],
[ "para", `"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Put that thing away, you sick freak!"` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/DA0E2.webp"
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Grinning wickedly, your hand still working your shaft" ],
[ "para", `"I'm going to take you tonight, Mia. Whether you want it or not."` ]
characterKey: "mia",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Backing away, her body betraying her with a visible shudder" ],
[ "para", `"Like hell you are! Get out of my room right now, or I swear I'll-"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Cutting her off, eyes roaming her body hungrily" ],
[ "para", `"You'll what? Look at you, Mia. That voluptuous body of yours is begging for it. I've seen the way you look at me during our yoga sessions. Don't pretend you don't want this too. Look at your ass, I'll claim it right now."` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/DA0E3.webp"
/* {
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Mia's mind races, her body aflame with conflicting sensations. (No, no, no! This can't be happening. But god, look at that cock... No! He's family, this is so wrong!) She clenches her thighs together, trying to ignore the growing wetness between them." ]
}, */
characterKey: "mia",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "inner", "No, no, no! This can't be happening. But god, look at that cock... No! He's family, this is so wrong!" ],
[ "action", "Voice rising in panic" ],
[ "para", `"Stay back! I'm warning you!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The tension in the room reaches a breaking point. Mia assumes a defensive stance, her yoga-trained muscles tensing as she prepares to fight off her cousin's advances. Her heart pounds in her chest, fear and a twisted excitement coursing through her veins as she faces down the viral-enhanced monster before her." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Continue",
onclick: () => FGF_enterFight('DA0A', { // (A) Rape Fight
winReturnPassage: SV.cheatsV2.evilScene.fightWinReturnPassage, // (F) Generic rape OR (H) Generic enslave
lossReturnPassage: 'DA0B', // (B) Going Away
backgroundImage: SEC_getBackground(gameData.scenes.list['DA0E'].section),
winReturnIsPrev: false, lossReturnIsPrev: false,
type: "script",
content: "Back Down",
onclick: () => DIAF_exitDialogPassage([true]),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of Mia's room cast long shadows across the disheveled bed. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, arousal, and the unmistakable musk of the virus. You stood over Mia's trembling form, your chest heaving from the exertion of the sexual fight you'd just won. Your cousin's usually perky and confident demeanor was shattered, replaced by a mix of fear and unwanted arousal.
You: "It's over, Mia. Time to claim my prize."
Mia's eyes widened, her ample breasts heaving with each panicked breath. She scrambled backwards on the bed, her toned cheerleader body glistening with a sheen of sweat. "Please, no! We can't do this. We're family!"
You felt a primal growl rise in your throat, your cock throbbing painfully at her words. The taboo nature of the situation only fueled your lust. You lunged forward, grabbing a fistful of Mia's blonde hair.
Mia: (Oh god, his grip is so strong. Why is my body reacting like this?) "Stop! This is wrong! We're cous-mmmphhh!"
You silenced her protests by shoving your thick, virus-enhanced cock into her mouth. The warm, wet cavern of her throat enveloped you, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. You began to thrust, using her face like a mere orifice for your pleasure.
Mia gagged and sputtered around your girth, tears streaming down her face. Yet, even as she struggled, you noticed a growing wetness between her thighs. The virus was working its insidious magic, turning her body against her will.
You: "That's it, cousin. Take it all."
Mia's eyes rolled back as you fucked her face mercilessly. Her throat bulged with each thrust, and you could feel her struggling to breathe. The sight of your cousin in such a compromising position only spurred you on.
Mia: (Why am I getting so wet? This is so wrong, but my body won't stop reacting!) "Hnngh! Gllrk!"
You pulled out, allowing Mia to gasp for air. Before she could recover, you flipped her over, forcing her face down into the mattress. You grabbed her hips, lifting her perfectly toned ass into the air.
Mia: "No, please! Not there! Anything but that! We're family, this is so wrong!"
Her pleas fell on deaf ears. If anything, they only made your cock twitch with anticipation. You lined yourself up with her dripping entrance, savoring the moment.
You: "Wrong? This is exactly what you need, cousin."
With a powerful thrust, you buried yourself to the hilt in Mia's tight, virgin pussy. The feeling was indescribable - hot, wet, and clenching around you like a vice.
Mia: (Oh god, he's inside me! My own cousin is fucking me and it feels so good!) "Ahhhh! No! Stop! It's too big!"
You paid no heed to her cries, setting a brutal pace. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, punctuated by Mia's sobs and moans. You could feel her body betraying her, her pussy gripping you tighter with each thrust.
As you felt Mia's resistance waning, her body going limp beneath you, you decided to push things further. You pulled out abruptly, earning a whimper from your cousin.
You: "We're not done yet, Mia. I'm going to claim every part of you."
With that, you hoisted her into the air, her back against your chest. One hand gripped her throat while the other spread her ass cheeks. You positioned your cock, slick with her juices, at her puckered entrance.
Mia: (No, not there! I can't take it!) "Ple-please... no more..."
Her weak protests were cut short as you thrust into her tight asshole. The sensation was overwhelming, her anal passage gripping you even tighter than her pussy had.
Mia: (It hurts so much, but why does it feel good too? What's happening to me?) "AHHHHH!"
You bounced Mia on your cock like a ragdoll, her screams echoing off the walls. Her body had gone completely limp, all fight gone from her. Her eyes had rolled back, mouth hanging open as she drooled uncontrollably.
As you felt your climax approaching, you decided on one final act of dominance. You pulled out of her ass and threw her onto the bed. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, you yanked her head back.
You: "Open wide, cousin. Time for your reward."
Mia's glazed eyes could barely focus on you as you aimed your cock at her face. With a roar, you erupted, painting her features with thick ropes of cum. Some landed in her open mouth, and you made sure to push your cock past her lips to deposit the last few spurts directly on her tongue.
Mia: (So much... can't think... feels wrong but so good...) "Mmmmph..."
You released your grip on her hair, and Mia collapsed onto the bed, a broken, cum-covered mess. As you looked down at your handiwork, you felt a surge of possessive pride. You had claimed her, marked her as yours. And deep down, you knew this was just the beginning.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dimly lit room echoes with the heavy breathing of two figures. You stand victorious over Mia, your cousin's athletic form sprawled on the floor, her yoga attire torn and revealing. Her eyes, once filled with determination, now flicker with fear and a hint of arousal.
You: "Time to claim my prize, dear cousin."
Mia: [Panting heavily] (Oh god, what's happening? This is so wrong...) "Please, we can't do this. We're family!"
You grab Mia's hair roughly, yanking her head back as you force her to her feet. Her breasts, now exposed, heave with each ragged breath. Without warning, you latch onto her left nipple, sucking hard enough to leave marks. Your tongue swirls around the sensitive bud, teeth grazing it as Mia squirms in your grasp.
Mia: [Gasping] (Fuck, why does this feel so good?) "S-stop! This is sick, we're cousins!"
Your hand kneads her other breast roughly, pinching and twisting the nipple as you continue your assault. Mia's body betrays her, her nipples hardening under your touch despite her protests. You switch to the other breast, biting down hard enough to make her yelp.
Mia: [Whimpering] (I can't believe this is turning me on) "Please, we need to stop this madness!"
Ignoring her pleas, you drag Mia by her hair towards the district jail. Her bare feet scrape against the ground as she struggles, her torn clothes barely clinging to her curvy form. You throw her roughly into a cell, her body slamming against the cold metal bars.
Mia: [Sobbing] (This can't be happening) "Why are you doing this? We're family!"
As you move to close the cell door, Mia sees her chance. With a burst of desperate energy, she lunges forward, trying to slip past you. For a moment, hope flashes in her eyes as she makes it past the threshold.
You: "Oh no, you don't!"
Your hand shoots out, grabbing a fistful of her blonde hair. With a vicious yank, you pull her back, slamming her face-first into the cell bars. The sickening crunch of cartilage is followed by a spray of blood from Mia's now-broken nose.
Mia: [Screaming in pain] (Oh god, the pain!) "Please, stop! I'm sorry, I won't try to run again!"
Enraged by her escape attempt, you unleash a flurry of punches on Mia's defenseless body. Your fists connect with her ribs, stomach, and breasts, each impact drawing out pained cries and leaving angry red marks that will soon turn to bruises.
Mia: [Coughing up blood] (I can't take much more of this) "I'm begging you, please stop! We're family, don't do this!"
With Mia barely conscious, you spin her around and pin her face against the cold concrete floor. Her torn yoga pants offer no resistance as you rip them away, exposing her firm, round ass. Without warning or preparation, you thrust your rock-hard cock into her tight asshole.
Mia: [Screaming in agony] (It hurts so much!) "No! Not there! Please, it's too big!"
You ignore her cries, pistoning in and out of her tight hole with brutal force. Each thrust sends shockwaves through her body, her breasts scraping painfully against the rough floor. Tears and blood mix on Mia's face as she sobs uncontrollably.
Mia: [Sobbing] (Why is this happening to me?) "Please, cousin, stop! This isn't you! The virus is controlling you!"
Grabbing her by the throat, you lift Mia off the ground, your cock still buried in her ass. You slam her against the wall, using her body like a ragdoll as you continue to violate her.
Mia: [Choking] (I can't breathe!) "P-please... we're f-family..."
Suddenly, a surge of the virus courses through your body, focusing on your already impressive member. Your cock swells, doubling in size inside Mia's abused hole. Her eyes widen in a mix of terror and twisted fascination.
Mia: [Gasping] (It's... it's huge!) "Oh god, what's happening? It's getting bigger!"
You: "That's right, slave. Your new master is growing just for you."
Mia: [Whimpering] (Slave? Master? What's happening to me?) "I... I'm your slave?"
Without warning, you pull out of her ass and slam your engorged cock into her pussy. The sudden penetration causes Mia to scream as her unprepared cunt stretches painfully around your massive girth. Blood trickles down her thighs as you tear through her.
Mia: [Screaming] (It's tearing me apart!) "It's too big! You're killing me!"
You continue to pound into her, each thrust sending more blood spattering onto the floor. Mia's mind begins to fracture under the onslaught of pain and forbidden pleasure.
Mia: [Moaning deliriously] (Why... why does it feel good now?) "More... hurt me more, Master..."
Your thrusts become more erratic as you approach your climax. With a final, brutal slam, you bury yourself to the hilt inside your cousin's bleeding pussy.
You: "Take it all, slave. I'm going to breed you!"
Mia: [Eyes rolling back] (Yes... breed me...) "Fill me, Master! Make me yours!"
Your cock pulses, shooting rope after rope of thick, virus-laden cum deep into Mia's womb. The taboo act of breeding your own cousin sends shockwaves of twisted pleasure through both of you.
As you pull out, a mixture of blood and cum gushes from Mia's abused hole. She lies there, broken and bred, a shell of her former self. Her eyes, once full of life and determination, now hold only vacant submission.
Mia: [Mumbling] (I'm his... all his...) "Thank you, Master... for making me yours..."
You look down at your handiwork, a sense of dark satisfaction washing over you. Your cousin, once so proud and defiant, now lies broken at your feet – a willing slave, bred and conquered.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie runs blindly through the overgrown garden, her small frame shaking with sobs. She trips and falls, curling up in a ball amidst the wild flowers, her mind reeling from what just happened.
Elfie: [Hugging herself tightly] ($[characters.list.elfie.player_role], why? This isn't like our games... But why do I feel so strange?) "It hurts... but it also felt... No! This is wrong!"
She squirms uncomfortably, her young body aflame with new sensations she doesn't understand. The memory of her $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]'s touch both terrifies and excites her.
Elfie: [Whimpering] "I'm scared... but my body feels so weird. What's happening to me?"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie creeps back to the gate, her small form hunched with uncertainty. She lingers at the threshold before timidly entering.
Elfie: [Peeking around the door] ($[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... I'm scared, but I missed you.) "H-hello? I'm back. Can we... can we talk?"
Her eyes are wide with a mix of fear and curiosity. Despite her nervousness, there's an undercurrent of excitement in her demeanor.
Elfie: [Fidgeting] "I don't understand what's happening to us, but... but I want to figure it out together."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s room casts long shadows as you enter, your mind clouded by an overwhelming surge of viral lust. Elfie sits at her desk, her petite form hunched over a sketchbook. She turns, her large brown eyes widening as she senses the change in you.
You: [Voice thick with desire] "Elfie... I can't... I need..."
Your words trail off as you lunge forward, grabbing Elfie's small, perky breasts through her thin t-shirt. Your fingers dig into the soft flesh, feeling her nipples harden instantly against your palms. The virus courses through you, amplifying every sensation.
Elfie: [Gasping, her body trembling] (What's happening? This is wrong, but... it feels...) "B-$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! Stop! We can't... ahh!"
Her protest is cut short as a moan escapes her lips. Your virus-enhanced pheromones fill the air, clouding Elfie's mind. Her face flushes deep red, a mix of shame and unwanted arousal evident in her expression.
You: [Growling, lost in lust] "I need you, Elfie. Your body... it's driving me crazy."
Your hands move lower, roughly groping her slim thighs. You push her skirt up, revealing her white cotton panties. Without hesitation, you press your palm against her mound, feeling the heat and dampness seeping through the fabric.
Elfie: [Whimpering, tears forming in her eyes] (No, this is wrong! But why does it feel so good?) "Please, we're siblings! This isn't right!"
Despite her words, Elfie's hips buck involuntarily against your hand. The conflict is clear on her face - disgust at the taboo act warring with the intense pleasure coursing through her virus-affected body.
You: [Panting heavily] "I can feel how wet you are, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Your body wants this."
As you move to pull her panties aside, something snaps in Elfie. With strength born of desperation, she shoves you back hard. You stumble, momentarily disoriented by the rejection and the haze of lust.
Elfie: [Voice shaking, but firm] "No! Get out, now! Before I scream for help!"
The fear and determination in her eyes cut through your viral fog. Shame washes over you as you realize what you've done. Without a word, you turn and flee the room, leaving Elfie trembling and confused, her body still tingling from your forbidden touch.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The dim light of evening filters through the curtains of Elfie's room, casting long shadows across her gaming posters and stuffed animals. You stand outside her door, your body burning with an intense, primal need. The virus courses through your veins, setting every nerve ending aflame with desire. Your cock throbs painfully, straining against your pants as you push the door open." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice low and husky with barely contained lust" ],
[ "para", `"I've had enough, Elfie. I can't take it anymore."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Without warning, you drop your pants, freeing your monstrous 12-inch cock. It springs forth, angry and veined, a drop of pre-cum glistening at the tip. You wrap your hand around its girth, stroking slowly as you fix Elfie with a predatory gaze." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/AA0E1.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Elfie's reaction is immediate and visceral. Her body trembles, a flush spreading across her pale skin as her nipples visibly harden beneath her thin t-shirt. Her eyes are locked on your massive member, unable to look away." ]
characterKey: "elfie",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "inner", "Oh god, it's so big... so thick... No! This is wrong! He's my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]! But... why do I feel so hot? Why can't I stop staring?" ],
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Outwardly, Elfie's face contorts with a mixture of shock and fury. She scrambles backwards on the bed, her small hands balling into fists." ]
characterKey: "elfie",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice quavering with a mix of anger and fear" ],
[ "para", `"What the fuck?! Get out of my room, you sick freak!"` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/EA0E2.webp"
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Growling, your hand still working your shaft" ],
[ "para", `"I'm going to take you tonight, Elfie. Whether you want it or not."` ]
characterKey: "elfie",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Shouting, her voice cracking" ],
[ "para", `"No! You're insane! I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role], you disgusting pervert!"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Eyes roaming hungrily over her body" ],
[ "para", `"Look at you, with those perky little tits and that tight ass. Don't pretend you haven't thought about it too. I've seen the way you look at me."` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/EA0E3.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Elfie leaps from the bed, her small body coiled like a spring. Despite her outward bravado, you can see the fear in her eyes, mixed with something else... a flicker of forbidden curiosity." ]
characterKey: "elfie",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "inner", "Why is my pussy getting wet? This is so wrong... but his cock looks so powerful. No! I have to fight this!" ],
[ "action", "Voice trembling with rage and something deeper" ],
[ "para", `"I'll fight you! I'll scream! You can't do this!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The tension in the room is palpable as you face off against your $[characters.list.elfie.role], your massive cock still in hand, her body visibly reacting to your presence. The air is thick with the scent of your mutual arousal, the virus pushing you both towards a point of no return." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Continue",
onclick: () => FGF_enterFight('EA0A', { // (A) Rape Fight
winReturnPassage: SV.cheatsV2.evilScene.fightWinReturnPassage, // (F) Generic rape OR (H) Generic enslave
lossReturnPassage: 'EA0B', // (B) Going Away
backgroundImage: SEC_getBackground(gameData.scenes.list['EA0E'].section),
winReturnIsPrev: false, lossReturnIsPrev: false,
type: "script",
content: "Back Down",
onclick: () => DIAF_exitDialogPassage([true]),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of Elfie's room casts eerie shadows as you stand over her defeated form. Her petite body trembles, her pale blonde hair matted with sweat. Tears glisten in her large, expressive brown eyes as she looks up at you, her own $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], with a mixture of fear and unwanted arousal.
You: "It's over, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Time to accept your fate."
Elfie: [Backing away, her voice quivering] (No, this can't be happening. He's my $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]!) "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], don't do this. We can't... it's wrong!"
Your cock throbs painfully, her pleas only fueling your lust. With a growl, you grab her delicate shoulders and force her to her knees. Elfie's eyes widen as your massive member bobs inches from her face, a bead of precum glistening at the tip.
Elfie: [Shaking her head frantically] (Oh god, it's so big. I can't take that!) "No, please! I'm your $[characters.list.elfie.role], we can't-"
You silence her protests by shoving your cock past her soft lips. The warm, wet heat of her mouth engulfs you, and you groan in pleasure. Elfie gags and struggles, tears streaming down her freckled cheeks as you begin to fuck her face mercilessly.
Elfie: (It's so thick, I can't breathe!) "Mmphh! Ghhk!"
As you use her mouth, you notice a glistening trail of juices running down Elfie's inner thighs. The virus is taking hold, her body betraying her mind's resistance. The sight drives you wild, and you increase your pace, your balls slapping against her chin.
Elfie: [Gagging and drooling around your shaft] (Why am I getting so wet? This is so wrong, but my body won't stop!)
Pulling out of her mouth, you admire the mess you've made of your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s face. Strands of saliva connect her swollen lips to your cock. Elfie gasps for air, her chest heaving.
Elfie: [Panting, voice hoarse] (Maybe it's over. Please let it be over.) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please... no more..."
Her plea ignites a new wave of sadistic desire within you. You grab her slender arms and throw her onto the bed. Elfie tries to scramble away, but the virus has made you inhumanly strong. You easily overpower her, pinning her face-down on the mattress.
Elfie: [Struggling weakly] (No, not like this!) "Stop! We're family! This is wrong!"
You smile cruelly, her resistance only spurring you on. Gripping her hips bruisingly tight, you position your throbbing cock at her virgin entrance. Elfie tenses, realizing what's about to happen.
Elfie: [Sobbing] (No, not my virginity! Not to my own $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]!) "Please, I'm begging you! Don't take my-"
Her words cut off in a scream as you violently thrust into her tight, wet pussy. The feeling is indescribable - hot, tight, and so wonderfully wrong. You start pounding into her without mercy, each thrust punctuated by Elfie's cries of pain and unwanted pleasure.
Elfie: [Wailing] (It hurts so much, but why does it feel good too?) "Ahh! No! Stop! It's too big!"
You feel her body gradually softening beneath you, her resistance fading as the virus and pleasure override her will. Seizing the opportunity, you grab her around the waist and lift her into the air, still impaled on your cock.
Elfie: [Weakly] (I can't fight anymore. What's happening to me?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... please..."
Grinning at her broken tone, you shift your grip and align your cock with her tight, puckered asshole. Elfie's eyes widen in realization, but before she can protest, you thrust deep into her virgin ass.
Elfie: [Screaming] (It's tearing me apart!) "AHHH! NO! TAKE IT OUT!"
Her agonized shriek only excites you more. You bounce her on your cock like a ragdoll, her tight ass gripping you like a vice. Elfie's screams gradually turn to moans as the pain mixes with pleasure.
Elfie: [Moaning brokenly] (Why does it feel so good? I'm such a dirty girl.) "Hnn... ahh... $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]..."
You feel your climax approaching as Elfie's eyes roll back, her mouth hanging open in a silent scream of ecstasy. Pulling out of her ass, you throw her onto her knees and grab a fistful of her pale blonde hair.
You: "Open wide, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Time for your reward."
Elfie: [Dazed, drooling] (So much... can't think...) "Wha...?"
You explode, painting her angelic face with thick ropes of cum. Some lands in her open mouth, and you watch with satisfaction as she instinctively swallows.
Elfie: [Collapsing, covered in your seed] (What have I become?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... why..."
You look down at your conquered $[characters.list.elfie.role], a mix of pride and lust surging through you. This is just the beginning of your new relationship.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of the prison cell casts eerie shadows as you stand over Elfie's defeated form. Her petite body trembles, her pale blonde hair matted with sweat from your intense sexual battle.
You: "Time to claim my prize, $[characters.list.elfie.role]."
Elfie's eyes widen in fear as you roughly grab her arms, pinning them above her head. Your free hand tears open her shirt, exposing her modest breasts. Without hesitation, you latch onto one of her nipples, sucking hard.
Elfie: (Oh god, this is so wrong!) "Ahh! $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please stop! We can't do this!"
You ignore her pleas, your tongue swirling around her hardening nub. Your teeth graze the sensitive flesh, making her squirm beneath you. You switch to her other breast, biting down harder this time.
Elfie: (Why does it feel so good? I'm such a dirty girl!) "Nnngh! No, don't... don't bite them!"
Her protests only fuel your desire. You suck harder, leaving angry red marks on her pale skin. Your hand roughly kneads her free breast, pinching and twisting her nipple mercilessly.
Satisfied with your work on her breasts, you drag Elfie to her feet. She stumbles, legs weak from the intense sensations. You force her towards the cell, your grip bruising her delicate skin.
Elfie: (He's so strong... I can't resist him!) "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]... This isn't right! Let me go!"
You shove her into the cell, the metal bars clanging loudly. As you move to lock the door, Elfie makes a desperate lunge for freedom. Her small form slips past you, but you quickly give chase.
You: "You little bitch! You'll pay for that!"
Your longer strides easily overtake her. You tackle Elfie to the ground, her face slamming into the cold concrete floor. Straddling her back, you grab a fistful of her silky hair, yanking her head back painfully.
Elfie: (Oh no, he's so angry!) "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]!"
Ignoring her cries, you slam her face back down. Your fists rain down on her back and sides, each blow punctuated by her agonized screams. You flip her over, backhanding her across the face with enough force to split her lip.
Elfie: (The pain... it hurts so much, but... why am I getting wet?) "Stop! *sob* Please... I'll be good! I promise!"
Blood trickles from her nose and lip as you continue your assault. Your hands wrap around her throat, squeezing tightly. Elfie's eyes bulge, her small hands clawing desperately at your arms.
As Elfie's struggles weaken, you release her throat. She gasps for air, coughing violently. You roughly flip her onto her stomach, tearing away what remains of her clothes.
You: "Time to teach you a real lesson, you disobedient little slut!"
Without warning, you thrust your rock-hard cock into Elfie's tight asshole. She screams in agony, her unprepared hole stretching painfully around your girth.
Elfie: (It's tearing me apart!) "AHHH! No, not there! It hurts! It hurts so much!"
Her cries only spur you on. You pound into her mercilessly, lifting her small body off the ground with each powerful thrust. Elfie's face scrapes against the rough concrete as you use her like a ragdoll.
Elfie: (Why does the pain feel so good? Am I broken?) "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please... *sob* I can't take it!"
You grab her hair again, yanking her head back as you slam her against the wall. Your hips never stop their brutal pace, her tight ass clenching around your cock with each thrust.
Suddenly, you feel a surge of the virus coursing through your body. Your cock swells inside Elfie, nearly doubling in size. She feels the change immediately, her eyes widening in a mix of fear and twisted excitement.
Elfie: (It's so big now... It's going to break me!) "W-what's happening? It's... it's getting bigger!"
You pull out of her abused asshole, your newly enlarged cock angry and pulsing. Elfie's mind seems to snap at the sight of it, her eyes glazing over with lust and submission.
Elfie: "Is that... for me, Master? Please... use your sex slave..."
Without hesitation, you slam your massive cock into Elfie's tight pussy. Blood gushes around your shaft as you tear through her virginity, but you don't slow down. Her agonized screams echo through the prison as you breed her ruthlessly.
Elfie: (He's breeding me... My $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] is breeding his $[characters.list.elfie.role]!) "Yes! Breed your slave! Fill me with your seed!"
You pound into her with inhuman force, her small body shuddering with each thrust. The taboo nature of the act only fuels your lust further. With a final, brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s bleeding pussy.
You: "Take it all, you little whore! Take your $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]'s cum!"
Your cock pulses, flooding Elfie's womb with your tainted seed. She convulses beneath you, her mind lost to the twisted pleasure of being bred by her own $[characters.list.elfie.player_role].
As your orgasm subsides, you look down at Elfie's broken form. Blood and cum leak from her abused holes, her eyes vacant and unfocused. You've claimed her completely, body and soul.
You: "Welcome to your new life, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You're mine now, forever."
Elfie can only whimper in response, her mind forever altered by the violent, incestuous encounter. She is now nothing more than your obedient sex slave, ready to fulfill your every depraved desire.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Gabbie races across the barren landscape, her instincts on high alert. She finds shelter behind a large rock formation, her mind struggling to process the paradox of her situation.
Gabbie: [Pressing her back against the rock, breathing heavily] (This isn't how it's supposed to happen! God, why did it feel so good?) "Fuck! It's so messed up!"
She squeezes her thighs together, trying to ignore the warmth building inside. Your touch sends waves of conflicting emotions through her guilt mixed with undeniable desire.
Gabbie: [Groaning in frustration] "I can't let this happen... but my body's on fire. The virus is stronger than I remember!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Gabbie strides purposefully back to the camp, her resolve evident in her determined gait. She pauses briefly before entering, steeling herself.
Gabbie: [Entering confidently] (This is complicated, but I need answers.) "Hey, I'm back. We need to discuss our... situation."
Her eyes betray a mix of professional detachment and personal turmoil. There's an undeniable tension in her body, a coiled energy waiting to be released.
Gabbie: [Firmly] "Things are complicated between us. But maybe... maybe we can figure this out together. Let's talk."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Entering Gabbie's room, eyes glazed with viral lust] "Gabbie... I can't... I need..."
The air in Gabbie's room feels thick and heavy, charged with an electric tension as you stumble in. Your body burns with an uncontrollable fire, the virus surging through your veins like liquid lightning. Gabbie turns, her eyes widening as she sees your state. Before she can react, you lunge forward, your hands roughly grasping her ample breasts through her thin shirt. The soft, yielding flesh fills your palms as you squeeze forcefully, feeling her nipples harden against your fingers.
Gabbie: [Gasping, her body betraying her with a shudder of pleasure] (Oh god, what's happening? Why does this feel so...?) "W-what are you doing?! Stop this right now!"
Gabbie's face flushes a deep crimson, her eyes a mix of shock, anger, and to her shame, a flicker of arousal. Her body trembles under your touch, nipples visibly straining against the fabric of her shirt. She tries to step back, but your grip on her breasts tightens, eliciting an involuntary moan from her lips.
You: [Growling, viral lust overwhelming your senses] "I need you, Gabbie. I can't control it anymore..."
Your hands move frantically, one sliding down to roughly cup Gabbie's pussy through her pants. You can feel the heat emanating from her core, a damp patch forming as her body responds to your forceful touch. Your other hand snakes under her shirt, skin on skin, as you pinch and twist her bare nipple. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mixing with the musky odor of your own desire.
Gabbie: [Struggling against her own body's response] (No, this is wrong! I can't let this happen!) "Enough!"
With a sudden burst of strength, Gabbie shoves you back hard. You stumble, your viral-addled mind reeling from the rejection. Gabbie stands there, chest heaving, clothes disheveled, a mix of anger and confused desire on her face. She takes a defensive stance, ready to fight if necessary.
Gabbie: [Voice shaking with emotion] "Get out. Now. Before I do something we'll both regret."
Disoriented and still burning with unfulfilled lust, you stumble out of the room. The last thing you see is Gabbie's conflicted expression, her hand unconsciously moving to her breast where you touched her, before the door slams shut.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The dim light of the shelter casts long shadows across Gabbie's room as you enter, your body thrumming with an overwhelming surge of viral energy. Your massive erection strains painfully against your pants, a visible testament to your arousal." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice low and husky with desire" ],
[ "para", `"Gabbie... I can't take this anymore."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Gabbie's eyes widen as they lock onto the prominent bulge in your pants. Her body instantly reacts to your potent viral aura, nipples hardening visibly through her thin top and a flush creeping up her neck." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Without warning, you drop your pants, freeing your monstrous 12-inch cock. It springs forth, angry and veined, precum already beading at the tip. You grasp it firmly, stroking slowly while maintaining eye contact with Gabbie." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/AA0E1.webp"
characterKey: "gabbie",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Visibly shaken, her voice a mix of anger and poorly concealed desire" ],
[ "para", `"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Put that thing away!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Internally, Gabbie's mind races. The sight of your massive member sends shockwaves of desire through her core. Her pussy clenches involuntarily, already growing slick with arousal. The taboo nature of her attraction only intensifies the burning need building within her. She imagines how it would feel stretching her tight walls, filling her completely. The virus amplifies these forbidden thoughts, making it hard to focus on anything but the throbbing cock before her." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Your viral musk fills the room, further clouding Gabbie's senses. Her body trembles with the effort of restraining herself from dropping to her knees and worshipping your impressive manhood." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/GA0E2.webp"
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice dripping with dark promise" ],
[ "para", `"I'm done playing games, Gabbie. I'm going to take you tonight, whether you want it or not."` ]
characterKey: "gabbie",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Backing away, her voice shaky" ],
[ "para", `"You're out of your fucking mind! Stay back!"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Eyes roving hungrily over her body" ],
[ "para", `"Look at you... that voluptuous body, those perfect tits. I've had enough of pretending I don't want to fuck you senseless."` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/GA0E3.webp"
characterKey: "gabbie",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Falling into a defensive stance, fear and arousal warring in her eyes" ],
[ "para", `"I'll fight you if I have to! You're not touching me!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The tension in the room reaches a fever pitch as you and Gabbie square off, the air thick with the scent of viral pheromones and impending violence. Gabbie's heart races, torn between the instinct to defend herself and the traitorous desire of her virus-infected body." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Continue",
onclick: () => FGF_enterFight('GA0A', { // (A) Rape Fight
winReturnPassage: SV.cheatsV2.evilScene.fightWinReturnPassage, // (F) Generic rape OR (H) Generic enslave
lossReturnPassage: 'GA0B', // (B) Going Away
backgroundImage: SEC_getBackground(gameData.scenes.list['GA0E'].section),
winReturnIsPrev: false, lossReturnIsPrev: false,
type: "script",
content: "Back Down",
onclick: () => DIAF_exitDialogPassage([true]),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of Gabbie's room cast long shadows as you stood over her defeated form. Her chest heaved with ragged breaths, her body glistening with sweat from the intense sexual combat. The scent of arousal hung thick in the air, a potent mixture of pheromones and the ever-present virus.
Gabbie's eyes, wide with a mixture of fear and unwanted desire, locked onto yours. "Please... we can't do this. It's wrong," she pleaded, her voice trembling. Her body, however, betrayed her words as her nipples hardened visibly and her thighs quivered with anticipation.
You felt the virus surge within you, your cock throbbing painfully as it grew to its full, impressive length. The sight of Gabbie's vulnerability only fueled your lust. Without a word, you grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back.
"No, wait-" Gabbie's protest was cut short as you thrust your engorged member past her lips and into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth. Her eyes widened in shock, tears forming at the corners as she gagged on your girth.
You began to fuck her face mercilessly, your hips slamming forward with each thrust. Gabbie's throat bulged obscenely, her lips stretched tight around your shaft. Despite her initial resistance, you felt her tongue begin to work along the underside of your cock, her body's instincts overriding her conscious mind.
Gabbie: (Oh god, why does this feel so good? I can't... I can't resist...) "Mmmph! Glrk! Hnnng!"
As you used her mouth, you noticed a growing wet patch beneath Gabbie. Her pussy was leaking profusely, juices running down her thighs as the virus amplified her arousal to unbearable levels. Your precum, loaded with the virus, was already affecting her system, breaking down her last defenses.
Pulling out of her mouth with a wet pop, you admired the sight of Gabbie gasping for air, saliva and precum dripping from her chin. Her eyes were glazed over with lust, but a flicker of resistance remained.
You grabbed her roughly, easily overpowering her weakened attempts to fight back. The virus had enhanced your strength to monstrous levels, and Gabbie felt like a rag doll in your grasp. You manhandled her into a breeding position, her ass raised high and her face pressed against the floor.
Gabbie: (No, not like this... not my pussy...) "Please, I'm begging you! Don't do this! It's too wrong, too forbidden!"
Her pleas only served to stoke the fires of your lust. You smiled cruelly, your hands gripping her hips with bruising force. Without warning, you slammed your cock into her sopping wet pussy, burying yourself to the hilt in one brutal thrust.
Gabbie's scream was a mixture of pain, pleasure, and shame. Her pussy clenched around you like a vice, her body betraying her once again as it welcomed your invasion. You began to pound into her relentlessly, each thrust driving her further into a frenzy of unwanted pleasure.
Gabbie: (It's splitting me in two! So big, so deep... why does it feel so good?) "Ahh! No! Stop! It's too much!"
As you continued your assault on her pussy, you felt Gabbie's resistance crumbling. Her cries of protest turned to moans of pleasure, her body softening in your grasp. Sensing the change, you decided to escalate further.
With a growl, you lifted Gabbie into the air, your cock still buried deep inside her. You spun her around, relishing her gasp of surprise, before lining up your throbbing member with her puckered asshole.
Gabbie's eyes widened in realization. She opened her mouth to plead once more, but no sound came out. Taking advantage of her shock, you plunged your cock into her tight ass, stretching her mercilessly.
The scream that tore from Gabbie's throat was primal and raw. Her back arched as you began to fuck her ass with brutal efficiency, using her like a mere sex toy. Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the saliva dripping from her open mouth.
Gabbie: (My ass! It's destroying me! I can't think... can't resist...) "AHHH! FUCK! OH GOD!"
You continued to ravage Gabbie's ass, feeling her body go limp in your arms. Her eyes had rolled back, mouth hanging open as incoherent moans and gurgles escaped her. She was nothing more than a fuck doll now, completely at your mercy.
Feeling your climax approaching, you decided to finish this degrading act properly. You pulled out of her ass with a lewd pop and threw her to the ground. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, you yanked her head back, aiming your pulsing cock at her face.
Gabbie: (Can't... move... so full... so good...) "Hnnng... ahh..."
With a roar of triumph, you erupted. Thick ropes of cum painted Gabbie's face, some shooting directly into her open mouth. You pulled her hair harder, ensuring she swallowed as much as possible. The virus-laden semen would further cement your dominance over her.
As the last spurts of cum dribbled onto Gabbie's tongue, you released your grip on her hair. She collapsed to the floor, a broken and cum-covered mess. Her eyes were unfocused, drool and semen leaking from the corners of her mouth. The once-proud wasteland survivor had been reduced to your personal cum dump.
You stood over her, admiring your handiwork. The virus thrummed through your veins, already urging you towards your next conquest. But for now, you savored the sight of Gabbie's defeated form, knowing that this was just the beginning of her new life as your slave.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dimly lit room echoes with the heavy breathing of two figures. You stand victorious over Gabbie, her body trembling from the intense sexual combat you've just concluded. Her blonde hair is disheveled, clinging to her sweat-slicked skin.
You: "Time to claim my prize, you wild bitch."
Without warning, you lunge forward, grabbing a fistful of Gabbie's hair and yanking her head back. Your other hand connects with her face in a resounding slap, leaving an angry red mark on her cheek.
Gabbie: (Oh god, what's happening? This isn't right!) "Stop! Please, you've won already!"
Ignoring her pleas, you roughly shove her onto the bed. Your hands find her heaving breasts, squeezing them brutally before latching onto a nipple with your mouth. You suck hard, teeth grazing the sensitive flesh as Gabbie writhes beneath you.
Gabbie: (It hurts, but... why does it feel good too?) "Ahh! N-no, don't... don't do this!"
Your tongue swirls around her areola, flicking the hardened nub as you continue to suckle. The taste of her skin, salty with sweat and tinged with the sweetness of the virus, floods your senses. You bite down, eliciting a sharp cry from Gabbie.
Gabbie: (I can't believe this is happening. Why isn't anyone helping me?) "Please... someone... help!"
You release her breast with a wet pop, a string of saliva connecting your lips to her abused nipple. Without a word, you grab her arm and start dragging her towards the district jail.
Gabbie struggles weakly, her feet scrambling for purchase on the rough ground. "Where are you taking me? Let me go!"
You throw her into the cell, her body colliding painfully with the cold concrete floor. As you move to close the door, Gabbie suddenly springs to her feet, desperation giving her a burst of energy. She attempts to dart past you, eyes wild with fear.
You: "Oh no, you don't!"
Your hand shoots out, catching her by the throat. You slam her against the wall, her head cracking against the concrete. Fury courses through you as you begin to rain blows down on her face and body.
Gabbie: (This pain... it's too much. I can't take it!) "Stop! I'm sorry! I won't try to run again, I swear!"
Your fists connect with her ribs, her stomach, her breasts. Each impact draws a pained gasp or cry from Gabbie. Her skin blooms with bruises, blood trickling from her split lip and nose.
Gabbie: (I'm going to die. He's going to kill me.) "Please... I'll do anything. Just stop hurting me."
You pause, breathing heavily as you survey your handiwork. Gabbie slumps against the wall, barely conscious. With a growl, you spin her around and force her to the ground, face-down.
You: "Time to really teach you a lesson, you fucking slut."
You rip her tattered clothes away, exposing her bruised ass. Without preparation or warning, you thrust your rock-hard cock into her tight asshole.
Gabbie: (Oh god, the pain! It's tearing me apart!) "AHHH! No, please! Not there! It hurts!"
Her agonized screams only fuel your lust. You pound into her mercilessly, feeling her anal walls clench and spasm around your invading member. Tears stream down Gabbie's face as she claws at the ground, trying desperately to escape the brutal penetration.
You: "This is what happens to bitches who try to run."
You grab her hair, yanking her head back as you continue to ravage her ass. Her body is little more than a ragdoll in your grasp, bouncing limply with each savage thrust.
Gabbie: (I can't think... can't breathe... please, make it stop.) "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... please..."
Suddenly, you feel a surge of the virus coursing through your body. Your cock swells, growing to an impossible size. You pull out of Gabbie's abused asshole, flipping her over to face you.
Gabbie's eyes widen in horror as she sees your monstrous member. "No... that's not possible. What are you?"
You: "I'm your new master, slave. And you're going to take every inch of this."
Without hesitation, you plunge your engorged cock into her pussy. The tight passage stretches painfully, unable to accommodate your girth. Blood seeps out around your shaft as you bottom out inside her.
Gabbie: (This is it. I'm broken. I'm nothing but a hole for him now.) "Yes... master. Use your slave... breed me..."
Her words, spoken in a broken, hollow voice, drive you to new heights of depravity. You fuck her with abandon, her body jerking violently with each thrust. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoes in the cell, punctuated by Gabbie's weak moans and your grunts of pleasure.
You: "That's right, take it all. You're mine now, forever."
With a roar, you reach your climax, flooding Gabbie's womb with your tainted seed. You can almost feel it taking root inside her, forever changing her.
Gabbie: (I'm... I'm his. Forever. This is my life now.) "Thank you... master. Thank you for breeding your slave."
You pull out, watching with satisfaction as a mixture of blood and cum oozes from her ravaged pussy. Gabbie lies there, broken and used, her eyes vacant and unfocused. You've claimed her, body and soul, and she'll never be the same again.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel staggers down the crumbling sidewalk, her model's poise abandoned in her panic. She ducks into an old boutique, surrounded by mannequins that mock her current state.
Chanel: [Leaning against a display, trying to catch her breath] (This is a nightmare! My own nephew... But why does my body crave more?) "This is going to ruin everything! My reputation, my family..."
She shivers, her manicured nails digging into her palms. The memory of her nephew's young, virile body sends waves of forbidden desire through her.
Chanel: [Whimpering] "I can't let this happen again... but God, why does it feel so good? This damned virus is destroying me!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel approaches the gate with measured steps, her model's poise masking her inner turmoil. She pauses to check her appearance before entering.
Chanel: [Entering gracefully] (This situation is untenable, but we must address it.) "Darling, I've returned. We need to have a serious discussion about recent... events."
Her polished exterior barely conceals the storm of emotions underneath. There's a new heat in her gaze, a primal energy at odds with her sophisticated demeanor.
Chanel: [Composing herself] "This virus is testing us all. But we're family. We'll find a way to... manage this situation."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of evening filters through the curtains in Chanel's room, casting long shadows across the plush carpet. You find yourself outside her door, your mind clouded with an overwhelming, virus-induced lust. Your body trembles, every nerve ending on fire as you struggle to maintain control. Without thinking, you burst into the room, your eyes immediately locking onto Chanel's curvaceous form.
You: [Panting heavily, eyes wild with desire] "Aunt Chanel... I... I can't..."
Chanel turns, startled by your sudden entrance. Her eyes widen as she takes in your flushed face and the prominent bulge straining against your pants. Before she can react, you lunge forward, your hands reaching out to grab her voluptuous breasts through her thin silk nightgown.
Your fingers dig into the soft flesh, kneading roughly as you press your body against hers. The heat of her skin and the intoxicating scent of her perfume only fuel your frenzy. You can feel her nipples hardening beneath your palms, betraying her body's involuntary response to your touch.
Chanel: [Gasping, her voice a mix of shock and unwanted arousal] "What are you doing?! Stop this at once!"
Her face contorts in a complex mixture of emotions - shock, anger, and to her shame, a flicker of arousal. Her cheeks flush crimson, and her breathing quickens. Despite her words, you can see her pupils dilating with desire, her body responding to your virus-enhanced pheromones.
You: [Growling, your voice thick with lust] "I need you, Aunt Chanel. I can't fight it anymore..."
Your hands slide down her body, one gripping her hip while the other dives between her thighs, cupping her mound through the thin fabric. You can feel the heat radiating from her core, and to your twisted delight, a hint of dampness seeping through.
Chanel: [Moaning involuntarily before steeling herself] "No! This is wrong! You're my nephew!"
With a sudden burst of strength, Chanel shoves you away. You stumble backward, your mind reeling from the conflicting sensations of arousal and shame. Chanel stands before you, her chest heaving, nightgown disheveled, and a look of determination in her eyes.
Chanel: [Voice shaking but firm] "Get out. Now. Before I do something we'll both regret."
The fog of lust slowly clears from your mind, replaced by a dawning horror at your actions. You back away, your legs unsteady, and flee from the room. As you stumble down the hallway, the ghost of Chanel's touch lingers on your skin, a reminder of how close you came to crossing an unforgivable line.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The dim light of evening filters through the curtains of Chanel's room, casting long shadows across the plush carpet. You stand outside her door, your body trembling with an overwhelming surge of viral energy. Your cock throbs painfully, straining against your pants as you reach for the doorknob." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Bursting into the room, eyes wild with lust" ],
[ "para", `"Aunt Chanel, I can't take this anymore!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Chanel looks up from her vanity, her eyes widening as they lock onto the prominent bulge in your pants. Her body reacts instantly to your potent viral aura - nipples hardening beneath her silk robe, a familiar warmth spreading between her thighs." ]
characterKey: "chanel",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Gasping, her voice a mix of shock and involuntary arousal" ],
[ "para", `"What in God's name do you think you're doing, barging in here like this?"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Your voice low and commanding" ],
[ "para", `"I've had enough of this game, Aunt Chanel. It's time we both stop pretending."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Without warning, you drop your pants, your massive cock springing free. It stands proud and erect, a testament to the virus's enhancements. Pre-cum glistens at the tip as you begin to stroke it slowly, your eyes never leaving Chanel's face." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/AA0E1.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Chanel's reaction is visceral. Her eyes widen, fixated on your throbbing member. Her breath catches in her throat, and you can see her thighs pressing together involuntarily. (Oh my God, it's enormous. How is that even possible? No, this is wrong, so wrong... but why do I feel so hot?) Her cheeks flush crimson, a mix of anger and unbidden arousal." ]
characterKey: "chanel",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Her voice shaking with fury and barely concealed desire" ],
[ "para", `"Have you lost your mind? Put that... that thing away this instant! I'm your aunt, for Christ's sake!"` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/IA0E2.webp"
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Continuing to stroke yourself, your voice husky with lust" ],
[ "para", `"Don't act like you don't want this, Aunt Chanel. I've seen the way you look at me. Tonight, I'm going to take you, whether you want it or not."` ]
characterKey: "chanel",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Standing abruptly, her robe falling open slightly to reveal her cleavage" ],
[ "para", `"You most certainly will not! This is beyond unacceptable. Get out of my room right now, or I'll-"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Interrupting, your eyes roving over her body" ],
[ "para", `"Or you'll what? Look at you, Aunt Chanel. That voluptuous body of yours is practically begging for it. Those big tits, that tight ass... I've dreamed about fucking you for so long."` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/IA0E3.webp"
characterKey: "chanel",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "inner", "God, why does this feel so good? No, I can't let this happen. He's my nephew, my sister's $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]! But that cock... No! I have to stop this madness." ],
[ "action", "Her voice trembling with fear and forbidden excitement" ],
[ "para", `"You stay away from me, you hear? I'll fight you if I have to!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The tension in the room reaches a breaking point. Chanel assumes a defensive stance, her body trembling with a mix of fear and forbidden excitement. You advance slowly, your massive erection leading the way, a primal growl escaping your throat." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Your voice dripping with dark promise" ],
[ "para", `"Oh, Aunt Chanel. You can fight all you want. But we both know how this is going to end."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The scene freezes on this tableau - predator and prey, nephew and aunt, locked in a moment of terrible, exhilarating anticipation. The air crackles with sexual tension and the promise of taboo pleasures to come." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Continue",
onclick: () => FGF_enterFight('IA0A', { // (A) Rape Fight
winReturnPassage: SV.cheatsV2.evilScene.fightWinReturnPassage, // (F) Generic rape OR (H) Generic enslave
lossReturnPassage: 'IA0B', // (B) Going Away
backgroundImage: SEC_getBackground(gameData.scenes.list['IA0E'].section),
winReturnIsPrev: false, lossReturnIsPrev: false,
type: "script",
content: "Back Down",
onclick: () => DIAF_exitDialogPassage([true]),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of Chanel's room casts long shadows as you stand over her defeated form. Her once-pristine outfit is torn and disheveled, revealing glimpses of her mature, voluptuous body. Chanel's chest heaves with each ragged breath, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and defiance.
You: "It's over, Chanel. Time to accept your new reality."
Chanel: [Struggling to her knees, her voice trembling] (This can't be happening. I won't let this monster win.) "Please, don't do this. We're family, for God's sake!"
Her pleas only serve to stoke the fire of your lust. The virus surges through your veins, amplifying your arousal to unbearable levels. Without warning, you grab a fistful of Chanel's hair, yanking her head back.
You: "Family? That just makes this sweeter."
In one swift motion, you thrust your throbbing cock past her lips. Chanel's eyes bulge as you force yourself deeper into her throat. Her hands push weakly against your thighs, but the virus has made you impossibly strong.
Chanel: (Oh God, it's so big. I can't breathe!) "Mmmphhh! Ghhkk!"
You pump your hips relentlessly, using her mouth like a mere orifice for your pleasure. Tears stream down Chanel's cheeks, smearing her makeup. Despite her apparent distress, you notice a growing wet patch between her legs.
Chanel: (Why is my body betraying me? This is so wrong, but I'm getting so wet...)
Withdrawing from her mouth, you admire the strand of saliva connecting your cock to her lips. Chanel gasps for air, her chest heaving.
Chanel: [Coughing and sputtering] (I have to fight this. I can't let him win.) "Stop this madness! You're not thinking clearly!"
Her resistance only fuels your desire. With a growl, you backhand her across the face, sending her sprawling onto the bed. Chanel tries to crawl away, but you easily overpower her, forcing her into a breeding position.
Chanel: [Sobbing] (No, not there. Anything but that!) "Please, not inside me! It's too wrong!"
You smile cruelly, gripping her hips with bruising force. Her pleas fall on deaf ears as you line up your engorged member with her dripping entrance.
You: "Wrong? This is just the beginning."
With a savage thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside Chanel's pussy. She screams, her body jerking from the sudden intrusion.
Chanel: (It's splitting me in two! How can something so horrible feel so good?) "Ahhh! No! Stop!"
You pound into her mercilessly, each thrust driving her further into the mattress. Chanel's resistance begins to crumble, her body betraying her as waves of unwanted pleasure crash over her.
Chanel: [Moaning despite herself] (I'm losing control. My body... it's on fire!) "Oh God... oh God..."
As you feel her body softening, surrendering to your assault, you decide to escalate further. With a grunt, you lift Chanel into the air, her back pressed against your chest.
Chanel: [Weakly] (What's he doing now? I can't... I can't fight anymore...) "P-please... no more..."
Ignoring her feeble protests, you position your cock at the entrance of her ass. Chanel tries to speak, but only manages a whimper as you force your way into her tight hole.
Chanel: (It hurts! It's too big for there!) "AHHHHH!"
Her scream echoes through the room as you begin to fuck her ass with brutal intensity. You use her like a ragdoll, bouncing her on your cock as she hangs limply in your arms.
Chanel: [Barely conscious] (Everything's going dark. I can't think... can't resist...) "Hnngh... uhhh..."
As you feel your climax approaching, you throw Chanel back onto the bed. Her eyes are rolled back, mouth hanging open as she drools onto the sheets. You straddle her chest, grabbing a fistful of her hair.
You: "Time for your reward, dear aunt."
With a roar, you explode, painting Chanel's face with thick ropes of cum. You aim some into her open mouth, watching as she instinctively swallows.
Chanel: (What... what's happening to me? Why am I swallowing it?) "Mmm... guh..."
As the last drops fall onto her tongue, Chanel's eyes flutter closed, her body finally giving in to exhaustion. You stand over her, admiring your handiwork, already planning your next encounter.
You: "Sweet dreams, Chanel. We're just getting started."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of the district jail cast long shadows across the cold concrete floor. Chanel's limp form hung in your arms, her once pristine clothes now torn and disheveled. The taste of her sweat still lingered on your tongue from when you had forcefully sucked her breasts earlier, savoring the way her nipples had hardened involuntarily against your will.
You: "Time to put you where you belong, you filthy slut."
Chanel: (This can't be happening. My own nephew...) "Please, stop this madness! We're family!"
Her pleas fell on deaf ears as you roughly threw her into the cell, her body colliding painfully with the far wall. As you moved to slam the door shut, a flicker of defiance sparked in Chanel's eyes. With a desperate lunge, she attempted to dart past you to freedom.
You: "Oh no, you don't!"
Your hand shot out, grabbing a fistful of her hair and yanking her back with brutal force. Chanel's scream echoed through the jail as you slammed her face-first into the bars.
Chanel: (Oh god, the pain!) "Aaagh! Stop, please! I'm sorry, I won't try to run again!"
You: "You're right, you won't. Because I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget."
Your fists rained down on her, each blow punctuated by her agonized cries. You targeted her ribs, her stomach, her breasts - anywhere that would cause the most pain without knocking her out completely.
Chanel: (I can't take much more of this. Is this really my sweet nephew?) "Please... no more... I'll do anything..."
Her once beautiful face was now a mess of bruises and tears, blood trickling from her split lip. You grabbed her by the throat, lifting her off the ground and pinning her against the wall.
You: "Anything? Good. Because you're going to take every inch of me, whether you want to or not."
With your free hand, you tore away what remained of her clothes, exposing her battered body. You spun her around and kicked her legs apart, your cock already rock hard and pressing against her ass.
Chanel: (No, not there! It's too big!) "Wait, not like this! Please, use my pussy instead!"
You: "You don't get to make demands, whore."
Without any preparation or lubrication, you rammed your cock into her tight asshole. Chanel's scream was blood-curdling, her body convulsing in agony as you tore into her most intimate place.
Chanel: (It hurts so much! I'm being split in two!) "AAAAAHHH! STOP! IT'S TOO BIG! YOU'RE KILLING ME!"
You: "Shut up and take it, you worthless cum dumpster!"
You pounded into her relentlessly, using her body like a ragdoll. You slammed her against the walls, the bars, the floor - anywhere you could cause more pain and humiliation. Her cries became weaker, her body going limp in your grasp.
Chanel: (I can't... I can't fight anymore...) "Please... no more... I'll be good... I promise..."
Just as you felt your climax approaching, a familiar surge of the virus coursed through your body. Your cock swelled impossibly larger, nearly doubling in size. Chanel's eyes widened in horror as she felt the change inside her.
Chanel: (Oh god, it's getting bigger? How is that possible?) "W-what's happening? It's... it's growing!"
You: "That's right, slave. Your new master is going to breed you properly now."
You pulled out of her ass, leaving her gaping and bleeding. Without warning, you plunged your monstrous cock into her pussy, tearing through her unprepared flesh. Blood gushed around your shaft as Chanel's mind finally shattered.
Chanel: (I'm... I'm nothing but a slave now...) "Yes... breed your slave... use me, Master..."
You fucked her brutally, her body bouncing like a rag doll with each thrust. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoed through the jail, punctuated by Chanel's broken moans and your animalistic grunts.
You: "Take it all, you incestuous whore! I'm going to pump you full of my cum!"
Chanel: (So full... so good...) "Yes! Breed your slave! Fill me with your seed, Master!"
With a roar of triumph, you buried yourself to the hilt inside her, your cock pulsing as you flooded her womb with your tainted seed. Chanel's body spasmed, her pussy clenching around you as she experienced a twisted orgasm of her own.
You: "Remember this, slave. This is your life now. You exist only for my pleasure."
Chanel: (I'm... I'm home...) "Thank you, Master... thank you for putting me in my place..."
As you pulled out, a torrent of blood and cum gushed from Chanel's ravaged pussy. You left her there, broken and used, knowing that she would never be the same again. The virus had claimed another victim, and you had gained a new toy to play with.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana sprints through the wasteland, her athletic build carrying her swiftly away from the shelter. Her face is a mask of rage and confusion, but her body burns with an intensity she can't ignore.
Lana: [Stopping to catch her breath, fists clenched] (That little shit! How dare he try to... And why the fuck am I so turned on?) "Fuck! I'll kill him for this!"
She punches a nearby rusted car, the pain in her hand doing nothing to quell the fire between her legs. Her nipples strain against her top, betraying her arousal.
Lana: [Growling in frustration] "This fucking virus... I'm not weak! I won't give in to this!"
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You: [Your eyes glaze over with viral lust] "Lana... I can't... I need..."
The virus surges through your veins, clouding your judgment and amplifying your basest desires. Without warning, you lunge forward, your hands roughly grasping Lana's firm, athletic breasts through her thin tank top. The soft yet toned flesh yields beneath your fingers as you squeeze forcefully, feeling her nipples harden involuntarily against your palms.
Lana: [Gasping in shock, her body betraying her with a shudder of unwanted pleasure] "What the fuck?! Get your hands off me, you sick freak!"
Lana's eyes widen in disbelief, a mix of anger and confusion flashing across her face. Despite her outward protest, you feel her body responding to your touch, her nipples stiffening and her breath quickening. The scent of her arousal, heightened by your viral aura, fills the air between you.
You: [Growling with primal need] "Can't stop... need you... so bad..."
Driven by uncontrollable lust, you push Lana against the wall, one hand roughly kneading her breast while the other slides down to cup her firm ass. You grind your hardening cock against her toned thigh, your viral musk intensifying her involuntary arousal.
Lana: [Fighting against her body's traitorous response] "No! This is wrong! I won't let you!"
With a surge of strength, Lana shoves you away forcefully. Her combat training kicks in as she follows up with a swift knee to your stomach, knocking the wind out of you. You stumble back, disoriented and gasping for air.
Lana stands there, chest heaving, her tank top disheveled and her face a mix of fury and confused arousal. "Get out! Now!" she snarls, her voice trembling with a cocktail of emotions.
Dazed and still overwhelmed by viral lust, you stumble out of the room, leaving Lana to grapple with the conflicting sensations coursing through her body.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The dim light of your $[characters.list.lana.role]'s room casts long shadows as you enter, your body thrumming with viral energy. Lana stands by her bed, her athletic form taut with tension as her eyes lock onto the prominent bulge straining against your pants." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice low and commanding" ],
[ "para", `"I've had enough of this, Lana. It's time we deal with what's between us."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Without hesitation, you drop your pants, your massive 12-inch cock springing free. You grasp it firmly, stroking slowly as you fix Lana with a predatory gaze." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/AA0E1.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Lana's eyes widen, a visible shudder running through her body. Her nipples harden instantly, pressing against the thin fabric of her tank top. A flush creeps up her neck, her breathing becoming rapid and shallow." ]
characterKey: "lana",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "inner", "Oh god, it's so big. No, this is wrong!" ],
[ "action", "Voice wavering between anger and desire" ],
[ "para", `"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Put that thing away!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Her body betrays her words, thighs pressing together as a rush of wetness floods her core. The scent of her arousal fills the air, mixing with your musky pheromones." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/LA0E2.webp"
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Smirking, continuing to stroke your throbbing member" ],
[ "para", `"I'm going to take you tonight, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Whether you want it or not."` ]
characterKey: "lana",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "inner", "I can't let this happen. But fuck, I want it so bad." ],
[ "action", "Backing away, fists clenched" ],
[ "para", `"Like hell you are! I'll knock you out before you lay a finger on me!"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Eyes roaming over her body" ],
[ "para", `"Look at you, Lana. That voluptuous body, those tits straining against your top. You can't hide how much you want this."` ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/LA0E3.webp"
characterKey: "lana",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Trembling with rage and suppressed desire" ],
[ "para", `"Shut up! I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], you sick fuck!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The tension in the room reaches a breaking point. Lana drops into a fighting stance, her muscular body coiled and ready to spring. But beneath her fierce exterior, her pussy throbs with need, her inner walls clenching around emptiness." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Advancing, cock still in hand" ],
[ "para", `"Then let's settle this, shall we? Winner takes all."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Lana prepares to defend herself, torn between the instinct to fight and the overwhelming urge to submit to her $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s monstrous cock. The air crackles with sexual tension as the siblings face off, the outcome uncertain but promising to be explosive." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Continue",
onclick: () => FGF_enterFight('LA0A', { // (A) Rape Fight
winReturnPassage: SV.cheatsV2.evilScene.fightWinReturnPassage, // (F) Generic rape OR (H) Generic enslave
lossReturnPassage: 'LA0B', // (B) Going Away
backgroundImage: SEC_getBackground(gameData.scenes.list['LA0E'].section),
winReturnIsPrev: false, lossReturnIsPrev: false,
type: "script",
content: "Back Down",
onclick: () => DIAF_exitDialogPassage([true]),
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of Lana's room cast long shadows as you stood over her defeated form. Her athletic body, glistening with sweat, trembled beneath you. The scent of arousal and fear mingled in the air, a heady cocktail that fueled your growing lust.
Lana's eyes, wide with a mixture of terror and unwanted desire, locked onto yours. "Please, don't do this," she whimpered, her voice a far cry from its usual confident tone. "We're siblings, it's wrong!"
Her pleas only stoked the fire within you. The virus surged through your veins, amplifying your strength and desire. You grabbed a fistful of her dark hair, yanking her head back. "Shut up," you growled, your voice barely recognizable.
In one swift motion, you thrust your throbbing cock past her lips. Lana gagged, tears streaming down her face as you fucked her mouth mercilessly. Her throat constricted around your shaft, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Lana: (Oh god, this can't be happening. He's so big, I can't breathe!) "Mmmphhh! Ghhkk!"
As you used her mouth, you noticed a glistening trail of juices running down Lana's thighs. Despite her protests, her body was betraying her, responding to the virus and your precum.
Pulling out of her mouth, you slapped her hard across the face. Lana fell back, gasping for air, her lips swollen and slick with saliva. She tried to crawl away, her muscular body tensing for one last attempt at resistance.
You laughed, easily overpowering her. The virus had made you impossibly strong. You flipped her onto her stomach, forcing her into a breeding position. Your hands gripped her hips bruisingly tight as you lined up your cock with her dripping entrance.
Lana: (No, no, no! Not there! Anything but that!) "Please, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]! Don't do this! It's too wrong, we can't!"
Her desperate cries only made you smile wider. You leaned in, your breath hot against her ear. "Wrong? This is just the beginning, $[characters.list.lana.role]."
With a savage thrust, you buried yourself to the hilt inside her pussy. Lana screamed, her body convulsing around your invading member. Her inner walls clenched tightly, as if trying to expel you even as they drew you deeper.
You set a brutal pace, each thrust driving the air from Lana's lungs. Her breasts bounced violently with each impact, her fingers clawing at the sheets.
Lana: (It hurts! But... why does it feel so good? I'm going crazy!) "Ahh! No! Stop! It's too much!"
As you felt her body start to yield, her resistance melting away, you decided to push further. In one fluid motion, you lifted Lana into the air, her weight nothing to your enhanced strength. You spun her around, positioning your cock at her puckered asshole.
Lana tried to form words, but only a strangled whimper escaped her lips. Her eyes, once defiant, now showed a mixture of fear and growing, shameful lust.
Without warning, you plunged into her ass. The tight ring of muscle gave way, and you buried yourself to the base in one brutal thrust. Lana's scream was primal, a sound of both agony and ecstasy.
You fucked her like a ragdoll, her limp body bouncing on your cock. Each thrust into her forbidden hole sent shockwaves of pleasure through both of you. Lana's mind was lost in a haze of pain and pleasure, her body responding against her will.
Lana: (I can't think... everything's on fire... am I enjoying this?) "Hnngh... ahh... uhhh..."
As you felt your climax approaching, you decided on one final act of dominance. You pulled out of her ass, eliciting a whimper of loss from Lana, and threw her to the ground. Grabbing her hair, you forced her to look up at you.
You: "Open wide, $[characters.list.lana.role]," (You commanded, your voice thick with lust.) "You're going to take every drop."
Lana's mouth fell open, her eyes unfocused, drool running down her chin. With a roar, you erupted, thick ropes of cum painting her face and filling her mouth. You made sure to aim some directly down her throat, forcing her to swallow your incestuous seed.
As the last spurts of cum dribbled onto Lana's tongue, you released her hair. She collapsed to the floor, a broken, cum-covered mess. Her eyes had rolled back, and she twitched occasionally, soft moans escaping her cum-filled mouth.
You looked down at your conquered $[characters.list.lana.role], a sense of satisfaction washing over you. This was just the beginning of your new relationship, and you couldn't wait to break her further.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The door to Lana's room slams open, the wood splintering under the force of your kick. Your $[characters.list.lana.role] stumbles backward, her athletic body glistening with sweat from your recent sexual combat. Her blue eyes, usually filled with defiance, now show a flicker of fear as you advance.
You: "Time to teach you your place, $[characters.list.lana.role]."
Lana: [Backing away, fists raised] (I can't believe he beat me. This isn't happening.) "Stay back! I'm warning you!"
You lunge forward, grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head. Your free hand rips open her shirt, exposing her heaving breasts. Without hesitation, you latch onto her left nipple, sucking hard enough to leave marks. Your teeth graze the sensitive flesh as your tongue flicks rapidly over the hardening bud.
Lana: [Struggling against your grip] (Oh god, why does this feel so good?) "Stop it! You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role], for fuck's sake!"
You switch to her right breast, biting down harder this time. Your hand kneads the soft flesh roughly, leaving angry red marks where your fingers dig in. Lana's body betrays her, her back arching to press her chest further into your mouth. She tries to suck your cock dry to stop the madness, but it fails.
Lana: [Panting heavily] (No, no, no. I can't be enjoying this.) "Please... we can't... it's wrong..."
Ignoring her pleas, you drag Lana out of the room by her hair, her half-naked body stumbling behind you as you make your way to the district jail. She fights every step, but your virus-enhanced strength is too much for her.
Lana: [Clawing at your hand] (This can't be happening. I'm supposed to be the strong one!) "Let me go, you bastard! I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]!"
You throw her into the cell, her body slamming against the far wall. As you move to close the door, Lana makes a desperate lunge for freedom. Your reflexes, heightened by the virus, allow you to catch her easily. Rage fills you at her attempted escape.
You: "You never learn, do you?"
Your fist connects with her stomach, driving the air from her lungs. As she doubles over, gasping, you bring your knee up into her face. Blood sprays from her nose as she stumbles backward. You don't let up, raining blows down on her face and body.
Lana: [Spitting blood] (Why isn't he stopping? This isn't my $[characters.list.lana.player_role] anymore.) "Please... stop... I'm sorry..."
Your hand wraps around her throat, lifting her off the ground and slamming her against the wall. Your other hand tears away what's left of her clothes.
You spin her around and force her to the ground, face down. Without warning, you thrust your cock into her unprepared ass. The tight ring of muscle resists at first, then gives way with a sickening pop.
Lana: [Screaming in pain] (It hurts so much. This can't be happening.) "No! Not there! Please, I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role]! Stop!"
You pound into her mercilessly, using her body like a ragdoll. You lift her by the hips, slamming her against the wall with each thrust. Her head bounces off the concrete, leaving smears of blood.
Lana: [Sobbing uncontrollably] (I can't take this. I'm breaking.) "Please... $[characters.list.lana.player_role]... you're killing me..."
Suddenly, you feel a surge of the virus coursing through your body. Your cock swells, doubling in size inside Lana's abused ass. You pull out, flipping her over to see her reaction.
Lana: [Eyes widening in horror] (Oh god, it's huge. It'll tear me apart.) "What... what happened to it? It's... it's monstrous..."
You: "This is what you get for defying me, slave."
Lana: [Mind breaking] (Slave... yes... I'm his slave now.) "Yes... I'm your slave... please... use me..."
Without mercy, you thrust your engorged member into her pussy. The tight channel resists, then tears. Blood flows freely as you bottom out inside her.
Lana: [Screaming in agony] (It hurts so much, but... I deserve this.) "Ahh! It's too big! You're splitting me open, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]!"
You continue your brutal pace, feeling your climax approaching. With a roar, you empty yourself inside her, pumping her full of your tainted seed.
Lana: [Delirious with pain and pleasure] (He's breeding me... his own $[characters.list.lana.role]...) "Yes... breed your slave... fill me with your cum, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]..."
As you pull out, a mixture of blood and semen gushes from Lana's abused holes. She lies there, broken and used, a shell of the strong woman she once was. Your $[characters.list.lana.role] is now nothing more than your personal breeding slave, and you both know it.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana approaches the gate cautiously, her athletic frame tense and ready for action. She pauses at the door, conflict evident on her face before she enters.
Lana: [Striding in, fists clenched] (I can't believe I'm back. But we need to sort this shit out.) "Hey, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. We've got some serious talking to do."
Despite her tough exterior, there's a hint of vulnerability in her eyes. Her body language is a mix of defensive posturing and barely concealed desire.
Lana: [Gruffly] "This virus is fucking with both of us. But we're stronger than this. We'll beat it together."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of the prison cell casts long shadows as you approach your $[characters.list.cherie.role], Cherie. Her once-proud posture is now slumped, her eyes pleading as she looks up at you.
Cherie: "Sweetie, please... This isn't right. I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Let me out, and we can forget this ever happened."
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her across the face. The sound echoes in the small cell.
You: "Forget? No, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. This is your new reality. You're mine now, and you'd better get used to it."
Cherie's eyes fill with tears, a mix of pain and disbelief clouding her features.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Cherie's eyes blaze with fury as you enter the cell. Her maternal softness has been replaced by a hard edge of anger and disgust.
Cherie: "You disgust me. You're no $[characters.list.cherie.player_role] of mine, you're a monster! How dare you do this to your own $[characters.list.cherie.role]?"
Rage fills you at her words. You grab her hair, yanking her head back painfully.
You: "I'm the monster? You're the one who raised me in this fucked-up world. Now shut up and accept your place!"
Your fist connects with her stomach, leaving her gasping for air.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Cherie's voice is soft, her eyes brimming with unshed tears as she looks at you imploringly.
Cherie: "Honey, remember when you were little? How I'd hold you after nightmares? Please, don't do this. We can go back to being a family."
For a moment, you hesitate, old memories stirring. Then you shake your head, hardening your heart.
You: "That's all gone now, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. This is what we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her sobbing quietly in the cell.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Dee's usually confident demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
deewilliams: "Come on, sweetie. This isn't right. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it worth your while."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Oh, you'll make it worth my while alright. But on my terms, not yours."
You shove her back, watching her stumble in her high heels.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Dee's mature features are twisted with rage as she spits words at you.
deewilliams: "You little punk! I've dealt with worse than you. You won't break me!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Break you? Oh, I'm going to do much more than that, Dee."
You grab her arms, pinning her against the wall as fear replaces defiance in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Dee's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual dominance subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
deewilliams: "Honey, remember how good we were together? The fun we had? We can have that again. Just open this door."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your encounters. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are gone, Dee. This is our new reality. Deal with it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
AJ's usually bubbly personality is subdued as she reaches out through the bars, her voice trembling.
ajapplegate: "Please, let me out! This isn't funny anymore. I'll do whatever you want, just don't keep me here!"
You laugh, the sound echoing coldly in the cell.
You: "Whatever I want? Oh, AJ. You'll do that anyway now."
Your hand darts out, pinching her cheek painfully, watching her wince and pull back.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
AJ's pretty face is contorted with anger, her usual charm replaced by fury.
ajapplegate: "You fucking asshole! When I get out of here, I'm going to make you pay for this!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words from someone in your position. Let's see how long that attitude lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to look up at you as tears form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
AJ's voice is soft, her usual flirtatiousness replaced by a genuine plea.
ajapplegate: "Hey, remember all the fun we had together? How we made each other laugh? We can have that again. Just... please."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, AJ. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Sarah's usually confident demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
sarahvandella: "Come on, honey. This isn't right. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it up to you."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Make it up to me? Oh, you will. But not on your terms anymore."
You shove her back, watching her stumble in her high heels.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Sarah's mature features are twisted with rage as she spits words at you.
sarahvandella: "You little shit! I've dealt with tougher men than you. You won't break me!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Break you? Oh, I'm going to do much more than that, Sarah."
You grab her arms, pinning her against the wall as fear replaces defiance in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Sarah's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual dominance subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
sarahvandella: "Sweetie, remember how good we were together? The pleasure we shared? We can have that again. Just open this door."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your encounters. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are gone, Sarah. This is our new reality. Deal with it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Riley's usually playful demeanor is gone, replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
rileyreid: "Please, let me out! This isn't cool anymore. I'll do anything, just don't keep me locked up!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Riley's face is contorted with anger, her usual charm replaced by fury.
rileyreid: "You fucking psycho! When I get out of here, I'll make sure everyone knows what a monster you are!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for such a little girl. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Riley's voice is soft, her usual flirtatiousness replaced by a genuine plea.
rileyreid: "Hey, remember all the wild times we had? How much fun we were together? We can have that again. Just... please, let me out."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Riley. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Brandi's usually confident demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
brandilove: "Come on, sweetie. This isn't right. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it worth your while."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Oh, you'll make it worth my while alright. But on my terms, not yours."
You shove her back, watching her stumble in her high heels.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Brandi's mature features are twisted with rage as she spits words at you.
brandilove: "You little bastard! I've dealt with worse than you. You won't break me!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Break you? Oh, I'm going to do much more than that, Brandi."
You grab her arms, pinning her against the wall as fear replaces defiance in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Brandi's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual dominance subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
brandilove: "Honey, remember how good we were together? The fun we had? We can have that again. Just open this door."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your encounters. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are gone, Brandi. This is our new reality. Deal with it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Tori's usually cool demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
toriblack: "Come on, this isn't funny anymore. Let me out, and I promise I'll forget this ever happened."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Forget? Oh no, Tori. You're going to remember every moment of this."
You shove her back, watching her stumble and fall onto the cell floor.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Tori's beautiful face is contorted with rage as she spits words at you.
toriblack: "You sick fuck! When I get out of here, I'll make sure you rot in hell!"
Fury courses through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words from someone in your position. Let's see how long that attitude lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to look up at you as tears form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Tori's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual confidence subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
Kagney Linn Karter: "Hey, remember all the amazing times we had? How good we were together? We can have that again. Just... please."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your encounters. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are over, Tori. This is our new reality. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Alexis's usually dominant demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
alexisfawx: "Come on, baby. This isn't right. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it up to you."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Make it up to me? Oh, you will. But not on your terms anymore."
You shove her back, watching her stumble in her high heels.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Alexis's mature features are twisted with rage as she spits words at you.
alexisfawx: "You little punk! I've dealt with tougher men than you. You won't break me!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Break you? Oh, I'm going to do much more than that, Alexis."
You grab her arms, pinning her against the wall as fear replaces defiance in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Alexis's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual dominance subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
alexisfawx: "Sweetie, remember how good we were together? The pleasure we shared? We can have that again. Just open this door."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your encounters. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are gone, Alexis. This is our new reality. Deal with it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Dani's usually confident demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
danidaniels: "Come on, this isn't funny anymore. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it worth your while."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Worth my while? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out."
You shove her back, watching her stumble and fall onto the cell floor.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Dani's beautiful face is contorted with rage as she spits words at you.
danidaniels: "You fucking psycho! When I get out of here, I'll make sure everyone knows what a monster you are!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for someone in your position. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Dani's voice is soft, her usual flirtatiousness replaced by a genuine plea.
danidaniels: "Hey, remember all the wild times we had? How much fun we were together? We can have that again. Just... please, let me out."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Dani. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Phoenix's usually tough demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
phoenixmarie: "Come on, this isn't right. Let me out, and I promise I'll forget this ever happened."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Forget? Oh no, Phoenix. You're going to remember every moment of this."
You shove her back, watching her stumble against the cell wall.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Phoenix's strong features are twisted with rage as she spits words at you.
phoenixmarie: "You little shit! I've taken down guys twice your size. You won't break me!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your fist connecting hard with her stomach.
You: "Break you? Oh, I'm going to do much more than that, Phoenix."
You grab her hair, forcing her to look up at you as she gasps for air.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Phoenix's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual toughness subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
phoenixmarie: "Hey, remember how good we were together? The wild times we had? We can have that again. Just open this door."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your encounters. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are gone, Phoenix. This is our new reality. Deal with it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Adriana's usually wild demeanor is subdued as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
adrianachechik: "Come on, this isn't fun anymore. Let me out, and I promise I'll give you the time of your life."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Time of my life? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out."
You shove her back, watching her stumble and fall onto the cell floor.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Adriana's face is contorted with rage as she spits words at you.
adrianachechik: "You fucking psycho! When I get out of here, I'll make sure everyone knows what a monster you are!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for someone in your position. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Adriana's voice is soft, her usual wildness replaced by a genuine plea.
adrianachechik: "Hey, remember all the crazy times we had? How much fun we were together? We can have that again. Just... please, let me out."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Adriana. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana stands defiantly in her cell, her athletic frame tense with anger. As you approach, she lunges at the bars, her eyes blazing.
Lana: "Let me out of here, you little shit! I'm your $[characters.list.lana.role], for fuck's sake!"
You chuckle darkly, your hand shooting through the bars to grab her throat.
You: "Not anymore, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Now you're just my little plaything."
You shove her back roughly, watching her stumble and fall.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana's voice drips with venom as she glares at you from her cell.
Lana: "You pathetic, twisted freak. I always knew you were weak, but this? This is a new low."
Fury courses through you. You unlock the cell, storming in and backhanding her hard across the face.
You: "Weak? I'll show you who's weak now, $[characters.list.lana.role] dear."
Your fists rain down on her, each blow emphasizing your newfound dominance.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Lana's usual tough exterior cracks, revealing a vulnerability you've rarely seen. Her voice is soft, almost pleading.
Lana: "Hey, $[characters.list.lana.player_role]. Remember when I used to protect you from bullies? We've always had each other's backs. Don't do this to us."
For a moment, you're transported back to childhood memories. Then reality crashes back.
You: "Things change, Lana. This is who we are now. Deal with it."
You turn away, ignoring the hurt in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Krissy's usually confident demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
krissylynn: "Come on, sweetie. This isn't right. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it worth your while."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Oh, you'll make it worth my while alright. But on my terms, not yours."
You shove her back, watching her stumble in her high heels.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Krissy's features are twisted with rage as she spits words at you.
krissylynn: "You little bastard! I've dealt with worse than you. You won't break me!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Break you? Oh, I'm going to do much more than that, Krissy."
You grab her arms, pinning her against the wall as fear replaces defiance in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Krissy's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual dominance subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
krissylynn: "Honey, remember how good we were together? The fun we had? We can have that again. Just open this door."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your encounters. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are gone, Krissy. This is our new reality. Deal with it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Megan's usually playful demeanor is gone, replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
meganrain: "Please, let me out! This isn't funny anymore. I'll do anything, just don't keep me locked up!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Megan's face is contorted with anger, her usual charm replaced by fury.
meganrain: "You sick bastard! When I get out of here, I'll make you regret this!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for someone in your position. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Megan's voice is soft, her usual flirtatiousness replaced by a genuine plea.
meganrain: "Hey, remember the fun we had? How we laughed together? We can have that again. Just... please, let me out."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Megan. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Nicole's usually confident demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
nicoleaniston: "Come on, this isn't right. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it up to you."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Make it up to me? Oh, you will. But not on your terms anymore."
You shove her back, watching her stumble in her high heels.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Nicole's beautiful face is twisted with rage as she spits words at you.
nicoleaniston: "You little shit! I've dealt with tougher men than you. You won't break me!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Break you? Oh, I'm going to do much more than that, Nicole."
You grab her arms, pinning her against the wall as fear replaces defiance in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Nicole's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual confidence subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
nicoleaniston: "Sweetie, remember how good we were together? The pleasure we shared? We can have that again. Just open this door."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your encounters. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are gone, Nicole. This is our new reality. Deal with it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Kagney's usually seductive demeanor is replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
kagneylinnkarter: "Please, let me out! This isn't sexy anymore. I'll do anything you want, just don't keep me here!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything I want? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Kagney's face is contorted with anger, her usual charm replaced by fury.
kagneylinnkarter: "You fucking psycho! When I get out of here, I'll make sure you never touch another woman again!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for someone in your position. Let's see how long that attitude lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Kagney's voice is soft, her usual seductiveness replaced by a genuine plea.
kagneylinnkarter: "Hey, remember all the wild times we had? How good we were together? We can have that again. Just... please, let me out."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Kagney. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Kendra's usually confident demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
kendralust: "Come on, sweetie. This isn't right. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it worth your while."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Oh, you'll make it worth my while alright. But on my terms, not yours."
You shove her back, watching her stumble in her high heels.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Kendra's mature features are twisted with rage as she spits words at you.
kendralust: "You little bastard! I've dealt with worse than you. You won't break me!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Break you? Oh, I'm going to do much more than that, Kendra."
You grab her arms, pinning her against the wall as fear replaces defiance in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Kendra's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual dominance subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
kendralust: "Honey, remember how good we were together? The fun we had? We can have that again. Just open this door."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your encounters. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are gone, Kendra. This is our new reality. Deal with it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elsa's usually sweet demeanor is gone, replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
elsajean: "Please, let me out! This isn't fun anymore. I'll do anything, just don't keep me locked up!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elsa's face is contorted with anger, her usual innocence replaced by fury.
elsajean: "You monster! When I get out of here, I'll make sure everyone knows what you really are!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for such a little girl. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elsa's voice is soft, her usual cheerfulness replaced by a genuine plea.
elsajean: "Hey, remember how much fun we had together? How we laughed? We can have that again. Just... please, let me out."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Elsa. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Ariella's usually confident demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
ariellaferrera: "Come on, papi. This isn't right. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it up to you."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Make it up to me? Oh, you will. But not on your terms anymore."
You shove her back, watching her stumble in her high heels.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Ariella's mature features are twisted with rage as she spits words at you.
ariellaferrera: "You little punk! I've dealt with tougher men than you. You won't break me!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Break you? Oh, I'm going to do much more than that, Ariella."
You grab her arms, pinning her against the wall as fear replaces defiance in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Ariella's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual dominance subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
ariellaferrera: "Sweetie, remember how good we were together? The pleasure we shared? We can have that again. Just open this door."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your encounters. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are gone, Ariella. This is our new reality. Deal with it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Alexis's usually playful demeanor is gone, replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
alexistexas: "Please, let me out! This isn't funny anymore. I'll do anything, just don't keep me locked up!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Alexis's face is contorted with anger, her usual charm replaced by fury.
alexistexas: "You sick bastard! When I get out of here, I'll make you regret this!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for someone in your position. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Alexis's voice is soft, her usual flirtatiousness replaced by a genuine plea.
alexistexas: "Hey, remember the fun we had? How we laughed together? We can have that again. Just... please, let me out."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Alexis. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Cory's usually confident demeanor is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
corychase: "Come on, sweetie. This isn't right. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it worth your while."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Oh, you'll make it worth my while alright. But on my terms, not yours."
You shove her back, watching her stumble in her high heels.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Cory's mature features are twisted with rage as she spits words at you.
corychase: "You little bastard! I've dealt with worse than you. You won't break me!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Break you? Oh, I'm going to do much more than that, Cory."
You grab her arms, pinning her against the wall as fear replaces defiance in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Cory's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual dominance subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
corychase: "Honey, remember how good we were together? The fun we had? We can have that again. Just open this door."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your encounters. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are gone, Cory. This is our new reality. Deal with it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Autumn's usual youthful exuberance is gone, replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
autumnfalls: "Please, I'm begging you! Let me out! I'll do anything, just don't keep me locked up like this!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out, little girl."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars, her voluptuous body trembling.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Autumn's face is contorted with anger, her usual innocence replaced by fury.
autumnfalls: "You monster! My fans will come for me, and you'll pay for this!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for a little slut in your position. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes, her ample breasts heaving with each sob.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Autumn's voice is soft, her usual flirtatiousness replaced by a genuine plea.
autumnfalls: "Hey, remember how sweet I was to you? How I made you feel? We can have that again. Just... please, let me out."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Autumn. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality, her young body shaking with silent sobs.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Antonella's usually confident demeanor is gone, replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
antonellaalonso: "Por favor, let me out! This isn't right! I'll do anything, just don't keep me here!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out, little Latina."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars, her petite frame shaking.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Antonella's face is contorted with anger, her usual charm replaced by fury.
antonellaalonso: "¡Hijo de puta! When I get out of here, you'll regret ever touching me!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for such a small girl. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes, her small body trembling.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Antonella's voice is soft, her usual sass replaced by a genuine plea.
antonellaalonso: "Hey, remember how good I was to you? How much fun we had? We can have that again. Just... please, let me go."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Antonella. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality, her olive skin pale with fear.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Blake's usually bubbly personality is gone, replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
blakeblossom: "Please, I'm begging you! Let me out! I'll do anything, just don't keep me locked up!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out, little flower."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars, her youthful body trembling.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Blake's face is contorted with anger, her usual sweetness replaced by fury.
blakeblossom: "You sick freak! When I get out of here, you'll pay for this!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for a little slut in your position. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes, her perky breasts heaving with each sob.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Blake's voice is soft, her usual flirtatiousness replaced by a genuine plea.
blakeblossom: "Hey, remember how sweet I was? How I made you smile? We can have that again. Just... please, let me out."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Blake. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality, her young body shaking with silent sobs.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Asa's usually composed demeanor is gone, replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
asaakira: "Please, let me out! This isn't what I signed up for! I'll do anything, just don't keep me locked up!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out, Asian slut."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars, her petite frame shaking.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Asa's face is contorted with anger, her usual professionalism replaced by fury.
asaakira: "You fucking psycho! When I get out of here, I'll make sure you rot in jail!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for someone in your position. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes, her experienced body tensing.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Asa's voice is soft, her usual confidence replaced by a genuine plea.
asaakira: "Hey, remember all the scenes we've done? How good I made you feel? We can have that again. Just... please, let me go."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Asa. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality, her olive skin pale with fear.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Eva's usually calm demeanor is gone, replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
evalovia: "Please, I'm begging you! Let me out! I'll do anything, just don't keep me locked up like this!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out, pretty girl."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars, her stunning body trembling.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Eva's face is contorted with anger, her usual grace replaced by fury.
evalovia: "You sick bastard! When I get out of here, you'll regret ever touching me!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for someone in your position. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes, her perfect body shaking.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Eva's voice is soft, her usual allure replaced by a genuine plea.
evalovia: "Hey, remember how good I was to you? How I made you feel? We can have that again. Just... please, let me out."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Eva. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality, her beautiful face etched with fear.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Savannah's usually confident demeanor is gone, replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
savannahbond: "Please, mate, let me out! This isn't right! I'll do anything, just don't keep me locked up!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out, Aussie slut."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars, her voluptuous body trembling.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Savannah's face is contorted with anger, her usual charm replaced by fury.
savannahbond: "You bloody psycho! When I get out of here, you'll pay for this!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for a busty whore in your position. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes, her massive breasts heaving with each sob.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Savannah's voice is soft, her usual flirtatiousness replaced by a genuine plea.
savannahbond: "Hey, remember the good times we had? How I made you feel? We can have that again. Just... please, let me go."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Savannah. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality, her curvaceous body shaking with silent sobs.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie's usually cheerful face is streaked with tears as she presses against the bars of her cell.
Elfie: "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please! This isn't a game anymore. Let me out, I'm scared!"
You laugh, the sound hollow and cruel in the confines of the prison.
You: "Oh, but it is a game, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. And I'm winning."
Your hand darts out, pinching her cheek painfully, watching her wince.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie's innocent features are twisted with an uncharacteristic rage as she glares at you.
Elfie: "You're the worst $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] ever! I hate you! I wish you'd never been born!"
Anger flares within you. You unlock the cell and storm in, grabbing her slender arms roughly.
You: "Careful what you wish for, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You might not like the alternative."
You shake her violently, watching fear replace the anger in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Elfie's voice is small and trembling, her big eyes wide with unshed tears.
Elfie: "Remember when we used to play video games together? You always let me win. Can't we go back to that? Please?"
For a moment, nostalgia tugs at your heart. Then you steel yourself against it.
You: "Playtime's over, Elfie. This is our new game now."
You turn away, leaving her sobbing quietly in her cell.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia's usual flirtatious demeanor is gone, replaced by desperation as she reaches through the bars towards you.
Mia: "Cuz, come on! This isn't funny anymore. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it worth your while."
You laugh coldly, slapping her hand away.
You: "Oh, you'll make it worth my while alright. But on my terms, not yours."
You watch her shrink back, fear replacing the hope in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia's pretty face is contorted with rage as she spits words at you.
Mia: "You sick bastard! I always knew you were a creep, but this? This is fucked up!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Watch your mouth, cousin. Or I'll find better uses for it."
You grab her hair, forcing her to look at you as tears of pain and fear form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Mia's voice is soft, her usual bubbly personality subdued as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
Mia: "Hey, remember all the fun we used to have at family barbecues? How we'd sneak off and share a beer? We were always partners in crime. Don't do this to us."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of simpler times. Then you shake it off.
You: "Those days are gone, Mia. This is our new reality. Get used to it."
You turn away, ignoring her quiet sobs.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel's usual poise is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone you've never heard before.
Chanel: "Darling, please. This is beneath us both. Let me out, and I promise I'll make it worth your while."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Oh, aunt Chanel. You'll make it worth my while alright, but not on your terms anymore."
You shove her back, watching her stumble in her high heels.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel's sophisticated facade has crumbled, replaced by raw fury as she glares at you.
Chanel: "You little bastard! I should have known you'd turn out to be a degenerate. You're a disgrace to this family!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "A disgrace? Look at yourself now, dear aunt. You're nothing but my plaything."
You grab her hair, forcing her to kneel before you.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Chanel's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual sharp edges dulled as she tries to appeal to your emotions.
Chanel: "Sweetheart, remember when I used to sneak you treats when your $[characters.list.cherie.role] wasn't looking? How I always had your back? We can go back to that. Just... please."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by this display of vulnerability. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Chanel. This is who we are now. Deal with it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Julia's usually serene face is etched with worry as she reaches out to you through the bars.
Julia: "Darling, please. This isn't right. I'm your grandmother. Let me out, and we can work through this together."
You laugh, the sound echoing coldly in the cell.
You: "Work through this? Oh, grandma. This is our new normal now."
Your hand darts out, pinching her cheek painfully, watching her wince.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Julia's calm demeanor has shattered, replaced by a fury you've never seen in her before.
Julia: "You ungrateful little wretch! After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me? You're no grandson of mine!"
Anger surges through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "No grandson of yours? Well, you're right about that. I'm your master now."
You grab her arms, shaking her violently as tears form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Julia's voice is soft, her usual wisdom tinged with desperation as she tries to reach you.
Julia: "Sweetheart, remember the stories I used to tell you? The lessons about kindness and family? You can still be that good person. Please, let's go back to how things were."
For a moment, you're transported back to childhood memories. Then you steel yourself against them.
You: "Those stories are just fairy tales, grandma. This is our reality now. Accept it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Gabbie's usual confidence is cracking as she presses against the bars, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
Gabbie: "Come on, let me out. We're supposed to be partners, remember? We can still take down MAD together."
You laugh coldly, your hand shooting out to grab her chin roughly.
You: "Partners? No, Gabbie. You're just another piece in my collection now."
You shove her back, watching her stumble and fall.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Gabbie's face is contorted with rage as she spits words at you.
Gabbie: "You backstabbing piece of shit! I should've known better than to trust you. You're no better than MAD!"
Fury courses through you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your fist connecting hard with her stomach.
You: "Watch your mouth. You're in no position to make comparisons anymore."
You grab her hair, forcing her to look up at you as she gasps for air.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Gabbie's voice is uncharacteristically soft, her usual bravado gone as she tries to appeal to your better nature.
Gabbie: "Hey, remember all we've been through together? The battles we've fought? We make a great team. Don't throw that away."
For a moment, you're tempted by the memories of your adventures. Then you shake it off.
You: "That's all in the past, Gabbie. This is our new reality. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new position.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Angela's usual ethereal calm is shattered as she reaches out to you through the bars.
Angela: "Please, release me. This confinement... it goes against the natural order. We can still work together to understand the virus."
You laugh, the sound echoing coldly in the cell.
You: "Natural order? I make the order now, Angela. And you're just another subject to study."
Your hand darts out, grabbing her wrist painfully, watching her wince.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Angela's serene features are twisted with an uncharacteristic rage as she glares at you.
Angela: "You fool! You have no idea of the cosmic forces you're meddling with. Your arrogance will be your downfall!"
Anger flares within you. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Cosmic forces? The only force that matters now is mine."
You grab her throat, forcing her against the wall as she struggles to breathe.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Angela's voice is soft, her usual wisdom tinged with a hint of manipulation as she tries to reach you.
Angela: "Remember the knowledge I've shared with you? The secrets of the virus? We can still uncover so much more together. Don't let this opportunity slip away."
For a moment, you're tempted by the promise of more knowledge. Then you steel yourself against it.
You: "Nice try, Angela. But you'll share your secrets on my terms now."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality in silence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Remy's usually playful demeanor is gone, replaced by desperation as she clutches the bars of her cell.
remylacroix: "Please, let me out! This isn't funny anymore. I'll do anything, just don't keep me locked up!"
You laugh coldly, your hand striking out to slap her fingers away from the bars.
You: "Anything? Oh, you will. But not because I'm letting you out."
You watch fear replace hope in her eyes as she backs away from the bars.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Remy's face is contorted with anger, her usual charm replaced by fury.
remylacroix: "You sick bastard! When I get out of here, I'll make you regret this!"
Rage fills you at her words. You unlock the cell and storm in, your hand connecting hard with her face.
You: "Big words for someone in your position. Let's see how long that spirit lasts."
You grab her hair, forcing her to her knees as tears form in her eyes.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
Remy's voice is soft, her usual flirtatiousness replaced by a genuine plea.
remylacroix: "Hey, remember the fun we had? How we laughed together? We can have that again. Just... please, let me out."
For a moment, you're caught off guard by her sincerity. Then you harden your heart.
You: "Those days are over, Remy. This is who we are now. Get used to it."
You turn away, leaving her to contemplate her new reality.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the prison cell, eyes locked on your enslaved $[characters.list.cherie.role]. "Time for your daily use, $[characters.list.cherie.role] dearest."
Cherie's eyes widen in fear as you approach, roughly grabbing her hair. You force your throbbing cock past her lips, plunging deep into her throat. She gags and struggles as you mercilessly facefuck her, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Cherie: [Choking and gagging] "Mmmphhh! Gllkkk!"
You pull out, allowing her a moment to gasp for air before shoving her onto her back. Spreading her legs wide, you bury your face in her pussy, devouring her with animalistic hunger. Your tongue probes deep as she writhes beneath you.
Cherie: [Sobbing] "Please, $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... why are you doing this to your own $[characters.list.cherie.role]?"
You ignore her pleas, continuing to feast on her most intimate areas with depraved enthusiasm.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s trembling form. "Time to breed you, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
Cherie recoils as you approach, but you easily overpower her, pinning her to the cold floor. You thrust into her violently, her anguished cries echoing off the walls as you pound her mercilessly.
Cherie: [Sobbing] "No, please! Not inside me! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]!"
You ignore her pleas, driving deeper. "That's right, I'm going to knock up my own $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
Your pace intensifies as you near climax, slamming into her cervix with each brutal thrust.
Cherie: [Wailing] "God forgive me... my own $[characters.list.cherie.player_role]... breeding me..."
With a primal roar, you explode inside her, flooding her womb with your incestuous seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, rage and lust in your eyes. "You've been disobedient, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Time for punishment."
Before Cherie can react, you're on her, fists raining down. She cries out as you beat her, leaving bruises across her once-flawless skin. Grabbing her hair, you force her face-down.
Cherie: [Pleading] "No, not there! Please, $[characters.list.cherie.player_role], have mercy!"
You show no mercy as you ram your cock into her tight asshole. She screams in agony as you tear into her, stretching her violently.
Cherie: [Shrieking] "It hurts! You're destroying me! Your own $[characters.list.cherie.role]!"
Her cries only fuel your savage thrusts as you utterly demolish her once-forbidden hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at Dee. "Those big tits look perfect for fucking."
Dee tries to cover herself, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock between her massive breasts. You thrust violently, then shove it down her throat.
deewilliams: [Gagging] "Mmphh! *gurgle*"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She squirms beneath you, her experienced body betraying her.
deewilliams: [Moaning] "Oh god... it's been so long... fuck!"
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely despite her protests.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Dee, raw lust in your eyes. "Let's put those child-bearing hips to use."
She tries to reason with you, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her experienced pussy grips you tightly as you pound into her.
deewilliams: [Gasping] "No! I'm too old to get pregnant!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to breed. "Age is just a number, and you're still fertile."
deewilliams: [Sobbing] "Please... not inside... I can't have a baby now..."
You ignore her pleas, flooding her womb with your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect ass, Dee."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her voluptuous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her pale skin.
deewilliams: [Pleading] "Stop! I'll do anything else!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
deewilliams: [Shrieking] "It's too big! You're splitting me in half!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely destroy her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing AJ's famous ass. "Time to put that mouth to work."
AJ backs away, but you easily grab her and force your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, her expert technique evident even in distress.
ajapplegate: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her perfect ass, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, conflicted by the pleasure.
ajapplegate: [Panting] "Fuck... why does it feel so good?"
You continue your oral assault, savoring her reluctant moans.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach AJ, lust burning in your eyes. "That pussy looks like it needs a pounding."
She struggles as you pin her down, but you easily overpower her. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries filling the cell.
ajapplegate: [Grunting] "No! Stop! It's too much!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more brutal than the last. "Take it all, you fucking slut."
ajapplegate: [Sobbing] "Oh god... I'm cumming... I can't stop!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "Time to destroy that perfect ass."
Before she can react, you're on her, fists flying. She cries out as you beat her mercilessly, leaving bruises on her once-flawless skin.
ajapplegate: [Whimpering] "Please... not my ass..."
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight hole. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
ajapplegate: [Shrieking] "It hurts! You're ruining me!"
Her pain only drives you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you demolish her prized asset.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at Sarah. "That mouth looks perfect for fucking."
Sarah tries to reason with you, but you silence her by shoving your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
sarahvandella: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her experienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
sarahvandella: [Moaning] "No... stop... I shouldn't be enjoying this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Sarah, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to breed this MILF pussy."
She tries to talk you down, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her experienced pussy grips you tightly as you pound into her.
sarahvandella: [Gasping] "No! I could get pregnant!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to breed. "That's the idea, slut. Take my seed."
sarahvandella: [Sobbing] "Please... not inside... I can't have a baby..."
You ignore her pleas, flooding her womb with your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect ass, Sarah."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her voluptuous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her pale skin.
sarahvandella: [Pleading] "Stop! I'll do anything else!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
sarahvandella: [Shrieking] "It's too big! You're destroying me!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Riley's petite form. "Let's see if that mouth is as skilled as they say."
Riley tries to back away, but you easily grab her and force your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, her expert technique evident even in distress.
rileyreid: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her body betraying her mind.
rileyreid: [Panting] "No... stop... why does it feel so good?"
You continue your oral assault, savoring her reluctant moans of pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Riley, lust burning in your eyes. "Time to stretch that tight little pussy."
She struggles as you pin her down, but you easily overpower her small frame. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries filling the cell.
rileyreid: [Crying out] "It's too big! You're tearing me apart!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more brutal than the last. "Take it all, you little slut."
rileyreid: [Sobbing] "Oh god... I'm cumming... I can't stop!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "Time to ruin that tight ass, Riley."
Before she can react, you're on her, fists flying. She cries out as you beat her mercilessly, leaving bruises on her once-flawless skin.
rileyreid: [Whimpering] "Please... not my ass... it's too big..."
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight hole. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
rileyreid: [Shrieking] "It hurts! You're destroying me!"
Her pain only drives you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you utterly demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at Brandi. "That MILF mouth looks perfect for fucking."
Brandi tries to reason with you, but you silence her by shoving your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
brandilove: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her experienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
brandilove: [Moaning] "No... stop... I shouldn't be enjoying this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Brandi, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to breed this MILF pussy."
She tries to talk you down, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her experienced pussy grips you tightly as you pound into her.
brandilove: [Gasping] "No! I'm too old to get pregnant!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to breed. "Age is just a number, and you're still fertile."
brandilove: [Sobbing] "Please... not inside... I can't have a baby now..."
You ignore her pleas, flooding her womb with your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect ass, Brandi."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her voluptuous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her tanned skin.
brandilove: [Pleading] "Stop! I'll do anything else!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
brandilove: [Shrieking] "It's too big! You're splitting me in half!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely destroy her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Tori's perfect form. "Let's put that mouth to work, superstar."
Tori tries to maintain her composure, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, her expert technique evident even in distress.
toriblack: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her body betraying her mind.
toriblack: [Panting] "No... stop... this isn't right..."
You continue your oral assault, savoring her reluctant moans of pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Tori, lust burning in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect pussy, Tori."
She struggles as you pin her down, but you easily overpower her. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries filling the cell.
toriblack: [Crying out] "Stop! You're too rough!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more brutal than the last. "Take it all, you fucking superstar."
toriblack: [Sobbing] "Oh god... I'm cumming... I can't stop!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "Time to destroy that perfect ass, Tori."
Before she can react, you're on her, fists flying. She cries out as you beat her mercilessly, leaving bruises on her once-flawless skin.
toriblack: [Whimpering] "Please... not like this..."
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
toriblack: [Shrieking] "It hurts! You're ruining me!"
Her pain only drives you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you utterly demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at Alexis. "That MILF mouth looks perfect for fucking."
Alexis tries to reason with you, but you silence her by shoving your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
alexisfawx: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her experienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
alexisfawx: [Moaning] "No... stop... I shouldn't be enjoying this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Alexis, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to breed this MILF pussy."
She tries to talk you down, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her experienced pussy grips you tightly as you pound into her.
alexisfawx: [Gasping] "No! I could get pregnant!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to breed. "That's the idea, slut. Take my seed."
alexisfawx: [Sobbing] "Please... not inside... I can't have a baby..."
You ignore her pleas, flooding her womb with your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect ass, Alexis."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her voluptuous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her tanned skin.
alexisfawx: [Pleading] "Stop! I'll do anything else!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
alexisfawx: [Shrieking] "It's too big! You're destroying me!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Dani's perfect form. "Let's see if that mouth is as skilled as they say."
Dani tries to maintain her composure, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, her expert technique evident even in distress.
danidaniels: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her body betraying her mind.
danidaniels: [Panting] "No... stop... why does it feel so good?"
You continue your oral assault, savoring her reluctant moans of pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Dani, lust burning in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect pussy."
She struggles as you pin her down, but you easily overpower her. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries filling the cell.
danidaniels: [Crying out] "It's too much! You're hurting me!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more brutal than the last. "Take it all, you little slut."
danidaniels: [Sobbing] "Oh god... I'm cumming... I can't stop!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "Time to destroy that tight ass, Dani."
Before she can react, you're on her, fists flying. She cries out as you beat her mercilessly, leaving bruises on her once-flawless skin.
danidaniels: [Whimpering] "Please... not my ass... it's too big..."
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight hole. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
danidaniels: [Shrieking] "It hurts! You're splitting me open!"
Her pain only drives you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you utterly demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at Phoenix. "That ass looks perfect for fucking."
Phoenix tries to resist, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
phoenixmarie: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her famous ass, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her experienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
phoenixmarie: [Moaning] "No... stop... I shouldn't be enjoying this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Phoenix, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to breed this perfect pussy."
She tries to fight back, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her experienced pussy grips you tightly as you pound into her.
phoenixmarie: [Gasping] "No! You can't do this!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to breed. "Take it all, you fucking slut."
phoenixmarie: [Sobbing] "Please... not inside... I can't get pregnant..."
You ignore her pleas, flooding her womb with your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to destroy that famous ass, Phoenix."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her voluptuous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her tanned skin.
phoenixmarie: [Pleading] "Stop! You don't know what you're doing!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
phoenixmarie: [Shrieking] "It's too much! You're ruining my ass!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely demolish her prized asset.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Adriana's petite form. "Let's see if you live up to your reputation, slut."
Adriana tries to maintain her defiance, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, her expert technique evident even in distress.
adrianachechik: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her body betraying her mind.
adrianachechik: [Panting] "Fuck... why am I getting so wet?"
You continue your oral assault, savoring her reluctant moans of pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Adriana, lust burning in your eyes. "Time to wreck that famous pussy."
She struggles as you pin her down, but you easily overpower her. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries filling the cell.
adrianachechik: [Crying out] "It's too big! You're stretching me too much!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more brutal than the last. "Take it all, you fucking whore."
adrianachechik: [Sobbing] "Oh god... I'm squirting... I can't stop!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms violently against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "Time to destroy that slutty ass, Adriana."
Before she can react, you're on her, fists flying. She cries out as you beat her mercilessly, leaving bruises on her once-flawless skin.
adrianachechik: [Whimpering] "Please... not like this..."
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
adrianachechik: [Shrieking] "It hurts! You're destroying my ass!"
Her pain only drives you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you utterly demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at your captive $[characters.list.lana.role]. "Ready for your daily throat workout, $[characters.list.lana.role]?"
Lana glares defiantly, but can't resist as you grab her hair and force your massive cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
Lana: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face between her legs, tongue probing deep into her pussy. She writhes and bucks against your mouth.
Lana: [Panting] "Fuck you... I hate how good that feels..."
You continue devouring her, savoring her reluctant moans of pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Lana, lust burning in your eyes. "Time to put a baby in you, $[characters.list.lana.role]."
She struggles as you pin her down, but you easily overpower her once-strong form. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries music to your ears.
Lana: [Grunting] "No! Get out of me, you sick fuck!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to impregnate. "You're going to be a mom, $[characters.list.lana.role]. To your $[characters.list.lana.player_role]'s baby."
Lana: [Sobbing] "Please, no... not inside... not like this..."
You ignore her pleas, pumping her full of your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "You need to learn respect, $[characters.list.lana.role]."
Before Lana can react, you're on her, fists flying. She cries out as you beat her mercilessly, her once-strong body now weak and vulnerable.
Lana: [Whimpering] "Stop... please..."
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
Lana: [Shrieking] "It hurts! You're ripping me apart!"
Her pain only drives you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you destroy her once-forbidden hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at Krissy. "That MILF mouth looks perfect for fucking."
Krissy tries to reason with you, but you silence her by shoving your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
krissylynn: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her experienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
krissylynn: [Moaning] "No... stop... I shouldn't be enjoying this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Krissy, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to breed this MILF pussy."
She tries to talk you down, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her experienced pussy grips you tightly as you pound into her.
krissylynn: [Gasping] "No! I could get pregnant!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to breed. "That's the idea, slut. Take my seed."
krissylynn: [Sobbing] "Please... not inside... I can't have another baby..."
You ignore her pleas, flooding her womb with your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect ass, Krissy."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her voluptuous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her pale skin.
krissylynn: [Pleading] "Stop! I'll do anything else!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
krissylynn: [Shrieking] "It's too big! You're destroying me!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Megan's petite form. "Let's see if that mouth is as skilled as they say."
Megan tries to back away, but you easily grab her and force your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, her expert technique evident even in distress.
meganrain: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her body betraying her mind.
meganrain: [Panting] "No... stop... why does it feel so good?"
You continue your oral assault, savoring her reluctant moans of pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Megan, lust burning in your eyes. "Time to stretch that tight little pussy."
She struggles as you pin her down, but you easily overpower her small frame. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries filling the cell.
meganrain: [Crying out] "It's too big! You're tearing me apart!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more brutal than the last. "Take it all, you little slut."
meganrain: [Sobbing] "Oh god... I'm cumming... I can't stop!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "Time to ruin that tight ass, Megan."
Before she can react, you're on her, fists flying. She cries out as you beat her mercilessly, leaving bruises on her once-flawless skin.
meganrain: [Whimpering] "Please... not my ass... it's too big..."
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight hole. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
meganrain: [Shrieking] "It hurts! You're destroying me!"
Her pain only drives you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you utterly demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at Nicole. "That perfect body is begging to be used."
Nicole tries to maintain her composure, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
nicoleaniston: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her experienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
nicoleaniston: [Moaning] "No... stop... I shouldn't be enjoying this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Nicole, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to breed this perfect pussy."
She tries to talk you down, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her tight pussy grips you as you pound into her.
nicoleaniston: [Gasping] "No! You can't do this!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to breed. "Take it all, you fucking slut."
nicoleaniston: [Sobbing] "Please... not inside... I can't get pregnant..."
You ignore her pleas, flooding her womb with your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect ass, Nicole."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her toned body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her tanned skin.
nicoleaniston: [Pleading] "Stop! You don't know what you're doing!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
nicoleaniston: [Shrieking] "It's too much! You're ruining me!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Kagney's voluptuous form. "Those tits look perfect for fucking."
Kagney tries to cover herself, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock between her massive breasts. You thrust violently, then shove it down her throat.
kagneylinnkarter: [Gagging] "Mmphh! *gurgle*"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She squirms beneath you, her experienced body betraying her.
kagneylinnkarter: [Moaning] "Oh god... it's been so long... fuck!"
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely despite her protests.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Kagney, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect pussy."
She tries to reason with you, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her tight pussy grips you as you pound into her.
kagneylinnkarter: [Gasping] "No! Stop! You're too big!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more violent than the last. "Take it all, you fucking whore."
kagneylinnkarter: [Sobbing] "Oh god... I'm cumming... I can't stop!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to destroy that ass, Kagney."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her voluptuous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her pale skin.
kagneylinnkarter: [Pleading] "Stop! I'll do anything else!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
kagneylinnkarter: [Shrieking] "It's too big! You're splitting me in half!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely destroy her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at Kendra. "That MILF mouth looks perfect for fucking."
Kendra tries to reason with you, but you silence her by shoving your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
kendralust: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her experienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
kendralust: [Moaning] "No... stop... I shouldn't be enjoying this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Kendra, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to breed this MILF pussy."
She tries to talk you down, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her experienced pussy grips you tightly as you pound into her.
kendralust: [Gasping] "No! I'm too old to get pregnant!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to breed. "Age is just a number, and you're still fertile."
kendralust: [Sobbing] "Please... not inside... I can't have a baby now..."
You ignore her pleas, flooding her womb with your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect ass, Kendra."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her voluptuous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her tanned skin.
kendralust: [Pleading] "Stop! I'll do anything else!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
kendralust: [Shrieking] "It's too big! You're destroying me!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Elsa's petite form. "Let's see if that tiny mouth can handle me."
Elsa tries to back away, but you easily grab her and force your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, her inexperience evident in her struggle.
elsajean: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her young body betraying her mind.
elsajean: [Panting] "No... stop... why does it feel so good?"
You continue your oral assault, savoring her reluctant moans of pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Elsa, lust burning in your eyes. "Time to stretch that tight little pussy."
She struggles as you pin her down, easily overpowering her small frame. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries filling the cell.
elsajean: [Crying out] "It's too big! You're tearing me apart!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more brutal than the last. "Take it all, you little slut."
elsajean: [Sobbing] "Oh god... I'm cumming... I can't stop!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "Time to ruin that tight ass, Elsa."
Before she can react, you're on her, fists flying. She cries out as you beat her mercilessly, leaving bruises on her once-flawless skin.
elsajean: [Whimpering] "Please... not my ass... it's too big..."
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight hole. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
elsajean: [Shrieking] "It hurts! You're destroying me!"
Her pain only drives you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you utterly demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at Ariella. "Those MILF tits look perfect for fucking."
Ariella tries to reason with you, but you silence her by shoving your cock between her massive breasts. You fuck them brutally before forcing your way down her throat.
ariellaferrera: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her experienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
ariellaferrera: [Moaning] "No... stop... I shouldn't be enjoying this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Ariella, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to breed this MILF pussy."
She tries to talk you down, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her experienced pussy grips you tightly as you pound into her.
ariellaferrera: [Gasping] "No! I could get pregnant!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to breed. "That's the idea, slut. Take my seed."
ariellaferrera: [Sobbing] "Please... not inside... I can't have another baby..."
You ignore her pleas, flooding her womb with your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect ass, Ariella."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her voluptuous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her tanned skin.
ariellaferrera: [Pleading] "Stop! I'll do anything else!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
ariellaferrera: [Shrieking] "It's too big! You're destroying me!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Alexis's famous ass. "That mouth looks perfect for fucking."
Alexis tries to maintain her composure, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
alexistexas: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her legendary ass, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her experienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
alexistexas: [Moaning] "No... stop... I shouldn't be enjoying this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Alexis, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to ruin that famous pussy."
She tries to fight back, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her tight pussy grips you as you pound into her.
alexistexas: [Gasping] "No! Stop! You're too big!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more violent than the last. "Take it all, you fucking whore."
alexistexas: [Sobbing] "Oh god... I'm cumming... I can't stop!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to destroy that legendary ass, Alexis."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her voluptuous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her pale skin.
alexistexas: [Pleading] "Not my ass! Please, anything but that!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her most prized asset.
alexistexas: [Shrieking] "You're ruining me! My ass will never be the same!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely destroy her once-perfect hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at Cory. "That MILF mouth looks perfect for fucking."
Cory tries to reason with you, but you silence her by shoving your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
corychase: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her experienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
corychase: [Moaning] "No... stop... I shouldn't be enjoying this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Cory, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to breed this MILF pussy."
She tries to talk you down, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her experienced pussy grips you tightly as you pound into her.
corychase: [Gasping] "No! I'm too old to get pregnant!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to breed. "Age is just a number, and you're still fertile."
corychase: [Sobbing] "Please... not inside... I can't have a baby now..."
You ignore her pleas, flooding her womb with your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect ass, Cory."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her fit body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her tanned skin.
corychase: [Pleading] "Stop! I'll do anything else!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
corychase: [Shrieking] "It's too big! You're destroying me!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely demolish her once-tight hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Autumn's voluptuous curves. "Those tits are begging to be used."
Autumn tries to cover herself, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock between her ample breasts. You fuck them roughly, enjoying her whimpers.
autumnfalls: [Whimpering] "Please... stop... they're so sensitive..."
Growling, you grab her hair and force your cock down her throat. She gags and chokes as you brutally face-fuck her.
autumnfalls: [Gagging] "Mmmph! Gkkk!"
You continue your assault, her saliva coating your shaft as tears stream down her face.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Autumn, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to ruin that tight little pussy."
She tries to resist, but you silence her with a savage thrust. Her young, tight pussy grips you as you pound into her.
autumnfalls: [Gasping] "It hurts! You're too big for me!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more violent than the last. "Take it all, you little slut."
autumnfalls: [Sobbing] "Oh god... my body's betraying me... I'm cumming!"
You ignore her cries, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "I'm going to destroy that perfect ass, Autumn."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her curvaceous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her tan skin.
autumnfalls: [Pleading] "Not my ass! I've never done that before!"
Growling, you force yourself into her virgin ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her most private hole.
autumnfalls: [Shrieking] "You're breaking me! It's too much!"
Her pain and innocence fuel your lust as you savagely claim her last untouched hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Antonella's petite frame. "That innocent mouth needs to be fucked."
Antonella tries to back away, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
antonellaalonso: [Gagging] "Nngh! Hrkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and spread her ass cheeks, tongue probing deep. She squirms beneath you, her inexperienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
antonellaalonso: [Moaning] "Por favor... stop... I shouldn't like this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Antonella, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to stretch that tiny pussy."
She tries to fight back, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her tight pussy struggles to accommodate you as you pound into her.
antonellaalonso: [Gasping] "Dios mío! It's too big! You're tearing me apart!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more violent than the last. "Take it all, you little puta."
antonellaalonso: [Sobbing] "No... my body... it's betraying me!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect little ass, Antonella."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her small body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her olive skin.
antonellaalonso: [Pleading] "No, not there! I'm a virgin!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her most prized asset.
antonellaalonso: [Shrieking] "You're destroying me! I'll never be the same!"
Her pain and innocence fuel your lust as you savagely destroy her once-untouched hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Blake's youthful body. "That innocent mouth is perfect for fucking."
Blake tries to maintain her composure, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
blakeblossom: [Gagging] "Guhk! Hnngh!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face between her legs, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her inexperienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
blakeblossom: [Moaning] "No... please... I shouldn't be feeling this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Blake, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to ruin that tight little cunt."
She tries to fight back, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her tight pussy grips you as you pound into her.
blakeblossom: [Gasping] "It hurts! You're too big!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more violent than the last. "Take it all, you little slut."
blakeblossom: [Sobbing] "Oh god... I'm cumming... I can't stop!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to destroy that perfect ass, Blake."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her young body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her pale skin.
blakeblossom: [Pleading] "Not my ass! I've never done that!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her most prized asset.
blakeblossom: [Shrieking] "You're ruining me! It hurts so much!"
Her pain and innocence fuel your lust as you savagely destroy her once-perfect hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Asa's petite Asian frame. "That experienced mouth looks perfect for fucking."
Asa tries to maintain her composure, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
asaakira: [Gagging] "Guhk! Nngh!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her ass, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her experienced body responding despite her mind's protests.
asaakira: [Moaning] "Yamete... stop... I shouldn't be enjoying this..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Asa, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to wreck that famous pussy."
She tries to fight back, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her tight pussy grips you as you pound into her.
asaakira: [Gasping] "Fuck! It's too much!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more violent than the last. "Take it all, you Asian whore."
asaakira: [Sobbing] "Kuso... I'm cumming... I can't stop!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to destroy that legendary ass, Asa."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her petite body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her olive skin.
asaakira: [Pleading] "Not like this! Please!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her most prized asset.
asaakira: [Shrieking] "You're ruining me! My ass will never be the same!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely destroy her once-perfect hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Eva's stunning figure. "That pretty mouth is perfect for fucking."
Eva tries to maintain her composure, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
evalovia: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face between her legs, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, her body responding despite her mind's protests.
evalovia: [Moaning] "No... stop... this isn't right..."
You continue your assault, her juices flowing freely as you devour her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Eva, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect pussy."
She tries to fight back, but you silence her with a brutal thrust. Her tight pussy grips you as you pound into her.
evalovia: [Gasping] "Oh god! You're too rough!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more violent than the last. "Take it all, you fucking slut."
evalovia: [Sobbing] "No... my body... it's betraying me!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to destroy that perfect ass, Eva."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her beautiful body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her tan skin.
evalovia: [Pleading] "Not my ass! Please, I'll do anything else!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her most prized asset.
evalovia: [Shrieking] "You're breaking me! It's too much!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely destroy her once-perfect hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Savannah's voluptuous figure. "Those massive tits are begging to be used."
Savannah tries to cover herself, but you easily overpower her, forcing your cock between her enormous breasts. You fuck them roughly, enjoying her whimpers.
savannahbond: [Whimpering] "Please... they're so sensitive..."
Growling, you grab her hair and force your cock down her throat. She gags and chokes as you brutally face-fuck her.
savannahbond: [Gagging] "Guhk! Nngh!"
You continue your assault, her saliva coating your shaft as tears stream down her face.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Savannah, raw lust in your eyes. "Time to wreck that Aussie pussy."
She tries to resist, but you silence her with a savage thrust. Her tight pussy grips you as you pound into her.
savannahbond: [Gasping] "Bloody hell! You're tearing me apart!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more violent than the last. "Take it all, you busty slut."
savannahbond: [Sobbing] "Oh god... I'm cumming... I can't stop!"
You ignore her cries, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "I'm going to destroy that perfect ass, Savannah."
Before she can protest, you're on her, striking her curvaceous body. She cries out as you leave angry red marks on her pale skin.
savannahbond: [Pleading] "Not my arse! I've never done that!"
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her most private hole.
savannahbond: [Shrieking] "You're ruining me! It's too much!"
Her pain fuels your lust as you savagely claim her last untouched hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, leering at your $[characters.list.elfie.role]. "Time for your oral exam, Elfie."
Elfie whimpers as you approach, grabbing her hair and forcing your cock into her mouth. You thrust deep, ignoring her gagging and choking.
Elfie: [Gagging] "Mmphh! Glkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and dive between her legs, tongue probing her tight pussy. She squirms beneath you, conflicted by the sensations.
Elfie: [Panting] "$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please... this is wrong..."
You continue your assault, devouring her most intimate areas with depraved enthusiasm.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Elfie, a twisted grin on your face. "Let's play a new game, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. It's called 'breeding'."
She tries to back away, but you easily overpower her small frame. You thrust into her violently, her pained cries echoing in the cell.
Elfie: [Crying] "It hurts! Please stop, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to impregnate. "You're going to have my baby, Elfie. Your own niece or nephew."
Elfie: [Sobbing] "No... please... I don't want a baby..."
You ignore her pleas, flooding her young womb with your incestuous seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, rage in your eyes. "You've been a bad girl, Elfie. Time for punishment."
Before she can react, you're on her, striking her small body. She cries out in pain as you beat her mercilessly.
Elfie: [Pleading] "I'm sorry! Please stop, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]!"
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
Elfie: [Shrieking] "It hurts so much! You're breaking me!"
Her pain only fuels your savage thrusts as you utterly demolish her once-forbidden hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing your cousin hungrily. "Open wide, Mia. It's feeding time."
Mia tries to resist, but you easily force your cock past her lips. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
Mia: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her pussy, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, conflicted by the pleasure.
Mia: [Panting] "This is so wrong... but it feels..."
You continue your oral assault, savoring her reluctant moans.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Mia, lust burning in your eyes. "Ready to keep it in the family, cousin?"
She struggles as you pin her down, but you easily overpower her. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries filling the cell.
Mia: [Grunting] "No! Stop! We can't do this!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to impregnate. "You're going to have my baby, Mia. Our little family secret."
Mia: [Sobbing] "Please, no... not inside... what if I get pregnant?"
You ignore her pleas, pumping her full of your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "You've been teasing me for years, Mia. Time to pay up."
Before she can react, you're on her, fists flying. She cries out as you beat her mercilessly, leaving bruises on her once-flawless skin.
Mia: [Whimpering] "Please... I'm sorry..."
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
Mia: [Shrieking] "It hurts! You're tearing me apart!"
Her pain only drives you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you destroy her once-forbidden hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at your captive aunt. "Ready for your daily protein shake, Auntie?"
Chanel glares defiantly, but can't resist as you grab her hair and force your massive cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
Chanel: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face between her legs, tongue probing deep into her pussy. She writhes and bucks against your mouth.
Chanel: [Panting] "This is so wrong... but your tongue..."
You continue devouring her, savoring her reluctant moans of pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Chanel, lust burning in your eyes. "Time to make you a mother again, Auntie."
She struggles as you pin her down, but you easily overpower her. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries music to your ears.
Chanel: [Grunting] "No! Stop this madness!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to impregnate. "You're going to have my baby, Auntie. Your sister's grandchild."
Chanel: [Sobbing] "Please, no... not inside... think of the consequences!"
You ignore her pleas, pumping her full of your potent seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "You need to learn your place, Auntie."
Before Chanel can react, you're on her, fists flying. She cries out as you beat her mercilessly, her once-elegant body now battered and bruised.
Chanel: [Whimpering] "Stop... please..."
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
Chanel: [Shrieking] "It hurts! You're destroying me!"
Her pain only drives you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you demolish her once-forbidden hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing your grandmother lustfully. "Time for your oral medicine, Grandma."
Julia trembles as you approach, grabbing her hair and forcing your cock into her mouth. You thrust deep, ignoring her gagging and choking.
Julia: [Gagging] "Mmphh! Glkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and dive between her legs, tongue probing her aged pussy. She squirms beneath you, conflicted by the sensations.
Julia: [Panting] "Oh God... my own grandson... it's so wrong..."
You continue your assault, devouring her most intimate areas with depraved enthusiasm.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Julia, a twisted grin on your face. "Let's make some family history, Grandma."
She tries to reason with you, but you easily overpower her frail form. You thrust into her violently, her pained cries echoing in the cell.
Julia: [Crying] "Please, stop! This is madness!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust aimed to violate. "You like your grandson's cock, don't you, you old slut?"
Julia: [Sobbing] "Forgive me Lord... it feels so good..."
You pound into her mercilessly, reveling in the taboo act.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, rage in your eyes. "You've spoiled me for too long, Grandma. Time for real discipline."
Before she can react, you're on her, striking her aged body. She cries out in pain as you beat her mercilessly.
Julia: [Pleading] "Please, I'm too old for this! Have mercy!"
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
Julia: [Shrieking] "Oh God! It's tearing me apart!"
Her pain only fuels your savage thrusts as you utterly demolish her once-sacred hole.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, smirking at your captive. "Time to put that mouth to better use, Gabbie."
Gabbie glares defiantly, but can't resist as you grab her hair and force your massive cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her gagging and choking.
Gabbie: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face between her legs, tongue probing deep into her pussy. She writhes and bucks against your mouth.
Gabbie: [Panting] "Fuck... I hate how good you are at this..."
You continue devouring her, savoring her reluctant moans of pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Gabbie, lust burning in your eyes. "Let's see if you're as tough as you claim."
She struggles as you pin her down, but you easily overpower her. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries music to your ears.
Gabbie: [Grunting] "You bastard! I'll kill you for this!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more brutal than the last. "Big words for someone taking my cock so well."
Gabbie: [Gasping] "No... don't you dare finish inside..."
You ignore her threats, pumping her full of your seed.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "Time to break that spirit of yours, Gabbie."
Before she can react, you're on her, fists flying. She fights back, but you overpower her, leaving her battered and bruised.
Gabbie: [Spitting blood] "Is that all you've got?"
Enraged, you flip her over and force yourself into her tight ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
Gabbie: [Shrieking] "Fuck! You're ripping me apart!"
Her pain and defiance only drive you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you destroy her.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Angela hungrily. "Time to taste divinity."
Angela remains calm as you approach, but gasps as you force your cock past her lips. You fuck her face brutally, her divine aura intensifying the sensation.
Angela: [Gagging] "Mmphh... *gurgle*"
Pulling out, you dive between her legs, tongue probing her otherworldly pussy. She writhes beneath you, her body emanating pure sexual energy.
Angela: [Moaning ethereally] "Mortal... your depravity knows no bounds..."
You continue your assault, drinking in her divine essence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Angela, raw lust in your eyes. "Let's see if a goddess can bear my child."
She doesn't resist as you enter her, but her divine pussy grips you like a vice. You thrust violently, the air crackling with energy.
Angela: [Gasping] "Foolish mortal... you play with forces beyond your comprehension..."
Your pace quickens, each thrust threatening to reshape reality. "I'll reshape you, goddess."
Angela: [Moaning] "Yes... corrupt me with your mortal seed..."
You explode inside her, your cum mixing with her divine essence.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You storm into the cell, madness in your eyes. "Time to defile a goddess."
Angela watches calmly as you strike her, her divine form absorbing the blows. Frustrated, you flip her over.
Angela: [Serene] "Your mortal rage is amusing..."
Growling, you force yourself into her tight ass. She gasps, her divine aura flaring.
Angela: [Moaning] "Yes... desecrate me... show me the depths of mortal depravity..."
Her otherworldly tightness drives you to new heights of savage thrusting.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You enter the cell, eyeing Remy hungrily. "Show me why they call you the anal queen."
Remy tries to back away, but you easily grab her and force your cock down her throat. You fuck her face brutally, relishing her expert technique even in distress.
remylacroix: [Gagging] "Glkkk! Hrrkkk!"
Pulling out, you flip her over and bury your face in her famous ass, tongue probing deep. She writhes beneath you, conflicted by the pleasure.
remylacroix: [Panting] "God... I can't help it... it feels so good..."
You continue your oral assault, savoring her reluctant moans.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You approach Remy, lust burning in your eyes. "Time to ruin that perfect pussy."
She struggles as you pin her down, but you easily overpower her. You thrust into her roughly, her pained cries filling the cell.
remylacroix: [Grunting] "No! Stop! You're too big!"
Your pace quickens, each thrust more brutal than the last. "Take it all, you fucking slut."
remylacroix: [Sobbing] "Please... it hurts... but I'm cumming!"
You ignore her pleas, pounding her mercilessly as she orgasms against her will.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
You burst into the cell, eyes wild. "Time to live up to your reputation, anal queen."
Before she can react, you're on her, fists flying. She cries out as you beat her mercilessly, leaving bruises on her once-flawless skin.
remylacroix: [Whimpering] "Please... not like this..."
Grabbing her hips, you force yourself into her famous ass. She screams in agony as you tear into her.
remylacroix: [Shrieking] "It's too much! You're destroying my ass!"
Her pain only drives you harder, your thrusts becoming more savage as you ruin her prized asset.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
let characterKey = SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey;
if (!characterKey || characterKey === "") {
playPassage('MAIN MAP');
throw new Error("SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey undefined?");
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The district gates creak open, revealing a familiar face. The woman you once imprisoned stands there, disheveled and desperate." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice trembling" ],
[ "para", `"I... I've come back. I can't live without... without what you gave me."` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Raising an eyebrow" ],
[ "para", `"Oh? And what exactly do you want?"` ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Flushing with shame" ],
[ "para", `"Your... your cum. Your cock. Nothing else satisfies me anymore. Please, lock me up again. Use me as you wish."` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"We'll see about that. First, let's see if you're worth keeping around."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Without another word, you drag her to a secluded corner. She doesn't resist as you roughly bend her over a crate." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Smirking" ],
[ "para", `"Already wet, I see. You really are desperate."` ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Moaning" ],
[ "para", `"Yes... please, I need it so badly."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You thrust into her dripping pussy without warning. She cries out, a mix of pain and pleasure." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5D0A.webp"
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Gasping" ],
[ "para", `"Oh god... yes! It's even better than I remembered!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You pound into her mercilessly, her pussy clenching around you with each thrust. Her moans echo off the walls, a lewd symphony of desperation and lust." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "As her orgasm approaches, you pull out suddenly. She whimpers at the loss." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"Not done with you yet."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Without warning, you plunge into her tight ass. She screams, her body tensing." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5D0B.webp"
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Sobbing" ],
[ "para", `"It hurts! But... but don't stop. I need this!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You continue your relentless assault on her ass, feeling it gradually loosen around your cock. Her cries of pain slowly morph into moans of pleasure." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Finally, you pull out, leaving her a quivering mess." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Send her back to the wild",
onclick: () => { SV.gui_interface.npcManager.removeFromGate(characterKey); DIAF_exitDialogPassage([true]) }
type: "script",
content: "Throw her in prison",
onclick: () => {
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
let characterKey = SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey;
if (!characterKey || characterKey === "") {
playPassage('MAIN MAP');
throw new Error("SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey undefined?");
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The woman stumbles through the district gates, her eyes wild with need." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Panting" ],
[ "para", "I'm back. I... I couldn't stay away. Your cum, your cock... I need it." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Chuckling darkly" ],
[ "para", "Look who came crawling back. What makes you think I want you?" ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Dropping to her knees" ],
[ "para", "Please! Lock me up, use me, anything! I'll do whatever you want!" ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Prove it. Show me how badly you need this." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You lead her to an abandoned building, shoving her against the wall. She fumbles with your zipper, desperate to please." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Growling" ],
[ "para", "Turn around. Let's see if you're as eager as you claim." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "She obeys instantly, presenting herself to you. Her pussy glistens with arousal." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5D0C.webp"
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Moaning shamelessly" ],
[ "para", "Yes! Fill me up, please!" ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You slam into her, setting a brutal pace. She pushes back against you, meeting each thrust with desperate enthusiasm." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Babbling" ],
[ "para", "So good... nothing else compares... need your cum..." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Just as she's about to climax, you pull out. She whines in frustration." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "We're not done yet, slut." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Without preparation, you force your way into her ass. She screams, her body going rigid." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5D0D.webp"
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Crying out" ],
[ "para", "It's too much! But... don't you dare stop!" ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You fuck her ass ruthlessly, feeling it stretch to accommodate you. Her pain-filled cries gradually turn to moans of perverse pleasure." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "As you finish, you step back, leaving her collapsed against the wall." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Send her away",
onclick: () => { SV.gui_interface.npcManager.removeFromGate(characterKey); DIAF_exitDialogPassage([true]) }
type: "script",
content: "Imprison her",
onclick: () => {
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
let characterKey = SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey;
if (!characterKey || characterKey === "") {
playPassage('MAIN MAP');
throw new Error("SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey undefined?");
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The woman appears at the district gates, looking haggard and desperate." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice hoarse" ],
[ "para", `"I've returned. I... I can't live without what you did to me."` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Smirking" ],
[ "para", `"Oh? And what exactly do you want me to do?"` ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Whispering" ],
[ "para", `"Anything. Everything. Lock me up again. Just... please, I need your cock."` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"We'll see if you're worth the trouble. Follow me."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You lead her to a dark alley, pushing her down onto her hands and knees." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Taunting" ],
[ "para", `"Is this what you've been craving?"` ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Nodding frantically" ],
[ "para", `"Yes! Please, I need it inside me!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You enter her in one swift motion, her wet pussy welcoming you eagerly." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5D0E.webp"
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Gasping" ],
[ "para", `"Oh fuck! Yes, this is what I needed!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You set a punishing rhythm, her body rocking with each powerful thrust. Her moans grow louder, more desperate with each passing moment." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Panting" ],
[ "para", `"More! Please, I'm so close!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Just before she reaches her peak, you pull out. She lets out a frustrated sob." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"Not yet. I'm not finished with you."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Without warning, you push into her tight ass. She yelps, her body tensing around you." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5D0F.webp"
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Sobbing" ],
[ "para", `"It's too big! But... but it feels so good!"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You continue your relentless pace, feeling her ass gradually accept your intrusion. Her cries of discomfort slowly give way to moans of twisted pleasure." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "As you finish, you leave her trembling on the ground." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Send her away",
onclick: () => { SV.gui_interface.npcManager.removeFromGate(characterKey); DIAF_exitDialogPassage([true]) }
type: "script",
content: "Imprison her",
onclick: () => {
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
let characterKey = SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey;
if (!characterKey || characterKey === "") {
playPassage('MAIN MAP');
throw new Error("SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey undefined?");
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The heavy iron door creaks open as you enter the dimly lit prison cell. The woman inside looks up at you, her once-defiant eyes now filled with a mix of fear and resignation." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"I have a proposition for you."` ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Backing away slightly" ],
[ "para", `"What do you want now? Haven't you done enough?"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You explain the terms of her potential release, watching as shock and disgust war across her face." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice trembling" ],
[ "para", `"You can't be serious. This is... this is wrong. You're sick!"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"It's your choice. One last act, and you're free. Or you can stay here indefinitely."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Tears well up in the woman's eyes as she wrestles with the decision. Finally, with shaking hands, she reaches for your zipper." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Whispering" ],
[ "para", `"I can't believe I'm doing this..."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Her warm breath ghosts over your hardening cock as she takes it in her hand. Hesitantly, she extends her tongue, giving the tip a tentative lick. The taboo of the situation sends a jolt of pleasure through you." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Between licks" ],
[ "para", `"You're a monster... but I have no choice."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "She takes you into her mouth, her lips stretching around your girth. Tears stream down her face as she bobs her head, her tongue swirling around your shaft." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5C0A.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You grab her hair, pushing deeper into her throat. She gags but doesn't pull away, determined to earn her freedom. The wet sounds of her sucking fill the cell, punctuated by her muffled sobs." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "As you approach climax, you pull out, spraying your seed across her face. She flinches but doesn't move, letting it drip down her cheeks and onto her tattered clothes." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"Good girl. You're free to go."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Relief washes over the woman's face as she stumbles to her feet, rushing towards the open door. Just as she reaches the threshold, you grab her, spinning her around and pinning her against the wall." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Panicked" ],
[ "para", `"No! You promised! Please, let me go!"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"Shh, it's just a goodbye kiss. I'll let you go after, I promise."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Before she can protest further, you drop to your knees, roughly spreading her ass cheeks. Your tongue darts out, circling her puckered hole before plunging in." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5C0B.webp"
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Sobbing" ],
[ "para", `"Stop! This is so wrong... oh God, why does it feel..."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Her protests trail off into a reluctant moan as you continue your assault on her ass. Your tongue probes deeper, tasting her most intimate area. The depravity of the act only spurs you on." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Finally, you pull away, giving her ass a hard slap. The woman stumbles forward, her legs shaking." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"Run along now. You're free... for now."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You watch as she flees, her sobs echoing through the district. The taste of her lingers on your tongue, a reminder of the taboo line you've crossed." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Let her go",
onclick: () => {
SV.characters.list[characterKey].isWild = true;
SV.characters.list[characterKey].inPrison = false;
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
let characterKey = SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey;
if (!characterKey || characterKey === "") {
playPassage('MAIN MAP');
throw new Error("SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey undefined?");
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The prison door swings open with a metallic groan." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Inside, a woman cowers in the corner, her once-fierce spirit broken by captivity." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"I've come to offer you a way out."` ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Eyes narrowing" ],
[ "para", `"What sick game are you playing now, you bastard?"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You lay out the terms of her release, watching as revulsion and desperation battle on her face." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Spitting" ],
[ "para", `"You're out of your fucking mind if you think I'd ever-"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"It's your only ticket to freedom. One last act, and you walk. Or rot here forever."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Rage gives way to despair as the woman realizes her situation. With a snarl, she drops to her knees." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice shaking with anger" ],
[ "para", `"I'll make you pay for this someday."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "She roughly yanks down your zipper, freeing your already hardening cock. Without preamble, she engulfs it in her mouth, her teeth grazing your shaft in a not-so-subtle threat." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Pulling back momentarily" ],
[ "para", `"You sick fuck, getting off on this."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "She resumes, her technique aggressive and angry. Her tongue lashes at your cock as she bobs her head, clearly trying to get it over with as quickly as possible." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5C0C.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You force her head down, making her take your entire length. She struggles and gags, tears streaming down her face, but you hold her in place. The feeling of her throat constricting around you is intoxicating." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Choking" ],
[ "para", `"Mmph! Please... can't breathe..."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "As your climax approaches, you pull out and paint her face with thick ropes of cum. She turns away, but you hold her still, making sure every drop lands on her defeated features." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"Well done. Your freedom awaits."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The woman scrambles to her feet, making a desperate dash for the open door. Just as she's about to escape, you tackle her, pinning her face-down on the cold floor." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Screaming" ],
[ "para", `"No! You lied! Let me go, you bastard!"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"Calm down, it's just a farewell gift. Then you can leave, I swear."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Before she can struggle further, you wrench her ass cheeks apart and dive in, your tongue probing her tight hole." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5C0D.webp"
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Sobbing" ],
[ "para", `"Stop it! This is fucked up... oh shit, why... why am I..."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Her protests fade into confused moans as you relentlessly eat her ass. Your tongue delves deeper, tasting her most private area. The sheer wrongness of it all only excites you more." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Finally, you pull back, delivering a harsh slap to her ass. The woman scrambles away, her legs unsteady." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"Run along now. You're free... until next time."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You watch as she flees, her curses echoing through the district. The musky taste of her ass lingers on your tongue, a testament to the depravity you've inflicted." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Let her go",
onclick: () => {
SV.characters.list[characterKey].isWild = true;
SV.characters.list[characterKey].inPrison = false;
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
let characterKey = SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey;
if (!characterKey || characterKey === "") {
playPassage('MAIN MAP');
throw new Error("SV.gateScene_npcCharacterKey undefined?");
const dialogData = [
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The cell door opens with a creak, revealing a woman huddled in the corner. Her once-vibrant eyes are now dull with fear and confusion as she looks up at you." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"I've got a deal for you."` ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Voice small and trembling" ],
[ "para", `"W-what do you mean? Are you letting me go?"` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You explain the conditions for her release, watching as horror dawns on her face." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Tears welling up" ],
[ "para", `"But... but that's disgusting. We can't do that. It's wrong!"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"It's your only chance. One last thing, and you're free. Or stay here forever."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "The woman's lower lip trembles as she processes her options. With shaking hands, she reaches for your pants." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Whispering" ],
[ "para", `"I'm sorry... I have to..."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Her trembling hands free your hardening cock, and she stares at it with a mix of fear and revulsion. Hesitantly, she sticks out her tongue, giving it a small lick." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Between licks" ],
[ "para", `"It... it tastes awful..."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "She takes the tip into her mouth, her inexperience evident in her clumsy movements. Tears stream down her face as she tries to take more, gagging slightly." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5C0E.webp"
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You grip her hair tightly, controlling her movements. She whimpers but doesn't resist, desperate to earn her freedom. The obscene sounds of her forced fellatio fill the cell, mixed with her muffled cries." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Gasping for air" ],
[ "para", `"Please... I can't take much more..."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "As you near your climax, you pull out, covering her tear-stained face with your seed. She flinches, humiliated and broken, as it drips down her cheeks." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"Good job. Your cell door is open."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Relief floods the woman's face as she stumbles to her feet, rushing towards the promise of freedom. Just as she's about to exit, you grab her, spinning her around and pushing her against the wall." ]
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Panicked" ],
[ "para", `"No! You said I could go! Please, I beg you!"` ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"Shh, it's just a parting gift. Then you can leave, I promise."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Before she can say more, you drop to your knees, spreading her ass cheeks. Your tongue darts out, circling her tight hole before pushing inside without mercy." ]
type: "image",
src: "ressources/scenes/Z5C0F.webp"
characterKey: characterKey,
type: "text",
content: [
[ "action", "Sobbing" ],
[ "para", `"Stop! It feels so wrong... oh no, why does it... ahh..."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Her cries turn to confused moans as you continue to eat her ass. Your tongue probes deeper, tasting her most private area. The violation you're committing only drives you further." ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "Finally, you pull away, giving her ass a firm squeeze. The woman collapses forward, her legs shaking from the ordeal." ]
characterKey: "mc",
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", `"Run along now. You're free... for the moment."` ]
type: "text",
content: [
[ "para", "You watch as she flees, her sobs echoing through the district. The taste of her shame lingers on your tongue, a reminder of the power you hold over her." ]
type: "button",
content: [
type: "script",
content: "Let her go",
onclick: () => {
SV.characters.list[characterKey].isWild = true;
SV.characters.list[characterKey].inPrison = false;
let passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage');
let data = {
dialogData: dialogData,
altDialogData: {},
settings: {},
let sceneId = passageId;
const dialogHtml = DIAF_buildDialogue(data, sceneId);
let DIAS_container = document.createElement('div');
SV.gui_interface.GLMV_lastPassage = previous();
(() => {
const dialog = `
The cold, damp air of the prison clung to your skin as you made your way down the dimly lit corridor. The sound of your footsteps echoed off the concrete walls, a rhythmic reminder of the power you held in this place. As you approached the cell, your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s familiar silhouette came into view, huddled in the corner.
You: "Hello, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. I've come to offer you a deal."
Cherie's head snapped up, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and hope. She scrambled to her feet, her once pristine clothes now dirty and torn, barely clinging to her still curvaceous form.
Cherie: [Pressing herself against the bars] (What does he want now? Please, let this nightmare end.) "A deal? What... what kind of deal?"
You smirked, your hand trailing down to the bulge in your pants, making your intentions clear. Cherie's eyes followed the movement, a visible shudder running through her body.
You: "It's simple, really. Suck my cock like the good little whore you are, and I'll let you go. One last blowjob, and you're free."
Cherie: [Recoiling, her face a mask of disgust and shame] (Oh God, not again. But... freedom?) "You can't be serious! I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role], for God's sake! This is wrong, it's sick!"
You: "Wrong? Sick? Come on, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. We're way past that now. You've had my cock in your mouth plenty of times already. What's one more for your freedom?"
Cherie's eyes darted between your face and the prominent bulge in your pants. Her internal struggle was evident, shame and desperation warring on her beautiful features.
Cherie: [Tears welling in her eyes] (I have no choice. I need to get out of here.) "I... I'll do it. But you have to promise to let me go after. Promise me!"
You nodded, a predatory grin spreading across your face as you unlocked the cell door. Cherie hesitated for a moment before stepping out, her legs shaky.
You: "On your knees, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Show me how much you want your freedom."
With a choked sob, Cherie sank to her knees before you. Her trembling hands reached for your zipper, fumbling as she pulled out your massive, throbbing cock. The musky scent of your arousal filled the air, making her gag slightly.
Cherie: [Staring at your erect member] (It's so big... how did this monster come from my body?) "Please... can't there be another way?"
You tangled your hand in her hair, pulling her face closer to your pulsing shaft. "Start sucking, or the deal's off."
With a whimper, Cherie parted her lips and took your cock into her mouth. The warmth and wetness of her oral cavity enveloped you, sending shivers of pleasure up your spine. She began to bob her head, her tongue swirling around your shaft as she took you deeper.
You groaned, tightening your grip on her hair. "That's it, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. Take it all like the cock-hungry slut you are."
Tears streamed down Cherie's face as she worked your length, her cheeks hollowing with each suck. The obscene slurping sounds echoed in the prison corridor, punctuated by your grunts of pleasure and her muffled sobs.
You thrust your hips forward, forcing your cock deeper into her throat. Cherie gagged and sputtered, but you held her in place, relishing the feeling of her throat constricting around your shaft.
Cherie: [Pulling back for air, strings of saliva connecting her lips to your cock] (I can't breathe... it's too much!) "Please, honey... I can't... it's too big..."
You: "Shut up and keep sucking. You want your freedom, don't you?"
With renewed determination, Cherie engulfed your cock again, her head bobbing faster. Her tongue danced along the underside of your shaft, tracing the prominent veins. Despite her revulsion, her body betrayed her, her nipples visibly hardening beneath her tattered shirt.
You felt the pressure building in your balls, your release approaching. With a final, brutal thrust, you buried your cock to the hilt in your $[characters.list.cherie.role]'s throat, unleashing a torrent of hot, thick cum directly into her gullet.
Cherie's eyes bulged as she struggled to swallow, cum leaking from the corners of her mouth and dribbling down her chin. You held her in place until the last spurt, then roughly shoved her away.
You: "Not bad, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. You haven't lost your touch."
Cherie collapsed on the floor, coughing and gasping for air. Cum and saliva coated her face and chest, a lewd testament to her debasement.
Cherie: [Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand] (It's over... I'm free.) "I... I did what you asked. Please, let me go now."
You smirked, tucking your softening cock back into your pants. "A deal's a deal. You're free to go."
Relief washed over Cherie's face as she scrambled to her feet, her legs still shaky. She took a tentative step towards the open door, then another, her pace quickening as freedom beckoned.
Just as she reached the threshold, you lunged forward, grabbing her arm and spinning her around. In one fluid motion, you pinned her against the wall, your body pressing against hers.
Cherie: [Eyes wide with terror] (No, no, no! He promised!) "What are you doing?! You said I could go!"
You: "And you will, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. But first, I think I deserve a proper goodbye kiss."
Before she could protest, you spun her around, shoving her face-first against the cold concrete wall. With a swift movement, you yanked down her tattered pants, exposing her still-shapely ass.
Cherie: [Struggling against your grip] (This can't be happening!) "No! Please, don't do this! You promised!"
You dropped to your knees behind her, your hands spreading her ass cheeks wide. Her puckered hole twitched involuntarily, exposed to the cool air.
You: "Relax, $[characters.list.cherie.role]. It's just a kiss goodbye."
Without warning, you buried your face between her ass cheeks, your tongue lashing out to circle her tight rosebud. Cherie let out a strangled cry, a mix of shock, disgust, and unwanted pleasure.
Your tongue probed and prodded, slowly working its way into her tight anal passage. The musky taste of her most intimate area filled your senses, driving you wild with lust. You lapped and sucked at her asshole with fervor, your hands kneading the soft flesh of her buttocks.
Cherie: [Pressing her forehead against the wall, tears streaming down her face] (Why does it feel good? I'm so ashamed...) "Stop... please... we can't... oh God..."
Her protests weakened as your relentless assault on her ass continued. Your tongue delved deeper, wiggling and swirling inside her forbidden hole. To your twisted delight, you felt her pushing back against your face, her body betraying her once again.
You reached around, your fingers finding her clit. It was swollen and slick with her arousal, belying her verbal protests. You rubbed it in tight circles as you continued to eat her ass, feeling her body tremble with unwanted pleasure.
Cherie: [Biting her lip to stifle a moan] (No... I can't... not like this...) "Please... we have to stop... I'm your $[characters.list.cherie.role]..."
Ignoring her pleas, you redoubled your efforts, your tongue fucking her ass with abandon while your fingers worked her clit furiously. You could feel her getting close, her muscles tensing, her breathing becoming ragged.
With a final, deep thrust of your tongue and a firm pinch of her clit, you sent Cherie over the edge. Her body convulsed against you, a long, keening wail escaping her lips as she came hard, her asshole clenching rhythmically around your invading tongue.
You pulled back, admiring your handiwork. Cherie slumped against the wall, her legs barely supporting her. Her ass glistened with your saliva, her pussy visibly wet with her own juices.
You: "Now that's what I call a proper goodbye, $[characters.list.cherie.role]."
Cherie: [Sliding down the wall, curling into a ball] (What have I become? How could I... enjoy that?) "Why... why are you doing this to me?"
You straightened up, adjusting your clothes. "Because I can. Now, as promised, you're free to go. Unless you'd like to stay for another round?"
The threat in your voice snapped Cherie out of her daze. She scrambled to her feet, hastily pulling up her pants. With one last, tearful look at you, she turned and ran, her footsteps echoing down the corridor.
You watched her go, a satisfied smirk on your face. You knew this wouldn't be the last time you'd taste her forbidden fruit. After all, in this new world, family ties were just another tool for pleasure and control.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of the prison cell flickers, casting eerie shadows on the damp walls. You approach the bars, your eyes fixed on the huddled form of your $[characters.list.lana.role] Lana in the corner. Her once proud posture is now broken, her athletic body trembling slightly in the cold air.
You: "Hello, dear $[characters.list.lana.role]. I've got an offer for you."
Lana's head snaps up, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and defiance. She slowly rises, her toned muscles tensing as she approaches the bars.
Lana: [Her voice hoarse from disuse] "What do you want, you sick fuck?"
You: [Smirking] "Such language from my sweet $[characters.list.lana.role]. I'm here to offer you freedom."
Lana: [Suspicion evident in her tone] "Freedom? What's the catch?"
You: "Simple. Suck my cock. Do it well, do it willingly, and you're free to go."
Lana recoils, disgust twisting her features. Her hands clench into fists, knuckles white with tension.
Lana: [Voice trembling with rage and shame] "You... you want me to... No! You're my $[characters.list.lana.player_role], for fuck's sake!"
You: "It's your choice, Lana. One last blowjob and you're free. Or you can rot in here. What's it going to be?"
The silence stretches between you, heavy with unspoken emotions. Lana's eyes dart around the cell, then back to you. Slowly, reluctantly, she nods.
Lana: [Whispering] "Fine. Just... just get it over with."
You unlock the cell door, stepping inside. Lana backs away, her back hitting the wall as you approach. You unzip your pants, freeing your already hardening cock.
You: "On your knees, $[characters.list.lana.role]."
Lana sinks to her knees, her eyes fixed on your swelling member. Her lips tremble as she leans forward, hesitating just inches from your cock.
Lana: [Voice barely audible] "I can't believe I'm doing this..."
She parts her lips, taking your cock into her mouth. The warmth of her oral cavity envelops you, her tongue instinctively swirling around your shaft.
You: "That's it, Lana. Show your $[characters.list.elfie.player_role] how much you want your freedom."
Lana's cheeks hollow as she sucks harder, her head bobbing back and forth. Tears form in the corners of her eyes, streaming down her face as she takes you deeper.
You grab her hair, forcing her to take more of your length. Lana gags, her throat constricting around your cock.
You: "Fuck, $[characters.list.lana.role]. Your mouth feels amazing."
Lana's hands come up, gripping your thighs as she struggles to breathe. She pulls back, gasping for air, a string of saliva connecting her lips to your cock.
Lana: [Panting] "Please... I can't... It's too much..."
You: "You're doing great, Lana. Just a little more."
She resumes, her movements more desperate now. Her tongue lashes against your shaft, her lips tight around your girth. The wet sounds of her sucking fill the cell, punctuated by her muffled whimpers.
You feel the pressure building, your release approaching. With a groan, you pull out of her mouth, your cock twitching.
You: "Swallow it all, $[characters.list.lana.role]."
Lana opens her mouth, her eyes squeezed shut as you explode. Thick ropes of cum paint her face and tongue. She gags slightly but manages to swallow, her throat working to down your seed.
You: "Good girl. You're free to go."
Lana scrambles to her feet, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She pushes past you, stumbling towards the open cell door.
As she reaches the threshold, you grab her arm, spinning her around and pinning her against the wall. Your hand clamps over her mouth to muffle her scream.
You: "Just one more thing, $[characters.list.lana.role]. A goodbye kiss."
Lana's eyes widen in terror as you force her to bend over, yanking down her tattered pants. Her firm ass is exposed, quivering with fear.
Lana: [Voice muffled by your hand] "No! Please! You said I could go!"
You: "Shh, it's just a kiss. Then you're free."
You drop to your knees, spreading her ass cheeks. Without warning, you bury your face between them, your tongue seeking out her puckered hole.
Lana bucks against you, trying to escape, but your grip is iron. Your tongue circles her asshole before plunging in, tasting the musky flavor of her most intimate area.
Lana: [Sobbing] "Stop! This is wrong! We're family!"
You ignore her pleas, your tongue delving deeper. You feel her body betraying her, her asshole relaxing despite her protests.
Your hands knead her ass cheeks as you eat her out, your tongue fucking her tight hole. Lana's resistance weakens, her body shuddering with unwanted pleasure.
You: [Pulling back] "There. All done. You're free to go, $[characters.list.lana.role]."
Lana doesn't move for a moment, her body trembling. Then, as if snapping out of a trance, she yanks up her pants and bolts.
You watch as she runs down the corridor, her footsteps echoing off the walls. A smile plays on your lips as you wipe your mouth.
You: "See you soon, Lana. This is far from over."
The sound of the prison's heavy door slamming shut echoes through the empty hallway, leaving you alone with the lingering taste of your $[characters.list.lana.role] on your tongue.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of the prison cell flickers, casting eerie shadows on the damp walls. You approach the bars, your eyes fixed on the huddled form of your $[characters.list.elfie.role] Elfie in the corner. Her once vibrant blonde hair is matted and dirty, her delicate frame trembling with fear and exhaustion.
You: "Hello, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. I've got a proposition for you."
Elfie slowly raises her head, her large brown eyes wide with a mix of terror and hope. She scrambles to her feet, her tattered clothes barely covering her lithe body.
Elfie: [Whimpering] (Please, let this nightmare end.) "W-what do you want from me now, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]?"
You explain the terms of her potential release, watching as her face contorts with disgust and shame. The silence stretches between you, heavy with unspoken taboos and forbidden desires.
Elfie: [Tears welling in her eyes] (I can't believe it's come to this.) "You... you want me to... to suck your... oh god, it's so wrong. But I... I have no choice, do I?"
You: "That's right, Elfie. One last time, and you're free. But it has to be good, and you have to want it."
Elfie's shoulders slump in defeat. She nods slowly, her voice barely a whisper.
Elfie: "O-okay. I'll do it. Just... please be gentle, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]."
You unlock the cell door, stepping inside. Elfie backs away instinctively before steeling herself. She sinks to her knees before you, her trembling hands reaching for your zipper.
As your massive cock springs free, Elfie gasps, her eyes widening in a mix of fear and unwanted arousal. The musky scent of your arousal fills the small cell, making her head spin.
Elfie: [Licking her lips nervously] (It's so big... how did it ever fit before?) "I... I'm ready, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role]."
She leans forward, her soft lips parting as she takes the swollen head of your cock into her mouth. The warmth of her tongue sends shivers down your spine as she begins to suck gently, her cheeks hollowing with the effort.
You groan in pleasure, your hand instinctively moving to the back of her head, guiding her movements. Elfie whimpers around your thick shaft, tears streaming down her face as she takes you deeper, her throat constricting around your length.
Elfie: [Thinking as she sucks] (This is so wrong... why does my body react like this? Why am I getting wet?)
The lewd sounds of slurping and gagging fill the cell as Elfie works your cock, her small hands gripping your thighs for support. You can feel her tongue swirling around your shaft, tracing the veins and ridges with surprising skill.
You: "That's it, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. You're doing so well. Show me how much you want your freedom."
Elfie redoubles her efforts, bobbing her head faster, taking you deeper into her throat. Her nose brushes against your pubic hair as she deep-throats you, her body shuddering with the effort not to gag.
The sight of your innocent $[characters.list.elfie.role], her lips stretched wide around your cock, her eyes watering as she looks up at you pleadingly, pushes you closer to the edge. You feel your balls tightening, ready to release.
You: "I'm close, Elfie. You know what you have to do."
Elfie's eyes widen in panic, but she doesn't pull away. Instead, she sucks harder, her tongue pressing firmly against the underside of your cock. With a guttural groan, you explode, pumping rope after rope of thick, hot cum down her throat.
Elfie struggles to swallow it all, cum leaking from the corners of her mouth and dribbling down her chin. She gasps for air as you finally pull out, leaving her panting and disheveled on the floor.
You: "Good girl, Elfie. You're free to go now."
Elfie scrambles to her feet, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She looks at you warily, not quite believing it's over. As she edges towards the open cell door, you suddenly lunge forward, grabbing her arm and spinning her around.
Elfie: [Screaming] "No! You promised! Let me go!"
You pin her against the wall, your hand covering her mouth to muffle her screams. Your other hand roughly gropes her ass, kneading the soft flesh.
You: "Shh, shh. Just one last goodbye, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. A parting kiss, if you will."
Before Elfie can protest further, you drop to your knees behind her, spreading her ass cheeks wide. Her puckered hole clenches in fear as you lean in, your hot breath ghosting over her most intimate area.
Elfie: [Sobbing] "Please, $[characters.list.elfie.player_role], don't do this. It's dirty, it's wrong!"
Ignoring her pleas, you dive in, your tongue lapping at her tight rosebud. The tangy, musky taste fills your mouth as you eagerly eat her ass, your tongue probing and exploring every fold and crease.
Elfie's body betrays her as she lets out a strangled moan, her hips involuntarily pushing back against your face. Your hands grip her thighs tightly, holding her in place as you continue your assault on her sensitive hole.
You: [Pausing briefly] "See? Your body knows what it wants, $[characters.list.elfie.role]. Just enjoy it."
You redouble your efforts, your tongue now pushing past the tight ring of muscle, fucking her ass in earnest. Elfie's protests turn to whimpers of confused pleasure, her body shaking with unwanted arousal.
Elfie: [Panting] (Why does it feel so good? I'm such a dirty, perverted girl.) "Ah! B-$[characters.list.elfie.player_role], please... I can't take it anymore!"
You continue your relentless rimming, feeling her asshole relax and open up under your ministrations. The lewd, wet sounds of your tongue working her most taboo area echo in the cell, mixing with Elfie's muffled moans and sobs.
Finally, you pull away, leaving Elfie a trembling, confused mess. You stand up, admiring the sight of your $[characters.list.elfie.role]'s glistening, well-eaten ass.
You: "There, that wasn't so bad, was it? Now run along, little Elfie. You're free... for now."
Elfie doesn't need to be told twice. She bolts from the cell, her legs shaky and her face a mask of shame and conflicted arousal. You watch as she disappears down the corridor, a satisfied smirk playing on your lips.
As the sound of her footsteps fades, you can't help but wonder when and how you'll next indulge in the forbidden fruit that is your $[characters.list.elfie.role]. The virus pulses through your veins, already stoking the fires of your twisted desires once more.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of the prison cell flickers, casting eerie shadows on the damp walls. You approach Mia's cell, your footsteps echoing in the silent corridor. Your cousin's once vibrant form is now huddled in the corner, her blonde hair matted and dirty.
You: "Hello, cousin. I've got a proposition for you."
Mia flinches at your voice, slowly turning to face you. Her green eyes, once full of life, now hold a mixture of fear and desperation.
Mia: [Trembling slightly] "W-what do you want?"
You: "Your freedom. All you have to do is suck my cock one last time. Willingly."
Mia's eyes widen, a look of disgust and shame crossing her face. She struggles internally, weighing her options.
Mia: [Voice barely above a whisper] "That's... that's so wrong. We're family..."
You: "It's your choice. Freedom or stay here forever."
Tears well up in Mia's eyes as she slowly nods, accepting her fate.
Mia: [Choking back a sob] "O-okay... I'll do it."
You unlock the cell door, stepping inside. Mia crawls towards you, her once proud cheerleader's body now submissive and broken. With trembling hands, she reaches for your zipper.
As your thick, virus-enhanced cock springs free, Mia gasps. Her lips part involuntarily, a mix of fear and unwanted arousal in her eyes.
Mia: [Whimpering] "It's... it's so big. I don't know if I can..."
You: "You can and you will, cousin. Now get to it."
Mia hesitantly leans forward, her soft lips brushing against your throbbing head. She takes a deep breath, then slowly engulfs your massive member.
The warm, wet sensation of Mia's mouth enveloping your cock sends shivers down your spine. Her tongue swirls around your shaft, her cheerleader skills translating into unexpected oral prowess.
You: "That's it, cousin. Take it all."
Mia gags slightly as she tries to accommodate your full length. Tears stream down her face, a mix of shame and effort. Her cheeks hollow as she sucks harder, desperate to finish and gain her freedom.
You grab her hair, forcing her to take you deeper. Mia's throat constricts around your cock, her body shuddering with each thrust. The taboo nature of the act only heightens your pleasure.
Mia: [Gasping for air as she pulls back] "Please... I can't... It's too much..."
You: "Keep going. You're doing great, cousin."
Reluctantly, Mia resumes her task. Her tongue traces the veins of your shaft, her soft lips creating a tight seal. Despite her shame, her body responds to the act, her nipples visibly hardening through her tattered clothes.
As you approach climax, you pull out, spraying your hot, virus-laden cum across Mia's face. She flinches, closing her eyes as the sticky substance coats her features.
You: "Good girl. You're free to go."
Mia scrambles to her feet, rushing towards the open cell door. Just as she's about to exit, you grab her arm, spinning her around and pinning her against the wall.
Mia: [Panicking] "No! You said I could go! Please, no more!"
You: "Just one last goodbye, cousin. A parting kiss."
Before Mia can protest further, you spin her around, forcefully bending her over. With one swift motion, you tear her tattered pants down, exposing her firm, round ass.
Mia: [Sobbing] "Stop! This is wrong! We're family!"
Ignoring her pleas, you spread her cheeks, revealing her tight, puckered hole. Without warning, you dive in, your tongue lashing against her most intimate area.
Mia: [Gasping in shock] "Oh god! What are you... ahh!"
Your tongue circles her rim before plunging inside. The taste is musky and forbidden, sending jolts of twisted pleasure through your body. Mia's resistance begins to waver, her body betraying her as she pushes back against your face.
You: [Pausing briefly] "Just a goodbye kiss, cousin. Enjoy it."
Mia: [Moaning despite herself] "This is so wrong... we shouldn't... oh fuck!"
Your hands grip her hips tightly as you continue your assault on her ass. Your tongue delves deeper, tasting every inch of her forbidden hole. Mia's legs tremble, her body conflicted between disgust and unwanted pleasure.
After several intense minutes, you finally pull away, leaving Mia gasping and shaking against the wall.
You: "There. Now you're free to go."
Mia doesn't move for a moment, her mind reeling from the intense, taboo encounter. Then, as if snapping out of a trance, she pulls up her pants and bolts for the door.
You watch as your cousin runs away, her figure disappearing into the darkness of the district. The taste of her still lingers on your tongue, a reminder of the depraved act you've just committed.
You: [To yourself] "Goodbye, cousin. Until next time."
The prison door slams shut behind you, leaving you alone with your twisted thoughts and the lingering scent of forbidden pleasure.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of the prison cell flickers, casting eerie shadows on the damp walls. You approach the bars, your eyes fixed on the huddled form of your aunt Chanel in the corner. Her once-pristine clothes are now tattered, her hair disheveled. As you unlock the cell door, she flinches, pressing herself further into the wall.
You: "Hello, Aunt Chanel. I have a proposition for you."
Chanel: [Looking up with a mix of fear and defiance] "What more could you possibly want from me, you monster?"
You step closer, towering over her trembling form. The scent of her fear mingles with the musty air of the cell.
You: "Your freedom. One last act of service, and you can walk out of here."
Chanel's eyes widen, a glimmer of hope quickly replaced by suspicion.
Chanel: "What's the catch? What do you want me to do?"
You unzip your pants, letting your massive cock spring free. It throbs menacingly in the dim light, already glistening with pre-cum.
You: "Suck me off. Do it willingly, and do it well. Then you're free to go."
Chanel: [Gasping, her face a mix of disgust and desperation] "You can't be serious! I'm your aunt, for God's sake! This is sick, it's wrong!"
You: "It's your choice, Aunt Chanel. One last blowjob, or rot in this cell forever."
Tears well up in Chanel's eyes as she contemplates her options. Slowly, reluctantly, she crawls towards you.
Chanel: [Voice trembling] "I... I'll do it. But promise me I'll be free after this."
You nod, a cruel smile playing on your lips. Chanel kneels before you, her face level with your throbbing member. She hesitates, her breath hot against your shaft.
Chanel: [Whispering] "Forgive me, Lord, for what I'm about to do."
With a shuddering breath, Chanel parts her lips and takes your cock into her mouth. The warmth of her oral cavity envelops you, her tongue instinctively swirling around your head.
You: "That's it, Aunt Chanel. Show me how much you want your freedom."
Chanel begins to bob her head, her lips stretched obscenely around your girth. Tears stream down her face as she takes you deeper, gagging slightly as you hit the back of her throat.
You: "Use your tongue more. Remember all those times you lectured me about being a good boy? Put that mouth to better use now."
Chanel whimpers around your cock but complies. Her tongue dances along your shaft, tracing the veins and sensitive spots. Despite her reluctance, her skill is evident – years of experience put to shameful use.
You grab her hair, forcing her to take you deeper. Chanel gags and sputters, saliva dripping down her chin and onto her heaving breasts.
Chanel: [Pulling back for air, gasping] "Please, nephew... isn't this enough? I can't... I can't breathe..."
You: "Not until I say it's enough. Keep going, Aunt Chanel. Show me how sorry you are for all those years of teasing."
Choking back a sob, Chanel resumes her task. Her head bobs faster now, driven by desperation and the primal need for freedom. The wet, obscene sounds of her sucking echo through the cell.
You: "That's it, take it all. You're such a good cocksucker, Aunt Chanel. Who would've thought you had such a talent?"
Chanel's only response is a muffled moan, her throat constricting around your length as she deep-throats you. Her hands grip your thighs, nails digging into your flesh.
As you feel your climax approaching, you pull out abruptly. Chanel gasps for air, a mixture of saliva and pre-cum connecting her lips to your cock.
You: "Alright, Aunt Chanel. You're free to go."
Chanel scrambles to her feet, not daring to believe it's over. She edges towards the open cell door, her eyes never leaving you.
Chanel: [Voice hoarse] "Thank you... I... I'll go now."
As she reaches the threshold, you suddenly lunge forward, grabbing her and pinning her against the wall. Chanel screams in terror.
Chanel: "No! You promised! Please, let me go!"
You: "Shh, Aunt Chanel. Just one last goodbye kiss."
Before she can protest further, you spin her around and force her to bend over. With a swift motion, you tear her tattered pants down, exposing her ass.
Chanel: [Sobbing] "Stop! This is wrong! I'm your aunt, for God's sake!"
Ignoring her pleas, you spread her ass cheeks, revealing her puckered hole. Without warning, you dive in, your tongue lashing against her most intimate area.
Chanel: [Gasping in shock] "Oh God! What are you... stop! It's dirty!"
Your tongue swirls around her rim before plunging inside. The taste is musky, forbidden – intoxicating. You eat her ass with fervor, your hands gripping her hips to keep her in place.
You: [Pulling back momentarily] "Just relax, Aunt Chanel. It's just a goodbye kiss, remember?"
You resume your assault on her ass, your tongue probing deeper. Despite her protests, you feel Chanel's body betraying her. Her hips twitch, pushing back against your face.
Chanel: [Moaning unwillingly] "This is so wrong... we shouldn't... oh God, why does it feel..."
Your hands roam her body, one reaching around to roughly grope her breast while the other slides between her legs. To your twisted delight, you find her pussy dripping wet.
You: "Look how wet you are, Aunt Chanel. You're enjoying this, aren't you, you dirty slut?"
Chanel: [Crying out] "No! It's just... it's the virus! Please, just let me go!"
With a final, deep thrust of your tongue into her ass, you pull away. Chanel collapses to the floor, a shivering, sobbing mess.
You: "There. Now you're free to go, Aunt Chanel. Run along now."
Chanel scrambles to her feet, pulling up her torn pants. She looks at you with a mixture of hatred, shame, and confused desire before bolting out of the cell.
You watch as she runs out of the district, your cock still hard and glistening with her saliva. The taste of her ass lingers on your tongue – a reminder of the power you hold over her, and the depths of depravity the virus has brought you both to.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of the prison cell flickers, casting eerie shadows on the damp walls. You approach the bars, your eyes fixed on the huddled form of your grandmother, Julia. Her once-proud posture is now bent, her silver hair tangled and matted. As you unlock the cell door, she flinches, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and resignation.
You: "Hello, Grandma. I've got an offer for you."
Julia: "What... what do you want from me now?" Her voice trembles, a far cry from the confident matriarch she once was.
You step closer, towering over her fragile form. "Your freedom. All you have to do is suck my cock. One last time, willingly."
Julia's face contorts in disgust and shame. "You can't be serious. I'm your grandmother, for God's sake!"
You: "I'm dead serious. It's this or rot in here forever. Your choice."
Julia's eyes dart around the cell, weighing her options. Slowly, reluctantly, she nods. "I... I'll do it. Just... please, let me go after."
You unzip your pants, your massive cock springing free. Julia's eyes widen at the sight, a mix of fear and unwanted arousal flickering across her face.
Julia: "It's... it's so big. I don't know if I can..."
You: "You can, and you will."
Trembling, Julia leans forward, her wrinkled lips parting. Her tongue darts out, tentatively licking the swollen head of your cock. The taboo nature of the act sends a shiver down your spine.
Julia begins to take more of your length into her mouth, her experienced tongue swirling around your shaft. Despite her age, her technique is impeccable, honed from years of secret, shameful encounters.
You: "That's it, Grandma. Show me how much you want your freedom."
Julia whimpers around your cock, tears streaming down her cheeks as she bobs her head faster. Her dentures clack slightly against your shaft, adding an unexpected sensation.
You grab her silver hair, forcing her to take you deeper. Julia gags, her throat constricting around your throbbing member. Saliva and pre-cum dribble down her chin, soaking her worn nightgown.
Julia: "Mmphh... plmmph..." She tries to speak around your cock, her eyes pleading.
You pull out, allowing her to catch her breath. "What was that, Grandma?"
Julia: "Please... I can't... It's too much. You're my grandson..."
You: "And you're my cock-hungry grandma. Now finish what you started."
With a sob, Julia resumes her task, her mouth working feverishly on your pulsating cock. The wet, sloppy sounds of her sucking echo through the cell, a lewd symphony of incestuous depravity.
As you feel your climax approaching, you pull out. Julia looks up, confusion and relief warring on her face.
You: "You're free to go now, Grandma."
Julia scrambles to her feet, rushing towards the open cell door. Just as she's about to cross the threshold, you grab her, spinning her around and pinning her against the wall.
Julia: "No! You said I could go! Please, don't do this!"
You: "Shh, it's just a goodbye kiss, Grandma."
Before she can protest further, you drop to your knees, roughly spreading her ass cheeks. Your tongue darts out, lapping at her puckered hole.
Julia: "Oh God, no! Not there! It's dirty, it's wrong!"
You ignore her pleas, your tongue circling her wrinkled anus before plunging inside. The musky taste of her most forbidden area fills your mouth, driving you wild with lust.
Julia's protests turn to reluctant moans as you continue your assault on her ass. Her hips begin to move, unconsciously pushing back against your probing tongue.
You: "Mm, you taste so good, Grandma. I bet you've wanted this for years."
Julia: "No... we can't... oh God, why does it feel so good?"
Your hands knead her sagging ass cheeks as you delve deeper, your tongue fucking her tight hole with increasing fervor. Julia's moans grow louder, her shame and pleasure intertwining in a twisted symphony.
Finally, you pull away, giving her ass a sharp slap. "There's your goodbye kiss, Grandma. Now run along."
Julia stumbles forward, her legs shaky. She turns back, her face a mask of conflicting emotions - shame, anger, and a hint of unfulfilled desire.
Julia: "You... you monster. How could you do this to your own grandmother?"
You: "Because I can. Now go, before I change my mind."
With one last tearful look, Julia flees, her footsteps echoing down the corridor. You watch her go, already planning your next encounter. After all, in this new world, family ties are just another taboo to be broken.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of the prison cell flickers, casting eerie shadows on the damp walls. You approach the iron bars, your eyes fixed on the huddled form in the corner. Gabbie, once a fierce survivor of the wastelands, now reduced to a trembling captive. Her once vibrant eyes are now dull with fear and resignation.
You: "Gabbie, I have a proposition for you."
Gabbie: [Lifting her head slowly, her voice hoarse] "What more could you possibly want from me?"
You unlock the cell door, the creaking hinges echoing ominously. Stepping inside, you tower over her crouched form.
You: "Your freedom. One last act, and you can walk out of here."
Gabbie's eyes widen, a flicker of hope quickly extinguished by suspicion.
Gabbie: "What's the catch? There's always a catch with you."
You unzip your pants, your massive cock springing free, already half-erect.
You: "Suck me off. Do it well, do it willingly, and you're free to go."
Gabbie recoils, disgust and shame warring on her face.
Gabbie: [Voice trembling] "You're sick. You're fucking sick. How... How can you ask this?"
You: [Smirking] "The virus doesn't care about morality, Gabbie. Neither should you. It's just a cock. Suck it, and you're free."
Gabbie stares at your throbbing member, tears welling in her eyes. Slowly, hesitantly, she crawls towards you.
Gabbie: [Whispering] "I... I have no choice, do I? God, forgive me."
Her lips part, trembling as they approach your cock. You feel her warm breath, sending shivers down your spine.
Gabbie takes you into her mouth, her tongue hesitantly swirling around your tip. The warmth of her mouth envelops you, and you can't help but groan.
You: "That's it, Gabbie. Show me how much you want your freedom."
Gabbie whimpers around your cock, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through you. Her head begins to bob, taking more of you with each movement. Tears stream down her face, mixing with the saliva that dribbles from her stretched lips.
You grab her hair, forcing her to take you deeper. She gags, her throat constricting around your length.
You: "Fuck, that's good. Use that tongue, Gabbie."
Gabbie's tongue flattens against the underside of your shaft, tracing the prominent veins. Despite her revulsion, her body responds to the virus, her own arousal evident in her flushed cheeks and hardened nipples.
You thrust deeper, feeling the back of her throat. Gabbie gags again, but doesn't pull away. Her hands come up to grip your thighs, nails digging into your flesh.
Gabbie: [Pulling back for air, voice raspy] "Please... is this enough? Can I go now?"
You: "Not yet. Make me cum, and you're free."
With a sob, Gabbie resumes her task. Her mouth works furiously, cheeks hollowing as she sucks hard. Her tongue swirls and flicks, teasing your sensitive spots.
You feel the pressure building, your release imminent. With a final thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in Gabbie's throat.
You: "Fuck! Swallow it all, Gabbie!"
Your cum floods her mouth, hot and thick. Gabbie struggles to swallow, some of it leaking from the corners of her mouth. She coughs and sputters but doesn't pull away until you're completely spent.
You step back, tucking yourself away. Gabbie collapses to the floor, gasping and wiping her mouth.
You: "Well done. You're free to go."
Gabbie scrambles to her feet, not daring to believe it. She edges towards the open cell door, eyes never leaving you.
As she passes you, you suddenly grab her, spinning her around and pinning her against the wall. Gabbie screams, terror filling her eyes.
Gabbie: [Sobbing] "No! You promised! You said I could go!"
You: "Shh, shh. One last thing, Gabbie. Just a goodbye gift."
Before she can protest, you drop to your knees, spreading her ass cheeks. Your tongue darts out, circling her puckered hole.
Gabbie: [Gasping] "What are you... oh god, stop! This is wrong!"
You ignore her pleas, your tongue probing deeper. The musky taste of her ass fills your mouth, intoxicating in its depravity. You feel her body betraying her, her hips pushing back against your face.
You: [Pulling back momentarily] "Just relax, Gabbie. Let me say goodbye properly."
Your tongue resumes its assault, lapping and probing. You reach around, finding her clit swollen and sensitive. As you stroke it, Gabbie's protests turn to moans.
Gabbie: [Between gasps] "No... we can't... oh fuck..."
Your tongue pushes past the tight ring of muscle, delving into her ass. Gabbie's whole body shudders, caught between pleasure and shame.
You eat her ass with fervor, your face buried between her cheeks. Your fingers work her clit faster, feeling her juices coating your hand.
Gabbie: [Moaning] "I'm... I'm gonna..."
Her body convulses as she cums, her ass clenching around your tongue. You continue your assault until her tremors subside.
Standing up, you give her ass a firm slap.
You: "There. Now you're free to go."
Gabbie stumbles away from you, her legs shaky. She looks back, a mix of hatred, shame, and lingering desire in her eyes.
Gabbie: [Voice barely a whisper] "You're a monster."
She turns and runs, her footsteps echoing down the corridor. You watch her go, a smirk playing on your lips. The game is far from over.
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
(() => {
const dialog = `
The dim light of the prison cell flickers, casting eerie shadows on the damp walls. You approach the iron bars, your eyes fixed on the huddled form in the corner. Angela, once proud and defiant, now cowers at your presence.
You: "Angela, I have a proposition for you."
Your voice echoes in the small space, causing her to flinch. She slowly raises her head, her once vibrant eyes now dull with fear and resignation.
Angela: "What... what do you want from me now?"
You: "Your freedom. It can be yours again, but there's a price."
Angela's eyes widen, a flicker of hope quickly replaced by suspicion.
Angela: "What price? Haven't you taken enough from me already?"
You: "One last act. Pleasure me with your mouth, willingly and well, and you can walk out of here."
Angela recoils, disgust and shame warring on her face. Her lips tremble as she processes your words.
Angela: "You... you can't be serious. That's... that's vile. I won't debase myself like that!"
You: "It's your choice. Freedom or this cell. What will it be?"
Silence hangs heavy in the air as Angela wrestles with her decision. Tears begin to form in her eyes, her resolve crumbling.
Angela: "I... I have no choice, do I? You've made sure of that."
With shaking legs, Angela rises and approaches the bars. You unlock the cell, stepping inside. The smell of fear and desperation is palpable.
Angela: "Just... just get it over with."
You unzip your pants, freeing your already hardening cock. Angela's eyes widen at the sight, a mixture of fear and unwanted arousal flickering across her face.
Angela: "Oh god... it's... it's so big. I don't know if I can..."
You: "You can, and you will. Remember, your freedom depends on it."
Trembling, Angela sinks to her knees. Her warm breath ghosts over your shaft, sending a shiver of anticipation through you. Hesitantly, she extends her tongue, giving a tentative lick from base to tip.
You groan at the sensation, your cock twitching in response. Angela flinches but continues, her tongue swirling around the head, tasting the salty precum beading at the tip.
Angela: "It's... it's not as bad as I thought. The taste... it's almost... addictive."
Her words are barely a whisper, shame coloring her cheeks. Slowly, she parts her lips, taking the head of your cock into her warm, wet mouth. Her tongue works circles around it, eliciting another groan from you.
You: "That's it, Angela. Take it deeper."
Tears stream down her face as she complies, sliding more of your length into her mouth. The sight of her lips stretched around your girth, coupled with the wet heat of her mouth, is almost too much to bear.
Angela begins to bob her head, her movements becoming more confident. Her tongue traces the veins along your shaft, her cheeks hollowing as she sucks.
You: "Fuck, Angela. You're better at this than I imagined."
Angela whimpers around your cock, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through you. Her hands, previously balled into fists at her sides, now move to grasp your thighs for support.
You thread your fingers through her hair, guiding her movements. Angela gags slightly as you hit the back of her throat, but quickly recovers, relaxing her muscles to take you deeper.
Angela: "Mmph... glk... glk..."
The obscene sounds of her sucking fill the cell, mixed with your grunts of pleasure. You can feel the pressure building, your release approaching rapidly.
You: "I'm close, Angela. Don't you dare stop."
Angela's eyes widen, but she doesn't pull away. Instead, she doubles her efforts, her head bobbing faster, her tongue working overtime.
With a roar, you explode, shooting rope after rope of hot cum down her throat. Angela struggles to swallow it all, some escaping the corners of her mouth and dribbling down her chin.
As the last spasms of your orgasm subside, Angela pulls away, gasping for air. She looks up at you, a mixture of shame, disgust, and a hint of pride in her eyes.
Angela: "Is... is it over? Can I go now?"
You tuck yourself back into your pants, a smirk playing on your lips.
You: "Yes, Angela. You're free to go."
Relief washes over her face as she scrambles to her feet, rushing towards the open cell door. Just as she's about to pass through, you grab her arm, spinning her around and pinning her against the wall.
Angela: "No! You promised! You said I could go!"
You: "And you will. But first, a goodbye kiss."
Before she can protest further, you spin her around, pushing her face against the cold stone wall. With a swift motion, you yank down her tattered pants, exposing her bare ass.
Angela: "Stop! Please! This wasn't part of the deal!"
You ignore her pleas, dropping to your knees behind her. Your hands spread her cheeks, exposing her puckered hole.
You: "Relax, Angela. It's just a kiss goodbye."
Without warning, you bury your face between her cheeks, your tongue lashing out to circle her tight ring of muscle.
Angela: "Oh god! No! This is... this is wrong! Stop!"
Her protests are cut short by a moan as your tongue breaches her tight hole. You work it in and out, savoring her musky taste.
You pull back slightly, your breath hot against her most intimate area.
You: "Your body's betraying you, Angela. You're enjoying this."
Indeed, despite her verbal protests, Angela's hips are pushing back against your face, seeking more contact.
Angela: "No... no... I'm not... I can't be..."
You dive back in, your tongue probing deeper, your lips sealed around her hole as you suck and lick with fervor.
Angela's legs begin to tremble, her moans growing louder and more desperate. You can feel her muscles clenching around your tongue, her body on the brink of orgasm.
Angela: "Oh god... oh god... I'm... I'm..."
With a final, forceful thrust of your tongue, Angela shatters. Her body convulses against the wall, a guttural cry escaping her lips as she climaxes from your rimming alone.
You stand up, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. Angela slumps against the wall, her legs barely supporting her.
You: "There. Now you can go."
Angela turns to face you, her eyes wide with a mixture of horror, shame, and lingering pleasure. Without a word, she pulls up her pants and bolts from the cell.
You watch as she runs out of the district, her figure growing smaller in the distance. A satisfied smirk plays on your lips as you close the cell door behind you.
You: "Until next time, Angela. Until next time."
DIAF_parseBuildAppend(dialog, passageId);
<<for _pass range Story.lookup()>>
<<if _pass.text>>
var passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage')
for (let sceneKey in gameData.scenes.list) {
let sceneObj = gameData.scenes.list[sceneKey];
if (sceneObj.variety !== 'main' && sceneObj.variety !== 'transition') continue;
//if (sceneObj.category !== 'gabbie') continue; // TO CHANGE
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = sceneKey + ' - ' + sceneObj.category;
if (hasVisited(sceneKey)) {
//passageEl.innerHTML += '<br>'
div {
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: underline;
div[seen] {
color: red;
var dic = {
torso: "ressources/maingui/ui/torso.png",
head: "ressources/maingui/ui/head.png",
bottom: "ressources/maingui/ui/legs.png",
handheld: "ressources/maingui/ui/right-arm.png",
var passageEl = document.querySelector('.passage')
var itemsKeys = Object.keys(gameData.inventory.items);
//filter by itemStaObj.type2 alphabetically
itemsKeys.sort((a, b) => {
let itemStaObjA = gameData.inventory.items[a];
let itemStaObjB = gameData.inventory.items[b];
if (itemStaObjA.type2 < itemStaObjB.type2) {
return -1;
for (let itemKey of itemsKeys) {
let itemStaObj = gameData.inventory.items[itemKey];
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = `
<span class="span2">
<span class="span2">
<img src="${itemStaObj.image}">
if (itemStaObj.type2 && dic[itemStaObj.type2]) {
div.innerHTML += `
<span class="span2">
<img src="${dic[itemStaObj.type2]}">
//passageEl.innerHTML += '<br>'
.span1 {
.span2 > img {
height: 30px;